#copycat killer cast
Fandy Fàn ShàoHsun 范少勳 and Jack Yáo ChúnYào 姚淳耀 being gremlins/trying to lure us onto a Oh No! Here Comes Trouble! ship (?).
Source: their managing company WeTeamwork.co on IG.
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If Hannibal were in My Little Pony, his cutiemark would be a dinner plate with a fork and scalpel. After Mischa, the dinner plate and fork would first develop - something about new appetite, an empty plate that indicates starvation but the plate and fork are still present to fight for its meal. During his medical studies, the scalpel would appear.
When he says the 'I transferred my passion for anatomy to the culinary arts', he'd cast a sidelong glance to his flank and other ponies would think it's a great little joke (so would he).
When Will is asked in BSHCI by Beverly what the copycat killer/Chesapeake Ripper is doing with the surgical trophies, Will would experience the same eating montage but Hannibal's cutiemark would also be in the montage.
I think Will's cutiemark would probably be a fishing lure - would be great to see that used against him in court S2.
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Danganlike, Ahoy: Process of Elimination
As we wait for the team behind the Danganronpa series to finally release the game they've been working on for almost five years now next month, why not fill the time with another recent release that's inspired by their work?
I've just started playing it myself.
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Process of Elimination just came out in April, and the team behind it has been open about the fact that Danganronpa was one of their primary inspirations. As such, we once again we have a situation where a group of eccentric anime-style people are trapped in an isolated location where murders ensue! (At least this time, the cast isn't being forced/encouraged to all murder one another. ... Well, not YET.)
And the player character? We play as a detective-in-training with extremely low self-esteem who wears an all-black uniform and sports an ahoge sprouting from the black hair atop his head.
In other words: Shuichi.
We play as dollar-store Shuichi Saihara.
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"We have Shuichi at home."
In all seriousness, his name is actually "Wato Hojo." But far as I'm concerned? This motherfucker is Discount Shuichi until he earns his own name. But make no mistake — I'm legitimately hoping our protagonist will manage to come into his own. I wish you the best of luck, D.S.!
Before we get any further, know this: There's a free demo available for this game! You can try out the early parts for free on your Switch, PS4, or PC! So there's very little reason NOT to do so if you're at all interested in a new Danganlike mystery Visual Novel-esque game with puzzles to unravel!
With that out of the way... if you're still here, I'll happily give you more info on the basic setup/backstory of the prologue and how the gameplay generally works.
Unfortunately for Discount Shuichi, he's far from the only detective on the premises when deaths start occurring. In fact, he's but one of MANY. But to explain why that's the case, we need to dig into the setup/backstory of this thing.
Here's the setup/backstory of our adventure: A serial killer who goes by "The Quartering Duke" appeared roughly a year ago. Since that time, he's committed more than 50 double murders, racking up an heretofore-unprecedented 100+ kills. To make matters worse: The fact that he's been on such a successful spree without generating any clear leads has led to multiple copycats springing up in his wake.
The citizens are living in fear, requests for bodyguard and private detective services are at a historic high, and the government has resorted to leaning on the Detective Alliance (or "DA") for assistance with the crime wave.
"Who dat," you ask? The DA is sort of like a detective union: A loose alliance of 100 private detectives who are given a numeric rank based on their skills and experience. So kind of like the Detective Library made famous to DR hardcores by Danganronpa Kirigiri, albeit with fewer members.
They're officially free agents, but they're largely contracted by the government as of late. Also: The members of the DA can't reveal their real names/identities. Instead, they only go by an adjective that describes them and the word "Detective."
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A group of quirky detectives that each have a noteworthy trait? Is this taking inspiration from Rain Code BEFORE Rain Code is out?!
For example:
Gourmet Detective is an excellent chef in addition to her detective bonafides.
Rowdy Detective is typically aggressive and ready to throw down.
Techie Detective prefers to rely on technological tools for his work.
Posh Detective is... posh.
And as you no doubt see in the above image, our own character is dubbed the "Incompetent Detective." I wish I could say that was undeserved, but... nah. It check out.
When we first meet Discount Shuichi, he's botching a job he was assigned as an assistant at a smaller detective firm. He's brought into the Detective Alliance at the lowest rank of 100 JUST in time for he and another 13 sleuths to wind up isolated at DA's island headquarters with their communications out. And he quickly proves that he's not very swift on the uptake when it comes to the clues around him. I actually joked to my S.O. that maybe they'd dub him the "Inept Detective"... and two minutes later, he got the "Incompetent" label. And I laughed. It's harsh, but for now? It's fair.
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Oh, and he even gets knocked out and wakes up inside a locker that is within his new murder-prison. +1 Shuichi Point!
Anyway, back to the story: To the surprise of everyone who isn't the player, a quartered dead body is soon discovered. It appears entirely likely that the Quartering Duke has made his way to Detective Alliance Island and is now trapped among them! Pretty soon, we're collaborating with other detectives to examine the crime scene and determine what went down.
I just started playing last night, so I don't have a lot more to report than that. I've only completed the first chapter/mystery so far. At the moment, it looks like we might only have ONE culprit throughout this game who commits all the murders... but given that we're already set up that there's a ton of copycats during the prologue/backstory, I wouldn't be too shocked if we encounter one or two others as the game goes on.
