#discount shuichi
hopeymchope · 1 year
Danganlike, Ahoy: Process of Elimination
As we wait for the team behind the Danganronpa series to finally release the game they've been working on for almost five years now next month, why not fill the time with another recent release that's inspired by their work?
I've just started playing it myself.
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Process of Elimination just came out in April, and the team behind it has been open about the fact that Danganronpa was one of their primary inspirations. As such, we once again we have a situation where a group of eccentric anime-style people are trapped in an isolated location where murders ensue! (At least this time, the cast isn't being forced/encouraged to all murder one another. ... Well, not YET.)
And the player character? We play as a detective-in-training with extremely low self-esteem who wears an all-black uniform and sports an ahoge sprouting from the black hair atop his head.
In other words: Shuichi.
We play as dollar-store Shuichi Saihara.
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"We have Shuichi at home."
In all seriousness, his name is actually "Wato Hojo." But far as I'm concerned? This motherfucker is Discount Shuichi until he earns his own name. But make no mistake — I'm legitimately hoping our protagonist will manage to come into his own. I wish you the best of luck, D.S.!
Before we get any further, know this: There's a free demo available for this game! You can try out the early parts for free on your Switch, PS4, or PC! So there's very little reason NOT to do so if you're at all interested in a new Danganlike mystery Visual Novel-esque game with puzzles to unravel!
With that out of the way... if you're still here, I'll happily give you more info on the basic setup/backstory of the prologue and how the gameplay generally works.
Unfortunately for Discount Shuichi, he's far from the only detective on the premises when deaths start occurring. In fact, he's but one of MANY. But to explain why that's the case, we need to dig into the setup/backstory of this thing.
Here's the setup/backstory of our adventure: A serial killer who goes by "The Quartering Duke" appeared roughly a year ago. Since that time, he's committed more than 50 double murders, racking up an heretofore-unprecedented 100+ kills. To make matters worse: The fact that he's been on such a successful spree without generating any clear leads has led to multiple copycats springing up in his wake.
The citizens are living in fear, requests for bodyguard and private detective services are at a historic high, and the government has resorted to leaning on the Detective Alliance (or "DA") for assistance with the crime wave.
"Who dat," you ask? The DA is sort of like a detective union: A loose alliance of 100 private detectives who are given a numeric rank based on their skills and experience. So kind of like the Detective Library made famous to DR hardcores by Danganronpa Kirigiri, albeit with fewer members.
They're officially free agents, but they're largely contracted by the government as of late. Also: The members of the DA can't reveal their real names/identities. Instead, they only go by an adjective that describes them and the word "Detective."
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A group of quirky detectives that each have a noteworthy trait? Is this taking inspiration from Rain Code BEFORE Rain Code is out?!
For example:
Gourmet Detective is an excellent chef in addition to her detective bonafides.
Rowdy Detective is typically aggressive and ready to throw down.
Techie Detective prefers to rely on technological tools for his work.
Posh Detective is... posh.
And as you no doubt see in the above image, our own character is dubbed the "Incompetent Detective." I wish I could say that was undeserved, but... nah. It check out.
When we first meet Discount Shuichi, he's botching a job he was assigned as an assistant at a smaller detective firm. He's brought into the Detective Alliance at the lowest rank of 100 JUST in time for he and another 13 sleuths to wind up isolated at DA's island headquarters with their communications out. And he quickly proves that he's not very swift on the uptake when it comes to the clues around him. I actually joked to my S.O. that maybe they'd dub him the "Inept Detective"... and two minutes later, he got the "Incompetent" label. And I laughed. It's harsh, but for now? It's fair.
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Oh, and he even gets knocked out and wakes up inside a locker that is within his new murder-prison. +1 Shuichi Point!
Anyway, back to the story: To the surprise of everyone who isn't the player, a quartered dead body is soon discovered. It appears entirely likely that the Quartering Duke has made his way to Detective Alliance Island and is now trapped among them! Pretty soon, we're collaborating with other detectives to examine the crime scene and determine what went down.
I just started playing last night, so I don't have a lot more to report than that. I've only completed the first chapter/mystery so far. At the moment, it looks like we might only have ONE culprit throughout this game who commits all the murders... but given that we're already set up that there's a ton of copycats during the prologue/backstory, I wouldn't be too shocked if we encounter one or two others as the game goes on.
The bulk of the game is a visual novel experience with occasional binary choices that can lead to (minor/short) branches in events and/or impact your end-of-chapter score/grade. The balance is similar to a Danganronpa so far: You're mostly reading, but there's still one important segment where gameplay takes center stage and gets much more involved than merely reading the text. That core "gameplay" comes in the investigation sequences.
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Isometric Investigative Action!
This is when we use our "dPad" (an iPad parody, not a directional pad) to direct all the titular detectives around the building. I'm not going to get into the story reason for why Discount Shuichi has this authority, so let's just talk about what he can do with it.
See, there will be "Mystery Points" that require a certain level of "Intellect" to unlock, and you can assign detectives with various numeric Intellect rankings to investigate them. If you put another detective beside such an investigating detective and assign them to "Assist," you get a significant boost in their Intellect skill that will help you break down the Mystery Point faster, revealing the clue underneath. Most Mystery Points will only take a single "hour" or "turn" to identify what the relevant evidence is, but some take multiple turns. Furthermore, once you identify a piece of evidence at such a point, you'll find that some of them require closer analysis to reveal all of their secrets. And each of our detectives ALSO has a numeric "Analyze" ranking. If they meet or exceed the rank needed to analyze the evidence, they can do so in a single hour/turn, revealing whatever additional info it holds.
Detective stats include a numeric Move rating, too! it controls how far they can move during a single turn. Usually, each turn lets you move a character and then assign them an action — but you can also choose to give a character full access to traveling the ENTIRE map if you need them to get very far very fast. Doing this means that moving will be ALL they can do for that particular turn, though.
