#compressing videos for discord
The Future of Discord Video: Exploring the Role of Video Compression
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Discord, a widely-used platform for communication and collaboration, has recently introduced video features, expanding its capabilities to include visual communication. This addition has sparked discussions about the role of video compression in shaping the future of Discord video, especially in relation to the keyword "Discord Video Compressor."
Video compression is a crucial aspect of delivering high-quality video content efficiently. By reducing the size of video files while maintaining visual integrity, compression techniques optimize streaming performance and loading times. In the context of Discord, where users have diverse internet speeds and device capabilities, effective video compression is essential for ensuring a seamless viewing experience for all.
The impact of video compression extends to Discord's overall performance. As Discord accommodates various video communication scenarios, such as casual calls and large-scale events, the efficiency of video compression directly influences the platform's performance. Advanced compression algorithms can optimize bandwidth usage, minimize latency, and reduce server load, contributing to smoother video playback and scalability for Discord.
The evolution of video compression technology has seen significant advancements, with standards like H.264 and H.265/HEVC revolutionizing video content storage, transmission, and consumption. These standards employ sophisticated encoding techniques to achieve exceptional compression efficiency without compromising visual quality. Looking forward, next-generation codecs like AV1 and VVC promise even greater compression capabilities, enabling higher resolution and immersive video experiences on platforms like Discord.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a transformative role in video compression and quality assurance. AI-powered compression algorithms leverage machine learning to analyze and encode video content adaptively, leading to superior compression performance tailored to specific video characteristics. Additionally, AI-driven quality assurance mechanisms enable real-time monitoring of video streams, facilitating automatic detection and correction of compression artifacts and distortions, aligning with Discord's commitment to delivering high-fidelity video experiences.
As Discord evolves as a multifaceted communication platform, the significance of video compression in shaping its future cannot be understated. By leveraging state-of-the-art compression technologies and embracing AI-driven optimization, Discord is poised to redefine the standards of video communication, offering unparalleled visual experiences to its diverse user base.
In conclusion, the role of video compression in the future of Discord video is pivotal, driving performance optimization, scalability, and visual excellence. By staying at the forefront of compression innovations and harnessing the potential of AI, Discord is set to chart new frontiers in video communication, setting the stage for a dynamic and immersive visual collaboration experience.
As Discord embarks on this transformative journey, the seamless integration of video compression will be a cornerstone in realizing its vision of empowering meaningful connections through compelling visual communication.
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chocolateswitchyt · 4 months
i have a discord server full of mutuals, i still had the beatboxing puppy clip saved and i asked what to do with is, someone said among us and another person (the owner) mentioned verbalace. i added them, however the video was to powerful, and i have an urge to compress.
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
tlt updateeeee
@vincentaureliuslin @tatsumisheep3
first sit and sing!!!!!!!!
basically we ran through all the songs in act 1 with the orchestra
it was super fun and cool and im kinda sad that i missed the prologue to get fitted for a costume
also shoutout to my friends in costuming who were definitely being productive and doing costume things and not at all explaining the entire plot of bsd (cough nico cough)
i got a few recordings :333 if youre cool (aka a moot) you can ask and ill send em to ya (theres a bit of strong, put you in your place, their sign and another terrible day) (tumblr hates me for some reason and wont upload anything i want today sooooo uhh dm me on discord its the same as here)
we're doin act 2 tomorrow so thats pretty exciting!! hopefully ill be less sick and not sound like a dying walrus the entire time /hj
uhh yippee echoes have costumes now!! we will for sure get them lost and get into huge trouble bc we're not allowed to label em (theyre owned by dance not theater) :P (and theyre literally (figuratively) like a couple rectangles of sheer fabric attached by a waistband so thats fun /sar
kinda feel bad bc we're prolly gonna mess em up crawling all over the stage but idk that sounds like a problem for the director and dance teacher to figure out
heres an eepy deepy pic of my cat bc thats how im feelin right now
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also WOO i get to go to sets on wednesday probably! even though s gonna be a long ass day and its only for like an hour so nico wont be there TwT umm but i guess that solidifies me as his emergency replacement /ij
also we have a performance of put you in your place this friday!! im kinda nervous bc we're like re-blocking parts of it to work on the field instead of on stage and one of the stage combat moves my partner does is only meant to be seen from one angle TwT
also i like cant breathe and probably wont get an inhaler or medication till at least spring break so thats fun /sar
im off to do my homework and maybe start shading the ada office and finishing season 2 and waiting for my files to compress and editing and all that good stuff
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themscool76 · 7 months
Getting into Punch Out speedrunning recently
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if any gif makers out there know how to compress gifs for posting on social media without obliterating the quality pls hmu ... like i see some nice quality gifs on this site + other sites and its like how do they look so clear and perfect ??? is there something im missing?
