#compositions are 👌
striveattemptfail · 1 year
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Artemis and Jason in the Mirror Dimension | Red Hood: Outlaws #22
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evildilf2 · 1 year
Convinced the reason I get good grades on my cinematography is that Sam Raimi inspires everything I do
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pistachi0art · 2 years
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-rings your doorbell and runs-
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mistreaders-requiem · 11 months
Listening to the sexy part of Viil's playlist and feeling like submerging him in sensual hijinks
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misskamelie · 1 year
Ohhh, you guys were right, Junji Ito's stories are fun and his style is neat, I should have got to this sooner
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yeehawpim · 3 months
i am so sorry for bothering you but. i have a few questions. Do you have any tips or books/youtube videos to help people interested in making comics or webcomics? and, also, how big do you make your canvas & is it the same size on your site (to read your comic)?
ayyy not at all 👌(side note sorry to the ppl I don't get to, I read all my asks even if I can't answer all of them and they cheer me up)
I've answered comic-making related stuff in my q&a tag somewhere, if you want to go digging 🤔
here's one of them
but as for books and youtube videos hmm
supereyepatchwolf on youtube has a few vids talking about manga, I especially like the chainsaw man one where he talks about how the author doesn't have the most polished style but the layout/composition/panelling is insane. There's another one he does about gantz where he talks about empty space can be used to make a lonely feeling. Those are more about the specific titles than comic making 😅but they defs inspired me haha
I watch a lot of video essays about movies and shows and they make me wanna go out and tell more stories 😤🫶 (breadsword, ladyknighhtthebrave, hazel... etc)
I haven't read any specific comic-making advice books? I just read a lot of manga/comics and stare at the things I like in them. Off the top of my head, One Piece, Anya's Ghost, and The Adventures Of Dr. Mcninja are all fun.
A more succinct advice book I think is The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams. It's about animation, but comics has always felt kind of like a cousin. You're still making movement and timing look good, but it's in more select snapshots. (Though the advice about not listening to music while you're working is not for me 😂)
Also Griz and Norm have this really cool book of drawing tips that I want to get one day, but I think you can find everything as individual posts online too.
I usually work with 1650x2550px 72ppi for digital stuff, and 300ppi for print stuff. This is coming from a rube in all computer matters though, so take it with a grain of salt. It should be the same size on my site unless posting it somehow altered it w/o me knowing 😅
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Late update. Finished the bulk and hit my goal of 200 lbs right at my estimated time of mid October. Currently in maintenance/recomp, transitioning to a small cut.
Thinking my next bulk goal will be 220lbs 👌. Estimating I'll start that in February.
Results of my bulk below. Pretty surprised at the LBM to Fat gain ratio. These values are estimates as body composition measurement is inherently inaccurate so I plan on confirming these numbers once I'm shredded again.
If my tracking was at all accurate, then I should be able to get to a crazy shredded condition without going below 190lbs 🤞. We'll see.
7 months - 34.4 lbs. Gain (1.075 lbs/week)
Est. 30.43lbs Lean Mass (0.95 lbs/week)
Est. 3.97 lbs Fat Mass (0.124lbs/week)
LBM:Fat Ratio - 7.67:1 🤯
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the-sleepy-silurian · 18 days
This chapter's two page spread of Finny breaking the grate is just *chefs kiss* 👌
The composition is so cool and dynamic
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pespillo · 1 year
really loved your latest piece, the expressions, detail and composition were all beyond top knotch 👌
I gotta say tho collector in the first panel reminded me instantly of that one tails gets trolled panel fjwbajebd
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thank you very much
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camilleisdrawing · 4 months
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Here's my #artsummary2023 !
Things I started this year and wanna keep doing:
gifting physical art 🎁
adding image descriptions🪧
making zines 📔
caring about my original characters 😔👌
enhancing my art's multiversity (aka inconsistency) punk/cut-out style ✂️
[ID: 2023 art summary. A lot of diagonal compositions this year!
Jan - character design! appreciating pink and green combo because of Alex Fierro
Feb - Green Hadestown Eurydice. Symbolism poppin' off.
Mar - Viral Happy Mirabel (smiley face) jumping against a yellow background
Apr - oc art?!
May - Caravaggio-inspired Canute
Jun - Spider-Verse rewired my brain.
Jul - Spider-band art. Drew a gazillion for a solo zine.
Aug - sad Gwen Sep - Hong from ManSuang drawing. (I was forced to) reconnect with Thai media and I'm enjoying it.
Oct - Portal to save Miles from Miles G's universe art.
Nov - Thrill Me fanart. Giveaway gifts (smiley face) along with September art.
Dec - urm secret project. Someone in black sunglasses leaning against their palm. ]
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nerdnag · 9 months
daily cocobert
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I used a reference for this one
Holy shit eifie, I'm seriously impressed 😱👏😄 LOVE the shapes and colors and how they fit together! The flow and composition! And the cute as heck hairstyle!! 👌😫
Also Coco SLAYS in that outfit 🙌
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nyoomerr · 3 months
i LOVE both your fics amd your fic recs. exquisite! 😭😭👌
i was wondering if you perhaps have any writing advice, things that have helped you in the past, observations on the craft or the like
😳 both my fics.. AND my fic recs?? ... 😈 my agenda to brainwash everyone into liking all the same stuff i do is a slow success 😈😈
eheh but no seriously thanks so much for reading my stuff + letting me know you like it! as for writing tips... AHAHA i feel like i'm flying by the seat of my pants most of the time :'D
BUT i can do my best!! i gave some general fic advice in the past, so i'll try to give some more specific tips this time!
