#cobra Kai Robby x reader
awritessomething · 7 months
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 | robby keene x fem!reader
Requests Masterlist
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | A Miyagi-Do member tried to make a move on Robby Keenes girlfriend. He didn’t let it happen, now she’s showing him how grateful she is for his protection.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | smut, pre-established relationship, use of Y/N, protective!robby, oral m!receiving, handjob, swearing, public sex, taller!robby (bc Tanner is 5’7), brief harassment
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Y/N was at her locker at school. She was trying to grab one of her books from the shelf in her locker. She reached up and that’s when she felt a hand on her ass. Assuming it was Robby, she just slowly turned. It was not her boyfriend, it was one of the new members of Miyagi-Do.
“Ew- get off of me!” She hissed and shoved the boy away from her. The boy didn’t leave though. He tried to move back towards her. That was when she heard a voice she would recognize any day. The voice of Robby Keene.
“Hey! Back off!” Robby shouted. Both of them turned their heads to look at him. It seemed like this harasser knew who he was. He was scared. The boy immediately stepped away from Y/N. That didn’t seem to satisfy Robby though. “The fuck were you about to do, hm?” He got in the boys face, eyes narrowing.
“Sorry, I didn’t know-”
“You’re not supposed to be doing that anyways. Get outta here.” Robby growled and shoved the boy away, making his back hit the wall. Usually a fight would’ve started, but the boy had common sense. He knew what was the smarter option. He scurried off.
Y/N grabbed onto her boyfriends arm and pulled him to her side. “Thank you,” she whispered.
“Of course. You ok?” He asked softly. Robby Keene was supposed to be one of the meanest out there, but with her, he was the nicest. His eyes were locked on her, filled with love and concern.
“Yeah, thanks.”
Robby stood at her side as she got her books, then he walked her to class. She was already a bit late. Robby’s next class was on the other side of the school, but it wasn’t really like he cared.
“Ill see you at lunch?” Y/N asked, leaning on the door of her classroom. Robby nodded. She smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before going into her class. Lunch was the next block.
The class seemed shorter than usual, although it was 80 minutes long. The second it was over, Y/N was on her way to go and find Robby. Instead of going to the cafeteria, she went right to his locker. He was a bit confused, but of course he was happy to see her.
“Come.” She took his hand. Robby bit the inside of his cheek and then closed his locker before following her. She spent a little while just talking to him about class, which he listened to. That was because she was waiting for the halls to clear out.
Once the halls were nearly empty, she tugged him right into the nearby janitors closet.
“What are we doing in here?”
“I just wanna thank you.” Y/N looked up at him and put her hand on his chest, pushing him over to the shelf. Robby looked down at her, brows knit together. He wouldn’t try to stop her, since it was what he wanted anyways. She tugged off his belt and then put it on the shelf.
Looking up at Robby, she pushed down his jeans. He clenched his jaw and his breath hitched as her hand wrapped around his cock. His eyes closed and he pushed up his hips slightly.
“Fuck- we’re gonna make a mess in here, Y/N.”
“I can swallow.” Y/N reminded him casually. He let out a groan at that. She narrowed her eyes and then pulled her hand off of him. She reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties, shoving the lacy material into his mouth. His eyes snapped open and he looked at her. “You were being loud.” She smiled innocently and continued to jerk him off.
His eyes rolled back and he closed his eyes just for a moment. He heard her knees hit the floor and felt her hand let go of his cock.
Leaning forward, Y/N pressed a soft kiss to his tip. He bit down on her panties and let out a muffled groan. Her lips wrapped around him and her tongue swirled, pressing up against the veins of his cock.
Her hands fondled his balls, massaging them and urging him to cum soon. He didn’t want to though. His ego was a bit too big to let him cum so fast. Y/N took him fully into her mouth now, putting in more effort to take him all the way. She gagged on his cock.
The thick tip of his cock hit against the back of her throat. Saliva coated him completely. Her jaw was aching from how she kept it open to avoid her teeth grazing over him. Robby was a tough guy, but even he had some sensitive spots.
His hand went to the back of her head, gently guiding her movements. Her eyes fluttered open and she gazed up at him, causing his cock to twitch in her mouth.
Robby’s muscles flexed and his abs rolled before he subconsciously bucked his hips up. Her nose hit his abdomen and she furrowed her brows and her eyes closed. With a few more rolls of his hips, he came.
“Fuck-!” Robby let out a muffled groan, his eyes rolling back. Y/N swirled her tongue around him a few more times, urging him to give her more before she pulled off. A string of saliva connected them. She smiled and swallowed his cum before getting up to her feet.
“Good?” She asked softly, looking up as she pulled her panties out of his mouth. Robby cleared his throat and swallowed.
“Very. Lemme just…” Robby trailed off and pushed the pair of panties into his pocket. She knit her brows together.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping these. Thanks for the gift,” Robby leaned down and kissed her before stepping out of the storage closet. Y/N wiped her lips and then followed a moment later.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
hello! your writing is really amazing!! can i please request robby keene with a sweet hyperfem gf that’s a cheerleader or a ballet dancer? maybe how his friends + dad would react to him being with someone pretty opposite him that doesn’t even do karate. thank you sm and once again your writing is awesome 💕
I love this, it's so cute! Thank you so much 🥰
Robby Keene x Cheerleader!Reader
This is a little hijinks and silly fun, so I hope that's okay.
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"What do you mean you can't come to training on Saturday? It's mandatory."
