#cody simpson before and after
btownstoriesblog · 1 year
Do you know about cody simpson biography?
Are you searching for Cody Simpson before and after? BtownStories provide you with full information about the Simpsons' transformation. he has built his body with muscles. He is a famous singer, songwriter in Australia. For more details visit us today!
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hotstoriesblog · 3 months
Hannah Montana Miley Cyrus Then And Now & How Old Is Hannah Montana?
Who hasn't watched Hannah Montana, the wildly popular Miley Cyrus show? Miley Cyrus starred in the TV show & movie Hannah Montana in the early 2000s. Miley Cyrus, who played Hannah Montana. Hott Stories provides in-detailed information and exclusive news & updates about Miley Cyrus.
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giddyfatherchris · 2 months
I'm in love with you!!
pairing. felix x gn!reader
type. best friends to lovers
warnings. none except pure undiluted fluff
a/n. fricking loved writing this, it made me miss summer so muuuch, but i had the greatest time while listening to these songs on replay😋 highly suggest to have them playing in the background while reading! or just give them a listen cuz they’re amazing hehe hope you enjoy!! xx
song recommendations. calm - cody simpson, im in love with you - the 1975, island in the sun - weezer, heavenly state of mind - lewis capaldi, the view - skz
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"I like the view right now!" you chanted as the salty wind ruffled your hair and caressed your skin.
Your eight friends started hooting in agreement, all understanding the reference to one of your favorite songs of theirs.
As a celebration of their highly successful last tour, you had all decided to book a trip to a private island off the coast of Australia. It took a boat ride to reach the secluded piece of land filled with villas and populated with a few staff members. It was a paradisiac hideaway for you all, so accustomed to being surrounded all the time.
You turned back with a gigantic smile. Felix, who was standing behind you, mirrored the expression on your face, a certain twinkle illuminating his gaze.
You jumped in his arms, startling him as he caught you rapidly. "And I love going to the beach!"
He spun you around, feet digging in the sand while you both screamed. The rest of the group looked at you with amused expressions. By now, they had become quite accustomed to your antics. You ended your frivolous spinning by plopping down on the sand, slightly out of breath. You stretched your arms as far as you could, relishing in the stunning warmth of the Australian sun, and turned to cuddle against Felix, his nose already nuzzling in your hair. "I'm so happy to be back home, Lix." "So am I," he answered with a soft smile, his eyes half-closed.
After a day well spent outside, swimming and exploring, you had collectively decided to set up a cozy little camp on the beach to enjoy the warm night under a sky full of stars.
"Are you done, you two? We need help setting up!" shouted Changbin.
"I'm coming, you whiny child!"
You faked irritation with rolled eyes, but ever since you walked off the plane, you couldn't stop your lips from tilting upwards. Your soul seemed to be shouting and dancing to the rhythm of your home. Nothing could you get you down from your little cloud of happiness, even a whiny Changbin. You got up to lend him a hand before he started throwing a tantrum, not noticing Felix's hand still subtly reaching for you.
The young Australian looked at the stunning view. You were right. Being home felt amazing. It was wonderful to have some vacations after being on tour, especially here with you.
You had been friends for as long as he could remember.
From meeting in kindergarten to facing high school's adventures to growing into two young adults. You never had any big fights, your friendship having prevailed over any argument and hardship. Even the distance hadn't been enough to pull you apart.
Felix remembers too well the fear he felt before telling you he wanted to become an idol all those years ago. He was so scared you would disapprove and hate him for wanting to go so far away. But your anger only came from the fact that he had never said a thing about it. He remembers fondly how you jumped on him, hugging him tight with tears lining your eyes. From that moment on, you had been his fiercest supporter. You cried buckets when he left for Korea but made him promise to keep in touch every day. So you video chatted whenever he could. You stayed up with him for entire nights, braving the time difference to give him pointers on choreo stuff or to cheer him up when he had a rough day.
Until you no longer had to do any of that.
Looking at you now, getting along so well with his brothers, made his heart tighten with emotion. At 23 years old, he had everything he ever wanted. Well, almost everything
Felix knew since he was 14 years old that he loved you. Part of him had hoped that once he was in Korea, his heart would finally stop beating only for you, but it never happened. He had dated a little, but no one had compared to you. With time, he became accustomed to the idea of never falling in love with anyone else.
It was a thought he accepted without so much difficulty. He couldn't help how his heart started speeding up whenever you were close to him. The reassuring feeling of having you by his side. The way your smile made him see stars. The way you cuddled into his side or held his hand, how your gaze lit up whenever you saw the sea, and how he was the one you reached for when you were sad, angry, or just disgustingly happy. He wanted to experience everything with you, every high and every low. He couldn't and didn't want to imagine himself doing life with anyone else. It would be this or nothing else, and he was comfortable with that.
After all these years, he had never found the courage to tell you. The fear of losing you paralyzed him. But as he looked at the joyful sea, breathed the fresh Australian air, and looked at you laughing and fighting fiercely against an uncooperative beach chair, he thought maybe this vacation was the time. The time to face his fears, as he did almost seven years ago to chase his dream, and see where it would lead him.
"Felix!" called Changbin, interrupting his train of thought. "Come and walk with us! We want to see how far the beach goes in that direction."
He lifted his head with a smile, looking at his friends waiting for him, bare feet in the sand.
"Hurry!" you waved. "We don't want to miss the sunset!"
It had been months since he had seen you so excited, so eager. He knew you loved coming with them on tour. But he also knew Australia would always own your heart.
"Alright, alright. I'm coming!"
He swatted the sand away from his shorts before walking to your little group.
You started walking on the beach, Felix close to you. Seungmin, I.N, Hyunjin, and Changbin ahead, busy taking pictures in front of the rose-colored sunset. Bang Chan and Lee Know were trying to start your little fire while Han prepared the perfect playlist. Suddenly, you recognized the familiar air of their song, 'The View'. You looked back to Han with a huge smile. He simply winked and gave you a thumbs-up before focusing on his phone once more.
The notes of the music danced around you, making the ambiance even more special. There was something in the air, a prickling, exciting feeling.
You swayed gently to the music as Felix snapped a few pictures. The two oldest near the fire, Han next to the speaker, the boys walking ahead, the sunset. He seemed to be on a mission to commit everything to memory.
You felt his focus shift and noticed he subtly tried taking pictures of you. You walked up to him with a soft smile.
"Are you taking pictures of me, sir?" "I might be," he smiled back, his dimples on display. "Well, I'm afraid you need permission for that…" you continued, taking a step closer.
Without giving him a second to interpret your movement, you stole his phone with a squeal of victory.
"Come back here!" He protested, but you ran as fast as you could to Changbin, giving him the phone. As you expected, he sprinted in the opposite direction while laughing like a dolphin.
"You think you're funny or something?" asked a slightly out of breath Felix as he reached you.
"In fact, I do."
You splashed him and ran off while giggling like a maniac. As hoped, your antics started a generalized water war. Felix kept running after you, deciding he needed to get vengeance while the other boys splashed each other. You laughed wildly and ran in the shallow waters, not daring to look back and give him a chance to reach you.
You had water up to your knees by the time you heard him whine, "Wait! Y/n! You're gonna get all wet."
You turned around with a taunting look in your eyes. "Felix Lee, has the idol lifestyle gotten to you?" You gave him a pitying look. "Have you forgotten all about your Australian roots? Are you scared of a little water?"
A little taunting was usually all it took for you to rile up your best friend, and tonight would be no different. His eyes scrunched with determination, "Oh, you just wait till I get my hands on you." He tried threatening you, but you didn't give him a chance as you dove into the clear water.
Without a second thought, he jumped in after you, fully clothed. He barely broke the surface when you jumped on him from behind and tried to push him back underwater. He managed to take ahold of your wrists, careful not to clamp too hard. You took a deep breath, ready to be ducked under, but he softly made you twirl in the water. You gave him a surprised look as he winked and let you go benevolently.
Complete elation seized you as the beautiful young man looked at you with that smile of his, hair slicked back from the water, a light illuminating his soft eyes.
"I love Australia! I love the beach! I love being in the water! I love this night!!!" you screamed as you threw your arms in the air.
The other boys looked in your direction with giant smiles, drenched in water. The ever-present professional idol aura in their demeanor was nowhere in sight. They shone with pure happiness. For once, they could be only themselves, away from cameras and personas. Your heart sang with happiness for them.
"I love being home!" screamed Chan. "I love Australian BBQ!" added Changbin. "I love vacations!" said I.N "I love to splash Grandpa Chan!" joked Seungmin. "I love sunsets!" screamed Hyunjin. "I love water wars!" laughed Han. "I love cats!" finished Lee Know.
All eyes turned to Felix, the only one who hadn't said anything yet. His soft gaze set on you, the intensity taking the breath away from your lungs. He rallied his breath and screamed. "I LOVE YOU!"
The boys all went silent. You stared at him in disbelief.
"I love you. I love you so much. I always have, and I always will. Since we were kids, no one has ever meant the same to me. I love being here with you. I love being anywhere around the world with you. I love seeing you smile. I love the way you're so passionate. I- I don't want anyone else." It occurred to Felix that this was maybe not the right way to do this, as he noticed the silence surrounding him, but he kept going. "I know this is probably so out of pocket for you. You probably don't believe this is real, but I assure you it is. Since I was 14, I've been thinking of the right way to say this to you. I never thought it would happen like this but it feels right. So right, to finally tell you while you're at the place you love most and where I can see you shine brighter than ever."
You stared at him before a smile tugged at your lips, and you suddenly screamed. "I LOVE YOU!" He stood there with his arms limp at his side. Your words shocked him, and his mouth opened before he asked, "You love me?"
The light of disbelief shining in his eyes made your heart tighten. "Of course, I love you Lix. Honestly, I'm not sure how you didn't notice it," you added with a sheepish smile.
He took a step towards you, "You love me?" "Yes." Another. "You're sure?" you nodded with a bright smile. He was right in front of you, his arms a millimeter from wrapping around your body. "You love, love me?"
"OF COURSE I LOVE LOVE YOU. ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL." You leaped in his arms, water splashing around.
"SHE LOVES HIM!" Screamed the seven other boys in unison.
You smiled as you put your lips on his, barely registering the ruckus of your friends running for the two of you, throwing water around to celebrate the long-awaited moment you two idiots would realize you had been pinning for each other for years.
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writing-ca-ira · 1 year
DC various x Reader
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Just some of my favs and what I think their first dances at their wedding would be like. What song they would choose, if they’d cry or not, etc.
Reader is gender neutral.
Contains: wedding dances, romantic relationship between character and reader, a shit ton of fluffy mushy thoughts, DC men are allowed to cry because yes.
