elsecretodecarol · 2 years
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⠀ En El Secreto de Carol ¡Tú eres la protagonista! ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ Una fotografía de Nataly con un corset de @elsecretodecarol ¡Gracias por compartirla! ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ¿Te animas a enviarnos tu foto?⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ #elsecretodecarol #tuereslaprotagonista #elespejo #callemayor #callemayormadrid #callemayor6 #mayor6 #madrid #corsets #corset #corsés #corsé #corpiños #corsetsmadrid #corsetsamedida #corseteria #corsetry #lovecorsets #loveyourcurves (en Corsets El Secreto de Carol) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKigvwLDpC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Mugler regresa a las pasarelas con un desfile durante la Alta Costura en París
La casa Mugler regresó a las pasarelas parisinas con un nuevo concepto de desfile en el que presentó su colección Otoño/Invierno 2023, que hizo su debut en la Semana de la Alta Costura de París; marcando el regreso de Casey Cadwallader. La marca, que detuvo las presentaciones en la pasarela, debido a la pandemia, lo dio todo por su regreso en el último día de la Semana de la Costura. En los…
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psychicvoidtale · 3 months
.....poly? 👉👈
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fetichesonoro · 10 months
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Fetiche Sonoro's Best Albums of 2023
Guys! these are the best collection of recordings issued as a single piece of 2023, and we are very excited that you can enjoy these delightful albums.
Madres by Sofia Kourtesis
At first glance, The Peruvian's first album appears to effortlessly combine European house music with Latin American influences, exuding a predominantly joyful atmosphere. However, beneath the surface, it reveals itself as a profound, emotionally intricate, and contemplative work that invites the listener to dance. While addressing weighty themes, the album remains fundamentally grateful, joy-infused, and celebratory in its essence.
Corsé by Clara Peya
The Catalan artist has assembled a talented group of thirteen diverse performers known for their exceptional interpretation skills, combining profound lyrics with dynamic shifts in emotion. Every track on the album exudes the same level of passion and elegance, each in its unique style. The impressive production –driven by a subtle form of electronica that doesn’t overpower the rest, and featuring a piano with graceful touches– is truly remarkable.
Habita by Pahua
The Mexican musician has continuously released songs since 2020 but this time she finally releases her debut album, which is jam-packed with international collaborators. While not overly ambitious the production aims to experiment with different genres gracefully encased in dazzling electronic folk.
Lucha by Y La Bamba
It's unusual for a project to realize its complete potential after so many years, but that appears to be precisely the case with Y La Bamba from Portland. Luz Elena Mendoza's music has taken on an unprecedentedly smooth, immersive, and surreal quality, as familiar sounds continuously transform into unfamiliar forms. The unique dimensions, layers, and shadows within this music are genuinely perceptible in this production.
Vidrio by Titanic
Exploring innovative pathways in contemporary composition, jazz, and art song, Guatemala-native cellist and vocalist Mabe Fratti collaborates with Mexico City multi-instrumentalist Hector Tosta. Their artistic direction defies genre constraints, with each composition centered around the distinct clarity of Fratti's prominent voice. The musical journey traverses a spectrum of styles, ranging from jazz and chamber pop to intricate guitar polyrhythms.
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fangomusic · 1 year
Clara Peya, Corsé
New music Wednesday
The Catalan artist has assembled a talented group of thirteen diverse performers known for their exceptional interpretation skills, combining profound lyrics with dynamic shifts in emotion. Every track on the album exudes the same level of passion and elegance, each in its unique style. The impressive production –driven by a subtle form of electronica that doesn't overpower the rest, and featuring a piano with graceful touches– is truly remarkable.
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pinkhorsewinnerneck · 2 years
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Christmas outfit check!
