#coffee business ideas
abdulquddus · 3 months
Who loves coffee? Turn Your Passion into Profit!
Hey I’m Inzamul, Welcome to my article Who loves coffee? Turn Your Passion into Profit!
Coffee is one of the most beloved beverages in the world. With over 2.25 billion cups consumed per day, there's no doubt that people love their coffee. This widespread passion presents a major business opportunity for entrepreneurs and coffee lovers alike. If you share this zeal for coffee, why not turn it into a profitable venture?
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The soaring demand for quality coffee makes now an ideal time to break into the industry. The specialty coffee sector has been booming, expected to reach $83 billion globally by next year. Whether you’re looking to open a café, roast your own beans, or create a brand of coffee products, there are countless ways to monetize people’s coffee obsession.
Brew Up Your Business Ideas
Turning Passion into Profit:
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Remember, transforming your passion into a business requires planning and dedication. Here are some key steps:
Capitalize on Your Coffee Knowledge
There's a vast world within the coffee industry.expand_more From bean origin and roasting profiles to brewing methods and latte art, your expertise can be valuable. Here are some ideas:
Embrace the E-commerce Wave
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The internet provides a platform to bring your coffee passion to a wider audience:
Tap into the Social Media Buzz
Social media is a powerful tool to connect with coffee lovers and build a brand:
Remember, passion is key!
When you combine your love for coffee with dedication and a touch of entrepreneurial spirit, the possibilities are endless. So, brew up a plan, chase your coffee dream, and watch your passion turn into profit!
Unlock Your Online Success! Watch Our Exclusive Video for FREE and Start Earning Today!
Who loves coffee? Turn Your Passion into Profit!
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dainesanddaffodils · 1 year
My current favorite read on the Show!Kipps and Lucy dynamic is that no one knows whether Kipps is genuinely into Lucy - least of all Kipps!
He’s as confused as we are!
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bugmistake · 6 months
yknow whats so crazy. oftentimes.. people will help you if you just tell them you dont know what youre doing. and you dont actually have to bullshit ALL the time
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softquietsteadylove · 7 months
Pleaseeeee we need more from the ghost file AU! It’s underrated and funny!
(as always, credit must be shared with @taran-chan who co-authored the first entry and shares custody of this AU with me)
"Hey, Thena?"
"Why do I do this to myself?"
She smiled into her walkie-talkie. Gil was camping out upstairs while she was on the ground floor. He had initially said that he should be on the ground floor in case someone broke into the house. Then she said that the upper floor was likely more haunted and then he had fallen on that sword instead.
He was very protective, for a giant walking fraidy-cat.
"I wouldn't know the answer to that," she answered back, the click of the walkie's signal punctuating each sentence for her.
"Are you, um," he paused, and she heard the rustling of his sleeping bag. "Are you okay, down there?"
Ah, sweet Gilgamesh. Every hunt, she volunteered to come with him, and every hunt, he worried about her endlessly. She shifted in her own sleeping bag, "I'm fine Gil--are you?"
There was a bit of a silence on his end, because of course he was terrified. He hated doing solo investigations, even though that was always when he got his best evidence (when she wasn't there to corroborate the story).
"I know it's just an old house," he muttered, clearly sharing with her what he had been telling himself endlessly. "It makes...sounds."
"All old buildings do," she agreed, turning onto her back to stare up at the ceiling. Gil was up there, curled up on the carpet in the old bedroom of the woman who had died suddenly in full health on halloween night two hundred years earlier.
"The door's locked, right?"
"Yes," Thena laughed faintly, and he heard him grumbling about how lightly she took things on their hunts. "Gil, I'm safe."
"I just," he sighed and even clicked the walkie in the middle of his strenuous sentence. "I would feel a lot better if I could see you."
Thena shook her head on her pillow. Sweet, sweet Gilgamesh, with his charming words; and he wondered how she kept agreeing to late night ghost hunts with him. "I know, me too."
"What if-"
Thena looked at the walkie, but he never continued his statement. She clicked in, "Gil?"
"Ah, it's nothing."
She pursed her lips, sitting up now. It wasn't as if it wasn't creepy in the old, boarded up house she had broken them into for the night. But she didn't quite see things in the shadows and hear voices in the wind the way Gil did. "Gil?"
"It's okay, I'm sorry if I woke you up."
Thena reached for her phone and maglight, already shimmying out of her sleeping bag. "Do you want me to come up?"
She could practically imagine the look on his adorable face, lips all pouted and big brown eyes. He clicked in, "you don't have to."
"I'm coming up, Gil," she laughed, pulling her boots on again. "It's pretty late anyway. If you don't have much evidence by now I think the rest of the night will be quiet."
He sounded so excited.
Thena walked up the stairs, listening to every creek and moan. Gil was so expressive, always wearing his heart on his sleeve. She adored that about him. "Almost there."
