#cotta 2022
cutestkilla · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Apricot! 🥳🎈🎂
Dear @ivelovedhimthroughworse, I hope you have a wonderful day today, it's a joy to have you in my life!
To celebrate, I made you this podfic of your wonderful COTTA fic from last year, which was inspired by your wonderful COTTA art from last year.
[Podfic] A Subtle Bravery on AO3
My historical contribution is the music I chose for the intro/outro, which is Beethoven's String Quartet No. 5 in A Major, Op. 18 No. 5: IV. Allegro as performed by the Quatuor Capet. The recording is from 1928, but I chose this because this quartet included former members of the Geloso Quartet, and Albert Geloso used to play at the Crystal Palace Saturday Concerts in London, which I could imagine Baz attending in this AU.
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thewriterxj · 2 years
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Chapters: 32/? Fandom: Simon Snow & Related Fandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow, Simon Snow/Agatha Wellbelove, Penelope Bunce & Shepard, Niamh Brody/Agatha Wellbelove, The Mage/Lucy Salisbury Characters: Simon Snow, Dev (Simon Snow), Niall (Simon Snow), Agatha Wellbelove, Penelope Bunce, Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch, Fiona Pitch, Niamh Brody, Shepard (Simon Snow), The Mage (Simon Snow), The Mage's Men (Simon Snow), Lucy Salisbury, Premal Bunce Additional Tags: Carry On Through the Ages (Simon Snow), COTTA 2022 Summary:
The Mage is dead. And Simon Snow needs to find his killer. But how does a detective with a sketchy past do that when the victim is a murderer, everyone is a suspect, and the next victim may be anyone who won't keep quiet about the corrupt history of Watford PD?
Nothing is what it seems and no one is who they say they are, and by the time Simon figures it out, it may be too late.
Set in late 1920s/early 30s Americanized Watford as part of COTTA 2022.
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anhed-nia · 2 years
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Not all folk horror movies are horror movies.
I don't usually like to wade into the mire of arguing about what is and is not included in the horror genre, because there is rarely a sound motivation for the argument; the not-horror accusation is usually levied by either gorehounds who expect a narrowly predictable set of thrills, or snobs sneakily trying to acquit themselves of having liked a horror movie by proving that said movie "isn't really horror". As per a recent Miskatonic Institute lecture by Tony Burgess on holocaust narratives within the horror genre: "If you have to say it's not a horror movie, it's because you know it is." But all that said, things are a little more slippery with folk horror. I'm thinking of the Australian coming of age story CELIA, which I couldn't recommend as a horror movie, but whose particular use of magic realism earns its place in the indispensable All Haunts Be Ours collection. Similarly, the grim Italian drama IL DEMONIO is more a study of time and place than anything legitimately demonic, but its setting and focus on occult traditions make it fine folk horror fodder. Last year's heartbreaking Icelandic fantasy LAMB also isn't likely to satisfy someone asking for horror recommendations, but if you've seen it, you know why I'm bringing it up in this conversation. With his feature film debut (!) YOU WON'T BE ALONE, writer-director Goran Stolevski provides us with another exercise in dividing horror from folk horror, although there is a little more of something for everyone in this outing.
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The denizens of a 19th century Macedonian village are haunted by rumors of Old Maid Maria, a shape-shifting, blood-drinking "Wolf-Eateress" with a hankering for babies. This rumor becomes a sad reality for Nevena (Sarah Klimoska), whose mother is forced to donate her to the the terrifying old hag (Annamaria Marinca as sort of a fabulous cross between Grýla and Freddy Krueger). Feral and mute, Nevena roams the woods with her adoptive mother, but never quite gets the hang of their spartan and solitary existence, and Maria eventually spurns the young woman when she won't stop making pets out of their food. Luckily, Nevena learned Maria's shapeshifting talent—a spectacular trick that involves tearing a hole in one's chest with one's long black witch talons, and inserting the entrails of whatever one wishes to become, in what I'm going to call an exciting new form of cannibalism. This way, Nevena adopts the form of a series of villagers, and learns about life from a variety of perspectives.
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Þrándur Þórarinsson's Grýla, just for fun.
