#cotc fanfiction
sparklepool101 · 11 months
Happy Creek Week everybody!! Here's my contribution for today:
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The Last Kids in Herkleton: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51307546
Radio Free Maryland: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51541753
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feylixs-stuff · 11 months
Ao3 Link:
Note: I do not own Craig of the Creek or its characters; this is a fanwork of the characters. Please do not accept this story as Canon, nor think it is correlated to the actual show in any way (because it is not). With that in mind, please enjoy the story, and if you'd like, reblogs are always accepted :)) just please do not claim this fanwork as your own and please do not regenerate this work into AI. Thank you :))
Rating: E for Everyone :3
"The Winter Wall" (Story Below Cut)
"Mom, what's for breakfast today?" Craig chirped, sliding down the stairs and climbing into his usual seat at the kitchen table.
"Mornin' baby, I'm making pancakes and eggs this morning. What are your plans today, little man?" said Craig's mother, with a bright smile across her face as she flipped the doughy, flat pancake in the pan.
"Hm, me, Kelsey, and Marie are all going to the creek like usual. We're gonna meet up with the horse crew and try and find this cool new area," Craig excitedly moved in his chair, reaching into his bag to retrieve his trusty map. He then opened it to point to a yellowed field of grass? wheat? Nobody knew, but it was a yellow field of something.
"JP, one of the horse boys, gave us the tip when he was grazing the grass near our Stump the other day. He's pretty cool, though." Craig turned back around as his mother placed the plate stacked with eggs and two pancakes alongside a glass of apple juice in front of him.
"That's nice baby, make sure you wear your coat and mitts today. It's starting to get chillier and chillier this time of year. I don't need you catching a cold, Craig." His mother warned playfully, handing Craig his pinkish red sweater and mitts.
As Craig began to shovel his food down like it was his last meal ever, he grabbed the coat and mitts and, begrudgingly, placed them upon his person. He shot a slightly annoyed look at Jessica, his little sister, for laughing snidely as Craig was forced to wear his outside battle gear. He then rushed to the door before he was halted by his eldest brother, Bernard, and forced to put on his heavy-duty snow shoes instead of his usual play ones.
A deep sigh fell from Craig's mouth. All these rules, all these regulations, man; wasn't America supposed to be for the free? He wondered as he placed each boot on each foot, lacing the ties like so.
After having Bernard check his work, he felt pleased with himself for having the 100% okay to finally play outside. Opening the door, he was greeted by Kelsey and Marie, who were excited to have a fun, new day of play.
Unfolding his map as they walked into the creek, small droplets of snow began to drift slowly, drift, drift, and drift to the ground. Kelsey giggled playfully, commenting that the winter faeries had granted them the pleasure of a good adventure ahead of them; Marie simply sighed as if not wanting to be there and wishing to do something else. Though, this was usual for her. She could never find a place where she felt as though she belonged. Except maybe once with cow kid.
"So, according to JP the Stallion, there should be a slightly overgrown path that we can slip through if we're careful that leads to the Everyellow." Craig says enthusiastically, searching around him for signs of any sort of entrance, even sending Kelsey and Marie on their own to find one. However, the snow continues to fall silently to the ground; their hopes of finding a path in the current climate thwarted.
"Craig, I think we should go back to the stump, it's getting pretty thick out here and most of this area is uncharted," Marie shivered through chattering teeth, the cold getting to her through her hoodie…"We could seriously get hurt."
Craig paid no mind to his friends' cries, only focusing on the sole task at hand: finding that entrance! As Craig looked around him and the snow began to fall faster and harder, Kelsey and Marie became mere fragments in Craig's eyes as the snow created a strong, white wall between them. Their muffled voices sounded defeated, even afraid, at the sudden onslaught of the storm. The turning autumn leaves began to hurl themselves around Craig, as he imagined himself to be in an episode of that show his parents watch, Game of Thrones, or whatever.
He imagined a towering wall made of ice and snow…he imagined the leaves to be fairies and sprites hurling around him. As he squinted his eyes to the southeast, he could make out…but just barely, the shape of a rough, tracked through passageway covered in bramble. As the wind moved some of the lighter snow, it must have made the passageway more visible!
Craig began to have a calmer mind, passing through the bramble; and the storm slowly began to let up. The snow began to cease falling, but the cold lingered in the air; Craig's breathe the only source of heat in any of this unforgiving creek. As he struggled near the end of the passageway, he hurled himself forward and broke the light, dying vines that covered it; landing himself in a scene of beautiful, golden rows of a wheat-like plant.
As Craig glanced around, he noticed that the sun was now out, and some of the snow had begun to melt. 
"Craig!" He heard a familiar voice cry out; "Craig!!" He heard another.
Turning around, he sees both Kelsey and Marie waving their hands and running towards them.
"The sun came out; and as some of the snow melted, we noticed that we found a you-sized patch in some vines and bramble and followed it here. Dude, this is amazing!" Marie excitedly ran around in the wheat.
"This…is not what I expected, but it sure is beautiful." Kelsey mentioned, motioning her hands in front of her to really catch in the scene's beauty.
In the distance, the shallow galloping of hooves and human produced neighing can be heard. Had JP been watching over them this whole time? Craig wondered this but shook it off. He decided to take in this moment in his heart drive forever. 
"This was the best day ever, Craig!" Marie's voice rang in his head over and over; words neither of them-Kelsey nor Craig-thought they would ever hear.
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solarfeylix · 10 months
Craig of The Creek Week 2023✨️
Prompt 3: Past/Future
Rating: E for Everyone :3
"A Glimpse Into The Future,"
Starring Characters: Tabitha, Courtney, Stacks and Kelsey
Summary: Stacks, Kelsey, Tabitha and Courtney have a black out during a sudden thunderstorm at Groovy Smoothie. When the lights flicker back on and the chaos dies down however; it appears the quad of girlies have been transported to the far future, where having fun is outlawed and magic is a lost art.
Story Type: Short Story; Warning! LONG POST
"So, there's a NEW Ythrith of Scriggith book coming out, but this time TWO NEW CHARACTERS are being added!!! Dude do you know what this MEANS?!" Kelsey excitedly jumped around Stacks, who held a few thicker books in her scrawny arms as they walked down the street to Groovy Smoothie.
Looking overhead, Stacks noticed a dark, menacing cloud looming overhead, the scent in the air changing almost instantly as the wind picked up.
"Yeah, Kelsey I know you're excited; but I think we should hurry up and make our way to the shop quicker than this. Look..." Stacks pointed towards the sky, gaining Kelseys attention for a moment before it was abruptly stopped by the sudden flash of a blinding, white light and rumbling sky.
The two girls ran with haste to the smoothie store, breathing heavily as they dashed inside and closed the door shut behind them; Stacks even dropped one of her favorite books along the way.
"Hey woah, what's going on?" Courtney noticed from across the room at her counter, removing her apron and name tag as she hastily moved toward Kelsey and Stacks, who were just now regaining their breath.
"We ran here to get out the storm. I'm sorry Courtney, it's just too far from home to walk back without getting entirely soaked." As Courtney knelt down and handed the two some spare smoothies that were left behind, she smiled and nodded in understanding.
"Tabitha, clean off that booth over there would you? I'm gonna let the girls sit there to wait out the storm," Courtney motioned to the table in the far corner that looked rather dank and eerie, but hey, at least it wasn't rainy and thundery.
"Why do I have to do it?" Whined Tabitha, who did as asked anyway. Either because she had to, because she had a heart for the kids, or because of her love for Courtney (or all three), she did it anyway. As she cleaned the last bit of trash off of the booth, the storm started to pick up and get stronger; the wind once or twice throwing the door open until Courtney locked it shut and flipped the open sign to closed.
"Looks like it's getting pretty bad. Where did our Boss say that emergency thing was?" Courtney questioned Tabitha, but Tabitha just shrugged.
"I didn't pay attention in that meeting, unfortunately," Tabitha said, holding out her cellphone and rapidly texting on its glossy screen.
Zzrrtt, Zzzt...
The lights began to flicker and the wind again picked up. Worried, Courtney decided to sit with Stacks and Kelsey to ease their nerves; Stacks especially looking shaken up as such.
Zzzt, Crack!
A nearby tree downed itself into the street, causing a large, thick wall between the way home and their location longer than usual when this all cleared up. Stacks began to shake a bit with anxiety as the wind began to howl more aggressively and the rain began to hit the roof and sound like metal pellets being shot toward the inside from the rooftop.
With each crack of thunder, Kelsey noticed the tension in Stack's body and couldn't bear the silence any longer. With a deep, calm breath in and out, Kelsey bravely spoke forward.
"Ya know, this is just like one of the stories I read, where this thunderstorm-"
In a sudden instant, the lights went out, and everything shut off all at once. It was so dark outside. It was almost like you couldn't see anything out there in any of the large windows displayed within the store. Not the street, the other buildings outside, the cars, nothing. The four girls couldn't even see themselves.
In a span of what seemed like forever, the storm let up to visiblity; the rain still pelting hard and the wind howling against the building, and the lights came back on within the smoothie store.
As the girls looked around them, they realized they were no longer in a smoothie store but rather huddled together in a grocery store with robotic employees and holographic ads strewn about.
As they looked at each other, each of them noticed they didn't quite look as they did before. They were all older adults, in their mid to late twenties, in strange cyberpunk-esque clothing and dawning cybernetic implants.
"What.is.going.on?" Tabitha demanded an explanation, harshly whispering amongst the group about their whereabouts. Courtney, who looked drastically different with half of her entire body being robotic, looked equally freaked out.
