#cobra kai first thoughts
Me, after watching Yasmine Nolastname aggressively perform heterosexuality for the 3rd season in a row, except now her act is slipping and she's desperately flailing around trying to figure out how the Standard Straight Girl™️ would act around the boy she's dating:
You know, I hate to say it...BUT I TOLD YOU SOOOOOOO 🎶
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plistommy · 10 months
I watched you change | Silverusso
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bubblegumflavor · 1 year
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Summer time♡
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miyagi-hokarate · 10 months
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Cobra Kai 1x06 "Quiver"
Anna Haifisch, Dog Thoughts
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cobra-wives · 3 months
so like if hit acclaimed video game cobra kai 2: dojos rising two had eli and demetri telling the story do you guys think this is how it would’ve went down.
(long-ish comic belowwww)
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Karate kid: finding out through extreme measures that you like getting power bottomed and have a preference for blondes
Cobra Kai: going from a prissy bully boy to a scraggly stray cat with a drinking problem that your rival decides to pick up and domesticate decades years later with anal and food
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bestieriker · 6 months
daniel larusso is so baby boy
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transjlawrence · 2 months
Season 6, episode 2 thoughts
It is fascinating to me how Kreese’s character is all about toxic masculinity but consistently looks out for female characters
Oh they’re so brothers. I want to do more web weave for Miguel and Robby
“Pop-in.” “What the hell is a pop-in?” He’s so real. He has no time for pleasantries, he wants a blow up air mattress
HES TALKING ABOUT JOHNNY!!! Kind of obsessed with the way Johnny really is Kreese’s star student and I want to analyze it later.
THAT COBRA IS FASTER THAN YOU WHAT??? WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO TAKE A KNIFE FROM A COBRA ??? It’s giving Chance McCrary from Smosh, “I can jump over a car.”
The red cups on the mohawk spikes is crazy
Local celebrity John Lawrence
I know he’s having hallucinations for the sake of plot but I think Kreese would actually be dead from cobra venom
I’m obsessed with the constant callbacks to the beginning of the KKII and the ‘84 tournament
DEMETRI FIGHTING DEMETRI GO!!! I love his character development and his willingness to fight now when the situation calls for it
I don’t think “Kyler is actually the one getting shit on now!!” Constitutes as a reason to feel bad for him now. Like…they don’t even show us any of Kyler’s backstory or anything
Also Brucks is chill now but also that doesn’t mean he didn’t incessantly make fun of Hawk way back when?? Being chill and not a bully is not redemption
I think this episode is shit talking safety schools sm. You actually shouldn’t take out loans and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a school if you can’t afford it.
Not Johnny care salesman arc. I literally cannot see him doing it. Please get him out of there
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spacebugarts · 1 year
Finally started working on my werewolf Lawrusso fic again last night and these are the first two hints on the daily crossword are you fucking kidding me NYT???
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brutal-out-here · 2 years
Cobra Kai scaling up on my favorite show list unexpectedly
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moonlit-imagines · 2 months
Headcanons for being Johnny Lawrence’s daughter
Johnny Lawrence x daughter!reader
warnings: alcohol, underage drinking, classic johnny sexism <3
a/n: WHAT! ME write a fic thats not gn, i know. im shocked too but its just bc i feel johnny is so gender-stereotypey that doing this gn wouldn’t work very well but very open to a son!r or nb!r if anyone is interested (bc seriously. johnny cannot help but bring up genders). also i just want to say that a lot of this (not all!) honestly reminds me of or are actual things that have happened w my dad bc johnny is literally my dad if my dad was like 8 years older i think also i wrote this all in one sitting ALSO NO COBRA KAI SEASON 6 SPOILERS
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you always kinda just gravitated toward living with your dad
“y/n, i’m so proud of you. i never have to worry about you. you can take care of yourself. robby on the other hand, i worry about him. i think girls are just more self sufficient” -johnny, a little drunk
“thanks dad” -you, also a little drunk (hes a “cool dad”)
he was the type of parent that “prefers that if you’re gonna do something stupid at least do it while he’s around” aka underage drinking
