#confession: i didnt draw the background this time
bahrtofane · 7 months
here we go again - pt.1
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pt. 2 , pt.3
jude x fem!reader , trent x fem!reader
empty promise after another leaves you walking in the cold. alone. on valentines day. youre never speaking to another player again.
word count : 1K+
watch it : mild fluff, heavy on the angst, situationships, toxic relationships, Jude is kinda an ass in this one sorry, not very happy ending
happy valentines day LOL
you and Jude have a complex history, complex relationship. 
you aren't officially together but at the same time you are exclusive. it's odd, but it's what works at the moment, (even if you wish he would just grow the balls to make you his already.)
you get he's a busy guy, top player both club and international. you aren't going to force him to choose you or make him get with you while his career is soon about to peak. 
your wishes for more soon fade into the background as he presses gentle kisses into your skin. he called you a few hours prior, wondering if you wanted to keep him company while he binges movies and orders you a pizza. you said yes, maybe a little foolishly. but it's hard to stay away from him. 
he's addicting. maybe it's a rush of being with someone whose whole existence is so grand. maybe it's the fact of knowing you have what millions of others crave for. you don't know, you try not to read into the intricacies. bad habit. 
so here you are, face pressed up against his chest while you lay side by side on this stupidly large couch, action movie playing, your pizza done, belly full and body warm. 
"what are you thinking about love?" he mumbles. 
"you." you shrug.
"me ?" he chuckles. 
you hum, wiggling deeper into the pile of blankets. 
"i've been thinking about you. and us." he confesses, almost shy. the movie playing in front of you has long fizzled out of your attention. 
hey might as well rip the band aid off. 
"me too," you hum, "why aren't we official again?"
you feel him sigh dramatically, "because my career."
you squint. there goes the same lousy explanation. "you could put more i don't know, thought into us."
he shifts under the blankets , "valentine's day is coming up. dont worry love i have it all planned out." he assures you. 
"oh yeah ?" you tease
"just you wait, the best valentine's day ever." he kisses the top of your head soundly.
worst fucking valenties day of your life. you don't remember being more livid a day in your life. you cant remember the last time so much pure rage burned through you, hot enough to hurt. you didn't think it was humanly possible to clench your fist so tight youve dug into your palm hard enough to draw blood. 
your head hurts, your legs hurt, you think your arm is starting to bruise from where you were shoved into a table on "accident" but what would Jude know. he was so busy taking pictures with models and laughing at corny jokes while you kept yourself company. texting and calling didnt work and he didn't even try to give you any attention the whole night, you can't keep doing this with him. 
"you can't just run off-" Jude shouts from somewhere behind you. 
"or what Jude. or fucking what." you seeth, not bothering to face him, storming out into the night. 
It's your fault for trusting him all those nights ago. your fault for falling for the same shit over and over. 
he sprints to catch up to you, "i don't know why you're being like this."
you stop dead in your tracks, "oh i don't know, let's think. you didn't tell me your escorts would be there. and to top it all fucking off they have to nerve to be on my ass the whole night, not letting me get anywhere near you even through we walked in together?"
he doesn't respond and you half the mind not to punch the shit out of him, walking further away from the club you just came from, heels clanking against the sidewalk so hard it hurts, pulling on your dress so you dont trip and fall. maybe you should let it go so you can fall flat on your face. that would be a better ending to the night than seeing his face. silly stupid you thinking this would work. 
"happy fucking valentines day huh Jude. you take me to a damn club, you ignore me the whole night, and you spend all your time surrounded by other women who might as well just suck you off right then and there." you yell, hell if anyone hears. you want them too, you want him to be as humiliated as you feel. 
Bellinghams date thrown away the moment you step inside, ignored and tossed for some common whores. oh you can't wait to see where your face ends up online after tonight. you can see the headlines now. 
he grabs your arm, making you face him, "love listen-"
"no, you dont get to fucking do that anymore. you cant keep sweet talking your way out of things when you fuck up. why can't you just pretend to care" your voice shakes, you can feel tears brimming in your eyes.
"i'm not trying to talk my way out of it, i'm trying to explain." he tries.
you yank your arm out of his grip, "i'm not listening anymore, im done. all i asked was one day for us, just valentines day to make things work. and you showed me you dont care enough for that." 
"please, let me fix this." he pleads.
"its too late."
"i wanted things to work so fucking bad, and you humiliated me Jude. i imagined a nice dinner, hell i would have settled for take out and a few kisses. that's how bad i want things to work, that's how bad i wanted you." you tremble. 
"please my darling. let's talk about this. come back inside and i'll show everyone that you are mine," he holds a hand out to you, waiting. silently pleading with each breath he takes. 
the street lights dance across his skin as for a moment you almost believe him. for a moment you think about stepping back inside with him. you can't do that to yourself, not again. 
"no, iim done. don't follow me, don't call me dont text nothing. i want nothing more to do with you." your firm, final. swallowing the lump that builds in your throat, youd be damned if he sees you cry after this fucking shit show.
he stops in his tracks at this, not bothering to try and stop you. 
it hurts more than it should to leave him behind you, but you honest to god can not keep up with his lifestyle. 
all those articles and rumors were right you suppose, he's an arrogant stuck up bastard with too much money to know what to do with, too cocky for his own good and destroys anything good that comes his way. you hope he's happy without you. 
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nightcolorz · 6 months
I must confess something, I do not understand white Vox lol is it just his VA? He may be just a TV with a body but his eyes seem to be drawn as east asian and thats his most prominent human feature. Majority of the time I see people draw him as a human they actually erase his real eye shape to (I assume) make him look more white. There's no real canon so people can hc whatever but I am so intrigued by how people are interpreting him white. I promise there are nasty tech/media ceos that overwork their employees all over the world... maybe im reading too much into it because the show is otherwise verrrry western-centric. Just curious how you view it, you're definitely in the majority and i realize people like me are the outliers but just saw your post and had to ask (if you didnt mind sharing).
Anon is referring to this post btw for context: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/746235899544813568/my-hot-take-is-that-i-think-that-a-vox-human?source=share
Anon ur hella polite and ik u got good intentions so I was stressing a little over how to respond without invalidating ur headcanon cuz like, I never want to be the guy saying “this character is white and u can’t headcanon them as a racial minority” cuz that’s pretty shitty no matter what. We definitely have different takes but when I’m explaining my interpretation I don’t wanna sound like I’m trying to boss ppl around and say there’s only one way u can see these characters. This is just my personal interpretation and I was being funny in my og post implying that my interpretation is the “correct” way. But since u asked I’ll explain my reasoning why I (and prob other ppl) see Vox as extremely white lol.
I don’t take Vox’s physical appearance into account at all when thinking about his ethnicity cuz in a show were everyone is pretty racially ambiguous design wise Vox is one of the most ambiguously humanoid characters, like my guy literally has a tv for a head with eyes and a mouth, and that’s it. I don’t see ur point about his eyes at all tbh, to me Vox’s vaguely slanted eyes have always come off more like a devious squint than an ethnic feature. Even still I don’t read slanted eyes as Asian automatically so it never occurred to me.