It may not surprise you to hear that YOU WON'T BE ALONE is all about responses to loneliness. The title refers to Nevena's mother bargaining for her child's youth: She promises to give Nevena away as a companion if the witch doesn't eat the baby, but returns on her sixteenth birthday. The reprieve is not so pleasant for Nevena, who is stowed away in a barren cave for the next 15 years by her terrified mother, who so fears her inevitable loss that she doesn't even enjoy the time she has bought. The peaceful and lonely Nevena makes lousy company for the Maria, but the witch haunts the girl as she shapeshifts her way through the village, insisting that she will never find happiness in human society. Admittedly, the humans aren't often impressive: Nevena learns the hard way that life as a poor farmer's wife (Noomi Rapace) is often brutal, and as a handsome young stud (Carloto Cotta of the extremely fun DIAMANTINO) life is more fun (and sex more consensual), but he doesn't enjoy greater fellowship from the other men, who disdain his simplicity and pretty face. Nevena finally finds some semblance of happiness when she starts life over as a young girl, discovering that idyllic childhood is a real possibility, as is a happy marriage later on (to Félix Maritaud, late of KNIFE+HEART). Of course, Maria is never far behind, and in the meantime, Nevena learns her origin story, which is predictably appalling. The young woman may have found her own way to hold on to hope in the face of deprivation, but to be totally fair, she didn't get the same rough start as Maria.
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So, back to my argument about folk horror: YOU WON'T BE ALONE is probably going to be too horrific for those who Don't Like Horror Movies, with its grisly series of disembowelments and reembowelments, but it still eschews feelings of fear and revulsion in favor of an innocent questing for one's own humanity. In a sense, the folk horror label does the film a great service by admitting to its darkness, while allowing it to pursue purposes other than terror and doom. Nevena's shapeshifting technique may require her to become a sort of serial murderer, but the film forgives her that, focusing instead on her journey through a lovely bucolic setting where humans are often treacherous, but not beyond salvation. It's a funny moral trick to play, but it works, offering an uplifting viewing experience—as long as you can handle all the rape, cannibalism, and violence against babies, of course.
PS I love that the witches have dewclaws in this.
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aristocratic-otter · 2 years
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Does it count if I started this post before midnight?
Thank you to @facewithoutheart, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @bookish-bogwitch, @cutestkilla, @artsyunderstudy, @krisrix, @erzbethluna, @palimpsessed, @confused-bi-queer, and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe for the tags. I'm blowing you kisses from my corner of the states!
Snippets under the cut for lenghth
From next year's COTTA, an early eighties AU:
The minute you step in the door, your eyes are assaulted. Most music producers would have gleaming hardwood and neatly arranged golden records on their walls. Not my aunt. Fiona has a yellowing bug-eaten collage of thousands of newspaper and magazine articles papering the walls. They’re reviews, all of them. Good, bad, indifferent, if they mention Pitch music, Fiona puts them up. Then, if she disagrees with or dislikes the tone of an article, she pulls out her handy black felt tip and scribbles expletives and insults all over the paper. So the first impression you get of Fiona is of a mad woman scribbling on the walls of her asylum.
From Playing With Fire, Treading Thin Ice
Baz’s best friend is smaller than I expected. I think, from the way he’s built her up in my imagination, I expected to be eye to eye with her. 
Actually, she’s at least four or five inches shorter than me. But that doesn’t mean she’s not intimidating. 
Fuck, she is so intimidating. 
The first words out of her mouth when we take seats across from her at Costa are, “So. This is him, then?” She's looking at me, but speaking to Baz. Her cool gaze makes it clear that she isn't interested in speaking to me. 
Fuck. Somehow I’ve messed this up before I’ve even said hello.
From my Unnamed Lady Ruth Zine Fic:
It was Simon’s idea that the school should be open to all magickal creatures. After all, he pointed out, if it was going to accept our children, part dragon as they were, it would hardly make sense to deny pixie and goblin and troll children. 
Hence my problem with Mrs. Dalrimple. 
She’s a brownie. A kitchen sprite. Which means she is naturally better than me at absolutely everything involving home care. And it stings when all the parents are socializing and she looks down her nose at me (which is quite a trick, since she’s two feet tall) because I let Violet wear her favorite tutu to school again or because Ebb’s school lunch is always peanut butter sandwiches (what? That’s all she’ll eat! I’d rather she be malnourished than not nourished at all) (besides, peanut butter is really quite nutritious if you overlook the high sugar content).
