#coran headcanons
Voltron Bloopers
*Keith is standing holding half of his bayard in front of a sentry* *off camera*: Keith what happened?
Keith, sadly: it broke
Shiro: y’all
*cut* Shiro: y’all
*cut* Shiro: Yoll?
*cut* Shiro: you’ll
*cut* Shiro: y’all- fuck, PALADINS!!
*scene being filmed between Allura and Coran* Coran: ya know, your father put this handy dandy hologram into the ship so you could talk- *shiro screams off set* Allura: what the fuck was that?
Keith, appearing just on set, using two pieces of armor to trap a spider: where’s the back exit again?
*Allura glaring at Keith* Keith, with his most innocent eyed expression: princess
Allura, looking away: shit i can’t do this
Lance, angrily: I’ll stick you in a-
Keith: *laughing*
Lance, also laughing: stop you’re contagious!
Shiro, looking at Keith’s conspiracy board: what is
Shiro, elbowing Lance in the face: THIS- shit Lance you ok?
Pidge: I programmed this robot to- what did I program it to do again?
*During “the journey”* *Shiro is strapped to the table* *Kosmo runs in and leaps up onto Shiro’s chest* Shiro: aww who’s a good boy? *pulls arm out of restraint to pet him*
Handler, rushing to drag the dog away: dammit Kosmo not again
Hunk: so Pidge, what’s your favorite food?
Hunk: *opens cabinet*
Matt, working on his newest coding project in the cabinet: oh hey guys
Pidge, perfect deadpan: I guess you could say he was in the closet.
Director: get out of the closet, Matt
Matt: I’m bi
Hunk: Matt get off the set
Coran: you ever heard of a Red tailed fishmonger?
Pidge: oh yea my brother’s one
Coran: a giant sentient mammal?
Pidge: a furry who likes fish
*lance gets into the Blue Lion* *barbie girl starts playing* Lance: 🎶oh I’m a Paladin in a giant lioon🎶
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
Look this may be stupid but I wish getting all the lions and forming voltron had taken the whole first season. Like imagine the season finale of that season had been the payoff of them all building their bonds and finally being able to be in sync enough to mind meld together and this giant robot and the end is them coming back to the castle and yes there's still so much to do but they FORMED VOLTRON and they're all cheering and hugging and then Lance seems to think of something and stops to point at Keith who just looks back at him super bewildered and goes "I say vol, you say tron.... Vol....?"
And the whole team is fucking wait as Lance is literally gesturing at Keith like that image of Will Smith gesturing at Jada Pinkett Smith and he's literally just shaking with anticipation like his face is screaming "Please for the love of God get it please we have shared a brain space with this team please don't leave me hanging"
And Keith's expression clicks and he goes... "tron?"
And Lance holds in a scream as he once again goes "Vol!"
And Keith "Tron"
"TRON!" as the team joins him on it and Lance can't contain it and screams "VOLTRON!! YES WE DID IT!! AGHHHHH!" and picks up and spins Keith briefly as they all begin cheering and hugging again
Am I a cringey sentimental person....? Yes I'm caring about voltron in 2023 BUT STILL
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spaceaces00 · 6 months
Sleep headcanons!
