#command and conquer memes
thereadingaddic7 · 7 months
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Okay, the Tiberian Sun track was actually called Killing Machine, but close enough
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victusinveritas · 9 months
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spookyghosthost · 22 days
Personally, I'm the bottom one.
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aircommndr · 2 years
• Who's the cuddler? I suppose Bumblebee would be, Starscream is very nervous with touch but on occasion he does initiate it
• Who makes the bed? I feel like neither. Rhey both forget to, and then blame each other for it never getting made lol
• Who wakes up first? Starscream, he wakes up ridiculously early, scrambles to try and do a bunch of random tasks he feels he HAS to complete, and then passes out again right as bee is starting to wake up
• Who has the weird taste in music? Probably starscream, i think bee has probably good music taste
• Who is more protective? This is a hard one! I feel they both would be, but in different ways
• Who sings in the shower? both ;-;
• Who cries during movies? bOTH
• Who spends the most while out shopping? Definitely starscream
• Who kisses more roughly? Starscream
• Who is more dominant? Not sure, probably starscream but it might depend
• My rating of the ship from 1-10: Honestly depends on things! I only recently started seeing it, and I think it could be cute! Probably a 6/10
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heleneplays · 1 year
just finished downloading some of my old fav classics and you know, looking at the list of games i used to play as a kid & my fav characters in them, me being a lesbian makes more sense
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theoriginaldrac · 2 years
The sheer, exquisite shenanigans of Red Alert 3
this! Just this is so damn good!
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house-of-soft-pink · 3 months
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> 10 units of vodka.
> Get in to bed with 3 guys.
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> Let go of the male exterior.
> Let go of my female exterior.
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> Firestorm defense, offline.
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queersatanic · 19 days
is that post about you wanting to discriminate against immigrants a meme? or????
It sounds like you're referring to this post, which you're right, is pretty jarring without the context of the bitter but serious joke being made there.
In the wake of the psychic trauma of the 2016 election and Hillary Clinton's electoral loss to Donald Trump, a librarian named Kristin Garvey came up with the following sign:
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In this house, we believe: Black Lives Matter. Women’s rights are human rights. No human is illegal. Science is real. Love is love. Kindness is everything.
Basically saying, "Unlike those people who supported and support Trump, we are reasonable people who have basic human decency and right opinions," and presumably these people vote for the most progressive Democrat they can in every election.
But pretty quickly the sign was mocked and satirized by others, especially on the political Right. On the Left, though, this was often done by noticing how such people tended to also be wealthy white liberals who would suddenly grow very reactionary when an issue moved away from platitudes to something material like greater housing density near them, sending their own children to public schools, or non-carceral government responses to immigrants or visibly homeless people. Even the opening phrase "in this house" tells you that you're talking about a certain kind of person with a certain kind of wealth because to be able to plant a yard sign you both need a yard and have the authority to put something on it, which renters rarely have.
So let's go back to @papasmoke's post, riffing on that:
In this house we believe in Housing de-regulation A strong border wall Discriminatory immigration policies Infinite funding for the police Rhodesia 2's right to rape, murder, and conquer A maximally lethal military Loving who you love ❤️
This is a reference to the current state of the Democratic Party under presidential nominee Kamala Harris, and specifically her speech at the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 22, 2024 (the day before papasmoke's post was made).
Now, we may be differing with @/papasmoke here in that "housing de-regulation" in the sense of ending shit like single-family zoning probably is actually a good thing. But the point we'd agree on is that Democrats aren't talking about using the federal government to step up dense, public housing projects like they did in the mid-20th century. It's just, "We're going to solve the problem!" as an applause line.
On the border, Harris is criticizing Trump for not being as strong on "border security" as she will be.
On police, since 2020, the Biden regime, and surely Harris as well, will continue to push for more federal resources for cops around the country. The spigot will be turned on for the publicly-funded thugs doing the attacks on unhoused people but not so much for the unhoused people.
In regards to "Rhodesia 2", of course we have Harris saying this about Israel:
And let me be clear. I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself — (applause) — and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself, because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on October 7 — (applause) — including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival.
Not only is there continued material support to proceed continuously bombing Gaza for what will soon be a year, there is not even the rhetorical condemnation of Israel raping, murdering, and starving two million people, all in the name of greater living space and manifest destiny of a brutal apartheid state.
For the USA's own military, Harris says:
As commander in chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world. 
However, Harris does say that at stake is "the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride," which is one of the main clubs Democrats use to tell queer people in particular that if you aren't OK supporting genocide, cops, and imperialism, then you are not a serious or practical person and you deserve whatever the next Trump regime does to you.
All of this was wildly popular to that room full of people, who also chanted "U-S-A" in response to people trying to just get a Palestinian speaker on stage to have their suffering recognized.
There's an old joke about how if you ask a socialist to describe their problems with capitalism, the socialist tells you a long list of problems with capitalism. But if you ask a capitalist the problems with socialism, they just describe the status quo under capitalism.
U.S. politics is like that with progressive voters in particular. If you were to accurately describe the Biden regime's current immigration/border policy or the enabling of Israel's ongoing ethnic cleansing to a liberal in 2017-2020, they would tell you, "That's why the next election is so important to get a Democrat in office."
Then when you look at what Democrats do while in office, yeah, you can argue that it could be worse. But it could be a hell of a lot better, too, and the fundamental problem is there are tens of millions of liberals and partisan Democrats who only seem capable of imagining and working toward a better world when the opposing party is in power. Meanwhile these same people call life under their own rule the best of all possible worlds and see anyone conceiving and working toward something better than that to be actively sabotaging them.
So, that's a much longer explanation than you presumably were asking for, but that's what that post is criticizing specifically and why it's in that format, and it's also why people left of Ronald Reagan are so antagonistic toward partisan Democrats and their political class when we recognize that, yes, Donald Trump and the GOP are horrible and want horrible things for everyone they can put under their power.
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gachawolfiebloom · 6 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Chapter 13: The Final Showdown
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
The sky had darkened into a thundering storm. The corrupted Smg4 and Mr Puzzles were here with an army of foul and evil creatures. Smg1, Smg2, and all their friends that had stayed behind were standing their ground for intimidation was no longer an option. "We will save the Showgrounds no matter what!"
