#commander kulan
visenyaism · 4 years
In B4 the Grease Stain pops back up within the Shadowlands to be even more of a sneering migraine.
the sneering and the bitchiness are nathanos’s best trait if he was more annoying in a clown way and less of a “my boss doesnt wanna run away to the woods w me :,(” simp i would be THERE. but also please dont come back nathanos 
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plutoie · 4 years
commander-kulan replied to your post: I finished Vampire the Masquerade. 
play Malkavian
I love Malkavians but I’m really addicted to picking Nosferatu WEJHOGNWEHIGE 
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 5 years
commander-kulan replied to your post: I’m gonna say it if nobody else will: that...
I just want.Sylvanas. To top me gently.
You! Are! So! Valid!!!
Let’s just pretend I’m not in the process of writing 150k words fic in which a thinly veiled self-insert gets repeatedly gently topped by Sylvanas
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crimmson · 5 years
commander-kulan replied to your post: asurabuckets:
i will say that my joke characters aren’t as bad and cringey as my gw1 mule characters named after proto-memes of yore
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thejollynecromancer · 5 years
commander-kulan replied to your post: @commander-kulan changed her blog theme and I dO...
That was at least a month ago, where have you been
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HEY U. Your FHR posts made me go back to the game. Thank u.
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caithesgirlfriend · 6 years
 “commander-kulan replied to your post: “Why do you think that you’re so...”
Oh I got that but it's still absurd and deserves mockery like I cannot believe
oh yeah np my ellipses were me making fun of the anon
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skymagpie · 6 years
Happy birthday nerd, spend ur points wisely o/
THANK YOU;;.,,, Please you 22 is a lot IMO but at the same time it’s weird kshfsjedfhskfsehfg still thank you! 💕💞❤️️🎉🎁😘
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nightmarecourt · 7 years
Getting to see Kormir all ethereal and graceful sent me back to Nightfall and my emerging Gay Feelings at the time b/c she was one of the female characters I fixated on and thought was Really Amazing and Cool. Which makes me a very confused adult now when I hear people hated her??
I don’t get it either honestly. I haven’t gotten too far through nightfall yet and I need to pick it back up if i can every tear myself away from pof and overwatch. like from what I’ve seen, she seem like a dope character? her and koss? so i’m like???? I can only assume people hated her for a few reasons1. that entitled gamer bs of assuming the story /has/ to end with their character getting 1000% of the glory2. a few people hated her and people just bandwagoned onto it3. she’s a woman4. she’s a black woman like in what mmo would a story progress smoothly if someone’s personal character became a god, like normal people can’t even /look/ at gods without being blinded i’m just
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
December Solicitations: Doctor Strange appearances
Deadly but delicious food.
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DANNY LORE (W) • DYLAN BURNETT (A) Cover by BOSSLOGIC VARIANT COVER BY David Baldeon A long time ago, Doctor Strange destroyed every vampire in the world with one spell, including Dracula. Now, with Strange dead, Dracula's Vampire Nation celebrates! That doesn't sit too well with Strange's old friend, and new Vampire Nation sheriff, Blade the Vampire Hunter! But what happens when interlopers from another dimension invade the vamp's territory and put all the bloodsuckers' lives at risk? Will Blade do his duty to protect them? Or will he help make sure the vamps stay wiped out this time? 40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99
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SI SPURRIER (W) • BOB QUINN (A) Cover by CORY SMITH Variant Cover by MATÍAS BERGARA LONDON'S BURNING! THE BLACK KNIGHTS RIDE AGAIN! All manner of vile extradimensional foes invade Earth following the collapse of Doctor Strange's magical safeguards for the planet. Dane Whitman, A.K.A. the BLACK KNIGHT, receives a terrible vision from the EBON SIEGE while Jacks, now sharing the burden of the EBONY BLADE with her father, rides off to confront a terrible evil attacking London – the X-MEN?! Krakoa's greatest heroes have been transformed – but by what?! Jacks, Dane and Faiza Hussain – wielder of the mighty sword EXCALIBUR – must team up to save the X-Men before an even deadlier threat destroys them all! 40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99
