#college has been really kicking my butt
nevert-the-guy · 1 year
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Don’t feel guilty about not feeding our addictions. In the end, its probably better for us. At the end of the day you don’t owe us internet goblins anything. We will love you regardless. And we will be much happier knowing that you are happy and healthy versus stressing over trying to write a fic.
Your writing may have drawn us in, but your delightful personality is what has kept us around. Stay safe and sane and know that you are loved regardless of how much clexa crack you produce 😝 -🦦
I love feeding you little internet goblins tho 😈☺️ youre my little horny internet goblins 🥰
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 that is just so damn sweet 🥺🥺 i have a busy maybe two weeks or so ahead of me, but i still want to try to find a little to answer you asks about different aus and/or try and write a bir more of the stripper/bartender one-shot!
I might also queue some asks if i can answer more than one at once just in case I gotta leave you guys dry for a little while 😅
You have literally all been so damn sweet, really, thank you, makes it a freaking joy to just create little AUs and write thing for you guys 🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘
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229zmi · 7 months
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Kuroo Tetsurō/Reader | 1.1k words, fluff, reader is a little clueless at first, based off of this tiktok
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“I’m sorry, what? Could you— sorry, could you repeat that?”
At the sound of Kuroo’s cackles echoing throughout the study room (that you had booked for yourself, and then he decided to invade it after spotting you through the window), you shake your head, feeling the regret creep up your neck like smoke rising from flames. Still, he continues to offer half-assed apologies in between abrupt laughs, as if that’ll soothe your embarrassment in any way.
“You heard me the first time.” You scowl when he opens his mouth to deny it, feigning cluelessness with a dumbfounded look on his face. “And your sense of humour sucks by the way. It wasn’t that funny.”
“But it is. You really want me, out of all the people, to set you up with someone?” He grins, twirling a pen around his fingers. Inwardly, you wish for the pen to suddenly fly out of control, for him to finally have a moment of failure that will eventually spiral into his downfall in the hopefully near future (a few seconds from now), but it never happens.
“Just one date,” you say, with venom preemptively hanging from the tip of your tongue in case you need to further defend yourself.
However, he surprises you when all he does is lean back in his chair instead of bursting into a fit of laughter again. His eyebrows furrow in thought, and the pen stills in his hand; he sets it down atop his notebook.
“I know someone who has a small crush on you,” he tells you after a beat. You straighten at the newfound information, suddenly interested.
“Really? Are they a friend of yours? Who is it?”
Kuroo — that bastard — shakes his head, now sporting a smug smile as he crosses his arms. “That’s classified information, I’m afraid.”
You groan. “You can’t just say that and not tell me who it is! C’mon, can you at least give me a hint?”
“Sure. What kind of hint?”
Your question hurtles toward him at lightning speed, only half-joking. “Are they rich?”
Waving his finger disapprovingly, he reprimands you, “Such a shallow question. I’m disappointed in you.”
“Yeah, well, are they?”
“Can’t say he is. He’s a college student, same university and year as us,” he says, and you act devastated over the news, slapping a dramatic hand over your chest. It’s too bad your dreams of becoming someone’s sugar baby have been crushed so tragically like this, though you suppose there are other important factors to consider as well.
“Is he—?”
“Hey, you said a hint, not multiple hints.”
“Oh, shut it. Is he hot?”
“Very,” he confirms, so quickly that it’s almost suspicious. You eye him warily, to which he shrugs. “What? Birds of a feather flock together, or something like that.”
“Yeah, okay. So he’s butt-ugly, then, by association with you.” At that, Kuroo kicks your knee as you snicker to yourself.
“You know that by saying that, you’re also calling yourself butt-ugly. Plus, I’m doing you a grand favour, and this is what I get in return?” A long sigh escapes him. “Absolutely nothing but insults. Unbelievable.”
“You’re such a baby.”
“Nothing but insults,” he repeats.
You roll your eyes. There’s no winning with him. “Fine, then. I’ll lend you my old statistics textbook. You’re taking Intro to Stats next semester, right?”
“Yup.” He smiles, and you know you’ve got yourself a deal. “I’ll text you the location and time as soon as possible.”
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Disappointingly enough, your date is late.
Kuroo, however, is right on time.
You narrow your eyes at him, glancing at the outfit he’s got on. You’re used to him wearing sweatpants and hoodies with holes in the sleeves every time you see him, but today, he’s put something unusually nice on, although you’re not entirely sure why. You’re also not sure why he’s here, outside of the café and at the exact time he told you your date had agreed to meet you.
“Where’s my date?” you ask before looking around for the umpteenth time to check if he’s arrived yet. However, your movement is stopped when Kuroo gently places a hand under your chin, guiding your focus back to him.
A sly grin reveals itself; his hazel eyes twinkle beneath the glow of the café’s hanging fairy lights.
“Right here. I’m your date.”
You frown, still puzzled. “What? But you said a few days ago, you were gonna set me up with someone who—“
Wait a minute.
Oh, you realise.
Then, you shut your eyes tightly, turning away from him.
“What are you doing?” There’s a slight chuckle in his voice that he doesn’t even attempt to hide, obviously entertained by your actions. He steps to the side to see your face, but you turn away again. “Hey, is my hair really that ugly? I tried combing it down like a gazillion times this morning, I swear.”
“No, just—” You stick your arm out, and Kuroo holds onto it awkwardly, both concerned for you and unsure of what he’s supposed to do. “Pinch me, please. I think I’m dreaming.”
“Oh. You’re not dreaming,” he assures you, opting to instead rest his hands on your shoulders, yet it’s pointless in getting you to look at him. Stubborn as always, he thinks fondly.
“That’s exactly what someone in my dreams would say.”
“Ah, I see. So, I’m the man of your dreams?”
Bingo. Picturing himself doing a victory dance in his head, Kuroo watches you open your eyes to glare at him for his remark. His celebration is short-lived, though, because in a matter of seconds, you’re quick to point out, “You’re blushing.”
Rubbing a hand over his cheek as if to erase the pinkish hue, he denies the observation. “I’m not.”
“You are.” You feel all giddy inside, with your heart feeling like it’s about to leap out of your chest, walk inside the café, and buy a cup of coffee. You’re worried a gooey mess of feelings is what’s going to spill onto the pavement if you so much as speak too quickly, so your question comes out tentative, like a butterfly’s wings fluttering in the wind, “And… you like me?”
That, he cannot deny. But there’s a poor attempt at it anyway. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. I said a small crush.”
“Really.” A pause. Then, he adds sheepishly, “Well, maybe it’s a little more than that.”
Your expression breaks into a grin at the confession, but before you can tease him any more for the blush that has now spread to the back of his neck, he pulls the door to the café open and uses his free hand to gesture towards the interior, bowing his head slightly.
“For my lovely date,” he says, looking up just to wink at you. Whether this is actually to charm you or just to distract you from his embarrassment, you can’t tell.
Nevertheless, as cheesy as it is, you decide to play along, intertwining your fingers through his and extending your gratitude to him for his chivalrous act before pulling him along as you head inside.
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notes: another kuroo fic 4 the Kuroo kissers ♥︎ tumblr user @kyoghurts i hope u like it teehee
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slut4hee · 21 days
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“Pussy fairy on the way”
{Pairing: Virgin College Student Jay x Blk Succubus Fem! Reader
{Synopsis: Jay didn’t take his best friend’s words seriously when he said “if you write your name on a piece of paper and leave a sample of your blood on it, a sex demon will come and fuck you that same night” So you come and show him that succubus are far from being a myth.
{Genre: smut, supernatural themes, Jay is a bit of an a introvert, Jake as his best friend, reader doesn’t kill her victims she just puts them in a deep sleep afterwards, 18+ so mdni!!!
{Warnings: loss of virginity, rough sex, oral (m receiving), overstimulation, Jay is a big sub in this sorry not sorry, big dick Jay, creampie, cum eating, marking, pet names, demons and angels mentioned, reader is kinda a menace, reader is described to be a thick brown skin fem with a curvy waist and a big butt don’t like it don’t read, reader has sensitivity in her wings basically another g-spot.
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It’s Saturday evening and Jay is doing what he usually does on his weekends, which is play video games with his best friend Jake and eat a bunch of junk food. Jay has never been the type to go out and party on the weekends, instead he prefers to be in the comfort of his own home hidden away from the outside world. Unlike Jake who is guaranteed to be seen at every frat party hosted to mankind.
Jay rolls his eyes at his best friend’s loud obnoxious laughter that fills his headset, he curses under his breath when his character dies for the 20th time.
“Dude you really fucking suck at this game you know that right?” Jake says in a mocking playful tone.
“Shut the fuck up bro, I got a new keyboard I gotta break it in” Jay defends himself taking a big sip of his cherry cola.
Jay goes to start up another game when suddenly he hears Jake’s phone ping continuously with notifications causing him to groan in annoyance at the sound.
“Dude could you please silence that shit, it’s driving me insane” he rolls his eyes once again as he starts shooting down enemies paying attention to the game on the big monitor screen.
“You’re just not used to hearing any notifications come through your phone because you got no bitches on your dick” Jake says sarcastically and in a fit of laughter.
“Haha very hilarious Jake” Jay bites back with a tinge of annoyance.
“Seriously Park, don’t you think it’s about time you bone something I mean dude you’re 22 years old” Jake says half joking as he shoots down another enemy.
“I mean it’s not like I haven’t thought about it, it’s like every time I get past the first stage and get the girl to my apartment and I tell her I’m a virgin next minute she’s storming out the door with disappointment” Jay said a little bit embarrassed scratching the back of his neck.
“That’s the problem bro, don’t tell them you’re a virgin of course they’re going to kick your ass to the curb“ Jake snorts and curses under his breath when the enemy’s sniper takes him down.
“Fuck no, and make them think I’m a bad fuck I rather keep whacking my shit myself” Jay said with a tinge of sarcasm leaning back in his chair to stretch his limps.
“First of all didn’t need to know that, 2nd of all I mean there’s always sex workers that’s more than willing” Jake said wiggling his eyebrows up and down at the video camera and chuckling.
“Yeah no, I’m not that desperate asshole I won’t stoop that low” Jay rolls his eyes at his friends crazy suggestion.
“How about you summon the Pussy Fairy maybe she could help you out” Jake laughs out loud logging off the game as he starts scrolling on his phone probably checking his notifications that was going off nonstop.
