roakkaliha · 1 year
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cliffclan elders n kits
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 138-Leaf-fall
After moons and moons of slow burn romance, rejection, and uncertainty, Peakspots (107) gets up the courage to confess his love to Yuccastar (117).  He’s shocked when they reciprocate and the two become mates.  Moorleg (50) watches this romantic exchange and wonders if her love story can also get a happy ending.  She confesses to Cressfreckle (54) and. . .gets rejected.  He’s barely recovered from the loss of his mates and is not looking for any other romance.  He’s polite about it, but it’s still a rejection.  Also, Cressfreckle has more on his mind than potential mates.  His son has been made a full Healer!  During his ceremony, Gladepaw (14) is visited by his dead mentor, Needlepelt, along with his parents: Airclaw, Graysong, and Yellowcreek.  They assure him that he’ll be alright without them, and that he’s ready for his full name.  Resting her muzzle on Gladepaw’s head, Needlepelt names him Gladepatch, in honor of his resilience.  Cressfreckle could not be prouder of him.  He’s been through so much in his short life, but he’s such a kind and lively young cat.  He’ll do well in the healer's den.  Cressfreckle is also, as always, looking out for the young members of the Clan.  He notices how helpful Pigeonpaw (7) is being around the camp, such as by encouraging the thorns in the barrier to grow.  She’s making the best use of her weak earth-blessing.  Frostheart (41) has been quite invested in the healer's den lately, as her only remaining family resides there. And they’re actually able to communicate with her dead relatives. She annoys Caterpillarmallow (88) by constantly asking the Healers if they’ve heard from StarClan.  She hasn't. Steppemimic (21) has been hearing StarClan voices lately though. . .While on a patrol, Mothecho (17) and Fry (45) come across an injured kittypet named Minha (24).  Her back is broken, and Mothecho can’t help but think about Lilyshade.  Her sister couldn’t survive it, but maybe this cat can.  They bring her back to camp and the Healers get to work.
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Dark Forest Residences: WolfStar, GoldfishFur, & HollowStar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Cursed One, WolfFern, Champion 
Gender: demi-tom 
Sexuality: asexual, demiromantic 
Family: SerpentWing (mother), PuppyNut (father), Rainkit, Bristlekit, Mistlekit (kits), 400+ other family members, 60 who were alive at the same time as him. 
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, HalfSpeckle, BeaverJay, BlotchPad, SmallBlossom, AspenLight, MidnightTail, (apprentices) 
Clan: WolfsfootClan 
Rank: leader 
Characteristics: bloodthirsty, good fighter, reclusive, confidant 
Murder Motive: ambition, fun 
Number of Victims: 80+ 
Number of Murders:  80+ 
Murder Method: luring to fox, clawing/ripping throat out, drowning, shaking to death, disemboweling, skinning, poisoning, hypothermia, burning alive, breaking bones, blunt force, placing maggots into open wounds 
Known Victims: RobinKit, MorningKit, PatchKit, BoulderKit, RunningHare, RaccoonFur, PranceBlossom, PheasantJaw, GoldPelt, BadgerRiver, PinkFoot, TawnyPatch, SheepFang, WolfFeather, BlackKit, DayFur, CrestedSlip, FirePoppy, GrassKit, HayBird, ChasingShade, BristleFur, DuskCatcher, HatchNose, QuickKit, ThunderHorse, BreezeSplash, BriarNose, HollyPaw, SmallBeam, MallowLightening, HeronStorm, SleekDrift, LongRump, JumpLotus, SpiderWhiskers, PrickleFur, BroomDust, HollowStar/Stripe, CicadaStar, WolfFade, NeedlePelt, BitternFur, LarchKit, CrookedStone, PloverTuft, BogEar, BraveSkip, RainFur, FawnSnow, RushWish, FawnLeaf, LoudPelt, BlackSpeckle, ShardSpeck, Jayhorse, BubblingSky, OrangeRoar, HalfSpeckle, TroutPeak, PiperNoise, BeetleShade, DancingWhisker,   BayBlaze, SnapDragonBerry, ShrewHeart, CoconutTooth, GoldPelt, BadgerRiver, many rogues 
Victim Profile: Clanmates, rogues. 
Cause of Death: blood loss from many injuries
Cautionary Tale: beware the quick cats with long legs and sharper claws that haunt the forests
WolfFern was born in a very large Clan mostly made out of his kin, but he never got very close to anyone except GoldfishFur. 
WolfFern grew up to be the incredibly ambitious apprentice to the deputy, WolfFade. 
