omegaremix · 27 days
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Omega Radio for May 21, 2015; #111.
Big Band “Options”
Cheatahs “Signs To Lorelei”
Suuns “2020″
Deerhunter “Pensacola”, “Coronado”
New Canyons “Life Support”
Amen Dunes “1985″, “Lower Mind”
Moonsicles “Pacifica”
Suuns & Jerusalem In My Heart “2amoutu I7tirakan”
Lillies, The “…And David Seaman Will Be Very Disappointed About That”
Majesty Crush “Horse”
Hammock “Dissonance”
Tender Age “Lowers”
Baba Naga “Odmience”
Nothing “Vertigo Flowers”
Lovebyrd “Shot From The Sun”
Maff “Act 1″
Turbo Fruits “Favorite Girl”
Beverleys, The “Hoodwink”
Julie Ruin, The “I Decide”
Chastity “Manning Hill”
Angry Angles “You Fell In”
Coughs “Starchitect”
Lost Sounds “I Get Nervous”
Leggy “Kick The Habit”
Weaves “One More”
Coathangers “Squeeky Tiki”
Coves “You’re Evil”
Dilly Dally “Snakehead”
Dead Mantra, The “Mexico”
Rats On Rafts “Some Velvet Morning”
Digital Leather “Ruby Queen”
Deluxe indie, garage, and shoegaze.
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empty-pringles-can · 10 months
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Glad to see target is stocked for college with the most important back to school essential
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egophiliac · 11 days
Wait, the tsun event has a whole bit dedicated to Malleus bragging about what kitchen appliances he knows how to use? Twst EN just got the milk culinary crucible, which means at the same time Malleus is showing off, the entirety of the EN players are learning Leona doesn't know how to use a microwave. The timing really just makes it feel like Malleus is flexing on Leona XD
it's in Mal's card story rather than in the event proper, but yep! after teaching his tsum proper microwave usage, he takes it on a tour and very proudly shows off his extensive knowledge of household appliances. (except when he thinks his tsum fell into the washing machine and doesn't know how to unlock the lid, so he just. explodes it instead. hashtag just diasomnia things. 🤷)
I do think he and Leona should get into a fight about who has done a better job of learning how to use kitchen tools! Leona has the advantage of having grown up in the modern world, but Malleus has the motivation to actually do literally anything. who will win
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,206
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Omega Radio for September 24, 2022, #330.
Pile: “Rope’s Length” + “My Employer”
Anika: “Finger Pies” + “Sandwiches”
Julia Shapiro: “Wrong Time”
Pearl & The Oysters: “Flowerland”
Pom Pom Squad ft. Matthew Caws: “Popular”
Microwave: “Santeria”
Feels Fine: “Washed Out Blue”
Preoccupations: “Ricochet”
Casper Skulls: “Ouija”
Animal Collective: “We Go Back”
Beirut: “So Slowly”
Kode: “The Best We Can” + “Care”
Idles: “The God That Failed”
Drug Church: “Weed Pin” + “Someday I Suppose”
Coathangers & …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead: “Putin Lights Up The Fires”
Deluxe indie and top-shelf.
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kibbles-bits · 1 year
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He forgot he's not supposed to do that in front of her.
Read more of the AU HERE
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marlynnofmany · 7 months
Seeing Faces
It’s rare when we get a shipment to deliver that’s not packaged somehow — either in Earth-standard boxes, another world’s version of shipping crates, or a livestock pen of some kind. Even that bunch of alien trees had been thoroughly wrapped at the bottom. But this collection of machinery parts didn’t have so much as a layer of cling-wrap on it. I guess the owners figured these things were sturdy enough not to need it.
They were probably right. The metal chunks were heavy. I tried to guess what they were made for as Blip and Blop muscled the biggest ones onto a hover sled, clearing the way for Paint and me to gather up the smaller pieces. Captain Sunlight bid the customer farewell and shut the cargo bay door.
“I think these look like vertebrae,” I said to Paint. “Greasy vertebra. Ew. I’m going to need a new shirt.” The offworld engine oil of whatever didn’t seem acidic at least, so that was nice. I sighed about the black smears.
“Strange vertebrae,” Paint said, juggling her own armload of odd shapes that didn’t seem to be rubbing off on her orange scales. Not that I was jealous or anything. “There would need to be a dual spinal cord.” She tapped a claw on one of the holes.
“Hm, yeah. There are probably animals like that,” I said. “Or robots, as the case may be.”
