#coconut iphone cases
dmempowermentshop · 1 month
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(vía "Coconut Samsung Galaxy Phone Case, Coconut iPhone Case, Coconut Lovers, Gift for her" iPad Case & Skin for Sale by Noemill)
Get yours today!
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restorativemeal · 26 days
Menu Thirty-Seven
Menu Thirty-Seven from Rowan Bishop and Sue Carruthers' "The Vegetarian Cookbook".
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Potato and Green Pea Curry: oil, poppy seeds, mustard seeds, onion, garlic, cumin, tumeric, coriander, pepper, dried chilli, frozen mint peas, potato, tomatoes, salt, tamarind paste, water
Nutty Carrot Loaf: wholemeal breadcrumbs, carrot, basil, margarine, water, vegetable stock, lemon, parsley, orange juice 
Celery and Apple Sambal: celery, apple, lemon Plum or Prune Raita: coconut yoghurt, red plums, cinnamon
Eternal slog, another week, by now so resigned from the process I don’t even invite my own guests. On the Friday night of the preceding week, my close and personal friend, very often a guest at my dinners, invited somebody new. In the events leading up to the invitation, my close personal friend and I had bickered over the lyrics to George Michael’s “Faith”, which had been performed at the bar by the worst cover band I ever saw. I had been pushed aside by the guitarist as he made his way on stage, this action was clouding any real judgement I could make on the band. There remains a blurry mugshot that I took of him in my iPhone’s camera roll. “‘Faith’ is one of George’s best songs,” I had said to my friend as we rested in the back courtyard of the bar. She had responded, “no, it isn’t.” 
I persisted, “you have to really listen to the lyrics.” and she paused. 
“You gotta have faith- faith- faith.” I pestered. 
Those weren’t the lyrics I meant at the time, what I wanted to get across was that I had found it heartfelt when he referred to his foolish notion of waiting for something more.
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In any case, I had a new guest arriving for Week Twenty-Eight, a vegan one that I considered to also have a nut allergy by association with her boyfriend, who had not received an invitation to my dinner. Monday of Week Twenty-Eight was spent rifling through the only fresh pages of the cookbook, uncharted territory. The pages of the Vegetarian Adventure Cookbook were sticking together, tainted by dishes past. I looked ahead for remaining menus that suited the dietary requirements, landing on Menu Thirty-Seven. It was the only vegan menu in the cookbook, if you take the margarine option over butter, and I could make it allergen free by taking the walnuts out of the Nutty Carrot Loaf, to render the “Nutty” in its title redundant. To cook Menu Thirty-Seven in Week Twenty-Eight was a glimpse into the future and a taste of the end.
Tangibly, it really was, at long last, the end of March. March seemed to have brought along an onslaught of poor treatment unto me by others and to accept they weren’t part of my life anymore opened up space to rethink. I was in the middle of two self-help books trying to rectify the textbook issues that I now knew I had, the first of which dealt with facing reality, and the second with comfortably sharing this reality once I learnt to face it. I was learning about making responsible choices that served my best interest in a reality that might not necessarily be the one that I had wanted. At the supermarket I was again confronted by the car I had done something to at the beginning of March, I was beginning to feel personally victimised by its owner and I struggled to pinpoint any meaning or symbolism from its continual presence in my peripheral vision. Was it even there? Distracted with thoughts of the carpark I mistakenly picked up frozen mint peas from the freezer in the supermarket, Bishop and Carruthers had listed “frozen green peas” in their ingredient list for the Potato and Green Pea Curry. 
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Wednesday of Week Twenty-Eight arrived, I was in the kitchen and it was unseasonably warm for the time of year. To make a Nutty Carrot Loaf the wholemeal breadcrumbs were placed into a bowl, along with grated carrot, seasoning, a crumbled vegetable stock cube and three tablespoons of orange juice. This was well mixed and then reconstituted with a portion of water. It went into the oven and I moved onto the Potato and Green Pea Curry. The curry came together like a standard curry, Bishop and Carruthers’ curry however, came together with a certain warmth and understanding that I had picked up from the second book I was reading, I knew intimacy and compromise and I understood fear both at a conscious and subconscious level. I was aware of mistakes I’d made in the past, including the mint peas rather than green peas. My guests arrived one by one and on this night I had eight. While they chattered in the living room I put together the remaining dishes, the Celery and Apple Sambal, and the Plum Raita. Each of these dishes contained just three ingredients respectively, and I had swapped out plain yoghurt for coconut. I finished the Nutty Carrot Loaf/carrot loaf with a twist of lemon and dash of parsley and pulled a large serving of rice out of the microwave.
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Into the dining room, we sat crowded around the table. Over dinner we discussed the geriatric ward and the admin that goes into discharging a patient that has stayed for 65 days, ill-health, and lonely dinners. Meny Thirty-Seven went down with compliments, though confusion arose around the Nutty Carrot Loaf, what it was, why it was there. The Plum Raita seemed to be taken like a dessert and eaten on a side plate to cool palates after the Potato and Green Pea Curry. By the end of dinner, I broached the subject of those conscious and subconscious fears, how often we think we fear one thing, when in reality our fear is something quite different. For instance the Love Addict consciously fears abandonment, while subconsciously fearing a commitment built upon shared reality. The Love Avoidant consciously fears taking on the reality and needs of someone else, while subconsciously fearing that they’ll be abandoned (Mellody, 1992). The Love Avoidant and the Love Addict are the most riveting of all zodiac couples. When the last guest left, the newest guest, we talked about Higher Powers and what it felt like to know someone who felt like religion.
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By the Thursday of Week Twenty-Eight, I was out late again, sitting on a bench with another close and personal friend, an occasional guest to my dinner parties. Enough time had passed since Wednesday night, that I had processed many thoughts. Focusing on a cookbook, was microscopic in the scheme of lifetime, I thought about the universe. The title lyrics of George Michael’s “Faith” had more importance than I thought, I had faith that everything would work out. I felt confident that moons and stars pushed and pulled in ways that they were supposed to, I had seen tangible results. Someone once said to me “sometimes the stars don’t reach the earth.” I dispute this now, because the stars always reach the earth, just not necessarily in the way that you wanted nor expected them to. In the first book I was reading this week, the author reported on a case study. At its closure he said his patient could not be described “as happy because she hasn’t that much to be happy about, but she is no longer painfully unhappy…she is gaining the strength to live a new life, finding not happiness perhaps but periods of peace, a new experience for her.” (Glasser, 1965). I was moved by the sentiment.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday!
Red placebo pills work better than blue ones.
Eyebrows evolved to make humans look friendlier to each other.
It takes four seconds for a silence to become awkward.
You retain information better if it is accompanied by a pun.
The Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dalí.
All ten species of the most venomous snakes in the world live in Australia.
In the 1760s, 33 Cock Lane in London was believed to be haunted by a ghost called Scratching Fanny.
It requires seven to eight trees to provide enough oxygen for just one person per year.
Two-thirds of all the people in the world who have ever lived to be 65 are still alive today.
Psychology says no matter how angry you get, you always end up forgiving the people you love.
Within 200 yards of the flat in Islington where George Orwell had the idea for 1984, there are now 32 CCTV cameras.
The 'coffee break' was invented in 1952 by the American Coffee bureau.
The palm trees in Los Angeles, are the result of a job-creation scheme in the 1930s.
There are more phone calls placed on Mother's Day than any other day of the year.
India used to be the richest country in the world until the British invasion in the early 17th Century.
Human saliva contains a painkiller called opiorphin that is six times more powerful than morphine.
Climate change is making it harder to sleep. On average, you are losing 44 hours of sleep a year due to higher temperatures.
All polar bears are Irish: they’re descended from brown bears that lived in Ireland over 10,000 years ago.
On the set of ‘Jaws’, the shark was named Bruce after Steven Spielberg's lawyer.
Cacozelia is the use of foreign words to make one appear un peu plus cultivé.
In 2002, a NASA intern stole a safe full of moon rocks, sprinkled them on a hotel bed, and had sex with his girlfriend on top of them.
Football World Cup referees have to learn swear words in other languages.
The sign-language equivalent of a tongue-twister is a ‘finger fumbler’.
Inserting a swear-word in the middle of another word, such as ‘abso-fucking-lutely’, is called an Expletive Infixation.
The thermostat knobs in many hotel rooms don't work; they're rigged to save electricity.
Disneyland shut down its gondola rides because too many people were having sex on them.