whenever he stays out late you fall asleep in his bed. and lock him out
“y/n! open the door!” -johnny, banging on the door
“no! your bed is more comfortable” -you
he thought it was sweet honestly but he did want to sleep in his bed
sort of like a lesson not to come home late all drunk and gross
he was VERY against letting you drive his car
“dad, i need my license!” -you
“no woman is getting behind the wheel of my firebird” -johnny
“why do you have to make it about women? i’ll fight you” -you
“you’ll lose that fight” -johnny
“oh, so you’d fight a teenage girl? wow, real classy, dad” -you
“no, but i’d fight my teenage daughter. i brought you into this world and i’ll take you out” -johnny
you honestly had a great sense of humor with johnny, but you’d check him if he said anything too messed up
“dad, it’s not the 80’s anymore, you can’t say that” -you
“dont tell me what i can and cant say! the 80’s were awesome, i wish it was the 80’s again” -johnny
“so i’ve heard” -you
he helped you with your homework as a kid until like, 2nd grade when multiplication and division got involved
he did teach you karate growing up! but mostly the basics, for self defense purposes
“hey, never let any guy try to impress you with his karate skills. he’s probably a douche” -johnny, pausing “i sure was”
late night movie marathons (70s/80s classics for sure)
he took care of you during your first hangover (high school parties, ya know)
“didn’t i teach you better than to mix liquors” -johnny
“ugghhhh” -you
yes, you have heard about daniel larusso. enough said LMAO
robby and you had a kind of sweet but distant relationship
occasional check-in texts
robby: are you doing okay with dad? he’s actually buying food and shit?
you: yeah! he’s fine right now, how’s mom? new stepdad yet? is he rich?
robby: mom’s not going anywhere she’d find a rich guy, but keep dreaming
you wear a lot of your dad’s old t-shirts. usually band tee’s
oh and he made sure you got into the “right music”
he used to drive you around in the firebird when you were a SMALL CHILD (front seat, no car seat!) and blast his old cassettes
for YEARS he’d pull the “who is this” “what song is this” game with the reasoning:
“if you wear a band shirt and some asshole asks you to name three songs, i want you to name ten” -johnny
listen. you were still “daddy’s girl” or whatever used to be a cute little saying and is now ruined but whatever
“dad, can i have twenty bucks?” -you
“for what” -johnny
“for fun. pleaseeee” -you
*johnny pulls out his wallet and gives you $40*
could he afford it? no. can he say no? also no.
the absolute fear he felt when you got your first period
“it’s fine, i can call mom” -you
“no, it’s not fine! i’ve had girlfriends before, i got this. stay here, i’ll be back” -johnny
he went to the store and bought the most random assortment of period products and pain meds and snacks and a heating pad
A for effort
when the diaz family moved in across from you guys, miguel took one look at you and johnny said:
“stay away from my daughter”
when the karate fuss got started you tried to keep your distance but sooner or later you joined the dojo and proved to your dad just how “badass” you could be
“take notes everyone, y/n’s gonna be the next all valley champ!” -johnny
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @retvenkos // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @an4aaa // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @sapphireplums // @petersgroupie // @ravenhood2792 // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @elenavampire21 // @elemental-of-magic //
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happy74827 · 3 months
Real Life Fairytale
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[Robby Keene x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You tried so hard not to be that girl, but the more you were around him, the more you were convinced clichés could be a good thing.
WC: 712
Category: Fluff, First Kiss
Since Cobra Kai coming back later this month, here’s some fluff with the Marty Mcfly of karate.
It was a typical cliché, and as much as you hated it, there was something that still pulled at you. Something that pulled you right into the arms of none other than Robby Keene.
Your relationship had been rocky at best; it had started out with him pickpocketing your purse and the two of you becoming friends because, at the time, you believed he was simply returning what you lost.
Of course, when your friendship officially became a friendship, he told you the truth and apologized. LaRusso had offered him a job, and everything he did suddenly became about changing his life and earning his place. He wanted to prove to his father that he was more than just some punk-ass kid from the wrong side of the tracks.
So, how did that bring you to where you are now? How did a guy like Robby Keene, dressed up in Marty McFly attire, become the center of your universe?
The Halloween Bash, of course.
