hotcocoarock · 1 year
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neuropozyne · 11 months
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his job is beach
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bugfictives · 11 months
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I started playing papa’s cupcakeria when fronting ! The host even drew art of me in uniform but wants to digitalize it before I can post it ^^ 🌸🐇
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cocoa-rococo · 4 months
you know what's a bowuigi au i would love to see? office au.
bowser being the ceo of some big company, bored out of his mind by the paper pushing and overall monotony, only to perk up when he meets with the new secretary he hired. luigi saw the ad for a secretarial position, and, wanting to have a side job that was a bit more steady then plumbing, ends up getting hired due to his more quiet nature. plus, it'll be refreshing to wear some of his nicer clothes without the fear of getting them grimy.
luigi is happy to have a hefty and steady source of income that's close to a pretty handsome boss. bowser, meanwhile, is about to crack the handle of his coffee mug because luigi's shirt is unbuttoned and he gets to see his entire clavicle, on top of the fact that his pants are new and hug close to his hips.
the entire office is already taking bets on when they're gonna get together.
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macarensesangles · 6 months
actually cocoaposting brings me back to like winter of 2018 bc i distinctly recall sitting in the living room watching the snow out the window with a cup of cocoa and being just soooo cozy and then Fucking Becky My Stepmother being like don’t sit on the couch you’re gonna spill it. joyless. but the moment was very satisfying while it lasted. this is also a very mär flavored memory to me but super snowy winter memories always are bc winter of 2017 when that relationship first began it was BITTERLY cold and we got insane amounts of snow
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sirthursday · 2 years
o-o you have a dog friend??? May we see pictures???
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have i really never cocoaposted here? have a cocoa
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ninetypercentcocoa · 5 years
the royal romance as brooklyn nine-nine gifs
mc marrying her li
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king liam
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drake walker
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hana lee
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maxwell beaumont
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olivia nevrakis
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bonus: mc’s corgi
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hotcocoarock · 8 months
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hotcocoarock · 1 year
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hotcocoarock · 1 year
god i’m not gonna get used to using this place again
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bugfictives · 1 year
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Hi hi!!! I got to host again today due to stressful life circumstances for the host, but it’s been such an amazing day!! It started snowing here and I got to go grocery shopping!! I got these items to try
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I was super hungry so I made the Beef Rice and it was pretty good!! Definitely had better in my source, but ah, I loved trying it out! I had no idea they had such a thing as instant rice, especially in different flavors!!!!
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I’m going to have the Masala for lunch and the udon for dinner! It’s so exciting trying new things too!!! I also saw that the host got figurines of me and my little sister, Chino! I even got to unbox one today of my good friend Rize!
The place needs a good dusting which I plan on doing after lunch today! Then I either want to bake bread or try a new video game!
I hope everyone else has had a lovely day!!
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bugfictives · 11 months
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I got to play for 3 hours!!! I would love to bake cupcakes in real life too, hopefully I can ask the host to put it on our shopping list!! I really love papa’s cupcakeria and once I beat it, I’ll pick another papa game to play 🌸🧁
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bugfictives · 1 year
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Mini Stimboard for myself as I really enjoy them!
Trying to find new hobbies to start in this world before lunch, but I’m getting confused. Any suggestions would be nice!
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cocoa-rococo · 2 months
stone strikes me as the kind of guy with joints that pop whenever he sits one way for a long while.
vinnie once lifted him up from behind as a stretch and his whole back cracked like a glowstick. he had to spend the next five minutes assuring her and skipp that no, he didn't die, they didn't break anything, and he's perfectly fine, he's just got crunchy bones.
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cocoa-rococo · 28 days
Koopaling Headcanons: Lemmy
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The clown prince of crime and everyone's favorite circus performer! Gosh he's adorable.
Fairly sensitive about his height. The rest of the Koopa Troop know better than to bring it up. Just. Don't call him short. Last guy who did ended up with more than a broken nose.
Allergic to peanuts, which is unfortunate, because a lot of folks like them roasted at circuses. He likes other nut butters better anyway.
Likes collecting old circus memorabilia, such as posters, small trinkets, and flyers. He started it when he was younger, and has kept it going ever since.
He purposefully lets people underestimate him due to his silly personality and clown aesthetics. Makes it all the sweeter when he ends up with the last laugh.
