#consider or i’ll cry /hj
doll-days · 10 months
Milgram fandom, I would like to present an idea:
04 (Muu) & 09 (Mikoto) friendship
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linonyang · 1 year
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read maknae line version here
pairings: hyung line x gender-neutral!reader (written separately per member)
genre: fluff, very light angst, college au
warning: mentions of food and insects
word count: 1.6k words (390-400 words per member)
tag list: @awooghan​​ @hwangsify​​ @xiaoderrrr​ @cosmic-railwayxo​​​
note: i impulsively wrote this since i am on the brink of getting insane bc of this one project i have... so don’t mind me /hj i’ll probably write the second part/maknae line next week when i am done with the mentioned project lol i hope you enjoy this short hc!
© linonyang - all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours.
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since he’s a guy who loves to stay awake all night, it’s no problem for him to join your cramming and procrastinating in projects and exams!
if not, he might be the little devil on your shoulder to stay awake with him, instead of the other way around (which was the original plan) :p 
he’ll do everything to not make your eyes close in the study hall!!!
if you’re into coffee, he’ll bring you a cup of coffee of the biggest size from your favorite cafe nearby
or if you’re feeling like eating something sweet to spike up your sugar a little bit, he might buy all of your favorite candies and desserts (including your favorite cakes and pastries) in small portions
so you can have a little bit of everything :>
chan will instantly embrace you if you’re on the brink of breaking down
you can cry on his shoulder (literally) and have him as your pillow whenever you want to give yourself short breaks after long hours of studying
and he’ll never tell this to you: he really enjoys you staying beside him when you guys do your own things
he just finds it comforting‌…
he loves how you don’t feel bothered when there’s someone beside you (him) when you usually prefer to study alone on a normal day
it’s like he’s an exception, he really loves the idea of it :* he loves to joke that you’re so down bad for him! (let’s be real, he’s not lying </3)
so you don’t have to stress out all on your own, chan’s there with you to feel less pressured and worried about your incoming exams and deadlines!
when chan notices that trouble is slowly surfacing on your face, he’ll talk to you a bit to lower your anxiety
he really doesn’t want you to feel very stressed!!!! he hates seeing any negative expression on your face!!!
he’ll feel sad too when you feel sad :((( 
being the knight in shining armor, as usual, he’s willing to bring you home whenever you feel like doing so <3
(and you can’t stop him from doing that, he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night without knowing that you arrived safely at your home or dormitory!)
chan will definitely send a message that you should not extend your studying at home because you did a lot already when you were with him!
minho will probably do everything to make you consider studying in his home
so you can not drown in instant food and fast food and have delicious meals cooked by him from time to time instead <33
also, his cats!!!!!!!
he’ll probably bring soonie, doongie, and dori near you so you can have some comfort whenever he’s not in the room with you, whenever he has to cook, take a shower, and all that jazz
and the three cats seem to make your day every time
it’s like minho communicated with them beforehand about how can you study healthily
when you’re sitting and reading the papers on the desk for too long, one cat will block your way and sit on the papers and books
then another will jump on your lap and ask for your love and affection (just begging you to pet them :D)
and one will constantly meow behind you, already on the bed, so you can take a good nap
when you do get to nap with all of minho’s cats on his bed, he always arrives at the wrong time, apparently
you’re asleep! but he cannot help but feel butterflies in his stomach because you look so cute napping with his beloved kitties :’>
as you instructed him before, he’ll wake you up once you reach your time limit
then he’ll join you to study once you’re back at his desk! :D
minho will definitely pet the cats beside you when you’re endlessly typing on your laptop
just so he can look after you because he does not want you to lose track of his so-called “healthy study session” for you
he’ll definitely scold you when he’ll hear your stomach growling in the middle of the night
because “how can you study with no source of energy?!?!”
he always reminds you to not overwork and don’t pass your limits
when you want to take a longer snooze (especially when it shows from your constant yawning and eye rubbing), he will not hesitate to bring all of your materials to the couch outside of his room
and drag you to his bed!!!!! so he can cuddle you all night and whisper all of his manifestations for your good results in school!!! he believes you will ace the exam, and you did so perfectly in all of your tasks!!!
this guy…
oh when you ask him to accompany you to the library
he’ll drop all of his things and find you in an instant!
changbin will take your studies seriously as if he’s the one studying :p 
a strict but loving kinda person
he’ll not hesitate to scold you if he sees you sidetracking! lmao </3
but he wouldn’t do that when he knows you’re taking a break
when you feel a little disoriented or frustrated, changbin will give you energy with his powerful hugs!
“my hugs are proven to give you a better mood and more motivation to do whatever you want!!!”
“what if i don’t want to study anymore?”
“that is not included, alright?!”
(he didn’t lie about his hugs making you feel better and energetic again tho ;D there was an immediate effect right when he hugged you tightly for a solid minute)
he does serve as a distraction sometimes because he will lovingly stare at you when he’s at the peak of feeling bored
but when he is dealing with something, changbin will unintentionally bother you by making noises
in conclusion, he gives you a realistic feel of what being a student is
it makes you reassured‌… that how you’re facing academics is considerably normal?
even if changbin did promise you he’ll make sure you’re doing well, it seems like he’s the one who needs some guidance
when he’s aware that he’s not tracking you that frequently anymore, he stops what he’s doing and goes back to staring at you with heart eyes
“how are you doing?” and some good sliding of his water jug on the table to you because you can’t be dehydrated!
he steals your notebook of reminders and asks you if any of the pending deadlines and exams listed should be crossed out already
changbin will drag you out of the library when you have crossed enough pending tasks in your notebook! and take you on a scrumptious dinner date because he knows you deserve it for all the work you’ve done :>
will always pay for your dinner, even if you’re willing to pay
and will probably baby you when he discovers you finished all of your work
“aww let’s order another plate of that food we ordered! you need more good food after that exhausting study time!”
“but my stomach is full already, binnie </3”
hyunjin is one worried baby when you tell him you’re in “super study mode”
you refuse to believe that your boyfriend is behaving like a mother
he will visit you and shower you with so much love
it’s like… he wants to lessen your worries :’<
he is willing to do all the chores so you can study without interruptions!!! 
he is also willing to feed you so you don’t have to get out of your seat!!!
hyunjin will always be on the go when you need something
his hugs and kisses? he will drag you to your bed and give you some!
his words of encouragement? he has prepared a long list in his head to give you more determination to finish your work!
will never get out of mom mode until you’re done
whenever you update him on your progress, he always congratulates you as if you won a life-changing award
“i am so proud of you!! :DDD” and clapping loudly
that’s because he knows how grueling studying is, and you should be congratulated for being hardworking
he loves to see you snort and laugh at his antics, even if they’re very exaggerated
and he moves and acts exaggeratingly just so you don’t have any direct source of the negative atmosphere
when he notices that you’re slowly sighing heavier than the previous one, he rushes to your side and looks after you literally
he will endlessly peck your face and stroke your hands with his thumbs
“you are doing so well! don’t say that you barely did anything today! you did so much already and i saw all of it!”
if hyunjin thinks you’ve done so much already, he’ll tell you to stop and invite you to take a walk outside with him
it’s a win-win situation because you get to relax by looking at the view of the park and hyunjin can capture beautiful photos and find inspiration for his paintings :DDD 
plus, that’s the perfect time for hyunjin to lighten up your mood
“i already washed your toilet btw, i saw a cockroach walk towards me while i was scrubbing! ugh, worst experience ever!”
“what did you do?”
“i hit it with a toilet scrubber too lightly, it was still alive so i ran out of the bathroom for a bit :’D heh”
“where the cockroach went to then?!?! i don’t want cockroaches in my home?!”
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Lucas and MMC Guilty as Sin? Analysis
When I first heard this track it immediately became one of my favorites on the album, the lyrics felt very forbidden love/star crossed lovers and so my brain made the connection back to EAA. I felt a lot of the lyrics could relate to Lucas’s route from his perspective, and the more I listened to the song, the more sure I was of it. Please enjoy my no doubt senseless yapping. I’ve decided to break the segments up into “themes” where I’ll include the lyrics and my thought.
Here’s the link to the song if anyone wants to give it a listen: https://youtu.be/OOYlWF6V8t8?si=R5QBsL-ANQ6F27Fd
Also shoutout @megatraven for hyping me up on this I’m sorry it took so long😭
CW: The lyrics being analyzed contain blatant sexual themes (idk if that’s a concern for this fandom but figured I’d include it)
The first section will be focused on Lucas’s duty to the crown
My boredom’s bone deep
This cage was once just fine
Lucas was born out of necessity, his father needed an heir. He was raised being told he would inherit a kingdom, and it never registered for him that he could be something else until MMC asks him what he would want to do with his life.
I dream of cracking locks
Throwing my life to the wolves
Or the ocean rocks
Crashing into him tonight
When Lucas is with MMC, it’s the first time he’s allowed to consider a life outside of being king, to turn his back on it and live with the love of his life in the lighthouse by the sea (also insert obligatory wolf joke with Ezra)
Am I allowed to cry?
This line makes me think a lot about that one scene after the battle with the Warlock where MMC tells Lucas that crying doesn’t make him weak (I cried). He’s being unconditioned from his harmful upbringing through unconditional love and while it may scare him he trusts MMC enough to be vulnerable with him (I could write an essay on that scene alone but I digress)
He’s a paradox
I’m seeing visions, am I bad?
Or mad? Or wise?
He’s never felt such strong devotion towards someone and it makes him question everything he has learned
This leads me into the next section, a focus on his relationship with MMC in his first two seasons (the pining/situationship stages, if you will)
I keep these longings locked
In lowercase inside a vault
Someone told me
There’s no such thing as bad thoughts
Only your actions talk
Lucas feels obligated to make his quest against the Warlock his priority and is guilty over his feelings for MMC, making excuses for himself to justify pushing his feelings aside
These fatal fantasies
Giving way to labored breath
Taking all of me
We’ve already done it in my head
I swear I remember there being a line where Lucas admits to fantasizing about MMC (i wanna say season 3? I’ll have to check). Anyway, the notion of “fatal” fantasies is pertinent, they’re all consuming, his feelings for MMC are all consuming and “distracting”(😏) him from his quest
I keep recalling things we never did
Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our trysts
Without ever touching his skin
How can I be guilty as sin?
This line could go either way for them tbh, it feels like their mid season 2 situationship era, the knowing glances and stolen kisses while avoiding the question of what it means (Alexa play Casual by Chappell Roan /hj)
Of course, they’re able to work through these issues (yippee). But when passion and infatuation becomes love and devotion, they have a new warlock to face: their contradicting futures
If it’s make believe
Why does it feel like a vow
We’ll both uphold somehow?
Despite their destinies leaving them in separate realms, Lucas and MMC are determined to make their love and the time they have left together last (even if they feel less hopeful for their future)
What if the way you hold me
Is actually what’s holy?
Lucas is left wondering if being his father’s heir will satisfy him as much as his relationship with MMC does, making him question where his loyalties lie
If long suffering propriety
Is what they want from me
They don’t know how you’ve haunted me
So stunningly
I choose you and me
This is the scene in the rose garden (another scene I could write an essay on). Lucas’s realization that he never wanted the throne, finally making the choice to live with the love of his life in the lighthouse by the sea (good for him)
ANNNNDDDDD that’s what I got for you! I’m trying to be better at not letting stuff sit and collect dust, but I hope this was worth the wait! And even if it wasn’t, I hope it brought you some enjoyment. I would love to do more of these at some point (and hopefully with much less delay)
- Lightkeeper
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lollythelazyperson · 3 months
so I’ve finally finished watching all of lmk season 5, and…
LIKE- (starting w/ ep. 7 here since ep. 6 doesn’t have much happen in it iirc) we FINALLY get to learn what MK is/how he was created, LBD sorta shows up and the eye demon guy reveals to mk what all those visions meant(yk, mk literally sacrificing himself for the world n all), the show references wukong and macaque’s fight thingymajigy in jttw, then in ep. 8 mk can control the jade emperor’s power(or was that ep. 7? idrk man), the fuckin uh snake demon guy reveals the first two things i said to everybody else, but he also reveals/mk figures out that [snake guy] actually FREED MK FROM THE STONE WAAAAY EARLIER THAN NEEDED(snake guy also has some lore which kinda makes him interesting but that isn’t the point here)…
and in ep. 9, well- there’s no big lore drop except at the end, but so i’ll kinda summarize it instead. macaque first tries to stop mk from doin the whole sacrifice but fails, and eventually the others have to stop/stall snake guy while wukong tries to stop mk instead. he fails and mk encounters nuwa, who reveals the whole… “pillars in peril? pillars saved by mk? oh, well, that means the whole world has to start over cuz there are no more beings strong enough to handle the stones now, so the world’s gotta make new ones.” thing to him(which is the lore drop basically).
finally, in ep. 10, well(i shall also summarize this one)…
everyone thinks mk died(but macaque mutters “wukong”… 👀👀), meanwhile mk goes “NAH, IMMA DO MY OWN THING, ANS YOU CANT STOP ME!!!!!!!!” to nuwa basically, and comes out of the pillar alive. wukong catches mk when the latter starts to fall, so (mostly) everybody goes in for a group hug- but considering the world’s basically ending… they hold hands for the last time- and wukong is LEGIT ABOUT TO GET MACAQUE TO HOLD HIS HAND, WHEN FUCKIN SNAKE GUY INTERRUPTS THE MOMENT SJ2JZIWISIAOLAKAKAJQJSI LET THEM HAVE THEIR MOMENT SMH- …….oh right anyways. they(the others, not snake guy) decide to share the power of the stones with everyone due to mk convincing them of it, but then snake guy drags mk into the pillar- and they have a weird conversation that’s basically snake guy goin “…this has only just begun. good luck, kid. you’ll need it.” to mk and then literally pushing him off and back outta the pillar.
the last few minutes of the episode is basically the aftermath of that. people now have cool magic powers(nobody is gonna use em for bad, definitelyyyyy /hj /lh), flyingbark reference through a flying dog, and some of the monkie kids(everybody but the monkeys themselves basically) are just chillin n talkin. meanwhile, mk n wukong talk bout what’s gonna happen next or sum(can’t exactly remember what specifically, I just remember mk startin the convo like that) but when mk starts to cry wukong hugs him.
then, we get an outro-monologue thingy from tang- and what we see durin it is basically this;
1; macaque is in court with the ten kings(?)- his powers have been affected by snake guy.
2; pigsy n mk are just havin a nice time addin a new photo to the photo album.
3; nezha and his dad are helpin handlin stuff in the celestial realm,
4; finally, the monkie kids/mk’s crew + redson + the two monkeys are havin a lil celebration somewhere… but in the very end, macaque sees how mk’s staff is also affected by snake guy’s powers(?).
but it’s preeeeetty late for me rn and I cannot stay up(gotta wake up early tmr) today, so if I have anything else I wanna say I’ll probs just will do that in another post.
so gn! drink water, eat food, and have a great day/night! :D
cya’ll in the next post!
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Wonderful World - Part 11 ^**
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Hello friends, this is a big and transitional chapter! There's a lot going on and I think it's the one that gonna start winding down this story. It's kinda long, so buckle up! I hope you guys like it!
Warnings: many angsty themes, heated arguing, mentions of OCD, psychotic symptoms, suicide, mental health crisis, HJ
WC: 14.5K
It was the day of the board meeting and Celeste had been quiet and contemplative all day. Megan had tried to talk to her, presumably to say thank you or to just communicate something she wanted, but she was avoiding her like the plague. She had no idea what she was going to say in her testimonial that evening. She had even asked her mom if she could skip school but she said no, which really pissed her off, but whatever. The day was inching by as she hid out during lunch to try and write down her thoughts like Dr. Styles had suggested a few times, but all she ended up doing was doodling little flowers, butterflies, and a few variations for her potential signature all over the page. This was hopeless.
