#cnco anons
justmyblogworld · 3 months
Richard shouldn’t have apologized WK should have apologized instead Richard is being the bigger or being threatened like you said because he definitely shouldn’t have been the one apologizing ig he’s probably doing it to clear his image so it wouldn’t look bad on his end if we see from that but still all he was doing is telling us the truth exposing the truth what’s really was going on like yeah it looked bad but still they were the ones not paying them enough and all that stuff that went downhill my point is Richard all he done is stand up for himself which the other boys didn’t which I don’t blame them because they were probably got threatened it will ruined their reputation/career I swear WK is brutal like they are making Richard apologized when Richard had all the right reason why he said what he said anyways the boy and specially Richard deserve an apology from WK even though they probably won’t own up to their mistakes sorry for the rant I got nobody to talk about this whole situation
They deserve to be paid what was promised! Payed for their work!
I truly believe that Richard was bound to write it in some way or another. It's way out of character even for him 🤷🏻‍♀️
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imgloriaa · 9 months
Do you think they’ll remain friends after the break up? Seems like only Chris and Erick are hanging out
i feel chris and erick are the only two that will keep seeing each other and hanging out with. richard and zabdiel were fighting over zab solo career starting while the others had to wait longer than him & zab is surely going to hang out with different people - “cool people” and leave the guys behind. richard has now a newborn and his solo career to care about and his daughter as well, i don’t think he’ll have much time to build new friendships so he’ll probably hang out with chris and erick occasionally 🤷🏼‍♀️
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pohutukawa22 · 6 months
The biggest advantage that Zabdel has is that his Puerto Rican and Puerto Ricans, pretty much dominate the urban music industry. I mean Dominicans are up there, and Cubans aren’t far behind. Unfortunately there aren’t a lot of Ecuadorians in urban music, so unless Chris starts singing in a Caribbean way, I think just being Ecuadorian might hurt him a little bit. Simply because we’re not used to hearing Ecuadorian singing in music. Recently Argentina has been taking over and Columbia has been having some artists for a good while along with Mexico, so I’m curious to know what way he goes in his like accent.
Thank you for giving me this point of view! Being from Aotearoa/New Zealand I'm just not used to these distinctions in Spanish language music, but of course when it is explained to me it makes perfect sense. There are regional differences in music over here as well.
Do you think that Chris may have picked up some influences in his time with CNCO (not just from the other chicos, but from all the acts they have worked with) & that this might help? I would so much like to see Chris succeed!
I don't think I have listened to any Argentinian music at all! (I'll have to check my Spotify lists!) Feel free to recommend some everyone!
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xrichukix · 1 year
Wheres Richard today? The guys were doing promo for Extranos and Richard was MIA. He for sure has checked out of the group. Something isn't right here. Wheres the tea. Who knows the details?
In my opinion, Richard just couldn't be part of it today, but i can tell this boy is fed up with pretty much everything from the wk side, and he don't really get along with Haisam. You can even see that the last video i posted is from ig radio and not from the guys account so if richard is not forced to do something from the management he just doesn't contribute, he just wants to be free of them and make solo music oh his terms.
Anyway, you can see for a long time that the boys don't have much interaction on the video's and on their social media accounts. They meet and Haisam shoots content for the next month to post it on tiktok and ig and post SOLO selfies. In my opinion, the only good recent content we got from Symon and Steve, and how Musikita was created, so I'm afraid how it will look like in the future
@stripzabdiel @justmyblogworld and what do u think about this situation?
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hamilton44jpg · 2 years
Imagine being with Zabdiel, he would be so chill you can nap on him, and his voice is so warm and soothing. Like not dating him but being next to Zabdiel would feel serene.
stopp this is just so cute...i need zabdiel in my life
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anninhiliation · 2 years
Whoever asked this fucking question>>>>
Tumblr media
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h-bea92 · 2 years
What are your feelings about this surprise and sudden CNCO separation announcement?