The once preteen Stacks had eye implants that made zooming into whatever a breeze with high definition technology, and was now a young adult. As Kelsey examined herself, she noticed she appeared muscular and thick, dawning the fewest implants of the group.
"Where are we? This isn't really...funny." Stacks pointed out the futuristic setting of the world. She noticed several posters that had images of cameras, some that had the cameras marked out, some that had images of confetti and happy-looking people silhouetted into dancing shapes crossed out, and many more.
Around them, they notice everyone looked sad, almost miserable...what happened to the world? Is this a sign of things to come?
Kelsey looked deep in thought as she took the scene in around her. Suddenly, she bolted out of the grocery store abandoning the group, only to return with a look of fear and amazement across her face.
"I think we should...let's just go outside." Kelsey threw her hands up and motioned for them to come outside.
When they stepped out, the world was blanketed in a dark sky. The rain was still falling, but the world was dreary; void of any sort of happiness or joy. The people walked solely to their jobs or to grab whatever the grey block of "nutrition" they were selling along their way to work or to home/from. The world had no color; no buildings like McDonalds or anything that might indicate a small amount of joy in this desolate world.
All around them, there were giant robots fashioned as police officers, presumably, who were ripping people off the street for what seemed like small offenses, like smiling or sharing laughter; Stacks witnessed across the street, one of those blue and red officer bots snatching a mother away from her daughter because of a hug. Nearby, the same happening, but to a child playing with a tin can they found in the street.
"Is this...supposed to happen?" Courtney questioned, tears welling in her eyes as she took it all in around her. Despite the holograms, the neon lights, the low life high tech concept this world they were thrown into had, nobody was allowed to partake in any fun, joy, happiness, pleasure, leisure, or anything inbetween. The world was solemn, silent, and quiet; hardly a world anyone would want to be in.
As the group tried to move forward and find someplace safe to group together and figure out a plan, they were halted by a RoboBot.
They looked at each other worryingly, careful to maintain monotone faces and stonewall eyes.
As they fluttered their pockets, shook out their shoes and dug around in other places looking for some form of ID, none were to be found until Kelsey looked down and saw four identification cards, presumably, at their feet.
Picking them up, she handed them to the Robobot who essentially inserted the cards into its system ATM style.
They waited in silence, before a loud shrill from the robot sounded off.
As the Robot blared a cherry red light and screeching noise, more robots gathered. Kelsey then noticed the emblem of a crown behind each of their backs. She knew who was behind this...all of this.
"Xavier...." She gritted her teeth together and clenched her fists shut.
A loud whopping noise in the sky could be heard as a large, floating carrier landed nearby, official Android officers pooling out of it weaponry drawn.
"ON YOUR KNEES, NOW!" one demanded, using the butt of its gun to bash Courtney into the ground.
Kelsey and Stacks looked at each other, fear riddleing their bodies as they were handcuffed with hyperhot, laser based cuffs.
"Take them to President Xavier. That's an order." The Strongest of the officer droids demanded as we were hauled into the carrier like sardines and locked in.
"President Xavier...?!" Stacks looked at Kelsey, and even more fear fell across her face. "In this future, he became pretty much big brother?!" Shuttering with fear, Stacks began to softly cry.
"I wanna go home, Kelsey..."
Kelsey felt a large wave of guilt. If she hadn't of encouraged Stacks to go to the Groovy Smoothie, if she hadn't encouraged any of this they would probably still be in their world still.
Shaking with anger, Kelsey smiled at Stacks to reassure her; not allowing her to see the fear that riddled her being.
"I have a plan."
When they finally felt the carrier land, the officers took them out one by one, placing them all together before moving into the large, overpowering building above. Large drones scanned the area, and robots were protecting every nook and cranny. Except one.
As they brought our fugitives into Xaviers lair, each of them began to accept their fate; but not Kelsey. Kelsey was always the hero in her stories. This time, it's a chance to be a hero in others'.
"Well, well, well...after twenty years of hiding, here are the four that got away," a mechanical voice sounded from across the large, Hollow room in which the four stood. In the dark, a small light balanced onto a now adult Xavier, who sat in a large throne made of pieces of Cybernetic body implants.
"This world is mine now, fugitives. You can't stop me. You couldn't even stop me back then at the great capture the flag war!" With a snap of a finger, Xavier lit up the dark, Hollow room to reveal all the creek kids Kelsey and Stacks played with, even the creek Elders, frozen in the time they lost the game of capture the flag.
Craig was in the glass, frozen with a smile on his face.
Kelsey grimaced.
"You're evil!" Tabitha growled.
"And you are?" Xavier flung himself over to Tabitha, grabbing her face within one hand and flinging her back down. "Oh, the one they call Tabitha."
Looking at the four, Xavier scowled.
"There is no more fun. No more playtime. NO more toys. No more games, books, candy...it's all gone. This world lives and breathes by my order and rule; what I got is what I deserve. To thwart that just because you think you can is a sin in and of itself punishable by death," Xavier yawned, "With you four out of the way, I can finally never worry again about some stupid rebels trying to mess with my power!"
Laughing manically, Xavier pushed a large button. A hiss was heard as an echo. The four of them looked at each other in deep uncertainty. Kelsey was still waiting for the moment to strike.
"I'll ensure none of you escape...because this time, I'm going with you!" Xavier lunged forward, smiling as if he had lost his mind entirely.
Kelsey finally stood, anger welling in her face and voice as she began to force her handcuffs apart.
"Code RED!" An officer Droid called, sleep pellets flying around as everyone dove for cover. The pellets hitting some of the cryprisons were the creek kids, frozen in time, stood; causing the glass to break and them to wake up.
As the crew all banded together, they smiled at each other, all of them breaking free from their cuffs.
"It's time you freeze, Xavier!" Kelsey cried out, throwing her cuffs across Xavier's head and incapacitating and officer, using its arsenal of sleep pellets to send Xavier to a very long nap time.
As the cryofrost began to near closer to them, they looked for an exit, but there wasn't a clear one. As Kelsey looked around in the rummage and chaos left behind, she discovered the liquid in which the original creek kids were frozen was draining into an old sewage pathway.
"Guys! Over here!" Kelsey cheered, getting everyone into the sewer passage and hopefully, out of this hell.
"Stacks, keep going until you get yourself and everyone else out. I have to reprogram these robots...if I don't make it out, tell my dad I love him!" Kelsey held Stacks hands as she said those words, closing the sewer gate behind her.
Kelsey ran through numerous halls before finding the one obviously labeled "Robotics Programming," and went inside, mouth covered and body layered with clothing.
'ENTER PASSWORD' was displayed on the largest monitor. Looking around, Kelsey pieced together the password by viewing the few things left behind from his youth. Entering it, she reprogrammed the robots to discontinue their purpose and do the opposite; incarcerate those who refuse to have fun instead!
As Kelsey was leaving, the Cryofrost stopped, and after running past the room where Xavier once was, she notices he was gone. The whole building suddenly turned a bloody red, and the phrase, "Self Destruct in T-Minus 10 Minutes" rang throughout the halls.
As Kelsey ran, Xavier stopped her in her tracks.
"Youre.not.going.ANYWHERE!" he yelled, lunging at Kelsey, knocking her to the ground.
"My entire life, you and the other kids in the creek always thought I wouldn't be anything. I wouldn't be better or powerful! Ever since I stole that wish from the heart of the forest, I knew this was the life I was destined to lead. You and your stupid rebellion won't change that! No matter how many times you run, no matter how many times you piece the pieces together, you'll never be like me! You'll never be on my level!"
As he screamed, he hit Kelseys implants and ripped her mechanical arm from its mechanical socket. Screeching in pain so loudly, it could be heard in the sewers below.
Stacks teared up as she escaped the sewers with the others, hoping Kelsey would make it...
Kelsey pushed Xavier off.
"Self destruction in T-minus 3 minutes!" Kelsey stomped on Xaviers cape, and used a shard of the glass that broke during his initial attack to staple him to the floor.
"I'm sorry Xavier, but I have to go," Kelsey said, Xavier struggling to free himself.
Kelsey ran into the sewer systems, and the explosion erupted with a loud THUD; shaking the ground and causing rubble to block the entrance of the sewer. Kelsey jumped out the exit, and met Stacks in a hug.
As they embraced, Kelsey felt a tap on her shoulder, then a forceful shake.
"Hey, the storms stopped," Courtney handed a smoothie to Kelsey as she gently shook her awake. As Kelsey looked around, she noticed she was back at Groovy Smoothie, back in Herkleton, and back as a child.
"Oh my gosh did I do it?" Kelsey excitedly jumped, "Did I save the world from Xaviers evil reign?!"
Stacks, Tabitha, and Courtney all laughed.
"I guess so. You took a pretty long nap for a while," Stacks laughed, "Let's head home."
"Yeah, lets." Kelsey replied, "Oh! Thank you, Courtney and Tabitha, for letting us wait here."
"Your welcome, kiddos."
Kelsey gave them a light wave, and made her way home with Stacks. What a wild adventure, Kelsey thought; how many would they have in the future?
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Pull On My Heart Strings
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Genre: angst, fluff, ✨ cliche romance(ish) ✨
Rating: 13+
Warning: social anxiety, self-doubt, getting disowned, much romantic cliches about falling in laps, crying, pepper spray is mentioned, a disappointing phone call,
Note: I don't remember writing a lot of this because I was loaded on meds for a severe lung infection.😅
Summary: You've been waiting to see this show for so long. To see award winning harpist Min Yoongi perform live, in a front row seat! What could possibly go wrong?