She walked towards the first bedroom on the right, her feet creaking the floorboards. She knocked on the door, hearing a wobbly, "Thena?"
Gil was wrapped up in his sleeping bag, his flashlight on and pointed at the ceiling like a kid scared to go to sleep at camp. She shook her head, "what happened to lights off, hm?"
"Not tonight," he rustled around, emerging from the sleeping bag enough to look at her. He sighed, "you're a sight for sore eyes."
Thena rolled her eyes, "you're just saying that because you're scared that woman is going to appear at the foot of your sleeping bag."
"Well, I am now!"
She laughed as he unzipped the side of it and sat up properly, "I'm kidding Gil."
He pouted at her, holding the unzipped flap open, "just get in here."
Thena blushed. She had left her sleeping bag downstairs. She hadn't even thought about it--maybe she had just thought she would just come up and calm him down. Or maybe she imagined he would be so ready to leave that he would pack up and leave immediately.
"Come on," he urged, even moving the flashlight to beckon her closer. "It's chilly!"
Thena crept closer, tucking herself against his back at first to take off her boots again. "Gil, don't you-"
A moan ran through the old house and that was all the excuse Gil needed to pull her into the sleeping bag with him, curling his arms around her and even tucking her smaller feet between his own.
"We've been in a lot of houses, but this one really takes the cake," he muttered against her hair, holding her against him like a full sized comfort toy.
Thena blinked, completely pressed into his chest as his hands rubbed circles in the back of her shirt. His sleeping bag was so much warmer than hers.
Gil settled himself more comfortably, finally turning the flashlight off and nestling his cheek against the top of her hair. "Okay, I'm beat. Wake me up if that ghost lady comes by."
"'Kay," Thena just barely managed to squeak out, and her voice was high and squeaky as she said, much to her own horror. She couldn't possibly sleep with her heart beating like this. It was the most adrenaline she'd had in her system all night.
"Hey," he whispered, and it was not helping her forget how close they were.
"Y-Yeah?" she whispered back, only because he couldn't see her face and how terribly flustered she felt.
"You know I couldn't do this without you, right?"
His arms tightened around her, and her hands gripped the back of his flannel in reflex. He was so warm, and he felt so strong, but also soft. Her eyes fluttered, "I know."
"Good," he sounded like he was smiling. He nuzzled her forehead until he could press his lips to it. "I just want you to know how happy I am that you're here."
Thena pressed herself even deeper into his chest, as if he and the ghosts could all see her falling even harder for him in real time. Her hands clung to him as she straightened out her curled spine, really cuddling against him. "I'm happy to be with you, too."
She heard him chuckle in the dark, and her blush intensified. That wasn't what he meant.
"Good," he sufficed to say. "Get some sleep."
She nodded against him, done trying to talk and formulate words with him saying such bone-meltingly sweet things. "Night."
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chasing-rabbits · 3 months
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Witches Brew Cauldron Mug
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0nelinerwordplay · 2 months
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Got a Print on Demand Business Idea?
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feralwifey · 10 months
Goal for tomorrow:
Wake up, change, feed and dress baby, pump, have some water but then immediately get dressed too, take the stroller and either jog or walk as fast as possible to the nearest café and get iced coffee. It's a 20 min walk, so not too difficult.
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coquelicoq · 1 year
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[Image description: Photo of a note taped to the dashboard of a car that reads: "Be alert! The world needs more lerts" /end ID]
from my grandmother's dash to yours <3
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t4tdanvis · 7 months
Zane makes Gene’s coffee order perfectly out of spite and Gene keeps trying to talk to him because well. No one else makes his drink right. And Zane’s really hot. He can handle being insulted if it means he can have a proper coffee and he can oogle Zane while he makes drinks.
zane memorizes gene's coffee order. out of spite of course. he also knows exactly when gene comes in every morning. for no reason other than to prepare the flirty mean things hes going to say
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bitethebullets · 10 months
have to waste gas in my car for like an hour to do a personal meeting. bc my hotel wont let me check in till after it ends😫
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adamparrishdyke · 1 year
i have to train the new hire tomorrow please kill me
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lilgynt · 10 months
the idea of hannibal killing service workers i will be completely honest got me wanting to put a bullet in his skull more than will did when he got out of prison 😭
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Okay uh how do you prepare for an interview that's not like, your basic interview. This isn't a Walmart or McDonald's interview, with the same basic questions online that anyone can access. This is an important interview and I don't know how to prepare because there aren't example questions online. I had an interview for this organization last year, different branch tho, but my memory is a disaster so I can't really remember anything. Plus, that interviewer and this interviewer have very different energies. AND I have a different interview for that same organization, just a different branch, coming up too.
I made that confusing.