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necodrop-archive · 2 years
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lemonlover1110 · 7 months
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝
Toji Fushiguro
[Chapter 8] Megumi's Baseball Game
← Previous Chapter - Story Masterlist - Next Chapter →
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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You’re more tired than you’d like to be. A week passes and Megumi’s baseball games approaches, and you’re thinking of skipping out on it. It’s not like he’ll miss you a lot. Staying home sounds tempting, but then you think about how going to his game gives you an excuse to go out to eat. And even if he won’t miss you, he’ll appreciate having you there. 
After much pondering, you decide to call Toji. You’ll be going to the same place after all, you don’t want to take public transportation nor do you want to spend extra money on a taxi. The phone doesn’t ring twice before he picks up.
“Hello?” He answers, and regret begins to consume you as you hear his voice. Do you really want to see Toji? Sit in the car with him for that long? You stay silent for a moment, and Toji repeats himself.
“Hi, Toji.” You respond, and you debate on hanging up right away. A butt dial? Would he buy that?
“Hi, baby. Is everything okay? Is there something wrong?” He asks, doubting that you’d willingly call him. Every second passes slowly as he waits for your answer.
“I’m going to Megumi’s game… Can you pick me up?” You ask, and Toji doesn’t waste a moment to answer.
“Yes. I’ll be there in thirty minutes.” Which takes you by surprise since you thought the game was a bit later. You hang up and go to your room to change into something that’s not your pajamas– But something comfortable nonetheless. 
You won’t put effort into your look, you shouldn’t. You’re just going to watch Megumi play a baseball game, and you’ll be with your ex-husband. You shouldn’t put any effort into your look, but you do. You wear just a tad bit of makeup and put on a cute outfit. You definitely put in a bit of effort even if you didn’t consciously intend to.
Toji knocks on your door earlier than the time he had given you, and luckily you finish getting ready right at that moment. You open the door for him, and he looks more relaxed than usual, wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a long sleeve black compression shirt. It’s much different than his usual business wear.
“Are you ready to go?” Toji asks, and you nod your head in response. You know he won’t comment on how pretty you look, on how the shade of pink really goes well with your skin tone, on how you’re literally glowing– Toji has never been the type to really praise your looks.
You walk to his car and get in, where a silent car ride begins. You think about speaking first, but you bite your tongue. You’ll feel like when you were married, constantly trying to start a one-sided conversation that’ll lead nowhere. If he wants to talk, he needs to start the conversation himself.
“So um… Is your morning sickness getting better?” Toji clears his throat, deciding to use his voice. There’s no point for all the silence, it eats him alive, yet, he doesn’t want to put on any music. He wants to hear your voice because he rarely hears it anymore. He wishes he had videos of you talking so he could hear your voice when he feels like it’s faded in his short memory.
“Not really.” You answer. Of all topics that he could bring up, that’s certainly the last one that you want to talk about. Instead of leaving him with the dry response, you change the topic to something else in your pregnancy that’s been bugging you. “I’ve been having some really weird cravings lately.”
“Like what?” He asks.
“Last night I wanted bacon drizzled in caramel… And it still sounds so good right now.” You share, and he scrunches his nose up, slightly disgusted. That doesn’t sound too appetizing. Yet he still says,
“Whenever you want something, call me and I’ll try to see what I can do.” Which surprises you. You weren’t expecting him to say that, and it brings a small smile to your lips. You know why he says it, why he’s suddenly part of a man that you wish you would’ve had as your husband. But you still smile, feeling a flake of happiness in you.
