lynelovespopculture · 5 months
With only months from her 16th birthday, Cordelia Spellman is   plagued by nightmares.
PLEASE ENJOY AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cordelia Spellman was still asleep when she felt a cold breeze brush against her shoulder. Without even thinking twice, she covered herself with a blanket and tried to push her body deeper within the mattress, seeking heat.  It was only when a rough winter wind rushed right past her ear, did Cordelia open her eyes. It was then that Cordelia grew confused. She was in her own bed, alright, but she was also outside, in the snowy Greendale woods.
Where am I? Where is my room? My house?  Cordelia wondered.  Oh, where are my slippers? Cordelia got up and walked around, barefoot among the snow.  She wrapped her arms around herself, Cordelia looked down to see that she was wearing a short, silk nightgown with spaghetti straps, which was odd because Cordelia didn’t even own a silk nightgown.  As she looked around, Cordelia felt a strange feeling of déjà vu.  Then, all of a sudden, it hit her. The reason why this all felt so familiar was because she had done this before. She had this dream before.
“Oh Hecate, not again.” Cordelia muttered, slumping against a tree.
Cordelia didn’t even have to look up to see that 2 men that were lining up on each side of her, 5 feet apart.  The man on the left was tall, with white hair and dressed as if he dressed like he belonged in the court of Marie Antoinette. The guys on the right was shorter, plumper, had red hair and beard, wore a bowler hat and a brown overcoat.
“Can we not do this now?” Cordelia sounded more annoyed than anything else. “I just want to wake up.”
Quicker than lighting, the old man moved so he was right in front of Cordelia, holding her tightly and roughly by the arm. This never happened before.  Cordelia gasped when she realized that he had a knife in the other hand. With the other man at her back, Cordelia had nowhere to go.
“Well, if you’re so anxious, why don’t you hurry up and die then?” Instructed the white-haired man. Despite what he just said, the old man was in no rush. He was smiling as he ran the cold steel of his knife over Cordelia’s   bare skin. He also took his sweet time until he got to the crescent moon necklace.
“Your so-called goddess can’t help you now!” He tore the necklace off her throat and tossed it to the ground. He then took lines of fabric off the front of her nightgown before stabbing her in the shoulder. Cordelia wasn’t sure if magic would work in a dream but she was trapped.  So Cordelia closed her eyes and muttered a few words in Latin and whoosh, she was instantly a few feet away and her captors looked almost like they were hugging.
Cordelia smiled. “Ha! That should teach you to mess with a witch’s dream.” Cordelia turned and ran into what seemed like a million tree branches. The pain of the branches hitting   her body was enough to wake her up. Cordelia’s eyes popped opened and she found herself   back where she started, right back in her bed. Only this time, Cordelia was so grateful to see her room around it. Once she had composed herself enough, Cordelia sat up. When she looked down, she was shocked. While the nightgown Cordelia was wearing was cotton and much more modest than the 1 she was wearing in the dream. However, it was slashed exactly like it was in the dream!
“What the-“
Cordelia jumped out of bed to check it out more closely in her full length mirror. Sure enough, there were cuts and bruises under her ruined clothes and her shoulder had bled right where she was stabbed. It was only then that Cordelia noticed that she wasn’t wearing her necklace. She turned her head to see the necklace was resting on her desk, exactly where Cordelia left it every night before going to bed.
“What on earth is going on?”
An alarm sounded and Cordelia jumped out of her skin. Only to become annoyed to discover that it was her clock radio. Sighing, she turned it off on her way to the bathroom. Thankfully, the stab wound wasn’t that deep so Cordelia was able to wash and bandaged it along with the cuts on her chest. Then she dressed in a wool pullover and simple jeans, perfect for the cold January weather. Cordelia left her room after grabbing her necklace, and headed for the kitchen, where she heard her father’s voice.
“So, Zelda, are you going to be mistress of the hunt again this year?”
“Why do you ask, Faustus? Do you want to come join me?”