It was truly a shame when sweet, elderly WolfFade showed up dead outside camp after WolfFern was made Champion. 
He didn’t have any issue with killing his mentor. It was just a necessity to become leader. WolfFern spent a moon planning how to get rid of CicadaStar, but in the end he didn’t need to. The anxious, thin leader who never shared how many lives he had left got sick and, to WolfFerns luck, was on his last life. 
Within a moon of becoming a warrior, he was deputy. Within a moon of becoming deputy, he was now leader. 
WolfStar starting killing. Sometimes those who annoyed him, sometimes for fun. 
He began washing his paws very frequently, which his best friend GoldfishFur noticed. GoldfishFur helped him kill many more cats, and forced WolfStar into a code of sorts. Helped him cover his tracks. And in return, GoldfishFur was made deputy. 
Over many moons his kill count grew, and he even found a mate of convenience. He had very few friends, and needed a way to keep connected to the Clan. To seem devoted to them. They had RainKit, MistleKit, and BristleKit together. 
Many, many more Clanmates died, and Wolfstar realized that he didn’t feel any grief in killing any of them, not even his kin. 
He took on many apprentices, and even appointed a Champion: HollowStripe, however he would have to wait until HollowStripe was no longer with kits. 
GoldfishFur helped him commit countless more murders and continued to do so after he retired early from his chronic joint pain in his front leg. BroomDust was an easy deputy to manipulate, but everyone knew GoldfishFur called the shots. 
The only time WolfStar truly grieved for was their father, PuppyNut. Wolfstar never received visions, but that night he prayed for PuppyNut to visit him. 
The secrets, the constant lies and covers, all the small injuries hidden in his long fur caught up to him and he lost it. He killed ten Clancats in front of the clan, and everyone was too scared when GoldfishFur turned on them as well to stand up to the cruel duo. 
And, to his Clan's horror, he began skimming the corpses and piling them in the centre of camp as an example. 
At the next elder's ceremony, he slashed SpiderWhiskers throat out. A couple cats died from the stress, more killed by GoldfishFur and WolfStar. HollowStripe was an easier deputy to manipulate anyway. Eventually WolfStar and GoldfishFur organized an attack with a group of rogues. 
WolfStar died of his injuries, but not before nearly exterminating the Clan. 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Two-faced Tom, Goldy
Gender: demitom 
Sexuality: bisexual 
Family: CoconutTooth, WhirlAster (parents), HerringBreeze (mate), GuppyShadow, TallyPaw  (daughters), MilkPaw, KoiPaw (sons) 400+ other family members, 60 who were alive at the same time as him
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, PoppyHeart, LaurelNight (apprentices) 
Clan: WolfsfootClan 
Rank: deputy (retired)
Characteristics: cold, goofy, good kitsitter, manipulative 
Murder Motive: to protect his best friend 
Number of Victims: 80+ 
Number of Murders:  80+ 
Murder Method: luring to fox, clawing/ripping throat out, drowning, shaking to death, disemboweling, skinning, poisoning, hypothermia, burning alive, breaking bones, blunt force. 
Known Victims: RobinKit, MorningKit, PatchKit, BoulderKit, RunningHare, RaccoonFur, PranceBlossom, PheasantJaw, GoldPelt, BadgerRiver, PinkFoot, TawnyPatch, SheepFang, WolfFeather, BlackKit, DayFur, CrestedSlip, FirePoppy, GrassKit, HayBird, ChasingShade, BristleFur, DuskCatcher, HatchNose, QuickKit, ThunderHorse, BreezeSplash, BriarNose, HollyPaw, SmallBeam, MallowLightening, HeronStorm, SleekDrift, LongRump, JumpLotus, SpiderWhiskers, PrickleFur, BroomDust, HollowStar/Stripe, CicadaStar, WolfFade, NeedlePelt, BitternFur, LarchKit, CrookedStone, PloverTuft, BogEar, BraveSkip, RainFur, FawnSnow, RushWish, FawnLeaf, LoudPelt, BlackSpeckle, ShardSpeck, Jayhorse, BubblingSky, OrangeRoar, HalfSpeckle, TroutPeak, PiperNoise, BeetleShade, DancingWhisker,   BayBlaze, SnapDragonBerry, ShrewHeart, CoconutTooth, GoldPelt, BadgerRiver, many rogues 
Victim Profile: Clanmates, rogues. 
Cause of Death: thrown into pit of starving rabid cats, snake bite. 