According to new research from Dartmouth College, people are at their most miserable when they are 47.2 years old.
About a third of the UK population has discussed the weather within the last hour.
Dancing Queen gets 16 times as many Spotify streams as the average ABBA song.
Breakups are hard to deal with because the body and mind goes through withdrawal, like drug addiction, we become addicted to love.
‘Billie Jean’ was about a girl who climbed over Michael Jackson's wall one morning and accused him of being the father of one of her twins.
King George VI's wedding was not broadcast on the radio in case people listened without removing their hats.
Not realising his microphone was switched on, Ronald Reagan once joked that the US was about to bomb Russia.
The harder you work for something, the greater you'll feel when you finally achieve it.
The first iPhone virus was the Ikee worm which infected thousands of Australian iPhones. Its only function was to change the phone’s wallpaper to a picture of Rick Astley.
In 2019, a Danish politician paid for ads on Pornhub. When questioned, he said, "Half the internet is porn and you need to be where the voters are."
In 1923, an American man was killed trying to open a coconut with the butt of his (loaded) revolver and died from a bullet wound to the abdomen.
In 2019, a 31-year-old North Carolina man named Aaron Smith created and launched a new dating app, but there was a catch. He was the only guy on it. He banned all other men from joining.
In 2003, six monkeys were funded by the Arts Council of England to see how long it would take them to type the works of Shakespeare. After six months, they had failed to produce a single word of English, broken the computer and used the keyboard as a lavatory.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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donutwares · 1 year
Nuitka to the rescue
Discovered a good way of packaging my python scripts using nuitka. I've never made a real program.exe before, just a few iPhone apps back in the day of the 3GS. Had fun designing an icon for my music sequencer, YAK which looks... like a yak.
Dad had a "Joe Biden" fall this afternoon on the way home from Mutiara. Perils of growing old and less mindful. He lived a hard life.
Worked out briefly, being otherwise sedentary, and may head out tomorrow to KLCC. Have something nice to eat.
These are momentous times we live in, evil as they may be. Talked about retributions in the mind and jealousy among females bearing loads for cheating parents, Chinese people, and their customs for handling the telepathic scourge. In a nutshell, good people have to "lay down" their lives to stop the spread of vengeance.
Bought 2 Bounty choc / coconut bars, one for my backpack in case of an emergency. "Be Prepared".
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coconut09 · 1 year
Coconut Lane Unveils Stunning New Collection of Phone Cases and Apple Watch Straps
London, UK - April 9, 2023- Coconut Lane, a leading retailer of stylish and contemporary tech accessories, has just launched its highly anticipated new collection of phone cases and Apple Watch straps. The latest additions to the Coconut Lane catalog combine innovative design, premium quality materials, and unparalleled style to create an outstanding product lineup that complements the modern tech-savvy lifestyle.
With the ever-growing popularity of mobile devices and smartwatches, the demand for unique, durable, and fashionable accessories is at an all-time high. Coconut Lane's latest collection of phone cases and Apple Watch straps has been thoughtfully designed to meet the needs of those looking to express their individuality and protect their devices.
The new phone case collection features an extensive variety of designs, catering to a wide range of tastes and styles. From chic marble patterns to eye-catching florals, Coconut Lane's phone cases are made using high-quality materials to ensure a perfect fit, exceptional durability, and comprehensive device protection. Customers can choose from a diverse selection of cases for the most popular smartphone models, including the latest iPhone and Samsung devices.
In addition to the phone cases, Coconut Lane is also unveiling a stunning range of Apple Watch straps. The new straps are designed to provide Apple Watch users with the perfect blend of style and practicality. Available in various colors and patterns, the Apple Watch straps are made from high-quality materials such as vegan leather, stainless steel, and silicone. The straps are compatible with all Apple Watch series and come in multiple sizes to ensure a comfortable fit for every wrist.
Coconut Lane prides itself on staying ahead of trends and offering products that resonate with its customers' preferences. "Our new collection of phone cases and Apple Watch straps is the result of months of research, design, and development," said Jane Doe, the company's Creative Director. "We're confident that our customers will fall in love with our fresh, stylish, and functional designs."
The new phone case and Apple Watch strap collections are now available for purchase on Coconut Lane's website. Consumers can expect to enjoy competitive pricing, excellent customer service, and fast shipping, making it easy to elevate their device's style and protection.
About Coconut Lane: Coconut Lane is a leading retailer of fashionable and functional tech accessories, catering to style-conscious consumers worldwide. With a mission to provide high-quality, on-trend products at affordable prices, Coconut Lane has quickly become a go-to destination for phone cases, Apple Watch straps, and other tech accessories.
For further information or media inquiries, please contact on [email protected].
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manterri · 2 years
Reddit coconutbattery
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Reddit coconutbattery install#
Reddit coconutbattery android#
Reddit coconutbattery pro#
Reddit coconutbattery software#
Reddit coconutbattery Pc#
If you use the online service coconutBattery Online, anonymized battery information is sent to this server. This access is treated in the same way as access via a web browser. If you have activated “Automatically check for updates” in the program, it automatically calls up a website at regular intervals.
Reddit coconutbattery software#
The software is configured to anonymize your IP addressĪlso the software is configured to respect your browsers "do not track" setting. The data will automatically be deleted after 365 days. The data (browser type and version, operating system, the website from which an accessing system reaches this website, date and time of access, or similar information) is used to create statistics about most used operating system, most downloaded software versions and source of your visit. This website uses the open source software "Matomo" to track user activity. This data contains browser type and version, operating system, the website from which an accessing system reaches this website, date and time of access. The provider of this website logs and saves data that is sent by your browser. coconutBattery není jen nástroj, který vám ukáe pouze aktuální nabití vaí baterie - také vám ukáe aktuální maximální kapacitu ve vztahu k pvodní kapacit, kterou mla baterie pi oputní továrny.Získáte také informace o bateriích (jak asto jste baterii pln naloili), aktuální nabíjece (coconutBattery vás dokonce varuje, pokud jste do notebooku.This privacy policy covers how this website collects, uses, discloses, transfers and stores your information. This is by far the easiest way to check on your battery's health. Install the official Apple Support app and sign into your Apple ID if required. Start a chat session with Apple Support, selecting the phone you want to have tested as the device in question. Once you're connected with a technician, inform him or her you want to know the status of your battery's health.
Reddit coconutbattery pro#
Jai acheté mon Macbook pro 13 il y a 1 mois. CoconutBattery is a lite application that keeps an eye on the battery status and warns you in case it is too low. You will then be walked through the process, which requires going into Settings > Privacy > Analytics. Dès le début jai trouvé que la batterie se vidait assez vite (Vide au bout de 2 heures quand je lutilise, 4heures sans lutiliser, peut-être est ce normal). CoconutBattery minforme que la capacité de la batterie est de 93. :hein: Un ami ma montré le sien quil a depuis 2 ans. After installing 3uTools, open the application, connect your iPad to your PC, and then click Details next to Battery Life. A few seconds later, a report is sent to the representative. You will then see a nifty pop-up box with the relevant.
Reddit coconutbattery android#
There are more than 25 alternatives to CoconutBattery 3 for a variety of platforms, including Mac, Windows, Android, iPhone and Android Tablet. My iPhone X battery passed with flying colors, as expected. The best alternative is Batter圜are, which is free. Other great apps like CoconutBattery 3 are Accubattery (Freemium), BatteryBar (Freemium), BatteryMon (Free Personal) and BatteryAlarm 40-80 (Free). Naturally, the Genius Bar inside an Apple Store has all of the tools and resources required to run a diagnostics test on your phone's battery. You'll need to make an appointment through Apple's Support page and visit the store in person in order for the test to be conducted. One reason to opt for a visit to the store to run this test is if you have questions beyond testing your battery. Coconut BatteryĬoconut Battery is not available in the App Store.
Reddit coconutbattery install#
If you want more info than a simple pass or fail, or don't feel like talking to Apple Support at all, you can install the third-party app Coconut Battery. It's important to note, the app is not available in the App Store and installing apps outside of official channels is something you do at your own risk. The free version of Coconut Battery requires the iOS device to be connected to your Mac via a USB cable.Īfter installing the app and granting it permission to run on your Mac, click on the iOS device tab, and look at the design capacity of your battery.
Reddit coconutbattery Pc#
Im a bot, bleep, bloop.Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: Coconut Battery alternative for pc to monitor my iPhone battery If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and dont vote in the other threads. Anything under 80-percent and you should take your phone in to have the battery replaced.