Robby stares at his father incredulously. Not for the fact that he's already told him this fact a handful of times, but for the reason that he's pulling shit out of his ass. He's ultimately unimpressed.
"It wasn't mandatory until you just said that," Robby tells him, rolling his eyes. He takes his drink from the fridge, where he'd been stopped, and walks by his oblivious father. "And I've told you this a hundred times now. This isn't new."
"Where do you have to be on Saturday that you can't come to training, huh?" Johnny asks, following after him.
They walk the short distance to the table, where Robby is trying to study for his GED. His father makes that infuriating difficult, however, he'd rather be struggling through that than answer his question. Though it's been long enough that he's been hiding this secret from his father and friends. It's bound to come out eventually, so why not now?
"My girlfriend has a thing," he tells him, intentionally leaving out what the 'thing' is. "I told her I'd go."
"Wait. Since when do you have a girlfriend?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Because my son has a girlfriend." Johnny smiles proudly as if this is some big accomplishment. "Is she hot?"
"I'm not feeding into this," Robby tells him, finding that question weird coming from his dad. He's not surprised by it, but that doesn't make it any less weird. "And that's not the point."
"Right, right," Johnny says, sitting back. He pops open a beer despite it only being four o'clock. "Well, just tell her you can't go. If you tell her something else came up, you won't have to go and she won't get upset at you."
"No," Robby sighs, shaking his head. "I told her I'd go and I want to go."
"Well, what is it?"
"What, like a pagent or something?"
"What? No. Just leave it alone."
Robby gathers up his things and takes them to his room, deciding it'd be best to leave the conversation there. Besides, he'd like to study in peace.
"Where's Robby?"
Johnny gives Daniel a look, his lips pressed thin. "He's not coming. He's going to something his girlfriend is competing in."
"Whoa, wait a minute," Hawk says, inserting himself into the conversation shamelessly. His voice as well as his next question draws in everyone else's attention. "Since when does Robby have a girlfriend?"
"Wait, you guys didn't know about this?" Johnny asks, eyeing Hawk and Miguel as they look back at him curiously. They shake their heads and his frown deepens. "Well, shit."
"So Robby is missing training for his girlfriend?" Demetri asks for clarification, though no one there doubts that he'd do the same if asked.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"And it's because of some sort of competition?" Miguel further inquires.
"That's what he said."
"Aw!" Sam let out with a smile. "That's so romantic. He wants to support her."
"Well, now I'm curious about this mystery girlfriend," Hawk grunts, smirking as he looks at his friends. "I wonder what kind of competition she's in and how much fun he's having there."
"Hold on a second," Daniel says, stopping the teens before they can get too ahead of themselves. "Hawk, whatever you're thinking, it's a no. Whatever reason Robby has for not telling anyone about this girl must be a good one. There's no need to overstep boundaries."
"Fuck boundaries, man. I wanna know who this girl is if she's so special to hide from everyone," Johnny huffs. Daniel glares at him and he glares back, then turns to Hawk and Demetri, the resident cool nerd and huge nerd. "Is there a way for you guys to find out where he's at right now without him knowing?"
"Well, we could check his snapmap and see his location," Demetri says, pulling out his phone.
Hawk watches Johnny's face turn confused and he can't hide his smirk.
"What the hell is a snapmap? Is that some sort of soundboard app or something?"
Everyone looks at him, then each other before Daniel lets out an exasperated sigh. This was not how any of them planned their day, but he seemed to be the only one complaining.
When they arrive at Robby's location, according to Snapchat of all things, they find themselves at some kind of arena. Johnny leads the pack of nosy teenagers inside but quickly finds himself lost as her tries to navigate the event signs that are posted around the place. Hawk takes the lead, deciding the best course of action is to follow the noise.
Daniel follows begrudging behind his nosy daughter, promising himself to keep them all out of trouble. He sounds like a parrot, repeating himself about how this is a bad idea and how Robby will never trust any of them again if they continue on. "Curiosity killed the cat, ya know."
It isn't long before a woman stops them. She wears a sticker on her shirt that says "Volunteer," but the stern look about her screams wannabe event planner or security, or some horrid mashup of both. "Excuse me, only family and school associates are allowed here."
Ever fast on his feet, Hawk said, "No worries. We're with one of the schools."
"And what school is that?"
Sam spies a board with a list of schools on it, happy to see a convenient option on the list. "West Valley."
The woman's attitude quickly changes. "Oh, are you with the yearbook? Your teacher said you'd be coming, but we never heard anything back from him."
"Yep, that's us," Hawk says, pulling on a photo-ready smile.
"Well, let me get you checked in," the woman says, walking them over to a table.
To keep up their little act, Hawk and Sam babble on about having "finally found the right place" and "getting their stuff out of the car soon." Everyone else stays quiet for the most.
The woman grabs a sheet of stickers and writes on them with a black marker, then passes them out to everyone. When she gets to Johnny and Daniel, she says, "You must be chaperones."
Daniel opens his mouth to say something, but Johnny cuts him off with a quick, "Sure we are." It gets them each a "parent" sticker slapped onto their shirts and they're permitted to keep going.
As they walk, Demetri scoffs. "I can't believe that worked."
They find the entrance to the arena and walk inside, hearing some sort of chant echoing off the walls. As they come out from between the seats, they finally see exactly what kind of competition Robby promised to attend.
A group of cheerleaders took center stage as they went through a routine on the mats. They wear bright smiles as they lift their pompoms into the airs and their pleated skirts swished around their legs. Off to the side, other teams sit as they watch with smiles of their own or talk among themselves, waiting for their turn to go up and show the crowd their moves. Upbeat music plays as the performing group does their thing, keeping the crowd in good spirits.