Word Count: 2k+ (I think?)
Pairing: harpist!Yoongi X (f.)reader
You dance around in your room as you get ready for tonight, humming the melody of your favorite song by your favorite musician. Award-winning harpist Min Yoongi. And tonight's the night you finally get to see a live solo concert of him. With front row seating!
You squeal to yourself just thinking about it, having to take makeup brush away from your eye when a delighted shiver follows.
Your best friend, Beau, is coming with you since you don't do to great by yourself in crowded areas. Let alone such a crowded place like La Plaza de Amor, a typically busy place that's bound to be busier tonight than ever.
Your phone rings, making your vanity shake with vigor on its uneven legs. It's a call from Beau and you're pretty sure you know what this is about but it's not their fault.
"Hello, Beau?" You question while trying to maneuver your heels onto your feet without dropping your phone, a skill you unfortunately didn't inherit from your mother.
"Hi, Y/N. I'm sorry but I can't go with you tonight. I'm on baby duty because Casey got called in to do emergency surgery. I think you'll be okay by yourself, but remember to take your pepper spray!" They sound so cheery but you know they're exhausted.
"I will!" You smile despite the sadness that sits in your heart. You knew that Beau was also looking forward to this as a break from parenting. And you know Casey's a surgeon but sticking your partner with no alone time and refusing to pay for a babysitter is ridiculous, borderline insane.
You stumble through your house as you try to get used to your fancy shoes, typically used to flats and athletic shoes. You do accidentally bump your hip into the kitchen counter, being more concerned about potentially having ripped your dress than with the expected deep purple bruise that is sure to develop within the next few hours.
Upon arriving at the Plaza, you suddenly felt bother over-dressed and under-dressed. Some of the attendants are dresses to let you know that they have the money to make this look like everyone else shops at crappy thrift stores. Others are dressed in modest fashions that hide "scandalous" parts of the body, taking care to not draw attention away from the lavish architecture and color of the Plaza, dressing in three colors or less.
You're starting to think that you look like a peasant compared to these people. Your dress is thrifted. Ankle length with long sleeves that end at the wrist and a cowl neckline. It's a soft midnight black silk and your shoes (also thrifted) are pure black leather with a three inch heel.
The excited energy begins to fill you once again as you start to listen to the other excited harp enthusiasts discuss, wondering what tonight's playlist shall be. Perhaps original songs or covers of songs? You bet he's going to play originals, those seem to be his favorite to perform. You love seeing him get lost in his own melodic creations.
You know the majority of Yoongi's career history as a harpist. He originally started with an orchestra but quickly rose to fame by performing solos with concerts that got his name in the headlines of every muscial journal that was still up and running.
Everyone could tell from the very start that Yoongi was meant to do great things in his musical career, but the same faith didn't exist in other aspects of his life.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if you could please find your seats within the next thirty minutes while we prepare for the concert, that would be wonderful." A voice speaks through the cleverly hidden speakers in the Plaza.
You find your seat in the front, at the perfect angle to see that beauty that is Yoongi's face. And now he has shoulder-length hair to make him look even prettier during his majestic performances.
God, you really just want to play with his hair and hands.
Okay, stop. You're here to appreciate his musical talents, not thirst over his physical features. Well...maybe both. But mostly here for the music.
You excitedly settle into your seat once you find it, ironically surrounded by very beautiful men and women. You're starting to feel like a peasant again.
"You're staring." The guy next to you speaks.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" You didn't even realize that you were staring at him. He looks like one of the men from the pictures of Yoongi and his friends.
"It's okay. I know I'm world wide handsome."
Yup, that's the only one older than Yoongi. His hyung, Kim Seokjin also known as World Wide Handsome.
So that must mean they were given front row seats by Yoongi, which you completely expected because they're his close friends.
You didn't expect a crowd of refined rich people to go nuts over a man just walking on stage. But you can see why.
Yoongi in a cloud gray three-piece of suit with a flower crown made up of sprigs of baby's breath. He's not wearing the blazer like a blazer either, it's draped over his shoulders and head in place by a sweater guard.
"Hello, and thank you for coming to my concert." He bows to the audience before going go sit on his bench behind his harp.
The fact that this man has full confidence in himself and his musical capabilities to immediately close his eyes.
The first strike of the strings gives away exactly what the song is, one that makes your eyes water with heartache for something, but you don't know what that something is.
You're kind of embarrassed when the song is over and you come to the realization that you've been crying, but only after the man next to you offers a tissue.
"Thank you." You carefully accept the tissue, taking care to not touch the man's hand.
"You're welcome."
The second song begins and Yoongi's eyes are still closed.
It's almost unbelievable when the concert comes to an end. The warm glow of the lights fade out and you hear the sounds of dress shoes walking across the stage.
When the lights come back on, Yoongi is gone and so are his friends.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if you are interested, there will be a meet and greet in a few minutes."
As much as you love that idea, you really need to go to the bathroom and you don't know where the bathroom is so this might take a little bit.
Hallway after hallway and they're all starting to blur together.
Voices draw you towards what you think is the hallway with the bathrooms, which would be correct!
You finally get a chance to relieve yourself and thank God these toilets have that new quiet flush feature.
While you're washing your hands, you hear a conversation through the wall and some very distinct crying noises. Being the naturally nosy person you are, you feel the need to investigate, but you also want to console whoever is sobbing like that.
You're very surprised when it leads you to Yoongi's dressing room.
You have to carefully consider your next move. To know or to not knock. You decide on knocking.
The room goes quiet on the inside before someone opens the door. It's the man from earlier.
"Oh, it's you."
"Uhm, I'm sorry but I heard somebody's crying and got concerned along with curious. I just wanted to make sure that everyone was okay." You wrong your hands together and look at the floor.
He closes the door so you start to walk away, only getting about five feet before the door opens again and you're told to come in.
You carefully take off your shoes when you come into the room and place them next to the others, the men's dress shoes. This makes you significantly shorter and suddenly you feel more intimidated than before.
You make your way to the only open spot there is in the room, the vanity bench. It's surprisingly soft and cushiony.
Yoongi watches your every move through red and puffy eyes.
You make eye contact and he sniffles which breaks the silence.
"Do you want us to leave you two alone?" The tallest one asks.
"Yeah, I think it'll be fine." Yoongi wipes his eyes with his shirt sleeve and sniffles again.
The other six men exit, leaving you alone with your musical idol.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I know." He runs his hands through his hair when he leans forward. "I also know that you cried during the performance." He smiles to himself.
You blush and look down at the floor again.
"Nothing to be ashamed of. That means you actually care about the music. And Seokjin told me what happened." He leans back and pushes his hair back, relaxing and letting his eyes shut. "You're welcome to come sit on the couch if that bench is too uncomfortable." He pops an eye open to look at your face redden again.
You hesitantly rise from the bench and try to walk as carefully as possible over to the couch, unfortunately tripping on a loose water bottle.
You're caught by Yoongi's hands which feel much larger on your waist than you initially thought they would be.
The fall and the catch land you in Yoongi's lap and you panic.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry!" You try to escape but his hands hold you firmly in his lap.
Your face burns and you stare at the buttons on Yoongi's shirt instead of hands on his shoulders, making sure your entire weight isn't on him.
"You can let go. I'm probably too heavy anyway."
"But what if I don't want to let go? This is quite nice."
Yoongi didn't think you could get anymore red than you already were but you looked redder than a tomato and that caused a laugh to escape him.
"Do you still want to know why I was crying?" He pushes a strand of hair out of your face so you'll look at him.
"Yes, but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"I'll tell you because I want to. You don't seem like a sasaeng."
You can feel his hand moving on your back and you try your hardest not to budge.
"I got a phone call from my parents."
Everyone knows that Yoongi's relationship with his parents has been rocky since his teens when he first expressed no interest in becoming a doctor, surgeon, lawyer or politician.
"They've officially disowned me. And even thofuut I'm a grown man, that still hurts." He eyes start to water again and his voice cracks. "My name is being removed from all inheritances and assets."
You shift in your spot on Yoongi's lap and reach for his face. Carefully brushing the tears away. "It'll be okay. Do you have somewhere to live?"
"Yeah, I found a place to keep a low profile and avoid the paparazzi for the time being." His hands come up to hold your cheeks and a soft smile graces his lips. "Thanks for caring."
"I don't think I have much else to care about." You laugh.
"Oh, pretty girl has jokes, I see!"
You blush again and lightly smack Yoongi's chest.
"You know what, here." He reaches for a piece of paper of the side table and scribbles an address. "Come visit me when you can. I'll be home most of the time."
You take the piece of paper and stash it in your purse. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Sorry to tell you this right when we're relaxing, but the meet and greet is in like three minutes."
"Damn." You sadly laugh. "I guess I'll see you next time I'm free."
"I hope so."
You climb off Yoongi's lap and he ushers you out the door after checking that that coast is clear.
I hope you enjoyed and I love you, my fluffies!🥰
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
Captives of The Court - Chapter Six
A Supernatural Series
~Strange things are brewing in Connecticut, so Dean and Y/N go check it out. After stumbling through town, they fall into something that’s been going on a very, very long time. Can they put an end to the bloodshed and make it out unscathed or will they need a little help this time?~
Starring Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N
Chapter Six Word Count: 2834
Series Warnings and Info may be found on the Masterlist Here 
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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Six hours later, the Impala’s hood was cooling down in the parking lot of the Royal Wolf Resort just outside of Cromwell, Connecticut. Although parked outside of room twelve, Dean returned from the office with keys for room nine, a fact that only slightly annoyed him. Usually, he was better at guessing vacancies. 