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Clark Kent — Easy choice; Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. I can imagine this song being Jonathan and Martha Kent’s song when they got married. He has a 60% chance of crying; 70% if he catches a glimpse of Ma and Pa holding hands, softly singing the lyrics to each other. There’s also a game that wedding DJs will sometimes do to see which guests have been married the longest (if you aren’t familiar, they’ll call up all of the married guests to dance, and they’ll periodically say, “if you’ve been married for X amount of years, sit down.”), so I can imagine At Last by Etta James beginning to play after your first dance, and you and Clark would be smiling as you watch the last couple standing; Jonathan and Martha Kent.
Bruce Wayne — Just Breathe by Pearl Jam, and he’s 100% crying. That’s what happens when you make eye contact with a misty-eyed Alfred. He wouldn’t do any fancy spinning or dipping with you because he’s too busy holding you close (both to hide the fact that he’s crying and because he never wants to let go). Other songs that may start playing afterwards range from Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings and Super Bass by Nicki Minaj (a surprise for the both of you). Also, a picture of your first dance may or may not end up on the cover of some tabloid magazine, despite any of your efforts to keep your wedding from the public’s eye.
Hal Jordan — No one was surprised to hear Stand By Me by Ben E. King start playing for your first dance. However, what they were surprised by was how watery Hal’s eyes were. He has a 50% chance of crying during your first dance, though he’d cover it up by laughing as he let you goofily twirl him around. The last minute or so would just be you two with your arms around each other, foreheads touching, eyes filled with love and adoration for each other… and then the beginning of Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey would cause you two to collapse into each other with fond laughter. Expect to see Hal absolutely shred the air guitar.
Dick Grayson — You’d probably have to get through a few ABBA songs before your first dance (because Dick is The Dancing Queen™), but it’s worth it when All of Me by John Legend starts up. I’d love to think that the two of you have slow-danced to this song under the stars as a date, so of course you two would agree on this song. Has a 75% chance of crying (despite crying earlier during the actual ceremony) because you’re just so stunning to him while you sway in each other’s arms. He’d probably want a more upbeat song to play afterwards, like La Da Dee by Cody Simpson or Sugar by Maroon 5, and he’ll absolutely dramatically sing the lyrics to you.
Jason Todd — A lot about your wedding may differ depending on if Jason is comfortable with an actual ceremony or not, but one thing that stays consistent is Falling Like the Stars by James Arthur as your first dance song. He’d probably have a 30% chance of crying in front of other people, but if your wedding something more private, that number easily spikes up to 80%. Be prepared to be held tight against him. Heck, he might not let you go even after the song ends. If you have a traditional wedding, he’d have an arm around you as the two of you sit down and watch everyone else dance to Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen.
Tim Drake — I can see First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes being your song. Tim’s not exactly a dancer, so it may be the two of you just swaying back and forth, but he’d gladly let a spin or two happen if it makes your face light up. The odds of him crying are pretty low at 25%, meaning the most you’ll probably see is the slightest shimmer in his eyes (but Cassie, Bart, Kon, and Dick are 100% in shambles as you two dance). He’ll stare at you with complete adoration, contempt with just being with you, along with a giant smile gracing his lips for the duration of your dance. Something punk-rock/emo like Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down by Fallout Boy has to be the follow-up song. I don’t make the rules.
Wally West — Because I imagine your first date being a Disney movie marathon, Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Elton John fits perfectly. He’d probably hum the melody while bringing your foreheads together, eyes sparkling if you hum along with him. Be prepared to be twirled or dipped unexpectedly (he loves catching you by surprise). I’d say there’s a 50% chance of him crying, since he might be able to hold it together until something preppier plays like Shut Up and Dance by WALK THE MOON (and yes, much like Dick, he’ll dramatically sing the lyrics to you). You two will do so many goofy dance moves together, I can guarantee it.
Victor Stone — “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” is an underrated movie date idea, which is why I declare your first dance song to be Moon River by Audrey Hepburn. Slow dancing with Vic is so soft; he’ll gently sway with you and hold you so delicately. Not a big crier, so you’re at a 40% chance of that, but it’ll easily jump up to 60% if you rest your head against his shoulder or chest. Afterwards, I can totally see something like Without You by David Guetta playing. The energy on the dance floor would go from 0 to 100 when the chorus hits, everyone jumping on the dance floor like it’s a concert, while you and Vic spin each other around with warm laughter.
Kara Danvers — A few Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson songs later, you’d find yourselves dancing to Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers. It’s a classic, and I can totally see you two having your first kiss at an ice cream parlor with this playing in the background. I’d say there’s a 45% chance of you seeing happy tears in Kara’s eyes. There’d be a big smile on her face as she let you spin her, your arms wrapping around each other. And of course Teenage Dream by Katy Perry plays afterwards. Clark will come up to you two with a teary congratulations, and you’ll start doing a goofy three-way dance, and that somehow evolves into a giant conga line with Clark in the lead.
Jaime Reyes — I have this feeling that Jaime gets really insecure about himself, so Corazón Sin Cara by Prince Royce is the natural choice. It’s a reminder that you’ll love him as he is, just as he’ll love you as you are. While there’s a 60% of him full-on crying, there’s a 100% chance of him getting teary-eyed at the lyric, “solo sé que yo te quiero así” (I only know that I love you like this). He’s big on hand holding — he loves to rub his thumb over the back of your hand — so he’ll have at least one of your hands in his through the entire dance. After Royce fades out, I can see either Kiss You by One Direction playing, or Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley (you both forgot about the conversation you had about how funny Rick Rolling your guests would be… effectively Rick Rolling yourselves).
Zatanna Zatara — Like I’m Gonna Loose You by Meghan Trainor has that swing sound that Zee loves to dance to. She’d get a little playful with dips and spins, but that’s only to cover up the fact that she’s at a 75% of crying; you can tell by her breathy chuckles as she rests her head against your shoulder. I think it would be really cute if she did a spell to make the air sparkle like fireflies around you two near the beginning of the song. And she’ll definitely whisper an I love you backwards to you, something I’m sure you’d be familiar with in your relationship. Also, Magic by B.o.B was suggested by you as a joke, but Zatanna was like, “that’s actually so good,” so that’s the song playing afterwards. Whoops.
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justins-1-justan · 9 months
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Doing spooky activities with total drama characters!
It's spooky season! ^=^
Horror movies?
Hahahahah. No ♡
You both stay in and cuddle while watching the Simpsons Halloween specials while eating candy.
You also wear matching halloween pajamas!
The moon has long been in the sky this Halloween, younger trick or treaters had already gone home and the older ones which stayed were met by the cold autumn breeze. But bundled up in soft throw blankets, wrapped in each other's arms as the fire roars, is you and Dj. An old episode plays, you feel your eyelids grow heavy, you rest your head against DJ's shoulder as you slowly drift off to sleep.
You can probably already guess,
Of course you're both going to a Halloween party, if not throwing one yourselves!
Matching costumes!! This year you're the grim reaper and a ghost! Geoff is the ghost & you're the reaper ofc!
Laughter, music, and a cheerful energy paints the party. The flashing lights reflect in his blue eyes, he twirls you as the monster mash booms on the speakers. The two of you party all night, for a holiday that's supposed to be scary, it made such joyful memories.
You both scare the daylights out of trick or treaters.
Your job was to stand on the porch with the candy bowl, candy bowl which is filled with fun sized candy bars disguised as full sized ones.
Izzy's idea of course.
Meanwhile Izzy would hide in the bushes in her 'franken-izzy' costume waiting to jump out at trick or treaters.
You successfully made six kids, three teenagers, and one adult man cry. Congrats?
From your peripheral vision you can see a child in the horizon approaching, you stand in position on the porch. The child, dressed like a minion, steps onto the porch. Per Izzy's instructions you hand them the 'full sized' candy bar. They smile happily and thank you and then.... "BOOOO!!" Izzy yells out at the child. After causing the child to subsequently drop their candy, earning a glare from the child's parents, Izzy practically dies of laughter while holding onto your shoulder.
Hehehahaha, he took you a grave yard.
A grave yard.
The scheme is that you'll get so scared you'll fall into his arms.
.. Let's just say that doesn't go as planned.
The moon shines brightly down upon you and Scott walking hand in hand in this abandoned graveyard. Boredom creeping over you, an idea dawns. Holding back giggles, you loudly let out a piercing howl like scream, causing Scott to quickly jump and whip his head back towards you. He glares at you and let's go of your hand when he realizes you're fine, he continues the pace of walking you were formerly at, you quickly chase after him and grab his hand, giggling with murmurs of apologies.
Area fifty~one alien Cody~Clone from S3 EP15 & briefly S5 EP7!
Breaking him out of area 51 for the holiday wasn't as difficult as you would think!
After convincing the guards you were a trick or treater, they left to go grab something to give you, then you simply walked to where he was being held and busted him out.
Since he had been in a government facility for years, he's never seen a scary movie before! Oh no!
So you decided to take him to the local AMC and see the latest horror movie.
You bought him popcorn and a slushie.
The two of you sat in your seats, interlocking your hands as their movie starts. The first jump scare happens and instinctively, you grip his hand tighter. Only to hear him let out a whaling scream. You turn towards him and your face pales as your boyfriend's arm turn completely into green goop.
You both go pumpkin carving!
She carves a sailboat meanwhile you carve a classic jack o' lantern.
More matching costumes!! She dresses as a mermaid meanwhile you're a prince/princess!
The smell of pumpkin surrounds the kitchen you are both sat on the floor of, you look up from carving your pumpkin to see Bridgette dead focus on carving the perfect pumpkin, to the point she doesn't notice the pumpkin guts on her cheek. Giggling to yourself you wait for the next time she's turning her pumpkin around to scoot closer to her. You wipe the pumpkin guts off of her cheek, she turns her attention towards you for a brief second and you take the opportunity to sweetly kiss her cheek. Successfully catching her off gaurd.