Cordelia made sure she put on a happy face before entering.  “Good morning, beloved parental units.  Planning for Lupercalia already? It’s still more than a month away.”
 Zelda sighed and smiled longingly at her husband. “It’s never too early to plan.  Besides, Cordy, with you joining the academy next week, you will be more than welcome to join in the activities.”
Her love life, or rather her complete lack of one was not a subject Cordelia wished to discuss with her parents. Thankfully, Faustus had already bought in the morning mail.
Cordelia picked up a colorful postcard.
Look, this is from Sabrina and David. I hope they’re enjoying their honeymoon in Greece.”
Cordelia’s attempt to change the subject worked as Zelda smiled. “You know, it’s funny, isn’t it? Sabrina’s 1st love was Harvey, a mortal who came from a long line of witch hunters. Then all those on/off years with Nicholas, who could have foreseen that Sabrina would have met, fall in love and marry another half-breed?”
“Hecate works in mysterious ways.” Cordelia smiled as she grabbed a muffin and her backpack.
“Sabrina and David aren’t the only couple that should have gotten married this past year.” Faustus muttered.
Cordelia couldn’t help but smile again. “Oh, Dad, are you trying to push Ambrose and Prudence down the aisle again because she’s pregnant?”
“Call me old-fashion, but I believe when a couple is expecting a child, they should get married.”
Cordelia had once made the mistake of pointing out that Faustus hadn’t married Prudence’s mother when she was expecting.     All that had gotten her was her father’s deadly glare and a muttering that “it’s wasn’t the same thing.” So Cordelia knew better than to open that can of worms again. Cordelia put the last piece of the muffin into her mouth. “Well, I better get going. I’m going to be late for school.”
Zelda arched her eyebrows. “Are you?”
Cordelia sighed as she turned back to the kitchen.  “Mother, if we’ ve discussed this once, we’ve discussed it a thousand times. As much as I am excited to join the academy and I am, I also told you that I have no intention of quitting Baxter High. Besides, if Sabrina can do it, why can’t I?”
“Because Sabrina has ties to the mortal world, you don’t.” Zelda pointed out.
“I’m sorry, Mom, but I disagree. I may be a full blood witch, but I have many mortal ties. My friends, this town. Things have changed since you were my age. Things have changed since Sabrina was my age.
Besides, I’ve already went over both schedules with the Baxter counselor and Aunt H. I won’t miss a thing! Besides, I still want to go hang out with my girls on any random weekend.”
“Well, you can still do that.” Zelda said.
Cordelia shook her head. “Not if we tell people that I’m at some boarding school in Maine or whatever the official story is.  No, they’ll stare at me and wonder why I’m not enrolled at Baxter.”
Zelda opened her mouth to say something else but closed it when Faustus softly laid a hand on her arm. “Cordy, are you sure you can handle the pressure of 2 schools?”
She smiled and shrugged.  “I’m an overachiever, Dad. You   know that, I’ve always been.”
Without another word, Cordelia turned, walked out of the kitchen and then out of the house. Luckily, she was just in time to catch her school bus. Once she got to Baxter, she knew exactly where to find her friends. She turned off the main hall to the left and at the end of that hall, there they were. Emily, Erin and Erica were    hurled together at Erin’s locker. Cordelia had no idea how to start this conversation so when she got to her girls, she just spit it out.
“I had the dream again last night.”
Erica looked up. “What dream?”
“THE   dream” Cordelia gestured wildly.  “the dream I’ve been having off and on for weeks now.”
Erica was the 1st to catch on. “You mean that dream where you’re running in the snowy woods in basically nothing but a slip with those 2 creepy dudes who do nothing but stare at you?”
Cordelia nodded. “Only they’re not just staring anymore. 1 told me he would kill me and then he even stabbed me. What’s really weird is that the stab wound was still there after I woke up.”
“Are you sure you just didn’t fall asleep while watching A Nightmare on Elm Street?”  Emily asked.
The other sisters laughed as Cordelia tipped her head and glared at her friend. “Guys, this could be serious. I need help.”