Ahead of us, Captain Sunlight opened the door to the appropriate storage hold, then headed off on captainly business. It was impressive how different a vibe she gave off compared to Paint, for all their physical similarities. Both were little lizardy people, but one strode with her lemon-yellow head held high, every inch the authority figure, while the other was Paint. She somehow bounced when she walked, even when weighted down by unwieldy metal things.
“I’ll bet these stack really well,” Paint said. “They look like they interlock. We could probably build a spinal column without them falling over.”
“We probably could,” I agreed. “But I don’t want to be the one responsible for bending one of the flanges because we wanted to test it out.”
“Hm. Yep yep yep. But I maintain that we could.”
“We could.”
The two of us entered the storage hold to find Blip and Blop racing to see who could unload the sled faster. It’s not that the Frillian twins were overly competitive, but they were twins. They’d apparently hatched at the same time, and had been in a low-key competition to see who was better at life ever since. But they smiled while they did it.
“Done!” Blip declared, setting down a lump of metal big enough for Paint to hide behind. She raised her hands in triumph, fins fluttering.
“Doesn’t count,” Blop said as he put down his own piece. “You didn’t line them up right. Mine are tidier.”
They squabbled about this while Paint and I unloaded our metal chunks nearby. I had to kneel to keep from dropping the things. It would be just my luck if they did warp on impact, or bounce off each other and whack me in the shin.
The Frillians took their debate out the door before I finished. They’d already moved on to who could steer the hoversled with the minimum of touching.
“Ha,” Paint said. “They do stack.”
I turned to see only one of the things set on top of another, with Paint ready to catch it if it slid. She took it down before I could say anything.
I just nodded and arranged my own into a reasonable huddle, then wiped my hands on my shirt. It was only when I moved toward the door, with a look back at the big pieces, that I got a good look at the one that Blop had set on its side.
This was the logical place to put it, not sticking out past the rest, but the thing that caught my attention was the shape when seen from this angle. Those two holes could have been eyes, and the flanges were shaped like stubby arms. There were even a couple slots in the middle like nostrils.
I burst out laughing.
“What?” Paint demanded.
“It looks like Zhee!” I said, pointing. “Big bug eyes and everything!”
“What does?” Paint asked. She came to stand next to me, following my arm, but just looked confused. “Where are the eyes?”
“These!” I said, stepping closer and pointing at the holes. “And those are the arms. Isn’t it perfect?”
Paint cocked her head as if slightly tilted vision could unlock the answers. “Arms?”
I repeated myself, but she still looked lost, so I found a notepad and pencil in a storage cupboard —reliable even when the batteries all run out — and sketched what I saw.
“Ohh, I get what you mean now,” Paint said when I showed her. “Those parts are lifted like pincher arms, and those are roughly the same proportion as Mesmer eyes.”
“Yeah, it’s uncanny,” I said.
Paint took the notepad to study it closer. “How did you even notice that?”
“It was pretty easy,” I told her. “It just jumped out at me when I looked from the right direction. Like seeing faces in clouds, you know?”
Paint’s blank expression said that she didn’t know.
“Do you not do that? Find patterns of familiar shapes in random things?”
“No?” she replied. “Is that a thing I’m supposed to be doing?”
“You don’t have to! It’s just something that everybody does on Earth, ever since we’re kids. It’s probably from a long history of watching for camouflaged predators in the bushes. You’ve got camouflage on your planet, right? You must.”
“Yeah, sure,” Paint said easily. “But I guess not that much. I’ve never seen a face in a cloud; that sounds terrifying.”
“Not really; it’s more like feeling smart for spotting something. Well,” I amended. “It could be a little unsettling if you see a skull or something. But that’s rare. There are whole systems of divination about this sort of thing.”
Paint looked like she was about to ask a million questions, but right then the sound of familiar clicking footsteps tapped down the hall.
“Zhee!” Paint called, whirling with the notebook in her hand. “Zhee, look what Robin saw!”
Zhee came into view looking just as eyecatching and purple as usual, halting at the doorway while Paint eagerly explained the conversation we’d just had. Quickly and enthusiastically. With lots of waving the sketch around, and pointing back at the machine part.
I felt like apologizing as he stared with an unreadable alien expression. His antennae weren’t even moving; I couldn’t tell what he thought of it all.
Finally Paint finished talking. “She says it’s probably because her species watches for predators in the bushes. Isn’t that amazing?”
Zhee made a point of looking slowly from the sketch to the metal thing, then to me. I braced myself for judgement.
Instead, Zhee raised his pincher arms into the same pose and declared, “I am the danger that lurks in the bushes.” Then he slunk out of sight, many legs scuttling in a quickstep way that he knew darn well I found creepy.
Paint blinked at the empty doorway, still holding the notebook.
