#contemplating adding a background but idk
garlic-bread-oven · 2 years
Lumi!!!!! :D
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I'm really happy with how this one came out!! Shes just having a good time :]
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 3 months
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Late, I know, but…! Only by two days, so I’ll still label/tag it:
Ichihime Week, Day 7: Mythical Lovers / Rainbow
I was planning on adding in magpies in the background this time, but I was getting lazy, and it’s already late, so maybe next time ^^;
(Also I was thinking of making a rainbow version, but it didn't come out as I would have liked? Idk. I still think it’s cute, though, so I put it under the cut)
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Alrighty, listen: I really didn’t mean to wait this long to post. But, like, very shortly after Eid, my iPad’s storage filled up, like, to the point I couldn’t even access my mail (that’s how I found out, pfft). I was wondering why I’d ever need 256 GB 4 years ago… but still, it was $100 extra bucks. Sure, it was a grad gift, but 128 GB was expensive enough—still a lot of storage, too… Not enough, clearly!
Hoarding layers (and recoloring my own art, pfft) has really caught up to me… but also, it wouldn’t help too much if I didn’t either. After deleting what I could bear to part with, that took away around 5 GB, but merging layers in other works barely made a dent.
So I’ve spent these past few weeks wondering what to do, thinking about emailing my 2019 (imported from my 5s) and 2020 works to an email I also created 4 years ago for some reason I totally forgot about and never used so that I don’t end up taking any space in my actual one and then uploading them onto two (since I really don’t want my files corrupting) USBs via my laptop, trying to get those USBs from Target (but since I was adamant this time in getting 256 GB USBs—I don’t want to have to worry about storage for a longgggg time—there were none in stock), ordering them off of eBay instead since my dad insisted on their cheapness, waiting a week for them, then transferring them to that email and uploading them onto its Google drive if the files was too big…
But that was taking much too long and still left space on my iPad while I was doing it. I managed to complete the 2019 and 2020 pieces from my iPad, but it also only ended up being around 1 GB… So, like, I need to clear more years (breaks my heart, it does ;~; Sure, I still have access to them via that email and those USBs, but it’s not convenient anymore, and there are still pieces I plan on getting back to… ackkkkk).
Contemplating it some more and discussing it with a friend, much as I abhor subscription services, I finally decided to purchase a premium membership on Ibis for that 20 GB of cloud storage. I can afford the 30 bucks a year, and I like the app anyway—serves me good—and not having to watch an ad every 18 hours to access my go-to brushes would be nice, plus having access to the other stuff, but yeah: ✋🌈✨cloud storage✨🌈 🤚
Anyway, I’m pretty sure a good chunk of what’s taking up my space is actually the cache, as I’m already more than halfway through my drawings, and I’m not sure if I’ll reach that 75 GB of storage Ibis was apparently taking up with just my drawings. So I’ll probably need to download everything, then delete the app and redownload it ‘cause stupid IOS doesn’t let you easily clear it 🫠
Anyway, I really thought I’d be done by now, but am not—that said, I managed to clear out around 10 GB off of Ibis (not my iPad; I somehow managed to gain back 5?? Somewhere?? I’ve no clue; I don’t see it), which is wayyy more than enough to get one drawing done for IH week, so I paused the whole storage thing for now. I actually tried to get day one’s drawing done on the 6th, but I’m dealing with perspective that’s hurting my brain, so I decided to get day seven’s done instead, ‘cause I thought I’d be on time…
Me? On time? Man, who knew I was so funny… 😒
But yeah, day seven is done! I’ll definitely revisit that day one drawing in the future, but not anytime soon. As if I wasn’t backed up already, this whole storage mess has backlogged even further, and there are other dates coming up 😮‍💨 And, y’know, gotta finish the storage transfer, too… Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Anyway, on a more positive note, gradient maps are actually very neat to use—had a little too much fun, eheh. I won’t confess how much time I spent testing it out on this piece, but here be my favorite:
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They’re so golden <3 ☺️
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chubs-deuce · 5 months
What kind of friends, Dawn will have in future stories?
Have you thought of any original characters yet?
I don't actually know yet I'm ngl!!!
I am generally in lowkey desperate need for OCs to fill the background with and give the surrounding cast a bit of an expansion, I'm ngl :'DD
I've thought about repurposing some OCs of mine from other fandoms/stories for this, such as Zena:
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But ngl I have just zero backstory ideas and her hazbin-ified AU redesign feels a little incoherent in comparison to the canon cast, since they're meant to reflect their life, sins and death...
And idk what kind of sin would make you spawn in hell as an anthropomorphic pig when she's - in her own story - the de-facto leader of a rebellious secret group of outcasts that are desperately trying to find a sustainable cure for a lethal disease that nearly wiped out her entire people... like, she's just a very noble soul fighting for a genuinely good cause? Idk how to make a backstory that matches the design that doesn't feel like a complete rewrite of her and her personality traits...
I also contemplated adding William from my hazbin hotel x fnaf AU to the roster of background characters as both a fun little cameo and an expansion of the sinners that reside in the hotel over time, but I'm unsure if that wouldn't be a bit too difficult for me actually implement without going in-depth about it (the temptation to explore the concept more is simply too high for me lmfao)
As for specifically friends for Dawn... I haven't the foggiest, man! :')
Thing is... her circumstances don't really allow for much room to find friends her age?
Sinners cannot reproduce in this AU, so most of the sinners in hell are teenagers at the earliest (I am assuming mortal souls that aren't at an age yet where they can even comprehend the concept of wilful ignorance of consequences and knowingly committing sins anyways don't go to hell) and they don't physically age after they fall.
I'm ngl I have no clue about what's going on in Cannibal Town and if all of the people there are sinners themselves or if they're more hellborn themselves? (something something hell's natural street-cleaning service that make sure dead bodies don't remain in the open for long) The fact that there's what seems like kids there is a bit bewildering but I imagine with their kind of hive-mind way of thinking and their dietary preferences they wouldn't really be interested in befriending non-cannibal outsiders like Dawn anyways?
And since Dawn is not really a true hellborn in the same sense as the sins, the royal hellborn society or even the lower class denizens of hell's various rings - and also visibly resembles Charlie and in extension Lucifer far less than she reflects her father's appearance, I imagine she wouldn't really fit into any of those social circles either ^^"
This is an issue I actually kind of really want to pick up on with Charlie's past some more as well and expand on with Dawn later, but this also means I don't really find many opportunities to introduce a friend circle for Dawn?
Then again Charlie doesn't really appear to have one either beyond Vaggie and her hotel, so I don't think it'd be thaaaat big of an unbelievability issue in the greater scale of things...
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mushangaa · 5 months
5 and 20 for the artist ask game! Hope your day is good!
5. What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
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Easy. This one. "Listen" 2010/03
It is 13 years old, I was 19 when I drew it. That was the year I moved out of my childhood home and moved into my first flat. A lot of struggles were had that year. I was so young. I had a different name. I was a different person. And this image takes me back to being so young and unsure of myself and the world around me. There is so much of me in this picture, so much emotions I felt at that time and while it is not the most elaborate piece compared to what I can do these days it was very complicated to pull off for past me. Get the lines in the background just right to keep the flow and emotion I felt. My fingers were stained with graphite by the end of getting the lines down and it took ages to line them. I have often contemplated on doing a redraw of this one but deep down I know, even if I could do better I will never reach that feeling and emotional beat that went into the original; so I don't. I simply cherish this one as is and when I look at it I feel peace and a sense of accomplishment because like I said. I was a different person back then. I was so, so young but this young person turned out okay. This young person grew and stood up again and again and handled itself better with each punch life threw and eventually became me. This piece is like an emotional time capsule to me. However I am working on another piece currently, and while it is a rendition of a Gustav Klimt artwork "Judith II" the emotions currently going in this one already tell me it shall be added to the roster of all time favourites. The stage it is at currently already pleases me deeply. I am playing a bit more loose with my interpretation as the key elements that I really wanted to hit with this rendition is especially the hands. The hands of the original artwork just do something for me the way she holds them the way the fingers are curled like claws. Also the way the body is bend. I really wanted these elements in there the most. Also it is a good piece to pull forth my love for detailed little elements that I often use in backgrounds and can throw here in the dress and all that.
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The characters in both pieces are mine by the way. In the first, that is Eve, from one of my older stories that experiences a bit of a hibernation as my focus shifted to newer projects. I have around 20 stories to bounce back and forth between and a lot of characters populating those so like... can't do all at the same time. For now I told myself to focus on two, one of those is The Unicorn Paradox of course. The other is "Raptamei" a found family type of deal but with pirates and the lady in the Judith II rendition is Ila (green peacock), she is part of that story.
20. What motivates/inspires you artistically? (topics, emotions, etc)
A lot of things. Music, Movement, Nature, People, Emotions. It depends on my mood and time of day and what is going on in my life in general. But like... it can be out of left field stuff like me zoning out at a river and the light hitting the surface right and suddenly I have an idea. I once chilled out at the bottom of a lake because it is very chill and quiet down there and muted and green and blue and the sun dances on the surface of the water and you know what water is kinda a big thing for me in general to let my mind wander and get inspired. Sometimes my mind just cooks things up when the music is just right. I heard a song recently - instrumental - that essentially wrote an entire scene for The Unicorn Paradox that has not existed prior and changed the direction of the story a bit in a way I have not thought of by then because I had an intense film reel popping off in my head in time to the beat of drums, dramatic violins and I think trumpets? Idk.
And of course emotions are a big thing. If I am not feeling it it ain't happening. Can I draw pretty stuff just because? Sure. But I myself can always tell if I drew something with feeling or just because even years later after the fact. I approach things different too for artwork I do for others depending on either how I feel about the person I draw for or how their works make me feel, and I think it shows`. To me it does at least. And in general, all my stories are tied to specific emotions and those bleed into the lines and colours. If I may refer back to the Unicorn Paradox - that story is born from grief but also hope and healing and it could've been entirely original (kind of) for sure but it popped up on a whim when I drew a cowboy and a sad horsegirl and I was like... you know what yeah. Yeah. Because in a difficult time of my life I became active in the fandom and it brought me relief and a sense of peace during even my off-days and then it kinda became "nah it has to be tmnt actually. it could be original but also not. Not really"
So mh yeah, lot of things do inspire me, sometimes the most random things that only make sense in my head on how they tapped a button in my brain but the biggest thing is Emotions. Music too but that invokes an emotional response so we go back to Emotion mainly. Thank you for asking <3 My day has been fabulous. I hope you had a lovely day as well Wren <3 Feel booped.
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 months
Hello Luka! I’m contemplating making a toyhouse and a wondering what the experience? community?? is like over there. The only “art hosting” sites I have previous experience with is DeviantArt and Instagram. I’d like to post my art again, and don’t really want to do it here on tumblr. The organization feature on toyhouse has appeal (being able to organize fan art vs MaDD art is nice!) but I’m not sure if that’s what toyhouse is really for? There seems to be a heavy focus on art/trades and adopts. Is that the predominate activity/expectation on the site? Is it mainly OC centered, or is fandom related content welcomed too?
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I ADORE Toyhouse! I check the site almost daily lol. Lemme break this ask down for ya:
There are forums you can engage with/talk in. idk how those are bc ... I don't talk to people but!! the vibe seems generally nice & most of it is encouraging one to talk about their OCs. idk I didn't join to socialize lmao.
Trades & Adopts
It's a big feature of the site, for sure. I wouldn't say trading is the expectation, though. I've come across loads of people who just wanna share their OCs, me included. There's even multiple different ways to clarify if your characters are up for trade or not!
RP is another draw I think, there's a lot of forum threads looking for RP partners. So it's not like people are ONLY here to switch around OCs lol. I would not have joined if that was the vibe tbh.
Fandom v. OC
Toyhouse's Rules/TOS actually cover this! Short answer, no, it's just for OCs. Technically. Fan OCs & Canon Inspired OCs are allowed, but even so you gotta be careful with Canon Inspired characters:
We allow canon-inspired characters specifically where it's clear they're an original character who has been inspired by the canon content, rather than AU fanart and fanfic of a canon character. As long as your character has their own name, and a profile/design that reflects they're intended to be individual from the canon character and are not literally the canon character, they should be fine to upload. Adding some background to the character's profile to explain who they are will help a lot to ensure they don't get mixed up.
