#conversation via ask
simauita · 2 years
Hele, už delší dobu nemůžu tohle dostat z hlavy, takže se musím podělit :-)
Lena stála v kuchyni před sporákem a míchala omáčku na těstoviny, když se kolem ní ovinuly dvě svalnaté paže a na krku jí přistál lehký polibek a do uší jí hlas zašeptal Hello love. Lena se s úsměvem otočila a říká Hello my wife. Kara se zářivě usměje."Víš, že se toho nemůžu nabažit?" "A čeho?" "Že ti můžu říkat my wife. Konečně po všech těch letech." "Věř tomu nebo ne, mě to taky přijde hrozně nereálné a přece tak úžasné."
Plot twist? Jeden z pravidelných čtvrtletních atentátů na Lenu byl úspěšný, ona teď leží ve věži v komatu a tohle všechno je jenom komatozní sen O_o. V reálu kolem sebe ty dvě pořád našlapují po špičkách a ani jedna nemá odvahu tu druhou pozvat aspoň na rande když už.. Ach jo, co mi to ten mozek dělá?
Napiš 👏 a postni 👏 fanfikci 👏
Ne, fakt, tohle je super myšlenka, plus obecně mám tenhle trope alternativní reality/kómatu/alleged memory loss dost ráda. Občas narazím na takový ten gif set, jak je Kara pod působením black mercy (takové té černé kytky z 1. série, co jí seděla na hrudi, způsobovala jí kóma a přinutila jí snít o tom, že je zase zpátky na Kryptonu s rodinou), akorát v tom upraveným gif setu sní místo toho o životě s Lenou a nechce se probudit - tak ten se mi mega líbí. Takže tohle je přesně můj šálek čaje, zvlášť když po probuzení bude následovat pořádá dávka angstu, doplněná happy endem, jak se patří. Ale i bez toho bych to určitě brala.
Jinak na tohle téma jsem zrovna dneska přečetla kraťoučkej one-shot, plus ještě o kousek dál od tématu je jedna z mých oblíbených fanfikcí, i když tu budeš nejspíš znát.
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jen-with-a-pen · 6 months
A good example !
I wanted to take a second to highlight this user in the midst of the "discourse" in spam liking and not reblogging.
When I saw this in my notifs just now, I about cried.
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We are not fucking kidding when we say reblogging takes literally two seconds. This user is still liking and sharing!! You don't even have to add tags!! When you spam like we expect spam reblogging for our works!!
This is the bar. The bar is 6ft under yet lots of y'all are literally still going under it and it's fucking insane.
Anyways to you @sjsmith56 I pat you on the head and offer you a cookie. It's snickerdoodle. Hope that's okay.
If y'all don't mind, I'm tagging just a few mutuals in order to highlight this along with my other post.
@navybrat817 @targaryenvampireslayer @fushic0re @bucksangel @eulalielatibule @cocoamoonmalfoy
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 11 months
okay so. like. wan ed 12. dazai is stopped by a log in the river and starts actually drowning. funny haha wan bit.
but repeating something ive said (hi haven) i think this is actually a really good example for how ada dazai doesn't really want to kill himself. he could've actually drowned here. thats his 'goal' right? but the moment it starts happening he's trying to get his head back above water.
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"I thought I was dead"
hilariously wet and horrified or not he obviously didn't want to die here. theres nobody around to hear what he said anymore anyway. and that's why, despite being yk... a wan ending animation? i still think this is such like. a case in point.
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the-clay-quarters · 17 days
thinking abouuuut Vincent and gender
I write them with they/them but you can pick any pronouns and won't be corrected. Is this them using any pronouns? Kinda but not really. Vincent's gender is "please don't ask me that", they're mid ongoing gender crisis but don't have the time for that and simply do not think about it. They'd much rather you just assume something instead of being put on the spot (with what is frankly a reasonable question that they've gotten too worked up about).
Vin is afab, originally named Agnes. Their gender Situation started when they were quite young; they were always close to their father and interested in his work*, it's simply easier to convince your colleagues that your son is interested in your studies and is perfectly allowed to join you, rather than your daughter.