Erin got serious. “Well, what do your parents say about all this?”
 Cordelia shrugged. “I haven’t told them anything yet.”
“Oh? Why not?”
“Because I’m not even sure that there is anything to tell.  I am only dreaming, after all. Besides, I’m not even sure that ‘dream magic’” Cordelia used air quotes “is even a real t
“Cordy, may I remind you that you were stabbed in a dream and still had the wound after you woke up? Call me crazy but that” Erin lowered her voice, “sounds like magic to me.”
Cordelia remained unsure. “I don’t know. Maybe, I need more information.  Perhaps I’ll go visit Ambrose after school.”
Just then, Cordelia’s phone dinged. She   shut it off quickly but not before Erica saw the message.
“Why is our mother messaging you?  And why does she want to see you later?”
“I-I don’t know,” Cordelia moved a few steps away to open her locker in order to collect the right books for her first class.
Emily smiled. “You’re such a bad lair, Cordelia Spellman. This wouldn’t have to do   with our birthday being less than 3 weeks away?”
Cordelia shut her locker with a smile of her own. “You guys have been asking me that since before the holidays. Do you really think I’m going to   crack now?”
Emily looked back at her sisters and shrugged.   “Well, I guess she’s got us there.”
The foursome laughed and they   started to talk of other things as they moved down the hall. While turning a corner, they crashed into a girl who was coming the other way and school books flew everywhere.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I guess I wasn’t watching were I was   going!” The other girl stressed.
“Hey, no worries,” Erin assured her. “We always forget how much room we take up when the 4 of us walk down the hall.”
As they sorted out the books, Cordelia noticed that the other girl had thick glasses, long raven hair and pale skin.  It reminded her of Snow White.  Cordelia watched as the new girl disappeared down the hall.
“Cordy? Is
“I think I’ve seen that girl before.”
The rest of the morning was pretty routine. The girls were all   busy with homeroom and classes. Cordelia and Erin shared a lunch period, so they were together when they found that the girl that bumped into them that morning was eating alone at the next table. She seemed lonely,
o Cordelia and Erin invited her to sit with them, and the 3 got to chatting. They quickly learned that the     new girl was named Bridget Morgan, who had just moved to Greendale, with her parents, just after Christmas. She also just got a   new job as a waitress at Dr. C’s.
Cordelia smiled. “So, that’s where I know you from!”
Bridget seemed friendly and warm, but also shy, especially about her home life. All the girls could get out of her was that her mother was a lawyer and her father, a doctor. Anyway, by the time lunch was over, Cordelia had decided that she liked Bridget.
 The triplets usually met up with her by the back door after last period, which is exactly why Cordelia sneaked out the front. 1 secret birthday planning meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Warner later, and Cordelia transported herself to the house that Ambrose shared with Prudence. As soon as Cordelia got up on the porch, a chill went up her spine. The front door was ajar.  Cordelia moved slowly, opening the door just a little more.
She went in. “Hello?  Ambrose?” No one seemed to be home, yet why was the front door open? Something was off here.   Cordelia moved through the hallway and was half- way up the stairs before she called out again. “Ambrose!”
“He’s not here.”
Cordelia half-turned on the stairs and saw her oldest sister smiling up at her. “Prudence,” Cordelia now felt foolish as she went down the stairs.  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to barge in here, but I found the front door open and I got worried.”
“It is?”  Prudence went to check and lock the door. “Ambrose must have not close it right. He rushed out to go to the academy to finish up the library inventory. You know, to take full advantage of this extra week.”
Due to many teachers still needing to correct exams and students still tired despite their recent holiday, Zelda decided to push back the start of the school term for 1 week. Today had been so chaotic that Cordelia had almost forgotten.
Suddenly, Prudence made a face, drew in a sharp breath and placed a hand on her swollen belly.
Cordelia rushed to her sister’s side. “Pru? What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”
“Don’t worry, sister,” Prudence assured her “it’s only a kick. But thank Hecate it’s my last term.”