I don’t read as Vox as white bcus of his VA being white or him being a tech bro billionaire (but ig they play a part). I read Vox as white mostly bcus I see his background as a former religious extremist/cult leader from the 50s with a skill in life and in death for male manipulating ppl and using them for his own gain as very white and western. (I got this info from his official reference sheet for auditioning va’s, here that is)
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His capitalistic ideals and business practices r meant to mirror (extremely white) billionaires like Musk and Bezos, which adds to my perception of him. Of course being a billionaire tech guy is not a western white man exclusive thing, but I feel that if we were meant to perceive Vox as someone not from America that would definitely be coded or in some way communicated. And I say this with as little ill will as possible, but for me I wouldn’t want to perceive Vox as an East Asian tech bro billionaire specifically bcus there r negative stereotypes and connotations attached there. East Asian men have a history of being negatively stereotyped as corrupt tech business owners. I don’t think u are trying to imply those stereotypes with ur head canon (frankly it’s hard to avoid negative stereotypes in fiction a lot of the time bcus stereotypes encompass such a vast range of things that its hard to take them all into account). But regardless, it’s smth we should try to be conscious of.
Anyways, I also usually take these character’s personalities and values, self image, etc into account when im thinking about race, bcus race is more then color, and especially for characters with lives and personalities based in much less tolerant time periods, it’s significant to consider how race would play a role in forming the way they navigate the world. Based on how Vox behaves I can’t see him as being racially marginalized. I’m gonna compare Vox to alastor a little cuz alastor is canonically creole and I think he serves as a good reference for someone I perceive as not white in comparison to Vox and how I think he differs and contradicts the experiences of a racial minority.
Vox to me comes off as someone who thinks he is entitled to power, respect, privilege, etc, which is a very standard type of attitude for a white man who was alive in the 1950s to have. He’s very emotionally immature and volatile, doesn’t seem to concern much over his public image beyond petty dick measuring contests with alastor (he regularly publicly has angry tantrums and doesn’t break a sweat over how this will affect his status). He obviously cares about it (scolding Valentino for embarrassing him and such) but he doesn’t seem to worry about loss of reputation in any sort of real way. I get the impression that Vox has always had at least a standard amount of social standing and privilege and can’t see a life for himself without the fundamental privilege he feels owed there to support him. He’s basically a man baby, a man baby who still manages to garner power and respect effortlessly (it comes naturally to him) while remaining whiny and insecure. Very white man of him! White man behavior!
in comparison, Alastor, (who I do not read as white) is always frantically clinging to his composed self image and his power as if it will slip away from him if he loosens his grasp at all. He has an extremely firm grip on his composure to the point where he never allows anyone to see him slip at all, let alone frown (despite his mental health and emotional well being being equally fragile as Vox’s). Alastor understands deeply how little the world owes him and how difficult and unreliable his acquiring of status actually is. He is borderline neurotic about retaining his power and staying on top. Despite the smile, Alastor is always defensive and fearful, picking fights with anyone he thinks might be a threat like a small dog or a prey animal would. Meanwhile, Vox conducts himself like a man with nothing to loose. I feel like Vox grew up with money and doesn’t know poverty or a lack of privilege in any intimate way that would drive him to guard it in anyway beyond flippant. To Vox power, status, and privilege are inherent. Same can’t be said for alastor.
tldr in conclusion Vox’s brand of bad feels very specific to a white man, alongside his emotional immaturity and his attitude, mindset, and behavior. This is why I see him as white asf, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong or it’s in anyway less correct to headcanon him as a different race. That’s just how I see him. Thank u for sending the ask anon it was pretty interesting to write! Have a good day! (btw i love Vox he’s one of my fav character lol me calling him a white as shit privileged entitled man baby douchebag is out of love and all I find interesting and fun about him)
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Heard you were looking for some anon hate, so here's some that I've thought about over the past few years 😉
Your art is pure garbage. Your shading is so basic and yet it looks worse than the drawings on wikihow articles, and your colors are an abhorrent mix that looks like neon puke. Literally one of the first tips beginner artists get is "don't use the airbrush". And what do you do? Airbrush the fuck out of your markings and shading! Your older anatomy and character designs were far more superior while the newer ones are a bastardized version of their former glory days. I'm younger than you and I can actually paint and pick good colors lmao
You haven't improved at all in 5 years. You actually got worse! You're drawing the same snarling cat 20 times a month instead of working on your backgrounds, shading, anatomy and compositions, and their jaws still look crooked with displaced teeth Every. Single. Time! I wonder how strong their bite force is when the lower jaw is at a 45° angle from the upper one?
All your characters look crazy and deranged and like absolute psychopaths. It's not a good look for your "brand" <3 And their torso takes up 90% of their body. How are they supposed to be strong beasts when their stumpy legs can barely hold the weight of your bad stylization? And you call that an improvement instead of godawful anatomy!
And then, and then!! Y're constantly making new characters, drawing them a bunch and forgetting about them! Algernon, Jarith, Lucia, Geneph, Xiaoya, Bailey, Jicama, Utah, Felin, Civen, Afryea, Thyodore,.Tyson (Aster's pet Inostrancevia), Donnie... And you have even more that you haven't even posted about? How does it feel to know that someone knows your characters more than YOU do? Talk about being an irresponsible artist
You're not even creative enough. "Here's a species that looks exactly like a cat but trust me guys it's not a cat, see? it has two extra arms!" "Here are 20 smilodons that are yellow-brown and have spots, but I love all of them and can differentiate between them!!" "Here's a leopard seal who's bigger than the natural ones and is a made-up species (who's supposed to be part bear and I definetely didnt forget about that) even though nothing is different between her and a regular anthro seal!!!"
I hope you give up on art. It won't take you anywhere in life, just like your autistic interest in paleontology won't help you. You didn't even get a superior education, so it's clear you'll live your life working minimum wage jobs because you're not qualified to do anything better. You’re lazy as fuck and you have no excuse for how weak you are.
You say you have 1000 followers but you barely pass 10 notes on your art and even less on your vents, and whenever you demand people to send you asks daily, nobody says anything. So not even your followers like you. They're just observing your every move and are laughing at your pain. The only thing you're good at is being daily entertainment for me and hundreds of others like me.
All your "female" characters loook like males regardless of what they identify as. It's as if you're incapable of drawing women.
Hooray for making all your best characters trans since you seem to be allergic to normal people. I'm glad you confessed that you support the mutilation of middle schoolers / transing gender non-comforming females (Azure).
You call yourself a "he/they" but you're still competing in the women's category cuz you know you wouldn't last in a fight against real men. You're such a failure that even your step father calls you his daughter publicly. (Your parents surely are disappointed in what you've become. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the reason for their divorce)
Only a few years back you were a proud tomboy girl, but I guess you hate yourself so much that you project your self-misogyny through self-identification and an atrocious art style.
You even chose the name “Tyson”, like that troon Chris Tyson. Considering the recent controversy, that’s what people will associate with your name, not whoever “Tyson Fury” is, and truthfully you deserve it.
You're so fragile being called a girl when you look, sound and act like one. Girl. Woman. Female. Dike. Lass. Lady. She. Wahine. Kaikamahine. Did this make you cry some pathetic manly tears? 100% sure you look like the soyjak in the soyjak vs chad meme right now. Can’t wait to read your breakdown on tumblr, if you’re not going to outright delete every account you have to escape me
Typical white girl starving for attention online behavior lmao.
You boast that you are "hot" but you are objectively ugly, not even mid. Your undercut is shit and your face is so damn bland. Your fursona is strong and beefy but you have a thin female body with stick arms and visible breasts. Talk about projection and an inflated ego. You're oozing with narcissism, and I wouldn't be surprised if you got diagnosed with it. It would 100% suit you.
