#conspiracy shitpost
fangeek-girl · 1 year
Rey is a Skywalker conspiracy post
I first shared these in my instagram stories this while watching the sequels, but stories disappear and tumblr is forever (don't question it).
So here's my 20-something reasons (in order) for why Rey was a Skywalker all along and the writers were just too settled on their shitty romance to make her Ben Solo's cousin. (Side note: Reylo makes my skin crawl and the sequels should've ended with Finn/Rey/Poe in a polyamorous relationship. I will take no comments at this time.)
The Force Awakens:
She's an amazing pilot the moment she steps in the Millenium Falcon, but she never left Jakku and didn't have enough resources to own a ship. You know who else was a really good pilot from the get-go? Luke.
In Maz's cantina, Luke's lightsaber calls to her. Kyber crystals don't just call to Force-sensitive beings if they're already "claimed". So she has to already have some connection to Luke. Like, be his daughter. (You know, like Luke wielded his father's lightsaber...)
In that same scene, Rey heard Obi-Wan's voice, who is deeply connected to both Luke and Anakin. If she was a Palpatine, it would make no sense at all for her to hear him. His Force ghost would also have been tied more to Luke (especially after what happened with Ben) than his lightsaber left in Maz's care.
Rey was strong enough with the Force that she could mind-control a stormtrooper without any training when she escaped Starkiller base. Even Snoke was surprised that she could resist Ben. You know who else was that attuned instinctively? Anakin.
In the forest after escaping the base, Luke's lightsaber flies to Rey, instead of Ben, who's related to Luke by blood. She'd barely touched the thing beforehand. The only reason for that to happen is if she's also tied to Luke. And if it chose her instead of Ben, makes sense to think she shares a closer blood relation to Luke...
Leia never saw Rey before they met at the end of the movie, yet the first thing they do is hug. Leia recognized something in Rey within seconds of looking at her. She doesn't even know Rey saw Han die. There's just *something* there that brings them to hold to each other. Like a familial bond.
The Last Jedi:
Rey really connects to the Force when she first meets Ben. Not when stormtroopers pursued her. Not when she escaped with Finn, Han and Chewie. It was when she met another Skywalker. The whole Force Dyad makes a lot more sense if they're related (see more about that below).
Being Force-sensitive doesn't make you adept at swinging a lightsaber. Younglings took years to master the different forms in the Republic era. But you know who was pretty good at it from the get-go with little training? Luke. (Not saying Rey swings well, but at least she can manipulate the thing.)
In the cavern, Rey doesn't see her parents in the mirror/glass because Luke is on the island with her and doesn't know he's her father. She cannot see her parents because she doesn't remember their faces, possibly because Rey's mother didn't know she was pregnant when she and Luke grew apart (or whatever happened).
Rey doesn't have a meaningful attachment to Ben from what we see (his 5min sob story doesn't count), so the strength of their bond through the Dyad only makes sense if they're related.
When Luke dies, both Rey and Leia feel him fade through the Force. It makes sense for Leia, but Rey was with him on the island for like a week max. She could only be that close to him if... you guessed it... they were related more deeply. Like family.
Rise of Skywalker:
After Luke's passing, Rey did not try to find his other students. He had a whole freaking Jedi school, you can't tell me none of them survived. Instead, she went straight to Leia for training (whom nobody else knew she'd been trained until then). Like she just knew.
When Rey leaves the Resistance, her hug with Leia isn't that of Master and Padawan. It's not a friendly hug either. It's mother and daughter, or aunt and niece. Family.
Rey has Force healing. Try and convince me the heir of supervillain Sheev Palpatine would have healing as one of their Force power. Make it make sense! It doesn't. Because she's not a Palpatine.
The whole Force Lightning thing. Palpatine wasn't the only one who could do it. Dooku could too, and he wasn't related to Palp, except to be his apprentice. It's a Sith thing, meaning it comes from the dark side. The reason we never saw Vader do it came from his rupture with the Force after he was encased in the suit Palp made for him. Kylo Ren is too much of a sad emo teen to draw from it. But Rey was so angry, so distressed at the risk of losing one of her friends (and her uncle's bestie) that she drew from the dark side and it manifested into lightning that made her even more distressed because she thought she'd killed Chewbacca. It has nothing to do with being a Palpatine and everything to do with the dark side and emotions.