“Bro what are you even saying, there’s absolutely no such thing as a Pussy Fairy where did you even get that shit from?” Jay snickers and questions his best friend I mean who the fuck would believe in such crazy myth.
“Well you know my roommate Heeseung right? Well apparently there’s some type of ritual he did when he was virgin and a sex witch bitch came and fucked the living hell out of him, his words not mines” Jake shrugged his shoulders spinning around in his gaming chair.
“Bro well guess what, Heeseung is full of shit because there’s no such thing as witches and warlocks let alone a sex witch” Jay spits out chuckling to himself and shaking his head.
“Well supposedly all he did was light some candles form them in a circle, and then he got a piece of paper wrote his name on it and put a sample of his blood on it and chanted something five times along the lines of come to me, my body is yours, yours to feed, yours to want, and yours to fuck. Oh wait he also described what type of race, body type and personality he wants his sex fairy to be” Jake nods as he stands up grabbing his phone taking it with him to the kitchen.
“So you mean to tell me if I go full on Bonnie Bennett, a sex demon is gonna come and strip me of my virginity?! You gotta be kidding me Sim” Jay said not really believing anything his friend is saying, he’s never been the type to believe in supernatural stuff, let alone demons and angels.
“Look, I don’t know if what he was saying was true but all I know is the day he told me he was gonna do it, he woke up with scratches and bite marks on his chest and neck, and to top it off he slept for hours dude” Jake said taking a hand full of chips and popping them in his mouth smacking loud and obnoxious.
Jay cringes at the sound of his smacking “You got got proof? If so then I might just believe you” Jay said finding himself a lot more curious about this whole thing then he usually gets when something intrigues him.
“In fact I do” Jake hurries and presses on Heeseung’s contact to pull up their messages, he saves the pictures that Heeseung took of his body and sends it to Jays phone.
“Attachment Sent*
“Did you get it” Jake asks impatiently as he takes another handful of chips in his mouth.
Jay’s breath gets caught in his throat when he sees the bitemarks and scratches on Heeseungs body. He zooms in on the bitemarks on his neck and it looks like whatever or whoever did this to him had to have some pretty sharp teeth. This can’t be real right it has to be photoshopped right? RIGHT?!
“Fuck man, it looks like Dracula got to him look at shape of the teeth marks” Jay said in disbelief still staring at the pictures.
“Well you go ahead and play detective, I’m gonna go and meet my hot date I’ll catch ya later bro” before Jay can protest Jake hangs up the phone leaving Jay in his thoughts.
The rest of the evening Jay finds himself replaying Jake’s words and the pictures of Heeseung in his head. He wonders if he truly was able to summon a sex demon and have the best fuck of his life. He sits up in his bed, smacking on his face telling himself to snap out of it but nothing seems to calm his racing thoughts on whether this theory is true.
“Oh what am I even thinking right now, it’s obviously a big joke there’s no such things as witches and sex demons I really gotta be out of my mind I almost fell for that shit” Jay said out loud to himself trying to convince himself to stop thinking about it.
But he can’t stop thinking about it, in fact he’s even stop trying to tell himself not to think about it and that’s how he finds himself digging through his apartment storage closet trying to find any spare candles he might have and to his luck he finds 4 candles. He grabs his notebook ripping a blank white page from it, he grabs his case of supplies and pulls out a paper clip.
As he starts to form the candles, he recalls Jake’s words saying his roommate formed them in a circle so he does just that. He jogs to the kitchen opening his cabinet to find his matches pulling them out. He brings the matches over to the circle and signs to himself when he slides the match against the scratchy back of the box causing the match to ignite. He leans down to light the candles one by one, the glow from the flame illuminating his face and the heat of it causing his forehead to start sweating.
“Well here goes nothing, I guess I should probably clear my web browser and lock my account since I possibly might die tonight” he said out loud to himself again. “Psst who am I kidding, of course this isn’t going to work I’m just going to do this stupid ritual to prove to Jake that Heeseung story he made up is bunch of bullshit” at this point he’s full on talking to himself, trying to calm his nerves and the anxiety that’s building up in his body. He grabs a pen from his desk and places the piece of paper on the floor leaning his body as he starts to write on the paper.
Jay would never probably come out openly and say this but he has a big attraction to Black women. As a Korean man growing up with Korean parents he was always taught to not date outside of his race but that didn’t stop Jay from secretly crushing on Black girls from afar.
His browser history consists of ebony porn and his hidden gallery is full of nude pictures of his favorite Black pornstars. Jay remembers the first time he felt an attraction to a Black female. It was in the 8th grade, Jay had a huge crush on a girl named Brianna Jones.
Brianna was Jays first love and also first kiss but due to fear of his disappointing his parents he broke up with her, shattering his and hers heart. So that’s how Jay finds himself writing down a description of a Black female with beautiful brown skin, curvy hips with a nice big ass, big tits, and a dominate personality.
As he finishes writing on the paper, he takes the paper clip and pricks his index finger hissing at the light sting. He lets some of the blood drip onto his name and some on the description of his sex demon.
Jay takes a deep breath as he sits inside the circle, he starts to say the same exact chanting words that Heeseung said, still not fully convinced as the words roll off his tongue nonchalantly. He lets the words fall from his mouth for the 5th time and suddenly the candles that were once lit suddenly blew out leaving his living room pitch dark.
Jay looks around frantically starting to freak out and that’s when he starts to feel dizzy like he’s going to pass out. Jay struggles to stand up stumbling backwards as he starts to lose consciousness and then boom everything goes black and he’s out like a light.
When Jay regains consciousness, he feels his head pounding and his ears ringing. He groans rubbing his head looking around his room puzzled and then it hits him, how did he end up in his room when the last time he remembered he was in his living room.
Jay looks down to see that he’s half naked, shirtless with only his boxers on. Jay can then feel this eerie feeling floating around his room almost like he’s not alone, like he’s being watched and that’s when he hears a soft giggle echoe around his room sounding far but yet so close and chills run down his spine.
“W-Who’s there?” Jay lets out a shaky breath looking around his room helplessly and that’s when he sees a dark mist surrounding his bed. The only thought left in his head is fight or flight, he decides on flight as he jumps up from his bed trying to get away and suddenly he’s being pushed back down onto his bed.
His eyes widened when a figure appears in front of him, straddling his lap. Jay gulps when he takes in the sight of you, clad in purple lingerie showing off all your curves, your beautiful brown skin has a glow radiating from it, and your cleavage is spilling out of your bra.
“What’s wrong pretty boy, cat got your tongue?” Your lips curl up into a wicked smile as you run your fingertips slowly down his chest stopping at the waistband of his Calvin Klein boxers.
“W-Where did you come from and who are you?” Jay manages to spit out shaky, anxiety and arousal building up all at once from the pressure of your body on top of his.
“The name’s Y/n, and you summoned me here naughty boy” you giggle playfully, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth when your hands meets his growing bulge gently palming him through his boxers.
Jay’s body shudders and his hips bucks up unintentionally as he feels your soft hand palming his half erect cock.“i don’t know what you mean i-i didn’t summon you fuck! I- please” jay says breathlessly trying to keep his composure and that’s when it all comes together.
As he takes time to get a good look at you. He scans your face and body and it all makes sense to him now. You look exactly how he wrote you, your thick juicy thighs covering his, your voluptuous breast sitting pretty on your chest and your dominant nature is causing him to feel weak in the knees and his erection to grow harder.
“Finally figured out huh there baby boy? You didn’t think us succubus were real didn’t you?” You coo at his shocked facial expression causing you to clench around nothing. Virgins were your favorite ones to prey on, always so pathetic and eager.
“So here’s how this is going to work Park Jongseong, you’re going to give me as much semen as I want, while in return I take away your pathetic little virginity got it?” You lean down to look him in the eyes meeting his intense gaze feeling your arousal starting to leak through your purple thong.
“P-Please touch me I’ll do whatever you want me to do just please make me feel good” Jay whimpers when he feels your wet muscle licking the shell of his earlobe. His cock twitches in the confines of his boxers begging to be released.
“Mmm looks like someone is eager aren’t you baby boy, don’t worry mommy’s going to take such good care of you” You smirk as you slide your body down his to reach his clothed bulge. You yank his boxers down causing his thick girthy dick to spring out, hitting his abdomen smearing precum over it.
“Fuck baby, what a huge cock you have mhm mommy going to have so much fun with this, I can tell your balls are full of your delicious creamy milk and I’m willing to take it all” you start to leave kitty licks on his angry red tip that leaks continuously with his clear essence. Jays body jerks violently from the feeling of your warm wet tongue on his sensitive tip.
“Ngh! Fuck mommy feels so good keep going” he grips your hair into a makeshift ponytail guiding your movements, you bob your head up and down hollowing your cheeks taking more of his length down your little throat.
You can feel his thick cock pulsating with pleasure as you continue to deep throat as much of his length as you can, you stroke whatever rest of him you can’t fit in your mouth causing him to let out deep groans and mostly high pitched whiny moans. Drool and his pre cum drips down your chin as you continue to suck him sloppy.
“Fuck fuck fuck that’s it- nghhhh I’m gonna cum I’m gonna-“ you now focus on sucking hard on his red leaky tip, as his cock twitches uncontrollably. you can feel his body heating up and hips bucks up unintentionally causing his length to slide deep down your throat.
Before you know it, he releases his creamy essence down your throat, completely emptying his load into your mouth, as if your mouth was a dumpster but that’s what you are his little cum dump.
“Fuuckkk” Jay curses loudly when you continue sucking him, helping him prolong his climax. His chest heaves up and down as he tries to catch his breath. Already feeling drained from the hardest orgasm he’s ever had in his life, Jay understands now why his friends said a blowjob is the best way to blow your load, and they’re totally right because his hand couldn’t compare to your beast of a mouth.
“Don’t pass out on me just yet pretty boy we haven’t even got to the best part yet” you pout and coo at his fucked out expression, he’s so pathetic for feeling worn out from a little ole blowjob but that only makes you more excited to drain his body of it’s energy and ride him until the next morning.
You stand up from the bed as you start to strip out of your clothing, you decide to give him a little show as you slide the thin straps of your purple nightgown down your shoulders in the most seductive way. Jay stares at you with an intense expression full of lust and affection causing your parties to grow wetter.