"Oh my god," Tory laughs. She grins wide, never imagining in her wildest of dreams that Robby Keene would ever date a cheerleader.
Miguel nods along slowly, still a little taken aback by the scene. "This wasn't what I was expecting."
Johnny smiles proudly. "Hell yeah. My son's dating a cheerleader."
"Your son's pissed off," a voice says from behind the group.
They all turn to find Robby standing with a small bucket of popcorn in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. True to his words, he wears a less-than-impressed look on his face. If looks could kill, they'd all be dead where they stand.
Johnny steps forward. "Look, Robby, you can't really be mad at us-"
"The hell I can," Robby cuts him on.
"I told you so," Daniel chimes in.
Sam slaps his arm. "Don't even go there. You came here with us."
"Enough," Robby cut in, gritting his teeth. "I can't believe you guys crashed my girlfriend's competition all because I didn't want to tell you-" he points at Johnny, "about her yet. And shit like this is the reason why, on top of the fact that you make everything that is in the slightest bit feminine into some kind of win to men."
"I don't do that," Johnny says nonchalantly.
"Yes, you do," Robby, and everyone else, responds.
He gives them all a look, but then turns back to Robby. He opens his mouth to speak, but Demetri cuts him off.
"The second you found out it's a cheerleading competition, you counted it as a personal win," he says.
"Shut up," Johnny huffs.
Suddenly, the music stops and the announcer comes on over the loudspeaker. "What a great performance! Give them a round of applause. We'll take a ten-minute break, so refresh your drinks and get ready for the great team from North Hills!"
People start to get up and move around, causing things to get a little chaotic and crowded. Robby takes the opportunity, with a major eye roll, to slip away. He walks back to his seat or rather stomps back once he steps onto the bleachers.
His eyes scan the arena but it doesn't take long for him to find the group of cheerleaders he's looking for. Not too far away, North Hills stands, going through some last-minute stretches before their performance. Among them, his girlfriend is drinking from her water bottle. Her hair is done perfectly, there isn't a single crease in her uniform, and she looks absolutely beautiful. Her uniform shows off all of her curves whilst keeping things modest, giving Robby an eyeful of her shapely legs.
As she caps her water off, their eyes meet and she smiles really big. She throws up her hand in a cute wave and he smiles back, momentarily forgetting his anger. He waves back and she blows him a kiss. Only for her, he pretends to catch it and press it to his lips, which makes her giggle.
On the lower levels of the bleachers, farther away from Robby but not too far that they can't see him, his father, friends, and Sensei watch. They're still equal parts curious as much as they are feeling guilty - at least most. Unapologetically, Hawk smirks as he watches the little interaction between the no-longer-secret-lovers.
"That's Robby's girlfriend?" Demetri asks, pointing out Reader among the group of North Hills cheerleaders.
Tory smirks. "She's cute."
Hawk chides, "More than cute."
"I just can't believe Robby would hide the fact that he has a girlfriend," Johnny huffs. He shakes his head, still in a state of semi-disbelief as he watches the group, studying the girl who looks to be his son's complete opposite. "A cheerleader at that."
"Gee, Johnny, I wonder why he'd do such a thing," Daniel deadpans.
Johnny goes to respond hotly, but the announcer comes on to bring everyone's attention back onto the competition. Soon, the North Hills team is coming onto the mats and getting into formation. They take their deep breaths, smiling big and pretty for everyone. Then the music started and they began their routine.
After all of the teams performed and the winner was announced, the room became chaos, but Robby could care less about the people around him. He makes his way down the bleachers to reach Reader, who is celebrating with her team by jumping with joy and talking over each other. They hold a big, shiny trophy as they squeal and congratulate themselves for working so hard to win.
She sees him as he's walking over and she lets out a giddy squeal of his name. She rushes to him and he catches her in a hug, holding her tight as she squeezes him.
"We won! We won!" she cheers happily.
He smiles and kisses her cheek. "I knew you would."
She pulls back, smiling at him. Her eyes shine as she looks at him. "Really?"
"Of course," he tells her. He has always believed in her. This is what she's passionate about, so how could she not win? "I got these for you."
He holds out the flowers for her and she takes them with so much care and admiration. "Aww, thank you! I love them!"
She throws her arms around him again, this time around his neck, and kisses him. He happily kisses back, holding her waist. He pulls her close, against him so that they can deepen the kiss and really share the moment. It's her day and nothing beats a hot kiss from your boyfriend after all the hard work paying off.
However, a whistle interrupts them followed by loud clapping. "Hell yeah!" someone yells and Robby pulls away annoyed.
He looks over to find his father and the others watching him. He glares at his dad, letting him know that he is not at all amused or happy with his presence there. In fact, the anger bubbles back up and his jaw clenches as he stares down his friends.
"I still can't believe you're here," he grumbles, cutting each of them a look.
Demetri and Miguel at least look a little guilty and remorseful, whilst Daniel practically chastises Johnny for encouraging all of this behavior and invasion of privacy. Tory looks amused as all Hell while Hawk takes the moment to shamelessly check out some of Reader's friends.
Sam smiles kindly. "Well, all of our meddling aside, I think it's sweet you skipped practice to be here."
Robby wants to roll his eyes, but Reader grabs onto his jacket and catches his attention. He looks at her and almost melts.
"You missed your practice for me?" she asked cutely.
