#commentary box
sw5w · 10 months
It Looks Like Skywalker is Moving Up in the Field
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:03:01
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gracegrove · 2 years
That's as bad as the person I know who says she doesn't trust people who love cats. Needless to say while we can work together we could never be friends.
yeah 👀
the cat and dog debate don't get me started.... lol
bottom line is you can't appreciate something or the people who appreciate it if you don't even understand the reason why it's worth appreciation whether it's pets, a fictional character, particular tastes in cuisines, etc.
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inamindfarfaraway · 8 months
I love reimagining Sofia the First episodes where Elena is inside the Amulet of Avalor from her perspective. You’re a sixteen-year-old heir to the throne trapped in a gemstone as a disembodied spirit with murdered parents, living family still in danger, a colonized country in need of liberation and untreated PTSD who nobody around you even knows exists. This has been your life for thirty-nine years by the time you finally find someone who might have the potential to free you. But first, you have to help her grow as a person. And all of these shenanigans keep happening. What was she thinking the whole time?
Sofia: (boasting to her friends about getting to sing the Enchancian anthem)
Elena: Oh my God, shut up. You sound like Esteban, and not in a good way.
Elena, a teenager and older sibling who hasn’t had the chance to tease anyone in roughly four decades: So… you’re expected to sing in front of a huge crowd tomorrow? Would be a shame. If something were to. Happen.
Amber: (deceives and manipulates Sofia and steals her amulet for personal gain)
Elena: You fucking brat! How dare you take advantage of your own sister’s trust after she’s been nothing but kind to you? Don’t you know how lucky you are? I would do anything to be able to just see my little sister again, talk to her, hug her, know that she’s safe and okay, let alone make her happy myself. You have so much, but you’re too spoiled rotten to appreciate it. You mistreat your family? Fine. Let’s see how you like them being threatened by an evil sorceress trying to take over your kingdom! ‘Cause trust me, it isn’t fun. Learn to be selfless or lose everything you’ve ever had! A BITCH FOR A BITCH!
Ivy: (takes the amulet to destroy it, which would kill Elena)
Elena: Shit.
Cedric: (deceives and manipulates Sofia and steals her amulet for personal gain)
Elena, who’s been onto him since day one, but feels completely unthreatened: You could be coveting any source of powerful magic, but no, you want the only one that you already know has a moral compass and will curse you for doing wrong. Genuine question: what are you doing with your life? I’m just gonna give you literal sticky fingers, and I’ll revoke that if you’re nice. You obviously don’t need much help to fail.
Miranda and Roland: (have sweet, bond-affirming moments with their children as good parents)
Elena: Aw, that’s nice. That’s - that’s nice. I’m fine.
Sofia: (is ten)
Elena: I’m so proud of Sofia. I think it’s time to enlist her to release me. Now how can I communicate that? Visions of Shuriki killing my parents and trying to kill me will get her started, right?
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flareboi · 7 months
if youre stilll doing reqs... rocketcule/vicagent angst?
he wanted someone to love him. they wanted a toy
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don’t look at me 🏃
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With all the Decked Out videos uploaded today, I can't wait for next week's Hermitcraft Recap to basically just be a sports commentary
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masterfuldoodler · 5 months
wait guys actually! I have a great idea! Instead of feeling bad for reblogging our own art why don't we do a thing where we reblog older pieces/art that didn't get much attention/whatever you want and give commentary on it! Talk about what was fun to draw, what was hard, any interesting stories surrounding the making of it! Behind the scenes! pls guys that would be so fun to read I would LOVE to see that let's do it!
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paxny · 8 months
Crack fic idea where instead of dogfight football, Mav makes the dagger squad do an obstacle course like on the game show Wipeout
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quarter-lif3crisis · 5 months
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Brocedes | The Gold, Manchester Orchestra (Phoebe Bridgers Version)
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raamitsu · 6 months
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rainbowthefox · 2 years
Shoutout to fellow Jack in the Box fanartists who draw him with his wedding ring on. We know what we're dealing with.
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the-kipsabian · 28 days
sorry im still thinking about the kip sabian wembley moment of 2024 💖💖💖
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sw5w · 7 months
Oh No! It's Bumpy Roose Into the Pit
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Extended Podrace Lap Two 00:52
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ray935sworld · 4 months
ANYWAY the commentator said about the Marc behind Pecco situation (in reference of overtaking, keep in mind):
"It's like being on the 3rd date with a new girlfriend. Both of you know, it's going to happen."
MY GOOD SIR. I'm used to the "He's hanging on his ass" but this. You're implying that they are fucking on live TV. With that attitude you can join us.