Your "girlfriends" are still lesbian women, but you’re not one? “Transmasc butch lesbian” my ass, you absolute pooner. It’s not that hard to be a regular woman. Pretty sure you're not even dating them, you're just friends who haven't even held hands. And you’re still a virgin lmao. No bitches? 🥺 And you have not one, but two, because you're insecure in your feelings and can't commit to only one person since you need that external validation. I'm sure they're cheating behind your back because they know you wouldn't check on them.
I hope your sleep apnea kills you in your sleep. You deserve it.
L + ratio + you’re a loser + cope and seethe
Don't bother blocking and reporting me, I said all I had to say, I don't plan on interacting with you anymore and I don't have this level of hatred against anyone else.
Now, have I stalked your accounts until their beginning, or have I followed you for a really long time? Or a secret third thing (I stalked you for a really long time)?
the color thing is true but you should get a job
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radzina · 3 years
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more eremin beauty and the beast, cause i can’t just do a beauty and the beast au and not draw the dance scene
also a rough doodle of armin’s full outfit. looked at some rule 63 belle for ideas and made a mix i liked :3 putting titan eren in clothes felt weird for some reason, so he just gets a lil bow in his hair
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ikissjesse · 3 years
*enters ask box* jesse x robaire pls 🥺
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I hope u dont mind i made this a hc list !! I could def do a fanfic for u if u want that instead <33 btw im making this 2 sections, first is confessing then second is couple stuff HEHSHDJAH
jesse n robaire confession hc's !!
they mean sm to me :(( <3 *stuffs them into my pocket while sobbing violently*
i am a firm believer that jesse confessed while drunk
remember my drunk 4town hc's where jesse's the chill drunk ? yeah, he confessed in a painfully chill, relaxed way
robaire (who was sober) was sitting next to him on the tour bus, when suddenly a very drunk jesse puts his arm around him n says "y'know, i reallyyy like u. ahah"
jesse was so calm while ro was abt to go up in flames
aaron z slid t a 50$ bill since they made a bet about who would confess first, which aaron t happily won
robaire assumed he was jus saying that cos he's drunk n didn't think much abt it
^ is what i would say if it werent the ONLY THING HE COULD THINK ABT FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT
he was always the cool n collected member but today was not his day
he was blushing sm aaron t was abt to tease him on it before aaron z quickly pulled him back to his seat, giving him a glare that basically said "say anything n ill make sure the cops cant find ur body"
needless to say t smiled nervously n stayed in his seat for the rest of the car ride
ANYWAYYY back to jesro
robaire decided to vaguely bring it up the next day when jesse was sober,
"sooo, do u remember anything from last night?" type thing (he's not smooth when he's nervous shhh)
jesse thought about it for 3 damn seconds n said no, to which robaire gulped n contemplated whether or not he should tell him
"did i say anything weird?"
robaire laughed to cover up his fear of what jesse would say next, then told him abt how he got touchy-feely w him n that he told him he "really liked him"
jesse pretty much choked on whatever he was eating at the time when he heard that
"oh- heh, did i?" ~nervous voice crack~
they ended up laughing abt it for a bit, making robaire think he really was jus saying it cos he was drunk :(( ueueue why am i hurting myself w my own hc im so sad rn thinking abt this
jesse (being the confident bitch he is) stopped n looked robaire in the eyes w a soft smile, n BAAM cue the romantic background music n the aarons watching from a distance, he TOLD ROBAIRE HE LIKES HIM FR WOOOOO clap clap clap
robaire.exe has stopped working
for a ~cool, collected~ guy, he was an absolute MESS after that, stuttering n blushing (if his hair were longer i bet loads of money he'd b twirling it /j)
he didnt think his bestfriend (slayyy friendzone him /j) would like him too??? like??? hello?????? he thought he was dreaming
nonetheless, he confessed his feelings for jesse too n they just sorta had that movie moment where they jus look at eachother w love eyes n stupid grins thats only romantic to the ppl doing it n probably awkward for ppl around them
aaron t jumped up from his hiding spot next to aaron z n screamed "JUST KISS ALREADY LOSERS" n quickly hid again, giggling while z rolled his eyes n smiled
nnnnnn now they were both flustered messes. great 🚶
from most confident guys in the band to shy bitches smh
spoiler alert; they didn't kiss </3 but thats okay bc
now we're onto...
dating hc's !!
slightly suggestive not that much tho
jesses kids already adored robaire n probably already knew that their dad had a crush on him bc of the drawings n paintings he had of him so they were ecstatic when they learned the two started dating <3
"so.. what do we call uncle robaire now??" "daddy2? dada?" -his kids having a super duper important meeting at their toy kitchen
robaire overheard this n quite literally started sobbing instantly
he went to jesses room where his ☆boyfriend☆ was n layed down next to him, when asked what happened all he could say was "uehdiadhaxikz... ur kidsksbsixj...theyre talking abt what they should call me now that we're todhaidgadaosoaudjajdjaowiw9uskznal"
obviously jesse had been w him long enough to understand him thru the sobs, n started rubbing circles on ro's back as a smile broke out on his face
robaire was literally this picture dont even try to argue w me on this:
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the kids settled on dada n robaire sobbed aGAIN when they first called him it
he was like whispering "dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry" to himself then excused himself to go to the bathroom to cry
"daddy, is dada okay? he looked sad" "oh dont worry hun he's fine"
he was in fact not fine (/pos) n jesse went n knocked on the bathroom door to check on him
robaire loves these kids to death n spoils them soooo much, jesse jokes about it making parenting way harder than it should be for him
onto other couple things now !!
their first official date was at a nearby art cafe where u could do pottery, paint, etc
they went w pottery like the cliche romantics they r ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
think jesse guiding robaire, head resting on his shoulder, holding his boyfriends hands
they fucked up the first pot bc they kept making flirty little remarks about eachother (gay ppl 🙄 /j)
"jess i love u but if u make me fuck up another pot i will drop kick u into oblivion"
🏳️‍🌈 insert 'fuck me instead' joke from jesse 🏳️‍🌈
robaire may or may not have elbowed jesse for that
their first kiss was so extra like omg
during their france tour they found some time for themselves n went on a little date thru paris n at EXACTLY midnight (no it wasnt new years <3) while they were admiring the eiffel tower they leaned in n dkjaidhsi!!!!! <333
a fan actually saw n started squealing as quiet as they could so jesse n robaire wouldnt notice
they did notice . .
robaire (jesse was recovering from the kiss, red-faced as hell) asked the fan to keep it secret n not tell anyone about it since him n jesse wanted to keep it private until they were comfortable enough to tell ppl outside of their band, to which the fan agreed to
stan that fan for clear skin !!
they did eventually tell the press about it during an interview after they'd been together for around 2 months, it was vvvv difficult hiding it from paparazzi
before anyone (besides 4town n the fan) knew about them they had v light pda, like putting their arm around the others waist <3
they weren't rly big on pda so after everyone knew it was still just a little kiss on the cheek, holding hands, etc, they prefer doing couple things in private
like i stated way before, the kids love robaire, n they did a little date night for their dada's !! preparing a meal made of toy food, making the couch nice so they could relax n watch a movie together, n went straight to bed after bringing them drinks so they could have some alone time
jesse n his baby mama raised the twins so well <333
they spent the rest of the night cuddling, watching a movie n jus enjoying the company of one another
n the rest is history !! <3
i wouldn't mind making a part 2/fanfic tho ngl, i could go on abt them for ages HAHAHSIDHQI
anyhowww, thank u for reading !! sorry for the long post, they're just so skabidbsobdoabz <3333
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sandradoodles · 2 years
Hi! i just started reading your confessions comic and i am OBSESSED!! and i didnt want to spam you by rbing all of your posts so i am going to write my Thoughts here :3
First of all i just wanted to say how much youve improved over the course of making this comic!! the lineart is so much Smoother and neater, the shading is so PRETTY, i love how youve done the backgrounds, whether you actually draw them or put flowers or something else behind the characters, and the layout looks so much more proffesional and puts the focus on the right things!! ALSO your anatomy has improved sm and i love all the wild expressions!!