“The laundry detergent was also smelling so good–” You begin, but he cuts you off.
“If you want to drink laundry detergent, do it after you have the baby.” He says, which makes you chuckle. You feel as he slowly grows accustomed to the idea of your pregnancy, how he slowly grows excited at the thought of becoming a father again. It makes you happier than you’d like. You were set on having your baby on your own, raising them alone, yet you feel happy when Toji becomes happy about his baby. 
You get to the parking lot of the baseball field, and you find that the game has already started. You follow Toji to take a seat, and you sit quietly amongst a group of rowdy parents and teenagers– It’s a high school baseball game (not even varsity at that), it can’t be that serious. But you do feel the excitement when Megumi goes up to pitch, and you’re smiling ear to ear as you watch him. You do cheer him on, but you aren’t as loud as the rest. It encourages Toji to do the same, but he doesn’t do much, he just whistles.
“I hope I’m not too late.” You’re startled by Toji’s friend, Shiu, as he approaches where you sit. He takes a seat behind you, and just by catching a glimpse of his face, you’re pissed off. Sure, Shiu was very helpful when he helped you move, but you’re still pissed that he left you with Toji of all people. 
Toji greets his buddy while you ignore him. You don’t want to talk to Shiu, and you don’t have to either. No one will force you to talk to Shiu.
“I don’t think Megumi noticed you were missing.” Toji comments, turning his attention back to the game. Shiu smacks the back of Toji’s head, and Toji rolls his eyes. It’s their usual banter, of course you won’t pay much attention to them. Toji throws his arm over your shoulder, and brings you into his embrace, which you don’t fight. 
“It’s weird to find you here.” Shiu speaks up. You’re not together anymore… He understands why you’re here, you have your own bond with Megumi that’s separate from your relationship with Toji, but why is he throwing his arm over you and why aren’t you pushing him away? You don’t answer though, you clearly don’t want to talk to him.
“I forgot to tell you, Shiu. We’re having a baby.” Toji announces, and Shiu’s eyes go wide. He wasn’t expecting that. He was expecting a lot of stuff but certainly not that. Many questions come into his head, but it’s best for him to stay quiet. But he has to ask one question that’ll eat him up alive if he doesn’t–
“Are you two back together?” He asks, and you get Toji’s arm off your shoulder.
“No. We’re not back together.” You answer, and Toji glares at Shiu. Shiu bites his tongue, knowing that this isn’t the time or place to ask all the questions that flood his mind. What the hell are you going to do?
You watch the rest of the game in silence. When it’s done, you and Toji approach Megumi. He’s with his friends so it’s awkward. When he finally turns his attention to you, he leans in for a hug which you’re reluctant to return since he’s all sweaty. But you still hug him. 
“You had a great game, Megumi. You did such a great job.” You praise him, and he smiles at you.
“How are you doing? I haven’t heard from you much, just what dad has to say… But I don’t trust him all that much.” He says, a chuckle leaving your lips at his comment.
“I’ve been doing good, Megumi. But I want to know how you’re doing? How’s school?” You begin to chat with him, and Toji listens in. He taps his foot on the ground, his patience slowly running out. Sure, it’s nice to see that you two have a bond and whatnot but it’s boring for him to just stand idle.
“How about we go out for food and you two can chat there? Shiu is also waiting for us.” Toji cuts off the conversation, doubting that he can stand still for another minute.
“I actually have plans to go out to eat with my friends.” Megumi says, and Toji frowns as he crosses his arms.
“With whose permission?” Toji responds. You usually don’t get involved when similar issues happen, you did once and Toji reminded you that you weren’t Megumi’s parent. But today is different, mainly because Toji is trying to earn your forgiveness, and you use it to your advantage.
“You can go, Megumi. Have fun.” Your arm intertwines with Toji’s, and you give him doe eyes as you look up at him. “Give him some money, Toji.”