It’s just then that Cordelia noticed something. “Prudence, what’s that on your hand?”
“Oh? You mean this?” Prudence held out her hand to show off her new diamond engagement ring. “Ambrose gave it to me just this morning.  He said he didn’t want to steal Sabrina and David’s thunder.  Hopefully, Father will let up on his lectures now that we’re engaged.”
Cordelia shrugged. “I don’t know. He was just talking about it this morning.”
“Great,” Prudence muttered and then she put an arm around her sister. “Never mind that now. Come in, come in.”
She led Cordelia into the kitchen where the 2 sisters had a   pleasant chat over a cup of tea. Prudence   eventually asked why Cordelia was searching for Ambrose? After a brief moment of silence, Cordelia asked a question of her own.
“What do you know about dream magic?”
Prudence admitted that she had no knowledge on that subject and that her sister was right to seek out Ambrose. An   half hour later, Cordelia found herself at the Academy. She paused in the    main hall, taking it in. Cordelia had meant it when she told her parents that she was excited to start her classes next week. This school, after all, had so much history. Both in personal family lore and magical education. Cordelia found Ambrose in the downstairs achieve. Ambrose admitted that he knew very little about dream magic, but after a short time, Ambrose found    a thin book on the subject for his cousin.
Cordelia was not pleased to see Zander and his 4-year-old sister, Nora on her front porch. “What are you doing here?” Cordelia demanded of Zander when she reached him.
“I’m returning this half- breed.  I’m so over her!”
Oh Hecate, here we go again. Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Every time you get even the slightly annoyed with your little sister, you feel the need to ‘return’ her. If I told you once, Zander, I’ve told a million times. Just because my mother was her mid-wife, does not mean that Nora belongs here!” As Cordelia stared hatefully at Zander, they could both hear skipping on the porch’s wood.
“Hi, Cordelia!” Little Nora was as filled with sweetness and light as her brother with darkness and foreboding. Cordelia was   smiling as she bent down, opened her arms and swept up the toddler.
“You see; the half-breed is happy to be with you.”
Cordelia picked up and held Nora so 1 of the toddler’s ear rested against Cordelia’s shoulder and placed her hand over the other ear while playing with Nora’s hair. “Don’t insult your sister,” Cordelia whispered. Then she turned back to Nora. “Don’t listen to your meanie of a big brother. Some of the best people I know are mortals.”
Zander snorted and rolled his eyes just as hell’s minion appeared. “My prince, your mother said not to leave hell. She sent me to fetch you and your sister back.”
“Better go, before the queen herself appears.”  Cordelia warned   as she handed Nora to the minion.
Just as the hellish trio disappeared, Jake opened the door.  “Is anything wrong, sister?”
“Nothing, brother,” Cordhelia sighed. “Just another day in Greendale.”
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coaz-photography · 9 months
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Their thrones will turn to electric chairs
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fandom-friday · 8 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
✨ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: ✨ Midnight Masquerade (Multiple clone x Reader pairings) by @multi-fan-dom-madness ✨ Hiding in Plain Sight (Niner Skirata x OC Cresyda Parin) by @aggy72 Overworked (Commander Cody x gn!Reader) by @vodika-vibes
The Bad Batch: The Gym Membership (The Bad Batch x f!Reader) by @imabeautifulbutterfly ✨ Return to the Light (Hunter x f!Reader) by @hugmekenobi Low Battery (Crosshair x gn!Reader) by @523rdrebel Dork Love (Tech x gn!Reader) by @starqueensthings Not a Machine (Echo x gn!Reader) by @eternal-transcience The Stardust Conspiracy by @kybercrystals94 Nobody Left Behind by @toomanyteefs
The Mandalorian: Build It Together by @ckerouac
Star Wars Original Trilogy: Bleeding Heart (OC Saree x OC Rozza) by @depressed-sock
Batman: Wither on the Shore by Scarlet_Ribbons (AO3) Help! My Baby Brother is a Vampire! by @deitybird
Band of Brothers: ✨ Somebody's Made to Face the Changes, Somebody's Built to Last (Bill Guarnere x Babe Heffron) by @vivathewilddog
The Clone Wars: Star Wars Art by @mythical-illustrator Ordo's Brothers Love Him (Or Do They?) by @aka-trashrat Haunted by @calamity-aims LAAt Pilot Howler and Former Construct Detritus Art by @for-the-sake-of-color OC Howler Art by @art-of-wackylurker ARC Trooper Training Art by @razzbberry Commander Wolffe Art by @clonemedickix
The Bad Batch: Fan Art for The Stardust Conspiracy by @the-little-moment Fireball Art by @clonemedickix Spicy Hunter Art by @mesvi Phee Genoa Art by @nika6q
Ahsoka: Ezra Bridger Art by @cassi-art
Star Wars Prequels: Obi-Wan Kenobi Art by @faivsz
The Clone Wars: Battle Tendency by @coaz-photography Embankment by @coaz-photography
Rebels: Beasts by @coaz-photography
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Plotbunny AU : Pt 3 Alright, you want more? Here's MOAR Jaune and Alyx fill in Ozpin about everything they know about Salem, Cinder, their plans, and the Ever After and MAGIC.