He hums and gives a little shrug like it isn't a big deal. "I told you I'd be here."
"Aww," she lets out, smiling wide. She plants a big kiss on his cheek, leaving a little lipstick mark there.
He blushes as his friends watch, but he can't bring himself to care too much with her in his arms. She makes it impossible to be a grump when she's around, easily the best part of his days.
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redroses07 · 2 months
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if miguel introduced johnny to snap
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bluepallets · 4 months
Smut under the cut, no specific character, MxF reader, oral(F), fingering(F), slight overstimulation
Enjoy :)
His strong hands grip her plush hips, groaning into her heat as he dragged out her third orgasm that night. Tongue flicking against her sensitive clit. She pulls at his hair, trying to find purchase.
Gasps and whimpers coming from her mouth when he stuffs his ring finger into her, right down to the knuckle. Still, his eyes never leave hers.
Her eyes water and her legs shake. His free hand moves down to keep them spread apart. Another finger is added to her slick wet. He knows she’s close by the way she twitches, the way she pushes him deeper into her, her babbling on about how good he treats her.
When she cums around his fingers, and makes a mess of his face he laps it all up. She whines when his fingers are pulled out of her, licking them clean before placing a sweet kiss against her overstimulated cunt. His hands rub up against her thighs soothingly.
Moving up, he presses a small kiss to her cheek. Muttering to her about how good she did, how well she took him, how sweet and beautiful she was. Rambling about how cute she was when she got like this, all whiney and needy for him.
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happy74827 · 3 months
Real Life Fairytale
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[Robby Keene x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You tried so hard not to be that girl, but the more you were around him, the more you were convinced clichés could be a good thing.
WC: 712
Category: Fluff, First Kiss
Since Cobra Kai coming back later this month, here’s some fluff with the Marty Mcfly of karate.
It was a typical cliché, and as much as you hated it, there was something that still pulled at you. Something that pulled you right into the arms of none other than Robby Keene.
Your relationship had been rocky at best; it had started out with him pickpocketing your purse and the two of you becoming friends because, at the time, you believed he was simply returning what you lost.
Of course, when your friendship officially became a friendship, he told you the truth and apologized. LaRusso had offered him a job, and everything he did suddenly became about changing his life and earning his place. He wanted to prove to his father that he was more than just some punk-ass kid from the wrong side of the tracks.
So, how did that bring you to where you are now? How did a guy like Robby Keene, dressed up in Marty McFly attire, become the center of your universe?
The Halloween Bash, of course.
Originally, the entire group of friends, the past feud between Robby and Miguel, had long been forgotten, so they decided to do one big group costume. Demetri thought it would be a good idea to go with the Power Rangers, which was fine, except for the fact that Eli was the only one who actually wanted to be a Ranger. Everyone else was either not impressed or completely clueless about who they were.
In the end, the group split off into their own individual costumes, and that's how you ended up with your favorite movie being used as the basis for your outfits.
It took a lot of convincing on your part. I mean, the dude looked practically identical to the real actor; he was the obvious choice. Throw a Walkman on him, and boom, the costume is perfect.
He blamed it on the hair, which it technically was. Ever since he ditched Dora's cut with Diego, he just became that geeky kid who freaked at the word 'chicken.'
And in all honesty, you truly believed he hated that word, too. Eli said it to bait him once, and he did not go down easily.
It only took you an hour to convince him, but after a while, he relented, and the costume was finalized.
So, obviously, when the two of you walked in with swag that only the 80s could pull off, you stayed for about an hour before Robby got bored and decided ice cream was the cure.
Now, the two of you were sitting on the steps of an apartment building, eating a gallon of ice cream and talking.
You swear, you didn't mean for it to happen, but the way he looked at you with those soft, blue eyes and the smile that could make a nun blush, you found yourself leaning closer.
"I had fun," he spoke quietly, his words dancing over your lips. "Even if I do look ridiculous."
You giggled. "Well, isn't that why we have Halloween? To look ridiculous?"
He shrugged and leaned closer, his eyes searching yours.
"You don't look ridiculous, though," you continued. "I think you look pretty good in a life preserver."
He grinned. "Yeah?"
It was something about the way he said that. The way you could hear the smile in his voice, but most of all, the way he looked at you when he said it. Like he was looking for permission to continue with what was already happening.
So, you answered by leaning in, connecting your lips with his, and giving him all the permission he needed.
His hands instantly flew to your hips, tugging you closer, and you found your own hands wrapping around his neck, deepening the kiss.
It was perfect, just like the movies. You regretted dressing up as Doc Brown, though. Not only was the radiation suit itchy, but you were acting like Jennifer Parker, and you didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Still, with the white hair off and his headphones finding their home around his neck, you figured maybe you'd force him to keep that part of the costume because, the way he was looking at you, you didn't want it to end.
You were sure it wouldn't, not any time soon.
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hauntedfictionland · 11 months
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miguelschamp · 9 months
say don’t go
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pairing: robby keene x fem!reader
summary: you visit robby in juvy
warnings: slight angst, but ends in fluff
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you sat at the table wringing your hands together. you were visiting robby in juvy today and he didn’t really have any idea.
after the school fight, you were taken to the hospital for some minors you had acquired during the whole ordeal. you then tried getting a hold of robby.
after a couple of days of coming up short, you heard that he got caught and was put in juvy. you felt terrible because you knew that he hadn’t meant to run from the cops, he was just scared.
you then found out from johnny that he was able to have visitors. fortunately, you were able to set up a day for you to visit him.
you look over as the door opens. you heart starts to beat faster as you see robby walk out. he looks around at the other people visiting with their families before his eyes land on you.
he stops in his tracks and you had to admit that you were scared that he wouldn’t want to see you. you take a deep sigh as he stares at you.
he slowly starts to make his way over to your table. your eyes follow his every move as he sits down.
it’s silent as he finally looks up at you. you shift slightly in your seat before your leg begins to jump up and down.