They blasted a ray of meme energy, but Four used his own corrupted powers to block it. "Really? You thought that could actually do something?" You can't destroy your own kind, can you? "We will defeat you!" Darkness encircles around them as Mr Puzzles commanded that strong wind of nightmares (is that all you do). "Good luck." However, he had not given enough credit as these characters bravely fought back. Shroomy was wildly shooting in his anti form, the Teletubbies kept stabbing creatures, and the U.S. military blew up anything that flew towards them (even birds).
One and Two were about to strike, but Mr Puzzles laughed with reassurance even though he was losing badly. "I can feel your guilt. You can't deny that you left your friends behind. Now they will perish!" They both stopped in their tracks as Four came up behind and blasted them into the ground. "SMG1! SMG2!"
"What a disappointment. That was way too easy!" Mr Puzzles turned to the crew and called out. "I will be your new leader and rule over the Mushroom Kingdom! Surrender now before someone really gets hurt!" That bitter damage that One and Two experienced was only just a warm up. Two got up, grieving in pain as he turned to his partner. "He's right. We should have stayed to help and now they're..."
"No way you're surrendering to these freaks now!" Kaizo said. "Yeah! Nothing's illegal when you're on the side of justice!" Hal monitor added. One nodded as he slowly got up with Two doing the same. "With all of you by our side, we have nothing to fear!" Mr Puzzles was getting irritated. His mind games weren't working anymore.
The two meme guardians joined hands as they addressed all their friends. "We will never abandon each other, just as we will not let our nightmares control us, you shall not let yours take hold! We will defend and protect each other!" A burst of energy sent the fog of nightmares to disappear for good and everyone who was under the weight of their burdens was released. "Together we will defeat this Adware and he will never hurt any of us again!" Mr Puzzle's screen glitched in seething anger as Four stood with his mouth open.
"How did they do that!?" Mr Puzzle's fists clenched as he yelled "You are all fools! Believing that love and teamwork will save you! Only power and darkness can get you what you want!" Four started to quiver as he turned to his leader. "Master, what do we do?" He shot back "We will not back down! It's time to end this now!" Four nodded, but suddenly he felt a shocking corse of pain going through is body. "Master...what is....happening to me!?" A wave of blue energy surrounded him as the crew appeared before the others. The connection had worked!
The squelching creature that Tari had brought was turned into its original form of goodness and radiance. From before Mr Puzzles conquered and corrupted the innocent soul. "I am not your servant! Release my friends at once!" Mario shot back with a mixture of silliness and confidence "Stupid TV man! Mario and his friends are stronger than you will ever be!"
"You're all okay!" Two was so relieved that they hadn't died. One breathed in reassurance as well. "You really thought that creepy place could stop us!" Three struck back while Meggy gave them a thumbs up and Tari clapped enthusiastically. "Now let's show them what we got!" Meggy said. One and Two nodded as they all held hands and the creatures that were attacking had been remodeled into their original forms by a flash of light. The one Tari befriended had started to cry tears of joy as he rushed up to hug them. "My friends! You're alright!"
Mr Puzzles clenched his fists as a boiling anger made his screen turn red. Four stared at his hand in confusion, trying to understand how he had just helped bring his enemies to safety. "What....how...did I do that?" Mr Puzzles took his immense outrage out on the only victim that he had left. "OF COURSE YOU DID! THAT ANNOYING OLD SELF OF YOURS HAS ALLOWED YOU TO CONNECT WITH THAT FOOL! YOU ARE A TRAITOR!" He turned to the other creatures and yelled at them "YOU ALL ARE BACK-STABBERS TOO!!!
He was done playing nice. It was time to up the game. "I'm finished with all of you! If you want a show, I'll give you a show! Prepare yourself for..."
They all got transported to a fake simulation of their home as Mr Puzzles watched. He was always the observer in these challenges he set up. His screen turned on to a bunch of comments and said "Luckily I can count on my audience to give a good performance!"
Smg3 vs. Smg4
Who can last longer watching cringe Gacha content?
Suggested By: Flametail221
Three and Four appeared at a computer. "What the..?" It started playing YouTube videos of a gacha creator who put themselves in different movies and shows and...Hey wait a minute! That's my videos!
"What the heck! Why are my videos the cringy ones!" Mr Puzzles as the audacity to say "Well Iv'e been looking at your videos and you barely have any quality content."
"What do you mean!? I make excellent content!" Mr Puzzles rolls his eyes and says "Please. You hardly have over 1,000 subscribers." How dare this stupid piece of junk! I stuck a finger in his face and make it perfectly clear to him exactly what I think. "What are you going to say now! That I get more dislikes than likes! I can think of much more low quality gacha than my channel. Pick somebody else!"
"I would, but your followers request it! You don't want to disappoint them do you?" Ugh, stupid reverse psychology. "Fine. But we are going to have a serious talk later." (little does he know, I'm going to throw a chair at him). I storm out of the room and the challenge continues.
As Three and Four watch, discomfort slowly rises in them. "That ain't so bad..." Four starts to sweat. "Come on, be brave Three." His eyes tear up as he holds back from looking away. It starts to get harder as some of the older videos play, which are ten times worse. Four couldn't take it anymore as his body deflated. "Oh no! Cringe!" He collapsed on the floor, making Smg3 the winner.
Mario vs. Smg4
Who can create the best meme?
Suggested By: scarygermanperson
"This will be a breeze! Mario watches funny memios all the time!" He cracks his knuckles and begins slamming his hands against the keyboard. "Heh. I bet Smg4 hasn't even-"
"Done!" Smg4 says as wipes his forehead. Mario's eyes widened as he looks back and forth between the computer and the keyboard. He goes into hacker mode while trying not to have a panic attack to the point he just bangs his head on the keyboard till it breaks. He stares at the sparking and fizzing computer wreckage. Four shows his meme first as he has a tomato soop that he tried making back in January. "Pfff. Mario's meme is way better!" He shows off his meme that is just a crappy drawing of spaghetti. "Oooooo. What do you think? You like?" The judges set fire to their eyes after witnessing that horrid picture.
Saiko vs. Smg4
Who can get Kazuha the fastest in genshin?