Cautionary Tale: beware the quick cats with long legs and sharper claws that haunt the forests
GoldfishFur got along perfectly with his Clan. In fact, he was very popular.
When he caught WolfStar in the middle of a murder, GoldfishFur killed the cat before it could scream to him for help. 
WolfStar exposing the murders was very against their original plan, but GoldfishFur still used it to his advantage. The Clan now fully trusted him instead. 
He regretted the murders when he saw his Clanmates grieving, and he grieved for all the cats he had killed. One, however, nearly broke him: ChasingShade.
The two were fighting with a fox when GoldfishFur’s weak leg gave out, and the fox tore out ChasingShade's throat. 
When the deputy, BroomDust, spoke badly about WolfStar, GoldfishFur killed him before the Clan as an example. The sweet, goofy cat turning on his family. 
GoldfishFur had kits whom he loved, and desperately tried to keep out of the way of the rogue attack. The Clan fought back, stronger than they’d expected, and GoldfishFur was bitten by a snake after being backed up over the snake rocks. 
Before he could succumb to the venom, he  was torn apart. 
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Aliases / Nicknames: HollowHearted Leader, HollowStripes
Gender: tom 
Sexuality: unlabelled 
Immediate Family: DuskCatcher, MallowLightening (parents), ShardKit, BrookLeopard, RubbleShade (daughters) LongKit, GrassKit (sons), many unnamed siblings
Other Relations:
Clan: WolfsfootClan
Rank: leader, Champion 
Characteristics: proud, ambitious, good fighter, excellent den builder
Murder Motive: exterminate all of QuickStar’s descendants 
Number of Victims: 60
Number of Murders: 60 
Murder Method: poisoning via deathberries and lilies, hiring rogues. 
Known Victims: WolfLilac, BrookLeopard, RubbleShade, many unnamed Clan cats
Victim Profile: cats from QuickStar’s family tree 
Cause of Death: neck torn out by wolf 
Cautionary Tale: beware the quick cats with long legs and sharper claws that haunt the forests
HollowStar lasted a few moons after he became leader to the once thriving ClubmossClan, now shaken down and beaten from the inside. 
With so many cats having been murdered at the paws of WolfStar and GoldfishFur, the lan was left in shambles. Cats turning on each other, Clans spreading word of curses. It was all too much. They had to be right! It was all a curse! 
For decades, the Clans have been plagued by QuickStars legacy. It had to end. But first, HollowStar had something to do first. 
He only killed one cat directly, and that was WolfLilac. He couldn’t stand to hear her name called across camp. 
She was fierce, and put up a big fight. He earned a couple scratches along his back in exchange for her life. 
Next, he gathered as much deathberries as possible alongside his two surviving daughters, born secretly to a rogue and haven grown up in Twolegplace. They were young, and listened to him out of an eagerness to impress their father. 
They squeezed the deathberries into the pond, and within a day, half the Clan was seizing, frothing at the mouth, and convulsing on the ground by the drinking pond. 
His daughters waited patiently by his side while the screams slowed, more and more surviving cats deserting. If they were of QuickStar’s decent, they were swiftly disposed of by some rogues who were helping in exchange for safe passage through the forest. 
His daughters should have checked the prey he’d given them, for maybe they would have noticed the lily petals left inside it the day prior. 
It was finally over! Starclan would be so proud of him! 
The scent of blood quickly overtook the forest, leaving HollowStar in the middle. He should have realized that the starving wolves would have been interested in the easy meal.
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Additional Information: 
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors
Wills: "I left a lot out, but he’s one of my favourites and is incredibly interesting. He hid that he was killing for years from his clan. He never had an attachment to his kits or mate, only ever getting close with GoldfishFur and HollowStripe."
*He drove the Xlan mad. No one was brave enough to stand up to him. 
*He’s a very big and strong cat, and he’s about as ruthless as Alder/Myrtle and GremlinFrost. 
Wills: "also a very interesting cat from clangen, and again one of my favourites."
*Almost all events from these two stories are from clangens generated story itself!  cv Clangen Images are  from the brief moments he was in starclan during his trial. 
*Few of QuickStar’s decendants possibly got away, but not very many. 
*HollowStripe was actually a very sweet child before WolfStar took him under his wing (arm? Paw?) 
*The end of QuickStar’s legacy! 
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blorboclaw · 2 years
Making this an official AU question for you:
What would happen if Squirrelflight ends up pregnant while Leafpool is still pregnant? About 2-3 weeks afterwards, so there's quite a desynch to when they would expect to give birth.