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JED MACKAY (W) • LEE GARBETT (A) • Cover by KAARE ANDREWS Variant Cover by Paco Medina Devil's Reign Villain Variant Cover by ANNIE WU WHO WILL BE THE NEW SORCERER SUPREME? Someone has to stop the giant mystical threat devouring all magic, and it can't be the Avengers. Or the Fantastic Four. Or the X-Men. It'll take someone with the greatest skills and command over the mystic arts to save us all. It'll take the Sorcerer Supreme. But who will that be?! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
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AL EWING (W) • JAVIER RODRÍGUEZ (A/C) Variant cover by Ken Niimura BEFORE THERE WERE GODS... THERE WERE MARVELS! Doctor Strange and his Defenders land in the Fourth Cosmos – the home of the Archetypes of Good and Evil, primal entities of pure myth destined to echo through every reality to come – as the desperate Dr. Zota attempts to harness their power to rewrite all existence in his own hand! Al Ewing and Javier Rodriguez explore the truest origins of the Marvel Multiverse in a cosmos-colliding epic you'll have to experience to believe! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
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GERRY DUGGAN (W) • PATCH ZIRCHER (A) Cover by VALERIO GIANGIORDANO This is the one you've been waiting for—Conan, Dr. Strange, Dr. Doom and a time master to be named later all join your favorite Savage Avengers to put a dagger-sized pin into the heart of the Kulan Gath saga. You won't see this end coming...'cause we didn't either. 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99
As I said, deadly but delicious food.
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elfyourmother · 4 years
✌ - 💘 - 💢
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
Runar/Y’shtola. It’s adorable but makes me too goddamn sad to think about
Ship that is unpopular but you still like: 💘
i’ll interpret this as “rare” and say Ysayle/WoL because literally if she were a man it would probably be right behind Haurche/WoL in terms of popular NPC ships. the potential!!!! and if you want canon (no idea why tbh) it’s got the high tragedy too. ladies just do not get enough love is the problem but I mean it’s final fantasy lol what else is new
Ship that is most misunderstood: 💢
already answered and tbh I dont feel a way about any others off the top of my head
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zemissinglinkus · 7 years
commander-kulan replied to your photoset: i_ definitely_didn’t_start_this_AU.jpg and I...
YOU HAVE PROBLEMS (but pretty ones)
this is known :D
reena-kk replied to your photoset: i_ definitely_didn’t_start_this_AU.jpg
   welcome to the club XD    
also the conversation must be had... if she can’t romance any other lady, should Lana romance herself? lol
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plutoie · 4 years
commander-kulan replied to your photo “Hes ok honest. ”
Those teeth are amazing
I used these ones here! 
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 5 years
commander-kulan replied to your post “Just read 3/4ths of the wowpedia entry on Sylvanas, and now I'm a)...”
AKSHULLY Valk, in the OFFICIAL CHRONICLE BOOKS the invasion of Gilneas was Sylvanas's idea and had nothing to do with Garrosh :)))) (burn all the chronicle lore books) (I want WC3 Reforged for the gameplay fun but I'm Super Concerned about what changes they're going to make to the story to 'bring it in line' with current vision.)
if you are a man, and you have your name on a chronicle book, you are getting stuffed into a bear carcass. Ithunn demands it.
I was so close to preordering reforged when i heard the news and was like :^) know what, better wait until everyone else has had a chance to play and give their opinion. Ulike most people however, im lowkey happy that Christie Golden will be involved, just because it means there will be at least one person who doesn’t use he/him pronouns on the writing team
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crimmson · 5 years
commander-kulan replied to your post: good evening i just explained the difference...
I read this in Lacroix’s voice
yeah, that’s fair
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #252: DECIDING FACTOR!
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February, 1985
Who on Earth is strong enough to smash Hercules? Hint: there’s two of them!
Well I have my guess but I happened to guess right so I won’t be sharing. Let’s sayyyyyyyy.... Más y Menos.
Its very rude of DCAU’s Más y Menos to be picking on Hercules. Maybe sí podemos but that doesn’t mean ustedes should.