(*Researcher and university teacher, they get their penchant for academia and Weird Interests TM from him)
This then evolved into taking them on work trips, where it's less hassle to be a young man in a foreign country. Enrolling them in the university as a man just made sense and was easier for everyone involved.
They still go by Agnes with their family, and in certain circumstances will use feminine terms for themself, but they've also been publicly going by Vincent since they were a child, and are used to using masculine terms on the regular. They never really saw themself as a man or woman, but it was never really something to question.
The Neath is very accepting, much more than they're used to, and it is now in fact something to question. The option to simply pick whichever gender they want is very freshly introduced, the option to be neither is even more so. Someone early on addressed Vincent by they, and they liked it more than they expected, which threw a wrench in their relatively stable gender balance.
They'll figure out what they actually want eventually, maybe when they're less busy.
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spurgie-cousin · 4 months
im so tired of the fact that i talk SO much that at some point i run out of material and just start casually trauma dumping on people without even realizing it 😶 "oh that reminds me of when-" girl just shut UP
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akkivee · 6 months
I feel like HypMic is at this weird point where they are lingering on how they want to proceed forward. I feel like the music for the 2nd DRB was very experimental, and I did appreciate that even if I didn't like all the music (except for that DragonAsh song tho that was ass LOL). It feels like KR is struggling with how to move forward with telling a story while using the voting system, as such they've kinda written themselves into a corner. Like it was obvious they wanted FP to win the 2nd DRB because it was needed for plot. But at the same time it really feels like the plot has slowed to a crawl at the same time, and between that and the music creeping away from rap you're kinda left with a feeling of disappointment overall. It esp hits harder when you're a fan of BAT and DH given how under utilized they still are in the grand scheme of things. But given how they placed them geographically it feels like yet another instance of KR accidentally writing them into a corner and struggling to rectify that so they can be more relevant but also make it make sense, idk. I still love Kuko no matter what even if the series is currently languishing. (it also doesn't help that there isn't really any unified fandom because of politics, too much content too fast, and people being so oshi-pilled they have no interest in touching content that doesn't interest them. Which again, sucks as BAT fan cuz we don't really have a translator solider for us.)
what’s really really annoying about that, is that it has been put out there that we’ve entered the third act in hypmic’s story and tho it’s not always necessarily the case, usually that means we are heading towards an end. and we are starting to see an end with a lot of og division plot threads so to be closer to the end than not and still having like a third of your cast floundering around is not good!!!!! at all lol!!!! unless there’s a max effort push to bring nagosaka into the fold, it really does feel like nagosaka, no matter what, will feel under utilised
hypmic’s slow to come plot bombs have been a staple since the beginning so i’m not mad at it, esp since i suspect those long waits have something to do with production values and making the next shiny, economically stimulating thing lol, but you’re right about it not being great rn when everything else is not great lol
but i will say hypmic has its formulas. like the way first solos were surface level character introduction raps and the second solos went into depth, for the og divisions, their first drb and preceding dramas were introductory and the 2nd drb dramas really dug deep into them. so hopefully the same will happen for nagosaka when the 3rd drb drama hits them lol 🤞
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hanzajesthanza · 1 month
Bez krwi nie ma wampira. Jest to substancja, która decyduje o jego istnieniu, podobnie jak o istnieniu człowieka. Without blood there is no vampire. It is this substance which determines his existence, just as it does the existence of a human.
Maria Janion. "6. Krew i ciało," in Wampir: Biografia symboliczna. ("6. Blood and body," in Vampire: A Symbolic Biography.)