“hi.” you say softly
“hey.” he nods. his voice was rough as he spoke.
“um, how are you ?” you ask. your eyes shut as you realized what you were asking, “sorry, that’s a stupid question.”
he scoffs lightly, “i’m fine. thanks.”
you nod before looking down at your hands. “i just- i wanted to check on you. i tried looking for you after the fight, but..”
“yeah.” he says looking down at the table. it goes quiet again as you try to wait for robby to take the conversation in whichever direction he chose. “y/n, why are you here ?”
the question stuns you. you thought it was obvious why you were here. you clear your throat, “i- i came to check on you-“
“i know. you said that but,” he starts, “all your friends are in cobra kai and i’m sure if they knew you were here, they’d flip out. so, why are you here ?”
“because i want to be.” you say simply. robby looks up at you. “i was worried about you and wanted to know if you were okay. i don’t care what everyone in cobra kai thinks. i’m not even apart of it anymore.”
“why would you care about me ?”
“despite us being in separate dojos, i thought that we were still sort of friends, so..”
you finally get the courage to look up at robby. when you do, you can see sadness swarming in his green eyes. you didn’t know it, but only kreese and johnny had come to visit him and both for very different reasons.
you were the only other person that had come to visit him.
“look, if you don’t want me here, then i’ll leave.” you say, “whatever you want.”
“i don’t want you to leave.”
you feel your shoulders lighten as he says this. “then i’ll stay.”
you see a ghost of a smile on his lips. you smile back at him as your eyes catch his. you’d definitely be visiting more often.
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Omg your piece about Robby giving the reader his rings to wear was so cute but that mention of the ring hanging on the necklace and watching when she beds forward 👀👀 immediately thought of riding him while wearing the ring on the chain and him going absolutely feral for it🥵
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Just getting on top of him, two of them all hot and heavy already. Robby already stripped down to nothing and Reader has her bottoms off along with her panties.
She's grinding on his hard muscular thigh. Rubbing her pussy all over his skin leaving a wet mess. Moaning and whimpering as Robby just watches. He has the biggest smile on his face as he watches her get all riled up just for him. No one else makes him feel like she does, when she's on top of him there are a thousand feelings and emotions going through him.
His hands running over her belly from under her shirt, fingers digging into her soft rolls. His hands move to grip at her love handles and hips. She's whimpering on top of him the whole time. His eyes look up at her through his lashes. At this point he's panting. His dick is hard and straining against his girlfriends thigh as she humps at his leg. The wetness that spills down his thigh just gets him more on edge.
Moments later she is flinging her shirt off. Leaving her in only her pretty little bra that barely covers her fat tits. It barely contained her massive breasts from spilling out the very top. She smiles down at him, those pretty lips in one of her signature smiles that has his heart pumping.
She slowly peels the fabric off, letting the strap dangle on one of her fingers before it falls to the floor. He smirks at her, eyes glazed over as he takes in the moment. Her tits hang free over him, jiggling as moves her wet cunt off his thigh. Moving to sit over his hard dick which she takes in hand and pumps a few times.
She places it at her slit and slowly moves down it, letting it pop inside with little resistance. They both moan as the heat gets to them. Reader whimpers at the light-burning stretch of Robby’s cock. Robby at the feeling of being in Reader’s tight pussy for the first time in what feels like forever.
Then she's bouncing on top of him screaming her head off. Head thrown back and moaning up a storm.
He can't stop watching the way her tits bounce around.
But his eyes are drawn to one specific thing that has his dick going crazy.
His skill ring hangs between her two beautiful breasts.
It bounces around on the silver chain he bought her not that long ago. It catches in the bedroom light just right. It has his eyes drawn to it the whole time. It sits perfectly on her chest. Calling out to him in some kind of way. It has his mind working on over time.
Something so small has him wanting to pound the fuck out of his chubby girlfriend.
It's almost like it's egging him on the whole time she is riding him.
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cades-outsider · 5 months
NSFW Alphabet: Young Johnny Lawrence
Warnings: NSFW
NSFW Alphabet
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A= Aftercare (What he's like after sex) Younger Johnny definitely has no clue what aftercare is at first. He's not used to affection and receiving love, over time you'll start to show him how important aftercare is to both of you. After that, his go to aftercare would be making sure you use the bathroom after sex, cleaning you up, then cuddling naked until you both fall asleep.
B= Body Part (His favorite body part of yours) Your boobs for sure, that's the first thing he looks at, more like gawks at. While in missionary he'll use each hand for each boob to hold on to, he's so gentle because he doesn't want to hurt you.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically) He doesn't have a preference, although the thought of cumming in you is very appealing to him, he doesn't know what he'd do with a kid while he's a teenager.
D= Dirty Secret (Johnny's dirty secret) Johnny really wants to make love to you in his car, it's a wonder it hasn't happened yet. He wouldn't admit it, but he's kind of nervous to even ask and he doesn't know when or how to approach the topic.
E= Experience (How experienced is Johnny) He definitely doesn't know much especially if you were his first, but he knows a lot from his imagination that he just uses on you. Though he makes it seem like he's more experienced for the first time you both have sex.