Merry Christmas World
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marinrat · 2 years
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hypnoespadachin · 2 years
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Esta imagen estaba oculta por ser sexualmente explicita. Alguien no conoce el significado de "explícito. Lo encontré en el blos de @theconniek
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adribosch-fan · 6 months
El sorprendente material con el que se fabricó el primer sujetador moderno una joven de Nueva York
¿Sabes a quién le debemos la existencia del sujetador? ¿Puedes imaginarse en qué circunstancias y con qué materiales se fabricó? Hoy repasamos el interesante origen de esta prenda. Celia Pérez León Periodista especializa en lifestyle y cultura Todas hemos sufrido su yugo y agradecido su existencia en diferentes momentos de la vida. Las hay que no se separan de él bajo ningún concepto, y luego…
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elsecretodecarol · 2 years
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⠀ En El Secreto de Carol ¡Tú eres la protagonista! ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ Andre con un corset de @elsecretodecarol ¡Gracias por compartirla! ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ¿Te animas a enviarnos tu foto?⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ #elsecretodecarol #tuereslaprotagonista #elespejo #callemayor #callemayormadrid #callemayor6 #mayor6 #madrid #corsets #corset #corsés #corsé #corpiños #corsetsmadrid #corsetsamedida #corseteria #corsetry #lovecorsets #loveyourcurves (en Corsets El Secreto de Carol) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0CBylqnCk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juliendorcellove-blog · 11 months
Le commissaire FOURCHAUME pensait passer de bonnes vacances cet année-là. Mais son séjour en Corse va s'avérer plein d'imprévus. Tout d'abord, l'agression d'un enfant va troubler sa tranquillité et son ancien fiancé, disparu depuis des années, resurgit mystérieusement. Enfin, un laboratoire de produits pharmaceutiques semble avoir quelque chose à se reprocher. Il n'en faut pas plus pour que le flic parisien reprenne du service, épaulant des gendarmes rapidement dépassés par la situation. Vacances Corsées : un polar fantastique, mélangeant habilement le réel à la fiction, pour la plus grande satisfaction des lecteurs ...
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upsurge-esp · 1 year
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hacheaefeblog · 2 years
Los graffitis son manifestaciones populares que pueblan las paredes y muros de las ciudades. Pueden ser dibujos, escritura o contener ambos tipos de expresiones en un mismo cuerpo. Suelen tener un corte humorístico o político y hacer referencia o no al que declara el graffiti. Por ejemplo, en “No a la donación de órganos. Yamaha”, además de la relación manifiesta entre un “órgano humano” y un…
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pinkyygurl29 · 4 months
Can you draw Izaack x robertsky? If you want of corsé
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here you are *post it then run away* first time drawing a ship art- (im kinda nervous) -🎀
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psychicvoidtale · 4 months
I'm a normal
Of corsé...
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flan-tasma · 11 months
Ok so this is for whenever you start posting again, and this contains a tiny spoiler for the new archon quest so if you haven't done it yet then you can ignore this So you know how during the archon quest Arlecchino confronts Furina when she's alone? That but with Dom Lyney (or Freminet if you don't do requests for Lyney yet i'll be happy with either one) and reader is Furina's assistant/servant (Not like neuvillette like they serve Furina and stuff) And instead of attacking the Reader Lyney (or Freminet depending on you choose to write) Fucks them? Yeah that's it, i feel like this is a little different from the other nsfw requests you've done so if this makes you uncomfortable then feel free to delete this
💖~ I haven't gotten to that part in the game yet, but I already wanted to write this kdhkdhd Sorry for the delay! :(((((
Writing Freminet crying and then Lyney horny is the most "sex mode: on" thing I've ever done.
I liked the idea of putting Reader as a lady-in-waiting in the care and service of Furina, I couldn't stop thinking that I would like to write for Furina with a Reader like this and the life they have together kdhkdhd ✨✨✨✨
Warning: smut, there is consent! Fem!Reader | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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La arconte Hydro te había enviado a buscar comida para gatos con la esperanza de hacer que un pequeño minino se dejara acariciar, parecía una misión sencilla comparada con las tareas que solían darte en los momentos más aleatórios, pero sonreíste, te inclinaste y seguiste la orden de tu señora. Poco sabías que ni bien cruzaras la esquina para ir a la cocina algo te interceptaría.
Una flecha había dejado la manga de tu camisa atravesada en la pared, el metal no te permitía liberarte y el olor a fuego que chamuscó tu ropa te alarmó. Entre las sombras apareció a quien menos habías esperado encontrar entre los pasillos tan cercanos a tu arconte y eso te hizo sudar más.