Pidge has SO much shit on their bed and def is used to having a crick in their back
Hunk has pillows (like both for aesthetic and ergonomic)
Keith def wakes up upside down sometimes
Shiro sleeps coffin style but also little spoon
We know Lance has the works but I also think he has seasonal pjs (both festive and j heat/cold)
Allura has a bonnet or general night hair care that she tries to keep up
The mice have their own cute bed and routine with Allura
Every uncle sleeps in like a tshirt and weird shorts so Coran gets the same treatment
I think both Allura and Coran struggled with sleep for a longggg time after waking up in the pods
The team implement sleepovers to hang out more
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gaykeithbilance · 8 months
Your tags on the fem guys post… you’re so right. Shout it from the rooftops kind of right
thank you! it's very hard for me, being one of the few correct people on this fandom (slash joke)
i've never understood art or fic that makes either of them very fem or masc. i'm still bitter about the fandom on mass deciding to make keith a muscular and masculine man who sweeps lance off his feet after he had the growth spurt in season 6. i'm sorry but that's a twink. keith is perfectly in the middle with gender presentation and will always stay that way. lance in voltron canon dresses more masc-ish than keith, but that's 17 year old lance. he's still coming to terms with his bisexuality and he's still unlearning society's ideals. a theoretical slightly older lance who is more comfortable with himself could be a bit gnc (and look hot doing it). crop tops, well fitting jeans, cool jewelry etc. but he's not a skirts and dresses guy. keith isn't either. you know who is? coran
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little-wolfpuppy · 27 days
Caregiver Voltron HCs
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Dad caregiver 1000% - Dad, Dada, Papa, or Bub
Calls you little one and cub/cubby
Loves carrying you around on his hip
Will find a way to get you any regression gear you want - toys, pacis, clothes, teethers, padding, coloring books, stuffies, blankets, anything (How? Nobody knows, it's dad powers)
So soft with you, crumbles at puppydog eyes unless it's something dangerous
Tries to get you to eat healthy most of the time
Loves when you follow him around like a duckling or a puppy, smiling at you softly
Would do anything for you
Silly Big Brother caregiver (I think he has like 6 younger siblings in cannon)
Calls you Hermanito/Hermanita and kiddo
Playful and silly, likes to chase you and threaten to tickle you
Loves hearing you giggle
More than happy to play pretend with you, having the most dramatic responses
SPA DAYS!! Puts a face mask on you, makes you feel pampered
Aloof/Cool Big Brother caregiver or Big kid/ older sibling regressor
Calls you squirt and kid
Might actually cry if you call him Oppa/Hyung
Acts like he is neutral to everything but 100% keeps everything you make for him in a folder
If someone makes you cry or uncomfortable - will come over and pick you up and glare at the other person until they leave. If they don't leave, he will threaten them, he is more than willing to do something illegal
Let's you climb into his lap. Casually wraps his arms around you acting like it's a bother but actually is melting inside
Affectionate Big Sibling caregiver/babysitter
Calls you kiddo and honey
Makes snacks and meals and caters to what you like
If you have sensory issues he is the best with calming down
always has one of your safe foods nearby
will make you a blanket buriito and carry you around
would also put you in one of those baby slings/wraps while he cooks (10000/10)
Either techie Big Sibling caregiver or Teasing sibby
Calls you Kid
makes you toys from old tech he found
if hes older than you when you both regress he is so excited to be the best big brother in the universe
if youre the same age or hes younger he clings to you, but in the cute way
troublemaker, will get you to stay up past bedtime, jump on his bed, color on things not meant to be colored on, and so much more
best at puppy-dog eyes almost never gets in serious trouble
Mom or Wine Aunt caregiver
Calls you Darling and Sweetheart
Scoops you up and carries you around oh her hip, its so fun when she's wearing her big poofy dresses for special events
loves to dress you up in altean clothing, massc or femme, she will even attempt to hand-make you clothes
loves your reaction to her booping you
sits you on her lap very often
lets you play with her hair even if you tangle it or pull a bit too hard
Silly Uncle caregiver
likes to chase you and threaten to tickle you
More than happy to play pretend with you
can actually make you toys from scratch
teaches you kids games from Altea
gives the best piggy-back rides
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Galaxy Divider
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klspacecadet · 1 day
I haven’t seen past early season 2 so i don’t know what happens when they actually meet her but:
I feel like lance wouldve absolutely hit on krolia when he first met her and she would shut him down instantly but then either shiro or pidge would introduce themselves and say like “wow you look exactly like your son” freaking lance AND keith out
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catsushinyakajima · 13 days
I’m sitting by a trash can at the bus stop waiting for the bus for the past TWENTY minutes and I am also late to class (my own fault for going to the gym instead of heading to class early :/) SO ANYWAYS-
Voltron headcanons (realistic and college AU, also inspired by my own college misery):
- they’re all stem nerds. All of them. I know a lot of people HC them as liberal arts major which is great! but they are canonically astronauts (one part of canon that I like)
- Lance would be the kind of guy to be like “WE GOTTA HIT THE GYM EVERYDAY THIS SEMESTER RAHHHH” and then dip the second midterms start. Every single semester. Without fail.