F= Favorite Position (His favorite position) Definitely missionary, he's a simple teenage hormonal boy who likes to get the full view of his girl while he makes her take his cock.
G= Goofy (Is he goofy during sex) Not really, he tends to be more serious during sex, especially if it's a very romantic and intimate moment with you, then he's the opposite of rough or goofy.
H= Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes) Definitely. Johnny will pretty much always have the mindset that it's more manly to have hair down there. But he did experiment when you first got together, he tried shaving incase you decided to have sex or go down on him, but he quickly decided it wasn't for him.
I= Intimacy (How romantic is Johnny during the moment) Johnny isn't very romantic, but that doesn't mean he isn't sweet during sex. He cares about his pleasure, but he also has the need to make sure you're taken care of. Now, if it's a special day (anniversary or valentines), then he'll be more romantic. Rose petals around the bed, some pretty candles lit up... if you're both alone at his mom and stepdads house, then he'll even run you both a bubble bath afterwards. He truly cares about you, and while he may have a hard time expressing it, he still tries for you.
J= Jack Off (Masturbation) Johnny does it all the time, when he's not busy with you or karate of course. But if there's no possible way to get off then he'll get off by the thought of you or some of your Polaroid pictures he has.
K= Kink (How kinky is Johnny) Johnny is not kinky. He's more caring and careful during sex, but there has been moments when he's jealous or angry and he takes it out on you, but he would never hurt you physically. He does like to lightly wrap his hands around your neck, and he loves to slap your ass and dig his nails into your hips while you ride him, but never beyond that.
L= Location (Favorite places to do the do) Johnny's favorite place to have sex is in his room, where no one can distract either of you. He doesn't like the idea of being in public and having sex, but if he needed a quickie or something made him jealous, then that would quickly change.
M= Motivation (What gets Johnny going) Your mouth really gets him going. The way you subtly bite your lip while you're working on homework, or the way your lipgloss makes them more noticeable. It turns him on so much and he can't help but imagine your lips wrapped around his cock.
N= No (A turn off, something Johnny would never do) He would never bring hitting into sex, with how he's treated by his sensei and his step dad, he wouldn't want that pain or trauma inflicted on you, even if you gave him consent to do so.
O= Oral (His preference in giving and receiving) He loves both, but he loves receiving more because of the way you treat him and how you respect his body. You take care of his wants and he doesn't want that to go away.
P= Pace (Is he fast and rough, slow and sensual; etc) Johnny can be both. While he's mainly sweet and sensual in the moment, he can also be very rough and fast. Especially if he sees you around Daniel or any other boy for that matter. He wouldn't tell you who you couldn't hang out with, but he would make it known that he didn't like Daniel talking to you, and if Daniel didn't take the hint, then Johnny would make it known that you were his.
Q= Quickie (Johnny's opinion in quickies/fast and rushed sex) He is always up for a quickie, he would never turn one down. Johnny likes to take his time with you, but that doesn't mean he won't fuck you in such a hurry that you can't speak. You could be anywhere and say you were mildly horny, and he would rush you into the nearest bathroom.
R= Risk (Does he like to take risks) Johnny is definitely a risk taker. If you asked him to try new things then he would for you, but never anything physically harming. You could easily persuade him to do anything for you, except, inflicting physical pain on either of you.
S= Stamina (How long can he go for, and how long does he last) Johnny can go pretty long, well, he prefers to take his time with you. The most he could last would probably be an hour, with a lot of foreplay leading up to actually fucking.
T= Toy (Does he like to use toys) Not really. He prefers for you to use him, hence, you to use his mouth and cock how you like. He would never say no to trying toys, but he just likes the feel and taste of you without them.
U= Unfair (How much does he like to tease, does he tease) Johnny loves to tease you, matter of fact- he constantly does it. He loves to drag out the process, touching you inch by inch, making you beg for his cock before giving you even his fingers. Every time he does it and you whine, he just gives you that same cocky smirk with the comment “what? Can’t take it?”
V= Volume (How loud is Johnny during the moment) Johnny is rarely loud. He gives the occasional grunts, groans, and slight whimpers- but he’s more of a touchy person, so he’d be digging his nails into your hips and grabbing all over you before he’s moaning constantly.
W= Wild Card (Random head-con for Johnny) Johnny has always wanted to lean you over his motorcycle and fuck you raw. When he’s alone and you’re nowhere to be found, he jerks off to the thought of you letting him fuck you raw as he has you bent over his motorcycle. He doesn’t like the idea of it being so out in the open, but honestly, if you were to say yes, he would lose all self-control.
X= X- Ray (Lets see what's going on in them pants shall we) Johnny is a solid 6 inches. He’s not too big, but not too small. He has a good girth too, which really adds to it.
Y= Yearning (How high is Johnny's sex drive) His sex drive is pretty high. If you’d let him, he would probably fuck you every day, twice a day. But on the days that he is extremely horny, he cums quicker. Thus, making it easier for him to fuck you multiple times a day.
Z= Zzzzz (How fast does Johnny fall asleep afterwards) Johnny doesn’t fall asleep right away, he makes sure you’re taken care of before he knocks out. He’ll usually clean you up right after and then hold you close to his chest, rubbing your lower back as you talk about random stuff before finally falling asleep.
This was like heavily requested soooo here you go!!!
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One Last Spar
Pairing: Robby Keene x Fem!Reader
Word count: 864
Summary: After a long day of practice you're ready to go home before you get in trouble for being out too late, though Robby has other ideas as he tries to pull you in for one last spar.