She was also really in her head about the awful things she’d heard her grandmother say about her and her mom. She felt sadness more than anger, how could someone be that awful to their own family. She knew that her mom wasn’t close to her parents but her mom had never really talked about why. She had never seen or heard an argument between them and as much as she wished her mom had her own mom to support her, she was happy that she’d rather not associate than to make excuses for her awful behavior and mindset. She had been a bit distant from her uncle the last few days because she just didn’t know how to feel about him bringing her to therapy. She understood that he had been worried and he had been so apologetic, but that was her safe space. And well, Dr. Styles told her that it was OK to be upset at him, to feel betrayed by him, so she sat with the feelings for the last couple of days and it made her wonder if he’d still show up to the meeting. She’d understand if he felt like he should no longer be there, but as long as her mom and Dr. Styles were there she’d be fine. She put her things away and got ready to go to class and as she was sneaking out of the practice room she’d been in she saw Megan waiting outside across the hall.
“Hi.” She said nervously and Celeste nodded at her. “I ummm, I just wanted to thank you f-for defending me.” She said and immediately she started to cry and Celeste pouted, “I know I don’t deserve it because to you I am the meanest person in the world.” She sniffled, “but Miss Jones encouraged me to…come out to my friends and then-”
“That’s how they reacted?” Celeste asked softly with a frown and Megan nodded with tears in her eyes.
“I mean, I get it…my parents aren’t happy about it either…” she sniffled, “But it’s Karma I guess.” She said and Celeste shook her head.
“No it’s not, they’re just…assholes.” She said softly and Megan glanced up to her eyes and then Celeste’s eyes went wide, “I’m so sorry for calling your parents and friends assholes.” She whispered nervously and then Megan started to giggle.
“No it’s OK! I’ve been thinking the same thing but I just felt bad actually saying it.” She confessed and Celeste’s nerves faded into a small smile.
“Hey ummm, if you don’t get expelled,” she said and Megan chuckled and so did Celeste for a few seconds, “Ummm, do you want to come to the spring dance with me, Geri, and Ozzy?” She asked and Megan’s smile faded into a look of surprise.
“Are you serious?” She whispered. She had been really bummed about this because well, her “friends” had told all of their group about her and her date had flaked on her.
“Yeah, I…think so. I mean, I’ll have to ask Geri considering…you know.” She faded off into silence and Megan nodded.
“Yeah, I get it. But if she says yes and I still go to school here on Friday then I’d be happy to go.” She said with a soft smile that Celeste mirrored.
“I’m not mad at you anymore.” Celeste said and Megan exhaled.
“Because you feel bad for me.” She said with a sad smile and Celeste shrugged.
“So? It’s progress!” She said optimistically and Megan smiled.
“Yeah…progress.” She hummed.
Diana had set up a video lecture for her class that afternoon and she had thought about texting Harry to see what his plans were but she decided against it. Yes, they were on great terms, but they weren’t in a place for her to be checking up on him like that. Celeste had been really quiet all afternoon, just up in her room. She had asked if she wanted to talk but she declined so she gave her some space. 
It was around 6:15pm when Damian showed up at the house to pick her and Celeste up for the meeting. He had taken their mom’s hotel room to give Diana and Celeste some space after that nuclear fight with their mom on Monday and they hadn’t really spoken, so things were still a little bit tense.
“Hey.” She said as she let him inside and he offered her a slight smile as he followed her into the kitchen, “Do you want a drink or something?” She asked as she went back to clearing out the dishwasher.
“No, I’m alright, but can I talk to you about something?” He asked and she nodded and gave him her full attention. “I’m sorry about mom.” He said again and she nodded.
“I know you are, Damian but what I continue to find hard to understand is how you can continue to make excuses for her when she treats us that way! Like I know she’s our mom, and I don’t wish her harm or anything like that but she’s so in the wrong! About tons of things, especially suggesting all those racist things about Celeste, her own granddaughter!” Diana said with frustration but kept her voice down, she didn’t want to stress Celeste even more with another argument.
“I know and I’ve been silent about it for too long but not anymore. I gave her a piece of my mind about her views and her beliefs and I told her that I didn’t want her in my life if she was going to continue treating you both that way. I told her it was wrong and that she needed to reevaluate herself…obviously she…acted unfazed about what I said but I just don’t want to be a coward anymore.” He said to her genuinely, “I’m sorry for never speaking up before and for not defending you. I just…as soon as Harry stepped in I knew that I needed to do better.” He admitted and Diana’s eyes were welling up.
“I know that it’s hard to do that, so thank you. You’ve always been there for me, you’ve always looked out for me, and taken care of me. I’m so grateful for you and I’m sorry that my relationship with mom has…basically extinguished yours, like you shouldn’t have to choose-”
“Of course I had to choose. It should have never even been a question after everything that’s happened between you two.” He said and she rolled her lips together, “I promise to do better where it counts, Di.” He said and she rounded the island and hugged him tight and he hugged back, “Te quiero mucho, guerita.” He said softly and she smiled. He hadn’t called her that nickname in many, many years.
“Yo también, feo.” She hummed back with a grin and he scoffed.
“Really? When I’m being all sweet and sentimental?” He asked as she giggled, “Quítate!” He scoffed playfully as he pried her arms off of him as she laughed, “I’m gonna go apologize to someone who will actually appreciate it.” He said as he headed out of the kitchen.
“If you’re referring to Celeste I think she’ll be far harder to crack!” She warned and he peered back into the kitchen with narrowed eyes.
“We’ll see about that.” He challenged before he headed to the stairs.
“Well don’t be too long we need to go soon!” She called and sighed when she got no response. But as she stood there by herself, kind of feeling bad for their parents, she was happy that her brother had stuck up for her like that. It truly meant the world.
After her uncle had come up and apologized to her for everything that had happened on Monday, Celeste was feeling a lot better. She was happy that despite her being a bit distant he had shown up to make sure that she was alright and to just be there for her during this really nerve-racking thing she was about to do. When they arrived at the school she looked for Dr. Styles but she didn’t see him anywhere yet so when they took their seats Diana ensured to save him a spot. As the minutes to start diminished and the meeting hall got a bit more full she started to glance around again.
“He’ll be here, don’t worry.” Her mom said to her quietly and she exhaled and nodded.
“Yeah, there’s probably traffic. And if he comes a little late he might just sit in the back.” Her uncle chimed in and well, that made sense. They were the 3rd and final item on the agenda, so it would be OK, if he was a little bit late. She stopped being so concerned about him and more about her nerves about reliving the awful things that happened to her and speaking about them in front of all of these people she didn’t know.  
She was clutching her mom’s hand as they finally started to talk about her situation. They said that due to the nature of some of the evidence in this item they would not be showing the evidence, but that all board members had been briefed previously, she was grateful for that and surely Megan was too. Then, Principal Whittaker went up and spoke about the rules that Megan had broken that led to her recommending expulsion. She talked about her and about Megan as students as well. Then the school counselor, Miss. Jones talked about how she’d been working with Megan, and then Megan also went up and made a statement where she apologized again for what she had done but she never mentioned that she had been bullied too. She was crying the whole time and it made her even more nervous for her turn to go up there.
“Thank you miss Freeman, we are glad to hear that you are addressing the issues that led to your behaviors and that you have been following the recommendations and carried out all disciplinary measures consistently.” She said and Megan nodded from her seat and then glanced at Celeste who was already looking at her, “The last part of this item will be a testimonial from Miss Celeste Beltran, if you’d be so kind to come up to the podium.” The director said and she stood and glanced to her mom before swallowing thickly and walking up to the podium. It was positioned in a way in which she could see the board members but also those in the audience.  The woman started to speak but she was distracted as she scanned around the audience to find Dr. Styles she couldn’t see him anywhere and her mouth started to go dry and her heart to sink in so much disappointment. “Miss Beltran?” The woman spoke to her once again and she blinked a few times to get rid of the tears welling up in her eyes because he wasn’t here. He promised.
“Miss Beltran, we’ve heard from Miss Freeman about the steps she has taken to reconcile this situation with you. Would you say that she has sincerely done her best to make amends for victimizing you over the past several months?” She asked her and Celeste didn’t answer.
Diana frowned as she saw Celeste glancing around the room with a frown on her face and that was enough to confirm to her that Harry had not shown up. She had texted him a few times throughout the meeting but she hadn’t received any responses from him. She sent one more, asking where he was. She started to worry that something bad had happened to him because he wouldn’t have not shown up without a warning or notice. He wanted to be here for Celeste. 
“Miss Beltran?” The director called to Celeste and Diana frowned as she saw that she wanted to cry. So she cleared her throat and it caused Celeste to look at her and at Damian. She gave her a slight nod and with that she exhaled shakily before she parted her lips to speak.
“Ummm what was the question?” She asked again softly.
“Would you say that Miss Freeman has sincerely done her best to make amends for victimizing you over the past several months?” 
“Oh, ummm yes.” She said.
“Do you feel like your school has adequately administered consequences to help rectify the situation between you and Miss Freeman?”
“Yes.” She responded.
“Are there any other things you’d like the school board to consider before we decide on a verdict for Miss Freeman’s expulsion?”
“Ummm…Megan’s been going through a lot.” She started off and then glanced to her, “Like Miss Jones advised, she wrote me a private letter explaining herself and at first I was…even more upset. But she’s dealing with something quite big that has…led for her to also be bullied at school.” She explained solemnly, “I didn’t expect to step in an defend her, but I did. Not out of pity, but because we all deserve to feel safe. And at first I was scared of her and of running into her but I’m not anymore. Now that I understand her better I’ve…” she paused and bit her lip as she decided to just say what she’d been mulling over all day, “I’ve forgiven her.” She said and Megan started to cry even harder and Celeste sniffled as well.
Diana’s eyes welled up with tears and she squeezed Damian’s hand at Celeste’s confession. “If she’s allowed to stay I know we won’t be having any more issues like this and…I mean, it’d kind of suck if you expelled her because she’s supposed to go to the dance with my friends and I on Friday.” She said and the audience broke out in a small chuckle. Diana sniffled through her laughter and shook her head as she glanced to Celeste who had glanced to her briefly. “I do think she deserves another chance.” She finished and the director thanked her before she stepped down and headed back to her seat. As soon as she was sitting Diana hugged her into her side and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m really proud of you, mamita.” She whispered and Celeste just leaned further into her hold. After that they said that they would take 15 minutes to deliberate in private and called a recess to the meeting. Diana excused herself to go to the bathroom, she took a little detour outside on the way over. She needed to call Harry, she had this awful sinking feeling in her stomach that something was wrong and that just made her think about Wesley and she was starting to spiral. Her vision was blurring with tears as she pulled out her phone to dial Harry. When she felt a hand on her shoulder she whipped around quickly as the unexpected touch gave her a fright and she was riddled with disappointment and even more concern when she saw Megan’s mom behind her.
“I’m so sorry I scared you.” Mrs. Freeman said and Diana chuckled away the scare.
“Oh, it’s alright.” She assured with a hand on her chest.
“I just wanted to…say thank you for being such a good parent.” She said softly and Diana shook her head as she looked at her feet for a moment.
“I can’t take credit for anything Celeste said up there, that was all her and her therapist’s hard work.” She assured.
“Sure. But she had to learn to have a great character from somewhere and well, even if you might think you’ve got nothing to do with it you’ve actually got everything to do with it. Even if Megan gets expelled I ummm, I think she’ll be alright with that declaration.” She said and Diana smiled.
“She’s a good kid, Megan. And I mean…I don’t want to speak out of turn but…she deserves to be happy, no matter what that looks like for her.” She said softly and Mrs. Freeman nodded.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about that too…my husband, he’s an elder at Crossroads Baptist church.” She said quietly, “I sometimes get really extreme with what I think because I feel like I have to. And I’m not going to lie, I’ve judged many people for the way they choose to live their lives and it’s unfortunate that it took my daughter being in that position for me to understand just how wrong and…un-christ like that is.” She said and Diana hummed in understanding as she listened. She wouldn’t necessarily agree that people chose their sexuality for themselves, but if this woman was coming around to any reason that was progress on its own. “I’m doing better though. I’m…praying a lot and branching out a lot more because I don’t want to lose my daughter. I even found a church close by that’s not as rigid as the one we’ve been going to all this time.” 
“That’s wonderful, I’m glad you’ve found that. And well, I mean, I know that it’s hard to reconcile certain things at times but there is always a way. And you know, sticking to your beliefs is also important and it’s good to be able to find a space in which you can question and learn and grow without judgement. Hopefully Megan feels accepted there too, but the biggest thing is for her to feel accepted by you.” 
“Yeah.” She agreed quietly with a smile, “Well, I just wanted to say that to you before I missed my chance and ummm whatever happens, I’m sure it’ll be for the best.” She said and Diana nodded.
“Agreed.” She hummed. Mrs. Freeman was just about to excuse herself when Damian came outside.
“They’re about to start up again!” He said.
“That was quick.” Diana said as she and Mrs. Freeman agreed as they both hurried over to the door and went their separate ways as they headed to their seats.
“Is he here?” Celeste asked her softly and Diana frowned as she shook her head.
“No, I didn’t see him, sweetheart. I’m sorry.” She whispered as she tried to remain calm and Celeste just huffed.
“He’s a liar.” She said with disdain and Diana frowned.
“Mamita, he really wanted to be here, you know that. I’m sure there’s a really good explanation for why he’s not here. I mean…god forbid something happened to him or-”
“After some deliberation and consideration of the testimony given by our four witnesses  these are the votes of the members of the school board.” The director’s voice overtook hers so she just quieted down, “In favor of expulsion - 4 votes. Not in favor - 6 votes.” She said and Diana glanced over to Mrs. Freeman who was smiling at her already and hugging Megan close, “Because the majority has voted against, Megan Freeman will remain a student at Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies, she will be on a probationary period during the fall Semester of the new school year. We expect her to continue working with Miss Jones regularly and we will work with the principal, student, and her family to finalize the details of this probationary period. We have gone through all of our agenda items for today’s meeting so that concludes this session. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 5th. We will only be considering and addressing agenda items pertinent to the new school year. Have a good night everyone.” The woman finished and everyone started getting up to leave.
When Megan came up to hug Celeste afterwards she knew that despite the smile on her face she was extremely angry because Harry didn’t show up. She knew that there was a good reason for it, he wouldn’t let Celeste down like that, but the fact that he wasn’t answering her texts was worrying her more than she cared to admit. She felt sick to her stomach and passed on a late night snack when they stopped at a fast-food restaurant on the way home. She hoped he was OK and she did the most she could to talk herself down from thinking of the worst case scenario, but based on her experience it was always the worst case scenario.
Harry had welcomed in his last scheduled patient of the day at 4:30pm like he usually did on Wednesdays. But since he had no class tonight he had taken his time with doing all of his report notes so that he could kill some time before the school board meeting at 7, but all that changed when one of his patients just dropped by at 6pm in a full blown crisis. This man had unfortunately been dealing with OCD for a large part of his life and he had just lost his job because his compulsions had gotten in the way of his productivity; he was a checker. And he also shared that his wife was threatening to divorce him and now this man wanted to kill himself. 
Obviously, this was an emergency and he needed to help deescalate this man from his breaking point and suicidal ideations and intents immediately. The more digging Harry did, he discovered that the patient had not taken any of his meds that month because he had accidentally dropped them all on the ground when he was organizing them into his med container and so he had tossed them all; his germophobia had gotten the best of him. But this was a big issue because this should’ve been his second month on a combination of an SSRI and antipsychotic medication because one of the big overarching symptoms he had was paranoia. Harry needed to diminish those psychotic symptoms first in order to get them to a level where he could see if  clinical intervention could help so that he could ween him off of the antipsychotics - he tried to steer away from prescribing antipsychotics for OCD as much as possible, but some people just needed them whether it be for a few months or for the rest of their lives, but long terms users of antipsychotics were often riddled with really unfortunately side effects later down the line and of course, he didn’t want that for any of his patients.
All of this just completely distracted him and so by the time he had finished talking with his patient, assessing suicidality, and making a safety plan for him it was a little bit after 8:30 and he immediately felt sick to his stomach; he had missed the board meeting. He rushed back into his office and checked his phone to see that Diana had texted him a few times.
“Shit!” He cursed as he opened up his phone to check her messages.
Diana Beltran:
6:50pm: Hey, I saved you a seat. We’re in the third row on the left side.
7:13pm: Are you sitting somewhere else?