Toji huffs as he reaches for his wallet. He gives Megumi some money, and you say your goodbyes before walking away. You know you shouldn’t have stepped in, but Toji won’t scold you for it, especially when your arms are intertwined. You let go of him after a couple of steps since your work with helping Megumi is done.
Your stomach growls, and it’s loud and clear, making your face grow warm of embarrassment. You still smile and say, “Let’s go out to eat.”
“Is that why you sent Megumi off? So we could eat alone?” Toji asks, and it fuels his ego. You have a smirk on your face when you tell him,
“What about Shiu? Are you just going to leave him all alone?”
“To hell with him.” He scoffs. “He’s a grown man, I didn’t even invite him here. I’m not paying for his food.”
“You can convince him to pay yours. Use the fact that you’re having a baby, guilt trip him.” You give him some useful advice, especially since you don’t want to be all alone with him. You don’t trust yourself a lot, especially not lately. Not because you’ve forgiven him and want to get back with him, but because you’re hormonal and don’t trust your body to not make a sudden move.
“You’re right… Let’s do that.” Toji says, his hand going up in the air and waving at Shiu before he calls out, “Hey, Shiu! Let’s go out to eat!”
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kawaoneechan · 2 months
My last reblog reminded me of a related thing.
Converting GIF to MP4.
I mentioned that sometimes turning an image into a WebP file actually makes it larger, right? And that it turned crisp pixel art into jpeg vomit?
GIF to MP4 is perhaps even worse.
For video clips, you can make a point, sure. I won't argue, it works great on those. Different compression systems for different inputs, y'know? Right tool for the right job?
But then you drop some nice pixel animation on Twitter or whatnot. The gif was of manageable size to begin with and crisp as hell. And Twitter converts it to mp4, you get weird quirks involving the final frame's duration which is why Aseprite has a checkbox in the gif exporter to compensate, your crisp pixels fucking melt, and if you're particularly unlucky the mp4 version will be bigger than the original, completely subverting the bandwidth argument.
But wait there's more!
They say gif files are always auto-play. That's technically true, there's no such thing as a play button on a gif... or is there? Discord for example extracts the first frame to a PNG and so long as the gif isn't fully scrolled into view it actually shows that static image instead, switching between two files as you scroll it in and out of view. So why not extract a static image, have a little play button, and when you click it the gif is swapped in? You can't pause it, but you can prevent auto-playing!
Argument two, related to the auto-play thing: shocking trap clips. First frame or two is fine, then suddenly blam you get to see something horrific instead. Well. Guess what?
It doesn't matter if it's auto-playing or not, if it's a gif or an mp4. Shocking trap clips are shocking traps. They're just one or two levels above trying to download a 640x480 picture of Anna Kournikova on a 56k dial-up connection only to find from the neck down they replaced her with a horrifying monster. And that is a single image.
I'm done here.
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sharb · 4 months
Bun N Gun update 172 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/bun-n-gun-update-98906956
Happy to say progress has been going really smooth, been expanding the level, cleaning up mechanics and physics, more animations and even started working on new models.
Today I wanted to show one of the new areas in Wilder West, one of the areas you can explore is the inside of a giant cactus, the visuals haven't been set up yet but this is probably one of the more complicated areas to navigate as you have to climb this large vertical tower.
Patreon supports videos so I figured I'd start uploading high quality videos instead of badly compressed gifs, since that means I can show off more things in depth, I thought I'd show off the tower climb since all the feedback has been about how fun the gameplay looks and this area's a really good showcase of it I think.
There's been some small details updated on Bun too, they now look around depending on your movement and camera movement, and they now have several different jumping animations.
For discussions about the game feel free to join our Discord
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deadboyswalking · 7 months
Can anyone in the League speak English?
BNHA is obviously set in Japan, but many villain fans speculate if any LOV members speak English as well. Here are my thoughts about it as an English as a Second Language teacher.
Shigaraki– Based on his upbringing, I'd say he probably has a damn good grasp on reading and writing in English, possibly even listening comprehension, but he has no conversational ability whatsoever. As someone who intended to take over the whole world, AFO would've wanted his heir to know English. However, Tomura's extremely secluded childhood meant that he probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to converse in the language or work on his pronunciation.
