#couldn't find all the gifs I wanted so I made them myself LMAO
onesidedradiostatic · 4 months
can we talk about how the weirdest part of staticmoth isn't even the fact that they're toxic to each other?
it's how they both react to each other's toxicity with nonchalance.
like. first, during val's tantrum, val throws a glass at vox, or well, in his vicinity.
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then vox just... steps away like it's nobody's business, barely bothered by it.
and later, when it's vox's turn to be angry, he roughly pulls val down, shakes him, and shouts at his face.
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then val just... shrugs it off.
usually when you think of a toxic relationship, you'd probably think of person A being toxic to person B then person B biting back just as toxic until it's a back and forth of toxicity, a full-blown fight.
but that. that's not staticmoth. staticmoth is fucking weird in that when one is acting toxic towards the other, the other acts nonchalant and doesn't retaliate. then they switch roles on who the toxic one is and who the nonchalant one is.
I am not at all denying the toxicity in their relationship, but they certainly are a really fucking weird brand of toxic that is just. so hard to describe.
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
Sanemi, Shinobu and Obanai x Giyuu little sister reader. Reader 20 and 1 year younger than Giyuu and is the Polar opposite of Jim like she very playful and curious but also very loving to him and he spoils her. She a civilian who owns a tea shop. May I have headcanons with her and those three and Giyuu reaction to each please?
demon slayer hcs: sanemi & shinobu x giyuu's little sister!reader
characters: sanemi, shinobu, giyuu
warnings: mentions of birth control in shinobu's (idek if that needs a warning lol)
AN: pumped this out at 3am lol, ill be doing obanai in another part!
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your relationship was such a slow burn lol
when he finds out ur giyuu's sister its an immediate disliking on Sanemi's part
but are we rly surprised?
dude HATES giyuu
you spend a lot of time with the hashira
and you've become good friends with them so you're always around when the hashira are all together
they all adore u
you're sweet, funny, outgoing, confident
basically everything that giyuu isn't lollll
you brought snacks from ur teashop to one of the lil hashira hangouts
and you couldn't help but notice sanemi absolutely stuffing his face full of the ohagi that you brought
but who can blame him?
he might not like you but he never said you were a bad cook
and ohagi is his favorite
a couple days after the lil hangout
sanemi gets back to his estate after a mission and finds a cute lil basket adorned with a bow sitting on his doorstep
he picks it up and looks inside and its full of ohagi
after he goes inside and devours the whole basket
he finds a note at the bottom saying "enjoy <3" signed with your name
thats it right there.
the way to this mans heart is thru his stomach fr
when yall are dating dating
you keep it quiet
none of the other hashira know
and giyuu CERTAINLY doesn't know
until one day you're working at your tea shop and sanemi walks in to pick up the lunch that you made him
now me personally... id turn into a professional cook for this man
its not a busy day at the shop so he walks into the kitchen to find you cooking
and this man is HANDSY
so ofc he grabs you by your waist and pulls u into him
and starts feeling you up good lord please i want this so bad
you hear the faint 'ding!' of the bell above the front door
but pay it no mind assuming its a customer
and then the kitchen door opens
and everyone freezes
cause standing in the doorway is your older brother
thats the most expressive face sanemi has ever seen on giyuu
dudes eyes are wide as saucers
mouth wide open
shook af
like "dawg don't you hate me and everyone that associates with me?"
like "you have basically cursed my entire bloodline"
"you told me to off myself because im me"
and sanemi is just "i hate you not you're sister"
and goes back to feeling u up totally ignoring giyuu's presence
giyuu basically just moonwalks back out the door
and pretends he never saw any of that
lol i love them XD
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now shinobu liked you from the second she met you
she went to giyuu's estate to get him for a mission
and walks in to find you teasing and mocking tf outta ur older brother lmao
ofc she joins in
throwing in some teasing remarks of her own
poor giyuu lol
she is a frequent visitor to your tea shop
cause instead of making medicinal teas herself, now she can just get you to do it
plus she gets to see her favorite girlllll
the way giyuu finds out is too funny
you are in the infirmary at the butterfly mansion
dw ur not injured or sick or anything!!
you're sitting on the bed waiting for shinobu
when giyuu walks in
and he's like "wtf are u doing here"
you're explain your business to ur brother when shinobu walks in looking down at a needle saying
"alright i have your birth control shot! not like you need it... i can't get u pregnant"
she looks up when she hears a 'smack'
and there you are with ur hand slapped to your forehead and a bright red face
giyuu just looks between you and shinobu with a blank face
before he passes clean out
dude hits the floor hard lmao
when he wakes up you give him an explanation
and then u and shinobu tease him for passing out
lol dude can't catch a break
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year
Scavenger — Farmworld! Finn Mertens x gn! reader
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summery: After Finn saved their life, reader becomes a family friend of the Mertens. What happens when the family becomes too accustomed to their presence?
tw: mentions of blood and injury (nothing too descriptive but it's there). hurt/comfort. this is gn! but I couldn't find a good term for a gn! parent...but you can choose what they call you :)
a/n: I am so down bad for Farmworld Finn that it brought me out of my hole and got me writing again lmao. So enjoy
wc: 1.9k
Master List
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The sun beat down heavily as I ventured from stall to stall. I shifted my scarf to better cover my shoulders from the sunlight. I was a scavenger. I explored the desolate lands that were already looted as is and took any interesting trinkets I could manage to find. I’d trade it for food or any other things I needed, then I’d head out of the city to the Merten's household. It was a lineup I ended in a long time ago. 
Years ago, I found myself attacked by a group of mutant coyotes while on a hunt. I fought them off the best I could, but ended up wounded in return. I cursed myself for not carrying more medical supplies. I cleaned and wrapped my wounds to the best of ability, but I knew I needed to head back to the city. The walk back felt longer than I remembered, and suddenly in my slightly dazed mind, I realized I wasn’t aware of my surroundings. 
Scavenging was a dangerous practice. You had to be aware of your surroundings at all times, because for all you knew you were on some gang territory and you’d be dead or seriously injured. I myself didn’t join any gang, I worked alone. Which may seem dumb, but I find that you’re not too much safer in any gang than alone. They’re all selfish and only seem to care for themselves. Even without gangs, you have to be aware of wildlife, as everything has become more dangerous. Not to mention stocking up. You can’t bring too much with you, not that there’s much supplies anyways, but if you bring too little you might as well be dead.
I kept walking, trying to gather in my surroundings. Blood started to drip down my arm, my wound having been poorly bandaged. I tried to stay calm as the pain was pounding throughout my body, hoping glob would look down on me with pity and bring me someone who would help. 
I couldn’t stop the pained yelp as I absentmindedly brushed against a thorny bush. My chest constricted as the world started to spin, stars invading my vision. If this was how I ended…it would honestly be really sad. I kept walking until I stumbled to the ground. Perhaps I should rest. I leaned back against a tree, focusing on breathing properly. The swirling got worse as I heard a branch being broken. I took out my dagger, looking around, which only made everything worse.  
I closed my eyes hard, trying to correct my vision. If I’m dying, I’m going down fighting. More rustling was heard and I quickly opened my eyes, only to see a man in front of me. He was tall, fit, and had one prosthetic arm. I don’t remember seeing him in any gangs, I would remember since he definitely stands out. I can only hope he’ll be merciful.
“Please…help,” I whispered out before I finally fell unconscious. 
That was how I met Finn Mertens.
Merciful he was. Him and his children helped nurse me back to health, and in return, I helped around the house where I could. At first, Finn didn’t want me doing anything, but I insisted that I wasn’t going to be a burden on this already large family. So he agreed I could help the kids with small house chores. It felt embarrassing when he told his oldest kid, Jay, to keep an eye on me. 
When I was nearly fully healed, I thanked the family, and promised to visit and bring them something for their kindness. Finn seemed a bit weary, but didn’t protest. 
Which led to now. I’ve grown quite close to the family. When I’m out scavenging, I can’t help but search for toys or items the kids would enjoy, or possibly even Finn…but he’s a bit hard to please. When in the city, I trade for items that I know will help them out, and in return, they allow me to stay for as long as I need to. It's a nice symbiotic relationship. 
I smiled as I finally approached the house. I managed to get some really good meat, and I was even thinking of cooking something for the family. I only hope Finn doesn’t react too badly to the proposition. I understand how the soup they’ve been eating means a lot to them, and I hope I’m not overstepping, but I also know how they must want to try something different.
I knocked on the door, hoping it would be Finn answering so I could talk to him about the meal first. It seemed like glob really was on my side as Finn stood on the other side.
“You know you don’t have to knock anymore,” Finn greeted.
I looked off to the side a bit embarrassed, “I know but I still feel awkward about it.” I wasn’t sure if I was seeing things, but I swear he slightly smiled. 
“Come in,” He motioned. 
“Oh!” I exclaimed, almost forgetting what I was gonna ask due to his handsomeness. “Hey I was wondering-”
I was cut off by a chorus of the younger kids calling out my name.
“Hey guys,” I smiled, setting my sack on the kitchen counter. “I gotta talk to your dad real quick okay? Then I’ll come and see what you’re up to.”
“Okay!” They cheered, pushing each other slightly as they ran off. 
I turned back to Finn who was already looking at me, I felt shy under his gaze. It was held with a warmth I normally only see him look at his kids with. I opened my sack revealing the cut of meat I got.
“I was wondering if it would be okay to cook something for dinner,” I finally said, keeping my eyes down. It was silent for a few seconds which put me a bit on edge, “I don’t mean to overstep or anything, I totally understand if you want to stick to the stew. I can just add the meat to that-”
I looked up at him in shock, “Seriously?”
He nodded, “I can help.”
My heart stuttered, not expecting him to let me cook in the first place, let alone help. “O-okay!” I slightly stuttered, feeling a warmth enveloping me at the situation. “Do you have any seasonings?”
At first it was only Finn and I cooking, but slowly, the kids started joining as well. Some came when I didn’t come find them like I promised earlier, others enticed by the smell of something other than stew. It was nice, a big family bonding moment. 
I think that's what kept drawing me back. Not only did I find Finn to be handsome, but his family was such a welcoming one. I wasn’t a fan of children, I didn’t really have any experience with them. Growing up in a wasteland, children meant more mouths to feed. And I was never really focused on finding love or making a family. I had to look after myself. I didn’t have land, or any prestige. Just a scavenger looking for their next meal. 
So being tended to and cared for by five children was a bit of a shock. I got to know them on a personal level and my aversion to children seemed to vanish. I was awkward around them at first, but I learned how to treat them, and soon I found myself wanting to be there for them. The domesticity of it all warmed me in a way I thought was impossible. It made me forget that the world was unforgiving, that there was still good in the world. 
“Dinner is served,” I stated proudly, seven plates of food set on the table.
“Thanks (momma/daddy),” Bonnie thanked absentmindedly before digging in.
I felt myself tense, looking over to Finn who also seemed tense. Oh glob please tell me I didn’t do something wrong. I mean her calling me as her parent wasn’t my fault, but I didn’t want to seem like I was replacing their beloved mother. Nothing was said as the children ate without worry. Jay tried to talk about something he found, and I tried replying like I wasn’t sweating bullets, but I think he felt the tension too. 
Once dinner was finished, I went to wash the dishes, wanting to avoid any thought of what just happened. If I pretend like nothing happened, it never did…yup. It didn’t help that after everyone was finished eating (which was very quick), Finn just walked out the door. 
“Hey,” Jay popped in. 
“Hello,” I replied, putting the dish to the side to be rinsed.
Without saying anything, he helped rinse the dishes. It was like that for a minute before he finally said something, “You’ve become a member of our family. We still love our mother…but you’ve helped bring back something she left. Dad’s been a lot happier…Neptr’s been learning a lot more with the gadgets you bring him. Stormo’s gotten a lot stronger with the basic defense you teach him. Fern found that he loves nature through what you’ve taught him in the forest. Bonnie loves having someone to play with. And…you’ve helped me with…my thing…”
“How’s Little D been?” I asked with a soft smile.
“Good,” Jay blushed slightly. “I know Dad is still struggling with Mom’s passing…but you’re good for this family. So…please don’t leave.”
I looked over to him in shock, “Leave? Oh Jay, I’m not leaving. I just…don’t want to seem like I’m replacing her. And ultimately, the decision is up to your father. I mean…if he deems…I don’t know, that I’ve become too close, or…I know I’m just overthinking. I just don’t want to upset anyone.”
“You’re not upsetting anyone,” Finn’s voice rang out from behind us. I felt myself flustered in embarrassment at the fact he heard about my worries. Jay took it as his queue to leave and I turned around to face the man I was slightly avoiding. Finn motioned me to follow him and we sat in the living room, the kids being occupied by their own interests.
“I’m…sorry if I made you feel that way earlier,” Finn apologized, staring into the fireplace. 
“It’s not your fault,” I laughed nervously. “You know how I get.” His gaze fell onto me, and the pure emotion in his eyes made me melt.
“I’ve come to realize just how important you are to our family, how important you are to me,” He continued. My heart melted even worse when he called his family ours. “...I…” He seemed to struggle with what he was trying to communicate.
I slid closer to him, putting my hand over his gently. Our fingers intertwined and suddenly the room felt really warm. I think I know what he’s trying to imply, but I want to be 100% sure. We sat like that for a few minutes, letting him think of the right way of saying what he wanted to. 
“Would you stay, and officially become a part of our family?” He asked, the lightest tint of pinks covering his cheeks. 
“Are you asking me to marry you?” I blurted out, feeling my own cheeks warm at the thought. Although we never officially courted or dated…I wouldn’t be opposed. 
“We can take things slow if you’d rather.”
Leaning over, I kissed his cheek, “I think we’ve been going pretty slow.”
“Good job Bonnie,” Jay whispered, handing her a fruit he got from the city as they watched their dad and new parent finally come together.
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sonicblueartist · 10 months
Rayman x Reader
A/N: He is the Rayman from the games, there is no other choice for this story, sorry~ But you can think either romantic or platonic for this :)
I'll try to make this as fluffy as I can. My angst loving soul don't know how to write fluff lmao
Writing Rayman from the games is something else for me. In really good ways
Nothing written in this story has anything to do with games plot. I wrote it all myself ;)
Summery: We both try to escape from some weird creatures
Warnings: Intense cursing
Words: 2.6k
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
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Couldn't choose between all these moments for the gif so I added every one of them (probably gonna regret that later lol Because I no longer have any good gifs for him any more but whatever.)
Seeing Rayman angry is just a cherry on top.
I am going to post this but I feel bad for not writing fluff/comfort/pure lovely moments like I planned to, so I might write down something cute for him soon~
I really wanted to write something cartoon-ish too because, you know, Rayman is very much 'cartoon-ish', he is made for that. I guess at least I made that come true instead of a full fluff.
Also, I may have relieved my exam stress on him 👀💦
On The Run
What's happening? You don't have a clue. You only knew that Rayman ran past you in the forest ten minutes ago without even stopping to say hi, he looked really panicked too you have to say. And quickly after Rayman's hand came back, finding your own and quickly sweep away your taken aback body before the spears met with you. And, well, you were suddenly included in a chase you don't have a clue about.
You two run for your dear little lives, in the meantime dodging a few spears thrown to pierce through your guts and quickly jump behind a few bushes out of breath. Hearing angry yells and screams increasing you both held your breath in. A few seconds later all of them ran past you. You heaved a relieved sigh.
