#copyediting services
robertpattsblog · 4 months
Copyediting is the key part of writing manuscripts. It plays a vital role in writing and editing, as many authors make grammatical mistakes and it helps them to keep their content secure from rejections. Companies hire copyediting professionals or service providers to improve their manuscript journals. A manuscript is a document that provides useful and practical information to the reader. The reader may use the theory mentioned in the document in everyday life. An example of this is a treatment based on evidence, where the doctor refers to research articles to find the best treatment for their patients. Therefore, the document should be written in clear and easy-to-understand language with a consistent style throughout. Editing the manuscript helps achieve these goals.
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cambridgeeditors · 2 years
Proofread Services and Editing Copy Services
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If you are in need of editing or proofread services for your manuscript or document, there are many companies that offer these services. Some companies offer both editings andproofread serviceswhile others may only offer one or the other. It is important to do your research on each company to see what type of services they provide and how much they charge.
There are many different things to consider when choosing a company to edit or proofread your work. One important factor is the turnaround time. Some companies may be able to complete the work within a few days, while others may take weeks or even months. Another thing to consider is the price. Some companies charge by the hour, while others charge by the page or project. Be sure to get an estimate from each company before making a decision.
It is also important to ask about the experience of the editors and proofreaders who will be working on your project. Ask about their qualifications and how long they have been working in the field. Also, ask for samples of their work so you can get an idea of their style and quality. Once you have gathered all this information, you will be able to make an informed decision about which company to use for your editing copy services and proofreading needs.
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ephemeral-winter · 5 months
i love when you see a professor at your undergrad cited in something and you have to be like oh right that man was not just a meme for the amusement of my personal circle of friends he is actually a really important scholar of early hellenic judaism. or whatever
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Has indexing service helped improve the usability and professionalism of your published book?
Yes, many authors have found that a well-crafted index significantly improves the usability of their published books, making it easier for readers to find key information. A professional index also enhances the book's credibility and overall presentation, especially in non-fiction works. Notable publishers such as Amnet would be an ideal choice for indexing services due to their attention to detail and expertise in creating comprehensive, user-friendly indexes. They tailor each index to the specific needs of the content, ensuring accuracy and relevance. With Amnet, the indexing process not only improves the accessibility of your book but also adds to its professional quality, making it more valuable to readers.
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shafershouse · 6 months
Tutoring/Editing Services!
Hi! I don't really know how to do this but I have a bachelor's degree in writing and I'm currently getting a master's degree in publishing. I'm tight on money so if you're in school or if you're an autor and want free/cheap tutoring and editing services for your papers, stories, manuscripts, or English/writing classes, I'm here and happy to help!
Just send me a message.
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mhoganmell · 10 months
Editing Project Update
When I first started this blog, I started it with the idea that I wanted to start freelance editing. I joined a couple of Facebook groups, made a few posts saying I had availability, and added a contact page here. I got one bite from Facebook and very excitedly took it, but kind of fell off the train after that. I’d still like to get into doing some freelance editing. I’m really not sure how to…
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Need Copyediting and Proofreading Services in Canada Need copyediting and proofreading services? Christine Writing and Editing can help. Our team of experienced professionals can ensure your documents are error-free and polished, helping you make a great impression. Contact us today to learn more.
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vitospaghetta · 2 years
Idk if I’m a dumb & you’ve mentioned it before & I just forgot, but if you’re comfortable saying, what’s your job?
I believe I've mentioned it before on this blog, but since then I've gotten a new one because my old job decided to treat me like absolute garbo and monumentally fucked me over. 😤
I used to work as an academic copyeditor for an education website but now I work as a customer service representative.
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lexrambeau · 1 year
Just got fired from my exploitative ass job
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If you wanna send me something for this bullshittery:
Cashapp: $zlexmorgan
Or if you need copyediting services dm me!!!
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If you're able to say, what copyediting service if any are you using to prepare TTOU for print?
I didn't use one I just read the story sixteen billion times for typos, sentences that needed clarifying, and minor continuity errors.
One of my patrons, cheese_croissants, did an initial typo read, which reduced my workload a lot.
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the crochet community desperately needs someone to proofread and copyedit their patterns. putting "crochet around" when you mean "crochet a round" has catastrophic consequences. i will gladly offer my services for free, please fellas i am dying.
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Has anyone used eBook conversion services? How did the final eBook turn out in terms of formatting and readability?
Many authors have used eBook conversion services and found that the final product can vary in terms of formatting and readability, depending on the provider. A well-executed eBook conversion ensures that the content is easily accessible across devices without any formatting issues. eBook service providing companies such as Amnet stands out as an ideal choice for eBook conversion due to their attention to detail and expertise in handling various eBook formats, including EPUB, MOBI, and PDF. They ensure that the converted eBook maintains consistency in layout and readability across all devices, providing a seamless reading experience with accessibility support. With a solid reputation for quality and precision, Amnet ensures a professional and refined final product.