Dabi- Little to no ability. His education stopped at early middle school a decade previously. He might still be able to say "Hello. My name is Touya. I am from Japan. Do you speak Japanese?" if he'd had those stock phrases beaten into his head during his education.
Toga: See Dabi. She might have a few more phrases memorized since she's more recently out of school than Dabi is. "My favorite color is red. I am 14 years old."
Twice: No ability. Like Dabi and Toga, he also dropped out in middle school. He's older than they are, though, so he's had more time to forget anything he'd learned at school.
Spinner: Shockingly, I think he's the most likely member to be decently fluent in English. If I remember correctly, he finished high school and therefore had at least 3 more years of formal English education than the rest of them did. He's also a young guy who plays video games, which in my experience is a demographic that rapidly gains English skills from playing online with Americans. Shigaraki is explicitly said to have only played solo, but Spinner could've played online. His English conversation skills are probably really good and he's learned every curse word and slur that there is, plus a bunch of idioms. He might not be great at reading and writing in English unless he joined Discord or Tumblr or something.
Compress: Unknown. He's been out of school for a long time, but it seems like a random skill that he'd have.
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tajlibracreations · 8 months
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Divine 9 Fraternity Durags by TajLibra Creations
NEW Durags for the D9 Fraternities. These premium silk durags are extra-long and have wide tails mean extra hold and compression for everyday use.
For the Divine 9 Fraternities:
Alpha Phi Alpha
Kappa Alpha Psi
Omega Psi Phi
Phi Beta Sigma
Iota Phi Theta
CAS DOWNLOAD -   Fraternity Bucket Hats
Outfit Type: Hat (Brimless)
Sub part Type: Hat
Fashion Choice: Masculine
Age: Teen to Elder
All Occults (except Werewolf)
Custom Swatch
Occasions: Everyday, Athletic, Cold Weather, Hot Weather, Party, Swimwear
Swatches: 15  (3 per Fraternity)
Variations:  Alpha (black/gold). Kappa (red/white). Omega (purple/gold), Sigma (blue/white), & Iota (brown/gold).
Disallowed for Random
Recolor designed by TajLibra Creations
Mesh: Base Game Compatible
Models Credits - Photography by @tajlibra
Divine 9 Fraternity Clothing is by TajLibra Creations
DOWNLOAD Divine 9 Fraternity Durags on 🖱️ Patreon
File Name(s):
Uploaded on 10/06/2023 by @tajlibracreations @tajlibra @tajlibradesigns
Want a creation for your Organization? Let me know!
DISCLAIMER: These creations are for The Sims 4 as custom content. This is content is purely for fun. Many simmers love having a piece of reality in their games. Some images were obtained from various online sources and their credit remains on the image. Please do not share disrespectful images or videos using these Divine 9 creations.  Organizations mean a lot to their members.
TajLibra Creations Terms of Use (TOU):
Do not sell or place MY custom content behind paywalls or on paysites. My content is not for sale. Link directly to my Patreon, tumblr, or simfileshare link.
Do not re-upload, re-edit, and/or then claim as your own! Please credit designs to me.
Do not include my content in pay to download lots, rooms, and/or households. Separate my content and provide it as a free download or link to my page.
I credit mesh creators and link to required meshes whenever possible, you should as well. My goal is to never use a mesh that requires payment to download.
Feel free to tag me when you use my creations. @tajlibracreations @tajlibra
Please let me know if links do not work or if you have problems with my content working in your game.