You let the gown fall to floor leaving your chest bare to his eyes, you slowly shimmy out of your panties being completely naked now. You crawl back up onto the bed seductively until you’re straddling his lap again. You can feel his hard on poking your wet dripping core, you let out a whimper when you start to ground your warm wet pussy on his thick cock. Jay throws his head back as he lets out deep groans feeling your hot arousal where he needs you the most.
“Fuck Jay your cock is so hard, does mommy pussy feel good teasing your pathetic huge dick” you let out loud moans when his tip rubs against your clit causing your body to shudder violently.
“Oh my god mommy yes feels so good, please let me put it in, fuck wanna be inside your tight pussy” Jay bucks up his hips to meet your grinding ones causing you to let out a whimper. When his tip prods at your dripping hole, growing impatient to feel his thick cock inside your guts you finally rise your hips up as you start to slowly sink down on his throbbing length.
The stretch is overwhelming being that Jay is the biggest cock you ever taken. You can feel his cock filling your gummy walls whole, causing your insides to clench violently. On the other hand Jay feels like he’s going to pass out any minute from the feeling of your warm tight wet pussy wrapping snuggly around his cock.
He grips the sheets so roughly his knuckles turn a shade of white. He holds your hips in place as you finally take all of him inside you, your legs start to shake uncontrollably as you allow yourself to adjust to his size. You can feel his cock twitching and pulsating as you cock warm him. Finally when the pain turns into pleasure you start to slowly rock back and forth on him, you gasp voice trembling with ecstasy from the delicious drag of his cock.
“Oh fuck! Holy shit you’re so tight- Nghh” Jay’s hips bucks up to meet the rhythm you have set causing his body to arch off the bed when he feels your tight pussy clenching around his throbbing sex. His words seem to spur you on as you start to ride him faster, causing the bed to creak and the headboard to slam against the wall furiously.
The scent of sex, your loud moans and his deep grunts, and the sound of your hips slamming down against his, fills his room completely, in the back of his head he’s hoping his neighbors can’t hear what’s going on but that’s almost impossible from the way you’re riding the living hell out of him. You bounce on him like there’s no tomorrow, your sticky essence drips down your thighs onto his stomach. He hisses at the squelching sounds of your creamy pussy abusing his weeping cock.
“Fuck baby boy, dick so good fuuuckk cock so big you gonna make me cum goddamnit” the drag of his 8-inch cock plunges so deep into you, you feel his tip abusing your cervix. You scream to the top of your lungs when he grips your waist pulling you down on him, thrusting his hips upwards. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he sets a brutal pace, feeling nothing but pleasure and lust.
“Ah f-fuck! I’m not gonna last long shit I’m gonna bust” Jay lets out whiny moans as he feels your cunt clenching for what seems like the 100th time. The tempo of your bodies meeting is insane and almost primal, Jay fucks up and looks down to see where your sweaty bodies are connecting and that’s what sends him into a frenzy as his body shudders nonstop.
His orgasm hitting him like a tidal wave, letting out a guttural moan as his thick spurts of cum fills up your womb. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your legs shaking dangerously from the feeling of his warm cum filling up your insides.
The overwhelming feeling of being stuffed full, makes you lose control over your body as your wings spring out on their own. Jay’s eyes widened at the sight of them, reality hitting him that he’s fucking a sex demon.
You continue to ride him lost in the feeling of his thick cock hitting all the right spots. Pleasure takes over Jay’s body once again as he lets out a whimper from the feeling of you riding him hard. Overstimulation hitting him wildly, his body feels numb and his ears are ringing as a wave of heat washes over his body.
Jay’s rough hand grips on your plump asscheek while the other one fondles one of your juicy boobs. Out of curiosity Jay goes to touch one your wings, lightly squeezing it. Like time freezes you let out a loud high pitched scream, the feeling is almost unbearable, your body feels fuzzy and the band in your stomach threatening to snap any minute.
“No, No No please not there I-i can’t take it, it feels so good gonna squirt” You scratch at his chest with your long acrylics. Jay hisses at the sting of your nails digging into his skin. He continues to caress both of your wings and just like that the band in your stomach snaps causing you to squirt all over Jay and ruin his perfectly white sheets.
You collapsed on top of him, panting as you try to calm down from your high, Jay’s chest heaves up and down as holds you tight against him caressing your back. You look up to meet his gaze, he looks at you with such a fucked out facial expression and half lidded eyes. You giggle and smirk as you can tell he’s fighting to stay awake.
Jay can feel himself drifting into a slumber and then boom he blacks out as the darkness consumes him again. You coo at his cuteness wishing he had more energy in him so you could play with him some more.
Just like a flash of lightning your energy is back like it never left. You kiss Jay on the cheek one last time before you have to return back to your place in the deep pits of the darkness and just like that you disappear in thin air.
You leave your purple lingerie discarded on Jay’s floor, which is strictly forbidden for a succubus to leave any trance of their existence for their victims to find but you have a feeling you will be retuning back to visit Jay really soon and for him he’s worth the risk.
The next morning~
Jay wakes up with a pounding headache and his body aches like a bitch. He goes to stretch his limps but hisses at the sharp pain of what seems like to be scratches on his chest. He stands up from his bed, wiping the sleep away from his eyes as he makes his way to his bathroom. He flips on the light switch and his breath hitches when he sees multiple scratch wounds surrounding his chest.
The memories of last night’s affairs hits him all at once, he scurries back into his room and that’a when he spots the purple lingerie laying in the middle of his floor. Jay quickly grabs his phone along with the lingerie. He opens his camera and snaps a picture of the lingerie. He then makes his way back to bathroom as he snaps pictures of the scratches on chest and his disheveled appearance. He opens Jake’s contact and sends him the attachments.
*2 Attachments Sent*
Corn lover Jay🌽: Jake…😅
Golden retriever boy🐶: NO FUCKING WAY DUDE?
The End…
A/n: This drabble is inspired by Jhené Aiko’s song p*ssy fairy, just with my own little twist to it. i was foaming at the mouth as I was writing this, god sub hyungline is gonna do it for me every time you hear me?! But I hope you guys like this fic?? drabble?? Idk but please feel free to like, comment, and reblog 💋.
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natriae · 9 months
Ushi gushi who u dated thru highschool and 2nd year college and he is getting hornier but all u guys have done so far is make out and hand job/fingering till u ask if he wants to go further and BOY does he and u see a side of him u never imagine 😍
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Ushijima Wakatoshi is no doubt the best boyfriend ever. He spoils you and always makes time for you. He would drop everything to go see you, but he's still wakatoshi. He has a hard time with social cues and displaying his emotions. You like to call yourself the 'Toshi master. Usually able to understand his affection and thoughts without him showing it.
He's remained the same since highschool. He stuck to the same routine with little differences in the past years. He'd wake up do his morning run, then go to class, practice, then shower and do his homework, and finally cuddle you to sleep in his dorm. Saturdays were specifically reserved for you. He tried to leave his comfort zone by taking you on dates, but you knew he perfered to stay in. You did too, so it was no issue for you to spend every Saturday with Wakatoshi at your house back in highschool. He found comfort getting groceries with you and helping you clean. He found comfort in really anything that took his mind off his family.
There was a lot of feelings that Wakatoshi missed out, but with therapy and you supporting him along the way he got better at understand what he was feeling. Being away from his mother definitely helped as well.
Even with all his amazing qualities there were sometimes you felt insecure in your relationship. Going to college was a much different territory for both of you. Students from all around Japan went to school with you guys. At Shiratorizawa no one really talked to 'Jima because they were scared of him but here you can't remember a game where some girl wasn't flirting with him. Or even listening to how far your friends have gotten with their boyfriends. It's not that you want to force 'toshi out of his comfort zone, but sometimes you think he doesn't like you..like that. Almost like it's out of obligation.
After date night he asks if you want it instead of getting in the mood. Almost like it's apart of his routine. You guys eat, come home, he kisses you a bit and fingers you till you cum, and then he washes his hands and kisses you goodnight. You want him to do it for his own pleasure.
"everything okay?" He asks once he finishes washing the dishes. He walks over to the small couch you sat on while in deep thought.
Looking up at him you smile at his cute face. Bring your arms up signaling you want a hug. Lifting you up he places you on his lap as he sits down. You legs draped over his as your wrap your arms around his neck, resting your head on his chest. "I guess, I've just been thinking...'Jima you find me attractive, right?" Looking up you watch as he nods his head. His eyes srunching a little in thought. Your hand resting on his chest feels his heart begin to beat a little bit faster. " um, remember when Tendou had-um- remember in highschool when tendou was quite aroused and everyone made fun of him?"
"his boner?" Ushijima states unbothered.
Your face reddens at his outburst and you nod your head. "well why don't- you dont seem to get that when your with me, and I was worried that you dont feel that way about me, and I don't want you to be doing anything you find uncomfortable if you dont feel that way about me." While you ramble you start to feel a small poking at the side of your right butt cheek. "'Jima?"
His faces flushes a bit and his heart beats after as he brings his lips into his mouth. "I do feel that way about you." He says, not looking into your eyes.
Bringing your hand up to his cheek you move his head so the two of you can look at each other. "why don't you ever show it?" you pout.
"i don't want to make you uncomfortable." He tells you, face remaining unmoving. You watch as his pupils expand looking into your eyes. "Meditating usually helps it go away." He tells you like it was a serious issue. You giggle and move into kiss his lips.
"Do you still have those condoms Tendou gave you?"
His single nod is all you need to tell you that tonight you won't have to worry about Wakatoshi's attraction towards you.
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lavena · 1 year
Since I am so incredibly desperate for tmnt fic recs, here I am supplying mine. All of these i HAVE READ AT LEAST 3 TIMES
pretty much all Mikey centric and jsyk every one I recommended I reread b4 posting this. Sorry If I repeat any, this took me over a week, college is kicking my butt and midterms are next week, kill me. If you have any you red please lmk either in comments or with rb I need the ficss guys please I am desperate.
On AO3
Train-wreck of thought by halogalopagost
A beautiful 2003 tmnt where Mikey is having trouble meditating and gets some tips from his dad and brothers, he struggles with his ADHD, he over comes it and turns out there is a lot more to this meditating than he thought. he intends to use it to his advantage.