Starting get the picture? The game is one of time and resource management. You have a limited number of hours/turns before you must complete an investigation, and each detective on hand has set numeric ratings that limit how much they can move and what they can successfully complete within a single turn. Your mission is to complete the analysis of the crime scene and all its evidence before your time is up, leveraging your team's unique stats to carve the most efficient path.
The first investigation is 50% tutorial, so it's pretty easy to complete it within the allotted hours/turns. For that reason, I don't yet know what happens if you take too long to find everything in an investigation. The game only threatened that doing so would cause "ANNIHILATION." ... Which sounds bad.
I think that's enough of an introduction to Process of Elimination. I'll just close by noting that it only contains Japanese voiceovers (no dub) and, although I found some elements of its story to already be super-obvious, they've been reasonably quick to reveal the most obvious elements during the first chapter rather than lingering on the mistaken assumption that we hadn't already figured their crap out. So I'm optimistic that they won't make this narrative TOO obvious or simple in the long run.
Looking forward to uncovering more!
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bluevelvetea · 1 year
Bourbon, wants nothing more than to curse at Rye but Scotch is in the room with them: Rye, you fucking discount flatbread!
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beetletricks · 9 days
Main Issues with Rosegarden vs Ones That Can Be Easily Argued Against
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Main Criticisms that better describe the main concerns with Rosegarden:
-Issue 1: RWBY often relies heavily on subtext and fan interpretation to build ships rather than explicitly showing relationships develop on-screen(Pyrrha explains her reasons for liking Jaune but we don't see them onscreen as this was in only Volume 2). This creates frustration for fans who feel that certain relationships aren't explored enough or are left too vague.
-Issue 2: Some relationships receive far more screen time and development than others in RWBY, or are onyl focused for specific volumes, which can lead to certain ships feeling more like fanservice or being sidelined entirely.(Weiss and Ruby not hanging out much compared to Penny and Ruby in V7)
-Issue 3: Ruby and Oscar haven't been in the forefront resulting in conversations which other lacking banter vs conversations they have with characters who are in the forefront(Oscar being sassy with Hazel, Emerald, and Ozpin)
Criticisms that that are often contradicted:
Oscar is too old for Ruby
Other media: -Kagome (15) and Inuyasha (over 200 years old)
RWBY: Ruby being fine with being friends with Penny who was a robot
Ruby Should be with ______
Other media: -Quintessential Quintuplets(despite different shipping author gives reason as to why the MC ended up with the specific love interest compared to others)
RWBY: Will probably explain why if ends up canon, did so for Pyrrha in Volume 2
Oscar is to young for Ruby
Other media: Usagi (15) and Mamoru (17) from Sailor Moon
RWBY: Again Penny having no biological age 
Ruby will just take care of Oscar
Other media: Luz would start off causing dangerous situations Amity needed to help deal with in the Owl House before indirectly motivating her to stand up to her parents in the Owl House
RWBY: Ruby does this for literally everyone
Oscar is just a plot device of the most part
Other media: Shuichi Minamino represents Kurama's internal conflict and transformation with their merge in Yu Yu Hakusho that happened before the events of the show
CRWBY: Ruby having Silver Eyes
Ruby and Oscar don’t have enough time for romantic development in the show
Other media: Hinata and Naruto from Naruto the Last Movie 
CRWBY: Pyrrha admitting she liked Jaune in only V2 for treating her like anyone else which we only learned in that volume.
Oscar will merge with Ozpin
Other media: Ultraman Tiga-gradually merges while regaining past life relationships but still gets married to new love interest
CRWBY: Blacksmith is god and gives Ruby a choice in changing or not for her acceptance 
Ozpin being around
Other media: Asuka still loving Jaden despite his trauma and fusing with Yubel in Yugioh GX
CRWBY: Ozpin only appearing for plot stuff 
Ozpin will take over Oscar
Other media: Ultraman Tiga, Kurama(Yu Yu Hakusho) from above
CRWBY: Blacksmith gives a whole speech about balance at the end of Volume 9 rather than control 
Oscar is just discount Jaune 
Other Media: Like Edward, Alphonse is on a similar journey and reacting to new stuff, but his own struggles and quiet demeanor separate him from his more forward brother. Over time, Alphonse proves his individuality and importance to the story in Fullmetal Alchemist. 
-Jaune being in a rare position of being a foil to Ruby but even since volume 1(likely due to family legacy) would act like he has everything under control resulting him lashing out, hence him opening up in Volume 8 and 9 represents important growth
(learning to be forward-facing even in the midst of truly knowing and understanding everything that’s wrong with the situation.)
-After Oscar getting frustrated in Volume 5 he adapts as well in how he doesn’t follow Ozpin’s mindset as much as Jaune since Volume 1 which added to his repressive habits in Volume 9 partially, in how despitee struggling with becoming an immortal wizard he is capable of making more meaningful connections compared to Ozpin who even if he ignoring the Salem secret didn’t trust anyone emotionally resulting in him quickly leaving. 
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trashedanatomy · 29 days
Spinaraki week day day four: Dream
Spinner’s leg twitched under the heaviness of two weighted blankets. His eyes were shut tightly his hair a tangled mess. His body was sprawled across the bed under the cloth, both his arms released from the constraints folded under his snout. A drip of drool pooling down on his pillow. The room was dim, a slither of light from the moon shining through the curtains. Little hums could be heard from a fan at the other side of the room, slowly turning left from right. His tail squirmed under the blanket, his body flipping over as his arms flailed to the sides. His tail curled wrapping against his torso, a few clicks escaping from the lizard boy's snout. The blue haired man stood atop of the mossy rock Infront the dragon born, looking down at the rivered before them, it was a calm one littered with mossy rocks that stacked to make small waterfalls in the water bed. The man had no shirt, only scoring a pair of a warm chestnut Harem pants. Shuichi stared out Infront of him, his eyes glazing over his elven boss’s toned back, traveling down from the shoulder blades to the man's waist. Sweat rolled down, glistening in the sunlight, his hair was plastered against his skin, drenched from sweat. He crouched down, lowering his hand, feeling the water rush pasts his digits, the stream cool but not freezing.