Originally, the entire group of friends, the past feud between Robby and Miguel, had long been forgotten, so they decided to do one big group costume. Demetri thought it would be a good idea to go with the Power Rangers, which was fine, except for the fact that Eli was the only one who actually wanted to be a Ranger. Everyone else was either not impressed or completely clueless about who they were.
In the end, the group split off into their own individual costumes, and that's how you ended up with your favorite movie being used as the basis for your outfits.
It took a lot of convincing on your part. I mean, the dude looked practically identical to the real actor; he was the obvious choice. Throw a Walkman on him, and boom, the costume is perfect.
He blamed it on the hair, which it technically was. Ever since he ditched Dora's cut with Diego, he just became that geeky kid who freaked at the word 'chicken.'
And in all honesty, you truly believed he hated that word, too. Eli said it to bait him once, and he did not go down easily.
It only took you an hour to convince him, but after a while, he relented, and the costume was finalized.
So, obviously, when the two of you walked in with swag that only the 80s could pull off, you stayed for about an hour before Robby got bored and decided ice cream was the cure.
Now, the two of you were sitting on the steps of an apartment building, eating a gallon of ice cream and talking.
You swear, you didn't mean for it to happen, but the way he looked at you with those soft, blue eyes and the smile that could make a nun blush, you found yourself leaning closer.
"I had fun," he spoke quietly, his words dancing over your lips. "Even if I do look ridiculous."
You giggled. "Well, isn't that why we have Halloween? To look ridiculous?"
He shrugged and leaned closer, his eyes searching yours.
"You don't look ridiculous, though," you continued. "I think you look pretty good in a life preserver."
He grinned. "Yeah?"
It was something about the way he said that. The way you could hear the smile in his voice, but most of all, the way he looked at you when he said it. Like he was looking for permission to continue with what was already happening.
So, you answered by leaning in, connecting your lips with his, and giving him all the permission he needed.
His hands instantly flew to your hips, tugging you closer, and you found your own hands wrapping around his neck, deepening the kiss.
It was perfect, just like the movies. You regretted dressing up as Doc Brown, though. Not only was the radiation suit itchy, but you were acting like Jennifer Parker, and you didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Still, with the white hair off and his headphones finding their home around his neck, you figured maybe you'd force him to keep that part of the costume because, the way he was looking at you, you didn't want it to end.
You were sure it wouldn't, not any time soon.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Miguel x reader but reader is just absolutely in love with Miguel but Miguel has eyes for sam and reader tries to be supportive be can't so they distance themself away from Miguel😁
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dude I swear we're gonna brawl and I'm gonna make the guy ur talking too watch as I win. I'm so srs rn I'm gonna tell meemaw (I lit don't even know them all that well but idc) ; anyways thanks I guess 😒 /sarc ; but I went a little off the rails w this one cause why not
MIGUEL DIAZ ; casual
summary ; you have eyes for miguel while he slowly distances himself to be with sam, and you accept your fate
warnings ; language, physical fighting / a punch thrown
disclaimers ; miguel is a whole fucking villain, kinda off to canon timeline cause I'm rewatching atm and it's hard to keep 5 seasons straight in the brain, fun hawk tory and demetri content cause they'd be so cool together
track ; casual, chappell roan
word count ; 1.4k
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You thought that maybe after all these months being with Miguel meant that you were together. Apparently not.
After two weeks of dating, his mom invited you over for dinner.
You gave him everything.
You did everything for him, you owed him everything, you could only thank him for being alive now.
After all the passionate making out, the special dates, the first time experiences, after everything, he said that. He said that there were no attachments. Every time you kissed, you gained anger issues, knowing his lips were probably on another's at some point between the last and now.
He made out with you after pressing you against the wall while his family sat at the dinner table down the hall.
But no, it was just casual.
You knew he just told his friends that it was just casual.
You loved being dumb about it for a while, at least while you thought it was real. After graduation, you'd have an apartment, and he'd show you off to his friends at the pier.
You noticed his unfocused gaze upon you. You noticed how he looked more interested in Sam LaRusso, again, for that matter.
You were just a rebound, apparently.