The Legend of the Heiwa no Buki by abz_the_turtle
2012 Mikey is pure of heart and turns out that causes some problems for him, his brothers and a certain bother in blue from the future
exhaust trails through space by SpectrumWriting
2012 B team realizes they really need a break, after a fight between Leo and Donnie, B team pull a few favors and go to visit a few planets, look at some extraterrestrial inventions and get to see a festival of food. Each brother learns new things about each other and finally get to take a few deep breaths.
Surface Pressure by TheKeyBladeMaster1994
Mikey watched Encanto and something abut their family feels familiar. Honest to go so good, it is unfinished and only at 3 chapters but it is 32k words and by god if it isnt one of the best books I have read over 5 times already, featuring mikey being a helpful little brother and managing to stress his big brothers out in the proccess.
Pretend That I Never Left by redstingraven (sirimiri)
2003 Mikey gets taken into the Horizon Zero Dawn universe rather than the superpowered turtle universe in the SAINW episode. Positively glorious, he gets bashed and bruised and comes out the other end with an arrow sticking out of him.
All The Small Things by taizi @taizi
2012 Donnie gets deaged and Mikey gets to be a big brother. Positively adorable, Mikey is an enabler and the poor toaster will never be the same, plus just the right amount of angst to make me squeal.
Underdark by Nekotsuki
2003 Mikey and Leo and stuck in the sewers after a collapse, both are hurt and oh looky here it seems Leo has fainted and Mikey is panicking, it would be great if he could take a full breath to hyperventilate with.
We've been here all along by Taizi
Beautiful 2007 tmnt, Mike gets shot, worries about making Donnie abandon him, Casey says fuck that.
walk with open hands by taizi
Mikey can't get over his fathers death and knows his brothers cant get over it either, and he is going to do something about it, been if it almost costs him everything. Was originally 1 chapter, but a second chapter from Splinters POV makes everything gorgeous.
traveling so far to get there by taizi
different age turtles, 2012 universe, Mikey and Raph gets transported to a post-apocalypses time-line aptly called the after party, no one lives, but Mikey does manage to find himself a monkey companion and Raph really wishes his little brother and him would be back home. Little moment of Mikey and Donnie being twins that is positively adorable and I need more of it ASAP. Its 10k words but reads like 30 in the best way possible, like literally a must read!
Closer by Taizi
adorable human woodyangelo
Problem child by taizi
human AU, Mikey is going to give his big brothers a heart attack, he makes questionable friends, and it seems he has a lot of growing up to be doing
Things You Never Outgrow by taizi
Mikey might just have picked up some less than stellar habits from his family as a baby, and now its coming out to bite him in the butt as his brothers notice.
Know the world in yourself by taizi
Donatello is an aspiring Egyptologist, and close friends with part-time thief and sometimes-scoundrel Casey Jones, who pickpockets an ancient map of the fabled City of the Dead off a young man he stumbles across in the Casbah—a young adventurer, it turns out, and none other than the little brother Donatello hasn't seen in almost eight years
Small spaces by Taizi
After 2012 Mikey gets captured and held by the Kraang, it seems he might just have a new fear, his brothers are not happy about it.
While you're here enjoy the view by taizi
Cute little woodyangelo 2012. They have my heart
Sleepwalking by TheKeybladeMaster1994
Splinter wakes up in a cold sweat and notices that Mikey is missing, and it seems like a dark entity is after his littlest sons light, good thing its just a nightmare, right? A few nights later it seems that is not so. Only 4 chapters but has 30k words and is a positive joy to read, I hope it continues to update.
The Ultimate Weapon by TheKeybladeMaster1994
Mikey is pure of heart and just about everything knows it, including but not limited to an eldritch entity that he swears is just try to make his life hard no matter what it tells you.
Interrogation or Malpractice by Professor_Anxietree
2012 Mikey when he got captured by the triceritons, their mind reading machine doesn't do quite what was intended and it spells out pain and sufferings for the smallest of the Hamato clan. Its pretty much being over stimulated to the max, like your skin feels too tight and you can hear your nerons firing in your brain type stuff, beware if you have overstimulation.
Someone to Protect by Koalagriton
2012. Mikey's big bothers get captured by Hun and Mikey doesn't take it well, that's going to become Huns problem.
Flowers by intomyfireyoushallfall
Mikey meets Tang Shen
The shinobi's garden by taizi
buncha one shots that you have to read, you have to istg 66k words of nothing but amazing.
family sticks together, bruh by hellomyoldheart
Mikey (Bayverse) discovers online shopping and sends it to Aprils place, April gets a package addressed for Mikey O'neil
too bad, but its the life you lead by angelmichelangelo @angelmichelangelo
2k7my beloved. Mikey is having trouble at home, good thing this new cat he found, affectionately named Klunk, can help a little. You will cry, I cried, still have read it four times, but crying non the less, read the tags or it will hit you like a freight train
the dad diaries by angelmichelangelo
pepaw Ronin and the new babies, adorable and angst ( in the form of flashbacks) nuff said
a minute from home by taizi
bteam for the win, I cant get enough, baby don and mikey wonder off and survive 3 months, it changes them
I've been afraid of changing by taizi
2007 Mikey really hates his job, Donnie didn't get that, but now he does
Give up the ghost series by taizi
Mikey can see ghosts, and that means he can see his one and only dead brother too, donnie, it causes problems for eveyone around him. human AU
The Gauntlet by T33la
Mikey and Don have to take a leap of faith, good thing Mikey has complete trust in his big bros tech
Flipbook by T33la
the 2003 SAINW donnie boy planned just in case and mikey finds the first bit of the plan, talks happen
Chronicles of the Cretaceous by T33la
Mikey boy manages to befriend a T-rex because of course he does
Words to be Spoken by Mona_E_Lisa @mona-e-lisa
Soulmate Au with woodyangelo, its got angst, just not for the boys, nd holy shyt I need more
The Silver Sentry by Mona_E_Lisa
2003 Mikey gets a son, and he deffo has some problems with Splinter, and I love him more than words
2088 by Mona_E_Lisa
If you haven't read this you haven't lived and that's all I can say. What are you doing? go read it??? like asap, will change you. Its 6k and this post will still be here when you get back, get going now sho sho
A Tale of Spirits by unorthodoxx @unorthodoxx-page
ATLA x tmnt 2018, everyone thinks they are spirits, donnie boy isn't going to correct them, and mikey ends up malnourished, but it updates this sunday so GO Go Go asap, it great
turning over stone by angelmichelangelo
2012 mikey gets angry, and kami does it suck, but good thing his big brother has experience in dealing with it.
caught in the rip tide by angelmichelangelo
Mikey gets hurt, and it might just be leos fault. 2012 based on the season 4 episode broken food.
yolk by angelmichelangelo
Mikey can't take the fighting anymore, too bad it took wrecking a midnight breakfast for his brothers to notice.
december 18th: raise a glass by angelmichelangelo
Mikey turns 21, and they really should be winding down by now, but Donnie doesn't have the heart. technically tagged with 2012 and IDW, but could totally see it with 2007 if u ignore that raph is in japan
december 15th: a size too big by angelmichelangelo
2007 Mikey was supposed to be bac an hour ago, he is gonna be the death of Donnie I swear.
the Kappas constellation by angelmichaelangelo
bunch a one shots
Honestly just anything by angelmichelangelo or taizi, but you can see that with how often they show up in this list
Its a cycle by GhostiesandGhoulies
Adorable 2007 Mikey being hurt while doing cowabunga car and his brothers looking after him
Clogged drain by Goblin cat KC
Horror, the poor boys were not ready for this one but I adore it. Nothing more I can say than they will have nightmares and all of them will have night lights.
Hero among them by oliviasbizzaremind
2007 gang gets a call after a rough night, its for cowabunga carl, so how exactly does this lady know Mikey's name? Mikey always was a bleeding heart.
If Wishes were Fishes by Taisi (this is also on A03 I believe I just found it on ff.net fist so i figured id share that here too)
Human AU, adorable must read, like I cant stress this enough, you haven't lived without this. And as a former foster kid, damn.
Mikey's truly awful, incredibly sucky, super hella bummer of a day by Orange4Days
Exactly what the title says and you will enjoy this boys suffering and eventual comfort.
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dailygtwscar · 1 year
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It's Disability Pride Month!
If you're a disabled artist of any kind, please promote yourselves in my submissions!! I'll queue up everything till the end of the month. (I don't know how artists supports work here or if they're even a thing at all but !!!!!!!!!)
(rules are: no nsfw, no AI-generated images, no NFTs, tag your tweet with the proper warnings)
Also, here's some stuff I'd like to get off my chest (long text post ahead).
First of all, I wanna i want to mention something about how I draw Scar. I know I haven't been the best at drawing him with mobility aids. I'm still trying to get better at it. Scar himself has seen some of my posts & has never really said anything about how I draw him, but I personally don't think that's a valid excuse for me to only occasionally draw him with mobility aids. I apologize, and I will try my best to draw him with mobility aids more often now.
Another thing I wanna talk about is the reason I couldn't make a disability pride post earlier than I intended (which is honestly just me venting but it'll give a bit of context on my sporadic posting schedule). I was really anxious about it because of the internalized ableism / impostor syndrome I've been dealing with for the past year or so. I have an anxiety disorder and I am also neurodivergent. Somehow, it didn't feel right calling myself disabled even though it has made it almost impossible for me to get through highschool, have dropped out of college because of how severe my anxiety got, how rsd has kicked my butt since I was little, how it's so hard for me to read social cues and make friends, how my terrible memory has caused me forget the most simple & important things (and it has gotten me in trouble so many times), how most of the people in my life were ableist towards me, etc, and just overall how made it difficult for me to be a "normal" human in society. All because I've convinced myself that "it's not that bad" (spoiler alert, it is).
Even now, I still feel iffy calling myself disabled despite being diagnosed for nearly three years now. I felt like I didn't have the right to talk about anything related to disability because mine isn't physical. At the end of the day, I'm still disabled. I know it's not a bad thing. It's just very difficult. So please be patient with me, with both art and me in general. I'm really trying my hardest here.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 5 months
I can't remember if you've done it but a band AU? I have it all out in my head but really just Dabi as lead Male singer and/or guitar or base player?
I have not done this! I'm not really into bands/live music/concert culture so I don't really know where to start with this, but I'll give it a crack
AFO is a music producer who wants his son to find the next big thing, but Shigaraki really has no idea about that because he would much rather go to college to work on game design. They make a deal that if Shig can bring him some new talent before the enrollment period ends at the university he wants to go to, then AFO will let him go to school for what he wants instead of making him do music.
