fleurdusoir · 6 months
Savoir ce qui précède et ce qui suit vous aidera à mieux comprendre ce qui se passe.
Ezra Pound, Ezra Pound et le sacré « Le temple n’est pas à vendre »
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x-heesy · 1 year
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Gif mood board 🏄‍♀️
ThanX L0rd 4 Latino G@ngst@ Rap:
Includes control
Includes control
Well if you look for me, you find me
I don't live in the store and I don't wait for you to come
Just for you to learn
You run into me, clown with clothes
Don't be so calm that it's your turn soon
I bring you between eyes and I bring them red
The devil is loose among all the madmen
Stop and understand what suits you
Do not lie to me, do not peel your teeth
Do you understand me, Mendes? I don't know why you don't understand
That, at this moment, you do not surprise me
Fed up, I am! that your conscience does not leave you right
You don't know what I have on my mind
It is somewhat difficult, because short current
Burning, burning and fist to the forehead
Smoke rising and it's not enough
Do you understand, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Mendes, you understand, I am the control)
Do you understand, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Mendes, you understand, I am the control)
Well, if I explain to you, I apply the reason for this vice
There will be no more answers, only riddles
I am still so fixed and you are on the floor
If I have to finish something, surely I choose you
I bring you to mind, only suddenly
Don't play with me, I'll thunder your forehead
Crazy and crazy are many, little by little
Say hello to all, keep all
It's not easy standing on Earth
With all this crazy there is no way
To explain to you why I jump every time I hear the rhythm
That enters the roof and wheels I apply to you
Do you understand, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Mendes, you understand, I am the control)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Mendes, you understand, I am the control)
(The control, the control, the control, the control)
(The control, the control, the control, the control)
(The control, the control, the control, the control)
(The control, the control, the control, the control)
The moment lends itself for the tide to rise
The ship goes up and has no leash
That stops the ball, the blood that flows
Now get ready, you already have a fight
and it won't stop
This fucking rhythm won't control me
I'm sick of this noise, I'm done with you
And don't ask me, because I no longer explain
Disco that you listen to the room respect the flower
Look into my eyes, you will see what I am
If I come from time to time marking the sound
Mendes, you understand, I am the control
Do you understand, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Mendes, you understand, I am the control)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Mendes, you understand, I am the control)
Do you understand, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Mendes, you understand, I am the control)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Look into my eyes, you will see what I am)
Do you understand me, Mendes? (Mendes, you understand, I am the control) @boanerges20
Comprendes, Mendes? by Control Machete 🎧
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barbiemonamie · 7 months
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Le pouvoir de la lucidité - La rencontre (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1385036636-le-pouvoir-de-la-lucidit%C3%A9-la-rencontre?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NathalieVanderMaelen&wp_originator=N4vYV0I%2BnkeBXUJhUkzycnkrEDobv9YwkP6dlVtLROziCUTwWKh4KEFCYw0%2FCn3CtXZNENJMlMB%2B6C3QZssSBKjLgGnzGEaLFmdFutCLB6CFk4C66f98FpcKXPlmddKJ Briser les chaînes de l'emprise
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magismagisque · 1 year
La tristezza è causata dall'intelligenza. Più comprendi certe cose e più vorresti non comprenderle.
- C. Bukowski
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
J'espère vraiment 🕊️🤲 !.
عندما تجد الشخص المناسب ستعلم لما تركك الله تنتظر .
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les-portes-du-sud · 11 months
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"En fait, tout le monde n'a pas le temps de vraiment se comprendre, les gens ne s'intéressent surtout aux autres que dans les yeux, et même alors d'y voir leur propre reflet."
Françoise Sagan
Photographe Romina Ressia
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Bonjour !
A vous tous et toutes !
En ce samedi 24 décembre, je vous fais part d’un projet en cours qui ne va certes pas changer vos vies mais peut - être pour faire sourire
lours va vous montrer sa collection de cartes postales (non, il ne s’agit pas d’estampes japonaises comme il est question dans un texte de Boris Vian dont j’oublie le titre)
oui, lours collectionne, non point les p. v. , mais les cartes postales (et les timbres)
cela se fait en quatre moments :
1 : le visuel de la carte si celle - ci est dans le domaine public ;
2 (ou 1a) : ce sera seulement le verso avec le texte de la carte postale ;
3 : le timbre avec le cachet postal ;
4 : lours lit le texte (et pas que lours vous fera lecture !! chut…) ;
5 : commentaires écrits
que ce programme ne gâche pas vos festivités !
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slowdancewithme23 · 5 months
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Le pouvoir de la lucidité - La douleur (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1397275977-le-pouvoir-de-la-lucidit%C3%A9-la-douleur?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NathalieVanderMaelen&wp_originator=mgG8eylfZnLPpPPKdze5ZqPIyiEVcLq%2F80IpibSSHm1Nkxtq0GChmyndTtJRHpWr8x2ar%2FFSBGvHGZy3O%2FWeNJc1pHgaq%2FT6fpYd%2FDGVwb6AstjM53fWWnHtWairw57O Briser les chaînes de l'emprise
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murs · 2 years
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babyysallyy · 11 months
tieniti stretto chi capisce cos’hai, senza che tu debba dire nulla.
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etudegenerale · 2 years
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✍️Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), est un philosophe néerlandais.
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lcasr · 2 years
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barbiemonamie · 5 months
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Le pouvoir de la lucidité - La séparation (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1395592160-le-pouvoir-de-la-lucidit%C3%A9-la-s%C3%A9paration?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NathalieVanderMaelen&wp_originator=YpXUT69PM88ZBQFSQx2RNoJu8MhG3hoSm0daWi%2Bj%2BljXn9Ce%2B148l8abzJqcNswjeTFhG1jFDkY%2BSf5AsIdJmOV2hSzvcysWelGQFy0%2B0OpBKnD69VqmYy682aGUNPZM Briser les chaînes de l'emprise
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Mathematiques 2nde – Nouveau Fractale Edition 1994
Mathematiques 2nde – Nouveau Fractale Edition 1994 Auteur(s) : Collectif – Guy Bontemps Editeur : Bordas Editions Collection : FRACTALE Parution : 01/04/1994 Nombre de pages : 368 Dimensions : 27.20 x 19.80 x 1.80 Résumé :Voici un nouveau manuel de Mathématiques 2de conçu après plusieurs années d’expérimentation des programmes, avec le souci de permettre une pédagogie simple et…
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Le trading anti-fragile
Comment rendre son trading anti-fragile ? C’est quoi un élément anti fragile ? Selon Nassim Taleb, le “papa” du concept d’anti-fragilité (lien rémunéré par Amazon), un élément est anti fragile si une perturbation le renforce. Dans le cas contraire, il est fragile. Au niveau économique, la perturbation se mesure avec la volatilité. Quand la volatilité augmente, les actions baissent. Elles sont…
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les-outils-du-cip · 1 month
Comprendre le burn-out : fatigue et épuisement professionnel, quelles différences ?
La fatigue et l’épuisement professionnel (ou burn-out) sont deux concepts distincts bien que liés et ils se manifestent différemment. Voici les principales différences entre la fatigue et l’épuisement professionnel : => Nature et origine : Fatigue : la fatigue est généralement une réponse naturelle du corps à un effort physique ou mental intense. Elle peut résulter d’une activité intense, d’un…
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