lettherebemonsters · 2 years
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" You can run, little rocker....but you can't hide from me."
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lostgrimesgirl · 2 years
Daryl was packing up his bike ready to head out. He had said his goodbyes to everyone and wasn’t sure if he’d ever see any of them again. It’s strange because he’s spent so many years with these people and now he’s leaving for good this time.
He hears panicked footsteps barreling towards him and when he looked up he sees Lena. He killed the bike. “Hey now…what’s wrong?” He could see that she was crying.
Lena had had a rough time processing the information Judith had revealed last summer, their dad might be alive out there somewhere and Michonne was looking for him. Lena had mourned Rick Grimes twice in her life, the first time when she finally accepted that she'd never see her family again and especially not her dad who'd been in a coma before the world ended. Despite the fact that they'd found each other again, Lena had gotten to meet her little sister and see Carl in his newly found teenagehood, the entire time had felt borrowed and sacred, for the time with Carl it had been. Then she'd gotten to see Rick and Michonne raising Judith and rebuilding their homes, she'd gotten to start her life over and finally feel normal. Just when Lena had convinced herself maybe this would work out, Rick died, leaving an aching hole in Lena that never really went away. She'd thrown herself into helping with Judith and RJ, eventually starting a small school for the younger kids in Alexandria but the ache was still there.
Lena wanted Daryl to go find them, wanted RJ and Judith to really get to know the dad she'd been lucky enough to grow up with. Lena would have given anything to see her dad again, hear his laugh, and feel safe in his arms like she was a little kid again, she wanted those things for her siblings too. She wanted to see Michonne again, show the woman she so admired that the kids were okay. Yet, Lena was worried, worried Daryl would come back without Rick and she'd have to mourn her dad all over again and help Judith and RJ mourn him too, or worse Daryl never come back and the answers that would give them some sort of closure remaining lost as well as losing a friend.
Lena needed to be alone and cry without worrying Judith or RJ. She turned a corner and jumped seeing Daryl with his bike. She felt her face flush as her eyes met his. Lena wiped her eyes embarrassed to be caught crying, she was supposed to be the strong one, not a weeping mess.
"Shit, sorry, I didn't think anyone would be back here," Lena said ignoring his question.
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anim8edheart · 2 years
“You wanna explain to me what the hell is going on here and why I was called out at three in the morning with little to no fucking information?” Hopper asks groggily.
Alexei ran behind a table and stretched his arm out defensively. "Jim, before you hurl me atop a desk, I implore you to, please, listen to me first." He wasn't going to take any chances with this man. He knew it was a risky move, getting the other to come down to his house in the middle of the night with nothing but a "You need to get here, now!". He'd expected him to plunk the phone down and ignore the call but here he was. And he was annoyed. Oh boy.
"The only reason I called you here is because it would be better for you to see it with your own eyes, rather than me explaining it to you. Just, come with me, please?"
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@collective-muses-rp || Daryl & Carol
Well, she was bruised and broke from head to toe  With a tear in her blood-stained shirt She didn't tell the whole truth, but she didn't have to I knew what had happened to her
I didn't load her down with questions That girl had been through enough I just threw it in drive, looked in those eyes And I asked her where he was
I don't know if he's an angel 'Cause angels don't do what he did He was hellbent to find the man behind All the whiskey scars I hid
I never thought my day of justice Would come from a judge under a seat But I knew right then I'd never get hit again When he said to me
"Wait in the truck Just wait in the truck"  
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belovedblossoms · 4 months
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When the light is running low and the shadows start to grow And the places that you know seem like fantasy...
There's a light inside your soul that's still shining in the cold with the truth; the promise in our hearts...
Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark. . .
  Independent, selective & private multi-fandom/multi-muse ft. Chiaki Nanami & Kaede Akamatsu. loved by mira. est. 9/2/2022-revived 4/30/2024. credit to hiddencircus (psd) & noahresources (template).
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reallyrandomtj · 2 months
'NSFW' Starter: @draconicfool
Had the Harbinger from Snezhnaya just carried the Geo Sovereign Dragon across Liyue, over his shoulder, to get to his own place of accommodation? Yes. Did Childe have any regrets? No. Unless Eros was actually embarrassed by being carried in such a way than MAYBE he would feel a little guilty but it wouldn't last!
Entering his 'home away from home' he would immediately head towards the bedroom; locking the door behind him despite living alone, Childe would hum out in his own teasing manner.
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"I thought by now you would pick your words more carefully. Teasing for someone to 'rail' you? I won't hesitate to accept that as a challenge... especially after I already said I was interested in you." Childe chuckled and playfully dropped the 'Sovereign' onto the bed; it was a short drop but the subtle bounce the smaller individual made due to 'springy' nature of the bed was somewhat satisfying to observe.
The Harbinger would take a moment to kick off his own boots before carefully taking hold of Eros legs for a moment so Childe could quickly remove the others to set next to his own. Only to playfully hop onto the bed, like the goofball he was, and shift into a position to where he would hover over the dragon.
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"Now your 'stuck' with me until both of us are satisfied-- or I pass out? Since my stamina can't keep up with a dragons. Right?" he joked, Childe had no intention of passing out but he was going to give it his best shot - it was a mortal being intimate with a dragon after all - the Harbinger would then lean down and 'seal their fate' with a kiss on the lips as Childe embraced HIS dragon.
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moonsmultimusings · 5 months
❝ 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘶𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚… ❞
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❝ 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦, 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧, 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘸 / 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙚! ❞
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an independent, selective, 18+ multimuse blog featuring canon muses from various anime and video games. shadowed by moon ☾
muses ┆ rules <- (check before following!)
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mymanymerrymuses · 1 year
Weird things my family has said as sentence starters - part 8
"Will you stop licking my ankle you disgusting beast."