Also i LOVE the teal colouring with pink accents, its such a pretty combo and its kinda like your trademark now!!
And obviously the whole story is so GOOD. i love how you cranked up the Idiot Meter to 1000000 bc YEAH theyre IDIOTS!! I loved the whole Clownbug part with ladybug discovering chats in love with marinette and being ANGRY abt it, its one of my favourite flavours of love square, and pt 6 of the comic was also SO entertaining!! miscommunication my beloved <3
I also love the first panel of pt nine, its just so pretty!! and ofc the shenanigans with the design contest, it feels v realistic and you absolutely NAILED mari's character!!
And the bee miraculous akuma is GORGEOUS!! it looks v menacing but also rlly cool and i would KILL to see the full design
i also love the way you showed marinettes progress with the jacket!! the montage of them bonding and working on the jacket is so cool <3 (and the shoulder gag is rlly funny lksdjhghjkgfdkjh)
FINALLY the jacket itself is just. BEAUTIFUL. the design on the back is absolutely stunning, and i love how you incorporated the miracle box and roses (did mari draw inspiration from chat? 👀👀) and the pink inside is so cute!! and the paw mark w marinette's signature!! (also i see you have a weakness for bomber jackets and you are RIGHT they ARE the pinnacle of fashion)
and buttercup reveal my beloved!! the blush!! the awkwardness!! the wild expressions and gestures!! i LOVE IT!!
also, i love all the small details!! like how you shaded marinettes palms as hearts, its so cute! <3
Anyways im just REALLY exited to see where youre going with this comic!! <3
omg omg omg okay I woke up to this, immediately read it FIVE TIMES IN A ROW, and have spent all day trying to figure out how to reply to so many lovely compliments 😭😭😭
THANK YOU SO MUCH OBVIOUSLY it means the world that you read every part and then took the time to type this up! This comic is such a labor of love for me and I'm always trying to work in a lot of fun and cute little details/moments so when people notice and point out those things it makes my heart SWELL WITH JOY. (If you like the hearts on her palms, part ten has some hidden hearts as well heehee)
When I started this my only goals were to scratch my lovesquare itch and get comfortable drawing again after being out of the habit for years. I had, idk maybe ten followers and did not expect anyone to read it or that I would actually manage to draw more than five parts or so AND NOW HERE WE ARE lol. I am so happy that you can see an improvement in the art, not just in how the characters are drawn but stuff like backgrounds and the visual storytelling as well. I hope to get better and better with each part!
Reading your comments about the characterization makes me wanna screech with happiness because I LOVE. THESE. IDIOTS. SO MUCH it is ridiculous!! RIDICULOUS! And as much as I adore leaning into them being incredibly stupid, it is important to me to show how much tenderness lies at the heart of their interactions. They are so, so stupid because they’re so, so sweet. Confessions is very much “journey over destination” because I just want to indulge in as much insanity, humor, awkwardness, confusion, affection, devotion, and partnership I can manage to tease out of their relationship in one story.
The color palette btw was a complete and total happy accident! Sometimes a thing works because you put lots of thought and effort into it, and sometimes a thing works because you fell on it. The color palette is an example of the latter but THE JACKET is an example of the former, haha. The amount of time it took to develop not just the meaning of it but literally the physical design (gotta look like something Marinette might actually make, gotta be something that I can draw a bunch of times, gotta be something that [spoilers redacted], gotta be something that fits over Chat’s shoulders, gotta be something that actually looks good, omg.) I have a whole post about it already but still more to say because I always have more to say! this is so much rambling I’m sorry
One of the big challenges I’ve had in trying to make a comic is figuring out how to balance what to say, what to show, and what to imply. The jacket is first and foremost exactly how Marinette presents it, a means to hopefully reach Adrien and deliver the card from his classmates. The specifics behind the design are more implied. Marinette pours a week of blood sweat and tears into creating this jacket, and as far as Chat Noir sees, she is single-mindedly focused on that task. But we all know she’s ALSO carrying the responsibilities and concerns of being Ladybug. Losing the Miraculous is obviously like... the biggest thing, a terrible and invisible weight that she carries alone!
Except not, because Chat Noir is there. He’s there for Ladybug, he’s there for Marinette, he’s a constant presence in her life and his support allows her to move beyond the shame and horror of losing the Miraculous. Marinette embroiders the symbols of the stolen Miraculous centered around the ladybug and surrounded by irises (sorry they aren’t roses!), and it looks like a topical show of support for her local superheroes; Ladybug embroiders the symbols of the stolen Miraculous centered on the ladybug and surrounded by irises and it’s a promise to her city that she’s going to get them back. (That she stitches the symbol of the cat in the left-hand side of the lining so that it zips over the wearer’s heart might mean something too but that was... more subconscious.)
ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYY I hope that my long-winded rambling comes across appropriately as a sign of JUST HOW THRILLED I am to have received this beautiful thoughtful ask. Hopefully the behind the scenes talk was fun to read haha. I am so honored and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!!
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kittyspring-creates · 3 years
Suprise endhawks headcanon #7 i think
It became notiable to everyone hawks was suffering from depression. Mostly noticed by rumi and endevour who noted his lack of energy and desprite need to keep going at all times.
As a result a few heros pushed for therapy work to be done to help build seratonine and moral. Jeanist found a new passion in shoe making, but hawks lost intrest quick after making some led shoes, hotwheels desinged wheelies, and endevour inspired sneakers.
Next toshinori, all might, tried to inspire baking. Finding hawks tought him more then the other way around and instead of helping hawks find a passion, all might found a new form of pride after being shown how to make a tart from scratch.
Rumi tried her hand at helping, using exorcise to keep her friends body moving. Which turned into her being shown how to plant herbs and when to harvest bushes good for her body. she couldnt even remeber getting here but now shes found a nurturing side if herself that helped with her iwn growing depression.
Mt lady reveiled she likes to blog and write in her free time. Which wasnt much of a suprise. But hawks gave it a shot. Creating a short story that captivated and left the woman trying to figure out her own reality again. He confessed he writes sometimes but mostly sex stories or poems but that it was to investive he coukdnt make time for it. Or just ened up staring off into space for hours.
Endevour stepped in. Instead if sharing his iwn hobby which he had next to non he asked what hawks felt like doing or trying. So the two got into knitting but hawks got board fast, then tried kimo and making drwam catchers. Again he got board. He got into drawing though became rather fusterated with paportions. Though endevour rather liked the details of drawing backgrounds with no people in them.
They took up pottery but hawks became board and didnt like how his wings got in the way then got dirty. The spinning tabke also made him nervous but he woukd never admit it.
