sonyaheaneyauthor · 4 months
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1994: Crimean Tatars mark the 50th anniversary of russia deporting their entire population from their homeland. From the 18th-20th of May 1944 the Tatars were loaded onto cattle trains and removed from their native land.
2024 is the 80th anniversary of Stalin's Crimean genocide.
Since 2014 Crimea has again been occupied by russia.
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greypetrel · 10 months
French historians outraged by Ridley Scott portraying Napoleon as a tyrant be like...
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Actual people who were military conquered by Napoleon, had a foreign ruler installing a random relative who knew nothing of the territory, installed a level of bureaucracy it's still hard to get rid of still today, destroyed monuments and infrastructures, stole artworks be like:
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Tell me again: which European country was the one so feudal and with rules so strict and rulers so shitty that the people actually rioted and started a terror period?
You can have all the opinions you want about that movie and Ridley Scott's historical movies, but if your argument reaches defending Napoleon, maybe you should stop talking and read some books written in countries that were actually conquered by Napoleon.
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miquisteps · 1 year
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🐦 Francesc Ribera 🔗twitter.com/francescribera/status/1638677738121994240 #llenguacatalana #espanyolisme #catalanofòbia #xenofòbia #repressió #llengua #espanyats #vichy #vichycatalan #algúhohaviadedir #colonialime #imperialisme #espanyats #twitter #piulades #twitterquotes #twitterposts #twitter #tuitfixat #twitterCatalunya (at Països Catalans) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOHjfMNV41/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cedence · 11 months
Petitions against Waste Colonialism and for EPR
In the fashion industry, esp. Affecting people in the secondhand industry. Take a moment to sign and share ❤️
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totallynotcensorship · 11 months
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update, nothing changed in the past 12 hours.
and once again, from what i saw imperialism, colonialims, and palestine resources aren't trending anymore not because of the "glitch", people are simply not posting on there. there have only been around 13- 14 posts on those tags in the past 12 hours. 3 of them are me
so i once again ask that you keep including them in your palestine related posts, they are able to get on trending unlike the Palestine tags. we need to reach the trending page and these are our best shots
don't stop talking about palestine, a "glitch" can't stop us
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
can you elaborate on “quote unquote poc artist”? im glad you’re sharing with people that kahlo wasn’t a good person, just got curious about that phrasing
I made that post in a moment of frustration because I saw something about how Frida hated white people and I'm just tired of the way foreigners (and even Mexicans) talk about her. I'm not trying to say Frida was the worst person to ever live or that you can't enjoy her as an artist and relate to her struggles, because there are far more deplorable artists hailed in the canon of art history. But just... you know, she's not a perfect feminist progressive icon and you shouldn't treat her as such if you don't understand the context she hails from. But really this is just more than just her. I will try t explain but keep in mind that I'm trying to summarize very complex matters that I'm not even used to talk about it in English and I'm only just one Mexican.
I feel like the term POC should not be aplied outside of the US. I mean, I'm not a Usamerican, I don't wanna say what terms minorities there should or shouldn't use. But from my perspective, the way gringos talk about this sort of stuff is oddly fixated on skin color and blood percentages which doesn't realli make sense to me and is a poor framework to speak about ethnical and racial issues here.
But people still apply them and that's US-centrism, generally, Usamericans are very bad at recognizing their own US-centrism or that in an international conext they do have privilege, or that being Usamerican is in itself an ethnic identity, but people treat it like it isn't and the US is devoid of culture because they think of US culture as default.
So, English colonizers in what's now the US didn't exactly mix with the Natives. "White people" in the US are descendants from those colonizers or immigrants from other European countries, there was always a clear distinction between them and Native Americans. Spanish colonies worked differently, pure-blood Spaniars were at the top, but eveyone was having children with everyone and that was a part of society to the point they had this whole system to name every combination of whether you come from a mix of Spaniard, Indigenous people, Black slaves or a mix of a mix. So nowadays, most of us have indigenous ancestry. Some have light skin, some have dark skin, colorism is still very much present. Frida's skin was on the lighter side and her dad was a German, is she a POC???