Lyney, vestido con su usual traje de mago con sombrero de copa, no te miraba con la galantería usual que demostró entre sus actos en los que acompañabas a la arconte Hydro, su sonrisa coqueta se mostraba muerta, con una expresión seria. Se acercó poco a poco a ti, acorralándote contra la pared en la que estabas.
"Monsieur Lyney, el uso de armas contra mi está restringido." Recordaste al mago que por fin te miró a los ojos, sonriendo de una manera extraña.
"Vamos, mon chéri, ¿el riesgo no es la parte más divertida de nuestra relación?" Las palabras burlonas de Lyney te golpearon salvajemente en el corazón, sonrojándote cuando su mano alcanzó tu mentón para mirarte mejor. "Habíamos hablado acerca de algo como esto antes, ¿o vine en mal momento?"
No podías dejar esperando a Furina tanto tiempo o te haría algún berrinche, pero las manos de Lyney en tu cintura y sus labios en tu cuello se sintieron más embriagadores que las anteriores veces en las que el mago se coló a tu habitación para un encuentro carnal. Sus dedos hábiles desataron tu corsé y solo pudiste tomar su cuello con un brazo para acercarlo para besar sus labios. Su semblante serio te daba una inquietante señal de que no te dejaría ir en mucho tiempo, y te lo confirmó cuando quitó la flecha de tu manga y te metió a una habitación cercana, un almacén en donde te presionó contra la pared mientras dejaba caer la vestimenta que usabas como dama de Furina. La falda larga cayó al suelo junto al corsé y la camisa chamuscada, la blusa interior desapareció entre la oscuridad del armario mientras Lyney creaba marcas en tus pechos.
"Lamento si... vine en un mal momento." Las palabras de Lyney estaban cargadas de arrepentimiento y culpa, pero su tono hambriento mientras se metía una de tus tetas a la boca, chupaba y su lengua masajeaba tu pezón con furia. Estaba tan necesitado, habiendo pasado semanas desde que te había visitado por última vez y ambos se necesitaban. "Pero puedes hacer esto por mi, ¿verdad? Puedes perdonarme luego."
Los dedos de Lyney jugaron con tu botón sensible a través de la ropa, manchando cada vez más la tela hasta que no fuera más que un mal necesario que quitaría del camino para tocarte más profundamente con dos dedos que entraban y salían manchados de humedad.
"O s-si quieres no me perdones." Querías preguntarle a qué diablos se refería, pero sus labios te besaron más rápido, callando lo que fuera que tuvieras en la cabeza y haciéndote mover contra sus dedos en busca de lo que ambos sabían que tendrían. El miembro de Lyney jugó con tus pliegues antes de entrar al mismo tiempo que sus manos dejaban marcas severas en tu cintura, sus jadeos se quebraron cuando te empezó a empujar fuertemente contra la pared y besaba tu pecho, en donde estaría tu corazón mientras se disculpaba por necesitarte tanto, por amarte tanto que lo único que quería ahora era llenarte hasta que el día acabe. "Te amo, de ve-verdad. Eso no es mentira, mon chéri."
Lyney lloraba por el placer mezclado con la culpa de estar engañándote para que Padre pudiera quitarle la gnosis al arconte Hydro, por haber empezado a visitarte para descubrir la rutina de Furina, por haberte usado hasta enamorarse de ti hasta el punto en que ahora gemía contra tu piel caliente y sudaba contra tu carne, machacando su polla contra tus paredes que apretaban su forma de manera perfecta.
La culpa no superó al placer cuando pintó tus entrañas con su semen y mordió tu cuello hasta dejar una bonita marca rojiza. Sus caderas no se detuvieron y siguió golpeando tus zonas sensibles y mojadas entre beso desordenados. Soltó más frases amorosas contra tu oído, maldiciendo internamente si luego pensabas que eran las mentiras más viles, marcó tu cuerpo para que no lo olvides si lo mandabas al diablo cuando te enteres de su engaño.