One quiet afternoon he took up painting while endevour worked in his office. It was just a whim but hawks got obsorbed in the strokes of the brush, the layering, the color mixes and painting over mistakes. His first picture was of a large moon reflecting off the night water of a beach. He shrugged it off but endevour quickly became obsessed with the painting. The mixing blues and glowing moon. The slight sand that could be seen at the edge. He could almost hear the waves, coukd feel the cold wind on his skin. He hung it in his office at home almost feeling it was a represintation of his own lonelyness in his empty home.
After that he bought hawks everything hed need for a painting hobby. Despite the teasing hawks rather enjoyed watching his brush against the canvas and often lost himself in it on his days off
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x-spooks · 4 years
Just Right. (Got7 AU) Ep. 4
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The crowd followed the closest laser beam like cats. JB would've laughed if he hadn't noticed all those eyes staring at him. He thought for a second his masked had slipped. He mouthed shit, but felt the friction of his skin against fabric.  His eyes shot down to check himself and found a purple laser piercing his broad chest. His eyes narrowed on Youngjae. "This was planned?" His voice was sharpened with anger. Youngjae's laugh was muffled by Temples chant which now included Nyx.  JB peered back to the stage to see the greyish blue amazon take two quick steps then toss herself head first from the stage. Her body spun once then landed with grace. She heaved herself up and over the metal barricade followed by a few demon guards. He was going to die of embarrassment. He had to get out of here. He looked from side to side. Jackson, Jinyoung and Mark were blocking his left side and BamBam, Youngjea, and Yugyeom the right.  His heart started to beat rapidly with panic. He was not doing this. He took a quick step to the back and to the right. He slipped out of their shoulder blockade. He turned on his heels and was met with Goddess's fans gently guiding him back to his spot. He had to take a few steps back to get away from them.  He whipped around nearly hitting Nyx in the head with his hand. She was kneeled before him like a well trained warrior before her emperor.  She extended her arm up with her face still lowered to the ground.  The fucked up bodyguards motioned for him to take her hand.  He didnt want this. He tried to step back but Jackson and Mark were blocking him. And in true asshole fashion, they shoulder him forward.  He slowly reached out. She must of felt his warmth because her fingers snatched his hand. A quick jolt of electricity sparked at the point of contact and rushed up his arm. Every muscle in his body tensed up in response. She simply interlaced their fingers. All while she was still staring down at the ground. She slowly looked up.  JB was captivated. His panic oozed out of his emotional grid and was replaced with...honor...respect...lust?  He wanted out. He wanted to glance to Jinyoung for approval, but didn’t dare meet his venomous stare. This felt wrong.
Her innocent almost sad features were morphed into a strong fearless expression. Her blackish hair was in waves, half up half down knotted to secure her crown. His eyes wanted to wonder, but hers wouldn't allow it. Only when she blinked did he dare. He quickly took in her costume. It was too revealing and yet hid too much of her from him.  Her free hand went to the metal cuff on her toned bicep. She slowly dragged it down her arm. She continued until the cuff was secured on his forearm. "On the darkness night, I shall be your torch. On the bloodiest battlefield, I shall be your sword and shield. On the forked path, I shall be your guide." She paused making eye contact, "From this moment onward, you have my protection, my respect and my love," JB knew these words were meant to reflect her feelings for her fan base, but he couldn't help it. His chest felt like it was in a vise grip.  He knew in that moment he was fucked.  She loosened her grip. His fingers squeezed her hand briefly then he let it go. Her fingers softly dragged down his hand. They slowly turning his hand palm up. She leaned forward a bit.  What the...? JB stared with disbelief. She wasn't.  Her black pouty lips gently kissed the soft skin of his palm sealing the oath. A tingling sensation was left behind from her kiss.  She let her grip slip as she slowly stood. The next Goddess could be heard pledging to her Temple.  JB stared down at the black mark left from her lips. He glanced up and gave her a slight bow. He usually couldn't care less if someone took his actions the wrong way. But this he wanted, no, needed to clear up, he had nothing to do with this. He opened his mouth.  She shook her head slightly.  JB glanced around seeing all the Temples gawking. He instantly knew. Time and place.  Her purple gaze left him and went to his members. He could feel their auras change behind him. They were in shook but now they were pleased to be getting some of her attention especially the guys to his right. Besides the empty space of indifference. JB finally dared a glanced over his shoulder to the left to confirm it. Yep, it was Jinyoung and he was livid.  JB looked to Nyx just in time to see her wink at Jinyoung as if she knew. A genuine smirk took hold of JB features at the thought. Jinyoung’s acting skills were going into overdrive as he pretended to be uninfected by her charm.  Everything went black. JB protective instincts made him reach out for Nyx. All he grabbed was air. He took a quick step forward only to be set back by some guys shoulder. "Beomah," Jackson harsh whispered trying not draw attention.  JB stepped back until he felt a hand touch the back of his neck. The soft touch belonged to Jackson. Another hand gripped his shoulder and squeezed harshly that was Jinyoung.  Everyone was blinded as the lights were turned back on.  The moment JBs eyes adjusted, they narrowed on Youngjea. "Your punishment is going to be severe." His serial killer calm voice was back along with his kicked out chin. A nervous laugh leaked past Youngjae's lips, "It was worth-" "You wanna die?" Jackson asked stepping out from behind JB. He clearly was trying to save the free night out from JBs wrath.  Yugyeom elbowed Youngjea's side, "Shut. Up."  Rubbing his bruising ribs, Youngjae fell silent. Mark and BamBam were ignoring them and focusing on the stage. The intro of one of Goddess's more popular song 'Falling' poured out of the speakers. Everyone is expecting Nyx to take over Hera's rap parts, but JB watches as Mazu nervously adjusted her mic.  JBs expression slightly softened in confusion, "Isn't Nyx supposed to be the main rapper?" He asked no one in particular.  "Yeah," Mark answered, "that's what I was told." Mazu proceeded to rap Hera's part surprisingly well.  "Maybe you assumed," Jinyoung countered, "just cause Hera was the main rapper that her replacement would be." "Nah," BamBam commented, "she definitely is the main rapper." Jackson opened his mouth to say something, but Yugyeom beat him to it, "then why isn't she rapping the part?" "Maybe out of respect?" Jackson snapped before someone could talk over him.  JB arched a brow. He couldn't think. Everything and everyone were too loud. He started to walk towards the parking lot. He made it a point to hard shouldered Youngjae on his way past. 