When in Kylo Ren's ship, Rey senses Vader's mask before she even sees it. It has no power anymore. The dark side left Anakin before the mask was burned. The only thing left is the memory of the man who wore it. As in, her grandfather.
Rey seeing herself as a Sith is the same as Luke seeing himself as Vader in the cave on Dagobah. It's a manifestation of her fear. It has nothing to do with any relation to Palpatine.
Up until Rey confronted Ben on the wreckage of the Death Star, Leia was content to let everyone else try to reach her son. Han, Luke, she let everyone else try before she did so herself. The only time she reaches for her son herself is when Rey needs her. By then she knows her son is lost, but she sees Luke's hope and optimism inside Rey. She uses all her strength to help Rey.
After wounding him, Rey does with Ben what Luke did with Vader: she doesn't give up on him. She has no reason to see the good in him after all he's done (for goodness sake, she saw him murder his own father!!!) but she tries anyway. Because she's like Luke.
On Exegol, when Rey and Ben get ready to fight Palpatine 3.0, they look more like family than lovers. I don't care what Disney tried to achieve. This is not romantic. It comes off as a familial bond.
When Rey hears the voices of all the Jedi that came before her (don't get me started on how most of them never even learned to become Force ghosts), Anakin tells her "bring back the balance, Rey, as I did." History repeats itself. A Skywalker kills Palpatine helped by a Skywalker(/Solo).
Rey retreats on Tatooine at the end of the movie. She has ZERO connection to that planet. It wasn't even mentioned during the whole sequel trilogy. She should hate sand as much as Anakin, considering her shitty upbringing on Jakku. But she just... goes there. Finds the Lars homestead. Sees Luke and Leia as Force ghosts. Identifies herself as a Skywalker.
So yeah, Rey is a Skywalker and you cannot tell me otherwise.
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opera-ghost · 1 year
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phantom of the opera + twitter
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cable-salamder · 3 months
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I have a presentation on Conspiracy Theories today so naturally I had to tie it in with my favorite special interest of Lego Figues (POG trio edition)
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kari-izumi · 13 days
"The Voyager Conspiracy": A Summary
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bootleg-nessie · 6 months
The issue I have with most conspiracy theorists is that they ignore the actual conspiracies right in front them in favor of the most batshit crazy alt right talking points
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peruvian-flute-band · 5 months
criminal case fans everytime there's fanart literally anywhere because the fandom is on life support
(I'm a criminal case fan)
(I may or may not act like this too)
(ily guys😭🙏)
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Noir is 100% comfortable with the queer community. HC that he, at some point, got the tar beaten out of him and was found/stitched up by drag queens. From then on he helps out protecting performers at their speakeasy and checks in on them regularly. Maybe gotten some makeup done once or twice.
Despite this, he doesn’t know any modern terminology or norms at all, which causes the other spiders to assume the man simply doesn’t know what a gay person is.
He has repeatedly called the LGBTQ+ community the L-Hee-Bee-Gee-Bee-Ts.
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wackytheorist · 6 months
Wait but if the original 4 bunnies were based on languages, and Ollie is based on create....
Is create a language?????
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ehilikeshoney · 7 months
Hey, it’s me, shitposting again
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eddieintheocean · 1 year
scientists say that sharks aren't smooth to stop to gay people from having a nice time petting them
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world-fire-entity · 6 months
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Virgil, whilst going on a conspiracy theory tangent: -and, of course, the theory that they were murdered by the Yeti, which for some reason seems more plausible than the military one because if it was me I would feel more obligated to sign an NDA from a Yeti than I would the government
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paul-marrane · 1 year
Okay no but I need you to hear me out
*grabs tinfoil hat*
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hopalynes · 9 months
I think Ferry isn't telling us the whole truth about Yura
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the cannon Ferry doesn't want you to know about @nopanamaman stop hiding the truth you coward!!!!!!!!!!!
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rateaters-sutff · 2 months
this is unironically the most upvoted/liked post on the reptilians subreddit
the music i did not add. this is what reptilians conspiracy theorist believe is credible proof.
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bootleg-nessie · 4 months
The government should offer a service where they confess all of their deepest darkest secrets at the natural end of your life (but they’d have to euthanize you themselves for obvious reasons). Imagine finally knowing for 100% certain which conspiracy theories were true
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