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starfxkr · 3 months
pretty brown eyes by cody simpson is soooo obx boys x their girls coded. i could all of them with that song for sure!!
but speaking of eyes, here’s saturn being sappy:
rafe fell in love with your eyes when he took out on a date on his boat, and caught your eyes in the sun light as it set. that light chocolate color made him melt, he couldn’t help but stare at you.
jj fell in love with your eyes when he caught you doing some fuck shit and you gave him the most mischievously innocent glance. a cheshire grin creasing your eyes, he couldn’t stay mad for long
john b falls in love with your eyes all over again anytime you come and ask him for anything, all doey and round and cute. pouting at him like the pup you are. need water? you got it. need a snack? you got it. need to be held? anytime. your eyes get you anything with him
pope fell in love with your eyes for real for real when he was opening his acceptance letter, nervous as hell, so he bitched out and had you do it instead. watching your eyes scan the paper only to widen before you pounced on him made his heart flutter
- 🪐
these are so spot on!!!!
rafe def fell in love with how you looked at him— open and soft and absolutely nothing goin on behind them as you relaxed.
with jj it fits into their first meeting sooo well where you work at one of those tacky breastaurants and you fuck over your shitty boss (yes you use jj to fo it and no he doesnt care after he catches up to you later)
john b loverboy extraordinaire just loves how much you love and trust him. he literally cant help but how his heart lurches when you look so excited every time he steps in the room even if he was only gone for a moment.
and with pope he sees the excitement and pride when you read his acceptance letter and that’s almost as good—in fact its even better— than when you read that he got in. your eyes are bright and teary eyed in joy and he almost forgets the actual good news
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desert-fern · 1 year
You’re the Only One on my Mind - Jake Seresin X Reader
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Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin X Fem!Reader (Callsign: Spitfire)
Summary: Jake loses a bet to you and is forced to lip sync as punishment. Little do you both know, that evening holds far more in store than expected.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of cheating (not Spitfire or Hangman), mentions of nightmares, fluff, kissing, me not knowing military things :)
Word Count: 7.3k
A/N: So I already contributed once to @roosterforme ‘s #love is in the air tgm event, I’m Pretty Sure You’re That Love Of Mine, my Phoenix X Reader oneshot and I figured what the hell, let’s have another one. Title is from Cody Simpson’s La Da Dee. I apologize in advance for the length, it kind of ran away from me 🤷‍♀️
You pressed play on your phone and the opening lyrics of Cody Simpson’s song La Da Dee rang out through the rec room. Sitting back in your seat, you watched Jake closely, almost daring him to fuck up.
"There's no way to say this song's about someone else
Every time you're not in my arms
I start to lose myself."
In response, the little shit shot you a wink, green eyes dancing with mirth. You scoffed, rolling your eyes in mock annoyance, but the grin on your face gave you away.
“Someone please pass me my shades,” Hangman sang, keeping his gaze fixated on the small woman who’d put him in this position. You two had made a bet, whoever was shot down first in training had to lip sync to a song the winner chose. Clearly, the blond pilot had lost.
“Don’t be afraid, Bagman! It’s not like Rooster is recording this whole thing!” You called out over the music.
"Don’t let ‘em see me down
You’ve taken over my days
So tonight I'm going out."
The next set of lyrics passed by, and the whole group, now affectionately known as the Dagger Squadron, were grinning widely, not even trying to hide their amusement. Making direct eye contact with you, Jake continued singing, pointing at you to make sure you knew he was singing to you.
"Yet I'm feeling like
There is no better place than right by your side
I had a little taste
And I'll only spoil the party anyway
'Cause all the girls are looking fine
But you're the only one on my mind."
Biting back a grin, you shook your head. But your foot was tapping against the floor as you watched the scene unfold. “Pssst,” Phoenix hissed. “Having fun over there?”
“Loads,” you replied, your gaze still fixed on your colleague dad-dancing. At his jerky body roll, you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. “This is so much better than I thought it would be.”
“La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
There's only me
There's only you”
“I bet. I can practically see you drooling,” Halo replied, leaning over Phoenix to comment. She found it hilarious. Both Jake’s bad dancing, and the fact that you refused to admit your feelings for the tall blond pilot. She was certain that they were reciprocated, after all, the Hangman wouldn’t agree to lip sync in front of the entire squadron for just anyone.
Your cheeks pinked at her words, rolling your eyes at her before returning your gaze to the man before you.
“La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
When you are gone I think of you.”
Jake watched the faint blush appear on your face, and it made him grin widely. He’d been watching you this whole time, making sure that you were having as much fun as he was. Of course, it would have been fun for him to win, but now, watching you try and bite back a smile, he wouldn’t have traded this situation for anything.
“All these places packed with people
But your face is all I see.”
And these words were true. You had only recently joined up with the Dagger Squadron, replacing Harvard and in that very short period of time, you had worked your way into Jake’s mind, his thoughts, and his heart.
“And the music's way too loud
But your voice won't let me be.
So many pretty girls around
They're just dressing to impress.”
The next verse passed by with Jake not really doing anything, mostly standing still. Fanboy was bopping along to the music, poking Coyote every now and then just to over exaggerate his next few dance moves when Javy looked over.
“But the thought of you alone has got me sweating, I don't know what to say next,” Jake sang. A small part of him was hoping that you knew that he meant the words he was singing. The look of joy in your eyes made him grin widely and he strutted over to Rooster and began dancing around the man just to see your reaction.
Watching the scene unfolding in front of you, you couldn’t help but laugh. You threw your head back against the couch, stifling your raucous laughter with a hand over your mouth.
Jake’s heart soared. Sitting on the couch in front of him, you had never looked more beautiful as you tried to hold in your giggles at his purposefully terrible dance moves. He could always feel your gaze on him, always in so tune with your presence that it made his skin tingle.
“I'm feeling like
There is no better place than right by your side.
I had a little taste
And I'll only spoil the party anyway
'Cause all the girls are looking fine
But you're the only one on my mind.”
Leaving Rooster alone for the moment, Hangman made his way over to you, holding his hand out as he sang the bridge of the song. You took his hand hesitantly after getting shoved by both Payback and Phoenix, and he grinned, preparing for the chorus.
“La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you.”
With his usual self-assured behaviour, Jake spun you around, catching you when you stumbled at the suddenness of the movement, only to twirl you once more. He loved being able to hold you so closely in his arms, savouring the moment because he knew that there was absolutely no way that he would get this chance again.
“La da dee
La da dee doo
There's only me
There's only you.”
Unbeknownst to the two pilots, the rest of the room was grinning, finally seeing just how perfect the pair was for each other. Bob leaned over and poked Fanboy, holding his hand up. “You owe me.”
“Fuck,” the Latino man swore, fumbling for his wallet in the bag at his feet. “How the hell did you know?”
“I watched them. Ain’t my fault you didn’t see it," Bob chuckled, pocketing the twenty Fanboy passed over.
Coyote just laughed, his gaze was still on Hangman, who’d spun you back to your seat. You landed awkwardly in your spot, ending up halfway on Payback, who just pushed you over, leading to a playful shoving match between yourself and him.
“La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
When you are gone I think of you.
La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
There's only me
There's only you.”
Hangman made his way around the rec room, singing loudly in the faces of Coyote, Halo, and Payback. He received a multitude of middle fingers sent in his direction, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Your face was a bright pink from both your blush and the giggles that had just died down.
Sending you a wink, Jake’s heart thrummed happily at your pinking ears, loving that he was the cause of your reaction.
“La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
When you are gone I think of you.
I'll pretend the night is so beautiful
Take a photo with the bros.
La da dee
La da da doo.”
“So. Does this convince you?” Phoenix mumbled.
Your face contorted in confusion. “Convince me of what?”
“That he has feelings for you. He wouldn’t have agreed to this bet if I tried to make it with him,” Natasha replied. She could see the realisation set in on her friend’s face and smiled to herself.
“Shit.” Your eyes widened just a touch. Deep down you’d always hoped that your feelings were shared, but being confronted by the reality felt like the rug out from under your feet.
“They won't see through my disguise
Right here behind my eyes
Replaying in my mind
La dee da yeah
I'm feeling like
There is no better place than right by your side,
I had a little taste.”
And he had. Just in the last few minutes, but it was enough. Jake knew that he wanted you the moment he saw you. But you fought him on every attempt, pushing him back. It forced him to push his feelings away, to accept that you only saw him as a friend. The blush though, that confused him. Did it mean you felt the same? Did you want him the same way he wanted you?
“And I'll only spoil the party anyway
'Cause all the girls are looking fine.
But you're the only one on my mind.”
Mentally preparing himself for the last few verses, Jake glanced over to watch you. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Didn’t ever want to look away. But he had to, just for a moment. He turned and began teasing Rooster, standing behind the chair the other man sat in, popping up on either side of Rooster’s head, singing loudly.
“La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
There's only me
There's only you.”
Hangman had been smacked upside the head after just one of the three final verses, so he moved on, choosing Coyote as his next victim.
“La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
When you are gone I think of you.”
You and the others on the blue couch burst out laughing at the look on Coyote’s face. It was a mixture of confusion, amusement, and a whole series of others that were indecipherable, but were enough to make them laugh loudly.
“La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
There's only me
There's only you.”
Beginning the last part of the final chorus, Jake began to spin. His arms were extended out to his sides and he spun around the room like a five year-old in a dance class.
“La da dee
La da dee doo
La da dee me
La da dee you
La da dee
La da dee doo
When you are gone I think of you.”
With a flourish, Jake stopped spinning. He wobbled a little on feet, but stood there beaming. A moment of silence took place as the other pilots made eye contact before Javy leapt up with a holler and clapped his best friend on the back. The rest of the pilots followed moments later, surrounding Hangman and teasing him for his performance, but he couldn’t find it within himself to be bothered by them. The only opinion he wanted belonged to the smallest of the three women in the room.
You watched Jake get swarmed by the other members of the squadron, opting to stand back. Your eyes met his green ones as you mouthed “You did good,” in his direction, watching as a million-watt smile overtook his face, and he let himself get dragged into the whooping and hollering from the pilots around him.
Hours later, you sat in the rec room, nose in your book. You had sought out the quiet of the room late at night to avoid Halo’s teasing about your reaction to Hangman’s fulfillment of the dare. Humming, you turned the page, losing yourself in the plot and characters, pausing only to take a drink from the tea sitting next to you.
A noise made you start and you quickly closed your book, suddenly on high alert. “Sorry, didn’ mean to scare you,” a familiar voice said from the doorway.
“Oh, it’s just you,” you replied. You settled back in your position on the couch, reopening your book and began to read where you’d left off.
He moved into the light, leaning against the doorframe. “I’ll pretend that doesn’t hurt,” he answered, a little more of a drawl in his voice than usual. “Jus’ me. Coulda been a murderer for all you know.”
“Hmmm…” came the wordless reply. “But it wasn’t.”
Pushing off the wooden frame, Jake padded over to the couch you sat on. You looked so calm, hair down around your shoulders, bare feet tucked under a random blue blanket. It was a sight that took his breath away. You looked beautiful even at your most relaxed. “But if it was?”
Shaking your head, you stuck your bookmark in between the pages and shut it. “If you were a murderer Jake, I would have screamed,” you replied with a soft smile. “Why are you up?”
“Mm. Couldn’t sleep. You?”
“Same. And Halo is being unbearable,” you said with a small smile. A softer version of Jake sat next to you, hair fluffy from being towel dried, bare feet resting on the wood floor. It felt private. Like he had let his guard down so you could see who he really was. Not just a flight suit or service khakis and the ego that spanned for miles, but also a black T-shirt and grey sweatpants, clothing of comfort and ease showcasing a different, softer person that was hidden away.
“Oh?” A blond eyebrow was raised in question, and you bit back your chuckle. “How so?”
“Just being Halo,” you said vaguely, not meeting his eyes. “You know how she is.”