Suggested By: ilickchildrenfeet
Saiko goes away on her computer, furiously playing through the game in order to get the ranks and completed quests she needs. Four has a smug grin on his face while watching her struggle as he turns and says with a wavering hand "You see I'm going to do what's called a pro gamer move!" He installs a cheat code and laughs manically, but once he presses a button a big red x pops up on the screen with text that reads "Your ID is banned for cheating! Play the game the correct way noob!" Four stands there with his hanging mouth while Saiko had just successfully unlocked the character as the Mario star collection music plays.
Bob vs Smg4
Who can beat Minecraft faster?
Suggested By: Kitty-cat123456789
"LOL! THIS IS SO EASY!" Four begins chopping down trees around him and digging in every direction until he finds diamonds. Bob just watches a pig and says "SO...HOW ARE YOU TODAY?" Four makes it to a village and starts pillaging the land. "Don't mind me, just stealing your resources! :D" Bob continues to make conversation with the pixelated animal. "DO YOU LIKE PORKCHOPS?" Four breaks into Steve's farm and steals his beloved chicken. "NOOOOOO! MY CHICKEN!" Bob is riding the pig when he sees Alex stuck in the fence. "Steve help me!" Four has finally acquired all the eyes of ender when he jumps through the portal, only to find Bob standing on the dragon. "WEEEE! I CAN FLY!" The dragon flies into a tower and the purple explosion cutscene happens as Bob gets the "Free the End" achievement. Steve appears and slaps Four, taking his beloved chicken back with him.
Luigi vs. Smg4
Who can figure out the FNAF complete timeline first?
Suggested By: Spiffy43
"Alright Luigi you're up first!" Luigi gulped as he looked around nervously. "Oh...umm...the first game was about some scary animatronics and they gave me really bad nightmares and..." He fell to the ground in tears, sobbing "Please don't eat me Freddy!" Smg4 rolled his eyes and said in a modest tone "Well Willam Afton first opened his diner sometime in the 1970s and in 1983 an unfortunate accident with Michael wanting to scare his brother, resulted in him getting killed which *unnecessary descriptions and stuff*"
Tari vs. Smg4
Who can summarize all of MatPat's videos better?
Suggested By: Luckycatangy
"Oh I love him! He makes so many good points about my favorite video games!" Smg4 looks at her with a conflicting expression. "He even has other channels for movies and food and-" Smg4 interrupted her fantasies with his own remarks. "Oh yeah! Well he studies and does very interactive planning on how all the characters act and what the lore means!" Toad comes up with a phone in his hands and stares at them, perplexed. "You guys know that he's retired now right?" The two stare in shock before looking at each other and that back at Toad. "He is!?" Toad held up his phone to show MattPat's final theory video and the two curled up onto the floor, bawling.
Boopkins vs. Smg4
Who can do more community service?
Boopkins takes a broom and begins sweeping the park. Smg4 does a weird stance walk, looking for someone to help when he finds a old man that is about to cross the street. He grabs him and says "Let me help." as he pushes the walk button. It is now safe to cross as he smiles, taking the man's hand. They were just about to make it across when the old man sees something on the ground and says "Ooo a penny!" He goes down to pick it up, but the walk sign turns back and a bunch of cars hit them. Meanwhile Boopkins just finished cleaning the park and a crowd surrounds him to congratulate the fish while Four lays in the road, bent and burning.
Meggy vs. Smg4
Who can babysit Mario the best?
Mario is spinning around in circles when Meggy comes in. "If I want to win this then this calls for extreme measures!" A giant cage comes down and Meggy grabs a plate of spaghetti. "Ohhhh Mariooooo!" Seeing the plate of pasta, Mario's mustache grows as he runs straight at it. "GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!" Meggy throws the spaghetti into the cage and Mario dives in to eat the contents off the floor. Meggy locks the cage and strikes a confident pose. "That was too..HUH!" She looks into the cage to find that the fat Italian is missing. "How did he...?" She then finds him outside, looking derpy while everyone else is running around screaming. "Mario! What did you do!"
"Mario tried to show them his spaghetti, but they ran away in terror!" He showed her a plate that had instead a pipe bomb. "Wow! It's a pipe bomb-" *BOOM*
Smg4 brings an excited Mario into the room. "What are we going to do Smg4?" Four opens the door and lets Luigi in with a smile. "You'll be hanging out with Luigi today!" Four gets in real close and whispers into his ear "And Luigi wants to play rock simulator..." He nods as he pulls the game out and Mario sighs in annoyance. "Welp I'm done." He pulls out a gun and shoots his head off.
Melony vs. Smg4
Who can survive Smg4 fan fiction the longest?
Four takes a deep breath. "Hit me with your best shot!" A story comes up on the screen and he narrows his eyes. "Huh, what is-OH GOD!" His eyes go null as Four has a heart attack and dies. Melony looks at the stories as well, but find them more adorable then disturbing. "How cute! I should share me and Axol's manga on here!"
Smg1/Smg2 vs. Smg4
Who can get Karen to smile first?
Karen is watching her kids on the playground when Smg4 appears. "Hey Karen! Check out my child! Isn't he adorable!" Beeg makes an "EUGH" sound, but when he sees the cat lady, his eyebrows turn to fury. He must have gotten this grievance during the ice cream situation because Beeg takes a huge boot and kicks her, storming off. Karen gets up and glares at Four, who laughs nervously. "Uhhh..." She slaps him and then walks off. She then runs into the two meme guardians as they hold hands. Her kids start floating and disappear in a wave of light. Karen blinks a few times, but then cheers "I'M FREE!" She then runs off to make use of her time.
Smg3 vs. Smg4
Who can go the longest without insulting each other?
"What!? That's literally impossible! He s-" Three quickly refrains from his sentence, knowing full well what will happen if he finishes it. "I mean he's..." He tries to cover it up by saying a nice compliment instead. "He..." Sweat drips down his body as Three tries to think of something, but when you're standing in front of your ex-rival that's pretty much a gamble. "He's...AN IDIOT FOR GETTING TRICKED TWICE BY THE SAME GUY!" Three was concerned for Four's safety, but all he could think of in that moment for some reason was how stupid he was for being conned by Mr Puzzles so easily.
Boopkins vs. Smg4
Who can listen to Whimpu talk about anime the longest?
