#cont: he knows how to love better than any of us. and that is why he hurts so much.
aresenics · 11 months
🗣 oksana and viktor :')
❛ мое солнышко. я не игнорирую его пессимизм. Я знаю, что это то, что он использует, чтобы защитить себя. он умеет любить лучше всех нас и поэтому ему так больно. ❜ 
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mayullla · 11 months
A little present event: fem reader 🦋 + yandere Al Haitham 🌺 🥺
Title: Learning to love
Character(s): Al Haitham (Genshin Impact) Summary: He offered a proposal, a trial of sorts to see if you and him were really a match. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, fem!reader, soulmates au, toxic relationship, manipulation
The continuation to: The Akasha's choosing [ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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You bit your lip when you saw Al Haitham waiting for you outside your small humble home again seated on one of the outdoor stools. "You are awake. I thought you would sleep a little more considering how tired you were last night from getting lost in the forest."
"Thank... thank you for finding me back then..." You looked down, it was because of him that you were able to find your way back home. But it was him that you were running away from that you winded up there. You know it was much, if anyone knew that someone was trying to avoid them this much to the point they would become lost... it would hurt the person. Yet you could not help yourself.
These feelings inside yourself felt like they were twisting your stomach yet you just can't push it down.
"Hmmm. Well, you don't have to worry about that though you should really consider other ways to avoid me."
You flinched at his words, feeling your heart rate speed up as you looked away guilty.
"I notice a long time ago that you were avoiding me, heading out so early in the morning when you usually stay in bed a little more in the past." Al Haitham looked at you from his book, waiting to see if you have something to say before continuing "I am guessing you are not really fond of this idea of soulmates. That you are acting like this? Personally, I think I would be much better if you were to say outright say that you hate me rather than run away constantly like this."
"I-I don't!"
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"I really don't... I just don't think that uhh... you and me are meant for each other." You sighed finally admitting to why you have been acting like this for a long time. "That there might be a mistake in the Akasha... I just don't think we are compatible. I am sorry... I should have told you that sooner."
You glanced at Al Haithams face wondering how he would react before looking down again in guilt. You didn't know how to bring the subject up and had avoided it for the longest time. In all honestly you were intimidated by him.
"So you are saying that the Akasha had made a mistake?" Al Haitham asked closing his book. "Are you sure? I don't think most people if any would take too kindly to what you said especially the sages." You flinched again suddenly realizing what you were implying. That the akasha that was created by the past dendro archon, which was used by everyone in Sumeru had made a mistake. You wanted to take your words back, your face flustered as you tried to think of a way to recover from the situation.
Al Haitham watching you sighed, leaning back a little as he stared right at you. "I understand having doubts. Even I wanted to see for myself whether this was just some delusion someone in the academia made yet was accepted by those sages. Those who only rely on the akasha when it is also controlled by mere men are nothing but fools who can't think for themselves."
You found his words harsh but stayed silent.
"Hmmm, how about this. We shall do a little test between us to see if we are compatible or not." You looked at Al Haitham in surprise. What did he mean by that?
Al Haitham shook his head a little a small sigh escaped his lips, raising a hand a little as he started to explain. "While I too am not particularly fond of the idea myself, how about seeing for ourselves whether we are actually compatible or not and stop playing this cat-and-mouse chase that would only lead to nowhere."
"We can do a series of tests for an extended period of time. If we don't think we are compatible we can go our separate ways and forget all this happen. But if we do, we can continue on and see where this takes us."
Your eyes looked at him in surprise, but the more you thought about it the more it made... sense. You could see for yourself if the two of you were actually compatible with each other.
Agreeing to his proposal you could not help but feel a little determined but you could not help but wonder, "But what should we do first?" Much to your embarrassment you never really dated before too focused to take care of yourself and putting food on the table.
"Hmmm just do things that couples do. We could start by *not* avoiding each other and work away from there." You flinched a little at this personal attack, unable to look at him in the eyes again.
But you did see a small smile on his lips.
The two of you started slow, Al Haitham being patient with you as you tried to be less awkward with him on your side. You guys started first by going to the forest when you needed to go there to collect herbs, mushrooms, and berries. With him mainly there to protect you from monsters or eremites and treasure hoarders. Most of the time he was reading a book a little farther than you as you go about collecting.
He tried to offer help to you a bit, but still too awkward you declined telling him that he should instead rest while you do your work. Instead, you had to promise him that you would tell him if you need his help getting something that was too far of reach or dangerous.
A lot of your lunches were spent with him. You now purposefully pack up meals meant for two people rather than one. As you seat in the grass or under a tree or maybe at home when you worked on the small farm you had you would share your meals with Al Haitham. He would eat without saying much, but you did notice he would look a little annoyed when you brought soup and later made sure not to bring them too often. (Al Haitham also offered to pack or buy lunches every so often to be fair, and when you first time you tried his cooking you could not help but be surprised. It was good!)
You didn't go out in public much with him since both of you did not want the attention of others. And when you did most of the academia students would stare in shock unable to understand that the famed scribe had a partner while others cooed at how cute of a couple you guys were.
An old granny had called the two of you cute when you were out picking groceries with Al Haitham right beside you examining the vegetables as he too needed to stock some food in his own home. You were flustered at her words, wanting to deny that you were a couple but with a glance that Al Haitham gave you, no words came out of your mouth as you tried to smile.
You thanked the grandmother for her words.
Next were small touches and kisses, your face was never this hot till when Al Haitham told you to kiss him. You were embarrassed when he started grabbing your hand or placing a hand on your shoulder but you stifled all your complaints as you told yourself this was a trial and that it was fine. But you still could not help yourself but become nervous as you stare at his face after what he said.
Al Haitham was always patient with you, and if you didn't want to do this you were sure that he would be fine with it. But seeing that he was trying, you would feel guilty if you were to say no now.
You looked at Al Haitham's face an eyebrow raised waiting before he asked if you do not want to do it. You shook your head telling him it was fine. He always reminded you that both sides needed to put in the effort, and you knew he did. So you must... it was just a small kiss really.
He waited for you, made no movements to take the lead in the kiss, and left you to do it as you took small hesitant steps toward him shyly. With Al Haitham sitting down you were forced to lean towards him as you close your eyes unable to stare to look into his face in such a close distance. You didn't see his reaction back then as you quickly kissed and then turned your back from him unable to look at him.
What was a small peck on the lips soon spiraled from there. Moving too fast you thought to yourself, as if whatever wall that you thought was there between you and him was never there from the start. But you thought that it was fine, that this was just a test to see if you were compatible. As you forced yourself to get used to the thankfully rare kisses that Al Haitham would make. But more often than not you were forced to sit on his lap or he would lie on yours as you both either nap, read a book, or finish an essay for his case.
There were some days he would stay at your place, stating that he was too "lazy" to go back home when he was tired and told you to think of this like another test. He didn't like it when you offered to sleep on the sofa scooping you and tossing you on the bed with a hand on your waist to prevent you from leaving the bed stating that this would be the most comfortable way to sleep at a single person bed, pulling you closer to him. You felt it was too intimate but didn't voice your thoughts when you heard his small snores already fallen deep asleep.
Whatever you tried to make space between you and him on the bed whenever he decided that he would stay for the night would quickly be gone as you would find him always holding you tight in his arms the moment you wake up almost like a stuffed toy that a kid liked.
You kept repeating to yourself that this was a trial if you were compatible and if things just did not work out that everything would just work out as you two separate unknown to you that Al Haitham was still awake looking down at your hair, his arms tightening around you.
To him, this was never a trial, but you were just too precious after all as he let you think as you please. He knew that you were never comfortable with his affections. But he knew you would get used to it. He would not let you go even if you didn't. You would get used to his touch, the idea of him by your side, he would make you get used to him and let him mold you to love him just as much that anxiety would drive you insane when he is not around.
He would never let you go.
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Jake NSFW Alphabet - New and revised version
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A/n: Hey, dear detectives. As you may have heard by now, I wrote a NSFW alphabet for Jake almost two years ago. However, from today’s point of view, this is just incredibly terrible, so I wrote this here on my own behalf. Don’t worry, I won’t delete the other one, but it’s uncomfortable for me and that’s why I have this now. But don’t get too hopeful. It’s definitely better than the first one, but in my opinion it’s far from perfect. And I think, actually I don’t have to say this, I do it anyway: This is of course only my headcanon as I think it could fit to Jake. It’s not canon, not a must. You can imagine it any way you want. :) By the way, please forgive the absolutely boring headcanon at 'W', I couldn’t think of anything better at that moment. I still hope you will like it at least a little bit, sorry for any mistakes you find. If I still find something I will definitely edit it. Okay, enough talking. Thanks for listening and have fun. ❤️ -> Here you come to the first attempt. (Read it only if you don’t care about your time) xD -> I tried to write MC as sex/gender neutral as possible
Warning: Mention of smut // definitely more explicit description sometimes // strong language // light dom!Jake // choking // mentioning and using toys // masturbation // Mention of Oral (both receive & give) // If you want me to add more please let me know
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
As long as Jake can touch you, he likes everything, whether it’s talking, keeping quiet, just catching your breath and grinning. Maybe you just keep silent while you snuggle up and listen to each other’s breath, or you talk about everything. You talk about the sex, what you liked, or you just exchange words in love.
"I love you so much, so incredibly much." - "You’re so incredibly beautiful." - "Your skin feels so good." - "I’m glad to have you. You make me the happiest person in the world."
Or you just cuddle, maybe you’re silent and just enjoying your time. Maybe you turn on a movie or a series or you listen to music.
Actually, it doesn’t matter as long as you two can touch each other. Hold each other’s hand, press your bodies together and wrap your arms around the other.
But maybe you also take a relaxing shower or a bath together to be able to rest completely.
What Jake will definitely do, he’ll make sure you’re okay and everything’s fine. He will help you clean you up if necessary. Maybe one of you will get something to drink or something similar, if this is not available at the moment in the bedroom. No matter what, Jake will keep asking you if you’re okay.
B = Body part (their favorite body part)
Oh, Jake loves your hands and your neck, really, he loves to feel your hands on his body. When your fingertips dance over his skin, the tingle he feels. The slight tickle that makes him breathe shakily every time and makes him intensify his actions. And he loves how your hands glide through his hair. Like your nails scratching his skin and sending light, very sweet waves of pain through his body. He loves it when your hands get caught in his hair or you, to stop or to tease him, wrap your fingers around his strands to pull them until the sweet hiss leaves his lips and he has to bend the head to your movement, so that the pain subsides a little bit. Even if he doesn’t want it at all.
And he loves your neck. Your neck is beautiful and he loves the reactions he can elicit when he kisses the right places, bites easily into your skin or sucks on your skin. He loves to feel your fast pulse on his lips whenever he touches you there. Whether he feels it through his lips or over his hands and fingers when he closes his hand around your throat and watches you as you throw your head in the neck and your eyes look at him slightly anxious and yet full of confidence and trust, while the air slowly leaves your lungs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Cum is wonderful, oh so incredibly sweet, none of you have problems with it, no literally fear of contact, it’s one of the best parts of the whole. To observe the other and to see and feel the full release and to feel how the whole body tenses. The pleasurable moaning squeezed out between the lips of the partner and the thought of being the reason for this feeling is incredible. Body fluids of any form are part of it and show the pure pleasure and satisfaction. None of you care in a negative context, on the contrary, if it goes well, you can still shower together afterwards.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Jake’s dirty secret is definitely that he enjoys watching you without you seeing him. He loves watching you through your camera when you take a shower, for example. Every time you write him that you are going to take a shower, you yourself either places your phone so that he can watch you or he will ask if it would be okay for you. If you say no, he would absolutely understand and accept it and not do it, even if he could. But you know you can trust him, so you know he won’t do anything you don’t want.
But if you say yes, you will place the phone so that the young hacker can have a good view of you. Jake will definitely enjoy sitting in his dark room watching your hands glide over your own body without even looking at him once. How you sigh with pleasure when the warm water runs over your skin. Or how you give yourself the joy and redemption you want and need with the thought of Jake watching you in everything.
It’s also a wonderful way to tease the hacker on the nastiest tour. If he can only see your own hand disappear between your legs. How your moaning echoes through the bathroom and his name keeps falling off your lips. It’s so incredibly exciting for both of you. It’s not uncommon for Jake to suddenly standing in front of your door or if you live together suddenly behind you in the shower.
One of his dirty secrets is also a little macho, but Jake loves it when you moan loudly. So loud that it would be no wonder if the neighbors could hear you. And here comes what he calls a little macho because he loves to know that others might hear that he, the hacker, is the one who can drive you so crazy. It is not that he wants to prove anything to anyone, but it is still a bit good for his own ego to see when you can no longer control yourself and he is to blame for it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Well, Jake, frankly, is not incredibly experienced. On the contrary, because Jake was always alone for many years and never allowed anyone to approach him, he did not really have many opportunities, and did not even want to gain experience. He knows what he does, and above all what he has to do, but the real experiences you can only gather together because everyone likes something different. And you do it, you gather all the experiences together, with the greatest joy. Oh, and Jake learns fast.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Jake loves to look you in the face, which is the most important thing for him. No matter what position, he wants to look at you, so he can see every little emotion in your face. So he can see every little move to see how you react to what he does. He loves to look you in the eyes and forbid you to close them. He loves to watch you bite your lower lip to suppress your own sounds and how he can tell you that you should not hold back. He loves to see your eyes roll in the back of your head when you try to control all the sensations but fail.
But that’s not the only reason he loves to look you in the face. No, it’s also the best way to make sure you’re okay and everything’s fine. Whether he’s over you or you on him, his favorite position is definitely when he can see you. Fortunately, this also works if you both have a mirror available that helps you to see you during other exciting positions.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Oh, it can happen that you both bring humor to the whole thing. Humor is one of the most beautiful ways of communication that exist and to tease or comment on each other when the partner seems to have no patience to approach everything slowly. Even small jokes are a nice thing if it fits in the moment. Most of the time it is definitely more serious, rather more passionate, but none of you have anything against a bit of humor that boosts the whole thing.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Jake is absolutely not interested in that. He doesn’t care as long as you feel comfortable and satisfied in your body, he really doesn’t care. He wants you to feel good every second, especially when you trust him with your naked body. And that’s why it’s especially important to him that you do everything the way you want it, because only when you feel good, the sex feels good, too.
And Jake also has absolutely no problems with changing anything if there is something that should bother you somehow. He agrees with everything.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Oh, Jake is definitely and absolutely a passionate lover. No matter what the sex is, whether it’s just reducing a common stress or achieving your release, Jake is passionate and that with skin and hair. The most important point in sex for Jake is being close to you and enjoying a different kind of intimacy while being as close as possible. To completely merge with your body, touch every inch of your skin and be able to kiss. To absolutely admire you when you are as beautiful as you are, lying under him, pinned onto the sheets.
Above all, romance is important to him. Whispered compliments like: "You are so beautiful" - "Your eyes are my world" - "Your skin is so incredibly soft" - "You feel so good." - "I love you so much." - "I want to spend my whole life with you"
Jake is definitely a person who reveals his feelings for you at every possible second and will definitely not miss a chance to tell you and show you how incredibly much he loves you and how incredibly happy you make him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jake was never really the type for masturbation, it was rather a waste of time and annoying. He lacked time, there were better things to do, and he also lacked imagination. Of course, sometimes some things were buzzing around in his head, but none of them would have been an occasion for him to lay hands on himself. And if he did, it was more because it was necessary and not because he wanted it, but luckily that didn’t happen often.
That changed when he met MC, when suddenly things like being close to another person came back into his head. When these feelings for MC suddenly built up and he had really wished for the first time in years to talk to someone he really wanted to talk to. To have the smell of someone he wanted, to be able to hold someone’s hand, to feel warmth.
The desire to be no longer alone and to live only for oneself grew, the feelings quickly increased and the longing spread. And with the longing for love came a little bit the desire for intimacy on a sexual level back to him. It was absolutely not in the foreground but he just could not get around that small pictures appeared in his head. That he had to swallow when MC teased him through a message or just told him that they liked him.
In addition, all the stress that arose from the kidnapping of Hannah, and then his escape from the FBI. And then he fell in love with MC and everything that had not interested him for years was back.
And also the sexual tension he felt when he was in bed in his motel room at night and he thought about MC. How he suddenly had to swallow when a breath of wind brushed over his naked upper body and his head immediately imagined it could be the lips of MC kissing down his body.
The pleasure that suddenly came over him when he was in the shower to wash away all the stress of the day for a few minutes. How he suddenly imagined MC’s hands that would support them against the shower cubicle while he would lean their upper body forward to thrust into them again and again. How their skin would slam against each other and resound in the small bathroom of his motel. He couldn’t get away from imagining how they would sound while moaing his name.
All these pictures came into his head, and in the beginning he had always tried to wash them off with ice-cold water and cool himself down again. But at some point, to his shame, he could not hold back any longer and so he leaned his left arm against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall while the water ran over his head bent down and his right hand wrapped around his shaft to finally release the pressure, that had built up in him.
He felt bad about doing it without you knowing, and he felt weird about it, but damn. He had not experienced intimacy for so many years, and MC had simply created an absolute chaos in his head. He really wished he had more control, but sometimes it just didn’t work out and his head didn’t leave him alone until he imagined how he could fuck them until they would fall apart with pleasure while it was actually him, who, by his own hand, fell apart in pleasure.
Even during the relationship, Jake absolutely does not masturbate. He definitely prefers direct contact with you. Only if it should come to the point where he has to go on the run again. And then mostly only if you both are on the phone or writing messages. In your relationship he would only do it if you asked him to, and then he does it with the greatest pleasure.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Jake definitely has a few things that appeal to him, especially he has a little thing for domination. Since he is used to it and needs to have everything under control and to have a plan for everything, it is the same in the bedroom. Jake definitely loves to have the upper hand. This has several reasons, even if he is not an extreme dom, so he likes to keep everything under control here and it excites him to see how much you yourself like it when he behaves like that. On the other hand, he can also make sure that you get everything you want and deserve.
He can ensure that he can fully concentrate on you and turn you into a whimpering chaos. With your arms tied over your head, your eyes blindfolded and all you have left are your feelings. Especially blinding your eyes, tying your hands and possibly even stopping your hearing through headphones are something he likes more than a bit.
Watching you fall completely apart and your senses are stopped so far that you can do nothing but feel how good he makes you feel. One thing that he particularly likes here, however, is the literally blind trust you give him. It makes him proud that you trust him with everything and know that he could never harm you in his life. It makes him incredibly happy to see that he can prove to you how much you can trust him.
Also something Jake loves is definitely orgasm control, again an act of domination. Teasing and controlling when and if you can cum and get your complete salvation is what drives him insane. To hear your whimper when you missed the chance for an orgasm again. Getting you to a point where you’re begging him to finally let you cum.
Here another of his preferences comes into the game, the praise, because also the orgasm control offers him good templates to praise you. To be honest, this preference only developed when you told him how much you like it and how adrenaline shoots through your veins when he praises you, how well you take it, how well you take him and how well you behave. Of course, also to praise you when you kneel down for him and he is the one who can just lean back. "You're doing such a good job, my love" he whispers as he strokes your cheek.
But even he himself is very fascinated by being praised by you. Tell him how well he does it, how well he makes you feel, what he makes you feel, praise him and he will do anything you want to get more.
There are definitely a few things he likes and he is also very interested in breath play. And he doesn’t care if he’s the one who cares about you or if you’re the person whose hand wraps around his throat and prevents him from breathing.
Because even if Jake is more the dominant part, he enjoys from time to time being the more submissive part who lets himself completely go and gives all control to you. Because always having everything under control is also exhausting for him, which is why he sometimes enjoys the benefits of giving himself to you and letting you do all what he normally does. Even if breath play does not necessarily have to be part of being more dom or sub. Because Jake also loves it when you choke him while he’s the one who gets the upper hand. When your legs are wrapped around his hips, heavy breath escapes between his lips as he thrusts into you at a rough pace and your hand then wanders up to wrap it around his throat.