Last times on Avengers, Vision walked through a null field created by Annihilus and promptly fell in a robot coma and had to be put in a tube. He regained consciousness and Starfox hooked him up to the Titan supercomptuer ISAAC after which Vision started behaving oddly. When half of the Avengers got back from Secret Wars, Vision convinced Wasp to step down as chairman and nominate him. He’s created a second branch of the team in California under Hawkeye’s leadership. He’s pushed the president into making the Avengers chair a member of the Cabinet. He hid Starfox’s secret sexy power from the rest of the team. And just last issue, it was revealed that Vision and ISAAC have built a take-over-the-world-for-its-own-good device with Vision only lacking the will to pull the trigger on it.
So, uh, stuff is afoot.
Vision stuff. And, oddly enough, Doc Sampson stuff.
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Vision is very impressed on seeing what seems to be Doc Sampson’s demo reel and offers him membership in the Avengers.
Doc Sampson turns him down because he doesn’t see himself as hero material and he already accepted an offer to join the faculty of Northwestern University.
Vision: “That needn’t rule you out, doctor! What would you say to heading a new, Midwestern branch of the Avengers? I should think you’re make an excellent group leader!”
Wow, Vision. You’re coming on a little strong there.
Midwest Avengers seems like the kind of thing that would be made up to spoof the expansion team idea, kinda like the Great Lakes Avengers of later. But if Vision seems desperate to get Doc Sampson to join the Avengers, well I think he is desperate.
Vision talked to ISAAC of his frustrations on trying to spread the power and influence of the Avengers. He has his take-over-the-world-for-its-own-good device but he doesn’t seem to want to use it. So he’s trying to repeat the trick with the West Coast Avengers. Sign up more and more Avengers. If you told this era of Vision about the 50 State Initiative, he’d be all over it.
But Doc Sampson turns him down. For the best. God only knows who Vision would have finagled into being on the Midwest Avengers in Chicago.
Doc Sampson: I wonder if I made a mistake in turning down the Vision’s offer? Being part of such a team would have given me an opportunity to observe some highly unusual psyches up close. But, no... I could hardly maintain an impartial detachment in such a situation.
Yeah. A Doc Sampson led Chicago-branch would have been an implosion waiting to happen. And Sampson will get his chance to pick the brains of a superhero team later with X-Factor. He does not maintain an impartial detachment.
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On his way out, Starfox very much wants to discuss this newspaper headline. As he’s from a more advanced space civilization that doesn’t have prejudice probably, this is very baffling to him.
He hasn’t been on Earth long enough to learn that “ANTI-MUTANT FEAR GRIPS U.S.” is Tuesday.
I wonder if it corresponds to anything going on in the X-books. I tried to look it up but the same month as this issue, X-Men was doing a Kulan Gath thing.
Anyway, Vision and Doc Sampson agree that anti-mutant fear gripping things is bad and could tear society apart.
So in case anyone was ever wondering: the Avengers officially think anti-mutant fear is whack.
Anyway, on the mansion’s back patio, Captain America and Scarlet Witch are just having some old friend hangout time.
It’s a nice moment, really.
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Wanda is drinking tea and Cap is just sketching her because they’re comfortable enough friends to hang out in a tea sketch party.
Anyway, Cap is also familiar enough with Wanda to know that she’s well vexed.
And she admits that she’s well vexed by two things. Of course, by the new wave of anti-mutant phobia because it really seems like a cruel cycle where every time people seem like they’re chilling out or there’s a swell of tolerance, it just gets yanked back. A cruel yo-yo of intolerance.
Also, its happening when she’s having personal trouble with Vision. He’s keeping secrets and he has some really extreme moods.
Scarlet Witch: “One moment he’ll be friendly and open, and the next he’ll get so remote!”
I wonder if its possible for Hank Pym’s bipolar disorder to have skipped a generation and somehow been inherited by Vision. That’s entirely not how anything works but I dunno. That sounds like Hank.