The bulk of the game is a visual novel experience with occasional binary choices that can lead to (minor/short) branches in events and/or impact your end-of-chapter score/grade. The balance is similar to a Danganronpa so far: You're mostly reading, but there's still one important segment where gameplay takes center stage and gets much more involved than merely reading the text. That core "gameplay" comes in the investigation sequences.
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Isometric Investigative Action!
This is when we use our "dPad" (an iPad parody, not a directional pad) to direct all the titular detectives around the building. I'm not going to get into the story reason for why Discount Shuichi has this authority, so let's just talk about what he can do with it.
See, there will be "Mystery Points" that require a certain level of "Intellect" to unlock, and you can assign detectives with various numeric Intellect rankings to investigate them. If you put another detective beside such an investigating detective and assign them to "Assist," you get a significant boost in their Intellect skill that will help you break down the Mystery Point faster, revealing the clue underneath. Most Mystery Points will only take a single "hour" or "turn" to identify what the relevant evidence is, but some take multiple turns. Furthermore, once you identify a piece of evidence at such a point, you'll find that some of them require closer analysis to reveal all of their secrets. And each of our detectives ALSO has a numeric "Analyze" ranking. If they meet or exceed the rank needed to analyze the evidence, they can do so in a single hour/turn, revealing whatever additional info it holds.
Detective stats include a numeric Move rating, too! it controls how far they can move during a single turn. Usually, each turn lets you move a character and then assign them an action — but you can also choose to give a character full access to traveling the ENTIRE map if you need them to get very far very fast. Doing this means that moving will be ALL they can do for that particular turn, though.
Starting get the picture? The game is one of time and resource management. You have a limited number of hours/turns before you must complete an investigation, and each detective on hand has set numeric ratings that limit how much they can move and what they can successfully complete within a single turn. Your mission is to complete the analysis of the crime scene and all its evidence before your time is up, leveraging your team's unique stats to carve the most efficient path.
The first investigation is 50% tutorial, so it's pretty easy to complete it within the allotted hours/turns. For that reason, I don't yet know what happens if you take too long to find everything in an investigation. The game only threatened that doing so would cause "ANNIHILATION." ... Which sounds bad.
I think that's enough of an introduction to Process of Elimination. I'll just close by noting that it only contains Japanese voiceovers (no dub) and, although I found some elements of its story to already be super-obvious, they've been reasonably quick to reveal the most obvious elements during the first chapter rather than lingering on the mistaken assumption that we hadn't already figured their crap out. So I'm optimistic that they won't make this narrative TOO obvious or simple in the long run.
Looking forward to uncovering more!
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elementaskylos345 · 4 months
Hi yea, rq. What do you think you'd do with the reboot cast if you could put them in IOTS I mostly ask in general but there's a twinge of wanting specifics for Damien and Scary Girl because they're the favorites and I'm biased lmao /nf
Man, I don't even know lol xtjtxjxfj
Not only do I not know enough about the characters (other than scary girl, she'd live) but I'm also not sure how I'd work it into the (not canon) timeline I've constructed
I know the idea of a copycat killer is available, but I used that idea for the RotI cast and I don't really like reusing ideas like that. I also don't know who that killer would be, which sounds silly cus Scary Girl is right there, but I think her killing the killer in the end would be more interesting
Sorry if this answer isn't very satisfying but I didn't really have much of an answer lol
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purplekoop · 6 months
So Marvel Rivals, that's an interesting surprise from nowhere! A new hero shooter with emphasis on the "Hero", but with a 6v6 format... huh. Interesting.
I'd do a full breakdown of everything shown so far but that feels like a job for someone with a usable computer. For now I'll just give my quick thoughts as a fan of both the genre and the IP.
On the Marvel side of things there's a good bit to be excited for already, with an interesting roster of picks already. Got a lot of obvious staples along plenty of choices that don't feel like cheap MCU tie-ins. Glad there's already a few X-men in, and genuinely very happy to see some characters I've literally never heard of. Again this mostly feels great because of how the MCU dominance has been overtly a hindrance to games like Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, where if a character didn't have a movie already out or in the works then they had a fat chance of getting in, even for series staples like Doctor Doom and literally any X-men characters.
On the gameplay side I can't say too much on the finer details, but it looks like individual characters bring a lot of interesting mechanics to the game. Doctor Strange can make portals, Hulk has his iconic leap and even has a transformation mechanic where he seems to need to spend some time as Banner before he can do the real work, and Loki has some sort of copycat technique. So... teleporting teammates, leaping and getting angry, duplication... yeah maybe these aren't as unique as they sound when tied to characters with a history of using those abilities outside of games.
There does also seem to be some sort of unique "team up" mechanic, like Hulk can lend Iron Man some gamma energy to power up his big laser blasts, or Rocket can scamper onto Groot's back in classic fashion. Not sure if these are unique interactions based on specific synergies, or if it's a more modular system, like first example coming to mind, Kirby Star Allies. Either has some balance or mechanical concerns, but it certainly sounds interesting.