And as mentioned above, Jake also has a little thing for watching, he loves watching you. Whether through your camera, or whether you lie in front of him on the bed while touching yourself and moaning his name while he stands opposite on the wall and only observes you while his own lust rises into the immeasurable. Or whether you are sitting on his desk in front of him, where his keyboard still was actually a few moments ago. Your feet are placed on the armrests of his chair as he watches every inch of you, your hand gets caught in his hair, and he always has the opportunity to step in and bring you to your orgasm with his tongue and mouth.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The preferred place is definitely the bedroom on the bed. There are simply most and convenient options that do not have to be thought about much. Also, the bedroom is best lined with options, such as the small snap hook that is attached to the wall, should it come to the use of handcuffs. So quite often.
But other places are also really interesting, of course the bathroom, whether in the shower or in the bathtub. Even if the bathtub always leaves behind a lot of strenuous work, it is worth too much and makes too much fun.
But the kitchen counter is also an interesting place to let your passion run wild. Whether you’re sitting on the surface, the young hacker can perfectly place himself between your legs as you wrap your legs around his body. Or your upper body bent over until your skin hits the cold surface and your hands claw into the edge of the counter.
Or Jake, with pants pulled down a bit, his naked ass touching the surface while you go down on him and his head falls back against the kitchen cabinet on the wall while he completely indulges into the feeling of the warmth of your tongue on his burning skin.
Well, and what’s also a pretty exciting place for especially the hacker is: his study. Whether on his desk or on his chair. In the darkness of the room lit only by the neon lights of its computer parts, there is a special atmosphere when he interrupts your passionate kiss to pull your tshirt over your head to expose your bare chest to kiss this place only a few seconds later and to let his tongue snap against your nipple before letting his hand run down your body.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Oh, there are a lot of things here, it especially turnes him on when you wear his clothes. If you come out of the bathroom after showering with wet hair and nothing more than a slip and one of his shirts or hoodies to join him on the couch or lie down with him in bed.
Or if you just walk around the apartment, after showering, after getting up, before going to bed. And all that really covers your body is one of his clothes.
What Jake also finds incredibly hot is if you’re interested in his work. If you are interested in his projects, ask about it, and let him explain to you what he does exactly, how it works and if it is difficult or if he can teach you sometime. The thing that turnes him one the most is your real interest. That you really care and listen to him when he explains it to you. And he also likes it incredible when you ask a question that makes less sense in his eyes or is a bit… naive. There’s no denying that Jake has a thing for explaining things to you.
He also finds it incredibly hot when you are angry. No, not necessarily while you two have a discussion or a fight, well, actually he finds you really hot in that moments but he tries to ignore it because he does not want to ignore important topics between you two. Although you both have absolutely no problem with reconciliation sex. Jake finds it rather hot when you stand up for things or for yourself. When you get into a fight with another person on the street for some reason and say your opinion clearly and clearly without mincing words.
Which is also turn on for Jake, although it’s rather a small thing when you call him 'my boyfriend'. No matter when, but once you say 'my boyfriend', a firework explodes in his whole body. For one, he’s so incredibly proud of being your boyfriend. On the other hand, it shows people directly that you are in a relationship and others have no chance, and that without Jake having to react somehow jealous and possessive, although it would not be necessary at all.
It is also an incredible turn on for Jake when you take his hand and lead his hand in places where you want to feel his touches. If you direct his hand, he will completely lose his mind.
And otherwise it is the very classic things that keep the hacker going. Neck kisses. Oh, if you kiss his neck, your hot breath bounces against his skin, already there he has to hold back extremely, not just to push you against the next wall and fuck you until you scream his name. But even if you whisper things in his ear, it doesn’t really matter what. You could read him the electricity bill and he would have a hard time to control himself. Your whisper will immediately send small flashes of pleasure through his body and he will have to hold back from moaning about it.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Jake would never be able to really hurt you, sometimes a slap, even a harder one, choking or biting. Scratching your back or getting a rough grip is not a problem, but it would never risk hurting you. Even if you asked him for certain things that might hurt you, Jake probably wouldn’t be able to, because he would only blame himself afterwards and be afraid that he seriously hurt you. He would try anything to accommodate your wishes and fulfill them but really hurt you, but he’d never be able to handle hurting you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Jake definitely enjoys both. He loves to receive, to lean back and admire your beauty as you take his last breath away when you look up to him with your wonderful eyes to make sure he likes what you’re doing with your mouth.
But Jake still prefers to give. It just makes him incredibly proud and content to watch you fall through his hand and mouth completely on the bed sheet or his desk chair while he rushes after your release or uses every opportunity to tease you. He also loves how your hands claw into his hair or how you bite your hand trying not to let the whole house know how good he makes you feel.
He mainly loves taking care of you, which is one of the things he enjoys the most.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
All of it, at the right time and at the right moment. Most of the time, Jake is more the type for slower but rough thrusts that make you moan every time and make you claw your hands into the bed sheet and roll your eyes back.
Of course, there are moments when you both prefer fast and rough sex. Listening to the sound of your bodies rocking against each other and your moans mixing so that you are no longer sure which moan comes from whom.
And then of course there is the sex that is slow and passionate. Where it’s all about feeling every millimeter of the other and focusing only on your emotions, the warmth and reactions of the other. When you are tightly pressed against each other, your legs are knotted, holding each other's hands. Jake’s forehead leaned against yours and you look deep into each others eyes as you keep telling how much you love each other.
Most of the time a mixture of both is the perfect way for you. A mixture of rough and slow sex alternating to really experience everything and to enjoy it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Oh, Jake definitely prefers to take time for everything. Nevertheless, a quickie can be a really interesting and exciting thing and a nice little distraction that you both enjoy sometimes very much.
Above all, Jake has a thing for quickies, just before you two or just you or just him, need to leave the house. Especially in the evening when a visit with the group at the Aurora is waiting or you go out for dinner at the black swan or just in a club. If you also wear beautiful evening or party attire that play around your body perfectly and flatter you. Especially then it can happen that you both need to stay for a short moment longer to reduce a little pressure and tension.
And he can’t deny that a certain part of his interest comes from the fact that it calms him a little bit, knowing what he did to you before you left, for example, if someone talks or looks at you for too long. He likes to remember that he is the one who has the honor of being close to you, because for him it is definitely an honor. In his eyes, it is an honor to be close to you, and then as close as no other.
To put it like it is: part of him is reassured to know that he is the one you allowed to fuck you and no one else. Yes, once again a little macho and possessive, but he can’t change it. Seeing someone clearly showing interest in you makes him nervous. But when his name, groaned by you, circles through his head, he is a little calmer.
But even in everyday life quickies can be a nice variety.
Especially if you interrupt Jake’s work to clean up his desk for a moment. Jake always recommends taking a short break so that you both don’t overwork.
Cooking together can also drag on. Or it ends with the fact that you have to order food at the end because it has not only remained with a small interruption or break.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Oh, you both find experiments very interesting and like to talk about things that interest you both. And if both agree, also to try them out to a degree until one of you says it’s enough. You are willing to experiment but only so far that your partner is satisfied with it and can also imagine it. So you could already find some things that you both don’t like so much and now know that these are not to be done. It definitely improves the overall experience and limits to the things you both really like.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Well, it always depends. You might not get sleep a whole night because you can’t keep your hands off each other. There are actually no special things to mention here. Most of the time, you absolutely can’t complain, especially because you have your tactics to delay the whole thing as long as you can if you don’t want to stop. Whether you just take a break to just share kisses and touch every inch of each other’s skin. This will give you small breaks in which you can catch your breath and recover without letting go of each other.
But there are also days when you have teased Jake for a whole day and you only get the opportunity to be close in the evening or at night. When Jake’s been trying all day not to ambush you, then it may well be that it’s a quick round in which Jake will make sure that you both still get your money's worth and he can pay you back a little bit of it, what you did to him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes, a few classics definitely, handcuffs, a few different vibrators, a particularly comfortable and beautiful blindfold. And also some light ropes can be found in your drawers. You really wanted to try it out together and you both liked it. Toys are now and then a really nice change and a small plus during sex that can additionally stimulate in completely different ways. Handcuffs, blindfolds, ropes and the vibrator are used by both of you.
Especially Jake enjoys it when you have your hand wrapped around his cock, in addition to feeling the vibration of the vibrator you also still hold in your hand.
But most of all, Jake enjoys using the vibrators on you and seeing you turn into a total mess while he can decide if you can cum or not.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
You might say you invented the word "tease". There is almost nothing better than teasing the partner in all possible ways until they can hardly hold their temper, begs and crys for more.
Teasing is a big thing in your relationship that both enjoy incredibly much, no matter where, no matter when, you are constantly teasing each other. Whether you’re just whispering things into each other’s ears, secretly sending messages over the phone even though you’re right next to each other. Whether you move specially chosen around all day, or choose your clothes with the inention to send the young hacker through a hard time.
Jake is also more likely to use words and touch, a soft breath near your ear. Stroking and pressing your thighs in the car, or hidden from other eyes under the table.
Light and short touches while passing by, where his hand, quite accidentally, touches your ass. If he "has to" squeeze past you because "there’s not enough space", and that's why he needs to press his crotch against your ass. Of course without intention. "Oh, pardon" he whispers in your ear and when you turn to him he disappears with a wink in your direction.
Whether he slips with his hand under your top for a few seconds to let his fingers slide over your skin and the touch that only feels like a breeze, causes goose bumps all over your body.
But even during sex teasing is one of your favorite things. Denying each other the touch, whispering teasing things in the ear that kill the other in tension, slight provocations, touches that tickle. Or yes, the denial of orgasm, the too slow touching of body parts. Stopping after a moaned "more" or "faster" leaves your lips.
You both enjoy all these things very much and it sometimes almost develops into a kind of competition and everyone pays the other the torments of the day back.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
To your delight, Jake is definitely a man who is not afraid to show his feelings and especially during sex to show you that he likes it. Which means that Jake has no problem letting out an un-suppressed moan, which also makes you incredibly happy and reassured and takes away one or two uncertainties about whether he really likes it and whether he wants it at all.
Also otherwise Jake is definitely not someone who shows his pleasure only when he already cums. Growling, gasping, whining and sighing, moaning and of course whispering. Jake will make sure he shows you how much he likes what you are doing or what feelings he has without pretending something that is not. Just the pure and honest emotions.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Since, as mentioned above, sexuality, intimacy, and love played absolutely no role in the hacker’s life some time ago, at the beginning of your relationship he was still pretty nervous about everything he did.
He searched a lot on the Internet, read articles, mostly scientific. Tried to learn a lot about anatomy to find points to turn to when it really comes to intimacy between you two.
Jake even made a movie night alone in which he watched all the parts 50 shades of grey to collect a little information and experience.
In the end, he was quite disappointed and had the hope that reality would not look like in the movies.
That was all during his time on the run from the FBI.
Fortunately for him, his hopes were answered, and the first time he really stand in front of you and felt your lips on his, everything he 'learned' didn’t matter anymore. Even if it wasn’t absolutely perfect, you had to get to know each other and each other’s bodies first, everything went by itself. Like you two were made for each other.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
What is going on under the clothes you both absolutely do not care about. Jake finds you absolutely hot no matter what you look like or not. He loves you with all his heart and for him you are the most beautiful and hottest person in the world. You could stand in front of him covered with mud, dressed in an old sack, your sight would kill him.
And as for you, you can complain absolutely and in no case. And you never would, because you’re the same as Jake, you don’t care what it looks like under the clothes. This is only the smallest point of the intimacy that you two share together.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Oh, it’s definitely not the most important thing in your relationship, absolutely not. But let’s be honest, if you like sex, it’s a wonderful thing. And since you both see it this way, it can happen more often that you get as close as possible. You both just enjoy it incredibly much and your attraction is so strong that you love to have sex.
You may not have sex every day, but more often during the week. But you don’t always have to have sex, only oral satisfaction can definitely be enough and be what appeals to you the most.
But you both like to have sex with each other, which is why you live it out. But it’s only the cherry on the cream cake.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sometimes you can fall asleep quickly, but it always depends on whether you want to. Sometimes, when you snuggle up, placed your head on Jake’s chest, and you’ve knotted your legs together, then it can happen that the quiet atmosphere draws you to the land of dreams.
Most of the time, however, you are still awake for a moment, talking, enjoying your time and making sure your partner is okay.
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rifki16 · 15 days
At 25:00, in Akasaka Episode Seven Review
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At 25:00, in Akasaka Episode Seven Review
Croutons in a very bitter kale-filled salad
I’m writing this as I just read on MyDramaList that Living with Him (2024) has a total point of 7.3 whereas this series received 7.9 even only after reaching 7 episodes, out of 10 episodes, so please, mind my rage-fueled arguments. I really don’t think 7.9 is deserving for the series, so far. I’m not saying that the eighth, ninth and tenth episodes couldn’t propel the series to be better than Living with Him, but they just haven’t earned their current score with their seven episodes. I have two continuation themes of my complaints, and a new theme that I want to talk in this essay.
On Asami Hayama Being the Standing Sage Oak Tree
I have written that one of the most regrettable characteristics of Asami Hayama that the Live Action used in portraying Asami-kun is the fact that he’s just like a standing tree there. He didn’t really do much. In the manga, Asami was at least playful at first, then he became more and more open about his love to Shirasaki Yuki. I don’t know whether it’s because the manga used sex as a way to convey Asami’s fondness to Shirasaki, however, even if that’s the case, I don’t think that the LA has done enough job to paint more colors to Asami. He has given this impression of just being this very white to beige standing still tall oak tree that doesn’t really actively do anything about his crush/love to Shirasaki.
No, I don’t count him buying Shirasaki his first coffee or him kissing Shirasaki impromptu in the famous crowd-filled gay bar or shoving Shirasaki until he lied down, then pretending to almost kiss him or him hugging Shirasaki after their first fake date as any act that can be described as colorful. I’m in no mean a film studies expert at all, but it seems like those actions are something that Asami had to do, instead of something that he wanted to do. I mean Asami didn’t even compliment Shirasaki that much, that’s normal behavior to do with your crush, right?
I don’t know how film studies experts analyze whether a character’s action is done willingly or genuinely, but for me, the fact that we didn’t see Asami being giddy about his actions towards Shirasaki or that he didn’t recount, happily or not, his action with his closed ones really tells me that he doesn’t really do those things on his own volition.
I was trying so hard to gauge to which direction the LA wanted to bring the character of Asami Hayama. I thought to myself, oh maybe, they wanted to make Asami Hayama as this mysterious, cool, unphased character. Sure, I mean that’s not his whole personality in the manga, but I think the way that Asami was not cool about how Yamase acted towards Asami really crushed any sense of these characteristics.
In the manga, the cool, collected, mysterious characteristics of Asami were preserved well because he showed his fangs after the first volume, after he and Shirasaki eventually admitted to each other that they wanted to be a couple. They didn’t want to just be “acting buddies” like the couple in I Became the Main Role in a BL Drama (2024), or to just be captive/capturer like in Daikichi: I’m Being Harassed by the Sexiest Man of the Year (2018). They want to be a real couple, albeit still not out to the public, that outwardly, because they wanted to avoid their scrutiny. I mean, that fear still didn’t stop Asami from being the semi-out gay man in the face of a fake Japanese public. Asami’s walls, or shells – the word which this episode used, had already crumbled down as the two became a couple before the expressive, well partially-expressive, Asami came out.
In this episode, we were presented with how Asami grew up, it explained a little bit as to why Asami is this sort of passive person when it comes to Shirasaki. It was shown that Asami came from a good-looking family. His mother was a model, when the family went to England because of his dad’s job, his mother couldn’t continue working as a model. She was portrayed to be bitter because of the move and inability to continue working as a model. This bitterness, as the show wanted us to perceive, was transformed into reckless and destructive teachings to Asami as he was always told by his mother to perfect and preserve his good looks.
Those multiyear indoctrinations by his mother made Asami put his layers, shells, again and again, never to show his true emotions to anyone. I’m still finding what was it from his mother’s attitudes that exactly made Asami put up his layers. Was it the thought that if he showed his emotions, he would get wrinkles? Was it the thought that he would get unhelpful or even harmful responses from his mother if he ever showed his emotions?
Again, this is not to say that Asami’s portrayal, childhood-wise, was better in the manga. I’m pointing this out because the LA brought this up and it needed to be analyzed just like any subplots of the series.
Let’s then take the LA at its words, that Asami needed to put up his layers throughout his upbringing. Those layers transformed Asami as this standing-still oak tree. Asami then joined or acted in one of his university’s film club films. He found out that acting was quite fun, we could see him borrowing the classics, according to white cis-male audiences, like Citizens Kaine, so that he could learn more about acting. He then found out that some other person has been borrowing the classics like him, his name was, Shirasaki Yuki, who else lol.
After the film that he acted in was released, the film club got the responses and reviews about it. While Mihara and Asami were perusing through the responses, Mihara found Shirasaki’s and it was very unique as it didn’t only have comments about Asami’s face. Asami then was offered to keep his response as Mihara thought it was a comment from one of his fans.
We then saw Shirasaki acting in many of the film club’s projects. Asami knew it from there and then after seeing Shirasaki’s name on the project, that Shirasaki was the one for him, as he knew how serious he was about acting – just like him – and he had this zing moment with Shirasaki when they were passing each other at the hallway – yes, something like what happened between Hiromu and Masaki from Tadaima, Okaeri (2024) and even appeared in Hotel Transylvania the Movie (2012).
Asami kept observing Shirasaki’s acting, and we were shown to this very fiery and able-to-stand-up-for-himself Shirasaki. Mihara pointed out after observing Shirasaki, together with Asami, that Shirasaki-kun was very different from Asami because Shirasaki was blunt, uncompromising, while Asami always kept things to himself.
I’m not going to talk about the comments of Shirasaki to Asami that made him eventually became an actor rather than being a model, that’s the third theme. I’m not going to talk about Shirasaki’s depletion progression of self-esteem/confidence as it is the second theme.
What I want to rage about is the fact that the development of Asami destroying his layers of wall part by part due to Shirasaki was not told really well. All we got was the voice-over montage scene of Asami telling us that his guard went down because of Shirasaki. It seemed that we were supposed to draw the conclusion that because Shirasaki forced Asami to be his couple, his layers came crumbling down.
To that I say, where? What are the proofs exactly of him becoming more and more expressive or transparent to Shirasaki or to anyone for that matter. What we got was solely that Asami kept things to himself then he became quite attached or obsessive with Shirasaki after Yamase was introduced. I really don’t like the leap at all.
On Shirasaki Yuki’s Standing
I have written in many of the essays before that the LA has made Shirasaki this sort of looked-down character that accepts his fate as the unknown actor. It is completely departed from how the manga depicts him, but again, it’s the LA’s right to depict Shirasaki the way they see fit for the medium.
As I have written in the previous theme, Shirasaki was portrayed as this daring, uncompromising, blunt, soon-to-be, budding actor. He was portrayed in Asami’s flashback protesting the changing of his line to his director. He also berated his costar because he improvised his line; his improvisation could ruin the pacing of the next dialogues.
What happened to him then? I suppose that maybe in the ninth episode, we will get the flashback from Shirasaki’s perspectives. The eighth episode will go back to the present timeline. I wrote on Twitter that maybe, Shirasaki became disillusioned about his acting prospects because after his uni years, he still couldn’t break it as an actor. Hence, he became this pessimistic, almost defeatist, yet-to-be big actor. I do sincerely hope so, because then we will finally be able to see the puzzle clearly.
Shirasaki Telling Asami to be an Actor Scene
I stand by my comment on Twitter that I think this life-altering conversation/comment by Shirasaki was too quick. So, we have established that Asami has always been praised and even brought up around the idea that he has a nice face. We also have established that Shirasaki was this brash, unyielding actor. How then did the LA manage the scene when Shirasaki told off the freshly scouted Asami from being a model so that he could take a U-turn and be an actor?