7:43pm: I just need to know that you’re OK. Please let me know that you’re OK.
“Fuck.” He sighed in disappointment as he immediately dialed her number and it rang and rang until it reached her voicemail. He didn’t know if she was angry at him so he didn’t want to just show up at her place unannounced; he’d be livid if she’d left him hanging without so much as a warning. He tried her again a few more times before he just grabbed Misty and put her in her little travel kennel so that they could head home. She’d call him back when she was ready.
“No goodnight?!” Damian called after Celeste as soon as she started heading up the stairs when they got home. She huffed and came back and hugged him half-heartedly.
“Thanks for being there for me. Love you, goodnight.” She said and then rushed up the stairs and Diana sighed as she slipped off her shoes by the door. She’d try Harry after Damian left, she hadn’t heard her phone go off.
“She’s just really bummed about Harry not showing up.”
“Yeah, what’s up with that. Did he say anything to you?” He asked as he followed Diana into the kitchen and she nibbled on her lip nervously as she shook her head and flicked on the lights.
“I texted him a bunch of times and he never answered.” She said as she set her purse down on the island. She swallowed the lump in her throat and glanced over to Damian, “What if something happened to him?” She asked in a small and nervous voice and his features softened as he came over to her and pulled her into his arms.
“No, no, no. I’m sure he’s fine.” Damian said as she started to cry softly and he shushed her and held her close. 
Damian knew that this uncertainty was probably bringing back a lot of really awful memories for her. One of his biggest life regrets was leaving for school early that summer. Wesley’s passing had been traumatic for Diana all on it’s own, but the aftermath was even worse. Their parents forced her to go to Columbia just weeks later and she was in an awful place mentally. She was also all alone in New York, he tried to visit as often as he could, but he was also in school almost 7 hours away. And when she found out she was pregnant it made things worse for a time because of the stress of having to tell their parents; it was a secret between them until they went home for Christmas break, then all hell broke loose. For a long time he was the only person that she had in her corner. Their dad wasn’t angry at her like their mom, but he just stayed out of it, which was almost worse in a way.
“He better fucking be.” She sniffled and Damian pondered whether he should even ask his next question but he did it anyway.
“Di, do you…have feelings for Harry?” Damian asked gently and she just sighed.
“I’m trying not to.” She sniffled as she pulled back from their hug and he let her go to be able to look at her better. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked with a confused chortle.
“It means that…I can’t, like I just can’t.” She said softly, “Celeste would never forgive me. She’s already gonna be angry at Harry for who knows how long for not showing up tonight. It’s just…weird you know? Me dating her therapist.”
“Does he feel the same?”
“Yeah.” She confirmed and Damian frowned.
“Yeah.” She sighed in defeat, “We’ve…snuck a few kisses,” she confessed and Damian smiled, “But ummm…I’m scared.” She admitted, “I’m scared that it’s all going to get taken away too soon because he’s like…really fucking great and we get along so well! And I don’t want to bring him into my life like that or Celeste’s and lose him. I don’t want her to know what that feels like. I know that the odds are like…insane for the same thing to happen but they still exist. And I keep using Celeste being his client as an excuse for why we can’t try, but it’s me who just…can’t.” She confessed, “I’m the biggest obstacle.” 
“Well let me tell you something, since the moment you found out that you were pregnant, despite the surprise and fear and everything else, you’ve lived your life to make Celeste happy. Everything you’ve done has been to benefit her. And that’s so admirable of you, but you’ve forgotten yourself along the way. I know that you’re happy with your life, but you need more and she needs more too, and I also think you want more and I know that’s hard for someone like you to accept, but it’s OK to want more.” Damian said to her earnestly, “I really like Dr. Styles-er, Harry, whatever…” he said as she giggled softly, “I like how he didn’t even hesitate to stand up for you and Celeste against mom, he’s a protector.” He said with a smile, “Maybe before I go we can all do something together again. I mean we as in the adults.” He tagged in.
“I mean…they’re really big on escape rooms.” Diana said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“Hmmm, never done that before…sounds like torture.” Damian said and Diana laughed softly.
“I mean, it is if you’re not smart or have no problem solving and critical thinking skills….so yeah, maybe we should do something else- ah!” Diana shrieked as Damian playfully head-locked her for a few seconds and gave her a noogie before releasing her as he laughed at how she rubbed at the crown of her head, “Jeez.” She huffed through her own laughter and he smirked.
“What are big brothers for? Now, I’m staying at the hotel again because I want to get my money’s worth out of mom’s room, but I’ll pick Celeste up from school tomorrow if you want?”
“Yeah, that would be great. I moved my office hours to tomorrow so I’m gonna be late. Probably make it back around 7:30 or 8.” She explained.
“Perfect.” He hummed and they hugged once more before she headed up to her room. When she pulled her phone out of her purse she saw that Harry had tried to call and so she locked her bedroom door and then rushed into her bathroom and closed that door as well before calling him back. The line only rang twice before it stopped.
“Harry?” She spoke immediately.
“Hey, Di! I’m so, so sorry that-”
“I’m glad you’re alright.” She interrupted with a relieved sigh, “Fuck, I’m so happy you’re OK.” She said more quietly and he bit his lip as he heard her sniffle, “When you weren’t answering I thought maybe something had happened to you or-”
“Oh my god, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry.” He apologized as he paced around his bedroom, “I didn’t mean to worry you or scare you. Fuck, I didn’t even think about that.” He said with a frown, mentally beating himself up for making her so worried like that, “How upset is Celeste?” He asked lowly.
“Pretty mad, she was looking for you right before she started and it tripped her up a bit but she…ended up publicly forgiving Megan which I wasn’t expecting.” She shared and Harry smiled as he heard this.
“Wow…we were talking about that on Monday…and then everything else went down.” He said and she hummed, “I’m so proud of her.” He sighed happily and Diana smiled, “God, I wish I could’ve been there.” He said softly. And then he realized that she hadn’t even asked where he was or what happened, “You’re not gonna ask where I was?” He asked and she huffed out a little laugh.
“Ummm, if you want to tell me you can.” She said and he chuckled, “But I didn’t feel the need to ask because I know you wanted to be there. I mean, you promised, and I figured it must’ve been something really important for you to not show up. And I don’t know if that’s my business, which is why I didn’t ask you, but I…I do know that if you could’ve been there you would have been.” She explained her reasoning for not even asking him what happened and Harry felt a sense of satisfaction with her response, she trusted him, implicitly. It gave him butterflies in his stomach to know that, “I’m just…relieved that you’re alright.” She said softly.
“Yeah, love. M’safe and sound.” He assured again and after a beat of silence he spoke up again, “Well I’m gonna tell you anyway to dissipate my guilt.” He said and she chuckled, “A client just walked in a bit before I was getting ready to go, he was in a full blown crisis, wanted to kill himself…it was kind of messy. Apparently he’d been off his meds the whole month and never said anything.” He explained and she hummed.
“See. Knew it must’ve been something big. Is he alright?”
“Yeah, he’s better thankfully. I also alerted his primary doctor, we made a safety plan, and I refilled his prescription. That took a bit of time since he wasn’t due for a refill until a week or two, so I had to chat with a pharmacist about it…it was an ordeal, but we sorted everything out.” He assured. “So ummm, what else ended up happening?” 
“Well they didn’t expel Megan, she’s all good. Her ummm, her mom talked to me during the deliberation break and well she’s ummm, she’s coming around, trying to be more supportive of her.”
“That’s really good to hear.” He smiled.
“Yeah, Celeste apparently invited her to the dance with her and her friends this Friday since Megan’s friends are…assholes.”
“Oh, she’s making strides!”
“Yeah…I mean, I know she can be stubborn and resentful, but she’s got a huge, huge heart and she’s so empathic and I just think that this was really mature of her.”
“Yeah, honestly it is! I’m really, really proud of her. I’ll be sure to tell her with extra, extra sweetness on Monday.” He said and Diana sighed.
“If she even wants to see you on Monday.” Diana said and Harry chuckled.
“You really think she’d want to cancel?”
“It’s highly likely…I’m gonna ask you something and you can be honest about it, if I just..let her cancel is that like…reinforcing her to be a brat? Like I understand that she has a right to be upset, but things happen, emergencies happen, and you can’t always get what you want, you know? I think I’ve been really lenient over the last couple of months because of what she’s been going through but I also don’t want her to think that it’s OK to just not confront difficult situations. She’s capable of it, clearly, but ummm…I don’t know…” she trailed off.
“I don’t think so. If her feelings are hurt and she needs some space to just figure out what she wants to say or even if she wants to say anything I think that’s important for her to do. I mean, whether she ever brings it up or not I’ll still apologize for letting her down.” He said.
“Well thank you for that, I appreciate it. Maybe she can practice those new forgiveness skills with you too.” Diana said and Harry chuckled.
“Ummm, Damian is leaving on Friday night, well it’s more of a redeye on Saturday, but we were planning on sending him off with a night of fun since Celeste will be at the dance. And he wanted to know if you’d like to join us?” Diana brought up and Harry grinned.
“Are you asking for your brother or is your brother asking you to ask for me to join for you?” Harry questioned and she giggled softly.
“Ummm….both? He really liked you and well, I really like you too. I told him we’ve kissed.”
“You seem to like telling people we kiss.” He mused with a smirk and Diana suddenly felt so nervous as he pointed this out.
“Oh…I guess I do, I hadn’t realized…”
“S’alright, I told Henry that we kissed right after that first time…I’m shocked he didn’t tell Grace.” Harry chuckled and Diana did as well, “I don’t mind that you tell people, by the way. I actually quite like that you…want to tell people and acknowledge it. S’never fun being a secret.”
“Yeah…and well, I just…think I want to see how people react and it’s never as bad as I assumed. And that also makes me feel less guilty about it.” She admitted.
“Good. You shouldn’t feel guilty about doing things that make you happy.” He said softly and she bit her lip to suppress her smile.
“Yeah. I’m learning that.” She confessed.
“So I do make you happy.” He stated inquisitively and she chuckled nervously as she shrugged.
“I…I mean…yes, you do.” She confirmed and Harry was smiling so hard he swore his cheeks would soon start to hurt.
“You make me happy too.” He assured and she smiled happily.
“That makes me more happy.” She said and he chuckled.
“So do you have any idea what our plans entail for Friday?”
“I suggested an escape room and he said that sounded like torture, so maybe we just do something else.” Diana said with a chuckle.
“I mean, you can never go wrong with a little bar hopping.”
“Let me just clarify that we do want him to make it to his flight, Harry.”
“We’re not gonna fuck him up, just get him a little more relaxed for the flight.” He said and she laughed quietly.
“Sure, sure.” She hummed in amusement, “Well look I’ll try to finalize everything by tomorrow, so just keep an eye out. It might be a late arrival since I had to change my office hours to tomorrow to be able to go to the meeting tonight, but it’ll get finalized tomorrow, OK?”
“Sounds good.” He assured.
“Alright. Well I’m gonna start getting ready for bed but thank you for getting back to me, I really appreciate it.” She sighed contently.
“Of course, love. See you soon. Sleep well.”
“Thank you, you too.” She smiled before they hung up.
Just as Diana had thought, when she tried to bring up Harry over breakfast Celeste was still really hurt and upset that he hadn’t shown up for the meeting and she was not ready to talk to him on Monday. She was chalking it up to the fact that maybe that professional boundary had been crossed when he went to Disneyland with all of them and that she was sure now that he wasn’t going to go to her spring concert either. Diana tried to talk her down and remind her that this was still really fresh and that she might change her mind, but Celeste didn’t seem open to having a change of heart and asked her to cancel the appointment. Diana said she would, but she’d wait the weekend, she knew Harry wouldn’t mind if she notified him on Monday morning that Celeste needed more time. As they pulled up to the drop off zone at her school she reminded her that Damian was going to come get her and with that reminder she Wass saying goodbye and rushing off to the building.
Diana’s day had been quite busy. Her morning had been full of meetings with current and incoming students for advising and program planning , she’d grade a bit in between meetings before she’d move along to the next one. This is how her day flew by, it was around 7:30pm now and her eyes were burning from staring at her screen for half the day. The last week of school was already next week, so most people were feeling some sort of pressure and plenty of exhaustion. No one had come by after 6, so she’d been trying to finish as much grading as possible, she’d finish the paper she started and then call it a night.
Diana stood from her chair and stretched a bit, giving her neck and back relief from the position she’d been in nearly all day. She walked over to the big glass wall that offered a view of this little patio/picnic area that was behind their building, but she could hardly see it due to the bright lights of her office reflecting off of the glass. She huffed and went over to the switches and turned them off. She had a her desk lamp on and that lighting was still enough to illuminate her office without it being to harsh on the eyes. She went back to the window and peered out to see that the seating areas was desolate now, but the lighting on the fountain out there was so pretty and she made a mental note to take more walks out there next year. She exhaled as she walked over to roll down the blinds, the setting sun was right in her eye line. So she took the chain and tugged on it to get them down for the night. She started to rush when she heard a few taps on the open door behind her and quickly turned around. 
“Hey.” Harry smiled timidly as he stood at the entrance of her office with a tote over his shoulder and a big brown paper bag in hand and she smiled brightly. He looked so cute with his light yellow pullover and his glasses on his face. She’d maybe seen him with them on once before, but she liked the look on him.
“Hi! This is a surprise.” She smiled wide.
“Yeah,” he chuckled nervously, “I hope m’not intruding. I remembered you said that you were working late tonight so I figured I’d stop by with some dinner. Hope you haven’t eaten?” He asked hopefully and her eyes softened.
“This is so thoughtful of you, Harry. And no, I haven’t had dinner.” She said with a smile and so he took that as his cue to step in. He set his tote down on a chair as she made some space on the coffee table for him to set the food down. “Ummm, I don’t expect anyone else to come by can you close the door please?” She asked as she set the books from the table on the other chair there. 
“Yes.” He said and did that before starting to unpack the bag, “Alright, so I got drunken noodles and spicy eggplant.” He said.
“Ooh, that smells amazing…” she hummed, already feeling her mouth water from the scent alone. “Here’s some rice…” he said pulling out another container, “And…the mango and sticky rice.” He said pulling out another container. “Here are the plates and utensils…” he said setting those down, “Do you have napkins?”
“Yes!” She said turning around and opening one of her drawers and pulling out a thin stack of them before heading back to the coffee table and setting them down. Harry was arranging everything on the little coffee table and she grinned. “Oh wow, this looks incredible. Thank you, Harry.” She smiled with gratitude as he moved the bag aside as she sat on the rug and he followed suit. 
“You’re welcome, love.” He hummed, “Just wanted to do something nice for you.” He explained as he started to open everything up, “You first.” He insisted and she sighed and went for it. They ate while making some small talk about how their days had gone and just caught up little bit before they both split dessert.
“Mango and sticky rice always hits the spot.” She hummed in delight and he smiled and nodded in agreement.
“Doesn’t it? It’s so light and simple.”
“I should learn how to make this…” she mused as she set down her fork.
“I would accept that as payment for Celeste’s therapy.” He joked.
“Say less!” She said and laughed along with with Harry, “Ummm…speaking of which…she asked me to cancel your appointment this morning.”
“Hmm…” Harry mused.
“Yeah, I haven’t because I mean…maybe she’ll get over it over the weekend or if something happens at the dance…so I’ll let you know Monday morning if that’s alright?”
“Yeah, of course.” He assured and she nodded.
“She was saying that maybe having you come to Disneyland probably made you realize you were getting too close to us so that’s why you bailed. And that you won’t be showing up to her concert for sure now…she’s quite dramatic, like all kids that age…but umm I wasn’t sure if I should be the one to tell her that you had an emergency with a client.”
“Yeah, I should explain it to her, don’t worry. And as for the concert, thank you for bringing that up I was planning on going anyway, but I definitely need to make up for missing the meeting. I’ll block that time off right now.” He said as she reached for his tote and pulled his phone out. Diana smiled as he started typing away on his phone, reminding him of the date and time when he asked, “Does she have a favorite flower or candy bar or animal?”
“Mmmm, she likes all flowers and you know, she’s never really asked me for candy bars…” Diana said pensively, “But she’s currently obsessed with llamas, though I’d really prefer if you didn’t get her one.” She joked and he chuckled.
