#mistborn headcanon
beginnerblueglass · 5 months
Mistborn headcanons
After having these rolling around in my brain for months, I remembered that tumblr exists ^_^
Marsh is the first one who met and became friends with Sazed. Marsh recruited Sazed while he was the leader of the skaa rebellion and helped free him from the stewardship program. I think Mare was involved too, since Sazed met her before he met Kelsier (I'm pretty sure? idk I'm rereading the books rn). Maybe she posed as a noblewoman and bought Sazed, freeing him to become a rebel agent if he so desired. He met Kelsier later through Mare.
Era 2 Marsh/Ironeyes lives in a house outside a little gothic mountain town on the edge of the Basin, populated with mostly Sliverists (people who revere Ironeyes). There's a family in this town charged with serving Ironeyes and making sure he can live there in peace. I just want him to have a nice comfortable house, maybe a garden, maybe a cat or two. I wish Brandon could have written more about Sliverism.
(More of an observation than a headcanon) Paalm is definitely not her full name. KanPaar, TenSoon, MeLaan, ReLuur, ???-Paalm. It just makes sense.
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sazed-s-faith-crisis · 3 months
Vin, in one (1) inch heels: I- I don't think these are for me
Kelsier, wearing golden six (6) inch stilettos: WEAK
(Sazed and Dox are trying not to laugh)
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coritale · 8 months
transgender tindywl. you agree. reblog
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Vin being arospec/ace and Breeze being aro.
Vin just plain not getting the romance stuff or mentioning interest in the sex part. Vin feeling comfortable and safe around Elend. Her being committed to him and his endeavors. That being the end of it.
Breeze - even after coming to be okay with the age gap - not being able to shake the feeling that the rules of romantic attraction just don't apply to him. Like they don't include him somehow. Him obviously understanding it very well and what it is to other people, but still feeling like it's a thing that exists outside of himself. Despite him clearly being fond of Allrianne for so many reasons. Despite him being attracted to her physically.
Elend and Allrianne being allo but both aware of how their relationship is different from their partners' perspectives and having no qualms with it.
Canon ship dynamic with aromantic and asexual characters where the narrative treats the characters' being aro and or ace as something that would affect their relationships in interesting important ways that should be explored in the source material.
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isnt-it-pretty · 1 year
Honestly Kelsier probably had super fucky nerve damage. I mean, those scars? I know they ache a bit in canon but seriously, it'd be horrible. I bet there were days he couldn't hold a pen or dagger without burning pewter to make it easier to ignore.
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rainhaunted · 2 months
good evening everyone i'm here to offer some of my marsh headcanons to the void:
has (or. had) grey eyes, which contributed to his "ironeyes" nickname
is demisexual
hates the feeling of stubble on his face but still forgets to shave all the time
his mom read to him a lot when he was little, and was the one to teach him how to read. he spent hours and hours in their little library growing up, reading every single book they had
developed chronic headaches during his time in the rebellion. this turned out to have the silver lining of being good preparation for dealing with the constant pain of the spikes
is NOT a morning person, but tends to wake up early anyway, to his annoyance
has a tendency to get lost in whatever he’s working on and forget about things like eating and sleeping
has a habit of running his hand through his hair, especially when frustrated or thinking hard, which meant that having to shave his head while in the ministry was particularly annoying for him
still dreams in color after becoming an inquisitor
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npdfavs · 10 months
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Kelsier from Mistborn has NPD! ( implied / headcanon )
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orbitsstar · 7 months
things i found on pinterest that remind me of kelsier
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zephyscosmere · 8 months
I headcanon Kelsier to be polyamourous, bisexual, aromantic, and either agender or gender queer. He is either genderless or All The Genders.
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butwhybother · 1 year
(It's just how I read things, but anyway)
This is how Fuzz describes Dockson's last moments:
"He cursed you as he died, Kelsier," Preservation said, voice harsh. "He blames you for all this." (Mistborn: Secret History, part 3 chapter 1)
Which is totally hurtful to Kelsier, and moreover, not entirely truthful!
When I read the scene (The Well of Ascension chapter 53), Dockson does say things like "This is all Kelsier's fault" and "He left us with this mess," and he does "[send] a final curse Kelsier's way" moments before his death. That is how it's written. So what Fuzz said is not incorrect; still, it's not truthful. Why? Because it reads differently. Because Fuzz doesn't understand or communicate Dockson's feelings.
Consider that Dockson chose to stay in the city when it fell, because "that's what Kell would expect." (chapter 46) Consider the fact that Dockson is constantly thinking about Kelsier as death approaches. Consider why Dockson is upset at Kelsier.
Dockson is upset at the mess that Kelsier left them. The mess itself is not the real reason for being upset, though. Kelsier not being with them in the mess, is.
Dockson's chief reason for being upset at Kelsier is that Kelsier is not there.