Oh, and Qrow and Goodwitch are there too. Their reaction to Ozpin being caught flatfooted is almost as amusing as their reactions to realizing "Compulsive Liar with Trust Issues" didn't exclude them.
At some point, Jaune gets a full suit of plate-mail, and has his Aura unlocked and awakens his Semblance after an incident. He now spends every other night when he's not conditioning himself pumping more healing into Amber.
Alyx has to sit through a lot of how-to videos on stuff like the modern political structure of the kingdoms. The Great War. The Atlas Separation. Anything else she misses can be brushed off as being from the sticks like Jaune.
Jaune calls his parents at some point and rushes through "I make it into Beacon on a recommendation, sorry I took the sword and was an angsty teenager, also I adopted another sister and might have more soon, bye!"
Jaune does his best to introduce Alyx to modern conveniences and entertainment. He takes her by the hand and guides her through Vale, wearing his new armor to adjust to the weight.
He never meant for anything to happen. They had a very good plan to actually trap Cinder with a fake Amber in the Vault.
But then he's taking Alyx to see a movie at night and when he points out the scenery, there's a shop, a restaurant, Ruby fighting criminals-record scratch.
Is that that Torckwick guy?!?!
Torchwick means Neo, the crazy midget!
Jaune tells Alyx to hide, and coazes Juniper out from his pocket, scanning for tri colored illusionists when a bulkhead appears and he sees h e r.....
and Jaune's vision whites out and he can't hear Alyx anymore.
But he knows the feel of Juniper rushing forward under him, adn she grows to her proper size and keeps growing.
And Jaune pushes his Aura into Juniper, his Semblance glowing, and Juniper kicks the Bullhead.
Right into the Dust Shop.
It gets very loud.
Glynda Goodwitch arrives to Jaune healing everyone's ears.
Ruby takes a moment to stammer: "Did you just kill that woman?"
Alyx, like the semi reformed hellion she is, replies with "Gods, I hope so"
(This was not the post I had planned. I had a whole fluffy Beason outline filled with Jaune being everyone's brother figure, Alyx questioning Pyrrha's intentions, and team pet shenanigans. I blame you for Cinder being kicked into a Dust Store for asking for more this late. Good Job. )
First of all, DONT call Neo a midget, what the hell dude
Second of all, all problems can be solved by big bunny. Get fucked Roman and Cinder. On one hand I hope they’re not dead because that would be a very anticlimactic way for them to go out, but on the other hand it IS very funny
And if Cinder is dead, then who did her sliver of the Maiden powers go to? Did they go back to Amber, possibly healing her? Or did they go to someone else?