“Right then, Water here seems fine to wash up in,” Tomura shook the droplets of water from his hand, rising back up, hopping down from the rock which he stood upon. Turning to Shuichi. “Well, we should wash up now, it was some difficult battles today, surprised we were even able to get by that Lynel with no arrows stuck in our backs,” The man chuckled, crouching down to rummage through his bag, taking out a few rags. “Yeah, were getting better, we almost have enough gems to upgrade our armor. .” Shuichi walked forward, grabbing a rag from the others hand, his claws brushing against the others palm. “I’ve been eyeing that cloak in the merchant’s shop, Giran is willing to give me a discount,” Shuichi continued, tossing how own shirt to the side, stretching his arms behind him. “Mhm. .” Tomura hummed already hiking into the water his body shivering at the cold chill. He used the rock next to him to stabilize his movements, careful to not slip on the slippery holds below him till he reached the sand bed within the river. “C’mon Shuichi join,” Shuichi’s eyes wandered, admiring his boss as he slowly joined him, his steps carefully placed his soles gripping onto the slippery surfaces below his feet till he reached the same sandy bay in the middle of the flowing river, the water clear when looking down, able to see his own clawed feet below him. He shivered, the cold affecting him more than the other, his cold blood unable to gather as much heat. The elf's eyes were a dark crimson, a shine of cherry from the lowering sun. His left eye disrupted by the scar from his childhood, a cut into the eyelids that revealed more or the white gloss. Irritation decorated his face, scritch and scratch marks clawed into the face permanently, framing his eyes and mouth. Two small moles were placed to, one beneath his eyes and the other his lip. His bottom lip was slightly redder, though both rough with flaked skin, a scar on the right side, clefting the lips Shuichi found him beautiful, a sight to behold, his hand struggling to not reach to cup at the scarred cheek, to not bring the man closer to him. Shuichi dunked himself in the cold water, his hair flowing with the stream. He blew from his nostrils a stream of bubbles surfacing only to pop at the impact of air. He could hear a muffled splash, his eyes opening slightly to see Tomura also sunken in the water, his fingers combing through his floating blue hair, his pointed ears sticking out. Shuichi gasped, rising back, Tomura following suit. The both of them combing their hair back out of their faces. Reaching for his cloth, he started to scrub himself from any grime left between his scales. Tomura doing the same, though gentler, to not irritate his delicate skin.
“You were inspecting that new sword ya’ found earlier, you think it’s powerful?” Tomura interrupted the silence, scrubbing his back as he looked at the other with a quirked brow. Shuichi looked to the side, where his new achievement waited on the ground. It was caked with grime, stuck to the metal blade. He found it wedged against a mountain on their hike to their new camp the hilt only peeking out the slightest catching the lizard's eye. “Yeah, might be pretty good after cleaned, there's some runes on the hilt, might be magic, going to need you to help detect if it cursed or not though” He answered, already turning back to meet with the other who threw his cloth to the side. Shuichi still had some areas to scrub out, so he continued. Though he could hear faint splashes which he looked up to find Tomura who stood closer, leaning forward a bit, his hand outstretched. Seemingly to grab for the rag which Shuichi handed to him. “yeah, I'll do some detections and some seals too once you clean it. . .” The man moved behind Shuichi, pressing the rag against the scaled back, helping scrub the grime off, as his other hand rested atop of the dragonborn’s shoulder, a finger raised. Shuichi shuttered at the touch though his long tail swaying behind him revealed how he felt. His comrade continued, slowly washing away all the debris that was left on him, his hand rubbing at the scaled shoulder. Shuichi's mouth was slightly agape, his heart beating fast and hard, his cheeks having an orange tint as his face seemed to get warmer. The other grabbed Shuichi’s swaying tail, making the other hiccup. Slowly the cloth went over it, taking off the grime left behind. Twisting his hand and rubbing the underside, the tail nearly trembling in his hands.
Shuichi twisted himself, turning his head to look into the others eyes who stared right back at him. His tail falling as the other let go tossing the cloth to where he had tossed his own. “Alright. . . were going to have a cold night tonight, so you set up the tent kay’? Make sure to towel up fast, can’t have you slow down cause’ of the cold,” Tomura hummed, giving his shoulder one last squeeze before hiking out of the river, his pants soaked. Shuichi watched as he left, grabbing a towel, leaving to where they dropped their bags to change into dry clothing. All he could do is watch before adverting his gaze when the other looked to the river, checking on his companion, though the image of Tomura toned torso was ingrained into his head.
Spinner’s eyes shot open, the light shining from the crack between the curtains brighter as a few birds could be heard chirping. He looked to the side, his eyes wandering around the room before he grabbed a pillow, harshly gripping it as he held it to his body, sinking his teeth into it. His face was flushed, darker than he thought could show through his scales. His tail was curled tightly inwards through his legs up his stomach, his legs too scrunching as he held the pillow close. His mind scrambled, trying to remember each detail from the memories of his dream, piecing together the diminishing thoughts of Tomura, his elven friend and leader. How he talked, how he looked, how he caressed the others scales. All of this made Spinner shudder.
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
Oh~ how about another prompt with Miu where she has actually has a boyfriend, which is a surprise to her entire class, and personality wise, he's the opposite of her. He's kind and polite and a bit shy. Everyone is like, why is he dating miu, and isn't the relationship a bit toxic with shuichi and kaede being the only two to really support the relationship. Though when asked why he's dating Miu, his answer is that he finds miu to be adorable and loves every part of her. And Miu overhears this and is super embarrassed but also touched.
miu iruma w/ total opposite boyfriend
info: male!reader, established relationship, slight nsfw mentions, miu does what miu does best, around 1,900 words
type: oneshot format, non-despair au
a/n: I have a feeling you like miu a lot, not that I blame you at all I wrote this in a oneshot format just to make it flow better
it was a normal day in homeroom, students of class 53 formed small groups and talked amongst each other softly. it was oddly peaceful this morning. shuichi looked around and hummed in thought.
"isn't it more quiet than usual...?" he asked to his circle of friends who were kaede, kaito and maki.
