#co-op writing
octtinkk · 4 months
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Oh Casper, wretched soul.
The goat for pantheon au, Casper!
It’s much like Angie, some could say. Others could fight the opposite.
goats and sheep, oh, the devils and angels of the old faith. Sheep were from the beginning, pure and holy- blood of ichor, blood of soul.
Goats were temporary, created for him. Created as something to allow his reign as a god, but the question of if one is still a god if their only followers are their dolls grew ever louder. Until the screams of fate became their own. For what is the need for subjects to a fallen ruler.
Casper…when Casper died, the void did not meet it. The truth did. A large black cat, almost panther-like, greeted it, at his gates, but the meeting was too quick.
and yet years later when godly blood spills on ichor, Casper rose once more to defend its god, and yet it met and equal fighting with him, or perhaps an opposite.
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boredzillenial · 2 months
Recent Drabble #1, enabled encouraged by @lunar-ghoulie and her incredible artwork
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She’s been sent on a mission for Outcome-3, and her plan just isn’t working.
A.N: Ovulation is a crazy thing ain’t it 🤪
Themes: attempted seduction, momentary flashing
She picked her way carefully through the snow laden woods and whipping wind. Her ears strained for any noises besides the howling through the trees that’d indicate she wasn’t alone but to no avail. Eventually she finally found her target, a singular dark cabin, with a light smoke emanating from its chimney. He’s already here…
Her mission was simple, Outcome-3 had disobeyed orders and needed to be debriefed and eliminated. She didn’t ask the reason, truly it didn’t matter and she wouldn’t have been given one any way. She was given his weakness though, sex.
Her target had been known for sleeping with assets unnecessarily and being easily distracted with women, despite their training. Honestly she didn’t know how he hadn’t been weeded out of the program to begin with if he had a propensity for distraction. With the Intel that he’s been alone on this mountain for weeks, should be easy enough.
She cursed to herself silently as she approached. She had to adjust her strategy with him already here. He’d never be dumb enough to believe the old “civilian damsel in distress because she wandered too far in the woods” routine… but maybe, a sprinkle of honesty may do her mission good.
She took a deep breath as she reached the wooded edge and pulled out her knife. She muttered a silent prayer, pulled up the hem of her cotton underwear and cut each side, wiggling out of them while keeping her other layers on, step one done. She burried the scrap of fabric in the snow. Step two would not be as easy. She took a deep breath, relaxed herself, and cut swiftly into her thigh.
Careful to angle the blade to miss any major arteries but enough that she’d need stitching up.
“Please.” She huffed “I - I need -“ her knees buckled. His hand was lighting fast as he grabbed her arm, gun still steady on her in the other. “- help.” She controlled her breathing to come out more as a sigh.
“Get in.” He pulled her in, shoving her on the ragged couch next to the door and slamming it shut. “Who sent you.” He clipped as he bolted the door shut.
“Same as you - my mission -“ she lulled her head back a moment “another agent tried to -“ she slumped further feigning that her consciousness was slipping.
“None of that, wake up.” He tucked his gun into his waistband and patted the side of her face. She kept her gaze heavy and even crossed her eyes a bit before going completely limp. “Fuck.”
He acted quickly, attempting to assess the wound but the multiple layers of her pants and longjohns made it difficult “fuck it,” he grumbled, quickly undoing her pants and yanking them down. “Shit.”
It took everything in her not to smirk, take a good look.
Barely a second passed from his words before he pressed a blanket onto the wound to stop the bleeding. The sudden shock of pain caught her off guard and she jolted up with a groan.
“Goddamnit.” She ground out before flopping back onto the couch.
“Sit still.” He snapped.
She lay there, trying to look unfocused while she assessed his posture, body language, even where he was looking. Everything showing he was focused on the task at hand. Damn…
She groaned in exaggerated pain and spread a little wider. Just a glimmer of distraction, c’mon.
But despite her attempts, he remained focused, packed and bandaged the wound, and by the end of it had pulled her pants back up and peppered her with questions.
She recited her carefully prepared script, adding some stammering and pauses along the way. And by the end of it all it was the wee hours of the morning and he’d relaxed a bit.
“Satisfied enough for sleep?” She feigned weakly. “It’s freezing - and there’s only one bed.” She glanced over at the low fire. “We could… share warmth?”