But like. between u & me. I don't think they look super closely unless someone reports the character. so even if ur SUPER worried about that, there's the option of making the character private.
I will warn you, toyhouse is invite-only, and getting a code to make an account is. unreasonably hard. especially for how long the site has been in "beta" but I digress. the ability to generate codes is only for premium members, otherwise I would've offered the entire madd community one.
OH!!! there's also the coding. it's not required by any means, but you can edit the code of your profile & OC's bio! there's a lot of cool/fancy templates to pick.
I have a lot of fun on there, though. It's like, the closest I've gotten to making a "paracosm wiki" that I'm actually satisfied with.
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WIP List
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Thanks @funkypoacher for helping to expose my growing list of WIPs and random ideas I have for fics (The ultimate callout post lmao)
As I'm sure most folks are aware I've got two major long form fics I am currently working on as the mood strikes:
1) Only You - FC5 Soulmate AU (Kit x Jacob)
Currently working on Chapter 10. This one is on a bit of a hiatus, the plot outlines for each chapter are more or less figured out its just having the words and ideas to craft anything that makes sense and that is remotely worth reading.
All I know for sure is that Kit will have an issue with one of the hunters who will very quickly be put on both her and Jacob’s shit list, and that Burke will be joining the story sooner than later. The Reaping is right around the corner now and Staci’s about to get a first hand look at what Kit’s been up to since being taken hostage (sorry Pratt)
2) The Animal in Me - FC5 Werewolf AU (Kit x Staci, Kit x Jacob)
Chapter 2 is being reworked because I am a slut for making Staci a more popular character and I will put in the work to make more people fall in love with him. Chapter 3 is already written and includes a reworked version of the scene I posted for writer’s month that really kicked this whole fic off in the first place. Plot outlines for each chapter are more or less decided on and I know how I want the fic to end so at least there’s that.
There will be silver bullets, much blood spilled and definitely a “Who did this to you?” moment thrown in for good measure.
Honestly though, this is such a self indulgent fic and I don't even care anymore. Kit's getting a werewolf throuple and there is nothing anyone can do about it.Kit’s getting it all, baby (Mostly i just can’t let go of her and Staci because they make such an odd pair and I want them to be happy and somewhat normal while also letting her be feral with Jake under the full moon)
The Kinktober fics:
1) Breaking Pratt 2: Electric Boogaloo
Was going to post this one today but decided to wait and rejig it a tad. It's missing that je ne sais quoi that the thigh riding fic had.
2) Housebroken
The collar fic. The actual smutty part is all stage action and needs the details added still but the brain isn't exactly in a smut writing mood.
Then there are the fics that have stalled or are just a random collection of ideas that need a lot more time to stew before they are even worth writing:
1) The Hunter Becomes the Hunted
This one has been sitting on the back burner for a while. I’ve posted two chapters of it to AO3 but not much more work has been done on it since. It's Kit's background fic as a soldier so it means I have to be in the mood to do some research on the war in Afghanistan and I just haven't had the energy to do that as of late.
2) New Dawn AU
I have ideas, aesthetics, and a pinterest board and not much else. tbh, I haven't even finished playing the game but I know I gotta write the Canon divergent fic where Jacob is alive and well with Kit living that barbarian life in New Eden.
3) a million and one ideas for bunker fics. IDK what I specifically want to do with them yet. I need to write the one where her and Jake adopt the two kiddos in the bunker (whose parents Kit just happened to kill in the Trials...oops) and then the birth of Haven and her growing up. The plan is to get Kit a bit of her soul back and have her be less of the murderous monster that she is so she can become a good mama bear to her kiddos. The ideas are there, but the energy to write it is not.
4) and contemplating writing Kit's main timeline story out in full. I was going to go the short fic route (which is what all of her fics are so far) and just make them a series, but now I want to fill in the gaps especially after writing out the fic with her and Joey for the angst prompt. There's lots of stuff about Kit before she falls prey to the Seeds that I'd like to tell, stuff that might make her a little more sympathetic before she crashes and burns into becoming the monster I know and love.
5) and on top of all that are the random drabbles I've spewed forth about Homelander and Nightingale that really have no story or logic to them yet and aren’t yet ready to see the light of day
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mariska · 2 years
i am awake (due to. Unfortunate Health Related Circumstances Yesterday Evening. i am fine now i think but was having some very sudden weird flareup of pain symptoms and had to try to get myself to bed so i did not licherally pass out on the floor. mission success at least lol) at 6:30 am and i am currently alone in the living room and letting my morning meditations kick in so i can go brush my teeth and i've got the tv on for background noise/light as per usual when im just kinda sittin down here and like.
maybe its the Crisp Cold New England Winds Of Winter or maybe its the Not Usually Awake This Early Under Circumstances Where I Am Not Rushing To Get Ready For Something And Can Actually Just Contemplate My Thoughts. but something about sitting down here as the sun slowly peeks out from the curtains feeling exhausted and fatigued with cartoons and toy ads playing on tv is really envoking the feeling of being a kid before my public school system forcibly ejected me from completing my standard education because i am disabled (😕) when i still had some kind of slight excitement or anticipation of going somewhere that had other kids my age that i could occasionally hang out with during recess or looking forward to learning from one of the teachers who were kind and compassionate and patient with me instead of cold and dismissive....
like... its not necessarily Nostalgia because school in general was genuinely such a traumatizing experience for me as a disabled kid from a "non-traditional" lesbian family in the early 00's-early 2010's, and the fact that i can even contemplate on any of this stuff this early in the morning is very much because i actually have medication treatment for the adhd i've struggled with my whole life that i did not have until abt 3 yrs ago into my 20's. but. idk. its a bittersweet sort of feeling im not entirely sure how to describe but i havent felt it this strong in so many years?? like its kind of making me tear up right now and i dont fully understand why lol. something about my inner child im sure etc etc. its cuz ur always trying 2 heal that damn inner child (my brain says 2 myself)
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buginacup · 3 years
Hi! You've probably been asked this before, but how do you do the (not quite sure what the right descriptor is, artifacted? dirty pixel art?) kind of effect for Tynk's! art assets? Is it all done by hand, or do you have a process you do for it?
Heya! This is a great question, and not one I've gotten before! I think I know what you mean and I'm gonna use some examples, if I'm completely off base just shoot me an ask and I'll offer up new advice lol. To me this visual effect has always been known as "dithering", because you're interpolating between colors the same way software does when you resize an image. I've found some other people refer to this process this way, but you might also try the names "pixel shading" or "pixel gradient".
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I do nearly all of my dithering by hand. At certain resolutions having a gradient of too many colors can leave your sprite feeling too modern or too smooth, so instead of adding a lot of inbetweens I'll essentially do pixel cross-hatching (like under the mouth, there.) that acts as a sort of buffer between the color zones. The palette of my game is huge and pretty unlike that of any retro console, but if you're conservative about when your colors appear you can still make something that feels "retro".
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Additionally, I also add in a lot of colors you wouldn't necessarily expect. This is something that I kind of just did by eye until I got comfortable with it, but the key philosophy is just looking at what colors from the surrounding environment are underrepresented (in this case the blues and purples from the background of the main menu) and experimenting with harmonious places to put them in your sprite to make the whole screen feel more balanced. It's another touch that makes pixel art feel old because limited palettes often had to borrow weird colors to make a larger sprite look full. I hope that makes at least a little sense!
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I do nearly all of my pixel art in Asesprite, which has a few useful tricks for pixel patterns and gradients. The gradient tool has a couple different algorithms for pixel gradating with only two colors. Asesprite has a brush tool that I'm quite fond of where you can just press ctrl+b and select an area, and that area becomes your brush! I used it to repeat the checkered patterns above. I'm sorry for how much of that tutorial was just "idk feel it out and do it awesome style", I've been doing sprites longer than most other mediums so a lot of it is really subconscious at this point. Maybe I'll revisit this prompt after some contemplation. Thanks for reading! Back my game!
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duskholland · 4 years
I kinda want a first blurb of them first knowing about eachother. Maybe a toms pov??? Where haz is constantly talking about her and idk, I'd like to see their first impressions (without the bafta incident) play out. Love tfg
yes yes yes yes yes. I love this so much, thank you! parts of this are briefly mentioned in the main story, so getting to finally write out their bad first impressions was so much fun for me. 
status: pre-story; tom’s pov // read the fame game!
— tfg blurb night! —
“I’m telling you, Tom, she’s amazing. So talented and funny. Heart of gold, too. I think you’d really get on.”
Tom’s got a very fake, very forced smile on his lips, and he nods vacantly as he listens to Harrison prattle on about his new friend: you. Harrison doesn’t seem to realise that he’s been gushing about you for ten consecutive minutes, nor that Tom tuned out about eight minutes ago.
“Cool,” Tom adds. He’s reached the point where he’s just interjecting a filler word every few minutes, adding to Harrison’s otherwise one-sided conversation.
“Yeah, really cool,” Harrison replies.
Tom’s distractedly staring at his phone, scrolling through Twitter, liking a few tweets as he goes. His eyebrows furrow as he looks at a particularly funny thread, smiling as he likes it. In the background, Harrison’s continuing to speak.
After about a minute, Tom feels Harrison kick him - hard.
“Ow, you prick!” Tom mutters, looking up angrily. The two men are sat at their kitchen table, Harrison’s opposite Tom, arms crossed over his chest. “What was that for?”
“You’re not listening to me!” Harrison whines, frowning at Tom. “I’m trying to tell you a story, and you’re just ignoring me.”
Tom feels guilty as he looks at Haz’s wide, blue eyes.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, putting down his phone. “You’ve just been rambling on about Y/N for ages, and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t like me, so it’s hard to stay interested.”
Harrison pulls a face. “What?” He asks, looking at him with confusion on his face. “But you’ve never met her.”
Tom nods. “I know, but I reply to her Instagram stories sometimes, and she opens them and never says anything back.” 
It’s quite disheartening, actually. When Tom had got the notification that you’d followed him, he’d seen that as a green light to try and initiate something with you - a friendship, perhaps, or maybe something more. So he’d taken to leaving comments on your posts and always, always, replying to your stories - only to draw up a blank every single time.
“Well, if that’s the only thing she’s done to give you that impression, then I think you’re reading into it too much.” Harrison grabs Tom’s phone from the table and unlocks it, moving it out of Tom’s grasp before he can do a thing. “Here, I’ll give you her number. Just text her when we’re back in LA and see if she wants to meet. I’m sure she’d be down.”
Tom eyes his friend sceptically, gnawing over his lower lip. There’s turmoil in his heart - churning continuously. His desire to pursue a relationship with you fights against the humiliation of being left on read, but after a moment’s contemplation, he sighs in agreement.
“Fine,” Tom agrees. “But only because she’s your friend.”
A month later, Tom’s back in America, Harrison at his side. He’s here on promo, hurrying from interview to interview, doing the rounds through the television stations. He’s on cloud nine, but he’s tired, which is why he’d turned down Harrison’s offer to go out to a bar with a few of his friends.
Tom’s alone, and it’s late. He’s scrolling through Instagram, and his eyebrows shoot up his forehead as he opens Harrison’s story and sees you staring back at him. As Tom clicks through the whole thing, there’s only more - you and Harrison, you dancing in the bar, Harrison smiling at you. Tom groans, and when the story runs out, he opens up his texts and goes to his conversation with you.
Maybe ‘conversation’ is a bit too kind. The screen shows two messages, but they’re both from Tom, and both left on read - again.
Tom: Hey Y/N, it’s Tom Holland. Harrison gave me your number, so I thought I’d drop you a message just to say I’ll be in town next week if you were free and wanted to grab a drink? Big fan of your work.
Tom: Hi again, just wondering if you saw my last message…?
Tom groans, tossing his phone aside and pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He knows - or, rather, hopes - that he hasn’t done anything to annoy you. You’ve never met each other, never communicated - nothing. And yet, you’re continuously avoiding him, and now you’re hanging out with his best mate without him.
It’s bewildering.
The front door slams shut, and Tom sighs as he hears Harrison enter the house with a clatter. He stands up, walking through to the porch where he leans up against the doorframe and watches his friend hop about, trying to pull off his shoes and jacket, and getting stuck in the process - jacket half hanging off, one shoe discarded in the middle of the room.