"now that you mentioned it... it does feel quiet, did something happen?" kaede pondered.
"that's a surprise considering kaito is here..." maki said in her usual sarcastic and deadpan tone, to which kaito grunted in response.
"hey! I can be quiet too!" he rubbed the back of his neck. "but you're right, something doesn't feel quite right... like we're missing something."
as if on cue, the door was kicked open and a certain blonde genius proudly made her entrance.
"....that's why." maki growled.
"good fuckin' mornin' you lonely sons of bitches!" miu laughed harshly with her hands on her hips, walking into homeroom and lounging herself over her desk.
"miu... you seem very high in spirits." kirumi commented, gently nudging miu's shoes off of the desk. miu smirked and leaned back on her chair, putting her arms behind her head.
"who could blame me? anyone would be happy to be a beautiful girl like me!"
"doooooubt it." kokichi butted in with a sing-song voice. "was there a discount on scented vibrators or something?" he stuck his tongue out with a wink. miu went red and sat up properly, clenching her fists.
"no you fuckin' dwarf! since you're so damn nosey i'll tell ya..." she gestured for the others to come in close as a proud smirk stretched upon her face. "I, miu fuckin' iruma, girl genius and incarnation of beauty itself... has a boyfriend!"
suddenly the room went very quiet and all of her classmates turned to her with variations of surprise.
then kokichi started laughing. "bahahaha! good joke, miu! i had no idea such a bitch-brain like yourself was capable of decent humour!"
miu clenched her jaw. "shut the fuck up, you little shit! it's not a damn joke!"
"oh... oh you're being serious? it's not a lie?" kokichi raised an eyebrow. "you have a boyfriend?"
"inventions don't count as boyfriends, miu..." maki cut herself in, for once actually working along side kokichi and sharing their disbelief. before miu could bite back, maki sighed and crossed her arms. "whatever... who would even want to date you?"
"tch! you're just fuckin' jealous i have charm and beauty!" miu pouted, scratching her temple with a slight blush on her face. "it's y/n... y'know, the guy in the class below us?"
if anyone wasn't shocked before, they certainly were now.
"y/n... y/n l/n? are you sure?" even kirumi couldn't hide the fact that such a person like miu could bag a person like... him.
"even though he's a degenerate male... i never thought he was your type, miu!"
"kehehehe... like the tales of a forbidden love between an angel and a demon..."
"nya-ha-ha! you must be truly blessed by atua, miu!"
"there's no way you didn't cast a high seduction spell on him..."
"yeesh... poor guy... he probably couldn't even say no..."
all these influxes of doubts and jokes, it made miu curl into herself on her chair, eyes darting around at the mocking faces. why the hell did they not believe her?! and why was she starting to doubt herself too...?
in the sea of everyone else, kaede's words cut through them all.
"come on guys, that's enough!" she puffed up her chest. "i think it's really nice that miu found a special someone! who are we to judge?" she gently nudges shuichi who snaps out of his thoughts, clearing his throat and nodding.
"y-yeah...I think it's great you've found someone, miu."
miu felt a little better about it although she didn't show that she appreciated the two's support, she just stands up with a grin on her face. "i'll prove to you that me and him are made for each other, like antony and cleopatra!" she whips around to kaede and shuichi. "you can both be my witnesses! let's meet at the diner after school!"
"oh I've got to see this.. I'm coming too." kokichi said with a devious smirk. maki chuckled under her breath as well.
"I don't normally do this... but i'll come too just to see you fail."
"tch... get ready to be proved fuckin' wrong..." miu had to keep her word now, should be easy enough right?
after school, kaede, shuichi, kokichi and maki all went together to the nearby diner that miu specifically told them to go to. the diner wasn't that busy at all, with the occasional tired worker coming in for a cup of coffee.
the group had been waiting 20 minutes and miu still hadn't arrived with her supposed 'boyfriend'.
kokichi groaned out loud, reeling back as he tugged on his own hair. "aaargh... can we just order now? i'm hungry!" he whined.
"no, kokichi! we need to wait for miu and y/n!" kaede scolded him for his lack of patience which only made him groan louder.
"should it be taking this long, though? I hope everything is alright..." shuichi hummed, looking out of the window for any sign of the blonde.
"maybe she was just bluffing about this boyfriend..." maki sighed. "what a waste of my time... I'm leaving." she began to stand up yet a familiar voice caused her to sit down.
"hey dumbasses!" there was miu, with her arm linked around a timid-looking young man who followed behind her like a lost puppy. this would be... you.
"feast your lucky eyes on this cutie!" miu pointed her thumb towards you and you immediately felt embarrassed, rubbing your hands together, managing to throw a gentle wave.
"H-hi... it's nice to meet some of miu's friends..." you tried to speak confidently yet your voice cracked on the first word.
"we're not friends." maki spoke up quickly, leaning her cheek into her hand as she huffed. she was hoping that she could leave quickly but now she actually had to stay.
"maki!" kaede sighed softly, turning to you and giving a friendly smile. "it's good to meet you too, y/n! i've seen you around school but we haven't officially met. I'm kaede, and this is shuichi, maki and kokichi!" kaede gestured to who the names belonged to, shuichi gives a smile of his own, maki just gives a lazy attempt of a wave whilst kokichi was... staring with a straight-face.
"tsk... why the fuck you suddenly so quiet for, cock-itchy?! cat got your dick or something?" miu suddenly got defensive, tugging your arm closer to her. kokichi kept the straight face for a moment... then suddenly smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"kokichi oma! charmed, i'm sure!" he extended his hand out to you, you were about to shake it until miu suddenly grabbed your wrist.
"don't grab it! he's got some shock toy for sure!" miu spat with venom, you quickly put your hand back to your side. kokichi sighed.