OK so Leafpool and Squirrelflight start their journey, both are pregnant, Leafpool gives birth to JayLionHolly, and Squirrelflight to SparkAlderDandelionJuniper.
Dandelion and Juniper die. They were the weakest and it’s cold out there, granted. But also, neither Leafpool nor Squirrelflight are at their best so hunting is difficult, and Leafpool isn’t the best hunter out there either.
I mean I’m barring the possibility that they just all die out there and Whitewing ends up with three kits who are the Three.
So anyway, Dandelion and Juniper died. They come back to the clans with five kits and everyone’s like “wow it’s the biggest litter we’ve seen yet!”.
Since Squirrelflight has milk, she nurses them all. It means Jayfeather won’t find out about their biological parents the same way, if at all. Brambleclaw is extatic to have five kits of his own. THey all play pretend fight with him and everything, all is going well.
During the scene of the fire, all six (Squilf and the Five) are there when Ashfur arrives. Squirrelflight is like “those are not my kits.” and he lets them go and then she’s like “yeah no actually you are my kits it’s a bit complicated” when Alderheart asks her what she meant. no one understands what’s going on, but the five are convinced she was bluffing.
Ashfur lets the secret blow up at the Gathering, accusing Squirrelflight of having taken in the kits of Leafpool and Crowfeather (because who else would Squirrelflight do this for but Leafpool, and who else could Leafpool have had kits with?). Crowfeather is like “what”, Nightcloud and Breezepelt are like “WHAT”, Leafpool scoffs and says it’s ridiculous and she didn’t expect him to muddy the waters like that what did she do to him to warrant such a stupid accusation?
The Five are like “yeah that’s stupid we’re so obviously Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight’s kits!”, and Squirrelflight accuses him in front of everybody to not be over her when she’s been with her mate for half a dozen seasons already (which is true). Ashfur is taken back to apprentice for trying to cause a scandal at the gathering.
Out of the five, Three only are the Chosen Ones, and it just so happen that it’s Sparkpelt, Jayfeather and Lionblaze. Sparkpelt has intense senses, but she’s an overachiever: she’s not going to get the same problems as Dovewing. She’s going to master her senses quite quickly.
When the Beavers arrive, she is part of the patrol with Lionblaze. She doesn’t fall in love with Tigerheart because she’s impulsive but she’s got her head screwed on the right way.
No Hollyleaf in the Tunnels mean that Blossomfall and Ivypool die in the tunnels and that Molepaw and Cherrypaw are killed by that one fox. (although if it was proved that this fox was the one Hollyleaf saved in the tunnels it would be different).
Mousefur, Ferncloud, Sorreltail and Hollyleaf die in the Great Battle. With those plus the ones who died before it’s starting to be a lot of losses for Thunderclan. (plus Seedpaw and all during the great storm etc) so Bramblestar refuses to let anyone leave the clan for an apprentice’s vision. Particularly a warrior apprentice (eh, with Jaypaw as an apprentice medicine cat they were not going to have two medicine cat apprentices at the same time)
Twig and Violet starve, Skyclan dies out. No Darktail around the lake. Rowanstar tames his unruly apprentices then dies and Tawnystar ascends, with a Tigerheart who never left his clan and never mated with a thunderclan she-cat as her deputy. Needletail is still alive and was named Needlepelt (she chose her own warrior name in the Kin). Juniperclaw is named Juniperstem, etc etc. All those who chose their warrior names in the kin have new names. I don’t like their names.
Anyway after that canon basically knits itself back together. No Skyclan means no meeting the Sisters, Leafpool doesn’t die too soon. No Leafpool dying means no Moonpool freezing, according to some theories. So no Bramblefake, and since I have barely finished Lost Stars I’m going to stop here.
Although the clans probably die out one after the other because of the new poisonous plant the Sisters knew the remedy for but that’s a whole other sack of wet mice.
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pixxyofice · 2 years
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been a while!
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hi yarrowclan
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baileygorse what the hell you can't have your kits lose one of their moms. also you were previously a kittypet they thought you were lost...
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:( (patrols normal)
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mutual dislike?
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if only in this version of the game that baileygorse could come back. alas...
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needlepelt that is a kit.
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oh... i'm sure jayflame is doing her best
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petalleap please be a better deputy
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the sisters have a neat relationship goin on
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hi jayflameeeee
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YEAHHHH APPRENTICES (i changed mousepaw because adderfoot is their other mom)
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wheee recovery
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'man i miss my mom'
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sharpilu · 3 years
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Ebony Blood art w0oo0o00o0oo0oo
last tuesday of june, and as such, pride art! featuring characters from me and my partner’s warriors rp
from left to right, on the first image, we have Needlepelt and Ashstorm, then Violetwing, Batpaw, and Blizzardshadow(who belongs to andy) in the second one !!