“Had fun, Haz?” Tom asks, smirking. Harrison jumps, looking up, and Tom scoffs as he takes in how red and bloodshot his eyes are.
“Yeah,” Harrison murmurs, “Fucking great. Just had… A bit too much to drink, I think.” He looks down, glaring at his shoe. “Stupid fucking thing won’t come off.” He waggles his leg, and Tom sighs.
“Stay still,” he mutters, dropping to the floor in front of Harrison. As he unpicks his best mate’s incredibly knotted laces, he asks, “Y/N was there. Did she mention me?”
Harrison hums. “Yeah, yeah. I told her what you said- y’know, about thinking she was rude for ignoring you. She didn’t really like that.”
Tom feels his blood run cold, fingers slacking. “You told her what?”
Harrison blinks down at Tom, shrugging. “Yeah, sorry mate, I realised once I said it that I fucked up. But- but if it’s any consolation, she said it wasn’t intentional. Apparently, she’s just been busy.”
Tom sits back on the floor after he’s pulled off Harrison’s shoe, glaring at his friend.
“But she probably thinks I’m a dickhead now,” Tom complains. He watches as Harrison goes back to wriggling out of his jacket.
“Eh, I mean… I told her you just wanted to be friends, but she was quite hung up on it.” Harrison bites his lip before staggering over to Tom, pulling him off the floor and giving him a rough pat on the back. “Look, mate. You’re both going to the BAFTAs soon, right? Just make up then. It’ll be fine, I’m sure.”
Tom sucks in a breath, and he has to try very hard to bite back a snarky comment.
“Fine,” he mutters. “But Haz, if what you’ve told her has fucked up our relationship, then-”
“Oh, it’ll be fine.” Harrison’s twirling a hand through the air, but behind the carefree drunken buzz, Tom knows his friend is nervous. “You’ll get on great, Tom. You’re so similar.” He nudges him, grinning. “I think you guys could be a lot more than just great friends, you know.”
Tom rolls his eyes but finds himself smiling fondly at his friend nonetheless.
“Let’s get you to bed, then,” he says, wrapping an arm around Harrison. “You’re just talking shit now.”
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ribcage-rodents · 4 years
Post two
Diana smiled indulgently resting a hand on Donna’s shoulder.
“Hello Donna, it is wonderful to see you again, I have some exciting news.”
She fidgeted awkwardly trying to act like she hadn't been eavesdropping.
“You are finally going to see the Man’s World. Go pack your bags, we will leave once you say your goodbyes. We can discuss the rules of your mission in my plane.”
Her excitement was only shown by the joyful flash in her eyes.
Donna attempted to keep her face in a soft smile with her eyes telling her emotions
much like her older sister does, as she made her way towards her home.
Scene 6
Bruce sat at the kitchen counter a cup of steaming coffee in one hand, while his face rested heavily in the other.
Alfred curved around Bruce to top off his drink and use a rag to clean up a puddle of coffee Bruce had spilled while complaining about League business.
“I don’t understand why you can’t just let the boy have friends, master Bruce.”
Bruce looked up exasperated from where his face was resting.
“Because Dick is more skilled and intelligent than all of those other ‘heroes’. I don’t want him to be influenced by those immature, idiotic, side kicks. Who knows what one of those older kids could encourage him to do!? He’s much safer at home.”
He said moving his hand sharply to the left spilling coffee all over the counter.
Alfred sighed deeply moving to clean up the coffee, sending Bruce a disapproving stare while he sheepishly averted his gaze. Dick was upstairs in his beautiful, pink-marbled bathroom leaning over the counter worriedly applying concealer to purple bruises on his neck as Tate Agile played in the background, he stopped for a moment to read to a text from ‘science lab partner’.
“Come on dude, it's not that big of a deal Bs never gonna know”
Dick sighed becoming even more concerned, he glanced in the mirror frowning at his reflection before replying.
“Idk Babs, I’d be in a ton of trouble if B found out”
He stared at his phone for a couple of seconds then added,
“Especially since you’re like a little too old for me”
Dick’s hand squeezed around his phone as he shut his eyes, he counted to ten silently before exhaling. Pretending he wasn’t waiting for her response he went back to covering up the bruises on his neck, despite his eyes flicking back over to the black screen every couple of seconds.
Yet when the phone finally pinged he hesitated, it wasn't until the second text arrived that he actually answered.
“No, our age difference really isn’t that big, if you think about it people get married with like a 10 year diff.”
“Are you gonna come out w me tonight?”
Dick sighed softly, his cheeks lighting up pink.
“Yeah I got some free time around 12-2am. But we’re just gonna hang out ok, just like a little bit of kissing. No making out or hickies or anything.”
His phone pinged again.
“Haha yeah sure that's what you said last time.”
“What's up w your schedule man? 12-2am is so random.”
“You might not need sleep but I do, next time we should just meet up during like second period or something.”
Dick’s frown deepened.
“I’m not skipping school. I think you’re a bad influence on me:(“
“You know we don’t have to do anything when we meet up we could just cuddle or something.”
He paused before deleting the last message.
“Ha, maybe I like making you into a bad boy”
“See you tonight, maybe I’ll make you break into the school to find the best secret makeout place!”
Dick set his phone face down, scratching at his arm he went back to covering up those bruises.
Scene 7
Wally was in his tiny little bathroom that looks like it was designed in the 1950’s. He was leaning over the tiled blue and turquoise countertop messing with his forever windswept hair. There was a loud banging at the door as Wally dragged a brush through the birdsnest on top of his head.
There was a brief pause before Wally once again dragged the brush through his messy hair. The banging returned causing Wally to jerk smacking his hand against the counter, he turned and opened the door staring annoyed at his uncle.
Barry stared back a pleased smirk on his face leaning against the door frame.
“Come on kiddo, we’re gonna be late.”
He reached out and plucked the brush from Wally’s hand as he spoke.
Wally did a full body groan leaning back, he shot one last mournful look at himself in the mirror before he moved towards the door, his uncle disappearing into his room. Wally sighed rummaging through his room for his suit. “What's the point of having super speed if you’re gonna be late to everything?”
Barry zipped over to his nephew ruffling his hair, effectively ruining any improvement Wally had managed.
“I ask myself the same question everyday when I show up late for work.”
Flying down the streets of central the two speedsters made haste, two flashes of red and yellow sped down the streets and around buildings. Stopping quickly at a hotdog vendor, handing the man a red credit card decorated with tiny lightning bolts, the city's way of thanking the heroes. Before getting back on the road.
“So kiddo, are ya nervous?”
Flash called stuffing a whole hot dog in his mouth.
Kidflash made a contemplative noise, looking down at his feet.
“Well yeah, I’m not exactly good at making friends,... or being cool.”
Both speedsters came to a halt, Kidflash resumed looking down self-deprecatingly, shoving the last 12 hotdogs into his mouth. Flash slipped behind him resting a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry kiddo, just be yourself they’re gonna love you!”
He punctuated his statement by ruffling his nephew’s hair one last time. The two then proceeded, one at a time to enter the transporter.
Scene 8
Kidflash stepped into the JL headquarters quickly moving to catch up with his uncle as he sped towards the monitor room.
“Welcome to the Justice League break room!”
Flash called happily swinging his arms open to fully display the room. He leaned in close,
“It used to just be the monitor room but we all started to hang around here, mostly because Wonder Woman and Supes like to annoy Bats.”
He said with a nod.
Wonder Girl sat alone on the edge of one of the ugly green couches, sipping on a mug of herbal tea periodically.
Flash bumped his shoulder against Kidflash’s, whispering an encouraging,
“You got this kiddo!”
The Flash then departed, walking over towards Batman and Wonder Woman chatting by the supercomputer both holding steaming cups of coffee.
Taking a deep breath and gathering all his courage Kidflash confidently strided over to where Wonder Girl was perched. Looming over her he plastered on his best ‘Wall-man’ smirk. Wonder Girl cocked a single eyebrow as a supercilious look settled on her lips.
“Hey gorgeous, I hope you brought your library card because you can totally check me out!”
He flinched expecting to be hit or splashed by her tea.
Wonder Girl
“Wow, I’m already regretting this,”
Wonder Girl huffed glaring at Kidflash
“Maybe I should’ve stayed home,”
She mumbled quietly to herself.
Speedy came up behind Kf’s right purposely smacking their shoulders together before plopping down on the couch causing Wonder Girl’s tea to slosh spilling over the rim and roll down the side of her thigh.
“Ew, dude have you ever actually gotten a girl with that line?”
He asked his arms resting on the top of the couch. He then raised his hand in a halting motion.
“Nevermind don't answer that, you have loner-loser written all over you.”
Kidflash lost his composure striking his arms out, before bringing his hand back around to point towards himself.
“Hey! I get tons of ladies!”
“Yeah whatever dude,”
Speedy cut him off waving his hand still resting on the top of the couch, looking in the opposite direction of the scene before him.
Garth parted from his King’s side as they entered the break room with a nod, he walked towards the other heroes, his dark eyes calculating.
“Hello, I’m Garth.”
He said before sitting down on the couch next to Speedy.
Speedy made a face.
“Great intro fishboy! But shouldn’t you have like a superhero name?”
“No, I don’t have a secret identity.”
Garth spoke, his tone relaying how idiotic he thought Speedy was.
“What about protecting your family man?”
Kidflash asked, lifting both his eyebrows, he was never able to just move one, leaning towards Garth.
Garth’s eyebrows pulled together as frustration took over.
“I don't wear a mask, villains will know who I am regardless.”
“Wonder Girl doesn’t wear a mask,”
Speedy said leering at Garth.
“Maybe we should come up with a dumb superhero name for you, personally I like Fishboy!”
Kidflash laughed loudly, Wonder Woman groaned standing up and walking towards her sister.
She was stopped by the Flash calling them over in an energetic voice waving the rest of the sidekicks towards them.
Green Arrow
Green arrow spoke first giving all of the teens a cursory glance before focusing completely on his own sidekick.
“Now listen up, this mission is very important to your future as legitimate heroes.”
Within his brief pause Black Canary sighed heavily at Green Arrow's natural talent for being a terrible parent. He moved one hand to his hip as he spoke lightly elbowing Aquman in the process.
“All ya gotta do is sit and watch your targets,”
Once again there was a lapse in his speech when he turned to check that Batman had brought up the images of the targets and the suspicious big black bags, as well as the address of their hideout. After seeing Batman had in fact project the correct information, Green Arrow nodded to himself before turning back toward the sidekicks. Jerking his thumb backwards, he continued.
“These are them.”
He took a moment to clear his throat at the odd phrasing.
Flash took that moment to take over patting his colleague’s shoulder as he stepped closer to the center of the group.
“We’ve been monitoring these guys’ set up for a couple weeks. We think that they’re smuggling something illegal in those big black bags-”
“What do you mean “illegal” things?! Don't we get to know if there's gonna be guns or drugs or something, idiot-man!”
Speedy cut in sharply placing both hands on his hips and leaning forward, aggressively sneering in the Flash’s face.
Green arrow placed a hand on each side of Speedy’s chest pushing him back as Flash stood there shocked.
“So we’ll drop ya off at their hideout, be very careful sneaking into the building and while choosing stalking positions. If they begin to pack up and leave or the situation starts to turn violent, stay safe and contact us before attempting to fight. If they have guns, retreat to the transporter immediately.
Batman then swiveled around in his chair, sending a questioning glance at Wonder Woman from across the room, ignoring the conclusion of Superman’s story much to his disappointment.
“Why would you send these children out into the field if you don't trust them to fight without supervision?”
It was a statement rather than a question, challenging all of the other mentors.
Wonder Woman answered anyway with a judgemental look of her own, but Green Arrow was the one who spoke.
Green arrow
Green arrow took several long strides towards batman.
“Well we’re not just gonna leave our kids at the mercy of a bunch of gun wielding scumbags. I mean, Flash can’t even stand a chance against a handgun, do ya think any side kick could survive that?!”
Batman glared at him but spoke in a calm voice, only failing a little to keep the smugness out of his tone.
“Robin could.”
Green Arrow geared up to make another loud and spity remark but Aquaman spoke up for the first time since the debriefing began.
“If he is so proficient then why is he not here?”
He questioned with far more smugness in his tone.
“Because Robin is currently working on his own personal mission tonight.”
