artsy-foxo · 2 years
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When you save Copano, but it's a Spyro Visual novel on the GBA or somethin'
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pearlescent-soda · 1 year
🌌//A Fifth Sample of My Headcanons on the Dragon Daddies {Dream Weaver Edition}:
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Ah, yes, the caffeine addict himself, the 'caffiend' as he's known by his peers, Copano is an animated fellow, complete with jerky movements, and no comprehension of an 'inside voice'. A mug of his latest concoction is gripped rather tightly in his hands at all times. 'What's that face? I never start a day without one cup, why, I'm in the mood for twenty more already.' He's very much prone to fatigue, likely due to the caffeine, which causes his bursts of energy to have a duration of a few hours at a time.
Copano runs solely on caffeine and teatime snacks. He grows a lot of C. sinensis cultivars, herbs and coffee beans he's bred himself. As a Dream Weaver, it's no surprise his selection of herbal teas is nearly endless. He's got chamomile, lavender, passionflower, anything a dragon could need, he's got. One sip of his signature 'Dark Hollow Valerian' blend could put a two-ton Beast to sleep, so a regular denizen should proceed with caution.
Spyro, the ever-responsible young man, brought it upon himself to taste test his extra strength brew of herbal tea and coffee. The side effects were... peculiar, to say the least, first he stopped in place, frozen solid, then he starts moving a mile a second. Start. Stop. Start. Stop. It got so bad that all three dragons had to pitch in to save the boy before his heart exploded.
Predictably, he saves the 'extra strength' caffeinated beverages for himself, it's for the best considering each box contains over six hundred milligrams of caffeine. He's probably the only person in the world who can ingest that much caffeine and survive.
A Fairy kissed him once as a child, everything was normal until he started sneezing and wheezing. Turns out he's got an allergy to Fairies, their magic just isn't compatible with him, and gives him awful rashes on his wings. If he has to interact with them, it'll be through Kosoko, Lutalo, or from a safe distance within earshot.
Tried the supercharge spot as a dare, the wall, even after the many repairs, still has the indentation from his 'minor miscalculation'. Afterwards, Lutalo turned the supercharge off to prevent anymore injuries, despite the many protests from his brothers not to. ‘I’m not taking any chances; I'm turning it off until one of you can give me a good enough reason to undo my decision'.
Under no circumstances should his mugs be taken away from him, same goes for his beverages, unless one wants to deal with a demon. He's irritable, anxious, and plagued with excruciating migraines. A wise person would stay out of his way until he gets one drink in his system. He makes the Blue Wizards and Tin Soldiers wary of him, and they hastily move in the opposite direction when he draws near them. The sound of a little bell is the only warning of his imminent arrival and there are even rules for such an event as well: 'stay on guard, don't look him in the eyes, and don't speak unless spoken to'.
~Ooh, the 'Casanova', 'Heartbreaker', 'Romeo', all names given to him by his many admirers. Is this an accurate summation of his character? Well, yes, but actually no. While Kosoko is a naturally flirtatious and openly affectionate man, he's not exactly look for a significant other, not because he doesn't want one, but because his eyelids are closed tightly and he's openly snoring. It's not easy communicating with someone who nods off mid-sentence.
This sleepyhead is an ambassador for the Dragon Kingdom while visiting the Fairy Realms for business matters. The position is unofficially official, it was mainly his popularity that earned him the position, before he was just a humble candle maker peacefully secluded in his room. 
Spyro 'bonds' with Kosoko by polishing the Tin Soldiers' armor and making dream catchers, not even bothering to hide his indifference. How much enjoyment could he possibly have when his uncle dozes off every five minutes? Little to none. Sparx would actually rather stay and relax with Kosoko than go exploring, so, to stave off the boredom, Spyro sneaks out to play with the Blue Wizards.
He sleepwalks nonstop, calling them 'power naps', always nonchalant about the situations he's put himself into. Lutalo, however, isn't amused watching him 'power nap' his way over the edge of a floating island. 'Silly me, I forgot to use my weighted blanket, heh. Hey, sometimes a guy can't help where he passes out, especially when his neighbor's rose bushes are so comfortable'.