Shigaraki spends like a month running around looking for someone but doesn't find anything and one day when Spinner comes over to hang out, he mentions that he actually does know of a guy with a little ragtag punk band that has a show coming up. Shigaraki nearly shakes him out of his scales to get him to introduce him.
They go to one of Dabi's shows where he's the vocalist/guitarist, Twice is on drums, and Magne is bass. Compress is their 'manager' aka the only real adult in the room who makes sure they remember to drink water and keep a sleeping schedule that won't make it impossible to show up to their gigs on time, and Toga is their pseudo little sister who comes to all their shows and practices to hang out (and also may be secretly designing and running their merch table but shhh child labor laws and all that)
Shigaraki offers to help them out (while consumed by lust for the hot vocalist) and they butt heads a little, but ultimately Dabi agrees, and Shigaraki finds out that he is a really hard worker trying to make something of himself after he got into trouble as a kid and his cop dad kicked him out of the house. He wants to be able to take care of his younger brother since his other brother and his sister haven't been able to get him out of that situation because Fuyumi's still living at home too and Natsuo's still in college. But Dabi can't do anything unless he has a solid income and can prove his schedule won't be disruptive to Sho's life. (Which won't be hard because Shoto is at a boarding school that he genuinely loves, so Dabi will only have to be around during breaks, and Sho could travel with them then as a little vacation) Shig absolutely falls head over heels for him.
Everything seems to be going really well until they're getting ready to get Dabi signed and he realizes that he's not going to be working with Shigaraki, and not only that, Shig was using his band, he didn't care about the music, about seeing them succeed, about him. He just wanted a way out and they were convenient. There's some tension over that, though Shigaraki does still ultimately convince Dabi to sign with the record company, for Shoto's sake if nothing else. They don't talk for like two months and then Shig blows off an important lecture so that he can go see Dabi when he's playing a show near his campus, and they fuck kiss and make up.
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Demon Slayer Modern Au Headcanons, part 2. Urogi
Sorry this is late, school has been kicking my butt. Hope this can make up for it!
CW: Child Urogi and adult Urogi doing dumb stunts because this giant chicken 100% lives for an adrenaline rush.
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Urogi is trying to be a stunt double and he will do ANYTHING, absolutely anything. (Being willing to do anything has gotten him a decent amount of work.) His favorite stunts are motorcycle stunts and car scenes.
It's mainly for the adrenaline rush.
Urogi is the fourth sibling in the family, he and Aizetsu are Irish twins, so they are nearly the same age. He prefers Karaku and Aizetsu to Sekido and Zohakuten.
Urogi's favorite animals are birds, he says they just flock to him.
Sekido smacked him for that pun.
Urogi has a pet parrot that he taught to swear at people. Karaku thought it would be funny to make it say, "HELP! I'VE BEEN TURNED INTO A PARROT!" They trick Aizetsu into thinking Urogi got turned into a bird while he was at college. Urogi did apologize afterward, but Zohakuten called Aizetsu an idiot for believing something like that.
As a kid he was definitely the kid that tried to 'Mary Poppins' off of trees and high places so he could fly. (He jumped off high places with an umbrella)
Don't do this. This is stupid in real life.
Overall he is a pretty decent person, considering what his brothers are like.
He likes to help Aizetsu look for affordable apartments and to the pet store to look at rabbits. He wanders off to play with the puppies.
If you don't want to google it: Irish Twins are two siblings who were born really close together, like 10 month apart or less.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
Disclaimer: If nothing I say makes sense, it's probably because I'm so stressed I almost set the microwave on fire.
I'm glad to see that the Warriors knits headcanon is alive and well. In fact, it is thriving. This brings me immense joy because I've been losing my mind over it for the past several months, and it looks like it's here to stay. :) The best part is when someone writes a scene where Legend is embroidering/sewing and Warriors is knitting, and they're BONDING OVER THEIR CRAFTS.
In other news, I am seriously considering making glowing Warriors' power and having it be kind of like those glow-in-the-dark stickers people put on the ceilings of their kids' bedrooms. Hear me out. He can be powered by the sun, like a solar panel, and store the extra energy to do Cool Superhero Stuff with. The unfortunate side effect being that he tends to burn off excess energy by glowing in the dark. This means he has been explicitly banned from working night shifts because his cover would be blown.
It also means that he's the perfect nightlight for kids with nightmares.
I'm really looking forward to writing up more of the first meeting stories now that I've gotten the one about Legend & Wild posted, but since I'm making myself wait until I get the next chapter of Hyrule's fic up I'm just going to ramble at you about it instead.
I haven't decided which one to do next, but I have thought about the one for the trio (I also need a better name to refer to them). Anyway, I'm thinking that Twilight and Warriors actually grew up knowing each other, but sort of lost touch for a little while. Twilight was busy with the Twili stuff and getting used to his new abilities, while Warriors was in the middle of the mess with Cia. Sometime after that, they get back in touch, and they've both decided that they want to move out. Twilight wants to leave Ordon because he feels uncomfortable there now, and Warriors wants to move to a different district in Castletown to avoid anything related to Cia. Right around the same time, Sky is looking for roommates because he doesn't want to go to college in Skyloft or something. Ghirahim probably has something to do with it because I kind of doubt that he'd be very chill about Sky killing his master... Regardless, they get introduced to each other and the rest is history.
Slightly related to that, Sky is going to be an interesting combination of ideas here and is quickly becoming a favorite of mine for this project. He's kind of similar to Time because he's an incredibly powerful individual that dropped off the radar. He showed up, kicked villain butt, and then vanished (curtesy of Sun). I'm poking him because I have a lot of ideas about that. Maybe he doesn't like thinking about it? Maybe he doesn't remember what he did? Maybe it wasn't actually him and he was just possessed or something? Could he maybe be the source material for the experiment that made Wild? Is he just like this or is it trauma or his power(s) or did someone else do this to him?
Gnawing on all these questions as if I don't have things due tonight.
IM SO SORRY DUDE. they call me the kitchen appliance killer, i think the only thing safe from me is the stove and the blender- but i’m also afraid of fire so like, i don’t go near the stove anyway lmao 🕺 but fr I really hope you feel less stressed :(
YES YES YES. I love the wars knits headcanon it’s everything to me, i’ve been tryin to find a good place to throw it in a fic. AND WARS AND LEGEND BONDING OVER CRAFTS IS JUST PEAK
ooooooh okay okay, i like it >:)
istg the ‘hero/vigilante’ type au turning sky into peoples favorites is a real thing, it happened to me writing FH9. He’s my FAVORITE character in that ENTIRE au 😭 im so excited to see what you do with him in this 👁️👁️
remember to take care of yourself 🫶 get some water and snacks if you need em
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skylarmoon71 · 3 months
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) - Chapter 1
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Foggy was yelling in the library and you tried to expertly walk away like you had no idea who he was. 
“(Y/N)! I know you see me!” 
“Geez dude stop it we’re in the library!” 
The librarian gave you both a hard look before she kicked you out. You frowned and Foggy just laughed as he nudged your arm. 
“Sometimes I swear you were raised by wolves.” 
“Very handsome wolves.” He counters.
You rolled your eyes, looking over at Matt. 
“He dragged you into his schemes again?” 
Matt nods. 
“Hey man, not cool.” 
You and Matt laugh as you walk through the hallway. 
College days are the best time. You’d know Foggy for a little over five years and when you started your freshman year, he introduced you to his new bestie Matt Murdock. At first you were a little jealous at the idea of being replaced. But Matt was a pretty solid guy. Within the span of a semester you were all practically inseparable. They were dependable. Even though Foggy spent most of his time chasing girls, whenever you needed him, he was there. Matt was a nice guy to talk to. He seemed to be pretty wise compared to some of the idiots that you’d met. Yep, life was sweet. 
Except your midterms were coming up, hence the reason Foggy saw it fit to drag you out of the library every other night. 
“Quit being a nerd, there’s a party tonight let’s go!” 
You roll your eyes. 
“Foggy, if you want to graduate you should probably actually study. I thought you guys were trying to be lawyers.”
“We are.” 
“Hmm, doesn’t look that way.” 
You grin when Foggy starts to complain. With a laugh, you hold out an elbow for Matt as you all continue to head back to your dorms. Foggy and Matt live together, but your apartment is a little way off campus. 
“Have you been leaving the library this late every night?” 
You nod at Matt’s question. 
“Yeah, Algebra is kicking my butt. I got a tutor like you suggested but the guy tried to make a move on me so that ended really quickly. I’ve also got a few assignments to finish. When exams are over I’ll have time to relax.” 
Matt just tilts his head in that way he does when he’s thinking. 
“If you’d like I can-” 
“(Y/N) look at this!!” 
Foggy’s excited yell distracts you and you stare in awe at the art on the side of one of the buildings that’s definitely against regulation. It's spray painted, pretty detailed of the vigilante that’s been running around. 
“That’s crazy right, I heard he runs around beating the shit out of criminals.” 
“Sounds scary to me.” You add. 
You couldn’t imagine doing that. For a moment your eyes stray to your palms. You swallow. Matt isn’t oblivious to the action. 
“Everything okay?” 
Matt’s concern pulls you out of your straying thoughts. You nod, leaning closer into his arm. 
“I’m great. Let’s hurry back before Daredevil thinks we’re troublemakers and comes after us.” You joke. 
You hope that your voice is convincing enough. You have to assume that it is, because he doesn’t question further. 
The days seem to rush by, so does the pressure for you to complete your work. For the next couple days you’re completely focused on acing each exam. The all nighters have taken a bit of a toll. You didn’t need to look in the mirror to know that. But you push through. One more day and you can get all the sleep that you’ve missed in the last week. Foggy has been texting you frequently to take a break but you just send replies with goofy emojis with a promise that you’ll be free by the time the weekend rolls around. 
Matt has also been keeping tabs. 
“Be careful walking home.” 
You smile at his concern, but you feel a bit guilty. Due to your exhaustion you’d fallen asleep in the library. Since it’s typically open all night, there was really no attendant to kick you out when the doors close. So now you’re leaving the building at two in the morning to get back to your apartment. Sliding your phone into your pocket, you try not to overthink it. Campus police frequents this area and you’re only maybe eight minutes away from your place. Regardless, you increase your pace, clutching your bag closer. The sound of a branch breaking makes you halt, you pause, turning around. 