"Finally some friends to listen about my ideas for furry anime mommy's!" Whimpu started pulling out his computer and searching for all his favorite ships. "Really!? Do you love Miku!" The boy gasped as he couldn't believe someone knew about that. "YES! HAVE YOU MET HER!" Boopkins nodded as he described how Three had helped him on a date with her. While the two were talking, Four watched with disinterest and walked off. "I want to die."
Mario vs. Smg4
Who can watch snow trapped the longest?
The two friends appeared and Mario's eyes lit up. "OOOOOO MARIO REMEMBERS THIS EPISODE! MARIO HAD TO RESCUE SMG4 AND SMG3 AND THEY-" Four put a finger up to his mouth and whispered "Not another word..." It was too late as the two of them turned to find the episode had started playing. Everything was fine until it was time for that 6:50 moment where the most haunting memory that lived in Four's mind was right in front of him. His eyes started to burn as he screamed in agony. He could have sworn it was only a few seconds, but to him it was hours as he melted into a puddle. Mario watched and said to the camera "Ahh the gay boi's make Mario so happy!"
The simulation was finally over as they were all transported back to the same setting from which they started. It all started as a blur as the memory of what happened slowly started to sink in. Mr Puzzles clapped slowly. "My My. What an outstanding job all of you have done. As much as I love a good show, it's time to finally end it once and for all. I think this one's gonna be my favorite!"
It was time for a final standoff as all the characters got ready for a real showstopper battle.
Meggy: "Our hour is here and these fears are growing dim. Release us from your grasp! Your show has reached its point at the end of the day!"
Mr Puzzles: "My final bow will never pass. I manipulate for my gain. Don't try to pull me apart in your little reign. I will render your lives into surrender and then it's time for the sequel!"
Mario: "Hello Mr TV Man! I heard you see us as your performance! Why keep putting up this fight when we all know you lost the game! Just admit you've been beat and let us go! Iv'e got a deal for you that offers some spaghetti!"
Nightmare Smg4: "Would you all just quit already. Your victory is just a facade. Feeble attempts and protection only makes my power grow. Where's the fun and laughter you promised long ago? I'm the biggest star of this show! Who needs friends when you've got foes?"
Smg3: "Do you really think all that talk is gonna make me cry? You make your audience want to die. Looks like you're the one who stepped in the trap when no one's left in your grasp. Cause I can tell that this plan is just gonna get you banned."
Luigi: "Sorry, if we made you mad, but your antics have made us sad."
Tari: "Hold on Smg4! We will save you, just be brave!"
Nightmare Smg4: "NO! STOP! IT HAS TO BE PERFECT!"
Melony: "Renounce your deal with our friend. Release us from your grasp! Your force has perished in your fire of darkness!"
Meggy: "The nightmares show us nothing but high hopes. The finish line is near."
Mr Puzzles: "Impossible! I will eradicate you from existence...existence!"
Smg3: "I'm sorry but is this is your final attack? How can you call yourself a villain when explosives aren't number one!"
Mr Puzzles: "You've made a fatal mistake. Just give up before you cause more harm. Now watch your final moments that are never forgettable.
Boopkins: "Mr Puzzles, we've done this all to be reunited and now I think that someone needs a hug!"
Mr Puzzles: "You can't give me a fright when other's terror makes me bright. Just abandon all your endeavor before you lose your friend forever!"
Smg2: "We won't fall for your tricks even when you're slick."
Smg1: "Time to do what we should have done long ago!"
One, Two, and Three all join hands as their powers combine, making the crew glow in their signature colors.
Mario: "Oh boy! Can't you see? This is just a simulation! You just landed in Mario's epic fun time game! Boys and girls, let's say so long to this gay bowser! Let the credits roll and Let's a go!"
Saiko: "Your final act is closing now! Release us from your grasp! Your puppets can't make the cut, so time to say farewell!"
Mr Puzzles: "Risking everything all just for him? You'll be banished in a flash! When will you learn that oppression is what conquers?"
Smg3: "Just shut it with your little speech because you fail to intimidate. Release Four and return our home! The curtains drop and applause is silent. Seems like the show is at its close."
As the beam of energy gets larger, they all say one final thing to this washed up TV.
The Crew: "Let us go! Release us from your grasp!"
The TV Adware shields his eyes, but opens them to find that rays of meme powers have hit Smg4. One speaks in a commanding voice to the corrupted man. "Your darkness cannot survive in our energy! Loosen your grip on Smg4's heart and let him speak!" The pink cracks on his face slowly began to melt away as the true Four was awakening. "You...guys came back? You didn't forget about me?" Saiko rolled her eyes and said "God, this guy really infected your brain didn't he?" The monstrous shadow was vanishing as tears began to form in his eyes.
"You mean you didn't replace or reject me?" Tari smiled and said "Of course not! Why would you think that?" Now Four was back in his normal form, but a dark cloud was surrounding him as he was curled up on his knees, holding his head with his hands in pain. "I thought that you would never forgive me for what I did. I wanted to forget it!" Meggy lost her concentration as she cried "FOUR!" Mr Puzzles stomped his foot hard and yelled "ENOUGH! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HELP ANYMORE THAN I WILL MAKE YOU JOIN ME!" The corrupted version slowly returned as the crew's energy was running out.
"Please no! I don't want to go back! I was so sad and lonely and I wasn't helping anyone! I was hurting them! HELP!" The connection couldn't be held anymore as the glow that clung to them had disappeared. "No! We were so close!" Nightmare Four was back as he grinned in splendor. Mr Puzzles cackled and said "There is no power that can stop me now! You are all mine! You will be remembered Smg4, but as my darkest and cruelest partner that was ever known!" Meggy shot back "He will never be forgotten!"
She helped up her friends and told them "Guys listen! Four is scared that he will be forgotten. We must remember our memories with him or he will give into the darkness forever!" They all nodded and closed their eyes. "That's it! Remember something you love about him!" She thought of the time she had helped Smg4 from his copyright by becoming a lawyer. Mario giggled as he thought of the time where he found Smg3 and him "hugging" in the igloo. Tari remembered when he played video games with her, Bob when he had stopped the rat infestation in the castle, Boopkins when he had played Mario kart and kept getting ties, Luigi when Four told him he was forklift certified, Saiko when they had a rock competition together, Melony when he had helped save her during the face-off with Zer0, and the other supporting characters did as well with details we don't really have to go through.