The third person camera is also unique for a hero shooter, which makes me anticipate a less aim-intensive game and one more about movement, ability usage, and team play. Definitely a fair choice given the cast, plus I imagine it's compelling to actually see the iconic character you're controlling.
Now a big point I wanna address:
Will this be the Overwatch killer??
...no, probably not, sorry.
I think regardless of how much this game succeeds or OW2 fails, I don't think it's going to be much of a competition. Not as in Overwatch is gonna curb stomp it, but I just don't see the two games butting heads that much. Marvel Rivals seems to be going in its own direction with the finer details, even something as simple as first versus third person camera seems to inform pretty sweeping differences.
Plus, in the past I think calling any game the "killer" of the previous big thing in the genre. Looking to Overwatch specifically, people tried to call it the TF2 killer, which... I mean TF2 kinda killed itself trying to be like Overwatch, so bad example, but even with Valve's shortsighted incompetence TF2 never totally died, it's still got a solid playerbase and plenty of fans in spite of its rough post-2016 history, and with Overwatch existing completely fine alongside it. And "Overwatch killers" have come in the past, but never really meant much to OW besides some players deciding they preferred the other game more. Apex and Valorant are more just other subgenres with a "Hero" twist and not quite the same kind of game as OW, but Paladins was undoubtedly trying to fill that more specific niche. And... it didn't totally fail. No seriously, any game that still has its fans and active players, however few, is worth respect in my book.
I think that's the beauty of it, that multiple teams are willing and able to make their own approach to the same concept! That's how we get interesting new ideas, and move the subgenre forward in cool ways! To be blunt, ideally for me OW2 AND Marvel Rivals go on to coexist and both be great! If people prefer one over the other then that's fantastic, but the fact multiple options exist with their own ideas and approaches is so cool to me.
It's like with a similar subgenre developing over the past few years: platform fighters, or "Smash clones" for the outdated term. In the release downtime after the three most recent Smash games, we saw more and more teams try their hand at that uniquely accessible and interesting subgenre of fighting games, and it's been so exciting to see progress over time. We saw a good number of indie attempts after Smash 4, but after Ultimate we've been seeing bigger and bolder teams take serious attempts at a quality contender to challenge Smash. And while each new one garnering the title of "Smash Killer" is more and more of a meme, we're now seeing games that genuinely reach that level of polish and quality. Rivals of Aether 2 is personally the one I'm SO excited about in this respect. But I also can't help but think of the one platform fighter in recent memory that genuinely did Fail, at least in temporary dramatic fashion:
Yes, the hellish concept of a free to play fighting game, which prided itself on its grind culture. Now the utterly bizarre mess that is/was/will be Multiversus is sort of a unique disaster, but I can't help but imagine the worst for Marvel Rivals just because it shares that dreaded "f2p" label. Maybe it won't be too bad, but considering early screenshots imply characters need to be unlocked makes me assume the worst.
Frankly my biggest hope, however unlikely it is, is that these two games pressure each other to fix their individual shortcomings. Have OW2 Season 10 making heroes free make Marvel want to do the same, and have Marvel's 6v6 format make OW2 bite the bullet and revert to the same to fix its otherwise impossible to solve balance mess.
...no that's a lie, my biggest hope is actually that Wasp makes it in as a support and gets a skin based on her Earth's Mightiest Heroes look. Or better yet make that the basis for her default design, the designs are another promising point for this game so I have hope they can recognize quality.
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clapperboardtalk · 6 months
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A Town Revisited: A Review of "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" (2014)
Movie: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014)
Genre: Slasher Horror
Year: 2014
Country: USA
A Town Haunted by History: "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" (2014) isn't your typical slasher flick. It's a meta-sequel, revisiting the Texarkana murders of 1946 through the lens of the 1976 film of the same name. Our story kicks off with a drive-in screening of the original film, a chilling reminder of a dark past. But soon, the past bleeds into the present as a masked killer starts picking off couples, echoing the crimes of yesteryear. Is it a copycat or something more sinister? Enter Jami (played by the fantastic Addison Timlin), a high school student who might hold the key to unraveling the mystery.
Alluring Performances: The acting in this film is a cut above your average slasher. The cast delivers believable performances, even when faced with the absurdity of the situation. Timlin shines as Jami, navigating fear, suspicion, and a surprising amount of agency with remarkable nuance. The rest of the cast holds their own, but it's Timlin who truly elevates the film.
Technically Sound Chills: The camerawork in "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" is effective, building tension and dread during the killer's stalking scenes. The sound design is equally impressive, with sharp effects that make you jump and a score that perfectly complements the on-screen scares.
A Slash Above Average, But Not a Genre Revolution: Here's the thing: "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" is a perfectly enjoyable slasher film. It's got good scares, solid acting, and a clever premise. However, it doesn't stray far from the slasher formula. The lack of originality might leave some viewers wanting more. For me, the biggest drawback was the underdeveloped killer. We get very little insight into their motives, making it hard to connect with them or feel truly invested in their reign of terror.
So, is it worth a watch? Absolutely! With its great acting, particularly Timlin's stellar performance, and its stylish chills, "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" is a fun, albeit familiar, horror experience. I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars.