Simon knows about and is amused by my unspoken rivalry with the PTA chair, so all he does is smirk and shake his head.
From: Raising Dragons
“Wow, Penelope, I’m honoured! They really asked you to ask me for advice on Valentine’s day?”
“I—er…well, not in so many words,” she says reluctantly. “But they did come here for help. And  you do live here, so you’d be included in the people available to help, right?” She looks at me hopefully. 
I smother my laughter. Penelope Bunce does not appreciate being laughed at. Which is a real shame, because she’s so much fun to laugh at. But I love her, and, more importantly, I live with her, so it behoves me to keep her happy. Or at least keep her less homicidal. 
So Simon needs help showing Baz a little romance, hmm? That shouldn’t surprise me—the man has far more rough edges than smooth ones. But somehow, it does. Surprise me, I mean. Simon Snow has, since he first broke an antique chair and threatened to impale the vampire king with its leg, has done nothing but impress me with the depth of his devotion to Baz. And nothing is more romantically intoxicating than giving someone your complete attention. 
Tagging all of those above for Sunday, and @annabellelux, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @fight-surrender, @foolofabookwyrm-activated, @fatalfangirl, @giishu, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @frjsti, @larkral, @prettylightsbigcity, @raenestee, @tea-brigade, @whogaveyoupermission, @whatevertheweather, @yeonjunenby, @yellobb-old
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
End of 2022 Fic Round Up
Da das Jahr schon wieder zuende ist, hier einmal eine Masterlist all meiner Fic aus diesem Jahr. Der Übersichtlichkeit halber nur Titel, Rating, Characters/Pairing & word count. Chronologische Reihenfolge.
Ein Fall für Zwei:
guy stuff (ff.de/ao3) E; Benni/Leo; 1570 Wörter
Die Drei Fragezeichen:
Kaj’s Kink January (Sammlung!) (ff.de/ao3) T-E; various pairings; 35 Ficlets  mit jeweils 700 Wörtern
there is nothing left to say (ff.de/ao3) P16/T; Cotta, Reynolds, past Cotta/Peter & Cotta/Skinny; 2000 Wörter
valentine (ff.de/ao3) P16/T; Cotta/Goodween; 2000 Wörter
pistol whipped (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Peter/Skinny; 3076 Wörter
Shot Through The Heart (ff.de/ao3) P18; Cotta/Skinny; Mafia AU; 18183 Wörter
what doesn’t kill me makes me vicious (ff.de/ ao3 Part I & Part II) P18/M-E; Peter/Cotta; 6300 Wörter
What’s Done In The Dark (ff.de/ao3) P12/T; Justus, Peter, Bob, Cotta/Skinny; Mafia AU; 5838 Wörter
make hate to me (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Peter/Skinny; 3304 Wörter
In Our Talons (ff.de/ao3) P16/T; Cotta/OC, Forrester, Cotta/Skinny; Mafia AU; 4091 Wörter
Blue Moon (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Cotta/Hugenay; 8010 Wörter
Meine Sünde (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Peter/Skinny, Peter/Kelly; 3786 Wörter
judge, jury and executioner (ff.de/ao3) P18/M; Peter/Skinny, Justus, Dylan; 12442 Wörter, mind the tags
suck my cockiness (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Cotta/Skinny; 4595 Wörter
Leid und Freud von Dating-Apps in Kleinstädten (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Peter/Cotta; 9177 Wörter
Writer’s Month Drabbles (Sammlung!) (ff.de/ao3) G-M; various characters and pairings, 31 Ficlets mit jeweils 100 Wörtern
because hell is empty (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Skinny/Stan, Skinny/Cotta/Stan; 7908 Wörter
the perfect part about it is: it’s all that i’ve got (ff.de/ao3) P16/T; eventual Peter/Skinny, Kelly, OCs; Kid Fic/Future Fic; 12597 Wörter, WIP
no strings attached (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Cotta/Skinny; 3829 Wörter
Lover, Please Stay (ff.de/ao3) P12/T; Cotta/Hugenay; 2541 Wörter
Assorted October Prompt Fills (Sammlung!) (ff.de/ao3) G-E, various characters & pairings, 31 Ficlets mit jeweils 300 Wörtern
Das Angebot (ff.de/ao3) E; Peter/Cotta; 3319 Wörter
Who’s gonna take you home tonight? (ff.de/ao3) E; Bob/Cotta; 6023 Wörter
Mein rasend Herz (ff.de/ao3) P16/T; Justus/Hugenay; 11229 Wörter
one last time (ff.de/ao3) P12/G; Bob/Skinny; 1704 Wörter
feel-good flash fic (Sammlung!) (ff.de/ao3) G; Cotta/Goodween, Caroline; kurze fluffy Ficlets (aktuell 4 Stück) mit um und bei 500 Wörtern