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ivomartins · 3 months
helloo omg it's vivi i just noticed that you answered the asks (while scrolling through hsr tag i need the update so bad i can't live like this)
dogging on hs is a full time job and we're employees of the month 🤞 ntm on hs tho bc i will end up playing hs3 if it's ever released bc i need to see my li happy.
im new to rc so i can't say much about the writers but i think what you said does make a lot of sense. when new characters were introduced in hs2 it had the same tone as hs1. i would say there was a slight improvement bc astaroth and hunger were 10x more interesting than hs1 characters but the dialogue and their way of speaking was the same as hs1. like how do you pride yourself on being soo much better than mortals and speak exactly like them? why are you, as lucifer, speaking like a frat boy? make it make sense.
anyway, as opposed to hs, the immortals are actually different from mortals. lane noticing the lack of human warmth and emotions on cains face, despite how serene and aristocratic he looks right off the bat immediately showed us that they're not easily understood and they operate differently than humans. and the dialogue flows so much more naturally in hsr and different characters have their own distinguished way of speaking. (interesting that cain sometimes speaks so formally like during the church scene, but at other times uses mortal slang. just how long has he been roaming around earth?)
tbh now that ive analyzed the flying scene, he does seem somewhat sincere and like you said, they're both only looking out for themselves so they have a sense of kinship. (also love that lane is so unbothered about saving humanity or whatever and specifically said shes only going to translate what she needs... im obsessed with her)
but is it insane of me to hope that he's just being nice for the sake of using her? ive been ranting to everyone who would listen about how much i adore the church scene, it was the exact balance of unsettling and sensual, psychedelic and dreamlike. it had so much tension and i loved how cain was portrayed in it. but he's being suspiciously sweet and protective of her, cute, but i miss the tension 😭 he and lane are some of the most interesting characters ive seen in a while and id hate for them to lose everything that makes them unique to a generic romance so early.
what about your theories on how they could've known each other earlier? and what do you think about cain's past?
not this entire ass essay 😭 i love a good religious horror media what can i say. since ur just as obsessed w hsr as i am it's fun talking to you but this is a lot to think ab and reply to pls take ur time 😭💓
(ps to answer what you asked about choices, i haven't touched it since i got back into rc 🤞)
we truly are the pioneers of hs shit talk and i love this for us <3
i chuckled at your comment about lucifer talking like a frat boy because why is that so fucking true 😭
it really is just in the book's nature i think because if you look at the massive growth of alice's writing between hs1 and hs2, it's wild how the writing for hs2 still isn't that much better except in certain areas (hunger is masterfully written, for example, and the emo vibe was captured pretty well too since alice is an angst grandmaster)
like heaven's secret is simply, intrinsically, a haphazard low-quality story - because that was the foundation in hs1 and so it's only natural hs2 and hs3 will be the same. and i'm not hating on it when i say that because i definitely get why some people love it but as someone who's a bit of a snob and doesn't like harry potter vibe stories, it's just not for me
i'm living for your thoughts and analysis of hs:r though omg i didn't catch on to cain's manner of speech swinging between formal and informal, that's so interesting?? but YES overall i'm also hoping that we'll get more of the intensity we got with the church scene and that the dark undertone to their dynamic will prove to be an actual Theme and not just a one-off thing. i would actually GRIEVE if cain's route devolved into basic lovey dovey shit 😭
have you checked out dmitry's scenes? what did you think of them? 👀
when it comes to cain's past and his history with lane, i... have no clue tbh like that's just how good the suspense is. generally i'm expecting cain to be somehow tied to the event/entity/power that caused lane's memory gap because her dreams are clearly very significant and she dreams of him at the start of the book + that could be the reason why she got so woozy in the church scene instead of him seducing her with his power, because of whatever tie that binds them through that. but we know so little about him and his motivations that it's hard for me to theorize anything about his past. i adore pre-established dynamics though so i honestly think we're in for some juicy shit regardless of our theories. i can't wait!!!
shut up i lived for your essay and gave you one of my own pls 😭♥️ you're totally good!! i'm having just as much fun chatting with you angel <3
i haven't touched choices since the nanny affair 😭 though i do miss the good OG books sometimes ngl like open heart s1 remains ICONIC and forever in my heart and also the werewolf book uhh i forgot its name but it was sooo goood. there's not even a comparison with rc though whew it was such a huge upgrade for me especially since i started off with arcanum of all books - truly could not put it down
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bloobydabloob · 5 months
Yo this is super random I know so don’t feel pressured to answer or anything. But I used to be active in the homestuck community and now I’m sort of getting back into it but I don’t really have any friends in the community anymore and tbh u seem cool so I wanted to ask if you have like a discord server or something? I know it’s stupid to do this anonymously but my tumblr is associated with homestuck content and I don’t want people to see that? Just if you were to post this Originally I wanted to msg you on Twitter but I somehow can’t
Jesus I seem like a creep I swear I’m not but yeah I’m rambling and now that I think about it I could have send you a private message but In my head that would be even creepier? Idk mb I swear I’m not weird
All chill man, haha. There’s no need to feel nervous I seriously don’t give a shit as a guy who is also a relentless rambler.