Social Media:
The Sims 4 Gallery: TajLibra (cc free builds & sims),TajLibraCreation & TajLibraCreates
Twitter: @TajLibraCreates
Facebook Page: @TajLibraCreations
Instagram: @Tajlibra
Patreon: patreon.com/TajLibra
LuniverSims: TajLibra
Tumblr: tajlibracreations.tumblr.com & tajlibra.tumblr.com
Discord - TajLibra Creations: Click to Join
Trello Board - TajLibra Creations: Click to Visit
Itch.io: Click Here to view Unreleased Commission Items
YouTube - TajLibra Creations: Click to Visit
Pinterest - TajLibra Creations: Click to Visit
Website - TajLibra Creations
Etsy Store for Digital Art - TajLibra Designs
Kofi - TajLibra: Click to Visit (accepting donations)
Buy Me A Coffee (Smoothie) - TajLibra: Click to Visit (accepting donations)
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zepumpkineater · 5 months
Testing a story mode dub segment. Not gonna be a full dub of Story Mode, just this scene. Actual final video quality will be better, and it will actually begin at Hank entering the lab. Boss fight will also be included. I just trimmed some parts out and compressed it so it could be uploaded to discord. Also, got someone willing to voice Hank. Should be fun?
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friedricebunny · 7 months
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Hello if you've been looking through the liar uncover the truth tags, you may have heard of some discord servers currently working on archiving Liar before it shuts down November 30th. I'm a part of those servers and I'm reaching out to tumblr to see if anyone has what we've got left
Common Reasons for Being Unable to Archive That I'm Just Gonna Get Out of the Way Rn
I can't get audio on the recordings
not a high priority
depending on your device, we can troubleshoot that/find alternatives
I don't have time to record right now
While most of it is recording, yes, we also accept screenshots especially for missing events and data file info!
I can't get the app again/the app doesn't work for me on IOS
We have an APK pinned in our discord that can allow you to play Liar! again on an emulator. We have a couple of recommendations for specific emulators in our discord!
(You will have to set up a transfer account though)
I don't have the disk space
We have multiple resources to help compress videos in our discord!
If you have no problems w/ helping with archiving after me going through that then
The following missing files/stories are categorized as follows:
Missing Data Files: we have absolutely NOTHING on these files - no cgs, no data info, no recordings of story (if applicable)
Missing Data File Stories: goes along with Missing Data Files but we are specifically missing the story recordings of these files
Missing Event Stories: events are unplayable but we'll take clips, screenshots, or short versions of these routes from data files (and if you somehow have the full thing then 👀we'll definitely will take that)
Update: we're also trying to take as many screenshots of sprites and backgrounds as we can for a project we're doing!
Under the read more, we're missing the following stuff:
(this list will be updated as time goes on so please check the most recent version of this post to see what we're missing)
November 30th update: the game has finally shut down
As the game is now officially shut down, the majority of these files cannot be recorded or obtained but if you still have screenshots or already existing recordings of these, then we'll be happy to archive them!
Missing Data Files
No. 236: What If? Part 4 - Toya
No. 237: What If? Part 5 - Kunio
No. 238: What If? Part 4 - Itaru
No. 239: What If? Part 4 - Keima
No. 240: What If? Part 4 - Toya
No: 241: What If? Part 5 - Kunio
No. 242: What If? Part 4 - Itaru
No. 243: What If? Part 5 - Keima
No. 246: File Level 55
No. 262: Sequel Chapter 4 Data (note: it was apparently in EN Liar but there seemed to be no way to access it)
No. 312: What If? Story Part 6 - Kohei
No. 316: What If? Story Part 6 - Kohei
Missing Data Files: Stories
No. 336: File Level 60
No. 305 - D-Team’s First Mission (note: we're having trouble with this file because it seems to be corrupted)
Missing Event Stories
Hectic Yuletide (2nd Revival) - Itaru’s Secret Route 
Perplexing Presents - Accusation Portion
Perplexing Presents - Epilogue
Perplexing Presents - Keima Route
Perplexing Presents - Sotaro Route 
Spring Break Madness! - Stage 1
Spring Break Madness! - Stage 2
Spring Break Madness! - Toya Route
If you have any of these files and would like to help with archiving, then PLEASE join our Liar! discord server with this link before November 30th! (and if you read this after November 30th, you should join anyways if you'd like to talk about Liar! and access our archives): https://discord.gg/sNg6gWhXmd
If you have any questions, please send me an ask!
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jazeswhbhaven · 19 days
Hi~ It's your local whale, @2af-afterdark! I'm responding to that anon who is disappointed that it's hard to find content for the cards. While I can't speak for everyone of course, I can mention a few factors as to why it's hard to find card content.