Netizens Divided: Reviews for the film were mixed. Some praised the acting and atmosphere, while others criticized the lack of originality. Box office results were modest, with the film grossing a little over $120,000 against an estimated budget of $1 million.
Trivia Time: Did you know that the original 1976 film was actually banned in Texarkana for several years due to its perceived sensationalization of the real-life murders? "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" (2014) cleverly acknowledges this fact within the film itself.
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fearsmagazine · 8 months
SCALPER - Review
DISTRIBUTOR: Breaking Glass Pictures
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SYNOPSIS: “Psychic Clementine Carter is confronted with a nightmarish reality as everyone around her falls victim to the sadistic reign of terror unleashed by 'The Scalper.' As the body count rises, the burning question remains: Is this the return of the dead psycho Andrew Lubitz, a cunning copycat killer, or something far more horrifying than the human imagination can conceive? In a deadly game of cat and mouse, she must rely on her psychic abilities to stay one step ahead of the maniac's relentless pursuit.” -Press Release
REVIEW: This is my second encounter with filmmaker Chad Ferrin, my previous “Pig Killer,” which also featured actors Jake Busey & Bai Ling. It’s slightly better than “Pig Killer,” but I had issues with the performances, the writing and some of the special effects.
Chad Ferrin is not a bad filmmaker. Technically, SCALPER has solid production designs, cinematography, okay editing and the atmosphere is enhanced by a score by the legendary Richard Band. The special effects are okay, but the mask the killer wears looks plastic at times.
The plot is an amalgamation of ideas we’ve seen in other films of this nature, too many to list here. The plot features thriller, supernatural and slasher elements. Some of it feels a bit unnecessary and could have been streamlined, such as the scenes of Clementine’s father and mother in what is a spiritual plane. The dialogue is okay and the core plot is not half bad, but ultimately SCALPER is say a White Castle slider as compared to a steakhouse burger.
The performances are okay. I liked Susan Priver’s character and it borders on campy, but never steps over the line. He adds a lot of empathy to the role. Jake Busey has several moments where he adds this look or delivery of a line that has you groaning, but it is not bad. Bai Ling’s work here is almost as bad as “Pig Killer.” I’m familiar with several of her older roles and I’ve met her at several conventions, so I’m aware of what she can deliver. I find these stereotypical performances off putting and an impediment to enjoying the film.
Bottom-line, I wouldn’t go out of my way to rent SCALPER on VOD or a digital platform. If it shows up on something you already have a subscription to, you're a diehard genre fan and any of the actors in the film I’d suggest viewing it. However, if you’re a more cultivated consumer of genre entertainment you might be disappointed. I’d be interested in seeing Chad Ferrin directing something he hasn’t written.
CAST: Susan Priver, Jake Busey, Bai Ling, Kate Patel, Scott Vogel, Jon Budinoff, and Robert Miano. CREW: Director/Screenplay/Producer - Chad Ferrin; Producers - Robert Miano & Jeff Olan; Cinematographer - Jeff Billings; Score - Richard Band; Editor - Jahad Frif; Production Designer - Viktoriia Vlasenko; Costume Designer - KerriAnne Savastano; Special Effects Makeup - Joe Castro; Visual Effects - Jeff Billings. OFFICIAL: N.A. FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SKATD TRAILER: https://youtu.be/vP6s6LPOdSQ?si=eSBBizVhW7xyi2Ke RELEASE DATE: VOD & Digital Jan 16th, 2024
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay), or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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jamieroxxartist · 9 months
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✔ Mark Your Calendars: Wed Jan 17, 2024 on 🎨#JamieRoxx’s Pop Roxx Radio 🎙️#TalkShow and 🎧#Podcast w/ Featured Guest:
Kate Patel, #Actress ​(#Scalper | #Movie, #Horror)
☎ Lines will be open (347) 850.8598 Call in with your Questions and Comments Live on the Air.
● Click here to Set a Reminder: http://tobtr.com/12304447
Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes #KatePatel, Actress (Scalper | Movie, Horror) to the Show!
● IMDB: www.imdb.com/title/tt23148560 ● IG: @katewdpatel ● FB: @kate.patel.14
Everyone around psychic Clementine Carter is being brutally murdered by a masked killer dubbed 'The Scalper.' Is it dead psycho Andrew Lubitz back from the grave, a copycat killer or a horror beyond imagination? Clementine must use her second sight to stay one step ahead of the maniac's blade to solve the mystery. VOD Release - 1/16/24 via Breaking Glass Pictures
Director: Chad Ferrin Cast: #SusanPriver (Clementine Carter), #JakeBusey (Detective Hayden), #BaiLing (Jade Mei), Kate Patel (Detective Lupino), #ScottVogel (Bob Tarkovskiy)
​● Media Inquiries: October Coast PR www.octobercoastpr.com
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spellsword177 · 1 year
Scream Series: A 2023 Ranking
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The Halloween season is again upon us, it seemed like as good a time as any to revisit and update a post of mine from nearly two years ago about my favorite horror film series now six films in. What has always appealed to me is the underlying mystery in each film. Who will don the Ghostface persona this time? Who will live to see another sunrise? Who will die at the killer’s hand? Add to this the fact the murderer is always human, never supernatural, and you have the ingredients for an intriguing story. It could happen to you.