He broke out of the crowd a few minutes later. He glanced behind him half expected his members to be on his heels. They weren't there. He was kinda impressed with their level of self preservation.  His shoes finally hit pavement.  His lungs finally took in a long deep breath. He held it until the pressure built in his diaphragm. His throat became tight and he started to feel in control. He allowed his breath out slowly.  Not even a second later his pocket started to vibrate.  He looked up to the night sky. ”What now?" He asked the full moon while his hand fished out his i-phone. He pressed the circular button on the bottom, bringing the screen to life. Hesitating he took in another calm breath. Then glanced down.  Message: Eunae°•°  Where are you? Did your schedule get changed?  He stared at the characters a moment too long. It was as if the name was a vague piece of a memory and message was in a foreign language. He hard blinked and tapped on the screen. He tried again to read the message. Eunae°•° Where are you? Did your schedule change? Shit. How could he text his girlfriend while his palm was still warm from another woman's lips? Fuck, how could a fake pledge make him forget his girlfriend? JB glanced to his palm. The black lipstick mark was still there.  His phone buzzed in his other hand. He tore his eyes off the lip print making them focus on the glowing screen.  Eunae°•° I see you read the message. Did you forget we were supposed to have dinner?  Before he dug his own grave, he double tapped to call her, "I'm sorry," he didn't wait for her to say anything, "I had to make an unscheduled appearance at the Goddess's comeback. I was so pissed I forgot to call you."  "Oh...?" She said as if she had a speech all planned out. "I thought their comeback wasn't for another month?"  "It's happening right now." He took the phone from his ear and out stretched his arm right as Nyx started to rap Mazu's part.  'Falling from the heavens (heavens) I have so many confessions (confessions) Falling into your arms I feel as if I'm disarmed Falling from the heavens (heavens) I have so many confessions (confessions)' He brought the phone back to his ear. "That's not Mazu," he heard Eunae say confused. "It's the new girl," he commented trying to sound indifferent.  "Moon's daughter?” she sounded aggravated.   Same, he wanted to say, but decided to skip it and make a sound of agreement.  "I can't believe she's even allowed to debut," she continued with her tone souring. ”she looks far too Caucasian and I heard she isn't even good. Must be nice to debut in your father's friends’ company."  JB was already over the topic, "let's reschedule for tomorrow night. I'll take you to the sushi bar you like." ”hm.” her tone smoothed, ”Will I see you tonight?"  "I'll text you if it's not too late." He tried to make his voice take on a light hopeful tone.  "Okay." He could hear her disappointment, but there wasn't much he could do.  "Love you." He offered then hung up.  He made it a point to not let his left hand touch his phone. He shoved it into his back pocket.  Eunae presences faded into the background as Goddess's comeback song snatched his attention. It didn't sound like them. He couldn't believe JYP would let them sound so...different.  Nyx rap was faster, vividly aggressive and far more masculine sounding than anything Hera did. 'Judge me with those glaring eyes I'll play with your insides Use your intestines  As my new jump rope. I'll make you choke,  On those lies you openly spoke.  A rusty needle and crusty thread You should lightly tread.  For I am Nyx  I'll send you to the river sticks.  I am Nyx.  I am Nyx.  I'll send you to the river sticks.’ JB instantly knew that JYP wasn't behind them with support. He wanted them to bomb. Openly aggressive female rappers don't make money. The Korean population weren't into seeing a hostile, rude, or opinionated woman. And without Korean support even with a large international fan base, Goddess was about to nose dive.  Hard.  A peg of guilt craved out a spot in his chest.  He tried to shake it off. It honestly wasn't his problem. What was his problem? He rubbed his right thumb into his left palm. Just as he thought. The black lipstick print on his palm was apparently smudge proof.  He ran his tongue across his thumb and dug at the mark until it’s tip was white.  "Shit." He shook his head annoyed. He tore his eyes away from his palm. He glanced in the direction of the stage. Goddess was saying their goodbyes to their fans.  Good. He thought as started to walk around the crowd to the staffs tents. He needed to get this shit off.
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unsexy-leprechaun · 6 years
essay on ml romance
Don’t get me wrong, I love Kagami, but her and luka’s introduction to the show was a major downturn.
Like we were promised that they wouldn’t just be love triangle fodder, but look at how the writing treats them. Yes they have their own character at least, with kagami’s mom’s expectations etc (which is a copypaste of adriens struggles but wtv), and luka’s....... whatever. 
But the writing is just like “oh no, we can’t let adri or mari spend any time with a person of the opposite gender or they might fall in love”
Which is a bit too yandere for my tastes tbh. Let adrien and kagami be friends, sheesh. People lost their appetite for love triangles a decade ago guys.
It might have been slightly better if they were like, established characters before all of this. Like if they were at least explored as much as the classmates were previously, so they felt a bit like human beings. The classmates have had like no screentime recently anyway so you developed them and dumped them to bring in other undeveloped characters as plot devises.
I get it tho, adri and mari’s “will they, won’t they” is what is driving the series. you can’t just have them get together, there has to be obstacles. But you wanted an overarching plot in a serialised show. so you cant have the episodes out of order confusing to casual viewers, if they went from not being able to talk to eachother to friends it would be jarring.
But like, guys, my dudes, they way ur going is that they are going to be awkward crushing from afar right up til the last ep, confess, and get together. which is just, bad romance writing. romance requires the characters to like... interact with eachother yeah? see how their personalities interact with eachother, playful banter, overcome differences. 
They’ve tried to do this with the love square, I think? but they wasted an opportunity. ladynoir had them actually interacting, but now its about chat’s onesided love. ladrien is just an extension of maris crush on adrien but in a suit, and vice versa. marichat is the one that made sense to be platonic but they like, no we can’t have them be friends and get to know eachother, lets shove in a romantic plot even tho neither of them likes eachother that way.
I get that the show draws heavily upon magical girl genres, but those worked for a reason. generally we got the protag crushing on a bland dude in the first ep, sure. but then it actually progressed. like she would witness him taking care of an abandoned cat or smth. we get adriens sad backstory from neutral perspective. mari isnt slowly getting to see more of him, which is why she comes off as a creeper to some people. and honestly its part of the reason adrien is bland. if we saw snippets of his life being neglected, it would feel sad or deep. but we are shown every minute of it so many times. so its like yeah ok, what else have you got. its boring. at least give him a goal in life, other than ‘be loved by people’. even if his goal is to give money to charity, give me something. this boy is entirely defined by his relationship to others.
And... lets get to marinette. I like marinette, i do. she has a personality and drive that i like. that said, people love to shit on her. fandom and writers. and u know what? I can’t blame them. mari is a bit of a creeper. yes she is a schoolgirl with a crush, but there are like limits yeah? posting photos all over her room, stalking, stealing his things, creating a timetable of his schedule, not wanting him to spend time with other girls. these are not normal schoolgirl crush things. this is yandere-101. and the show does treat these as flaws, kinda, and im ok with her having flaws as a character- i’d be mad if she didnt. but how is this going to resolve itself.
what lesson is it teaching kids if she actually gets together with him, “just follow him everywhere and think about him every second of the day, base ur life choices around him and never let anyone else get to him and you’ll be rewarded”. they obviously need to have some kind of revelation moment where mari stops worshipping him, throws out her posters or smth, and decides to get her fix by spending time with him instead. the writers had the perfect excuse with jagged stone barging in and calling her out, but they cant fix this. because serialised show. they can’t have her grow or move on because then its too jarring out of order or smth. they are trying to cater to a wider audience (adults/teens etc) with the long-term plots but also want to keep it casually consumable to the average 5 year old. you need to pick guys. 
if its primarily a kids show, its going to be all monotone until its summed up in a finale. which is fine, usually. the big bad is defeated and all is saved by the power of friendship. I’m ok with that plot tbh.
but no, they chose a romantic base, and gave their villains sympathetic backgrounds. they chose more involved topics to explore. ones that require progression and growth. so they either have the finale with the couple getting together out of nowhere, or the big bad is given a slap on the wrist but redeemed with no consequences. either of them is a pretty bad moral lesson for kids tbh.
- yeah i’m not always entirely correct here, these are just some vent thoughts, im not really trying to police anyone. take this with a grain of salt because this was just born from personal salt-
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grace-is-forever · 6 years
Sleepless nights part 2
Who knew that after a few months of Jeremy staying at my house I'd start develope feeling for him. Sure, he'd be really flirtatious but thats just Jeremy.
"You know he likes you right?" Michael whispered beside me. School had just recently started back up due to the weather. So much snow! "No he doesn't. Thats just his personality." I scoffed at him. I really wish he did though.