"You'll always be special to us Smg4!" The light that was created, trapped Four. Mr Puzzles tried to stop it, but he got caught in the crossfire as his screen started to crack. Smg3 took out the remains of his notebook drawing and held it close to his chest. "You mean everything to me Smg4..." He didn't remember just one, but thousands of memories of them together on crazy adventures which deep down he always enjoyed. "I...love you Four. Please come back."
The light exploded and vanquished the darkness, sending Mr Puzzles flying. As his screen shattered into a million pieces, he cried out "NOOOOOO!!!!" (HAH! WHO'S LOW QUALITY NOW SUCKER!) Three ran towards the explosion as he screamed "FOUR!" He saw him laying on the ground in an unconscious state. His eyes shot open as it didn't take long for them to fill with tears."How could I have done that? I believed his lies and let my insecurity get the better of me again. I'm so sorry!" Three was so relieved that he was okay that he threw his arms around Four and pulled him into a embrace.
"I'm so sorry Three! I'm so-"
"Shhhh." Three rubbed his back while tears of his own streamed down his cheeks. "I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have left you. This isn't your fault." Four hugged back as he said "It's not yours either." They looked into each others eyes and Four replied "I love you too..." They softly kissed on the lips while all of their friends came over to congratulate them and very happy to see that Four was okay. "Ha! Mario totally called it!"
Four wiped his eyes and said "Thank you all for reminding me that I am irreplaceable to my friends!"
~A few hours later~
Smg1 and Smg2 waved as they took all the creatures with them. "Don't worry! We'll take good care of them! I think they will liven our place up!" Tari giggled and said "Don't forget to the care of that one. He's a special one." She pointed to the small creature that she had befriended along their journey. One nodded as they went back to their home while the others had a home of their own to take care of.
Three got a brand new notebook and was writing in it at his cafe. Four opened the door and said "Mind if I come in?" Three looked up and said "Sure, but it will cost you a fee." Four rolled his eyes in pleasure and said "Yeah sure." He noticed a page that Three was writing on had a special drawing on it. "What's that?"
"Just something for a special someone." The others came in and Mario said "Mario's hosting a celebration for Smg4's return!" Meggy asked them "You guys want to come?" Three nodded and Four of course had to say yes. It was in his honor after all. Three put his notebook down and they all walked out the door, talking and laughing. The camera panned away from them to the counter where the notebook sat. It showed the specific page that had had a new drawing of Three and Four hugging with a note on the page next to it. The credits rolled as the note read in Three's signature handwriting:
Nightmares are nothing but the fear that live inside of us. Four, you have shown me that we all have the power to defeat it, especially with love. Thank you for these amazing 12 years!
The End!
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soulpunchftw · 1 year
We got:
* Orange Star! Pew pew, ‘Murica! Just like in real life, they’re the main characters of everything. Our commanders include President Hot Aunt Vibes, Ash Ketchum with wrenches, Steroids Man, GI Jane, and a little old Japanese shop keeper for some reason.
* Blue Moon! Russia but without the unrelenting horror! So many vague communist aesthetics but without anything to show for it, you’d think it was the Democratic Socialists of America. Our commanders include Actual General Winter, Lazy Cowboy, and a rich nepotism baby who fights with human wave tactics (which might be the most Russian thing ever put in a game).
* Gold Comet! Imperial Japan but now with 100% fewer blood-curdling war crimes! Originally called ‘Yellow Comet,’ but someone at Nintendo finally realized that this was a REALLY questionable thing to call an Asian country. Our commanders include an emperor who proves that it’s possible to be both Japanese AND a weeb, the only intelligent person in the entire series, and Grandpa ‘Nam Veteran.
* Green Earth! Slutty Eurotrash with tanks! Very insistent that nothing whatsoever happened between 1933 and 1945, thank you very much. Our commanders include Blitzkrieg Bishonen, the lovechild of Stede Bonnett and Jimmy Buffett, and tank lesbian.
* Black Hole! They’re the Bad Guys! They appear to be aliens, Nazis, and/or Hot Topic mall goths- but their similarities to the people of New Hampshire end there. They’re here to conquer the planet, despoil the environment, and make angry YouTube videos complaining about ’forced diversity.’ Commanders include Literally Darth Hitler, the obligatory dumb brute that every bad guy squad is required to hire thanks to Affirmative Action, Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, a sexier Marilyn Manson, and Scar Fullmetal Alchemist.
Dual Strike, which is (honestly thankfully) not included in the remake, also adds the following commanders: Nuclear Nepotism, a white boy trying to become a rapper, another rich communist, Kamikaze Wario, Don fucking Quixote, meme robot, hobbit ninja, Karen, and Somehow Palpatine Has Returned
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thereadingaddic7 · 9 months
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rita-rae-siller · 3 months
The Hariiv: The Divine Messenger
(Insert Dune/Jesus jokes and memes here)
This is the Garmoran version of a messiah. They’re basically Gora’s mortal champion, chosen during a time of great crisis for the Garmorans to lead the people to victory and peace. 
There have been about two dozen people to carry the name over the years, but only five have been named Hariiv in Imperial Garmora’s history, and each one sparked a new dynasty. The naming of a Hariiv also lines up with new territory being claimed for the empire. 
The first was Emperor Akaius Kairo, the very first emperor, a White Cloak commanding officer. He was crowned after his battalion of White Cloak Soldiers broke the defending lines of the city of Nyx and were able to topple Rahtma’s king. Because he vanquished Garmora’s foe, he was seen as a holy man and was immortalized in history as the father of the Empire. His dynasty lasted about 250 years. It fell when his descendent lost a key battle against the Queen of Oboran. This loss was seen as a sign that the Kairos had lost favor with Gora, as is the case with every subsequent Hariiv. 
Second was Emperor Ikarius Tasitus, a Legate of the Imperial Army He managed to devise a plan that allowed large numbers of imperial soldiers to sneak into the mountain city-state of Oboran through a forgotten mining access to claim it for Garmora. His dynasty was short lived, barely lasting 100 years.
Third was Emperor Pavas Lasivius, another Imperial Legate, but a very pious man. He conquered Minos and his descendants expanded imperial control to include Lazaar and Elsborne. This empire is considered the golden age of Garmora, and the dynasty ruled for almost 300 years. In the end, Lasivius' descendants failed to defend the cities of Uramedes and Corinthine. Wen the two cities fell back to Morvaaran control, they were overthrown. After the fall, the empire descended into a dark period for about 30 years, with the imperial throne passing through several different families before the rise of the next dynasty.