“Fair enough,” Jake replied. He wondered why you didn’t meet his gaze, but chose to ignore it. “Whatcha reading’?”
You flipped the book around so he could see the cover. “Eight Perfect Murders, so you can see that I’m well prepared in case you were a murderer.”
Silence fell over you both for a few moments before you spoke again. “What song would you have picked if you'd won?”
Jake hummed, narrowing his gaze in faux concentration. “Don’t think I actually thought that far ahead,” he admitted, with a soft smile in your direction.
A cheeky grin overtook your face. “Does this mean you thought I was going to win from the start?” You asked, leaning forwards into his space, a hand on his knee. “Because it just further proves that I’m the better pilot.”
“You were always better,” Jake replied sincerely. “And I’m sorry if I made you feel like you weren’t.”
“You don’t need to apologise, I was always going to feel like I was pretty damn good at my job, regardless of what you thought,” you replied, waving his apology off. You pushed off his knee and settled back against the pillow behind you. “Sorry for being all up in your space.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jake said. And he meant it, because holy shit, if he could get you to lean into his space again, he’d do whatever it took. “I think I would have made you lip sync to Before he Cheats.”
“Carrie Underwood?”
“You surprised?”
You paused. “Actually no, you’d think I would be, but that makes sense to me.” You placed your book on the table beside the couch. “After all, I did glitter bomb my ex’s house and car after I found out he was cheating on me with my sister.”
“Actually?” The blond man was stunned. “Who would cheat on you?” The concept seemed absurd to him, because you were his idea of the perfect woman. Sharp, skilled, smart, and could be soft if you so chose.
“That dickhead. Dude just couldn’t keep it in his pants. He actually had the balls to say that it was because I was gone all the time because of my job. I told him to kindly fuck off,” you recounted with a sharp grin. It looked predatory, and it was a look that he was used to seeing on your face. Some of the older pilots often assumed you were a secretary or on base personnel, which of course there was nothing wrong with, but it drove you crazy because you felt it negated your skills. And Jake knew that. “But he’s irrelevant anyways, so let’s not talk about that,” you said, curling in on yourself just a little. “Why are you really up?”
“You figured me out that quickly?”
You gave him a soft smile. “Your eyes wouldn’t be so bloodshot if you couldn’t fall asleep tonight. It looks like this has been going on for a bit,” you said in a tone as gentle as the look on your face. “Jake, if it’s none of my business, just tell me and I’ll drop it. But I am here if you want to talk.”
Jake sighed, shifting on the couch. “I appreciate that.” He tucked a foot under his leg and shuffled closer to the woman sitting nearby. “It’s nightmares.” His voice had dropped low, barely above a whisper as he spoke. It was almost like he was ashamed.
You hummed, nodding as you did. “Can I ask how long you have had them?”
“Since the uranium mission. I know it’s stupid and I should just suck it up because this happens to everyone and I just-” Jake rambled, running a hand through his hair and messing it up even more than it already was. He looked haggard and beaten down, like he hadn’t slept properly in a long time.
“Hey…take a breath,” you said, gently redirecting him. “You’re okay, Jake. Just breathe.” You slid closer to him, reaching for him hesitantly. You were unsure how to proceed, so you took a deep breath, watching Jake copy you. “One more.”
He did, chest heaving stiltedly as he tried to steady his breathing. Jake didn’t look at you, staring instead at his hands that shook on his lap. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. "You shouldn't see me like this."
You gave him a soft look, but in your mind, anger whirled, cursing whoever had made this man before you doubt himself and his feelings. You were angry that he had been made to feel like emotions were weakness. Taking one more breath, you reached out and grabbed Jake's hand, holding it between your own. "Hey," you said softly. "You have nothing to apologize for. Absolutely nothing. You are allowed to feel your feelings. And fuck whoever said that you couldn't."
Your words drew a wet chuckle from Jake's chest, and he leaned closer to you, seeking your warmth like a moth to a flame. He hated how vulnerable he was in this moment, hated that you, one of the strongest people he knew, had to see him so fragile. "But they were right," he mumbled.
"We all struggle, but that doesn’t mean we have to let it drag us down with it. You wouldn't tell me to suck it up, would you?” You squeezed his hand, giving him a soft smile. He shook his head, eyes fixated on the floor. “So don't tell yourself that. Just let it out.”
You were met with a wet half-smile, his green eyes gazing on you with an thankful look. “You were already stationed on the Roosevelt, so you know the jist of the mission. But when I left the carrier, there was a moment of panic. That I was going to be too late to save them,” he admitted quietly. “And I know I wasn’t, I got there. Rooster and Mav are fine, but my brain wants me to relive the situation as if I didn’t. Then in Siberia, you crashed harder than I’ve ever seen a plane crash. And you walked away, but…” He fiddled with you hand, toying with your fingers. But he wasn’t looking at you, fearing judgement.
“The ‘what-ifs’ take over,” you finished for him gently. “Those bastards love being heard.” You bit your lip, before continuing. “I understand, that mission haunts me too. Forces me to relive that moment over and over again.” A scoff left your lips, and you shook your head. “I get it, and I’m here if you need someone to talk to. Again.”
Finally, he raised his head to look at you again. “Thank you. For listening, I mean.” Jake looked nervous, like he didn’t believe that he could be vulnerable. And he tried to push the nerves away, but found that he couldn’t. Not when he was being faced with the intelligent eyes of the woman he’d slowly fallen for.
“There’s no need to thank me,” you replied. “I know you would have listened if I needed to talk. So let’s focus on something else, draw your attention away from the dreaded ‘what-ifs’. Ask me anything.”
A small grin appeared, breaking through the fear and anxiety on Jake’s face. “Anything? You might come to regret that, sweetheart.”
Jake groaned, head lolling back to rest on the back of the couch. He ran a hand over his face, wiping off his tears before replying. “You will be the death of me, sweetheart,” he said, watching you closely. The spark of mischief dancing in your eyes, well, he knew that it was reflected in his own. It was a sudden one-eighty from the mood only moments earlier. “What’s the real reason you got your call sign? And don’t say your attitude, because we all know that that played a part.”
Shaking your head, you ignored the question to ask “Really? That’s your first question? Not going to go for something more hard hitting?”
“Nope, now answer it.”
“Ugh. Fine. I have a tattoo of a Spitfire on my sternum. One of the girls at basic saw it and I’ve been ‘Spitfire’ ever since,” you told him, making a gesture over your shirt showing him where it sat.
“Seriously? Why a Spitfire?”
“Yep, and it's because my grandpa flew one in Korea. It's actually the same model as the one he flew,” you told him with a soft smile.
Jake leaned forwards. “You have a photo?” He asked excitedly, almost like he couldn’t believe he didn’t know that you had tattoos.
“I do, but they’re on my phone in my room. I’ll show you tomorrow?” You replied, smiling a little. Your thumb ran over the back of Jake’s hand, offering comfort and empathy anyway you could. “But in the meantime, I have some that you can see easily. You know, if you want?”
“Where are they?” His eagerness made you laugh, a smile etched on your face.
“Come again?” You asked with a teasing smile on your lips. “Don’t think I quite heard you.”
“Come on, don’t tease me sweetheart.”
“I’m pretty sure you said that already,” you replied, a small smirk on your face. “But fine, I might as well. Here.” You pushed the blanket off your lap and pulled up the bottom of your loose sleep shorts to reveal a large and ornate foliage-covered dagger on your thigh. “This was the first tattoo I had done.”
Jake reached out, finger tracing the fine lines of the hilt. He wasn’t sure what had possessed him to do such a thing, but now that he had and felt the warm skin beneath his palm, he wasn’t regretting it.
You shivered as Jake traced the outline of your tattoo. Catching his hand once he’d gone around a few times, you gave him a gentle look. “Slow down, Bagman. You keep that up and you won’t get to see the others.”
“‘M sorry,” he mumbled, but he didn’t look sorry for his teasing.
You only winked at him, before pulling up the hem of your shirt, revealing the tan skin underneath and Jake was pretty sure that he’d died and gone to heaven at this point. Written in a cursive font on your hip were the words ‘She flies by her own wings.’ On the other side, just below your ribs, in a typewriter font sat the words ‘I Dare You,’ and Jake couldn’t help but laugh at how fitting the words were. “What are you laughing about?” You asked, a smile evident in your voice.
“Just how fitting this one is,” the man replied, brushing his thumb over the skin, grinning when he felt you suck in a breath at the gentle touch. “No wonder you got ‘Spitfire’ as a call sign.”
You huffed a laugh, still hyper aware of Jake’s touch on your skin. Each pass of his thumb only burned his touch into you, setting your body alight. “Guess so,” you hummed, trying to slow your breathing, hoping that he hadn’t noticed.
“You have any more?”
“A few, but only two that I can show you without undressing.” You turned your head to the side, folding your ear over to reveal a silhouette of an old Spitfire plane, but underneath that, was the image of a ghost, acting as the shadow. “I got this just after I made my old squadron straight out of flight school.”
A feather-light touch to the skin made you shiver once again. “Squadron six sixty-six?” Jake mumbled from just behind you, sending sparks down you spine and making you squirm.
“Mhmm, first pilot to do that in the time that squadron has been active. Showed up my entire class, that’s how I knew I was the 1%,” you replied with a breathy chuckle. “Took a lot of extra work, but it got me here, so…” you trailed off, shrugging.
“It was clearly worth it,” Jake finished. “Don’t you have the triple sixes on your hand as well?”
“I have the VFA call code for that squadron on my ankle, if that’s what you mean,” you hummed, turning back to face Jake only to have your nose brush his with how close he was. “Oh…”
“Sorry, I’ll…” Jake whispered, shifting backwards just enough to create a few inches of space between you.
You reached out, cradling his jaw and smiling as he leaned into your touch. “Don’t,” you whispered back. “Don’t move. Please.”
“Are you sure?” Jake held his breath, and prayed that he wasn’t reading this the wrong way. Sitting so close to you, he could see the many colours in your eyes, smell the perfume that was so uniquely yours that he swore he could pick it out of a crowd.
“Mhmm… I’m sure.” You watched his eyes flick down towards your lips, and back to your eyes before repeating the motion. You watched him closely, still aware of his hand on your jaw where it had drifted after investigating the ghost tattoo. “What are you thinking?” you whispered.
“How much I want to kiss you, and if I do, hoping you won’t slap me,” the blond chuckled awkwardly.
Tilting your head slightly, you leaned forwards and pressed a barely-there kiss to his lips. “Still afraid?” you asked, pulling back to catch the stunned look on his face.
Jake blinked in surprise. It felt like his brain had shut down at the feeling of your lips against his and he wanted to feel this way forever. “No, no. Not at all,” he finally replied.
At his words, a blinding smile appeared on your face and you placed your hand on his cheek, running your thumb along his cheek bone. “Shall I do it again?”