He's received more Fairy Kisses than any normal person should, they utterly adore him, and it makes sense, the dragon's a bona fide celebrity in their realms. The never-ending torrent of affection has left him as the first dragon to have a permanent upgraded power of flame from a Fairy's Kiss. Unfortunately, he can't breathe fire for long as five thousand degrees Fahrenheit tends to dry out his throat pretty fast. 
As a candle maker, he added fragrances using oils, 'Some of them are from the Fairies, some of them are from the Artisans, depends on how I'm feeling that day'. Normal fragrance oils don't usually glow or make strange noises, but nobody can say that they don't smell heavenly. He's doesn't experiment with his work these days, and no new smells or waxes are being developed as of now.
The candles he carries have no smell, they were crafted with Beast Maker magic, a magic so intense, it keeps him wide awake. Though one isn't enough, he placed two more on his horns for extra measure, now he only lets out a yawn or two. Keep in mind, the candles effects can only be felt when lit and he doesn't keep them lit all the time, Copano and Lutalo would never let him.
He's a very spiritual dragon with a no-nonsense attitude uncommon to the tranquil and often drowsy nature of the Dream Weavers. He's not physically confrontational like Mazi, but he's just as stubborn, and will stand his ground no matter what. The Haunted Towers dragons, whenever they have trouble with the residents, will probably go to him, because he can and will get results.
A dragon medium? A dragon medium, indeed. He's able to communicate and manipulate certain spirits. The suits of armor protecting Haunted Towers are inhabited by feisty little earth spirits. He can't convince every spirit to enter the armor, which is why he avoids the meaner spirits. 'Dealing with spirits is no small task. Say the wrong thing, and suddenly there's claw marks on your stuff, and teeth marks on your tail.'
Spyro wasn't anticipating Gnasty Gnorc of all people to have history with Lutalo, who reveals the incredible dedication the Gnorc had with trying to take over Haunted Towers. 'Our Tin Soldiers made quick work of them; I assure you'. He knows a lot about the Gnorcs, a remnant of his 'Peace Keeper phase' as he called it. Depending on his mood after telling a story, he may or may not show Spyro mementos of his time serving in the Army.
On the side, he makes pocket change selling incense sticks that have no magical properties. 'I can't overextend myself for this, heh, I'm no Magic Crafter'. Kosoko lends him oil extracts and the like all the time, which he, at one point, did enchant with his own magic. But wrangling in spirits to fight off Wizards and Gnorcs is draining enough on its own. After taking 'Magic Management' classes, his health is at an all-time high, and he no longer fears using up all of his magic anymore. 'From this day onward, I'm going to be making my incense without magic'.
His determination to get the Supercharge ramp powered down isn’t just to prevent the others from injuring themselves, it's to stop them from tearing apart the castle. There's no sane reason for a castle to go through thirty or more doors per month, there really isn't, and the costs for twenty-foot doors isn't cheap, colossally so if they're fireproof.
Terrible at compromising, he'll bully his way to whatever it is he wants, and when he was an adolescent, his behavior was abysmal. He would get petty and snappy with elders and his domineering presence drove away his brothers. it wasn't until he entered the Peace Keeper Army that he dropped the superiority complex, adopting a calm and forgiving personality, but that doesn't mean he's a pushover. He still argues quite a bit, he just refrains from relying on brutal insults, swears and 'payback' to make his point known.
The copper lamp is his wand, he's gotten lots of offers for a 'normal' one to act as a conductor for his magic, but he's not interested in the slightest. 'It doubles as a teapot' is the answer to the usual 'why?', the interrogator either leaves in a huff or laughing at his corny joke. It does bring him immense satisfaction to see his enemies confused by the item only to be hit with a full blast of sleeping powder from the spout.
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cffabioblog · 1 year
Media hr. Radioteatro
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Viejos Estudios ORTF RNA-ANR Ayacucho y Posadas
Con las actuaciones estelares de Piñera, Fabrizio Copano, El Oso Pooh y Valdez, y llega en estado deebriedad Che Copete como galán de radio teatro En el Estudio C De Radio Nacional EN Ayacucho y
Parodia de los viejos radio-teatros de las décadas del 40 y 50.
Pooh© DIsney. All Rights Reserved.