Fourth was Emperor Sokesh Umarrii, a warlord of the Red Legion. He represented a return to Garmoran dominance, with ruthless might and harsh laws bringing the splintering empire back under one reluctant banner. His crowning achievement that began his dynasty was his success in retaking the Riverlands, conquering the city of Leto, which had attempted to gain its own independence. With the River Rhiel's only crossing point secured, it opened up imperial access to the northern shore of the river, leading to the retaking of Uramedes and Corinthine.
Fifth was Gustalus Avaareyani, another White Cloak General. He is considered the greatest Hariiv. He conquered much of the northwest, the Riverlands, as the Morvaarans call it. The city-state of Leto, known as the River’s Gate, was the key to toppling much of the Riverlands. Through strategic placement of battalions along the highways surrounding Leto, the locals were starved out, and the imperial army, which had been divided by the riverlands for centuries, was finally able to converge and overtook Etyrope, Corinthine, Uramedes, and Ihliam in a single summer. His dynasty has lasted for 600 years. Provinces have traded hands back and forth, but never for very long. Diolcaetus is thought to be the end of their dynasty, marking a pivotal moment in the empire’s history. Dioclaetus lost the battle of Kyva Beach on the northern coast of Graecus. This is the battle in which he acquired Alura, but ultimately was unable to conquer the Zhariik trading post of Kyva. If he had succeeded, it would have been the single most impressive military victory in Garmoran History. The Amber Sea has notoriously been impossible to conquer. Only the locals seem to know how to find enough water for their steeds on the largely uninhabited steppes. 
Alura is the potential fifth Hariiv. Many of the White Cloak’s sages believe she shows all the signs of being destined for greatness. The White Cloaks were once open to any and all that accepted Gora as their supreme lord and lived truly by Isvaad-ahl. So a foreigner being the next Hariiv isn’t impossible. The Garmoran elite have just become very racist and sexist There has never been a female Hariiv in imperial history, but before the first Empire, there were several accounts of women leading Garmora through dark times, some as warriors, some as political leaders.
Both Alura and Matilde are named after female Hariiv!
Not as many of the common people are behind Alura taking over the empire. Partly because she is a woman, but mostly because she is Zhariik, Garmora’s oldest enemy.  Still, the White Cloaks raised Alura, and they view her as one of them. Many of the other Religious factions also stand behind her, viewing her strong ties to the military and the issues the empire faces as a sign that new leadership—that of a woman that has seen the empire and knows its many peoples and lands—is sorely needed to put the empire back on its feet.
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thebrisingamen · 11 months
ESCAFLOWNE VOICE MEME; Read More for anyone who hasn't watched the series. Tons of spoilers ahead, you've been warned.
Introduce yourself! When did you first watch Escaflowne? What brought you into the fold?  Hi, I'm Norse, an internet Elder. My Uncle knew I liked anime from my watching Inuyasha, and he would buy me and my cousins birthday/Christmas presents. He, however, never asked what anime I liked lol. He picked up the Fox VHS tapes and I watched them so much my father started quoting parts of them and the tapes had lines in them. Nothing else truly compared to this story before or since in anime, especially in other Isekai stories; no other story genuinely gives me a feeling that this IS another world; there's no overpowered protagonist, just a teenage girl and the worst powers to have during wartime.
Who is your favorite character and why? Was it love at first sight?  Has any of their qualities or quirks swayed you on characters in other series?  I like a lot of characters in the series, however, my psychotic boy Dilandau is probably my favorite. On the surface, he is just an insane, pyromaniac child soldier but there is SO MUCH to unpack with his character. Not only is he unstable and insane, when we get the reveal that Dilandau was/is a manipulation of Celena, it's very interesting. How many children were just like him in the Empire? He can't possibly have been the only "success" in the Empire. Aside from Celena, does he have any false memories implanted in him? Was his personality chosen for him or was in the influence of all the manipulation on his body and fate? With the Dragonslayers added in, are all of them also the same age as their commander? Does Zaibach regularly have child soldiers? He's just such a fascinating character to me, in these regards. I wish the transformation between Celena/Dilandau wasn't so thorough, though. Like that there were still some remnants of the Dilandau personality in her. Second favorite character is Folken, solely because of Paul Dobson voicing him, but his personality is also pretty interesting to me. As far as other characters, nah, I tend to like these psychos often, they just seem like they're fun.
Which side are you on? What do you think happens Post-Hitomi when she leaves? Who do you think will be the next opposing power?  I think the show does a good job of showing us that there are no good or bad sides; even Zaibach only started conquering because their new leader gave them the knowledge and power to defend themselves at first and they lived in a barren wasteland. I am on Fanelia's side, however and I hope that they are able to restore their Capital City in full and that everyone is able to reach a tenable peace I think a lot of peace talks and treaties and marriages of political convenience end up happening between several of the allied countries and that there will be a pause in the conflict; Zaibach will more than likely pull back and maybe crumble from the loss of leadership and the split in power. Though they were wiped out militarily; I can't imagine General Adelphos spending funds on the Sorcerers anymore. I forsee similar issues that plagued Europe in our history happening to the world of Gaea, but I think that the next opposing power will likely be Basram or Zaibach, potentially Asturia if their influence reaches over to Zaibach.
Least favorite plot point? Was there something you think should have changed? What do you think would have made it better.  I hate the love triangle here, as per usual. It makes sense and removing it would be bad because it is critical for our characters' growth, but I still hate the Allen/Hitomi interactions near the later half of the series solely because its there ONLY to delay Van/Hitomi. Which is the point, of course. I also really don't like the REVEAL that 'GASP' Emperor Dornkirk was...SIR ISSAC NEWTON?? All along??/ Like bitch how'd you fuckin' SURVIVE that long.
OTP? What kind of art and fiction would you like to see? What are some head canons you have for them? What is you NoTP OTP; Van/Hitomi; I think their romance is well developed and I like them. They definitely have more of an equal footing with one another and support one another, with believable roadblocks. SOMEONE PLEASE DRAW THEM KISSING WE NEVER GET IT IN THE SERIES. As for fan pairings, I actually liked Folken/Dilandau before some reveals, but honestly Folken getting TWO partners is pretty funny for me, even if it's in the afterlife. NOTP: Allen/Millerna or Allen/Hitomi; gross, he's SO MUCH older than both of them. Dilandau/Van is also a big No from me.