So the fact that most of us do have Indigenous Ancestry makes us feel uh, entitled to prehispanic culture, but really, blood doesn't make us Original People, that's more of an Ethnic matter, because there are still Original People that maintain their culture, or a version of it that has changed over the years since the Colonization. There are many groups with different names and traditions that are supposedly legally protected and are also heavily discriminated against. When someone like Frida dresses with a tehuana, she gets praised for "connecting with her roots", when a Zapoteca woman does it, she's mocked,
Mexicans are children of rape, as Octavio Paz desribed us, which is a complicated baseline to create a cultural idetintity. Our culture is a mix of what was here and what was imposed by the Spaniards, there's the tokenization of prehispanic cultures with a sense of entitlement, the fact that the Mexican identity is in large part a post-revolutionary manufacturation, there is the hatred and idolization of Europeans, the heavy colorism, the classism, the struggles of globalization, the neo-colonialims with the intervention of foreign capitalists, the gentrification due to foreigners coming here, and, of course, the Anglo/US cultural imperialism that erodes the culture inherinted from both the Indigenous and Spanish people.
There is a whole lot going on that I have neither the words or time to unpack, but I hope it makes you understand why it bothers me so much when Usamericans try to apply their frameworks here. I really don't have a point, I just want gringos to understand that they don't understand and that blood doesn't magically make you understand. I don't even know if this makes any sense.
Anyway, uh, please don't dress up as Frida Kahlo and her clothes are a marginalized culture's regular clothes and not a costume. If you wear traditional Mexican clothing make sure you're buying them from proper artisans and try to at least learn what culture they belong to.
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expfcultragreen · 1 year
My dad the crypto wrote a letter to the times colonist and some racist on staff published it (the boomers love circlejerking eachother, theyll do it to the grave theyre digging us all) and the gag was, "king charles is our hereditary chief, so via false equivalency, colonialim is ok" and its like could you die. IF the hereditary chiefs had legal sovereignty the way the king of england does, THEN your commentary would mean anything, but as it is youre just a smug nazi looking for attention
Oh and then my sister the racist cra lawyer was like "daddy youre so funny, i totally make fun of all my woke coworkers for being anti-colonialist! just like youd want! approve of meeeeee" i hate gen x
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selamat-linting · 1 year
oh my god, its unbelievable. my poetess friend, she literally believed wholesale that the pink, two hour advertisement, was a feminist movie. and that the nuclear bomb biopic was any good. my girl, i dont fault your enjoyment, its fun romp of music and comedy, and the technical direction of the other serious movie has its moments. but to see her, a fucking self-professed eco-feminist with an english literature degree, saying that a movie where sexism is portrayed as simply bad choice you can just unlearn instead of a real bigoted ideology with material incentive and violence that comes along with it is a good feminist movie makes me livid! the main female character at the end fucking APOLOGIZED to the male love interest because she choose to prioritize herself despite the guy literally turning himself into a incel and fucking over her house because of it. she think thats feminist? and then this dumb girl shared a stupid nuclear bomb meme as if that fucking biopic isnt yet another cultural imperialism moment where the us centered the feelings of people who did the war crime instead of the victims. my sweet, sweet poetess lady, you should have known better! they taught you literary analysis in school!!!!! i was rooting for you!!!!
i cant with her. this isnt the first time she has godawful opinions either. remember that stupid white saviorist blue movie? or the mcu panther flick? she loved it. she says its a good portrayal of advanced indigenous culture if its not ruined by colonialim
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where is your college education????!!! where is the result of hours and hours and discussion i had with you?
this girl! she had bad taste. but thats not it. the last time i see her she was saying point for point about how "people dont consent to seeing kink in public" and treating homosexuality as a punchline despite saying she's all for equality. holy shit now that i think about it, her feminist group never posted anything about pride month either. my org actually did something for june, in between the internal shitfest we're dealing with (several senior members were hit with sudden financial distress / medical emergency so we are understaffed and burned out to bits rn).
okay. i've never seen anyone so deceptively smart before. and by that i mean she look smart but she has nothing inside the head. my friend in highschool who faked internal bleeding so her boyfriend would notice her is smarter than the poetess girl. im never trusting any hijabi girl who unironically make jokes like "habibi, sza's kill bill song is so romantic, i need to pray for a love that beautiful" ever again. SHUT THE FUCK UP. why dont you sniff some nail polish remover with me and gain some life perspective?