- Keith found lectures useless since he could just “read the textbook”. He never showed up to a single class except for exams and somehow passed. He only stopped the habit when multiple friends scolded him for it.
- Coran would be in twenty different clubs. Correction: he would be PRESIDENT of twenty different clubs. No one knows when he joined them. The clubs range from archery to competitive coding to mental health awareness. (“Hey Coran are u free tonight?” “No sorry, the Roleplaying Ancient Romans club is having a bake sale tonight” “the what-)
- hunk would do a LOT of volunteering. He’s probably cook for shelters but I can also see him tutoring underprivileged kids in engineering :)
- Pidge would have a surprising amount of school spirit. Not bc she likes the college or the sport. She just wants to hate on the other teams. Also if her tuition is going to the football coach’s salary, she might as well be passionate about it.
- Allura is a triple major. Maybe even a quadruple major?? She’s the girl you see constantly stressing about their schedule. “Okay so should I take this class…that makes me have eight classes total all back to back” “WHAT” “what if I did a minor in psychology?” “Allura how tf are you going to fit that in there”
- Shiro is a TA (teaching assistant) for calculus or physics or something. Because the world hates him it’s an eight am class where the professor teaches wrong content and then dumps twenty hours of grading on him. “So you find the derivative under the curve” “Professor that’s not-“ You will never see him without a coffee.
- Hunk has beef with the Dining halls. They don’t season their food and they don’t even have much to begin with. On the other hand, Lance practically lives there. He’s making the most of the meal plans he paid for.
- At least he sticks to tastier things. Keith, who also practically lives at the dining hall, will eat salt and pepper chicken four times a day (“it’s protein”)
- it’s how Keith and Lance have had most of their meals together. Notably, also alone.
- aside from living at the dining hall, Keith also lives at the gym. This explains why he’s never at class.
- pidge has a car on campus. It’s Matt’s car or whatever. Not only can she not park for her life, she also can’t stop getting parking tickets. She uses the tickets as wall decor for her dorm.
- Lance skateboards. He’s pretty good at it. He’s only fallen twice, and both times had been in extremely public settings. Once was in front of a bus stop with fifty people. He tried teaching Coran how to skate and Coran accidentally slipped and launched the board towards the main road.
- Pidge plays clash royale in class. Shiro roasts her for it but then secretly also plays word games in class
- on top of having four majors, Allura also has four internships??? Everytime she posts about something that seems relaxing, it’s misleading. She’ll post herself getting drinks and SIKE it’s a networking event. She’ll be going hiking SIKE it’s a colleague bonding trip. Girl cannot take a break.
- Keith hates frats. Even educational ones with job opportunities. Even if he knows all frat boys aren’t shitty, he refuses to budge on his stance
- Shiro is the kind of guy you’d be talking to and ten people come up to him to say hi. Everyone knows him. Even if he doesn’t know them.
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Hii, sorry if you aren't willing to write for Voltron anymore. But I discovered your blog cause of the name, so I thought why not try? So here is one of my yandere ideas.
Yandere Voltron with isekaid reader? Basically, the reader was from real life, till they died. Either by truck-chan, or to a disease. But given their life was already very shitty, they didn't really care much. At least. Till the reader wakes up in their favorite show. Not as a main protagonist, or not even as a side character in one of the many episodes. Nah, the reader simply wakes up as an unknown character on some random planet. A planet that hasn't isn't a part of the Garla Empire, and reader paln to kept it that way. Eventually, Voltron starts to get on the move, and main characters meet reader. Except, reader doesn't really realized that they are now the main character of the story. So despite, being very perceptive of everyone and everything, they some how don't know that the characters are becoming yandere. One by one.
Again, sorry if you don't write about Voltron anymore, if you want you can ignore this completely. I just thought you might want to hear the idea. Don't let the Karens bite you, fight them off with the power of the shows you like if needed, and remember to take care.