What would you like to see in a figurativ remake/sequel? Would you include more minor characters? Would you want a whole new story that could be a stand alone?  Honestly, I'd love a stand alone or if it's a sequel series, mostly focusing on the internal politics of Gaea. Possible focus on Merle, Chid and maybe Dryden and Millerna. Or maybe just references too them, I have questions about the world but I'd like to leave the main story alone.
Movie, Series, Game, or Manga preference? What are things you did/didnt like of each?  Series; The manga is awful and the movie is wildly different from the series. I'm most familiar with the series.
Do your favorite impression! Bonus points if you can do a conversation with a scene cut in! LORD VAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
What do you think about the idea of a re-dub? What are your feelings about the current cast selection for Van (and others if more are introduced)?   Well since we had the Funimation re-release at the time of doing this, I think a new dub really forgot the deeper charms of the original dub; there's no depth of feeling to most of the voices and the acting feels phoned in, not to mention that several of the characters that are supposed to have a commanding presence and deeper voices don't, and it sounds the same as all current Funimation voice work...Awful and Samey. I find that Aaron Dismuke was actually a good choice for Van, same with Alexis Tipton for Merle, as while Aaron gave a slightly different flavor for Van it was still a good portrayal, and Merle seems to be an easy character for VAs to portray. However, once again Funi ruins things by casting Vic Mignonana (idc how to spell his last name) as Folken, like are you SERIOUS? He can't compare to either Paul Dobson OR Jōji Nakata in terms of rich toned voice, or a commanding sort of voice at all. And my boy, Dilandau, is ruined. My poor little meow meow isn't psychotic enough, isn't funny enough and isn't threatening enough. Joel MacDonald sounds exactly like 30-year-old man reading for a teenager and doesn't understand Dilandau's character at all, even on basic level. Bring back Andrew Francis. Basically the Ocean Dub is superior, if you're gonna watch in dubs imo. I prefer the sub just because Maaya Sakamoto as Hitomi is just BETTER than either English VA imo and both English VAs made me actively hate her for a lonnnng time. But if I watch in Dub its gonna be Ocean Dub.
Recite your top five characters by name.  Dilandau, Folken, Van, Hitomi and Dryden
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running2reanimation · 2 years
AvA/AvM Character Headcanons
Victim - he/she/they - Boss of Rocket Corporation. Manipulative, angry at the world. Possessive. Controlling. Can be kind in the right circumstances. Has a complicated relationship with Striker. Occasionally shipped with King in AUs. Shipped with Striker, kinda.
Chosen One “Cho” “Coco” - he/they - Tired of being angry all the time. Blunt, tries to be polite. Usually doesn’t know how to interact with “normal” sticks. That quiet guy in school who seems cool but once you get to know him is actually an anxious dork who doesn’t know how to talk to be people. Bad with computers and doesn’t get memes. Loves food and is decent cook. Mid 30s. Shipped with Dark and King.
Dark Lord - he/him - Still angry but less. Casual. Charming. Jokester. Buries all regrets in memes and jokes. Genius. Not mentally well. Maybe made a small army of children to conquer the web but actually probably made them to get unconditional love. Very skewed morals. Knows how to build an illegal computer but cannot boil an egg. Horny. Early 30s. Shipped with King and Chosen One.
Second Coming - he/they - Anxious. The Mom friend. The responsible one who is getting tired of being the responsible one. Has no idea they have powers still. Early 20’s. Sometimes shipped with Green and Purple.
Green - he/they - Hates losing. Good listener. Has absolutely composed leitmotifs for all their friends but will never let them hear them. Second-in-command after Second. Early 20’s. Sometimes shipped with Second, usually shipped with Purple, sometimes shipped with both.
Blue - he/she/they - Conflict averse which leads to sneaky behaviour sometimes. Sensitive. Romantic. Easily overwhelmed. Netherwart helps with emotional regulation. Still probably not good for them tho. Early 20’s. Sometimes shipped with Yellow.
Red - he/they - Red charges in! The best fighter in the fighting sticks crew. Passionate. Compassionate. Blunt. Playful. Impatient which can lead to anger and frustration. Gets crushes easily but doesn’t know what to do with deeper romantic feelings. Has definitely crushed on pretty much everyone at some point. Early 20’s. Usually shipped with Aqua (OC).
Yellow - she/they - Very competitive. Intensely curious. Mad scientist vibes sometimes. Very good at aerial combat. Feels lonely sometimes. Early 20’s. Has a crush on King, feels very confused cuz it’s definitely her first crush. Sometimes shipped with Blue, usually shipped with Royal (OC).
Purple - he/they (trans) - Raised as a girl, transitioned after Orchid died. Criminal. Has done a lot of things he’s not proud of. Musically talented but thinks he’s not. A Mess. Full of memes. Had a crush on King briefly, feels weird about it now. Calls King “Baba” because calling him “Dad” felt bad. Early 20s. Usually shipped with Green, sometimes Second, sometimes both.
Cobalt (Purple’s dad)- he/him - Former military. Transphobe. Perfectionist in the worst way. Charming. Has a great smile. Late 30s - early 40s. Usually shipped with Orchid, and I have one verse where he’s shipped with King (it is not good and it doesn’t last).
Orchid (Purple’s mom) - she/they - Kinda weird. Vaguely criminal. Willing to go to extremes. Taught Purple how to sing. Died within the past year or two. Late 30s. Occasionally shipped with Vic.
King - he/him - Former game stick, from an RPG where he was the second-to-final boss (but technically grew up from the child variant of the character). Had Gold with his childhood best friend named Banana. There was no romantic attraction-they both wanted a child and knew they could handle living together to raise one. Banana died in childbirth. Good at cooking and baking. Very analytical. Fooled around a lot as a teen. In and out of foster homes. An accountant. Loves musical theatre but never actually did any of it. Late 30s-early 40s. Usually shipped with Cho and Dark together, but occasionally each individually. And that one verse with Cobalt. Oh, and occasionally Herobrine too. And now we can add victim to the list as well.