Also, you could very well have Cinder survive. In canon she’s survived worse than this. Just give her some badass burn scars and throw her back into the action, more manic than ever, and now with a vendetta against our baby boy
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joseph4inspiration · 2 years
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(1st Peter 5:8) Sometime as children of God we like to see things as between us and God; we forget there's an enemy trying his best to come between that relationship. He'll tempt us with things we like in an attempt to pull us away from the things of God. Some people often say because the devil is described as a "roaring lion" he's actually harmless. They fail to understand the complete verse, which is a verse warning us about our enemy, not telling us to take him lightly. Yes, God is greater than the enemy, but the enemy is greater than us. 1st John 4:4 doesn't say we are greater than he that's in the world, it says the God that's in us is greater than he that's in the world. We should always remember to take spiritual warfare seriously everyday. We also need to remember that the closer we are to new levels the more spiritual warfare we will have to endure - the enemy don't want you bless! So stand on the Word and fight the good fight to keep your faith! #Inspiration #SpiritualInspiration #Trust #Faith #Encouragement #TrustInGod #Blessed #Favored #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Pray #Grace #GodWantsUsToBeEncouraged #Love #Peace #Joy #Purpose #GiveIttoGod #GodIsAble #Faithful #Repost #Holy #Almighty #Repent #GodOverPorn #Change #Hope #Mercy #Forgiveness https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAz-rsuxCE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mckinsleyblaire · 2 years
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Been putting in that major work‼️💪🏻 Can you tell⁉️ #fitchick #thickfit #curvy #thick #gym #motivation #gymselfie #workout #inspiration #share #comment #thickwomen #selfie #sfs #share4share #storyshare #shareforshare https://www.instagram.com/p/Coaz-9qJXpO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pikaclan · 4 months
Moon 438
Season: Leaf-fall
Glowpoppy has chosen to use their skills and experience to help solve the Clan's disagreements. A meeting is called, and they become the Clan's newest mediator
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Newly-made apprentice, Jumblepaw, touches noses with their new mentor, Mulberrydust
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Even though they are excited to finally be made an apprentice, it takes a bit of coazing by Fadedflake for Fidgetkit to step forward for their ceremony. Fadedflake watches in pride as they're named Fidgetpaw and touch noses with Treestar
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Fadedflake is watching with pride as Bravepaw is named and given to Morningrose to apprentice under. They know that Morningrose was a good choice
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Shiveringivy brought a litter of 3 kits back to camp, but refused to talk about their origin. They are not caught to be the Half-Clan (LionClan) kits they are
Vervainkit (female), Heavykit (male), and Copsekit (female) are born!
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Thistleprance and Burntspark found a litter of 4 kits and decided to adopt them
Snipkit (female), Chaffinchkit (female), Gardeniakit (female), and Stonekit (female) are born!
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Cobaltnose went for a long walk this morning, deep in thought
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Deino received a present, blue berries, from Bethany and decided to keep it with them on their pelt
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For just this one perfect moment, heads pressed together and speaking their commitment in front of the Clan, there's nothing in Pigeondart and Mewhawk's worlds but love (I'm just as surprised wtf)
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Pigeondart was seen touching noses with someone from SplinterClan. Scandalous!