For cards that will be released in three months, some people may find that it isn't worth it. People will get them in time.
It can be really hard to share the full story. You either need to summarize, screencap, or record a video. The problem with those options is that... Summerizing takes a lot of time and doesn't always convery everything needed, there are hundreds if lines of text to screencap, and sharing videos is really hard. Even if you have the video compressed to 500MB (many website's max upload size), it may never upload. Plus, it's adult content, so it can get flagged pretty quickly.
Google Drives have an annoying limit and some people don't want to pay to have more storage space to save all those videos.
Of course, unlocking the card is its own situation, since you have to get through the entire unholy board.
But that's just me. If anyone could find a reliable way to share card content without it getting taken down within 24 hours or risking the ban hammer, I'm sure more people would share. It's kind of annoying, ngl. I can usually only share on Discord with my friends because Tumblr is the worst for sharing.
If anyone has more solutions, I hope they share them with the fandom.
Ahhh thank you so much @2af-afterdark!! ^^ I hope this helps prior anon :D (also to add yes, my own reacts and summaries literally take about urgg 3-4 hours because organizing screencaps and trying to summarize the best as possible and that usually means they end up being like multiple parts)
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skarlettskwrl · 2 months
Embedding images on AO3: A Guide V2
So, I thought I would go back and make an updated version of the A03 embedding image guide I made back in September of 2022.
This choice was mainly due to one of the options being viable.
Due to the rise in malware distribution, Discord has set expirations on Discord links. This only applies to links that are used outside of Discord.
This short video explains this well
So, If we wanted to use the option, we would need to update the link every 24 hrs in your work.
Not great.
I know I also feel the salt.
Well, with that out the way, let's dive in.
A03 doesn’t actually allow for image hosting itself, so that’s why third-party hosting is needed.
In this guide, we will use these as possible choices to host our images
Google Drive
Other contenders:
IMGBB https://imgbb.com/
imgbox https://imgbox.com/
IMGBAM https://www.imagebam.com/
Image venue https://www.imagevenue.com/
Paste board https://pasteboard.co/
(Most if not all if these options listed require signup)
But really there are many options to choose from. If you have any recommendations, comment, and I’ll add them in.
Before we upload, you may need to compress your image(s) to shave them down to size, as some of these options upload size caps.
I recommend https://compressjpeg.com/ for this task. Or you may choose whatever your preference is.
Hosting options:
Option 1: Google Drive
In Google Drive, create a new folder with the image(s) or subfolders for further organization.
Right-click and select New Folder, and name this folder whatever you want.
Now upload your image(s)
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Right-click on your image and hit share.
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Hit Copy link
The link you have should look something like this
But as is it won't work! We need to modify it first!
Remove the
at the end of the link to work with AO3
Now, you have a working link from Google Drive that is ready to use.
Your modified link should look like…
This Google Drive portion was from this guide here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28132845
Option 2 Tumblr:
Tumblr is not always the best platform to use, as blogs can get deleted or URLs can change. But I’ll include it here anyway.
On mobile
Long tap the image you wish to use in a post.
You will be presented with this menu.
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Tap share photo.
Then, you will be presented with another menu.
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On the desktop, it will basically be the same.
Right-click on the image and hit copy image address.
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Now, you have a working link from Tumblr that is ready to use.
Option 3: Imgur
First sign up for an account. I would recommend this because last year, Imgur began deleting images not tied to a user account. This means that if you upload an image without an account, the image link may eventually expire and the image will be deleted.
Create a new post
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Upload your desired photo(s).
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Do not hit the Grab Link button
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It will not work with AO3
Instead, right, click on the image and hit copy image link or address, depending on your browser.
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Now your Imgur Link is ready to use.
Option 4: Using an image hosting service like postimages.org
You can create an account for free with this one. This is pretty straightforward, so I’ll gloss it over.
Once logged in you will be presented with this page.
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Upload your image, and you will be taken to this page.
Copy Direct link
Now, you have a working link from postimages ready to use.