"buzz-kill!" he giggled like a little imp.
soon enough you were sitting down with miu's friends, ordering your food and just making idle chatter although you were quiet. it was true then... miu did have a boyfriend and quite the unlikely person too. admittedly, shuichi was starting to worry about you. he supported the relationship, of course but... would it really be okay? miu was loud, pushy and... overbearing, you didn't come off the type to enjoy that at least, that's what shuichi was starting to gather.
after eating, miu yawned her heart out and stretched. "welp, this golden girl is going to have a golden shit in the bathroom, don't fuckin' leave without me!"
"too much info..." maki grimaced.
"be right back, cute stuff." miu ruffled your hair as she stood up, you smiled and nodded your head with a gentle blush.
"o-okay, babe..." you watched your girlfriend make her way to the bathroom, once she was out of your sight you looked down at the table sort of in silence. you weren't exactly the type to initiate conversation.
"okay so... biiiiiiiiig question..." kokichi put his hands behind his head and leaned back against the booth. "how much did miu pay you for this?" this question caught you off guard and you looked at kokichi dumbfounded. kaede sighed, facepalming in complete disappointment.
"w... what...?"
"come ooooon... there's no way a guy like you wants a seething whore like her, right? there's gotta be a catch!"
you frowned, scratching your cheek and shaking your head. "no... I want to be with her..."
kokichi looked confused. "uh... what was that now?"
"yeah... are you serious?" maki leaned in closer against the table to look at your face as if she was searching for something. "you do realise how she is, right? she's a thorn in the backside... and loud, and cocky..." maki grumbled.
"I know..." you shifted around in your seat nervously, looking off to the side and a smile melted on your face. "but... I actually like that about her a lot... she's really confident and... she's really cute when she gets all excited about her inventions... I love listening to her talk, actually..."
"awww...." kaede smiled warmly at your words whilst clutching her chest.
you giggled. "miu is actually really sweet when you get to know her... I think she's perfect for me, actually... she's confident when I'm not... I think people judge her too much... but under the surface she's just a warm, caring person... I love her a lot and she's really beautiful, and smart..." you chuckled, shaking your head. "sorry, i'm probably gushing so much... but.. it's the truth of how I feel..."
the table was silent; kaede was still tearful at the beautiful display of love you possessed for someone like miu, shuichi was smiling a little bit and now he understood it... you two were actually perfect for eachother. maki seemed in thought but... she seemed less likely to make fun of it now. kokichi stared at you again, only to sigh a few moments after.
"well, he isn't lying... but jeez... boooooooooooring!"
"look who's fuckin' talking!" miu came back from the bathroom, glaring daggers down at kokichi. you immediately tense up with a bright red blush on your face.
"m.. miu..? did you hear that...?"
miu sits down next to you, raising an eyebrow with a confused expression. "huh? hear what? all I heard was dickhead over there being an annoyance!" she growled directly at kokichi, who stuck his tongue out. you sighed in relief, you couldn't handle the embarrassment if she knew what you were saying about her... maybe another day you can say it to her face...
miu heard everything. she heard the voices when she had left the bathroom but hid around the corner to listen. did you really mean all those things you said about her...? you thought she was beautiful and smart? of course she was! she was miu iruma! but... when it came from you... it just felt all the more special. she had to take several minutes to calm her blush before walking back, she just couldn't believe how cute you were...
she looked over to you chatting away to shuichi and she smiled softly. her hand gently took yours underneath the table, squeezing it and running her thumb over your knuckles. it was satisfying to see the tint of red on your cheeks yet you squeezed her hand back.
she was so happy that she met you, all the more happy that she could call you her boyfriend.
-Mod Kirumi
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oh oh dear, that's Asahina pumping Shuichi with her big futa cock in the video thumbnail isn't it? No wonder she didn't want to talk too much about her new job at the Dangan Doughnuts media department, aside from the free donuts.
Lewd topics lie below!
Upon seeing the title and thumbnail of the video, Kyoko was shocked to say the least. Of course, she couldn't exactly just go about her day after seeing her friends on a porn video, so there really was only one course of action for her to take. She played the video, and upon doing so, she felt herself become overwhelmed with more emotions than she ever has before.
Surprise, at the sight of her very own subordinate, Shuichi Saihara, bent over a table and moaning like a bitch in heat as her classmate and close friend, Aoi Asahina, fucked him from behind with her girthy girl-cock like there was no tomorrow.
Confusion, at whether this was a real attempt at going undercover by her partner, and if so, why Shuichi would need to investigate in a donut factory, of all things.
Slight disappointment, at the possibility that Shuichi was so unprofessional that he willingly appeared on a pornographic advertisement.
However, what she felt next quickly dominated all the other feelings in her mind.
Lust, upon seeing the way that her timid, wide-hipped, voluptuously endowed, apprentice girlishly moaned as he was animalistically throttled by her fucking goddess of a crush best friend whom she liked completely platonically.
Even if Kyoko wanted to get a grip on her feelings, she couldn't, as she was too entranced by the sight of Shuichi's sizable bubble butt rippling as it was covered in a mess of frosting, sprinkles, glaze, and dough. She sighed lustfully as she thought about licking it clean and then some.
As the lilac-haired girl basked in her perverted fantasies, the video continued to play, eventually approaching the shared climax of the two. Hina suddenly grabbed the camera from where it was propped up, and held it to show her point of view as she proceeded to pound the detective.
"If you folks at home l-like what you s-see, come on d-down to Dangan-Donuts! Where no l-loyal customer goes uns- hah - unsatisf- FUCK! YOU’RE WAY TOO TIGHT~ I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! CUMMING!!!~” The camera's view shook violently as Hina threw her head back and did exactly as she said she would, moaning like a pent-up beast as she released her load inside of him, eliciting the emo femboy to roll his eyes back and curl his toes in bliss as he moaned, feeling her hot jizz erupt inside of him.
Once fully satisfied, the swimmer pulled out with a sigh and focused the camera on the pure white cream slowly flowing out of the boy's gaping asshole.
"Phew!... you make for a damn good pastry detective boy~ Now where was I again? Oh, right!- If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, visit one of our stores and enter our special promo code: (LOADED-DONUT-HOLE) along with your purchase for a discount AND early access to our next video! Until next time~ Peace out!"