“Please.” And this time, Jake was the first to lean in, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. His heart soared, and he did his best to pour as much emotion into the gesture as he could, if only because he feared he would never get this chance again. When he did pull away, Jake felt your forehead lean against his, your eyes closed. “Okay, so I’m definitely doing that again.”
You laughed lightly, your eyes opening to gaze softly at the man in front of you. “Soon?”
“Hell yeah.” His eager reply sent you both into quiet giggles.
You fell silent, just savouring the newness of the moment they were in. “If you told me eight years ago,” you began, “That I’d be kissing the single most cocky pilot I’ve ever met, I’d tell you that you were insane. Especially since I punched the last one that tried something with me.”
Your honesty had Jake huffing a laugh. “Why does that not surprise me?”
“Because I punched you in the nose after you insulted me.”
“That would do it,” he mumbled, gaze slipping to your lips once more. “C’mere.” Jake’s hands slid to your hips, pulling you forward and onto his lap.
You let out a slight gasp, hands scrambling for purchase against his chest as you straddled him. “Jake.”
“Yeah sweetheart?”
“Just kiss me.”
And kiss you he did.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading!
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farawaysoph-ie · 2 months
The Sunshine Court Incoherent Whatever (pt.1)
Okay. Okay.
I just finished The Sunshine Court and 1) Jean Moreau what have you done to me? 2) Jean Moreau what have(n't) they done to you?
I started this, then went and re-read tkm (bc the obsession was always latent and never gone), so I could compare both Neil and Jean pov and well, suffice to say I'm not okay and I feel too much.
Thank you Nora Sakavic, it was painful and amazing.
I have a long train ride so I might as well bring back my incoherent whatever after *checks the notes* 4 years :')
As always this will be so full of spoilers.
(Unrelated spoiler: the train ride wasn't enough)
Let's start with the general:
After loving Neil maybe too much the shift to Jean took awhile to adjust to but now I'm ready to fight at least three mafia families, every single hater (fictional or otherwise) and the FBI for him
Jeremy Knox was everything, but like everyone on here, what are you hiding Jeremy?? What's going on??
Cat and Laila, my beloved ™️ the care these two effortlessly gave made me cry
This whole book was a serious trigger for me, but I'm in too deep with this series, imagine me like that Simpsons meme, I did it for my new french son
Characters, thoughts:
I said before the Ravens were a cult, but I hadn't really understood that statement. Every time Jean spoke of them it hit deeper and deeper how messed up and unfair it all was.
Boy am I happy that Riko is dead, like I didn't really wish anyone the fate of being shot by an unfeeling older brother, until Jean's pov hit me like a high speed train.
Andrew spoke exactly one word in this, still was iconic and a scene stealer, how in character for him
I forgot how much I always want to slap Kevin Day when he's trying his best to be annoying, it's because I love him, I swear! (But seriously his relationship with Jean is so complex and well executed I will think about it for a very long while)
I didn't give much thought to Renee and Jean relationship in tkm, but it broke my heart here, it's when I started to actually tear up, I love them so much rainbows, a cool evening breeze. I can't.
"Tell me something"
"Where are you now?"
The whole dynamic of the Cat&Laila& sometimesJeremy's apartment
Cat teaching Jean how to cook + motorbike ride (open roads)
Laila taking him to shopping
Jeremy wanting to make Jean Moreau the Person his success story
Neil dragging Jean towards survival without giving him a choice, again and again: he sent Renee as gentle bait, closed a deal in his name with a mafia boss, promised him he would win against Riko in his name too, promised him again Riko was dead, ordered a hit on his rapist, offered to delay the talk with the FBI, linked his sister to his name, to survival and to what he deserved. I NEED more interactions between them, I am not above begging.
I have to get a better idea on the other Trojans, but for now the policule was cute, I need more Cody and less Lucas. Like I can understand where he was coming from? But he needs to shut up now, you made your mess man, now go play Exy like you were supposed to.
I miss the Foxes :'(
Wymack! I almost forgot everyone's favourite dad-coach: he showed up, brought alcohol, got more tired, delivered care to yet another traumatized child, spent a whole day on airplanes to bring him to Los Angeles, left him money for clothes&co. bc he's not doing this again, answered his call when he was having The Breakdown. Best dad-coach ever in the history of dad-coaches.
Plot things:
Jean at the beginning was so scared and in so much pain it took a while to get a clear picture of him as a person
Still loved all his salty comments and insults, he couldn't help himself
Renee sitting with him and caring with Abby and Wymack :')
Jean being afraid of going back and of not going back to Evermore, hating the ones that got to leave
The self harm and all the people in this that fought him to keep his hands from his neck, his scars, himself
"I am Jean Moreau. My place is at Evermore. I will endure."
Jean not believing in Wymack care, waiting for the act to end and the other shoe to drop
The disbelief at Kevin being away from the court and him admitting he went at knifepoint (and meaning it literally), sometimes this was a comedy
Wymack, Jean, and the burning of houses
Jean's opinion of the Foxes going from those mediocre fools to those mediocre madmen to the madmen that actually beat Riko Moriyama
Wymack putting Jean's phone in the freezer and hating computers
“That man is years overdue for a high-speed, head-on collision.” couldn't have said it better, but Neil was already on it at that point
"Jean knew better than to look for anger in his stare; the best Kevin could manage was bottomless guilt."
“It was my only chance,” Kevin said. “I knew you wouldn’t come with me.” “My place is at Evermore,” Jean agreed, “but you did not have to slit my throat on the way out.”
“Your blind loyalty to those clowns is exhausting.” “Some of them you like,” Kevin reminded him. “Don’t you dare,”
Nathaniel "Hello Jean" Wesninski vs Jean "Go away" Moreau
This whole conversation went very differently compared to tkm: like there Neil came, dropped a metaphorical bomb, glossed over the explanation and went away trying to convince Andrew they are something
Jean was ambushed by two of his most complicated acquaintances (???) and their "pet goalkeeper" (god I need Andrew's reaction to this "nickname", but I guess no one will ever say this to his face, Neil would be too busy fighting you at the suggestion to ever repeat it), had his worldwiew turned upside down with no chance of having a say in the matter, then was left alone with Kevin Day and the aftermath.
So yes two different conversation; also I kinda forgot of the deal about Neil and his smile
“Everyone who has tried to tame him has failed.”
All for the game: a summary
There was no getting away; there was only getting through.
Jean Moreau who (hasn't) hurt you, part some of too many
What really makes it messed up is that on one hand there was Riko and his mad cruelty and on the other there was an entire team of bystanders At Best: some people were an active part and then pretended, no sympathy for them; others decided to ignore the truth to survive and get what they wanted, which I can understand but I guess they still didn't have the decency to shut up when Jean got away. The anger that crawled through my skin when the smear campaign and the notebook/postcards/magnets thing happened. You should have stayed silent until the end you fucks.
“Do it, then. It wouldn’t take much; we all know I have brittle bones.”
Jeremy pov kinda gave you whiplash, with him waking up super early, helping homeless men, but then you start noticing all the things he avoids almost effortlessly and like, what are you hiding sunshine man??
What actually broke me about his povs was him noticing all these details about Jean, and then misinterpreting them, bc whatever he's been through Jean has had it 100 times worse and this doesn't even factor in Jeremy world. I'm pretty sure he'll get the whole truth in the end and I'm scared of what it'll do to him.
Also Jean being like Ravens always had to keep secrets and then spilling most of them almost unprompted, let's laugh in order not to cry
“He hasn’t played a clean game in years,” Kevin admitted, “but he knows how to follow orders. If you tell him to submit, he will.” “Literally the most awkward way you could’ve worded it,” Jeremy said.
This will keep coming back, Kevin please. (He 100% ships it, one of us)
The Foxes catching the too tired Trojans and Jeremy being like, you are all approved (I need the two teams to interact now)
Also the Trojans being like how are they still standing, Neil how are you still running??
Someone pointed out they wanted Neil to interact with Jeans closest teammates bc if he is a madman by Jean standards, what would normal people make of him? To which yes, but also guys consider this: Neil said to Cat and Laila that they were terrifying after the semifinal, he took a step back when Jeremy opened the door and silently invited him in. I need Neil and the floozies to interact so Neil can experience real fear.
Mafia bosses have nothing on wholesome people, the true weakness of one Neil Josten
Jean immediately hanging up on Jeremy will never not be funny
When you get to the title of the book and it's Jean insulting people <3
I will Never, NEVER, get over the "nineteen". Never.
I love Abby but when she told that bit about fighting back, It Hurt. She probably didn't really mean it and didn't know everything bc how are you supposed to keep fighting when you are fifteen, alone and forsaken in a place that is built to break you? As it has been pointed out, Neil had rebellion beaten into him by a mother that chose him and ran; Jean had a sister that he hoped to protect and parents that sold him away like property. Five months were actually a long time.
Dobson keeps being iconic, I don't know what to think about the I don't know how exy works bit: I mean I've been obsessing with this and still don't know how exy works (plz don't hate me), but at the same time it was such a power move and got Jean to talk
“Of course it’d be you, you tedious malcontent.” “Good morning to you, too.” Nathaniel held up an oversized bandage.
You see why I need more of their interactions, right?
Nathaniel was different; he always would be. He wasn’t a Raven, but he was, same as Jean. He was Jean’s misplaced forever partner, an unfulfilled promise Jean had stopped believing in years ago.
You can now be forever partners while you tear down your families :)
I think that I'm stuck on the two of them bc while Kevin broke a promise to save himself (to which no hate, when dealing with madmen like Riko you have to save yourself) and still couldn't, not completely, Neil was a promise made and broken by other people. Jean hates him bc they were supposed to share a destiny and all the misery, but I think very deep down he knows that if Nathaniel had come to the Nest they would still be nursing wounds and appeasing a tyrant. Neil is the one that stood against Riko when Kevin wanted to hide, the one that gave him courage by example, the one that dragged Jean away from the Ravens, both for selfish reasons (taking down Riko) and better ones (paying him back for saving his life a the Nest).
But still
“You are only here now because you are an abominable cockroach,”
Funny how Neil forgot to tell us about the breakdown about Kevin's tattoo, he was probably thinking about the match. Junkie.
The cheese drawer guys, ???
To this day I still can't decide what was more iconic: Kevin Day switching playing hand halfway through the game and pretty much scoring everything until the last second, Neil being so fast that it made up for him being a shitty defender, Andrew crossing the court to keep Neil from being murdered (I'm biased, but still iconic moments all of them)
Experiencing this match from Jean's pov was amazing writing, like the countdown of the last ten seconds, the Riko-Neil bit without volume but from a different angle (I didn't really realize everyone was able to see the King attempting murder live on TV, but hey perspective)
Run, Jean thought. He didn't know if he was thinking it at Andrew or Nathaniel. Run.
"That wasn't a miracle," Jean typed out. "That was the Foxes."