I turned and exited the conversation slowly when i tripped and fell. "OWW!" I yelled. I landed on my knee. It didnt help that my right knee was already messed up. Now I'll be back in the stupid brace for weeks.
Time passes and its time for theater. Weird, Jeremy wasnt there. Oh well.
"Art thou gone so? love, lord, ay, husband, friend!
I must hear from thee every day in the hour,
For in a minute there are many days:
O, by this count I shall be much in years
Ere I again behold my Romeo!"
I read aloud. I know Romeo and Juliet. Typical high school play. I was cast as the role of juliet and to no surprise Jeremy was Romeo. It felt almost unnerving to be his love Interest. I went home an hour later, after staying to practice. When i got home i confonted Jeremy. "Hey, why werent you at school?" I asked. School is always boring without him. "I just needed to think, but the real question i have is why are you limping?" Confuson plastered on his face. Being completely honest i forgot about my knee sure it hurts but i didnt realize i had a limp. "i fell before history." The worst class so my pain didnt make it any better. "Youve always been extremely clumsy." He stated as got up to grab my brace off my dresser. "And to honest." He paused. "Its kinda cute. A blush apparent on his face and probably mine to. "I wish i wasnt. It'd be nice to go out without some kind of injury." He helped me put on my brace and helped me up. The familiar feeling coming back to me. We stayed at home rehearsing our lines for the rest of the day. The next day at school Jeremy stayed really close to me to watch over my knee. As the classes passed theater came and today was the iconic balcony kiss. I really wish i wasn't so nervous about it. "Dont worry Y/N, its just a kiss." I thought to myself. "With someone you really like, maybe even love." My hands started shaking and breathing became difficult. My vision stared to fade and i ran out of the room before blacking out completely. Y/N? Are you okay? I heard someone ask. Slowly everything came back into my vision. "What happened?" I asked slowly. Jeremy was infront of me and began explaing that I blacked out. I started crying after that. "Im an idiot." i said between sobs. Letting myself freak out about something that will never happen. "I'm sorry, tell everyone I'm not feeling good and that I'm going home. I gave him a goodbye hug and ran out of the building. I ran faster than i ever have. I unlocked my door and threw myself on the bed and sobbed until nightfall. Jeremy woke me up thr next morning early. "Lets get some coffee before school." I agreed to it. Got dressed, brushed my teeth, and said put on my knee brace. We got to the school and i brought jeremy to the theater so we could practice since we both got a free period.
"Romeo, Romeo, where fort art thou Romeo?
I questioned and we continued practice the kiss was about to happen and i got my self mentally prepared.
We leaned in and our lips met. It felt as electricity was flowing through us. We pulled apart and he forgot his lines after that.
"Im sorry, but I've wanted to do that ever since i met you in the park a few months ago and you let me stay with you."
I kissed him again. This one was more drawn out and more passionate. "Jeremy i've had the biggest crush on you since 7th grade. I love everything about you. One more kiss was shared then we parted was to go to class. I couldnt really focus all i could do was think of was the kiss. Yhe class passes and its time for the one of the last practices before our performance. Onve again the kiss happened and in the background i could hear Mr. Reyes awwing. "That was really good you guys. I could feel the emotions you showed. Really impressive! We thanked him and began walking home considering drama was our last class. We walked through the park that we officially met at. We sat at the swings talking. A few hours passed and it was soon getting dark. I looked down at my phone, 10:17. "I think we should head back to the house its getting late. He nodded and we began to walk back. We decided to stay up watching movies on the couch. 3 movies passed and i looked over and jeremy was asleep. So peaceful and fragile. I kissed him on the cheek before heading off to bed. As an hour past i found myself restless. Sleep was something that wasn't in my vocabulary. I got up and headed out for my normal spot. The park. Since no one was out i took is an opertunity to let some emotions out the only way i knew how to. Drawing. I grabbed my sketchbook and began drawing the surrounding areas along with a little personal touch. Two people sharing a kiss by the tree. "I knew I'd find you out here." I jumped out of my thoughts and quickly closed my book. "Oh hey Jer." I said. "You should be asleep, go back inside." I told him. "So should you." He replied back. He held out his hand which i accepted. He led me back to the house and i got in bed putting sketchbook on the dresser next to the bed, and fell asleep. Jeremy was still getting ready for bed and took a look through my journal and saw the sketch i did earlier. He was in awe of the drawing. He couldnt take it anymore. He woke me up and before i could question his lips were on mine. He kissed me with as much passion he could muster up. We pulled apart and finally spoke. "I saw the drawing. I looked, i shouldn't have but i did." I shot up immediately after. I grabbed my skethchbook and held it tight. "Not cool Jer!" I whined. "Is that the only thing you saw?" I asked giving up any secrets i had. "Yeah thats all i saw. Is there more?" He asked. I nodded and found a page at the back of the book and read it to him.
"As life progresses, I'm bound to make mistakes, to see hard times. Every low comes with a high. Somewhere in the future i'll see what I can truly be. I may be scared and a little doubtful, but in the long run I know I'll be ok.
I knew that when i met you i knew who i was. Everything was clear. I wasnt scared of anything else but losing you. I see nothing but hope now that i have you. I love you more than anything."
He hugged me right after listening to that. "Do you really feel that way." I nodded and grabbed his hands. "I always have." I leaned over and kissed him again. "Promise me you won't look through my stuff anymore?" I asked him. "I promise but you should teach me how to draw cause youre incredibly talented." I smiled at him and layed back down. "Good night Jeremy. I love you." I told him before falling asleep. "Good night Y/N, i love you too. He replied pulling me against him. He pressed one last kiss to my forehead before he fell asleep.
After a day full of confessions and love. It was anything but a sleepless night.
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This is the brace I had. I don't know where I put it. Every other brace I have is horrible compared to this one.
@broke-ass-potterhead I hope you enjoy! 💙
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booksandchainmail · 6 years
nanoha vivid liveblog: episode 9
We left off in the opening rounds of the competition, with Vivio and Miura slated to fight each other at some point. 
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The other belkan girls!
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I think I remember them being friends
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Soft music and slow-mo here, as we get our first look at sieglinde’s eyes
... which are entirely ordinary
huh, i was kinda expecting more heterochromia
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look I know youre overdramatic teenagers but I promise you giving yourselves nicknames about how good you are at fighting doesn’t actually make you seem good at fighting
also, i like to imagine that victoria’s been trying to get people to call her victor for most of her life, and sieglinde is the only one who will. victoria gave her her own nickname in thanks, and sieglinde was so happy about having a friend to give her a nickname that she didn’t care about the theme
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have you considered losing the waist long twintails?
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weirdly wholesome considering the subject matter
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who’s this boss? Presumably one of the other competitors we’ve seen, and I’m guessing harry as the only one who runs a thing (as well as one of the only returning successful contestants)
please tell me she didn’t pick that nickname/title herself
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theyre cute together
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and sieglinde pulls her hood back on as soon as more people arrive
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i guess i shouldn’t be surprised that the ojou and the delinquent dont get along
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at least it looks like it runs both ways
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i really do like this dynamic of harry and victoria constantly trying to fight, and meanwhile sieglinde’s just there in the background trying to calm down her friends
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oh hey the last unintroduced girl from the op! presumably she’s a returning fighter considering she seems pretty familiar with the others
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… I can’t tell if “violator restraints rule master” is one skill, two skills, her job, or her personality
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would they be wrong?
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let the fangirling commence!