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo with the square 'Make Me'
*Gif does not belong to me
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"Are you leaving?" Robby wondered as he saw you walking around the dojo, picking your stuff up off the floor and stuffing it into your bag. You and him were the last two in the dojo apart from his dad who was in his office trying to get some paperwork done which he normally discarded.
"Hm?" You hummed before the question registered, looking up to see your boyfriend sitting on the floor and stretching out his legs. Only recently had you started taking lessons with Robby, taking a bit of convincing before you finally relented and started training with him. Now, the two of you could always be found sparring together if you were both at the dojo, normally just messing around when you were together. "Yeah, it's starting to get late and I don't want my mum to get worried."
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind waiting a little bit longer," Robby mused as he jumped to his feet, going after you. Waiting to see what he was going to do, you allow Robby to worm your bag out of your hands, the luggage being discarded off to the side before Robby was stood before you, a soft smile on his face. "We have time for one more round."
"I don't know Robby," You muttered, unsure if this was the best idea. Knowing your mum, she would be spamming your phone soon with hundreds of messages and calls if you didn't say something soon. As you stared at Robby standing across from you, you felt your resolve slowly start to break away, though you didn't let him know that just yet. "It's going to take me a while to get home, I shouldn't waste any more time here."
"I'll drive you home," Robby quickly interjected, his mind set on the idea of one last spar.
"You don't have a licence," You point out with a deadpan, knowing where this was heading. Going to get your bag, you begin walking off the mat and towards your belongings.
"They don't have to know that," Robby said, quickly shuffling in your way to cut you off from grabbing your stuff. Instead, he scooped your hands up in his, a glowing smile on his face as he looked down on you. "Come on, this will be the last one."
"You said that last time," You said with a soft giggle and a shake of your hand, trying to move past Robby only for him to block you off again, not allowing you to get past. Your brows pinched together as you tried again to step past only for Robby to slide in your way. "Robby that's enough. I need to go so get out of my way."
"Make me," The words fell from Robby's lips, a fire in his eyes as he challenged you. Your lips thin together, eyes narrowing at Robby and for a few moments, he thought he might have pissed you off until both of your hands snap out of his, one launching up to try and hit him in the face. The actions were blocked but only by a hair, your fist inches away from his cheek. "Woah," Robby could only whisper before your other fist came hurtling towards him.
As he threw up a hand to try and block it, your attack fell short, never meeting its target as you switched strategies, instead sending your leg shooting out towards his. Colliding with his knee, knocking it back, Robby's weight buckles under him. You didn't let him fall to the ground though as you grabbed onto one of his flailing arms, yanking it towards your chest and then pivoting, shoving him to the ground away from your bag.
He didn't go down without a fight though, gripping onto your wrist as he tugged you down with him. Scrambling to find purchase, your hands land on his chest once his back hits the floor. Pushing yourself up, you try to pin his wrists down, keeping the rest of your body weight sat on his hips to try and limit his movements.
Your hands weren't quick enough though as they grabbed onto yours, easily overpowering your movement as you were flipped onto your back. A small huff forced its way out of your lips as you stared up at him, watching as his hair framed his face and he copied your earlier position, keeping you down.
"I win," Robby grinned, about to duck down and kiss you through your joint panting messes, though you didn't give him the chance, bucking your hips up and sending him launching over your head. Not expecting the movement, a startled yelp escapes his mouth as your positions once again switch.
"No," You correct, a smile of your own making its way onto your face. Robby didn't even look mad as he lay beneath you, grinning up at you with a fresh sheen of sweat coating his skin. "I win," You say before ducking down and connecting your lips.
"Hey," A voice bellowed through the dojo, making you and Robby shoot apart and turn to face the owner of it. "What have I said about making out in the dojo?"
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extinctlesspains · 2 months
I'm sorry but... Does anyone else think Kwon was EXTRA FINE in that last scene?!
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Just me?... 😰
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hearts4skywalker · 8 months
cobra kai dating head canons
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summary: head canons for dating cobra kai characters!!
pairings: you and cobra kai characters (separate)
warnings: no pronouns specified, probs out of character but yk
a/n: new format!!
Miguel Diaz
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- biggest golden retriever bf ever ‼️
- he's not SUPER big on pda
- holding pinkies or hugging is the most he'll do in public
- with the occasional kiss on the lips (its a little more than occasionally)
- he's a very private person 🤷‍♀️
- miguel's super big on slumbies
- he's a girls girl
- kisses your knuckles
- your his passenger princess when he gets a car
- hearing "hermosa" 24/7
Robby Keene
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- i think he's a black cat a first, but will start to become a golden retriever
- he's a lot more pda than miguel, but not as bad as hawk
- hand holding, hand on your waist, kissing
- you made out in the cobra kai dojo a few times 😔🙏
- he really js uses your name (maybe a little too much...)
- will teach you how to skateboard ‼️
- he's a neat freak. after juvie, everything in his life has to be put together
- you go on family trips 🤭
- you two watched euphoria sunday's together
- denied being in love with you for the longest time until tory said something about it
Samantha LaRusso
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- she LOVES playing with your hair
- movie dates are a constant ‼️
- like robby, she also rarely uses pet names
- is VERY quick to defend you
- she needs reassurance. i can picture you and tory being super close and she just needs you to tell her that nothing is going on between you too.
- she makes you those baskets for every occasion (boo, burr, etc.)