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Full name ideas for Shadowpaw, Rootpaw and Needlepaw?
shadowheart, shadowpelt, shadowpool, shadowclaw, shadowlight, shadowleaf
roottail, rootfoot, rootheart, rootbranch, rootwhisker, rootflight, rootbreeze, rootpelt, rootpuddle, rootshine, rootshadow, rootleaf
needlepelt, needleclaw, needletalon, needlewing, needleflight, needletooth, needlefang, needleshine, needlebranch, needleshade, needlefur
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aldercloud · 2 years
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*✧・゚:* the three clans of Cliff Island *✧・゚:*
PineClan 🌲
PineClan, the northernmost Clan on the island, is sheltered in the cradle of the mountains that separate the unclaimed territory from the Clans. Their vast territory is covered with tall pine and birch trees, their coastline entirely cliff. Their border with MeadowClan is interrupted by the marsh and the gathering pond. Their base camp is at the foot of one of their tall mountains, and they prosper under the wise leadership of Owlstar and Vineleg.
SaltClan 🌊
SaltClan claims the majority of Cliff Island’s southern shore. Most of their territory is made up of their mixed forest and rocky beaches. Their border with MeadowClan is at the very edge of the meadow, and they are the only clan who does not touch the neutral pond and marsh. They are the only clan that regularly swims, and their camp is in the center of the forest. Their leader and deputy, Bearstar and Pikepool, have been in position for a very long time and are well known for their leadership skills.
MeadowClan 🌾
MeadowClan claims the entirety of the island’s western shore, and their territory is primarily made up of a gigantic meadow and moorland. They border the marsh and pond, along with PineClan. Their base camp is hidden within the tall grass of the meadow. The mountain nearest to them, in the unclaimed territory, is the home of the Moonspring. Their young leader, Sunstar, is well known for his ruthless ambition and loner origins.
Leader: Bearstar (Large she-cat with dark brown fur and a deep voice)
Deputy: Pikepool (Lithe she-cat with silver tabby fur and a small frame) (Apprentice, Flintpaw)
Medicine Cat: Badgertail (Brown and white spotted tom)
Sparrowflap (Dark brown, skinny she-cat) (Apprentice, Alderpaw)
Rosehipheart (Tall, dilute calico she-cat with long fur) (Apprentice, Sootpaw)
Roosterfoot (Small, dark ginger tabby tom)
Swallowstone (Large, long-furred black cat)
Rainpool(Sleek, pure white she-cat with extra toes) (Apprentice, Asterpaw)
Anttooth (small, thick mackerel tabby she-cat)
Sealfur (Rosetted, skinny brown she-cat) (Apprentice, Ripplepaw)
Thornleap (Skinny, dark brown tom)
Tidefall (deep orange tom)
Sootpaw (Light gray, sleek and small tom with white paws and a fully white tail) (Mentor, Rosehipheart)
Alderpaw (Smoke tabby tom with long fur and a cream belly and paws) (Mentor, Sparrowflap)
Aspenpaw (Fluffy calico cat) (Mentor, Rainpool)
Flintpaw (All-black tall tom) (Mentor, Pikepool)
Ripplepaw (Soft-furred blue-gray she-cat)(Mentor, Sealfur)
Queens/Sires/Nursery minders:
Clamshell (Round, pale yellow-gray she-cat) (kits, Deerkit and Tidekit)
Dusknose (Small-framed and sleek blue-gray she-cat) (kits, Sootpaw)
Whitecapfang (Dark gray, fluffy tom with vitiligo) (kits; Kelpkit, Rockkit, Foamkit)
Yewstep (Light brown she-cat) (full-time nursery minder)
Deerkit (Fawn tom with blue eyes)
Tidekit (Fawn tom with green eyes)
Kelpkit (All-black she-kit)
Rockkit (Calico she-kit)
Foamkit (All-white tom)
Crabfoot (Pale ginger tom)
Dandelionleaf (Yellow she-cat)
Slateheart (Ancient dark gray tom)
Leader: Owlstar (old, ruffled tabby tom) (apprentice, Cliffpaw)
Deputy: Vineleg (tall, skinny gray and cream she-cat)
Medicine cat: Batwing (small and sleek black cat) (apprentice, Fernpaw)
Snowfeather (lynx point she-cat)
Blackspot (very large tabby tom with black markings) (apprentice, Icepaw)