There was a small congregation around Asami as he announced that he got a contract to be a model. Shirasaki then told off Asami by saying:
>“You won’t work as an actor, Hayama-kun? That’s not right”
I know that this is very subjective, but I don’t think that the insult or statement of disgust from Shirasaki hit it hard enough to Asami. I mean, as the LA even has acknowledged that the uni years Shirasaki is this very assertive, no-filter kind of guy, what’s there to lose in preserving the line from the manga? The comment was not even that explicit, it wouldn’t ruin the family-friendliness of the LA even with the original comment added in.
I can also argue that the comment from Shirasaki was not strong enough so that Asami could remember it all these years. I forgot how long after uni it was in the manga or in the LA that Asami and Shirasaki eventually worked together in this one drama project. However, I think that if the snarky reply from Shirasaki were to last for years, it at least needed to be that strong, that pungent, right? I mean look at what Shirasaki said in the manga after Asami got scouted as a model.
>“Modelling is a job for people who don’t have anything else than their looks right? That’s not a job for you”
I mean it’s not as strong as saying that Asami would be stupid to take a job just as a model, but I think it’s far stronger than what the LA has to offer.
However, I think the main point of Shirasaki being that one, unique commenter, observer of Asami was delivered. I just had hoped that it could have been delivered better.
Oh Mihara, My Mihara
I can’t believe how badly they use the character Mihara. Mihara was supposed to be this deceiving, playful character. He’s very androgynous and unapologetically proud top. Now, he just became Asami’s satellite, rather than being actually having his own agency. WHERE’S MY QUEER REPRESENTATION AT?!
I was really at the bottom of a well after I watched the sixth episode. This episode at least made me go back to the ground level again. I really hope that the eighth and the episodes afterwards can really alleviate my disappointment from the sixth episode.
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owl-with-a-pen · 9 months
so I was thinking about Supergirl season 5 again and I remembered that some people were upset with Brainy in the second half of season 5 because they didn't think he was as smart as he's supposed to be, and should have been ahead of Lex mentally/had a plan to defeat him. But maybe him being a step behind Lex would have been more understandable/more angsty if Lex was literally mind-controlling him? Like maybe he borrowed Lena's technology to keep him in line, inhibiting him again by cruel irony.
CONT: and meanwhile either Brainy is completely aware of what's going on with him, and it's terrible, or it's a more subtle control by Lex and he makes excuses for something feeling wrong with him. So either way, at the end of the season in this scenario I would still have Brainy do the thing with the bottle, but have it be more an act of defiance/rebellion against Lex, probably with Brainy laughing in his face as Lex is gloating in that scene and taking the pin that kept Lex safe from the radiation.
See this is super interesting, because I've always thought that Brainy struggling to keep up with Lex/outright failing to felt very in character for him as of where he was at that point in the show. I feel like we seem to forget that although Brainy was uninhibited while working for Lex and, therefore, theoretically mentally superior to him, Brainy was also in no sound mind to actually be able to embrace the full extent of his intellect.
While working for Lex, Brainy had to spend all of his time pretending to be someone else. He had to hold up a very stiff and unemotional front to try and convince everyone around him that this was what removing his inhibitors had made him, otherwise his whole plan would fall apart. We know from season 6 that Brainy was absolutely not okay when it came to dealing with his emotions, especially his rage against Lex, and this was becoming very clear through all the interactions we saw between Brainy and Lex in the second half of season 5. Brainy was barely holding it together, and Lex knew that, which was why he knew he had the room to play with his food for a bit and make Brainy think he'd actually achieved the upper hand.
Brainy spent so much of his time with Lex questioning his own actions, feeling guilty every step of the way, hating himself for crawling closer to the evil alignment the rest of his family had wanted for him and (I'm gonna assume here) not sleeping very much, if at all. So, failing to see Lex's whole plan always made sense to me. Brainy was not in a fit mental state to do any better than he did and, to be honest, with all said and done his plan actually was still very ingenious. Incorporating an aspect of the Brainiac line he hated so much by bottling Leviathan was also extremely satisfying, especially considering he went into it knowing he was likely going to die and so reclaiming that ability for good was one hell of a way to go out.
This being said, I do love the ideas you've brought to the table, especially with regards to giving Brainy a proper moment to rebel against Lex. Lex using some form of mind control on Brainy would have definitely upped the angst to insanely delicious proportions. Maybe not from the very start of their partnership, but the more Brainy resisted Lex's plans, or the more obvious it became that he was clearly interfering with them where he could, maybe Lex starts to set something in motion then. Maybe Brainy notices because of how freshly released from being inhibited he is, or, maybe worse, he doesn't realise for those exact same reasons. Either way, it would give Brainy even more fuel to the fire when it came to his final face off with Lex.
Brainy never really gets the closure he sorely needs for everything Lex put him through, and I really do love imagining an alternate version to the scene where Brainy does have the upper hand in that Leviathan ship, maybe he rips Lex's pin from his lapel when Lex underestimates how much energy Brainy has left when he tries to take the bottle from him. Just something that gives Brainy a bit more power over the situation. It'd also make Lex realise that pushing the emotionally unstable Coluan to the limit maybe wasn't the genius plan he thought it was, especially when all of Brainy's anger surges out with Lex as his sole target.
I am overall glad that the end of season 5 left Brainy in a position where his anger towards Lex was unresolved, because that gave us some excellent scenes in season 6. It's no secret that I love Brainy and Lena's dynamic and the scene where Brainy starts detailing exactly how he's planned to kill Lex in the most horrific way possible is up there on my list of favourite scenes ever. So, I suppose, yes it would have been satisfying to see Brainy defy Lex, but also what we got from Brainy failing gave us so much more angst where his unresolved anger was left to stagnate.
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wraithwars · 2 months
a/n: part 2 of the questionnaire made by @arisenreborn. first part can be found here.
How do they both generally regard guest pawns?
Valkyrie gets a little nervous and tries to present herself as competent and capable as she can around guest pawns. She also makes sure to vocalize her appreciation for their aid. Nolan gets a bit competitive if he thinks a guest pawn is better than him at helping the Arisen. Sometimes it ends well, other times it ends with an impromptu challenge. 
What do they bond most over?
They bond over their mutual curiosity. Valkyrie always had an inquisitive nature, so when she finds out that Nolan does too, she makes it a point to share knowledge he may not know. Regardless of how useful it may be. He returns the favor in kind. Valkyrie always wrote information she learned in her journals, and eventually, Nolan does as well. She has many journals/field guides filled with many topics often accompanied by Nolan’s little doodles or annotations.
Do they have a favorite place in the world; be it a town or a particular area or view they’re fond of?
Again, Nolan loves the fields in Vernworth and often rests with the oxen. That spot is most relaxing for him. For Valkyrie, she actually likes the Nameless Village. No one there expects anything from her, they don’t bring up Arisen business, and, though she won’t admit it, she enjoys visiting Srail a great deal. (Everyone knows why except for her, it seems.) It’s just a good place to get away from being Arisen for a while.
What is the “silliest” order VS what is the “worst” order your Arisen has given your Pawn? (These things potentially don’t have to be separate.)
Valkyrie frequently has Nolan give her a boost. She’s short, he’s not, and sometimes some really cool loot is just out of reach. Finding her standing on his shoulders is more common than you’d expect. As for silliest, one time she told Nolan to distract someone. Because he didn’t know what to do he panicked and just made funny faces and weird noises while the person was trying to talk to someone. Hey, at least it worked.
Do they have any pre-existing relationships with any particular NPCs from before the start of the game? Has becoming the Arisen changed those relationships?
Valkyrie had met Ulrika a year before the main plot when she was traveling alone. Ulrika was the one who had convinced her to stick around and to join the relief efforts when the monsters and beasts began growing bolder. They were simply friends back then, but after she becomes Arisen, their bond deepens. Ulrika feels responsible for her burden, but Valkyrie sees her as someone who gave purpose to a life that had none. Otherwise, everyone else she meets for the first time. Same goes for Nolan.
Which of the four residences is their most preferred, and is there a particular reason why? Do you have any headcanons about the layout and how it’s decorated? Or: Do they have alternative living quarters (a family home, sleeping at inns all the time, etc.)?
Valkyrie likes the quaintness of the home she acquires from Mildred. It’s the only home in Vernworth she bothers to get because of the idea of having a noble—though she doesn’t have negative opinions of all of them—as a neighbor does not appeal to her. She fills the small home with flowers and other things she’s acquired on her journey. Also, half of it she considers Nolan’s space, and she loves seeing their collective tastes come together. The home in Bakbattahl has less personality in it, but she’s grateful to have a space where the pawns in her party can relax.
Regardless of whether you adhere to the in-game counter or not, how long do you think their journey took? Did they book it with a sense of urgency, or did things get drawn out - and why?
I added some extra plot stuff for Valkyrie, so the adventure takes up to a year roughly. Most of the time, she hates being idle and would often be occupied by some mission/task at all times. But there were times when her confidence wavered and she had to take a break to recover from the burnout. Those moments were often forced upon her, however, as she usually faces the Arisen tasks with a sense of purpose in spite of her condition.
Whether they’d still be together or separate - What kind of life would they be living if they were not Arisen and Pawn, but NPCs?
If Nolan had come across Valkyrie as she was before becoming Arisen, he would see someone without a sense of purpose who seems to be gliding from one moment to the next. She was still inquisitive and loved learning new things, so perhaps if something were to transpire around them both that piqued their interests, they’d become quick friends. Nolan is kindhearted, so he’d also probably make it a personal mission to cheer her up—even if it wasn’t his business to do so. I think he would still save her then as much as he does during their journey as Pawn and Arisen. Platonic soulmates if you will.
Nolan felt something change in him the moment the dragon was defeated, but he can’t place what it is, only that something unknown beckons to him. On a positive note, he feels more like his own person than he ever had before. His own thoughts and feelings are interesting to him, and now he can explore them without obstacles. Still, things are bleak, so he keeps himself occupied by aiding the survivors with whatever he can or remaining by Valkyrie’s side, offering support to the one who means the most to him. But he feels as if something is going to change. Maybe that something is their fate?
What does the ending and its aftermath look like for them?(TW: SUICIDAL IDEATION MENTION)
Valkyrie feels as if all her struggles were for nothing. She sees the faces of the survivors, and she feels sick to her stomach, knowing her getting her heart back is what led to Vernworth’s downfall. In her personal canon, things continue for a year after that point. They try to rebuild the best they can but things remain bleak. Scavenging parties don’t always make it back, and what resources they can gather are not always the best. Valkyrie is so filled with anger as well as hopelessness, that she often goes on expeditions and fights, challenging beasts with the secret hope that she doesn’t make it back. Nolan and those she met along the way are the only ones that keep her grounded.
What would be their favorite show or movie?
Valkyrie would LOVE Brooklyn Nine Nine. It’s the perfect amount of humor and lightheartedness wrapped up in loveable characters and great episodes. Nolan? A huge fan of animal planets and any documentary he can get his hands on. 
If they lived in our world, what would they do for a living?
Valkyrie would be a writer, and Nolan would possibly be a zoologist or vet.
What would be their go-to fast food order?
Not sure about Valkyrie but Nolan would be the person to order an absurd amount of food and it all be for him.
What kind of videos would they watch on Youtube?
I don’t think either of them would be on it actively, but I can see them both watching ‘how it's made' videos together.
What is an AU setting they would thrive in, or you’d otherwise enjoy subjecting them to?
A modern setting. As in they existed in their regular setting only to be thrusted into the future. Something about people in a medieval setting forced into modern times appeals to me.
What would be their idea of a perfect date or hangout?
They would travel together. Nolan would pick the place he’s most eager to see, and Valkyrie would eagerly accompany him, both learning all they can about the attractions or the area. A lot of hiking and sightseeing too.
What’s that one random fact about them you want to yell about?
NOLAN HATES HIS VEGETABLES. HE’S A BIG STRONG MAN WHO HATES VEGGIES. He only eats them because Valkyrie gives him the mom look. If it were up to him, he’d only eat meat and bread for the rest of his life.
Share a theme song for each of them.
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths for Nolan.
The River, the Woods by Astronautalis for Valkyrie. Or Which Witch by Florence + the Machine.
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fromxxthexxashes · 1 year
From a character development standpoint, this episode was phenomenal. Buck discovering that his worth isn’t tied to his usefulness and that being Buck is enough, is just beautiful. I know this episode is so critical to how Buck moves forward throughout the season (if not, then writer would definitely be fumbling the ball). The camera work in the dream world was also incredibly cool, you know? Just the way everything was off kilter in this supposedly perfect world. It really helped translate how off everything was to the audience. Also using “Fix You” near the end??? Chef’s kiss 💋. Every single Buck scene was just amazing, and I applaud Oliver for his performance.
From the standpoint of Buck’s relationships, it was a little underwhelming. I think this episode could have been better in that front if they made it a two-parter. First of all, there was like a minute of screen time for Eddie, which really felt wrong. Wether you see them romantically or platonically, Buck is a really important part of the Diaz’s life. He’s literally Christopher’s legal guardian; he’s Eddie’s partner and best friend. Not to mention, going from Eddie having the biggest reaction in 6x10 to having such little screen time felt really weird. Christopher’s scene was amazing and the only thing a I wanted was just to have there be a little more scene time (but maybe that is just me being a big Buckley-Diaz family stan). Hen also had such little screen time in the real world, and considering her and Buck have always had such a cool relationship that is unique to just them and have been bonding more this season, it felt like that relationship didn’t get the attention it deserved. Chim’s scenes with Buck were great, and I loved how he reacted to it all. It felt very authentic to who Chim is, but I felt like there still could have been more, you know? Even Maddie and Bobby, the two who were probably the most effected by this didn’t get the time with Buck that I hoped they would (at least in the real world, I don’t have any complaints about their roles in dream land).
Then there’s the Buckley parents. Need I say more? Like, I just really don’t like the whole parents redemption arcs. I don’t why the writers love them so much, considering one of the biggest appeals about 911 is the found family dynamic.
So, overall, good episode, but it could have been amazing if they had split it in two to delve more into Buck’s relationship with the 118 and Maddie, and juxtaposed that with how wrong everything was in the dream world.
As a Buddie clown, I was a little disappointed, not gonna lie, but I didn’t expect to seriously get a healing portion of them tonight (more than a 5 seconds would have been nice, but I digress). As a person who loves Buck, though, I was so happy with the content we got served tonight. Getting to see Buck start to realize his worth was just so satisfying and I love this episode for that.
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fantastic-wizards · 1 year
( @fallencrowns ) - cont from x
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Albus could respect the idea of someone like Corvinus enjoying a challenge. After all, what was life without a bit of challenge from time to time? Of course, Albus didn't necessarily see himself as some sort of challenge. It had been all too easy for Gellert to worm his way next to Albus and it all began with an innocent conversation pertaining to a topic of interest for them both. The more they conversed back then, the more Albus realized what had been missing from all other attempts at getting his attention. It had little to do with their appearance. Guys or gals --- it mattered not at the time. No. What had been missing from all of their attempts at earning his attention was a lack of diverse knowledge.
Albus had many interests as it pertained to the world --- and not just within their wizarding bubble. He could spend hours discussing Goblin Wars or he could spend an equal amount of time discussing the universe outside of their own. Engaging conversation about any and everything had been lacking, but Gellert? He had come armed and ready with the knowlege to discuss everything. It helped that he was charming to boot with a talent for manipulating words to his advantage. He never missed a moment at dousing Albus with affectionate words, especially as they pertained to his talents.
"You're by far the most talented wizard I've ever known, Albus. Your power excites me. Together, you and I could change the world."
At the time, Albus didn't know any better. He thought they were just two young guys shooting the breeze and basking in each other's talents. They were young hearts making plans that would never come to be only Albus didn't realize just how serious Gellert was at the time. He loved the guy who admired his power, but also cared enough to see that Albus was tired of the burdens of family on his shoulder.
A mess. The aftermath was a mess and to this day he was still living in the aftermath of that mess, but it would seem Corvinus was not so deterred from it. Perhaps he had known his fair share of messes or perhaps this mess simply wasn't enough to deter his 'fascination'. Either way, his answer was not what Albus expected, but it was Corvinus. He had a way of shocking Albus every time.
"You don't seem the type to make too many messes, but it is as you said: perhaps I do not know quite enough about you to make that determination. Still, the word 'challenge' seems like a stretch… at least from my perspective. I don't think I've ever posed much of a challenge for anyone. You are merely the first who wouldn't let one rejection be the end of things. I might liken it to that stubborn, Slytherin pride. Whatever the case, we are standing here talking now so… I suppose it paid off in that regard."
And make no mistake --- he didn't WANT to be standing here like this. He felt like some kind of goddamned open wound festering for the world to see. He hated this feeling; hated having his guard down even for split seconds at a time. To discuss ANYTHING pertaining to possible FEELINGS or relations outside of normal work place friendship was nothing more than a gaping wound of vulnerbility to him. It was the kind of thing, in his mind, that shouldn't be entertained at all, but here he was, entertaining it. And in the back of his mind, he had a feeling it was going to bite him in the ass down the line. These moments of vulnerability always did so why do it? Why stand here instead of running away like usual?
He honestly didn't know the answer to that right now, but maybe Corvinus was onto something.
Full potential. That phrase had Albus looking away again as his mind drifted back to conversations of old. Corvinus had no idea how much a few words here or there could trigger memories of his time with Gellert. It was partly why Albus had such a hard time seeing Corvinus as the man he is as opposed to the sigil he represented with his actions sometimes. Gellert used to say similar things; allude to Albus that he kept holding himself back.
"You could be the greatest wizard ever, Albus, but you waste your potential by holding back all the time."
Corvinus might not have been pushing Albus to his potential as it pertained to magic, but he was pushing in other ways that had Albus standing here feeling like a loose towel on the cusp of unraveling even more. Was this what Corvinus wanted? Did he want Albus to stand here and take it? Own their moments instead of running away? If so, then he got what he wanted for the time being but only time would tell if Albus could keep this up. It depended entirely on how the rest of this conversation went and so far, he wasn't sure.
The idea of Corvinus pushing someone to their breaking point felt like a red flag. The one time Corvinus had pushed him a little too far had been more than enough to make Albus snap. This felt dangerous --- like Corvinus' words should be taken for what they are. It certainly had Albus feeling wary again, but he remained silent. For once, he didn't let his own paranoid mind send him running for the hills ( yet ).
He waited quietly, allowing his eyes to actually find Corvinus' own again. Despite how terrified he was of that gaze sometimes, he needed to look him in the eye for his own sake. He needed to see if the words spoken were sincere or merely alight with mischief just to throw him off again. This 'fascination' he spoke of was not the typical kind. It was an allegory for something else that terrified Albus beyond words at this point in his life. But make no mistake. The feeling was absolutely mutual. There was such a fascination on Albus' end too though he couldn't pinpoint exactly why. Much like Corvinus, he was certain they've both seen their fair share of gorgeous wizards over the years so why now? Why each other if not the power they both exuded? So many questions. So many uncertainties and yet…
Albus bit down on his bottom lip, unable to form words after the other man's explanation. 'I simply wish to see you…' Those words hit him like the hardest stunning spell leaving him at a loss for words. This time he did avert his gaze, if only so he could calm his pulse and think more clearly. What else was there to see of him, the great Albus Dumbledore? What Corvinus had seen already was the truth. THIS was Albus outside of his comfort zone. THIS was the true man --- a nervous wreck when it came to personal matters. And he wanted to see more of THIS? Why? What for? What was there to be gained but the knowledge that Albus was still just a man? He didn't know, but he found himself leaning back against the door again, if only to keep his frame steady.