“Got it. Buy a whole herd of llamas.” He spoke aloud as he typed on his phone and she rolled her eyes playfully as he grinned, “Isn’t her birthday coming up next week? On the 8th?” Harry asked and Diana nodded with a smile.
“Yeah actually.”
“Is she having one of those 15 year old parties?” He asked and Diana shook her head.
“Hell no. We both felt the same about that. She hasn’t told me what she wants to do with her friends yet. Ooh maybe you can teach me how to bake a really nice cake for her.” She said and Harry nodded.
“Honestly, yes. I could come over on Saturday morning? It should maintain it’s freshness for Monday.” He assured and Diana nodded in agreement. “Wow…15 years old…what were you up to 15 years ago?” He asked her and she glanced to him with a straight face and his eyebrows raised before he started to laugh, “Oh shit, yeah you were pretty busy I’d say.” He chuckled as she shook her head with a giggle.
“Yeah, I’d say a little busy… just giving birth to a whole ass person!” She said and he chuckled again and then bit on his lip.
“Ummm, how was that by the way? Having Celeste, you said you were alone.” He recalled and she nodded.
“Well I was in class when I started getting contractions, but I wasn’t due until the next week so I didn’t think much of them. They were so small and far apart that I just took a Tylenol and continued on through my day.” She said and he shook his head, “I was in my night class when they started getting more intense and so I finished my class and drove myself to the hospital.”
“You finished class? You nerd…” He chuckled and she laughed.
“It was important to me! We were learning about neurotransmitters and the synaptic cleft and all that good stuff. Even made it to finals.” She said with a grin and he chuckled, “But ummm, once they told me I was dilating quite fast I called Damian, he was in France with his girlfriend at the time because we weren’t expecting her until the next week and so he found a flight, but he wouldn’t be making it util the next night the earliest so I knew I would be alone.” She said and her smile started to drop a bit, which he noticed quickly.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” He said quietly and she shook her head.
“It’s alright.” She assured him with a small nod, “That was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do.” She continued, “Like…in the moment it’s kind of hard to remember that like…the female body is built to be able to give birth.” She explained with a small chuckle and he nodded, “The nurses were really great and supportive though, they’re the ones who reminded me that women are the most powerful people on the planet and they were so encouraging-”
“Hyping you up? As the kids say.” He asked and she chuckled and nodded.
“Yeah, as the kids would say.” She agreed, “And by 4am the next morning she was here!” She said with more excitement now.
“And you still went to finals?”
“Well, it was a Saturday when she was born and my first final was a Wednesday afternoon so that’s why I was able to go do that. I was only taking 3 classes at the time so it’s not like my schedule was insane for exams or anything like that.” She assured and he shook his head with a smile.
“Still! You had a baby.” He said and she giggled, “Did you know you were gonna name her Celeste?” He asked and she smiled.
“No. I was having such a hard time choosing a name. Like, I wanted a name that would also remind me a bit of Wes in some way and I was just having the hardest time doing that in a way that I liked. After she was born I was in the hospital, looking over some old photos for inspiration and well there were tons of football pictures of Wesley, our high school colors were light blue and white. And well, Wes was going to go to UCLA, which also has that light blue color. Then, in Spanish Celeste means light blue and that’s how I chose Celeste.” She shrugged and he smiled.
“It’s cool how you were able to make that connection. And well, it’s a beautiful name.” He said and she smiled.
“Thank you. As long as she likes it.” She smiled and he did as well.
“You’re so fucking cool and badass.” He smiled with pride and she looked away bashfully.
“I’m glad you think so.” She muttered, “My teenage daughter begs to differ.”
“OK, when you put it like that…” he teased and she laughed and shook her head.
“You’re so annoying.” She laughed and he grinned.
“I thought I was thoughtful…” he teased.
“We all have good and bad in us, don’t we?” She asked and he laughed softly.
“I suppose so.” He confirmed with a small smile and she sighed as they just looked at each other for a few moments and her lips quirked up in a smile again, “What?” He questioned.
“Nothing, you just…look cute with your glasses on.” She complimented and she didn’t miss how he got all bashful over it.
“Oh, ummmm, thanks. Ran out of contacts.” He explained and she hummed.
“Well, I like this but I’m also biased, if you haven’t noticed I have like…10 pairs of glasses.” She said and he chuckled.
“Yeah, but yours are all cool and funky, these are just plain.” He said.
“Yeah, meaning they don’t distract for your chiseled and handsome face.” She said with a grin.
“Chiseled and handsome, huh? Is that what you really think of me?” He asked and she giggled.
“I mean…it sounds better than just saying hot.” 
“No, no. Hot is good too.” He assured her and she sniggered along with him. “I like your office, it’s really nice, cozy.” 
“Thank you.” She smiled happily, “That’s the vibe I’m going for.” She assured, “How’s your grading coming along? Excited for finals next week?”
“It’s…coming.” He said and she chuckled, “The papers are so long…if they ask me back for another semester I’m gonna try an exam and see what I prefer to grade. What do you prefer?”
“Well the exams are definitely easier to grade. However, I prefer giving papers when I can, as annoying as it is, because the paper ensures that the student is applying their knowledge. If they submit a good paper that proves to me that the students have met all of the learning objectives of my class. I want them to think about the information and find a purpose for it. I mean, mostly anyone can memorize facts and answer questions about them, you know?”
“Yeah, I see your point.” He hummed pensively, “And well, my last classes were the ones this week since both sections are doing papers so I don’t have anything going for me next week.” He explained.
“So you would say yes if you were asked back?”
“Oh definitely. It was a bit terrifying at first, but I really love it. It feels like the perfect way to completely give back. Like yeah, it’s time consuming but definitely rewarding. You know, I felt so powerful and fucking cool when a student asked me for a recommendation letter a few weeks ago.” He said with a big smile and she giggled.
“Oh shit, don’t let the power go to your head!” She warned with a chuckle.
“I don’t know, it’s more gratifying than signing your name on things as a doctor.” 
“Yeah, like believing in someone so much that you vouch for them? That’s so cool.”
“It actually is pretty cool…” she agreed with a smile. They were interrupted by her phone ringing on her desk and she excused herself before standing up and going to pick it up, “Hey!” She answered as she turned around to face him again as she rested her bum on the edge of her desk, “No, Damian I didn’t realize it was almost 9.” She said and his eyes widened in shock as she looked at him and nodded, “Well I got really sucked into grading and then Harry stopped by with some dinner so I- no, it’s not a date.” She said and Harry chuckled. He agreed this was not a date, at least not the kind of date he would want to take her on, but he was glad that she was talking about him to Damian instead of making up some lie as to why she was delayed.
“Well we just got to talking. I’ll be home soon, don’t wait up, it’s fine.” She said and Harry stood up and started making his way over to her with a smile and she glanced up at him as he placed his hands on her hips as he basically closed the space between them. Harry started to lean down to her and she raised her hand to not let him get too close to her face yet and so he just kissed the palm of her hand and she smiled at him as he then kissed up her fingers, his eyes not daring to leave hers, “Ummm no, she has school for 2 more weeks so cannot stay up until midnight.” Diana said and Harry grinned, “Of course she lied to you, she’s a teenager…OK, fine. When I get home she needs to head up. Yeah, yeah…bye.” She hung up and shook her head as she put her phone down before glancing up to him with a smile, “What’s the meaning of this?” She asked playfully.
“Nothing, it made me really happy that you didn’t lie about this.” He said simply and she smiled up at him.
“Feels good to say it.” She confessed and sure, it was something so simple but it was making Harry’s heart pound erratically with excitement.
“Can I kiss you, Professor Beltran?” He asked quietly with a smug smile and she giggled as he dipped down a bit lower and she hummed pensively.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea…” she teased as her hands now ran up and down his chest.
“Please?” He asked quietly, almost pleading with her as his hands inched back just enough to have his fingers dig into her bottom in perfect time with his request and she giggled quietly. 
“Ugh, fine…if you insist.” She said with a dramatic eye roll and he chuckled as he hoisted her up and she gasped in surprise until she felt him set her down on her desktop.
“There, you’re closer now.” He said as one of his hands cradled her face and she leaned into the warmth and comfort of his touch. He was a bit hesitant to get too close because he was fighting for his life against the erection that was raging in his pants, but she soon hugged him and pulled his body flush to her own and he exhaled shakily against her lips as she felt it pressed right up against her, their eyes were on each others’ as the sexual tension boiled over between them.
“You’re so hard for me.” She whispered, her lips tickling his with her soft words. He felt his cock throb and a chill traveled down his spine as he nodded, “Can I help you with it?” She asked and he tightened his grip on her waist as his other hand dragged her bottom lip down with his thumb.
“Love…” He whined and she smiled before kissing the pad of his thumb.
“Is that a good idea?”
“I don’t know. I don’t have to do anything f’you don’t want though.” She whispered as her grip on him loosened up.
“Of course I want y’to but-”
“Then?” She interrupted as her hands came back to his chest and she gently raked her nails down his chest until they stopped at his trousers and he squeezed his eyes shut as his jaw tensed up and she smiled as she watched him try to keep himself composed.
“Fuck.” He groaned lowly as he knocked his head back and she leaned up a bit, supporting her weight with one hand against her desk to be able to kiss his neck and he sighed in relief as her lips sponged gentle kisses down the column of his throat. She could feel it bob as he swallowed thickly, “A-are you sure?” He asked and she hummed against his neck.
“Yeah, so fucking sure.” She whispered as she kissed him a bit harder and he dug his fingers into her as she started to suck a little, not enough to leave a mark though.
“Harder.” He mumbled his request, “Suck harder. Wanna see your mark on me tomorrow.” He muttered lowly and breathily and she moaned softly as she parted her mouth a bit more and sucked a bigger patch of his skin into her mouth as her right hands traveled lower to grope at the bulge in his pants, “Oh shit…” he sighed in satisfaction as she started to rub the palm of her hand up and down his length. He knew he was holding her too hard so he let her go and grabbed the edge of her desk instead, his grip was so hard that his knuckles were going white as she worked him up even more. She smoothed her tongue over the mark she left under his jaw before kissing it tenderly and then pulled back a bit.
“Can I undo your pants?” She asked him.
“Yeah, baby.” He confirmed and she moved forward with his permission. 
Diana immediately brought her hands to the button and unfastened it with ease before she moved to the zipper, she tugged it down gently and thankfully with a steady hand despite the nerves she felt at the prospect of being sexually intimate with someone after quite a long time. Nerves were natural. And she was relieved that she felt nervous in this moment rather than anxious, because she’d been so anxious about sexual intimacy, which is why she hadn’t done anything with anyone in a while. But Harry was a safe person to her, she knew that there was plenty more to learn about him, but she knew enough to trust him and to feel comfortable around him. She was attracted to him and she often found herself fantasizing about him when she got some alone time. She hadn’t realized that she’d not moved for a few moments until Harry’s hands grabbed her cheeks and turned her up to his face.
“Hey, are you OK?” He asked quietly as he searched her eyes.
“Ummm, yeah I’m just nervous and I was justing thinking that I haven’t done something like this in a really long time.” She explained.
“Like I said before, you don’t have to do anything f’you don’t want to.” He reminded her and she nodded.
“I know. I want to, I just…might be rusty.” She huffed through a small chuckle and he leaned in and kissed her slowly. Her mind just blanked as she got lost in the way that their lips moved together, almost like a dance. He was leading the kiss and she was following until she just needed more. She sucked at his bottom lip before peeking her tongue into his mouth and he took the hint and deepened the kiss. They were breathing hard now and her hand sunk back down and slipped under his open trousers to feel him over his underwear. She couldn’t help it as her mouth watered upon feeling the outline of his erection straining the fabric over it. Her fingers came back up to the band of the briefs and ran over it a few times, building up the courage to get underneath it. She appreciated that Harry wasn’t rushing her to do anything despite his evident desperation for her. He then parted his lips from her and smiled at her. “What is it?” She asked at the smirk adorning his lips.
“You’re definitely not rusty.” He assured, “Teasing the way you are is a pro move.” He sniggered and she bit her bottom lip for a moment.
“I have a confession to make.”
“Go on.”
“It’s not deliberate, I’m just stalling.” She admitted through a giggle and he chuckled as he kissed her cheek.
“Well it definitely doesn’t come across like that.” He said with a smile.
“Well good.” She sighed through a giggle. And her smile dropped as she bit her lip again and glanced down to watch as her hand gently pulled the band of his briefs away from his body, “So you like being teased?” She asked quietly before glancing up into his eyes. Harry nodded in confirmation because he couldn’t trust his voice at the moment. Not with her fingers toying with the band of his briefs and with her big, beautiful eyes peering into his own. He had been craving her for ages and here they were, on the brink of having just a little bit more with each other, it was too exhilarating, “Why?” She asked and he chuckled.
“Ummm, it’s exciting I guess. To not know when to expect something. The building of the tension…fighting to keep your composure…edging…” he said and she hummed in understanding as she glanced down between them and then back into his eyes, “I mean, patience is a virtue I’ve been blessed with.” He smiled smugly and she grinned.
“Hmmm, can’t say the same for me.” She admitted, “I hate to be kept waiting.” She said with a smile.
“We’ll see about that.” He hummed as he placed his hands on her thighs and she smirked as she finally dipped her hand into his briefs and tugged them low enough that his penis was freed up and fell into the minimal space between them. She licked over her lips with lust, watching it bob up and down a few times with the weight of it. It was really pretty, she couldn’t deny it. It was uncut, long and thick, his tip was a dark pink and everything inside of her was begging her to lick and suck at it until his arousal was pooling steadily into her mouth. She had to touch him and so she quickly wrapped her hand around his shaft and gave him a gentle squeeze. Harry sighed in relief and she smiled lightly as she looked back at his face only to find that he was already looking at her. Despite the hungry look in his eyes, he remained calm and like he had said, patient. So patient, so good, so determined to not pressure her or push her into continuing on if she changed her mind and in the end that’s exactly why she continued. She tightened her grip around him a little more and dragged her hand up and he squeezed her thighs just a bit in return, “S’that alright?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yeah, feels good.” He said lowly and she dragged her fist back down. Harry swallowed thickly as she started to set her pace. He was just about to ask her to mind his tip when she started to circle over it with her thumb and he moaned lowly as his eyes squeezed shut at the new and delicious sensation, “That’s…that’s so good.” He hummed and she bit her lip, not sure whether to watch his face contorting in pleasure and satisfaction, or to just stare at his beautiful penis. She decided to put her saliva to good use and pulled her hand away to spit onto her palm and then wrap it back around his cock. He groaned as the slickness made her strokes glide with even more ease and in her excitement she started going a little faster and his body tensed up, “Fuck, just like that, baby.” He chuckled breathily as his head dropped back and his fingers dug into her thighs.
Harry’s heart was pounding in his chest as he fought to just keep it down. He had only been dreaming of this moment for months now and it was finally coming true. His breathing was labored as he grunted quietly with each stroke of Diana’s fist over his cock. He was so fucking hard that he just felt this immense pressure in his lower stomach. His fingers were gripping hard at her thighs, just needing to hold on to something so that he didn’t feel like he was withering away every time her fist dragged over his sensitive and leaking tip. The build up was incredible, he could feel his knees buckling the closer and closer he got to his orgasm. His breathing was hitching in his throat and he’d bite down hard on his lip to keep his sounds to a minimum because the pleasure had him reeling, he’d been waiting for this with her for so long and it was superseding his expectations.
“Oh fuck, baby!” He moaned as she tightened her fist a bit more and started stroking faster, building him up for his finish, “Y-you’re gonna make me come.” He panted as he spared a glance down to his cock in her fist, watching it moving up and down quickly, “I’m so close!” He grunted and she smiled at him and it was making him melt.
