#cold frames
jillraggett · 14 days
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Plant of the Day
Thursday 12 September 2024
The cultivar Cucurbita pepo 'Solara' (courgette, zucchini) has a compact, bushy tendril-free habit and here is being given additional protection by the use of cold frames. The yellow skinned courgettes are produced over a long period from July to October.
Jill Raggett
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jensownzoo · 10 months
Thought I'd throw up some pics of the cold frame I slapped together on my south-facing front porch.
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It's mostly made from windows I scavenged this year. There's a bank of them snugged up against the front railing, there are ones on each side held in place with cinder blocks, and the one in back is resting on what I'm using for thermal mass.
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It's a row of those Tidy Cats litter tubs filled 3/4 up with water and stuffed into black plastic contractor bags. The plastic bags not only help with the absorption of solar heat, but also fill in the spaces between the tubs. They're only filled 3/4 full because they're inevitably going to freeze at some point--some will crack at the bottom seam but most will make it. I do have plans to go out this weekend on a Styrofoam panel scavenging mission--you know, after people blow all their money on new tvs and stuff on black friday and throw the packaging away. Then I'll insulate the back of the thermal shelf to direct the heat all inward.
The top is just a shower door plus a small window. I can shift/lift them for harvesting and watering.
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I've got two regular sized Earthboxes and two smaller in there. The smaller ones are on the ledge and the larger are on the concrete. I've got several lettuces, several spinaches, Swiss chard, and some teeny kale seedlings going. The kale is teeny because the @#@^=$_!! midnight wildlife tore apart the initial transplants when I first planted them in the boxes back in September and I had to restart from seed.
It took me a solid month to work up the energy to put this all together, but only an hour or two to construct. Thankfully, autumn seems to be on a one month delay this year except for one or two short dips below freezing. Looking forward to at least a weekly salad for as long as we don't have another "arctic blast" like we did last year.
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canisalbus · 5 months
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coloursflyaway · 5 months
I think it's so interesting that when the Night Nurse goes through Charles' trauma, she does see him being attacked by the other boys, sees him running alone through the night, but she never sees him dying. That only comes later, when she is searching for love.
And there is no fear in that memory, even if there is pain, there is just Edwin and the light he is bringing, metaphorically and physically, into Charles' life, there is smiling and joking and listening to stories. There is Edwin.
So, yeah, I don't think dying was a bad experience for Charles. Not a good one, per se, but one that led to the best thing in his existence.
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what I would give for an entire arc of their adventures in hell
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mayabishopgold · 4 months
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Maya & Carina | Station 19 - 7x08 "Ushers of the New World"
I just think it would be better if you stayed at home and rested.
And is that your expert opinion?
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tobi-smp · 10 months
you know, with hindsight now what it is I really do think a more literal reading of c!techno's chat would have helped his characterization a Lot
and mind you, this was originally intended to be the case, and very well may have been intended all along even if it wasn't usually emphasized within the lore
and don't get me wrong, I Get why it fell out of favor within the fandom. it coincides with a Very storied ableist trope that demonizes DID and disorders adjacent to it, and Can be spoken about in a way that is essentially indistinguishable from it depending on the word choice.
but the thing is ! not only does it not Have to be an allegory for DID, I straight up don't think it is At All.
because we Know what it's an allegory for. It's His Chat. there's technoblade playing the game, and there's the thousands of people watching with expectations and wants that he's compelled to meet (or, at the very least, pacify through Entertainment).
and this makes much Much more sense when conceived of as Supernatural. be that spirits, gods, demons, or anything that could fill that role. separate entities that, for whatever reason, only techno can sense the presence of and be affected by.
and of course, to an extent this is true for all creators. everyone had an audience that they were meant to entertain and the choices they made were influenced by that fact.
but technoblade came in with a Very distinct set of expectations that heavily impacted the choices he was Expected to make and the kinds of stories that he could tell. he was more or less a living legend in real life just as much as he was in roleplay, and these things were inherently connected.
and it's like !