Kyoko snapped out of her stupor once the screen went blank, and she saw her own reflection stare back at her.
That was a revelation, to say the least. But everything is perfectly fine! If she were anybody else, she would be currently lost in an internal minefield of her own desires, but Kyoko was better than that! It's not like the girl's brain was completely overloaded with lust and replaying the scenes that she had just witnessed over and over and over again.
However, on a completely unrelated note...
Kyoko had to go search for the nearest Dangan-Donuts
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 1 year
I think what has me stuck in the rut now is just... like
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I don't even know where to start...
How do I know what is in 'bad faith', or not. Like how do I prove that my analysis is not that, just because of controversial issues it brings up? The concept of 'proving' things in analysis is so wishy washy and anyone can just discount it at any time if it doesn't fit their reality, sending me right back into 'treading on eggshells everywhere' territory when I'm forced to adapt to the status quo and having to accept tricky themes I find being put in ''scarequotes''.
If we know Kodaka's track record - and the words out of his mouth in one video interview - it's that he likes to toy with controversy for its own sake. At times this really makes me want to slap him around with a wet fish, but other times there are things that show up that suggest that regardless of how he fucks around in a 'have your cake and eat it' way, it at least doesn't feel like it's in bad faith a good bit of the time.
Some years ago, I had someone tell me that theories of conspiracy around Ouma was, I quote, 'as bad as calling him a Nazi'. Another person yelled at me for a vague - and in hindsight poorly worded - confession post about 'mystery left in Ouma's talent'. It took me a good while to figure out exactly why that might be, especially in regard to cultural contexts, and this led to digging into broader themes in this game- which nobody talks about half the time, so excuse me if I stumble while wandering around in the dark. Especially when my analysis posits one Shuichi Saihara as a particularly egregious allegory, and that's just... yeah
Point: when does something become 'solidly a theme' and when do I get to tell people to stop dismissing my claims over it as 'bad faith', 'manipulative', 'misinformation', 'just a theory', whatever? Because at this rate, all those things mean the same thing to me. It's reached a point where I desperately need some kind of vindication from people who know what they're talking about, and aren't just gonna dismiss me. Because, that's the only way I'm gonna 'prove myself' and by extension, keep my sanity intact in this fandom and outside it
Like, I'm so stuck that no matter what I do, I can't even take the first step. And it's affecting every other interest as well to the point of making me unnecessarily sensitive to others' words. I need help.
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gontagokuhara · 1 year
THE WORLD BUILDINGG omg I'm so happy I asked. Also, I appreciate that you kept the spoilers out of the response, I really want to experience the story without knowing the surprises! I was tiptoeing around my questioning to try and avoid spoilers. I'm gonna be so honest, these asks are mostly self indulgent questions to get rid of my own brain worms😭
Like what was Rantaro's tattoo of!? Those kinds of things! Speaking of rantaro, I'm sorry, the funniest part of the previous response was hearing how Rantaro is the shining light of naegami's life, and then remembering that one response where you wrote that Rantaro terrorized Byakuya for years to show off to Shuichi 😭 I just know he's spoiled to all hell💀 I'm kind of curious what their household looked like, especially when shuichi's mom was still alive 💔
Also I think it's hilarious to imagine the gods putting up with their children's Gen-Z shenanigans. Like how is a literal immortal mystical being supposed to react and relate when their mortal child starts singing kirkalicous 💀
im so late answering this im so sorry 😭 i choose to blame tumblr's absolute dogwater notification system. but ANYWAYS! some questions have been asked and some answers are in order. customarily under the cut for anyone who doesnt care <3
i ALSO love the little silly details like that, even when it's very hard to develop them properly in the confines of the fic itself. like rantarou's tattoo; a very shitty stick-and-poke he did himself in the jankiest, unsafest way at age 14 while the parents were out of town and with shuuichi as his only witness. of a smiley face, his own handiwork, badly imprinted just above his ankle where he figured it would be easiest to hide from his dads (so far, it's worked). it's definitely what would terrorize makoto and (ESPECIALLY) byakuya the most, though his attempts at dyeing his own hair and piercing himself across the years have keyed them into his antics by now.
he is very spoiled, they both are, and as i've mentioned even before shuuichi moved in permanently with rantarou, they treated him like family long before he ever officially was. makoto and shuuichi's mom were especially close, definitely spent many an afternoon by the pool or sitting in shuuichi's old apartment or monitoring their sons together and gossiping like southern old ladies between laughter at the kids' antics. even before their households were forced to properly merge, they were common fixtures in each other's lives. initially because makoto caught wind of another demigod child in rantarou's vicinity at school, but the more time passed, and the more makoto/byakuya learned about the child and his mother (though unforthcoming with details about shuuichi's parentage), the more organic the friendships between the parents became. in that sense they were genuinely devastated by her death (an odd feeling for two ancient gods) but also genuinely passionate about taking in shuuichi because they love him, he's already family in everything but name, it's an absolute no-brainer in the aftermath of the loss.
also your last little comment about karkalicious 😭 immediately reminded me of kokichi. imagine being the parent of that and having to deal with his bullshit. good thing he's not got any, huh? (though hajime and nagito certainly deal with enough bullshit as his guardians/at camp that they're practically entitled to a veteran's discount atp)
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owashicomix · 2 years
Thoughts on Danganronpa Despair Time
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Since my review of Project Eden’s Garden went over pretty well. I thought I would talk about my thoughts on another Danganronpa fanseries. Danganronpa Despair Time. The latest episode I watched was Ch.2 episode 7 so please no spoilers beyond that. 
Teruko- Gotta love an edgy asshole. I could see her dying in Ch.5 or survivng.
Ace- He kinda feels like Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko mixed together. And I love him for that. And I know he’s a douchebag but the fact no one cared when he nearly died and everyone was defending Nico was weird asf. #Justice4Ace I think he’ll survive? Not completely sure. 
Arturo- Loveable creep. Gives off Korekiyo vibes. I love his dynamic with Veronika. I could definitely see him as a Ch.3 killer. 