6.  Scream 4 (2011)
Woodsboro, California is once again haunted by a killer donning the Ghostface costume fifteen years after the original massacre. Can the Woodsboro survivors stop the killings in time, or will the culprit be successful in completing his or her morbid plan? I loved the commentary on celebrity and social media. The kills were also among the most gruesome in the entire series and very creative. That said, the so-called rules presented by wannabe Randys were the least believable, and (I’m not sure if this age catching up with me) the teenagers were very self-absorbed, and hard to like. Only Kirby and maybe Trevor and Robbie were in anyway likable. The motivation was horribly shallow and a pale imitation of the original. I loved the ending death an ironic nature of the news broadcasts. Ultimately, I do not hate this film. I like all of them in series, but this appeals to me the least and one film had to come in last.
5.  Scream 5 aka Scream (2022)
Twenty-six years have passed from the first attacks in Woodsboro, and someone is attacking relatives of the original group.  What sort of game does the Ghostface killer have in mind this time?  What secret could have could have caused Sam Carpenter to leave Woodsboro all those years ago?  Will the survivors of the previous attacks escape again?  It can be fun to revisit the origins of franchise and this one does not disappoint.  The rules are fit the Scream universe in general, and the new characters are all great. The motivation is an excellent commentary on toxic fandoms.  I adore the return of “Red Right Hand” by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and the clever tribute to the late Wes Craven.  Overall, this film is at a solid fifth place.
4.  Scream 2 (1997)
Another string of murders involving Ghostface occur in and around Windsor College in Ohio one year after Woodsboro. A copycat killer is on the loose who will not rest until the survivors of the Woodsboro Massacre are dead and plans on taking out others along the way starting with a young couple at an early screening of Stab. The deaths were more gruesome, and, like many fans, I was upset by one that I will not mention so as not to spoil it for those who haven’t seen it. This film is a solid sequel, the rules masterful, and the mastermind behind it all one of the best in the series. I rank this fourth in my favorites not because of its quality, but due to my other preferences.
3.  Scream 3 (2000)
Three years after the events at Windsor, someone is killing the cast of Stab 3 in and around Hollywood, California dressed as Ghostface and leaving pictures of Maureen Prescott with handwritten notes on the back. Someone doesn’t want secrets of the past to remain buried and is willing to kill in order to draw out the Woodsboro survivors. Many have considered this the worst in the series, and I can understand why. The characters don’t have as much depth (with the exception of Jennifer), the story less plausible, and the kills the least gruesome (partially from the aftermath of the Columbine Massacre). That said, I usually consider this now my third favorite in the series. The rules are solid, I love the callbacks to the first film, and the culprit is my favorite out of the lineup (though the execution could have been better). It feels like the concluding chapter of a trilogy, and I have more fun watching it than most of the others.
2.  Scream VI (2023)
It’s lead up to Halloween, one year later, in New York City; what better way to stalk your victims than to hide in plane sight among the revelers?  Only this time, some seems to be counting down leaving behind masks from the previous attacks.  What will happen when once the clock strikes one?  Why are the past attacks so significant?  Can the survivors safely navigate The City That Never Sleeps without also being cut down themselves?  While I understand the frustration many had with the absence of an important member of the cast, I can say the absence of that person did not pull the film down.  The cast is excellent, the Rules of a Franchise amusing, and the various twists shocking.  This one had all the fun nostalgia of the third film with none of its drawbacks and mixes it with the most appropriate of holidays.  All of it was enough to land a second-place finish.
1.  Scream (1996)
A year after the rape and murder of Maureen Prescott, the town of Woodsboro, California is plagued by a string of murders committed by a villain wearing a Halloween costume, wielding a knife, and taunting victims through various phone calls. Someone has watched too many horror films and is taking things way too seriously. Can Sidney Prescott and her friends survive? As with any horror franchise, it is always difficult to outdo the original. I adore this cast of characters, the Rules of Surviving a Horror Movies, and the shocking ending with believable motives. It has yet to be supplanted as my favorite in the series.
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latestflix · 2 years
Copycat Killer
Release Date: March 31, 2023 | Netflix
Taking advantage of the widespread interest, a media-savvy serial killer turns his case into a national spectacle, fueling gossip and notoriety. A no-nonsense prosecutor vows to solve the case only to realize that things are not what they seem. Meanwhile, the killer repeatedly makes a mockery of law and justice as he seeks to destroy peace and order in society.
Based on the novel “Mohouhan” by Japanese writer Miyuki Miyabe, the new Chinese Language Netflix series is set in ’90s Taipei, Taiwan, and follows the city’s first serial murder case. The production team has taken over 3 years of preparation, adaptation, filming, and post-production to bring this intricate crime and mystery thriller to the screen with an award-winning cast and directors.
CAST: Wu Kang-ren, Alice Ko, Tuo Tsung-hua, Yao Chun-yao, Fandy Fan, Cammy Chiang, Hsia Teng-hung, Ruby Lin
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別人不信你,我信你啊! - Even if others don't, I believe in you!