The statement was followed by Batman swinging his chair back around and continuing to type up a mission statement.
The group dispersed most of the sidekicks getting last minute pep talks, Kidflash who reached out to his uncle grabbing his elbow as he went to go carbo-load.
The flash turned to look at his nephew.
“What’s up kiddo?”
He asked, placing a hand on each of his shoulders looking at his face in concern.
Kidflash looked down taking a deep breath before locking eyes with his uncle.
“I-I don't know if I can do this uncle B.”
Flash answered with a sigh rubbing rough but soothing circles on his shoulders and nape.
“Alright listen kiddo, ya made a jerk out of yourself.”
kidflash‘s face whipped up to face his uncle.
“I know I flirt with all the ladies but I do so in a joking manner that means no harm or a promise for furthering the relationship...just apologize to Wonder Girl.”
Kidflash made a face at the ground scuffing his shoe against the shiny tile floor.
“Make some small talk when appropriate on the mission and you’ll have three new best friends in no time!”
Flash turned him around to face the other sidekicks and smacked him on the back pushing him forward.
Scene 9
A wide shot of the seedier area of Arizona, several of the lamp posts have been shattered and no longer work, streams of light shine across the wet road through boarded up windows of an old warehouse. The sidekicks crouched behind a stack of molding crates, listening intently as the goons played cards and chatted about their personal lives, peering at them periodically.
Roy groaned softly clunking his head against the rotten wood.
“This is so boring! They aren’t doing anything, I say we just jump ‘em now!”
Roy whispered looking expectantly at his teammates.
Garth glared annoyed, grabbing Speedy’s wrist in a surprisingly strong grip.
“We were given direct orders-”
Speedy shoved his flat palm into Garth’s face creating space between them.
“Calm down Fishboy, I’d never go against our wise and fearless mentors’ orders,”
Speedy sneered, ripping his arm from Garth and rubbing his wrist.
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thestraggletag · 4 years
Starbucks Prompt - (idk if you want pandemic prompts) Nick and Belle decide it's time to see each other now that they've self quarantined long enough to be considered safe, which means they decide to have lunch together, and talk about potentially quarantine together for longer. Mal is against it considering she'd have to potentially hear/see Nick during meetings
This fic is sort of an AU because it sets the first few years of their relationship in 2020. Enjoy!
The lockdown caught them both by surprise, even though they both knew things were getting bad in the city. Both had started working from home weeks before it, and Nick reluctantly praised Mal for being one of the first CEOs to arrange for all workers who could switch to home-working to do so, as well as arranging for an increase in pay to account for the use of people’s home wifi. He did so as well, and he liked to think they set an example for other more conservative businessmen that equated home-working with slacking and “not getting their money’s worth”, whatever outdated bullshit that meant.
When lockdown was announced she went to the penthouse for a teary goodbye, where they mostly held each other, promised to abuse Facetime and be glued to their tablets and had goodbye sex in the shower. And on the sofa.
And a little bit against the kitchen isle.
He worried, of course, that distance would put a damper in their relationship. That it would make it awkward and stilted and, perhaps worst of all, that would make Belle pause and contemplate why the fuck she was dating him in the first place. And, to a certain extent, it was awkward, at first. Belle shared a small flat with two very obnoxious roommates who clearly were not used to seeing her a lot and seemed bothered by the fact that Belle was staying home in the place where she paid the rent. Her room was also teeny-tiny, with a small window that overlooked the fabulous brick exterior of the way-too-close-to-be-code-compliant next-door building, so she did not like to spend a lot of time there.
They made it work, somehow. They set a schedule, which she fought her roommates for, and would cook together, twin tablets set atop two very different countertops, both following the same steps of a recipe. It was a nice, domestic activity, and though it wasn’t ideal- Belle’s roommates would be obnoxious in the background more often than not, it was… cosy. Intimate.
They also played online games. Mostly Catan, when they didn’t mind the game involving complete strangers, and other times card games, or even a round of chess or two. They would have breakfast together every weekend and some weekdays, when their work allowed it. It wasn’t great, but it was better than he thought it would.
Nevertheless, something irked at him, which he did not dare voice. It was all so… needless. They shouldn’t be bending over backwards to try and make a “long-distance” relationship work. They should’ve simply sat down and discussed the much better option of Belle spending quarantine with him. He’d tried approaching the topic right before it started but Belle had very obviously changed the subject. And he tried to understand that it was because she was independent and wanted to prove herself and not rely on him. Tried not to take it personally when she acted as though the penthouse wasn’t at least a second home to her. When all the loneliness and the frustration added up and he remembered there was no cuddling with Belle to soothe the ache.
It slipped out one night, after too much wine and some good pasta. He told her he wished she was here. For the lockdown and beyond. He recalled little of it in the morning, only that he had overshared and likely scared Belle to death with his talk about practically moving together. He needed to respect her times- and keep up with the slow, subtle plot to get her to spend more time at his apartment. The pandemic was… a pebble on the road. A hiccup. It would pass soon.
He had almost calmed himself when his doorbell rang. Dove with the groceries, even though it was a bit late for him. He opened the door, only able to process the fact that it wasn’t Dove before someone threw themselves at him. He first registered the petit frame, then the wet hair and still damp skin. Beneath the smell of clean soap and now familiar lavender-scented hand sanitiser the doorman offered to everyone coming and going from the building he detected the very familiar scent of Belle.
“You’re here.”
He sounded stupidly-awed, like she was some sort of apparition.
“I called Dove and he offered to pick me up. It was weird not hugging him but he understood. Marco let me in when he saw me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I just… decided it, then had to pack whatever was clean and hop into the shower. I think I flipped my roommates the finger on my way out. They’re terrible people and I don’t wanna go back. I wanna stay here with you.”
When he finally got over his shock he clutched her close, warmed by the fact that she had thought to shower before seeing him. So protective of him, his Belle.
“Thank fucking God, Belle.”
It was a frenzy of a reunion, teary and silly at first, both a bit embarrassed to be feeling so emotional, and passionate and fierce after, interrupted only by a pause to raid the fridge before tumbling into bed together. He woke up sore and oddly satisfied, alone in bed but awake enough to distinguish Belle’s muffled voice coming from outside the bedroom. It was 10 AM, which was an unusual wake-up time for him, but he did not have anything important scheduled till the afternoon. He sat up, pulling on his pyjama pants but leaving the top off. Belle had left some rather tender-looking scratches across his chest he would rather not come into contact with anything yet. 
He padded as quietly as he could- people always thought that because he used a cane he couldn’t be stealthy, and they were wrong- and surprised Belle as she sat on a barstool in front of the kitchen isle, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her neck.
“Did someone work up an appetite last night?” he purred, thinking that they could have breakfast in bed if she hadn’t eaten already.
“Well, I just lost mine.”
Mal’s too-British accent felt like someone threw a bucket of ice-water right on top of his libido. She sounded tart but also faintly sick and he looked around before spotting her unamused face staring at him from Belle’s laptop screen.
“For fuck’s sake, Nick, stop looking at me like you lack basic cognitive abilities and go put something on before I use the alcohol spray on my eyes and end my misery.”
He narrowed his eyes, trying to regain some footing. Mal looked less like her usual glamazonian self, her make-up minimal, her hair in a ponytail and wearing bona-fide yoga pants and a loose shirt. No doubt the most expensive yoga pants and loose shirt in existence, but still far from her polished usual image. 
“Ah, Mal, the only downside to having Belle here. Can’t say I missed you, though I did miss that vein in your forehead that throbs so beautifully when we meet.” He turned to look at Belle, placing a slightly-possessive kiss on her temple before straightening up. “I’ll leave you to it, ladies, sorry for the interruption. I’ve got to see to these scratches anyway. Occupational hazard.”
He winked at Mal’s disgusted face, smirking all the way to the bathroom. Quarantine was certainly looking up.
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dreamlikeapsycho · 4 years
I saw the max facts (pun intended 😂) you did for that question a while ago. So I was wondering if maybe you could tell us some more facts about Max it doesn’t have to be anything too detailed but anything you know would be nice to know, pretty please 😊
I went on deep analysis mode this time to try and say all of Max's little nice and cute moments I know of.. Pls take notice, tho!! I'm not trying to flex or anything, I'm just a simple peasant girl on Maximilian's kingdom for a long time and it happens I have FBI blood in my veins 😭 so It's all gather on my brain and hard drive lol SO! I'm just answering this ask with a lot of thought and care so you can know more about Max and how he is even more awesome than you think!!! (And just in text form, cause Max doesn't need to be tagged on more personal stuff on IG (there’s too much illegal fishing at my tumblr pond already! 👏). It’s probably weird to know certain things, yes, but at least I'm respectful, I'll never bother him with this kind of stuff). Well, enjoy the bible below to end up knowing very little about him, still haha.. Just some more small facts.
- Max was at a barbecue just yesterday. It was someones birthday from the set of his new movie. He drank his beer, like usual, idk about the meat.. there was wurst and chicken.. I'm not sure if he's trying to be a vegetarian or not (after that thoughtful video he posted) 🤔.. maybe he didn't eat it, I don't know!!
- a little while before the start of this shooting, he was at the Baltic Sea filming for the series he's gonna be in (just one episode again! Don't get your hopes too high lol he's gonna be a security guard who disappears mysteriously, so....)
- He helped his friend renovate his house a few weeks ago!! How could I forget that on the first post.. Then, he had to go to Hesse for the movie shooting, and his friend had to call another friend to come help him lmao damn
I think I could describe some videos I have then... at least there's some cool and funny stuff. (Friends himself tagged in the past and cast friends)
- Max's dad went to the same uni as him. Also, he voiced a police officer on the phone in a short film Max wrote and directed all by himself (he didn't act on it, but he was also another police officer over the phone haha). Another thing, his dad made the official music for one of his plays.
- The falafel day.. his friend was taking a piss filming Max at the shop from afar and zooming in, saying "omg, guys! I found Noah from Dark! He's right there buying falafel" lmao, then, Max is just standing there looking all wonderful with his perfect hair and such, moving his hands, scratching his chin, ordering his food, and his friend talks some more, doing like a rough Max voice "yeah yeah, I'll have that one. Good, yeah". 😂
- the day he went to take a walk in nature. His friend asks him for a cigarette, he is denied, he goes to take it anyway, Max slams his cup of tea on the table and tries to take his cigarette back and it's all black and they're just laughing lmao (I love his laugh btw, so giggly!)
There was storys posted by Max himself.. so, maybe you saw it, but it's from before dark s3 came out.
- The pigeon storys. He filmed two pigeons chasing each other at the station, one always running from the other and he captioned "me trying to flirt" haha
- He screen recorded an ad for an app that deletes people from pictures and made some joke too, I can't remember exactly what he wrote, smt like "when you break up, but still wants to keep the picture" lol also, he unfollowed like 5 people that week after posting that... hm 👀
- he posted a video of him walking in the dark with really cold wind.. you can only see his hair flying around. Also, with a mask on, another chasing a cat in a big field, and that one drinking his coffee and eating his yogurt (you most likely saw it already)
- Ohh.. His friend was playing Max's drums the other day!!! Made a lot of jokes, it was obvious he was messing around in Max's room (maybe they live together, maybe he just waters the plants lol idk). Some of the jokes were "I've been playing this drums since 1921" and "the drums and me are a perfect pair, don't ever believe otherwise". I wonder what Max said to him.. he can't do anything about it, he's not in Berlin hahah. He has a little giraffe in his room, and other home decors (you can see it on his drumming video on his own IG)
- he likes to read on longer train rides.
- there's a video of him screaming inside a wardrobe after being jumped by a friend and one of him putting lipstick on with the song "I'm a sexy motherfucker" playing in the background hehe we was tagged, it was easy to find when there wasn't much tagged post.
- There's moments of ppl filming something/themselves and he just comes and photobombs it lol he is just like thiss 👏 showing his tongue and doing a funny face and such. One of those I saw it on the IG of a Das Boot cast member I actually already followed before.