Yandere Voltron with Isekaid!Reader
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OMG STOOOPPPP I LOVE THIS SMMM!!!! AND THIS BEING A YANDERE ASK?? It's like all those batfam fics i read, i'm so happy you thought of this. I will always write for voltron, don't worry pookie
This might be long, hope you enjoy😅
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A series of very much unfortunate events, readers life goes from crap to ok to crap again. Readers death was very short and brief on their end. In your world, Voltron was just a silly little show that you watched to get away from reality, a show you loved so dearly. So never did you imagine to be isakei'd into that same very world.
I like to think this was caused due to voltron traveling through different dimensions, like that one Altean reality. Kind of like an event that perfectly aligned, readers death and them escaping the reality.
Of course at first reader doesn't know where the HELL they are. Exploring this new place, its not hard to convince yourself you miraculously made it to heaven with how beautiful everything was. But it isn't long until they find the residents of this strange world. You live a good and easy life the weeks after your arrival as the townspeople openly accepted you into their world.
Reader has many similarities to these aliens, yet its very obvious that you take on a more humanoid appearance compared to them. Perhaps you share a similar skin tone, like green or blue. Maybe your eyes are the same shade as theirs. Despite this, your physical appearance is more human than alien without a doubt.
Reader only knows they're in the Voltron universe due to how often the townspeople talk about the Galra and Voltron rescuing imprisoned planets. Like I can imagine reader immediately jumping into someone's conversation to get more info, only for them to get weird looks
"Galra? Voltron?! Like from the show?? They're real?"
*Cue confused faces*
"Show? Um, I don't believe they're based off a show. They've been doing a lot of good for the universe!"
Its easy to put two and two together, but have no fear! Reader, being SMARTTT, already knows that they're in the Voltron universe. And if anything happens to the plot causing it to go astray from the og, it'll most likely have devastating consequences, so its a good thing that they're stuck on this unknown planet!
Especially one they don't remember ever being on the show!
Until some divine intervention wrecks that very idea one day with a giant mechanical lion falling from the sky.
You make sure to keep your distance from whatever paladin is staying in the village. It's not hard to do so with how many people lurk the streets to see a paladin of Voltron
But of course nothing ever goes Isekei'd!Reader's way when they bump into the one person they've been avoiding. It's as if time literally stops as they're eyes meet.
He's surprised to see someone almost like him after seeing all the townspeople's appearances. Shiro's seen some pretty wacky looking aliens so its almost like a slap in the face to find someone so human in the village.
Before he can even say anything though, you quite literally run away from him, leaving the black paladin in a state of confusion and curiosity. And since you're running AWAY from him, he figures you probably know the reason why his lion crash landed on this specific planet when it was fine before.
Cue to you trying to outrun him. Emphasis on TRYING. Cuz there's no way you could ever outrun him.
Once he catches you, its safe to say you're now permanently apart of their story. You, however, fail to realize that. It's hard to not reveal everything to the man in front of you, but some things may or may not have slipped out your mouth.
"HELLO STRANGE PALADIN! Welcome to our, um, planet? Uh, if you could get off of me Shiro, that would be amazing cuz I currently am freaking out right now!
"Keith is probably looking for you so get that black cat working and get outta here haha!"
With all of readers rambling and bad avoidance, Shiro can't shake off a growing feeling in him. Was it endearment? Pity, annoyance? Protectiveness? Possessiveness? Shaking the dark thought quickly, the man already knows you know more than what you're letting on.
"How do you know Keith?"
"Ummm we're cousins?" You're internally smacking yourself as the man in front of you raises an eyebrow.
Being introduced to the team, they all seem to be drawn to you. Like there's some invisible force dragging them to your very being. It's sort of like an inner battle for them, allow themselves to get dragged into whatever this is willingly, or fight against it and fall harder into it.
Reader is kind of their unofficial prisoner, but not really a prisoner? So while it is very cool to meet some of their comfort characters, they accept the fact that they are now living in their world. They have no idea what the others are feeling or thinking, so they're kind of on their own from now on.
Some paladins I think that would willingly allow this divine obsession take place in their hearts are Shiro, Lance, and Allura.