But apparently, it was just casual when he made out with you in the locker room just before the All Valley tournament. Yeah, it was just casual when you were on the phone trying to convince him not to run away to go find his dad, yet he went anyways.
You made out with him when you went to dinner, his mom and Johnny at the table.
Yet once he knew that you knew that he was into Sam again, he wondered why you were bitter. He bragged to his friends about how much he loved your lips, how much he wanted you and how amazing you were.
You hated how you allowed it to drag on, how you let it break you as much as it possibly could before you just gave the fuck up.
You hated yourself.
You hated yourself for allowing it to happen. You hated yourself for letting him think it was just casual. You hated yourself for not fucking killing him once you caught him in the act.
But no, you had to be the chill person who would just shrug it off.
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At least some of your mutual friends were on your side after you texted them about it. Demetri, Tory, and Hawk the most, slightly surprisingly on Hawk's part.
The trio immediately rushed to your house, knowing you needed someone to lean on. For fuck's sake, you just saw your supposed boyfriend making out with his ex in a rollerrink.
The (kind of unlikely) trio, during a grace period between Eagle Fang slash Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do, had to team up just this once for their favorite, non-Miguel friend. They were all shocked and disgusted by Miguel's actions, though kind of expecting it.
He was infamous for his love triangles, apparently.
Tory holds you in her arms, allowing your vulnerability to show through while Demetri talks, hoping his rambles would ease your pain. Hawk is downstairs, making you some mac and cheese since you hadn't eaten dinner.
"Fuck him," Tory smiles, cutting of Demetri's nonsense ramble. "You're better than him, in many ways, actually. But, he lost you, that's his problem. You're free, Y/n. It wasn't just casual, I don't know why he's lying to himself, but he and Sam can go suck it. He clearly doesn't deserve you. You're way out of his league anyway"
You look up at her, a smile painting your face before you hug her. "Thanks, Tory"
Demetri awkwardly sits on the foot of your bed, unknowing of what to say or do. Tory gives him a look, considering you'd need feedback from both male and female friends of yours slash Miguel's. Her current state of mind was just showing you that there were apparently sides and they were on yours.
Demetri nods, quickly getting the message. "Yeah, he doesn't deserve you. You should like, get him back or something. Or at least yell at him, or something. I mean, getting back with your ex while trying to tell your current partner it's just casual? He fumbled"
You giggle, wiping your tears away. "Thanks, dude."
A light knock is heard at the door before it's opened, revealing Hawk with a tray carrying four bowls of mac and cheese, forks stuck in each of them. In his pockets are water bottles, two shoved in each one. The purple haired boy lightly sets the food down on your dresser, handing a bowl to each of you, then tossing you a bottle of water.
You all eat in silence, you trying to gather your thoughts while the others attempt to even wrap their minds around what you were going through after what Miguel did. In the background, on Demetri's phone, The Umbrella Academy plays, his phone perched against a few pillows on the bed where you were all huddled together.
Hawk and Tory share a look before turning back to the screen, enjoying the calm quiet that basked over them.
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"what do you mean, why am i bitter???"
"youre being weird about this, we were never anything. you were basically a rebound. get over it omfg"
The three look up from your phone then at you, astonished looks painting their expressions. Their eyebrows are furrowed, their eyes widened.
"What the fuck?" Tory asks, "You weren't lying about that, were you?"
You shake your head. "Literally, what does he want from me? Of course I'm mad, he basically lead me on and won't explain why he was making out with his ex, then bragging to his friends about "oh we're casual"
Demetri bites his lower lip, trying not to laugh, considering it was a nervous tic of his. He shares an eyebrow jump with Hawk before listening in again. Hawk quickly grabs your phone from your hands unexpectedly.
"What're you doing?"
"Calling him"
"I'm not talking to him-"
The dial tone makes your skin crawl as you hear it.
"Just let it out," Hawk shrugs, handing you the phone.
"Feel like I'd rather do this in real life, Moskowitz."
You feel an absolute weight fall from your shoulders as it moves to the voicemail, seeing as Miguel declined the call himself. You sigh out of relief, quickly shutting your phone off.
You glare at Hawk.
"Would you rather do it face to face? I can tell him to meet me somewhere and we'll jump him or something" He shrugs.