His gaze flickered over her as he stood. He looked over to the bed, then back to her. Getting up stiffly and adjusting the sheet. “Fine.” He huffed.
She stood, pushing down the inner triumph she felt before he tossed a blanket and pillow in her direction. “You take the blanket and couch. G’night.” He laid across the bare fitted sheet and closed his eyes.
What the- okay well, HQ was wrong about how easy this should be… it’d take more than flashing him and playing weak to get his attention. And the blizzard showed no signs of letting up…
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pikkish · 8 months
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breaking news: surprising absolutely no one, pik has fallen in love with the fast paced fps game where the big, silent badass of a main character's sole goal is to protect the small, squishy innocents.
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carnivoured · 3 months
Shadow Companion
616 words - big thanks to @hiltproboscis for helping me out
The Drifter's doppelgänger just randomly showed up one day. His entire body became suddenly obscured in a shadow, and the darkness snaked down his figure and landed under him on the stone, black claws reaching out and pulling itself out of the ground.
Despite it having never done anything to harm him, the Drifter could never bring himself to share its gaze.
Its fur was so dark, so deep that it felt like staring into nothing. The creature's eye filled him with an unshakable dread; the bright pink diamond with a small, unrelenting pupil that seemed to track his every move, the same eye that haunted him in his sleep and hallucinations.
It terrified him, seeing the same face that would stare past his eyes as it killed him over and over. Every time he would catch a glimpse of that thing's face, he felt like he was brought back to his sore knees, coughing his lungs up into a puddle of red below him. Seeing its eye stare him down every time they finished fighting felt like the monster was right there, tendrils curling around his throat and squeezing until the warmth would shoot up and through his mouth.
Even though it shared the face of his tormentor, it seemed its only desire was to assist him. It remained consistently silent, almost like an empty shell manipulated by whatever force that seemed to have favored the blu. However, the way it cut down their adversaries and tapped him on the shoulder when it needed to have its wounds tended to make it seem very much alive.
It listened to most of the commands he would give to it. He got it to disappear into his shadow whenever the blu didn't seem to be in any danger, so he felt a lot more comfortable returning to the apartment knowing that it wasn't following behind him and creeping out his roommate.
The Drifter was startled to find it at the end of the narrow stone path, previously fading in and out of view as he walked closer to the edge. Beside it floated a giant pitch-black rhombus slightly illuminated by a dim red light.
His floating companion stayed before the path thickened and he looked back at it in confusion. The Drifter turned to face his doppelganger and tried to keep his eyes away from its face but found that his gaze locked onto it. Seeing the face of the monster that constantly attacked him through horrible nightmares and hallucinations began to drive him mad, and he could feel his gloved hand shaking at his side.
He continued to stare fixedly into its eye as his hand drew itself to his sword. Beads of sweat formed at the base of his neck, slowly running down as his fingers wrapped around the hilt of his sword, drawing it from its scabbard.
What he didn't notice was that it was following his exact movements, the two pulling their swords back before driving it into the other.
He found out when he felt it drive right through the center of his torso, red quickly staining its blade and the fabric around it. The two hastily pulled their swords back out, both falling back and then feeling their wounds before collapsing on the ground beside each other.
When he woke up, face in soft grass, he pushed himself off the ground only to see it stained with his blood. His eyes and hands quickly landed on the hilt of his sword, noticing the blade was driven so far that the handle touched his stomach. The Drifter’s hands shook as he pulled it out, watching his liquid gore splattering on the grass.
i haven’t written in a while so I apologize if we missed any mistakes or if it doesn’t make sense. i had a lot of fun with this one :)
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brother-emperors · 1 year
I'm really curious about the process that goes on behind your art! Especially because you give so much importance to themes and it's like *chef's kiss*. It's always so well thought out and I find your references to all the snippets and readings really fascinating and very inspiring. How the heck do you organise your thoughts so well while reading ?
honestly organizing my thoughts. it takes. a while. to do it lmao
usually what happens is something like: I'll be reading a book on crassus, and the author refers to crassus as the leading domestic politician in rome while pompey was the leading military general. and this will set off bells in my head that go 'oh, roman household dynamics,' because the phrasing reminded me of a text describing the role of wives of roman politicians when their husbands were away (which I first came across in a text discussing octavia's role in her marriage with antony)
and while I'm doing all of this, I usually have a journal or sticky notes or literally any kind of scrap paper with me where I make short notes on what's interesting/what's connecting in my head/what would make an interesting subject to draw, no matter how unrelated it is, and then I'll look over everything once I've exhausted the train of thought like. man! this is borderline incomprehensible! let's make a comic about it.
then when I've done all that, I'll spend two or three days cutting down all the excess material and attempting to figure out the most direct way to convey what's going on in a scene so that someone unfamiliar with any of it might be able to follow along on vibes alone. sometimes it takes a week. sometimes I get stuck on something and I have to make a note to revisit it in a few months!