Yeah, I’m definitely surprised by their announcement. There are so many theories that are being talked about on here and I kind of don’t know what to believe. Like, when I first heard about it, I was like, yeah they’re definitely breaking up and I was feeling sad about it. But then, I started to read about different theories from fans and they seem to be really interesting. Like I said, I don’t what to believe right now and if they are actually breaking up in a year and a half & that being the final thing, l definitely be upset, but at the same time, I’ll just have to accept that.
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nowmemoriees · 1 year
any byler song associations recently?? yknow like tbe head music video or lyrics that resonate. have a good one!!
ohh, definitely yes!! everytime I hear these three songs, I always think about byler:
- Pretend by CNCO
- Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys
- Friends by Chase Atlantic
Thanks for the ask anon, have a good day/night🤍
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virgatowhipped · 1 year
H really hasn’t done nothing good for CNCO. I agree with the another anon and you talking about H. If you think about it even the filming of 4ever was probably negotiated and the schedule for filming probably set before Ali left. Also they recorded several of the songs for the album while Ali was still their manager so he just took over and contributed nothing.
I still follow Ali and I remember that when she “left” CNCO she was talking about it like being in a toxic relationship and finally breaking free. She was very upset about it at first but now seems to be in a better place.
I don’t think that Ali meant that the boys themselves were toxic I think she meant WK was toxic. I am glad that she is happy now and wish her all the best.
Yeah, I don't think Ali would have any animosity towards the boys. She sees them as like five little brothers. I've followed her for a long time now, and there's no doubt that she loved working with them, and that they loved her. I hope she is happy and having success managing her own label. Looking at her companies instagram, she actually has a sizable list of signed artists at the moment, but she's still connected to Sony, so idk. So many of these smaller labels are just branches of the big labels that run everything in the music industry :/
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justmyblogworld · 6 months
The way Wk is earning money from posting on CNCO's social media accounts. It's really disgusting and it's making me mad. They are posting pictures of the boys and making money out of it but the boys get nothing. Wtf!!!
It's absolutely disgusting!!
Let the fans and especially the guys heal in peace 🙄
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imgloriaa · 4 months
Yes pleaseee post the link I’ve been missing them a lot lately which is rare because I’m telling you I couldn’t care less a few months ago😭
HAHAHAHAHA same here, i just have a soft spot for these jackasses. anyway here's the link if, for any reason, it gets removed from youtube, send me an ask because i have it downloaded on my laptop 🫶🏻
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pohutukawa22 · 8 months
Do you find it strange that no one from the show ever got successful ? I think it’s weird that like everyone that was on the show has like small careers like nobody has ever done like somewhat major collaborations or anything.
Hmmm...I'd argue that Nickie Jon Pabon is now very successful, but as a sound engineer not a singer.
If you are meaning as a singer - yes I guess it is strange. But Yoandri did some collabs with Kurt Hugo Schneider - but Yoandri's name has been removed from them on Spotify. I would love someone to spill the tea on that.
& Chris did some work with Alan on Alan's album Fases, but CNCO were already starting to fade by them. It is still a really good album though.
But some of these chicos are still really young - Alan is only 22, Yoandri is only around 24. They do still have time on their side.
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xrichukix · 2 years
Why is no one concerned about Richards car accident he was in yesterday?
whaaat i don't know about it 😶
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hamilton44jpg · 2 years
Christopher is doing the most trying to stay relevant in the socials compared to the rest of CNCO.
chris always gives us the best content
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anninhiliation · 2 years
From one Chris girl to another thank you for your services 
🤣🤣🤣 no problem im just cleaning out my camera roll
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magikbitch · 2 years
I miss how active you were in the CNCO fandom :( would you ever be open to doing ask games again or interacting with anons on this blog?
hmm i always talk to anons when i have them, but doing ask games idk... i don't think i have enough active followers anymore to do that
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