"Violence isn't gonna help anything," Tory declines. "We'll get him to go somewhere quiet yet busy. That way, you can expose him or something. Mental violence is better than physical"
"Says the champion of the All Valley girl's team"
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"I'm tempted to paralyze him again."
The three friends share half fearful looks, knowing you didn't joke lightly in times like this. They lay their eyes upon Sam and Miguel again, holding hands as they walk through the hallway.
You bite your tongue, trying to hold back yelling profanities as they walk past you. You lean against the red lockers where Demetri fishes out a few textbooks from his. Tory stands by you while Hawk leans against them as well, arms crossed.
"What if we tell people there's a fight, you expose him, since you got receipts, and you beat him up?" Hawk suggests, throwing his idea out there.
You shrug. "I think he could beat my ass. That'd be embarrassing"
He shrugs in return. "Eh. He hasn't been practicing recently. He's probably a little rusty. Like, he hasn't been showing up to class for days"
Tory and Demetri nod to confirm Hawk's statement. You shrug again.
"You wanna get suspended over this?" Demetri asks, closing his locker.
"First offense," you reply with an informative tone.
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"Oh, I'm crazy because I thought you gave a shit about me? Please, inform me what casual is to you"
"Something not serious."
"But that's why we went out on dates, and why I did everything you asked of me?"
"You didn't have too"
"So what?"
"So you're a bitch"
You quickly pull your clenched fist back, then push forward to hit Miguel straight in the face. He quickly gasps, along with the bystanders, holding a hand to his now bleeding nose.
"What the hell?"
Tory and Hawk goofily grin while Demetri lightly smiles, proud of you for sticking to your word.
"Too-da-loo, mister casual." You spin on your heel, walking back to your three friends.
They wrap you into side hugs, pulling you away from the shocked boy who'd essentially played you. Bystanders laugh at him and gawk at you, snapping pictures, sending videos across the school.
A happy little smile remains on your face as you're sent home for the rest of the week.
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vainvenus · 6 months
you could do a second part of the ff "eli x reader" (cobra Kai) in which Eli is targeted by Kyler (in the library as in the series) and the reader does something about it (like protect him and kiss him in front of everyone because Kyler has said “I don't know how -reader- I manage to kiss you). the first part was so cute🥹 sorry for my english it's not my language🫶🏻😭
⌲;꒰ Favorite Boy in the Valley. ꒱ ꒰ Pt.2 ꒱
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Pairing :: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Synopsis :: Kyler comes back to continue ridiculing Eli but luckily you're there
Includings :: Includings - S1!Eli no Hawk, established relationship, bullying, harassment, crying, cursing, threats, lots of PDA and just lots of fluff, short but sweet
An :: I'm so glad you liked the other one! I hope you like this one too ^^
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Since your talk with Eli things had been back to normal and just the way you had loved it.
Your movie nights continued, he started walking you to and from classes again and he didn't mind PDA as much. He held your hands in the hallway and accepted any kisses you gave to him despite the looks the two of you would sometimes get.
He started to care a little less what others were thinking of him after your talk. He realized that as long as he had you, it didn't really matter because that others thought.
Which was why he was open to picking back up your after school study dates in the library, offering to help you study and work on some of your late work in the library after school even though you kept getting distracted.
You had barley made a dent in getting your work done when you had got up, saying that you needed a snack break.
"You want anything, hun?" You asked as you grabbed a few dollars from your purse and he had thought for a second as he wrote down the correct answer instead of yours.
"Skittles, and after this can you please focus? I want you to pass this class so can-"
You had placed a small kiss on his cheek, pulling away and smiling at his face which was starting to grow a faint shade of pink.
"The sour ones?" You asked, referring to his choice of candy and he had nodded quietly, looking back down at the paper.
You hummed, leaving the library and Eli had smiled down at the paper as he continued to correct you mistakes. He knew you were at least trying, math wasn't everybody's strong suite.
"I thought freaks left the school strictly at three."
His body tensed up at the familiar voice, his grip tightening around the mechanical pencil in his palm.
He kept his eyes on the page, hoping that if he ignored the boy for long enough he would grow bored and go torture somebody else.