When Jean found about Riko though :'(
The shudder that wracked his chest should have been revulsion, but it fell dangerously short. This didn't feel like joy or relief; it only felt like loss. [...] Who was he without them?"
I loved that he woke up to Renee and Neil though, the rainbow and the witness
Renee always hitting the point, this wonderful girl
"Maybe you're mourning the wreckage he made of your life. You're allowed to grieve what he took from you."
"It's impressive, isn't it? How easily these monsters die in the end."
Neil Abram Josten said I'm done letting monsters ruin my life and my people, he actually promised.
When he called him Neil guys, tears
Also I found peculiar that when thinking about the room he destroyed Jean calls it "Neil's dorm room", not Kevin's who he's known for actually longer. It's what makes me think that they have a chance at not being misplaced forever anymore.
Renee either hits you with hidden wisdom of the universe or with practical and brutal advice, and we love her for that
The two of them, the Two Of THEEEEEEEEM
Jean noticed how Andrew and Neil moved like they were caught in each other's gravity, in each other's space more than they were out of it, cigarette smoke and matching armbands and lingering looks when one fell out of orbit for too long.
Just leaving this here.
The airport bit :'(
"Men like Wymack didn't exist. They couldn't; they shouldn't."
Enter Jeremy Knox and his yo-yo in the middle of said airport. Flawless.
This man was put on Earth to test Jean, at least that's what he will keep thinking from here on
The rest of this book is Jean having conversations with people and not understanding them, bc he's been living for five (seven) years in a cult. It is an escalation pretty painful to watch, I think the Trojans are all of us :'(
Question: will Jean end up teaching Jeremy French? Will Jeremy learn by himself? I think I'd probably prefer the latter
Cat, the mess, the music, the tour, I love her so much
Jeremy "he's a little off" Knox, he was trying
Barkbark von Barkenstein
Jean Moreau and the real world (bubble tea? you have to shop for stuff? you sign things yourself? you leave campus? someone help this disoriented french bean)
"Something had gone horribly wrong at Evermore"
oh Jeremy
Watching Jeremy regret almost all his questions :'(
“Three fractured ribs. Sprained LCL. Twisted ankle. Broken nose. That’s most of it.” That’s most of it.
Laila, who pushed and got angry for Jean and didn't back down despite him lashing out, my beloved
You look like a Ken doll." + "This isn't blond."
"Not Grayson.[...] Please." that one made me sick, the writing made me feel even only a part of what Jean was feeling and it was enough to feel sick
The water :'(
Jean just leaving when confronted with Laila and Jeremy in swimsuits was very bi of him
Lucas coming in looking like a well know nightmare and the Ravens dropping like flies
I didn't ask.
It's not like I didn't know, right? But I still died inside
Zane and the betrayal
Jeremy didn’t let him get away with it. “That’s not the issue and you know it. I don’t want to crowd you.” “You are not them,” Jean said. “Kevin would not have sent me here if you were.”
Jean taking one look at the doctor sent by the coaches and going nope, Dobson will be definitely better
Jeremy seeing the nightmares and the scars and not being able to do much:(
A hand on his chin startled him into looking up. When he met Jean’s eyes, Jean only said, “Focus on what’s important.” “I am,” Jeremy said. Jean opened his mouth, closed it again, and let go of Jeremy without a word. Jeremy snagged his arm when he started to turn away. “Who did this to you?”
I'm sorry did he just
“It’s not about size, anyway.” “Defensive,” Jean said, tugging his glove straps with his teeth. Jeremy straightened in indignation. “I don’t have anything to be defensive about.” Jean lost his grip and bit his lip, and Jeremy hurried on before either of them could think too much about that double entendre.
“Say ‘yes, Jeremy’.” He had the distinct impression Jean wanted to roll his eyes. “Yes, Jeremy.” Jeremy forgot everything else he could have said in favor of staring. It was the first time he’d heard Jean say his name.
Are you seeing this? Yes? Good, let's go on
“If I ever make you uncomfortable or make you feel unsafe, will you promise to tell me? If you don’t trust me enough to tell me what’s wrong and why, at least trust me enough to tell me that something is wrong. I can’t fix things if I don’t know there’s a problem. As your captain and your partner, don’t I at least deserve the chance to not be a villain in your story?”
The pool bit :'( and after when they tell there are no pools at Evermore. Riko is so lucky to already be dead :)
You’re forcing us to hurt you without giving us any say in the matter.”
Watching Jean trying to navigate his interactions with the Trojans was painful, frustrating but also hopeful. This boy has been hurt so much and so often, he doesn't get what normal looks like anymore. But the Trojans don't let him get away with it (even if it breaks their heart and the coaches will probably get a lot of grey hair from this)
"Your safety and happiness will always be more important than our season.” “You are naïve.” “Maybe you’ll define success by how we do this season, but I’m not obligated to do the same. You are going to be my success story: Jean Moreau the person, not Jean Moreau of the perfect Court. You take care of one, and I’ll take care of the other.” “That is not how it works.” “Is there a rule against it?” “There is no merit to it. This is all I am.” Jeremy ignored that and asked again, “Is there a rule against it?”
Jeremy gay panicking and the photo of Renee
The floozy line!
Every time Jeremy goes "our coaches" or "our teammates" all I can think in my head is "someone will die" "of fun!!!!"
Jean wondering if the Trojans have something against recruiting tall players xD
“Thank you for worrying about them. You’re a good man, Jean Moreau.” “A ridiculous sentiment,” he said. “I mean it,”
This man didn't even second guess himself, he had to ask because he knew and it didn't even occur to him to be silent. Excuse me sir? Shut up you are a good man
“I assumed the Trojans were idiots,” Jean said. “Now I think you are all insane.” “It’s a step up,” Cody said. “I’ll take it.”
The practices, the scars pt2
“It is all I am, Coach.”
“We did not want outsiders at Evermore.” “Except Neil,” Cat said. “Neil was a special case,” Jean allowed.
You’re hurting me.” “It has been toward for five years,” Jean said, looking past Jeremy at the scrimmage that was still going on without them. “It is not that easy to undo.” Jeremy frowned at him and echoed, “Five? You were only with the Ravens for three.” “I moved into Evermore two years before I enrolled,” Jean said, and hauled Jeremy to one side. The stray ball that had been coming for them ricocheted off his chest instead of Jeremy’s back, and Jean scooped it up on the rebound with a quick snap of his wrist. He hurled it across the court toward Cody one-handed before finally letting go of Jeremy. “I will try harder.”
The notebooks breakdown hurt so bad bc Cat and Laila being angry for him (they are all of us), Jeremy trying to mediate bc he's been there, he pushed and Jean broke and he doesn't want to hurt him, and Jean who confesses his secrets without meaning to, just to realize and panic. What a recipe for a disaster.
“How dare they blame you for anything after what they did to you. How dare you grieve them.” It hit like a sucker punch, but Jean’s frustrated rejoinder was worse: “They don’t know.”
They don't know, but they could guess. They could smell the blood. They joked about his brittle bones. He was sixteen. I'm not sorry for the mercy I don't have after finishing this book
Jeremy could only watch in wretched silence as Jean tried to walk himself back from the edge. He cast his phone aside in favor of catching Jean’s face in his hands, and the way Jean flinched at his touch was almost his undoing. “Hey,” he said quietly. “Hey. Jean. Look at me.” Jean refused, and Jeremy grasped desperately for anything that could bring Jean back to him. He seized on the only thing he could and threw Jean’s words back at him: “You are Jean Moreau. Your place is here with me, with us. I’m your captain. You’re my partner. We’re supposed to be doing this together, aren’t we? Stop leaving me behind. Look at me.” It wouldn’t work, but it did. Jean opened his eyes to meet Jeremy’s stare. “I told you not to ask me about him.”
I had seen the quote before reading but no one told me what followed ç.ç
He felt a tremor in Jean’s hands, and for a blinding moment he was sure Jean would lean into the safety of this silent confession. But Jean only sucked in a slow breath and said, “Now I am not safe with you, captain.” Letting go of Jean was the hardest thing Jeremy had ever done. Everything in him railed against this, and for a moment he regretted giving Jean a way out.
I was not crying, I swear.
“I’m sorry,” Jeremy said, because he didn’t have the strength for small talk or a softer approach right now. “Did Riko break your hand?”
That was one heavy conversation and it's just the start (Jeremy is Not Fine™️)
He is not used to having a voice, and he has never had power. I cannot promise he will ever talk to you.” “I will wait as long as it takes,” Jeremy said.
Still best boy
And maybe in many ways he still was, but a martyr could still be a monster when the cameras weren’t rolling.
Boy do I have news for you (do you think Jeremy will know that Riko didn't kill himself? Does it matter? I think not knowing this particular detail would be fine, I still don't really know how much this sunshine boy can take (more than I expected but still))
Did I mention that I really love the apartment trio? Cat and Laila agreeing to silence but still being angry (drag them girls, draaaaag them), the dinner and movie and Jean not getting up to leave
Did I mention Lucas is free to shut up and play? :) Because I get that you are angry, but 1) it's not your decision to make, we don't need your conspiracy theories 2) it's not Jean problem, he has enough of them leave him alone
“Ask him why he’s so sure the rumors are true. Ask him what his part in it was. If you’re going to believe him just because he’s blood, then at least make him tell you the truth.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas demanded.
And Jean still deciding not to lie, he may be an asshole but almost everyone he has known didn't deserve him
Also I don't know where Lucas got the audacity? You think there is something the justifies breaking a player's ribs?? What is wrong with you, you are part of the sunshine court
The dread when asking if Grayson was home
The bike ride :')
Now that they were settled, he expected an interrogation or a reason for this unscheduled trip out. When she failed to explain herself, Jean finally asked, “Why are we here?” “I love it here,” [...] “I don’t know. I just felt like some fresh air would do you good. There’s nothing like a ride to get you out of your head and into the moment, you know?” Jean considered that for a minute. “Thank you.”
Jean waited until he was out of earshot. “I don’t understand.” “Trust us,” Jeremy said tiredly. “Neither do we.”
Jean vs the Trojans, a summary
The monster shows up and it was a mess and Jean has never had a break, literally never
Which was extremely literal bc Lucas wanted to talk and then Neil shows up
I need a separate post for the last pages bc I started this 24 h ago and I want to do it justice. So part 2 coming.
Edit: I misspelled Jean's surname *facepalms and goes to hide*
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corcracrow · 7 months
Somewhere, Across the Sea
A Party and a Privateer
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taglist: @dreamlandreader @kingofsummer93 @leatherandtea @popjunkie42-blog @sanfangirl @shadowriel @sunbrightheart @sunshinebingo @tuzna-pesma-snova @visd3stele
(let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!)
(title from Across the Sea by Cody Simpson)
Elain woke to the canvas she'd been using as a blanket being pulled away. Blearily, she snatched at it. Then she froze. She'd clearly been discovered, and it seemed the best thing for it now was to attempt to regain her composure and think of some sort of explanation.