Since Cap has been wondering about Vision’s behavior (he and Monica Marvel had a discussion about it in the previous issue, remember?), he agrees to go talk to Vision.
Vision is having solemn thoughts in the mansion’s library, having been upset by the Daily Bugle that Starfox was waving around.
Vision: The world is beset by so much strife. Humanity cries out for peace... Yearns for life and prosperity... but in the end it denies itself that which it most desires! Mankind might never put aside its prejudices. Too many have refused responsibility for their own actions. How can they be expected to save the world? And, yet, who am I -- a synthezoid, an artificial being -- to rail against men of flesh? My encephalatron command chair would give me the power to bring peace to the world... and yet I hesitate to use it! Can I find the courage... make the sacrifice necessary to use that power?
That’s when Cap wanders in to give Vision a talking to. A supportive, helpful talking to.
Since he assumes that what Vision has on his mind is the burdens of leadership, he confides that he knows how tough it can be to have to always make the right decision at a moment’s notice and that he’s here if Vision needs a sympathetic ear.
Vision admits that chairmanship isn’t what he expected. He’s not unaware of the strain that its putting on his marriage. Especially since he insisted that they rejoin the team when Wanda would have preferred to return to their civilian life in New Jersey.
Cap tells him just talk to her more, ya goof.
So this is a very nice conversation between friends and peers that Vision drops a bomb of a totally-a-hypothetical into.
Vision: “Cap, what would you do if you discovered that you could bring peace and prosperity to the entire world... but only at the cost of your personal well being, perhaps of your own existence?”
Cap: “What?!”
Vision: “We have all put our lives on the line many times to stop world-threatening menaces, but it occurs to me that we’ve seldom tried to do anything to cure the world of its ills.”
Cap: “We do what we can, Vision. There are no fast and simple ways to eliminate want or fear.”
Vision: “But what if there were a way to insure a lasting peace to the world, to bring about a new golden age? What if you could only bring it about by sacrificing yourself? What if you could make the world a paradise, but you could never enjoy it yourself? Could you do it?”
Cap: “It pains me to say this, Vision, but I honestly don’t know. I don’t believe I could know unless the situation actually presented itself. Life should never be given up lightly, but... if there were a way to truly save the world... I’d like to think that I’d make the sacrifice. But I’d have to be certain that it would work!”
Vision: “Yes... Yes, there could be no room for doubt.”
I do really like the slow unfolding of whatever Vision’s Supervillain Actually Its Well-Intentioned plan is. His doubts and how he poses a very specific hypothetical to Cap to see what The Iconic Avengers Leader thinks.
At this point my guess is that Vision is going to turn himself into a supercomputer like ISAAC to take over the world, for its own good. Since it was apparently inspired when he was plugged into a supercomputer and was running the mansion.
Anyway, Wanda runs in and interrupts the totally-a-hypothetical discussion with big, alarming news that their house from the Vision and Scarlet Witch series is on fire.
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That’s rough.
By the time Wanda, Vision, and emotional support Captain America show up, the ire is unstoppable and the firefighters just let it burn down.
That’s rougher.
Later, Vision and Wanda pick through the smouldering rubble.
And worse of all, this wasn’t a random electrical or grease or magic fire. It was arson. And the arsonist even called the cops to make sure everyone knew it.
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Scarlet Witch: “So! I should have known! The blind, unreasoning fools! Do I have to fight them for the rest of my life?!?” This is so maddening! Losing my temper won’t bring our house back... all I’ve done is frighten the neighbors. That’s always been the biggest problem in being a mutant... No one will let you act human.
Some random bystanders basically gloat that the “weirdies are finally leaving” causing Captain America to go off.
Captain America: “For your information, mister, those ‘weirdies’ have saved your hide a dozen times over! They’ve fought and bled so you could have a home!”
Bystander: “N-now hold on, Cap! Me, I don’t have anything against ‘em... but why’d they have to move into my neighborhood? I mean, all our houses coulda caught fire from that blaze! This never woulda happened, if they hadn’t moved here!”