What with this all about? Well, obviously you don't have all the details but you knew someone who did. You can finally question him about all this. With a scowl you turn to face him, finding him invading your personal space, not that you minded (it was funny, really), sticking to your side desperately, maybe that's not the right word to use but he was definitely, on purpose or not, sticking to you like a little kid would do to their mother, still eyeing for any intruders. If you weren’t so angry you would find that cute. Honestly at that moment, you didn't give a fuckthought. Your blood boils in anger. You weren't mad at him. You were tired and worried. Okay, maybe your tired body turning your worry into anger a bit. But you are angry at his reckless side. How wouldn't you be? You know he did something again that bothered these people. (It could also be the fact that because all people on this planet are either crazy or whatever) But it's not like he is doing that on purpose. But he still needs to be more mindful of his surroundings.
You whisper shouted, nudging his chest with your finger, causing him to look at you, "What the fuck did you do this time Rayman?!" You panthed out with a glare. Asking nicely? What is that?
He stared at you surprised (maybe a bit hurt) and huffed out, "What do you mean this time? I didn't do anything!" He scoffed, a hand over his heart with an offended tone.
You rolled your eyes at that and glanced outside, you quickly duck seeing more of them walking past the bush. You cursed under your breath. Thankfully they were dumber than they look.
You glanced at him, "Why do they want you?" You whispered with a hiss.
He smirked, "Who knows! I mean I can't blame them. Everyone wants me!" Here he goes again, you were being dead serious and he starts joking.
You stared at him with the most dumbfounded and sour expression you ever weared, "They fucking want your guts out, you idiot! Don't start with me with those cheesy lines!”
He mushed his lips and stared at you. You stared back with a raised brow. He couldn't hold his stare much longer with how you're glaring at him and finally grumbled out defeated, hiding away from your intense stare, "Okay, okay fine! It might be... a little bit my fault."
You scoffed, "A little bit?”
"I admitted didn't I?”
"What did you do?"
He avoided you with a comedic sweat, "Ahhh…”
"Rayman. What Did You Do?”
"You're going to be so mad." He chuckled nervously.
You can't be more mad then you already are. But again, your expression softened with how actually nervous he looked about all this. You knew he felt guilty. You know him after all. You let out a long silent sigh and reached out to hold his hands, pressing your thumbs over the back of them, kind of stroking to ease him up, "Rayman, I promise I will not yell at you anymore then I already did. Just tell me. I need to know." You sounded more like reassuring yourself then him. Did you forgive him? No? You don't know what you are even forgiving him about! But you did actually soften up on him.
He didn't believe that but confessed anyway, "I uh... might... accidentally woke up a whole civilization??" He sounded unsure of himself.
You stared at him, and he stared back.
"What... the fuck?" What does that suppose to mean?
He laughed, "I said the same thing until you find me and drag me away, my divine savior~" Wasn't that the opposite?
You sighed and grabbed the bridge of your nose, "I feel like I am gonna regret asking this but... how?"
He tapped his chin, "Well, I also have no idea! I was walking around the forest a few hours ago then I found myself in the underground. I guess the ground may have shifted or the place I was standing in collapsed. Either way I find myself exploring the cave to find a way out and, well, that's how I find the burrow. And here we are!" He continued despite seeing your progressive disturbed expression, "They were really aggressive and grumpy, I think they want some kind of revenge for disturbing their sleeping ritual or something—”
You reach your hand and shut him up with a tired face, "Okay, I think that's enough information. We are gonna think of something now. We need to avoid them and find a way back to send them whatever place they come crawling from. Okay..." You muttered to yourself.
Rayman grabbed your hand off of his mouth and muttered your name.
"Not now, I am thinking.”
You sushed him, "No, nope, sush, no talking! I don't wanna listen! Just lemme think!”
He stared at you unamused but his expression quickly changed to something nervous. He called out your name again this time a bit louder.
You groaned, rubbing your face, "Ray, What part of "be quiet" don't you understand? What do you want?! You want them to find us?!”
He choked out, "Ahh, about that…”
"Look I only wanted a peaceful day today, getting chased by a crazy herd, not what I had in mind- annnd.... They find us, didn't they?" You sighed.
He nodded, "Pretty much." Soon enough all kinds of sharp-tipped spares were extended towards from all sides. You both quickly raised your hands in the air, surrounded by them. You cursed under your breath not amused at all.
"Well, this could have gone much worse.”
You soon find yourselves in a cell, soon to be turned into a chewing toy. Surrounded by many of them readying the meal you will be in today.
"You have to jinx it, didn't you?" Before he can open his mouth again you threatened showing a rock, "If you open your mouth one more time I swear I’ll force this inside your mouth—”
He raised his hand, "Jeez, alright, alright. I am sorry! What got into you today?” He knew you wouldn't actually do that. You love him too much for that. (But, did you have it in you? Yes. Would you actually do that if he was someone else? Most definitely. Is he afraid of this fact? Absolutely. He definitely know to not underestimate you.) He couldn't help but admit that it sounded so absurd coming from you in that moment though. It also shouldn't amused him but it did.
You forced a short laugh, "What got into me? Oh, lemme think." You sarcastically mumbled, mocking him and tapped your chin as if you were thinking.
He frowned, not letting you start sorting it all out, "Okay, okay. I get it. I said sorry, didn't I? It was lame of me to even ask that. Sorry for trying to be nice.” He stuck his tongue out playfully.
"A sorry not gonna save us from becoming a MEAL OF THE DAY!!" You groaned.
He hummed and shrugged, "I wouldn't worry much. After all this isn't the first time I was imprisoned.”
You stared at him, "We saved your ass when you were imprisoned."
"Saved me?" He smirked, "If I remember correctly, which I know I am, you and Globox were also imprisoned for the sake of saving me, I am touched really. Though it was a weak plan, assuming being held captive was part of your idea~"
You grumbled grimacing, "It was Globox's idea. I didn't have anything better to do so I just followed along. BUT we did save your ass didn't we? That's what counts! Besides, I'm not seeing you having any bright ideas!!”
"Who said I didn't have any?" He grinned, noticing your pause.
You give him a face, "If you had a plan this whole time... WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?!" God, so that’s why he has been acting so relaxed! He has always been some kind of a laid back person, but this would be too much (Not counting the fact that he knows when to strike). In fact, he should have been happy that he had a reasonable explanation for this situation because you were about to slap him hard for how careless he had been so far and how careless he had been all day.
"Calm down! It was a work in progress and now I am not gonna jinx it again. So, are you in or not?”
You give him a side glare at him and turn away.
He sighed, "Look, I am sorry. Sincerely, coming from the deepest of my heart. I really didn't mean to cause all this. It's also my fault that you are involved in my mess too. So, at least let me help to fix it, okay? You can kick my ass after this." He kind of dragged you away, yes, but it was to save you and you were thankful that he did (how wouldn't you?) but that doesn't mean he is also the one to start all these.
You heaved a sigh, and shook your head with a soft smile, "Lead the way, eggplant." You grinned seeing his little eye roll. You definitely gonna remember the last thing he said.
“I will save us. That’s a promise.” He sounded even more genuine.
“Yeah, yeah. You better be. I don’t wanna end up as a snack before bedtime. So, care to tell me the plan?”
He grinned mischievously, a determined glint in his eyes, "You will find out soon enough. You know me. It's not that complicated to figure out. Even better when you know they are not too smart to figure out."
You raised a brow not fond of him still depriving you of an explanation. But you guessed it was better to leave like that seeing those creatures still roaming all around.
Soon after your 'nice' conversations you both find yourselves tied up together in a cauldron full of water with a fire burning underneath. The creatures throwing chopped vegetables on you.
Your unamused expression hardened, "How much longer are we going to wait?" You grumbled. "They are slowly cooking us alive!"
"Yeah, I won't be a good dinner for them. You have more areas where they can chew off." You swear he was laughing behind you. You growled and hit him in the head with your own, you had no other option. Your arms were tied. "Don't start again! I'm serious! I'm starting to get worried. My feet are burning!”
He hissed in pain, "Sorry, force of habit... or maybe coping... either way..." he took a sharp breath, "My plan gonna work."
"You are not even doing anything! What kind of plan is that? Just admit already that you have no idea how we can get out of this station!”
"No, because I do. I'm just waiting for the right moment.”
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. And I believe that. I am sure you do-- Wait a fucking moment." You hissed. You can't belive you forget about his ability, "You fucking have control all over your body! Whatever the floaty, gravity bending thing you do! You can easily get out of this rope!! They only tied our bodies, not hands or feet! Fuck! Why didn't you do something about this earlier Rayman?! Are you trying to piss me off on purpose! I swear---" Your words are stuffed inside your mouth, literally. One of the creatures got annoyed (or tired) of your talking and harshly pushed an apple in your mouth. Your eye twitched in annoyance. Rayman glanced back with a stuffed laugh. Okay, maybe you did deserve this but you are not gonna admit that. You gave him a death glare and he quickly looked away. But you still heard his stuffed snickers and feel his shaking body.
He nudges your side with his hand and your eyes quickly widen, "For your concern, ya think I would forget about something my own body capable of since forever? I already handled that. And for your nice question, like I said, I am one step ahead of you, darling~" he quickly hid the key before one of the creatures could see and cautiously examined the surroundings carefully.
He whispered, "When I came back here there was no way out of this place but the hole I fell down from. Thankfully, I was able to crawl back out but there is no sight of that hole anymore so I am gonna assume they blocked it. So there is only one option left for us to choose. What we're gonna do is, use the real door. The one I couldn't pass before. And for that we needed the key. Though one of us is gonna need to distract them while the other opens the door. Then we both escape and lock them in here, like it should have been." You're gonna kick his ass for not telling you about this sooner and made you believe that he actually didn't have any clue. Though you didn't know which one is good, his acting for the sake of the creatures (you have no idea what they are) not notice? Or him playing with you just for fun. Actually... you were happy that he did have a plan. Because it would be the worst tragicomic death in the hero's history.
His eyes widened when he felt your weight on his back... more than normally. You two were back to back forcefully pressed together yeah but... you were leaning on him? In relief? Comfort? He didn't know. But he couldn't help his lips turn into a soft smile.
"Well, I might ruin our moment here..." he trailed off. "I love hot baths as much as the next person but we should get moving. I don't think I like vegetable soup especially if we are in it.”
He felt the vibration of your laugh on his back causing his smile to widen. He glanced back at you with a smirk, his hand helping you to remove the red apple as he whinked.
"You ready to kick some little ass?" Those green creatures were nearly half of your height. You still can't believe how you two get caught that easily. You two were unprepared. But this time will be different.
You smirked, "It's always so nice to fight alongside you.”
"That's good to hear because I really needed that." He hummed as he slowly unwrapped the tight rope from around both of you, "You know, thinking our situation it's both humiliating and funny as hell. It could be our little secret. How's that sound?”
"Like heaven, and also the thought of what I can do after I get back home. Sleep all day long. Sounds good, huh?" You snickered knowing that's exactly what he will do too.
"After kicking my ass?”
You held back a laugh, "You want to be beaten up that much?” You pressed your back on his on purpose this time with a smirk.
He glanced back at you, "I think all the fighting we are gonna do here will be enough.”
"Agreed." You both jumped out of the cauldron within a fighting stance, raising up your fists.
You bawled, "Who wanna have some of these?" You showed your fists.
The creatures stood staring. Soon all screamed a war cry running towards you. You two smirked and launched.
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kaylaz-world-00 · 10 months
Rayman x Reader
A/N: He is the Rayman from the games, there is no other choice for this story, sorry~ But you can think either romantic or platonic for this :)
I'll try to make this as fluffy as I can. My angst loving soul don't know how to write fluff lmao
Writing Rayman from the games is something else for me. In really good ways
Nothing written in this story has anything to do with games plot. I wrote it all myself ;)
Summery: We both try to escape from some weird creatures
Warnings: Intense cursing
Words: 2.6k
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
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Couldn't choose between all these moments for the gif so I added every one of them (probably gonna regret that later lol Because I no longer have any good gifs for him any more but whatever.)
Seeing Rayman angry is just a cherry on top.
I am going to post this but I feel bad for not writing fluff/comfort/pure lovely moments like I planned to, so I might write down something cute for him soon~
I really wanted to write something cartoon-ish too because, you know, Rayman is very much 'cartoon-ish', he is made for that. I guess at least I made that come true instead of a full fluff.
Also, I may have relieved my exam stress on him 👀💦
You two run for your dear little lives, in the meantime dodging a few spears thrown to pierce through your guts and quickly jump behind a few bushes out of breath. Hearing angry yells and screams increasing you both held your breath in. A few seconds later all of them ran past you. You heaved a relieved sigh.
What's happening? You don't have a clue. You only knew that Rayman ran past you in the forest ten minutes ago without even stopping to say hi, he looked really panicked too you have to say. And quickly after Rayman's hand came back, finding your own and quickly sweep away your taken aback body before the spears met with you. And, well, you were suddenly included in a chase you don't have a clue about.
What with this all about? Well, obviously you don't have all the details but you knew someone who did. You can finally question him about all this. With a scowl you turn to face him, finding him invading your personal space, not that you minded (it was funny, really), sticking to your side desperately, maybe that's not the right word to use but he was definitely, on purpose or not, sticking to you like a little kid would do to their mother, still eyeing for any intruders. If you weren’t so angry you would find that cute. Honestly at that moment, you didn't give a fuckthought. Your blood boils in anger. You weren't mad at him. You were tired and worried. Okay, maybe your tired body turning your worry into anger a bit. But you are angry at his reckless side. How wouldn't you be? You know he did something again that bothered these people. (It could also be the fact that because all people on this planet are either crazy or whatever) But it's not like he is doing that on purpose. But he still needs to be more mindful of his surroundings.
You whisper shouted, nudging his chest with your finger, causing him to look at you, "What the fuck did you do this time Rayman?!" You panthed out with a glare. Asking nicely? What is that?
He stared at you surprised (maybe a bit hurt) and huffed out, "What do you mean this time? I didn't do anything!" He scoffed, a hand over his heart with an offended tone.
You rolled your eyes at that and glanced outside, you quickly duck seeing more of them walking past the bush. You cursed under your breath. Thankfully they were dumber than they look.
You glanced at him, "Why do they want you?" You whispered with a hiss.
He smirked, "Who knows! I mean I can't blame them. Everyone wants me!" Here he goes again, you were being dead serious and he starts joking.
You stared at him with the most dumbfounded and sour expression you ever weared, "They fucking want your guts out, you idiot! Don't start with me with those cheesy lines!”
He mushed his lips and stared at you. You stared back with a raised brow. He couldn't hold his stare much longer with how you're glaring at him and finally grumbled out defeated, hiding away from your intense stare, "Okay, okay fine! It might be... a little bit my fault."
You scoffed, "A little bit?”
"I admitted didn't I?”
"What did you do?"
He avoided you with a comedic sweat, "Ahhh…”
"Rayman. What Did You Do?”
"You're going to be so mad." He chuckled nervously.
You can't be more mad then you already are. But again, your expression softened with how actually nervous he looked about all this. You knew he felt guilty. You know him after all. You let out a long silent sigh and reached out to hold his hands, pressing your thumbs over the back of them, kind of stroking to ease him up, "Rayman, I promise I will not yell at you anymore then I already did. Just tell me. I need to know." You sounded more like reassuring yourself then him. Did you forgive him? No? You don't know what you are even forgiving him about! But you did actually soften up on him.
He didn't believe that but confessed anyway, "I uh... might... accidentally woke up a whole civilization??" He sounded unsure of himself.
You stared at him, and he stared back.
"What... the fuck?" What does that suppose to mean?
He laughed, "I said the same thing until you find me and drag me away, my divine savior~" Wasn't that the opposite?
You sighed and grabbed the bridge of your nose, "I feel like I am gonna regret asking this but... how?"