Y/N was leaning against the side of the car, ankles crossed and duffle bags at her feet. Her laptop was propped up in one hand and she scrolled through research with the other, fingers deftly flying over the keys. 
Dean took a moment to appreciate the way her mouth twisted up so adorably while concentrating. 
“Find anything interesting?” he asked, slinking up beside her. 
She nodded, eyes wide with jestful excitement. “Oh yes. First of all, this motel is full of shit.” 
He licked his lips and tried not to laugh, locking a joke in the chamber. “Huh. You’d think it’d smell more…” 
Y/N side eyed him and laughed. “No. I mean- the name, you ass. It’s not a resort by any standard definition, barely even a motel, from the looks of it. And- there are no wolves in Connecticut, royal or otherwise.”
“Not one. They were hunted to extinction in the state back in the late 1700s.” 
Dean sighed and reached for the computer, gently closing the lid as he took it away. “You’ve dug too deep, Sweetheart. Time to pull up.” 
She turned towards him with a finger extended in warning. Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me, mister. And don’t knock the research. Knowledge is power.” 
She leaned close and Dean sucked in a quick breath, suddenly very curious about how big the bed in room nine was. 
“Sure thing, doll-” he teased, over emphasizing the nickname, “but what use could you possibly have for knowing about the wolf population?” 
Y/N shrugged and licked her lips slowly, eyes drifting over his freckled face. “Distraction, mostly.” 
While his mind was racing onto other things, she snatched the keys from his hand and twirled away, heading towards the room. 
“First shower’s mine,” she told him, looking back over her shoulder with a wink. “Grab the bags, will you?” 
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While Y/N used up all the hot water for the entire twenty room motel, Dean busied himself with research, although he stayed away from articles pertaining to animal populations in favor of more relevant information. 
By the time the shower stopped, he’d already made two phone calls and set up an appointment with the town’s sheriff. 
When Y/N emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam with a skimpy towel wrapped around her breasts, he was carefully laying out a clean shirt and tie for himself. 
She groaned when she saw his suit jacket hanging from the doorknob. “Your suit? No.” 
Dean smoothed out his navy tie. “Yup. Get dressed. I’m gonna hop in the shower quick- hopefully I won’t freeze…” He cocked a brow and she shied away innocently. “We’ve got a one o’clock meeting at the station.” 
Y/N sighed. “Yeah, but- feds? Again? We always do feds. Can’t we spice it up a bit?”
He turned and faced her with a narrowed gaze that soon lightened as he watched a drop of water slide down her throat and disappear between her breasts. Quickly, he cleared his throat and head. “Feds. Suit up.” 
“What happened to laughing so we don’t cry? Keeping things interesting?”
He sighed. 
She twisted her lips and pondered. “What about… Oh! I can be a reporter from a Canadian newspaper who’s boss has really been riding her ass hard about deadlines and you’re my sad but strikingly handsome photographer partner who has been in love with me for years to no avail.” 
Dean bit his lip to hold in a laugh, keeping his face as stern as he could. “Feds.” 
“Or…” Y/N tried again, her eyes sparkling with ideas. “I’m an actress researching a role and there’s like a ton of Oscar buzz around it and you’re my bodyguard hired by the movie studio because some psycho has been stalking me and you’re secretly and uncontrollably in love with me.”  
He exhaled slowly, holding in the urge to grab her and kiss her stupid, toss her onto the bed and have his way until the alarm went off. He cleared his throat. “Feds.” 
“What if we’re bereft cousins from out of town who just really need to see the latest body so we can get spiritual closure. I’m a psychic who talks mainly to cocker spaniels and you’re my husband who only can commune with recently departed hummingbirds but we really want to try to contact our cousin’s spirit anyway just to, ya know, get closure.” 
His fingers were twitching to touch her and he leaned in close, eyes on her lips like they were his target. “Or… we can be federal agents who have access to everything and hardly anyone questions it.” His lips floated near hers but he pulled away at the last second, spinning around her and slapping her towel-covered ass. “Suit. Up.” 
She pouted. “But-”
“Put on your damned blazer and let’s get going. We can role play all freaking night if you want to, just please- get dressed.” 
“All night?” 
He popped his chin on her shoulder. “Yes.”
She chewed her lip. “Can I be a young and enthusiastic sports reporter who has to struggle to make it in a male dominated field and you're a strapping but aging ballplayer who just wants some damned respect and is secretly in love with me?”
Dean couldn’t hold it back any longer and tipped his head back with a heavy laugh. “Anything you want, baby.”
She wiggled her hips in victory and earned a goosing. “Oh! Home run, Mr. Winchester…” 
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On the ride over to the sheriff’s Department, Y/N had done a quick search just to see who they were going to be dealing with. Sheriff John Willard had been appointed over thirty years prior at the age of thirty-two, and while the youngest sheriff in the town’s history, he was also the most well liked. 
The person who greeted them didn’t quite look like a man pushing retirement age, and Y/N sat next to Dean, staring at the young, handsome man who claimed to be John Willard. 
He had a smile worth a million bucks and dimples to spare. Blond and blue eyed, she could see how the townspeople would appreciate such a man in power, but something wasn’t sitting right with her. She held her tongue, though, and let Dean take the lead. He wasn’t doing great- the Sheriff was being difficult. 
“So anyway, Sheriff, it’s been a long drive, and I hate to push it, but if we could just get a quick look at those files, we’ll be on our way and out of your hair in no time.” Dean turned up the charm, but it was clear he was barking up the wrong tree.
Sheriff Willard’s attention was fixed on Y/N. 
She smiled sweetly and leaned forward, giving him a tiny peek at what could be hiding below the string of fake pearls at her throat. 
“John,” she said, snagging her lip just a bit with a flirtatious smile. “May I call you John?” 
“You sure can,” he replied, clicking his tongue with interest and setting his forearms on his desk. He leaned in and set his gaze on her demourely painted lips. “And… what may I call you?” 
Dean huffed under his breath, clearly annoyed, but sat back, letting her do her thing.  
Y/N laughed coyly. “You can call me Agent Smyth.” 
He frowned. “So formal?” 
She forced a giggle. “Fine. Patti.”
“Patti…” He let her name roll off his tongue slowly and Dean gagged. “Much better.” 
Y/N made a play of squirming a bit in her seat, letting her tight gray skirt ride up a bit. “Now that we’re better… acquainted… John- do you think we could sneak a little peek at those files now? I’m just exhausted from the road. You’d be doing us- me- a huge favor.”
The Sheriff sat back and nodded, his eyes never leaving her for a second. “I’ll get my secretary right on that. Have her make some copies for you.” 
Y/N sat all the way forward, perching on the very edge of her chair, and lay a hand on the desk. “You’re the best. I knew we’d get along the moment I saw you.” 
John hummed and let his eyes drift from her face to the tiny, straining buttons of her blouse. 
“Oh!” Y/N straightened up and puckered her lips just so, making them plump and pliant. “Would also be really great if we could get down into the morgue and have a look around. Check out Mr.-” She paused to look down at her notes, pretending to be so distracted by his flirting that her job was at stake. “- Cooper’s remains. Just silly formalities, you know.”
She winked and John smiled. 
“Of course. I’ll call down and let them know you’re coming.” 
Satisfied, Y/N stood and reached for his hand. “You really are a big help, John. Thank you.” 
John stood as well. His hand was large and sweaty, and he wrapped his fingers too tightly around hers. 
“Glad I could help.” He didn’t let her go right away, lingering there and caressing the back of her hand with his thumb. 
Her skin crawled. 
“Maybe I can show you around town later. That is, if you’ve got time once the job’s done.” 
She hesitated, unsure of how to let him down and still retain his services should she need them later. 
Dean saved the day. He popped up and fixed the button on his suit jacket. “Dunno if we’ll be in town that long, but she’ll let you know.” 
Once outside and out of eyesight, Y/N shuddered, her entire body shaking with an unstoppable cringe. She set her hand on the hood of the Impala, steadying herself and taking a deep breath. 
“Well that was gross,” Dean commented, rounding the car with a cardboard box of files in hand. 
She gagged. “You have no idea.” Another shiver overtook her and she stuck her tongue out, forcing the bad feeling to leave. “Listen, I don’t know what’s what, but I do know something is up with that guy.” 
Dean popped the trunk. “Like what?” 
Y/N pulled the passenger door open. “I don’t know, but I mean- first of all- who hits on a fucking Federal Agent like that? And secondly- how the hell is that man almost sixty-five? He looks younger than you.” 
Dean frowned, annoyed dimples appearing above his lip. “Excuse me? I look fucking amazing.” 
“For your age, yeah.” 
“Did you just- call me- old?” 
She grinned and hopped into the car. 
“You’re lucky I like you,” he warned with a laugh before sliding in behind the wheel. “So, you got a bad feeling off the guy. You think we need to look into it?” 
She shrugged and looked out of the window at the police station. “Maybe? I don’t know. Just something to keep in the back of your head.” 
“Gotcha.” He turned the key in the engine. “Lunch then morgue?” 
YN gagged for the third time that day. “That’s gross.” 
Dean laughed. “Better than the other way around…” 
“You’re not wrong.” 
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“Agent Henley, Agent Smyth. Sheriff told me you were stopping by.” 
The Chief Medical Examiner was far hotter than Y/N would have liked and much handsier than Dean would have expected. She whipped her long chestnut hair off of her shoulder and smiled, perfect blue eyes locked on Dean and his charmingly shy grin. She laid a delicate hand on Dean’s shoulder and took a step, leading him towards the examination table.