No I don’t have a server or anything (I’m a pretty small account (I think)) unless you count the one with like… 5 people on it who are all my close friends. I am on Borzoi’s DirkJake server but I’m only active quite sporadically.
I opened up my DMs on Twitter (didn’t realise they were closed. Whoops) if you are interested in hitting me up there for conversation about Homestuck or something. I warn you though I am 100% awful at DMs and everyone can attest to this.
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callmemossbrain · 20 days
HEY *appears from a smoke bomb*
jacob, bug, i (once again) am parroting you. give me your current favorite songs :3
for no particular reason at all <3
!!! Bub!!!! it's such a delight!!!!!!!!!!
firstly, I'm ngl your MCR fixation has bled into me a lil bit. the vibes just vibe too hard!!!!!! ughfkaljfks.
God this questions stumping me, I feel like it's been all over the place. Everything by both Lincoln and Fredo Disco have had a solid track record. "Are you Kissing Anyone?" by Saturday Looks Good to Me is a solid fucking song. lastly, I'll say "Minor Acts of Cannibalism" by I'm glad it's you. I think I'll just.... leave it at that for now.... my musics been in need of an expansion so it's a bit hectic.
plotting and scheming, I'm assuming you are? 👀
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simauita · 2 years
A protože jsem už dlouho neotravovala s nějakým tím doporučením (případně ověřováním jestli jsi story četla nebo ne :D), tak je načase to napravit :-).
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14805744/chapters/34256877 - All will be well as long as you stay by my side (aneb Lena jako královna? Sem s tím :-)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24366802/chapters/58765768 - The Long Life of Kara Zor-El    (aneb jak vyřešit to, že je Kara prakticky nesmrtelná, nebo aspoň dlouhověká a Lena je omezena lidskými přírodními zákony o stárnutí)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34374166/chapters/85538398 - A Kara Carol (Lena spáchá sebevraždu, což Kara tak nenechá a putuje časem, aby Leně dopřála aspoň částečně pěkné dětství)
Nic z toho jsem nečetla a všechno mě děsí 🫠 zvlášť ta poslední zní, jakože z toho budu mít vyplakaný oči a noční můry několik týdnů 😶 ale mrknu na to, až bude nálada si pobrečet 😂
Na oplátku můžu doporučit nějaký lehčí/těžší angst, ale vždycky s dobrým koncem:
it's a great big atlas (i love you like the stars above) od mooosicaldreamz
i'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day od robie
sink into you like water (pray you won't pull me under) od Valkyrees
let all your damage damage me od searidings
you (don't) have to say you love me od amnesiayourself
Některý asi budeš znát, ale třeba narazíš i na něco nového 😇
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dumb-doll-lips · 11 months
Work is being so gross lately.
It’s felt like things were gonna get better w my new boss, but like other leadership is looking making changes with basically what’s the main part of my job that feel disconnected from what would help the people I work with, and would make my job harder.
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ask-thearchivists · 10 months
i mean this in the nicest way possible but it really sounds like the system you guys live in sucks. like. a lot. have you ever considered trying to change it? so you arent. yknow. literally required to commit horrible atrocities.
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The Coordinator: I...wish we could go back to how we did things as children. But we cannot. It is against our code. If we chose to change how we did things, then we would would risk other Collectors finding out and taking us away like they took away our parent. And I absolutely cannot risk that. Especially not with our brother still imprisoned. I cannot bear to think about them being freed and coming home only to find we are all gone.