I'm applying for an organization with branches all over. Last year I interviewed for the California branch, but I can't remember much of it. On Monday I have an interview for a Pennsylvania branch, and on Wednesday an interview for... I can't remember where it is tbh.
The Pennsylvania one is the one that I really really want, so it scares me that it's the first one up. Do you know how long it's been since I've interviewed for a job? It's been *tries and fails to count months* idk like a year? And that was for Starbucks. Customer service jobs all recycle the same questions. "Tell me about a time you delegated. Tell me about a time you dealt with a difficult situation. If a customer was dissatisfied with their order, what would you do to fix it?" And at this point in time, customer service jobs are barely asking any questions. At one of my last jobs he just asked about my previous work experience, why I wanted to work there, how long I was looking to work there, he gave me a tour, asked if I wanted to work there, I said yes, I was hired on the spot.
I had an interview at one Starbucks and she told me they weren't really hiring (idk why she gave me an interview but it was still nice), but we talked about my ambitions and hobbies, which was lit, I found out the interviewer is gay, and I got a free drink. Then she recommended me to a different Starbucks in the area, which actually asked me those normal basic questions, I got a free drink, and I was hired on the spot. Those were my latest interview experiences.
I'm a little hopeful for my interview on Monday though. In the email, the interviewer said "I'd like to find a time to have a conversation with you as an "interview"" and since he phrased it like that I'm hoping that it'll be more like my first Starbucks interview, which is easy.
Idk I think I really want that job. It's a huge opportunity but also a huge commitment. It'd be a year, across the country from where I currently live. It sounds like an amazing opportunity for me. Last year when I applied I asked an old teacher to be a reference, and she said that it seemed like the opportunity and I were made for each other. Plus, this location is just an hour away from my sibling.
This post became a lot longer than I thought I would. Interview on Monday. Different interview on Wednesday. I don't know how to prepare for either. I really want the job. I am full of so much anxiety.
#I'm getting the anxiety shakes#Monday is going to be horrific#i have to wake up early (like 7:30am but normally Monday is a day i get to sleep in)#because the interview is at 9 and i have to do the interview over Google Meet#and i don't have wifi so i have to go to the local coffee shop to steal their wifi. i have to do this damn interview in a busy coffee shop#after that i need an emissions test. the place only does tests from 10 to noon#so after the interview i have to skedaddle to get an emissions test so i don't get pulled over again because my test is four months overdue#then i have to go so work!! i have to work from 3-11pm after all of that!!#i think i might actually die#seriously how do i prepare for this. i couldn't really prepare for the one last year either#i think i just showed up and hoped for the best#idek if i got hired because at the end she told me to email her within like two days if i changed my mind about working there#and i decided i didn't want to work there yet. so idek if i did well enough there to get hired#but now I'm pretty serious about wanting to work there. its terrifying but i think itd be good for me#i havent gone to college yet and the idea of starting is very scary. im not even sure if its the right path for me#but because i dont have any college it means that my aspirations are severely limited and kind of always will be#so im stuck in fast food and i hate it. i want to do something bigger with my life#this is something bigger and it doesnt require a college education#there are decent opportunities for someone without a college education but theyre. idk how to describe it#but things like americorps. ive looked into doing americorps which i dont really need college for. same with this opportunity#idk. im just trying to find something right for me. a job that doesnt suck my soul out. a job i can love#i dont want to feel stuck anymore. i want to have a purpose. but that purpose is a little harder to come by for me#i asked my current boss to be a reference and he said 'are you asking me to be a reference for a job thatll take you away from here?'#i replied 'is it really a job if i dont really get paid?' and he said 'fair enough'#i think he took that to mean that i would still work at this job. thats why i was vague. i dont want him to know i might be leaving yet#if i left it would be late January. hopefully he wont know im leaving until two weeks before i leave#im so nervous. is this even what i want? ill have to give up so much for it. and what if i dont get it? ill still be stuck here#im terrified. wish me luck. or dont. im not sure yet
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tatoasting · 1 year
I havent seeen my mushroom in a couple days (omg thats such a cringey nickname dont tell them I called them that) and I'm so excited!! I wake up tomorrow and go pick them up from work and we hang outs all day!! So excited!!!
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
idk what peter's degrees officially are, if they are officially anything (not counting post superior) but if i had to guess i would assume engineering bs and masters in teaching or something... (would probably use that in fics at least)
wyatt i have headcanons for and it involves double majoring in history and linguistics just based on what he's been shown to be an expert on (...namely indigenous, esp uto-aztecan, languages and history) by various f4 and she hulk writers... idk teaching requirements in OK either but i wouldn't be surprised if a masters was involved at some point, he seems like that kinda guy lol... ntm his failed attempt at a law degree (dork)
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yurbobd · 2 years
I thought I would say hi, and post some of my work? I would really love to post some videos as well?
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