Shiro was the first to find them, so it only makes sense that his obsession would take place first. He would mistake this new feeling as a need to protect. If reader is younger than him, then get used to being treated like a child. He doesn't mean to coddle you, but with how you seem to have ZERO survival skills and an air of childlike amazement at everything, he can't help but want to keep that to himself.
Lance is an easy going person, and very open to meeting new people. He's the easiest to fall into his yandere tendencies. He's basically a puppy whenever reader is around. He doesn't see anything wrong with his feelings ignoring how twisted they get the longer he's around them. You capture his attention as you don't necessarily push his overbearingness away like he's used to with everyone is. It's not like you can with how he's practically glued himself to your side.
Allura is a bit more on the umm condescending side? I don't want to say condescending, but she does feel like she has to help you learn space life. She enjoys teaching you about the ship and her planets history, of all the planets they've visited. Allura might actually see herself above you as she believes she holds more experience and knowledge of the universe than you do due to your previously mentioned childlike amazement. I think she might even see herself as your teacher, a master, and you her student. Little does she know that you are much familiar with the things she speaks of.
Now for the paladins that would be hesitant in the growing obsession, Hunk, Pidge and Keith.
Hunk is naturally a wary person when it comes to new people. Especially if he feels the vibes are off. I mean, here comes in a new person on the team that happens to know a little bit too much about them, about him! Like how do you know his name before meeting him? He's hesitant on being near you but seeing how kind you are to Lance of all people causes his a rift in his feelings. Maybe you aren't a bad person after all? He'd start growing a bit more protective of you each day the longer you guys hangout. Is this a good thing or a bad thing; only time will tell.
Pidge is standoffish to anyone who seems to know more than what they're letting on. She can tell it on you face when you look at her with a sense of familiarity despite her never having met you. She tries her best to block off the feelings of wanting to get closer to you, to hear you laugh at her jokes the same way you do with Lance and Hunk. There's not much she can do (does she even fight it anymore at this point) when you begin approaching her, mentioning some of her interests to continue talking to her. You seem to know exactly what to say to lower her guard, and she honestly doesn't know how to feel about that.
Keith is a double edged sword tbh. He'd be hesitant to get near you with these unfamiliar feelings flooding him. So he would either awkwardly get used to your prodding or he'd be quite aggressive with your presence. If we're talking about earlier season Keith, than I think he would most likely be the latter. He'd try interrogating you when know one's around. He'd try to get you to admit to something, anything to confirm his growing emotions are of suspicion instead of interest. He's immediately conflicted though once you turn emotionally at his barad of questions and accusations. He apologizes in a quiet voice and leaves, but one things for sure. He never wants you to look at him with the same fear you just did moments before.
Reader is just trying to get the plot to continue because hellooo?? The universe needs saving??
Reader knows EVERYTHING about the show and about the people they are now personally familiar with. However, they fail to realize the dark turn of events their presence brought to the team.
Sure they're acting a little unusual to how they normally would be on the show but it's not that big of a deal, right? Right?
Unrelated, but can you imagine how they would react to finding out reader is from another universe?? Even if you were to reassure them that you wouldn't be able to go back anyways, their paranoia would skyrocket.
If you were to die in their universe the same way you died in your universe, there's a chance that you'll get transported to another world! A world where you'll live without them. A world they'll never be able to reach. A world without them.
That thought alone terrifies them, so that's honestly when the true horror kicks in. BUT THAT'S FOR A DIFFERENT TIME!!!!
Everyone is wary of you at first, but with the strange emotions growing in them, they can't deny that your presence brings them an overwhelming sense of peace.
Their possessiveness will definitely set some alarms in your head but you stay in denial. You don’t want to believe that you may have, irreversibly, changed the Voltron universe.
A big question to think about is if you're gonna regret being isekai'd into this universe because they won't stay sweet for long.
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anonymouszephyrus · 7 months
Voltron Characters Headcanons, go!
Finally, Part 3! Here's Shiro, Allura, and Coran! This is a little bit shorter, so sorry. Thank you for helping me with some of these @gilyoungroach & @hotdogcabbagesausage !
