#cold pizza
mrbutchdyke · 1 year
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thedurvin · 8 months
Question for cold pizza enjoyers: do you also enjoy other traditionally hot foods cold or is it just pizza? Like do cold enchiladas or burgers or ravioli hold the same appeal?
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Prey, telling me you taste bad isn’t going to bother me, have you ever eaten cold pizza and said “nah this still slaps”
I want to eat you like shredded cheese at 4am.
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kaz-playz · 6 months
it says in your description that you're an Illiyork shipper- do you have any spare headcanons for those two?
and here's a more specific question, in case you prefer those- if you were to put Illiyork in the "fell first, fell harder" trope, which would be which?
So for fell first even though i truly believe it could go both ways, New York fell first, and Illinois fell harder
Bcs Illinois is a recluse midwesterner who dedicates all his attention to corn, guns, and being a HATER. Hes not developing crushes on anybody, BUT! NY notices the little things, and gradually they get more comfortable until NYs phone is blowing up w Illy telling him abt his day or talking abt parades or anything just bcs he wants to share all those things w York, York loves him husband guys but IL, guys hes so,,,, *EXPLODES*
IL steals NYs clothes. Like his bomber jackets, jerseys, watches, hell not just his clothes his cups too.
NY has long hair, He lets IL braid it or pkay with it when hes sleepy
They love to travel. Or IL loves to travel but he only travels Midway. NY tolerates it bcs its fucking Midway even though he sneers at the home run inn restaurant every time they walk past it.
Guys if they had kids ,,,, *EXPLODESSSS*
They'd be worlds best parents
Theyre so inlove guys but like in a chill way
Ppl think they're best friends or acquaintances more often than not
Thats how chill they are
Illinois is the interior decorator
They settled it over rock paper scissors (ILs a fucking mind reader when it come to that game)
They have a banned list in from of their house for any unwelcome guests.
They also have a banned words list in the home that keeps expanding (ESPECIALLY IF THEY HAVE KIDS)
IL has a bad habit of unraveling the stings on his braided skull caps (callout post) so NY braids them back up for him <3
Honestly i have so many hcs of them i think i ran out for now i cant go on w/o regurgitating my own stuff.
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play-my-game · 9 months
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sirlordevil · 10 months
I prefer cold pizza
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thatmemeguy89 · 28 days
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That’s a tough choice considering both are pretty good
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formulapisces · 8 months
got a pizza just to put it in the fridge because cold pizza is superior.
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stephanidftba · 1 year
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tyrramint · 2 years
Cold pizza just hits different
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everlocked · 2 years
cold pizza is the best and so is pineapple on pizza 🫶 i said what i said!
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littlebitrecipes · 2 years
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Pepperoni Pizza Muffins
If you like cold pizza for breakfast, you will love these low carb gluten free pepperoni pizza muffins. Enjoy a healthy portable keto breakfast on the go!
Recipe => https://lowcarbyum.com/pepperoni-pizza-muffins/
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lookatmytitle · 2 days
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memesaboutthings · 1 month
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Cold pizza memes
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kaz-playz · 6 months
New York has learned to make Chicago style pizza for Illinois! It never comes out right but it’s the thought that counts
New York was stressing. It was his turn to make dinner and he wanted to do something sweet for his husband, but it was not working out. He considered himself a pizza connoisseur, and this fucking abomination is the one thing to elude him? It doesn't make any sense! He's been trying for hours to get this right for his husband. Illinois learned how to make New York style just last year for their anniversary. New York just wanted to return the favor, but surrounded by an army of test pizzas, every one with a different flaw, he was starting to lose hope. He was sulking over the latest one, it had such watery sauce it could be considered pizza soup. As he was about to move it to the fails pile, the front door opened. Illinois had come home. He greeted New York from the door and started walking towards the kitchen.
"Hello? Yorkie? You okay?" Illinois called out, getting increasingly worried with every second there was no reply.
"Uh, yeah I'm fine sorry. Just give me a minute, yeah?" He yelled back frantically thinking of something to do about dinner. His panic was interrupted by a light chuckle. He turned around to see Illinois staring at the fail's table.
"Aww, York. Did you try and make deep dish for me, my love?" Illinois asked, teasing. He continued laughing before rolling up his sleeves and washing his hands.
"This was our last pizza dish." New York said, frustrated.
"That's fine; we can order out today, but I'm gonna teach you how to make deep dish tomorrow. Let's figure out what to do with all those." Illinois concluded. Both men started to clean up their kitchen, joking and talking all the while.
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I will watch a great chef make a 5 course Chinese “takeout” meal while I chow down on cold white pizza.
It’s a decent experience enjoying mediocrity while being fascinated by the beauty and complexity of someone else’s skills.
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