“Yeah, baby?” She asked and his entire body jolted when he heard her call him that. He swore that his heart exploded just from hearing her call him a term of endearment and that was his undoing. He could feel his entire body tingling and he forced himself to remove his hands from her thighs and instead gripped the desk as his abs started to clench and his lungs to tighten without his permission. He felt like time froze for a few seconds as the pleasure peaked and his jaw slacked as he panted hard, trying to keep himself quiet as he felt the thick, milky streams of his sperm started to shoot out of his tip. He thrust into her hand as she kept going, keeping her pace to get him through the entirety of his orgasm and as his thrusting slowed and his breathing shuddered she slowly came to a stop, not releasing him just yet, but definitely loosening her grip around him. Despite his orgasm, his cock hadn’t softened yet. She could feel him throbbing in her hand, that big vein on the underside pulsed in perfect time with his rapid heart beat, “You’re still so hard. Got a little more for me?” She asked as she glanced up to him and he blinked his eyes open and nodded.
“Go slow.” He whispered and she nodded as she started stroking him a bit again, “Fuck yeah.” He hummed as he watched intently this time as she milked the last bit out of him. Definitely not as much as the first one, but there was just a little more he needed to get out of his system. These last couple streams just oozed out of his tip and down her fist and with a brain still foggy with pleasure he grabbed her face and kissed her hungrily. His tongue invaded her mouth and slid against her own as her soft moan poured into his mouth. Moments later they parted and he rested his forehead against hers, “Fuck, that was incredible, thank you, baby.” He said through his ragged breathing and she nuzzled her nose against his before kissing his lips quickly.
“No problem.” She sniggered and he smiled.
“Your turn?” He asked suggestively as he kissed her cheek.
“Maybe another time, I need to get home.” She huffed and he pulled back and pouted.
“I feel like a total ass now. I knew I should’ve insisted on ladies first.” He said and she shook her head.
“No, no, no, it’s alright. To be quite honest this was…a lot. I wasn’t expecting to do that. And I don’t regret it, at all!” She clarified, “But I’m just not…ready for that… w-with you…I think.” She explained nervously. Not really sure how he would react, but he just nodded.
“That’s alright. You don’t need to justify it to me.” He said and she frowned.
“I think I do.” She said and went to reach for his face but then saw that she was still covered in his cum, “Oh, ummm-”
“Hang on.” Harry said and then reached behind her and pulled a couple of tissues from the box she had on her desk and cleaned her of his mess, “There.” He said softly before balling up the tissues and tossing them in the garbage can right beside her desk.
“Thanks. Ummm…” she started and sighed, “It’s not that I don’t want to do this with you, believe me I do! I’ve gotten off to the thought of doing plenty of things with you a few times already…and fuck, that’s…TMI.” She shook her head, the nerves were getting the best of her, and he grinned at her confession but he stayed quiet and let her finish, “I’m just…afraid of what that’ll mean for me.” She explained, “Like I…” she sighed and swallowed thickly, expressing her feelings was so hard for her but she needed to do it now, she owed it to him, “I like you, Harry. I like you a lot and I just think that…if we’re not careful I could see myself really falling for you and-”
“OK, would that really be such a bad thing?” He asked.
“Yes! It would be right now, at least.” She said to him.
“I think you’re just scared.”
“Of course I am! I just told you I’m afraid of this! Of us! Of what I feel!” She groaned, “I’m not ready.” She shook her head, “I’m not ready to add more complications to what we already have going on! If I sleep with you it’ll change everything!”
“We’re not gonna have sex. We don’t have to for as long as you don’t want.”
“I’ll cave! I’ll cave because it’s you! I mean…fuck!” She groaned in frustration.
“Di, look at me.” He said softly as her eyes met his, “I care about you. I only want you. You’re all I think about day in and day out. I’m starting to fall for you, even with the limited access I have to your life! I want this. I want you.” He said to her earnestly.
“Well it’s not just me, Harry.” She said softly, “I have my daughter to think about as well. My happiness is her happiness and vise versa.”
“You know that I care about Celeste, love.”
“Being a father is far more complex than just caring about someone, Harry. And you’ve told me before that you never wanted kids!” She reminded and he sighed.
“It’s a little more complicated than that for me, but even still! People change their minds all the time!”
“I don’t want you to just change your mind just to get me in exchange, Harry. What if you change your mind about this again? What if I let you in and you wake up one day and realize that you never wanted that?” She asked and he shrugged.
“I’d never commit to you without considering all of that seriously first, Diana. And well, you just need to trust me.” He said simply and she sighed and shook her head.
“I need to go.” She said instead and pushed him back a bit so that she could get back on her feet and he just moved aside and did his pants back up. He felt his heart aching more and more by the second as she just turned around to face away from him and he frowned as she started to cry.
“Di, baby.” He said softly as he reached for her arm and she flinched away from him, “Don’t do this.” He pleaded quietly. His heart broke as she started to sob. He felt beyond shitty now, but she insisted that it had been fine, that she wanted to take this step with him. Maybe he should’ve tried harder to dissuade her? Sure, she was saying that she didn’t regret it but she was crying about it and that certainly wasn’t because she was happy about what they had done. He rolled his lips together for a moment, but before he could even continue beating himself up over this he nipped that in the bud with a curt, but painful sentence, “I knew I shouldn’t have come here.” He said lowly, but not low enough to spare her from his words. They cut deep and made her let out another sob, “Ummm…tell your brother to have a good flight for me.” He said before grabbing his things. She turned around now, sniffling.
“Harry…” she whimpered.
“I can’t keep doing this with you!” He said with frustration, “It’s not fair! I understand that you’re hurt and that you’re scared but you can’t keep hiding behind your tragedies, Diana!” he expressed, “I mean, it’s been 15 years, Di. Don’t you ever get tired of making the same excuses?” He asked her with a frown, “You self-sabotage better than anyone I’ve ever known! And at this point you’re actively choosing to not move on from the past. You’re choosing this for yourself.” He said with pity and she hiccuped on her sob, “And quite frankly I…I don’t need this.” He said to her and headed out. The loud bang of her office door closing behind him made her flinch. Moments later the door swung open again, “And don’t you dare bookmark this moment as an example of how people always abandon you or that you’ve always been alone because I have tried. I have tried for months!” He pointed at her before leaving again and right before she could even make her next move he came back through the door again, “And I don’t know why I feel like the biggest asshole when you’re the one who insisted on getting me off! I have feelings too! I’m not an experiment for you to figure out what the fuck you want or what you are and aren’t ready for!” He scolded.
“I know you’re not, Harry.” She said quietly
“Well that’s what you’re making me feel like! I feel used. You…you push me away and then pull me back in and give me hope that we can work things out and then you push me away again until something happens and I’m just stupidly available for you! Taking any crumb of attention you’re willing to spare me. I know you’re in a tough spot, but if you don’t see this going anywhere just say it.” He said and she frowned.
“I’m sorry, Harry. I assure you I never meant to make you feel that way.” She apologized and he sighed.
“I know…I know that, but that’s what you’re doing.” He said to her sadly and her heart broke seeing the pain in his eyes, “Maybe I am the asshole for pursuing you when I knew how you felt about this from the start.” He concluded sadly.
“You’re not an asshole, Harry.” She said coming up to him and taking his hands in hers and her frown deepened when he pulled them out of her grasp.
“I stand by what I said before I can’t do this anymore.” He said looking into her eyes as she started to cry again, “Just…figure your shit out, Diana.” He said with disappointment before heading out and after a few more moments he didn’t return.
Diana groaned in frustration as more tears fell and after a few more minutes of that she started to clean up. She put all of their now empty food containers in the bag they’d arrived in and set them by the trash can; she put her decor back where they went and then grabbed her things to head out. When she opened her office door to leave she saw Harry standing right across the hall with his phone in his hand and he glanced up at her.
“Didn’t want you to walk alone at this hour.” He said quietly. Diana just pulled her door shut, hearing it click to indicate it had locked.
“Thank you.” She said and he nodded as they started to head down the hall in silence. When they got in the elevator they stood across from each other, he glanced back at his phone and she just stayed looking at him and as she glanced down his body she rolled her lips together to suppress the giggle that wanted to leave her mouth despite the clear tension brewing between them, “Ummm, you’ve got ummm…cum on your pant leg.” She said and he glanced up to her.
“Well so do you.” He said and she glanced down at herself and saw that she was indeed stained as well.
“Oh…thanks.” She responded and then glanced up at him again, “N-not for the cum stain! F-for telling me about it.” She clarified and his eyes met her’s again and he shook his head as he fought a smile, “What?”
“Well duh, goes without saying that you were thanking me for telling you and not for…Jesus.” He said and she started to giggle and he shook his head. “Stop that! I’m still mad at you.” He said as he fought his hardest to keep a straight face.
“You can still be mad at me and laugh at my scrambled up brain.” She said and he shook his head.
“You’re something else…” he chuckled lowly and she smiled, she’d accept that over him shouting all her truths to her face. 
The doors finally slid open and they started making their way to the parking structure closest to her building. She was definitely angry at him for losing his patience and shouting at her, but she wasn’t going to fight him on it because he was totally right about everything he’d said. Maybe in a couple of days once he’d cooled off she’d be able to tell him that she didn’t love the way he spoke to her and that maybe in the future he could vocalize his concerns earlier on instead of letting everything build up this way? But as that thought materialized in her head she recognized that trying to “avoid” her feelings for him was futile because well, they already existed despite how cautious she thought she was being. It was pointless to try and shut someone out who had already been let in. Even without her realizing it, his charming, helpful, and loving nature had softened her up enough that he’d unknowingly made a home for himself in her heart and she didn’t want that space to be empty. She loved him. There was no question about it.
“Hey, what is it? Did you forget something?” Harry asked because she had stopped walking and she soon shook her head as she looked at him.
“Ummm, no, it’s fine. I’m…I’m fine.” She assured and he looked at her skeptically for a moment before she nodded again in reassurance and they kept walking. She obviously wanted to tell him but it would feel a tad manipulative to say it to him right after the argument they had. Like she’d say anything to not lose him and continue using him, she didn’t want him to even think that was an option. Of course she wasn’t using him, she could never, but it made her so sad to know that he felt like that. Like he was just a person she called on for convenience. And well, if he was done, she had no idea what she would do, but she certainly didn’t want to hurt him anymore. She was mulling the thoughts in her head until they got into the structure.
“What floor are you on?”
“Second.” She said.
“Do you want to take the stairs?”
“I don’t care, I just…I need you to know that I’m not using you, I never have.” She explained to him, “I hate to think that I make you feel that way about us. And yeah, I admit that I do call for you when things get tough but because you…you make me feel safe and looked after and you always know what to say to make me feel better and I…I need you.” She said and his eyes softened, “I want you around. I enjoy being with you and around you and I don’t ever want you to feel like anything we’ve shared together has been some scheme to just keep you close by until things get better.” She sighed.
“I’m not great at expressing my feelings or even knowing what to do with them, like I’ve grown up with such cold and callous people and the only time I ever let myself fall in love was with Wes and look how that ended!” She expressed with frustration, “You’re right, I choose to be alone. But it’s not because I enjoy it or want to be alone, it just works for me! It always has! I’m just fine all alone! I always had been until…until you.” She confessed as she met his gaze, “It scares me to know that everything I know about how to live and carry myself would potentially change. Like I’ve been this way since I was 19, Harry! That’s a really long time…15 years.” She said to him and he nodded, “I think that more than getting hurt, I fear hurting you.” She explained, “And I feel like shit knowing I already did. And you’ve been wonderful and so patient with me and I know that I’ve pushed the bar way too fucking much. So I…understand why you’re done with this. W-with me.” She said as her eyes welled up and he frowned, “I don’t want to string you along, Harry. You don’t deserve this so I respect your decision.” She said and swallowed thickly.
“You respect my decision?” He asked her and she nodded, “Diana…that’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.” He said to her and she frowned, “We both have a say in this. If you agree that whatever this was has run it’s course, fine. But don’t just agree with me if that’s not what you want!” He said to her and she sighed.
“Well you’re clearly done and upset with me, why would I try and change your mind?” She asked.
“Because! It’s what people do when they…care about each other! They fight for each other. They try and work things out!” He responded, completely exasperated.
“Well, I’ve never had to do that before so…now I know.” She said and he shook his head as he fought off a smile, “What?”
“Nothing I just…forget that it’s been a while for you.” He said and she chuckled through her tears.
“More than a while, I’d say…” she responded and he hummed in agreement with a smile.
“I’m sorry I blew up on you that was wrong of me.” He apologized, he was always so good about that, it was one of her favorite things about him.
“I accept your apology, but I understand why you exploded like that. And you know, I’d like to think that I’m a pretty receptive and approachable person about this kind of stuff. So maybe in the future you can just tell me as things come up and not let it build up to that point, you know?” She said and he smiled.
“In the future, huh?” He asked and she felt her cheeks heat with a blush as she nodded.
“Yeah, in the future.” She repeated, “That is of course i-if you still want to be in my life in the future. Because I’d really like you to be.” She clarified softly and he reached for her hand and the amount of relief she felt surge through her body was epic and she just batted him aside  and hugged him instead and he chuckled as he hugged her back.
“Of course I want to be in your life.” He said softly as he rocked them back and forth a bit. 
“Good. I’m so sorry for making you feel less important than you are to me.” She apologized yet again.
“I guess I forgive you.” He hummed and she scoffed playfully which made him smile.
“Ummm, Harry?” 
“Yeah, love?”
“Would you want to go on a date with me?” She asked as she pulled back to meet his gaze.
“I’d love to.” He responded immediately with a big grin.
“Perfect! I’ll plan something and run it by you.” She said with a meek smile.
“Perfect.” He agreed. He couldn’t stop smiling because yes, it had been hard, but what he felt for her was well worth the challenges. He couldn’t lie to himself about his feelings, they were more “love” than just “like” by now and well, he knew that was big. So he wouldn’t spring that on her just yet, but he couldn’t wait for the day where he’d finally be able to just say it to her. Just tell her that he loves her.
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mammonmuffinz · 2 months
Evan lmk if that bitch ass anon sends you anything I’ll deal with it dw 🤍 🫂
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you’re pink , very much red❤️, teal x3, peach, and white 🫂 🤍
Thank you… most of the time when I see hate I cry and consider deleting my online presence then I go and find more because I like the pain /hj
You are very much red, brown, green, and yellow (but your my child and I love you so much /plat)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
PSYCHIC DAMAGE LMFAOOOP omg…now I’m shaking just thinking of the wc HAHAHA I’ll start mentally preparing…
OK DID YOU READ THE CH???? ANOTHER MANIFESTATION OFF THE LIST?? I’m strike throughing this to make it harder to read at first glance in case you haven’t read yet We literally said tabieita best duo because they’re mature enough and confident enough alone which allows them to duo without dependence THAT WAS LITERALLY LIKE HALF THE CH????
Yuki third wheel friend…yuki the “walk behind the duo on the sidewalk” third friend….tbh I think the person I’ve seen him with the most is actually Isagi??? From his little tantrum/rivalry moment….no ykw you’re so right we claim yuki!!
LMAOOOOOOO I’m crying this is so true to their dynamic and I love it sm….barou nagi honestly another iconic duo I can imagine Barou being like “you better stand six feet away from my ball at all times”…
STOP WAIT THATS GENIUS Barou one of the girls HAHAHA that’s so real though!! It kinda reminds me about how Kunigami was canonically like that before bllk because he hung around his sisters a lot!! IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF LAUGHING “y/n l/n is a lovely girl who can really keep a house clean. any man would be lucky to have her” GOODBYE the duo wingman plus imposter wingman dynamic im so living for this….
OOOH NICE!! Except for the knocked out part LOL I feel like I’ve heard that they have that effect…but fr!!! I have no idea how it’d work exactly but you could also maybe consider taking a smaller dosage to see if it’s enough to keep the nausea under control without glueing your eyes shut….that’s sometimes what I do with allergy meds LOL
PARAGLIDING omgggg HAVE FUN!!!! I can def imagine how it’d seem intimidating but I bet you’ll have a lot of fun once you’re in the air!! Just channel your inner crow HAHA THE EMO MOMENT LMAOO BUT DONT LOOK OUT THE WINDOW /hj I feel like seeing the scenery and other cars move from the side perspective makes that dizzy feeling worse…..could be different for you though but that’s what I’ve noticed!
REAL lowk I wonder if it’s maybe more of a he doesn’t actually know what loneliness is because he’s been left alone all his life kind of thing….but anyways…..