Y/N swallowed down a groan. “Ms. Parker-”
The woman jolted and sneered at Y/N over her shoulder. “That’s Dr. Parker, Agent,” she snit. “But you-” she turned back to Dean and winked. “Can call me Alice.” 
“Such a friendly town,” Y/N sighed, hanging back while Dean went to work. 
Dean licked his lips slowly and made a showing of dragging his plump bottom lip in between his teeth. It was a killer move and it seemed to work on the doctor. 
“So, what can you tell me about our man, here?” he asked, gesturing to the body on the table. 
Clark Cooper was laid out under a crisp white sheet, but Y/N could see, even from a few steps away, that he’d been carved up pretty good. Deep red lines peeked out from beneath the cover, and she squinted to get a better look. 
Alice let go of Dean’s arm and walked around the table. “Clark Cooper, twenty-nine. As of three weeks ago, he was in perfect health. They found him four days ago on the side of the road back behind Pritchard House. Just a mess. Very sad.” She pulled the sheet back and Dean leaned over the body, checking out the markings. 
He glanced up. “Cause of death?” 
Alice spent half a beat too long staring into green eyes. “Pneumothorax.”
Dean’s mouth twisted in question. 
Y/N stepped up behind him. “Really?” She leaned over and examined the body, almost pushing Dean aside. “His lung collapsed. Huh. Do you think it was from a fall or a crash? He seems to have lots of bruising-” 
The doctor sneered at Y/N. “I think it was from the multiple stab wounds he received.” Annoyed, she pointed at Cooper’s chest. Seven gashes were mixed in with the carved markings.
Y/N nodded. “Gotcha. And- what do you make of these markings? They were clearly made with a blade of some sort. Rather shallow cuts… probably not fatal.”
Alice sucked her teeth. “Again- he probably died from the multiple stab wounds.” 
Y/N straightened and tongued her cheek in a way that Dean recognized as her gearing up for a verbal altercation. 
He stepped in. 
“Alice,” he smiled and reached for her arm, turning her away from the body and YN’s ire. “Such a beautiful name. Tell me, what happened to his wife and the other couples that were found?” 
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Y/N was already in the car by the time Dean managed to pry the good doctor’s manicured hand off of his arm. She was clicking away at her laptop, trying to match the strange markings to anything in her research folders. Nothing was coming up.
Dean slid into the driver’s seat and slunk down, resting his head on the back of the seat for a minute. 
“That was fun.”
She sniffed the air and a sickeningly flowery smell hit her nose. “You stink. What is that?” 
Dean sighed. “I think some of her perfume rubbed off on me.” 
Y/N cracked the window, cringing. “I don’t want to know what she was doing to rub anything off on you.” 
He laughed and scrubbed a hand down his face. “Trust me, I wasn’t enjoying it.” He closed his eyes, resting. “Something was odd about her. I can’t put my finger on it.” 
Y/N nodded. “She was too pretty to be a coroner… Have you ever seen a woman who looked like that locked away in a basement full of corpses? No.” 
“Yeah… she was pretty hot.” 
“I’ll pretend you didn’t say that.” 
“Like you didn’t find the sheriff attractive.” 
She considered, shrugging. “He wasn’t… not hot. But still- something weird. They’re too…” 
“Yeah… Just too…” 
Silence fell while minds worked but neither could come up with an answer. 
Afternoon was in full swing and the town was alive. People walked arm in arm down the sparkling sidewalks, ducked into tiny stores, and generally moved about with smiling faces. 
Y/N stared out of the window and took it all in, watching the world move by. 
Everyone on the street looked strange. They were too happy, too… clean looking, too perky. 
“This town is creepy as fuck,” she mumbled. 
Dean, who had been watching a happy couple push a stroller across the street, shrugged. 
“Looks like an OK place to raise a family,” he replied. 
Y/N followed his gaze. “Dream on, Winchester.” 
He turned to look at her and reached across the bench seat. He lay his palm against her cheek and leaned in, hungry lips on a collision course with hers. “You don’t wanna have my baby?” he teased. 
Caught by the heat of his touch, Y/N gasped lightly and then coughed in his face, the perfume nearly choking her. 
The moment shattered into a million pieces and Dean fell back against the seat, hopelessly laughing at himself. 
“Holy shit- you need a shower,” she laughed, excusing herself to the opposite end of the seat. 
Dean plucked the lapel of his jacket upwards and sniffed at it, ultimately nodding in agreement. “Yeah. Let’s… rain check that kiss…” 
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2023 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
@aditimukul @agirlwithdemonblood @amanda-teaches @akshi8278 @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart @b3autyfuldisast3r @babysimpala @beardburnsupersoldiers @because-imma-lady-assface @bloodline1632 @charred-angelwings @chenshemesh1 @cosicas-cuquis @covered-byroses @djs8891 @deans-baby-momma @deanwinchesterswitch @deansyahtzee @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @iamsapphine @idreamofdeanie @ilsawasanacrobat @impalaspixie @iprobablyshipit91 @jawritter @justcallmeasmodeus @kazsrm67 @kittenofdoomage @leigh70 @lovealways-j @lyarr24 @mariekoukie6661 @maggiegirl17 @mistressofallthingsgeeky @pandaxo79 @peachy-vans @rachiem4-blog @roseblue373 @sacriceria @samwellwinchesterthebrave @sexyvixen7 @spideysimpossiblegirl @spnexploration @stevekempscocktails @the-wounded-healer05 @thoughts-and-funnies @vulgar-library 
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pinkarsonist0 · 1 year
A whole garden of flowers and my name edged on a rockkkk
Angsty Craigson lovers, come get your damn food
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n7punk · 1 year
so i've already updated more this year than i did during all of last year
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calidrisminuta · 1 year
Just popping back to say...
Just popping back to say that...
I have *finally* found a tag that works for CotC fics on AO3! Previously everything was showing up under the regular Octopath tag.
Now I can *finally* stop cluttering up the regular Octopath tag with my nonsense! As yet, it's not a common tag and can't be filtered, but it's there. I'll eventually go back and just have the new tag on my works. You have no idea how relieved I am about this.
So... yeah. From now on, any and all of my new fics (once I write them) will have the new tag added. The old ones have all been changed.
*pops back out again*
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I’m curious, got any more cotc snippets or fics you maybe working on? Also, how do you like S4 so far :)
I've mostly moved on from my old Craig of the Creek fics, but I do intend to finish the Missing People AU fic sometime because it's based off of someone else's story. The reason I haven't done much for it the past few years is that I lost a lot of motivation for it, and I really want to do the story justice.
Besides that, I do have some unfinished fics/concepts kicking around. I looked through the docs and there were some that I even forgot about, like a Raj/Shawn fic that seems like it was going to be hurt/comfort and invlove thinking about growing up and all that jazz. I also had a rough outline done for a fic about how the champions were chosen and got their powers, but I wasn't meshing well with what I had and eventually Champion's Hike came out and somewhat addressed that topic so I put the idea to rest. There was going to be at least one more entry in All The Kings Men called Royal Blood. It involved Cheyenne getting fed up with Xavier being around the house all day and being the spoiled brat he is, so she and Randy both go to the creek to find a way for Xavier to somehow be unbanished. Royal Blood is technically the ending of that series, but I also had some other ideas I could always revisit, and as it is All The King's Men does have a satisfying conclusion with Another Side, Another Chance.
I actually have this snippet that was cut from Sweet as Honeysuckle. I wrote it before I decided I was going to make a series, and before I knew what I was going to do with the Champions. After I figured out what I was going to do with these characters and the series as a whole, it obviously needed to be trimmed so they wouldn't be out of character, but I liked it enough to hold onto it. Here it is:
Shawn's shoe connected with a long, slender leg, and he fell to the ground.  His face practically glowed with embarrassment that he'd been tripped in front of his new boyfriend, even though Raj had seen it happen before.  It felt so different now.
Raj wasn't concerned with the grace, or lack thereof, of Shawn, however.  He was by Shawn's side in an instant, and helped him up.  "Are you okay?  Are you hurt?" he asked, brushing off the dirt that lingered on Shawn's shirt.
"Yeah," Shawn answered.
Two laughs were peppered over their exchange.  Raj cast a glare past Shawn towards the perpetrators.  Shawn could recognize the sound of Keun and Aggie before he turned to join in with his own scowl.  The person who tripped him in question stood over him with a wide grin.
Watch where you're going, stupid,Jackie signed, shoulders shaking with laughter in spite of his silence.  Shawn looked away from him so he wouldn't have to listen to him anymore.
Raj huffed, "Who are you trying to impress?  Your "king" is gone, and no amount of sucking up to him is actually going to give you any more popularity or power."
In response, Jackie shaped his hand into an 'L' and held it up to his forehead, earning another spatter of giggles from his two companions.  No one needed to understand sign language to know what that meant.
As for season 4, it's great! There are so many episodes I rewatch time and time again, like Hyde and Zeke, Galactic Goodbye, Dodgey Decisions, The Quick Name, and Champion's Hike especially. I'd name more, but I don't have the time lol, I'd be here all night!
So yeah, cotc fics again sometime in the distant future, and most of the ones I'm set on doing are already planned/outlined. The second chapter of Children of the Creek and bits of Royal blood have even been started. It's all about when I find the motivation to get back to working on them. In the meantime, expect a lot of Pokemon and Pizza Tower, since those are the only things getting me through my finals at the moment.