one thing ik people struggle with sometimes is smthn like, "i can't get past this scene" - the problem where you try to write linearly but end up stuck on a scene you can't write the way you want. i also try to write linearly to help the overall flow of the fic, but when i get to a scene i can't get through, the best thing to do imo is to just skip it!
i tend to put a [...description of thing that i want to happen in the scene, maybe a description of the emotions i want them to feel...], and highlight it so i don't forget it's not done yet. then i scroll past it and keep writing! it helps me keep up momentum on writing, rather than feeling super stuck.
when it comes to actual writing composition, one thing i always try to aim for is to drive the story with dialogue more than anything else.
ofc it's not always possible....!! /shuffles my current fic wip, which has extremely little dialogue, out of sight/ ...but i personally find dialogue-driven stories to just be more engaging. it also helps flesh out the dynamics between characters, since you have constant chances to see them interacting with each other.
and then for a third tip... hmm... maybe a tip for something i personally do a lot? i LOVE double-speak for bingqiu/binggeyuan, i feel like it's a great way to have something be both angsty and humerus, and to do it in a way that falls under my second tip about driving plot with dialogue.
so, when i'm writing this sort of double-speak, the most important thing is to genuinely go through and read it a couple times. once from the pov of sqq, once from the pov of lbh. i always end up catching something that made sense from one side of the misunderstanding, but completely gives up the gig to the other side - so you really do have to read it from both sides to make sure the misunderstanding holds up on both sides.
ahhh idk how helpful that all was, but i hope it was a bit useful!! thank you again for the support, and i wish you luck in your own writing endeavors!! 💃💃💃
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tabieeee · 4 months
[STM anon👌]
Yeee! TDrill is one angry snooter dad coming to save his lil guys
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Shit's not looking good for most of the drills tho
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pleucas · 5 months
I cannot express how much your art has a soothing effect on my heart. It's the colors, the composition, the details of it all- just so very good 😌👌
On a related note, my reaction to your latest skk art:
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it's so pretty. so goddamn pretty. i will cry kinda pretty.
tytyty, your words mean a lot to me ... i love painting skk and i'm just glad that there are people who enjoy me loving to paint skk as well. and for the current foreseeable future, there is a lot more of them in the works...
sincerely, thank you for sending in an ask <3 i'm glad that you enjoy my work C:
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code-lab · 1 year
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C'est l'heure de la petite charte graphique qui va m'aider à designer le reste du forum. Elle est pas hyper aboutie et je l'ai pas tant respecté mais ça m'a bien aidé.
Identifier les occurrences
Je pense qu'on le fait déjà un peu tous mais je peux que appuyer sur l'importance de designer les éléments séparément et créer un design system (une banque de vos éléments visuels).
Concrètement, c'est repérer qu'est-ce qui est :
un CTA (call to action) : ouvrier un sujet, répondre, envoyer, ...
un bouton (interraction) : surveiller les sujets, marquer tout comme lus, aller, ...
un lien (redirection) : voir les derniers sujets, ...
un titre : grand titre (heading 1/h1 généralement pour les titres de catégorie ou de poste), titre secondaire (heading2/h2 pour un titre de forum ou un pseudo), ...
Une fois fait, designer chaque page de votre forum n'est qu'un travail de composition.
Avant de comprendre ça j'avais tendance à designer chaque élément différemment et je craignais la répétitivité. Donc ça multipliait mon travail par deux et en plus j'avais aucune cohérence de page en page.
Créer un footer et un QEEL
Le footer une partie que j'aime de plus en plus travailler dans mes designs. Ca permet d'y mettre des informations qu'on mettrait normalement sur une PA : staff, crédits, liens, disclamers, ... Des informations utiles mais que j'ai pas spécialement envie d'avoir en haut de page parce qu'une fois lus, on en a plus vraiment besoin.
Le QEEL remplace complètement mon manque de PA. Et parce que c'est l'endroit où retrouve toute l'activité communautaire du forum (connectés, derniers inscrits,...), je trouve ça logique d'y mettre aussi d'autre information comme : les derniers sujets postés, les préliens recherchés etc.
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Bon j'ai plein d'ambition, c'est cool, mais en réalité je suis un peu paumée. La première version c'est juste c/c du précédent projet qui n'a pas vu le jour. En suite j'essaye de voir comment agencer tout ces éléments sans trop de réussite.
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Je finis par essayer d'aller au plus simple : garder la continuité du corps du forum et ne pas trop m'éloigner du design des catégories. Heureusement Margot m'aide et fait un essai qui m'inspira pour la version finale (en réalité elle a tout fait, je devais juste trouver une autre disposition que des titres verticaux parce que j'ai aucun titre verticaux dans mon design system).
Futurs changements
Avec le recule, je préfère les derniers messages comme dans la deuxième version, sur la droite. A voir si je pourrais pas changer ça dans une future version.
J'ai aussi questionner tardivement l'idée de transférer le QEEL en haut (et donc en faire une PA). Ca pourrait être cool pour une refonte ou un prochain projet 👌
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yeehawpim · 6 months
Different anon from previous: your style actually seems really adult/mature/sophisticated to me, because you do so much stuff with black and white, negative spaces, composition and so on. That your little guys are relatively plain/unstylized just adds to it, in my opinion. It wouldn't work as well with either kawaii or cartoon style figures.
Aw thanks!! Honestly I meant my writing being sappy at times but you can really tell where my interests are with how I pay more attention to composition and not details/technical drawing 😅😂
I recently remembered reading Babymouse by Jennifer L Holm and Matthew Holm when I was in elementary school which was hugely validating
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Like I enjoyed these immensely when I was a kid and then was speeding through one at Walmart like this is still fun 😄👌👌
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