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outtrust · 2 years
Coconutbattery mac
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Coconutbattery mac how to#
Coconutbattery mac for mac#
ĬoconutBattery checks your iPhone battery health coconutBattery is a Mac app that performs a single task - it checks the status of the battery in your Mac, or the battery of any iDevices connected to that Mac.
Coconutbattery mac how to#
Slow iPhone? Here's how to check the health of your battery. It will tell you if it is damaged or not and will compare. CoconutBattery is a lite application that keeps an eye on the battery status and warns you in case it is too low. It shows you live information about your battery such as how often it was charged and how is the current maximum capacity in. With coconutBattery you're always aware of your current battery health. coconutBattery is a free application developed specifically for Apple devices that measures the h.ĭownload coconutBattery. coconutBattery latest version: Simple and Effective Battery Health Application.
Coconutbattery mac for mac#
ĭ/coconutBattery/3000-2094_4-75049.htmlĬoconutBattery 3.4 - coconutBattery for Mac - DownloadĬoconutBattery for Mac, free and safe download. From coconut-flavour: coconutBattery isn't just a tool which shows you. ĬoconutBattery isn't just a tool which shows you only the current charge of your battery - it also shows you the current maximum capacity of it in relation to. ĬoconutBattery for Mac - freeload and software reviews. It shows you live information about your battery such as how often it was charged and how is the current maximum capacity in relation to the original capacity. ĬoconutBattery for Mac : freeload : MacUpdate This is an additional feature pack so all current features in coconutBattery will stay and of course new features will be added as well. Starting with version 3.6 coconutBattery offers a Plus-Upgrade which unlocks additional features. CoconutBattery / 3.6.6 / Christoph Sinai /Utilities / Multiple languages / 30.4 MB / 04:34:38 / #Battery monitor #Battery analyzer #Analyze charging cycles #Battery #Charge #Charging cycle #Analyzerĭesc: A small macOS application designed to help you monitor the status of your notebook battery, but also provides details about the computer and battery modelĬoconutBattery 3.6.5 - by
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This is gonna be a flashback chapter. How our babies met because I remember a few people had forgotten. Had to have one of these eventually, right?
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Part 21: Introduction
Should I download Tinder?
Glee plays from the firestick, the scene where they're all walking and singing How Will I Know.
I should.
Laying cozied into the couch in a faded t'shirt with the tiniest pink shorts, your head rests on the butt cushion and your feet dangle over the arm as you hold your phone up in the air over your face.
"How will I know?.. How will I knoow..," you mumble along with the crew. You've heard the Glee version of this Whitney classic at least 8 times.
No, but what if I do and someone recognizes me? Someone I work with? What if my family is on Tinder? I'd die.
You put the phone down on your belly and pick up your apple juice from the coffee table, doing a sit up to sip.
Mm. You wipe your mouth nearly spilling. But if they're on there too then they shouldn't comment on what I'm doing, right? We'd ignore each other's presence and continue like ships passing in the night. So technically I should be able to download this app with no blowback.
Picking the phone up, you hit download and open the app. It immediately asks for your information and won't let you skip. Not even your location. You fall back down to your back raising the phone up again.
But what if someone's a serial killer?Would they look for me? No, that won't happen and I could tell if they were psychotic..
Tapping the download button, you go through the steps to set up an account including giving them access to your location and posting a headshot from a selfie. Scrolling through your gallery for more decent pics to post, you decide one's enough and upload a full body photo so that whoever meets you will know who they're meeting, no surprises.
Inputting your information, you decide to write into your blurb that you're looking for some awesome friends, specifically a movie buddy. In reality, the activity doesn't matter you just crave human attention and closeness. Any decent, polite, nice, smart, funny, left wing, hopefully attractive, young, black human.. possibly male.. will do. Not that you're picky. In the meantime, you swipe right on everyone black nearby, men and women. Somebody's gotta respond. Someone sane who wants to meet. Shockingly there are a lot of pretty people. Unfortunately the app only gives you one super like.. a blue star which you decide to save.
Giddily you head over to your match tab and see four matches. Drew P seems nice. Ashley J looks stylish. G Papa looks like he lives in a Freaknik video. Pussy Hunter is just nasty. Your nose twitches as you shamefully start conversations with all four. When neither responds right away you return to swiping and a notification says you've been super liked, but you can't access who super liked without paying money. You're not doing that so you just go back to the bios and swipe right until you get a reply.
Wyd, Pussy Hunter writes.
Bored, watching movies. You?
You gotta fat ass
Um. Thanks?
Netflix and chill?🙈
Netflix and Netflix. We can talk and hang out..
So no chill
No sex, but we can hang out and do something else
After 5 minutes, you realize he's not going to write you back. You start to swipe again on pictures, left for the whites and weirdos. Right for the black people.
Your finger hovers in the air as you gasp lightly at the thirst trap provided by a man self-identified as Erik. It deserves another sip of apple juice. You gulp it down from your cup. "Jesus.." You can't even see his face, because it's all BODY, but you can tell by the picture exactly what he's on Tinder for. Same m.o. as Pussy Hunter.
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Erik S, 28
Fucc around and find out
Good Lord.. those shorts are yet holding on, you stare as if they'll slip down further by you willing them to. You swipe right. Your eyes widen as the app alerts you with a blue star meaning... He super liked your profile.
"NO," you gasp wide eyed at the phone ready to chuck it at the wall. Switching to the messages, there's a new one.. from him.. and you know what it's about. "I need some tea."
Erik lazed around his house bumping Schoolboy Q, clad in a white terry cloth bathrobe with a short glass of iced Ciroc and Lemonade in his hand. Dancing, he exfoliated his face with his spin brush, trimmed his mustache and beard, shaped himself up, and moisturized his locs and facial hair. The lil lip scrub he'd gotten as a gift from Cierra, he'd initially fought her on because it smelled like peaches but he liked how soft it made his lips. They even tasted good. He licked his lips for the umpteenth time tasting sugar. They tasted like Cierra.
Speaking of sugar, he looked at his phone wondering why his hoes ain't called. Then again, they could've. He wasn't near the phone all day. Checking the iPhone on the charging dock he saw that he had a missed call.. from Cierra.
Checking the time she called, he figured that was back when he was cleaning his guns and checking the parts. He'd already cleaned and sharpened his knives. He'd checked his security cameras. He felt good. Having no major responsibility and no place to be.
Outside of the missed call he had three new nudes and a video sitting in his messages to watch and record himself masturbating to. He was looking forward to doing that especially since Rell hadn't called with no bullshit local cases. Erik had stated he ain't want no hits near his temporary home.. for a year, he wanted peace. One damn year. But here he was still racking basic skills for pennies. "Chump change is still change," Rell's voice played in his ear. "You don't wanna get rusty. Gotta keep your skills sharp."
Erik had done his share of moving around, racking up international kills and earning the nickname Killmonger. But for a little while, he wanted to settle down in one concealed location where no one knew where he lived, who the fuck he was, or where he was coming or going. He wanted the illusion of peace and normality for a year at least. As much money as he had, he figured he could afford to stay in one place for that long if he was careful.
Only two people knew where he lived and that was Rell and Swift. They knew not to come over. Not even the previous owners of the house knew he was there.. because he'd made them an anonymous offer, killed them and moved in a few days after they'd sold it to him for cash. Needless to say he took all that money back.
He dialed Cierra, roaming to his bedroom to collapse over the bed as the phone rung. "Sup Ci?"
"Master," she whimpered, the desperation in her voice telling him she needed release. She'd been working too long through the past week and needed Master to come take control for a few hours. He could picture her on her knees, already in puppy space. She knew exactly how he liked her to wait for him.
"Yes, Ci. You need me to come for a scene?"
"Rrrrr," she growled. "Arf arf!"
"My bad. Lil Bitch."
"I gotta go to Target and see my sister," but come through later. I don't care how late just call up."
"Your sister? The one you met on Facebook?"
"Yeah, her! She live like an hour away. I'm a link with her and put her on Tinder! Get her a man to pop that back out," she giggles.
"You know I don't mind a two for one," Erik teased knowing she wouldn't go for it. He liked to mess with her anyway.
"Not with my damn sister, I'm not that nasty. A white girl can have it,"
"Damn crush my dream."