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ifartedlmao · 2 years
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bravelysanta · 8 days
Link to the form
The boring stuff/Deadlines: 1)  You have until (Sunday) October 20 at 1 AM EST to sign up. I’ll also be posting regular updates so follow bravelysanta at Twitter/Tumblr/Bluesky.
This is a hard deadline. If you miss it, you miss it! Try again next year!
REMEMBER THAT YOU MUST JOIN THE GROUP ON SNEAKY SANTA - the link will show up after you fill out the form.  Email me at fairyglowcharm @ gmail if you forgot to join it.
2) On the afternoon of October 20th, you will receive an email with the name of the person that you’ll be gifting via Sneaky Santa.
I will check-in a couple of times between mid-Nov and early-Dec. Please use these check-ins as opportunities to tell me if you need help!
3) Gifts are due anytime between December 22nd - 29th. If you will not be able to post it during that time, submit/msg me beforehand and I’ll post it for you.
4) If you think you may not meet the deadline, please contact me immediately and no later than December 21st. But please don’t sign up if you know your availability will be iffy in the first place.
5) If signing up as a pinch-hitter, those will be due by Jan 1st.
1) If you must cancel your application, please notify me immediately either via email (fairyglowcharm @ gmail) or the bravelysanta accounts, preferably before assignments are chosen on Oct 22. If you find you cannot meet the gifting deadline and need an extension, please also notify me before Dec 21st. 
2) When filling out your name on the Sneaky Santa website, please include your social media handle (either Tumblr or Twitter/Bluesky), so your Santa knows how to @ you. Example - Koma (komatsujo). 
3) Remember that you are gifting a present to someone, and be prepared to spend at least some time on it. No one likes a last-minute gift!
4) Both fanart and fanfic are accepted as submissions. Santees, do not specifically request one or the other.
5) No AI generated art or fanfiction is allowed. The point of this is to create something for someone. Everyone of all talent levels is invited to join, to share the love of Bravely.
6) If you know there is a game, character, or ship that you don't wish to create content about, please indicate that in the last question of the form. I will do my best to exclude pairing you up with someone who is requesting a gift regarding those items, but please understand that I can't make promises if wishlists are not filled out.
7) Please try to complete your wishlists before Oct 20th for these reasons.
8) When creating your wishlists, please do not specifically request fanart or fanfic (example: do not request specifically fanart of the Crystal Crew as kids, instead of requesting something like “I would love to see the Crystal Crew as kids, doing something cute”). However, you should have more than 1 item on your wishlist. Please try to have 3-5 different items so your Santa has some freedom! 
9) Specifically requesting shippy gifts is allowed, but no NSFW material, either in wishlists or presents. This is mostly about smut, but also be mindful with gore and violence.  
10) Your wishlist and present MUST include Bravely themes or characters, such as Bravely Default 1 or 2, Bravely Second, Fairy’s Effect, Brilliant Lights, Praying Brage, etc. With the presence of Bravely characters in Octopath: COTC, Octopath characters + Bravely characters is allowed, though please be mindful of spoilers for the Octopath games. Same applies to other Team Asano games. 
11) Please try to keep your assignments private! Talk about them with friends in DM all you want, but if someone can find out that you’re their Santa on social media, that ruins the surprise!
12) Please tag submissions as #bravelysanta2024 !
13) If there is anything else you would like to specifically avoid during Secret Santa, up to and including a specific person, please indicate as such in the last question. These answers will be private and will never be shared with anyone outside of myself. This includes if you don't want to be matched with me, I'm a people manager, I can take it.
Link to the form is here!
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sparklepool101 · 10 months
Day Three of Creek Week 2023 - Past / Future
When Our Hearts Beat (Slow) Together by Sparklepool101 on Ao3
Creek Week Day three - Past/Future Title from Bird Song by Juniper Vale Secret Keeper, as he was known as a child, and George have been friends for ages, nearing ten years at this point, and their friendship started with a confession. So how have they never gotten together?
Sneak Peek:
Slipping into the lecture hall only fifteen minutes late, Ben made his way to the seat he had staked out as being his the first day of classes. Now, normally being fifteen minutes late to class would be horrible, and Ben would probably be stuck trying to find someone who actually took decent notes to catch up, but not in this class. The professor was notorious for starting class at least a half hour late every day. Over half the class hadn’t even bothered to show up yet. One of the people who had shown up, was an old friend of Ben’s who just happened to be his seat mate: Angel José. They had played together in the Creek all those years ago, and had luckily ended up in a lot of the same classes over the years.
Ben gave Angel José a friendly wave as he sat next to them and pulled out his laptop. He’s barely logged in before the chair to his right is moved and it’s usual occupant sits down. George Wilfred Koenigsfeld.
Try as he might, Ben couldn’t pry his eyes away from George. His hair had grown out, slicked back with gel and falling onto his shoulders. (Though there was a little bit of hair, right next to the arch of his widows peak, that was out of place. Ben fought the urge to smooth it out for him.) It was no longer dyed bright blue, instead it was closer to a shade of navy. George’s scraggly attempt at a beard(? Or goatee?) should by all accounts look messy and unflattering, but Ben couldn’t help but find it charming.
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legendaryandroid · 10 months
Attention OT:CotC Fic Writers/Readers
I have found a general tag that will filter out Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent fanfictions on AO3. As long as the author does 1 simple thing.
Under 'Additional Tags' (where one adds trope tags and so on) add the Official Tag 'Game: Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent' (If one types 'champions of the continent' it'll pop up in the suggestions box.)
This is NOT a fandom tag. CotC fics will still be posted with OT1 fics. However, it will allow those who only want to see CotC fics to find them. I suggest authors who have CotC fics on AO3 go back and add this tag to their fics. I know I will be. (And since this is an Official tag, it should remain functioning without being deleted)
If you are a CotC fan, please reblog this and spread the word.
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ugly-flowers · 1 year
Okay, okay, okay, okay I have a crack ship on my hands
Maya (from cotc) x Wolf (from KATAOTW)
And I was just wondering if a talented person out there is willing to make some fan art or fanfiction of this ship? (Just asking bc I'm not that talented at writing fanfiction or making fanart of characters)
Thanks for reading!
Love you all! ♡
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taddylonglegs · 2 years
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Genre: Angst, Comedy, Comfort
Word Count: 2,256
Characters: Elder Mark, NoMaddox (Original Character)
Die die die die DIE! Every rock which lay in the path of Elder Mark's wrath must DIE! He's had a BAD DAY and he's not afraid to KICK THE INNOCENT to prove it!
"Stupid David! Stupid Barry! Stupid STUPID Kenneth and his stupid....stupidness! NYEH!"
The 'nyeh' sound effect leaving Mark's mouth was essential for his rock kicking extravaganza. It adds that extra 'oomph' to the destructive action and fills one with a rush of power. Unfortunately for our powerful punter, that rock was no ordinary rock. Nay. One might say this rock was rather brick shaped. Like a brick. Because it was in fact, you guessed it, a brick.
"Ow OW owowOWow ow!!"
A flurry of horrific curses fled from Mark's open mouth like wild horses. Vile words such as 'darn', 'gee', and 'oh golly this is going to drain my HP' were among them. Let's not follow in Mark's malicious footsteps, mm?
"Who puts a brick in the middle of a parking lot anyways!?"
Unfortunately for Mark, his question would remain unanswered as the apartment's parking lot remained vacant of life. His only option now was to hop about on one foot, holding his injured one betwixt his hands. This is the classic tactic to get the pain to vanish instantly and is practiced by many. Why isn't it working this time!?
Upon his hippity hopping happening, the back of Mark's good foot would collide against the apartment's steps. This would result in the unfortunate fall of our protagonist onto his back. A strained hiss slunk through gritted teeth.
Despite the pain, there was a big beautiful blue sky to gaze upon. A sky filled with white, puffy fluffy clouds. And a bright yellow sun.
The sky reminded Mark of his eyes.
The sun of his hair.
The white, his smile.
Oh. Oh no. This will NOT do. He will NOT waste another moment of his time thinking on the loss of his friend. Friends. Multiple. Frick. Uh-
Mark was GOING to his room to spend the evening organizing his cards! Yeah! And watching anime! Worshiping his figurines that he kept hiddenunderhisbedsohisbrotherwouldn'tmakefunofhim.
Y E S. He was FINE on his own! He was NOT going to pout! He was NOT going to cry!
Elder Mark was pouting and crying. Alone in his room. Blasting his Spotty-Eye Anime Intros playlist to further the drama and pain. It was inevitable. He had just had the WORST day of his life and now? His only comfort was his robe wrapped about him. It was like an old friend giving him a hug. Such an old, old friend.
While Top Ten Anime Intros of the 90's may be bangers, when played at maximum volume, they do cancel out all sounds around you. Sounds like the front door opening and closing, a loved one calling out your name, said loved one approaching your bedroom doorway-
"Hey, Mark, you're still up? That's great, actually. I thought I'd-...oh-"
Maddox, the elder half brother of Mark, stopped mid sentence upon seeing what lay before them. The brothers locked eyes in stunned bewilderment: Maddox at Mark's emotional state and Mark and Maddox's presence in the doorway. Mark's thumb seemingly had a mind of its own as it paused the totally epic anime playlist.
Maddox should have already sensed something was off when Mark left his bedroom door open, but...they didn't. Social queues were often hard to grasp for this one. However, the steady stream of snot and tears did cement that Mark might not be alright in Maddox's thick skull. They haven't seen Mark cry like this ever since-
"Uh, you okay?"
Mark clearly wasn't, but it was more of a...formality to ask.