-Karasu anon
YOU SHOULD BE SCARED 😈 or alternatively grateful HAHA looking back at that 6-9k word count estimate is cracking me up because this one is making the otoya version look short 😭
I DID READ IT FINALLY AND OMG WHEN NAGI CALLED THEM A MATURE PARTNERSHIP I WAS LIKE ??? why is bro reading the tumblr convos that’s word for word what we said in the past 😟 also wait this is cracking me up…
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CANNOT believe we have a canon panel of hollyhock sengoku era otoya now ⁉️ pov bro on his way to chill in y/n’s room instead of actually trying to find and kill reiji hiiragi as he was hired to 🤫
i do think i’ve seen him with isagi the most also because of the mancity match but tbh isagi has so many more relevant duos (rin, bachira, barou, even hiori and nagi) that it feels very very one sided?? i wish yuki and kuni or yuki and reo would become a duo because i think he would work w either of them really well!! technically reo and nagi are already a thing but it could be a way to break them up and let them find new friends and partners that push them more!! and kunigami + chigiri is also a thing but chigiri is so chill w everyone that i could see kuni and yuki being like a secondary duo the way isagi and hiori are
BAROUNAGI MY FAVS IN EVERY WAY!! truly they have the relationship rin and sae could have if they were just a tiny bit more normal abt things/their rivalry (but you didn’t hear that from me 😶‍🌫️) and LMAOO omg wait lowkey if only kunigami wasn’t busy in wildcard he would also be a hilarious prospect for that kind of thing 😭 barou gives me such one of the girls vibes though like i bet he’d let his gf braid his hair and whatnot…the SECOND one of the bllk boys says smth he tweaks heavy but he won’t take them out even if they’re shit because like his girl worked hard on them 🙁 LMAOOO the yuki barou team up would be wild especially when karasu is actively working against them 😰 and nagi is also just there for some reason too??? i think it would be funny if he gets dragged into things as a repeated bystander and eventually he gets super invested because it’s like an episode of a drama for him but irl 😭 so he somehow knows everything going on but refuses to intervene on either side (which pisses barou off) because he exclusively wants the tea and doesn’t really care how things end up 😩 he’ll randomly drop hints to move the plot along when it’s getting boring though but they’re cryptic enough that they end up causing more chaos than anything…like “karasu i heard y/n likes tall dark haired soccer players” “SHE LIKES ARYU???”
unfortunately i was knocked out on just half of a pill 😩 and paragliding was super super cool + not scary at all but i DID throw up into a little plastic baggie like 5 or 6 times and was nauseous/dizzy soooo would not repeat that experience 😓 but honestly i’m still glad i did it because it was so fun besides the vomiting and such a unique experience!! truly felt like a little bird hahaha…apparently nausea and motion sickness are a symptom of my birth control so once i’m back home i’m going to call the doctor and see if they have any tips!! for now we must endure i suppose 😔
truly i don’t think nagi understands human connection or loneliness or anything like that too well so he’s fine living without actual relationships because you can’t miss what you don’t know 🙁💔 but honestly he seems like he would’ve been very loving if he was raised normally?? like despite what everyone thinks he’s pretty loyal to reo and treats choki so nicely that if he had had a proper upbringing he probably would’ve been such a good friend/significant other 😪 that’s just my headcanon though until we get his actual backstory (like his childhood not just right before bllk) and see what things were like…adding this to the manifestation circle because i NEED to see baby nagi!! i bet he was soooo cute (and also i need to know if he escaped the bowl cut allegations 😭 his hair is wavyish so i think he must be safe?? but you never know)
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doritoplayz-xi · 4 months
Hey random thoughts time because yeah
One: I’ve been sick over the past year. Basically since January. I get better then worse. My absences have skyrocketed to 200+ but I don’t know what the fuck is happening. Rn the symptoms are bad coughs at week and drowsiness and inability to stand without stumbling. Wtf
Two: I don’t like the body positivity movement ***in reference to myself*** I don’t like when people will use the your body is perfect the way it is because it feels like their ignoring my gender dysphoria. The whole thing seems like they want to slap on all bodies are beautiful without considering that some bodies may require work to be made beautiful.
Three: despite starting and staying (mostly) on Zoloft my mental health seems to have taken a dive. Now instead of acknowledging the bad thoughts it’s like the badness associated with them is squashed before I can process it. It’s okay in the sense that now I can dryly joke about depression and quickly follow it up with “I have a therapist and am on meds don’t tell the counselor” whenever a teacher or student gets pissy. But I still made a maybe but maybe not shit choice to cut off a majority of my friend because maybe Zoloft helped me see that I was doing the same ignore the bad thing I do with my thoughts?
Four: what the fuck is the deal with Europeans and their superiority complex over Americans? Plus the “banter” they use often becomes harmful stereotypes and crying “no culture” some one better equipped could talk about all the different American cultures but I’ll talk about my “American” culture experience. American culture to me is going to school and meeting up with half a dozen different people. To me it’s heading to the library and supermarket to hang out with friends. To me it’s Fourth of July fireworks (legal or not) and going up into the mountains for summer camp. It’s the crappy school system and the friends I make in it. It’s learning about other states odd things that I could never imagine doing myself. It’s hearing my transplant mom talk about how my state is different from her childhood one. It’s living life while surrounded by other cultures because at the end of the day americas a melting pot of cultures that we make our own soup of. It’s become stupidly patriotic as a in joke online when insults are lobbed. Also fuck the Brit’s 🦅🦅 🦅🦅🦅🦅/hj
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endious · 1 year
This HAS to be said…
THANK YOU for being one of the few people who portray Jeff correctly!!! I understand why people romanticise him, but I feel it’s kind of boring?? He’s so much more interesting as a fucked up, sadistic asshole with legitimate mental issues.
Your fics are soo good! I hope, if you still have the motivation to write, that you can continue in the future :)
Could I ask what your general headcanons for Jeff are? Feel free to sprinkle some NSFW ones in too ;)
SPEAK LOUDER !!!!!!! honestly though tysm that means a lot to me ! i am glad you like how i portray jeff and i agree with you that it does get boring seeing the romanticization copy and pasted on jeff. he’s so fucked up i wish more ppl saw him the way i do 😭😭 its so difficult to find writers who write him how i think he should be portrayed so i took it upon myself tbh /hj BUT TYSMMM !! jeff will always be extremely fucked up here and im going to keep him that way 🫶🫶
HCS FOR MY ONE AND ONLY ? OF COURSE ILL INDULGE US BOTH ! this isnt proofread at all and is SUPER SLOPPY I APOLOGIZE !! i kinda went with any that popped in my head when i read this so i hope its okay !
— i’ll be as honest as i can because it is HARD to describe the vision i have in my head (it’s changed many times but roughly stays the same somehow) SO I WILL TRY TO MAKE YOU SEE WHAT I SEE !!
— jeff is gross so gross. not even in the, ew you stink sense (he does, he constantly smells like blood and dirt it’s fucking nasty.) he’s sick in the head and is proud of it. would tell you how he gutted the last guy you so much as glanced in the direction of and how he writhed in pain and choked on his own spit and blood while jeff shoved his boot into the fucker’s gut for added agony. he says all this with a sick smile on his face but be sure to not make any type of look of disgust, anger or expression amongst those. he will blow up immediately and start threatening you if you so much as even hint at not agreeing with his choice of action
— he isn’t afraid of hurting you, he actually enjoys it. he’ll purposely set you up for failure so he can cut you up or bruise you just enough to leave a reminder to behave and listen next time. after all, had you just obeyed like a good little doll then he wouldn’t have had to dig his knife into the bare skin of your stomach just enough to leave a mark that would stay for a short while.
— to add onto that ^ if he’s kidnapped you then he’s even more physical with his punishments. he’ll beat you to make you understand to take his words seriously if you aren’t already. he’s slammed your head into a wall before because you didn’t answer him when he asked you a question and you’d never do that again. you’d do whatever it means to make sure he doesn’t go from leaving marks and bruises to leaving broken bones and open wounds, and he knows that you’re scared of that future and he fucking loves it.
— moving on from that situation for now. he’s surprisingly good with his words (this could either be good or bad) he knows what to say to keep you wrapped tight around his finger and he knows what to say to scare you into listening. “that, uh, new girl you’re talking to. she’s nice isn’t she?” and while he grins, you glance at him with uneasiness at his tone when he spoke.
— i think it’s evident enough he stalks the fuck out of you. whether you’re aware or not he’s always there. ever felt paranoid that someone was watching you? it’s him. but don’f expect to actually catch a glimpse of him, he’d only let you see him if he wanted you to. he’s got way too many photos of you for it to be considered normal (given your relationship with him, nothing is normal). and he’s jerked off to every single one of them. doesn’t matter if it’s suggestive, sexual or a completely innocent photo, he’s gotten off to every single one of them at least once and if he wanted to humiliate you, he’d tell you himself while you cry pretty tears and yell those silly and meaningless words you like to use at him.
— now some nsfw ones… get ready because i dont hold back on anything when it comes to jeff.
— he’s so fucking mean it should be illegal to let him speak. he mocks you, threatens you, manipulates you— whatever he can say to get reactions from you he will. “aw, doll. you look cute all marked up, what if i left my name right- here. what? scared it’ll hurt? can’t take a little bit of pain? oh, you don’t want it? i don’t think i ever asked what you wanted, slut. now hold still before i make ya really scream in pain.”
— he’s so physical with you i’d be surprised if he hasn’t nearly broken one of your arms or crushed your windpipe before. his grip is so tight and he’s so rough it’s like he’s unaware of his strength and how hard he’s being. but he’s completely aware and even makes fun of you when you claw at his arm and gasp pathetically for air he won’t allow you for a few more seconds. he wants to see how long it takes before the life in your eyes starts to flicker. and god the bruises you’ll have from him holding you down to firmly, even if you tried to get away you wouldn’t move an inch under his grasp but he likes with you try to get free so keep going until he gets bored and makes you do something else you might not like doing either.
— speaking of him liking your struggles, he’s put you in situations where you have to fight back. his knife to your throat while he orders you to struggle under him or him forcefully ripping your panties off to have his way with you. anything he does will typically have you attempting to fight back against his advances and it gets him hard and makes him want to hurt you even more the more you cry out and beg him to stop and get off you, your hands pushing against him in failed attempts to free yourself.
— KNIFE PLAY KNIFE PLAY KNIFE PLAY ! i already touched on it but ill say it again because i have this idea in my head ive yet to put into words in a draft. he fucks you with his knife from time to time, it took a few carefully chosen words to manipulate you into giving in and trying “something new” but had you known it was this? you wouldn’t have ever agreed. not that your verbal consent would’ve stopped him.
— he’s rough with holding your hips down, his arm over your lower stomach as he nudges the hilt of his knife against your folds. “ya scared, doll? nothin’ to be scared of, ‘m not putting the sharp end in your stupid cunt.” he could, but that wouldn’t be much fun would it? he pushes it just barely into your entrance and it’s difficult to adjust to, it’s such a stiff object it’s weird feeling it inside of you but he only pushes it deeper and then you feel the dips in the hilt from the use it’s gone through from jeff and how hard he must’ve held it repeatedly and oh. this shouldn’t feel as good as it’s feeling right now.
— “look at you, getting it nice an’ wet f’me aren’t ya, princess? do you know how many i’ve killed with this knife? how many bodies i’ve stabbed it into repeatedly?” and you wish he’d stop saying it like it’s some achievement of his, in fact you wish he’d stop talking all together but his voice seems to only push you further to the edge maybe that’s the pleasure talking though and not your logical brain.
okay ill stop FOR NOW LMFAO this is kinda long and i’ve never dont hcs so idk how to properly do them 💀 this is extremely messy but if i dont post it now i probably wouldnt post it for another two weeks bcus i’d think too hard on it.
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watatsumiis · 2 years
Interesting event nyehehe~ when I read what you wrote for leftdestiny-post my immediate thought was actually "i hope you get more followers" cuz I would've been stuck with that prompt lmao– if you still take requests, may this gremlin humbly ask for Dainsleif and number 42?
(42 is the meaning of life, and he's my meaning of life– /hj)
Thank you so much for your kind words qwq it really does mean the world to me. This event has thrown some interesting combinations at me that I’ve really had to sit and think about to get them working. It’s been a really fun exercise (if a little draining)
I’ll be honest, I’m not all that familiar with Dainsleif (I don’t think I’ve really written anything for him at all askjdhkjfs). He as a character fascinates me but I worry that I might not be able to do him justice. Here’s hoping though. 
I’m gonna make this an x reader thing because that’s what my brain juice is giving power for right now. 
Content: Gender neutral reader (referred to as ‘you’), uhh yeah I dunno just some mushy type fluff. Minor warning for what could be seen as obsessive behaviour? I dunno
There is nothing left for me to do, 
Of course, that may not be the entire truth. There are plenty of tasks for him to complete, loose ends that need tying up, entire continents for him to monitor. 
Dainsleif is alone. He has been for a long, long time. Surrounded by nothing but madmen and people who simply aren’t capable of keeping up with him. 
You’re so perfect, I’m so worthless
Until you, that is. Bright and intelligent, a smart quip always on the tip of your tongue for anything he may decide to say. 
He quickly came to consider you a ray of sunshine, to be treasured and protected at any and all costs. 
I have seen the light
Something bright and gorgeous, in the presence of someone who had grown up in an underground realm, untouched by natural light,
And it’s so beautiful that I can’t even cry, 
It almost hurts him to be near you, basking in your warmth as one who has seen and committed so many atrocities, yet he can’t stop himself from approaching time and time again, like a moth to flame. 
He wishes for nothing more than to protect you, to make sure that nothing bad may befall you, even if that may mean delaying his own tasks.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites (without credit + permission).
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Midnight rant with me about My Hero Academia :)
Warning! This has manga spoilers, I mention manga leaks form 388 AND probably a lot of spelling errors. Bear with me please. Also this probably doesn’t make much sense, which I don’t mind, just don’t bother me about it.
I feel like My Hero Academia has the potential to have one of the saddest endings in the history of anime.
I know that generally speaking heroes tend to be connected with tragedy, but current events in the manga are honestly surprising me a lot.
for starters the fact that Bakugou is currently still dead. I hope that he doesn’t remain dead because it would break my heart, but if he did, it would honestly be a huge tragedy. A promising young hero who had finally started to make amends for past actions who had tremendous potential and had worked his entire life with one goal in mind just to loose his life in an unfair war that shouldn’t even involve children (which just adds on the tragic nature of the story considering a system that has failed them). Imagine how heartbroken would Bakugou's parents be after trusting U.A to take care of him and instead having to plan a funeral for him. And imagine Izuku loosing someone who had been a constant in his life (not to mention the psychological trauma that he probably already has from seeing his dead body, and how it would be even worse if his death was permanent).
And all the members of class 1-A (2-A) after loosing one of their own. Kirishima and Denki would probably be heartbroken as well.
And then there is also everything that’s been going down with the Todoroki's. If Natsuo, Fuyumi, Endeavor and Rei were to die trying to safe/stop Dabi leaving Shouto alone would be incredibly sad. The amount of grief that Shouto would have to go through is probably indescribable.
Also Hawks loosing his quirk is already tragic enough, so I don’t have much to say here, but Hawks quirk is a mutant quirk so he has probably had his wings his entire life. Let that sink in.
Aizawa's state in not better either.
If My Hero Acadamia ends up having an ending this tragic and devastating I won’t be recovering/hj.
No, but seriously, it will hurt. I remember that after Spider-Man died in infinity war I proceeded to cry for the next four hours about it, and eventually I stopped crying and fell asleep, but every time someone mentioned I would tear up a little and I couldn’t watch the movie or that scene without sobbing. I’m not going to lie, I think that I genuinely mourned Peter Parker. If Bakugou remains dead, and the Todoroki's die it will probably be similar to this for me but so much worse.
If My Hero Academia ends up like this I think that I’ll suffer even more. It will be devastating for me.
And even so, a part of me thinks that an ending like this would be iconic (obviously with some actual closure that makes sense with the storyline) and would establish My Hero Academia as one of the best manga’s out there (of my generation before anyone attacks me for it. Although personally I would take my hero Academia over Naruto any time).