He tapped his chin, "Well, I also have no idea! I was walking around the forest a few hours ago then I found myself in the underground. I guess the ground may have shifted or the place I was standing in collapsed. Either way I find myself exploring the cave to find a way out and, well, that's how I find the burrow. And here we are!" He continued despite seeing your progressive disturbed expression, "They were really aggressive and grumpy, I think they want some kind of revenge for disturbing their sleeping ritual or something—”
You reach your hand and shut him up with a tired face, "Okay, I think that's enough information. We are gonna think of something now. We need to avoid them and find a way back to send them whatever place they come crawling from. Okay..." You muttered to yourself.
Rayman grabbed your hand off of his mouth and muttered your name.
"Not now, I am thinking.”
You sushed him, "No, nope, sush, no talking! I don't wanna listen! Just lemme think!”
He stared at you unamused but his expression quickly changed to something nervous. He called out your name again this time a bit louder.
You groaned, rubbing your face, "Ray, What part of "be quiet" don't you understand? What do you want?! You want them to find us?!”
He choked out, "Ahh, about that…”
"Look I only wanted a peaceful day today, getting chased by a crazy herd, not what I had in mind- annnd.... They find us, didn't they?" You sighed.
He nodded, "Pretty much." Soon enough all kinds of sharp-tipped spares were extended towards from all sides. You both quickly raised your hands in the air, surrounded by them. You cursed under your breath not amused at all.
"Well, this could have gone much worse.”
You soon find yourselves in a cell, soon to be turned into a chewing toy. Surrounded by many of them readying the meal you will be in today.
"You have to jinx it, didn't you?" Before he can open his mouth again you threatened showing a rock, "If you open your mouth one more time I swear I’ll force this inside your mouth—”
He raised his hand, "Jeez, alright, alright. I am sorry! What got into you today?” He knew you wouldn't actually do that. You love him too much for that. (But, did you have it in you? Yes. Would you actually do that if he was someone else? Most definitely. Is he afraid of this fact? Absolutely. He definitely know to not underestimate you.) He couldn't help but admit that it sounded so absurd coming from you in that moment though. It also shouldn't amused him but it did.
You forced a short laugh, "What got into me? Oh, lemme think." You sarcastically mumbled, mocking him and tapped your chin as if you were thinking.
He frowned, not letting you start sorting it all out, "Okay, okay. I get it. I said sorry, didn't I? It was lame of me to even ask that. Sorry for trying to be nice.” He stuck his tongue out playfully.
"A sorry not gonna save us from becoming a MEAL OF THE DAY!!" You groaned.
He hummed and shrugged, "I wouldn't worry much. After all this isn't the first time I was imprisoned.”
You stared at him, "We saved your ass when you were imprisoned."
"Saved me?" He smirked, "If I remember correctly, which I know I am, you and Globox were also imprisoned for the sake of saving me, I am touched really. Though it was a weak plan, assuming being held captive was part of your idea~"
You grumbled grimacing, "It was Globox's idea. I didn't have anything better to do so I just followed along. BUT we did save your ass didn't we? That's what counts! Besides, I'm not seeing you having any bright ideas!!”
"Who said I didn't have any?" He grinned, noticing your pause.
You give him a face, "If you had a plan this whole time... WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?!" God, so that’s why he has been acting so relaxed! He has always been some kind of a laid back person, but this would be too much (Not counting the fact that he knows when to strike). In fact, he should have been happy that he had a reasonable explanation for this situation because you were about to slap him hard for how careless he had been so far and how careless he had been all day.
"Calm down! It was a work in progress and now I am not gonna jinx it again. So, are you in or not?”
You give him a side glare at him and turn away.
He sighed, "Look, I am sorry. Sincerely, coming from the deepest of my heart. I really didn't mean to cause all this. It's also my fault that you are involved in my mess too. So, at least let me help to fix it, okay? You can kick my ass after this." He kind of dragged you away, yes, but it was to save you and you were thankful that he did (how wouldn't you?) but that doesn't mean he is also the one to start all these.
You heaved a sigh, and shook your head with a soft smile, "Lead the way, eggplant." You grinned seeing his little eye roll. You definitely gonna remember the last thing he said.
“I will save us. That’s a promise.” He sounded even more genuine.
“Yeah, yeah. You better be. I don’t wanna end up as a snack before bedtime. So, care to tell me the plan?”
He grinned mischievously, a determined glint in his eyes, "You will find out soon enough. You know me. It's not that complicated to figure out. Even better when you know they are not too smart to figure out."
You raised a brow not fond of him still depriving you of an explanation. But you guessed it was better to leave like that seeing those creatures still roaming all around.
Soon after your 'nice' conversations you both find yourselves tied up together in a cauldron full of water with a fire burning underneath. The creatures throwing chopped vegetables on you.
Your unamused expression hardened, "How much longer are we going to wait?" You grumbled. "They are slowly cooking us alive!"
"Yeah, I won't be a good dinner for them. You have more areas where they can chew off." You swear he was laughing behind you. You growled and hit him in the head with your own, you had no other option. Your arms were tied. "Don't start again! I'm serious! I'm starting to get worried. My feet are burning!”
He hissed in pain, "Sorry, force of habit... or maybe coping... either way..." he took a sharp breath, "My plan gonna work."
"You are not even doing anything! What kind of plan is that? Just admit already that you have no idea how we can get out of this station!”
"No, because I do. I'm just waiting for the right moment.”
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. And I believe that. I am sure you do-- Wait a fucking moment." You hissed. You can't belive you forget about his ability, "You fucking have control all over your body! Whatever the floaty, gravity bending thing you do! You can easily get out of this rope!! They only tied our bodies, not hands or feet! Fuck! Why didn't you do something about this earlier Rayman?! Are you trying to piss me off on purpose! I swear---" Your words are stuffed inside your mouth, literally. One of the creatures got annoyed (or tired) of your talking and harshly pushed an apple in your mouth. Your eye twitched in annoyance. Rayman glanced back with a stuffed laugh. Okay, maybe you did deserve this but you are not gonna admit that. You gave him a death glare and he quickly looked away. But you still heard his stuffed snickers and feel his shaking body.
He nudges your side with his hand and your eyes quickly widen, "For your concern, ya think I would forget about something my own body capable of since forever? I already handled that. And for your nice question, like I said, I am one step ahead of you, darling~" he quickly hid the key before one of the creatures could see and cautiously examined the surroundings carefully.
He whispered, "When I came back here there was no way out of this place but the hole I fell down from. Thankfully, I was able to crawl back out but there is no sight of that hole anymore so I am gonna assume they blocked it. So there is only one option left for us to choose. What we're gonna do is, use the real door. The one I couldn't pass before. And for that we needed the key. Though one of us is gonna need to distract them while the other opens the door. Then we both escape and lock them in here, like it should have been." You're gonna kick his ass for not telling you about this sooner and made you believe that he actually didn't have any clue. Though you didn't know which one is good, his acting for the sake of the creatures (you have no idea what they are) not notice? Or him playing with you just for fun. Actually... you were happy that he did have a plan. Because it would be the worst tragicomic death in the hero's history.
His eyes widened when he felt your weight on his back... more than normally. You two were back to back forcefully pressed together yeah but... you were leaning on him? In relief? Comfort? He didn't know. But he couldn't help his lips turn into a soft smile.
"Well, I might ruin our moment here..." he trailed off. "I love hot baths as much as the next person but we should get moving. I don't think I like vegetable soup especially if we are in it.”
He felt the vibration of your laugh on his back causing his smile to widen. He glanced back at you with a smirk, his hand helping you to remove the red apple as he whinked.
"You ready to kick some little ass?" Those green creatures were nearly half of your height. You still can't believe how you two get caught that easily. You two were unprepared. But this time will be different.
You smirked, "It's always so nice to fight alongside you.”
"That's good to hear because I really needed that." He hummed as he slowly unwrapped the tight rope from around both of you, "You know, thinking our situation it's both humiliating and funny as hell. It could be our little secret. How's that sound?”
"Like heaven, and also the thought of what I can do after I get back home. Sleep all day long. Sounds good, huh?" You snickered knowing that's exactly what he will do too.
"After kicking my ass?”
You held back a laugh, "You want to be beaten up that much?” You pressed your back on his on purpose this time with a smirk.
He glanced back at you, "I think all the fighting we are gonna do here will be enough.”
"Agreed." You both jumped out of the cauldron within a fighting stance, raising up your fists.
You bawled, "Who wanna have some of these?" You showed your fists.
The creatures stood staring. Soon all screamed a war cry running towards you. You two smirked and launched.
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itjazzbicch · 9 months
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Fem Reader 
Summary: Fighting feelings for quite some time, the reader tries to find the courage to boldly get those feelings across to Zoro, thinking she failed temporarily, just to find out Zoro feels the same and keeping this a secret, their crewmates end up being the reason that secret gets out...
Note: This was a request from my Wattpad!
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!)  Swearing, mentions of drinking, Sanji being a simp (LMAO), rough sex, spanking, unprotected sex (Wrap it before ya tap it!)
Word Count: 2.3k 
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I hated getting lost in my head.
It was dead at night, and I was in bed, staring at the ceiling—one thing in my mind.
I came onto the crew right after he did, and despite him being a bit of an asshole, we were two peas in a pod. Earlier that night, while eating dinner, the way he looked at me made a question arise.
Did Zoro like me?
"Hey! What happened to my sake?!"
"Sake? What sake? Hehe!" That's what the little shit deserved for stealing my last bit of food!
He was mugging at me and hiding this smirk.
That damn smirk.
"Fuck it."
I knew deep down inside there was something, and I didn't want to wait to find out. Hoping out of bed, I tiptoed my way to Zoro's room.
Peaking my head in, he was laid back with his arm over his head, not noticing that I was there till I came in, picking up the blanket to get into his bed.
His eye opened to see what I was doing, bumping him with my hip as I got in and chuckled, "I can't sleep, so move over, asshole."
"What the hell are you doing?"
"I just told you that I can't sleep. Now, shut up." I mumbled, laying back and plucking his forehead as he started to push me with his feet, "Keep them things off me!"
"You're the one who came and tried to make yourself at home!" Still kicking, I fought him off, taking his arm and wrapping it over my waist:
"You act like we haven't had to share a room before!"
Shutting up, Zoro stared at his arm, his cheeks a pink hue, murmuring at me as he closed his eyes, "Whatever."
Laying still, the thoughts I had circled in my mind faster. Not long after, his body was heavy. He had to been asleep. Seeing him asleep so up close, I found him adorable. Our heads were side by side, lust making my eyes fall to his lips.
For some reason, something was telling me to kiss him, my nose brushing his before I stopped myself, panting softly as I realized what I had almost done. Trying not to move so much, I fixed my head straight and closed my eyes with a deep breath, slowly drifting into a slumber.
"Luffy, urgh," Why was he so damn loud? It woke me right up, stretching and giggling as Zoro took the words straight from my mouth:
"Shut the hell up, Luffy."
Rolling on his back and stretching, I was already awake, yawning softly to him:
"Well, I guess it's time for breakfast."
"Not so fast," Taking my wrist, he pulled me to my side to look me in the eyes.
There went that look again. My heart was racing just from that alone, let alone when he said:
"I know that you were ready to kiss me last night."
"Uhh-I-" Not sure what to say and stuttering, I took a deep breath before confessing, "Look Zoro, I can't help but feel a certain way about you."
There was a brief silence; I looked away from him as I continued to confess in my whisper:
"I like you a lot, and I almost couldn't help myself."
Taking my chin, I sucked in a deep breath, thinking the worst but getting the best as he kissed me.
"You really do, huh? It's not like you to be all shy like that," He whispered between kisses, crawling on top of me, legs intertwining, our kisses growing so much deeper, "You're lucky I like you too, or I would've kicked your ass out of my bed."
"Just shut up and kiss me," Rolling my tongue made him groan, fighting back with his tongue, getting lost, deeper and deeper with our arms embracing one another.
I was starting to get a little too lost, rolling my hips against him. It was just too good, Zoro picking his head up to look at me, but our eyes looked towards the door as we heard Luffy again:
"Greedy," Zoro groaned, sitting up as did I, suggesting to him:
"Maybe we shouldn't tell them just yet?"
"Yeah, they'd lose their shit," He yawned, helping me out of bed and groaning, "And it's too early for that."
"It'll all work out," I smiled tiredly, kissing his cheek before slipping out first, making sure to yell at Luffy, "Touch my food, and you're dead, Luffy!"
Keeping us a secret was probably for the best. We were still on the sea, and with all the stuff we had to keep up with until we got to the next island, it would just be too much on our plates.
Only a few short weeks passed, and it was hard to keep up with it considering Zoro was always kissing me when someone wasn't looking or tapping my ass, having to avoid him sometimes as my urges were so hard to fight.
Doing that yet again on the day we finally made it to the next island. Thankfully, there was a civilized village, and they didn't seem to care about pirates.
Nami had sent Sanji and me out to get some things from the store, and we had to restock our food, which was a lot, so I figured I'd help anyhow.
Of course, Sanji was flirting away the entire time, wouldn't let me carry a thing, and kept trying to buy me things. It was hard not to be mean to him, so I wasn't too hard on him, forcing him to give me some of the many bags to carry back to the ship.
"Oh, Y/N. You've been so good to me today! I won't make you carry all these bags to the ship!"
I didn't even try to fight it this time, handing over the bags I had and watching as he carried them, following till he said:
"Ah! Ah! Stay put; give me just a second!"
Again, I just listened, watching as he rushed up to the ship, then came back down to me, placing his jacket at my feet:
"There's a puddle. Allow me, princess."
"Thanks, Sanji," He was so lovesick that he didn't even care that I was laughing at him.
Offering his hand to me, I gave him the tiniest bit of satisfaction by taking his hand, letting him guide me up back on the Sunny.
"Aww, what a lovely couple you two are," Nami teased as I made it up deck, Sanji hugging and squeezing me with a squeal:
"You think so, Nami-Swan?! Y/N is the CUTEST thing!"
"Thanks a lot, Nami," I said sarcastically, glaring into her eyes as she giggled:
"Hey! I'm just saying that you two look cute together!"
"We do, don't we, Y/N-"
"Don't you have some food to put away before Luffy eats it all?" Quickly changing the subject, I wasn't worried about the food, but more so, Zoro on the other side of the deck, glaring with his hand on one of his swords.
"Oh, my goodness! You're right! You're so smart, Y/N!"
"Better be quick!" Pushing him away, he ran off to the kitchen, and I could finally breathe, exchanging looks with Zoro as I went to my room.
Thanks to Nami and Sanji, my blood pressure was through the roof, but it didn't take long for that moment to be in the past. Everyone ran their errands, and we decided to have dinner on the Sunny. After, we all wanted to hang out.
So, we shared some drinks, and it was someone's brilliant idea to play truth or dare. All of us sitting in a circle, it was funny and stupid at first, till Brook asked:
"Zoro, truth or dare."
"Truth," Zoro spat out while drinking, cocking his eyebrow as Brook asked:
"Is it true that you think someone on this ship is hot?"
The silence in the room was almost scary. I was nearly sweating. Why would Brook ask that? Did he catch Zoro and me before? Considering he was just bones, he could move quickly without attracting attention.
Zoro wasn't budging, just shrugging at everyone as they expected an answer.
"Anyways....." Nami began to break the silence, turning to me, "Y/N. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare," I hoped she would make me do something funny to break up this awkwardness, but all eyes fell on me as she smirked at me, clearly knowing something.
"I dare you to kiss Sanji," The gasp in the room had me ready to kick everyone's asses, but she wasn't done yet; Sanji's jaw fell as she added, "Or Zoro, and say why."
I let out a massive sigh of relief, glancing at Zoro, who scooted closer to me, smirking and licking his lower lip.
"Wait just a damn second! And you back up, Moss-head! This is unacceptable!"
"Too damn bad, chef," Zoro huffed at him, turning back for my lips to smack into his.