"Yo, we're talking to you, freak." One of Kyler's friends hissed, slamming one of the textbooks shut, the slam echoing throughout the library which earned him a harsh glare from a couple of the students.
Of course, none of them cared care. Kyler walked over and grabbed Eli by his face and forced him to look up at him.
"Jesus Christ. I still don't get it." He shook his head as he stared the other boy down with a harsh glare. "Just how does she manage to kiss you without puking."
There it was again.
He felt tears pricking his eyes, his vision growing glossy as he tried to blink them away and he heard Kyler snickering in front of him.
"Are you crying? Stop being such a little bitch." Kyler let go of Eli's face, making sure to push his head back a bit as he did so with a smug smile.
"She's dating a freak and a crybaby? How low are her standards?" His friends snickered as Kyler titled his head with a narrowed gaze. He opened his mouth to speak again but a voice spoke up.
"Why are you guys talking to my boyfriend?"
They had turned their heads to you as you were holding a few snacks and a bottle of water. You placed them on the table beside your stuff as you looked at the three.
"Hello? I asked a question, so don't stand there and look stupid." You repeated, looking directly at Kyler who crossed his arms over his chest.
"We were just talking-"
"About what exactly?" You interrupted with furrowed brows, barely giving any of them a chance to muster up a response as you looked over to Eli.
"What'd they say?" You asked, trying to make your voice a bit softer since your were talking to Eli but your frustration was obvious through your tone.
He muttered something you didn't quite catch so you leaned a bit closer. "A bit louder for me, please."
He glanced away, wiping the corners of his eyes with his sleeve. "Just the same stuff as last time..look, it's not really a problem. Can we just lea-"
You had cut him off as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his lips, your lipgloss leaving a glossy residue.
And for good measure you had placed another one right on his scar with a small smile.
"We're not going anywhere. They can leave." You stated, turning your attention back to the three with raised eyebrows as you noticed they were still standing there.
"Can you guys hear? Get lost already, Jesus Christ. It's like you have nothing better to do." You rolled your eyes, waving the group goodbye.
It seemed that Kyler's two friends got the hint as they muttered something under their breaths and walked away.
"I just don't think I'll ever get it." Kyler scoffed, shaking his head as he stared at the two of you in disgust.
You shrugged your shoulders. "It's not for you to get, obviously. Why don't you worry about your own relationship that's falling apart?"
He scowled at you, narrowing his gaze into a glare before muttering; "Freaks." under his breath and turning on his heel but you heard it.
You stood back up from your seat much to the dismay of Eli who was urging you to sit back down so the two of you could finish studying.
"Say that again?"
"I said-"
Eli wasn't fast enough as you swung your fist at Kyler, hitting him straight in the nose. His hands flew up to cover it as he squeezed his eyes shut, tears pricking in the corner.
"You bitch! You probably broke my fucking nose!"
"Good." You scoffed, shaking your fist and squeezing it a bit and Eli had started to pack up your things before the librarian could ask what was going on.
As the two of you walked out of the library he noticed you wincing slightly as you touched your knuckles.
"I'll ice it when we get to my house." He reassured you as he grabbed your non dominant hand to hold it so you would stop poking at the other.
You smiled, placing a kiss on the back of his hand. "Aw, you're the best."
"Well, you did punch Kyler for me. I think you're the best." He hummed, copying your movements and placing a kiss on the back of your palm.
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malfoys-demigod · 1 month
hey there! heard you were looking for some Logan fluff ideas. What about something where Logan’s significant other is pretty much his opposite. They are super happy, and like to laugh, they are really short compared to him, that sort of thing. And taking inspo from jenna marbles, what if the reader likes to sit there at like 1 or 2 in the morning watching tiktoks that make them laugh so hard they’re crying, and Logan will walk into the room and be confused until they show him some random, dumb tiktok. And he just kind of shakes his head but sits there with them while they continue to laugh at more tiktoks. I’m thinking Deadpool 3 Logan cause he’s the most serious out of any Logan. Thoughts?