Die Stille der Nacht [Ein Weihnachtsmärchen] (ff.de/ao3) P16/T; Peter/Skinny; 2945 Wörter
because the night belongs to lovers (ff.de/ao3) P18/E; Cotta/Goodween; 3020 Wörter
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rookie-critic · 2 years
You Won't Be Alone (2022, dir. Goran Stolevski) - review by Rookie-Critic
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Normally I would write my review in the theater as the credits roll, waiting to hit "POST" until I've made sure there's nothing at the end, but I've sat through the credits and driven home, and I'm still trying to fully process You Won't Be Alone. A Macedonian folk-horror (though not really horror) about a young witch who experiences life through a number of different perspectives, I found it strangely beautiful and unconventionally rewarding. The 3 actresses and 1 actor that play the film's protagonist all convey their portions of the story with an innocence that's uncharacteristic of the genre, which makes the film's largely simple message all the more potent by the time the screen cuts to black. Now, I don't mean simple as an insult, and the film tackles more complex topics at specific points, but I walked away with more of a feeling of what it was getting at than a direct idea: live with love and you will receive love and never stop viewing the world with child-like wonder. I'm sure there's a lot more to this movie than I'm getting at here, but again, this is one that I'm probably going to have to sit with for a bit. It might not be for everyone, even I felt like it leaned a little too heavily into the abstract at times, but I did come out of the theater feeling good about what I had watched.
Score: 8/10
Currently only available to rent or purchase through the normal means (Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Apple Movies, etc.)
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alintheshitposter · 2 years
5, 9, 17 & 28 for ao3 ask game? ✨
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Auf jeden Fall defensive Offensive (Justus/Peter)! Dafür hab ich allein auf Fanfiktion.de vier Reviews bekommen! Was ging denn da ab? Das kenn ich so gar nicht von ff.de😵‍💫
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Hmm, schwer! Ich hab viele Lieblingspairings. Natürlich pb&j wobei mich das auch oft ein bisschen überfordert🥴 Cotta/Goodween, weil ich sie einfach liebe und am liebsten alles über sie schreiben würde. Jeffrey/Justus, weil's einfach super süß, soft und unkompliziert ist, und Skinny/Justus, because I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers. Aber einfachsten fällt mir glaube ich Peter/Justus. Keine Ahnung warum, aber das kommt bei den beiden einfach irgendwie so natürlich.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
(Hab ich gerade schon beantwortet, aber ich füge es hier einfach nochmal ein) Definitiv Justus! Auf ihn kann ich so schön all meine eigenen Issues projecten🥴 Außerdem verdient er mehr Liebe und die will ich ihm geben <3 Honorable mentions: Skinny und Hugenay. Skinny, weil er so komplett anders ist als alle anderen. Und Victor, weil er Franzose ist und ich es sehr mag, ihn französisch sprechen zu lassen😌
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Ich hab nicht wirklich den einen Favoriten. Aber ein paar der Geschichten, die ich sehr gerne mag sind Cataglottism (Justus/Peter), Müde und Aua (Justus & Peter & Bob), der perfekteste Moment (Justus/Peter) und ganz viel, was zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch in meinen Drafts versauert🥴
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Moon Surface 
(Silver leaf on ceramics)
0 notes
gilverrwrites · 4 months
Somethin' Sweeter
2022!Penguin/Reader, 1K words Request: LOVE the ozzie fics! Can you write something fluffy & smutty where it's their anniversary and reader prepared his favorite meal for dinner, wearing a cute sexy dress, and after dinner a special dessert 😏 Rating: 18+ I certainly can, honestly cannot get enough of this man, I don't think i'll ever turn down an Ozzie request.
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CWs: Sugar baby dynamic vibes, vaginal fingering, oral (fem receiving), petnames: doll, princess, darlin'. F!Reader.