Ren Hoek© Nickelodeon / John K. All Rights Reserved.
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slimesprinkles · 7 months
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Copano Rickey Stimboard!
x/x/x x/x/x x/x/x
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justaway-dashedaway · 3 months
copano: memorial cup
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blue-star-above-me · 5 months
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Uma Musume fanart by Rui Araizumi.
God I would love this game even more if it looked like this.
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selenevermillion · 10 months
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there's something so funny about rudolf and co.'s record being not only beaten but shattered and you wonder if it's going to be an equally intimidating, regal horse and then it's this funny little thing
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fyeahspyroandcrash · 10 months
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virtuissimo · 8 months
Ok I was educated in the u.s. but how do people. Not know at least what region a country is in based on its name alone. You're a 40 year old man and can't point to chile on a map? You can't tell me what part of the world kazakhstan is in at LEAST? You think china and russia don't share a border? These are things I was taught IN SCHOOL in the 7th grade, what is fucking HAPPENING
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umamusucgs · 1 year
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kaneneko · 2 years
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【ウマ娘】コパノリッキー。 Pixiv・Twitterもよろしくお願いします!
Uma musume - Copano Rickey. please follow my twitter and pixiv too!
🖌️Twitter https://twitter.com/kaneneko_813/status/1564901111986659329
🖌️Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/100894899
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vonnaartdesignz · 25 days
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My photograph Red Sunset Over Copano Bay Texas is available in a 16 x 20 canvas in the Home Decor collection of my new online store. https://VonnaArtDesignz.com
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laopiniononline · 3 months
"El Antídoto con Fabrizio Copano" ya tiene fecha de estreno.
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/fV
"El Antídoto con Fabrizio Copano" ya tiene fecha de estreno.
Mega estrenará su nuevo estelar de humor “El Antídoto con Fabrizio Copano” el viernes 15 de marzo, después de Meganoticias Prime.
Fabrizio Copano será el encargado de protagonizar el nuevo programa de humor, el que contará con una variedad de comediantes, actores y músicos de gran renombre nacional.
La música está a cargo de Pedropiedra, reconocido músico y compositor con 25 años de carrera, quien se desempeñará como el director de orquesta de la banda que acompañará al comediante en cada capítulo.
Como se adelantó en el spot, Fabrizio Copano también estará acompañado por los actores y comediantes: Karol Blum, María José Quiroz, Kurt Carrera, Matías Tamayo, Rodrigo Vásquez, más conocido como Altoyoyo y el triunfador del Festival de Viña del Mar 2024, Luis Slimming. Los que realizarán diversos sketches y segmentos del programa. Además, los comediantes Pedro Ruminot, Marcelo Valverde y Héctor Romero, entre otros, forman parte del equipo creativo detrás de cámaras junto al productor ejecutivo Martin Grass Kleiner.
Asimismo, el programa contará con invitados especiales en cada capítulo, los que entablaran una conversación relajada y divertida con Fabrizio, quien también realizará un monólogo que involucra humor, contingencia y una mezcla entre lo absurdo y cotidiano.
El programa contará con público en vivo, a través de @entradaselantidoto en Instagram y TikTok se puede inscribir para ser parte de las grabaciones del estelar de humor.
“El Antídoto con Fabrizio Copano” llega para alegrar las noches de todos los chilenos, el próximo viernes 15 de marzo, después de Meganoticias Prime solo por las pantallas de Mega.
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laplazachile · 5 months
Fabrizio Copano regresa a Chile con nueva rutina de humor.
Tras un exitoso 2023, Copano debutará este año con una nueva rutina que incluirá sus anécdotas durante su paso por el Festival de Viña el pasado año, su visita al Rey de Países Bajos, su nueva vida de papá y, por su puesto, su vida en Nueva York.
Será un show que formará parte de dos presentaciones exclusivas en nuestro país. ¡Tal como lees! Fabrizio Copano, uno de los humoristas chilenos más destacados del último tiempo, realizará dos shows únicos en nuestro país, en donde se prometen risas sin parar. Tras un exitoso 2023, Copano debutará en este nuevo año con una nueva rutina que incluirá una serie de anécdotas personales, como su…
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selenevermillion · 2 years
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