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coeluvr · 8 months
Query- and I hope this doesn't come off as rude- I adore your story, but I've noticed some low/mid-level errors in things like punctuation and flow that do make it a bit tougher to read. Would you ever be interested in some help copyediting? I don't mind doing it for free- it's good practice for my university work- and I'd be glad to help, and I'm certainly not even your only option. Of course, you don't have to- but copyediting (meaning, like, grammar and punctuation, not story changes) could do this awesome story a real service!
Love either way- chapter three is fantastic! <3
Hello! I used to have an editor but I don't want to bother people so it's just me now LOL.
I have seen some of the punctuation stuff but its mainly because of coding! Sometimes due to code there isn't a space between sentences and it makes things look a bit 💀 I have also seen some words that have " instead of ' lol, life is hard 💔
I have a bug report form for typos and stuff so if you'd like to help me out then I suggest sending me things there as I don't really trust strangers on the internet with my original material 😭.
Thank you for your kind words, anon! 💗
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kakkoweeb · 21 days
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Hi! Here’s your friendly (and pretty official) reminder that I accept Ko-Fi requests! Basically, what this means is that if you donate to my Ko-Fi, you’re entitled to request something from me—as long as it falls under one of the things I listed in the image attached to this post. Please note, however, that multiple coffees will not get you a bigger word/panel/frame count. If you'd like to request one of these services but have a longer length in mind, consider commissioning me instead! To do that, and also see samples of my work, please check my Carrd (linked on the left). Thanks! 'v'
If the image won’t load, click the read more for the transcript.
Ro’s Ko-Fi Requests
When donating, you can request any of the following:
A story (≈500 words) A doodle or comic (≈4 uncolored panels) An animated doodle (≈20 frames) A translation from Japanese (≈280 characters) Copyediting / Beta Reading (≈1,500 words)
Please read my Carrd for samples of my work and my contact information should you have any questions. Make sure to be as detailed as possible when you leave your request or provide your contact information as well if you’d like to be consulted regarding the details, particularly the method of reception/posting. Anything left unspecified, I’ll have to decide for myself. Unless otherwise specified, I’ll post the result on my Ko-Fi page. Also, please note that it may take me anywhere from a few days to a month to accomplish your request depending on its weight and my schedule.
Thank you!! <3
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jay-avian · 4 months
Editing Services
Hello Writeblrs! Are your stories in need of a little clean-up? Looking for some feedback and clarity? I'm a studying English major currently open to accepting clients with projects in need of editing. Below is listed the specific services I will be offering (and what they mean) along with the pricings.
Proofreading - $12 per 1,000 words
This involves minor mechanical copyedits such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.
Copyediting - $15-$25 per 1,000 words
Depending on the project, this can range from style and structure changes to making sure the work is understandable and consistent. This mainly involves sentence and paragraph restructuring so the narrative flows well, all while maintaining your voice as an author.
Substantive Editing - $40-70 per 1,000 words
Depending on your goals and the project's needs, this involves major changes and critiques of the story, including plot, character development, and other story-intensive details
Below the cut are some answers to questions you may have!
Some Questions You May Have
Are you qualified? - I am, by no means, a professional yet. However, I am currently studying to receive a BA in English for creative writing and have taken editing-specific courses. I promise to provide clear communication, detail-oriented work, and subjective feedback.
Can you read my project first before we talk edits? - Yes. No matter what, I will read over your project first to determine what may be needed. I will give suggestions as to what services should be provided, but that does not mean I will offer feedback unless explicitly asked.
Why are you pricing by word and not by hour? - I like to be thorough in my work, which means it's difficult to gauge how long a specific project may take me. There may be problems I won't know how to solve immediately, or I may want to work more in depth with certain aspects. It would be unfair to offer an estimated price off of time, and then take much longer than expected.
Why these prices? - These are the low ends of prices I found that other editors use. If this doesn't work for you, we can always work something out. We can easily make an arrangement that works for you, though I will require 15% of the final price up front to ensure payment security.
How can I contact you? - You can DM me at first to talk about initial thoughts. When you want to move forward, we'll move to email, where we can talk about setting up a contract involving price and what edits I will and won't make.
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aevallare · 4 months
can i ask how you got into copy editing? just a girly looking for an education/career that might suit her because customer service is Not It
so i've always had something of a reputation for having a good eye for detail when looking over others' work and after my failed attempt at an engineering degree i wound up with a degree in english and communication. you don't need a relevant degree to copy edit, per se, but it sure does help because the market is intensely oversaturated.
in addition to that, i work freelance. i initially took jobs that basically (or literally) didn't pay as well as getting recommended for work by people i know irl. i've copyedited a few books at this point and have done a lot more short form work, but if you're looking to make a career out of freelance, be aware that the income isn't always steady. i'm privileged enough to be able to work this way because i have a partner who could support us alone if the situation called for it
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