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hard-times-paramore · 1 month
Assassin's Creed - Unity: Initiate OCs
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Heyo everyone! You know how AC Unity has a co-op campaign where you can play with up to 3 other players? But lore-wise, none of those players are necessarily Arno, despite it being his same model, because the campaign happens parallel to the main story. They’re just called Initiates.
Well, I decided to make those up to four nameless Initiates into fully fledged OCs.
This drawing is already a couple weeks old. I've since tweaked their outfits and their heights. But not by much.
Under the cut, you can get to know my children. I will post their backstories separately as well later.
Étienne Castellane-Adrian - Noble
Clement Castellane-Adrian - Noble
Cristine Cabrol - Citizen (middle class)
Laurence Lamarche - Citizen (poor)
Cristine and Clement are dating.
Clement and Étienne are brothers.
Étienne is gay, Laurence is bi.
Laurence has Eagle Vision and is biracial.
According to the game mechanics they all should have Eagle Vision. But I'm not going with those mechanics, (for realism, since EV is supposed to be rare,) so only Laurence has it.
They all got inducted at 18 years old. Étienne in 1787, Laurence and Clement in 1788, and Cristine in 1789, just a few months before Arno.
Étienne is the veteran of the team, and therefore the leader, due to having more experience, though his brother Clement competes for the title. Cristine is still a Novice (hasn't done her first Assassination yet).
Étienne is gentle and introverted, quiet by nature. Best one at light step and strategy. Admires Clement for being able to lie so well, but still thinks himself the better leader. Wants to run for Master Assassin, by teaching Cristine and Laurence.
Clement is the best at listening, remembering and manipulation. He can be a little rash, but his impulsiveness makes up for Étienne's prudence, and together they balance it out quite well while on missions.
Cristine is the best at disguises, distractions and trespassing. Étienne taught her about noblewoman customs and etiquette, and sometimes she and Clement infiltrate balls and official buildings as a pair. Cristine distracts while Clement uncovers the secrets. This is how they developed feelings for each other.
Laurence is the odd one out of the group. He has Eagle Vision, which is the only thing that balances well with the rest of them. Is good at finding hidden routes for entering and exiting their assignments. Mostly follow orders, without much independent thinking. Étienne is trying to teach him to work better within the team.
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salsflore · 8 months
everyday i wake up and think about fucking killing that old man
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friendshipgun · 8 months
thinking about how incredible this ask is out of context lmao anyway, this is the sole Evil West WIP i have, and i think it might be one of only two Evil West fics written total? at least it was the last time i checked the tag on ao3. title's for the monster-of-the-week i created for the fic, which was actually kind of a feat, bc Evil West is so enthusiastically gross (which is one of the things that's great about it, honestly) i really felt i needed to work at it to make a critter that was gross enough.
anyway it's eventual Jesse/Edgar bc you can't look at a game with a "what, you gonna kiss me? just kidding hahah. unless......." scene and not write it, lbr. think i must have started writing it right after we beat the game last, uhh, March? gotta finish the dang thing so there can be two whole Evil West fics up on ao3.
dumped all of what i have written here for now tho!
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alpineshift · 9 days
You and Nico Hischier have to debate a topic of your choice. How does it go? ❤
OH NO. I only have two modes of debate one which is "yeah sure whatever anything you say I'm not fussed" and the other is "I will die twice on this hill" and I'm not sure which one I want to be in versus Nico??
Thing is IDK if I want to debate Nico. I am too fond of him and like Jack I am not immune to those big brown sad eyes.
If I had to it would probably be over something utterly asinine like "reverse parking is better than front-facing parking" or "tea vs. coffee" and it's just not deep enough for me to really make a fight out of it. Also I think part of me mixes up the concept of a debate for a verbal fight LOL I've had situations at work where I've left what I thought was a heated debate and my manager tells me "actually I think you were fighting them" lmao.