We don't know what words Dockson used in his curse, but this reads to me like the attitude behind the curse would not have been 'I am sick of you, go away' or 'I should never have believed you.' It was a 'you were supposed to be here and you're not' kind of curse. It's a cry out to the one who left, the one who should have been there, the one who is still greatly missed.
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pumpkin-noodles · 1 year
Headcanoning Steris in Mistborn series as autistic
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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MeLaan from the Mistborn Saga by Brandon Sanderson-Genderfluid
Species: Kandra
Requested by @sugarthegecko
Status: Alive
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sazed-s-faith-crisis · 2 months
Sazed: be the bigger person vin
Vin: bitch I'm barely 5 foot you be the bigger person
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thehalfbloodfreak · 2 years
I know I keep asking people this but I'm just very curious so!! Favourite cosmere headcanon?
Is it weird if I don’t really have any? At least not any that come straight to mind. I’m just along for this ride that Brandon is taking us on and eager to see where it goes!
Though I guess I headcanon Kaladin with happiness. That man deserves it.
I’d love to hear others headcanon’s down below though or in the tags!! Maybe I’ll steal one of those for my favorite!
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puddlejumper38 · 2 years
Hmmm headcanons as to what Marsh does after giving up leadership of the rebellion? Like I imagine he still stays involved, helping out people and running a safehouse or something, but what specifically?
I can't imagine him staying uninvolved either. He was depressed for sure and gave up leadership, but doing nothing at all? Probably not.
I do have a headcanon here - and yeah I think its a the safehouse option. We know Marsh ran a shop and I think he used it to help runaway skaa. I reckon he'd hide them there until he could get them out of the city, we already know there are routes out of Luthadel and Marsh would have the contacts for them after being in the rebellion. It seems logical that he hide and helped arrange passage out of the city for runaway skaa.
The thing is this would be a direct impact to help those people, rather than the rebellion goal to improve the system - which is what he'd given up on. Also he was still in contact with Dockson, since its Dockson he tells about Vin. Since Dockson was a runaway skaa it wouldn't surprise me if he also had contacts there, you know?
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manoosweebar · 2 years
Imagery of Steel Inquisitors
[spoilers for Mistborn Era 1, I suppose] Recently finished era 1 of Mistborn last summer (yet to start era 2, trying to pace myself through the sanderson-verse/cosmere thing????) and I just wanna talk about my thoughts behind how characters looked and specifically changed through the story. Specifically, Marsh
Marsh, being Kelsier’s brother, made me reckon they’d be similar. I had in my mind that he was a brunette to Kelsier’s dirty-blonde, mainly an auburn, reddish-brown shade. In terms of build I imagine he’s built well, but not super buff or anything
This of course changed when he became a Steel Inquisitor. I imagined/headcanon'ed these fucking monsters being built like a 40k Space Marine. Huge as hell, almost engorged with muscle in a way that gives them the build of an un-plugged fridge. Dwarfing characters like 5-foot-weighs-100-lbs-soaking-wet Vin and a great deal few heads taller than characters like Ham (HC'd as tall and built like a strongman) and Sazed (HC'd as tall, but more willowy/lanky). At the end of The Final Empire Marsh'd be bald, I HC'd him sporting a bit of short hair growth in Well of Ascension, but I couldn't see him as sporting anything else than wearing a wild chestnut-brown mowhawk and short beard in Hero of Ages. I don't know why. I just did and it was great?
I was advised to avoid fanart for the books until after I read them by a friend (Wise friend, she is). That's when I saw that most depictions are much different than what I headcanoned. Outfits, spikes, and tattoos were good but it was the size that was the most different. They were jacked, ofc, but they weren't as monstrously massive as I had imagined.
I feel like the imagery I imagined... idk, fit more? Mostly on a subtle-body-horror thing going on with Mistborn era 1 and the logic behind some of their powers
IMO, some of the creatures in era 1 are ghoulishly scary. You can see bones of the corpse-eating mistwraiths through their skin. Similarly, Kandra eat people, wear their skins, and (when not wearing people bodies) wear bodies of stone and crystal. Koloss. GOOD LORD THE HULK SMURFS. The baby guys have flabby blue skin that tears and bleeds as they get bigger. And they're all creatures made with Hemalurgy. Steel Inquisitors make due in the body horror with the whole spikes thing, but them being the size of the average dude is not enough. I Need Them to be huuuuuge.
Plus, their immense strength comes from a combo of burning pewter and using the stored strength from feruchemy, right? Specifically with Feruchemy, we see in tFE that when Sazed taps into strength he gets jacked as well. I think hes described as growing taller due to it, but I don't have the books with me to double check. Either way, if they're constantly burning MAD GAINZ MAGIC™, I'd imagine they're roided out the wazzoo
I need more art of Steel Inquisitors to make them MONSTERS. The offical art and fan-art thats out there is (Chef's Kiss) beutiful, but I'd love to see this kind of take on steel inquisitors
[Please no spoilers for the rest of the series, I promise I'm getting through it as fast as I can to enjoy the memes, art and discussions]
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