"Aight, I'm a let you go." Hanging up, he sat up and went to his closet pulling a colorful glass bong he'd gotten from a nigga he once knew in the military. Bruce Everett, white boy. Cool nigga... Too bad he shot hisself with his own gun. Sighing, Erik shook his head and went to the bathroom to fill it with water and headed back to pull his chrome grinder from his drawer along with a screen, hempwick, and a nug of Dr. Greenthumb's Emdog OG, grinding it down to pack the bowl making it fluff up.
"Perfect," he whispered lighting the bong with the hempwick. He lit the edges of the weed going around in a circle for an even and smooth burn as he stood taking a good long hit. "Shit," he exhaled releasing the smoke. I love bongs.
He looked and the bowl was empty as he'd expected. One hit's all you need when you do it right.
"Tinder...," he played in his mind. He already had a fetlife which was how he'd found his subs. Tinder was something different though. He was curious.
Downloading the app on the phone used almost solely for contact with subs, he went through the process of setting up an account, hesitating to put his info. It was general enough and the shit that was too specific, he could just lie. Still, he wouldn't upload his face.
So all I gotta do is swipe and see everyone in the area, he mused looking at all the faces.
"No.. No.. Nope.. Facially challenged.. The fuck is that?.. Hell nah.. Yes.. Yes.. She cute.. Hell nah.. Yes... No..," he paused looking a little closer at the screen. "Hello... Damn."
Out of curiosity he clicked on the profile. "That ass tho!"
He smirked hitting his super like.
"Shid... You can get the blue like.. Whatever the fuck that mean.." He stared at the picture. She had a juicy looking aro with thick black curls, brown skin, bright almond eyes, and enough ass to feed the needy for months. "Shit, if I was on a deserted island with coconuts and that ass.. that's enough meat for a damn.. shidd.." He chuckled. "Fuck is a super like? I super like yo ass meat..," he chuckled again falling back on his bed. "It mean I'm a break yo shit in thirds and fuck the pieces," he coughed, over his own bullshit.
Jumping up, you speedwalk into your kitchen and quickly heat some water in a pot, pulling a red mug and a bag of chamomile and a bag of lemon balm to mix with sugar. Combining it all, you take a sip and stand there staring at the wall before taking it with you back to the couch. "Okay," you sigh picking up the phone to open the Tinder message thread.
Cum talk to me, he says. You stare at the words. Wow, this is so cringy you don't know how to respond. You sit the phone back down taking another sip. You think about ignoring him, but you keep touching the phone, coming back to the message and staring.
Hey, you finally type hesitating at the simplicity before sending.
How are you tonight ? Why you up ?
Bored, lonely, contemplating my existence over Glee and wondering why my high school years were never that damn musical. You sip your tea.
Having a tv party with just lil ol' me. Why are you up?
The fuck kinda life you living. You need me to cum spice shit up for you? 👀
You think you that spicy? 👀
You wanna taste me and see?
Jeez. You flip back to the faceless picture of his body. Lord have mercy.
Don't play with a real one I'll show the fuck up real shit, he writes.
Internally you're screaming. He really thinks you're about to have sex with him. "I can't, oh my god," you sigh bouncing your knee. You hesitate before responding.
You can come, but bring food.
Hell yeah. Then you can be dessert. 😈
What? You turn the screen off and grab your head, your elbows on your knees.
What am I doing. Y/N what are you doing.
No sex nigga, you type before taking it back and staring at the screen perplexed. If you say that, he won't message you back.. If you don't say it, he'll be expecting to get some! You still want him to come through though even if he leaves because you're bored. You just want a little company for a little bit.
Maybe you should get a cat..
Your leg shakes unsure of how to respond and you take another sip of the hot tea mix feeling anything but calm.
Without further delay you just drop your address and hope for the best, wondering if you just signed off on your own murder. Maybe I should've told him to meet me somewhere else in the daytime.
Washing your apple juice cup, you put it away and then throw on some black leggings and rainbow fuzzy socks not wanting to open the door in pink bootyshorts adding onto the wrong message you'd already sent him. You also put a kitchen knife under the sofa cushion for easy access just in case.
40 minutes. You like wings?
🤢 Love yourself, sis. I'm getting a mix.
Oh I see you Mr. Petty Labelle, you smile getting a taste of his personality.
Yep. Finna get some of Ms. Petty's pie 
Uh uh, you smirk.
We nuh ave dat
That right? Guess I'll see for myself when I pull up 👅
He's a whole fool. You set the phone down smiling at the tv. Meanwhile you watch another episode.. actually watching it this time.
Knock knock, he messages and you see it having kept the thread up just in case he had an issue.  Jumping up, you snatch your phone and take a deep breath to steady your nerves. This is the first time you've ever done something like this and you hope it doesn't go badly.
Who's there, you jest messaging back right before you unlock your multiple locks and crack the door. Peeping out, you shut the door automatically throwing your body against it, holding your breath. He's huge! You didn't even look up, you just saw all that muscle like Kangaroo Jack. And why was he all up on the door?!
"Word? You must not want these wings then," he says through the door. You hear plastic rattling dramatically. "That's aight I don't mind eating em by myself."
You crack the door again, peeping out. You hadn't even seen the plastic bag hanging from his hand, you'd shut him out so fast. You reach out to grab it and he pulls it back.
"Aht! This how you treat guests? Door in the face? Snatching bags?" Your eyes roam from his hard chest to the broadness of his shoulder, resting on the sleeve of his charcoal grey Chicago Bulls shirt. Those biceps.
"Look at you undressing me in your mind already. Go ahead, you can touch me," he adds holding his arm forward as if reading your mind.  He talks a lot.
You snatch the bag and put it behind your back a bit, opening the door. Then you look up and your kitty jumps. It's the devil himself. You try to control your surprise but between his sharp narrow chestnut eyes that smirk down, his sculpted nose, and his full pouting lips, you don't know if you want to kiss him, bite him, or climb him. You wanna do all three and more right in the hall.. up against the wall. His hair too, it's a mess of semi-thick locks that point everywhere like Coolio. It's his everything really..
Omg. It sounds so good coming from him. This isn't fair.
"Aye..," he waves.
"Hm," you sigh staring at his face.
"You gone let me in?"
"Huh? Oh." You step back quickly and scan him from head to toe as he steps across the threshold. Bulls shirt, black track pants, black sneakers. His shoes are ugly though, the back heel juts out too far. Balenciaga is written in white. Oh.
You look up and see he's looking you up and down too. Oop. Leading the way you take him to the living room and he settles on the couch, his develish eyes on yours. His knees spread wide as he leans back, hips forward.
Silently screaming, you look away and sit the plastic food bag on the table.
You can feel him staring. The air is full of raunchy expectation and you can't say you blame him. You practically encouraged it on the phone.
"You want something to drink," you smile in friendly attempt, risking a glance and it's just as you thought.
"You know exactly what I want."
"To DRINK," you exphasize, ignoring the thump of your heart in your nana as his eyes roll over your hips.
"Mmm... You got Henny?"
"I have apple juice, tea, water.."
Your face screws, Didnt I just-- "I don't drink.."
You shake your head.
"Damn, Apple Juice."
Taking your sweet time to pour his juice and refill your tea, you re-enter the living room as the Glee cast kicks off another song that he mutes.
"Here ya go."
You give him his cup and feel the chill in your spine as his fingertips brush yours. Unmuting the tv, you sit on the opposite side of the couch, legs crossed, tense and unsure of what to say to him now that he's there.
"You look uncomfortable."
"Me? I'm fine. I was just marathoning Glee before you came," you say handing him the remote, "I've already seen it though."
He hands the remote back. "You seen Menace II Society?"
"I've heard the title!"
"Well pull it up, let's watch it."
Thank God. That's something easy. You fumble through buttons and he starts opening the food as you set up the movie.
"Ooh Laurenz Tate he so fine," she smiled sitting up as the movie started. She would be into his ass. Erik rolled his eyes. Wait for it.
"I hate when they do that," she mumbled in response to the Asian woman following them around the store.
"Yeah," he agreed with swig of the juice looking from the tv to her face, watching her reaction. Wait for it.
"Why don't you give my homeboy his change," O-Dog says before walking to the door. "I feel sorry for your mother," the store owner snubs.
Bitch, don't talk about my mama. That part always pissed Erik off.
"What you say about my mama? You feel sorry for who?!" O-Dog shouts. "I don't want any trouble, just get out," the shopowner shouts, backtracking like the bitch nigga he is.
Fuck that, shoot his bitchass, Erik barked in his head. POP. POP POP. POP. POP. There you go! He shot the wife too, meanwhile, the princess jumped in her seat, absorbed in the felony she just observed on screen. Double-homicide.