If we debate over reverse parking, I will die on the hill that reverse parking is better. It just is. I assume Nico is a good driver and his fancy Mercedes has a rear cam so I will double down on that. If we debate over tea vs. coffee (I drink tea) I don't think I have the chops to beat a European in their love for caffeine. I cry when I debate sometimes too so maybe I'll accidentally traumatize him. sorry, Nico!
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afterartist · 9 months
Soloing Titan is the worst experience I’ve had all year
Bro there better be lore in titan I don’t wanna be doing this for nothing
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boredzillenial · 2 months
Recent Drabble #2, enabled encouraged by @lunar-ghoulie4art and her incredible art
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You get high with Cecil Dennis & Dieter Bravo and they have… other things on their mind 😳
A.N: grammar ain’t my strong suit atm this is fully fulled by raging hormones. Bit of a tease tbh 😉
Themes: NSFW, suggestive, drug use (with these two ya can’t avoid it)
“No way.” You laugh “You two - in a three way?” You question while taking the blunt from Cecil’s outstretched hand. You pull a long drag, enjoying the relaxing burn for a moment before exhaling.
“Why wouldn’t we?” Dieter shrugs, all smiles stretched out on the couch next to you. “She was fun.”
“And you two didn’t.” You waggle your brows and cross your fingers like swords before bursting into laughter.
Cecil rolls his eyes with a lazy smile as he plucks his gift back from your hand “When you’re that high, bodies are just bodies.” He take his own long drag, his half-lidded gaze raking over you stretching opposite to Dieter. How your legs intertwined…
“Have you ever fucked high before?” Dieter asks, brows raised in curiosity while his hand slowly runs up and down your calf. “Or had a threesome?”
“No to both.” You sigh “I fucked drunk once but, never again.” You shudder at the memory, all fumbling hands and nausea.
“Would you ever -“ Cecil’s voice trails off, when your eyes lock his look is no longer playful, there’s a hunger there.
“I don’t see why not.” You shrug. Dieter sits up slowly in response, hand running higher up your bare leg. “Oh you mean, like right now?” You gulp, the lump in your throat refusing to go down.
“No time like the present.” Dieters voice huffs as his hand trails higher, toying with the hem of your shorts. His gaze meets yours and the little smile playing at his lips daring you to say yes.
“Yeah I - I guess so.” Your voice waivers. Cecil steps closer, taking your chin in his hand to lift your gaze to his. “Go easy.” You murmur.
“ ‘course.” He murmurs, half lidded gaze locked on your lips until they met yours in slow, deep exploration.
The mixture of the taste of him, his touch, it’s nearly overwhelming. You’re completely focused on Cecil’s wonderfully soft lips until a new sensation causes you to groan. Dieter, kissing in a similarly deep, passionate way to another part of you…
Taglist: @melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @ominoose @romana-after-dark @lunar-ghoulie @flowercrownonapegion @howellatme @mooksmouse @ahookedheroespureheart @beezusvreeland @auntiegigi @moonkxight-blog @faretheeoscar @queerponcho @for-a-longlongtime @silvernight-m
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lettucedloophole · 5 months
urg wait abt the music in dungeon meshi. i think the first op was soooo amazingg the sound is so kinda medieval it was really cool... i also like the second op but i realised lately that the cuter op would've probs fit better with the first half of the season but perhaps the first op was more engaging? that kinda serious op that Hooks you into the series... the choice to play that upbeat ed after That episode where you know Falin 💀 probs was just how things turned out, originally i thought it would be cooler if they put a more downcast ed there kinda like that madoka switch after mami's death (i think, it's been awhile lol) but upon thinking abt it more the juxtaposition of the horrifying and somber moment kinda reflects the series tone well and especially laios, some of the Things this Fukicng Guy says. like bro...... he has an interesting mind.