- this group was such a blast. There's a few pictures, one of them he's in a dress, he has white stockings on til his thighs, heels and all haha lovely
- His improv-group.. he was almost in tears singing "I believe I can fly" with the group on their last day.. But he was happy! A mix of emotions. He loves everyone, he expresses his love a lot to people in general, he says it and adds heart emojis to make sure haha you can see his comments going on IG of his cast friends, especially from Das Boot (I followed a lot of the guys). So, about always commenting something funny on people's posts.. I didn't saved those, so I forgot most of it, but one I remember was that someone posted a video of a hailstorm and he was like "what are u doing, free ice!! Go grab them" hahaha
- Max has that Noah picture where he's peaking by a wall (you know that one Baran posted) printed and framed! 👏
- Things he’s pretty much always with: his backpack and his big headphones (it's always on his neck. At almost every picture, from every year, with different people etc. I was confused when he had normal headphones at his farm storys. Maybe he forgot them in Berlin 😭. Besides those, his rings, necklaces and bracelets (always, for years and years! Same ones, even). He uses frequently on premieres, as I saw it. Sometimes they also show up on his characters in his one-episode works!! Hahah is so nice when that happens. You can notice this on my screencaps.
- that pic of him that is everywhere now (with glasses, holding a bottle of champagne), I posted that months ago.. There's 2 more pics and 1 video. One pic, he is pretending the automatic lighter that's on the table is a Harry Potter wand (but I think I cropped the table, right.. I can't remember). This was actually posted by Max himself and he tagged his friend who took it. I went to see if they posted smt and there was a picture where he is literally biting the cork of that bottle off with his teeth Lmaoo, and one video.. he is talking on the phone trying to block the view with his feet.. this man!!
- he really doesn't care about buying too much unnecessary clothes and shoes and stuff. He is mindful of his things and the environment!! 
- there's a video of him on the set of Der Zauberlehrling, I need to recall where I got that from (maybe I could share this one. I'm not sure), he is messing with the broom and someone asks him "hey Max, what's that animal?" and points to the fluffy microphone. He says "it's a fucked up coala bear" (in english) 😂
Again.. I can't say names or anything, cause ppl are not mindful! Like.. I know I'm probably weird, but only for myself and my FBI office LOL I don't go over there and follow/reply to all these people’s posts and storys or take their videos and tag Max on them, this is just not.... nah. I'll always be respectful (yeah, some older stuff has gifs, cause he had like 10k followers, and 5 fans on tumblr lol But i never sent/tag him in anything personal directly.. that’s why i only posted on tumblr for the past year, in fact! I never thought things would be the way they are now a year later.. so, newer stuff it's not posted/gif nor ever will). I don't want him to be weirded out and like, disappear from IG!! I think about these things.. when people are being weird and stuff towards him. I don’t know how ppl don’t think about this when tagging him recklessly in random pictures and videos!!!
I wish he had more interviews, so we could know more proper stuff about him. (The few interviews he has are translated on my IG highlight. There's still an 8min interview missing there, cause I'm contemplating about being more of a bother to german speaking people, since I only have basic german..
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shadowcodexx · 5 years
What if— Billy Hargrove
(Edited/added on)
As soon as his body died, the real billy wakes up in the upside down, connected like will had been. The mind flayer made contingencies this time and billy was his most prized puppet.
Hopper had jumped through the portal in the underground lab in hopes of having some chance of getting back to Joyce and El someday. He didn’t expect to find a scared billy Hargrove trying to hide from the monsters.
They bond and hopper tries to help this traumatized kid deal with all of this. They share hoppers remains pack of cigarettes and he realizes this kid has gone through much more than being possessed by an evil entity. His dad is beating him. He only knows this because billy jolts awake from a nightmare and makes a comment. Hopper pieces it together.
“Your dad again?” “He’s not my dad.”
Then they start to see the Demogorgons getting attracted to something. It’s a new portal. They take their chances. They get through the portal and they’re in a Russian base in Siberia. Better than that place.
Somehow, they get out and they’re both scarred. The Russians had figured out that the creatures reacted to Billy’s presence and experimented on him. They put him in fighting rings and whatever was left in him from the mind flayer gave him extra strength. They tested that too. Made him take on some Demogorgons themselves. He had won. Every time.
They find themselves back in Hawkins for whatever reason—idk how they get there—but it’s Christmas and yknow snow. When max sees billy stumbling up their driveway she runs and hugs him. She’s wearing his leather jacket. El runs out a moment later with his denim jacket on like they had been reminiscing. The sleeves are all rolled up. Then she sees hopper. She starts crying and he has just enough strength to hug her. Joyce, will and Jonathan has come up so they could celebrate Christmas and see some of their old friend. They ended up getting one of the best Christmas presents yet.
The people that had been in change of Hawkins lab come back when there’s news of the chief of police and a young man presumed dead, are found. They’re so worn out from the journey and strain they’re passed out for days.
When hopper wakes, mostly everyone is around his bed. Steve has been up from college, so he decided to visit. They all did. He hugged and greeted all of them and they told him of everything that had happened and so forth.
When billy woke up, max was asleep next to him. No one else was there. Hopper made the nurses move him into Billy’s room with him. Billy quietly appreciated that. Steve patted him on the shoulder and el sat on his other side and he educated her on the vending machine snacks.
“What’s....a powerbar?” Billy raise and eyebrow. He looks over at hopper who’s smoking a cig even thought he’s not supposed to—“you have not done this kid justice.” He grabs the bar and opens it while saying, “it’s quick meal—“ Steve walks in saying, “no it’s not Hargrove.” He glares halfheartedly and responds looking at el, “yes, it is.”
Billy father barges in with Susan one afternoon and stands silent and angry. Susan asks how he’s doing and tries to grab his hand, but Neil won’t let her. Then he goes on, very menacingly, how Billy’s a no good son who just decided to up and leave—“with a whore no doubt”—and that all this Russian business is a coverup mean to put him in a good spotlight so he’ll get sympathy etc and hopper just, yeets the curtain separating them away and in his ‘hopper’ voice goes “you ever talk like that again to him, I’m going to have an officer remove you indefinitely from this room.” And Neil leaves in a fit dragging Susan, and trying to force max. But of course she doesn’t budge. He raises his hand and sees hopper in the background. He turns it into a pointing-in-her-face gesture and leaves.
After they get to leave from the special wing of the hospital, billy had to move back in with his dad and Susan. Hopper and Joyce are going steady. She rents back their old place and they all live there for the time being. By then Billy’s missed half the school year, and goes to Nancy’s (who won’t ask questions because she knows) and gets help with tutoring.
Mrs wheeler opens the door and has a look of shock on her face. He gives her a half smirk and says, “this time, I’m looking for Nancy.” She has him wait in the kitchen, asking how he’s doing, she heard they found him and hopper in he woods and that everyone who knew them were overjoyed. But she notices Billy’s not quite himself. He’s not giving her innuendos and his shirt isn’t as unbuttoned. He looks like he just got a haircut. His mullet is shorter now. He’s got a quiet sort of contemplation like he’s grown up too fast. Nancy comes in and is surprised to see him. She agrees to help him.
Christmas Day, billy is beat up again by his father. He hadn’t even said anything. He had just grabbed the remote and Neil slammed him into the wall. And it had to be the worst possible time, too. The doorbell rang. Neil opened it and sees the re-appointed sherif Jim Hopper and his daughter, El. He says they brought a gift for billy and max. Neil tried to take them but el says she wants to give it to them. Max comes out and hugs eleven and whispers one word— “help.”
El looks at Neil and shoves her way past with max leading the way. Hopper notices the blood on his knuckles. He follows. He walks in slowly, surveying the area. Max leads el Into the kitchen, where billy sits, his face bleeding. El grabs his face and makes him look at her. Max grabs some ice and he accepts it. Hopper comes in a few seconds later. “What happened?” Neil answers. “He got in a fight with a kid a few hours ago. Disgraceful to do it on Christmas Day if you ask me.” “I didn’t.” Hopper walls closer. The bruises are fresh. Billy just looks at him.
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“See the funny thing about that mr. Hagrove is that your knuckles are bleeding.” Hopper steps closer to Neil, towering over him. “Billy if I take him in will you testify?” Billy looks at him. “Yes.” Neil trues to lunge at him, cursing him out but hopper catches him. He calls it in and shoves Neil into his car.
It turns into a news story and Billy’s at the station a lot. Susan won’t testify, of course. She’s too nervous. Neil tries to use all of Billy’s mistakes against him like his poor school conduct and the speeding tickets. Hopper knows better. He’s stuck with that kid for half a year and he knows him better than anyone. Reminds him of himself in some ways. They tell billy they have to call his mother bc he needs a legal guardian to finish high school. He argues he doesn’t but a little part of him wants to see her. Hopper says he’s sorry, he knows it’s soft spot but it’s good to mend old wounds. Susan tries to take max with her but max refuses. She wants to stay with billy, el and hopper. They have an argument and max throws out, “Your not stupid mom your just a push over! You’ve watched him get beat up every week and didn’t do a thing. I’m staying with him until all this blows over. If you need me I’ll be staying with Hopper and Joyce.”
Billy also lives with hopper and Joyce for the time being. School starts up and he dreads it. Hopper tells him his mother was contacted and she’s coming up from California to see him. Billy starts to lash out because he doesn’t know what else to do and Joyce calms him down. They have a cigarette out on the porch and she talks to him and he starts to break down and she just holds him. And he can’t remember the last time a mother held him like this.
He often gets up in the middle of the night because of nightmares and he finds will in the kitchen. They talk about it and eventually talk about their crappy dads and billy tells him he likes wills mother and that he’s got a good mom. Will mentions he saw some bands that billy had on vinyl and tape and says he likes them. They talk about music until will falls asleep on Billy’s shoulder. Joyce listened to the whole thing from the living room and couldn’t help but smile.
Billy find that his life is much more peaceful in the hopper-Byers household. In the morning, Joyce makes them all breakfast. Max and el share a room so they’re usually the last ones to the table. Billy and hopper both drink black coffee. Billy and Jonathan have a silent respect for each other after Lonny tried to visit one day out of the blue. Billy helped Jonathan get him to leave. Will sits next to billy because there’s always something on his plate he doesn’t eat that billy silently takes after he’s done. The two Hargrove kids have practically moved in. Hopper got two extra beds and max eventually brought everything she owns to the house via the window to her room. Billy moved everything out weeks ago. Jonathan and will share a room and el and max share one. Billy is the only one who doesn’t share a room.
The first day of school, billy takes el and max to school. By now everyone heard of billy Hargrove, the kid who came back to life. Or was captured by the Russians. The facts were a little fuzzy. His cronies and fake friends hound him pretending they were affected by his disappearance. Billy’s tired of high school. He understands why Steve stopped being king. It didn’t really matter anymore. Life has hit him straight in the face and it was time to grow up. And now he had some people who were gonna be there for him. By the end of the day he had so much makeup work, he had to find Nancy. By then, they were easy acquaintances. Not friends per se, just bonded experiences. Tommy started making fun of him, acting as if he were trying to get in Nancy’s pants but he ends up slamming him into a locker.
Tommy and carol and all the other jerks hang around billy as usual, but there’s an air of wariness like they’re waiting for him to do something. And honestly, if it weren’t for max or el, he would have. El understands what makes him, him and she can tell when he’s about to snap. Max is like a similar version of him. Not quite the same, and less corrupted. The middle schoolers have a field trip, or something that causes the high schools to have the same lunch as them. When they come running in, everyone gives a collective grumble. Most of the gang sit with Nancy and Jonathan + Robin. El taps billy on the shoulder and his friends sneer at her. But el asks one question. “What’s a Hershey?” Carol starts laughing but billy silenced her with a look. He looks over at max, a little ways behind and smiles. He jumps up and pulls out a few cents. They follow him to the vending machine and he buys one. This leads to many days of el quietly sitting down and whispering s question in his ear. Billy would then answer.
By the end of the week he was sitting with Nancy and returning student, Jonathan because he was so tired of all the bull. One day he was walking into the middle school to check max and el out early , (because he wanted Mexican and he knew el didn’t know what that was, and he figured he could give her some world experience) he saw max beating up some kid. He shoves in and pulls her off. The kid had called will and el a freak and other slurs she wouldn’t repeat. Susan has to be called in, and it was a mess. She blamed billy but max said the truth and she didn’t seem to want to accept that. Neil had already been put in jail for 20 years so Susan was considerably panicking. Joyce came by after being called and calmed her down. The rest of the gang had been involved bc they wouldn’t stand by either so all of the mothers were called. The ended up supporting Susan and helping her find a place for her and max and finding her a good job she liked and all that.