In case nobody has told you recently: I am proud of you.
He’s been grinning at you like the early bird who got the worm all evening, but as he bit into his entrée his demeanour shifted. You perched on the edge of your seat, watching every micro-movement of his face as you await the verdict.  
Preparing for tonight had been gruelling. Tracking down all the right ingredients, multiple practice attempts, conveying to Oz’s people that he was not to be disturbed, not to mention the priming that went into looking good for him. You know he would have loved whatever you’d made, would have fawned over you however you looked, but you wanted tonight to be perfect, and it was all worth it for the blissed-out look on his face right now. 
He takes a second bite, and you can’t stand the anticipation. “Well, what do you think?”
“It's great, Doll.” He smacks his lips as he speaks. “It tastes just like my-“
“Just like you’re Nonna’s. I know!” You feel bad for interrupting, excitement getting the better of you. “It’s her recipe.” 
“How did you manage that?” He asks, dabbing his mouth with his handkerchief.
“I made a few calls, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you like it.” 
“Of course I like it, I’d like anything you serve me, but this, this is exceptional. You treat me well, don’tcha?” In earnest, you do your best, but Oz really is the caretaker in your relationship. You might cook on special occasions, make sure he doesn't work too hard, but he keeps you well-kept. No bills to worry about, a luxury roof over your head, a wardrobe full of so many clothes and shoes that you’ll never manage to wear all of them, and a soft bed where he reminds you why, of all the men in Gotham, you always come back to him. 
“I do my best.” Plates scraped clean; you begin to clear the table. “I hope you’ve saved room for dessert. We’re having dark chocolate and coffee panna cotta.”
“Oh.” The plates in your hand nearly slip back onto the table, distracted by the disappointment in his tone, but when you turn to him, he’s looking at you with a sly glint in his deep brown eyes. He rests his palm on the back of your exposed thigh, ever so gently caressing your skin as he ghosted upwards, lifting the skirt of your dress in the process. “It’s not that princess, I just had somethin’ sweeter in mind. If you catch what I’m laying down here?”
“Sweeter?” A giggle escapes your lips as you tilt your head at him. Dishes abandoned you stride over to him, placing yourself on his good leg, holding onto his lapels as you pull yourself closer. The way his gold teeth gleam under the dim lights as he smiles at you sends a chill down your spine. “Like what?”
Oz places both his hands on your waist, strong fingers tactfully rolling up your dress once more until he’s able to admire your panties, soft purple satin with lace trim. There's a small wet patch already forming. With anybody else you might be embarrassed by it, but you know Oz loves the effect he has on you, even when he’s not eyeing you up like a prize. 
“This is nice, but how about you hop up on the table and keep your legs spread open for me?” He punctuates his question, by tapping one hand on the dinner table behind you. You don’t need to be asked twice, as you situate yourself, Oz takes two big gulps of his water. “Cleansing the palate.” 
His hand is steady as he hooks your underwear, far steadier than you feel as you watch the casual way in which he exposes your folds.
“Looks deliciosa.” He sniffs as he leans in closer to your wetness, angling his elbows to spread your thighs further, keeping them in place. 
There’s no test taste, no teasing, his mouth covers you in seconds, engulfing you like a man starved. His tongue immediately begins work, tracing circles around your entrance, pushing in ever so slightly, in endless circles. The tip of his nose digs against your clit, every brush sending a wave of heat through your body. 
It shocks you, making you cry out when he suddenly penetrates you with a thick finger and refocuses his tongue on your swelling clit. Your fingers unwittingly spread out into his dark thinning hair, as you fight the urge to ride his face. Oz likes to eat you out his own way, and you know you’ll be rewarded for sitting still. 
“Ooh-, Oz!” 
He hums between your lips, the resulting vibrations make your toes curl. He slips a second finger inside, continuing to suck at your sweet spot, all the combined sensations have you whining and shaking, orgasm fast approaching with every wave of pleasure. You chance a look down, and the sight of him hazy-eyed and buried in your core has you cumming, fists in the tablecloth, legs in the air as hit your climax. 
The room falls silent, excluding your shared rapid breathing; you coming back down from your high, Oz catching his breath. Oz’s presence always had that calming effect on you, regardless of the situation. It doesn’t, however, stop the whine that escapes your lips when you feel his fingers brush against your sensitive slit. He thumbs your panties, situating them back in place. 