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linguisten · 3 years
In the aftermath of Prince Philip’s death, the western media has turned its gaze to Tanna, a mountainous island in the far south of Vanuatu. Tanna is the home of the Prince Philip movement, whose members revere the late consort to the queen. A series of ceremonies on Tanna have been held to mourn and celebrate Philip.
According to the Guardian, the Daily Mail, and dozens of other western newspapers, Philip is regarded as a white god on Tanna. By choosing Philip as their deity, Tannese have supposedly shown their reverence for Britain and its monarchy.
In newspapers and on social media, the Philipists of Tanna have prompted both amusement and pity. How, westerners have asked, could Tannese be gullible enough to believe in the divinity of a man of flesh and blood, a man with fairly obvious flaws? Many commenters have attributed the supposed gullibility of the Tannese to the remoteness of their island from the west, and to their lack of western-style education. [...]
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fipindustries · 3 years
gosh i am not islamophobic and i really disagree with islamophobia but then i watch religious debates with fundamentalist muslims where they try and argue that actually islam is even more accepting and accomodating of diversity than liberal societies and i cant help but feel sam harris was completly right about everything
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eyekissyourlips · 4 years
lol just saw a post talking about how to fight anti-asian racism and the options they listed were just so.. fucking stupid and ineffective. how is supporting organizations like nextshark or reading fuckign joy luck club supposed to do shit. calling legislators for state solutions?? more aapi representation? only serves to reify the imperialist racial state. all violence is state violence and people are wasting their time with neoliberal responses. identity politics is a fucking joke and what we need is organizing straight and simple. stop funneling your money to national nonpr*fits and donate to more mutual aid funds. get looped into the actual communities y’all live in and support on the ground orgs. understand that all oppressed people must be in solidarity together. understand that what we are working towards is a transformative liberated future, and not a replica of amerikkka but with more “div*rsity and incl*sion” efforts lmao. we need a broad-base multi-ethnic coalition that is working to end the state, not reinforce it.
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Malek Aloula, The Colonial Harem
For Malek Aloula, covering is something neutral. The common tropes associated with women covering themselves and Islam are a direct effect of the stereotype and the phantasm to Aloula.
Young women, portrayed as being fully available, but also shy and demure. Supposed to be available and unavailable. The popular depictions on  postcards achieve this. There is a “full-blown yet uncertain sensuality”, according to Aloula.
This is not only a masculine fantasy, but also sadomasochistic female fantasy of being “saved”, or rather a rape fantasy, this is how she fantasizes about the Exotic Other.
Photography activates the phantasm of Orientalism, postcards made it available and cheap. This underlines her argument that colonialims isn’t simply “there”, it needs to be naturalized by actions. The constant effort of normalizing certain views and repressie actions.
“History knows of no other society in which women have been photographed on such a large scale to be delivered to public view.”
Aloula further elaborates on the Harem. Harem in Europe means something different than in Arab countries, the fantasy notion of a harem in Europe is far removed from the actual legalities of a man having multiple wives.
These photographs and portrayals have contributed to covering being feared or even fetishized in most explicit ways (as seen in pornography nowadays). Things haven’t changed. The nostalgia of colonial empire (“things were horrible but also fascinating”) and saviour/rape fantasies prevail.
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miquisteps · 2 years
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🐦 Josep Sala i Cullell 🔗twitter.com/salaicullell/status/1631980814618460161 #llenguacatalana #espanyolisme #catalanofòbia #xenofòbia #migracions #repressió #llengua #espanyats #mossos #vichy #vichycatalan #algúhohaviadedir #sanitat #guardiacivil #colonialime #imperialisme #espanyats #twitter #piulades #twitterquotes #twitterposts #twitter #tuitfixat #twitterCatalunya (at Països Catalans) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpirP0pNlpE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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naliya · 9 years
I see you are French and talk a lot about French and European news but I haven't seen you comment much on French imperialism in Africa or in Haiti for instance, is this something that is even discussed among French people in Europe?
I have addressed that before and to be frank, it’s really starting to annoy me that apparently, one cannot talk of European issues on here without having to justify themselves on imperialism first.