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immobiliter · 1 month
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okay so i wanted to preface this meta by reiterating that romantic shipping is absolutely not my priority for furina and that i don't ship any of the popular fanon ships out there for her, but i do want to elaborate a little on how much, if any, experience furina has in this area — especially as the fandom either tends to sexualise her ( which is funny to me because i would say she's one of the few adult female characters in genshin who isn't purposely dressed in a way to make her sexually appealing ), or infantilise her and furina is, frankly, neither of those things. she's not a child — her immaturity imo stems from the fact that, in focalors' words, when she separated her divinity and humanity she left behind "only a self that was as naive and bewildered as my past self on her first day as a human being." furina was like a newborn human but at the age of a young woman in her early 20s. she wasn't allowed to develop in the way that ordinary humans do in early life and therefore an inner child is trapped inside of her, explaining a lot of her immaturity.
but anyway i digress~ my simple answer to this is that furina has never had sex with another person, and i say this because i find it hard to believe that she could justify doing so while she is playing the role of a god. as it's noted in one of her character stories, furina would decline more intimate social events simply because "the greater the intimacy of her association with others, the more difficult it would be to conceal her identity." the way she plays her divine role is to create distance between her and the common people of fontaine — she is a god and therefore exists on an entirely different plane of existence to everyone else, and in making herself inaccessible in that way she protects herself from scrutiny. we also know from her story quest that she has always had difficulty maintaining close relationships for obvious reasons, so i would therefore argue that it's not a leap to assume that she has not had any relationships of a sexual or romantic nature in that time either. gods are to be marvelled at from afar, not individuals who ordinary humans can be intimate with.
however, this does not mean she is a stranger to sex as an idea or concept, she has simply cut off her own personal connection to this part of herself for the past five hundred years, that's all. historically speaking, theatre and sex have been entwined for hundreds of years and during the regency/victorian/revolutionary france era that fontaine seems to draw heavy influence from, actresses were often also sex workers. while that's not the case here, for furina, she has played numerous parts on the stage over centuries and in that time has almost certainly played the romantic lead. she has acted out what it is to be in love, she has acted out desire and longing and all of the complicated emotions associated with that. she also knows what it is to be looked at by an audience, and knows how to make herself appealing while on stage to ensure that she is looked at. off of the stage, she is primarily surrounded by melusines working at the palais and neuvillette who is mostly certainly not looking at her like that lmao. but just because she has not partaken in that sort of intimacy herself does not mean that you can label her naïve and innocent — again her purposeful abstinence is all part of her performance.
as a sidenote it's also interesting to talk about theatre and sex/gender in terms of furina because of the element of androgyny to her character design, and androgyny having been a part of theatre for generations. in her pneuma state ( which is how she appears throughout the AQ ), furina has longer hair and a lighter white / blue colour scheme with her white waistcoat and shorts, making her more typically feminine in appearance. her ousia state, which is how she appears in anything post AQ, has the shorter bob haircut and the black waistcoat and shorts ( and therefore seems to be the appearance she favours as her "true self" ), which is less typically feminine. again to draw on historical examples, female roles in shakespeare's plays were originally played by men, and it is not uncommon for young women to play male roles in a theatre show either ( drag is a thing in the theatre, it always has been ). the possibility that furina has not just played female roles but male roles in a show is definitely there and i certainly wouldn't rule it out. regardless of the gendered role she performs, getting furina on board with a play at all would be a huge deal for any theatre troupe. if she decides she finds the role of the young male character more appealing, nobody would dare argue with her lmao.
but again i'm digressing lmao. my point really is that furina has shut off access to that part of her that may genuinely desire sex/intimacy/connection — meaning that, in a situation where she does grow closer to another individual, it will take a lot of patience and trust for her to unlock that part of herself but it is there. and when furina finds it, i think she'd find it really cathartic and rewarding to actually get to explore it with somebody.
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mr-hammer-exe · 4 months
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A taste of what's to come.
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When you can finally get back to writing fanfiction after having a migraine two days in a row ON YOUR FREE DAYS.
Anyway. I started watching 90s Moomin in the background. (New obsession???)
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gamerzylo · 11 months
any headcanons for the co op postal dudes from postal redux?
Not many at the moment.
Collectively they go by the Co Op Crew. Individually, I'd say they share names with each of the main Dude voice actors; Vince (Postal), Rick (Postal 2), Corey (Postal 3), and Jon (Postal 4).
Vince is the leader when Redux isn't around.
Do not confuse Vince with Vince Desi or he will shoot you in the face.
No one knows where they came from or their backgrounds, not even Redux himself knows.
May or may not secretly be demons.
Collective hatred of Smiley the Clown.
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