Jack Yáo ChúnYào 姚淳耀 and Fandy Fàn ShàoHsun 范少勳 for the Lexus Taiwan *My Film* short film competition.
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the-type-a · 2 years
We're back with part two of Duncney playlist songs. If I accidentally suggest the same one twice, just blame it on the fact that I'm sick. I'm giving sections this time!
-Your Stupid Face (Kaden MacKay)
-Boys (Charli XCX)
-Blank Space (Taylor Swift)
-The Call (Regina Spektor)
-The Calling (TheFatRat)
-Darkside (Alan Walker)
-COPYCAT (Billie Eilish)
-Your Obedient Servant (Hamilton)
-Dead Girl Walking (Heathers)
-Ain't It Fun (Paramore)
-Try (P!nk)
-Take A Hint (Victorious)
-Everybody Loves Me (OneRepublic)
No Children (The Mountain Goats)
Rat (Penelope Scott)
-Oleander (Mother Mother)
-Oh Klahoma (Jack Stauber)
-All That Glitters (Earl)
-Already Gone (Sleeping At Last)
-Boys Will Be Bugs (Cavetown)
-Today Today (Jack Stauber)
-Be Alright (Dean Lewis)
-What About Us (P!nk)
-Me and My Husband (Mitski)
-Who Is She? (Reprise) (Centaurworld)
-Lotta True Crime (Penelope Scott)
-All Eyes On Me (OR3O)
-I Of The Storm (Of Monsters and Men)
-Cleopatra (The Lumineers)
-The Moon Will Sing (The Crane Wives)
-Requiem (Dear Evan Hansen)
-Good For You (Dear Evan Hansen)
-Words Fail (Dear Evan Hansen)
-If Only (Descendants)
-Just Another Girl (The Killers)
-Don't Come Back Here (KIRA)
-Don't Make Me (MALINDA)
-Evelyn Evelyn (Evelyn Evelyn)
-Are You Satisfied? (MARINA)
-Blue Lips (Regina Spektor)
-Two Birds (Regina Spektor)
-Feed My Ego (Mickey Darling)
-Cardigan (Taylor Swift)
-August (Taylor Swift)
-Hoax (Taylor Swift)
-Bruno is Orange (Hop Along)
-Father (The Front Bottoms)
-Ghost (Reinaeiry)
-Ghost (Confetti)
-Ghosts (Jacob Tillberg)
-A Boy Like That (Glee Cast)
-Rose's Turn (Glee Cast)
-Glimpse of Us (Joji)
-If it's True (Hadestown)
-Come Home With Me (Reprise) (Hadestown)
-How Long? (Hadestown)
-Satisfied (Hamilton)
-I Say No (Heathers)
-Freeze Your Brain (Heathers)
-Meant To Be Yours (Heathers)
-I Am Damaged (Heathers)
-His Theme (Caleb Hyles)
-How to Save a Life (The Fray)
-Monster (dodie)
-If I Were a Boy (Beyonce)
-I'm glad you're evil too -Re-release (Rachie)
-Personal (Stars)
-Goodbye (Bo Burnham)
-Angel Eyes and Basketball (Foot Ox)
-Heather (Conan Gray)
-Are You Bored Yet? (Wallows)
-Hurts Like Hell (Fleurie)
-Mad at Disney (slem ilese)
-prom dress (mxmtoon)
-I Knew You Once (Hollie Allen)
-Blame (Air Traffic Contoller)
-Oblivion (Dirty Palm)
-Once in a Dream (In the City)
-Catching Fire (Acoustic) (Sum 41)
-Family of Me (Ben Folds)
-feelings are fatal (mxmtoon)
-Cigarette Ahegao (Penelope Scott)
-putting a spin on never ever getting rid of me (Egg)
-Praying (Kesha)
-If I Could Take This Moment Back (Tangled the Series)
-I'd Give Anything (Tangled the Series)
-All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor Swift
-Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor Swift)
-All You Wanna Do (Six the Musical, live recording. Make sure to get the one with the purple cover.)