Headcanons of Logan taking interest of his S/O’s tiktok fyp
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ Logan Howlett x Reader
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A/N: Hi @welcometochilis585 !! Loved your thoughts and hoped you don't mind me using my own favorite tiktok trend right now which is the Daniel Larusso glazing Mr. Miyagi videos since it's been on my fyp and all I do is keep laughing every time I see it!
If you guys aren’t aware of the tiktok trend, I highly suggest you check it out on tiktok! It’s so funny and it’ll help make you understand the humor behind the fic! :)
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· ·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:· ·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
First of all, you were an entirely different person to your boyfriend. 
He was such an old man that carried some of the following personalities: unenergetic, downbeat, and grave. 
It was reasonable for people to wonder how the two of you became an item, but hey! 
Opposites can attract! 
Especially when it comes to height. 
He was around 6’2, constantly towering your short built
That was one of the things he found cute about you
How a joyful and energetic person could run around for him to tower with his opposite energy and still be their same self. 
Another thing he secretly liked about you was your uncontrollable laughter, laughing about anything and almost everything. 
One time when Wade was throwing a party and invited everyone to come over, he once told you he was on a seafood diet. 
“I’m on a ‘see-food’ diet. I see food, and I eat it. It’s surprisingly effective!” 
You started giggling as if you’ve heard Wade’s best joke, even if it wasn’t. 
Logan just watched you giggle, trying to keep a straight face. 
But what he had a hard time finding funny for a while were the things you were watching on your phone, specifically on Tiktok. 
At first, they were just moments by the couch when you’d start laughing at your phone and Logan, sitting beside you, would look over to your view and see nothing but people making weird faces and actions. 
“BFFR” (Be fucking for real) was what came out of your mouth after watching some videos and Logan would just raise an eyebrow to himself, trying to decipher what you just said
The breaking point for Logan when he couldn’t help but want to know what was making his girl laugh more than his own regular old man jokes was when you started watching more tiktoks on your phone at night before sleeping. 
While Logan was trying to sleep, you were still up at 2 in the morning, swiping from video to video, still giggling like you weren’t tired to sleep yet. 
You were watching the recently viral “Cobra Kai Daniel Larusso Glazing Mr Miyagi” videos that were taking your fyp by storm. 
The current video you were watching included the latest viral addition to the trend that had the chaotic “GET OUT!” meme included after Larusso would mention Mr. Miyagi that made you howl like a maniac, followed by heavy laughter. 
Logan shot up from the bed, turning over to see you scrolling through the comments of the video. He looked really pissed. Not because you were keeping him from sleeping, but because he still couldn’t understand what was so funny. He wanted in. 
“What the hell is that, darl?” 
“Oh, sorry babe, was I too loud?” 
“No, I wanna know what the hell is so funny. Can you at least try to explain to me your little tiktoks?” 
You sat up, with a giddy smile, scooching closer to Logan. “Have you seen the Karate Kid movies from the 80s?” 
“Yeah, ages ago.”
“Well there’s a reboot television show called Cobra Kai with some of the same characters from the movies and in the show, people have noticed that Daniel Larusso keeps glazing Mr. Miyagi every time he has the chance and on tiktok, people have been making edits where every time Larusso says Mr. Miyagi, there’s this funny “GET OUT” audio that’s included after which just makes the theory that Daniel’s somehow heads over heels with him.” 
Logan looked at you with a concentrated face. You were hoping he somehow got it, but with the silence ongoing, Logan only seemed to have gotten confused with one tiny bit of your explanation. 
“Right, but what’s a glazing?”
You bursted out laughing over a simple question. “Logan!”
“It’s basically to over praise or over compliment someone, and in this case, it’s over Mr. Miyagi.” you explained 
You continued watching more of the mentioned tiktoks, teaching Logan how funny it was to you and how the repeated comments such as “Stroke it Daniel-san” and “Hai Daniel-san” would constantly make you laugh still, even after watching the same tiktoks with the same comment sections. 
Logan kind of understood the humor behind the viral videos now, but he still just sat shaking his head as if he was watching the same videos all over again while you continued laughing your ass off and reading the comments after each video. 