Gold - he/they - A good kid! Very popular with his peers! Loved cats but King never let him have one! Loved superhero movies! Not sure what he wanted to pursue out of high school. Aqua has been his best friend since they could crawl. Dead. Mid-late teens. Sometimes shipped with Aqua (OC).
Striker - he/they - Likes a challenge. Leader of the mercenaries. Thinks he’s the coolest one. A bit of a blood knight. Not actually much of an artist. Likes orange pekoe tea with lemon and sugar. Mid-late 20’s. Shipped with Victim, kinda.
Primal - he/she/they/it - Gender is a social construct and she hates socializing. The actual coolest one. Deceptively good with kids. Stubborn, least likely to follow orders. Was leader before Striker. Immortal?
Bit - he/they - Angry smol bean, also a bit of a blood knight. Think’s he’s the coolest one. Showman. The most sociable. Flirt. Playful. Stupid but in a charming way. Mid 20’s.
Logo - They/him - Wishes they could fit in with other sticks more. Knows they’re not the coolest one. Overexplains jokes. Awkward. A follower. Does a lot of reading. Has a temper. Team Parent. Shy, anxious. Late 30s.
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aircommndr · 1 year
📱 for Megs @warriorsparked
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: You're not the boss of me, now - They Might Be Giants
What contact photo my muse has set for yours: its a photo he took of Megs when Meg wasn't looking. He probably is making the grumpiest expression imaginable tho
What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: dryyy. Starscream can never read the tone of Megatron's messages, and feels he needs to stop responding to everything with just yes/ok/no
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: depends on what the message says and on how mad Star is, but he normally responds eerily fast
How often our muses text: For a while, there was no contact, but as of late they have reopened their communication, and so messages have been more frequent. Moreso, on Starscream's side.
How often our muses call: Barely. Starscream claims he has little time for it, but also it just feels awkward to call.. but every now and then they do.
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: Oh yea. Quite frequently and normally he gets and earful about it later from Megatron who doesn't really call unless its of somewhat importance
Last text sent from my muse to yours: "I heard you spoke to CherryBomb. Idk what you're doing, but whatever you're doing, you better not be."
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blackrosesmatron · 7 months
Share at least five songs that remind you of your muse, or that you associate with your muse's character arc. Including lyrics is optional].
Tagged by: @shimmerbeasts, @playgroundmonsters, @piltover-sharpshooter (thank you all for tagging me in this!)
Tagging: Whoever hasn't done it yet and would like to join this meme thread!
under readmore because this got quite long!
A Little Wicked - Valerie Broussard
"A little wicked" That's what he calls me 'Cause that's what I am That's what I am (...) Beware the patient woman, 'cause this much I know No one calls you honey, when you're sitting on a throne One of these days a-comin', I'm gonna take that boy's crown There's a serpent in these still waters, lying deep down To that king I will bow, at least for now (...) (...) Hands red, hands red Just like you said I am, a little wicked
LeBlanc doesn't consider herself 'evil' and sees the concepts of 'good' and 'evil' as mere stories for children. However, she acknowledges that she is 'wicked' by definition, as she prioritizes her own objectives above all else and is willing to do anything to achieve them. She is patient and manipulative, not hesitating to act submissive to gain trust. She has committed numerous sins without shame.
Black Magic Woman - VCTRY
Got a black magic woman Got a black magic woman I've got a black magic woman Got me so blind I can't see But she's a black magic woman She's tryna make a devil out of me You got your spell on me baby You got your spell on me baby Yes, you got your spell on me baby Turning my heart into stone I need you so bad magic woman, I can't leave you alone
Her preferred method of manipulation is to establish an emotional bond with others, creating a sense of dependency. This allows her to ask them to do nearly anything without having her target questioning or denying her requests. While this approach doesn't apply in every case, it is undoubtedly her favorite.
I'm not a woman, I'm a god - Halsey
I am not a woman, I'm a God I am not a martyr, I'm a problem I am not a legend, I'm a fraud So keep your heart, 'cause I already got one
This song reflects the complexity of her relationship with herself. While she values herself above others, believing she is the true Empress of Noxus, she acknowledges she didn't attain this position fairly, which could lead some people to see her as a 'fraud' (to herself, she believes she has right over everything she conquered, despite everything). She enjoys being a problem for others, particularly those she dislikes or seeks to antagonize her. She avoids genuine emotional connections with others and prefers solitude, doing it out of fear mostly, but she will never admit it to anybody!
You should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish
You should see me in a crown I'm gonna run this nothing town Watch me make 'em bow One by one by one One by one by (...) Your silence is my favorite sound (...) Count my cards, watch them fall Blood on a marble wall I like the way they all Scream Tell me which one is worse Living or dying first Sleeping inside a hearse I don't dream
This applies to numerous moments in her life, from orchestrating her village's self-destruction to instigating wars to maintain her power. She desires to be the most important figure, commanding and leading, and will go to any lengths to achieve this, demanding respect or eliminating those who oppose her.
They call me Devil - Friends in Tokyo
I will tell you lies I'll crawl inside your mind Grab hold of your eyes I will make you mine And I'm gonna take my time They call me devil My heart is empty They call me devil Just try and tempt me I'll steal your soul I'll eat you whole Ain't no other way They call me devil And you should be afraid
This is almost a threat. When she targets someone, she never lets go. Once LeBlanc sets her sights on someone, they are doomed, regardless of her intentions for them.
I often listen to more songs for inspiration when writing for her, but they cover the same themes as the ones I've described before. Nonetheless, I'll share their names and links so you can hear what reminds me of her, either through the lyrics or the general vibe of the song.
End of Everything - Must Save Jane
Watch me Burn - Must Save Jane
Castle - Halsey
Villain - KDA
Horns - Bryce Fox
You are no Good - Hidden Citizens
I'm gonna do my Thing - Royal Deluxe
Bad - Royal Deluxe
She's my collar - Gorillaz
Cravin' - Stileto (particularly one of my fave!)
Me and Mine - The brothers bright (could possible have mentioned this one as well, considering how possessive she is with everything she already conquered for herself).
Seven Devils - Florence and The Machine
When you say my name - Chandler Leighton (another honorable mention, because gods, this woman Loves being adored!)
Liar - Jake Daniels
God - Jake Daniels
Control - High Rule
Take me to Church - Hozier (Justine M. Cover version)
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