Can and will juggle just about anything. Ludwig had to stop him on multiple occasions because he was tossing around something dangerous for fun (and profit).
Is very fond of caramel corn and citrus candies, as well as fruit gummies.
Favorite cookies are snickerdoodles and classic chocolate chip, but he loves fruit pies and sweet crêpes for dessert, really anything flaky with layers.
An excellent roller and ice-skater, given his balance. He, Wendy, and Larry like to skate together sometimes.
Love language is touch; he's a big fan of giving and receiving hugs, pats on the back, head scratches, and secret handshakes.
Because of his smaller size and how much he moves, any sickness he gets hits him like a truck, but also burns through his system pretty quick.
The only member of the castle with permission to enter Iggy's lab at any time without prior warning or knocking.
Has an almost terrifying amount of emotional intelligence and is very good at sussing out the crux of a relationship problem, sometimes even before the other person does.
Always rehearses his tricks in front of Iggy before anyone else, because he knows he’ll always be guaranteed a laugh, as well as critique on what he can improve on.
One of the lesser strict generals, which the minions are thankful for, but will also ask them to assist in his tricks. This can range anywhere from "hand him something" to "balance on a ball while juggling flaming hammers". The minions are not so thankful for this.
His proficiency with stage illusions actually helped him grasp the concepts of his wand's abilities. Out of the Koopalings, his strength lies in how precise his magic is, able to pull what he needs right when he needs it, as well as being able to divide and manage his concentration.
Likes to exercise with Roy, though he leans more towards yoga and calisthenics than weight training.
He likes all kinds of flowers, but likes seeing cosmos and marigolds the most. Poppies are nice, too.
He can be just as bad as Iggy when it comes to pulling pranks, mainly because no one suspects him; he manages to get out of 99% of situations by pulling the "ohhhh I'm just a lil guy" card.
An alarmingly good impressionist. More than once he fooled the guards into doing something for him by pretending to voice someone else.
Given his small size and how active he is, his metabolism is working overtime to fuel him. He eats almost as much as Larry.
Mastered the art of making the perfect hot chocolate drink, inspired by his trips into the ice lands. Wendy is determined to learn his secret. Lemmy is an adorable steel vault.
If you pick him up or he falls over, he has this… almost ragdoll-like heft to him, with dangly limbs and a little flopping from where you grab him, like he's made of sand or a weighted stuffed animal. The only time this doesn't seem to affect him is when he's on his ball. No one can really explain why this is.
Favorite fruit is any kind of berry, as well as peaches (formed before any interaction with a certain princess).
Morton used to carry him under his arm when they were younger. For what purpose? None know. Lemmy, though, was happy to stay there until he was put down again.
He likes sleeping where he's suspended, like swings, tree tents, and other such places. There was a notable instance where Kamek once found him tucked in his shell and snoozing in an empty hanging plant holder.
Really good at shuffling cards and coin moves, really any sort of street magic or little parlor trick. He's been learning tarot interpretation from Kammy because it's always a hit at parties.
A very tactile learner. You want him to remember something, give him something he can feel with his hands.
His bombs are his own invention. Iggy helped him develop the combustion system and ratio of powder to use, but the shape, style, and make are all his own. Similarly, the tires he sells for his business are made from the same rubber as his balancing balls.
One of the most agile of all his siblings, and one of the best climbers.
He used to share a bunk bed with Iggy when they were young, but once they got older and had their own separate rooms, he used a hammock instead of a bed. It's quite cozy, with lots of blankets and pillows.
One of his favorite snacks is roasted sunflower seeds with a little salt. Crunchy, and especially tasty after an energetic routine.
The one most likely to lose things. Not because he misplaced them somewhere, but because he made them vanish via magic trick, and can't remember if he re-summoned them again.
Takes any sort of dance class he can. He's energetic and likes being able to move around a lot, but he's especially fond of tap, hip-hop (no pun intended), and ballet. The latter he practices with Wendy.
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cocoa-rococo · 28 days
Koopaling Headcanons: Ludwig
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The composer of chaos and everyone's favorite composer, Ludwig! What a guy. I had to remake this post because I accidentally deleted the last one just shhhshshshsh it's fine
Naturally left-handed, but trained himself to be ambidextrous
He's disturbingly good at discerning people's motives, personalities, and past. He claims it's simple logic, but no one really knows how he does it.