Anyway, I don’t know if I’m scared, nervous, excited or just sad for what is about to happen in the manga.
I doubt anyone read all of this, but if anyone did, thanks for reading my midnight rant! I had to get my feelings out of my system and I have no one to rant about my hero academia. So thanks for reading my thoughts/gen
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5, 8, 9, (DO 19 WITH ME), 20, 24 for fic ask!
SO MANY, hi Marielle, I love when you send me half the ask list /gen <33
5: Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you share a snippet?
Uuuuuuh since we’ve been rolling dice to decide what we’re doing, who knows! But, most likely my arch nemesis, the drunk miscommunication fic, “take me where the music ain’t too loud”. Sure, I’ll share a snippet. Hope you like pain
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8: Is there a story in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
I don’t think I have anything in my head that I intentionally haven’t shared! I’m an open book, I really don’t hide much, and that goes with my writing too. I’ve even mentioned off hand a couple of ideas requiring the MCD tag. I guess, if anything, I’d love to bring back my monster hunter Nancy/werewolf Robin AU. It popped into my head shortly before I found DITM and then I got intimidated because I LOVE DITM and it was so well written and incredible and I didn’t want to accidentally rip you off, especially given that big reveal I mentioned in DMs being the same LMAO. I’d like to bring it back, change some plot points to make it more unique, I think. I’m still working out the new version, so not much to tell, but obviously tension and angst aplenty.
9: Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in January?
so are you with me? chapter 3 is in the works, as is there in the garden chapter 2. I’m hoping to finally finish the previously mentioned drunk miscommunication fic. If I work hard enough, maybe, just maybe, I’ll even FINALLY finish run away (crying to your soul). We’ll see how long it drags out lol
19: Would you consider non-fandom writing events like NaNoWriMo or writing contests?
Yes absolutely! I was so determined to do NaNoWriMo this past year, actually, and only couldn’t because school kicked my ASS. I have some original stories floating around, so maybe I’ll do NaNo this year and actually get past day one. I’ve never actually tried a writing contest (outside of one time in middle school) and short form outside of fanfic isn’t usually my thing, but I’m down to try it!
20: Any plans to work on original fiction this year?
YES ABSOLUTELY. I have two novels planned, one of which I’ve even started working on! I’m very very excited about both. Gay people in space fighting aliens and corrupt governments that takes itself too seriously, and a really silly, stupid, Twilight level bad werewolf romance with a side of paranormal investigation.
24: By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who __________.”
Wrote too much about fucking werewolves. /hj, I just love werewolves. Idk, really. I write for fun, mostly. I just hope people enjoy them :) If I end up with a popular fic, cool! If not, also cool!
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v-anrouge · 2 years
hi yes hello!!
i think my love languages are physical touch and quality time/parallel play! i’m very touchy-feely with those i love, so i’m always hugging and kissing and wanting cuddles. (i’m also very touch-starved oops) and i love just being with my partner—whether we’re doing the same activity together or doing two different things and just vibing. 💕
i love making or buying my partner gifts as well!! whether it’s a lil something i saw in the store that made me think of them, or it’s something i created for them, i love seeing my partner light up when i surprise them with gifts 💕💕
my meds/chronic illnesses make me rlly sleepy, so i nap all the time, but when i’m not conked out i like to cosplay, read fanfic, work on my current hyperfixation craft, play Animal Crossing or Final Fantasy 14, create/work on OCs, and coloring on my phone while watching horror/true crime shows!! (i like my silly little phone games too uwu)
my current hyperfixation craft is drawing!! but in the past it’s been loom knitting, cross stitching, or soap making!! i tend to cycle though these every 6 months 😅 at least i have all the supplies already!!
before i got sick i loved to dance, too—i took ballet, aerial silks, and musical theatre. oh!! i love to sing, too!! i was trained in classical italian opera for a few years, along with musical theatre. on good pain days i’ll twirl around my kitchen dancing to songs on my OCs playlists, or sing along with them. …i’ll freeze like a deer in the headlights if someone walks in on me doing that tho. “>.>
my partner needs to be… understanding, to say the least. my memory is poor and i’m always sick, so they need to not mind taking care of me every once in awhile during my flare-ups. i like having a partner with a sense of humor, who’s very soft with me. if you’re mean to me i WILL cry (/hj???)
they also gotta tolerate my vocal stims—my latest one has been “koebi-chan~!” and i’m sO EMBARRASSED ABOUT IT??? 💀💀 BUT ITS SO FUN TO SAY??? HELP???
sorry for the long info dump 😅 and tysm for doing this!!! 💖💕💖💕 pls take your time!!
time to work 💪💪💪💪
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JADE my hc is that jade actually really enjoys physical affection, at least if it's from someone he's close with, he doesn't seem to mind floyd's affection and while that could be because they're brothers i hc that he will enjoy any affection that someone close to him will give him, be prefers to do it in private but he'll have to problems holding your hand hugging you in public kissing your hand or cheek, he finds it adorable that you're brave enough to ask for affection for someone most people consider dangerous (but u know in reality he's just a little guy) in private he'll really enjoy cuddling with you, kissing your face holding you close and he even bites you affectionately.
whenever you buy jade a little mushroom themed thing you love to see the mask he puts up completely shattering as he smiles brightly before kissing you softly, he then starts to info dump about the mushroom and the type of mushroom, while he absolutely loves the things you buy, the most important to him are the ones you make, he puts those in a special place in display and sometimes u caught him just staring at the things you made him with a very soft smile, he loves teasing you but if he notices it's getting too much he'll immediately stop and kiss your head making you a bit of tea and holding your hand softly as a way to apologize, he truly does care and love you he'll have absolutely no problems helping you and taking care of you when your pain gets too much, he'll always remind you to take your medicine, he'll always make sure you're comfortable when you go take a nap and he'll stay by your side either reading a book or watching something in his phone (probably abt mushrooms) jade makes sure to research about your illnesses so that he'll be able to help you as much as he can, sometimes it's tiring but seeing you smile and thank him for being such a good lover immediately makes him happy and your kisses make any exhaustion go away , a lot of times you'll awake from your naps and feel a very sleepy jade hugging you tight he is wrapped around you while hiding his face, it's adorable to see him in such a vulnerable way and knowing you're one of the only people he trusts to be his true self
a lot of times jade will quietly sneak up on you while you sing your heart out and watch you with a smirk waiting till you notice him, if you haven't noticed him when you finish the song he'll warn you by clapping and then proceeding to kiss your cheek while he starts to praise your amazing performance he loves seeing your reaction and although he's teasing you, you can see that he truly does enjoy listening to your voice
jade would be very entertained by your vocal stims, if you don't like he won't point them out to tease you but he will always let out a small genuine smile or a soft laugh
another person i think would fit is...
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LILIA he LOVES hugging you kissing you cuddling you surprising you by suddenly appearing in the ceiling and kissing your forehead he loves your reactions and will always giggle while he does so please make sure to always return his affections he feels so at peace when you're holding him, kissing him and showering him with affection, his favorite thing to do is sit on ur lap while u kiss his face he'll be giggling the entire time and those little wing-like things on his hair flutter (yes they flutter when he's happy i actually work on twst so i can confirm) btw u should def play with them lilia will start purring and melting on your embrace while you do so
lilia loves trying out as much hobbies as possible so anytime u decide to try something new he'll always get very excited and ask to join you, you two will have a lot of fun and spend the whole day laughing when doing so, lilia will come up with the silliest things to make you happy, even if they're clearly supposed to be funny they're also extremely well made and he loves it when you point that out and praise him. you and lilia have a little especial day every month where you both take everything you bought/made for eachother that month and talk about the items, lilia loves everything you give him but when you make them from scratch lilia can't help but blush, his big eyes shining and he can't stop smiling, his heart feels like it's about to explode with affection and love you just make him so so happy he feels so lucky to have you
as expected lilia will have absolutely no problems with taking care of you, in the times where you pain gets really really bad you'll see lilia get serious because he cannot stand to see you in pain, he'll immediately do anything he can to stop the pain, he'll always remind you to drink your medicine and he'll be making sure you're completely comfortable, once you tell him that you are he'll smile and kiss your forehead as he watches you slowly fall asleep, he stays there by your side as he starts to play games, even tho he is very focused in his game whenever you start showing signs of waking up or any sounds of pain in your sleep lilia will immediately drop it and start paying attention to you
lilia loves hearing you sing, you two often do duets, he also loves gaming with you and hearing about your ocs, absolutely adores your drawings and you two have drawing competitions often, the prize??? a bunch of kisses.
lilia finds your vocal stims super cute but if you don't like him pointing it out then he will respect your boundaries and keep his thoughts to himself, if u end up with a vocal stim of a phrase he says a lot tho he'll always giggle and kiss your lips sitting on your lap and batting his eyelashes at you what a bastard
other possibilities: trey, malleus, azul & vil
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goddess-pan · 3 years
Tailor!Reader in Dream SMP
Dsmp x reader prompt; Tailor!Reader in Dream SMP. Credit would be appreciated so more people can find this and make their own things based on it.
Can fully be read as platonic. GN!reader with they/them pronounce as a placeholder so anyone can adapt it however they want. Both general and character specific parts included.
Characters who have a lot written for/about; Eret, Ranboo, Foolish, Tommy, Technoblade, Philza and Michael. Mentioned; Tubbo, Sam Nook, Purpled and Foolish Jr.
This ended up being super long so I’m putting it under the cut in order not to clutter people’s pages. My personal favourite part is Phil’s and Techno’s part. These could be read as headcanons but are still available as a prompt(s) to use for anyone.
The reader joining after the doomsday as a time frame in my mind.
The reader helping people patch up their current clothes since most of it got pretty banged up during the doomsday, and it's not like they can just go get a new outfit since quite a few people had just lost all their belongings and only had the clothes on their back. So at first prioritizing helping patch up the current clothing people were wearing and then moving on to making some simple fast to make and easy on the resources clothes for people. Just like basic shirts and shorts/pants, nothing fancy. Then when everyone has at least a couple of different clothes to change to and from starting their own business to sell people more if they wanted. However waving payment if they brought them the materials and what they wanted wasn't overly complicated.
People at first thinking they are just some chump who knows basic sewing or something. A very kind chump, but still a chump. So imagine their surprise when one day they are just walking by the reader's now established tailors and they see these absolutely stunning designs displayed at the windows. 
Just like their reactions seeing these beautiful designs they can't help but stare at. I'd imagine some of them just doing a double take when they walk by, someone pressing their face up to the glass trying to see it closer, the braver ones going inside and talking to the reader about their designs and the more anxious and/or shy ones only going inside when the reader isn't there to look at designs closer. 
And the reasons they like/are amazed by the designs vary also ! Some just have monkey brain that goes "Pretty. WANT", some who just love the colour and art of the pieces, some who imagine how epic this design or others would look on them, some who love the fashion aspect of it and of course the very small portion who actually know anything about tailoring/sewing and the amount of work that goes into making something intricate.
Some specific character/group interactions I thought of;
Making warm well insulated clothes for people moving to Snowchester so they don't freeze. +A warm cape for Ranboo for the same reason.
Eret being one of the firsts (if not the first) to get himself a fully tailored and customized outfit. Them also being the first and very possibly only person to get a dress or a skirt since most of the other people on the server prefer to wear pants (excluding maid dresses which people might get as joke). The reader crying in joy for getting to design something different for once. And hey if the reader ends up making a few extra ones that she didn't order, but decided to give her anyway it was all just some extra ones they had lying around, never mind the fact that the dresses/skirts are perfectly tailored for Eret and are her style. Just a coincidence, nothing suspicious there. Eret also models for the reader and once he even convinced them to hold a fashion show to showcase some of their work to the whole server. Of course he was the main model presenting the outfits.
At start of the reader beginning to display their designs at their shop Ranboo sees a really cool looking suit on display and his brain just goes "Want." He probably wouldn't be able to buy anything pre-made and be comfortable in it due to his physique. And him having just moved into the arctic and only starting to get settled in, he doesn't have comfortable enough funds for him to get something as expensive as a custom tailored suit AND have enough for any possible rent that he might be required to pay. 
Eventually when he gets richer he starts considering getting one but the anxious side of him always ends up winning and he doesn't. However once he finally gets the courage to go commission the suit for himself he doesn't regret it at all. The reader did their best to not overwhelm him and to make it the best possible experience. Just imagining the absolute joy he would feel for having a properly fitting suit that's made just for him, not too short sleeves nor too wide torso and shoulders, just perfect. If he ends up ordering a couple more suits that's between him and the reader. He actually ends up probably being their most frequent and reliable customer.
And we should all know why that is, but let me clarify just in case; Michael.
The reader basically becoming Michael's personal stylist (/hj) . Not only does Ranboo buy a god awful amount of clothes for Michael, the reader also makes some free ones for him. The free ones are things the reader felt like designing since they absolutely adore Michael and the ones Ranboo pays for are commissioned by him. Michael absolutely has the biggest wardrobe in the whole server. The reader learning how to make plushies so Michael could have some more toys, this learning experience including learning to crochet and knit to see what he like best.
Using their newly acquired plush making skills, the reader starts their quest to make some plushies for others after seeing people stare at the plushies wistfully either while they were working on them or seeing Michael with the plushies. People who got them include the minors, their close friends and basically anyone they thought might benefit from them. Some of the ones they made (that I could think of);
Of course a bee for Tubbo, but also throwing in a little ram one as well
Ranboo gets a grass block plush/pillow
Tommy gets a cobblestone block plush and a cow plush. He also later receives a Sam Nook plush while he's working on the hotel
Purpled getting two different sized ufos, one to hold and the other more of a big pillow
Eret definitely gets a flamingo plush
Foolish gets a totem and a gold block plushies
Phil gets crow plush as well these tiny fake coin and gem plushies (the latter causes problems for him which I'll expand upon later)
Techno gets a pig one as well as polar bear one
Back to the individual/group part
The reader just chilling w/ Foolish as a fellow artists. Them talking about both their arts and catching up every time the reader comes to deliver something to Snowchester when Foolish is building the mansion. Just two pretty peaceful artists talking about their passions. I’d imagine Foolish and the reader could relate to each other and their place in the server due to their similar hobbies/jobs as well as their similar time of joining the server. Foolish's first commission from them being an intricate blanket for Foolish Jr so he could have a more comfortable resting place. He may or may not end up receiving that and several other (though less intricate) blankets as well as a tiny shark plush to give to Foolish Jr. Later on when the reader gets better at either knitting or crocheting they end up making a tiny shark jumper with a hood for Foolish Jr as well. Foolish would definitely cry when he sees his tiny shark baby. Any commissions of clothes for himself tend to always take some time due to sheer amount of work needing to be done due to his size so he always makes sure the reader doesn’t already have a lot on their plate and that they know he’s fine with waiting if they need to take a break from it.
Then there's Tommy, who they sometimes teach more about sewing since he already knows some basics. Him probably being the first person aside from Michael they make a plush for, due to him demanding one once he saw the reader making them. Then proceeding to get three plushies in rapid succession. The first being the cobblestone, the second being the cow and the third one being the Sam Nook one. He ends up losing one of them during the prison fiasco and when the reader asks if he'd like a new one they only get the answer of "Don't want to think about what happened and the same one might make me do that". He then promptly receives new clothing (so he isn't wearing the same ones he was wearing in prison) and some extra blankets (for comfort) from the reader. 
After Tommy meeting Michael does he use him to scam the reader to make them matching outfits for free? Yes, yes he does. Does it work? Yes, yes it does. Are they bothered by it? Not really, they look adorable in their matching outfits.
The reader being the source for Sam Nook's construction gear/clothes or at least the original patterns for them.
And then there's the arctic boys (minus Ranboo, who will still get mentioned) who are an interesting bunch clothing wise. The first one to commission the reader out of them would be Phil who got the original warm cape for Ranboo but also at the same time commissioned one for himself that would include slits for his wings. Eventually getting to design clothing for him which is always an exciting challenge with his wings. And when Phil finally manages to convince Techno to get something made for himself as well, Techno almost immediately gets addicted to having high quality clothing when they finish their first piece for him. The fun the reader has designing clothes for these boys is immeasurable with their different styles and needs in the clothing. Aside from clothing Techno also commissions them for a pet bed for Steve. 