“These are nice, did I buy these for you?” He knows he did. 
“You bought the whole outfit.” You sit up straight, smoothing your dress out before gesturing to yourself up and down. “You have excellent taste.” 
He gives you a once over, for what feels like the hundredth time that night, and despite him having had his face immersed between your legs only moments ago; your face warms with a bashful heat. 
“You’re not wrong, Darlin’. But I can’t help thinking this whole get-up would look better on the floor.” It’s a cheesy line that would make you cringe if it came from the mouth of anyone else. Instead, you’re filled with enthusiasm, excited for the night ahead of you. “Now how’s about you head on to bed an’ get ready for seconds while I clean up?” 
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retrcmoon · 1 year
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click here or the source link to be redirected to { #215 GIFS } of CARLOTO COTTA (1984) in ÉLITE SEASON 5 (2022) all of these gifs have been created from scratch by me. read my rules before using my gifs. do not claim these as your own or add into gif hunts. a like or a reblog is very appreciated.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
hi hello i’ve been compulsively playing hayday for the past 48 hours and am in desperate need of farm / cottagecore drarry, if you’ve read any new ones recently (bc i’ve literally gone through everything on your list you’re actually a godsend) i would appreciate it soooso much if you shared xxxx
Hi anon! That’s the cutest ask I’ve ever received haha I hope you enjoy these farm & cottagecore recs :)
To the Rhythm of the Waves by @tsauergrass (2020, G, 2.7k)
They found a lot of things together: the cottage, the garden, their lives, each other. Then one day, Harry finds a hammock.
Home is Where the Nifflers Are by @primavera-cerezos (2020, G, 4k)
Draco has a soft spot for animals with nowhere to go; soon his and Harry's small flat is bustling with adorable, semi-dangerous creatures.
Country Roads by maraudersaffair (2021, E, 8k)
On his farm, Harry grows magical crops and keeps magical creatures. His Muggle-Repelling and Masking Charms are not doing well and he’s attracting unwanted attention and suspicion from his Muggle neighbours. The Ministry sends Draco to make sure that everything abides to the International Statue of Secrecy.
the treehouse near primrose downs by @softlystarstruck (2022, M, 14k)
Draco and Harry have been roommates for years, so buying a magical house in the countryside shouldn’t be a big difference. But in between fresh loaves of bread and beds of wildflowers, things start to fall into place.
Life Is The Flower (For Which Love Is the Honey) by @bafflinghaze (2016, T, 15k)
The Malfoy Manor lands are lush and verdant. Bees hover over carpets of flowers, and ducks paddle in the pond. It is a place far removed from bustling London and pesky reporters; it is a place where Harry finds what—and who—he didn’t know he was missing.
amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (2019, E, 21k)
Harry is not living in a period drama, no matter what his friends or his new house or Malfoy’s sudden affinity for horse-riding might suggest, and if one more person uses the word courting, he’s going to start hexing people.
What Makes a House a Home by @writcraft (2022, E, 27k)
Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts Draco Malfoy wakes up in an unfamiliar house owned by none other than Harry Potter. Even stranger is the snow in September and a night sky without any stars. Naturally it’s a matter of life and death, because isn’t it always?
On Your Shore by @xanthippe74 (2020, M, 35k)
Clearing out a remote house full of cursed collectibles in the Outer Hebrides? Not a problem for an experienced curse breaker like Harry Potter. Spending a week with the straight, happily-married man that he’s starting to have feelings for? And sharing a bed with him at night? Surely Harry can handle that, too. But both the house and Draco Malfoy have secrets to uncover, and Harry might be in deeper water than he thought.
Through the May Air, Over the Ocean by @tsauergrass (2019, T, 45k)
Draco Malfoy never expected to find himself in Scotland or being stuck in a cottage with Potter—but wonders never cease. A story about warmth, a story about falling back in love. A story about a flock of sheep in the distant fells of Scotland.
The Bolthole by aideomai, GallaPlacidia and Tepre (2020, E, 54k)
Harry is a hoarder, Draco is grief-stricken, and both are capable human adults who can definitely spend a month in a cottage in the Cotswolds together without ever talking about the time they slept together in eighth year. Yeah, no, totally.