The street is empty. 
“Damn it.” 
It seems you’ve become paranoid. With a huff, you turn back around shaking your head. When you look up, the guy standing before you makes you jump. You almost scream, but you recognize his face, letting out a breath as you press your hand to your chest. It’s just your former tutor. 
“Geez, Aaron what the hell you scared me.” 
“You shouldn’t be walking home so late.” 
You laugh. 
“I know, Matt said that too.” 
“Maybe I should walk with you.” 
“That’s okay, I’m almost there, thank you though.” 
You walk around him, but he grabs your hand. 
“So you’re too good to get help from me now?” 
Your brows knit as you try to pull your hand back. 
“W-What are you doing, let me go!”
He slides out something from his pocket and you panic when you see the knife. You try to scream, but he grabs you by the mouth, dragging you off to the side of the building. You try to kick, thrash, anything, but he’s strong and you haven’t realized how tired you are until you realize that you’re barely even putting up much of a fight. You’re pushed to the ground and you try to call for help, but he presses the blade to your throat. The tears are prominent. 
“Make a sound and you’ll regret it.” 
You can’t even get the words out. He has you pinned to the ground and you just sob when he starts unbuckling his belt. You just close your eyes, praying for it to be over quickly. All you hear is a grunt and his weight seems to disappear. You open your eyes just in time to see him swing at someone. The blade slices their arm and you just back into the wall as you continue to cry. Your legs are shaking, you know you should probably make a break for it, but you can’t get your body to move. They’re fighting, you can see a fist connect. Then another, and another. When a body drops, you jolt and prepare for it. 
The inevitable. 
Someone walks into your view and you just start wailing. 
“P-Please d-don’t hurt me..” 
You can’t get yourself to do anything but beg. They approach cautiously and it takes a moment for you to realize that whoever it is, they’re holding your backpack. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” 
He’s dressed in dark clothing, and you can see the bruise on his cheek as well as the blood running down from his upper arm. He holds out the bag for you, and you use the wall to shakily get to your feet. You don’t immediately reach for it. Your eyes stray to Aaron who’s unconscious on the floor. Swallowing, you hesitantly take the bag from his hand, pressing it to your chest protectively. He doesn’t make a move to get any closer and you’re thankful. You finally seem to get a better look at him. There’s a piece of cloth tied over his eyes, right up to the curve of his nose. His hands are also wrapped with what looks like thicker pieces of white cloth, almost like a glove. It’s strange, but you recognize him. 
You sort of assumed it was just some rumor the college kids started up, but it’s real. 
He’s real. 
“I have to go, you should too. When you’re home, lock the doors and call the police.” 
He turns before you can say anything and as he begins to walk away, you notice the limp in his step. There’s still blood dripping from his injury. 
He’s in pain. 
He got hurt protecting you. 
You have to help, you need to.
He freezes, and you find yourself doing the same. You’re still very much terrified, but you can’t in good conscience let him hobble back to wherever he lives like that. Especially after he literally saved your life. 
“I-I live nearby, p-please let me at least clean the wound. If you don’t get treatment it could get infected.” 
He could probably walk into a hospital, but given his nightly escapades, you have an inkling feeling that the chances of him asking for help are slim since he’ll have to explain his injuries. 
“I can take care of myself.” 
He looks like he’s going to leave again, but you take a step. 
You’re pleading now. 
Maybe it’s not entirely about just helping him. Maybe there’s a part of you that’s terrified at the idea of walking home alone now. You just grip your bag, and he looks like he’s considering it. 
Your face brightens and you take a few careful steps away from the back of that building. As you move closer to Aaron’s unconscious form, you frown, kicking him in the balls. He just jerks, but doesn’t wake up. 
Daredevil smiles from his spot, and you can’t help but crack one too. 
He shakes his head. 
“I think it’s justified given the circumstances.” 
“It is.” You agree. 
Heaving your bag on your shoulder, you point down the street. 
“I-It’s just over there. We should probably hurry, campus security frequents this area.” 
You don’t want to have to explain why you’re aiding and abetting a vigilante. 
He nods, following behind at a reasonable distance. 
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Dream World - A Sibling!Mutant!Reader Story - Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Pairings: None
Characters included: Leonardo
Warnings: swearing
Series: Yes!
Summary: Y/N just your average human being who goes to university. Meeting up with her friend to study only to procrastinate to watch movies with her. So when Y/N falls asleep in their living room, next to their best friend only to wake up somewhere else. And when suddenly a weird green monster appears in front of them they can’t help but panic and be mighty confused.
Word count: 3212
Authors Note: I wanna write some sibling stuff plus I enjoy mutant reader stories but there aren’t a lot. This idea just grabbed me and didn’t let me go so I will try to work on it every now and again but it will be probably be slow updates. That said I actually took the time to map out the story for once, so I’m hoping to actually finish this one. I just really need a project to work on at the moment.
Y/N knew immediately that something was wrong when they woke up and felt eerily peaceful.
Normally their mornings were stressed and hectic, them rushing around their own flat to freshen up and get dressed all while battling their sleepiness that was still deep in their bones.
Today though they woke up and it was nice and quiet. A stray sunbeam managed to fall through their window, bathing their face in a soft and warm light. This must be what has woken them up, but Y/N didn’t mind since for the first time in a long time they felt somewhat rested. Sure, their usual fatigue was still there but it wasn’t the sleepy haze that pulled at them, beckoning to return to the warmth of their bed, back into a dreamless void.
Yeah, today was surprisingly peaceful.
And this unnerved them.
There was no possible way that this would be the start for their day. Something must have been off, something forgotten.
But what?
Y/N absentmindedly pulled on their blanket, pulling it further against their face as they pondered what on earth could they be forgetting?
Almost as if the universe wanted to help out, their phone rang and when Y/N read the name on the screen they let out a panicked shriek. With this sudden spike of panic, that truly seemed to wake them up, they grabbed the phone and pressed on accept.
Lurching forward, pushing their blanket away from them only to kick it to the end of their bed, they yelled out “Oh my god! May! I’m so sorry! I just woke up!”
May’s laugh filled their ear “I fucking knew it! Honestly, I expected you to be late, but it’s been an hour now!”
Y/N pressed their hand against their forehead, sighing a deep painful sigh “I’m so sorry. I’ll be over there as soon as possible, and I owe you definitely a coffee and a snack. Give me like twenty minutes!”
“I mean I was about to say I waited an hour for you I can squeeze in a few minutes more, but free food does sound fantastic. Don’t stress yourself but get your butt moving!”
Yelling out a hasty goodbye and a few confessions of appreciation and love towards her good nature and patience, Y/N basically threw the phone back on the bed to sprint into the bathroom.
They knew they shouldn’t have hung out with both of their sisters till like 3 a.m. but they couldn’t help themself! Nowadays it’s difficult to get the whole family together since it seemed like they all managed to choose universities or colleges that have been too far away from each other which meant that it wasn’t a thing of casually meeting up anymore.
Both sisters had managed to visit Y/N during their free time, spending a few days at their place. Sadly, both drove back home at around 3 a.m. since they too had plans tomorrow.
Hence why Y/N is here an hour late even though they promised May that both would meet up to study for their graduation exams. It was the last two semesters and since time liked to fly past them, they offered May that the two begin slowly preparing. It was something a few teachers and professors said as advice. Y/N already knew this would mostly just be preparing for the immediate next exams and not the graduation exams, which was fine by them.
After all, Y/N liked to be busy and prepared. May would always roll her eyes at that but still go along with it. It’s also the reason why May called them Bee for a nickname. Y/N is a busy bee indeed.
That didn’t mean though they didn’t oversleep… every now and again. Or often.
After getting dressed and ready, Y/N threw their hands into the bowl that held their keys and fished them out with an annoyed sigh. Taking one more look in the mirror they decided that they looked presentable enough which meant they could finally leave their apartment.
It only took a few minutes until they arrived at their local library since they lived pretty close to campus. It was an incredibly lucky find and they were still praising whatever higher being was out there that allowed them to find a cheap flat close to their university. It even had a living room! It wasn’t just bedroom, kitchen and bathroom but also it had a god damn living room! Having a living room while only working part time jobs due to university was something special, alright?
It wasn’t difficult to spot May. It never was. She loved wearing brightly colored dresses that seemed to shine even brighter against her black skin. May also had a penchant to put little decorative clips into her black curls. And if that wasn’t enough, she also had the most warm and brightest smile Y/N has ever seen on a human. Being in the same room as May always seemed to cheer them up no matter what.
Today May wore a nice yellow dress with orange flowers printed all over it. She had her hair simply pushed back by a yellow hairband that was adorned by orange plastic flowers.
Y/N softly placed the coffee cup they bought on the way to the library and pushed it into May’s view, since she was still busy reading some sort of textbook.
Her eyes first landed on the coffee cup quizzically before her gaze followed Y/N’s hand and arm to finally look into their eyes.
“Y/N! You are finally here! And with an apology as well!” she happily exclaimed as she grabbed the cup without question and took a hasty sip from it only to immediately choke on the hot drink.
Setting down their bag on the table to sit down next to their best friend Y/N began cackling at May’s behavior “You damn well know it’s from the café outside, I really thought I didn’t have to warn you that it’s hot!” They were also holding onto their own hot drink, though clearly not taking a sip just yet.
It took a few more coughs until May could finally respond “Well, you should have. I was just so happy about a free macchiato that I lived briefly in a world where drinks were at the perfect temperature and not too cold or, if you can believe it, too hot.”
“Well, I hope your tongue isn’t too destroyed from a clearly hot beverage that you had your hands wrapped around because I also brought us this” A grin spread on Y/N’s face as they moved their hand that was hiding beneath the table to show that they were holding on to a little package.
May gasped excitedly “Cookies! I love it when you come too late, Y/N.”
“I don’t” Y/N deadpanned only to break out into laughter alongside May.
Fishing out their laptop Y/N placed it in front of them “Welp, time for the not so fun part. Might as well get this over with and then maybe we can do something actually fun.”
“Alright. Let’s get the show on the road then.”
It didn’t take long for more books to cover their table as they begun studying. It wasn’t going horrible, but both were groaning every now and again when they reached a new block in the road.
Luckily since the two had the same major they could help each other out or work together to find a possible solution.
While they took quick breaks in between they decided at one point to grab a salad or a pastry from the café outside. Since they have been cooped up inside the library for hours now, they decided to sit outside of the café with their newly acquired food.