When the boys got their plushies it was adorable but also a very chaotic. Techno giving his pig one to Steve so he wouldn't miss him when he was away from home, but also bringing the polar bear one with him when he couldn't or wasn't allowed to bring Steve with him but still needed comfort. While on Phil's side of things; he was showing his crows the crow plushie joking about he'll replace them if they aren't careful however he made the mistake of showing them the tiny coin and gem plushies as well. I want you to imagine hundreds of crows descending upon this poor fool of a man in the background while the reader is walking away hoping they like their plushies. 
The war that ensued the couple following days amongst the crows starts to cool down but the bickering doesn't, every waking moment Phil can feel eyes on him and one or more of the crows coming to complain about the others having had the shiny plushies for too long. He quickly caves under the pressure and commissions more of the tiny shiny treasure plushies. And by more I mean a lot more. 
When he finally has enough of the things he goes around distributing them to the crows. Finally a moment of peace, but he still feels like something is staring at him occasionally. Deciding to ignore it since it's finally quiet he goes to makes himself a cup of tea and while waiting for the water to boil he fishes out the few shiny plushies he had saved for himself. The second he does he feels eyes burning into him and now that it's quiet he hears it, quiet muffled snuffles and snorts of discontent. Then he sees what ‘it’ is, it's Techno behind the window looking at the shinies in his hand with such intensity Phil fears for his life (/hj). Phil just sighs deeply before walking over to the window and opening it. For a second Techno looks like a deer in headlights before returning to intensely staring at the shinies in Phil's hand before Phil just dumps the shiny plushies into Techno's hand and closes the window. Happy piglin noises can be heard outside while Phil debates the pros (getting to have shinies himself) and cons (the embarrassment of having to commission even more of the shiny plushies than he already has) of getting new ones from the reader. And in all this the reader has no idea the amount of chaos they inadvertently caused.
And finally; Techno commissioning robes/cloaks for whole the Syndicate to wear in their meetings, because he’s dramatic like that. But since he’s a thoughtful guy, he wants them all to fit the members well and not be uncomfortable to wear so he gets everyone’s measurements. Once he has them all he goes to the reader with the order for the robes, he has all the measurements written down under just Person 1, Person 2 etc. to keep their anonymity and when asked what the robes are for he just tells the reader it’s a book club. When he gets them all and the reader asks no further questions he thinks he’s gotten away with getting some cool robes for the Syndicate with their secrets safe. Little does he know the reader actually now knows all the members in the Syndicate since they can just reference the gotten measurements with everyone’s measurements written down from previous work done by them. Whether the reader thinks it’s some weird cult they all are a part of or just an actual book club people are too embarrassed to admit they are in, is up to interpretation. 
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darlingpwease · 2 years
NOOOO DKSHSKS OMG YOUR BRAIN IS SO BIG AND WRINKLY HNGGGGG I NEVER READ ANYONE USE VENTI’S PIGTAILS AS LEVERAGE TO FUCK HIM LIKE THAT 😭😭😭😭 you just opened up a whole another experience 😭😭😭 I just know that he wont be crying in pain- but he cried in both pain and pleasure, the latter is stronger than the first AAAAARGH
And I understand <3 while i’m a hard dom with impact plays and all, but i too is obsessed with overstim the precious sub ‘till the bed and pillow drenched with his tears ☺️ Me thirsting about Venti is so rare bc I actually dont tolerate brats 🥲💦💦💦 i mean once in awhile acting up is good, being cheeky is fine but im gonna have a migraine if Venti is my sub ckdhskssk
Also not letting a brat cum no matter how long he begs like... that’s my Jam right there 😭 even if he passed out from the edging then the session stops there and i’ll clean everything up and join him to sleep dkdks i’m too much of a sadist that Ajax would love me BUT having them cry because everything feels too good is Good Shit too. The dacryphilia is so strong like that 🥲 a fellow with culture i see hdjdshs
when I first saw them I was on the verge of growling HSHSJSGSHD I don't believe he wouldn't be into something like this — his pigtails are perfect for any situation, to keep him from pulling away or to silence him when he talks too much, or just pull, as fun <3 he may or may not have mild masochistic tendencies <333
Venti will make a whine or a yap, but you know that he enjoys it more — and teases you,,,,, literally not stopping “om om om” until you find his mouth a better use or make him forget.
Although if you really stop, he goes to “why??? why did you stop???”, pouting his lips,,,, he just got into the taste, and you stop everything? no, he's against it, put your hands back!
that's how I understand you <3 I have a similar situation with pillow ones — I don't like doing all the work, but I make exceptions so often, as if I'm really good at something like this /hj
im gonna have a migraine if Venti is my sub
after your words, it sounds like "SIKE" /j
on the other hand, who isn't? Venti probably makes even those who are already used to brats feel sick, because he knows how to be so draining, as if he is a vampire and drinks blood for the sake of survival </3
the only time he is calm is after sex and after/during sleep, the rest of the time he does not stop being a bouncing ball... unless he is in a 'gloomy aha mood', but this is not something "daily", so it is considered as an exception.
And I understand <3 while i’m a hard dom with impact plays and all, but i too is obsessed with overstim the precious sub ‘till the bed and pillow drenched with his tears
Yes! Undoubtedly, these are individual kinks and all that, but what's the point if at the end they don't cry, feeling how their whole body aches from how often they cum —or how much they want to cum, but you forbid them.
perhaps these are the moments when "good ones" is much better, because it's clear with them that they won't disobey while brats are sitting with a ":3" face or whimpering that it's actually because of you and they're not to blame </3 you don't have to make up stupid rules if you know they won't be able to hold back, okay?
Also not letting a brat cum no matter how long he begs like... that’s my Jam right there 😭 even if he passed out from the edging then the session stops there and i’ll clean everything up and join him to sleep dkdks
favorite trope <333
when a sub doesn't cum, but is constantly on edge, and can't control their sounds, begging — there's something hot about it,,,,
but while you are having fun, they can be from their own, right? don't want you to praise them and tell them how well they did for holding out for so long? you will definitely take care of them — later, if they can hold out until then.
i’m too much of a sadist that Ajax would love me
ajsghsgshsshshshjs it was harsh but honest </3 /pos /j
he just wants someone who can stamp his face into the floor while making him tremble with sensations, knowing that he is just a little fox in the hands of a huge bear — not so much, right?
babyboy<333 probably very sticky and perverted as the relationship progresses, but it's even good huh
BUT having them cry because everything feels too good is Good Shit too. The dacryphilia is so strong like that 🥲 a fellow with culture i see hdjdshs
I remember I once had a post about crying boys, and I don't know why, but sometimes, sometimes it's really hot? like, I usually don't like crying people and try to calm them down, but- if a sub is crying from hyperstimulation or edging, then it's hot
or when they cry during emotional discharge, feeling safe, even if you are 'rough' to them, because they know that you love them, and when their body shakes again, but they do not say the safe word — want to continue and assure you that everything is fine <333
crying is such a vulnerable state- okay, okay, I'm starting to justify myself </333
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 days
LMAOO it’s so funny how both Rin and sae have the same number of letters in their name the censoring can work both ways
AHAHAH you fr just get possessed and channel the energy instead of kaneshiro or kiyora it’s aiku now maybe that’s why you have crazy rizz too
IM CRYING the way the TikTok is so specific and fits perfectly how did you just have that on hand (ig it’s a sign pursuit truly meant to be)
Wait spewpa fits so well another pokemon pairing W…I’ve also never watched either series I just know people memeing about it LMAOO BUT YEAH from what I’ve seen it’s just everyone’s kids THE WEDDING SCENE IS CRAZY no because the brides side is STACKED (Barou’s soul descends from the sky to shed some tears /j) omg Charles DOES give the bug kid energy guys…
I LOVE MIKAGES MUSTACHE LMFAOO the houndoom arcanine fusion is so funny it’s giving digimon (I think) you should just add a red noodle in the bg….one big squiggle….modern contemporary art we’ll know that it represents her red gyarados as well as the red string of fate tying them all together (insert the akshually nerd meme here)
THE DIAGRAMS the way that it’s all in cursive too has me sending because reading “fuckass butler coded” in cursive the vibes have me crying I love it though it’s so iconic (I’m ngl though my eyes moved too fast and I read that as butter at first so I was like huh….? Now imagine Karasu in one of those ridiculous Halloween outfits and he’s just a stick of butter with a hole for his face and his arms out on the side) ninja wannabe otoya is so real but the way that he makes Karasu carry all his shit is giving when a girl tells her man to carry her purse and bags LMFAOAOA long coat Karasu >>>> ok imagine his coattails are actually kinda shaped like wings though omg the bird motif goes hard I know some people don’t like long coats generally but I think it looks soooo good on him!! Wait ok I’m imagining he wears some like button up under the coat imagine him with rolled up sleeves and the gloves…..karasu the man you are….ok but i fr love the diagrams if you ever make more do show…
Side stories guys side stories…imagine you sandwich them between arcs like how they do beach episodes and fillers guys can someone actually pitch this to an animation studio (not eight bit) the mc slander is CRAZY LMAOO I love that dynamic to the reader and co group
Otoya acts cool but he’s so be fangirling over that like you know that one face he makes where he’s like happy/content and his eyes kinda turn into rectangles/lines and he’s throwing a like surfer hand thing (WOW this is why I don’t write) or like when anime’s add the like shoujo pink bright sparkly flower fx yeah that’s what I’m imagining but CRYING I THINK SO?? Prince being like wow Karasu you’re pretty strong! I immediately started playing the Justin Bieber that should be me audio in my mind congrats you’re now forever associated with him
LMAOO considering that even kaneshiro gave Barou some crack moments (maid Barou) id agree Barou and crack work so well im so excited to read about the goofy shenanigans im prepared to fr laugh my ass off
WAIT THE BUILD ME A PKMN TEAM IS GENIUS I gotta go brush up on my dex knowledge know and get prepared pursuit really opening up all these opportunities and ideas
That’s fr me anytime I use a non auto saving software like I’ll move my cursor an inch to the left and press save (Karasu over Isagi any day straight facts)
Wait no because I NEVER see Reo hate I actually usually only see Reo defenders/glazers and they like fully blame Nagi for EVERYTHING and I’m like are we gonna ignore the toothbrush scene /hj (I thought it was funny for comedic effect but people also take it way too seriously but also the dependency goes crazy) and fr!! Actually I think the sub idea is pretty good the copy ability reminds me of a character from Kuroko’s basketball who’s really good but not number one because of the limitations the copy has (he’s able to copy 100% but only for a limited time because stamina energy typical sports stuff) but I agree Nagi being a miracle is kinda his brand….
IM CRYING THE NAGI TIKTOK your fyp is actually insane ok but glad it didn’t delete the entire thing wait im gonna do a wc of this to see how long our responses usually are this one’s 797 words counting “are” as the end sooooo
LMAOOO Barou’s one insecurity is his tiny ass nose /j lowk I kinda like how ironic it is like you’ve got big angry ripped man with a cute little nose
- Karasu anon
LMAOO NO LITERALLY like it could really be either one but i feel like i tend to talk abt them very differently so even through the censor it’s kind of obvious?? like rin i at least acknowledge that he’s pretty and i’d like him more if he weren’t popular but sae…my opp fr /j /j sae fans don’t hate me
no because that’s literally how it feels like people will ask me for writing tips and i’ll just be like i wish i could help but my process is just be chronically online -> get inspo from a random tik tok audio -> get possessed by the character i’m writing for -> end up with a fully formed fic a few hours/days/weeks later LMAOAOAO it just happens
THE TIK TOK HAD ME CRYINGGG i saw it and was immediately like omg pursuit reoy/n…pursuit references are everywhere it’s a sign from the universe that it needs to happen fr!!
shoeliver best duo and HAHA no because that lowkey fits…i know in hindi it’s a common thing for mom’s to threat to throw a shoe at their kids when they’re mad (it sounds better in hindi i fear) which lowkey is giving barou??? and liver -> lover and aiku is a lover of many women fr
CHARLES THE BUG KID OF ALL TIME the wedding would be so crazy imagine nagiy/n’s son looking at kiyora like “twin 😟 where have you been ⁉️” honestly that mixture of personalities in one room is just crazy work…why not throw in grandpa chris prince sponsoring the wedding while we’re at it /hj HAHAAH grandpa lavinho as the dj…grandpa noel noa the officiant…grandpa snuffy the only one who doesn’t get drunk and helps clean up…😭😭😭
the funniest thing is mikage doesn’t even have a mustache like that in canon?? like he has slight stubble but he was giving too many aiku vibes so i decided to drip him out and give him the full villain stache FBXJSJSH omg gyarados as nagi and reader’s red thread you’re cooking here…nah because we were talking abt how chaotic the nagiy/n daughter + charles wedding would be imagine the tullireo and nagiy/n weddings absolutely INSANE work 😨
okay because hear me out maybe when he’s just training karasu takes the coat off and rolls the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows and undoes the top couple of buttons of his shirt 🤤 i have a very specific vision of him post-training with reader sitting on a log or smth and he’s slightly sweaty (enough that his hair is just a bit messy but not enough that he’s gross yk) and he has the gloves on and his fletchling is sitting on his right forearm and he’s scratching it for doing a good job KFHCISJS KARASUUU we mustn’t fold…nah because why are both of reader’s brother figured such baddies bro forget being y/n and getting w nagi i need aegislash to isekai me in there so i can get with her brothers ‼️ /hj
nah because get pursuit to pokémon studios fr the plot goes so crazy i’d single-handedly revive the anime with it (jk or am i??) and yes i think that’s the plan!! like toss in the side stories in between interconnected arcs and relate them to the previous arc (so not after every arc but for example after the arcs where reader and co meet up and where they meet manshine trio there can be a mini side story of nagi getting his growlithe or smth)
PLEASEEE THE SHOUJO FLOWERS meanwhile otoya’s wearing his all black emo coded fit the duality >>> literally chris prince sees karasu’s talonflame and as the fire type elite four member he’s like “wow that’s a great pokémon you take great care of it” and karasu’s like “heh thanks man 😅” maybe this is what inspires otoya to sign up for the chris prince scam egg gift program that gets him his ninetales HFJSDKSJ
barou is so fun because you can see him in a more serious role like pursuit but he also works well in a crack situation!! he’s such a versatile character we love him for that…like for example shidou and aiku i would mostly only write in those lighter situations whereas almost anything i do with nagi ends up leaning towards more serious just because I’M serious abt him (jkjk) barou can do it all that’s why we must stan
RIGHT I THINK IT COULD BE REALLY FUN AS AN OPTION i’ll def see if i can think of anything else but this is def a strong contender!!
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYINGGG all i see are reo and chigiri fans slamming on nagi where are the mysterious nagi fans that hate on reo or don’t acknowledge chigiri??? maybe it’s a twitter thing but all i’m seeing are nagi haters nowadays 😒 tbh i think that’s another reason i forgot i liked chigiri HDKSDK his stans are crazyyyy either they overly feminize him, gas him up toooo much at the expense of every other character (yes he consistently slays but at the end of the day when things are said and done i don’t think he can compete with a fully motivated/unlocked nagi SORRY), or both 😭 REMIND ME WHO GOT REPLACED IN THE U20 MATCH 🤔🤔🤔🤔 all jokes ofc i do love chigiri and yes he’s currently carrying manshine but i thought we all agreed that this is just a character development arc for nagi…anyways…
PLS THE TIK TOK WAS SO GOOD sometimes you just have to laugh 😭 and speaking of tik toks i found another barou edit hehe the intro is wild i lowkey lost it at the spongebob JFDJSKA also i’m sorry i don’t have any other friends into bllk so you get all of my silly videos HAHAAH
LMAOO no i agree it’s very cute it fits his off field personality!! his isn’t as tiny as karasu’s in the trailer either omg karasu’s is so tiny…not in a bad way though i kind of love it i think it’s adorable…anyways i think i’m the only person who’s not wigging out over the trailer literally everywhere i go it’s just people being insane over it like y’all PLEASE relax i think we will be okay!!
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