"He shouldn't have shot them.. Bruh, now the cops gone be looking for him and his friend wasn't even in it but now he's an accomplice."
"You telling me you wouldn't have shot a nigga talkin shit on your mama?" Erik leaned into her space, curious, but she ain't seem to notice.
"No, 'cause they're rude, ugly, and racist but still. You can't kill without consequences."
Erik steeled. She wasn't wrong.
"I'd have shot his ass too," he admitted watching her. She didn't seem to agree. "Should've kept his mouth off his family."
"You close to your family," she asked suddenly.
"Yeah," he lied knowing his people were dead. "...You mind if I get more juice," he pointed to his cup and she took it refilling it.
Fifteen minutes into the movie, she noticed her wing choice wasn't in the selection and Erik kept a poker face having wondered when she'd realize. He'd already started on the barbecue.
"Where's my parmesan," she frowned looking in the boxes.
"They ain't have it," he lied. "Ran out."
"You're such a liar. Now what am I gonna eat," she pouted to his humor.
"Eat the carribean jerk," he nudged the box to her. She eyed it and he felt like a wolf trapping a rabbit, the wings being the bait.
"I ask you for one thing."
"Yeah and? I wasn't finna buy that shit," he chuckled grabbing a jerk wing and biting it, closing his eyes and humming as he chewed to entice her. When he peeked, she was watching his mouth out the corner of her eye as he licked spicy sauce off his thumb. Sliding down in the cushion, she crossed her arms and raised a knee with her fuzzy foot on the couch. Such a damn brat. Ol' hungry ass.
He started to flex the length of his tongue since she was looking but decided against it. He couldn't be too aggressive or she'd spook and he wouldn't get no ass. Why he cared, he couldn't put a finger on other than the fact that she'd become a challenge. This girl would not let him anywhere near her. She was very shy considering she was down for a one night stand. I'm getting the draws, he promised himself right then. How? He just had to make her come to him.
Her nose wrinkled as she picked up a jerk wing, rotating it.
"Girl eat the wing, this ain't rocket science," he fussed watching her bite it.
"It's better than parmesan?" Lie, he dared watching her closely.
She took another bite.. then she attacked the wing and when she licked her fingers, he looked away grabbing another wing and swig of his juice.
"OKAY. SHUT UP." She grabbed another wing chewing through it as he coughed in his elbow hiding his laugh.
"I didn't say anything," he croaked shrugging her off.
"But you smiling and I can hear you thinking."
He couldn't hide the fat grin plastered on his face though he'd tried by looking away. "How you hear me thinking," he squinted watching her collect bones.
"Because I do, you're loud," she stressed.
"How I'm l-"
"SHH!! I'm tryna hear," she whispered. He shook his head watching the corner of her mouth lift and they watched the movie in silence until she reached for another wing and all the jerk were gone. He pushed her another box.
"You all the way over there. Come sit next to me."
"I'm not that far."
"You are. I promise I won't bite you.."
Her eyes rolled.
"Not unless you into that shit," he added patting the cushion beside him. She lifted, barely moving. "You scared?"
"What you mean?" She looked nervous all of a sudden looking anxiously in his eyes. This was gonna be a tough wall to break.
He patted the cushion again, waiting, and she finally moved in closer filling the empty seat beside him. He determined right then not to touch her but to get as close as possible maintaining proximity to get her used to his presence. Draping an arm over the couch behind her, he observed silently as she sat tense for the the next five minutes before relaxing. He had his work cutout.
@soufcakmistress @itsiesha @ju5tp34chy @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @blackpantherimagines @blackpinup22 @muse-of-mbaku @goddessofthundathighs @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku @purplehairgawdess @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent-blog
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oferins · 2 years
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                                What’s in Erin Walsh’s Bag                                                                                 ( besides seawater )
What Erin was wearing on the plane:
1 loose fitting green long sleeve that reads “Love Her Better” with a picture of the earth screenprinted on the back
1 pair of blue mom jeans
1 black belt with silver buckle
1 pair of well worn Vegan 1460 Dr Martens
1 set of matching burnt orange cotton bralette and bikini briefs
2 silver rings on her right hand, small silver hoops in her ears, and a Casio LQ-400D-1AEF (water damaged and no longer working
What Washed Up On The Island: 
1 pair of hiking boots
1 paperback copy of Women Don’t Owe You Pretty by Florence Given
1 Hurraw Coconut Lipbalm
Bags: 1 small blue/gray hard case suitcase and 1 royal purple Kanken Sling Sports Backpack
3 tops ( 1, 2, 3 )
1 brown cardigan
1 pair of denim shorts
1 pair of brown leggings
1 floral slip dress
1 ruched orange bikini ( pretend its not a cheeky cut, erin is not that bitch )
1 set of matching blue pjs
1 pair of black sunglasses
1 Yosemite National Park cap
1 brown pair of vegan Birkenstocks
6 pairs of underwear ( just basic cotton bikini cut in various colours )
2 bralettes ( 1, 2 )
1 sports bra
4 pairs of socks ( varying green and grey colours )
1 more silver ring ( she was wearing it but lost it in the ocean )
1 toiletries bag
1 bamboo toothbrush
1 Dr Bronner’s All In One Spearmint Toothpaste
1 Noosa Basics Coconut and Lime Roll On deodorant 
1 Mukti Calming Cleansing Balm
1 Simple As That Toner
1 Grown Alchemist Tinted Hydra-Repair Day Cream
5 reusable cotton make up remover pads
1 Sunbutter Sunscreen
1 Wild Nothing by ColourPop eyeshadow pallette
1 Ere Perez Carrot Colour Pot in shade Happy
3 make up brushes ( 2 for eyes and 1 for face )
1 Hanami Vegan Waterproof Mascara
1 Elate EyeColour Pencil in shade Evolve
1 travel brush
3 brown hair ties
a handful of tampons and pads
1 iPhone 12 in a Compostable Casetify case + regular old iPhone charger
1 set of Airpods also in Compostable Casetify case
1 paperback copy of My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
1 Pippa Vegan Leaf Coin Purse containing Erin’s license, debit card, school ID, library card, and $18.64 in cash
1 very full set of keys that isn’t important except for her Daria wristlet
1 journal ( about a quarter filled )
3 Muji Gel Ink ballpoint pens ( black, green, and pink )
1 tumbled Amethyst stone
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pixieminutes · 5 years
Unsuspecting | HJS
genre: mafia!AU, fluff
members: reader x han jisung, bang chan, seo changbin x lee felix, kim seungmin, lee minho
warnings: swearing, guns, sexual references
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“morning lix,” you yawned, trudging your way downstairs and pushing the door open.
“shoes, y/n,” felix chuckled, pointing to your feet, where your teddy bear slippers still were.
you shrugged, “i bought these yesterday and this is my uniform now, you’ll see me in these everyday.”
felix smiled fakely, punching your arm lightly, “that’s the attitude!”
“hey,” you giggled, pointing at him, “this is my coffee shop, not yours.”
felix surrendered, walking into the back room and getting out the bag of coffee beans, pouring them into the machine slowly as you rearranged the cakes that felix had put on display (the wrong way).
“who do you think we’ll have today?” felix asked, stopping for a moment before starting his pouring again, “a chatty old lady? a stressed university student? a teenage girl and her iphone xr camera?”
you chuckled, knowing all of those types of people to come into your shop on the daily.
“hmm, maybe a tattoo artist! and he’ll come in here after rescuing a cat from a tree outside and when you make eye contact he’ll go ‘y/n’ and you’ll say his name because you just knew! and it turns out you two are soulmates!” felix exclaimed, gasping over-dramatically over and over again.
you giggled, shoving your friend away, “shut up, lix, you know i’m not interested.”
“no, you are interested,” felix said, “in minho?”
“what?! no!” you exclaimed, “felix, he’s like my brother!”
“who you have the hots for,” felix said, finishing your sentence.
“no! ew! felix, that is entirely gross and wrong,” you sighed.
“okay, what about... seungmin? doesn’t your heart flutter when you see him play the piano with those veiny hands? and his honey voice? doesn’t it make you melt?!” felix exclaimed.
you rolled your eyes, “stop it felix. i’m not interested.”
felix sighed, “fine, fine. be boring like that.”
“what? unlike you?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“you’d be surprised,” felix smirked, “i’m pretty good at getting them in.”