May happily dug into her salad “So, why exactly did you oversleep this time?”
“Oh! My sisters visited me, and we hung out and talked for hours on end. It was nice seeing them both after weeks of just talking via phone.”
As Y/N continued to tell May all about what has happened in the lives of their sisters, May just kept smiling happily. Every now and again throwing some remarks in to keep the conversation going but she mostly kept on listening to Y/N’s happy rambling.
At some point Y/N became aware of this and faltered for a moment, feeling it rude to gush about their sisters to their friend while the two were hanging out but May immediately asked them to give her the details as to why the youngest decided to leave her part time job for another.
May was great like that. She knew how much the two meant to Y/N and she was always happy to hear about them. Their sisters met her a few times as well over the years, so it wasn’t at least Y/N rambling about strangers to May. Even then she probably wouldn’t have minded.
It made Y/N remember that May was also patient whenever they ranted about their current hyperfixation.
Y/N stopped talking as they took another sip of their drink, eyeing May as their thoughts kept swirling about “I’m glad I know you, May.”
Instead of just laughing it off or exclaiming that this was weird to say May’s smile just widened “Aww! I’m glad as well!”
She went quiet for a second. Both just happily basking in the little moment before she spoke up again, changing the topic “Well, if your reason for being too late are your sisters, I would have even forgiven you even without the coffee. Happy I still got it though.”
She stuck her tongue out towards Y/N for a second before taking a sip from her new coffee as if to almost make a point, even though this time she paid for her drink herself.
“Since I kept talking about my family, how about you tell me how your mom and brother are doing! Your mom doing better?”
May nodded energetically “Yes! The flu has finally decided to leave her alone! Good for Derek honestly because he was stuck with having to take care of her. Try telling my mom to go lay down and rest when she is all like ‘It’s just the dishes’! I’m surrounded by workaholics, for real!” She made sure to also narrow her eyes at Y/N accusingly.
Y/N’s eye lit up “That reminds me! We should definitely head back and continue working. But sorry, continue on.”
“You can’t be real, Bee! Just a little bit more! You can’t tell me that your brain isn’t still smoking as well! In fact, how about we head to your place and put on a few movies. I’ll even buy some snacks for us. You know as a way to strengthen us so we can deal with all the studying that will be upon us in the weeks coming.” May had the edges of the table in a death grip as she slightly leaned forward. Surprising even Y/N who is pretty much used to May’s mannerisms.
With a pained expression Y/N mulled this over. Studying is important but movie day with May and snacks sounds amazing indeed. Free snacks at that.
And to Y/N’s chagrin there was May, widening her eyes and pouting. The puppy dog eyes. Y/N’s kryptonite.
“No, we can’t… There are exams coming up…”
May leaned even closer, somehow her brown eyes seemed bigger and shinier.
“I won’t fall for it, May. I’m so much stronger since last time you pulled this.”
“Please?” May asked. Her voice wavered even a bit. Putting every ounce of emotion into this little word.
Staring another few seconds into May’s shining eyes they sighed, visibly slumping down in their chair “Alright. You win. Movie day it is.”
May pumped her fists into the air “Yes! Yes! No one can withstand the May puppy dog eyes!”
“I feel like at this point I should unionize with your mom and Derek so we all can work towards breaking this win streak of yours.”
“You may try but you all will fail either way. I would only need to break one of you for all you to fall like a house of cards.” She stood up to grab Y/N’s hand so she could start tugging them along. It reminded Y/N of a child that wanted to show their parent something amazing.
Y/N stood up and begun following May back to their apartment “You are evil Miss May Wellis.”
“And yet you love me!”
“Just barely.”
After going to the local corner store to grab some snacks, the two finally reached Y/N’s apartment. May was bouncing on her feet the whole way. Rambling off all the movies she really wanted to watch.
Once Y/N opened the front door of their apartment May brushed past them to make her way into the little but comfy living room. May loved hanging out at their place and honestly half of the decoration in the apartment was from her. She loved to make the small place as comfortable as possible.
Honestly if there was enough space Y/N would have offered for them to move in together already since May was lowkey already living here anyway, but alas multiple things got in the way.
The living room had a huge fluffy rug in front of the sofa which in return was covered in a ton of pillows and blankets. Courtesy of May, of course.
Y/N grabbed some drinks out of their fridge and went back into the living room to sit down on the rug next to May who was already making a bit of a nest using all the blankets and pillows. The snacks were on the ground ready to be taking and snacked upon.
“So, what do you wanna watch?” Y/N asked as they settled on the ground against the sofa.
May scooted over towards them to lay a blanket across the two “How about we rewatch The Mitchells vs the machines?”
This made Y/N chuckle “You really love that movie.”
“I do!” May exclaimed, throwing her arms into the air to accentuate her point.
With the remote in Y/N’s hand they just nodded along as May counted off all her favorite things about the movie “Alright, alright! I choose the next movie though!”
Opening up Netflix, Y/N looked through for the movie and started it.
Almost as if to show off how often May did watch the movie she began voicing along a few lines whenever she could which made Y/N just laugh along happily.
The movie ended way too soon for May’s liking, but this gave Y/N the chance to choose a movie. Choosing one of their own favorites. The second movie soon moved unto a third movie which led to a fourth, fifth and even sixth one.
Y/N and May chatted while they watched. Mostly about their essays and exams but also more about their families. Both had perpetual smiles on their faces as they casually cuddled together how they usually did during movie nights.
May’s head at some pointed landed on Y/N’s lab and when they absentmindedly begun playing with her hair, she let out a big yawn.
Minutes later May was fast asleep in their lab and it didn’t take long for Y/N to follow along as well. Falling into a dreamless sleep, holding on to their best friend. Their last thought being of how serene and happy the day was.
When Y/N woke up again, they once again felt unnerved.
Their eyelids felt like led and it took a lot of patience and concentration just trying to open them. Were they that deep in their sleep?
Yet as their eyes opened it seemed their gut feeling wasn’t for nothing.
They expected a lot when they woke up. Either they would have woken up and saw that they somehow managed to sleep sitting up, which would probably end up with a painful neck. Maybe they would have fallen down on the ground next to May to sleep. Maybe the two would have woken up just to properly get into their own beds.
But when they opened their eyes, they were met with a concrete ceiling.
Their flat did not have a concrete ceiling!
As panic rose in them, they shot up, only to be overwhelmed as their head began to pound. It felt like their skull was being split in two and they couldn’t help to curse as they clenched their eyes shut to get through this sudden pain that wrought havoc through their head. It seemed like every pound coincided with their panic ridden heartbeat.
Trying to get through their pain Y/N took deep and slow breaths. Everything was wrong but right now they needed to clam down and get through this. They needed to find out what exactly had happened.
There was a sudden gasp next to them. Fear struck like lightning through them. Their head immediately snapping to the sound.
A panicked and hoarse shriek left Y/N’s mouth as they saw something they could only describe as a monster.
It was a person? A green person. A hard surface, maybe a plastron, across his chest and something like a shell on his back. A blue bandana across his wide eyes. Two red crescents marked his face across his eyes. He was clearly in the middle of just casually walking into the room as he spotted Y/N awake. It looked like he literally froze up in the middle of his movement.
Y/N realized they were on a stretcher and moved back against the wall. It felt wrong. Everything felt wrong. Everything is wrong!
The weird person monster thing suddenly seemed to realize that he must have frozen up because he shook his head to get out of his stupor, his shocked expression now changed out for a big smile.
He immediately strode closer to Y/N who tried their best to meld into the stone wall behind them.
“You are awake! Oh my- You are awake! How are you feeling?”
Y/N tried to say something, but panic seized up their vocal cords.
Blue, they decided to call him after his bandana color, seemed to notice their panic because his happy expression changed back into that of worry.
He softly put his hand on their shoulder in an almost familiar fashion, definitely noticing them trying to flinch away “Hey, hey. It’s alright. You are fine! You are safe!”
Are they though?
As they finally spoke, they noticed how hoarse their voice truly sounded “What… What is going on? Who- What? Who are you? What do you want from me?”
They didn’t think it’s possible, but Blue’s green skin seemed to pale. His mouth falling open as he took a step back.
“Y/N? You don’t remember… me?”
Y/N frantically shook their head. Should they? How? When? He did know their name though but there could be plenty of ways to find that out.
He just stared at them, probably trying to read their expression. His hands flew towards the top of his chest, his finger tapping against himself “I’m… Come on. This is not funny Y/N.”
But when Y/N didn’t relax he must have realized that they were very much honest with him.
“It’s me! Leo! Leonardo! Leon Neon! You know… your brother!”
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tonberry-yoda · 10 months
hey I haven't talked to you in a while, hru?
hey !!!
It really has been a while omg
I've been good, just very VERY busy
College has been kicking my butt with work and fanfic just hasn't really been in the question for me lately. I had a nice break this week though, but I've been recovering from a sprained ankle, so that's something lol
How have you been ??
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lowlywriter · 1 day
hello I’ve returned thusly to gush in your asks once more (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)╯♡
These past two weeks have been kicking my butt (college applications aaah) but reading the latest chapter of Lost In Paradise really brightened my day—made it a lot more durable hah!
I’m shaking in my boots knowing that we’re approaching the end of the story soon which makes me curious: are you going to leave an epilogue at the end for how the future is impacted by what has happened so far? :o
As always love your writing and it always gives me inspiration to write for my own JJK fic—although your update time + high word count combined with that is really impressive, how do you do that??? XD
Much kudos (╹◡╹)♡
Ah, hello again!
Applications are definitely a pain, but I hope you get into the college you're after! Super happy my fic could make your days just a little better after all that stress! It makes me so happy to know <3
I'm also shaking in my boots! It feels like I just started the fic but it's getting to be so big! A proud fic parent!
I do have ideas for an epilogue, but I also hope most plot holes will be filled and answered by the time we get there!
But, most importantly, I'm in no way ready to let them go yet!
I've got loads of other ideas I want to write for their little family, so I'm definitely planning on making another fic with all the little scenes, fluff, angst, domesticity and other ideas that don't quite fit with the plot, but I love nonetheless! (Also open to requests people want to see, because I love bringing people's ideas to life!!)