Anyway, the reason why I do not extensively talk about those things is first of all because I do not feel qualified to, I don’t have for habit to talk about things I feel I don’t have enough information on, I’d rather leave those subjects to people who can speak about them better than I can. I follow blogs and people who are far more qualified than me to talk about Haiti for example (like IDK, actual Haitians - incredible isn’t it?), I hope she won’t mind if I mention her, but for example @anotherhistorystudent is far more qualified than me to give information on Haiti and that include imperialism as she’s far more aware of all the nuances and historical complexities than I am as I’m not an historian and do not study history either. 
The second reason why I tend to avoid those subjects is because Tumblr is unable to treat them with the respect and seriousness they deserve. Tumblr cannot mention those without falling into a “us vs them” US-centric dichotomy and without re-framing every issues, every bit of history into US constructs (again, I talked to people who complained about that plenty). 90% of the time those conversation end up making a mockery out of this matter and I have no desire to add more fuel to this gigantic powder keg. It is not on here that we will have serious conversation on colonialism and its consequences because tumblr cannot treat it without resorting to manipulative speech who’s sole purpose is to win easy SJ points and auto-congratulate themselves. 
Thirdly, I DID talk and reblog about those subjects from time to time, but even if I never did, I’m perfectly within my right if I don’t want to talk about something. I’m perfectly entitled to talk about what I want to talk about, what I feel qualified to talk about in my own space. I’m really starting to grow annoyed at people on tumblr trying to police Europeans on what they can and cannot speak of and deciding that they have no rights to speak of their own issues and cannot be taken seriously if they don’t mention this or that as well. 
Fourthly, I’m not sure what you meant by this last question. Are you asking if those things are taught in School? Then the answer is yes. Are you asking if the media speaks about this when relevant? Then again the answer is yes. Do people speak of it on day to day basis? From my experience no they don’t, unless something relevant happens in the country that means that the subject will be brought up to the forefront of course. 
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so-treu · 13 years
U.S. diplomatic cables now released from Wikileaks make it clearer than ever before that foreign troops occupying Haiti for more than seven years have no legitimate reason to be there; that this a U.S. occupation, as much as in Iraq or Afghanistan; that it is part of a decades-long U.S. strategy to deny Haitians the right to democracy and self-determination; and that the Latin American governments supplying troops -- including Brazil -- are getting tired of participating.
One leaked U.S. document shows how the United States tried to force Haiti to reject $100 million in aid per year -- the equivalent of 50 billion reais in Brazil's economy -- because it came from Venezuela.  Because Haiti's president, Préval, understandably refused to do this, the U.S. government turned against him.  As a result, Washington reversed the results of Haiti's first-round presidential election in November 2010, to eliminate Préval's favored candidate from the second round.  This was done through manipulation of the Organization of American States (OAS), and through open threats to cut off post-earthquake aid to the desperately poor country if they did not accept the change of results.  All of this is well documented.
The UN troops were brought to Haiti to occupy the country after the United States organized the overthrow of Haiti's democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, for the second time, in 2004.  Some 4,000 Haitians were targeted and killed in the aftermath of the coup, and officials of the constitutional government jailed while the UN troops "kept order."  Many more would perish after the earthquake because Haiti's public infrastructure was crippled during the four-year international aid cutoff that Washington organized to topple the elected government.
Another leaked document shows how Edmond Mulet, then head of the UN mission (MINUSTAH), worried that Aristide might regain his influence, and recommended that criminal charges be filed against him.  Mulet has been openly partisan in interfering in Haiti's politics and dismissed Haitians who protested the UN mission as "enemies."  This is an incredibly arrogant posture considering that Haitians were angry about the mission's bringing cholera to Haiti, which has now infected 380,000 Haitians and killed 5,800.  If MINUSTAH were a private entity, it would be facing multi-billion dollar lawsuits and possibly criminal prosecution for its horrific negligence in polluting Haiti's water supply with this deadly bacteria.  Ironically, the $850 million dollar annual cost of MINUSTAH is more than nine times what the UN has raised to fight the cholera epidemic.
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miquisteps · 2 years
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🐦 Replicanta 🔗twitter.com/replicanta_/status/1629418254413299713 #llenguacatalana #espanyolisme #catalanofòbia #xenofòbia #migracions #llengua #espanyats #algúhohaviadedir #colonialime #imperialisme #espanyats #twitter #piulades #twitterquotes #twitterposts #twitter #tuitfixat #twitterCatalunya https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZs4bst6Pn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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