Billy’s tired of sleeping around. Part of him did it to show that he could and prove he was top dog. But now all the girls except Nancy and robin annoyed him. They always tried to fix him, get him to meet their parents, etc. now it was oh poor billy and pity pity pity. he didn’t get as drunk at parties. He didn’t like not being aware of everything around him anymore. If he were wasted he wouldn’t be as alert. Can’t stand the sound of fireworks anymore.
The next day billy gets called out of class. He’s told his mom is here to pick him up. He kind of freezes up and numbly asks if it’s Joyce and the secretary says no. He refuses to go up and instead leaves and goes to the sheriffs station and barges into hoppers office. “She’s here.”
Hopper calms him down and offers to be there with him. Billy says no he can do this. He walks out and she’s sitting in the waiting room. He hurriedly looks away and sits down near her. She nervously looks at him and asks what he’s here for. He says something about seeing hopper. She says the same thing. She’s looking for her son who moved here with his dad. She says she’s here to see her little boy again. He looks at her and says, “that little boy is gone. He died when you left.” She’s shocked and follows him out and begs him to listen. He turns around and yells “you left me with him!” Tears are streaming down both of their faces. She hugs him and he buries his face in her blond hair.
She rents a place in town and gets to watch him graduate high school. He passed with good grades thanks to Nancy. After the graduation ceremony he picks up Nancy and spins her around, thanking her for the help. He pats Jonathan on the back and messes with wills hair. He and Steve do a fist bump handshake thing. Dustin can be hheard muttering, “not as cool as ours.”
He goes to Cali and brings max and el with him. He teaches them how to surf. Hopper and Joyce come, because, reasons and the entire gang ends up coming. On a completely random chance, their buying snow cones on the pier and he hears his name. It’s his mom. He awkwardly hugs her and she invites them to dinner. She’s married. He’s not too happy about it. The guys nice though and he can’t blame her. He’s just wished she’d taken him with her. Then maybe he’d have had a better father figure, like John. (The guy)
On the beach, he crashed into a girl carrying an icebox. (Courtesy of max) he helps her pick up the spilled drinks and the breath is stolen from his lungs. She’s a knockout. He smooth talks her and she see through the bull. His charm—king billy Hargrove’s charm turned off a girl. He’s internally yelling at himself. She picks up her board and walks to her friends. He asks if she surfs—“duh” and holds up her board. Max is quietly laughing behind him. He asks is they wanna catch some waves. She gives him a long look and says sure.
Her name is Avaline, or ava. She mentions her and her friends are road tripping and she mentions their route. Their going through Hawkins. He tells her they live there and that she should visit. She gives him a brilliant smile and agrees. Max and el love her.
Joyce and hopper ended up buying a house together and Susan got a house coincidentally, near them. It was a street or two over from will and Lucas and a straight shot to Dustin’s. The entire club was back together.
Aveline visits at the most inopportune time. She knocks on the house at the address billy gave her. No response. A crashing sound echoes through the house and she jumps. She tucks her beach blond hair behind her ear and leans in to listen. A beat of silence. She gets thrown backwards with the door. A Demogorgon has flown through the door due to elevens telekinesis.
They all rush out fighting a pack of demodogs. Aveline groans as she touches the blood running down her head. Billy calls her name and hits a demo dog with Steve nail bat. He throws it back to him and Nancy throws him a shotgun. He loads it and shoots one coming behind her. He helps her up and she asks if their being invaded by aliens. Robin comments that she likes how this girl thinks.
Joyce nurses her wound and and they all explain. Ava knew billy was some kind of trouble but she didn’t know he was trouble with a capital T. They load up and try to lead the creatures away from Hawkins. Joyce has to hurriedly call all the kids parents saying their staying with will for a sleepover and she’s sorry about the inconvenience.
“I knew it.” Aveline says holding the ice pack up to her head. “Knew what?” Billy asks, while Duran Duran plays, his hand tapping along to the beat. “You’ve slept with every girl at you high school, haven’t you?” He huffs a laugh and looks at her. “Not all.” She shakes her head. “You can let me out.” “What?” She repeats. She tells him she’s not about to get in a relationship with a guy who has a rep. He says he’s not the person he was when he came to Hawkins. They’re out of the car at this point yelling and arguing and he kisses her. She melts. She hits his chest and jolts back. “Sorry” he says breathless. She pulls him back and hugs him. “You’re frustrating.” He huffs. “That’s a first.”
Of course the Russians weaponized the Demogorgons and all that jazzy stuff and they go on this big adventure and cue a scene where they all end up at s gas station to restock and get a game plan. the cashier just looks at hopper and all the teenagers behind him and raises and eyebrow. Him and Joyce look at each other and Joyce says “our kids” gesturing weakly begins her. He shrugs because he’s not paid enough for this and checks out the tons of stuff they buy.
Steve and billy bond over trying to babysit insane children and Steve is trying to keep them from doing dumb stuff and billy is yelling at them not get killed. Much betting is involved. Robin and billy actually become buddies and it freaks Steve out. Aveline just watches it all.
And after all the fiasco stuff is over, everyone is royally freaks out when Steve Harrington shows up to bring lunch to all these kids and then sits with billy freaking Hagrove and they start chatting like their old buddies.
Billy gets a job at the sheriffs station because he actually has a good head for telling people what not to do and just generally bossing people around. Hopper takes him under his wing and they patrol and keep the weirdness of the town under control. He regularly takes el and max to eat at different restaurants because he’s determined to give el some ‘worldly knowledge’
His relationship with ava is one of his longest they’re going steady. She moves in with him and they go back to Cali every summer to see her parents and his mom. They get married on the beach. Lucas makes a comment on how they’re going to have kids and when el asks billy how they have kids it’s the one question he won’t answer. Hopper was standing next to him when she asked and he gave her the Look. Billy re-evaluated his answer.
The kids think billy is kinda cool now and he keeps them in line while Harrington is off getting a degree. Billy finally has some peace when Harrington gets back and takes them off his hands.
And most importantly billy is happy.
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sinfvls · 4 years
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          hey all you cool cats and kittens !  it’s carole desi from big cat rescue and i’m here to deliver a tubular trio to this glorious group. i’ve been on the hunt for a solid supernatural rp for idk how long and i’m so stoked to find a home in bloodshq  &  begin writing / plotting with every single one of you !  admittedly, their backgrounds are pretty underwhelming because they’re all new muses ( lord help me ) and i’m still getting a feel for them, and i have just a few wanted connections up for grabs listed at the end of each of their blurbs, so if you see any that strike your interest please feel free to slide into my ims ( but i’m also super open to anything, so feel free to hit me with your ideas too ! )  &  now without further ado, i give you  DAMON BELMONT ,  NICHOLAS SPENCER  &  VERONA ADLER. 
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damon belmont  has been seen walking the seattle streets. the werewolf has been in town for  one week, and are known to be  aloof  but also very  loyal.  the  thirty seven  year old is the  vice president of the mongrels motorcycle club.  if you tilt your head and look at them in a certain light they might resemble charlie hunnam. their pronouns are  he/him.  damon’s werewolf gene is  triggered.
statistics & connections
doesn’t know who his parents are / were.  he was found abandoned in the woods of hayfork, california as a wee babe by a pair of hikers.  tossed into the social system, he hopped from foster home to foster home, until finally sticking with a woman named delilah belmont, who eventually opted to adopt him.
she lived off the grid, in the backwoods, where she fended for herself by hunting for meat, growing her own produce, and even tended to livestock. damon thrived in this lifestyle, learning how to survive in the wilderness. he didn’t go to public school. instead, he was homeschooled by delilah, who taught him only what she valued to be of great importance. she wasn’t gonna raise no soft, yellowbelly who couldn’t fend for himself.
however, one day while out hunting, the two were attacked by a grizzly bear and it mauled delilah nearly to death before damon put a few rounds of bullets into it. there was no saving her, and she knew it. instead, she begged damon to end the pain. out of mercy, he killed her, and thus triggered the werewolf gene he didn’t even realize was in him. the confusion he had to deal with alone as a result was heartbreaking. he didn’t understand what he was, seeing himself as a monster whenever there was a full moon to unleash his inner beast. damon thought he was the only one of his kind, until he met a group of mysterious travelers.
the mongrels motorcycle club, what everyone assumed to be a band of criminals. damon first met them at a dive bar in town, where he’d been planning to drink himself into a stupor. they knew what he was immediately and offered him a home; a new family with them. while he had so many unanswered questions, the young werewolf also had nothing to lose, and so he joined the bloodmoon pack and never looked back. 
the acceptance and relief from knowing he wasn’t an abomination was overwhelming. never did he think that he would develop such a strong bond with another person, let alone an entire pack of werewolves. the bloodmoon pack has been travelling just about everywhere, stopping in areas to rest before carrying on again, living as vagabonds, and picking up “strays” / other packless werewolves along the way. he’s been with the pack for sixteen years.
( more tba yikes )
wanted connections
bloodmoon pack / mongrels mc members.  still need a president, sgt at arms, road captain, enforcer, chaplain, etc. info can be found on the wanted connections page on the main !
soulmate. listen, he’s been around the block and i think it’s safe to say he’d have found his mate by now asdjkhg. she could have already been with the pack when he joined, or joined after him at some point. completely open to plotting all the details. filled by cleo clarke
( more tba maybe sdjhfg )
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nicholas “nick” spencer  has lived in seattle for  twelve years, and are known to be  broody  but also very  altruistic.  the  twenty one  year old human  goes to school at seattle university.  if you tilt your head and look at them in a certain light they might resemble finn cole. their pronouns are  he/him.  nick is  unaware  of the supernatural.
statistics & connections
born in los angeles, california to a pair of admirably gifted parents, nicholas spencer lived a fairly privileged first eight years of his life. his mother, a soap opera actress, and his father, a talented chef, gave both nick and his older sister a life full of love and luxury. yes, everything was absolutely perfect in their world. until it wasn’t.
at barely eight years old, nick was violently thrown along with his sister into one of the most traumatic experiences any child could go through; they lost their parents to a fatal car accident. being forced to move to seattle with his sister to live with their aunt, he didn’t fully understand what it meant; he couldn’t properly process what was going on. the pain of his loss was expressed more out of anger, feeling as though their parents abandoned them. and thus, nick’s out of control behavior was born.
suicide mention tw.  he struggled in school. his emotions betrayed him. instead of relishing a happy childhood, nick found himself pushing everyone away, getting into fights, sneaking out late at night to run around the city with his friends and get into all sorts of trouble with them. he couldn’t count on his hands how many times the police picked him up and brought him to his aunt’s doorstep. it only got worse once one of his best friends was found dead, written off as a suicide, though it didn’t add up in nick’s eyes and seemed so much more sinister. the young man was nearly deemed to be a lost cause, until he discovered his passion for writing.
language arts or literature was the last thing anyone would ever think to group with nick spencer. he was quite eloquent, sure, but the one thing he always did was play basketball at one of the outdoor courts in seattle. anytime he needed to blow off steam, to contemplate life, or just to shoot hoops, you could always catch him at the court. but his english teacher noticed how well he could articulate his thoughts and feelings on paper, and submitted one of his pieces to a writing contest, which earned nick the win and three thousand dollars as a prize.
bewildered by a talent he hadn’t even realized was in him, nick embraced it. he started writing in a journal ( which he keeps safely tucked away beneath the mattress of his bed ), documenting every feeling and thought as a way to express his emotions in a more productive manner. this talent earned him a full ride scholarship to seattle university, where he’s now a literature major with plans of either becoming an author or perhaps an english teacher, to follow in the footsteps of his high school teacher who he came to idolize.
( more will be added later oop )
wanted connections
his three best friends ( see listed in wanted connections on the main ! )
someone he doesn’t see eye to eye with, maybe opposite in personality or morals. most likely someone he went to high school with or someone who also attends seattle university ( bonus points if they’re supernatural )
some bad folk he may have accidentally gotten mixed up with, either in the past or current ( or both sdfhkjg ). could literally be ANYTHING, maybe he saw something he shouldn’t have, maybe there’s some drug scandal he got mixed up in and now can’t get out of ??  
more tba eventually !