And, I'm still working on that Christmas oneshot of SatoSugu visiting Suguru's family over the holidays! Still seems like the best way to introduce and write a bunch of the oc family members since I know a lot of folks don't typically like ocs (especially in the sense of major characters), so I'll give people the chance to choose to read it!
I'm so very glad you and so many other people like my work! I've always loved writing, but I've definitely gotten a lot better over the years! It's just so much fun giving people things they don't get from the OG content (like characters being alive -_-). I like to think of fandoms like a hivemind; what I want to see, a lot of other people want to see too! It's very easy to be self-indulgent! The only secret I have is a bad case of hyper-fixation, a love for a good long chapter to cozy up with and an adoration for SatoSugu! I love them <3
Thanks again for the support, and I appreciate all your asks! They've been a highlight of posting the chapters, so thank you!
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artenon · 3 months
oh gosh your new reblog reminded me I never went back to the WIP-titles meme because Life™️ but I would love to hear about your MCU ones, homecoming starker and kittydevil?
i understand about Life, i hope you have some chill weeks ahead of you 🙏
thank you for asking about my wips!! these are both old wips that have been on the backburner because i've been seized by uhhh bandom brainrot, BUT i really want to go back and finish them sometime. i've actually written a good chunk of both of them, i just need to kick myself in the butt to finish them!
full answer beneath the cut because i included some excerpts!
homecoming starker - a post-homecoming missing scene fic where tony finds peter when he's sitting on top of the Cyclone roller coaster after the Vulture fight. peter is super beat up and doesn't want to go home right away so tony buys him mcdonald's and takes him to a condo he owns in the area. peter thinks he's in for another lecture (since the last time they talked was after the ferry incident); meanwhile, tony is freaking out because he took away peter's spidey suit and peter almost DIED (peter is also freaking out because he almost died, and he has never gotten hurt this bad before as spider-man). the fic is meant to instigate the transition from tony being the Distant Figure that he is in homecoming to a more active mentor/presence in peter's life (like he is in all the fanfics), so of course they end up talking stuff out. because i love fix-its and making characters talk things out, lol
also though i call it starker, the fic is really preslash/could definitely be tagged & not / but of course in my heart they WILL fall in love one day hahaha
wtf i looked at my draft to get an excerpt and THIS FIC IS ALMOST DONE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME (it's only like 3k but i am chronically bad at finishing fics no matter the length)
Tears well up. He fights them back, not wanting to cry in front of Mr. Stark. But he still can’t get his voice to sound quite normal as he whispers, “I’m sorry.” “You’re sorry,” Mr. Stark echoes. And then, incredulously, “You’re sorry? What the hell do you have to be sorry for?” Peter swallows. “I caused trouble for you.” “Kid.” Mr. Stark pinches the bridge of his nose. “That is the last thing I’m worried about right now.” “Then… what are you worried about?” Mr. Stark stares at him, eyes wide. “I’m worried about you,” he snaps, and suddenly the anger that’s been radiating from him the whole night takes on a whole different shade. “Oh,” Peter says, for lack of anything better. “God, kid.” Mr. Stark shakes his head. “I’m the one who has to apologize here.” Peter waits, but Mr. Stark doesn’t say anything else. Mr. Stark must see something expectant in his look, because he says, “What?” “Well…” Peter hesitates. “You haven’t said ‘sorry’ yet. Not that I think you need to! But if you want to apologize, um. ‘Sorry’ is a pretty good place to start.”
kittydevil - a silly little fic where matt murdock gets transformed into a kitty cat and peter finds him and takes him back to his apartment. this is in a vague future AU where peter is in college at Columbia so spidey swings by hell's kitchen every once in a while after becoming friends with daredevil. matt's only a kitty for a couple days, but that is still enough time for peter to become worried sick about him when foggy calls and says he's missing. and then of course matt turns back into himself... naked... in peter's bed. WE KNOW HOW THIS TROPE GOES!
Slowly, Matt untenses. He even takes a few steps closer to Peter and clambers into his lap, to which Peter makes a pleased noise. “Yeah,” he says. “We’re okay.” He rubs Matt’s head, then runs his hands along his sides. “No way you’re a stray, are you? Sweet thing like you. You seem clean, and well-fed, but these scars… Rough kittenhood, maybe?” Matt pretends his heart doesn’t do a funny little twinge when Peter calls him sweet thing. As Peter keeps petting him, Matt feels himself truly calm down for the first time since he was turned into a cat. Something rumbles in his chest—a purr. “Aww,” Peter says, like his heart is melting. Matt feels like he’s melting too, until he’s a boneless puddle in Peter’s lap. Cozy. “Good boy,” Peter says softly. Matt closes his eyes. His purr doesn’t falter.
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gen4grl · 3 months
Wheeze, here we are at long last before I have to go into College/Life lockdown again. You won't believe how much can happen in a month and the huge projects that lie ahead, but anyways! - It's cool how you have a PHD in Silver Handling. The closest acronym I could get for that was calling it a Psy.D (precarious Silver yeeting doctorate LOL) anyways you're so right, good analytic potential AND its interesting that it's him being Giovanni's son that you point out. I like that bit too, and I'd love to hear what about it makes it so dope to you :D - Twitter is the trenches </3 glad you like it here more :3 tumblr is THE place for neurodivergent folks like us and HARD AGREE on reading game dialogue. its my favorite lore hunting technique. I cannot fight Gyms until every inch of that city has been explored. - Literally bouncing up at down at the mental imagery of Leaf sitting at a blocky computer with Bill. I can just vaguellyyyy reach out to that era through memory, of idk, images, did I ever see them in person? in dreams? all I know is that even in the early 20s the age of dial-up phones wasn't instantly forgotten. maybe at someone's house. but there is SO much 90s to project there and it can be so enjoyable. nostalgia + growing up + that one era that is more romanticized in retro aesthetic and the social culture bc that's how the neighbors eldest daughters grew up and how do we, in modern times, achieve that? - if it's controversial, nobody's yapping about it when it comes to other characters lol. Leaf is pretty consistent if you keep an open mind so taking from other media 100% makes sense. I do it too :P oooh Silver and Leaf meeting on 5 island I love that!! aw man, with the Rocket base and that Scientist I'm just full of giggling here. Pff, Archer is going to get his butt kicked by the boss's son's friend HA tfw the same kids you see running around take down TR - oh I like how you bring the environment and economy into it, solid reasoning for moving + Pallet connects to the ocean that leads to Cinnabar, no? but yeah :D great customer base, little homey place but close to Viridian and the Indigo Plateau as well, plenty of people stopping by! omg Leaf coming from the hair sprouts 😭 oh that's clever I like it! - really enamored with the Bill + Leaf aspects of your story, it's just really speaking to some deep corner of my soul's memory. im so stoked somebody else likes this haha my Leaf is a bit more politically motivated (at least in one universe lol, bc it's the anime which is an utter disaster and she wants to be Champion to clean house and heal the economy) but also someone oughta do something bc Lance is working like 5 different jobs 😭 also, I can imagine with most of your HCs centered around character relationships they might feel like a hard sell compared to cold facts and I 100% feel you. so much of my fic is just character dynamics nobody else would get it LOL. but I'm honored you have so much you'd want to yap about it. fully encourage and love yapisodes - I looked at your Silver post and you said it's only if you're playing as Red but good news, Scientist Gideon STILL asks that if you play as Leaf. He says "Giovanni's kid" not his son :D - at the time you asked that, I was writing 6.1k of a chapter for another fandom, but lately I've had Leaf on the brain again and rlly want to get a solid outline for that series going. <-- the kind of yapping better suited for DMs lol. yess, love seeing how the Pokemon world is connected in media. utterly obsessed with Gen/Evo Specials, you can imagine the cheering when Silver's episode dropped 7 years ago he's so <3 <3 <3 if you like Silver + Leaf sibs then you feel like someone I can smuggle into Dad Lance city that doesn't leave her out, but hey. oldest daughter problems maybe if we incorporate the tendency to focus on Kris/Lyra/Ethan and thanks to Masters, LILLIE?!?!? <-- understand Johto kids but LILLIE???? and every time I see Lance with Red/Blue I'm like "aight, so I gotta fill this vacancy myself"
helllloooo first of all i want to say sorry for taking so long to get to this😭 my last couple months have been a mess and i’ve been dealing with annoying health issues (in every way). i apologise if this reply isn’t as long or thorough as usual🤧
i think what i like about the silver giovanni connection so much is how well it connects johto + kanto story wise. johto to me is still a very undeveloped and lowkey forgotten region unfortunately but silvers character is easily the shining part of the region. i also think it’s cool how he’s also connected to red (or leaf) due to the whole reason giovanni abandoning him being because of red/leaf’s defeat of team rocket, ultimately crushing his ego lol - just one big butterfly effect that i thoroughly enjoy :p and as stated in my post, i like despite how hard he tried not to be, silver was quite similar to his dad until the events of the the johto story. seeing his growth makes me so happy 🤧🤧🤧✨
lmao talking of reading game dialogue … the offical pokemon twitter account made this post for fathers day (i think…? my fathers day isn’t till september 🤷🏻‍♀️)
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and the amount of people in the comments literally suprised gave me a stroke like??? lacey being clays daughter is explicitly stated LOL pokemon fans never cease to amaze me 😭😭😭
you’ve really got me thinking about kantrio in the 90s now LOL. i can see them all tryna message eachother on some aol type site and someone’s dial up cutting totally ruining their convos - most likely blue cause daisy wants to talk on the phone to bill or something … hmmm… ideas are brewing!!!! actually to sound old my family had dial up till 2009… insane😭😭 i used to get so mad at my mumma using the phone cause i just wanted to play club penguin LOL - oh and thx u for the compliment on the leaf + bill dynamic <3 bill is one of those random ass side characters that still is so iconic … i have so many hc’s for him too LOL no character can escape my headcanons
oh and i am the minister at the dad lance church!!! i’ve always seen him as not just a mentor to silver but the other johto kids and definitely the kanto trio before they grew up - that saying i still think as adults they turn to him alot since … half of them don’t have dads (both in canon and my hc LOL). i think as adults, the kantrio definitely have a more friend based relationship with him but as kids he definitely helped them through the spotlight that was put on them at such a young age.
ehghhh i very much apologise for this reply, my brain feels very disconnected from my body today and i feel like this hot mess of a reply shows LOL. again, i really apologise for the late reply. i wish you the best of luck with ur studies and writing ✨✨✨🩷🩷🩷
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