Mewhawk was seen talking calmly to a loner, before both cats went their separate ways
Mulberrydust was seen in a very serious conversation with a kittypet, who ran away when another patrol approached
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Other Clans
Fluffypaw travels to SplinterClan to resolve some recent border disputes but made SplinterClan more upset
Fadedflake saved Starlingholly from a fox but got hurt Glowpoppy's phantom pain abated Cressneedle saved Cobaltnose from a hawk but got hurt Mulberrydust saved Bravekit from a dog and was only bruised Rindletangle got whitecough Ebonyeye no longer has fleas Abysskit recovered from heat stroke Instead of going outside in the bright sunlight to play with their littermates, Abysskit prefers to huddle by themself in the dark and quiet of the medicine cat den, head hurting too much to move (persistent headaches)
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Your patrol cautiously moves towards the sound of barking. Near the border, they spot a dog chasing something. Oh no, it's a cat! The patrol jumps into action. Loacheyes stays hidden to help the cat, but they are already running
The patrol met Palebird
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ezamsaid18 · 2 years
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Breakfast nasi lemak daun pisang kak Dee. (at Restoran Nasi Lemak Kak Dee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coaz-HVvvX2yK8TlGTbWi0etsGdMw-Y6FMiPIU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Beadnell was the focus of my exercise walk this morning. It was a bit breezy but really nice to be out somewhere so lovely. It is amazing to live here. Come for a guided walk soon. #villagesintime #Beadnell #northumberlandcoast #travellerschoice2022🥇 (at Beadnell, Northumberland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoaZ-GYLPK0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrtnlt · 2 years
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Memilih Jalan [1/5]
“Laa Ilaha Illallah… Laa Ilaha Illallah… Laa Ilaha Illallah”
Puluhan orang berpakaian serba hitam terus-menerus mengucapkan kalimat Tahlil mengiringi dua keranda yang saat ini sedang dibawa menuju kompleks pemakaman di pinggiran kota. Kedua jenazah itu akhirnya selesai dimakamkan tepat pukul lima sore. Perlahan, pelayat-pelayat mulai berpamitan dan memberi ucapan belasungkawa ke seorang bocah laki-laki yang tengah duduk memegang kedua pusara di depannya sambil menangis.
“Heri, kita pulang ya. sudah mau sore. Kasihan ayah dan ibu kalau Herinya menangis terus seperti ini, mereka jadi tidak tenang”, ucap seorang pria di samping anak tersebut.
“Tidak mau pulang, di rumah tidak ada orang.” balasnya sambil terus menangis.
“Heri tinggal sama paman ya, biar nanti bisa main bareng Aldi dan Aufa di rumah”
"kriinggggg…. kringggg… kringggg"
Lamunan Heri atas kenangan pahitnya 12 tahun yang lalu dibuyarkan oleh bunyi bel sekolah yang ada didepannya. Beberapa saat kemudian, dia dihampiri oleh seorang bocah SD yang langsung naik di jok belakang motornya.
“Mau langsung ke toko atau ganti baju dulu di rumah?”, tanya Heri kepada bocah tersebut. “Langsung ke toko saja, ada baju ganti di toko.”
Heri segera menjalankan motornya menembus ramainya jalanan. Beginilah hari-hari yang dilalui Heri, mengantar dan menjemput Adit, anak pamannya. Selain itu, dia juga diminta untuk membantu menjaga toko sembako milik pamannya tersebut.
#5cc #5ccday11 #careerclassqlc #bentangpustaka #fiksi
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nemxricultrix · 2 years
In going to see if I can't coaz one of those things down
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lynelovespopculture · 5 months
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adelinelinda · 2 years
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Last one 📸 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAZ-6Mrz15/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fandom-friday · 8 months
Hi Kardde, I‘m so glad that you got so many recs for last Fandom Friday after all!
This week I want to give a big shoutout to @coaz-photography ! Their pictures are so well crafted that it’s sometimes hard to imagine that this is toy photography because they look so real!
My fave is Battle Tendency because of the mix of the picture and the text that stuck with me (goosebumps!).
Other examples for fantastic pictures are Beasts and Embankment, but really it pays off to scroll through the whole blog!
OOOOOOOH THESE ARE SO COOL! I saw Embankment earlier this week and was SO WOW'ED by it, but these are ALL incredible. I especially love Beasts with my Mandalorian girls! Thanks so much for sending these in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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biplobzamansblog · 2 years
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1 koti takar.....❣️❣️ https://youtube.com/shorts/Yv02_ZAkpUk?feature=share Please subscribe my YouTube channel 😍😍 (at ঢাকা আন্তর্জাতিক বাণিজ্য মেলা পূর্বাচল) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAZ-Lvy6u2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gcsesimplified · 2 years
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Really great to see everyone this weekend at Eastwood Hall for #GCSEPE #EdexcelPE practical standardisation. The first live session in 3 years! Great to be back doing face to face sessions. #GCSEsimplified https://www.instagram.com/p/CoAZ-TyriRm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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