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The Charmer: We don't even commit any atrocities, but I wouldn't expect you to inherently understand our perspective. The mortals are preserved, and their information is logged. You do not have to believe me but I sincerely believe that what we do is for the best. A not-insignificant amount of intelligent, advanced species that we have encountered have ended up damaging their world, instigating extinction, pollution, climate alteration, political corruption, pointless wars. Often when I interact with them, we have discussions where we frequently offer our powers to stabilize things in exchange for their assistance in Collecting.
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The Charmer: The absolute ideal, in my mind, is a Collector in every solar system, watching over the mortals and ensuring they do not destroy themselves. This is not possible because there is not nearly enough of us to do so. The mortals cannot be trusted alone, they do not have the powers we do to preserve. Everything we do is to protect them. We have saved multitudes more than we have ever forsaken. We exist to preserve the fragility of mortal life. We have to be efficient and we have to always be moving. Many of the destroyed worlds we have found, never would have been destroyed if we had been there sooner. We, alone, have the ability to save them, so we must do whatever we can to ensure they are saved, by Collecting them.
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The Cartographer: Yeah. Preserving and cataloguing. Protecting and Collecting. Real important.
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froggi-mushroom · 1 year
(i feel bad about replying again and again on your post so i thought a message would be a better place for this thing that came to mind)
SO, I think the "Ghost must drive a truck" thing is a combo of "He's a big guy, so he HAS to drive a truck" and "He drives a truck at the end of Alone, so, naturally that's the only vehicle he would ever drive.
Both of those are such bad reasons tho. My boyfriend is tall and he's driven sedans no problem. Just move the seat back like???? I just also hate the fandom quick hand that evolves when a character does ONE THING ONE TIME (usually for a good reason) and then it gets turned into a part of their fucking personality. I seethe and rage.
I get that a little bit, it probably did stem from ‘he’s a big guy ofc he’s have a big car’ but to me it just ignores a crucial part of his character? And he drives a pickup truck one time (which also annoys me cuz people took that scene of him driving away in a panic and took it to mean he can’t drive at all which was funny the first few times but got annoying real quick)
Like I won’t show the original post (I have reblogged it on my other acc ages ago to reply in the tags) but the truck they showed for Ghost was like, one of those big ass Ford ones I think? And the whole point of those is to kinda draw attention to yourself and stuff like that, which is the complete opposite of Ghost’s character. Like he’s fairly closed off and keeps himself hidden, for many different reasons, so for him to have this massive truck that really draws attention to himself, it feels like they just don’t understand Ghost as a character (or that they’re not even writing about Ghost anymore tbh)
Like I understand that was probably the thought process (and I think op probably said it more cuz they find the idea hot than anything which is fine, I guess), he’s a big tough guy he needs a big tough car, right? But it feels like we’re just boiling Ghost down to his surface level traits to the point where we’re not even talking about Ghost anymore, just some guy
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majorasnightmare · 1 year
i want. to post. zelda worldbuilding
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wikiblair · 2 years
A Glee nebo Pitch Perfect (Ladíme) znáš? Já jsem zjistila, že jsem hrozně na filmy a seriály, ve kterých se zpívá, ať už je to echt muzikál, nebo právě nějaká taková teenagerovská mňamka 😂 A taky se tam pár queer shipů vždycky najde 😏
V tom se taky neshodneme :D. Já muzikály vyloženě nenávidím. Jsem ten typ, co potřebuje mít hraní a zpěv prostě odděleně od sebe jinak je přehlcen :-). A jinak Glee bohužel znám, a mám z něj osypky (nikdy jsem nedala víc než deset minut) a Pitch perfect znám z doslechu (čti čumblr plus jsem znala holku, co byla strašně posedlá Bechloe.. Ach ano, čumblr ti vždycky řekne jaké wlw pairingy jsou in :D.. Nebo že vůbec existují :D). Jo a ještě ke Glee.. Krom toho, že mi vadí zpěv, tak mi tam slušně vadilo i to osazenstvo. Když jsem se v roce tuším 2012 rozhodovala, co dalšího si pustím, tak to u mě Glee prohrálo na celé čáře a šla jsem sledovat radši Pretty little liars :-). Tam jsem si dokonce i našla takové malé otp na které jsem pak četla i fanfikce :-).
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