#cosmere headcanon
beginnerblueglass · 5 months
Mistborn headcanons
After having these rolling around in my brain for months, I remembered that tumblr exists ^_^
Marsh is the first one who met and became friends with Sazed. Marsh recruited Sazed while he was the leader of the skaa rebellion and helped free him from the stewardship program. I think Mare was involved too, since Sazed met her before he met Kelsier (I'm pretty sure? idk I'm rereading the books rn). Maybe she posed as a noblewoman and bought Sazed, freeing him to become a rebel agent if he so desired. He met Kelsier later through Mare.
Era 2 Marsh/Ironeyes lives in a house outside a little gothic mountain town on the edge of the Basin, populated with mostly Sliverists (people who revere Ironeyes). There's a family in this town charged with serving Ironeyes and making sure he can live there in peace. I just want him to have a nice comfortable house, maybe a garden, maybe a cat or two. I wish Brandon could have written more about Sliverism.
(More of an observation than a headcanon) Paalm is definitely not her full name. KanPaar, TenSoon, MeLaan, ReLuur, ???-Paalm. It just makes sense.
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sazed-s-faith-crisis · 3 months
Vin, in one (1) inch heels: I- I don't think these are for me
Kelsier, wearing golden six (6) inch stilettos: WEAK
(Sazed and Dox are trying not to laugh)
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fangirl-nadir · 14 days
Butch Vorins eat spicy food and flaunt their safe hands, change my mind
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duckngk · 13 days
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what if kadolin yuri
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nevertheless-moving · 7 months
thinking about how fucking impossible it would be to pine secretly after someone on roshar. Like even if we assume that passionspren are only summoned by the most intense love and/or horniness - that's almost worse isn't it? Because you wouldn't be able to laugh it off like 'haha just a passing thought. Whoops again? Hahaha oh I suppose I have a little crush'
Anyway Kaladin doing one of his canonical epic hero glowing stunts with his canonical destroyed/soaked clothing (what. the man is constantly avoiding shardblades and arrows by a hairsbreath and flying around In Highstorms. The only reason he would even have pants at the end of WOR after the everstorm/highstorm fight is because we're following comic book rules- there's no way this man isn't going through clothes faster than James T Kirk - even if he's not his uniform shirt is WHITE and -)
ANYWAY kaladin having one of his Protaganist Moments and like. There is less than than zero time between the 'Oh. Oh.' Moment and Eventual Feelings Reveal because blorbo B is very visibly displaying a personified manifestation of intense romantic adoration.
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stivya · 1 year
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She is so !!!
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lucydoodlessometimes · 11 months
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corvidpolyglot · 3 months
different cosmere characters' radiant orders, pt. 1: Elantris
Raoden: Bondsmith. If that's taken, Willshaper. Not much explanation needed for this one. Raoden saw the Suffering City as a chance to build his Ideal Society. Would he be a Radiant? Probably after the Reod and briefly becoming a Hoed, that's really the only trauma he's undergone.
Sarene: Sarene is not a Radiant. Sarene is a terrifying political opponent and a princess of a theocratic kingdom that supported her interests far more than Arelon and 100% has not experienced enough trauma at any point in her life ever. Given her attempts to free others from social constructs, she could potentially be a Dustbringer or Willshaper if she did qualify.
Hrathen: Skybreaker. Hrathen absolutely cares about the law over people's lives, and the only thing that shook him from that was Dilaf and the Dakhor monks. He also definitely was traumatized enough by that to become a Skybreaker.
Dilaf: Dilaf is not a Radiant. Dilaf would join Odium so, so fast. Awful energy from that guy. Taravangian would hate his ass though i think
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cosmereplay · 1 year
Hoid's didactics and monologuing in Yumi become way more relevant and funny when I imagine that he's telling the story to Szeth (and maybe his jailors) while he's in jail in Urithiru during the gap year. Nale knows Szeth needs some entertainment at the very least, and who better for Hoid than a captive audience?
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crellanstein · 4 months
I got $1,000 on Cephandrius/Hoid inventing the job of the King’s Wit waaaaayyyyy back in Rosharan history just so he could assume the role again & again every time he comes back.