"You already see me, Corvinus," he managed quietly. "This. Right here. Is me. That guy pacing in his office, is me. That guy thinking only of others as opposed to himself is me. The guy that...chose to sacrifice his own happiness for the well being of this world is me. All of it... every bit of it is me. You see that. You saw that before many whom I've known for years. What else is there for you to see, professor? You have already seen the broken parts of me. That is a lot more than others will ever get to see."
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rosehearrt · 1 year
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cont. from x.
“Hmph. Of course you would say something so insulting and phrase it as a compliment. You act as though I am as two-dimensional as those characters you love. Well, I’ll have you know that I’ve got a plethora of sides to me you’ve not yet seen. And I do like to learn. Besides. You’ve seemed unwilling to enter into my world, so I suppose that leaves only the option of myself entering yours. It’s high time I do irregardless.”
Riddle practically had his nose in the air as he spoke, his pride oozing off of him in waves…and yet, so easily shaken as he sank into the couch, his face coloring as once as he processed the noise his upperclassman made at his side. How utterly humiliating! As though it wasn’t enough to fail in front of the bluenette the way he did, he’d flailed like a bumbling fool over a seat of all things in front of him and his entire dorm. All he could do in response was squawk:
“Do not laugh at me, Senpai!!!”
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Ah, but there was something to be said for the fact that Riddle was evidently comfortable enough with him to scold him in such a way. Honoring his upperclassman was quite important to him, as was showering them with respect. There were those he became almost a different person around in his pursuits of pleasing them or catching their attention, garnering positive feedback, even. Idia-senpai was not one of those people. Around him, Riddle was perfectly fine with acting as naturally as he would with his fellow second years and underclassmen. 
Around him, it was easy to chide for not coming to meetings, or failing to uphold the grace that he thought Housewardens should have. 
There was some sort of compliment in there, somewhere, that he could be like that with him. 
But. Anyhow. He composed himself as quickly as possible, sitting prim and proper and clearing his throat, squaring his shoulders as he did so.
“I’m no fool. I know of your expertise, it’s why I chose you. And do not worry yourself with my schedule - I have moved certain things around to make time.”
And he did know of said expertise…however, hearing Idia-senpai speak of it so passionately had him caught off guard. This was something he wasn’t used to from him - and it was surprising, to be sure, though quite enthralling as well. Inspiring even, in it’s own way, and it had him nodding along…and then even breaking into a bit of a smile after a short pause. 
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“My character trope…? Hm. Perhaps you know me better than I thought. It seems you understand exactly what sort of undertaking teaching me will be.”
He drove a hard bargain - taking advice was alright, as was gaming here ( Heartslabyul didn’t have half of the necessary equipment ), but listening to the other’s rules without argument wouldn’t be easy for him by any mean. Riddle thrived off of his rules, the ones he lived by, and control was something he loathed giving up even a bit. But, again, he’d come here for a reason, and he was intending to get what he came for.
“Well. I couldn’t back out at this point even if I wanted to. It would go against my…’ character trope ‘, yes?”
One more moment of thought, as he came to his final decision, eyes shining with the thrill of both a deal closed, and getting what he wanted.
“Fine. We have a deal then. I look forward to reaching perfection here, too.”
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0 notes
nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
All the King’s Men  -  One
Pairing: Alpha!King!Bucky X Omega!Reader
Summary: Your father always said that if it weren’t for your presentation, he’d think you were an Alpha. There’s a reason for that. Growing up in a world where Omegas are treated like garbage, you’ve fought for the respect that you have. Until you’re sold off to an old King desperate for a bride. But you will not lay down and present for your new husband. No, you will fight back.
Warnings: Langauge, Angst, Fluff, Smut, ABO Dynamics (marking, knotting, scenting, etc.), Enemies to Lovers, More to Come
Word Cont: 5K
A/n: When I finish one royal au I start another uwu. I’m not sure how often I’ll be updating, but hopefully more now that things with my book are done. Um.. yeah, enjoy!
This is a still-developing idea, so it may take me a bit longer to update. Also, only tagging dark because it’s a little dark at times but not an entirely dark fic. Taglist for the series is open, though.
“I truly do not understand why we need to follow such archaic patriarchal customs!” You complain for the thousandth time, tugging against the rope binding your arms behind your back.
Your brother and your father exchange glances while your mother smiles softly at you, reaching through the carriage window to brush your hair back.
"You must understand why we’re doing this, (Y/n). If there were any other way, we would take it.” You hum sarcastically, not believing a single word she’s saying.
Marrying you off is the easiest way to forge an alliance between the two kingdoms. That much is beyond obvious. But why they’re sending you to marry a man more than twice your own age is beyond you.
“Must I really go?” Your voice is a soft whimper, a final desperate plea for them to rethink their decision. And for a moment you see regret flash over your mother’s face.
“I wish things were different, my dear,” she whispers, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “But you will one day see that this is what’s best for your kingdom. You have a duty, as I did, and as your brother does. We must do what is right, even if it is the least favourable option for some of us.”
You shake your head, tugging out of her grip and grinding your teeth together.
Your one word is enough to have your mother stepping away from the carriage with a sad look in her eyes.
“If you think that we will not miss you, you are wrong,” your father says, taking a step towards you.
“Clearly my presence alone is not enough for you to rethink your decision,” you snap, not wanting to hear them try and make themselves feel better about this situation.
“You may grow to like it there,” your mother tries, “You’ll be married and become queen. You may not love your husband, but you may find friendship within him.” You look at her for a long moment before turning and facing the guard sitting across from you.
“At least try, (Y/n). Attempt to be agreeable,” your father pleads softly.
You say nothing, and they take that as the end of the conversation.  
The carriage starts moving along the gravel road, bumping and jostling you far more than you’d like, but you can’t steady yourself because of your bound arms.
You stay silent for nearly an hour, having nothing to say to the people with you until the ropes start to chafe uncomfortably on your wrists.
“May I be released from my bonds?” The two guards sitting across from you exchange glances for a moment before one of them speaks.
“We are under strict instructions not to cut them until we have reached our destination. My apologies, your highness.”
You huff a sigh and slouch forward, twisting your hands and trying to find a way to slip from them.
“You’ll only make the burns worse,” Wanda whispers from beside you, trying her best to get you to stop struggling. You turn your glare to her, only to soften your features shortly after.
“What do we know of my husband,” you sneer the words then raise your eyebrows at the guards, daring them to say anything.
“He has never before wed. He’s had omegas to quell his ruts but never before has he had a wife. You will be the first.”
You hum your agreement.
First and last, if you have anything to do with it. Your marriage with your husband will not last long, and neither will his life.
The King doesn’t look his age. He doesn’t look twenty years your senior. No, he’s handsome.
You’d imagined he’d be wrinkled and greyhaired. But the man before you, the Alpha before you is very good-looking.
Hard blue eyes and dark brown hair, and a physique that the men in your kingdom wish they could achieve. He’s easily a full head taller than you, if not more, and his body is thick with muscle that he must use to conquer both Kingdoms and Women.
His hair is pulled back in a tight bun and his hands are clasped gently in front of himself, one flesh and one metal.
Ah, so the rumours are true.
You stand before the King and his righthand man with your arms bound behind your back, a defiant scowl on your face.
“May we present her Royal Highness, Princess (Y/n) (Y/l/n), of Lothiella. And His Majesty, King James, of Veronia.” The King bows, but you stay standing tall and defiant, which surprises everyone but those who know you.
“You will bow to your king, girl,” A woman sneers from beside him, her hair as yellow as corn silk.
You raise your brows at her.
“Is that any way to speak to your future queen?” You question, cocking your head to the side.
The courtyard is silent until the King lets out a chuckle.
“It’s alright, Sharon. The Princess needs time to get settled.”
He walks towards you, pausing when he’s right in front of you.
He seems so much larger like this. Thick with muscle and towering over you without even trying. He’s an intimidating man, but you’re not afraid.
He must smell that. Smell the spicy yet warm defensive cinnamon rolling off you in waves of cinnamon.
“You’re fiery, Omega. Is that why they delivered you to me gift wrapped so nicely?” The way his lips turn upwards has you glaring at him, a tsunami of cinnamon assaulting his nostrils.
“They bound me to prevent me from escaping on my travels here. Because they were wise enough to know I’d rather die at the hands of a wicked beast than spend a moment here with you.” The words are spat with malice and poison, but he only laughs as if you’re a puppy bearing your teeth at him.
“You’re cute, Omega. But surely you must know that I am a wicked beast.”
He snaps his fingers then nods towards you, ignoring the growl that rises from your chest.
“Have her highness prepped. We sign the papers in an hour and the wedding is at sundown.”
“And now, may the King welcome his new queen with her first dance,” the announcer says, voice booming and echoing through the ballroom. You want to fight your new husband as he takes your hand and leads you to the centre of the floor, right where all eyes can see you.
The two of you bow to each other, you suppressing a growl at the action while he simply seems bored.
His hand is placed gingerly on the small of your back, metal flexing and cooling your skin through the fabric of your gown.
The music begins, as does the dance. It is practiced and perfected, each step measured perfectly to the nearest millimetre.
If your mother were here she’d be proud of how lady-like you’re being. 
The perfect Omega Princes. 
Queen, now.
He spins you, the skirt of your gown billowing out around your legs.
“You look lovely,” he murmurs, his fingers splaying ever so slightly on your back.
“Do not pretend that this is anything but political,” you hiss in his ear, your face a mask of serene beauty, but your words have the bite of a viper.
“I want nothing to do with you, and I will not bow to you. This marriage will not last long, you mark my words.”
He steps back with the music, extending his arm and spinning you gently before pulling you back into his embrace.
“Do you think that I want this? I was forced into this, the same as you. However, I thought I might be able to make the most of your company, seeing as it is your purpose to bear my children. We may as well be civil.”
It takes nearly all of your self-control not to rip his jugular out, and he must smell the anger bubbling within you because he chuckles.
“I will bear no children for you. I am not a mare to be bred, do you understand?” He dips you abruptly, then yanks you back up just as fast, but you’re sure the movement looks tender to those looking on.
His nose is far too close to your scent gland, close enough to scent you and mark you as his if he were so inclined.
“I am a King and I will take what I want from you. You are my Omega, my wife, and it is your duty to obey me.” Your nails dig into his shoulder, the action making him wince slightly.
“I am not your Omega, and your wife only in title. And if that is how you truly see it, then I am also the Queen of your people and you will respect me.”
A soft growl bubbles in his chest at how stubborn you are, but he says nothing otherwise, and the rest of the dance is completed in silence.
“Come, my Queen,” he sneers your new title as the crowd applauds. “I think it is time we consummated our marriage, wouldn’t you agree?” You gnash your teeth together but offer him a sickeningly sweet smile, mind immediately going to the opportunity at hand.
“Of course, My King.” Acid drips from your voice and he all but rolls his eyes.
“The Queen and I take our leave for the night. We thank you for your gifts and your wishes and invite you to stay as long as you wish. Feast on the food, drink the ale, and enjoy yourselves as we will be.” Bellows of laughter erupt and you stop yourself from stomping on the King’s foot.
He turns and ushers you out of the ballroom, his hand far too tight in your own.
“If you would be so kind, my King, I would like to exchange my gown for something more comfortable. And I am sure there are many things you need to prepare for the consummation, given your age.” You smile an innocent smile and the King grinds his teeth together but lets go of your hand.
“You will come directly to my chambers once you’re done, do you understand?” You nod your head ‘yes’ bow swiftly, then turn on your heel and walk to your chambers, all the while feeling his eyes on your figure.
Alphas are so predictable.
Once safely in your chambers, you begin shedding the layers of your gown with the help of your lady-in-waiting.
“Wanda, fetch me the silk pouch beneath my pillow,” you say softly, pulling on a simpler gown that will have to suffice for tonight.
Your heart is racing in your chest as Wanda brings you the pouch, and you quickly pull the items out.
The garter gets tied tightly around your upper thigh, the dagger sliding comfortably into the sheath and a small vial of poison fitting in beside it.
When you drop your skirts back down, Wanda is staring at you in shock.
“You mean to kill the King?” She asks in a hushed whisper.
You fluff your hair up and inspect yourself in the mirror for a moment before nodding and turning to the door.
“We will not remain imprisoned in this Palace, Wanda. You mark my words.” With that, you take your leave and walk down the dimly lit hallway towards the King’s Chambers.
To distract yourself from the anxiety of that task you’ll be doing, you take in your surroundings.
The Palace is nice, that much is obvious. A place of wealth, if the marble floors and thick furred rugs covering them are any indication. It’s not nearly as flashy and overwhelming as some other Palace’s you’ve been in, but you don’t see that as a reflection of the New King’s character.
Before you know it, you’ve reached the King’s door.
Hesitant fingers knock against the oak door, and he beckons you inside gruffly.
His scent engulfs you immediately, cedar and sage and something so musky and delicious that it has your mouth watering. The thick, powerful aroma pulls you inside, draws you in and makes you feel far more comfortable than it should.
The King’s chambers are simple. A grand bed sits against the far wall, taking up far more space than a bed should. Across is a wardrobe, and in the corner near the balcony doors is a desk where the King is currently seated, eyes focused on a document.
“Come in. There’s wine on the cart. It should help loosen you up, given how uptight you are. I can only imagine the strain that bedding you will be.” You take a deep breath and, to his surprise, say nothing. No, instead you walk to the cart and keep your back to him while your fingers silently raise your skirts.
The vial is in your hand, fingers trembling slightly as you unscrew the cap and pour the contents into one of the goblets, filling it with wine right after. You tuck the vial back in your garter, then fill the other goblet and make your way over to the king, trying desperately to calm your racing heart.
He sets down the document and looks at you for a moment before nodding to the desk in front of himself, urging you to sit. You do, sitting on the mahogany desk and offering him the goblet with the poison.
He takes it, but before you can take a sip from yours he pulls that one from you too, setting it down on the desk beside you.
His hand comes up to gently caress the side of your face, his thumb sliding down to linger on your lips while he takes a deep breath through his nose, eyes flashing amber at the scent of you. That sweet omega scent that radiates off of you in waves.
“There is no need for us to have separate goblets, my darling. You are my wife. So have a sip, go on. What’s mine is yours after all.” You offer him a smile and shake your head.
“How will we unwind if we only share this amount?” He stands up, towering over you and pushing his way between your legs.
“We will simply refill it, darling. Now, have a sip.” You press your lips into a tight line, and the king grins at you, flesh fingers pushing on your cheeks until your lips pop open.
He pours some of the wine into your mouth, watching with dark eyes as a single drop runs down the side of your mouth, over your neck and getting absorbed by the material of your dress, forever staining the fabric.
You hold the wine in your mouth, trying desperately to maintain your composure, and the man between your legs only chuckles.
He leans in, lips gingerly brushing over yours before he speaks.
“If you want to kill me, you’ll have to do better than that.” And then he’s kissing you, sucking the wine right out of your mouth and saving you from the fate that was meant for him.
He pulls away and spits the wine directly onto the floor, his hands yanking your skirts up and for a moment you’re afraid he’ll take you right then and there.
As you’re beginning to fight back, he pulls the dagger out of its sheath and slams it into his desk, the blade stuck deep in the wood.
His eyes stay on yours as he backs up a step, then two, and then he turns and walks to the bed.
Your chest heaves as you watch him pull his shirt off, the encounter having scared you but also making heat pool in your lower belly.
He glances at you over his shoulder, muscles in his back flexing for a moment while his eyes darken at the scent of your arousal.
“What are you waiting for? We have a marriage to consummate, don’t we?”
You swallow hard and push yourself off of the desk, walking over to him reluctantly because you know that you could very well be killed for refusing him. And a small, twisted part of you doesn’t want to refuse him. No, the alpha before you is strong and big and everything that your inner omega desires.
He eyes you up and down as if you’re nothing more than a mare to be bred, and your lip curls in disgust.
He chuckles, taking a step towards you, heat and pheromones rolling off of his toned chest and making your head spin.
“Are you going to remove your garments, or are you wanting me to do that for you?” You glare up at him, maintaining complete eye contact as you yank your dress down, standing before him in nothing more than your empty garter.
Confidence oozes from you, the smell tangy and citrusy like someone is forcing oranges down his throat, but something about it is intriguing.
Never has he met such a confident and fierce omega.
He breaks the staring contest first, his eyes raking over your naked body and devouring every inch of you. A smirk forms on your lips and you cross your arms over your chest, accentuating your bust and jutting your hip out slightly to the side as you both see and smell his body’s reaction to you.
“What are you waiting for, oh great King? We have a marriage to consummate.” His eyes dart up to yours, the blues devoured by his pupils, then grabs your waist and pushes you onto the bed.
The breath leaves you for a moment, but when it returns you wish it hadn’t. You’re completely surrounded by his scent. No matter which way you turn your head you can’t escape it.
He watches you as he sheds his trousers, hard cock springing free and dripping with precum.
Your eyes widen slightly and you look from his member to his face a few times, the shock evident in your expression.
You knew alphas were big, but you’re not sure if he’ll fit inside you.
“Hands and knees, Omega. Present for me.” You shake your head, far too stubborn to do that, and he growls, grabbing you by your ankles and forcing you to roll onto your stomach.
His metal hand is on your back, forcing your torso to stay pinned to the bed while his flesh hand hoists your hips up, pussy presented for him, just like an omega should.
He groans at the sight of you and leans down, nose trailing over your inner thighs and inhaling deeply.
“A sweet omega,” he murmurs, fingers pulling your lower lips apart to expose you completely to him.
A snarl rips from your chest and you wiggle your hips away from him, warning him.
A harsh smack to your backside makes you yelp, body instinctively submitting, back arching for him.
“I am not your omega,” you spit, venom lacing the words. He only chuckles and stands back up to his full height, cock pressed against your slit and quickly getting covered in your slick.
“Oh really?” He thrusts through your folds a few times before pulling back, the tip teasing your entrance.
“Tell me then, who has had you before? Huh? What other alpha has feasted on you? Has forced you to submit? Who else has had this sweet omega cunt before me?” he slowly pushes in, groaning at how tight you are while you grip the bedsheets beside your head, the feeling so foreign yet so right.
He only makes it a few inches in before he’s met with resistance and he’s shocked.
Of course, he had been told that you were an untouched omega, but with the attitude you have, he wasn’t sure.
His hold on your hips softens for a moment, and he rubs his flesh hand along your spine.
“You are untouched. Untarnished by other men.” You growl softly, not liking the fact that he’s aware of your purity.
“Get on with it. Or is your knot too old? Are you unable to knot me because you’ve had far too many years of- oh!” He pushes into you roughly, forcing every thick inch of his manhood into you and keeping it there.
You’re stuffed full of his alpha cock and your tiny little pussy looks so pretty taking it all. He can’t wait to make you take his knot too.
Your attitude is gone for a moment, the mixture of pleasure and pain making your eyes roll back into your head, slick coating the inside of your thighs and dripping down onto the bed.
“Nothing to say now, huh, Omega?” The use of your title makes your pussy clench, your body’s natural reaction to having such a powerful and perfect alpha making you submit to him.
“You’re gonna take my cock nice and deep in your pussy, and then you’re gonna take my knot too. You’re gonna be my obedient little omega and you’re gonna swell nice and round with my pups.”
You want to growl, you try to, but the only noise that comes out is a soft mewl.
The alpha behind you chuckles softly, rolling his hips a few times before starting up a steady pace.
“Maybe I should mark you, little omega. Really show everyone who you belong to.” This time you do growl, the sound warning and threatening.
“Mark me and I will tear your knot off with my teeth and spit it -oh gods... spit it right back in your mouth.” You hate how good he feels inside of you, how right it feels to have his thick alpha cock right inside of your cunt.
He only laughs, hips slowing for a long moment before he starts up a brutally quick pace, his hands holding tight to your hips and forcing you to feel every inch of him.
The thick ring of muscle at the base of his cock starts to inflate, and for a moment you’re afraid. You’re not sure if he’ll fit inside of you.
“You gonna take me like a good omega? Huh? Gonna let me breed you all nice?” You whine softly, back arching further against your will, but the alpha behind you howls in delight.