Everyone was losing it; Robin even trapped Sanji with her powers because of how hard he was spazzing out, getting to the next part of the dare as she asked:
"The explanation?"
"Zoro's my boyfriend, duh!"
"HE'S YOUR WHAAAAAAA?!" Everyone screamed out with Sanji, who was now crying, and I had to laugh, nodding at them and kissing Zoro again:
"You heard what I said."
Even Zoro was a bit shocked that I called him my boyfriend, his cheeks pink again, but I understood, considering how I had avoided him. After this game, there was no point in keeping it a secret. Someone knew something with the way Brook and Nami strategically set up our turns.
"Tell me this is a nightmare!" Sanji kept crying, and this game was ruined. Standing up and heading out the door:
"I say we call it quits, huh?"
"Yeah," Zoro was right behind me, snickering at Sanji's crying, mumbling as the door shut, "I'll give that stupid chef something to cry about."
"What was that?" I briefly caught what he said, snatching me up into a kiss, stumbling our way to his room:
"I said, I'm going to give that stupid chef something to cry about."
"Oh, is that so?" I giggled, kissing back, "Wanna tell me how?"
Next to the bed, he turned me around and bent me over, leaning down to nibble my ear while tearing at my pants, his deep growl having me shake with arousal:
"By making sure he hears you screaming my name."
He was dead serious, even more relieved that we didn't have to hide this anymore, teasing him while helping to get out of my clothes:
"Been dying to get your hands on me, huh?"
"Don't act like the feeling isn't mutual," Spanking my ass hard, I jolted into place with a moanish hiss, my ass stinging with heat, already rolling my eyes at how good his cock felt nudging my clit, letting me feel his length as he rubbed his cock through my slicked fold, "You know you've always wanted this."
"Give it to me, Zoro," I took one big deep breath, knowing I wouldn't get another for a while.
Taking two handfuls of my ass and spreading me as wide as I could, he placed his tip at my entrance, slowly pushing his tip in for just a moment before slamming his cock into me, my face slamming into the mattress and barely muffling my lewd moan.
"Like that's going to do anything," He chuckled, spanking me again and pulling back just to slam his cock clear up to my cervix, right in his words, as my moans couldn't be muffled.
His thrusts only grew quicker, sweating and having to pick my head up to try and breathe, only moan and whine, his skill blowing my mind:
"Fucking hell, Zoro!"
Pinning his hips and rolling them, he made sure to drag out my sudden orgasm, considering how quickly it came, leaning to bite at my neck and leave marks behind.
"Already made you cum, and you didn't even know it, huh?" He was happy to find his new way of poking at me, placing a foot up on the bed, his arm strong enough to lift my hips while rubbing my clit, bottoming out and drilling into me, the sound of his wet balls slapping against pure proof of how much I had came already.
"Do it again!" I was practically begging, woozy and cockdrunk, trying to pick myself up to kiss him but beginning to crumble from the built-up heat and pressure in my core, "I'm already about to cum, again!"
"Oh, I know," He snickered in my ear, able to lean and kiss me, sloppy from how much I was moaning, his hand coming up to take my throat, keeping my head up so all the screams of his name could be set free, my ass stinging from how hard his hips slapped against them.
"Zo-Zor-" I was gasping so hard that my voice went out on me, my walls clamping his cock so tight that he stopped, gripping my hips hard and shaking as I drenched his cock.
"Fuuuuck," Growling under his breath, he pulled back, biting his lip at the temptations in his mind, pushing back deep one last time before pulling out and taking a high-pitched moan of mine with him, "Don't wanna let me go, huh ma?"
"No," I whined at being left so hollow, knees shaking at the hot cream I felt spilling as his cock rested on my ass, running his tip through our mess and tapping my ass, smirking as I looked back to him and hinting:
"Maybe someday." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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captainx-camino · 11 months
I got Buggy done yesterday just in time for my local Japanese Festival event today so, here are some highlights:
Starting off small, here's the wig (and scarf, which I didn't make) chilling on my wig head waiting for me to struggle to put it on.
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90% of the work I did on this wig is going to be covered the entire time I'm wearing it, but did I let that stop me from hand laying an entire glued hairline? Lmao of course not! That would have been easy, and we don't do easy in this house!
As stated above, I didn't make the cap I just got one online simply because I was having shit luck finding the striped fabrics I would have needed and the idea of having to sew two different stripes together was giving me hives.
Ascot, vest, gloves and glove cuffs~ In other words, 90% of the work of this costume and his accessory friends.
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The Ascot was stitched together by my lovely partner via the piss poor instructions I was able to give them on how I wanted it made. Seriously, give them a round of applause for somehow decoding my incoherent babbling. This is beautiful. @kadaverc0splay did a fantastic job.
The gloves are just purchased leather fencing gloves of which I fold under the length and hide it under the cuffs I made, which are simply craft foam, paint, and buckles I had to order online with almost not enough time to get them because, for some reason, craft stores no longer find it necessary to carry and assortment of styles and sizes of buckles. *Internal screaming*
*sharp inhale* Ok. The vest. *Reconsiders every life choice he's ever made* This thing is a BEAST. It was a pain to make, it's a pain to wear, the leather belting that secures the garment closed is held on by glue, prayers, and human sacrifice via my own blood, sweat, and tears. It took me more hours than I care to even think about, let alone admit, to do all the top stitching on this godforsaken goblin of a clown man and that's not even half of the ironic tragedy that gathering the supplies for this disaster was.
Not only did I have to replace more than one of the FIVE DIFFERENT TYPES OF RIBBON AND TRIM THIS BASTARD HAS ON HIS VEST but nowhere had everything I needed in enough yards to complete anything I needed done, so I had to make several trips and buy several different things to finish any part of it. INCLUDING THE BUCKLES, which arrived here Thursday...for an event today. So, that was fun.
Oh, and also, the white ribbon is wired, but the wire refused to be pulled out, so it's just in there now I guess. Lucky me!
(the belts aren't entirely accurate, but I'll save adding the additional headache that will cause for the con I'll be wearing this to next spring. I'm tired.)
Buggy's many belts of despair and loathing...
I swear the cosplay gods are never kind to me, but tricking me into thinking this was going to go well because I was able to get some good sized chunks of real, genuine leather for dirt cheap? Not cool, guys!
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The leather was chocolate brown and not black, as I had previously believed it to be upon purchase. So, it had to be painted with latex paint. (Thank you again, pretty boy, I seriously couldn't have done it without you. Seriously.) Actually , another round of applause for all the belts being painted by my partner, because they also painted the foam under belt for me. Because he was smart and got his costume done several days ago.
Not me. I'm not that bright. No. But alas, we trudge forward.
And by trudge...
These boots weren't made for walking, these boots were made for traversing through the dusty floor of the fun house you've built around yourself to forget how salty your rat ex has left you - AND IT SHOWS!
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Ignore my poorly made foam buckles. I'm not going to repeat myself about that bs, lest I may sink back into a depressive state equaled only by my ability to pass it off as a joke. These crumpled, sad black asskickers were originally brown! And suede. Don't ask me how I got them to look like old, worn leather. I simply fell into a dissociative state and awoke with black boots and no memory of where I'd been. The belts are foam, and the weird pattern on his tongue is simply a quilting square from Joanne fabrics that I glued on and then mod podged over.
As stated above, the buckles are foam and painted. They look awful, but if anyone is close enough to my feet to say something about it, my foot is going to need to detach to be removed from betwixt their teeth.
The entire costume was also weathered by @kadaverc0splay (including the pants, which are not pictured here because I didn't really do anything to them) while I cried over the wig that you won't see most of so you know what, just send all your praise to them I'm not even here all I did was top stitch and cry.
All in all, and in true Buggy fashion, the build of this costume was entirely, and regrettably, failing upward. Because, hot damn, did it come together. 🔥
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See you at Aki Matsuri.
I never want to do this again~!
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captainsophiestark · 1 year
Witch's Intuition
Mason Lockwood x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Day 2 Prompt: "Don't worry, I got you."
Summary: What if Mason Lockwood had somebody who cared about him when he came to town, somebody who could keep him from his canon fate? Alternatively, I really love Mason Lockwood and the show didn't do him justice, so I wanted to. Reader is described as a girl.
Word Count: 10,445 lmao
Category: Angst, fluff, humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed and stared straight ahead, hands still gripped tight on the steering wheel as I tried to psych myself up to get out of the car and go inside.
Damon Salvatore, my best friend in the entire world despite my better judgement, had asked me to come to a barbecue that Jenna Sommers was hosting. Her connection to Damon was ridiculous and confusing, and the entire barbecue was just a front for Damon and our mutual friend Ric to try to get a feel for the newest supernatural creature in town. And he wanted me here to help.
Mason Lockwood, the newest supernatural in question, had apparently gone to high school with Jenna and had recently returned to Mystic Falls. Damon felt confident he was a werewolf. As a witch, I knew for sure he was a werewolf, but absolutely no part of me wanted to get involved in the supernatural drama by telling him.
I should've known staying out of it would be impossible as long as Damon Salvatore remained my best friend.
At the sound of a knock on my window, I jumped so hard my head hit the roof of my car. I whipped around to find the werewolf I'd been thinking about standing outside my door, looking at me with a grin as he gave a little wave. I mentally cursed myself, then shoved open my door and climbed out.
"Hey," he said, giving me a bright smile that made butterflies explode in my chest. "I didn't realize you were coming to this, too."
Mason and I had met about a week ago at the grill, when he'd come over to the pool table and called winner on my game. I won, and we quickly hit it off the bat over the course of our first game, enough so that we ended up playing two more. He still didn't know I was a witch, and we'd only hung out a handful of times so far, but I still found my heart racing when he looked at me like he was looking at me now.
"Damon dragged me," I replied. "Although, I actually am excited to get to know Jenna a little better. And... others, at this party."
"Others?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. The grin took on a more flirty edge, and I couldn't help my heart speeding up a bit.
"Yeah, others. Other than Ric. I already know him."
"Okay," laughed Mason, fully throwing his head back as we started heading for the house together. "And I guess 'others' doesn't apply to Elena or Caroline either?"
"No, I know them too. I've heard all about the high school angst and then some."
"Did you tell them how much better it gets after graduation?"
"Oh yeah, I covered all the existential dread and challenge of trying to figure out what the hell to do with the rest of our lives."
"Okay good. As long as they know."
Mason and I shared a smile as we reached the door and he opened it for me, motioning for me to go ahead. I smiled, and we held our eye contact a few beats too long to be casual. Damon was going to kill me when he got here.
We quickly found Jenna and Elena in the kitchen, and I chatted with Elena a bit while Mason and Jenna caught up. I'd only gotten to Mystic Falls a little after the Salvatores, having graduated from college three years ago. At first, I'd come back to try to track down and record witch history, since so much of it was based here. But it didn't take me long to get sucked into the bullshit Damon and Stefan had found themselves neck-deep in as soon as I arrived.
For the first time, with Mason, I didn't totally mind it.
Within a few minutes of arrival, Mason decided it was time to go hunting for shot glasses and alcohol. Jenna pointed him in the right direction, and then he turned to me with a lopsided smile that made my heart stop in my chest.
"Come help me?"
"Sure thing."
I followed Mason through the house, leaving Jenna and Elena in the kitchen while we waited for everybody else to show up. He ducked into a closet, and I hovered just outside.
"Let's see here... Jenna's trying to be a responsible adult nowadays, but I bet I can still find where she stashed her old shot glasses..."
"I've spent too long finding cool shot glasses that I like to ever shove them all away in a closet forever," I mused, leaning against the door frame. Mason chuckled.
"I know what you mean. I've got different ones with the patterns of every surfboard I've ever owned."
I nodded. "That's nice, but I've got you beat. I've got supernatural-themed ones. For witches and vampires and werewolves."
Mason paused his searching to turn around and give me an appraising look. I shrugged, giving him a sheepish smile. He shook his head, but to my relief, he was smiling too.
"I should've realized you knew, with you being Damon's friend," he said, turning around to continue searching.
"Hey, I'm a born and raised witch. I knew about the supernatural long before Damon Salvatore ever came into my life, and I recognized what you were before he did too. Vampires have shittier senses than witches."
Mason snorted a laugh, then, pausing his search and half glancing back at me again, asked, "Did you tell him about me?"
"No. Damon can be a little... dramatic. I had no interest in him starting up a fight with my new favorite pool opponent."
Mason nodded, and thankfully, I caught a small smile on his face again.
"...You use some of that magic to cheat at pool?"
"Ha! That's also a no. I'm just a better player than you."
"Or maybe I just let you win," he said, turning to hand me a nice bottle of vodka that he'd dug out of the closet, a grin on his face.
"We can pretend that's what happened if you really want. But we both know the truth."
He sighed, then turned back around to grab the shot glasses he'd finally managed to find, shaking them to show me triumphantly.
"I guess we're just gonna have to go back to the Grill soon so you can teach me your ways."
"...It's a date."
Mason grinned and shot me a wink, then led me back through the house to the kitchen to rejoin Jenna and Elena. Elena, understandably, left when we started doing shots, and it wasn't much longer before Ric and Damon showed up. Jenna hated Damon, and after a few moments, Damon made it clear he wasn't going to be particularly friendly to Mason. I tried to ease the tension, but clearly, this barbecue wasn't going to be as fun and relaxing as the first ten minutes had been.
It didn't help that, every time I shared a moment with Mason, judgement absolutely radiated off of Damon. Lucky for me, I'd had a few years of practice ignoring those looks from him.
He'd told me today was a fact-finding mission, after all. And I was finding facts that pointed me towards liking Mason.
"I'm just saying, it doesn't take that long to set up Guitar Hero-"
"I will leave the party, Jenna," teased Mason, shooting her a smile as he plopped down on a loveseat in the living room next to me. "What else do we have? And by that, I mean literally anything else."
Jenna chucked a pillow at him, which Mason leaned into me to duck. I cackled, continuing to ignore the hell out of Damon staring at me from across the room.
"How about charades?" asked Alaric, bravely standing between Jenna and Mason even as Mason grabbed another pillow and cocked his arm back to throw it. "Or pictionary?"
"Pictionary sounds good to me!" Damon chimed in with an eagerness that made me incredibly suspicious. "I'll go get the board."
Low and behold, a few rounds later, Damon was using it to make ridiculously obvious werewolf references at Mason. The one silver lining was that Mason was as irritated with him as me, so we bonded a little as we gave him deadpan answers for things like Dances With Wolves as a pictionary clue. Jenna, the only one in the room completely out of the loop, also helped immensely by criticizing Damon's art every chance she got. I loved him, but he absolutely deserved every dig. Besides, his ego could take it.
After many rounds of various party games (although not Guitar Hero, at least not yet), we made our way to the table in the kitchen for some dessert. Elena and Caroline had left, which just left the adults. If Damon hadn't been dragging Mason into a pissing contest, it would've been the perfect party.
Alas, instead, Damon decided to continue to poke the bear, so to speak.
"Mason! Why don't you start us off," Damon said, bringing the pie to the table with a silver serving knife and setting it down directly in front of Mason. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
Mason looked at Damon, then turned the pie until the knife faced away from him before grabbing a slice with his bare hands. Damon and Ric shared a triumphant look.
"What?" said Mason, a slight edge to his tone as he stared right back at Damon. "I apologize. I'm an animal."
I shook my head, turning my attention to Jenna instead of the two of them staring each other down as she joined us at the table.
"So Mason, you and Jenna never dated?" asked Ric, apparently trying to break the tension between Mason and Damon. A valiant effort, but knowing Damon, I doubted he'd succeed.
"She was always lost in Logan Fell-land," Mason replied. Jenna huffed a laugh.