I could cite some evidence and postulate more closely on theory in order to convince you… but come on… we all know I don’t need to.
This is the most absolutely in-character thing he could do.
Like who else would come up with a position at court, similar to the court jester but without the goofy clothing & other humiliation, where all you do is insult people without consequences?!?!?
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blindradiant · 1 year
Favorite pronoun set for Nightblood
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sazed-s-faith-crisis · 2 months
Sazed: be the bigger person vin
Vin: bitch I'm barely 5 foot you be the bigger person
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rainhaunted · 2 months
good evening everyone i'm here to offer some of my marsh headcanons to the void:
has (or. had) grey eyes, which contributed to his "ironeyes" nickname
is demisexual
hates the feeling of stubble on his face but still forgets to shave all the time
his mom read to him a lot when he was little, and was the one to teach him how to read. he spent hours and hours in their little library growing up, reading every single book they had
developed chronic headaches during his time in the rebellion. this turned out to have the silver lining of being good preparation for dealing with the constant pain of the spikes
is NOT a morning person, but tends to wake up early anyway, to his annoyance
has a tendency to get lost in whatever he’s working on and forget about things like eating and sleeping
has a habit of running his hand through his hair, especially when frustrated or thinking hard, which meant that having to shave his head while in the ministry was particularly annoying for him
still dreams in color after becoming an inquisitor
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orbitsstar · 7 months
things i found on pinterest that remind me of kelsier
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nevertheless-moving · 5 months
“The other day,” Skar added, “he was talking about what he’s doing there. It sounded an awful lot like he was learning how to read.” The men shifted uncomfortably. “So?” Kaladin asked. “What’s the problem? Sigzil can read his own language. Storms, I can read glyphs.” “It’s not the same,” Skar said. “It’s feminine,” Drehy added. “Drehy,” Kaladin said, “you are literally courting a man.” “So?” Drehy said. “Yeah, what are you saying, Kal?” Skar snapped. “Nothing! I just thought Drehy might empathize.…” “That’s hardly fair,” Drehy said. “Yeah,” Lopen added. “Drehy likes other guys. That’s like … he wants to be even less around women than the rest of us. It’s the opposite of feminine. He is, you could say, extra manly.”
Different possible explanations for this scene, to be taken up depending on which headcanon would be the funniest for a given fic:
While being gay is more broadly acceptable than being unmanly, conflating gender roles with sexuality is not uncommon; the other guys have just gotten more than one drunken lecture from Drehy about how he hates being treated womanly just because he likes dick. Kaladin was obviously working those nights.
Under Vorinism, Gender roles are rigid, but a range of sexualities are perfectly fine. The ardent who visited Kaladin's hometown was just a freak who hated gay people so much it was unreal, and took great pains to explain to the boys of this isolated rural town the unhinged idea that marrying a man was OBVIOUSLY womanly and therefore Bad. He mostly unlearned that shit after joining the army but is a bit confused. It doesn't come up often.
There was one (1) elderly queer couple in heartstone growing up, and one of the men was super gnc, which made people uncomfortable but his parents always told him that you shouldn't shame people for harmless joy. so, yeah, Kaladin just sort of figured that in a relationship between guys, one of them is the woman. He assumes Renarin is gay and I mean. He's not wrong. Part of the reason he never accepted friendly offers of soldier companionship. Not that there's anything wrong with it. He never asked Drehy who was who, because its none of his business and he didn't want to know.
the only times Kaladin has personally ever noticed being attracted to another man is when the guy was doing something womanly. Is it a kink? Is it an extremely dense man needing someone to stand on top of clearly marked social signposts and wave their arms for him to even register them as a sexual being? who knows! not Kaladin! he doesn't have time to unpack any of that. anyway he assumed that all same sex attraction worked the same way and obviously never actually talked about it with a living person. actually I'm expanding this to cover all of Kaladin's sexuality just to make him extra stupid. first time he noticed Tarah was when she punched a dude.
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swords-and-space · 8 months
Adolin Kohlin and Steve Harrington are the same blorbo
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