Stalkfrost (very large tuxedo patterned tom)
Copperclaw (small, mostly orange tortoiseshell she-cat)
Tasselfur (fluffy, pale ginger she-cat)
Timberline (dark brown tom)
Cliffpaw (gray she-cat) (mentor, Owlstar)
Fernpaw (auburn tom with pale green eyes) (mentor, Batwing)
Icepaw (all-white tom) (mentor, Blackspot)
Queens/Sires/Nursery Minders:
Needlepelt (dark ginger tabby she-cat) (kits; Flowerkit, Snowkit, Mothkit, and Acornkit)
Flowerkit (Pale ginger tom)
Snowkit (smoke tabby she-kit)
Mothkit (Black and white spotted she-kit)
Acornkit (dark ginger tom with white tuxedo markings)
Smudgenose (all black tom with a speck of white on his nose)
Leader: Sunstar (small, golden, yellow and orange tom)
Deputy: Beetail (white and cream she-cat)
Medicine Cats:
Lupineleaf (lavender-gray tom) (apprentice, Cricketleap)
Cricketleap (light brown she-cat)
Grassfur (pale gold, scruffy tom)
Appleheart (brown and cream she-cat) (apprentice, Dovepaw)
Owlfeather (creamy brown tom)
Bluetstorm (cream and gray tom)
Blackberry fur (round, black she-cat)
Milktail (tuxedo-patterned she-cat)
Shocknose (tuxedo-patterned tom)
Heronwing (off-white tom) (apprentice, Birchpaw)
Dovepaw (white she-cat) (mentor, Appleheart)
Birchpaw (deep orange she-cat) (mentor, Heronwing)
Willowwood (white she-cat) (kit, Dovepaw)
Pearheart (golf and cream she-cat) (kits, Lemonkit and Gooseberrykit)
Lemonkit (golden she-kit, identical to Sunstar)
Gooseberrykit (creamy yellow tom)
Sunnyclaw (dark orange tom)
Cloverstream (white she-cat)
The story:
Part one:
Rising Winds: In SaltClan, the apprentice Alderpaw begins to have strange dreams. In an attempt to decipher these dreams, the medicine cat Badgertail takes Alderpaw under his wing. As secrets about the SaltClan and MeadowClan leaders begin to unravel, Alderpaw finds himself thrust into places very few Clan cats have gone before.
Part two:
Raging Storm: Alderpaw, now Aldercloud, begins to deal with the fallout of his prophecies. To try and repair the broken Clans, Aldercloud joins forces with Icestorm of PineClan and Birchpaw of Meadowclan, but tensions form in their group as Clan relationships fracture.
Part three:
Breaking Sun: Foamfrost watches as his brother and former mentor, Aldercloud, reels from a myriad of losses. The Clans are on their way to repair, but Foamfrost and the other veterans feel like wartime relics with no sense of purpose. He and Aldercloud struggle to help their Clan and find their true paths in life.
Map of Cliff Island:
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Sage green: SaltClan
Light green: MeadowClan
Dark green: PineClan
Other dark green: neutral territory
Other green: unknown land
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wolftheidioticfan · 7 years
Current Birdclan and Dustclan cats for my warrior cats bullshit. (Aspenclan not really included yet minus two cats as Birdclan and Dustclan are the main focus)
Leader: Featherstar – tall-legged she-cat with a sandy colored coat, speckled with small white flecks. Amber eyes and a bushy tail.
Deputy: Robinfoot – muscular brown tom with a reddish-brown chest. Light blue eyes. 
Medicine Cat: Snaketooth – small white and brown tom whom is missing an eye. Amber colored eye.
Warriors: Talonheart – black she-cat with golden colored eyes. Apprentice: Smallpaw
Ratear – a long furred grey-tuxedo tom with amber eyes and white paws.
Gullsong – Light grey tom with a dark blue-grey chest and underbelly. Blue eyes. Apprentice: Mousepaw
Flatnose – Ginger tom with long matted fur and a flat muzzle. Back left paw is white. Green eyes.  Apprentice: Skinkpaw
Skinkpaw – unusual golden spotted white she-cat. Hazel eyes.
Smallpaw – brown tabby tom with small paws. Brown eyes.
Mousepaw – beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat. Golden eyes.
Needlepelt – tortoiseshell she-cat with a large patch of fur missing on her back. Brown eyes.