"Oh, my first mistake. Mason was a catch. He had girls lining up."
"Really?" said Damon, that fake-friendly tone in his voice that I knew meant trouble. "Huh. I always pegged you for a lone wolf."
"I'm sure I wasn't half the lady killer you were," Mason shot back without missing a beat. I snorted into my drink, completely failing to keep a smile off my face. Mason cut his eyes to me, the edge in his own smile fading for the briefest of seconds, before he looked back at Damon and raised his glass in toast. "To new friends."
He and Damon didn't take their eyes off each other once as we all clinked glasses and cheersed. When Damon kept doing his stare-down and looked ready to keep it up for the duration of pie, I kicked him under the table as hard as I could. He turned to glare at me, but their stare down was broken, and with Jenna's increasingly tipsy help we managed to turn things back into a mostly-friendly barbecue.
As the night went on, I found myself getting a new best friend in Jenna, with each joke she made and wink she shot in my direction when I sat particularly close to Mason. We moved back into the living room, sprawling on the couches with another round of beers. Jenna was much, much tipsier than I was, but I was having enough fun that I decided to lean into it more than I actually felt it. We cackled together as she told high school stories about Mason, then cheered like maniacs together when she finally pulled out Guitar Hero, against the protests of Mason and Ric.
"Alright, I'm gonna need another drink if we're really doing that," Mason sighed, a smile on his face all the same. He stood and headed into the kitchen, where I knew Damon was. I wanted to ignore it and get my literal groove on with Jenna, but I couldn't. I stood with a sigh and moved to follow him.
"Go get him girl!" Jenna called after me with a little 'whoop'! I whipped around, face burning, but she just grinned at me and winked. I shook my head, but found myself grinning back as I turned and left the room.
By the time I got to the kitchen, I could already hear Damon and Mason talking. Rather than interrupting to immediately change the topic or insert myself into the conversation, however, I decided to listen in. That way I could gauge just how hostile Damon and Mason were being to each other, and react accordingly.
"Come on, man, you don't think I know what this barbecue is about?" came Mason's voice.
"How do you know about me?" Damon, demanding, any of the fake-friendliness gone. "Your brother was completely clueless."
"It doesn't matter. I'm not your enemy, Damon."
"You tried to kill my brother." I fought back a scoff. That was a stretch, and we both knew it.
"That was a mistake."
"There was confusion. I couldn't chain myself up in time." Their voices had started coming closer, but I stayed put. "I have no control once I shift."
"What, no obedience school?"
"I'm serious. Let's not spark some age-old feud that doesn't apply to us."
"You expect me to believe that you're in Mystic Falls planting peace trees?"
"I lost my brother. My nephew lost his father. I'm here for my family."
And with that, I'd heard all I needed to hear. Damon, my best friend, as usual, was the aggressor. Thankfully, this time, it sounded like Mason might've made an argument that convinced him. We had bigger problems than one generally chill werewolf, after all.
I left, returning to Jenna and Ric and Guitar Hero. She smiled at me, clearly thinking I'd had a conversation with Mason I hadn't really had, and I leaned into it as she passed me a plastic guitar. Mason returned to the room a few moments later, followed by Damon. I ignored them both as I pretended to shred, and to both their credit, they cheered me on.
The rest of the party was a blast, with Mason much more relaxed after his conversation with Damon and Damon finally dropping all the stupid wolf jokes. Jenna and I acted ridiculous and had the time of our lives doing it, and whenever I wasn't shredding the imaginary guitar, Mason and I leaned against each other, laughing and talking the night away.
Finally, once I'd sobered up more and the sun had long-since gone down, and Jenna and I had finished half the songs on Guitar Hero, we wound up the party and all headed home. Damon stayed a moment longer to talk with Ric, so after giving Jenna a goodbye hug, I headed for my car without him. To my delight, Mason came with me, walking me to my car.
"You know, you're a little too good at Guitar Hero, I think," he said, bumping his shoulder into mine as we walked. I chuckled.
"And you're a little too ridiculously set against that game," I teased back. "What's the matter, you don't like fun?"
"I don't like watching Jenna butchering Black Sabbath. Watching you was... a little more fun."
I paused as we reached my car, smiling up at Mason with a glowing feeling in my chest. He smiled back at me, leaning against the front panel of my car.
"It was great getting to know you better tonight," I said, smiling at him and stalling the moment I'd actually have to leave. He grinned at me.
"You too. And I'd love to keep getting to know you better. Maybe at Volunteer Day tomorrow?"
"I was already planning on going, but it'll be much more fun with you there."
"Great." He flashed me a heart-stopping smile. "It's a date."
I was practically floating as I drove away, replaying the end of the night with Mason in my mind over and over again. The last time I'd felt anything like what I was starting to feel now... well, it hadn't ended well. I'd gotten Damon as a best friend out of it, which was a net positive no matter how much he annoyed me sometimes, but everything else had been an absolute nightmare. For the first time in three years, I found myself wanting to risk the heartache and get close to somebody in a non-friendship way again.
I'd been staying with Stefan and Damon since I got to town, and I expected a long lecture about 'flirting with the enemy' from Damon when I got home. But, blissfully, the house was empty. I wandered upstairs and fell into bed, thoughts of seeing Mason tomorrow letting me drift off with a smile on my face.
I should've known nothing in this town, in this world of supernaturals, could ever go that smoothly.
The next morning, I woke up bright and early, unusually excited about Volunteer Day. A certain werewolf definitely had something to do with that, but thankfully, neither of the Salvatores was around on my way out to grill me about the grin on my face.
I'd gotten Mason's number last night, so I quickly shot off a text saying I was making a pre-volunteering coffee run and asking if he wanted anything. I took my time heading to my favorite coffee place, and the line was long enough that I waited at least ten minutes, but I didn't hear anything back from Mason.
I tried not to let it get to me as I ordered my usual, then an iced latte for Mason. Hopefully he would like it, and if he didn't, then at least it wouldn't go to waste, since I was always down for an iced latte.
I ended up arriving a little late to the event, but I wasn't complaining too much, since it meant I missed Carol Lockwood's speech. I scanned the crowd for Mason, then smiled when I noticed him under a newly-built picnic awning. Instead of smiling back, he looked away like he'd barely noticed me, continuing his conversation with Sheriff Forbes. I frowned.
I caught up to him walking away from the picnic awning, not too far into the newer part of the park that we were supposed to be fixing up today before its official opening. He walked quickly, and was apparently pretending not to notice me.
"Hey. Hey, Mason!"
He stopped and turned around with a frustrated sigh, his hands on his hips. The coffees lowered in my hands a little, and part of me suddenly wanted to run back the way I'd come from.
"What do you want?" he asked, none of the warmth or flirtiness from yesterday in his voice.
"I... brought you a coffee..." I said, holding it out to him slowly. He just stared at it. "Is something wrong?"
He huffed a humorless laugh. "That has to be a joke, right?"
"No, actually, it's not," I said, my temper flaring. "You're acting like a dick and I have no idea why, so-"
"You have no idea why?" He looked at me like he absolutely didn't believe me, and I just stared right back as I shook my head. Slowly, the anger fell from his face, to a more cautious confusion. "You don't know where your best friend, who you live with, went last night? Or what he did?"
"Oh God," I shook my head and dropped Mason's gaze, muttering to the leaves more than to him. "I knew I should've been worried when he didn't come home last night. Why can't he ever be out late for normal reasons?"
I sighed, shaking myself out of my thoughts and steeling my resolve as I looked at Mason again. The anger, at least, had gone from his face.
"I have no idea where Damon went or what he did last night," I said. "But... I feel like I should start by offering an apology on his behalf anyway? Maybe in the form of this iced latte I brought?"
Mason huffed a laugh and looked into the tree line, but I caught a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. The relief washing through my body almost took me to my knees.
"Yeah, alright," he finally said, taking a few steps closer and taking the latte from me. He looked me up and down as he sipped it, holding my gaze for a few long moments afterwards. I didn't look away once. "Damon stabbed me with a silver knife last night."
My eyes went wide, and a second later, dropped to Mason's chest to scan for any lingering sign of injury. Thankfully, he seemed to be fine.
"I thought... I thought you guys made peace last night?" I finally asked, meeting Mason's eyes again once I was satisfied he was healthy.
"I thought so too. But apparently Damon doesn't want peace. Stefan started the morning out with a little extra threat today, too, to try to keep me from getting revenge."
I sighed heavily, closing my eyes and shaking my head. I could feel a headache coming on.
"I'm so sorry, Mason," I said. "Ugh, I wish you would've told me when it happened. Or that Damon would've mentioned his stupid little plan, or Ric-"
"Why? You think the Salvatores would listen to you telling them not to come after me? You think Damon would listen to that?"
"Damon is... well, he's a lot of things. But if I talk to him, he'll back off."
Mason raised a skeptical eyebrow. "I don't understand how you're friends with him. Except maybe a dangerous level of delusion. He doesn't care about anybody but his own agenda. I've barely known him a day and I can already see that."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, debating my options. I had some very good reasons for trusting Damon as much as I did, but I wasn't totally sure I wanted to get into them, especially not with someone I'd only recently met. But that someone was starting to become important to me. I sighed, then knocked back the rest of my iced coffee. Decision made.
"Alright, listen. I don't owe you an explanation or a justification of my relationship with Damon. But... I like you. A lot. So I want you to know, so you can maybe understand."
Mason nodded, his expression thankfully more curious and open than anything else. We moved a few more feet away from the rest of the volunteer activities happening behind us to sit on a bench together, and I tried not to let our proximity and touching knees distract me.
"Okay, so, in college... I dated this guy."
"Don't tell me it was Damon."
I made a face. "Uck! Never."
"Okay, good," Mason laughed. "Sorry, I promise that'll be my one and only interruption.
"Honestly, it's probably better that we got that cleared up right away. I love him very much, but I would absolutely never date him."
Mason held my eyes for an extra second, a little bit of that flirty behavior returning, and I felt heat rising to my cheeks. I cleared my throat and tried to refocus.
"Anyway, I dated this guy for a while. He wasn't Damon, but he was a vampire. I'm a witch, as you know, and I was raised knowing about my powers and everything else, so I knew a good amount about the supernatural world. I actually had class with him—his name was Andy—my freshman year, and we sat next to each other. I clocked him as a vampire immediately, and I don't think he was used to that.
"I wasn't sure about him at first, what with the whole vampire thing, but... we saw each other a lot. Same classes, all that. He was always nice, and funny, and when he eventually asked me out, I said yes.
"I'll skip to the important part, but basically, we dated for three years. By the time we were graduating, I'd fallen head over heels in love. I knew what he was, I knew the thought of 'together forever' brought a lot of problems we'd have to work through, including whether I could stand to stop being a witch and whether I could live with the curse of immortality. But... I knew we'd figure it out, together. I was convinced he was the love of my life."
I took a deep, shaky breath, trying to brace myself for what came next. This was only the second or third time I'd gone through it in the few years since it'd happened. Mason, to his credit, stayed quiet, letting me take my time.
"Right around graduation, when we were supposed to be doing ridiculous Senior Week activities and getting rid of the last of our assignments, taking pictures and getting ready to walk... all the supernatural drama and danger you can imagine came crashing down on our heads. Brought to our doorstep by Andy."
I shook my head, angry at myself as much as at Andy as the memories replayed, as vivid as the day they'd happened.
"He'd gotten involved in some ridiculous scheme with some other vampires, trying to prove some lore was real or something, and they needed a powerful witch. Without asking, Andy had volunteered me. When I didn't want to help, he threatened me, and left me to the wolves—no pun intended, sorry—left me to the vampires when they tried to force me to help. Damon stepped in and stopped them.
"Don't get me wrong, I know it was a completely selfish move," I said, finally looking at Mason again. His eyebrows were furrowed, and he moved a little closer, stopping just short of putting us shoulder to shoulder. "He wanted to stop the plan and the ritual and the spell, it had nothing to do with helping me. But once Andy and everyone around us was dead... I just fell apart. Damon, for all he acts the bad guy, didn't ditch me. I've asked him a couple times and he always brushes it off like it was nothing, but... he saved me in more ways than one that night. Since then, we've had each others' backs. It's kind of a weird friendship, but he's put his own life on the line to protect me more than once since then. I've done the same. I trust him completely, for the things where it really counts."
Mason sighed through his nose, looking away from me finally to stare at the ground. I watched him, watched his eyes dart around as he thought, until he met my eyes again.
"I get it. The people that pick you up and carry you through stuff like that... it's a special kind of bond. If you have that with Damon... I get it." We held eye contact for a few more moments, a wordless heaviness passing between us, and then Mason grinned. "So, what you're saying is I count as the important stuff for you?"
I bit my lip and looked away, fighting a smile and quickly losing to it.
"I... yeah, I guess I am saying that."
Mason and I laughed and worked together for a while longer on our various cleanup duties, until he told me he needed to go do trash duty in the woods, since the Sheriff had asked him to. I gave him my empty latte cup as a start, watching him with a smile as he walked away.
I tried to busy myself with volunteer work, the thing I'd actually come here for today, to keep my mind from running wild about Mason. I only half-succeeded. I hadn't felt anything close to this for somebody since Andy, and it scared me and thrilled me at the same time. The needle pinged back and forth between the two, but when Mason came back out of the woods looking rumpled, guilty, and glancing over his shoulder, it jumped all the way to scared.
"Mason?" I called, hurrying over to him. He shook his head, trying to duck past me again, but when I put a hand on his arm he stopped. "What happened?"
"Mason, what happened?" I pulled my attention from him, quickly scanning the gathered volunteers and then doing it again. Damon and Stefan were nowhere to be found. "What happened?"
Mason met my eyes and hesitated. Then, finally, "They tried to kill me. In the woods. They surrounded me, and Damon told me he'd give me a running head start before they ripped my heart out of my chest."
Immediately, my eyes darted to the woods behind Mason, scanning for my best friend. Ready to stop him. Until Mason continued.
"They're not coming back."
My eyes snapped to his again. "Explain."
"I told the Sheriff what they were. She's taking care of it."
I sprang back from Mason like touching him had burned me. He winced, but didn't do anything else.
"Are you kidding me? After everything I told you, everything we talked about?"
"I didn't have a whole lot of choice, between them and death. Besides, I told the Sheriff before I talked to you."
"Mason, you should have told to me! I would've talked to them, I would've made sure they didn't go after you if I knew it was such a pressing thing! We could've figured out the issue with the Sheriff together! What were you thinking?"
"I'm sorry. But it was kill or be killed-"
"This! This is why I hate this supernatural shit!" My voice had risen to a yell, but I didn't care. We were far enough away from everyone that they probably still couldn't hear me. And what did it matter, anyway? The Council already knew. "This is why nobody ever finds any lasting peace or happiness in this stupid, ridiculous world. Everyone is so fixated on revenge and killing anyone they feel even remotely threatened by. If you'd come to me, I could've kept you safe. Instead, you might've just gotten my best friend killed."
My voice broke on the last word, and I pushed past Mason and started for the woods before he could catch me crying. Unfortunately, he caught my arm before I could get away and turned me to face him, immediately dropping his grip when I tried to pull away.
"I am sorry. I really am. But I didn't know they would follow me into the woods. And they were ready to kill me. When I saw the Sheriff's people over Stefan's shoulder, it seemed like my only way out. I'm sorry."
I took a deep breath, giving him a curt nod before turning again and taking off into the woods, hoping against hope I could get to Damon and Stefan before it was too late. Things had gotten so out of hand, so fast. All I could do was focus on putting out one fire at a time, and hope we all came out of this alive.
I started at the Lockwood cellar, but found it empty. The floor had fresh blood on it, though, and with a little magic I traced Damon and Stefan back to the Salvatore Boarding House. That felt like a good sign.