What's comes next? 'Let's see who finishes first. He's gonna feel that the next morning. XYZ is watching the whole thing.'
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presdestigatto · 7 months
anyone have the cooldown room footage of max asking about charles i need to feel something
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eirianerisdar · 3 months
Ted you can't just be spreading blatant misinformation about Liam on Notebook. Everyone knows Daniel's car had a PU issue today and Christian's just confirmed to Karun ON BROADCAST that the whole Red Bull car test thing was planned months in advance. Please stop inventing
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destiel-wings · 11 days
watching Angel (the series), I feel like is really interesting, specifically in s3 cause I think in some ways it was good but they did Cordelia SO dirty. I feel like there were some aspects where I was like yeah that was totally written by a man e.g. when Angel gives her a necklace after being away cause of Buffy’s death and she’s like it brings out my boobs 🙄.
I feel like there are some scenes that are kinda ironic considering how Joss treated Charisma like when Cordelia was doing that commercial? Like was that a dig at Joss? But also that’s 90s early 2000s writing as well.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
I don't know if you're watching the show for the first time or not, so I won't give you direct spoilers, but what they did to Cordelia gets so much worse in season 4.
There is one storyline specifically that happens that season that we as a fandom collectively pretend never happened.
And I actually like season 4 (i love the way that it's built, the plot twists, the epic tones of the main villain coming, the way that some characters develop and the main theme/metaphor that relates to the big bad of the season), but what they did to Cordelia will always be one of the greatest faults of the show. And now that all the rumors about Joss are out, we know why that happened too. 😔 That's when Charisma was pregnant and Joss threatened to fire her. And he did.
I mean, I can see the casual misogyny you're mentioning in the first three seasons as partly being due to the 90s/early 2000s writing (definitely a factor), and partly as a sad realistic depiction of what real actresses in the business like Cordelia (or generally women everywhere) had to endure at the time, when they couldn't even speak up. And i think there's a distinction to be made here, because there's two types of misogyny (or any other problematic behavior) that can be shown in media.
The scene where Cordelia is posing in a bikini and the photographer is a complete jerk for example is a harsh depiction of what society used to be (and still is), and so, in my opinion deserves to be in the show, because stuff like that is a slap in the face that should outrage us. Shows nowadays are excessively tiptoeing around real life issues. And i don't think it's helping anyone. I think we should be able to see stuff like that in fiction so we can say "this is horrible. It shouldn't happen in real life," and hopefully we can learn from it and get better as a society. In this sense, it's useful misogyny, because it exists to outrage the viewer and sensitize them to the issue. And there's tons of other examples of this in the show (I'm thinking about Lilah's storyline for example).
And then there's the pointless misogyny. Lines like "it brings out my boobs!" or other examples that i can't think of right now that won't really teach you anything if not make you cringe thinking "a woman would never say something like that", or "this is a disservice to the character for no valid reason" (like what they did to Cordy in season 4). That type of misogyny outrages us, but for different reasons, because it's gratuitous and completely unnecessary, and should be rightfully cut out.
Unfortunately the show does both. It is the product of its time, and that needs to be taken into consideration. In the end, I think the good it did outweighs the bad, and it managed to tell stories that are still strong and powerful today because it never shied away from speaking about human weakness and visceral struggles in a way that's raw. And people can relate to that (generally speaking).
And you're right, it is ironic, Joss became a feminist icon for creating Buffy, a show where strong (and yet human, flawed, imperfect) characters always stole the scene (with a few male characters exceptions)-- and then he created Angel. A different show, more adult, darker, with some noir touches, and a male lead. And I think, the vibe being so different and more focused on a male lead like Angel (who represents an anti-hero version of the knight in shining armor, which is, per se, an anti-feminist trope) the slope was slippery and so some misogyny slipped through. I'm not saying that misogyny was inherent to the basis of this show but... it kinda was. One could even say that Angel is the anti-Buffy (literally, one show being about a frisky young female lead who is a hero pledged to rid the world from evil vampires, and the other one being about a brooding 200+ year old male lead that is a former(?) evil vampire always ready to save a damsel in distress). The cool thing though, is the show itself is aware of that, and brings it out at text level (for example with Spike mocking Angel for it, in one of the very first episodes of season 1). So what I'm saying is... it's complicated. It's a show that uses its female characters to cater to its male characters' arcs sometimes. But it's also a show that gives us great female characters. Strong, powerful, intelligent, human, unapologetic. There's the good and the bad.
Back to Joss Whedon, personally, I can see him putting a lot of his own personal struggles into the show. Like, the theme of Angel season 5 is literally about the heroes trying not to get corrupted by the power, and that's kind of what Joss did. Guess he wasn't as good and righteous as most of his characters in the end.
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