- like a good amount of pda, she'll hold your hand, kiss your cheek but thats about it
- my sweet girl thinks the bare minimum is love 😔
- she definitely sends you encouraging messages everyday
- chick flic queen 🙌
Hawk (Eli) Moskowitz
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- PDA ‼️‼️
- hand on your waist (sometimes ur ass 👀) kissing you at all times
- he had a crush on you before he even became hawk
- got a tattoo for you
- he loves buying you stuff, it's his love language
- skips half of his classes just to see you 😭
- if you date long enough, he'll trust you enough to dye his hair
- going with that, you're the only person who has seen the hawk down and not covered in hair spray
- his closet is your closet (hear me out bc he has some cute clothes guys ‼️)
- he uses babe and baby, but thats about it yk?
Demetri Alexopoulos
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- like sam, he also needs to be reassured 24/7
- he genuinely thought you were messing with him when you said yes to dating
- you guys have star wars / lord of the rings marathons once a month
- offers to do your homework for you
- if you have a hobby or sport besides karate, he makes it a point to be there for every practice and comp
- not surprisingly, he's like hawk. he'll make out with you anywhere, hold your hand, kiss you on the lips. i mean bro gives no fucks ‼️
- the first person he told when you two started dating was actually sam
- i think demetri is super considerate of your needs. like if you have a bad day, he just lays down and runs his fingers through your hair
- he's probably the best to date out of the whole show
- i think he just uses a nickname for you. he doesn't really like "baby" or "babe" or just any pet name
Tory Nichols
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- black cat gf ‼️
- she's super big on communication
- dislikes pet names with a passion
- she also thinks the bare minimum is love (my poor girls ☹️)
- holds your hand and will kiss your cheek
- her brother absolutely loves you
- bandaging any wounds she gets during training or in fights
- if you dated while her and sam were fighting 24/7, you've had to deescalate fights before
- kim da-eun and you have mad beef.
Anthony LaRusso
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- not so secret secret nerd
- you two were bio partners and he had a crush on you the second you were nice to him
- you play with his hair while he plays video games
- he holds your hand and will MAYBE kiss you
- he needs that reassurance (maybe its a larusso thing)
- you are constantly arguing with daniel over how he treats ant
- you two watch movies 24/7
- always partnering up for everything (karate sparing, bio projects)
- anthony, you, and robby are an ICONIC trio
- you defend him and he defends you ‼️
- youre the only one who knows how much his dad upsets him
- over all just such a sweet boy who's gone through it
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gemini-sensei · 4 months
i love perv demetri but what about perv hawk and perv robby? they could be separate or together
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Perv!Hawk is a menace and very vocal about it. He'll yell out to Reader about how hot she is and send her winks from across the room or when she passes by him. It makes him come off as a very flirty, fuckboy type and he doesn't care. It actually is the perfect cover for being a pervert.
If she sits in front of him and her bra is even slightly exposed, he'll snap her bra strap just because. He loved the noise it makes and the little jump it pulls from her. He also likes it if she turns around to yell at/confront him. He just smirks the whole time he's getting called out for his actions because look at that, she noticed him lol.
If anyone knew the dirty fantasies he has, he'd be labeled a total weirdo. He keeps those thoughts to himself because more of them include himself, Reader, and a lot of uncommon positions he wants to try out with her. He clears his search history every night before falling asleep...
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Robby acts like he's so ashamed of himself when he really isn't. Maybe he was at first but as time went on, he just accepted what he was: a horny little pervert. It was inevitable. He can't help the thoughts he has about Reader and how hot she is and how he wants to see her naked at any given moment of the day. She takes his breath away.
He's a sneaky guy and doesn't get caught often. Being so sneaky, he sneaks into the ladies' locker room when Reader is showering and steals her dirty panties, then hurries to the mens' locker room to rub one out with them. When he's done, he hides then in his boxers so he can keep them rubbing against his dick the rest of the day. It's his dirty little secret and just that thought alone will have him hard all over again.
If he were lucky enough to get to fuck Reader, he's bust so fast and keep going. He has the stamina, so there's no stopping him. He doesn't even care if he comes in her raw pussy, it feels so nice. If she told him to pull out, he'll just tell her it was an accident and that he didn't mean to, then do it again and say "Well, there's no going back now anyway."
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redroses07 · 2 months
when the show/movie has a cast that’s so fine you don’t know who to read a fic about 😞
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beah388love · 2 months
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Cuddling them
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel: Miguel loved when you played with his hair when you cuddled and he would always lay on top of you and you loved it.
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Eli/hawk: You both loved cuddling and hes the biggest spoon ever so you was always so comfy whem you guys cuddled. and when you did he would tell you about his day and you would fall asleep to his voice.
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Demetri: Demetri isnt very affectionate so when you guys did cuddle it was the best , he would always hold your hand and just look at your face(not in a weird way) just to admire your beauty the entire time.
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Robby: He loved cuddling you it was a must in your relationship and he would always have his head in the crook of your neck he loved it , he would also play with your hair and make weird shapes with the ends.
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Young Daniel Larusso:He loved having his arms around you whilst cuddling and kissing your face all over , and he would always fall asleep once he got comfortable.
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Young Johnny Lawrence: Johnny would always spoon you and have his head in the crook of your neck or resting on your shoulder and would randomly place small kisses on your neck/shoulder.
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rockerandauthor · 8 months
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After watching all of Cobra Kai, I think we all need to make a petition for Jacob Bertrand to play more sad boy and mean boy roles! He just does such a good fucking job; it scratches an itch in my brain so well.
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