I pulled into the driveway and sprang out of my car, slamming the door to the house open. I could see Caroline passed out on the couch, which didn't entirely make me feel better as I sprinted up to Damon's room.
I slammed the door open without bothering to knock, only to come face to face with my best friend, unharmed, shirtless, and staring at me like I was insane.
"Don't you ever knock?" he demanded, sounding exasperated as he pulled his shirt over his head. A hysterical laugh bubbled out of me, and I rushed over to hug him.
"You're one to talk," I shot back, wrapping him tighter in my embrace as I did. After a second, his arms came around me too and squeezed back.
"What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head.
"I thought... I thought you might be dead."
"Well, I'm not." Slowly, gently, he pulled away. He grabbed my arms, looking intently into my eyes for a few long moments. "I'm not. Alright?"
I nodded, the adrenaline fading and leaving exhaustion in its place. I plopped down on his bed as he moved to shut the door.
"Can't have you getting me all sappy in public and ruining my reputation," he explained. I huffed a laugh, but quickly sobered as he sat next to me. I watched him, neither of us speaking for a minute, until he raised an eyebrow. "So... was that it, or...?"
"You can't go after Mason anymore."
"What?" he cried, shooting up and glaring at me. "What the hell are you talking about? He tried to kill me today. The Sheriff is in our basement right now while we wait for the vervain to work through her system because he exposed us. That mutt is dead."
"No. Damon, no," I said, standing too as I spoke. A strange calm had washed over me, and I met Damon's wild eyes with it. "Not Mason."
"Oh, gross. Really? Him?" He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes at me. "Besides being a werewolf, he's a surfer. Are you serious?"
"Damon, come on. Just let it go. Just this once, end the cycle of revenge. You stabbed him, Stefan threatened him, he exposed you to the Sheriff, you tried to kill him, he tried to kill you. You're even, sort of. Just let this one go."
"How about, instead... I kill him?" The inappropriate brightness in his tone usually just made me roll my eyes or sigh while still sort of endearing him to me, but not this time.
"No! Damon, I'm not joking! This isn't some stupid thing where you can just turn around and break promises and it's fine! I never draw a line in the sand, but I am this time! I haven't felt anything close to this, not once, since Andy. And I am not going through anything like that again! You were right the first time. I'm glad you killed Andy, you saved me doing it. But I don't ever want to live through that again. This time is different, he's different. And I know I haven't technically known him very long, but just... please. Not Mason."
Damon held my stare for a few long, long moments, assessing. I stared right back, leaving every single thing I felt clear as day on my face, an open book for him to read. Finally, he sighed and rolled his eyes, in that exaggerated way he did whenever he gave in.
"Fine. I promise I won't kill Mason."
"Or try to kill Mason?"
"Yes, alright? If you're that convinced he's different... then fine. This one's different."
I flung myself forward and wrapped my arms tight around his middle before he could stop me. He grunted and grumbled, but hugged me back after a second anyway.
"Thanks, Day."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just get out of here and get some sleep before someone catches me hugging you, alright?"
I pulled back with a grin. "Deal. Softie."
Damon narrowed his eyes at me, but I just cackled and bounced out of the room. It had been a long, stressful day, but things were looking up. Tomorrow, I'd talk to Mason. And this time would be different.
I passed out in bed as soon as my head hit the pillow. Today had been a long, emotional day, and I still had a few supernaturals to talk to tomorrow, since Stefan needed to be looped in too. I'd need all the rest I could get.
I got up the next morning a little later than I'd planned to, then dressed quickly to head over to the Lockwood's. I was helping set up for the upcoming masquerade ball, and I needed to talk to Mason. After getting coffee, of course.
As I headed down the stairs, I heard voices from the living room. I listened more closely as I approached, and I heard Damon say something like "this changes things" before they stopped at my arrival. I found Damon and Jeremy both looking at me like I'd interrupted something.
"Good morning..." I said, slowly reaching to retrieve my keys as I stared at them both suspiciously.
"Good morning," said Damon, flashing me a smile that didn't reach his eyes as Jeremy gave me a little nod.
"Everything okay in here...?"
I narrowed my eyes, glancing from Damon to Jeremy, then finally sighed.
"Alright, I have places to be and not enough willpower to involve myself in whatever this is. Just... don't do anything over the top stupid, alright?"
Both boys just gave little signs of acknowledgement as I slowly backed towards the door. I kept waiting for one of them to break, or for some obvious thing to jump out and catch my attention, but nothing came. I reached the door and finally turned my back on both of them, just hoping I wouldn't regret it.
I never got a moment of peace in Mystic Falls. Witch history and best friend or not, I might need to ditch this place sooner rather than later. Damon could come visit me somewhere with less supernatural drama.
This time, I only got one iced latte at the coffee shop before heading to the Lockwood's. As soon as I parked my car, I started scanning for Stefan, so I could talk to him and get him on the same page as Damon. The last thing I needed was the calmer Salvatore brother ruining the progress I'd made.
Thankfully, it didn't take me long to find him, or to convince him to leave Mason alone. He'd apparently only gotten on the same page as Damon about killing Mason after Mason had made a few threats of his own, and he said if I believed peace was still an option (especially one that I could sell Damon on), then he'd be happy to support me.
That left me with one last supernatural to work things out with. I had to do a few laps of the venue to find Mason, even though it was sort of his house. I finally managed to track him down outside, by a big pond a little distance away from the rest of everyone. He gave me a small smile when he saw me coming.
"What? No coffee for me today?"
"Coffee is only for people who haven't tried to kill my friends in the last twenty-four hours." The smile immediately dropped off Mason's face, his whole demeanor sobering.
"Look, Y/N-"
"Lucky for you, that timer expires tomorrow," I continued. "So... if we get roped into a third volunteer thing in three days, you can count on coffee for that."
A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth again, this time a little more cautious.
"Does that mean we're okay?"
I took a deep breath, then nodded.
"As I'm sure you've noticed, Damon and Stefan are alive. I've talked to both of them. They both agreed to drop it. The three of you have done a bunch of mutual threatening and murder-attempting in the past forty-eight hours, and Damon understands that this is one of those important things he can't just brush off. They're willing to make peace, and actually mean it, from now on. For me. Can you do the same?"
Mason frowned and looked away, his eyes scanning the grass, pond, trees, and everything else while he thought. He shook his head, presumably to himself, then finally met my eyes again. He squared his shoulders, and through all of the emotions I'd experienced from him since I'd met him, he'd never been this serious.
"Yeah. Yeah, I can do the same. I don't want to get killed by a vampire, or get mixed up in trying so hard to kill one, let alone two. If they back off, for real... I'm happy to do the same."
I smiled, not as bright and full of joy as the first few times Mason and I had spent time together, but just a little ray of hope shining through after the storm I'd just weathered.
"Thank you."
He nodded, then that easy smile that had gotten a special place in my heart so quickly returned.
"So... this masquerade stuff, there's a ton of people here to help with it. Do you want to go for a walk instead?"
"I'd love that."
We took our time doing a full lap around the pond at turtle-speed, laughing and talking the entire time. We eventually did rejoin the rest of the workforce, but I didn't mind it as much as I thought I would. We sorted masks and hung decorations together, which made it better. Mason even gave me a better introduction to his nephew, Tyler, who I'd only vaguely known before.
"Hey, pay attention," teased Mason, nudging me with his shoulder as we stood together, untangling a frankly ridiculous amount of lights with Tyler's help.
"I can't," I whined. "I'm falling asleep at the wheel. One coffee isn't even close to enough caffeine to wake me up."
"I could go on a coffee run," he suggested. I turned to him with wide eyes and an exaggerated gasp.
"You would be my hero forever."
He laughed. "Alright, alright, I'm on it. I'll take any excuse to get away from these lights. Ty, you want anything?"
"Sure. Black coffee."
"Alright. I'll be back in a few."
I smiled after him as he jogged up the lawn, only looking away when he finally disappeared from sight. As I turned back to the lights, I found Tyler staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I cleared my throat.
"You really like him, don't you?"
I sighed. "Yeah. Yeah, I really do."
Tyler nodded, first to me then to himself, as he returned to working on the lights. I watched him for a minute, then continued.
"I know we don't actually know each other that well, so this might be over the line, but... I can tell he really cares about you. He talks about you a lot. I think he'd walk through fire for you. And I think he'd want you to know that."
Tyler glanced up at me, jaw tight, but he nodded all the same. He muttered a "thanks", and then we went back to our work, mostly in silence except for long strings of expletives for this Gordian Knot of a light string.
The glowing happiness in my chest kept me going without the coffee for a while, until I started to notice just how long it had been since Mason left. Tyler had moved on due to frustration with the lights, and now stood across the lawn, but Mason was nowhere to be found. Even if the line had been out the door, he should've been back by now.
I scanned the crowd again, looking for a few specific people and only finding one of them. Stefan was still here, but Damon and Jeremy were conspicuously missing. I started walking to Stefan, picking up the pace when I noticed Bonnie missing too.
"Stefan," I said, my heartbeat pounding in my ears as I tried to keep my panic under control. "Where is Damon?"
"Listen, you have to stay calm, alright-?"
"No, not alright! Where is Damon? Or, actually, no. Where is Mason?"
"He's dating Katherine. Bonnie touched him, and she had a vision about him. He's got the moonstone, and he's with her. He's been lying to all of us. Things have changed since this morning."
"Things have- fuck. That's exactly what Damon was saying to Jeremy this morning," I shook my head, mentally kicking myself for not putting the pieces together faster. "Where are they, Stefan?"
"Did you not hear me? He's working with the enemy-"
"Stefan Salvatore. I will ask you one more time, and then it'll be my turn to cross some fucking lines. Where. Are. They."
Stefan watched me for a moment, considering. Then, finally, he said, "They're at the boarding house."
I barely waited for him to finish his answer before I took off running. My lungs burned as I raced through the people swarming around Lockwood Manor, towards where I'd left my car. Apparently, Damon had decided that Bonnie's vision of Mason and Katherine, whatever else it meant, gave him a pass to change the rules. To break the promise he made to me last night. Which meant, if I didn't move fast enough, I might never see Mason again.
I flung myself into the driver's seat of my car, then took off for the Salvatore Boarding House. I barely managed to stay on the right side of 'safe driver', and made it there in record time. I screeched to a stop in front of the house, and as soon as I stepped out of my car, I heard Mason scream from inside. My heart dropped to my feet as I raced forward, flung the door open, and rushed inside.
I could see Damon hovering over someone, presumably Mason, in a chair with it's back to me. Jeremy hovered off to the side, looking horrified but refusing to do something or leave. I shoved past Jeremy roughly, flinging out my arms and using a burst of magic to send Damon flying into the nearest wall and away from Mason.
"What is WRONG with you?" I cried, raging at Damon, feeling an anger like I'd never felt towards my best friend before. "Did everything we talked about mean nothing to you? I know you have some crazy need to do everything the violent way, and I've never let it get to me before, but you've also never backstabbed me before! How could you do this to me?"
"You don't understand-"
"I understand perfectly."
With one last shove of my magic at Damon, I whirled around to look at Mason. He was bound to a chair from the dining room, covered in his own blood, a hopeless, broken look in his eyes. I tried not to break with him as I dropped to my knees and started working to untie him.
"It's okay, it's okay," I said, talking to keep myself calm as much as to keep Mason calm. "Don't worry, I got you."
Mason didn't respond, and I spared a glance up at him to see him watching me, his face contorted in pain. I did my best to speed up, but it was harder to work the ropes and chains with how badly my hands were shaking.
"He's in love with Katherine," came Damon's voice from behind me. There was no fight or victory in his words, and I still trusted him enough to leave my back to him, even as I ignored him. "He told me himself before you came in. He doesn't love you, he loves her. Like every other poor sucker she's brainwashed and ditched over the years."
I huffed a breath through my nose as I finally managed to remove the last of Mason's restraints, then stood to face Damon. He was still a good distance away, not threatening, just watching. Posture relaxed, face pressed into a concerned frown. Jeremy stood over his shoulder, watching us like a tennis match.
"Is that supposed to make me willing to let you torture and kill him?"
Damon shrugged, an insufferable look that I knew very, very well crossing his face.
"This isn't a joke, Damon. Just because you get some new information doesn't mean everything we talked about last night ceases to be important. You should have talked to me. Like a rational person! Not done... this," my voice broke a little on the final word as I pictured Mason again, those empty eyes that had been so full of light and joy before. "Tell me something. If I hadn't shown up... were you going to kill him?"
Damon looked away, and I had my answer. I snorted, then turned to help Mason stand, slinging one of his arms over my shoulder. He was incredibly heavy, and he wasn't strong enough to be much help either, but I could manage.
"I would've been doing him a favor," Damon finally said, calling after me as I helped Mason limp towards the door. "I've been where he is. I know what it's like to be lost in Katherine land. There's no hope for him."
I just raised my middle finger back at him as we continued to the door. I didn't look back as the front door shut behind me and I loaded Mason into the passenger seat of my car, then climbed into the driver's seat. I started the engine, but just kept staring straight ahead, a thousand different thoughts and noises racing around in my mind all at once. I tried to focus on one, to process things slowly, but I couldn't. So, I forced all of it out, instead keeping my eyes locked on the road ahead and pretending nothing else existed. I could do that, just long enough to get out of here.
Mason didn't speak, move, or make a sound for the entire drive back to the Lockwood house. It wasn't the safest place for him, but I didn't know where else to take him. I stayed silent, too, focusing entirely on trying to fight the wave of everything threatening to crash over me in the middle of evening traffic.
Thankfully, when we got back to the Lockwood house, all the volunteers had gone. I helped Mason out of the car, then continued to be his crutch as we limped through the front door. He broke his silence long enough to point me towards his room, and I helped him up the stairs and through the door. As gently as possible, I helped him ease down on the bed. His super-healing would fix the physical injuries fairly quickly all things considered, but Damon had spent the afternoon torturing him. That wasn't as easy to get past.
"Are you okay?" I finally asked. I knew it was a stupid question, especially with everything else floating around in my head, but I needed to know what he'd say. To gauge how close he might be to okay.
Mason sighed and ran a hand through his hair, refusing to meet my eyes.
"I'm fine. Or at least... I guess I will be."
I nodded. "I'm glad." And I meant it.
Mason huffed another heavy, heavy sigh, then finally looked up at me.
"Thank you. For saving me."
"Yeah, of course. I... I'm sorry I was wrong. That Damon went right back to... that."
Mason waved me off, rubbing the back of his neck and staring holes in the carpet. The silence hung between us, and I took a shuffling step backwards before deciding I couldn't leave without a few answers, even if Mason clearly felt like shit.
"Is it true?" I asked, still hovering by the doorway. Mason flinched, and I knew he knew what I meant, but I continued anyway. "What Damon and Stefan said... are you with Katherine?"
Mason grimaced and ducked his head, not meeting my eyes. I took a few more steps across the room towards him.
"Mason. Please answer me."
He huffed a hollow laugh, then looked up at me, pain written all over his face.
"I'm sorry."
I shook my head. This time, it was my turn for the hollow laugh.
"I'm so, so sorry. I was trying to help her. I... I love her. Or at least, I did... I thought she loved me too..."
"Katherine doesn't love anybody," I spat, my voice full of venom. "I watched Damon wrestle with that realization for a few years. Did she ever tell you? She played him and Stefan against each other, dated and toyed with them both in 1864. Escaped from being trapped with twenty-six other vampires and never looked back, all while she let Damon chase after her, knowing full well he was trying to find a way to save her from a trap she wasn't in. For almost a hundred and fifty years. She's ditched and killed and betrayed everyone she's ever been with, Mason. Think about that long and hard before you really decide to stick with her."
