#contact with space
thechembow · 2 years
UFO spotted above over US
Feb. 2, 2023 - ABC News
They say they “believe” it’s a “Chinese spy balloon.” Of course they know it isn’t, but they have to attribute an earthly cause to it, and what better way than to try and stir up more distrust and hatred of people in another country who have no orbs to fly over Montana. I photographed a similar craft on Nov. 14, 2017. It looks almost the same in the raw footage.
They also explained away the curving trails around it by attributing them to air force planes circling the orb. But we know human planes don’t do this, and that when you see curving trails, it’s because the OR vortex has thrown the inter-dimensional “chemtrail” craft off course. I photographed a great example of this phenomenon also in 2017, a major year for UFO sightings.
Of course there is now this ridiculous show surrounding the UFO, where US officials are pretending to be contacting China to demand answers. Here is a little sampling of the intelligent dialogue of Montana state representatives:
Montana Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke tweeted to "shoot it down."
"The Chinese spy balloon is clear provocation. In Montana we do not bow. We shoot it down," he wrote. "Take the shot."
The state's other top Republican representative, Matt Rosendale, wrote: "It's unacceptable to allow communist China to invade our airspace -- this is another clear example of Chinese aggression. President Biden must start putting the American people first and recognize that China is a threat to our freedom, values and way of life."
Obviously they can’t shoot it down. It’s a UFO from a more advanced race. They are blaming China because that’s what they do. It’s hilarious they say that communist China is a threat to “our freedom, values, and way of life” because China is where most of our consumer goods come from, without China the US would be nowhere, and the US is a communist country too (all countries are if you know anything about what a country is). China provides the American way of life and they don’t have UFOs like this to fly over the US. They have plenty of stuff to stock Walmart with, however, and they are friends with the US.
It’s also amusing to me that they are worried about China using this “spy ballooon” to find out secrets of nuclear missile bases in Montana. This is more of the show they have to put on for the public. Nuclear missiles are a hoax and have never existed.
They really are stepping all over themselves to explain this away. Compare the undoctored photo from the news story (the close-ups look manipulated) with my 2017 photo of the same type of craft. Mine didn’t make the news and I was probably the only one in my little town that noticed it. This one was seen by more people, so they had to come up with a story.
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And here is my photo from Nov. 14, 2017. Please click the link for more photos. Were the Chinese spying on my house, lol?
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 235
“Mother, I have made a friend.” 
Now don’t get him wrong, Danny was delighted at the idea of Jordan making a friend, he really was. But the last three attempts had been borderline kidnappings, so he wasn’t entirely sure if he should be. Thankfully it doesn’t seem he’s kidnapped this one. Hopefully. 
Not that he wouldn’t be surprised if Dan managed to kidnap a tiny kryptonian, but the kid- Jon apparently- seemed happy enough to be there. Apparently his grandparents lived in the midwest too, and was happy enough to have someone to talk about it. 
Though um, maybe Danny should have checked to see if his parents knew where he’d gone, because he was not expecting a harried-looking superman to suddenly appear at his window. 
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i had to
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calware · 10 months
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Have I fulfilled the mission objectives properly? Yes, Hal. You've done very well.
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lokimobius · 2 months
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LOKI S02E01 “Ouroboros”
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gearbroth · 2 months
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animation practice
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blondedsixties06 · 3 months
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“we’ll be together”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
jin guangshan and lan qiren yaoi perhaps? since their shapes create a perfect balance?
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Two old men perform worlds first successful 96.
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prettyupsetnerd · 5 months
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months
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First contact, or a miscommunication about which miniatures you were supposed to bring to tonight's game (John Karp, The Space Gamer 17, May-June 1978)
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peachviz · 1 month
this is truly how it feels watching Star Trek in order
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thechembow · 1 year
Follow our Denver gifting trip on Tumblr!
Oct. 11, 2023 - The Human Frequency
We are heading out to gift Denver, Albuquerque, Tucson and everywhere in between on a two week mission, our biggest gifting yet.
Follow our progress at our blog: https://thechembow.tumblr.com/
Our website: https://www.thechembow.com
Thank you for your support to get us to this important mission!
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justc2world · 7 months
Charlos moments in Bahrain GP full access
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balkanradfem · 7 months
I've managed to curate my small misogyny-free space both online and in real life, and now I'm no longer used to misogyny, it's no longer normal to me. So when I accidentally glimpse it, I'm not desensitized to it, I'm always shocked and unbelieving.
If I notice a m*n talking about a woman like she's 'just some ***' I'm immediately aware that this is in fact a demonic creature who needs to be burned. If I see anyone using a slur against women or pretending women are at fault for any of the world's issues, the hair on my neck stands up at the unbelievable amount of hatred.
Anyone implying that women should be in any way controlled, punished, forced to do anything against their will or dedicate their lives to anyone but themselves, is preposterous and villainous to me, I'm at loss that someone could even think that way about a half of the human population who are creators and administrators of life.
I know I am in a bubble, but it feels different knowing deeply in your heart that all of this is not normal, that casual or normalized hatred against women is absolutely insane, that it's sharp and painful and dehumanizing at every turn. It's insane to realize that women just have to live like this, believing all of that is normal, that I once lived like this, wondering what was wrong with me and why I couldn't just be what everyone was expecting me to.
I think still, if I can make a small space without this hate present in it, without anyone or anything implying we should be anything but free, anything but full complete human beings with absolute control over our lives, then we can strengthen and grow these spaces, and get more women in, have more women experience what life is like when hatred is removed. There is hope for women.
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spockvarietyhour · 8 months
The evolution of Worf's Sash
Worf's Baldric has changed a few times over the course of the series he's been on. Here's a quick overview
Season 1
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Just straight off of TOS, Soft,cozy, pageanty. Don't know what the symbol might be but Kang and Kor wore the same symbol.
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(seems sparklier) It doesn't denote their house, so who knows.
Worf's sash remains unchanged for the entirety of the first season.
Season 2 brings Worf's iconic baldric:
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It's made out of bike chains.
sometimes it goes off center and you can see how it's attached:
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the next major change comes in Generations
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The Symbols on it have changed, I'm guessing so it pops more on screen. The bottom one is the Crest of the House of Mogh. He'll carry it over to DS9:
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although I am noticing it is now upside down. but that is how it stays.
It looks like a bug. As it is set this way by the time First Contact rolls around it is also facing the same way
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The whole saga of the second and final of the House of Mogh and Worf joining the House of Martok means the crest is replaced with one ripped from his sleeve.
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And while Insurrection and Nemesis barely acknowledge and actively fight Worf's time on DS9 he still has his Martok family crest.
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Now this would be the end, normally, but Star Trek Picard gave us this
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New baldric, probably less heavy. The Crests have changed, somewhat. The Martok family crest's arrow is now much bigger than the claw, so something might have changed in the family? and the top symbol is also differently stylized.
Worf's primary sash is unique throughout Star Trek, we've never seen any other Klingon wear the bicycle chain.
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this seems to be the common sash in the KDF.
Finally, a couple of ceremonial sashes:
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What's this one on his Ceremonial/Dress sash? maybe a fancy version of the family crest? or both symbols together?
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And then sad Worf sash from All Good Things....
Thank you for reading thru Sash Talk.
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schemelin · 7 hours
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Palmer and Altairus
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