-No Way (SIX)
-Heart of Stone (SIX)
-Get Down (SIX)
-I Don't Need Your Love (SIX)
-Yr the Best! (carpetgarden)
-Smells Like Teen Spirit (Malia J)
-In My Head (Derivakat)
-Swallowing Shadows (Blixemi)
-Spider Dance (Adriana Figueroa)
-Bugbear (chloe moriondo)
-How Did You Love (Shinedown)
-A Sadness Runs Through Him (The Hoosiers)
-Trust Me Not (Backseat Vagabond)
-UH OH! (Sub Urban)
-An Unhealthy Obsession (The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra)
-Way Less Sad (AJR)
-you should see me in a crown (Billie Eilish)
-Found (Steven Universe)
-Fragile Things (Reprise) (Centaurword)
-Monster (Adventure Time)
-In A Crowd of Thousands (Anastasia)
-You (Keaton Henson)
-Can't Help Falling in Love (Annnapantsu cover)
-The Daughter of the Fish and the Ram (The Scary Jokes)
-To You (OR3O)
-Obvious (Dear Evan Hansen)
-If I Could Tell Her (Dear Evan Hansen)
-Don't Forget (Toby Fox)
-Electric Love (BORNS)
-Riptide (Vance Joy)
-Falling In Love (Crystal Bats)
-Lady Stardust (Lisa Miskovsky)
-Hey Stephen (Taylor Swift)
-Fly Me to the Moon/Lucky (Rick Hale, Breea Guttery)
-Jessie's Girl (Glee Cast Version)
-A Million Dreams (The Greatest Showman)
-Come Home With Me (Hadestown)
-Wait For Me (Hadestown)
-Wait For Me (Reprise) (Hadestown)
-Helpless (Hamilton)
-That Would Be Enough (Hamilton)
-Best Of Wives and Best of Women (Hamilton)
-If I Can't Have You (Shawn Mendes)
-Safe & Sound (Kurt Hugo Schneider)
-Love Will Find A Way (The Lion King 2)
-Lover (Taylor Swift)
-Paper Rings (Taylor Swift)
-hey (Egg)
-Give Me Your Attention (Candelion)
-Next Stop Anywhere (Tangled the Series)
-With You By My Side (Tangled the Series)
-The Girl Who Has Everything (Tangled the Series)
-The Girl Who Has Everything (Reprise) (Tangled the Series)
-Dandelions (Ruth B.)
-A song about Nothing (MALINDA)
-Here I Am - End Title (Bryan Adams)
-One Sided Love (Planttvibes)
-You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Collins)
-Can't Stop Singing (Teen Beach Movie, switch the male and female roles for this one)
-Two Worlds Apart (Lilyrabbitsings)
-The Crush Song (Tina the Twina)
-No Reason (Beetlejuice)
-Roxie (Chicago)
-Sincerely, Me (Dear Evan Hansen)
-A Winter's Ball (Hamilton)
-Just Monika (Random Encounters)
-Senpai Notice Me (Random Encounters)
-Legendary Heroes (Random Encounters)
JUST COURTNEY SONGS: (not even sure if these ones count but have them anyways)
-I Deserve to Bleed (Sushi Soucy)
-Disobedient (Steven Universe)
-Haven't You Noticed (I'm a Star) (Steven Universe)
-Chameleon (Blixemi)
-Dollhouse (Melanie Martinez)
-Hiding in Your Hands (Dear Evan Hansen)
-don't stop dancing (reprise) (Bojack Horseman)
-Party Mom and Invisible Dad (That Handsome Devil)
-Top of My School (Katherine Lynn-Rose)
-And He Runs (Blixemi)
-You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift)
-Stepsister's Lament (Cinderella the Musical)
-She Knows (Hollie Col)
...and I thought I wouldn't have enough for a part two.
Added a good handful of these! Great list ✨
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vuulpecula · 2 years
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✖ @lilaxwine​​ inquired: ⚜ (w/Jean)
send me ‘ ⚜ ‘ and i’ll put my spotify on shuffle & use the first 15 songs to create a playlist for our muses | accepting
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first meeting. mitchell: wait for me - original cast of hadestown getting to know each other. twilight time - the platters escorting them back home. iris - kina grannis longing. kyoto ( copycat killer version ) - phoebe bridgers going to a party together. in da club - 50 cent defending them in a fight. bottom of the river - delta rae confessing their feelings. wake - the antlers sharing a romantic/friendshippy moment. laughing on the outside ( crying on the inside ) - dinah shore a tragic turning point. black mambo - glass animals heated argument. even if its a lie - matt maltese goodbyes. a whiter shade of pale - procol harum change of minds. counting paths - matthew and the atlas the final battle. southern wild - honeywater reunion. funeral pyre - julien baker happy ending. black out days - phantogram
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tomorrowedblog · 26 days
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Thursday Releases for August 29
Friday is usually the busiest day of the week for new releases. Not this week though. For some reason there a bunch of releases on a Thursday. Whatever. Thursday Releases for August 29 include The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power S2, Terminator Zero, Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club, and more.
The Lords of the Rings: The Rings of Power S2
The second season of The Lords of the Rings: The Rings of Power, the TV series from J. D. Payne and Patrick McKay, is out today.
Sauron has returned. Cast out by Galadriel, without army or ally, the rising Dark Lord must now rely on his own cunning to rebuild his strength and oversee the creation of the Rings of Power, which will allow him to bind all the peoples of Middle-earth to his sinister will.
KAOS, the new TV series from Charlie Covell, is out today.
As discord reigns on Mount Olympus and almighty Zeus spirals into paranoia, three mortals are destined to reshape the future of humankind.
Terminator Zero
Terminator Zero, the new TV series from Mattson Tomlin, is out today.
A warrior from a post-apocalyptic future travels to 1997 to protect an AI scientist being hunted by an unfeeling — and indestructible — cyborg.
Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club
Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club, the new game from Nintendo, is out today.
A student has been found dead! His head was covered with a paper bag with an eerie smiling face drawn on it—much like the victims of Emio, the Smiling Man—a killer of urban legend who is said to place such a bag over his victims’ heads. As an assistant private investigator, you are tasked with helping police solve this crime, which is reminiscent of a series of unsolved murders from 18 years ago. Has a serial killer returned, or is this the work of a copycat? Are these crimes inspired by the Smiling Man story, or the origin of it?