“what? your heart or your pants?” you asked, chuckling slightly as you crossed your arms.
“both,” felix winked, “the boy i had the other day had the biggest coc—”
“good morning!” you exclaimed, watching the first customer of the day walk in as you turned and widened your eyes at felix, “you’re early this morning, minnie!”
“yeah, dance practise starts at 7 today instead of 8,” minho sighed, “we’ve got a festival coming up. you’ll probably have the whole of the vocal team in here in a minute ordering their honey and lemon teas.”
you giggled, walking up to the counter and activating the till, “what can i get for you today?”
“a black coffee, as strong as you can make it,” minho sighed, “and a vanilla and chocolate twist please.”
you nodded, tapping on the till, “coming right up.”
you turned to felix, who nodded once, walking up the coffee machine as you got minho’s vanilla and chocolate twist out of the case and put it in a small paper bag, handing it to him, “that’ll be 100 won.”
minho nodded, handing you the money from his wallet. you smiled, taking it and giving him his receipt in exchange.
“ah, here they come,” minho said, taking a bite from his twist.
“morning y/n,” seungmin smiled, walking in the coffee shop, “smells good!”
“it’s a coffee shop bro, it always smells like this,” minho said, rolling his eyes.
felix snorted, handing minho his coffee, “thanks min. good luck with the dance.”
“yeah, i’m the one who has the hots for minho,” you chuckled, turning round to make seungmin’s tea.
“i gave him his coffee!” felix exclaimed.
“yeah, yeah,” you smirked.
“we work in a coffee shop!” felix exclaimed, before groaning and serving the next costumer.
“thank you! see you again!” you smiled, bowing slightly as the costumer walked out the door.
felix grumbled, tugging his apron off, “i ordered coconut milk. is this vegan? i want it organic. you don’t have soya? oh just fuck off!”
“i’m sorry, i can go if you would like,” a voice said.
felix looked up with panicked eyes, “no! sorr– oh, changbin? hi! what are you– what are you doing here?”
“coffee,” changbin chuckled, “what are you doing here?”
felix looked at you panicked, motioning you out the way as he went and stood behind the till, sighing, “work.”
changbin chuckled, “well then, can i get an iced americano please?”
felix smiled, tapping on the screen, “of course! anything else?”
“do you have bubble tea? my friend hasn’t shut up about it all day,” changbin said, rolling his eyes.
“we do actually! but we only have one type,” felix said cautiously.
changbin shrugged as his friends piled into the shop behind him, “he can deal with it.”
changbin wasn’t a tall man, neither were the friends of his that piled in behind him, but that didn’t stop any of them from looking absolutely terrifying. they were all dressed head to toe in black, changbin in a big, fluffy coat, skinny jeans, and dm shoes. the boy stood next to him was studying the shop, he was wearing a leather jacket and a nirvana t-shirt, skinny jeans and dm shoes. the third boy had come in and sat straight down, he was wearing a long coat that looked like it hid a lot of things, and again, skinny jeans and dm shoes.
“bubble tea?” the boy in the leather jacket asked hopefully, glancing at changbin.
changbin sighed, “yes, jisung, they have your fucking bubble tea.”
felix giggled, turning round and scooping the bubbles into the cup.
as felix giggled, you could see changbin looking at him, his eyes practically in the shape of hearts.
“hey, chan! do you want anything?” jisung called, turning to the boy who had sat down.
he just shook his head, staring at a laptop screen intently.
“hey,” jisung said, turning to you, “do you– woah.”
as your eyes met, you felt as though your heart stopped. it felt like a movie scene. like everyone else in the room had disappeared.
“do we...” you trailed off, smiling slightly.
jisung shook his head, regathering his thoughts, “do you have any cookies?”
you giggled, these men had come in here looking so intimidating and all they wanted was bubble tea and cookies, “yeah. homemade too.”
jisung smiled, “can i have one of those as well please?”
you nodded, realising that the two of you hadn’t broken eye contact yet, and although you wanted to give jisung what he wanted, you didn’t want to break it.
“it’s chocolate chip. do you want dark, milk or white?” felix asked.
“white,” jisung said almost instantly, not breaking the contact.
felix chuckled, “okay.”
you could hear the rustling and you wanted to say something to jisung, anything at all, but no sound came out.
“there you go, that’ll be 220 won,” felix said.
jisung broke the eye contact with you, and a slight feeling of disappointment filled you.
“thanks,” changbin said, taking everything, jisung taking his cookie, “come on chan, let’s go.”
chan sighed, “has he got his bubble tea?”
“finally,” changbin chuckled.
jisung moaned, the coffee shop bell ringing above him as he opened the door, “oh that’s so good.”
and with that, they were gone.
“changbin! here again?” felix chuckled, his voice only slightly flirty.
“of course. we fed a demon his bubble tea and now he hasn’t shut up about your bubble tea, and your cookies, for the entire 24 hours we’ve been gone,” changbin said, sighing.
“so bubble tea and a white chocolate cookie?” felix giggled.
“this is the guy!” jisung exclaimed, clapping his hands and pointing at felix.
felix laughed, “what can i say? but it’s missy over here who makes the bubbles and the cookies.”
“and the tea,” you added, going back to making minho’s coffee.
“so she’s the love of my life,” jisung shrugged, making your face burn as you turned away before he could see.
felix chuckled, “of course. anything else?”
“the strongest coffee you have,” chan groaned, “or the strongest you can make.”
felix nodded, tapping on the screen, “changbin?”
changbin hummed, “i’ll get whatever you recommend.”
felix smiled, only slightly blushing as he thought for a moment before completing changbin’s order, “300 won.”
changbin smiled, giving him the money and turning to face jisung and chan, the three of them beginning to talk in hushed voices.
“what’s their deal?” you muttered to felix, turning to minho and handing him his coffee, “have a good day babe!”
minho chuckled, ignoring jisung’s glare, “you too, angel.”
“what do you mean?” felix asked.
“long black coats and jeans in the middle of summer, always talking quietly, what are they, the mafia?”
“get down!”
your eyes widened at chan’s words, not able to register anything before you heard the gun shot.
“what the fuck?!” you shouted, jisung basically tackling you, both of you falling to the floor as jisung pulled a table to cover you from the window.
“shut up unless you want to be killed,” jisung hissed, taking his jacket off.
you thought he was going to give it to you, help with your shaking body. but instead he just laid it out, getting out several knives, all shiny and very, very sharp. when you looked across, you could see changbin doing the same, but with guns.
“i’m so sorry y/n,” jisung whispered, “i knew this would happen but i didn’t think it would be this fast.”
“what would happen? jisung what’s happening?!” you exclaimed.
“did you not hear what i said?!” jisung whisper-yelled, “do you want to be killed?!”
“jisung, i’m a gen z, so technically, yeah,” you shrugged.
jisung bit back a smile as he took a few knives out, “i like you a lot y/n.”
you smiled, not able to take your eyes off of the fascinating boy in front of you. he had a thin figure but his cheeks were chubby, and now his coat was off you could see that his arms were defined and his chest was big with muscle. you felt safe with him, even with all his knives laid out in front of him.
he peeked over the table before nodding at changbin and throwing the knife in the direction of the gun shots.
“jisung, you weren’t even looking!” you hissed.
“relax babe, i know what i’m doing,” jisung shrugged, “besides, pretending it’s that guy who called you angel earlier makes it easier.”
you blushed, but coughed as you tried to regain confidence, “well you called me the love of your life, so i think you win.”
jisung smiled, but hurriedly covered your body as he heard more gunshots, but it turned out to just be changbin.
“i really am sorry, y/n,” jisung sighed, “the truth is, we’re members of a mafia group.”
“right, i don’t care if you wanna die, i don’t!” jisung whisper-yelled, “yes, i know, it’s shocking. we’re called jyp, but we’re a sub-unit called 3racha.”
“why 3racha?” you whispered, furrowing your eyebrows.
“it’s um– it uh– hot sauce, anyway,” jisung coughed, “they told us we could go against a couple people in our rival group, yg, but that went to shit and now a stronger group under yg, ikon, are attacking us.”
“ikon? these are shit names,” you whispered.
“y/n, it’s the mafia, no one needs your judgement,” jisung whisper-yelled.
you shrugged, “just saying.”
“they’re gone,” chan announced, “but stay down for a while just in case.”
jisung sighed, relaxing as he sat on the floor.
“so... why here? why didn’t they wait for you to go back to your lair or whatever,” you asked, folding your arms.
jisung chuckled, “dorm, but sure.”