But at the end of the night, as you both settled into the bed all snuggled up together, the soft glow of the screen flickering in the dark, he found himself more captivated by your laughter than the videos themselves. You were curled up next to him, eyes sparkling with delight, as another clip played. He couldn’t quite grasp the humor the way you did, but it didn’t matter. The way your laughter bubbled up, pure and unfiltered, made his heart warm.
As you laughed, he couldn’t help but smile, soaking in the sound and the sight of your joy. It was infectious, and he loved seeing you so happy, your laughter filling the room with an energy that was impossible to resist. When the video ended, and the room grew quiet again, he realized that watching you enjoy yourself had been the best part of his night.
Later, as you both drifted off to sleep, he found himself replaying those moments in his mind, a content smile on his lips. He didn’t understand the jokes, but he didn’t need to. Seeing you so carefree and full of life was all the reason he needed to be happy.
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lvndrfucks · 2 months
i NEED more cobra kai challengers plzzzz
A pounding came at your door that slightly scared you. Your parents were out for the night, leaving you home alone. The clock read almost midnight. Who was at your door this late at night?
You cautiously got up from the couch and walked towards the door. You grabbed the baseball bat you had hidden around the corner, just as a safety precaution. You looked through the peephole and sighed in relief. You opened the door to reveal your two favorite boys.
“You scared me. I thought you were robbers or something,” you said, gesturing to the bat.
They both chuckled.
“Sorry, princesa, only us,” Miguel replied.
You stepped aside to let them in. You noticed they were both dressed like they had just gone out while you were lounging in your pajamas.
“So, what’s with the surprise visit,” you asked, crossing your arms.
They shared a look of weariness that didn’t go unnoticed.
“We just needed a place to relax after tonight,” Hawk answered.
“What do you mean? Did something happen?”
After the night of the party, the three of you had become fairly close. There weren’t any labels, but you all consecutively agreed to keep the relationship private. You were the boys’ getaway from their hectic karate life, but you were still in the know of the drama. You made the wise choice to stay out of it.
“We just took down Cobra Kai,” Miguel told.
You raised your eyebrows. “Okay. And how did you do that?”
“We broke into their dojo, fought off their students and got Terry Silver arrested after exposing him for cheating in the All Valley and beating someone up for blackmail.”
“…I’m gonna make tea.”
They followed you into the kitchen and sat down at the island table. They watched you set down three identical mugs while waiting for the tea kettle. You looked at them and sighed, walking around the counter to stand in front of them.
You inspected their appearance, checking for bruises or cuts. Of course, there were none. They were your strong boys.
“So, what does this mean now? No more karate war?” You questioned.
They shook their heads.
“The only thing to worry about now is the Sekai Tekai,” Hawk said. “But, at least now, we can relax a bit. Don’t have to worry about getting beat up in another tattoo parlor.”
You tilted your head, confused, but shook it off. You looked at Hawk. “You dyed your hair.”
“Oh, yeah.” He touched his gelled blue mohawk shyly. “Do you like it?”
You pecked his lips tenderly, pulling away with a smile. “I love it.” You turned to Miguel. “And you better keep these curls.” You ran your hand through his hair as his went to your hip, squeezing gently.
The tea kettle went off, making you, unfortunately, pull away. You poured the hot water into the mugs and placed the tea bags in. You grabbed some honey and squeezed some in each cup. You pushed it towards the boys.
It was silent as the three of you drank. Peaceful.
“Do you boys have time for a movie,” you asked, receiving nods in response.
You led them up into your room that they had snuck into countless times before. You sat your mug on your nightstand, same as them. You turned to them with a knowing look.
“You know the rules.”
They noticed the small smirk forming on your face. They looked at each other and complied. They removed their shoes first, followed by their jeans. You weren’t a fan of outside clothes getting on your comforter. Shirts were okay, optional to wear, of course.
You climbed into bed first, followed by Miguel on your right and Hawk on your left. You started scrolling through movies before settling on something you had all seen.
You settled into Miguel’s warm embrace as he kept one arm around you. You sat a pillow on your lap for Hawk to rest his head on, draping one arm over him. He grabbed your hand, placing a light kiss on your palm.
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hera speaks!
i could’ve had this end differently…but i wanted to do a lil fluff post just cause.
what do y’all think of s6 so far? i love it sm and binged it as soon as it came out
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