She lifted her mussed head from the deck, just in time to see a beautiful pair of leather boots come to a halt right before her nose.
"Well, well, well," a lilting, male voice said. "What have we here? A stowaway?"
~3 days prior~
Elain Archeron was a proper lady, thank you very much. And not a proper lady as in the merchant’s wife, who dressed in garish clothing and liked to jingle her jewellery, but a proper lady as in a literal lady; daughter of the captain of the island’s fleet.
And she was certainly a proper lady, as in, beautiful and poised, unlikely to lose her head or her heart in the unsteady business of falling in love— and certainly not with a sailor, only to have him sail off and drown.
No, Elain was a dutiful, diligent, and dignified young woman, of high status and higher standards; calm, cool, and collected.
Or so she thought.
“Marianne,” Elain huffed, “is there any possible way you could starch the white muslin before we go? I can’t wear the pink again, it’s far too flirtatious.”
“I’ll do my best, my lady,” Marianne flounced a curtsy and bounced out of the room, Elain’s white muslin dress in her arms.
Elain heaved a sigh of relief and slumped back against her vanity chair. She didn’t really need the white muslin; it was too innocent and prim for its intended purpose. But she could do with a little peace and quiet.
All morning, she had been surrounded by maids and friends, fussing and preening over her in anticipation of tonight’s festivities.
It was to be a party, thrown by Elain’s father, Lord Archeron, in honour of the start of the summer season.
It was also meant to be the setting for Elain’s engagement.
The Lady Elain Archeron and Lord Graysen Nolan had been courting for a year now, and it was high time they made their engagement official. They were such a lovely and intelligent couple, and such a smart match. Elain, destined to be a wealthy heiress, was in need of a husband, and the Lord Graysen, about to take over his father’s shipping company, was in need of a wife. He had quickly decided that the lovely, warm Elain Archeron was the best candidate for such a position.
“And I’m sure her fortune doesn’t hurt, either!” Elain had heard the maids whisper.
She hadn’t concerned herself with that, however. Graysen was handsome, polite, and of good standing. Elain had been quite taken with him at the start, and she wasn’t about to let some whispered criticisms disrupt her carefully laid plans. She would gain a good position as a businessman’s wife, and he would gain her. It seemed quite a fair trade, by Elain’s reckoning.
But Elain was doing her best to savour her final day of freedom. Not that marrying Graysen would be stifling, of course, but– she felt a need for fresh air.
Elain opened her balcony doors and stepped into the cool sea breeze. The heat of the day hadn’t yet hit, and the air grazed her flushed cheeks as she gazed down at the tiny sailors, crawling about on the ships at port. Elain longed to see the sea. Perhaps one day, when Graysen’s business took him off to neighbouring countries, she could join him, dazzling foreign dignitaries and visiting the fabled Crysthall Gardens. The fact that Graysen’s mother never travelled didn’t bother her. After all, her frail nature was known throughout the island, and–
“My lady!”
Elain’s thoughts were rudely interrupted as Marianne burst through her door, cheeks flushed from running. Damn. Elain was hoping the starching would take her a bit longer than this.
“My lady!” Marianne repeated, tearing through Elain’s room to her balcony, the clearly forgotten muslin flying from her arms. “You’ll never guess who appeared in port!”
“Do calm down, Marianne,” Elain said in frustration. “You’ll wrinkle that muslin further.”
“Sorry, my lady. But look, down in berth 15.”
Elain leaned forward over the railing, and scanned down the harbour past her father’s ships to berth 15. She sighed as she made out the familiar flag of an empty eyed fox mask.
“Hm.” Elain tried to sound unaffected. “So, that Pirate is back.”
Marianne gave a half sigh, half squeal, before straightening, eyes bright. “Do you think he’ll be at your engagement party tonight, milady?”
“Oh, Mother, I hope not. If I know anything about that man, he’ll find a way to ruin everything.”
In truth, Elain did not know much about the man at all. She’d seen the maids crowding about the windows when he passed and had once or twice peered through her own curtains, hoping to catch a glimpse of the flaming red hair of the reputed flirt. She’d heard other captains mention him, some with jealousy, some with respect, and a few with open disgust. And she’d certainly heard his name mixed up in quite a few scandals, though it was difficult to get anything resembling sense out of Marianne when it came to such things.
It was always difficult to get a solid sense of knowledge when it came to a captain’s reputation.
Yet Elain certainly got the sense (in the one or two times a year his ship stopped at the Island) that he was every bit the swashbuckling, cunning, and rakish rogue she’d heard of. Exactly the kind of person she loathed.
They were quite alright for romance books, or princess stories, but Elain knew not to get mixed up with that sort of person. Privateers in particular were, as her father put it, “licensed pirates.” They had a bit of allure, perhaps, or a breath of the sea about them, but they were a shortcut to trouble. No, much better were high-ranking merchants, or even foreign princes. Sweet and sincere, with little drama and plenty of romance. Someone like Graysen.
“Come away from there, Marianne.” Elain knew she sounded curt. A girl had a right to be a bit curt on the day of her engagement. “If we don’t get my hair finished now, it will never be done.”
Marianne cast a regretful glance down to the ships, and went to fetch the diamond pins.
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idk if this has been asked before but. what songs remind you of mammon?
I've answered this like 3 times before this but I keep adding new songs so here's the (new) full list again
Some of the choices are much less serious than the others
Why Should I worry - Jonathan Young Cover
Tangled up in me - Skye Sweetnam
Must have done something right - Relient k
Accidentally in love - Counting Crows
Take on the world - Girl Meets World theme (male cover if you want ig)
Better - Ananya Birla
Greedy - Ariana Grande (male cover)
Hell and You - Amigo the Devil
In case you don't live forever - ben platt
Sledgehammer - Fifth Harmony
I can't fight this feeling anymore - REO speedwagon
Cheerleader - OMI
La Da Dee - Cody Simpson
Invincible - Crossfade
I think I'm in love - Kat Dahlia
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
They don't know about us - One Direction
Never Enough - Karl Loxley cover
Better Place - Rachel Platten
Somebody to you - The Vamps
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
Handclap - Fitz and the tantrums
Honey I'm good - Andy Grammer
Casino Royale - Derivakat
Greedy - OR3O ft Swiblet
Gossip - Måneskin ft Tom Morello
MC about Mammon:
Best Friend - Sofi Tukker
Umbrella - Rihanna
Fire Meets Gasoline - Sia
I'll stand by you - The Pretenders
Hot Mess - Cobra Starship
Parachute - Cheryl Cole
Animal - Chase Holfelder
Let it be me - David Guetta ft Ava Max
Unconditionally - Katy Perry
Burn with you - Lea Michele
You & Me - James TW
Stand by you - Rachel Platten (to me, this is just the general mc song overall. It fits so perfectly, specially after seeing what their priorities are like in nightbringer)
Sweet tooth - Scott Helman
Army of Two - Dumdums
Don't let go - don diablo ft holly winter
I'l think of you - Kurt Schneider ft. Sam Tsui, Alex G. & Alyson Stoner
Only Us - Dear Evan Hansen
Partners in Crime - Set it Off
ME! - Taylor Swift ft Brandon Urie
Bud like you - AJR
Two voices one song - Barbie the Diamond Castle
This Hell - Rina Sawayama
True Friend - Hannah Montana
Better than one - The Score
And because I'm having EMOTIONS about angel Mammon:
Stand out, Fit in - Caleb Hyles cover ft Aruvn & Tre Watson
We are - ONE OK ROCK
Fire - Gavin DeGraw
Archers - With Confidence
Wicked Ways - Halestorm
People like us - Kelly Clarkson
Family - Mother Mother
Sinners - Lauren Aquilina
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bearterritory · 4 months
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Cal Rallies Past Colorado
Bears Overcome 20-Point Deficit to Beat Buffs 82-78
BERKELEY (AP) – Jaylon Tyson scored 23 of his career-high 30 points in the second half as the California men's basketball team erased a 20-point deficit to defeat Colorado 82-78 at Haas Pavilion. It was the Golden Bears' largest comeback victory since Feb. 14, 2009 when they trailed by 22 in the first half of an eventual 82-75 win over Stanford in Berkeley. On Wednesday, Cal (6-10, 2-3 Pac-12) trailed 40-20 with 2:09 remaining in the first half and by 14 at the intermission before taking its first lead, 63-62, on a Tyson dunk with 5:38 left in the contest.   "We are going to have many more wins that are impressive over skilled opponents. This is the start," Cal head coach Mark Madsen said. "I know we're going to hit a pothole or two, but I'll tell you this; we're going to fight, fight, fight every step of the way."   Colorado (11-5, 5-3) built a 14-point lead in the first half behind a 15-point effort by Eddie Lampkin Jr, and the Buffaloes were up by 16 points, 52-36 after a J'Vonne Hadley layup with 15 minutes left in the second half. But Colorado went scoreless for almost four minutes while Cal scored 11 unanswered points to start a 20-6 run that pulled the Bears within two, 58-56 with 8:16 left.   A 3-pointer by Jalen Cone with 2:32 left put Cal in front for good, 73-70. Tristan da Silva hit a 3-pointer with 25 seconds left to get Colorado within one, 77-76, but Tyson hit two free throws, and after Cody Williams' jumper Cone hit the first of two free throws to make it 80-78. Following a missed 3-point attempt by da Silva with four seconds left, Cone iced the game with another pair of free throws to set the final margin.   Tyson became the first Cal player with a 30-point game since Jordan Shepherd scored 33 in a 78-64 road win at Oregon on Feb. 12, 2022. The 30-point effort was his fifth consecutive game with 20 points or more, which had not been accomplished since Sean Lampley did so between Jan. 4-13, 2001. Tyson was perfect in the second half, shooting 8 of 8 from the floor – including 2 of 2 from 3-point range – and 5 of 5 at the free throw line on the way to 23 of his 30 points.   "Man, JT is special," Cone said. "He's a first-round draft pick — sooner or later people are going to recognize that. He was phenomenal for us. The team came together on the defensive end and on the offensive end he led the way and he didn't disappoint."   Cone, who was 4 of 12 from behind the arc, finished with 17 points while Fardaws Aimaq added six points and 10 rebounds. Grant Newell and Jalen Celestine scored eight points apiece.   The win earned Cal back-to-back wins for the first time this season.   Lampkin finished with 22 points and 11 rebounds for Colorado and da Silva hit 4 of 7 from 3-point range to add 20 points and six boards. Williams contributed 16 points and KJ Simpson added 12.
STAY POSTED For further coverage of Cal men's basketball, follow the Bears on Twitter (@CalMBBall), Instagram (@CalMBBball) and Facebook (/CalMBBall/).