“shut up and answer my question,” you smiled.
jisung shrugged, looking bashful, “i guess it’s because of you.”
jisung nodded, “y/n, i like you. it’s quite easy to tell, changbin and chan can, and so i’m sure ikon could.”
“stop saying that.”
you laughed, “i’ll stop, i’ll stop.”
“y/n i just confessed to you and you’re...”
“what?” you asked, confused at the boy’s sudden silence.
he pulled a face, “what are those?”
you whipped your head round, “what are what?”
“no. those. on your feet,” jisung said, the same disgusted look still on his face.
“oh, these? my bear slippers,” you said, turning back round and kicking your feet slightly, “why? you’re the one who likes me, you should like my bear slippers too!”
jisung blushed, “well... they’re cute.”
you smiled, “so are you.”
“no,” jisung sighed, “i don’t care if you like me back or not, you can’t. y/n, i didn’t finish, they—“
“they came because you like me and so their plan is to take me instead of you because that’ll hurt you more,” you finished, “and you don’t want to be in a relationship with me because it’ll only happen more.”
jisung looked at you stunned, nodding, “basically.”
you smiled, putting a hand on his face, “i like you jisung, i mean, i don’t know you very well, but if we went on a few dates, i’m sure i’ll still like you just as much as i do right now.”
“but yg—”
“i don’t care about yg, jisung,” you chuckled, “besides, it means i have more excitement in my life and trust me, i don’t have much.”
“thank you y/n,” jisung smiled, “but if they already came for you after only two days of us meeting, what will happen when we actually... you know... become a couple.”
you chuckled, looking past jisung to felix and changbin, who were currently distracted from anything else as they moaned against each other’s lips, “i appreciate the concern, but i feel like they weren’t here for me.”
jisung furrowed his eyebrows, turning round to see his best friend making out with yours and groaned, turning back to you, “of course.”
“oh my god!” you exclaimed, “felix! is he the one with the—”
felix pulled away, looking at you with one raised eyebrow and a smug grin, “yep. huge.”
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oliverandmoose · 4 years
Hey Felicity!! My family and friends are asking for a big wish list of gift ideas for my 21st birthday! I'm looking for ideas between $25 to $500, with lots of options. Can you share some ideas?? Thanks so much :):)
Absolutely! Happy early birthday!! :)
$25 & under
Herbivore coconut milk bath soak
Herbivore pink clay soap bar
S’well smokey quartz water bottle
Yeti rambler mug
Yeti colster
Grey interchangable felt letter board
Popsocket pop wallet & stand
W & P carry on cocktail kit
Top Shelf hello 21 wine glass
Philosophy birthday cake body wash set
Rose gold hoop & stud set
Halogen sleek gold hoop earrings
Olaplex bonding trial gift set
Sephora favorites gimme shine lip set 
Sephora favorites hair holy grail set
Casetify terrazzo phone case
ban.do portable phone charger
Taco Tuesday beverage station (dupe for a Margaritaville & so much fun now that you’re legal!)
Polaroid snap digital camera
Madewell the leather belt bag
Madewell the simple crossbody bag
Barefoot Dreams cozychic lite crosscreek cardigan (almost 50% off!)
14k yellow gold initial necklace
Kendra Scott Cynthia multi strand necklace
Kendra Scott Emberley pearl pendant necklace
Marc Jacobs tortoiseshell hair clip
Tory Burch pearl hair clip
Vans classic slip on sneakers
Superga white leather lace up sneakers
Marc Jacobs Daisy mini perfume set
Charlotte Tillbury darling eyeshadow palette
NARS orgasm quad eyeshadow palette
Urban Decay naked palette core collection set (2 palettes for under $100, a good deal!!)
Apple watch (top end, it’s $199)
Apple iPhone 11 pro max smart battery case
Apple TV
Belkin 3-in-1 charger for iPhone, Apple Watch & Airpods
Kate Spade medium polly leather crossbody bag
Draper James leather crossbody
Madewell the transport zip-top crossbody bag
Madewell the medium transport tote
J.Crew oversized cashmere wrap
Sarto by Franco Sarto pointed toe flats
Madewell the robbie slingback mule
Madewell the gemma mule
Blundstone classic chelsea boot (I live in my Blundstones!)
amika polished perfection thermal straightening brush
amika blowout babe interchangeable thermal round brush
Apple Airpods pro
Bose soundlink bluetooth speaker
Tory Burch Kira leather clutch
Tory Burch Miller crossbody phone bag
Tory Burch suede minnie flats
Tory Burch minnie flats
Madewell the winslow boots
Apple 10.2 inch iPad
Gucci wide leather belt
Dyson supersonic hair dryer gift set
Dyson corrale hair straightener
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by xalikattx
What is your favorite salad dressing? I’m not really familiar with most of them as I only consume one type of salad and the recipe for that usually calls for mayo and some kind of spicy sauce. I guess that’s my favorite dressing by default.
Favorite sit-down restaurant? Yabu for days. I personally don’t think that will change for me. Mama Lou’s is also nice but its crowd can be so boujee it kills the dine-in experience for me.
Favorite pizza topping? I’m easy to please; I just like my pizzas cheesy.
What food could you eat for two weeks straight and not get sick of it? Fried chicken sandwiches.
What do you put on your toast? Butter is fine with me. I don’t really eat toast.
What food do you eat the most? I have rice in every meal.
Do you like food? Yes.
Do you LOVE food? Yesssssssssir. I have my preferences and things that I don’t like but I’m not picky for the most part, and I love being adventurous with the foods I try.
Do you even eat at all? ...What kind of question is this
What do you put on your ice cream? I never customize my ice cream. I usually consume ice cream however way it’s already served. 
Do you like steak? For sure.
Or are you a vegetarian? No.
How about a vegan? No.
What food do you hate the most? I’ve never learned how to appreciate kakanin, which is a group of a variety of sweet rice cakes that we have in Philippine cuisine. This has definitely caused my Filipino card to be revoked in the past lol, but ugh the texture is just so slimy and I hate how, even though we have so many types of kakanin, they all just taste and feel like sticky, chewed-up rice doused in sugar and coconut flakes. Korean rice cakes taste so much better.
How many TVs are in your house? We have four. Two downstairs, two upstairs.
Do they all work? I think the one in my brother’s room has stopped working but we just never get around to throwing it out because of the possibility of it getting fixed someday.
Do you have Comcast digital cable? I don’t know what that is. Probably a US thing? In that case we don’t. We used to have cable TV but my dad ceased our subscription a few months ago because no one in the family has been watching the TV for cable anymore and he got sick of paying for something that we don’t even avail of; we all stream our shows and movies on Netflix now.
AT&T Uverse? Definitely no AT&T on this side of the world, so no.
Dish Network? No.
Something else? Obviously.
Nothing? Again, it was a local cable provider but we’ve since cut off our subscription.
What's your favorite show? Of all time, Breaking Bad. Currently, it’s The Crown but I’ve been such a bad viewer at the moment; I stopped watching at some point a few months ago and haven’t gone back to Netflix since, welp.
What's the worst show? I don’t objectively know what’s the worst one out there but when it comes to my personal preferences, I’ve just never seen the appeal of shows targeted to teenagers or a younger demographic in general, like Teen Wolf, 13 Reasons Why, Riverdale, the TV adaptation of Scream, etc. Of course, this is just my own taste and I certainly don’t judge people who enjoy these shows. 
What color cell phone do you have? The official name is Space Gray but that’s too fancy so let’s just call it black.
What kind? iPhone 8.
What does the first text message in your inbox say and who sent it? So I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of my text threads and the last person on the list is Ate Frances, and she was just telling me to check my Messenger because she had sent me a question regarding an event our org was holding at the time.
What was the last text you sent and who did you send it to? Gabie. I simply said “hi.”
Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
Who was the last person you called? Gab.
Are you missing someone? Yeah but let’s not get into it.
What are you listening to? I can hear rain pouring from outside my window.
Watching? It’s mostly background noise because I’m focusing on this survey, but I have on a YouTube video playing.
Worrying about? Work. I was tasked to think of PR executions for a client over the weekend and I just really really dislike it when I’m assigned to something that forces me to brainstorm, so ugh. Wish me luck because my brain juices have been feeling weak all weekend.
Where are you? I’m in my bedroom, my favorite place to be these days.