when c!technoblade says he was peer pressured into killing tubbo at the red festival he Is technically talking about what happened within the roleplay. schlatt was demanding it from him, there's a sort of pressure there. but schlatt was also the dictator they were set to kill, and techno has never had any trouble fighting people he considered a dictator before, and certainly not Schlatt of all people.
but he WAS being peer pressured By His Audience. by thousands of people, most of which were demanding blood Because It Was The Expectation, because it'd be Fun.
out of universe technoblade made the decision he thought would be the most Entertaining, and he was right! consistently he made choices that would let him do the most bombastic Spectacles possible. And It's Great. he's Excellent at pulling dramatics and making a compelling scene that give other people room to work off of. in that sense I'd consider techno an Excellent actor, and I have to imagine that he was fun to work with.
the problem is when you then have to justify it from an in character perspective, grounded in those mushy things like Feelings with characters that can be traumatized and sustain lasting damage, Especially Without acknowledging the out of character incentive.
mind you, it's not Impossible to Create a backstory that could justify it. why a character as consistently powerful and feared as technoblade would feel pressured to kill an ally by someone he not only Can kill but Wanted To Kill. why a character as seemingly secure and in control as technoblade would lash out the way that he does to perceived betrayal, and yet consistently puts no weight onto having killed and permanently scarred an ally that trusted him.
what that'd need is tragedy. a storied history of being hurt and having to survive. building up To an untouchable god from a much much more vulnerable position. Long Lasting trauma that's lead to this deep insecurity and paranoia. and that's Possible and that's Compelling.
but it's just not in the text.
not only did we never learn basically Anything that c!technoblade was up to pre-series, we actually know Less by the end than when we started because of the sbi retconning.
it's a Theoretically Possible interpretation that's technically never Contradicted by canon, but would have to be created by scratch. it's a compelling idea for a fan fic (and one I'd like to read) and it's compelling for a theoretical recontextualization of the character, but it's just not In The Text.
meanwhile, we have the video above.
we have the Objective Fact that technoblade's decision making was often subject to the rule of cool (very Very effectively) to entertain his audience.
and most compellingly, these concepts Don't Need To Be Separate. in fact, in my opinion they're Stronger when you put them together.
because the thing is. it's Difficult to imagine techno as ever being in a vulnerable position. he is just Objectively more powerful than everyone else on the server, both in real life And within the lore. How could he have ever been afraid when he was stronger than anyone and everyone combined? when we saw with our own eyes that techno could face nearly the whole server at once and win.
but he Is a tragic character, at least he's meant to be. and that tragedy makes much Much more sense as something Inward.
technoblade as a character who Needs connection, who Needs stability, who Needs security, who Needs friendship and community and Love. but Lashes Out, Obliterates to the core of the earth, because of something that's not only out of his control but that other people Cannot Understand.
how do you explain to a child that you killed their best friend because a chorus of the undead called for his blood and you (in all the glory that he'd idolized) were unable to do anything but comply? how do you explain to that child that you beat him senseless in a pit as the restless dead jeered and laughed?
That's interesting. That's Compelling.
technoblade is idolized like a god, feared like a force of nature, and in an instant cut himself off from nearly everyone who'd considered him an ally. and that seems to be a pattern, over and over and over again. he's left isolated, and in return he faces retaliation, and in return he's always Waiting for retaliation.
and what do you say to someone who wants to kill you for being a monster? that it's Fine Actually because you only did what you did because you have a curse that compels you to? that the supernatural guided you to destroy their homes and kill their people? (rip jack manifold you will be missed)?
That Doesn't Quite Help Your Case.
technoblade as someone who is beholden to this literal cycle of violence and Loses those things that could ground him, community, stability, People, as a result. who Tries to overcome this very fact (to become a better person, in his own words as per the clip above), but is pulled back into it as a consequence of his own actions.
that's a tragedy !! that Makes Sense. that allows him to be Both this force of nature that other characters have to survive And A Person Who Is Hurt By The Same Conflict.