With that, I turned on my heel, the first tears starting to fall as I wrenched the door open. It slammed closed again before I could get through it, and I turned to find Mason standing before me, one arm extended to keep the door shut. He looked torn and pained, even more so when he noticed the tears I failed to hold back.
"I need you to know... it was real. I wasn't... faking it, or whatever, all those times we hung out. I... really do like you." I scoffed, but he continued before I could tell him off. "It's just... Kath was there for me after I triggered my curse. My friend kept coming at me, trying to beat me up because he thought I was sleeping with his girlfriend, which I wasn't. I pushed him too hard, and he fell, and... and he died. I killed him. That same night was the first night I transformed. Kath was there for me then, and for every minute after. She's... my Damon."
"Ha!" I shouted, shoving Mason's chest and pushing him back with all the force I could muster. He stumbled back more than a few steps, apparently still weak from whatever Damon had done. "Don't you ever, ever compare them. Damon sucks, and does bad things that hurt the people he cares about. Don't think I don't know that. But the difference is, he actually has people he cares about.
"And before you go running back to Katherine, after I saved your life, you should really think Mason: Katherine wants the moonstone. You got her the moonstone. If she knew you could get it for her, then what might she have done to make you want to get it for her?"
Mason shook his head, slowly at first and then faster and faster.
"No. No, she can't compel me. I know she can't."
"Sure. But I bet she could compel your friend. I mean, did you ever figure out why he thought you'd gone after his girlfriend? Or why he wouldn't listen to you or to reason, just came at you until you were forced to defend yourself? The best way to make you do her dirty work for her was to give you a vested interest in getting the moonstone. What better way than a ray of hope to try to break your new curse?"
Mason sat down hard on his bed, head in his hands and shaking. I opened the door again, never taking my eyes off of Mason, my heart shattering in my chest.
"Think long and hard about the truth and who you can actually trust, Mason. Following Katherine will only lead you down a road of pain and death."
With that, I turned on my heel and walked out of the room. This time, nobody stopped me. And I didn't look back.
I got in my car and drove, no destination in mind, trying to process. I'd been falling for Mason, hard, and he'd betrayed me. Damon, who I'd always been able to count on, had done the same. Everything had come crumbling down in less than an hour.
I didn't go back home, to the Salvatore house, until sunrise the next morning. I'd stayed out all night, wandering aimlessly with my car, driving around and slowly working through everything. And when I walked through the doors of the boarding house again, I'd found a new clarity.
"Hey." Damon stood in the hallway, arms crossed and looking concerned. I gave him a weak smile.
"...Everything okay?"
"No. No it's not. You crossed a line, Damon, and even if you never crossed it again... the supernatural drama just doesn't stop. So I'm done with it."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm leaving. I'm leaving Mystic Falls, and everything that comes with vampires and werewolves and even witches, before it destroys me. It's not worth it. I booked a flight to San Diego on my phone a few hours ago."
Damon tried to convince me to stay, but I wasn't hearing it. I'd made up my mind, and now, I wasn't changing it. He hovered as I packed my bags, my anger still simmering but fading now that I'd spent time processing. By a little after noon, I was ready to go.
"Are you sure I can't convince you to stay?" Damon finally asked as I stood on the threshold of the house, my bags already loaded into the car.
"I'm sure. I meant what I said, Day, I'm done with this stuff. But I'll make you a deal."
"...And what kind of deal would that be?"
"Don't kill Mason, and you're welcome to visit me any time."
Damon scowled. "All that, and you're still protecting him?"
I shrugged. "I'm over it, all the death. And I think Mason might be having a wakeup call of his own now. Just... please, Damon. Consider this a second chance. Don't kill Mason. Or torture him, or hurt him. No matter what you learn, or how the circumstances change. He's off limits."
Damon just looked at me for a long, long moment before finally nodding, slowly.
"Fine. And if he asks where you went?"
"You can tell him. I don't think he's gonna chase me all the way to San Diego, especially not if he's still hung up on Katherine like you said he is. And like I said... feel free to come visit. Or call whenever."
Damon nodded once, lips pursed in a tight line. I gave him a smile and a little salute before turning and climbing into my car. I took one last breath to steel myself, then turned the key and left Mystic Falls in the dust behind me.
Two and a Half Months Later
I smiled from the porch of my new house (really closer to a shack) on the beach as I sipped my morning coffee. Watching the waves crash over the shore in the early morning light had become my routine, and I swear my blood pressure had dropped beyond belief as a result.
I hadn't had any supernatural visitors yet, but I knew it'd only be a matter of time. Despite everything, I hoped it would be Damon. There were a lot of things I didn't miss about living in the same sphere as him every day, but it had been nice to be so close to my best friend, even if he was a jackass a lot of the time.
Once the sun was a little higher in the sky and my mug was empty, I went back into the kitchen. The house had a thousand projects, and I'd only just started on the first one or two. I'd been doing those mostly by myself too, with little magical help, and it was nice. I could feel a little bit more of myself in this place with every change I made.
I set my mug in the sink and started to grab eggs out of the fridge when I heard a knock on the door. I wandered over to open it, then stopped dead when I saw who was on the other side.
Mason Lockwood. Iced latte in hand and a sheepish grin on his face.
"Hey," he said, holding out the coffee as a sort of offering. "I, uh... I hope it's okay that I'm here. Damon told me where you'd moved to, and I figured he'd never tell me if it wasn't alright with you. Even then. Honestly, I half expected to open this door and find an axe murderer or a random old man."
Despite myself, I snorted a laugh, and a small smile tugged its way onto my face. I reached out and took the coffee.
"It's good to see you," I said, and meant it. "I'm glad you're okay. Honestly, I think Damon probably sent you here as proof that he didn't kill you. I told him that was a condition of him being invited into my house."
This time, a small smile made its way onto Mason's face. We just looked at each other for a few minutes, hopeful smiles and an electric energy snaking between us, until I finally cleared my throat and took a half-step to the side.
"Do you... want to come in?"
Mason smiled, somehow still looking slightly pained.
"I... can't." I raised an eyebrow, and he rushed to continue. "I'd love to, for the record. It's just... I might've dragged Tyler out of Mystic Falls with me. And he might be waiting in the car."
For the first time, I glanced over Mason's shoulder to see Tyler sitting in the front seat of Mason's Bronco, arms crossed as he pointedly didn't look at us. I laughed.
"That's why it took me so long to get here," Mason continued. "You were right about Katherine. About everything, really. When I ditched her... she compelled a friend of Tyler's to get him to trigger the curse. Like she did to me."
My eyes widened in horror, and I took a step forward to rest my hand on Mason's arm before glancing over his shoulder again.
"Oh my God. Is he okay?"
Mason shrugged. "As okay as he can be. We're figuring it out. But I needed to stay to make sure he was okay, and that Katherine and the other supernaturals didn't get him killed. A lot went down after you left, but... we made it. So did Damon and Stefan. But we needed to get out, so I convinced Carol to let me take Ty for a little while."
I nodded. "I'm glad you did. Do you guys have a place to stay?"
"Yeah. I actually got a place down the beach from here," he said, blushing a little as he glanced away and rubbed at the back of his neck. "We just got into town, and I might've dragged Tyler here first without warning."
I laughed, then stepped fully out of my house, shutting the door behind me. Mason smiled, and my heart raced at our newfound proximity. I decided to let that impulse win and leaned up to give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
Mason looked shocked as I pulled away, then grinned a wolfish grin (pun intended) as he swept me into his arms and kissed me, for real. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, hard, completely indulging for a few long seconds before pulling back.
"Tyler's in the car," I said. I was a little breathless and smiling like an idiot, an expression Mason shared.
"He's fine, I left the window cracked."
My laugh was muffled as Mason leaned in and kissed me again, but this time I pulled away fairly quickly.
"I love that you're making vague dog jokes now, but I really don't want him to have to just sit there while we make out on my porch. Let me help you guys get settled in your new place, and then maybe we can go on a real date tonight?"
Mason beamed at me, pulling me close to his side and resting his forehead against mine.
"Sounds like a plan."
He gave me one last peck on the lips, then took my hand and tugged me down the stairs after him. I laughed, feeling freer and lighter than I had in a long time, as I opened the back door of his car and Mason hopped back in the driver's seat.
"Hey Tyler," I chirped. "It's nice to see you again."
"Yeah. Hi."
I caught Mason's eye in the rear view mirror, fighting and almost failing to hold back a laugh. His blue eyes sparkled like the ocean on a beautiful, clear day, and somehow I just knew we were at the start of something special and wonderful. Call it a witch's intuition, but I felt good about what the future held for me and Mason in San Diego.
TVD Taglist: @elenavampire21
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thomotomo · 9 months
Hi! Hope you're having a good day! I'm the same anon who requested the love triangle of Faker x reader x Keria, my fixation for League and T1 came stronger than ever this time, my mind only thinks about faker, I just can't help it. TT
Maybe I'm projecting myself in this one, but like...Faker with a reader who is studying arts and like, although the reader loves what he does, he can't help but feel anxiety and sadness cuz, you know, it's very difficult to live from being an artist. I just know Faker would hug and comfort us and tell us that everything will be fine. :(
This is probably too long lmao, but I just needed to get it off my chest! Have a good day/night. <3
A/N: Heya anon! Thanks for trusting me with your request again hehe 🫶 I sooo feel you on only having Faker on your mind, I totally relate lmao- I was fast to write this one hehe (it hit veeeery close from home for me too lmao) I hope you'll enjoy it~
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You didn't knew why you started feeling this way. You had always been so sure about the path you wanted to take but now the only thing you could do was worry. Maybe it was the fact that this was your last year in school and after that you'd be thrown into the wild west of adulthood and job hunting and you were scared of that?
You were deeply in love with what you were studying, even if it was hard at times with all the deadlines and such but you were really interested in your domain, it had been hard to push for your parents to allow you to study in this field. After all it wasn't the most lucrative nor recognized path, even though it had became widely accepted lately it was still hard to make a proper living out of it and talking about it during meals with your family was a risk to have a ton of judgement from them. So you couldn't vent your frustration and sadness to them whenever you met up and it was weighing heavily on your mind.
You stepped inside your apartment putting down your bag at the entrance and took off your shoes. You headed into your room and laid face down on your bed, you felt very empty and very stressed. The anxiety was slowly creeping up on you. You stood up suddenly and decided to take a look at all the drawings you had made throughout your college years, your favourite photographies looming over you and an immense dread was filling you as you looked at each of these - your- art pieces. You had always loved looking back on your growth but right now, they all looked so ugly.
And so, your mind could only criticise all of the mistakes you were seeing. You couldn't help but get the urge to destroy it, after all was it really worth it? You wouldn't be guaranteed a living right out of college, you probably wouldn't make enough to live a comfortable life unlike office workers and yet it was the path that you were headed in, you were really into it but your mind was filled with doubts, what if you couldn't find anything? You still had to pay your bills somehow so most likely you'll have to find a full time job in a shitty supermarket and then you'll just be too focused on making money to try to pursue your dream and you
You were so engrossed in your downward spiral and panic that you hadn't heard Sanghyeok coming back. He stepped into your bedroom and as he saw how much you were engrossed into your panic, he sat down next to you and gently took your hand in his.
"(Y/N)-ah? Are you okay?"
You looked at him with wide eyes, his face softened as he watched your eyes filling with tears, you sniffled and put down your sketchbook. Sanghyeok picked up and put it back on your table, and seated again next to you, the two of you had already spoken about this and your feelings towards your future work area but he had never seen you in this state before.
"I'm sorry.", you chuckled between two sniffles.
"Don't be it's okay. Do you want to speak about it?"
You didn't say anything and just shook your head negatively. Your boyfriend wrapped an arm around your shoulder, trying to give you with the best of his abilities, a hug. He gently pressed kisses on the temple of you head. He knew what you felt, the uncertainty of the future and of your career, he had felt the same multiple times throughout the years and he knew that reassurances didn't always help but he was here, and support was probably the best thing he could give to you.
"Don't worry too much right now. I'll be with you every step of the way okay?"
You nodded quietly, wrapping your arms around his waist, nuzzling into his neck, trying to calm yourself down. Sanghyeok's warmth was already making you feel better, you were already quite clingy usually but when you were in this kind of mood it was even worse. The older male was gently patting your hair as your hiccuping slowed down and you got your head out of his neck, using one of your hands to swipe away the tears. Sanghyeok looked at you with a small smile on his lips, you still looked very adorable even after crying, and well, he had brought back some of your favourite meat to cook.
"I have everything to make you donkatsu, would you feel better if I do that?"
Your eyes shined in excitement as soon as you heard the word "donkatsu". Sanghyeok chuckled and stood up, bringing you with him, the two of you headed to the kitchen and you watch as your boyfriend started to work on your food. The two of you were discussing, some quiet music playing in the background, calming your nerves, you helped him into making the sauce and the rice so the two of you could eat quicker, despite Sanghyeok's protests.
When the meal was ready you took a seat on your couch and you couldn't help but admire the food and observe your favourite man bringing back chopsticks and your preferred soda. Sanghyeok looked at you curiously, his lips being turned up in a cat-like gentle smile.
"Thank you for being here for me Hyeok..."
"Of course jagi. Here eat and ease your mind."
He took a piece of the meat and fed it to you making your cheeks flush slightly, making him grin. The two of you ate in a very comfortable silence and once you finished the meal you both cleaned up the plates and Sanghyeok laid down on couch opening his arms to you. You chuckled and laid down on him, breathing in his scent.
"I know you're worried about the future but as I said I will always be here for you. I know what you feel and just as you're supporting me, I'll support you."
Your heart swelled as you listened to him talk, and your arms tightened around him. Sanghyeok gently kissed the top of your head, soothing a bit of your anxiety away. You laid there, listening to his heartbeat, which definitely helped you calming down and made you drift away into a nice sleep.
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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If we went on a date, where would we go?
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: this is the most delusional i'll ever be and then i'll crawl into a hole and disintegrate into dust ♡
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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GENERAL ; setting the stage
Established relationship with the luxiem members (albiet the beginning of one)
first dates !!! fluff !!!
i only know what romance is via otome game, i've never been on a date myself lmao
who proofread lmao (def not me)
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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Classic bookstore/coffee date
what can i say? he's a classy guy
he stayed up all night planning what to do for a date and even called vox of all people for what to do on a first date
"NO! I'm not inviting them to my house on the first date - that's too... ris- hey, I know you're laughing at me!"
he figured that the date wouldn't be enjoyable if he couldn't take you someplace that he also enjoyed, so he settled with an article of top 10 dating spots in your city; thankfully, it included a cafe bookstore that ike is a regular at.
he takes you to his favourite rustic/vintage styled cafe and even gives you his Top 10 List Of Coffees He Would Die For
bonus if the cafe was also a book-lover's heaven ; those bookstore/cafes are so neat (i don't know the actual name for those lmao)
the date ends nicely - a pleasant time together just chatting and drinking coffee together, giving each other book recommendations (ike says it's good insight for a novel that he'd like to dedicate to you at one point) and so on. you both decided to go on another date to find more cafes like this together.
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A thrilling amusement park/arcade date !!!
It's like having to walk a dog with a leash except the dog is luca running around the park grounds and pointing excitedly at different roller coasters
"C'mon Y/N! It'll be fine ! Look, I'll even hold your hand at the big drop, can we pleeease go on that one?"