Captain America: “Mister, today somebody decided that he didn’t like mutants. Tomorrow, maybe someone will decide he doesn’t like blacks... or jews... or you! We’re all in this together. The American dream has to be there for everyone, or it can never truly work for anyone! It’s our duty to do everything we can to make sure it works!”
I doubt Bystander is very convinced. Maybe momentarily shamed. But in an hour he’ll be like “am I wrong about mutants? No, its the tolerant people who are wrong.”
But Vision... Vision has made up his mind.
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Vision: ‘Do I have the right to take over the world for its own good?’
Vision: ‘Moral quandary resolved.’
The next morning, Vision has exciting new terrible news for the team. The US Army Corp of Engineers have dug up Thanos’ secret base in Arizona from his first appearance in Iron Man #55. And despite Vision protesting how dumb it is to poke unknown alien technology in hopes of finding a cool new weapon for America’s strategic arsenal, the Department of Defense is having the army poking unknown alien technology in hopes of finding a cool new weapon for America’s strategic arsenal.
Captain America: “Blazes! I believe in a strong defense as much as anyone, but the hardware Thanos used is way out of the army’s league!”
Starfox: “Perhaps more than even you can imagine, Cap! My brother Thanos was a ravager of worlds... he coveted power and worshiped death! His hidden base could well hold the means to rip this planet asunder!”
Cool, cool.
Man, I hate it when the US Army blew up the world in 1985 by poking alien gewgaws.
Anyway, Vision did manage to talk the government into allowing a small group of Avengers to act as advisers.
Instead of rounding up scientific geniuses slash superheroes like they did for Bruce Banner’s lab, Vision just selects everyone he has handy.
He says he’d like to assign the West Coast Avengers (who in fairness do have two scientific experets - Mockingbird and Wonder Man, kinda) but they’re busy with an off-panel mission in the Pacific. Just because they don’t have a book doesn’t mean they stop doing stuff.
So instead Vision selects Captain America, Hercules, Scarlet Witch, and Starfox (who in fairness is a great choice since he knows space science and Thanos) and sends them off.
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Yeah. Vision is totally going to get up to stuff while they’re gone.
This foreboding is enhanced when Captain Marvel shows up and Vision tells her he has a special assignment for her.
Vision: “Our deep space monitor has picked up some disturbing signals -- that seems to be emanating from Sanctuary II, the starship which once belonged to the mad Thanos! After the arch-fiend’s final defeat, we left his ship to drift beyond the orbit of Pluto!”
Since she’s the fastest Avenger he asks her to leave at once, fly out to the ship to check it out, and then report back.
So. Light is the fastest thing, the speed limit of the universe. Give or take tachyons which are FTL and also hypothetical. And I don’t know if Captain Marvel can turn into tachyons. Point being, the speed of light is really friggin fast but the universe is really friggin big. Even something as ‘close’ as our solar backyard where Pluto is located is 4.9 billion miles away and takes light 4.6 hours to get there from Earth.
He is definitely getting Captain Marvel out of the way where even her nyoom will take a while to get back.
The Vision slowly stalks through the corridors of Avengers Mansion. On the second floor, he pauses before the door of the quarters he for so long shared with his wife... recalling past joys and sorrows. And then, he moves on -- solemnly descending the grand staircase, as if for the final time.
Uh...... plus side is that he gives Jarvis the day off to take his mother to Montauk Point!
I just like seeing Jarvis in Avengers.
He’s always around but only occasionally seen.
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My god. His vacation clothes though.
Of course, Vision being nice to Jarvis who deserves good things is only partially because Jarvis is a cool guy who deserves nice things.
Vision has managed at this point to clear everyone out of the mansion and he locks the doors behind Jarvis so that NO ONE CAN INTERRUPT WHAT HE MUST DO.
Meanwhile, team ‘prevent the military from doing anything stupid’ arrives in Arizona and at the site of Thanos’ former base.
Huh. I was half and half on whether Vision was just making shit up to get the Avengers out of the house but I guess something really is going on.
Makes sense. If they went there and found nothing, they’d return too soon.
I wonder if there’s something really going on with Thanos’ ship Sanctuary II too.