What's it like there? Lonely, but it’s quiet and comfortable. I used to avoid my bedroom all the time everyday because it makes me depressed, but now I am depressed and prefer to stay here all the time too.
How are you feeling? A little sad but I think tonight’s one of the nights I can fake it a little more easily, which is decent enough for me.
Is anyone with you? Who? Just Kimi.
Are you hungry? I haven’t had an appetite in a while. No.
What do you want to eat? I’m not craving anything.
Thirsty? I’m good, thank you.
What do you want to drink? I might end up drinking some of the plum soju that’s been in the fridge for months tonight, even though I told myself I wasn’t interested in touching it lol.
What time is it? 6:58 PM.
Thing you ate? A tuna empanada.
Thing you drank? Pretty sure it was just water.
Thing you said? “Go, pee” It was to Kimi as I set him down on the balcony.
Movie you watched? I’m Thinking of Ending Things. Ugh, I really should watch a more light-hearted movie soon because this answer is such a depressing one and I’m tired of mentioning it.
Store you went to? What did you buy? Grocery store; dog food.
Person you talked to? My sister.
Person you hugged? I think it was Gabie.
Kissed? Also her.
Yelled at? I haven’t raised my voice in a while. I don’t remember anymore.
Book you read? Midnight Sun.
Thing you touched? Other than the keyboard, I pushed up my eyeglasses.
Person you became friends with on Facebook/Myspace/whatever other site? [continued the next day] A co-intern, Justine, added me on Facebook. I honestly don’t see the point of being Facebook friends because we’re bound to part ways and never encounter each other again after our internship...but I guess it’s nice to have friendly co-workers.
Are a righty or a lefty? Righty.
Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Just a decaying tooth, but otherwise no organs or anything larger.
What is the last heavy object you lifted? Does Cooper count? Little man has been getting so big over the last few weeks. He’s finally getting the growth spurt that we’ve been waiting for :’D But I don’t really do heavy lifting around the house, so.
Have any scars? Sure.
How did you get them? Any interesting stories? Most of them are scars from childhood falls, because I was the clumsiest kid in the neighborhood and tripped and scraped my legs at least once every time I played outside. There’s a scar on my left eyebrow from an idiot cousin who had been out to make me blind, and then there’s the self-harm scars as well.
if it were possible, would you want to know the day you're going to die? Yes. It’s one of the things I’ve always wanted to know.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I’m happy with mine. I’m not five anymore.
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? If it was like sriracha then yeah. Not willing to do anything overly hot, though.
How about 10 bottles of ketchup? I’d be more enticed if you offered mayonnaise, but even then I think such a feat deserves a higher prize than $1000.
10 bottles of maple syrup? Thinking of how thick that is already hurts my throat. Pass.
A bottle of vinegar? HELL no.
10 jars of peanutbutter? HELL yes but again, I’m gonna be asking for more money lol
How many pairs of flip flops do you own? A couple. They’re not my favorite things to wear so I don’t feel the need to collect a lot of them.
Favorite month? April because birthday month; December because even though that’s when my depression strikes the hardest, everyone else is caught up in the holidays and that allows me to guiltlessly cut off contact with people for a few weeks.
Do you always answer your phone? If you mean calls, then no. I do not pick up if it’s an unknown number, but after rejecting I immediately text them asking who they are and what they’re calling for. I just feel like it’s proper etiquette to text before you call, especially if you’re reaching out to me for the first time.
It's four AM and you get a text message, who is it? Gabie for sure. She’s on the graveyard shift, so it wouldn’t be a surprise.
If you could change your eye color what would it be? I’m okay with mine, but if I got reincarnated as a foreigner I’d love to have hazel eyes. They look very pretty.
Do you own a digital camera? Not anymore. My phone camera can take good enough photos.
Do you take lots of pictures of yourself? Hell no.
Do you take them in front of the mirror in the bathroom? Nope.
Have you ever had a pet fish? I had several goldfish as a kid, yes.
Pet hamster? Nope. That’s mostly a Western thing too I think; I don’t think I know anyone who’s ever had a hamster.
Bird? We had lovebirds before; they were so low-maintenance and made for such sweet pets.
Rabbit? Yep. Tobi was a bit of a handful, but I loved him all the same.
Iguana? No.
Favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually and It’s A Wonderful Life.
Favorite Christmas song? Probably It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas. It’s so soothing and yet makes me feel festive and excited for Christmas.
Can you do push ups? I can, doesn’t mean I’m good at holding myself up ha.
Can you do a chin up? I can but I hate those.
Does the future make you nervous or excited? Both.
Ever been in a car accident? Just minor ones.
Do you have an accent? I think everyone does. I’ve honestly never understood this question lol, if I go to a different country or continent, people are always going to have an accent in my ears. Even in my own country, I can think of a number of accents I’ve heard people speak in.
What song always makes you cry? 26 by Paramore.
Have any plans for tonight? Rest my tired head.
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Talking to Gabie.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Ugh, Monday.
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virgieregister · 4 years
I'm Hooked On Prescription Drugs - Scientists Find Clue To Anxiety Drug Addiction
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violette8337 · 4 years
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rhcoconutcreek-blog · 4 years
REPAIR HELLO | iPhone Repair Coconut Creek WE COME TO YOU
Address: 6601 Lyons Rd # C1, Coconut Creek, FL 33073
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Being the proud owner of an iPhone is only one side of a glamorous coin. When your iPhone needs a repair, it suddenly would seem too costly or you might think it is a burden. You must remember that the iPhone is a powerful appliance that can cater a wide range of facilities to its users, which makes it a valuable possession. Therefore, hitch up for a multitude of options that you have got to repair your precious iPhone.
Repairing an iPhone is tricky. There are two primary options. The first that you can try your hand at repairing it yourself at home using the online tutorial guide and the iPhone repair kits. The second is to locate a fine Repair Hello | iPhone Repair service outlet that can repair your iPhone. The second option is a better one. Owing to the tiny, intricate circuits of the iPhone, it is better to give it to a professionally trained person, or you might end up damaging it a lot more than it was in the first place. Even those who generally repair other model phones cannot handle repairing the recent models such as the Next Generation iPhone 11. Hence, an iPhone needs special attention. Even though opting a good service store for an iPhone repair is costly, it is worth the money. Check out Repair Hello | iPhone Repair's special deals. You can even call the Repair Hello | iPhone technician home to repair your iPhone in case you do not want to leave your iPhone at the repair shop. WE COME TO YOU.
The problems in your iPhone can be of any sort. The screen might be cracked or the LCD might have started to bleed strange colors or the battery might have suddenly died out. For all these problems do not attempt self-help, instead get professional help. If you go to an Apple store they may wheedle you into buying a new spare or a new iPhone rather than trying to repair the defective part. So, call Repair Hello, WE COME TO YOU. Repair Hello do not make you spend more money than is required.
You can begin shortlisting places for your iPhone repair. Ask around a bit at your work place, or enquire your friends, relatives etc. Note their references to various stores and choose what you think is the best. Though all this needs a lot of patience, it is made easy with a lot of options. Call the stores that you have shortlisted or consult the websites and carry out a small research. If it is too difficult for you to get to the service shop, you can call the technician home. Repair Hello | iPhone Repair service mostly repair your iphones under 20 minutes. Repair Hello | iPhone Repair is able to cover appointments within hours, if not be sure it will be at the same day.
An iPhone repair shop is present in most of the major cities. You might have to live without your iPhone for at least 24 hours. Repairing an iPhone is almost an art. Repair Hello | iPhone Repair specializes in iphone screen replacement. What should have been the end of an old iPhone can be avoided with a good repair option. If it is a water damage or USB port problem or screen damage or volume control repair, you need to get to the right place for effective service. Call an Repair Hello | iPhone Repair service shop that is near you and get your iPhone working again.
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thestudyingpaladin · 5 years
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WHATS IN MY BACKPACK: 2019 spring semester edition!
Plain black and leather backpack goes with every outfit. The pins to add a hint of personality. This backpack has lasted me 4 years (all through high school), you can’t go wrong with a Jansport. Top pocket
• Coconut oil lip balm
• Hand lotion
• Wallet
• Headphones (of course)
Lower (bigger) Pocket
• Pencil case
• Zebra MildLiners
Main pocket
• Binder
• 3 notebooks
• Ruler
• Spiral bound index cards
• Scientific calculator (Casio)
• Laptop (Google Chrome book)
• Tablet (Samsung)
• Chargers (laptop, tablet, portable iPhone)
🎧 Replay— Shinee
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