Sweet Creature by bananagege, bribitribbit (2018, T, 63k)
Harry loves his sheep, his dogs, the tranquil countryside farm he's turned into a home. He doesn't need Draco Malfoy screwing it all up. But, god, what else is he supposed to do about Draco Malfoy sleeping with a lamb in his bed?
The Kitchen Thieves (and the Kitchen Herself) by @potteresque-ire (2018, E, 67k)
In a deserted cottage miles away from Hogsmeade, two young spirits waited for a new owner to call the place home. One day, Auror Harry Potter bought the cottage. One evening, farm wizard Draco Malfoy showed up to spend the night with Harry...and steal a pepper shaker from the kitchen. Maybe Kate can tell you all about them? She’s the spirit who looks after the kitchen, and she’s got quite a bit to say…
all the western stars by @oflights (2022, E, 78k)
Draco is a Seer who has been struck with terrible, uncontrollable visions of the deaths of everyone around him, triggered by touch. He retreats to an Unplottable Black family cottage to research his condition and fix it. Things are going relatively well until Harry Potter shows up at the cottage with a furry condition of his own.
Knead by laughingd0g (2020, E, 83k)
This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
Wild, orphaned (2016, E, 92k)
“No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.”
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
@imyourbratzdoll just sent me the ss of this thread from https://twitter.com/cevantines
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So, Miguel Amorim worked with Alba Baptista in the movie Nothing Ever Happened where she performed having a thr**s**e with the other two male leads. Carlotto Cotta also starred in the movie. This movie was shot in 2020 but it came out last year in September 2022. Point to be noted ALba deactivated her IG when the movie came out because either she didn't want to promote the movie because of her questionable performance in the movie or she didn't want people to speculate her link to Carlotto Cotta and Miguel Amorim. She was linked to Carlotto Cotta in the beginning of 2022 when she and him were seen making comments on IG but later Alba deleted them when Chris Evans' fans found out about their interaction and started talking on Tumblr. Now we know she might be also linked to the other co-star Miguel Amorim in 2020 while she was shooting the movie. So she has been linked to both of her co-stars of the same movie. It explains why some people want that photo taken down so badly!
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wellbelesbian · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
tysm for tagging me @bazzybelle, it took me a while to get around to this but it was a lot of fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
113,598, not bad.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly the Simon Snow Trilogy, but I have a couple of Greek Mythology/Epic Cycle fanfics too. i used to write for Percy Jackson and Marve, but not anymore.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
two old Marvel fics are right at the top, then it’s:
i want the love on your wrist (oh give me the heart on your neck), the first explicit work i’ve ever written, maybe a sign i should write more.
The Tale of the Two Merwolves, which I wrote with a bunch of other lovely people in the fandom
Everything I Am Not, my COTTA fic from 2020
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes, I always try to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely crimson, my COTTA fic from 2022, but a close second is Visions, a little Trojan War Helenus fic i still really like.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well a lot of my fics have fairly happy endings, but I’d say All That She Wants, an Agatha-centric fic, and Happier Memories, a proposal fic, have the most hopeful endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, I don’t think I ever have, luckily!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
only twice so far, though I have another stewing in my brain that might get written. I can’t really say i'm limited to a certain “type” though, i’m pretty versatile, pun intended.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
no, they’re not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge! i hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
back when i used to write on wattpad i got some DMs asking to translate my fics and i always agreed, but i don’t know if they ever followed through.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, i really love doing so! I wrote a stucky fic with one of my friends years ago, but we never ended up posting it anywhere. also, the two aforementioned marvel fics were co-written with another (now ex) friend, and the tale of two merwolves was written as part of a group.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
snowbaz, definitely. it’s been my longest-running OTP (do people still say OTP?) and i’ve written so any fics for it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm, i’ve only got 3 wips and i think i’ll finish them all eventually, but blow on the tinder and we are slaves to the gods are definitely on the back burner for now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’ve been told i’m good at writing dialogue, which is good because that’s two thirds of all the words i write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
descriptions and anything sappy, which gives me second hand embarrassment.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i tend to shy away from it, but if i do i always put it in italics and will put a translation in the notes unless it’s super obvious, and like when other authors do the same.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson! I wrote so much solangelo and was actually pretty popular on wattpad, one of my fics broke a million hits which is still insane to me. i still get the occasional message asking me to come back and finish my fics, but i logged out of that account in 2018 and am not going back.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
oh, that’s hard. i’m really enjoying writing Shoulder To Shoulder right now, but i still love All That She Wants and Liar Liar. i also really love I’m On My Way To Believing, which is a greek mythology Pyrrhus/Hermione fic. they’re my blorbos. but i’d have to say my all-time favourite will always have to be the first carry on fic i ever wrote, which got me out of a years long writing slump: Rats.