If so, was it just a great coincidence that Vision had two different emergencies he could divert the team with the day after he decided to go through with his plan or is it just the Avengers’ lot that there’s constantly emergencies going on and he had his pick of them?
Anyway. Colonel Farnam of the US Army is convinced that they have everything under control at Operation: Prize Package and don’t need any Avengers supervision.
Colonel Farnam: “If we can figure out how just a fraction of this gear works, the United States will never again need fear an enemy power!”
Captain America: “I’m told that similar sentiment was expressed following the development of the crossbow, Colonel.”
Nice sass, Cap.
But, like, the instant that the Avengers are escorted inside the base, Starfox spots some technicians messing with a machine to see what it does and they tell him to screw off when he tells them not to mess with things they don’t understand.
Scientist: “What are you, crazy?! We’ve spent twelve hours trying to goose this transmitter to life... we’re not going to stop now!”
He has to drag them away from a sudden energy surge as the machine activates by itself with a programmed homing signal that will bring Something to the base.
Colonel Farnam: “Now hold it right there, Avenger! Only my men are authorized to monkey with these machines!”
Starfox: “Colonel, I was raised among machiens such as these! If I can’t fix these settings, your men don’t stand a chance!”
Colonel Farnam: “I don’t care if you were raised in... GOOD LORD!”
Geez. It may have been partially a ruse to get the Avengers out of the house but its a good thing Vision sent the Avengers here. The US Army was clearly going to doom the world unsupervised.
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Anyway, the Blood Brothers are some Thanos minions from early days. Weird that they never showed up for the MCU. Like, look, they didn’t need to be part of the Black Order. They don’t have the theme naming.
But these two dinguses would have made great antagonists in one of the earlier movies.
Though Starfox and Hercules get wrecked for being the nearest to the Blood Brothers when they appear, Cap and Scarlet Witch do better for being slightly forewarned.
Captain America can do the backflips to keep from getting punched and Wanda’s do anything powers are as helpful as always.
Meanwhile, back at Avengers Mansion, Dane Whitman (sometimes the Black Knight, sometimes just exhausted), arrives and tries to use his old Avengers ID card to enter.
The security system does not like that.
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Anyway, back in Arizona, Starfox rejoins the fight. That’s good.
Wanda tries to do her patented ‘all oxygen play keep away from this guy’ move on one of the Blood Brothers but his super strength lets him slam the ground to break Wanda’s concentration.
The other Blood Brother tries to strangle Captain America who got knocked into a pile of rubble but Hercules emerges from underneath the rubble to do that greatest of comic book tropes.
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Ah, grievous harm with a body. How I love you.
But though the Blood Brothers heads are hard enough to knock each other out, the fight did do some lasting damage.
When the Blood Brothers beat the shit out of Hercules at the beginning of the fight, they apparently tore his Hercules skirt.
And Hercules isn’t wearing anything under his Hercules skirt.
So the other three Avengers get to see Hercules’ mighty adamantine mace, so to speak.
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That’s all well and good.
Except its not!
Hercules? Being ashamed of public nudity??
That doesn’t sound like the Hercules I know!
Tsk tsk, how retroactively out of character! Annnnd possibly not retroactively? Didn’t he compete in the original Olympics which were no pants allowed?
You’ve corrupted him, modern society!
Captain America starts yelling at the colonel because if the Avengers hadn’t been here, it would have been a major disaster.
Captain America: “You were warned -- Washington was warned -- that something like this could happen! But those warnings were almost totally ignored!”
But back at Avengers Mansion, Dane Whitman wakes up and sees this argument being broadcast on a jumbo screen.
Vision: “People never listen to those who know better! I shall have to change all that!”
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Vision: “Hello, Dane. I’m sorry you had to be incapacitated. But your arrival was most unexpected... and I really can’t afford any interruptions now! You see, I have to save humanity from itself!”
Something about you seems different, Vision.
Did you become one with the universe? It’s a pretty popular move.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because whoa what huh? Vision what? Also, like and reblog. Its necessary to save humanity from itself.
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