Veronika- An interesting comparison I thought of is when Veronika says she likes horror stuff because she gets bored easily. It reminded me of how Junko said she likes despair because she gets bored easily. I could very well see a Veronika mastermind.
Hu Jing- Huge mommy milkers aside. I really like her character design. And I like how she’s the designated “mom friend” of the group. I think she’ll survive. 
David- Behind those sparkly eyes, I think he’s hiding something. He was close to Xander who died. He had a touching moment with Arei and now she’s dead. Coincidence? I think not. I don’t think he killed her say. But what if he “motivated” her to kill herself? Locking in my prediction on him as the Ch.2 killer.
Rose- She “rose” up in my rankings after her backstory dropped in Ch.2. As a pursuing artist myself, I thought it was sad how she’s forced to create art that doesn’t interest her. And if she doesn’t then her boss won’t pay off her debt anymore. Probably dies in Ch.4 or Ch.3 killer. 
Whit- Good comedic relief character. Probably a survivor. 
Eden- I like how she’s the one person who hasn’t completely given up on Teruko yet. I could see her becoming a support character. I think she’ll either be a Ch.5 killer or survivor. 
Charles- The opposite of Teruko in a way. She was nice and them became an asshole. He was an asshole and then became nice-ish. I like his friendship with Whit. I think he’ll be a survivor. 
Arei- Funny at times. I thought Nico or Ace was gonna be the victim. So seeing Arei die after getting character development was shocking. I still think David had a hand to play in her death. Ch.2 victim. 
Levi- Just kinda there I guess. Don’t have much to say. He’s buff so he probably dies in Ch.4 
J- Same as Levi. Don’t have much to say about her. Maybe dies in Ch,3?
Min- Her death was sad. But I’m not gonna act like I was super interested in her character beforehand. Ch.1 killer. 
Xander- As the tierlist says. Xander just felt like a discount version of V3 Kaito to me. The way he would try to cheer up Teruko felt similar to how Kaito did it with Shuichi. I still think there’s more to his death. He acted like he didn’t want to stab Teruko but was left with no choice. I think someone told him to do it.... “squints eye at David.” Ch.1 victim
Nico- If we were just counting Ch.1 he’d be in neutral. But he got on my nerves this chapter. I don’t like the “shy uwu” character archetype. And I don’t think being bullied justifies trying to commit a murder. Hopefully he doesn’t survive. 
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"I'm happy we could spend time together, Sonia-senpai. I understand you still have quite the busy day ahead of you, after all." He chuckles, currently heading back to the front of the local park where they initially met up at. He took her around the shopping district, thinking that'd make for a fun time. Whatever shop may have caught her interest, he'd happily go along with it and go inside with her. And any cafe or bookstore they surely popped into, he treated her to whatever she liked. Once they reached the park, Shuichi gestured to a nearby bench for them to sit at. "Now, to finally give you your gifts... I really hope you'll like them! Here you go... " From inside his bag, he pulls out a gift bag. One of the first things inside, were a small container of homemade red velvet chocolate chip cookies. Along with that, was a Halloween themed gift set containing black and red colored bottles of perfume, hand lotion, and a candle. A picture of a rose were depicted on them, with the scents of them all being called 'Vampire Blood.' With the kind of scent it is, being a mix of floral and fruity.
"I-I made the cookies, myself! And as for the gift set... I had saw it when looking through a store, to see what I could get for you. And naturally, I just had to get this the moment I saw it, since I thought you would absolutely love it. And the scent actually does smell nice... ! I hope you'll like it, too, Sonia-senpai: all of it." (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SONIAAA!!! ❤️ 🌹 🩸)
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Sonia's Birthday Asks 2023 - Accepting until Monday, October 16!
It was true that both of them led busy lives: as the Ultimate Detective, Sonia only imagined the sorts of cases he was asked to solve (unfortunately, nothing as fascinating as mass murders or serial killers. Otherwise, she would've adored chiming in with all of her amassed knowledge from the likes of documentaries, non-fiction books, and published case studies that she indulged in for fun). But October was the best month of the year, if just for all of the horror and dark mystery titles aired and published in accordance to the spooky season. It felt odd, in her opinion, to take Shuichi from clothing store to clothing store, especially if there were no styles that suited his fashion taste as well. So instead they perused all manner of festive decor: new pens and stamps in a stationery shop to pair with letter-writing supplies in a gothic style, a supermarket's display of carved pumpkins (and specials on kobocha and various chocolate treats), a discount store full of Halloween costumes and cosplay items (she couldn't resist in putting Shuichi in a Sherlock Holmes-style hat, cape, and magnifying glass, though she'd balked at the rhinestone crowns and scepters for herself). Bookstores were a given, of course, and it was the place where they were both guaranteed to find some treasures.
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But now they walked back from a themed, seasonal spooky cafe. The Vampire Cafe, a favorite haunt of hers, had been fully booked out for the month but one of the video game cafes was themed to a horror murder mystery game, complete with additional Halloween decor and macabre takes on cafe meals. Her hot chocolate, dripping down the sides with raspberry syrup to resemble blood, had been proof enough of the commitment to the theme. She hoped his mood was just as lighthearted and content as hers, Sonia smiling as she sat on the bench he'd indicated. "You arranged gifts for me, Saihara-san?" She asked, surprised. "But this day was such a fun gift already! I am truly blessed!"
She opened the first container's lid carefully, first perplexed by the cookies within before beaming. "These are very red cookies! Very spooky indeed. Are they...a berry flavor, of some sort? Perhaps with some sort of jam?" Red velvet, more of an American invention, had not gained popularity in Novoselic. Yet. Shuichi would likely need to inform her about the cocoa in the cookies, alongside with their red color.
The other gift was far simpler for Sonia to understand. She gasped in surprise, in awe, her fingers tracing over the black lace and antique gold packaging before uncovering the contents inside in their black and red bottles and containers. "Oh! A vampire's blood themed beauty set, it is so beautiful!" She exclaimed, examining the bottles before popping the small candle out of its plastic packaging. "Vampires are the most romantic theme for Halloween, you know. Well, vampires and ghosts and The Addams Family, really. But look, Saihara-san! When you light the black flame candle, it bleeds red with hot wax. How truly dark and terrifying! At least nothing shall befall me upon lighting this black flame candle: I am in no danger of rousing the Sanderson sisters!"