“Aw, man,” I said. “He’s picking things up from Trrili.”
Paint immediately closed the notebook. “We definitely shouldn’t show her.”
“Agreed!” I said.
After a moment of thought, Paint tore the page out and handed it to me, then took the notebook back to the cupboard. I pocketed it with a final glance at the metal vertebra that looked remarkably like a cartoonish Mesmer squaring up for battle.
Someone had left a roll of no-residue marking tape on a box nearby. I grabbed a strip and stuck it onto the metal, with the ends curved up.
Now the thing had a goofy grin that possibly no one would recognize. But if there were any humans on the receiving end of this delivery, they ought to get a good laugh out of it.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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s0ckh3adstudios · 8 months
ok but Kingleader as a ship is so funny to me for so many reasons because Kinger HAD a wife and then she got abstracted and he was probably like very upset but Caine was sad for like 10 minutes until he realized Oh Shit Kinger's Available and he has an Opening. as my friend put it
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while Kinger is oblivious for a good amount of time
and everything we talked about was just hysterical like how do you expect them to kiss. one doesn't have a mouth and the other is a mouth. they resort to hand holding. Caine seeing a royal piece of wood and doing that cartoony 'awooga' reaction and Kinger is just standing there with his eye twitching. if Kinger showed up wearing a bowtie Caine would FAINT. Bubble isn't a fan of them and it wants its seat at that little diner back but KINGER HAS TAKEN IT.
Caine decides to marry the guy and EVERYONE IN THE CIRCUS HAS TO COME. but in order to get there it can't NOT be an adventure, they have to get through a dangerous obstacle course just to reach the wedding. nobody really wants to go except for maybe Ragatha who thinks it's sweet. Jax does NOT want to be here. he's not a romance fan (aroace swagger most definitely) and the wedding consists of mostly Caine's extremely long wedding speech which is actually just an elaborate slideshow featuring a Kinger fancam and many supposedly "attractive" pictures which are blurry and covered in heart and star emojis. and to each one Kinger is just "awww stop it"
Kinger also had a speech but it took him half an hour to realize he forgot it and kept everyone waiting
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Omega Radio for April 20, 2019; #192.
Cold Showers “Faith”
Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile “Over Everything”
bed. “Guys”
Starcrawler “Let Her Be”
Stella Donnelly “Old Man”
Broken Bells “Shelter”
Shonen Knife “Dizzy”
Rose Ette “Thunder”
Better Oblivion Community Center “Don’t Know What I Was In For”
Channels “To The New Mandarins”
David Vassalotti “The Light”
Pure Bathing Culture “All Night”
Carina Frantzen “Blacklist”
Hookworms “Negative Space”
Julia Jacklin “Body”
Deerhunter “Plains”
Tongues “She Sings For Me”
Coathangers, The “F The NRA”
Girls On Grass “Down At The Bottom”
Titus Andronicus “(I Blame) Society”
Lost Under Heaven “Post Millennial Tension”
Sleaford Mods “Into The Payzone”
Fontaines D.C. “Roy’s Tune”
Teen Body “Dream”
Jenny Lewis “Heads Gonna’ Roll”
Mountain Movers, The “The Other Side Of Today”
Deluxe indie, top-shelf, standard, and other sounds.
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quiltofstars · 2 months
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Brocchi's Cluster (above right of center) // Alex Woronow
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iamdangerace · 5 months
The Coathangers, Stranger Danger and Fuck The NRA from The Devil You Know (2019).
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wings-of-flying · 1 month
BEAN!! beanbeanbeanbeanbeanbean (imagine me like a really annoying kid)
how's things :3
HIIII am good! i'm on study leave from school now so technically i'm officially finished with school forever, except for exams. bit stressy but i'm not thinking bout that rn!! how you doing adelphe
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doritofalls · 1 year
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re-watched the frighteners, been stuck thinking about this guy. what the hell kind of backstory. 
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Pride Queen: Hello guest! welcome to my home, let me take your hat and coat for you.
Pride queen: *puts your hat and coat on Cero's spiky hair like a coat rack.
You will get backhanded.
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mcatmemoranda · 11 days
Coat hanger pain radiates along the back of the neck, head, and shoulders. It's often caused by autonomic disorders, such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), and orthostatic hypotension (a drop in blood pressure upon standing up).
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gaytaikawaititi · 9 months
rose tyler is much stronger than me bc if a dilf i was fancying suddenly exploded into a cute little twig of man right in front of my eyes and then took my hand and smiled at me like that i would have folded immediately
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kibbles-bits · 1 year
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it's ok since he can't feel sad right
Read more of the au HERE
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