Any semblance of propriety is thrown out the window as your primal urges take over, pheromones and the stench of sex filling your nostrils and making your eyes roll back.
The coil in your belly tightens, it squeezes tightly then snaps hard, sending you spiralling into an orgasm.
Your walls clamp down hard on his cock and he snarls at the feeling, eyes burning a bright Amber at the pleasure.
He drapes his body over yours, one hand supporting his weight on top of you while the other shoves your head to the side, baring your neck for him.
Hips thrusting wildly, he chases his own release, stuffing his knot inside of your tight channel just as he cums.
He paints your walls white, coats them with his seed and pumps you full, his swollen knot preventing any from spilling out.
His teeth find their way to your throat, biting down hard on the tender flesh and embedding deep in the skin, marking you as his. Showing the world that you are claimed, owned.
The feeling of his teeth in your neck and his knot in your pussy has your orgasm continue, or maybe a new one starts, but either way, you cannot form a single coherent thought, not with the way he feels inside of you.
The rawness of the new bond between the two of you shakes him to his core, and he’s surprised for a moment at how strong it is. He shakes off the thought, though, and pulls his teeth back only to lave over the spot gently with his tongue.
Your thighs tremble, entire body aching and spent from the intensity of mating, and the King takes note of that quickly. He rolls the both of you onto your sides, his knot still locking you together, but the new position allows you to relax into the bed, eyelids heavy.
“As much as you resent it you are my omega,” he whispers, voice low and husky in your ear and your walls flutter around his knot at it, making him groan softly.
You take a deep breath, sleep tugging at your mind, but you’ve one more thing to say before you allow yourself to rest.
“You may think that I am your omega, but I assure you that I am not.”
He’s quiet, thinking about your words, about your vigour and determination even long after you’ve fallen asleep and his knot has deflated.
He keeps his cock warm in your body to ensure his seed takes root. Or at least, that’s what he tells himself.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intrigued by you.
Your very existence tests the extent of his limits, and he’s sure you won't stop until you’ve pushed every limit and broken every boundary he has in place.
And something inside of him is eager for that to happen.
The sound of birds singing pulls you from your slumber, and for a moment you’re confused.
This is not what your chambers look like.
The events of the previous day come rushing into your mind and you look around, ears peeled and nose sniffing the air for any trace of your new husband.
He’s gone. The only evidence that he was ever there in the first place is the throbbing mark on your neck and the ache between your thighs.
You pull the blankets up to cover your chest and swing your legs over the edge of the bed, about to get up and leave when there's a soft knock on the door.
You don’t even answer, no, the person lets themselves in and offers you a friendly smile.
“Good morning, Your Majesty. I trust that you’re well-rested?” You nod, recognizing the woman as your new personal guard.
You push yourself to your feet and she frowns, moving to your side and gingerly pushing your shoulder until you’re seated again.
“His majesty has demanded that you remain in bed to allow his seed to take root.” You raise your eyebrows at her and scoff, shaking your head.
“Tell his Majesty that he can kiss my ass,” you reply, standing up and stretching, wincing slightly when you feel warmth trickle slowly down your leg.
“Natalia, will you go fetch me something to wear? And make sure it’s suitable for outdoors, I’d like to visit the archery range today.”
Visit the archery range you do. After several hours of horseback riding, and acquainting yourself with the stable staff, you’re testing out your new bow.
Arrows fly through the air and hit the targets effortlessly, and you feel some tension leave your shoulders.
“I thought I told you to stay abed today.” Just like that, the tension returns.
“I thought I told you that you cannot tell me what to do, no matter how hard you try.” You speak without removing your eyes from your target, adjusting your grip the slightest bit while the King chuckles.
“Last night would beg to differ.”
You release the arrow, hitting the target directly in the centre, then turn to face your husband.
“Need I remind you just how obvious your desperation for me was? You need me. You want me. Do not forget that your body will betray you every time. Even now,” your eyes dart down to the erection straining against his trousers, “you want nothing more than to bend me over. You cannot deny that you long for me.” He takes a step towards you, growling once in warning.
“You will watch your tongue.” You raise your brows, challenging him and taking a step closer.
“Or what? What will you do, oh mighty King?”
His metal hand is gripping your throat in the blink of an eye, not hard enough to hurt but enough to show you that he could hurt you if he wanted to.
He backs you up, forces you backwards until your back hits a training post.
“Queens are not so hard to come by,” he murmurs, eyes dark.
You only hum, body thrumming with arousal as his grip tightens the slightest bit.
“At your age, they may be harder to please.” His brows furrow and he takes a breath through his nose, shaking his head with a soft chuckle.
“And you said I was desperate for you. You’re soaking through your skirts, aren’t you?” You say nothing, only pull your bottom lip in a silent dare for him to check.
Feeling the change in the air, the electricity flowing through your bond, he does just that.
He flips your skirts up and shoves his flesh hand between your thighs, letting out a sound of surprise when he finds you bare and desperate.
You elbow is at his wrist, shoving it away from your throat and then you’re lifting a foot to the back of his knees, sending him tumbling to the ground.
Pouncing on him, you shove him onto his back and straddle his torso, your heart jumping in your chest.
“Your age must truly be catching up with you,” you muse, “I thought you were supposed to be a big strong alpha. But no, you were easily overpowered by an omega.” He growls from a low place in his chest but makes no move to get up. Instead, he lets you have your fun.
“What will you do, Omega? Will you kill me?” You purse your lips, pondering this for a moment before pulling a knife from its secure place on your calf.
“Maybe I will.” He’s surprised for a moment, that much is obvious, and you can’t help the pride that swells in you as you raise the knife high above your head then slam it back down, only for both of your wrists to be held captive in his metal hand.
He flips you over, slams your back against the ground and pins your arms above your head. His legs force yours apart, his bulge pressed tightly against your core.
“Do not test me, little omega,” he growls, leaning down to nip at the mark on your neck. A jolt shoots through your entire body but he pulls away after a moment longer, rising to his feet and adjusting himself in his trousers.
“Do not forget who’s mark you wear on your neck.” With that, he turns and walks away, leaving you lying alone in the grass, heart thundering in your chest.
You push yourself into a seated position with a huff, a frown painting your face as you watch him walk away.
An arrogant alpha. What else did you really expect?
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
dick destroyer december | i. midoriya
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♡ pairing: izuku midoriya x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 6.2K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: college!au, fluff + smut.
♡ summary: with no nut november over,  finals complete and christmas right around the corner, your number one boy returns to you with only one thing on his mind.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut, pwp ( characters aged up to twenties ), drinking, mentions of alcohol, mentions of poly!kiribaku, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it y’all ) wall sex, fingering ( female recieving ), light!pet play, spitting, cum play, mentions of sex toys, exhibitionism, oral sex ( male + female recieving ),  light!praise, heavy!breeding kink.
♡ author’s note(s):  merry christmas everyone! i hope despite the circumstances that you’re all able to enjoy the holidays and are staying safe, if you’re not celebrating i wish you a wonderful day as well!! anyways here’s a little festive fic to satisfy you guys and tysm for 2K+ followers <33 find the corresponding kiribaku fic here!
♡ masterlist | requests
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ever since you’d started college, your roomate, katsuki had always said that november was his favourite month of the year; it took you a while to figure out why.
having known the blonde since you were a child, you were aware that he despised the cold weather that nipped at his nose and made his quirk slow down. he hated wearing extra sweaters and begrudgingly asking your mother to make him some hot chocolate whenever he came over to play; in fact he hated asking you for it now as adults in your early twenties but as his good college roommate from freshmen year, you made sure he always had a mug waiting. nonetheless,  katsuki’s sudden love for the winter months  and festive weeks following honestly confused you to your wits end— especially with the impending doom of finals sneaking up on you.
however, you quickly found out the reason behind your best friend’s change in attitude towards the month of november, six months into your freshman year relationship with  izuku midoriya.
“no nut november,” katsuki had purred into the neck of his beer bottle, rolling the cool glass against his bottom lip as he laughed at you from across the room. you had recalled the conversation to have occurred exactly half way through october, before the aforementioned month, you and your roommate had decided to host a small gathering with your classmates— purely fulled by thirty boxes of pepperoni pizza and beer, only two of the boxes had been vegetarian for your friends mina ashido and denki kaminari ( he was challenged by mina to go green for an entire month. “that’s why i love this month s’fuckin’ much.” 
bakugou ended his sentence with a swig of his beer, setting the now empty bottle onto the coffee table that had been a house warming gift from his own mom. the sound causes todoroki and sero to jump from their place playing cards against humanity with your girl friend momo on the floor, and kirishima ( bakugou’s crush at the time, who’s drunk and passed out in the blonde’s lap ) to flinch awake. katuski pets his red hair once, making kirishima blink up at him affectionally.
your boyfriend, izuku, fidgets under the intimating stare of your roomie and you can tell he’s fighting the blush that spreads rapidly across his freckled cheeks.  “n-no nut november?” your baby squeaks out, large palm settling on your lower waist as you shuffle to get comfortable in his lap. it’s clear he hasn’t taken part before, so you know exactly what your best friend is doing. trying to tease him in front of all your friends and pull him into something that you’re going to hate. nonetheless, deku downs the rest of his own alcoholic drink as bakugou prepares a response— the rest of your friendship group now pulled into the conversation.
“katsuki bakugou, don’t be mean.” you scold with a bite into your grease laced pizza and offer up the rest to izuku, who politely passes. you pout.
“‘m not, just sayin’— that damn month will be the only time of the year that i don’t get to hear you and the goddamn nerd fuckin’ like rabbits all the time.”
this time, its you who fights an embarrassed look on your face while your green haired lover simply swipes todoroki’s shot from the coffee table and swallows it all at once. the dual haired boy only groans before rising to get another from the kitchen and the rest of your friends hide their giggles in their own drinks, cards and half eaten pizza slices. “you…you can hear us?”  you squeal incredulously, causing your friends to snort out loud again. izuku still says nothing.
“baby, we damn near almost see you whenever we drop by!” kirishima mumbles with sleep curling in his tone, he stretches like a cat on bakugou’s lap and grins at you— sharpened teeth dazzling under the LED lights in your living room. they flicker to a deep green, but you barely notice it.
abandoning your pizza as a whole, you huff and push up the sleeves of izuku’s hoodie that you wear— just about ready to pummel your best friend into the ground for having people over while you…ahem…get some, but shoto returns from the kitchen quicker than you anticipate and cuts right through the chatter with ease, giving you little time to feel flustered by the sudden turn in conversation. “you guys are more sexually active than my parents and they had four kids, messed up with raising us from touya, though,” he says in his iconic monotonous voice, causing you to splutter and katsuki to kick his feet out in victory. “seriously, i doubt midoriya would be able to beat any of us at this no nut  november thing ‘cause of it.”
this time, deku ( as so affectionally nicknamed by your childhood best friend ), pouts, his frustrated voice bleeding into the conversation. “c’mon, don’t you have a little faith in me, shoto?”
“no.” is todoroki’s simple answer. you flinch, did you guys really have sex that often? to the point where no one believed your boyfriend could go a month without getting his dick wet?
“i second that,” kaminari pipes in, picking a mushroom off of his pizza and leaning over to plop it into sero’s mouth.
“third it!” the latter adds.
your roomie takes that and runs with it. “he wouldn’t last a day even if he tried.”
“leave it alone, katsuki.” you find the courage to defend yourself through your flustered state without realising the buzz of beer and vodka shooting through zuku’s veins.
it takes quite a bit to get your boyfriend drunk, he was a big boy after all and played for your college football team but once the drink was through his system he often broke out of his shy demeanour and into one of confidence and challenging your beloved best friend. izuku’s grip on your waist tightens as he leans forward to point accusingly at the blonde before speaking. “wanna fucking bet on it, kacchan?” he says with sparkling emerald eyes and a honeyed voice that makes you twitch in place in his lap. of course you would get horny right in the middle of your two best boys having a drunk argument.
“what’chu say nerd?” bakugou slurs, pushing poor kirishima off of his lap and to the floor in order to stand up and cross the room towards your boyfriend, pointing a finger in his face.
izuku pushes the digit away, smirking up at the blonde drunkenly and everyone’s gaze in the room suddenly falls on them. “i bet that i can last longer in no nut november than you.”
you whimper from your lover’s lap, knowing that as soon as everyone clears out you’re going to pounce on him before this stupid bet takes place. this doesn’t go unnoticed by the girls, momo and mina, who tease you for having such a high libido but you don’t think they’ll understand how much you’re going to suffer without your broccoli haired boyfriend’s dick every other night. 
you love izuku and katsuki, you really do— but its times like this, for the sake of your sex drive and love life, that you really wish they’d got along more. maybe it was their little battle for your affection that caused the rift between the two, after all katsuki had been the only boy in your life up until college and izuku, you were pretty sure was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with…either way, their rivalry was getting in your way and was about to be a major cockblock for the next thirty days. “hold up you guys, don’t i get a say in this?” your voice comes out in a slight whine as you tug on midoriya’s fitted shirt, but he’s too busy having a stare off with your roommate to notice. “what about me and my needs?”
“it’s not about’cha, shitty girl.”
“stay out of this, yn.”
you huff, pushing yourself off of your boyfriend izuku’s lap to stand and smack the pair of losers upside their heads before joining your girls on the floor. mina pulls you into a comforting hug, trying to distract your mind from the fact that it’ll be deku dick-less for a month while momo serves you out a set of cards to join her in a game of cards against humanity with the other boys lounging on the floor— kirihsima is invited into the game too. “sounds like i’ll be getting you a dildo as an early christmas present!” ashido comments, swiping her deck off of your hand me down rug before anyone can see them.
momo grins at you while you take your cards and take another shot from poor, unsuspecting shoto. “better make it extra thick, we know he’s got a nice one on him, yn.”
“fuck you guys.”
“gladly, we’re not taking part of no nut november like those two idiots.” the black haired girl hums, shuffling in her seat to start the next round. you roll your eyes and turn your gaze to watch the green and blonde haired boys you adore so much fight over this trivial guys only event.
their cheeks are flushed from all the beer they’ve drunk and they’re leaning on each other for support, but that doesn’t stop them from going at each other. “you couldn’t beat me, even if you tried, shitty deku.” katsuki mumbles, arm around midoriya’s head— forcing the poor boy into bakugou’s large pecs. “haha...shitku…”
“oh try me, bitch.” your boyfriend counters, voice so husky it sends shivers down your spine, although it contrasts deeply with the sight of his adorable cheeks pressed against katsuki’s tits.
they’re too drunk to brawl it out and quite frankly you’re too tired to bother to stop them, mind only wondering how you plan to survive the next thirty days.
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three years, three novembers and a few weeks into december later; you’re still wondering how the hell you’ve survived.
ever since that night in your freshman year; izuku, bakugou and the other boys have competed vigorously to last throughout the entirety of no nut november; your boyfriend having won the last three years in a row. katsuki hated it, losing to your izuku but he hated the victory sex you gave him even more. 
you’d think he’d be used to it by now, with everyone in their final year of college but bakugou had manage to luck out this year on not hearing you and midoriya go round after round on november thirtieth. finals had hit you guys hard in terms of wrapping up the semester before christmas; they were important to pass too, considering you’d all be graduating within a few months, so you’d barely seen izuku since november ended and december rolled around.
now, being a couple weeks into the festive month and with finals drawing to a close— you had yet to make plans to see your boyfriend. there was little time between the online classes and preparation from the holidays, yet you could feel yourself growing more sexually frustrated by the second. rubbing one out wasn’t doing it for you anymore and listening katsuki’s bragging about his peaceful nights of sleep while you decorated your apartment with mistletoe and tinsel was really starting to tick you off.
the very decoration slips from between your fingers as bakugou walks in, yanking bits of tape from his fingers from where you had him lining the ceiling rails with gold, green and red tinsel. the blonde had only gone and slammed the door to your living room against the wall, grumbling about the stupid mess of clear tape across his clumsy fingers— the action scaring you half to death before you huff, facing him. “what, katsuki? what could you possibly need right now?”
his vermillion gaze picks up from his smoking palms,  a last resort to getting rid of the tape. “came to tell ya that ‘m headin’ out with kirishima— going to pick up our girlfriend from the airport.” a sweet blush lays loosely against your best friend’s cheeks at his admission, not long after you guys’ drunken night in freshman year, bakugou had confessed to your red headed companion; only to find out he had a girlfriend waiting for him in his hometown. 
kirishima wasn’t a cheater, but he also couldn’t help the flutter in his heart around bakugou— so had the two meet straight away and after a lot of tears and large dramatics, the three settled into a cute little relationship. you’d only met the girl once when she visited both boys for spring break— but you’d loved her and knew how much she made your best friend happy.
you smile nonetheless, picking the mistletoe up from the floor. “tell her i said hi, yeah?” you mention to your friend while he shrugs on a jacket and checks himself in the mirror. katsuki was in love, and it was insanely adorable to see. “do i need to set up the guest bedroom for her ’n kiri?”
“nah, shitty red head kicked out kami, he’s staying with sero and mina while my girl’s up.” katsuki shakes his head, letting you fix the collar of his jacket after you bound over to him. “we’ll be back after lunch to pick up some of my stuff though. so don’t do anything fuckin’ stupid and i’ll see you later, yeah?”
you cross a finger over your heart but the mischievous smile on your face gives you away. “no promises katsu, stay safe out there!”
your smile drops however, as soon as your roommate closes the door behind him, knowing him and kirishima, they’ll probably fuck their girl across all the surfaces in eijirou’s free apartment, which only makes your stomach churn with hot jealously and a hint of arousal. 
selfish of you as it were, you wish your boyfriend hadn’t chosen such an intense subject with so many finals and intense studying— but izuku loved engineering almost as much as he loved you, so its not like you would ask him to give up his passion.
besides, you figured he’d look pretty hot in his mechanics classes—sleeves rolled up to his elbows, scared hands on display while sweat drips down his furrowed brow and—
and fuck me, now you were as horny as a mother fucker.
a familiar ache appears between your thighs while you attempt to busy yourself with the rest of the festive decorations; you hang a wreathe at the door both inside and out, tape the remaining tinsel around counters in your kitchen and finally attempt to fix the christmas tree katsuki insisted wasn’t lopsided ( even though it was ). but no matter how hard you worked om christmas-ing the apartment, you couldn’t shake the fantasy of midoriya railing you against his work bench. it wouldn’t go away.
patting your cheeks to calm your hot flush; you decide that you’re done bedazzling and fix some christmas lights above your doorways to go with your LED ones, and get ready to take a cold shower and hoping that the wetness between your legs will go away. you make a  b-line for the bathroom, not bothering to bring a spare change of clothes since katsuki isn’t home. it’s not like he hasn’t seen you naked before.
you’re half way through your commute, wearing nothing but one of zuku’s old shirts when the front door jingles and busts open from the other side of your home. foot steps pound against your hardwood floor, letting you know someone is approaching.
“fucking hell katsuki, stop slamming the door against the wall before you make another—“ your words die in the back of your throat when your sweet little boyfriend comes into view. albeit a bit dishevelled, deku’s green hair falls prettily over his excited eyes while sweat rolls in tiny droplets from his forehead to his chin and his backpack hanging half off of his shoulder…in all honesty he looks a mess, but a good looking one at that. “zuku? what are you doing here?”
your lover looks bewildered, but a smile that fills you with warmth crosses his face. “i ran across campus to see you; i finished my finals…” he pants, the engineering building is pretty far from here so no wonder he looks the way he does.
despite knowing this, you quirk a brow. “still doesn’t answer my question babe.”