She chuckled at her joke: it was likely Shuichi didn't grow up on the likes of Western Halloween-themed movies and might not catch her reference, but the prospect amused her at least. "Thank you so much, Saihara-san. From your gifts to our wonderful day out, I have had such fun!"
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vespertin-y · 2 years
a shorter liveblog this time! from the start of day nine to the body discovery...i wanna go back to the meet n greet please :[
-they keep making shuichi say ‘welp’ and it makes me squint every time. He Would Not Fucking Say That can apply to canon too!!
-”well, gonta did say that he thought he saw a really tiny bug once...” “oh yeah, he did say that! but even with gonta’s 20/0.625 vision, he could only barely see it, right? so...isn’t it possible he was just plain mistaken?” tsumugi really is so much more fun upon rewatch...
-”yes, i’m fine. i’ve recharged the electricity that i used on my recording function. even so...i’m very happy that i was finally able to use my functions to help everyone!” kiibo recording people’s alibis is no longer just a cute idea i had now it’s something i’m mad didn’t happen. let him do things!! give my mans more protagonist duties!!!!
-”so...what happened to kokichi?” “after insect meet and greet, kokichi’s mouth start to bubble, then he pass out...” look i feel bad but i can’t say it wasn’t deserved. rip bozo.
-”everyone is so nice...[kami-sama] deserves all the credit.” “ah...shouldn’t everyone who worked on it get the credit?” “oh, well, i didn’t ask you to help because i didn’t know what you’d be useful for.” “...did you really have to say that?” 💀💀💀
-”what about monokuma, huh? does [kami-sama] love him too?” “of course. so we must love monokuma, so that our love will reach him.” “robots can’t feel love! they can’t feel any emotions at all!” “and yet...i felt a strange pain in my chest after you said that...” “y’know, lately i’ve been havin’ weird pains in my joints in my lower body!” “isn’t that...a symptom of gout?” EVERY CONVERSATION IN V3 IS A FIVE-WAY TRAINWRECK I STG
-”u-um, when you’re alone with himiko, what do you guys talk about?” “oh, just normal things...food, sweets, our nails, and how to get [kami-sama]’s bathwater at a discounted rate.” GOD’S A TWITCH STREAMER??? i guess now we know how she got kiibo’s inner voice on board...
-if you pause the video, you can actually see hoshi’s body falling into the tank :[
-piranhas don’t do this, by the way. they really only feed on things smaller than themselves, and the occasional carcass, but they certainly can’t strip the flesh from your bones in under a minute. there was a guy who cut himself and hopped into a tank of piranhas to prove this, actually! he didn’t get bitten once.
-himiko not realizing what’s behind her is really funny sorry 😭 she’s so excited...
-that’s as far as we get before the investigation starts! see you next time!
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ahogedetective · 1 month
@multixfated replied: { ! } omg I love this!! yesss! I believe Xiangyu would make him a loyalty card so he can get discounts :)
I'M GLAD!!! 💖💖💖 !!! omg YESSS, THAT'S SO GOOD: BLESS YOU XIANGYU, THAT'S SO SWEET!!! Shuichi would take great care of his loyalty card and use it lots for these discounts, HEHEHE.
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orthotv · 2 months
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ailelie · 5 months
I went through my AO3 account. I have posted a grand total of 2 fics with a canon ship. (I am discounting one that was less than 300 words and another where the ship is purely background and is also very short. I am also discounting the Merlin!AU as I co-wrote that, but that does contain Arthur/Gwen).
My list also contains 5 trios (~21%). I have not included all of my gen fic as this is for ships only.
This is also only the stuff I've posted on AO3, so you're not seeing all the Radek/Rodney stuff I wrote on LJ, etc.
Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Sirius Black/Severus Snape
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto
Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi
Fjord/Jester Lavorre/Caleb Widogast
Bill Denbrough/Audra Phillips/Mike Hanlon
Yeza Brenatto/Fjord/Veth Brenatto
Sidney Crosby/OMC
Padme Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
Yeza Brenatto/Nott | Veth Brenatto (canon!)
Jester Lavorre/Caleb Widogast
Sidney Crosby/Claude Giroux
Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
Seth Jones/Shea Weber
Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn/Sidney Crosby
James Neal/Seth Jones
Brandon Bollig/Andrew Shaw
Mad Hatter | Jefferson/Wife
Troll Princess/OFC
Kayashima Taiki/Nakatsu Shuichi
Sheldon Cooper/Penny
Teyla Emmagan/Kate Heightmeyer
Chiaki Shinichi/Noda Megumi (canon!)
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I can imagine post drv3 alive au with fake childhood memories and fake apps and shops and fake suburbs and stuff and wonder if they have their own memes that only make sense to the 15 of them ( discounting tsumugi) like do they have their own ripoff vine like,, Kaito, shuichi and maki together in a pool and kokichi and miu sitting there at the shore with chairs with cameras like
🎶 two bros sitting in the hot tub 🎶
🎶five feet apart cause they’re not gay🎶
And there’s fanboys and fangirls in the bushes absolutely clueless about what just occurred but fascinated nonetheless
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aynzura · 3 years
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Hi y’all! I’m very excited to announce that I will be opening a Bigcartel shop for some of my keychain/charm designs! It’s mostly a test run right now since I have a very limited stock, but feel free to check it out if you’re interested! 
I only have keychains of Kokichi and Shuichi right now, but I definitely plan on adding more characters in the future.
You can use the discount code FIRSTDAY for a 10% discount on everything, but it expires on 10/27 at 12 AM PDT.
Link: https://aynzura.bigcartel.com/products
Shop will be launching today (10/26) at 1 PM PDT!
Since I don’t have inventory tracking, any orders placed for items that are already out of stock will be immediately cancelled and refunded.
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