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ENHYPEN as songs on my playlist:
Heesung as I like me better by Lauv:
Okay so I know what you're thinking, Lauv, how cliche, BUT HEAR ME OUT
Hee really seems like the kind of person who would enjoy a laid back relationship where he could just talk about anything and do anything and have it count as a date y'know?
He also wants to feel good about himself when he's with his s/o and I feel like that's important to him.
He values security and comfort and his s/o is where he'd look to for that.
Overall the comfy vibes and the sweet meaning of the song remind me of Heesung
Jay as Greater than Gatsby by Elizabeth Gerardi:
First of all, Jay gives husband vibes, which fits in with the lyrics of the song
On top of that, he seems like someone who wouldn't mind chasing after someone he genuinely loves, and once he decides he wants you, you're it for him. Like he will not look anywhere else.
He also gives overachieving boyfriend vibes. Like he'd go above and beyond even in the initial stages of your relationship, without even meaning too.
Like he just remembers everything and does the sweetest things, not because he has to, but because he wants to.
Overall the guy described in the song really reminds me of Jay.
Jake as La da Dee by Cody Simpson:
Okay so Jake gives me simp vibes.
Once he likes you, he really really really likes you. Like he can't stop thinking about you and he'd probably ramble about you too everyone around him.
Another one who gives me loyal vibes. Once he likes you, nothing will change his mind. He may flirt before being with you, but I once he's serious about you, nobody else would really affect him.
also feel like he'd just unconsciously see you in every little thing, even other girls.
So yeah in conclusion, Jake needs to cover this song
Sunghoon as Love me like that by Sam Kim:
Hear me out on this one. Sunghoon is definitely confident in himself, but even then he has his days and his struggles,
I feel like he's really good at hiding it, and since he's so used to hiding it, he gets drained easyy
and I feel like one of his fears is that people will leave once he opens up.
Which is why it's important to him that his partner can deal with all of him, including his fears and insecurities. He might take a while to open up but just be patient with him.
Overall, this song seems like a song Sunghoon would add to his playlist
Yang Jungwon as You belong with me by Taylor Swift:
This decision was totally not influenced by the amazing series written by @missmadwoman which you should check out.
No but I feel like Jungwon would need a lot of time to fall for a person, just because of his caring nature and attention to detail (except in the case of injang).
He'd also take forever to realize his feelings, and once he does he'd want to confess to get it out of the way.
He would also look for someone who he could confide in about everything, especially because he's a leader at such a young age.
So overall, Yang Jungwon is an oblivious idiot in need of someone who gives him love and affection
Kim Sunoo as The Only Exception by Paramore:
Okay this makes so much sense in my head so bear with me.
Sunoo seems like someone who won't give up on the person he likes even if they don't believe in love.
He'd do his best to show them what love is actually supposed to be like and how it's not supposed to hurt.
And in that process, he'd prove himself to be different to whoever hurt the person he loves in the past. He's the sunshines in this grumpy sunshine dynamic
So overall Kim Sunoo is just the sweetest and most determined person ever.
Nishimura Riki as Stuck with you by Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber:
So Ni-Ki would be an absolute menace to his partner.
Like these 2 would be bickering so much that everyone around them would question whether they were dating or arch enemies.
But at the end of the day, he's incredibly loyal and loving. Arguing is just his love language in a way.
Like Heesung, he'd also enjoy just staying in with his partner and relaxing instead of going out and doing fun activities. Mainly cause he gets cuddles but you did not hear that from me.
Overall a relationship with Ni-Ki would consist of annoying each other and then being each other's home in a way.
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hotstoriesblog · 5 days
Cody Simpsons Before And After Transformation Pics!a
Do you want to know about Cody Simpsons Before And After Transformation Pics how he look like? at this blog you will explore all information like Cody Simpsons Before And After photos, Simpsons Transformation, Brett Hawke, Michael Phelps. Check out the blog now!
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squeemcsquee · 1 year
PeoriaCon 2023: Sunday
I split Sunday at the con between my friends Ren and Cody. My main goal on Sunday was to meet Walter Jones. To my surprise, the line was considerably shorter – I waited maybe 5 minutes? I had an old Power Rangers coloring book that I asked him to sign, which he did on both the front cover and an interior page. And I got a photo as well. It was expensive, but worth it to meet someone who was such a part of my childhood. And he was very kind – I was super nervous about meeting him and he definitely has a knack for making people relax.
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After that, Ren and I wandered for a bit. They kindly waited while I decided to try out the Simpsons cabinet that I’d ignored on Saturday. They weren’t interested in playing with me, but another congoer joined me at the cabinet, and we did our best together. I recognized him as someone I’d spoken to about the Walter Jones line on Saturday and as we fought our way through Springfield in the game, we talked about our love for Power Rangers. It’s nice having those random moments of connection, whether they’re formed in a line or at a game cabinet or just walking around. It’s a reminder that we really are a community.
After my brief stint at gaming, we wandered the vendors a bit. Ren browsed one of the sword vendors a lot and was eyeing a version of the Master Sword but ultimately decided against it. We also found artists who Ren might commission cosplays or artwork from in the future. I loaded myself down with more prints and some other small items.
After a couple of hours, it was time to part ways with Ren and to meet up with Cody. Cody was also after an autograph from Walter Jones, so I just people-watched and played Pokemon Go.
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 The 501st and local Ghostbusters unit were on hand both Saturday and Sunday and they were wandering around the con. I noticed that on the whole, there seemed to be less cosplay on Sunday, though I think cosplay photography was still being offered. I did get a few cosplayers, though.
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After Cody got his photo and autograph, we looked at the panel list.
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 Once again, nothing caught my eye, and Cody isn’t as gung-ho on panels anyway. So we went to the gaming cabinets so Cody could get some free play on Ninja Turtles.
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And then, yet another round of shopping for me. Cody did far less shopping and far more excited messaging with people about his autograph, but I can’t blame him.
I noticed there was an artist doing caricature work. I had never gotten a caricature before, so I decided, why the heck not? 
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She and I spoke about her experiences at the con over the course of the weekend while she worked on the caricature. I found out that doing the caricatures wasn’t her original plan, but she decided to offer it just to see if anyone would be interested. As she finished mine, a young attendee and their parent walked up to inquire about getting theirs done. So I know she had at least two caricature customers. I hope she got others – she was very nice to talk to and talented. I also got some prints of her original artwork.
And then it was time to call it a day. Sunday was far less eventful, but since I’d neglected a lunch break, I was more than happy to go when I was done. But I do need to show off what was probably one of my favorite purchases all weekend, because boy do these miniatures bring back memories of how things were right as I started attending cons. 
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All PeoriaCon 2023 coverage:
Sunday (current post)
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omeglehigh · 1 year
titl. 8: the Vikings
the Finalé
Azly pulled Taylor’s hand from behind and they both hid behind the bushes. Anna tried to cover her husband and Taylor by standing up but Azly hissed at her and said “What are you being stupid of? I love you both equally and stop saying you’re less than her. You guys are created equal. Do you understand me or not? I can’t live without you both.” Anna’s tears went strolling down her face. She reminded herself she got through with Zam so she’s sure she can get through with anyone else in the future. 
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Credit: One Piece by Eiichiro Oda
I dragged Andrew and kissed him on the ground to make my step son jealous. He wasn’t jealous of me, but he wanted the Throne. He wanted her goddamn Dad die. He hated the fact that he was not Semite like his father. He hated his mother for not sticking up to her all his life. All the boys called him sissy and they were not fond of permanently calling him a him instead of a her. 
The Gog and Magog comrades were a lot, like 2 billions of them. Their flags shown from far and I could feel Drew next to me standing up against the rest with his dark blue regalia and hat on top of the blue-woven hills. Suddenly the Huns threw their arrows towards the sky in sharp 1,2,3 second blazen and before I could glimpse my eyes for a second, the Englands counter-retaliate with a bulldozer of arms attack in the sky. The sky blew grey. Corner ran to the Gog and Magog crown, Cody, and simped him to the ground. Yahudi Boy later struck Cody Simpson’s head with a wooden block and not long after, I could see blood flowing out bursting from Cody’s temple. 
“Drew! Our son!” I gushed. Stupid boys. I never felt so stupid. Even though he wasn’t biologically my son, he was, chemically. I could not explain the feeling. 
Drew got off and carried his way to the boys and took his shield sword. He made a sweeping strike to his slashed throat and Cody was gone in just a blink of an eye.
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bedlessbug · 1 year
yesterday my flat mates and I visited the abandoned lot across the road from our city-centre dwelling. the council frequents the large property to control overgrowth with chemicals, yet curiously turns a blind-eye to the squatting inhabitants of the chapel there.
built in 1927, the chapel is the sole remaining structure on the previously ecclesiastical site. after the bishops' former home was destroyed by fire in 1924, the chapel was constructed alongside an adjoining dwelling (now demolished). prior to the earthquakes the chapel remained a place of worship, having been redeveloped by the Social Services Council when they took ownership of the land and on it built a retirement home which was damaged in the earthquakes and is now too demolished. all which remains is the small house of worship.
we enter the property through the apartment complex that borders it's east side. a small gap in the fence allows only the entry of malnourished squatters or us poor, slim renters. it is a concrete field sprouting familiar weeds; tall, strong and green or withered and dying, depending on the councils last weed destroying escapade. the chapel is lazily cordoned off. the only obstacle in accessing the interior is continually thickening raspberry vine. give it two weeks and the berries will have ripened.
inside a crumpled Cody's can lies to the left. along the floor of the dusty gallery, keys and an electric cable. draped over the pews which boarder either side is an assortment of clothes - floral prints, a plastic anorak, musty t-shirts, and many socks. before the pulpit: to the right, a weathered cardboard box containing bibles and prayer books; to the left, a discarded pair of The Simpsons boxers and numbered pieces of black card.
the Christchurch City Councils Heritage Assessment document remarks the elaborate interior: "with a vaulted wagon roof and panelled walls of black pine, coupled with decorative carvings and mouldings".
since i dwell not in an abandoned chapel (though the romance of it) but in a home, with my own keys, electrical cables and musty clothes, i need not for these items left behind. but with my inclination for the aesthetic and love for god in mind, you must understand my desire for the finer objects inside. i took home with me a missal stand of deep, delicious polished pine. two ornate carvings on heavy bases collected pigeon shit in either corner of the gallery, and altar rails, stacked neatly at the back of the raised nave - these came home with me too.
outside a friend dug up dahlias, we carted them away in buckets. my flat mate found a ladder - finally, the 'ladder guy' he always dreamed of becoming. my other flat mate looked like Jesus carrying the cross upon calvary, the sun setting behind them, as they stumbled across the concrete plateau assisting the heavy heist.
though i feel an inkling of spiritual guilt in that we stole from a place of worship, i remedy this by reminding myself that if we are made in Gods image - he being creator - then would he not excuse this petty theft in the name of creation itself?
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