“november is over,” izuku sighs, dropping his backpack and crossing the room towards you in three short strides. When he reaches you, scarred hands curl around your waist while soft lips tickle the shell of your ear with deku’s next words. “it’s christmas…don’t make me wait. i want to fuck you.”
you don’t miss the way bight green eyes darken and drag up your hand naked body, your boyfriend’s shirt ending just above your knees and exposing the meat of your thighs to him. the wetness pools between them, making your skin glisten under familiar flashing LED lights and tinsel. izuku is waiting for a. sign...anything for you to give him consent to take his prize between your legs, electricity crackles in the air and you instinctively reach up to curl your fingers in his curls. “fuck me, izuku.” you say breathlessly, unleashing a month and a half’s worth of hormones out onto each other. “fuck me like you mean it, big boy.”
the teasing lilt to your voice earns you a spank to the ass as deku lifts you up into his arms and over his muscular shoulder. you squeal in delight at the harsh sting, leaning down to pat his ass too. he’s got a particularly nice one and you’re sure it was carved by the fucking gods. 
the green haired boy hauls you over to the kitchen counter, setting you down atop it before his lips find yours in passionate and hurried movements. its been so long since you’ve kissed him, felt his muscles ripple under your touch while your hand roams his chest underneath the varsity jacket he wears.
you push the offending material off while izuku trails a hand between your thighs, chuckling into the kiss at the slick that adds a glimmer to your skin. his pink tongue darts out to lick a stripe across your bottom lip, begging for permission to enter your hot mouth. you grant him access, swirling your own pink muscle around is and suck it down. your breath hitches as thick fingers finally come into contact with the burn of your heat, gently prodding at your puffy, sticky clit. “you’re…doll, you’re so fucking wet already. did you miss me?” your boy moans breathlessly in between your sloppy kisses, pulling away to show you the string of your slick that coats his fingers. you nod in agreement.
izuku taps your lips once and you obediently take the digits into your mouth, humming at your sweetness that invades your tongue, all the while, his other wandering hand shoves two digits into your wet cunt with no warning— making you shiver on the counter while the tinsel you’d taped there scratches at your calves. both sets of fingers thrust into your openings at the same time, giving you a friction you so awfully desire.
“such a good girl, dollface— fuck, i f-forgot how good you looked sucking on my fingers like that.” midoriya whines out and you’re not sure which of your holes he’s referring to, but you couldn’t care less, not when those that stuff your tight pussy are curling against the walls in a way that has you leaking sweet nectar all over your marble surfaces. you gush at his praise however, bucking your hips into his hand while the heel of his palm grinds into your swollen clit— sending shockwaves through your body.
the fingers that plug your mouth are pulled out so the darling sounds of your moans mingle with that of your dripping heat, walls clenching around izuku every once on a while. your lover grinds against the table, watching you with close eyes as your face contorts into expressions that he’s missed so dearly. one thrust into your spongy g-spot makes your body jump and thighs close around your boyfriend’s hand— head falling forward against his shoulder. “mnn, zuzu... haven’t felt this good in s’long, gonna cum, gonna mess up your hand.”
to your dismay, deku pulls from your cunt faster than you would have liked and you whine at the empty feeling in your stretched out hole. your heat makes an awful dripping sound when you’re fully empty, and you grunt knowing that its a mess you’ll have to clean up later. 
however, you’re easily distracted by the lips at your collar bones, painting bruises into your sweat licked skin while slick hands paw at your breasts. “cum on my face first, please?” its cute how desperate izuku is, but you can’t say that you aren’t either— especially when you haven’t fucked in so long.
“yes, god yes…” you accept too quickly while your shirt is pulled off completely; for midoriya’s mouth as moved from pressing hot kisses to your neck onto biting at your breast and rolling the hardened nipple of your other with his free hand. “but, wanna suck you off too ‘zuku…”
your boyfriend doesn’t hesitate with his next movements, kicking off his pants and boxers ( in one go, mind you ) before  picking you up once again and sinking to the floor with you in his arms. he makes quick work of flipping you onto your tummy, pulsing cunny shoved so close into his face that you can feel deku’s nose bump your clit when he breathes and then;  your face rests so easily on the swell of his thigh— right next to his hardened cock that you’ve missed so much.
izuku midoriya is a god and you swear by it.
your friend’s were right, he is packing. he’s thick and girthy, tip angry and red as it leaks heavily with a clear precum that has you drooling. “missed your dick, zu,“ you sigh, mostly to yourself and before you know it, your lips enclose around the head of his cock.
the way you suck on it, as if you’ve been starved of your last meal makes izuku shiver with pleasure and his nails dig into your peachy ass. you roll his balls between your fingers, loving the delicious whimpers you manage to lure from between your boy’s lips and the sound makes your pussy spasm around nothing.
a weighted palm moves to the back of your head in order to push you further down on his cock, deku’s own hips bucking up so you swallow more of him down. the taste of him is dangerously addictive, saltiness dancing across your tongue. “suck my dick sweetheart, yeah? suck on it just like that, good girl.” the hot breath from each of his choked laments brushes against your eager cunt, dampening your skin even more. he dives right in, tongue slithering between your puffy folds while he slurps at you with at  insatiable place. 
izuku craves to make you feel nothing but ecstasy, working his pink muscle hard against your walls that clamp down on his tongue while yours runs laps between the dribbling tip of his iron hot length. inhaling sharply, you force yourself to take more of deku down your throat, listening out for the tears that sting in his emerald eyes wen you swallow around him. You hum with sweet victory when his breathing stutters and hips jump up with excitement.
you’re both close, sensitive from the time you’ve spent away from one another, but neither of you can find it in yourselves to care. the room rises with temperature at every step you take towards orgasm, deku taking your cheeks in large, calloused palms and spreading you apart to spit directly into your hole. you swear on your life you’d never known pleasure until you’d met izuku, as no matter how much time you’d been apart, he still knew all the little tips and tricks to get you going. where to hold you, how to touch you, what to say. he was always so focused on making you feel good.
your head bobs up and down with an inconsistent pace, each time, your tongue mapping out the veins on his girth that you’d come to know so well, hand’s fisting at balls and the rest of his cock that you can’t reach.
“i’m gonna…doll—puppy, i’m gonna cream in that mouth of yours… please,” a strangled cry. “i-is that okay?”
you tap his thigh once, your own little signal to let your boyfriend know it’s okay before continuing your work— letting drool pool in your mouth before spewing it onto his cock. deku pulls his tongue from inside of you, flicking it rapidly at your clit to bring you closer and closer to the edge, not wanting to cum without you. and he doesn’t, the cord that’s built up in your stomach finally snapping.
white flashes behind your eyes as you gush all over izuku’s face, drenching his freckled cheeks and painting his innocence with a layer of your honeyed sin. Your lover follows shortly after, filling your mouth to the brim with a heavy load that tastes of him and only him. a taste that you could fall in love with every single day. “baby,”  you giggle after letting go of his cock with a satisfying ‘pop’, heat spreading beneath your skin as you take note of the slight shine to the green haired student’s face. “think you made me squirt!”
“guess i did! you’re always so cute when you squirt for me, yn,” and like the messy boy he is, midoriya wipes his mouth on the back of his hand ( always a poor eater, couldn’t keep his meal in one peace ) before peeking at you from over your quivering and arched back. izuku smiles proudly at his handy-work of your messy cunt, radiating a billion rays of sunshine and your heart clenches in your chest. you hate how cute he looks when you’re in such a lewd and compromising position, like he hadn’t just fucked you dumb under the mistletoe. “should’ve been on my dick ’n not m-my tongue though...”
“i wouldn’t be opposed to another round, if you aren’t.”
“like hell i could say no to being inside you after a whole month of waiting, doll.”
you roll your eyes, but wiggle your hips back into your boyfriend’s face nonetheless. “then dick me down deku, destroy me.”
with your boyfriend’s help, you manage to crawl off of his lap and wait patiently on your knees as he stands. izuku beams down at you, a hundred and one words of love written in his eyes that glow warmly under christmas lights before he pets your head and reaches for your hands to help you stand on shaky legs.
the first kiss you share after this is gentle and sweet, even while your tangled fingers are set free and deku’s large hands are once again on your waist, rubbing small circles into the skin of your hips as he backs you into the nearest wall. you simper at the taste of yourself on his tongue and allow him to hoist you up by the backs of your thighs— locking your ankles at the centre of his back and just above bis bum— all the while keeping you pressed against the wall.
the outline of izuku’s length presses hotly against your weeping slit, his lips still slotted against yours in a slow liplock while his tip smears the remains of his seed across your clit and between your folds. you feel your boyfriend’s arms quiver around you as he slowly begins to sheath himself within your spamming pussy— jolting away from his lips, your mouth falls open in a weak moan and the green eyed boy quickly follows you, copying the movement of your lips as his sweaty forehead meets your own and your gazes align sweetly. “doll…” he mumbles brokenly, letting you adjust to the push of his cock against your walls. “been so long since i felt you like this…”
your fingertips reach out and graze his shoulders, hot breath fanning out between your bodies as izuku’s cock reaches the hilt inside of you. he stills. “move baby, can’t wait anymore— “
izuku midoriya doesn’t need to be told twice when it comes to fucking you; finally making the move to bottom out inside of your pussy. heat blossoms in your heart and your glistening mound as your lover gently rolls his hips against yours and the way he feels reminds you that your mind, body and soul belong to him and him only.
although you are finally together, moving as one against the wall in your shitty college apartment, you crave for izuku to fill you to the brim and reach up to tug at mossy locks in order to bring him impossibly closer.
you don’t dare close your eyes as deku sets the pace, not even as your gaze on him flutters, you want the image of his blushed and blissed out face imprinted to into the back of your mind forever, you want the sounds of struggled whimpers and skin slapping against skin to become the tune of your memories. you want your senses to be filled with him always and forever as make love against tinselled ceiling rails and mistletoe above your heads. all you can think is more, more, more. more of him, more of izuku.
“focus on me, puppy,” izuku reminds you, grinding his pelvis against you every time his hips canter into you. his cock grazes the entrance of your womb, leaking into you like a cocktail of your arousals. but the neediness behind his words makes you blink away the glassiness in your eyes, locking your arms and legs around him tighter and grinding your hips down to meet the drive of his cock into your spongy g-spot. “your cute lil hole’s still so tight, nice ’n moulded into the shape of my cock— made to take me, right?” your boy babbles, tripping over his sentences through the saliva on his tongue.
the feeling has you stirring against your boyfriend’s length, his now rapid pace sending your teary eyes rolling and you mewling. “made for you ’n only you ‘zu, please don’ stop…” is all you can say, mind breaking as midoriya’s hands drop between your joined bodies to draw lazy shapes into your puffy nub, the movements silky due to the mild mix of juices coating your sexes.
each thrust from your lover sends you a little bit up the wall, head of his cock catching tastefully along the ridges of your velvety walls— the way your pussy feels inside drives izuku to the brink of insanity, you’ve always been able to take him so well and he missed the way your cute face curled into expressions of desire all for him. you’re so pretty, so intoxicating and he’s so happy to have you back in his arms.
“s-such a good girl for me, yn…fucking hell puppy,” izuku punctuates each of his toe curling thrusts with stuttered cries of your name, angling his hips upwards to hit your g-spot over and over. everything feels so sloppy, tainted with signs of your love but as the knot in your stomach begins to unravel, you couldn’t care less. “gonna make you mine, gonna fill you up and make you my fucking puppy.”
“’m already yours, always will be zuku,” you manage to speak, clenching down on him and letting out an almost pornographic moan as deku drills into you with the last of his strength.
he nods against your foreheads that remain pressed together, staring at you with adoration written across his seafood eyes. “love you, doll…love you s’much, you did so well baby…cum for me now…” izuku mumbles out, hissing slightly as your grip on his hair tightens to yank him down for one final searing kiss.
tears of heavenly pleasure roll down your cheeks as he swallows your final moan, his words pushing you right over the edge and into an earth shattering orgasm. “c-cumming!” you squeal so loud that you’re sure the neighbours can hear, while you lose control and pulse around midoriya’s scalding cock. the world of colour flashes behind your eyes— release splattering out against your boyfriend’s pelvis and the floor. “mnnn, izuku! i love you, please…”
you’re begging now, your sloppy pussy coaxing him along to his own release while deku relentlessly fucks into you. his chest rumbles with every one of his whimpers and groans, cock pushing you into overstimulation while he snaps his hips into you.
“ohh i love you…gonna cum, gonna cum— fuck, puppy—!” he sobs pathetically, dropping his head to your neck as his teeth clamp down on your bare skin to silence himsel. your tired body is forced up the wall while izuku tumbles into his own orgasm, sweltering seed splashing up inside your abused cunt. he slows to a grind, creaming inside you and painting your insides white as snow— panting with you until your breathing calms down.
the pair of you sink to the floor again, still in one another’s embrace as exhaustion sweeps over your limbs. before you know it, izuku is giggling sweetly against your lips, pressing grateful kisses along your neck and jaw while you fiddle with his baby hairs on the nape of his neck— still trying to catch your breath.
“t-that,” he sighs, nothing but love and adoration cushioning his gaze on you as you settle in his lap. you squirm at feeling so full, his cum dripping out of your fluttering hole but find yourself getting comfortable soon after. “that was so good, i missed you, yn, really.”
you cup the boy’s freckled cheeks and hum, heart swelling at his slight confession. “i missed you more zuku, all of you, not just your dick.” you clarify your words, making light of the mess you’ve made.
izuku rolls his eyes but leans into your gentle touch nonetheless, faking a pout in order to get a kiss on the lips. “glad to know that my girlfriend still loves me, even when she’s been deprived of my godly cock for a month and a half.”
“i’ll always love you.” you say, leaning in to give him a slight peck on the lips.
“as will i.”
you both tilt your heads to complete the vow with a simple kiss when a cough cuts through the love filled atmosphere, making you and izuku jump right out of your skin. Immediately, your gaze scopes out the room, only to land on your child hood best friend— accompanied by both his girlfriend and boyfriend. fuck, you completely forgot about that.
“are you two done now?” katsuki drawls, still tucked into his winter jacket, while krishima covers his girlfriend’s eyes with a free hand, the other occupied by her luggage from her flight. she still offers you an awkward smile and a wave.
“k-kacchan! haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” deku squeaks, wrapping his arms around you to pull you into his chest and at least protect some of your decency. it’s nothing bakugou nor kirishima haven’t sen before ( it’s not the first time you’ve been caught like this ) but you allow yourself to fall into izuku’s protective embrace anyways— heated embarrassment prickling underneath your skin.
your blonde roommate, however, is livid— staring you down with bloody eyes that speak tales of murder. “knock? knock? i fucking live here, you shitty nerd!” bakugou scolds, making you flinch and offer him a weak smile. eijirou by now has the decency to escort his girlfriend into his other partner’s room to gather some of his belongings, effectively leaving you and your boyfriend to face the wrath of your favourite angry pomeranian. the blonde turns to you. “and i thought i told you not to do anythin’ fuckin’ stupid while i was gone?”
“don’t yell at me! i didn’t know izuku was coming… literally and figuratively!” both boys groan at this, making you scowl. what? it was a good joke! “besides, i was just congratulating my boyfriend for winning no nut november, again. you should be used to it by now, suki.”
katuski looks between you both, annoyance sweeping his face before he pinches the bridge of his nose and huffs. “couldn’t you congratulate him somewhere else? somewhere, where i didn’t have to be blinded and traumatised for the rest of my shitty life.”
this time, it’s your boyfriend who speaks up, standing with you in his arms. deku smirks evilly, pointing to the little green plant above your heads. “no can do kacchan, it’s dick destroyer december and there was no better way to start it, than under the mistletoe.”
izuku turns swiftly on his heel and makes a dash towards your bedroom before your best friend can threaten to blow you up, presumably to fuck you in your bed for this next round.
“fuck you guys!” he curses you out, watching you go.
“we’re already on it, have a great christmas, katsuki!” you sing back, just a deku slams your door shut and drops you onto your bed—  already crawling on top of you.
you’d have to thank katsuki someday for challenging izuku back in freshman year, because without his newfound love for november— you wouldn’t have discovered your guilty pleasure for dick destroyer december.
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swtki · 3 years
HP Boys: Surprise Pregnancy Head Cannons
Summary: The HP boys and their reaction to their s/o (afab) being pregnant when its not planned.
A/N: This takes place post Hogwarts so all characters are 18+, though no real smut happens in this so its not an 18+ fic.
So everything is going great for the happy couple, you two just moved into a flat together and are working normal jobs, drinking wine like adults.
And sure, Draco knows he wants to marry you, but he knows you’re not ready to settle down like that so he just plans and dreams.
Due to poor choices, when you’re late by two weeks, you know what it probably is.
Draco doesn’t even notice that you ran out to the store and came back and hid in the bathroom for 10 minutes. CEO of minding his own business ig
You just kinda...walk up to him and hand him all 3 tests while your eyes fill with tears because what if he demands you get an abortion?
Or what if he fucks off to god knows where?
But instead he just looks at you with the most un-draco like smile. Like his face was soft and it looked like he could cry any moment.
“Oh my god,” He says, putting his hand on your belly, “I can be ready for this, but if you aren’t then we can you know...”
“No, I want it” then both of you rejoice bc yay baby!
Cut to 6 months later when your feet hurt so bad you have to lay down and watch while Draco fails to put a crib together.
He eventually gets it done tho.
And when the time comes, he’s built and arranged everything for your bundle of joy.
So you guys are probably already married, but with everything at the ministry going on, it makes Harry less than a family man.
You both agree that it’s probably better to wait so you can be home and yk...raise it.
Well smart man Harry forgets that to not have a kid you need to use protection.
So of course when your period is late you don’t think about it, until its four weeks late.
That night, you and Harry are laying in bed, and thats when you tell him.
“Harry..I’m late.”
“Late for what?” headass.
You: 😳😐
Him: 👁👁😲😲
He’s hesitant to say anything, because he knows its ultimitley up to you what happens with it until its out.
“I think I want to keep it...you know it wont remember much for the first year and a half so if things are stressful it will be okay and-“
“Love...Its going to be perfect”
Mf built the crib in like 45 minutes I swear.
And of course he forced you to keep up with your vitamins, pre natal care, and appointments.
Swear tho you’re about to kill him because cofFeE
But the way he holds your baby 🥺 its his most valued thing ever now.
Ron is iffy on the kid thing sometimes.
He does want them, but only later when you guys have lived and travled.
So no, you two haven’t planned nor is it even in the picture when your wedding roles around.
It’s in the early days of the marriage when you see his family at the burrow on the way back from the honeymoon.
And of course Molly knows
Because Weasleys are hyperfertile I swear.
She takes you into the kitchen and puts her hands on your arms, shes got that big Mrs.Weasley smile on too.
“I knew it!” She says and pulls you in for a hug, “How far dear??”
You’re just standing there like🧍🏻
“I can see it by the way you glow! Oh my you and my Ron must be so happy!” This woman doesn’t notice that you’re confused.
“Wait what? Mrs. Weasley what are you-?” Then you count the days, “Oh. Well I guess I just found out for myself”
Her face falls slightly, but then she tells you can make you a potion that will tell you if you are or not, stan.
The stupid potion turns green when you spit into it, so everything is confirmed.
That night, you and Ron are getting ready for bed in the guest room and you decide to tell him.
“Ron, sweetie. We need to talk.” He looks like he’s gonna start crying but sits next to you on the bed.
“Y/N...I know its scary but please, we just got married I don’t want to divorce quite just yet 🥺🥺”
“Ron I-“ you start smiling, “I’m pregnant you dufus.”
He just freezes, for a while. Not saying anything, he just looks at the wall with his mouth ajar.
So you get up and go to Ginny.
“Gin, I broke him.”
“Ew, I don’t want to know about how you and him”
“No, I told him that I’m pregnant.”
“Oh, yeah that would do it. Just I don’t know... Give him a minute?”
You give him several, getting a glass of water then heading back up to the room.
Ginny was right, he needed a minute.
“I don’t...I wasn’t...you were.?”
“You don’t have to stay, but I think we can do it. Plus, you would disapoint your mom if you left so...”