Whenever Bowser’s in a pissy mood or feels agitated, Ludwig sometimes gets called in to play something soft and relaxing to calm him down.
There's rumors floating around the army that he was originally a Paratroop General who sold his wings in exchange for arcane powers in a Faustian bargain with Kamek. He's yet to confirm or deny this. (It’s not true, but he likes to keep his recruits on their toes).
Partially deaf in his left ear, and uses a hearing aid to assist him. Fluent in sign language, as well.
Has a baritone voice, very rich and darkly colored. He can hit high notes with relative ease, but can't hold them as long as he can with his lower notes.
His singing is enchanted. It's something he was born with, and he's gotten very good at controlling it. He does forget sometimes, and before he knows it, his humming down the street has attracted a plethora of birds.
Also fairly decent at mimicking bird calls. Iggy is dying to learn his secret.
Likes reading mystery novels and detective stories, but spaces them out so he doesn’t read the chapters all at once. He also uses Morton as a soundboard for theories in each chapter, and relishes the feeling of being smart if he solves it before the end.
One of the most magically powerful out of his siblings. He’s fairly decent at a little bit of everything, but his siblings are stronger with their specialization. His best field is in Evocation.
While piano is his preferred instrument, he plays several: violin, cello, pump organ, pipe organ, guitar, flute, clarinet, harp, harpsichord, and ocarina.
He’s an ugly crier and hates it, which is why he tries not to do it often.
Fond of gardenias and wisteria flowers.
One of his favorite down-time, out-and-about activities is going antiquing. He’s found a nice gramophone, a few records, and some furniture pieces for his room by doing so.
Likes having a physical, paper to-do list. It makes him feel productive and organized as he checks things off.
He and Wendy have ‘Bitch Lunch' together, where they basically talk shit about their coworkers, spill tea about their friends, and gossip the whole time
You can actually tell how long he's been composing by how dark his hands are with ink smudges. You can also tell how bad of a mood he’s in.
Loves the smell of coffee and vanilla, but leans more towards being a tea person. He's got an excellent palate for both, however.
Larry is persistently trying to introduce him to the keytar. Ludwig is persistently refusing to go near it.
Very much a morning person. He wakes up earlier than most of his siblings and likes having his hot drink and reading alone to enjoy the quiet hours before the rest of his family wakes up.
Love language is quality time, and a master of time management. He gets kinda tetchy when others don’t respect deadlines or appointments dates, and heaven help you if you intrude on his scheduled self-care hours.
He snorts when he laughs really hard, and is terribly embarrassed by it, so he tries to reign it in when he can. Anyone who can do it who isn't a sibling is a special person, indeed.
He likes tall places, especially the views. Great for a bit of peace from his siblings and inspiration for his music.
When his siblings are annoying him, he likes bombarding them with music puns. He is well aware he's being an ass and does not care.
Leaned more towards science as a kid, but discovered the piano when he was twelve, and creating music felt right in a way that making little inventions never did. He never looked back, and he’s a lot happier for it, too
Keeps a little pocket notebook on him for writing things down, and he's pretty dutiful about marking things in. It's a common gift his sibling get him on the holidays.
He doesn't have as much of a sweet tooth, but toffee — especially with almonds or coffee in it — is his weakness. His siblings have learned he can be bribed to look the other way if they have enough.
Also a fan of very dark chocolate, and his favorite pastry is a freshly-warm coffee cake
He's pretty alright at art, especially with acrylic paint and sketchier mediums like charcoal and conté, he just doesn't like how dirty his hands get afterwards. He's got a side business doing murals.
Favorite fruits are cherries and plums, but he also won’t turn down anything this blackberry in it.
Likes watching regency romance dramas in his alone time, but loves dragging the shit out of reality TV shows with Wendy
He also loves watching those foreign films with subtitles, very artful with a lot of emotion in them, especially if he's feeling spiteful and his little siblings are annoying, because "No, Luds, I don't want to read a film after two hours of paperwork!"
Has a small collection of model ships in bottles. He keeps them on a high, high shelf in his room, given his work environment. Ship kits are another common gift to him.
Looks at memes like an old man; both hands, squinty eyes, mouth slightly open. The others think this is hilarious.
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