Leopardtail – gorgeous bengal colored she-cat with green eyes.
Blindeye – sandy colored tom with a white muzzle. Two blind, amber eyes.
Leader: Lizardstar – short legged grey tom with dark grey around the eyes and a dark grey tail. Blue eyes.
Deputy: Viperclaw – black she-cat with a white heartshaped marking on her back and a white tipped tail. Golden eyes.
Medicine cat: Longwhisker – Smokey colored tom with unusually long whiskers. Blue eyes.
Dawnstripe – golden she-cat with brown stripes on her face. Green eyes.
Carptail – Tan tom with a white face,tail tip,and paws. Blue eyes. Apprentice: Chicorypaw.
Redpool – reddish brown she-cat with a short tail. Brown eyes.
Silverfoot – Grey and white tabby tom. Amber eyes.
Chicorypaw – white she-cat with a black back and ears. Golden eyes.
Greytail – ash-grey she-cat with a darker grey tail. Blue eyes.
Leader: Rabbitstar – siamese tom with unusually long ears. Green eyes.
Deputy: Leafpelt – beautiful calico she-cat with odd colored eyes, one blue one green.
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roakkaliha · 7 months
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cliffclan apprentices all grown up
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roakkaliha · 1 year
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cliffclan warrior apprentices
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 132-Newleaf
Newleaf was supposed to be a new start.  Everything was going so well.  Chasingskip (44) had announced that she was expecting kits, thrilling Chervilcry (111) who’s excited to have Grandkits.  However, the excitement was short-lived after Needlepelt (35) was found dead near the ChaffinchClan border.  ElementClan had just made peace with their neighbors.  Do they want to start a war again?  Caterpillarmallow (82) feels like she has lost a tail, or a limb, or a shadow.  She relied on Needlepelt, trusted her, and contemplating moving on from the loss seems impossible.  Caterpillarmallow trembles, tearing at her nest, unable to sleep as she broods over Needlepelt’s last moments.  Did she suffer?  Was she scared?  Was there something Caterpillarmallow could have done to better protect her co-worker?  She can’t shake the crushing guilt.  Frostheart (35) is shocked that she and Gladepaw (8) are the only surviving members of Brightfalcon and Bushmask’s family.  How did their large family dwindle to so few?  Caterpillarmallow’s grief has been making her testy.  She snaps at little Rustkit (1) and gets in a fight with her that Chervilcry ends up breaking up.   Meanwhile, Lupinefrost (15) has been developing a bit of a crush on Frostheart.  He stays up all night thinking about ways to impress her.
Meta: With the death of Needlepelt, Conegoat is now Gladepaw's mentor
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 131-Leaf-bare
Conepaw (14) has received her Healer name of Conegoat, honoring her nurturing presence.  She feels like there’s still so much to learn and frets about whether or not she is ready.  Caterpillarmallow (81) assures her that StarClan will always be there to guide her.  Needlepelt (34) knows that her brother’s kit has gone through a lot of loss in his young life and wonders how he’s doing.  Gladepaw’s (7) her apprentice, but she doesn’t feel like she knows her nephew very well.  She’ll have to fix that.  Cressfreckle (47) is feeling exhausted.  He’s been working so hard keeping an eye on the Clan's young cats that he hasn’t taken much time for himself.  Frostheart (34) is also wondering how Gladepaw is doing.  She hasn’t really been a part of his life, as she wasn’t close with her brother, but Gladepaw seems like a decent cat.  She may want to get to know him.  In other news, the newcomer Strawberrytrail (119) has decided to retire.  She may as well make the best use of Clan life, right?  While on patrol, the Healers come across two kits next to the dead body of their mother.   One of them, Pigeonkit (0), has a weak earth-blessing, while the other, Rustkit (0), is powerless.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 130-Leaf-bare
Gladepaw (6) has been made a Healer apprentice.  He’s glad to be out of the nursery, but his ceremony is a bittersweet occasion.  As he sits with Cressfreckle (46), he can’t help but wish that his other parents, who he barely remembers, could be there too.  It feels wrong that Yellowcreek, Graysong, and Airclaw aren’t there.  Steppepaw (13) has also been made a full Healer, honoring her observance with the name of Steppemimic.   Conepaw (13) is a little jealous that her sister, who started Healer training after her, got made a full Healer before her.  Her brother has also been made a warrior, with the name of Lupinefrost (13) in honor of his caution, leaving Conepaw as the only one of Fry’s (37)  kits  who is still an apprentice. Although annoyed at this, Conepaw quite likes being in the healer's den, particularly around Needlepelt (33).  