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- Pure Pansexual (Aliens don't have labels but she loves everyone so-) - Mostly She/Her Pronouns (Genderfluid) - Allura definitely had a rebellious teen era and it's why she doesn't like Keith because he reminds her of that era and she cringes every time she remembers it. - Allura collects shiny and sparkly rocks. This is canon but still. She has a very extensive rock collection spanning from "shiny but ordinary" to "so shiny" and even all the way to "super, extra sparkly" - I don't have much to say with her actually. Niko sums it up pretty fucking well: "allura goddess case closed" - @nikogane
CORAN (Aka. Single Pringle)
- Aliens = Pansexual. Duh. NJFKAFN (he's an adventurous fellow) - He/Him (Transgendered Coran!!) - #Alforan was one-sided. Yes. He loved Alfor with all his heart. Sadly, the feeling wasn't mutual, he never confessed but knew the truth deep down. Coran was content just being there beside Alfor as his advisor though it hurt him every time he saw his first and only love being sweet with Melenor. - Despite his jealousy, he never hated Melenor or Allura. He treats Melenor like a queen, obviously, but also like a sister. And of course, he loves Allura like his own daughter. - If he was an Earthling, he would've totally done drag. And he would've slayed. - He gives me so much... Lance but a different age, different upbringing sort of vibe. Those two definitely talk deep into the night about their issues and problems, Coran would've been Lance's version of Shiro.
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SHIRO (Aka. The gayest man that ever did gay.)
- Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby. - Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby.
PART: 1 & 2
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what if..
Coran can remember that morning like it was only a few quintants ago. 
A soldier, just about his son’s age, knocked on his door, and handed him a torn uniform. 
His son’s uniform. 
Coran wasn’t a stranger to loss. His mother had died when he was only six, and his father, Hyra Smythe, was due for a visit any quintant.
But Rolan was only 160, barely old enough to drink. 
He died in a war older than him.
Coran found that busying his mind always helped. The more he thought about the war, the worse the pain was. 
So, he didn’t. When he wasn’t maintaining the castle, he was babysitting Allura, running maintenance on the castle or helping the kitchen staff. He did all the work. 
And he put on a smile. He told big, ridiculous stories and made everyone laugh. He flirted with both the guys and the girls (and everyone in-between). He made sure his enthusiasm was infectious. 
Their laughter made him feel much better.
And then, Lords Above, Altea….
He didn’t let anyone see him grieve. He comforted Allura, managed to fix Alfor’s AI so that the next morning she could talk to her father.
(He used it too, but not as much.)
One of the earthlings was so much like Rolan. And he was just about the same age..
Sometimes, on rainier days, Lance would make a hand gesture or say a phrase and it would make Coran’s chest ache. 
Still, Coran carried on. 
And he hoped that one day he could look at the blue skies above Arus and not see his Son’s eyes. 
But until then, he’d keep his mind busy and work. 
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
Lance after breaking his arm: Oh god am I gonna have to go in the healing pod for this
Coran: Oh, no worries, Number 3, we actually have some handheld devices for these sorts of injuries. Though we will have to reset the bone before we use it
Keith: How bads that gonna be?
Lance: I mean, I've broken a bone before but to be honest getting it reset was a little fuzzy
Pidge: When did you break a bone? For some reason I kinda presumed that'd never happened to you
Lance: I was the test pilot for a lot of Hunks early vehicles when we were kids. I once got rushed to the dentist cause we thought one of my teeth got shoved back up into my gums
Lance: Thankfully it turned out I just swallowed it but my mom wouldn't let me leave the house without helmet and elbow and knee pads for a while after that
Shiro: Just how dangerous were these vehicles you were building
Hunk: It was when I was younger so you know it took me a while to remember the invention of seatbelts...
Lance: Anyway, I presume this reset will hurt. I figured they gave me anaesthesia in the ambulance
Hunk: Lance, you weren't in an ambulance when your arm was reset, your mom drove us to the hospital. It was Veronica that set your arm
Lance: I thought I heard a siren
Hunk: No that was me. You passed out from the pain and I passed out too shortly after
Keith: Why did you pass out?