Step 2: Inserting and fitting the image
Head over to Ao3.
Go to the new or existing chapter in which you wish to embed image(s).
Make sure in the HTML editor view.
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This is located next to the rich text button in the Worktext section, as shown.
Now, find the place in the text where the image should go...
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Now, preview your work to confirm the link is correct.
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As you can see the image worked but in my case the image was waaaayyy too big.
So, we can add the width and height attributes to scale the image to a more comfortable size.
First, we need to know the exact dimensions of the image.
This can be done by looking at the size in an image app or can be done with an online tool.
Record these values
In this example, the image is 1080x2400
Now divide each by the same factor; this is important to avoid compressing or stretching the image.
In this example, We quartered/ divided them by 4.
Width = 1080/4 = 270px Hieght = 2400/4 = 600px
Record these values
And update the img tag
<p> <img src="" alt="" width="" height=""/> </p>
src is the path to the URL.
alt is the alternative text for the image. This is used for accessibility as well as be a modern web standard.
width is the image width in pixels
height is the image height in pixels
You insert your values in between the double quotes.
to close your quote _
to close your image tag
to close and include your units
Here it is much better.
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Make sure in the Rich Text editor view.
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Set the cursor where you want the image. Click the image icon.
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Set the values in this form.
Use the URL we generated in one of the previous 4 options.
Set the Image description
The width and height may be input automatically; if you are unsure, consult the HTML OPTION to find the dimensions and how to rescale an image.
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Here’s how it looks after posting
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Well, that concludes my simple guide to AO3 image embedding. Thanks for reading to the end.
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simply-sithel · 2 months
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The Obstruction of Action by the Existence of Form
A good reminder that having friends enriches many things-- adding or heightening the joy of something that one might not initially highly value on it's own.
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Walking through the Blanton art museum in Austin, TX this weekend I did a sudden double take when I passed the image on the left- turns out I do in fact love all the work by R. Eric McMaster the museum had- but the initial "hockey = @aetherseer = good!" knee jerk association brought special delight. The image on the right, beautiful on its own right, also made me think of several Discord folks and thus held extra charm.
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Normally I'd say I have negative interest in all things "sports ball" but second hand Tumblr mutual subject matter and view points does leave a mark. The helmets above provoked a sudden "I should show this to @odense" thought.
Thankfully the whole thing appears to have been uploaded to Vimeo by the artist.
Text accompanying the exhibit below the cut
R. Eric McMaster's work explores the protocols that govern various sports by manipulating, isolating, or restricting the rules and conditions that determine athletes' movements. For example, the gymnast in the video A Change of Atmosphere performs his pommel horse routine underwater, struggling with the awkwardness of breathing and the challenge of buoyancy rather than balance in the absence of gravity. In the photograph and video The Obstruction of Action by the Existence of Form, two hockey teams play shoulder to shoulder in a rink McMaster constructed at less than one- tenth of regulation size. The compressed space creates an event that is both comical and even more combative than a typical match-the players cannot avoid physical contact. The Obstruction of Action by the Presence of Order appropriates footage from the 2012 Summer Olympics of gymnasts awaiting the signal to perform. The video is silent, with no sportscaster commentary distracting from the tension evident in the athletes' faces as they await permission from an unseen, unheard authority figure. Despite years of practice, they-and we-know that perfection is impossible. McMaster has stated, "When we experience the familiar disrupted, we often can't clearly categorize the experience." His challenging of athletic norms suggests the possibility of new ways of seeing and being in the world. While the results are often humorous, they also create empathy for the vulnerability and pressure athletes experience. Heightened awareness of the regulations to which they are subjected likewise encourages us to reflect on the social dynamics and conventions governing our own lives.
I sat through all the videos & watched The Obstruction of Action by the Presence of Order twice in fact as A joined me halfway through A Change of Atmosphere. The gif comes from the brief shaky video I took to immediately send to @aetherseer -- not captured was the snickering and snorting of A & I laughing throughout the game (w/ much respect and admiration for the piece)
If you can, you should absolutely check it out-- it's on display till August 25, 2024
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