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oh gods shes trying to hide behind that popcorn
it is very much not working
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i feel like this scene should be one of those draw the squad memes
also, these four are great together, more scenes with them please
I do like how in the returning champions we’re presented with three people who all hate each other, and then one person who they all like. it’s a good setup for comedy and shipping
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awwww, even while being shy, she’s still nice to einhart
come to think of it, i wonder if she also has memories of belka, and if so does she recognize einhart
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those chains were completely ineffective i guess
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i like to think that harry and victoria didnt break out immediately because they didnt want to hurt els’ feelings
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els is extremely indignant and harry is just having a good tiem
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okay that’s cool, they edited the OP now that we’ve seen sieglinde with her hood down
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how do these two know each other? I mean I’ll believe it, but I’m curious now.
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so what were the fights we saw last episode? 
I guess prelims for the qualifiers? Which explains how some people are seeded already
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this tournament sure has a sense of the dramatic
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she is actually a rule master school president
and brought her council with her i guess
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I mean, I would take harry fighting just about anyone, but this is an excellent clash of anime character archetypes
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The fact that there is canonically Japanese immigration to midchilda is one of the weirdest things about this setting to me. I mean, Nanoha and Hayate just moving to another planet with magic and magitek and spaceships is weird enough, but Subaru’s family immigrated generations back. How the fuck did that go? Can you imagine being a random Japanese peasant circa the 1700s and then suddenly you’re on a different world that has magic and also computers.
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oh gods
she looks so happy and i love her but her nickname is so stupid
and thats saying a lot considering the competition
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extremely on brand
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… that is the most “go ahead please” face I have ever seen
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and theeeeres the competition making an abrupt return
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i mean, she could still totally call you that even if you win
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i dont know if she planned it in advance, but letting harry see and underestimate her power beforehand was pretty smart
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A ranged attack?
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she just... blew up her own arm
That’s kinda clever. And also really metal.
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Thank you for the reasonable reaction
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the kind of attack name you expect from a girl called buster head
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Well that was fast
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Oh okay they have a set time to get back in the ring. makes sense considering how easy it is for a lot of them to send people flying
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nove suddenly has competition as the best punchy redhead in this show
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shes so good
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…you entered a martial arts competition without looking up the injury rules
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i cant decide if this is smart and practical or really creepy
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that is some powerful simulation
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Idk if it’s just saving on fight animation, but while their powers are cool, the actual fighting technique doesn’t seem equal to what we’ve seen from vivio and einhart
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please get hurt less
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where did that bandaid come from?!
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~tempting faaaate~
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Oh no wait shes pulling on it with her teeth
That’s… more reasonable, I guess?
Still fucking badass
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this is gonna be brutal
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also, anime nosebleed
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i love harry’s emotionally supportive girl gang
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this idiot
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For some mysterious totally not screen-time related reason
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That said, I do like them establishing that vivio&co are unusually talented even by this competition’s standards. I’d have a hard time buying that there are that many fighters on their caliber in the tournament
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because as is well known the inter-middle tournament involves fighting buses
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she’s just from a completely different samurai anime than everyone else
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magic infused or something?
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Oh fuck. 
Okay, scary sword girl vs. the wolkenritter’s student
…and whichever of them wins, vivio still has to fight
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I feel like I have a lot in common with this announcer man
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Is this like a general shyness thing, or an actual issue, or something minor that you’ve made into an actual issue…?
come to think of it, she mentioned leaving the tournament a year ago before she could fight victoria. did she also skip out on fighting mica? or was something in her fight with mica why she left
also, kudos to micaiah for having a sensible nickname
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call and...
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... response
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the purpose of having a gang is to force your friends to be supportive of each other
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How many times do you think vita’s gotten mistaken for a contestant? Actually, how many times do you think she’s got asked if she’s old enough to compete?
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in nanoha terms, i’m pretty sure this counts as a love confession
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Oh yeah, vivio&co have a personal connection to both contestants. That’s gotta be awkward
Also, does everyone bring an entourage to this tournament?
Actually, considering zafira and vita are there, it looks like you get a couple helpers (which I think is a thing in actual fighing tournaments), and presumably most people have a coach or friend or parent, we just happen to have seen a bunch of fighters with minions
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~tempting faaaate~
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Okay, I get the whole “magic doesnt cause actual injuries, we just simulate them” but like micaiah isn’t using magic. That’s a real sword.
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Well that’s a hell of a lot of damage from one attack. I don’t think Miura can afford to be hit again at all. 
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I mean, I don’t know about her but I’m definitely thinking that
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haven’t mentioned this before, but miura’s outfit with the heavy shinguards is really cool and well-suited to her fighting style
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pot meet kettle
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miura backstory! and yeah, this makes a lot of sense. she’s very cheerful, but the way she’s nervous all the time and latches onto team nakajima so quickly makes her seem pretty isolated form her peers
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and here we can see a demonstration of why carrying swords of different lengths is useful. Miura’s within the reach of Mica’s longer sword, so she switches to the shorter one to drive her back
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fancy kick coming up!
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Sword draw? Since she doesn’t seem to have one, I’m guessing it’s a kick that uses similar principles. Now the question is, is Miura’s secret weapon a technique that happens to be similar in principle to Mica’s fighting style, or is it a copying technique?
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1) this is a very pretty shot
2) it would be really funny if instead of powering up her own sword draw, mica just ran over there and stabbed miura before she can power up the breaker
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Didn’t seem to do a whole lot of damage for a special move
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Oh ok, she can keep kicking like that for a while
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Disadvantage of using a weapon: it can be broken
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its pretty interesting that the show sets up various rematches and rivalries and thematic fights that can’t all happen by the design of the tournament. it makes the fights a lot more suspenseful when there would be plot and character reasons for either side to win
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...remember what i said about how wanting to fight people in nanoha is basically a love confession?
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zurysalvatore · 7 years
Zury and their crush for the ask thing ^^
So Cassy and Zury :> Thank you for the askk ^3^
Who said “I love you” first
This must be Zury ^^ She loves to indicate her love. Probably she told him that she loves him in a really low voice so Cas made her repeat for several times. At last, she shouted and ofc instantly turn into red :>
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background 
Both probably, if not Zury would put one of their selfie as his lock screen :P
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Hmm… Maybe Cas? Well, Zury likes to draw in fog but not writing
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Neither, they both love giving each other special gifts that’ll suit their liking and personality
Who initiated the first kiss
Castiel, Zury is so shy to be bold like that lol
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Hmm… Well, it depends since neither of them wakes early, but whoever wakes up first, will kiss the other one :>
Who starts tickle fights
Castiel, oh boy, you cant imagine how ticklish Zury is haha
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
None of them? I dont think they can do such thing for now @.@
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Both ^^ When Zury is really busy and tired, Cas brings her favourite pizza :P Zury also likes to surprise him with the lunch she make with her own hands for him ♥ (thanks to her bro haha He teaches her ^^)
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Both, okay, Zury was the one who first confessed her love, but still, she is that tomato we all know. They even tried to avoid making eye contact cuz both of them was pretty nervous. They didnt talked much at first but then they started asking questions eachother  to break the silence, but really cheesy ones so they both ended up laughing haha
Who kills/takes out the spiders
DEFINITELY CAS, Zury has arachnophobia :’’> But she doesnt like hurting living things so she yells at thim to not hurt it, to just take it outside
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Cas ahahah Zury havent drink that much to be drunk also she loves to watch him drunk lol
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