"I'm fine..."
Lied the brunette, as if it could fool Maddox. Please. A fish in the maw of an alligator might hold a better chance at convincing another they were okay.
The blonde cocked an eyebrow at the other, then motioned towards the lone elder like 'you're-crying-a-river-and-drowning-yourself-in-it-what-makes-you-think-I-believe-you?'
Mark tsked lightly, removing his PineapplePods from his ears as he glared daggers into one floorboard in particular. How DARE it be so close knit with the other boards! It did NOTHING to deserve that community! It's not fair!
"It's none of your business. Just- just leave me alone! You've gotten pretty good at that."
He didn't mean to say that out loud.
Was Mark's verbal filter going to continue failing him?
Was today the day when EVERYTHING fell apart??
Maddox's posture stiffened, the bag under their arm crinkling as the grip tightened.
"What's THAT supposed to mean, Mark? Where is this-"
"Don't act so oblivious, Dox. It's insulting."
"Sunrise to sundown, you're not here. You're NEVER here! You either- you're either volunteering for extra hours at work or you're smooching it up with your Perfect Precious Robert!"
"Admit it: you're taking any chance you can to avoid me! Working yourself to DEATH is better than being at home with me. ANYTHING is better than being home with me! And do NOT pretend otherwise, unless you expect ME to start playing dumb as well. I CAN'T PLAY DUMB, MADDOX. I'M A SMART GUY AND WE DON'T DO THAT."
"H e y -"
At first, there was bewilderment on Maddox's face, but now? That expression was replaced with hurt. And rage.
"I work late hours to pay for this apartment! It's not easy making a living income in a candy store- and- and at least I can KEEP a job! How many have YOU gone through the past year? Four? Five?? Oh, I don't even know! I've lost count!"
Mark's teeth gnashed against each other with such raw power that he swore they might break apart into thousands of shards.
"Three! It was only THREE, you blockhead! And one of them doesn't even count since I was stuck under a ROCK with no means of escape!"
"Oh. Oh yeah. Right. NO escape. None whatsoever. Except maybe you could have called me?? Or literally any other adult??"
These boys were going to get a noise complaint any second- but it seemed neither had an ounce of care in them. Not for the complaints. And certainly not for each other's feelings.
A maniacal cackle of victory exited Mark's lips whilst he slid his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his index finger.
Hands clasped themselves over Mark's mouth as he realized what he just admitted. That he was now a friendless LOSER.
"YOU THINK JU-what?"
Everything stopped.
Both parties remained still for a moment. There was a pause in the serenade of screams. A lull in the ballad of bellowing. A new emotion introduced itself to the pair and its name was Sorrow.
Mark's fire, his spirit, his drive to always be right- it released him in this moment. He was free to feel how he needed and once more, he felt melancholy. His hands fell once more to grasp at the cape about him.
"....We talked to Kenneth over the phone. Apparently, D A V I D has been in contact with him for a while and neglected to tell me. Barry was all ready to-"
Mark paused for a moment to wipe his eyes and sniffle delicately.
"KISS THE GROUND HE FRIGGIN WALKED ON. But I thought better! THIS was the same Kenneth who left us- who left me- and it's just he- he didn't bother to- then David said I was-"
Mark was...crumbling right in front of Maddox. A terrifying fate, to feel so high and mighty and then melt into a puddle. Perhaps if he hid under his cape, Maddox would forget he was there and go back to Bobby's house or something! Yeah! Brilliant!
Sadly, this was not the case. Despite Mark's masterful plan, Maddox rolled a critical 20 to see through his disguise and approach the shivering youth. The sound of springs creaking under Mark's bed squeaked as they sat themselves down.
"....You know, I was originally coming in here to tell you we got Macarunes back at the store. Like, the ones we used to play with when I was your age? And you were an age even younger than that?"
Maddox would release a ghost of a laugh as they rested the bag of delicacies on their lap. Said bag was nearly stuffed to the brim with macarons decorated with strange symbols on the outer crust. Runes. Which might explain the name, or simply be the world's weirdest coincidence.
"We didn't even know what any of these letters meant. We'd just....try to rationalize they were letters of the English alphabet drawn wrong. And spell out any words we can. People didn't like them as much as we did."
Maddox would crack open the bag, removing a singular Macarune and waving it in front of where they assumed Mark's face was. Like a human trying to entice their cat out from under the couch with a treat.
"...I think you're a lot like a Macarune, Mark. You're hard to understand, not appealing to most people, and you do tend to scare people off with your pretentious and frightening exterior-"
"Is this supposed to be making me FEEL better??"
Mark's face popped out of his fabric fortress with a squint and a sneer.
"-But if you get past all that...you're soft. And sweet. And even if it's only by a small circle, you are cherished by your friends."
"Tch, yeah right- I'm a monster."
Mark's chin rested upon the tips of his knees as his legs curled closer to his chest. The hot tears still ran and stung at his flesh. It was a miracle he had any left to cry at this point.
"Maddox, I want to shut up. I hate that I hurt other people with my brilliant piercing words. And I....hate that I said those things to Barry, to David...to you. I know that I do this a lot, but I just...I just can't control what comes out of me! People act like it's soooo easy, but what's harder is lying! Like- are we all supposed to say what we don't mean now?
Hey; YOU work customer service; what do you do to keep yourself from ripping people's heads off?? When you know you're right??"
Before Maddox could answer, Mark snatched the Macarune and claimed it as his sadness snack. Mrph- it was still as good as the years ago when he last had it.
"Welp....that's the thing, Mark. I'm NOT always right. And, surprise of the century, you're not always right either. But..."
Maddox shifted slightly, sliding the opened bag of Macarunes closer towards his grieving brother. Mark was more than eager to rip the bag open and help himself to the contents inside like a rabid raccoon.
"Whether you're right or wrong, losing your temper and saying spiteful things is never okay. Which is...my bad, after tonight. I'm very sorry for that. The second best thing you can do is apologize. The best thing you can do is...never yell to begin with. So!"
Maddox clapped their hands together with a confident glint in their eyes.
"What you got to do is stuff your face."
"Stuff your face," Maddox continued. "If your mouth is full of food, you can't respond when someone is making you upset! It's why I always have snacks on me. And if they're especially tasty snacks, you might not even be angry anymore after eating them! You take the time to chew and swallow, then you can think a bit more clearly."
"Really? THAT'S the big secret? So I'm just supposed to do this dumb l-"
Before Mark could finish his sentence, he crammed yet another Macarune in his mouth. Humming and grunting the while, his face scrunched and contorted as the anger crept through him.
But as soon as they were there, the negative emotions and the Macarune were gone.
"....Oh my many eldritch gods that actually works. Can I keep these?? I'm keeping these! No take-backsies!"
Mark would then proceed to glide the bag under his cape like an octopus sucking a clam into its beak.
"I'm still sad though," Mark proclaimed, feeling the wave of depression crash over him again. "Sad and...s..s....mrph- s o r r y."
"I know, bud." Maddox's hand would rest itself atop the other's head to pat his brother lightly. "But we'll get through it together, okay?"
"Okay." Like a limp ragdoll, Mark's body rested itself against Maddox's side. He just needed a hug right now and this was some odd version of one. Mark would get through this. He wasn't totally lost. He was just a Macarune that needed to learn when to shut up.
"....Don't actually use the 'shoving-your-face-with-food' trick at in front of a customer though. That'll get you fired quickly."
"No duh, Maddox."
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
Captives of The Court - Chapter Eight
A Supernatural Series
~Strange things are brewing in Connecticut, so Dean and Y/N go check it out. After stumbling through town, they fall into something that’s been going on a very, very long time. Can they put an end to the bloodshed and make it out unscathed or will they need a little help this time?~
Starring Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N
Chapter Eight Word Count: 2249
Series Warnings and Info may be found on the Masterlist Here 
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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Y/N was slumped over on the tiny kitchenette table, staring at her laptop as if it were sucking the joy and color from the universe around her. Her eyes moved, her finger scrolled, her mind was melting.
Her partner on the phone was less than helpful, only offering a hum or a cough every few minutes so she remembered that someone was still there.
“This is burning my eyes out, Sam,” she said, finally closing the screen she’d been on. Right behind it, there was another, and she whined to herself. “You got anything yet?”
Sam sighed heavily. “Still trying to match the symbols you sent me. Not getting very far.”
“Figures.” She sat back and crossed her arms, annoyed at the world, tired, and a little peckish. “Do we have to stay on the phone like this? I mean, I appreciate your help but this is kinda dumb.”
“Well-” Sam laughed. “I guess not. I just thought you were lonely.”
“Lonely?” She shook her head and grabbed up the phone as she stood and paced the room. “How can I be lonely? Dean hasn’t been out of eyesight in like two weeks.”
Sam hummed, interested. “Trouble in paradise?”
She sighed. “Not really…”
“I think I understand. I’ve spent more time in the car with him than any human being should.”
Y/N paused in front of the mirror and played with her hair, musing on her road trip with his brother. “Yeah. He’s kinda gross. But, it’s not that. Just- I don’t know! We’re on top of each other. I love the guy but-”
“You love what guy?”
Dean appeared behind her, a bucket of fried chicken under one arm and a six pack under the other. He grinned and kicked the door shut behind him, letting it echo through the room.
Y/N turned to him and sighed. “Love the guy who just brought me dinner!” She smiled and pulled the phone away from her cheek. “See ya later, Sam- I got a juicy thigh calling me name.”
If she could see through the phone, she would have seen Sam cringe. As it was, he gagged audibly.