“Okay...we’ll do it. I’ll be the best damn Father you have ever seen.” He says, talking to your womb.
Well...he’s a father I’ll give him that.
Pro of having a Weasley baby: free crib thats already put together.
Even if it looks like a death trap.
“We’ll put some blankets over it don’t worry”
You know how some Dads hold their parters hand during the delivery? Yeah he got sick and was moral support from the outside.
To be fair, you weren’t screaming in pleasure by any means.
Scary. But beautiful.
He shows the kid to everyone, he might be more in love with the baby than he is with you.
Ron see’s the appeal of having kids now.
Moving in with your boyfriend is always fun, right up until you guys go at it so much you forget protection more than once.
You think about it, then move on with your day.
Until the doctor calls, then “oh fuck”
Romance Neville bf
“Why aren’t you having any wine? I thought it was your favorite?”
“I don’t think fetal alcohol syndrome is my favorite.” BRO HE SPAT
But he looks up with tears in his eyes, and runs over to you to grasp you in a hug.
“Oh my god! You’re pregnant! Oh my - We’re gonna be parents!! Oh my god we’re gonna be parents oh-“ Que you petting his hair till he’s calm again.
Lets be honest, this man probably swapped the herbology books for the parenting guides.
“Well I mean I’m just wondering if we should go with this color or this one”
“Nev, it doesn’t matter. Our baby will not care.”
“I read in my book that Infants actually can recognize mood in-“
He won’t let you do anything during your pregnancy.
Gotta love a man who cries because he loves you so much and you’re having his kid.
“I never had a father, what if I do it wrong? What if the baby hates me and runs away at seven?”
“We’ve got quite a lot of time before then.”
He was there during delivery, letting you crush his hand like a champ.
You can’t help but cry when you see him sleeping on the floor next to the crib, its so sweet.
You two most likely already had two kids, so you decided to wait a bit so your hands weren’t quite full.
Well...your body decided not to wait.
A test provides the two lines, another wild child.
The two toddlers already run around like thing one and thing two, only with red hair.
I think Fred would gladly make the family dinner, and wear an apron. He’d own it, as he should.
But mf gotta not drop the salad bowl when you tell him of the fetus inside you.
“Fred we are going to have a bee-ay-bee-why.”
Your five year old has just begun to spell 😐
He’s happy tho.
Like over the fuckin moon.
He buys the two kids big brother/sister shirts too 🥺🥺
He knows the drill pretty well, so he isn’t too worried about the future.
But its funny that he still freaks out about the crib and feeding chair since he gave it away, you know because you guys werent having another kid.
He packed a hospital bag and kept it in the trunk, counting down the days.
Hours of delivery (He just sat back and held your hand) only to end up with a room full of 7 Weasley family members.
Fred always said that 3 was his lucky number :)
You guys were taking it slow, no marriage until you both felt it was time. And certainly no children before that.
Well you know...things changed when the test was positive.
You slid it over on the table, tears pooling in your eyes. He was stunned and quiet, which made you burst out sobbing because you knew that neither of you planned on having a baby.
But to your surprise he starts to smile.
“I want whatever you want, I’m staying by your side no matter what.”
“I mean...would it really be so bad? A house, a kid, a dog?” He holds your hand as you think aloud.
You both give it a week to think it over and the virdict is to keep it.
Thats when he decides he has to marry you, asap because he loves you and will never let you go especially now.
He loves to gush about the carrier of his child, to him you are a godess.
He’s the Dad with a predestination complex.
“Y/N, I just see him being a star quiditch player”
“George, we don’t know if it’s a him.”
He rolls his eyes “Okay then I can see her being a star-“
He made Hermione take you out for a movie date so he could rearrange your bedroom, since you only had a single bedroom flat.
You come back to a new set up including a cot.
Damn pregnancy hormones make brain go 🥺😭😭
He freaks when your water breaks lol
ceo of driving like a maniac to the hospital.
He can’t hold your hand, he’s pacing back and forth, sweating and maybe crying though he’ll never admit to it.
You get the joy of watching him cuddle the baby while refusing to give your child to you.
“George I’d like to hold-“
“No, you need your sleep honey, don’t worry”
Hogging the child.
Its no secret that Cedric wants a baby someday.
And he makes it clear your wedding will be spectacular too.
However, finding out you’re pregnant the week of your dream wedding was a shock.
A shock that made you bang your head into the wall because how could you be so stupid?? We had a plan??
So you decide to wait until after the wedding, that way it wont add onto the stress (happy stress) of the wedding.
Cedric keeps trying to fill your glass at the reception, to which you kindly refuse saying you want to remember the night entirely.
Yeah he’s like 🤨 mhm okay.
You can only pick at the dinner because ew salmon doesn’t sound like an option if you want to keep the contents of your stomach.
As everyone waves goodbye to the car, and you both set off into married life, he leans over.
“I may be out of my mind, but are you...?”
“Pregnant.” His face lights up, pulling you into a hug.
Finally, your car pulls up to a small cottage with lush garden scapes all around, putting a hand out, he walks you both from the car to the door.
“Ced, where are we?”
Somehow it was perfect with Cedric, even when it was rushed.
He loved talking to your womb, even if it was weird that he was talking about the babies future brothers and sisters.
“Cedric, slow down. We haven’t even had this one yet”
Basically he is father of the year before he’s a full father.
He’s there while you deliver, holding your hand and telling you how great you’re doing.
He doesn’t even complain when you insult him <3.
He updates you on everything.
If his eyes aren’t on that child, he’s either asleep or dead.
I think Cedric was meant to be a family man, because he loves everything about being one.
Taglist: @truly-insatiable @amourtentiaa @imdoingathingmom @annasdani @anchoeritic @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @cedricsyellowscarf @faeinorbit
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Just Beginning - New Lease on Life, Final Chapter (Kai Parker Fanfiction)
Hello! Welcome to Chapter 5 of my Kai Parker BDSM Fanfiction, New Lease on Life.
If you haven’t yet, please read this details post. It’s very important to understanding the universe I’ve created for this series.
This is NOT meant to be read as a standalone one-shot. If you haven’t, please check out the previous chapters here:
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4
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*not my gif
Word count: 3,038
Pairings: Heretic!Kai x Heretic!Reader; bestfriend!Damon x Reader (platonic); Damon x Elena
Proofreader: @socio-kai-path1972 (Thank you from the bottom of my heart; this story would not exist without you <3)
I don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of character names, but this IS a reader insert fanfiction. I use Rosalie Wilson as a placeholder. Use Rose/Rosalie as a substitution for Y/N.
Warnings: SMUT (minors stay out, please!)
Warnings (cont.): BDSM themes, Daddy kink, Dom!Kai, oral sex (male and female receiving), choking, and minor spanking
The story begins now. I hope you enjoy it :)
Rosalie's POV:
For someone who hadn’t even had a cold in 70 years, pregnancy was exhausting. Malachai doted on me, summoning anything and everything I requested. I’d grown rather addicted to his spaghetti in the last month, asking for it every day, and he didn’t complain about making it even once.
He was being perfect, and I knew exactly why. When he came back with a single plate of food, forgetting himself in the pursuit of caring for me and our baby, I grabbed his wrist and forced him to sit beside me. “What’s wrong? Does anything hurt? Do you need to siphon from me ag–”
I pressed a tender kiss to Kai’s lips, getting him to shush his caring but overbearing rant. “Everything is fine, love. Relax.” I saw his shoulders sink in relief; that was a good opportunity to take the fork and twirl a few strands of spaghetti on it. Blowing on it softly, I moved the morsel towards Malachai’s lips, smiling encouragingly. He was hesitant, perhaps not wanting to take any food away from me, but he ate without complaint in an attempt to placate my worried eyes.
Once I fed him every last bite, I opted for the blood bag on the table and set his plate aside. “Malachai… you are not your father.”
Malachai's POV:
She knew. Of course she knew. Rosalie understood me more than I understood myself. “I-I know.” I watched her sip from the blood bag slowly, pleased when I saw her eyes close in fulfillment. Then, they locked on me again, filled with adoration and respect. “I don’t think you do, darling. You will be a much better father than your father ever was. You already are.
“There is so much love inside you. It’s magical, really. Magic only you have. I’m very lucky to receive that love every day, and our baby will be too.” Sighing deeply, I kissed her nose softly but teasingly. “How is it you know exactly what’s happening inside me?”
“Now, that’s my magic.” Rose’s eyes gleamed as she settled back on the couch. Some quiet moments passed, and I covered both of us with a blanket. Rosalie nuzzled into me, humming in content. The calm washed over the night, coloring it in peace and quiet. Then, Rose’s eyes widened suddenly.
I felt immediate panic. “What is it? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” Tears filled her eyes, and my worry only grew. “Everything’s okay. Everything’s more than okay, Kai.” What on Earth was she talking about?! She was crying. Since when does crying constitute being okay? She shifted the blanket to show me the source of her tears. Our baby was moving.
A laugh of pure joy and disbelief wrenched out of me, my own eyes tearing up as well. That was our child, alive and well in its temporary home. I leaned down towards Rose’s tummy and spoke lovingly. “Hi there. I hope you’re happy, little one, because your mama and I definitely are. You… you are going to be so loved. You are already so loved. Our little miracle.”
8 months later…
Night had long since fallen. Though we were exhausted, neither Rosalie nor I wanted to sleep. We just wanted to stare at Aurora, our precious daughter, as she spent time in the land of dreams. She was named after the dawn she represented, the sunrise ending my dark life.
We had moved into a much larger house – one with four bedrooms, five and a half bathrooms, and three floors – right near Damon and Elena’s new home in Mystic Falls. Aurora had a wonderful nursery set up for her, but both of us were too attached to our baby girl to have her sleep anywhere but between us. My heart nearly melted when the little one rolled toward me. Her tiny fingers rested on my bare collarbone.
Being a parent is an incomprehensible feeling. It is both a miracle and equally terrifying. This tiny life depended on me to protect it from anything and everything. And I would. Forever. How could someone so small have this unmeasurable hold on my heart? I kissed her tiny head, breathing her in as Rosalie traced her fingers on her face, memorizing the touch of every feature with such care and love. By instinct, both of us moved closer to Aurora at the same time. Our eyes met. Silent gratitude was exchanged – gratitude for the life and happiness we had created together.
Rosalie's POV:
“Rosalie… there’s a baby in our bed.” I giggled and returned the sentiment. “Yes, there is. Everyone says their baby is the cutest, but we really, really won that game.” A more beautiful girl had never been born. She had her father’s shining blue-grey eyes, an exact replica of the ones I adored. “Oh, absolutely!” I could see an infinite amount of love exude from Malachai. It warmed every broken bit in my soul, healing us both.
He nuzzled closer to our girl, unable to stop himself from leaving kiss after kiss on her soft skin. I couldn’t blame him. She was just too perfect. Both of us enveloped her, wrapping around our whole world. We’d be woken by her cries within the hour, but for now, we drifted to sleep, joining our daughter in her dreams.
Two years later…
Aurora slept soundly through the night now, giving us more time to be a bit more explicit with our affections. Malachai rained kisses down on me relentlessly. The sun was barely up, and neither of us had slept that night. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you, baby girl?” His lips claimed mine eagerly, his hands pinning my own down. “Probably just as much as I missed you, Daddy.”
“You haven’t called me Daddy in months, you know?”
“Mm… anything you’re planning on doing about it?” Kai chuckled lustfully, his mouth sucking on the sensitive spot right under my ear. “Oh, I’m planning on doing plenty. I have lots of lost time to make up for, my queen. Now… where do you want me?” His hands trailed down my body, squeezing my breasts eagerly. “Here?” His teeth nipped against my delicate nipples, sending a shiver down my spine. “Or maybe… here?” Daddy’s palm cupped my soaking sex, making my body lurch towards him. Clicking his tongue, Daddy pulled away. “Your lack of response is rather unsatisfying, baby.”
Smirking to myself, I flipped us over, kissing him with harsh passion. My tongue twisted into his and his groping touch made me moan into him. “How’s that for a response?” Biting his lower lip playfully, I relished his hot hands roaming over me. “Not bad, but not good enough.” Raising my eyebrows in surprise, I moved to give him a searing embrace he’d never forget before I was stopped.
Both of us sighed and laughed in unison. My forehead pressed against his. Using our supernatural speed, we dressed, stealing just one last peck before our daughter ran in through the door with her stuffed tiger in her hand. “Mama!”
“Hello, darling!” I scooped her in my arms and lifted her up. “Inna pabcak!” Gasping in mock surprise, I twirled her around. Her giggles rang around us both. “Pancake? Okay, then! With blueberries?”
“Yuh-huh! Bwubuwwies!” Aurora’s little hands clapped excitedly. I danced around the bedroom with her, my heart glowing with happiness.
Malachai's POV:
I watched Rose with our child, and every part of me gleamed. I remembered her apprehensions about being a mother very well, but as I watched her now, I couldn’t imagine anyone being brighter or more caring as a mom. She liked to claim that our daughter was a carbon copy of me very proudly, yet I only saw a mini-Rosalie in Aurora.
Then, my own eyes looked at me. “Dada! Hugz?” If anyone knew how to say no to such an adorable princess, they had to teach me. I enveloped both of my loves in my arms, chomping on Aurora’s cheek playfully and making her laugh. There was nothing special about this morning, but that was most special of all. Life was far too beautiful, and somewhere deep within me, I knew this would last forever.
Seven years later…
I sat at the dining table with Aurora, watching her do her math homework. She was far too intelligent for her own good. I was fiddling with my pager from 1994, hoping it would work just for the memory. Plates clattered against the dinner table as Rosalie set them down. “That piece of junk is never going to work, Kai. Stop working on it.” My eyes widened, surprised at her anger. “What does that mean, love?”
“Just that you’re right and I’m wrong.”
“Now, when did I say that?” Aurora snickered at the interaction, covering her mouth. Rose glanced her way but didn’t spew any of her rage at her. “That’s what you meant, isn’t it?” Sighing deeply, I set the screwdriver down.
“You know what? You both eat and leave the plates on the table. I’m going for a walk, but I’ll pick them up and scrub them clean later.” The door slammed on her way out, and I winced dramatically. “Well, your mama is certainly mad about something.” Aurora put her pencil down, looking at me disparagingly. “Dad… come on. Of course, she’s mad.”
I blinked in bewilderment. Did I say something wrong? Do something? Picking up that I was at a complete loss, Aurora waved her hand in front of my face, pulling me from my thoughts. “You forgot your tenth anniversary. It’s tomorrow.”
“Oh, no… I’m dead.” Aurora rolled her eyes at me. “No, you’re not. I already made plans to stay at Uncle Damon and Auntie Elena’s for the weekend. You just make her feel special tomorrow, okay? I’ll pretend like it was your idea.” My eyes softened and my eyes crinkled with my smile. “When did you get so big, my miracle?”
“Apparently when you weren’t looking.” Scowling at her facetiously, I set my pager aside, humming softly to myself. I did have a gift for her, something that should’ve been hers long ago…
Rosalie's POV:
The next morning, my alarm did not wake me. One beautiful ray of sunlight fell on my eyelids, and I rose slowly, hiding my face in my hands. Kai was not beside me. Frowning in confusion, I got out of bed, making my way downstairs. As I did, the smell of cinnamon rolls and bacon assailed my senses. A smile crept onto my face. I’m sure he heard me coming, but Kai didn’t turn. He waited instead for me to wrap my arms around him from behind.
“So, you didn’t forget?” He hummed softly, neither confirming nor denying my statement. He did, however, turn and press a deep kiss to my lips. My back hit the granite kitchen island as my arms wrapped around Malachai’s neck. “Happy anniversary, Rosalie.”
“Happy anniversary, love.” I snuck a strawberry from behind me and fed it to him. His lips were tinged pink from the fruit’s juice, enticing me. “Wait, wait… where’s Aurora?” He ignored my question at first, too fascinated with taking what he wanted. “Relax. She’s at Damon and Elena’s… for the whole weekend.” Breakfast lay forgotten, then. Kai hoisted me up onto the granite counter, standing in between my legs as he consumed my burning desires.
This kiss was different. It spoke of love and devotion. They took the front seat, pushing lust and craving to the back. I was his and he was mine. He had a right to every inch of me. Cradling me in his arms, Kai carried me upstairs and to our bed. Our bodies had ached for their other halves for too long.
Each item of clothing was ripped from my form, leaving me bare and needy beneath him. I, too, tugged his sweatpants off. There were no barriers anymore. Only two people who loved each other to the ends of the Earth remained. “Oh, my precious girl… Daddy missed you so much.”
“I know, Daddy… me too… so, so much.” Our lips couldn’t stay separated for too long. There was too much love to express, too much affection to shower upon each other. His body pressed into my own perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle finally fitting together. “Let Daddy have you to his heart’s content, love. Can you do that for me?” Nodding eagerly, I gave my every sense to him. It was an act of true trust.
“Good girl.” Daddy’s hands roamed over me with excruciating slowness. Each feather-touch left my skin ablaze in its wake. Today, he didn’t stop me from doing the same. I think he reveled in my touch just as much as I did his. “I need you so badly, Daddy. Please… please let me have you too.”
Crushing his mouth to mine, Daddy rolled us over so that I lay atop him, gripping me to him strictly. “You…” His eyes were dark and lustful, but the loving Malachai wasn’t too far away. “You’re gonna ride Daddy’s face while pleasuring him, darling. Careful, though. You’re only going to get permission to cum if you make me feel good.”
I whimpered desperately, craving to make our mutual rapture a reality. I had just barely nodded in consent when I found myself turned around. His mouth devoured my sex readily as if he had been starving for it. “Ohhh, Daddy! Fuck me…” I collapsed forward, moaning with the sensation coursing through me and the desire to deal him the same pleasure he was giving me. My hand wrapped around his throbbing erection, rubbing him up and down.
His resulting growl rumbled through my entire body. “I will, kitten. I will.” Daddy’s tongue flicked against the hidden hood of my clit, and I locked my mouth around his cock. It seemed to be a race to drive the other to ecstasy first. As our pleasure heightened, so did our efforts. Our supernatural strength was being leveraged to hold the other down exactly where we wanted them, lest we writhed away from each other.
“You’re going to make Daddy cum, baby. You’re making me feel so fucking good.” As he spoke, he ferociously ate me out, his face disappearing between my thighs. “Mmmgghhh, me too, Daddy!”
“Let’s cum together baby girl, together… as one.” Kai nearly roared beneath me as our climaxes came to call. We clutched to each other for dear life, our bodies shaking like leaves in autumn. Just before this one wave crashed and ended, Daddy pushed me against the wall. My calves pressed against his chest, and he slammed into me without warning.
His thrusts were relentless, and my orgasm extended without an end in sight. One of his hands enclosed around my throat, using it to keep me pressed against the wall. The other spanked me harshly, and I knew it would be the first of many. I was immobile beneath Daddy without him having any need to tie me up. “You are mine. Is that perfectly clear, baby girl? You’ve been mine for ten years, since the first moment I laid my eyes on you, and you will be mine until the end of time.”
“Yes, Daddy! I’m yours. God, I love you so fucking much!” My eyes rolled back into my head as my body rocked between Kai’s and the wall. His grip on my throat exerted his dominance on me, the control that made me feel safe and wanted.
We made love to the point of oblivion, long after the sun went to sleep. Fulfilled and satisfied, we held each other close for every moment of the night. The next morning, Malachai woke me with more love and kisses. “Get dressed, baby. There’s somewhere I want to take you.”
Malachai's POV:
I was taking her to a very special place, one near to both our hearts. Our story had started at the waterfalls of Mystic Falls, and it was there I led her to. Thanks to a very smart, very affectionate daughter, the spot where we sat together the night we met was decorated with gorgeous lanterns, brightening the cold and dreary November day. Rosalie’s eyes widened at the serene landscape. It was truly a sight to behold, but I wasn’t looking at the view.