i don't know who has already done this, so i'll just tag @ileadacharmedlife @prettygoododds @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @imagineacoolusername @ic3-que3n @forabeatofadrum @aristocratic-otter @larkral @hushed-chorus @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @artsyunderstudy @alexalexinii @shrekgogurt and @j-nipper-95
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cosmicanger · 2 years
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Eve Tagny, Untitled, 2022, Naturally dyed cotton fabric on terra cotta tiles 15x16x.5in (38.1×40.6×1.3cm)
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bazzybelle · 1 year
Six Sentences Sunday
Thank you @palimpsessed, @forabeatofadrum, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @theearlgreymage, @artsyunderstudy, @blackberrysummerblog, and @nausikaaa for the tags today!
Quoi? Am I back for a Six Sentences Sunday post? Have I written new words? Yes... Yes I have! I've been going in and out of writing, and I'm currently on a positive flow. I'm hoping to keep the good vibes going.
What am I currently working on? Aside from re-writing my 2020 COTTA fic, and trying really hard to finish my 2022 COBB fic, I've started some new projects. I am working on two fics in the Sandman fandom (Dreamling, if anyone wants to know), as well as planning smaller fics (hopefully no more than 5K) for the upcoming Dreamling Week (check them out if you like Dreamling).
Here is a snippet from one of the longer Dreamling fics I'm working (I'm hoping this fic won't surpass 20K, because otherwise it'll be another massive fic that will take 2 years to finish). It's a Hanahaki fic, but with a teeny, tiny twist to it.
“Will you stay?” he asks, hand shaking in his Stranger’s cold grasp.
“You need not ask,” he replies, leaning down to place a kiss upon Hob’s forehead. He shivers as the kisses trail down to his eyes. Hungry and desperate for this beauty and peace, tears betray him, further blurring his vision. 
“My precious one,” his most beloved purrs, kissing the tears away. As Hob closes his eyes, more delicate kisses grace each one of his lids. “You have called out to me, in your hunger. In your yearning, did you desire me?” 
“Always,” Hob says, coughing out a laugh. He should not be surprised. He’s always worn his heart on his sleeve. He was certain in 1789 that his feelings would have been made clear to his oldest friend. It was only a matter of time until they came to the surface. 
“Will you gaze upon me, so that I may give you a gift for your utmost devotion?” 
The warmth inside him grows. It’s almost intoxicating –but that could also be the medication–. Hob, with a smile on his face, opens his eyes, meeting beautiful golden irises. 
“There’s a love,” a cool, sultry voice responds, and in the back of Hob’s mind, something doesn’t exactly add up. Was his Stranger’s voice always so seductive? Were his eyes always so bright? Of course they were.
Weren’t they?
Tags will be below the cut! Thank you everyone who has been tagging me for the last few months. I flipping love all of you.
Tags for this week: Don't feel pressure to post something, I know it's a little late. :) @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @fight-surrender, @f-ing-ruthless-baz, @amywaterwings, @ninemagicks, @facewithoutheart, @martsonmars, @windsweptinred, @yellobb, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @ileadacharmedlife, @confused-bi-queer, @spockandthings, @thranduilland.
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Rookie-Critic's Top 25 Films of 2022: Honorable Mentions - You Won't Be Alone (dir. Goran Stolevski)
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This is probably the most experimental film on the list this year. The story of a witch as she grows up in a world that she is unfamiliar with, You Won't Be Alone is an experiment in minimal storytelling and maximalist messaging that oddly works. Each of the four bodies Nevena, the witch at the film's center, inhabits is representative of a new discovery, a new way of viewing the world, and the beauty and possible danger each new thing brings. This one definitely won't be for everyone, but I found it all very moving.
Currently only available to rent or purchase through the normal means (Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Apple Movies, etc.). Read my full review of You Won't Be Alone here.
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