"Me dejarás follarte como disculpa, ¿verdad?" Lyney sonrió ante tu rostro bañado en lujuria, con tu perfecto maquillaje corrido y los labios de ambos manchados con labial. "Me aseguraré de follarte tan bien que me perdonarás todo, déjame mostrártelo."
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The Hydro archon had sent you to find cat food in the hopes of getting a little kitten to pet, it seemed like a simple mission compared to the tasks she usually gave you at the most random moments, but you smiled, bowed and followed the order of your lady. You didn't know that as soon as you crossed the corner to go to the kitchen something would intercept you.
An arrow had left the sleeve of your shirt pierced in the wall, the metal did not allow you to free yourself and the smell of fire that singed your clothes alarmed you. From the shadows, someone you had least expected to find appeared among the corridors so close to your archon and that made you sweat more.
Lyney, dressed in his usual magician outfit with a top hat, did not look at you with the usual gallantry that he showed between his shows in which you accompanied the archon Hydro, his flirtatious smile was dead, with a serious expression. He slowly approached you, cornering you against the wall you were on.
"Monsieur Lyney, the use of weapons against me is restricted." You remembered the magician who finally looked you in the eyes, smiling in a strange way.
"Come on, mon chéri, isn't risk the most fun part of our relationship?" Lyney's teasing words hit you savagely in the heart, blushing as his hand reached for your chin to get a better look. "We'd talked about something like this before, or did I come at the wrong time?"
You couldn't keep Furina waiting for so long or she would throw a tantrum, but Lyney's hands on your waist and his lips on your neck felt more intoxicating than the previous times the magician snuck into your room for a carnal encounter. His skillful fingers untied your corset and you could only grab his neck with one arm to bring him closer to kiss his lips. His serious expression gave you a disturbing sign that he wouldn't let you go for a long time, and he confirmed it when he removed the arrow from your sleeve and took you into a nearby room, a warehouse where he pressed you against the wall while he dropped the outfit you wore as Furina's lady-in-waiting. The long skirt fell to the floor next to the corset and the singed shirt, the undershirt disappeared into the darkness of the closet while Lyney created marks on your breasts.
"I'm sorry if... I came at a bad time." Lyney's words were laced with regret and guilt, but his tone was hungry for as he took one of your tits into his mouth, sucking and his tongue furiously massaging your nipple. He was so needy, it having been weeks since he had last visited you and you both needed each other. "But you can do this for me, right? You can forgive me later."
Lyney's fingers played with your sensitive button through your clothing, staining more and more of the fabric until it was nothing more than a necessary evil that he would move out of the way to touch you deeper with two fingers that moved in and out smeared with moisture.
"Or i-if you want, don't forgive me." You wanted to ask him what the hell he meant, but his lips kissed you faster, hushing whatever was on your mind and making you move against his fingers in search of what you both knew you'd have. Lyney's cock played with your folds before entering at the same time as his hands left severe marks on your waist, his gasps breaking as he began to push you hard against the wall and kissed your chest, where your heart would be as he apologized for needing you so much, for loving you so much that the only thing he wanted now was to fill you until the day is over. "I love you, really. That's not a lie, mon chéri."
Lyney cried out of pleasure mixed with guilt that he was tricking you so that Father could take Hydro Archon's gnosis, that he had started visiting you to discover Furina's routine, that he had used you until he fell in love with you to the point where he was now moaning against your skin hot and sweaty against your flesh, grinding his cock against your walls that squeezed his form perfectly.
The guilt didn't outweigh the pleasure when he painted your insides with his cum and bit your neck until he left a nice reddish mark. His hips didn't stop and he continued hitting your sensitive, wet areas between messy kisses. He blurted out more loving phrases against your ear, internally cursing if you then thought they were the vilest lies, he marked your body so you wouldn't forget it if you sent him to hell when you found out about his deceit.
"You'll let me fuck you as an apology, right?" Lyney smiled at your face bathed in lust, with your perfect makeup smudged and both of your lips stained with lipstick. "I'll make sure to fuck you so good that you'll forgive me for everything, let me show you."
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