“Yeah, good luck with that.”
“Hey, Sammy-” Dean cleared his throat. “Don’t call back later.”
He grinned and Y/N tossed the phone onto the bed. Dean watched it land and then slowly moved his eyes to her.
“Don’t forget that’s there,” he warned.
She bit her lip and cooed. “Why’s that?”
The bucket and beer hit the table and he took a long step towards her. “I don’t want you to get hurt when I throw you down on top of it.”
She sucked in a quick breath and batted her lashes. “You think you can just come in here with your chicken and booze, lookin’ all sexy, and toss me onto the bed and have your way with me?”
He paused for a dramatic moment and then smirked. “I do.” The space between them disappeared and Y/N gasped as his arms slid so easily around her. “So how ‘bout it?”
Pushing up on her tiptoes, she pressed a suggestive kiss to the corner of his mouth. She moved over a bit and tried again but was stopped by a rather embarrassing internal grumble.
“Was that me or you?” she asked, squinting up at him.
The grumble rolled again and Dean shyly smiled. “I think I’m hungry.”
She sighed. “Me too. Grub… then grab.”
He nodded in agreement and let her go, holding back as she crossed in front of him. “Sam find anything?”
“Nada. It’s definitely odd, but nothing’s jumping out at him so far. And the markings- they look like runes to me, but they’re not matching anything in the system. Or the internet. Kinda like they’re made up.”
Dean plucked two beers from the carrier. “I mean, it was all made up at some point, wasn’t it?”
“Technically, yeah. But it would be so much nicer if this wasn’t a new thing.”
He twisted the caps free. “Can’t all be easy, Y/N/N. Sometimes ya gotta get in there and dig. Get your hands dirty.”
She agreed, digging through the chicken pieces. “No wings?”
“Gotta keep digging,” he winked.
She tossed a drumstick at his chest and he fumbled to catch it.
“I think we get our shit together and do some interviews this evening. Make a few house calls while people are settling in after work.”
Dean sunk his teeth into the chicken leg. “I thought we were gonna- grub and grab…”
Y/N peeled the skin off of her piece of chicken and popped it in her mouth. “We can grab all night. We need to get to work. I’m antsy and this place gives me the creeps.”
Dean looked around, chewing. “It ain’t that bad.”
“The town, not the room.” She followed his gaze about the motel room and sneered at the hideous painting of horses above the bed. “Though the room is pretty bad too…”
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The Putnam kitchen appeared to be designed directly out of a magazine and Y/N couldn’t help but be just a little bit jealous. The backsplash was an intricate pattern made of tiny bits of blue glass and crisp white porcelain, the countertops were black marble with golden flecks, the sink was large enough to take a bath in. She thought back to the tiny kitchenette in the motel room and sighed.
“Your home is truly lovely,” she told her hostess as Mrs. Putnam handed her a tea cup and saucer.
The older woman smiled. “Thank you. I love this room. The light in here is just- perfect.”
Indeed it was, Y/N thought, looking out of the enormous picture window on the east wall.
“Sunrise must be stunning,” she said with a dreamy smile. Her tea was steaming and she blew a breath across the surface before taking a sip.
“Oh, it is.” Mrs. Putnam set her hip against the counter island, turning to look out at the window. She smiled sweetly and Y/N felt a shiver.
For a woman in mourning, she was utterly calm and terribly well put together. Her blonde hair was up in a twist and not a strand was out of place. Her makeup was exquisite and despite her age of fifty-seven, not a single line appeared on her milky skin. She dressed as if she were going to a business meeting, with a string of expensive pearls at her throat that made Y/N’s look like they came out of a cereal box, which they just about did.
Y/N cleared her throat and set the tea cup down gently. “Mrs. Putnam-”
“Please, call me Ann.”
“Ann.” Y/N smiled and pulled her notepad from her purse. “I just have a few questions for you and I’ll be out of your way.”
Ann turned to face her. “Fire away.”
Her eyes were so blue that Y/N was distracted for a moment. It was as if they were being lit from behind by some ethereal force. She sucked in a quick breath and focused on her scribbled notes.
“The fourth victim, Brian Mills, was living here before he passed away?”
Ann nodded and wrapped her manicured fingers around the china teacup. “He was. Brian was renting our guest house out back. More of a pool house, really, but there’s a little kitchen set up in here.” She waved her hand as if nothing she was saying really mattered. “I doubt he did much cooking; he dined with us most evenings.”
Y/N tapped her pen on the paper. “How long was he renting the space?”
Mauve painted lips pursed. “Well now, I’d say a few months. He arrived just after Christmas I believe.”
The pen scratched across the pad. “And he was engaged to your daughter, Elizabeth…”
Ann’s eyes flashed over Y/N with a rapid cruelty. “They were not engaged.”
Y/N cocked a brow and skimmed over her notes. “Huh. The info I got from Sheriff Willard says your daughter was wearing an engagement ring when found. Maybe they didn’t announce it yet?”
Any previous kindness Mrs. Putnam had shown was quickly ebbing. “Fine. Yes. They were engaged. Elizabeth was fascinated with that man and no matter what we said, she wouldn’t listen.”
“So… you did not approve of them getting married.”
Y/N took a sip of tea and calculated her next words carefully. She chose to sympathize. “I can imagine no one would be good enough for your only daughter.”
Ann huffed. “She wasn’t really our daughter anyway, now was she?”
She meant to speak under her breath but Y/N caught every word.
“What do you mean?”
China clinked softly. “Well, she was adopted, if you must know. My husband and I were unable to have children of our own, so we took Elizabeth in when she was fourteen. She was a very rambunctious and irrational child, but we did our best.”
Y/N recorded every word, every flinch, every heavy breath in her mind.
“Still,” she said, pushing gently, “it must be devastating to lose both of them like this.”
Ann’s jaw was tight and she stared down into her tea. “Yes. Well, it was tragic, wasn’t it?” She cleared her throat and looked at the time, the gold watch on her wrist gleaming in the rays of afternoon sun that struck the big window. “I’m sorry, but I really must be seeing to dinner soon. If you’ll excuse me…”
The Impala was parked a fair way down the street and Y/N was grateful for the short walk. The fresh air was nice and helped to shake away the crawling feeling Mrs. Putnam had caused to trickle down her spine.
Done with his own interview, Dean was bouncing down the front steps of a house on the opposite side of the street, about the same distance from the car as Y/N. They smiled at the timing but each could tell the other was deep in thought as they marched to the Impala.
Dean set his hands on the roof and fiddled with the car keys. “How’d it go in there?”
Y/N stretched to look over the roof but soon gave up. She opened the door and stood in the door well, finally able to see him over the car. “It went weird. You?”
He bit down into his lip and looked back at the house he’d come from. “That family isn’t right. I don’t know what it is, but ya think after losing your oldest son, you’d be-”
“Grieving? Yeah.” Y/N clicked her tongue. “Mrs. Putnam was almost annoyed that her daughter was dead. Oh, wait, excuse me - her adopted daughter. She made that very clear.” She sighed. “Also… and again, I can’t really explain it but… she looked so…”
“Your guys too?”
Dean nodded and leaned in a little closer. “Dude’s gotta be pushing seventy and he looks better than I do. I mean, ya know, in certain areas. I’m sure I got the guy on… well height and stuff.”
Y/N breathed down a laugh but worry was heavier in her mind. “I just can’t figure it out… And everyone’s so damned good looking. It’s like they’re all models or mannequins or robots or something.”
Dean squinted at the light bouncing off the hood. “I don’t think they’re robots.”
“I don’t think they’re anything but weirdos. This whole place is just strange. I wanna go home.” Her shoulders fell and she pouted.
“We can’t just leave, Y/N/N. We’ve got a stack of bodies and nothing good to go on yet.”
“What if we… do leave, and just pretend we were never here.”
He frowned and met her gaze. “You could live with yourself if we just blew town right now?”
She cracked a smirk. “I mean, I’m not adverse to blowing things but-” She sighed. “You’re right. Dammit. Who’s next on the list?”
Dean checked his notepad. “Bronwyn Cromwell. Owns a- get this- magic shop in town.”
Y/N groaned. “Rabbits and hats or crystals and fuckery?”
“We’re about to find out.”
The door creaked as he opened it and the Impala jumped a bit as they both sank into their seats.
“Cromwell?” Y/N questioned, nose scrunched up in thought.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Sounds familiar…”
Dean laughed. “Well, it is the name of the town-”
She slapped his arm playfully. “Yes, I am aware. It just sounds like- I don’t know, maybe I read it somewhere.”
“She’s in the paperwork. Lisa Abbot worked for her for about a month before she quit breathing.”
Y/N chewed her lip. “Lisa Abbot… She was the first woman to be found?”
“Yup. Victimo numero uno.”
She shook her head and looked out the window. “I don’t know. Everything feels so off here it’s hard to tell what’s a feeling feeling and what’s just a feeling. Does that make sense?”
Dean sucked his teeth and jabbed the key into the ignition. “Kinda, yeah. But, that’s what we do, kid. We run towards screaming, we chop heads off monsters. If it starts feeling right- you’ve been doing it for too long.”
“So you don’t feel weird here?”
He laughed. “Are you kidding? This place’s got my ball hairs standing on end.”
“You are so gross…”
He grinned. “But cute.”
His smile danced in her head, striking a match of desire. She licked her lips and reached over, dragging her hand down his thick thigh. “Drive, cutie. I’m getting antsy.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
The Impala swerved a bit as he pulled away from the curb, but all was soon well and the peeping neighbors on Morey Street closed their curtains.
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