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verona adler  has been seen walking the seattle streets. the fae has been in town for  three years, and are known to be  restive  but also very  fervent.  the  twenty four  year old works as a  bar & grill waitress.  if you tilt your head and look at them in a certain light they might resemble dove cameron. their pronouns are  she/her. 
statistics & connections
oakdale, louisiana.  born and bred.  she was raised middle to two brothers, one older and one younger, but was the absolute apple of her mom and dad’s eye, being their only daughter. her family was reputable, as were the strawberry fields they owned. people from all over the state would pay a petty price to pick a few cartons full of the famously juicy adler strawberries.
at a very young age, verona had to learn how to better control her emotions, which is very difficult for a child to understand and do. she was known for glowing tantrums, and levitating when particularly elated over something. however, in due time, the young faerie learned to hide these paramount parts of herself from the world surrounding them, out of fear over the potential backlash of human ignorance.
she’s been very personable her entire life, much like a light in a dark room. excelling in school, she mastered both academics and the social aspect, she was on the school’s yearbook committee as well as the cheerleading squad, and played an active part in her community as best as she could, generally through volunteer work. a true southern belle, through and through.
however, verona was exhausted. she couldn’t stand pretending to be something she wasn’t; hiding her true colors from the world just because the world was deemed to be much too censorious when it came to being different. while she adored her family and friends, she wasn’t being true to herself which left her unhappy behind closed doors. so, at the age of twenty one, she found an ad in the paper for a roommate in seattle and the city was evidently huge in comparison to her small town. the thought of living somewhere that was hopefully more accepting was an absolute dream, so she packed her things and made the move.
she’s been living in seattle for three years now, working at the same bar & grill she started off with as a waitress and she loves it. she loves meeting people that come from all different walks of life, the mixture of humans and supernatural is perfect. though she’s still a little put out by hiding her true self, she enjoys being surrounded by a bigger populace of supernatural beings that she generally doesn’t have to hide around.
( more tba probably ... eventually )
wanted connections
exes / flings / one night stands.  her friends calling her a slut is just teasing and gets a laugh out of her, a stranger calling her a slut will put vee in a full on rage, but all in all .... girl gets around.  NOT because she’s a sex fiend, but because she loves the idea of being loved, and therefore looks for it in all the wrong places sdfahkfjg. 
best friend ( supernatural only pls ! ).  she needs someone she can fully open up to without worry of being judged, rant / vent to each other about all the shit in their lives, talk about things they wouldn’t normally be able to talk about in the public, etc. a good wholesome friendship.
someone she annoys / who annoys her / or both.  girl is basically a constant ray of sunshine & agonizingly curious / nosy, and that probably presses at least one person. she can’t stand some who’s a grump without a cause & has an insatiable need to pick people apart in order to find out wtf happened to them / the reason why they are the way that they are.
maybe her brother(s) ?  i mean, if anyone wanted to pick them up, they’re free to snag !!
more tba later !
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soft-baby-dobrik · 6 years
green monster // david dobrik
a/n: okay so my other imagine lowkey sucked so i’m gunna post another one today bc IT WAS NOT GOOD AND I FEEL BAD ABOUT MYSELF RN OKAYY also this gif of david is SO HOT and delicious and it just made want like a dom!david or jealous david okay idk dude shit got me in my feels
also if you all would follow my david instagram fan page that would make me like super happy!!!! i want to interact with you all more <3 so please if you could give it a follow :))
summary: jealous david after he sees you go on a date with someone else (pre relationship)
requests are open
follow my instagram (david page) <3
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David was one of your closest friends in the group. From day one that you entered, you and him gravitated towards one another. Both of your personalities meshed together perfectly and complimented one another. Friendship of this level easily turned from just friendship to feelings, at least on your side. He was so easy to like and care about. It was so easy for you to fall for him, with his heart warming smile and infectious laugh. Before you could even tell, you were looking at him longer than you should, feeling your heart beat crazily when you touched, and would do anything for him after one of his smiles. Falling for him was the easiest, most accidental thing you had done. It wasn’t love, but it definitely was not a friendly liking. After months of holding in these emotions and holding out hope for him to make a move, you finally had to let that dream go. It was not healthy for you or for your friendship for you to pine over and hope to God that he would make a move.
It took a lot of convincing from Carly and Erin and Corinna for you to finally agree to going on a date. Jeff Wittek was the new guy in the group and was quite attractive. Jeff had asked you out a couple times, but you sort of laughed it off. There was no way he was serious and no way you could do that to David. Even though, there was nothing to do to David, since he never spoke of feelings for you or really showed it. Carly, Erin, and Corinna made it their job to get you to agree to a date with him. They had all been by your side through the constant David issue, and they were firm in their belief of, if he was not going to make a move or do anything to show he cared about you more than a friend, then it was time for you to move on. Neither of them truly knew if he had feelings for you, but as your best friends, they sure as hell were not going to risk you wasting your time, or even more time than you already had.
After about two weeks of all of their constant convincing, you gave in to Jeff. Much to yours and Jeff’s surprise, one of the times he had casually asked if you wanted to go out, you found yourself saying yes. He grinned widely at you and told you he would pick you up around seven at night the following day. Immediately you called all three of them and did a group call. You talked a little about what happened and as reality set in, you became unsure if you should go.
“You are going,” Corinna said, sternly. 
“Girl, you have been trying to read David for almost six months. Jeff is hot and is being explicit with asking you out. So you are fucking going,” Carly agreed and Erin nodded in approval.
“I don’t know, I just feel like-” you began, but Corinna quickly cut you off.
“Fuck no. You better shower and shave tonight because you are going on this date, even if I have to drag you out of that bed and shave you and get you ready myself,” she said, looking at you through the phone. You sighed.
“y/n, it will be good for you. You have given David plenty of time to make a move and have been driving yourself crazy trying to figure out how he feels and if you should make a move. You can’t keep doing this to yourself. Jeff is making a move on you and asked you out. Just go and see. Maybe you’ll actually catch feelings and then move on from David,” Erin said, sweetly.
“You guys are right, like usual,” you sighed, smiling at all of them.
“Always! I expect a nice sexy selfie from you at 6:45!” Corinna smirked. Erin and Carly both chorused a “same.”
Laughing, you shook your head, “I don’t know if I’ll be looking sexy, maybe decent,” you joked.
“I want cleavage!” Corinna teased, making you laugh loudly. 
“Skin tight skinny jeans to make that ass pop to!” Erin grinned.
“Or just proof in general that you are not in your bed with a big sweatshirt on,” Carly added, making your face scrunch in offense.
“I hate you all!” you laughed.
“We love you too!” Corinna smiled and you said goodbye before hanging up. Another loud sigh left you as you flopped back onto your bed. Right as your brain began to contemplate the date again, your phone buzzed with a text from Jeff.
jeff: i finally figured out the date. wear shoes you can walk in! 
Then another text came in.
jeff: or whatever you want. i’m more than happy to give you a piggy back ride if you wear heels ;)
A small smile came over you as you read them. He was sweet and showing interest in you. Not going on this date would be stupid.
you: well if i wear heels, i’ll feel like a bad bitch but then my feet will hurt.
jeff: you’re gunna look like a baddie no matter what you wear ;). and again, piggy back rides are my specialty. 
you: just piggy back rides?
jeff: there’s a lot of other stuff, like cuddling and kissing
you: hmm guess we’ll have to see how the piggy back ride goes first ;)
jeff: i’ll bring my A game
you: i guess i’ll just have to see tomorrow. i’m going to bed. goodnight :)
jeff: goodnight beautiful
You giggled at the little conversation you had before locking your phone and laying in bed. Relaxing into your bed, you let your eyes close with a smile on your face. For the first time in months, you were going to sleep with a skip in your heart, but not from David and all those possibilities, but from a boy who was actually interested in you.
The day went by quickly and before you knew it, it was time for you to start getting ready. Jeff had been texting you all day, being flirty and sweet, only making you more excited for the date. First, you had showered and shaved, as Corinna insisted. Once you were out and started doing your hair, David facetimed you. The second you answered, David’s big smiling face took over the screen. Much to your annoyance, you felt your heart skip a beat.
“y/n!” he exclaimed, then looked at you quizzically as you were doing your hair. “What are you doing?” he asked. His eyes assessed you as you continued to curl your hair loosely.
“Getting ready,” you laughed.
“Obviously,” he laughed back. “But for what?”
Smiling shyly, you responded back, “A date.” Voices in the back could be heard screaming and cheering for you, happily.
Zane’s was the loudest, “My baby girl going on a date! Oh my god!” A slight flush came over your face at his words.
“With who?” David asked. His eyebrows furrowed at you.
“Um, Jeff,” you said, casually, even though your heart was pounding in your chest. Right after your response, the voices screamed louder and David’s face changed into an unknown emotion.
“With Jeff?” he asked again. You only nodded. “y/n, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean I don’t really think he is your type or looking for a relationship. He might just be using you for a booty call,” David said, looking at you seriously. Your mouth opened slightly in disbelief. Maybe he was right, but you could not help but feel furious. 
“How do you know my type?” you snapped back. “You don’t know my type. And maybe I’d be okay with being a booty call! At least he’s taking me to dinner first!” you continued, feeling beyond mad. No you were not okay with being a booty call, but you did not want David to get into your head and ruin this.
“Jeff is not looking for hookups, David. He’s deadass said multiple times that he was looking to date, and he’s said how beautiful y/n is at least fifty times in the past week,” Heath laughed in the background. “So, why would you say that?” 
David’s face had a red tint to his cheeks as he looked over at Heath in shock. He stuttered for a response before you chimed in.
“You know, I’m going on this date because last time I checked, he is hot and actually has shown interest in me,” you added, angrily. “And last time I checked, no guy has shown any interest in me in about a year.” 
David just stared at you as you glared at him. Before he could say anything else, you hung up on the call and continued on with you hair. Once it was curled nicely, you did your makeup routine. Finally, you slipped into a pair of tight, high waisted skinny jeans, a cute top and a pair of wedged heels. By the time you were finished, it was already 6:45 and you snapped a couple of quick selfies for you friends “proof.” They were sent and had responses immediately with motivational words and compliments. Smiling, you thanked them for the compliments and insisting on this date. After you finished typing, you got a text from Jeff, saying he was here. You grabbed your purse and rushed out the door and towards his car. He stood against the passenger side of the car and watched you walk over. 
“Well, you were right. Heels do make you look like a bad bitch,” he joked, smiling at you. A slight flush came over your cheeks.
“Thank you,” you replied, biting on your lip as you took him in. It was an understatement to say the man was sexy. His hand slid to the door handle and tugged it open for you to climb in. Happily, you slid into the passenger seat as he closed the door. Not too long after, he was in the driver’s seat and began driving. “So, what are we doing?” you asked, looking over to him.
“So, I was thinking that one restaurant you were talking about that you wanted to try and then walk around downtown for a little?” he questioned and you smiled.
“Sounds like prime time for one of those piggy back rides!” you teased, making him laugh. The rest of the drive was filled with small chatter and laughs. Once you arrived at the restaurant, Jeff opened your door for you again and casually held your hand. It was all sweet and made you feel wanted.
The dinner was delicious and both you and Jeff laughed and talked about anything and everything. After dinner, you both walked down the streets of downtown LA and just took in the city and one another. The date had been amazing. Jeff was amazing and you were smiling the whole time. 
Sadly, the date was coming to an end and he pulled into your driveway. Both of you sat there for a moment before he climbed out and again, opened your car door for you and let you climb out before shutting it. You both walked up to the door and stood there.
“I had fun,” Jeff smiled, looking down at you.
“Me too. Thank you for everything,” you smiled back.
“Maybe we could do this another time?” he asked, biting down on his lip.
“I’d love to,” you grinned. After that, he pulled you into a hug and you hugged him back, slightly bummed for no kiss and slightly relieved.
“Goodnight, y/n,” he grinned.
“Goodnight,” you called back as he walked to his car. He waved one more time before peeling out of your driveway and driving off. You stood there for a moment, basking in the moment before you walked into your house and just as you were about to shut the door, lights shown in your driveway. You opened the door to see David’s car in the driveway. He was out of his car the second it shut off and at your doorstep within thirty seconds.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, rudely. “Wanna tell me how bad of a person Jeff is?”