"I'm a person!" that fear of dehumanization makes So So Much More Sense when you see technoblade as someone who Already fears himself. who fears being a monster, who fears losing control, who has faced isolation again and again and again.
and, importantly, it doesn't have to be anyone else's Fault.
by making the source both Internal and Completely External (something that none of the other characters have any awareness or control over), you can Have techno as a tragic character without demonizing anyone else Or erasing the impact that c!techno had on them.
and in that sense, it Can be an allegory for mental illness, but not in that direct "oooooh how scary he hears voices" kind of way that people fear it looks. but in that sometimes people Will do things that can hurt others while not feeling in control. anger and mania and paranoia, things that you can't always Control and yet that impact that you have on other people still Matters.
and the answer to that is, often, vulnerability and accountability.
I think a lot about technoblade isolating himself so near entirely from the rest of the server, and slowly gathering a support system Back by the end. and I Really Do think that framing of it through this lens is a Very impactful way of breaking it down.
tubbo, tommy, wilbur, ranboo, niki, I think they'd All understand not feeling in control. lashing out, maybe even feeling justified in the moment, but hurting people they care about and furthering their own isolation.
There's Something There, and it's already In The Text. it just needs to be expanded on.
and why not do that ourselves now?
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hamable · 5 months
Okay but 1000% yes to a campaign set in public domain worlds starring
Zac Oyama as Sherlock Holmes
Ally Beardsley as Pooh Bear
Brian Murphy as Piglet (personal casting, honestly any Winnie the Pooh character. Imagine a tigger murph.)
Siobhan Thompson as Mr. Darcy
Emily Axford as Jessica Rabbit
and Lou Wilson as the Christian God.
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1987 sleeping turtles...
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oaksapling · 15 days
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had fun playing virtual barbie with rory yesterday
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jensownzoo · 8 months
Planted my first seeds yesterday. Like outside, not for transplanting later. Okay, it was into earthboxes in a cold frame, but still. Spinach and lettuce and kale and cabbage and Swiss chard. All of which had been already growing until that Arctic blast a few weeks back took them out. I had been beginning to think that they'd make it through the spring even.
Still have two weeks to go before starting any seeds indoors for transplants, but it's supposed to be 50s and 60s during the day for the next 10 days at least so shouldn't have any trouble with the seeds sprouting in the cold frame. I'll just have to forgo salads and eat up the greens in the freezer for a month or two.
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Thought that I'd put it out there that there is a genuine, completely canon photo of Adler shirtless in game. Just sayin'.
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What Is Vegan Leather Made Of? Many Plant Leathers Are Being Used (greenmatters.com)
Yes, plant leather is a great idea (not better than animal leather, in my personal opinion, but that's down to each individual's thoughts on the matter). But unfortunately much of it just can't replicate many of real leather's beneficial properties- and a lot of plant leathers heavily involve plastic in their production. (source)
Look, ALL clothing production needs to be more sustainable at this point. The chemicals involved in tanning actual leather, unless it's organic leather, aren't good for the environment either. And I will never rag on someone for their choice to avoid real leather- we're all just trying, I hope, to make the best choices according to our values and within the confines of a broken system (as long as we're not hurting anyone else). For me, the massive habitat loss and environmental destruction caused by plastics production and waste is a greater evil than the deaths of individual animals in the production of meat and/or leather. So I choose real leather and try to make each piece last as long as I can, aware that any choice I make will have environmental impacts and is not perfect. Someone else might see it differently, and I really am not in a position to judge their choices.
The term "vegan leather" is blatant greenwashing, and 99% of the time it applies to plastic. If people prefer to wear plastic to avoid real leather, that's fine, but they- and moreover companies -need to be honest about that. Just like synthetic fabrics should be called plastic, so should synthetic leather. Even some of the allegedly "plant-based" stuff, it turns out.
I'm honest that my real leather is animal hide. Time for the faux-green fashion industry to display some honesty of its own.
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rendevok · 2 years
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My illustrations for CJC Week 2022 - unofficially titled Green Carnations
Done in collaboration with my friend Zee, who wrote a lovely fic by the same title.
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vintage-sweden · 30 days
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Unknown woman, Sweden.
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
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