We lay on that same, cold ground, running through the memories we had made together in the last decade. When our reminiscence had come to a close, I sat up, bringing my girl up with me. Taking both of her hands in mine, I pressed my lips to Rosalie’s, about to take the biggest step in my life.
“Rosalie Wilson, ten years ago, I met this woman in this town. I didn’t understand her much at first, but it only took me a few hours to fall in love with her. I had fallen and fallen hard, without even realizing it. Every day since, that love has only amplified. Now, we created another life to love, and I couldn’t be more fortunate.
“There has just been one thing missing in all of this. One thing I should have done long ago. Only, I’m not going to ask. You’re already mine, and I’m already yours. I began considering you my wife years ago, but even so… I think I owe you a ring.”
Rosalie only stared at me incredulously, then at the ring I slid onto her finger. The snow had begun to fall around us, and the diamond glittered like the ice around us. “Well, since you didn’t ask, I don’t have a question to answer. I still say yes, though. I’d like to be your wife very, very much.”
Ten years ago, when we sat here, Rosalie had asked me how my new lease on life had been for me, referring to my newfound vampirism. I wish I had known then that the best part of my life was just beginning. I would have cherished every second even more, thanked the force which created this reality for me.
I kissed her, then. There was nothing left to say and do for now, just love each other and Aurora forever…
This concludes the final chapter of New Lease on Life, A Kai Parker BDSM Fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it.
Through this story, I hoped to not only write a love story to its completion but also to illustrate what BDSM truly is - and how beautiful it can be. Thank you very much for being a part of this journey with me!
Please feel free to leave me any thoughts/comments/constructive criticisms you have :)
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel <3
Taglist: @bluelicious, @prettybitchfatwitch, @genevivetaylor, @niiight-dreamerrrr, @stefans-wife
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bruh--wtf · 3 years
Always There
Peter Parker x Reader
Main Masterlist
Part 2
Previous Next
Summary: becoming friends, and maybe something more, with Peter during a hard time as Tony Stark's daughter.
Peter Parker Masterlist
Warning: Peter Parker awkwardness & fluff.
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You went to school a week later, and didn't really talk to Peter. You mainly stuck with your friends as you normally would. But you were quieter than normal. Everyone noticed.
Your dad had fought Cap. Who was nowhere to be seen. Cap broke Clint, Wanda, Sam, and their new friend out of prison. Nat is in hiding because she helped them escape. King T'challa hasn't spoken to any of you since the fight. And your mom and Rhodey had been trying to get you to talk. Vision has talked to you a little bit. But your dad knew better. He gave you space, which you were thankful for.
"Hey, Y/N..." Peter says, hesitantly, coming up to you at your locker. You look at him briefly, before looking down.
"I know what you're going to say. I shouldn't have gone if I was going to be upset. I was dumb and irrational. I-"
"I wasn't going to say any of that," Peter says. You look at him, raising an eyebrow. "I was just going to ask how you're doing. I mean, it seemed like they all meant alot to you. And I mean, they're not around anymore, so..." he trails off. You stared at him for a second. You cleared your throat.
"Would you, uh, would you like to hangout? Afterschool or something?" He smiles, a really bright smile. He nods.
"Yeah, do you, um, want to come to my place? I mean, my aunt would be there probably but-"
"Yes!" You blushed and looked down a little. "Yes, I just kinda wanna be anywhere but home right about now," you say. He nods, scratching his neck.
"Yeah, well, we could go after school. I'll meet you out front?" You nod, sighing. When Peter walks away, Flash comes up to you, looking mad. You couldn't care less. Flash was a dick. He loved to tell people that you were dating even though you weren't.
"Why were you talking to that loser?" He asks. You raise an eyebrow.
"The only loser I see around here is you, Flash. Get a damn life," you say, rolling your eyes and walking away.
After school you went out front and saw Peter shifting his weight on his feet by the fence. You smiled and went over to him.
"Hey, Spidey," you say when you get closer to him. His eyes widen and he looks around quickly to see if anyone heard your little nickname. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.
"Relax. I wouldn't of said it if I thought someone was gonna hear," you say. He smiles a little. You raise an eyebrow. "Lead the way," you say, gesturing an arm out. He nods.
"Right, yeah." He starts walking towards the subway, and a comfortable silence falls between the two of you. When you got onto the subway, it was packed. And you nearly got knocked over by someone pushing past you. With one arm still on the handle, Peter catches you around the waist, pulling your back against him. A blush crept up your neck and he quickly let go.
"Sorry. I just didn't want you to get knocked over. And if you got hurt, I'd feel really bad. It was just kind of an instinct. I didn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable. I-"
"Peter!" You say, facing him now. You laughed a little at his rambling. "It's fine. Thank you." You say. He gives a small smile, chuckling awkwardly.
When you got off the subway, the street was just as crowded. Using it as an excuse, you grabbed Peter's hand. You smiled at him when he looked at you with wide eyes.
"Wouldn't want to get separated," you say. Peter's heart fluttered at the warm smile you gave him. He looked around, noticing people looking at you, and on their phones. People were taking pictures of the two of you. And you seemed unbothered. He even saw people with big cameras following the two of you. One of them had the nerve to come within two feet of you. You still looked unbothered ingnoring them.
"Doesn't it bother you that people are staring at you like this?" Peter asks quietly. You shrug, continuing to just let him take you wherever he wanted to.
"No. I'm used to it. It's worse near the tower. I guess people just dont expect me to be in this part of the city," you say. He looks around at the people that were staring.
"This isn't bad?"
"Peter, I'm the daughter of an infamous billionaire who makes headlines every week. I live in the Avengers tower. And my family is the Avengers. Of course people follow me around. They have since I was two," you say, rolling your eyes. He stares at you.
"Two's the lucky number, huh?"
"I guess. That's the age my biological mother dropped me off at my dad's doorstep. I guess she was sick of me because she left me with the records proving I was his kid, and never came back. After that the media found out and this is my life now," you say like it's not a big deal. To you it wasn't. You don't remember your mother. And you have Pepper, your dad, Rhodey is basically the uncle that's always around. Happy is family too, like a protective cousin or something.
And then there's the Avengers. But, you don't exactly have them anymore. At least not around.
"Wow. I-I didn't know that. I wouldn't have said anything if-"
"Peter, it's not a big deal! I'm cool with it. I have people that want me, and she didn't. Her loss," you say. "You don't need to keep apologizing for being curious. It's cute." He stares at you for a second to long, and almost runs into a pole. You pull him away from it, stumbling slightly. You laugh as he steadies both of you, with his hands on your waist again.
He melted. Your smile. That laugh. He always thought you were beautiful. And the fact that you knew he existed when he got in the car kind of shocked him. He didn't think you ever really acknowledged his existence. Besides the odd occasion when you'd get sat next to eachother in class. He thought you just thought he was a nerd.
"Okay, snap out of it. Lets get to your place, yeah? Drop the seriousness for now. It bugs me out," you say, shivering dramatically. He laughs a little, nodding. You grab his hand again, liking the way your smaller hand fit into his. He liked it too, and just smiled when you did it this time.
When you got up to Peter's apartment, he opened the door with his key and called out to his aunt. "May! I'm back! I-"
"Peter!" May yells, sounding a little frantic. Peter runs into the kitchen, and you find a kitchen filled with smoke when you get in there. "God, I was trying that new recipe. Just to put it in the fridge. Trying prep, you know, and-" she spots you. "Oh, you brought a friend home." You smile at her. "And didn't tell me." She hits Peter's arm with a towel while Peter tried to fix whatever was happening on the stove. You chuckled, covering your mouth, wanting to laugh.
"Hi, I'm May. Nice to meet you. Peter didn't tell me he had such pretty friends! What's your name? You look familiar," she says. You smile brightly at her. You already loved her.
"I'm Y/N. Peter didn't tell me he had such a pretty aunt either," you say. She chuckles, waving you off. "Peter's interning for my dad." Her eyes widen.
"Oh! Stark! Yes, that's why you look familiar." You nod. You look over to see Peter smiling, as he walked up behind May.
"Yeah, she goes to school with me," Peter says. She scoffs.
"Of course. Another genius for you to bring home. Why not?" She smiles at Peter, kissing his cheek quickly. "You two, go hangout. I'll fix this mess."
Peter starts walking towards his room. "It's really nice to meet you," you say. She smiles and nods.
"You too, Y/N." Then you follow Peter to his room. His desk was a mess and his bed was pressed up against his wall. You didn't try to hide the fact that you were looking around.
"It's small, but it's nice, I guess," he says, looking around nervously. You shake your head.
"No! It's really nice, I like it. It's cozy," you say, smiling. He smiles when looking around this time.
"I guess." You smiled. He clears his throat, putting his backpack down. "So, do you wanna do homework, or... no that's stupid. Um-"
"No, we should. It's better to get it out of the way than do it later, right?" You ask. He smiles and nods, letting out a breath.
"Alright." You sit down on his bed, taking out your homework. He just stands there.
"Are you gonna stand and do it, or...?" He snaps out of it, and sits beside you, looking a little awkward. But you made yourself comfortable. You looked at his desk with a bunch of random pieces of things, he seemed to be tinkering with. You smiled to yourself. Then started doing your homework with him.
"I saw Flash talking to you earlier," he says. You look up at him from your homework, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah?" You ask, putting your pencil down.
"Yeah... aren't you two... you know... um..."
"Dating?" You ask, offering the word to him. He snaps his eyes to your, nodding. "God, no. I'd rather listen to Thor go on and on about Jane than go on a date with that asshole." You roll your eyes. He sighs, seemingly relieved. "He just likes to tell people we're dating. Trust me, never gonna happen." He laughs a little bit.
"Why do you ask?" You ask, raising an eyebrow, smirking slightly. It felt like the weight of the last month was suddenly lifted off your shoulders with Peter. It was really nice.
"Oh, um, I was just curious. Cause you didn't look that happy. Afterwards, I mean," he says. You shrug.
"Yeah, well he made some stupid comment about you," you say. He looks confused.
"Yeah, asking why I was talking to a 'loser' like you." You rolled your eyes.
"Oh, um, what did you say?"
"I told him the only loser anywhere near there was him," you say. He chuckles, smiling to himself.
"I'm not gonna let him talk bad about my friends," you say, looking back at your homework.
"Friend?" He asks. You look up and see he has wide eyes. You smile and nod.
"Yeah. We're friends, right?" He nods quickly. "Great."
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Ugh. I love deconstruction (I'd love to see the fic about Marinette's parents finding out why she wants to go to Shanghai, btw), but the problem is that people often take it way too far and go into bashing and Salt. Deconstruction is taking aspects of a story and showing how they would reasonably turn out. Salt is glorifying in the punishment of those aspects that the writer doesn't like. It often takes the form of deconstruction, but taken up to eleven out of ten. I mean, I get it- -SZ (cont)
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MSee my thing with Adrien is that like. For what he knew, he wasn't in the wrong with how he handled that!
He saw Lila was lying, and knew that as of right now neither calling her out in front of everyone nor talking to her in private would work because both approaches failed.
Marinette tried to call Lila out, that had the class go 'no what why are you attacking her?!', so if the nicest girl in class can't point it out, how could he do it when he's nowhere near as beloved? (He doesn't know that they think Marinette is jealous)
Adrien tried the other approach of talking privately, and Lila got Akumatized (he doesn't know that the Butterfly was meant for Mari and that Lila was Akumatized on purpose)
There really isn't much that he thinks he can do, so it is better to not keep going after her until they can.
As far as Adrien has seen, Lila's lies were just 'oh I totally know this celebrity!' and the only way that could hurt the classmates other than eventually finding out the lie(which will happen anyway), is if it goes the saltfic route and the classmates put all their eggs in one basket on not making an effort because Lila will use her connections whtih Lila going along and making promises she can't keep.
Which is why he's like 'we know. It's not a promblem now, but if it does go down that route, we can divert it'.
Adrien did not see any of Lila's more manipulative moments. He didn't see the cafeteria scene, and he sure as hell didn't see the bathroom scene. So as far as he knows, unless everyone is a total idiot, they can let it go until there's a better solution or they have to step in. Not ideal, but there's nothing he could have done to help.
That said!
I do understand the frustration of the scene because we, the audience, know that if Adrien had said something it would have made a difference.
But even if he was going 'eh lies like that are fine it's cool', the Canon narrative itself does have that 'Adrien gets burned by Lila's actions and reassesses his stance' plot! Because we get Oni-Chan where Adrien does see Lila manipulate people in other ways and actually hurt people! Then we get 'Ladybug' where he fully learns what she's capable of and willing to do!
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faelapis · 4 years
what i mean when i say i like jasper’s ending a Lot in terms of “what the character needs”, rather than what the audience needs, is that the transition from “fragments”, to “homeworld bound”, to finally “the future” shows, albeit quickly, a pretty interesting commentary on “want vs need”.
“want vs need” is a pretty basic storytelling concept of, basically, writing flawed characters who have some growing to do as people. they “want” one thing, but they actually “need” another thing.
so let’s talk about jasper’s “want” vs “need”.
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cont: but you are not my diamond. if you think you’re hard enough to tell me what to do, fight me and prove it.
she makes her “want” clear in every episode she’s in SU future - which is that she wants to subjugate herself to a diamond, because that’s the only worthwhile purpose in life she’s known.
but we, and steven, don’t actually want that to happen. we know it’s not good for her health. we’ve seen that it’s not, both because hierarchies like those are toxic and because we’ve been shown, specifically for jasper, that it causes her to self-destruct over and over again.
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so when it does happen, it’s very fitting that it’s in the worst circumstances possible. she begged for steven to fight her with all his might, over and over again, so he could prove himself a worthy diamond - to the point where he ends up shattering her. and when she’s brought back to life, she’s not even mad at him. he’s proven himself a “worthy” superior.
so we’ve been shown very clearly that jasper’s want is pretty, well, unhealthy for her. she would literally die for it, and get nothing in return except unhealthy, oppressive structures around her. getting everything she wants, at long last, fills her with a kind of void and fragile happiness... which only lasts so long as steven embraces his role as diamond and stays with her. 
hence we, and steven, only see her act at peace with her circumstances without complaint for a couple minutes, and it always (both in fragments and homeworld bound) ends in her own heartbreak. that’s the fragility of her “want”.
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basically, it’s bad because, albeit she would know what to do with these structures... it would be at the expense of her own agency, character growth and health. it would always end badly for her.
this is a good time to point out the parallels to steven in “mr universe”.
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much like jasper, steven doesn’t care if the structures around greg were cruel or oppressive. he never looks closely enough to notice how much greg hated his life. he just wants things he sees as “normal”. he wants guidance, certainty and authority figures to tell him what he’s “supposed” to do in life.
so. how is jasper’s “want” inverted?
much like rose would eventually do with pearl, the unhealthy attachment is cut by giving your subject a very bitter pill - disappearing from their life. by leaving them behind, you’re essentially forcing them to grow.
that’s NOT the main / only reason rose has steven, or steven eventually leaving beach city... but both serve the purpose of making someone who idolized you “deal with” your absence. and that’s certainly at least a part of their intention - rose thought of herself as stuck and likely holding pearl back. steven is horrified by the diamond role and wants jasper to do “something better”.
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and that leads us to jasper’s “need” - to be free from these oppressive authority structures and find her own path in life. this would both improve her health & happiness, as well as making her stop engaging in unhealthy behavior towards herself and others.
now. is she fully “there” yet? no. 
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but i think that as much as her trying to persuade steven to take her with him into the great unknown mirrors pearl - ie “i should be fighting for you, because you’re too important”, her reaction to steven’s reassurance that he will be fine shows that she’s already done more growing than pearl had at that point.
she’s likely been taking classes at little homeworld (where she was confirmed to currently live, NOT just visit to say goodbye to steven) for the preceding months between “i am my monster” and “the future”. she’s somewhere near accepting that her diamond doesn’t need protection. it’s also likely something she started thinking after “fragments” - if your diamond is truly so wonderfully powerful... why would they need your protection? what is your “purpose”? steven defeating her + leaving without her in “homeworld bound” both lead her to the same conclusion - she can’t fail or succeed in protecting him, because he doesn’t need her to.
thus, her role isn’t warranted.
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“i can protect myself”. “i know... farewell, my diamond”.
it’s pretty significant to me that at the end of their little scene, steven doesn’t run away or give jasper any orders to stop following him. SHE leaves, albeit sadly, because she agrees with him. he can take care of himself.
jasper’s still framing steven as a diamond / superior, but... i think a big point here is that she’s someone who was so firmly stuck at the bottom of a pit of self-hatred, isolation and meaninglessness that she couldn’t unstuck herself - not without being pushed to do so. which ended up also being true for steven.
that’s the irony of the double-edged sword of her “want” - in a way, she’s right about one thing. she can’t just magically get better on her own.
i think the episode “guidance” illustrates an interesting balance between steven and amethyst’s philosophies - amethyst would rather gems do whatever, even if they end up slipping back into their old patterns. steven would rather guide them towards challenging themselves, even if that means dismissing their autonomy.
jasper... kinda gets both? her “want” and “need” play into each other in interesting ways. i’ve been framing her want as a negative a lot, but it does have an interesting silver lining - she had to get what she wanted (to be defeated, to be given a diamond), to be pushed to what she needed.
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and in turn, steven needed to listen to and adapt to HER, in order to help her. only after doing that, after being pushed by jasper in turn and truly giving her what she wants, even if it tears you apart mentally... would she ever listen to you. as steven is probably used to by now.
and despite the tragedy of it, i think that’s... kind of an okay thing to show? because not everyone will seek help on their own. it’s not the uplifting message of “anyone who needs help will eventually realize it entirely on their own”, but it IS the hopeful message of “even people who refuse help, deserve help”. 
there’s horror in steven ultimately adapting to jasper’s desires, because it shows them both the fragility of their wants - for steven, being able to control jasper was a horrifying consequence. he got what he “wanted” in the worst way possible. for jasper, getting what she “wanted” meant being forced to let it (steven) go in favor of staying at little homeworld. 
but honestly... we already knew that jasper would never seek help on her own. she’s too “selfless”, in the toxic sense. purpose matters most.
and she’s not alone in that.
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“pearl took pride in risking her destruction for your mother. she put rose quartz over everything; over logic, over consequence, over her own life.”
pearl taking rose down from that pedestal was a slow, elaborate, exhausting process that took years of actively working on herself. the majority of that work was only done after rose was gone.
jasper’s gonna have all the same tools - a genuine support network, people who are willing to both empathize and teach a better way, distance from her romanticized superior, and her own desire to get better. 
the latter point, at first, because she’s told to. but as we saw in “little homeschool”, leaving her to her own devices without any “worthwhile” path forward wasn’t ideal. her “want”, much like amethyst said... still deserves to be listened to, even if she still thinks like a homeworld gem. 
but the seriousness of such an effort is, as pearl taking care of steven “for rose” and then “for him” and finally growing to do things “for herself” shows, a good avenue for REAL growth. jasper may soon yet grow for her own sake.
and the results... again, pulling pearl as my example, can be remarkable.
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as i’ve said before... i am pretty sad we won’t actually get to see more of that. that’s what “the audience” may have felt they needed from jasper. the same way i’m sure rose would find it bittersweet to know how much pearl has grown without her. the same way you’re sad whenever you don’t see a character you love find love and happiness onscreen, even if it’s implied...
but in a show told from steven’s perspective, i think there is some point to that.
i’ve come around to the following: she couldn’t go with him. any forgiving hugs steven & jasper could’ve given each other at this point would’ve been hollow. that power dynamic would’ve been in the way. what they “need” is not each other. they need people who really, truly understand them, and to figure out what they want in their lives when steven doesn’t have someone to save emotionally (jasper), and jasper doesn’t have someone to sacrifice herself for (steven). 
(...and it’s at this point you realize i made you read ALL OF THAT mainly to justify why pearl and jasper’s relationship is gonna be such a central thing in my post-canon fanfic. lol. anyway here’s the link again.)
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