Hunk: Have you ever seen a bone get reset as a 9 year old?
Keith: Yeah
Hunk:... I will keep my questions for later
Allura:... yes well, we will be giving Lance pain relief so at the risk of having Hunk pass out, can everyone vacate?
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spaceaces00 · 5 months
Extended Languages Headcanons!
Lance: Cuban Spanish
Hunk: Samoan & bits of Tagalog from childhood friends (helped him learn Spanish faster w Lance bc a lot of the words/roots are similar)
Pidge: some Hebrew (& binary code, Morse code, fuckin Latin, etc.)
Keith: knows simple Korean & the swears (was learning as a kid but oops #deaddad)
Shiro: knows basic Japanese (I like to think that he, like Keith, had a rebellious era so he hated learning but as an adult tries to pick it up again) also some Korean bc tween Keith was feisty
Allura: Garla, Altean (maybe some other planets bc of trade, balls, royalty things idk)
Coran: weirdly a lot?? Apparently went like planet party hopping and picked up a bunch of
I think everyone learns Altean eventually bc it’s the ship and it’s like a dead language 🧍but Lance and Pidge learn the quickest ok the concept of shit talking in another language
They definitely pick up phrases from each other (especially bc they don’t have any one to practice it with and they don’t wanna forget :(
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mushed-kid · 20 days
Beloved mutual
Share some head cannons with the class?
assuming you mean voltron. okay im not good at headcanons, i feel like i usually dont have any but maybe i just dont remember or think of it
- pidge is trans ftm. i consider this canon.
- i like t4t klance
- romelle is trans mtf
- klance is canon post series
- lance fucking flunks his drivers test so hard. like three times or something. he can fly a lion and it’s not the same as a car okay
- i think its a popular headcanon that shiro cant cook and its funny to me, but i think he’s good at it
- keith can make food but it wont taste very good because he just makes it to eat to not be hungry, not for enjoying the food
- when lance becomes a farmer, they make a farm next to keith’s shack, so he lives there and keith has a place to come back to in between his missions (they’re dating so them living together just makes sense)
- coran starts learning other random human languages and the others dont understand what he says
uhh idk thats all i could think of🤷‍♂️ i dont know any headcanons okay😔 i just think Yippie
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gilyoungroach · 8 months
procrastinating homework as I choose a live action cast for voltron >_0
first up is my pookie Coran
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(now in the off chance that they can't afford him, sportacus would be amazing casting)
next, Allura
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A beautiful princess deserves beautiful casting, so I propose
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lupita is literally perfect for herrrr
moving on to the paladins !!
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Next is best man hunk
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I was struggling to find a good actor within age range for Hunk, and also keeping in mind that he was samoan
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I was thinking Christopher Massey, but I'm so unhappy with this casting tbh (rb if you think there's a better hunk, I have no doubt there is. ㅠㅠ)
moving onnn to
Pidge <3
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KATIE MICUCCI, their face fits Paige rlly well AND HER VOICE IS JUST A NERDYYY
(young Elliot page would also fit pidge sooo well)
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(I'm at the max so Lance and Keith are tbd)
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voltron-revival · 2 months
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Hi again! Back with another screenshot redraw and another popular headcanon: Altean Lance! Lemme explain:
I feel like it would have added to Lance's character (and maybe his relationship to Allura) if he was revealed to be Altean of some kind. Imagine how sweet it would be for Coran and Allura to share with him! Wasted potential. Also also omg can y'all imagine Klance with them both being some alien? Like that's adorable they have something else to bond over 🥺💕 a big gripe of mine as a fellow mixed person is that the mixed alien characters never really got to bond about it beyond just being in Lotor's gang :')
Anyway, since we've seen that marks come in many colors, thought a dark pink would suit him. :)
Also. PALADIN ARMOR IS TOUGH but it's also soooo satisfying to get right omfg, is this how actual mecha artists feel???
Fun fact: It took me two goofy movies and half of Robin Hood to finish this whole thing lol, the Keith one was faster
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sagegreenfrogs · 3 months
vld fandom... hear me out... aroallo coran...
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