Visions of Mana
Visions of Mana, the new game from Square Enix, is out today.
Visions of Mana is a brand new title in this series revolving around the sacred sword and mana. The protagonist Val and his childhood friend Hinna, the newly appointed Alm of Fire, set off on a journey to the Mana Tree.
Akimbot, the new game from Evil Raptor and PLAION, is out today.
In the action-adventure platformer, Akimbot, blast your way through armies of robots, pilot spaceships and forge your own path to save the universe from impending doom! Set in a sci-fi world where only robots exist, travel the galaxy and experience non-stop robot mayhem and explosive action!
Squirrel with a Gun
Squirrel With A Gun, the new game from Dee Dee Creations and Maximum Entertainment, is out today.
Squirrel, meet gun. As the neighborhood’s most obnoxious rodent, develop a knack (and a love?) for crime and mayhem in pursuit of golden acorns in this nutty sandbox shooter and puzzle platformer. Fight tooth, claw, and gun to escape a secret underground facility and defeat the Agents.
Memoriapolis, the new game from 5PM Studio, is out today.
Memoriapolis invites you to construct a city that spans 2,500 years of history, from Antiquity to the Age of Enlightenment. Choose your culture, manage resources, face historical events, build "Wonders" to achieve the status of Capital of Capitals and leave your mark in history!
Gori: Cuddly Carnage
Gori: Cuddly Carnage, the new game from Angry Demon Studio, Wired Productions, and CouchPlay Interactive, is out today.
Humanity has been destroyed - and it's up to Gori, along with his deadly but wise-cracking sentient hoverboard, F.R.A.N.K, and morose AI companion, CH1-P, to shred and slay the evil Adorable Army!
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mikesfilmtalk · 28 days
The Kill Room (2023): Copycat Killer Artist a Let Down
The 2023 production of The Kill Room serves us a sort of copycat killer artist storyline. It is a bit of a let down. This is one I wanted to like. It has an excellent cast and a story that had the propensity to poke fun at the art world. A world of self serving pontificates. Experts who make it up as they go along. Instead we are offered a tale that focuses on celebrity and the falseness of…
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sarascamander · 3 months
The second book, Two For Joy, is kind of heartbreaking. It was in Romeo's pov and in book 1, which is Chad's pov, I don't really love it. I Mena I love the characters and the plot but I don't actually root for them, but this book totally change them.
I think it's because being in Chad's head is different from Romeo. Chad basically hates himself and has a lot of inner turmoil so being in his head, we see him as he sees himself so I don't quite love him. And Chad sees Romeo but there was a lot of justifying and hatred in the way he sees him too so it's hard to completely root both of them.
But Romeo's pov is so different. I LOVE Chad in this book because Romeo adores Chad. He looks at Chad and sees all of his goods and just painted him in the way that makes it so easy to fall in love with him because that what happened to Romeo. He fell for Chad and is still falling and now I'm falling in love with Chad. And unlike Chad, Romeo was confident of who he was. He knows he's a killer. He knows he's a monster and the walk on the memory lane from his past is not an attempt to explain why he is the way he is and justified what he did, but just a chance for us to see where it all started and I love that.
The first part of the book I was totally giggling and blushing because they're just so sweet to each other. Totally married, domestical vibe even in a jail cell lmao. And they're so funny too, I just love them. But the second half got me STRESSING. I was begging, on my knees for everyone to LEAVE MY BABY GIRL CHAD ALONE. Everyone is turning on him and I'm so pissed at everyone because Chad is literally a messy, pathetic, and depressed, cinnamon roll who deserves the warmest, most fluffy hug EVER. The only person who's agreeing with me is Romeo and Zac 😭. I was really wishing Romeo somehow escaped that jail and murder everyone for even making Chad frown.
(I warned you before didn't I? being in Romeo's pov really makes me fall in love with Chad. I'm basically his mother now and he's a stray kitten I found.)
It's kind of sad seeing how Chad and Romeo's connection with Magpie is being twisted and manipulated by the media and that copycat. It was a pure symbol between the two of them, not for these people to ruin it 😭.
Anyway, my heart goes out for Chad. He literally deserves an apology from everyone. EVER SINCE BOOK 1 I'm telling you. Even though I wasn't in love with him at that time, even I know how much the people around him are screwing with him.
Bc what do you mean your fiance sold your classified information for money, your bestie sneaks behind your back to get a promotion you repeatedly said you want, you get shamed by your coworkers for leaving because you've nearly had a panic attack watching you DI in hospital AND you get depromoted into desk duty because of one accident (happens when he almost have the said panic attack). I don't even blame him for falling for Romeo, he's the only human being that is being decent to Chad at this point.
And now in this book people are villainising him, shaming him, casting him out, suspense him from his work and act as if he was sick in the head. They all think he's becoming a serial killer just because he love Romeo. Like dude??? This is literally how I see him:
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This is literally Chad 💀. You think he killed 3 people? Bro cried harder than a baby when his dog died. And you think he can kill people? Be for real rn.
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