"I'm sorry, that was load bearing rice."
"Sneezing at me won't make me move any faster."
"These fish don't need to be spicy."
"Luckily for me, I have a tiny scarf!"
"I don't think that baby is a parent."
"Human penises are not more useful than chickens."
"She does love him, she just can't stand him."
"We do it for the sake of eyes."
"These are obviously the gayest cats that I have."
"Look. I just make sounds. I don't think about how they're gonna sound."
"You can't just randomly impersonate a turkey and expect me not to think it's too far!"
"You're not wrong, you're just stupid."
"If you can't hiccup on command, get out of here."
"Stop waggling a starfish at me!"
"The fucking realistic orange has fucked me over."
"I just feel like that submarine's a jerk, you know?"
"You shunned the pig."
"Always assume chickens are evil."
"Them tasty 'eams'."
"Oh no. I remembered I have eyes."
"It's delicious, what are you crying about?"
"And it's not the autism, I'm just right! And they're being dumb!"
"Everybody get on a vespa."
"I don't know what to call this, other than 'stupid'."
"Let's put olives on it, so that we can be extra happy when it burns."
"I did not shun the pig."
"If it kills us we won't have to worry about it."
"Get to your demise! Be demised!"
"I know that's (name) because that's who she is."
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immolatiism · 4 months
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[ oh my god I have so many drafts...
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collectcr · 1 year
💫🌟🌓🌞"I just wanted a friend that wouldn't lie to me, or trick me, but everyone's the same! King lied, Belos lied, even THEY lied!"🌞🌗🌟💫
- The Collector
Like or reblog this post if you'd like to RP with The Collector from The Owl House!!:D
(Read rules first is possible! And you can reblog/like or send a message to me asking to rp directly! ^-^)
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 9 months
Tom Houston (muse)
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Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Gender: Cis man
Faceclaim: Dylan Saunders
On the surface, Tom comes across as a very serious and bitter man. The grief and survivors guilt over the loss of his wife causes Tom to come across as very closed off to those who don't know him as well as those who he loves. Tom also suffers from PTSD due to the loss of his wife and the two tours he did as a part of the army in Iraq. Despite this, underneath Tom has a genuine care for those who he loves and wants the best for them in life, he is willing to sacrifice anything in order to ensure their welfare including his own life. As well as this, Tom is a force of moral good who is primarily motivated by his love for his family and despite the influence of malevolent entities ultimately is willing to do what is right. When Tom opens up to those who he loves, he has the capacity to be kind, caring and loving as well as blatantly open with his emotions however this is rare. Despite everything seemingly working against him at times, he truly loves his son with all of his being and would give anything to keep him happy, especially after the loss of his mother.
He teaches wood shop at a local high school and genuinely loves his job and enjoys being a leader for students, taking pride in the fact that there's nearly nothing he can't fix. Furthermore, as a teacher, Tom has a genuine care for his students and wants them to succeed in life and is always willing to believe in them. Ultimately, despite his hard exterior Tom is a force of moral good who does genuinely care for others, especially those he loves.
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kitstenk · 11 months
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gemscales-and-tea · 11 months
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*looks at the dash*
... Frankly, I've never understood how focusing on smut 24/7 can be entertaining. Sure, it's fun once in a while but that being every single interaction between characters ever?
Variety, I plead
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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Closed Starter For; @collective-muses-rp
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When Dustin had called Steve last night to tell him he had something to tell him he definitely hadn’t expected the curly haired boy to tell him he had been invited to join Hellfire Club. The former jock went into a rant about how he barely understood DnD, to which Dustin informed him that himself, Eddie or anyone else in the club would be happy to teach him, as well as going on a tangent about the basics of DnD. Steve let out a sigh before he finally said he’d join, hanging up before Dustin could talk his ear off farther.
Steve showed up the next day at the school, parking his car beside Eddie’s van in the lot. Dustin had called back later last night to tell him that Eddie was gonna go over the rules and help him make his character tonight before the new campaign started tomorrow. Steve got out and walked into the school, walking down the halls to the Hellfire Club room. Walking the halls of his old high school made many memories come back, a lot of ones he’d rather forget. There was a lot he wished he could change from his time in high school, like getting to know Robin and Eddie earlier. As Steve walked through the door to the club room, he saw Eddie sitting in the chair at the head of the table, he gave him a small wave as he walked closer to him, taking a seat at the table. “Hey, so, before we get started.. I was wondering what made you invite me? You know I don't know shit about DnD..”
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belovedblossoms · 5 months
❝There are miracles waiting for me on the weathered road that I will tread...And these wonders one by one will become just a part of me I know, now I know.❞
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Independent, selective & private multi-muse roleplay blog. Written by Mira. She/Her. 27. PST time zone. Friendly to crossover, multi-ships, AUs, and multi-fandoms. OC selective. Open to NSFW threads. A variety of muses consisting of fandoms from: Danganronpa, Persona, Disney, Sonic the hedgehog, Demon Slayer, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Heart, She-Ra and more! Uses xkit rewritten and beta version editor.
A study in: learning to love through trials, finding hope in the deepest despair, becoming the strongest of them all, learning to let go, becoming a bitch, defending your own honor, kicking ass, never giving up, accepting help, taking risks and reaching for goals, found family, discovering and accepting one's true self, facing fears, acceptance, patience and determination.
  【  Muses // Rules // Ask // Mobile Muse List  】
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waraningyo · 2 days
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hey guys! i’m so sorry for the silence on my end. i’ve been without my glasses since the weekend, but i’ll be getting a new pair soon. i broke the arm off my old pair, but the frames are still wearable even with the one, so mhm. in any case, my shibuya incident rewatch is OVER and now i’m rereading that arc in the manga.
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