“No, I want to do something,” he growled before his hands held both of your cheeks and slammed down onto yours roughly. Without any hesitation, you kissed him back. Your arms flung around his neck as the kiss was hot and needy. His lips guided yours and he pressed you up against the door. Your heart beat out of your chest. Every ounce of you was invested into the kiss. He poured every feeling he had hidden from you into the kiss and you wanted to moan at the feeling of him finally kissing you.
Finally, you pulled away and looked at him in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me?” you breathed as his hands remained on your cheeks and yours dropped. “I have been waiting six fucking months for some sign of you liking me and you wait till-” you began to rave about your anger towards the situation, before he pressed a kiss to you again, making you stop.
“I’m sorry I didn’t want to ruin the best friendship I’ve ever had, and I’m sorry when I heard one of my friends asked you out I was fucking pissed because in my eyes you were always my girl. Everyone else knew it. No one else ever made a move because they knew, and right when I’m sensing maybe you have some feelings you’re going out with one of my friends,” he growled. Angry David was basically nonexistent, but you would be lying if you said him right now was not making you fall more for him.
“I’ve been falling for you for six months, you dumbass,” you mumbled, looking up to him.
“You’re my girl now,” he whispered, kissing you again, even harder than before. When he pulled away, he smirked at you. “I bet you’re never going on another date again,” he smirked and you shook your head.
“No cause you’ll probably wait six months to actually take me out,” you shot back with a smirk.
He grunted at your words. “I had half a mind to roll up to the date and do this, but I didn’t want to be a dick. Or you reject me,” he admitted, letting his hands fall to your waist. 
“I would have been pissed, but I would not have rejected you,” you admitted, looking up at him.
“So just to clear the air. I’ve liked you for like a year now. So, now this is happening, you’re mine,” he said, smirking at you as he licked his lips.
“Oh yea?” you teased, wanting him to say it again.
“You’re my baby,” he whispered, gripping your waist, and kissing you roughly again, making you melt into his grip. He pulled away just long enough to whisper, “mine,” against your lips before he opened the door behind you and led you in.
“What are you doing?” you asked, looking at him with confusion.
“I’m about to show you that you’re mine,” he whispered, sending a kiss to your neck. “And then, I’m going to cuddle you and we’re going to fall asleep while watching a move,” he added, kissing your forehead, and then kissing your neck as he kicked the door shut.
“Hm, give me another kiss and then I’ll agree to that, and maybe we can discuss me being yours,” you teased, watching his jaw tighten.
“Oh baby, I’ll give you more than just another kiss,” he whispered, letting his mouth come by your ears to finish, “There is no discussing because you’re mine, y/n.”
a/n: angst and fluff and jealousy and lemme just dig my grave because god jesus i wish this would happen to me FUCKING GOD!!!!!!! anyway!!! if you enjoyed, please like and reblog and follow me and then follow my instagram @/softbabydobrik !!! okay love you alllll
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK S3E22 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 305 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated! And we apologize for the delay in getting the results posted! 
Please note that these are the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 290 Responses
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The final episode received mid to high ratings overall, with 74.5% of participants rating it at a 5. No doubt the anime staff did a great job closing the season.
Greatest ending of a season ever.
i cant watch the ocean scene without crying so id say it was a pretty good ep
This episode was beyond boring and the ending was captivating, but still not enough to make up for such a boring episode.
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Several of the preferred moments in the episode took place at long-awaited ocean. 40.1% of participants were most impacted by Eren’s despairing words while looking across the sea. 18.1% enjoyed seeing exchanged smiles between Armin and Mikasa, and 14.7% most loved the first time the Survey Corps laid eyes on the ocean.
Rarely have I seen a scene so beautiful that had so much episodes of set-up. The ocean scene lived up to the hype. EMA finally got to the see the Umi
The ocean scene was more beautiful than I could've imagined.
Floch was spitting FIRE!!
At this point I'm just glad they did justice to everyone finally seeing the ocean. The scene seemed to fall a little flat in the manga - not too badly, but enough that it didn't hit me the way I thought it would. The extra build up the anime added, along with seeing it in motion and hearing the voice acting, gave the anime version a lot more punch.
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Pixis and Historia decided it was best to share the truth of the outside world with the public, no matter the response. 93% of participants believed this was the right call, while a smaller percent thought otherwise or were unsure.
They did it, but it was just kinda spilled to the public and caused a lot of uproar. I dunno if letting the newspaper report on it was the best idea.
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The mid-episode information card showed an entry about “Intent for the Future” in response to the truth of the world. 49.7% of participants believe the talk of diplomacy implied Armin was the author, whereas 16.3% believe it was Hange. 13.9% think the contemplative tone may have been Eren’s doing.
I think the "intents for the future" is written by Hange, since it says "watashi" and only they have "the duty" to come up with a better plan than the rumbling.
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Had there been no prior real world awareness of the ocean, 60.9% of participants would choose to slowly dip their feet in the water during their first encounter. 17.7% would rather observe the strange discovery from afar, and 11.2% would contemplate the meaning of life.
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The characters’ first reactions varied upon their initial encounter with the sea. 30.4% of participants most enjoyed Armin’s marveled gaze at his most anticipated dream, while 22.7% liked Mikasa’s surprised reaction the most. Eren’s less impressed and discouraged expressions were most favored by 18.1% of participants.
Armin and Mikasa at the ocean scene was one of the BEST THINGS EVER.
I thought the animation in the first half was a little weak, but damn, I could watch Armin gaze fondly upon the ocean for hours. The animation there was on point. 
Armin and Mikasa were so cute in the ocean scene, smiling and blushing!!! Seeing Armin's happy tears after finally seeing the ocean was really moving too!! <3 I'm sad though Eren couldn't enjoy it the same way as them...
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The episode only covered chapter 90, but a majority of participants believed the anime did a faithful adaptation of the manga, with 78.6% saying it was near perfect.
It was fucking perfect and I even dare to say it was better than in the manga. Animation, background music, characters expressions, seiyuus - these made this episode so great. I really cried when I watched and listened to Eren talking about freedom and enemy, what didnt happen to me when I read it. I could feel his deep sadness and it was better shown how much he's changed. Kudos to everyone at studio WIT involved in snk and especially this episode
The pacing was a bit too slow. They could’ve picked up the pace a bit by maybe adding one more anime only scene. Also, they should have left off with Falco.
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Finally seeing the ocean animated in full color, 54.7% of participants thought the moment exceeded the manga version with the captivating visuals and awed expressions. 38.2% compared it equally emotional as the manga version while 5.1% were pleased but preferred the moment in the manga.
They made it look so wholesome I nearly forgot Eren’s suffering
Idk I didn't see because there was water in my line of sight. That happens every time since the episode that broke my heart.
It felt so unreal, they did an incredible job of transcribing from the point of view of the characters and I think I felt at least as upset as they were by discovering the beautiful graphics of the ocean.
It was underwhelming and I didn’t care for the scene at all
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The anime altered the moment Eren sees the immobile titan by including him dismounting his horse and physically touching its head. 74.9% of participants thought the moment properly captured Eren’s newfound sympathy for the titans as fellow compatriots. 9.7% believe it made him look more sympathetic than in reality, and 5.7% didn’t think the change was needed.
It made more clean to the audience that Eren new target/enemy are not the titans anymore, now feeling pity for their compatriots. And his templance and tone remind us Kruger/Grisha presence on him, his hatred for Marley.
I was pinned on the spot, and I had to look at this passage several times to be sure of having seen well. Wow, Eren touched a titan and considers him "one of theirs".  This passage was made without special emphasis, as if it was normal that Eren had compassion for a titan, and it really shaken me.
I think it was a rly nice addiction but I dont think its about Eren symphatizing with the titans, rather to me it shows Eren's melancholy of facing the truth about the titans. He wasnt feeling sympathy or pity for that titan, just the truth that it was once a person, the truth outside the walls, beyond the ocean.
it was an odd change but it kinda illustrated just how much of an impact memories/paths are having on eren’s mind
It was a bit cheesy
Eren is now the titan whisperer
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The ending credits revealed some scenes of the Attack on Liberio and its aftermath. 64.3% of participants felt the inclusion was a good way to build suspense for the final season, while 24.2% think the scenes were too subtle for anime viewers to react and specifically catered to manga readers.
As for the ending itself, it's a good thing they released extra pics, but the main issue; if you follow the anime, is this: the screencaps don't show where it's located, not when these events take place. It could take place on Paradis, it could mean the mean Marleys are attacking in full force again, or if we're this far in the manga, it could be assumed the characters at the sea have no choice but to become monsters to fight the monsters of the outside world... which goes against what the manga portrays when you take into account there's been 9 chapters dedicated to show the POV from the other side of the ocean.
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There were a few scenes in the credits that were not illustrated in the manga. 53.2% of participants believe these will be future panels in the upcoming manga chapters, but 38% aren’t quite sure. A smaller 8.8% think the scenes are just for show or anime only and will not make a comeback in the manga.
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One of the unillustrated scenes showed a girl in a school uniform among other students. 37.8% think the student is an Eldian, and 35.8% think she is Marleyan. 19.6% believe this is the future depicting a modern-day student. Will she be shown again? Some believe this is someone we already knew.
Also, I'm leaning towards the theory that the girl in the uniform is Lady Tybur when she attended a private school.
The girl student in the uniform is likely Ms Tybur (the Warhammer titan), as the school looks quite prestigious, and they are the only high class characters of importance in Marley.  I hope this means that we might get a bit more on her character in the anime adaptation.
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The brief preview announcement of the 4th season set to release confirmed it would be the anime’s final season. With the release date in the fall of next year, 44.6% of manga reading participants believe the manga series will conclude in mid to late 2020. 22.8% think the manga will end early in the beginning of next year, and 14.8% believe Isayama and the animation studio will work together to release the finale of both the manga and anime around the same time. As of recently, Isayama thinks he has about a year left to complete his story, but only time will tell when it actually ends.
Not your usual beach episode lol. Wished the stinger is they show Falco looking up on sky in Fort Slava, but maybe it's too revealing for anime onlies? 
I can't believe we've come this far already. Everything was beautifully done, the end credits were just absolutely poignant and the extra scenes have only made me more impatient for more Manga chapters.
It's probably the episode of Snk that caused the most emotion in me. Eren's seiyuu especially, but also Armin's were really excellent. The melancholy of Eren's voice, and the hope so fragile and so beautiful of Armin, appeared to me strikingly thanks to that. The separation that prefigures in EMA trio, and the dreams that break as they face what they had sought from the beginning pierced me.
That piano score that played throughout the end credits...Sure Sawano you can tear out my heart, this show's gotten me used to it anyway…
Also can I just say Mikasa in the ocean was really fucking adorable? Because she was. I've always had this headcanon that she would love the ocean because the half of her that isn't an Ackerman is from the ""East Sea Clan"" and so I would think coastal life and seafaring would be in her blood. This episode has only strengthened this headcanon for me. :)
I miss Erwin. I don't think that'll ever change, but duuudes Floch made me cry every harder. He's such a lost kid and he's alone in his grief. No one should be alone 😭
years of waiting and god has finally gifted us with a masterpiece.
The anime-only scenes were a very nice touch, and added to the emotion of the arc. Considering what's become of Eren and Floch (ugh) now, the scene where Eren touches the Titan, followed by Floch hanging behind for a moment, seemed quite telling. Can't wait to see the next season (and all the death and destruction that unfortunately accompanies it).
Honestly this season, and potentially the entire series was ruined for me  because of how they handled Uprising. It was an alright adaptation, with some admittedly outstanding scenes, but the first part of the season really killed my hype for the second part. 
Mikasa’s smile to Armin was the only part of this episode I thought was done more effectively than in the manga. She’s been through so much; it was sweet to see her out of her element in a GOOD way, WITH her family there. This scene cemented her as my 3rd favorite character.
I picked up on the little, subtle changes, and I really enjoyed them. WIT did an amazing job on this episode, and it was fairly lived up to.
There wasn't much filler, but I liked what they did with adding Grisha's distorted facial expression and how they conveyed Eren's at the end of the first half. Also nice Floch filler where he asks why the SC doesn't cull that titan lol.
Hitch broke my heart ;-;
I’m not ready. Somebody save us! I don’t want hobo Eren yet!
Truly amazing. It was really refreshing to see the characters taking a break from all the gore and enjoy the moment. Great ending.
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Thank you to everyone who participated! 
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