She  thinks everything the other she-cat does is so entertaining. After so much loss, the Clan is trying to rebuild.  Amethystdapple (57) invites in a rogue named Strawberrytrail (118), who, the Clan is surprised to find, has an enormously powerful fire blessing.  She’s even more powerful than Nightingaletree was.  Yuccastar (109) thinks she’ll be nice to have on their side, even if she is older.  Yuccastar feels like Peakspots (99) is trying to undermine her and brings it up to him.  He hasn’t been trying to, and is upset. Chervilcry (109) has to step in to break up their fight.  Despite the fact that Wildcave (13) is now a warrior, Peakspots is still enjoying spending time with his former apprentice. They had a mock fire battle, which was safe due to the piles of snow around.  Cressfreckle is still looking out for Lilypaw (9), making sure that she’s alright in her training with Yuccastar.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 128-Leaf-fall
After four long moons, the war with ChaffinchClan has ended.  To celebrate, Wildpaw (11) has been made a warrior.  His name is Wildcave, honoring his unpredictability.  Fry (35) is so proud of his first kit to become a warrior and is excited for when the rest of his kits will begin the next phase in their journeys.  Yuccastar (107) is checking in with her apprentice, making sure that Lilypaw (7) is alright after the deaths of her father and sister.  They've noticed that Lilypaw’s glow has been dimmer lately.  Almost as dim as Yuccastar’s own. Lilypaw responds that she’s doing alright.  She just. .  .really wants to be safe and follow all the rules.  Caterpillarmallow (78) is feeling protective over the Healer apprentices.  She promises to always look out for Conepaw (11) and surprises Steppepaw (11) with something nice.  Gladekit (4) has also taken to spending time with Caterpillarmallow and Needlepelt (31), who are his aunts, in the Healer's den.  He wants to learn more about his father’s work and what he’ll be doing once he becomes an apprentice.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 126-Leaf-fall
The Clan cannot escape tragedy.  Although the war with ChaffinchClan seemed to be winding down, the weather decided to take a turn for the worse.  A flash flood washed through camp, destroying dens and taking lives.  Gentle (113) was ill from the poison, and couldn’t move fast enough.  Gardeniapaw (9) and Midgepurr (23) were trying to help him to safety, but all three of them perished.  When the nursery flooded, Cressfreckle (42) and Graysong (39) tried to get Airclaw (68) and Gladekit (2) to safety.  Unfortunately, being so close to kitting, Airclaw didn’t have the endurance to make it.  And Graysong had never been a great swimmer.  The two of them drowned, but Cressfreckle managed to get the kit to safety.  Luckstripe (63) also perished, but got all three of his kits to safety.  Flightkit (5) and Lilykit’s (5)  untrained water magic may have helped them survive.  Bushmask (136), being an elder, required a lot of help to get out.  Flinttooth (27) and Timberfleck (23) were trying to save him, but all three of them drowned.  The last founding member of the Clan was gone. Stonefreckle (109) saw them go under and tried to swim back to help them, but was hit up against the rocks by the current and died.  Finally, just when the rest of the survivors had almost made it to safety, Cressfreckle saw Faiththrift (47) reaching for Yuccastar’s (105) paw.  Yuccastar stepped back, and let the other star-blessed cat get washed away by the flood.  The entire Clan is in grieving-they all lost someone-but Chervilcry (105) is especially impacted by it.  She wishes that she could have done more to stop the flood with her water powers.  But she is just one cat.  Maybe if Shardfrost were alive she would have been able to turn the tides.  But Chervilcry has never been that powerful.  Frostheart (29) and Needlepelt (29) seek comfort in each other, as the only survivors of Brightfalcon and Bushmask’s kits. Cressfreckle curls up with the bodies of his mates one final time, vowing that his loves’ memories will live on through him and Gladekit.  And that he won’t let Yuccastar kill again.  Peakspots (95) is shaken by the loss of his brother.  He seeks out the company of the kits and begins to feel safer with the powerfully star-blessed Lilykit around.  Steppepaw (9) has been made a Healer apprentice instead of a warrior apprentice.  With the loss of two Healers, the Clan will need more.  But she can’t help but feel like the Clan is trying to replace Gardeniapaw.
Meta: Yes, Airclaw was supposed to have her kits this moon. She died before she had them. Also, since Gentle was Steppepaw's mentor, he died and then she became a medicine cat apprentice, her new mentor is Needlepelt.
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