Backtracking into the night prior, luca is the type to call everyone he knows so that way he could hype himself up for tomorrow
and to ask for fashion advice - it's surprising to hear something like this from luca, the man of fashion himself
also he just wanted to share with everyone that he finally scored a date with someone he likes
luca takes you to many different rides - thriller rides, fun rides, rides he's never been on, you name it!
luckily for you, the amusement park also had a small arcade too - luca took it upon himself to win you every prize imaginable even if some of the things he did made him look silly
the date ends off at a romantic ferris wheel ride because vox told him it'll be romantic AND he's seen it in anime before (of course anime would be correct, they are very accurate with the love-story telling for sure!)
the date is a success! luca scored another date - perhaps next time, things will be a little more calmer.
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the ever so classic movie date - but he's the one who suggests to watch a horror movie (even though you do know he's a little cowardly at times, you follow along with his plan)
it was either vox or luca who actually suggested the horror movie - much to mysta's dismay, but !! he's willing to do so for you !!
"a horror movie? are you sure?"
mysta would like to think he's THE shit, the smoothest person on earth who is about to woo YOU
date plan (brought to you by mysta): suggest horror film for your first date with him, watches you get scared and comforts you while putting on a brave face so that way he would look cool and epic in your eyes, fall in love (SUCCESS)
he could've suggested a rom-com, but he wanted to seem so alpha sigma male and not some beta male (cue the eye roll) in your eyes that he completely forgets to pick a movie that was enjoyable for the both of you
he also fails to realize his own fears and instead cowers behind you while watching the scary movie together (bonus points if he is legitimately hiding his face in the crook of your neck or something so he doesn't watch the film lmao)
after leaving the theater, he starts becoming sulky and pouty about looking cowardly in front of you that it literally takes your entire being and a half to practice self control - whatever you do, don't tease him !!! he's trying his best !!! even though he's so cute and all ;;;
you can believe that he instantly started jumping for joy when you suggested to watch a movie together again
SUCCESS! i hope
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a trip to the aquarium is to die for when going on a date with shu
shu instantly thought of bringing you to an aquarium after winning tickets for 2 at a local supermarket for one of their events
the night before the date, shu spent time watching different aquatic documentaries so he could impress you with his knowledge of the fish in the aquariums (yes he watched wild kratz yes it was to impress you)
nerdge shu (REAL) - while you both are touring around the aquarium, he starts to tell you random facts about the fish you see
"oh yeah? that's a clownfish.... best well known for their role in finding nemo..."
lots of photos !!! the cutest couple aquarium photos to ever exist !!!
the walks under the tunnel area felt a bit too romantic - walking hand in hand with shu, watching him ramble off about the sharks that swam peacefully and the lighting.
dear god the lighting
surprisingly enough, the blue and green hues of the aquatic tanks made shu's whole appearance feel otherworldly ; if you can disregard the flames that follow him around ever-so often. it was mesmerizing (he knows you were staring and he's a little glad that the aquarium lights were able to hide his flustered face)
the date ends off well ; shu had a blast and you gained the important knowledge that he truly is a nerd even though he denies it - well, at least he is your nerd.
best believe from now on, every anniversary or important event will be celebrated at the local aquarium.
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an art museum and dinner date, how fancy
another very classy man who had to call everyone he knows because ' holy shit this is THE Y/N he's taking on a date with and his heart is about to combust '
yes we're back with the wiki-how articles on how to impress your date on the first ever date; shu was the one who sent him a link and he thought maaybe it's good for a little light reading
"Shu... you're a genius! they would love this!"
"Vox, it's just a wiki-how article, you don't have to take it to hea-"
he eventually settles on a nearby art museum as they were having an event for an artist you once mentioned - perfect!
that definitely displays that he was listening to your conversations with him and he remembers - how sentimental!
as for dinner, he decided to show off his culinary prowess and impress you with a restaurant quality dinner created by yours truly!
he's about to become the man of sex the man who is going to sweep you off your feet!
well at least that's what he hoped.
the art museum was boring - the two of you only toured around the small exhibit and left quickly THEN went to a fast food chain of all places before you could try vox's cuisine.
it made him pouty on the way home that the date didn't go according to plan, but you noticed how much effort he made in order to make it fun for you, and to be honest - knowing this was a lot better than the actual date itself.
so the date ends off surprisingly well - a little kiss on the cheek for goodbye and another scheduled date where the two of you get to laze around all day is set; vox couldn't be anymore happier than that.
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spookyserenades · 6 months
Bestie you did nottttttt leave us off like that 😭 I knew it had to be either Seokjin or Hoseok to confess to her first! I was worried that Jin would push OC away and stay distant for a while but i’m glad thats not the case. Speaking of Jin that little moment when he was texting with OC and sent her those emojis and said the cat was him was so cute I love him! Also same thing with Tae after the near kiss incident I was so sure he’d completely avoid her and tbh idk if i’m buying the i don’t remember what happened story but i’m hoping he’s telling the truth bc i cannot handle it when the hybrids distance themselves 😭
On a lighter note I will never not laugh any time Hoseok calls Jungkook and Namjoon the ghostbusters he’s such a brat lmao! I love seeing their dynamics unfold more any time we get more paranormal action. I’m curious to see what’s been haunting the Sanders family! I was thinking about how each kid must be absolutely enamored by the hybrids. For Julie it’s Jk like imagine ur mom brings some paranormal investigation group and this tall, handsome, tatted up, and pierced guy shows up to your house??? I’d come out of my room too 💀 and how Ms Sanders said her son loves wolves and how he was looking at Namjoon all starry eyed is so sweet! I can definitely see them way more open to the investigation and discussing their own experiences based on their reactions to the boys alone. It just goes to show how truly important each of the 3 members of the group are.
Ok and let me get into the smut real quick bc i simply cannot help myself. I swear Yoongi makes me want to chew on the table as well 😂 That soft dom energy he was is insane! I give so much credit to OC for not jumping his bones any time he walks into the room. Got me giggling and kicking my feet fr.
There’s so many more moments i’m sure but my little squirrel brain cannot remember them all. I swear i need to start taking notes reporting back 😂 it’s only instances like these I think I prefer wattpad’s design bc imagine how fun it would be to be able to comment on specific paragraphs in that moment. So even if i can’t recall every single moment I love, that made me smile, laugh, want to throw my phone across the room, or chew on tables at the top of my head please know that I enjoy all the little moments in each chapter and your writing is never unappreciated 🥲🫶🏻
fkjalsfjesa I'm sorry bestie!!! Luckily in the next update we pick up right were we left off with Seokjin eeeee 🥺 Seokjin was a little distant, at first, when he found out about Y/N and Yoongi, but mostly because he thought he'd never get to be with her romantically. I think after the cooking class, he just couldn't hold back his feelings anymore! AH the emojis he used 😭 he's such a cutie, just a big kitty!
Ah poor Tae blacked out... def doesn't remember the near-kiss. If he did, I'm sure he'd avoid Y/N like the plague out of embarrassment or shame :( I think he'll take some time to get comfortable with the shifting dynamics, but he's really attached to Y/N, so I don't see him icing her out for too too long.
HA I love that Hoseok is the resident skeptic. Even though he witnessed that ghost in the house, he still doesn't really get it like Namjoon and Jeongguk. Speaking of them, they've struck up an unlikely friendship with their team! I'm super excited to write their investigation scene, and find out what's haunting the family 😉 YESS you're right the two kids took a liking to each of them but gkdalgj YOURE SO RIGHT I'D LEAVE MY ROOM FOR GOTH JEONGGUK TOO. I just I'm so !!! pumped to explore this part of the plot with the 3 of them, I think it will help those two hybrids to get closer to Y/N, since they're the less affectionate, clingy ones.
OOF the smut! I'm being soooo honest I need Yoongi biblically. I'm really glad that you're chewing on the table with me,,,, I have SUCH a thing for soft doms and Yoongi definitely radiates that sooo much. Also fr I'd be in his room NIGHTLY waiting for all of that 💀
LMAOO NOT THE SQUIRREL BRAIN BESTIE!!! As for the Wattpad thought, I've been adding the chapters there and eventually when it's all caught up the monthly updates will go up there too, so if you wanna comment on specific things that might be easier 💜
I love love you!! Thank you so much for being so sweet and kind to me, and for reading Trouvaille, supporting me! Your feedback means so much, and I'm sending you one million hugs 💜💜💜
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
In honor of me rising from the dead I think its time I talk about my two(?) fav lore families in the sims franchise the smith-curious and the spector-beaker families and I guess also the singles as well - lore anon
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Hello lore anon and welcome back! ❤️
Sorry I took a minute to answer this, it has been a crazy busy couple of days! I'm going to put my whole response under a read more because I have lots of thoughts on this topic!!!
We all took for granted how insane and amazing TS2 lore was. God, I pour one out for her everyday RIP.
Anyway, let's get into this! ↓
Strangetown is my favorite world in TS2 as well! No one is surprised by this I'm sure. I actually ended up tying it (and some of its townies 👀...) into my Strangerville story because I just couldn't help myself. But I'll be honest - the family tree stuff with Lola/Chloe/Jenny/Pollination Tech 9 has always made my brain melt a little. I'm a visual person so I had to reference their family tree as a guide for our conversation. I'll provide the one that I used below!
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Lore-wise, you have to start this conversation by talking about alien pollination and normal sim reproduction. You just can't avoid it. For me, I've always seen them as completely separate entities... otherwise Jenny is married to a man who, for lack of a better term, knowingly banged and impregnated her father lmfao. But not only that - if they were the same, that would imply that aliens are abducting people and engaging in sexual relations with them (with willingness or unwillingness not playing a factor; sim abductions can happen to sims who want or fear them) and this is kind of reductive and uncharacteristic of what we know about their species (plus the implications are icky imo). Therefore, I never thought that Pollination Tech 9 would view Lola and Chloe as his children, even though they technically are, in the way that Poli Tech wouldn't view Tycho as his child either (nor would Pascal regard Poli Tech as the father either).
If I'm recalling correctly, I don't think sims are necessarily aware which alien pollinated them in game (even though each sim neighborhood in TS2 has only one Pollination Technician, therefore making all the half-alien babies in that neighborhood half-siblings by default within the limited span of the game). I also don't know that male sims in TS2, from what I remember, are aware they've been pollinated because they're always surprised to find they're "pregnant," meaning there likely wasn't any a-typical intercourse happening that they could connect to the pregnancy (even if, let's be honest, Pascal might have been down for that). I think of pollination as an act similar to cloning, (the wiki says through "advanced technology") or as the name implies it could also just be a consequence of coming into proximity with their species (their name being a reference to reproduction methods of flora by pollination, for example). But realistically... it's a fictional simulation game, and in the case of TS2 it was super campy and a knowingly-leaning-into-the-outrageous kind of simulation game (which I loved and miss). So who knows!
All that to say that I agree; regardless of how the baby process works for aliens, it is still an absolutely crazy family tree lmao. But on the bright side... that at least implies that Pollination Tech 9 wasn't into his wife's father, nor might he be aware that Chloe and Lola are his children. 😅 But I'll stop here because if I think about it for too long, I think my brain might explode lmao. Still, I'm inclined toward the belief that the messiness adds to the flavor! 😂 The Sims team today could never write such a juicy bit of lore. My ass ate their dynamic up.
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Holy shit!!! This fact is equal parts incredible and terrifying. Thank you for bringing this my attention. I can't believe I did not know this before this moment. What a (horrifying) little legend.
Oh I loved (and still love) Nervous Subject and Pascal together. Just thinking about that ship makes me giggle because it was one of my first exposures to "shipping" and "fandoms" as a preteen. I always put them together and had them raise little Tycho to fulfill Nervous' family aspiration. (I should note that I was also an avid JRO enthusiast. Johnny has two hands, why should he have to pick between Ophelia and Ripp?) Another interesting layer to the Ophelia/Olive/Nervous family is that Ophelia would be unaware of her direct relation to Nervous (1st cousins)! I loved playing around with this; Olive was a very secretive person who had a dark side for sure, so I'm sure Ophelia would have a lot of questions following her aunt's death (the first being why her aunt's inheritance is going to some rando named Nervous lmao). Plus, who says Ophelia didn't know her aunt was taking people out? She might not have known why, but she had to know all those deaths around Olive couldn't have been coincidental. That's messed up on its own lmao. I like to think that once Nervous and Ophelia meet, they become close and he even helps care for her in a weird-older-brother type way. I just know they would trauma bond lmao.
I didn't care for Loki or Circe (I never played with their household), so I don't have super strong opinions on them. That being said, I love reading people's theories on their connection to the Curious brothers. I think the ongoing feud with the brother's and their connection to Nervous is the most interesting part of their story, but my ideal ending for them would have been being exiled from the town and their careers in general for their shady practices. Pascal seemed like the science antithesis to Loki and Circe who seemed to believe that it was okay for scientific truths to come at the cost of the wellbeing of others. Also, I think Circe is too hot and too evil for Loki AND Vidcund. That's woman commits many crimes, but her taste in men is up there as one of the worst things about her lmao.
Lastly, LAZLO. He's so silly goofy and so chill in comparison to his brothers, and he's definitely the black-sheep of the family. I love how in comparison to Vidcund and Pascal, his personal life is pretty typical and mild. He's just vibing as a third party witness to the chaos. He didn't sign up for any of the drama, yet you know he's a ride-or-die. In my mind, he's also the cool uncle. He'd catch Johnny smoking and be like, "Gotta share little man." He's the best. Little Fun fact - when I watched season 4 of Stranger Things, I couldn't unsee Lazlo Curious every time Argyle opened his mouth.
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If you don't see it, that's okay. I can't unsee it though! He's high af, he's precious, he's always has snacks, he will take down the government or transport a dead body for the homies. He should be protected. I totally, 100% agree that Nova is his child!
WHEW sorry for blabbing! Strangetown was a doozy and you're right that the Bella Goth situation adds a whole other intricacy (which I'll definitely be talking about in her specific deep dive post).
So glad to have you back! 🤗
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unclefathersantateddy · 9 months
The year wrapped questions.
1. 5. 10. 13. 16. 17. 23.
don’t worry about getting stuff wrong that’s normal.
also merry christmas eve!!
1. How many works of art have you made this year?
Oh wow! I have no idea, I'm gonna go count. Okay so there was approx 160 drawings in the burger book! And approx 70 in my digital art folder from this year! And approx 30 posca pieces! So approximately 260!!! (Not including any study doodles, sticky-note doodles, phonecall doodles, etc). Not too shabby I'd say!😄
5. [Answered in prev. ask!]
10. What inspired/motivated you this year?
Oh boy, this is a BIG question for me this year!Honestly this time last year I was pinnacle depression. Was half a year away from a degree but was DEEP down the spiral. Couldn't do any work, but also couldn't allow myself to enjoy anything. Came to the realisation that something had to change, otherwise nothing would change. It started out as forcing myself to drawing something, anything, make a mark on the paper, any old mark. And with that, it got easier. Bit by bit. Day by day. Having a set activity at some point during the day, then got everything else wanting to shift and move into place. I started to find myself wanting to work, so I could, play? If that makes sense? My reward system started healing. I went from wanting to feel anything to wanting to feel accomplishment. Not necessarily from uni work, because that was a Bigger Task™, so drawing gave me a smaller sense of it, a small feeling of accomplishment everyday! And that is when I started to feel drive/motivation again. It's been a year and now all my uni work is done! It's gonna be marked in the spring and hopefully I graduate in the summer! I'm no longer stuck between not being able to work OR play. And it all started by forcing myself to draw a silly lil scribble every day!😄
13. [Answered in prev. ask!]
16. What piece was the quickest to create?
Hmm, I don't really look at my timelapses to know how long each (digital) drawing takes. I did a Jimmy Pesto At/Jr sketch a few days ago I did in a few minutes that I was really shook about lmao. But other than that the only thing I can think that might count is this load of 10-sec exercises I did when I first started drawing regularly!
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17. What piece took the longest to create?
Hahah you know it actually might be a Fresh Meat!au piece. I'm gonna say the FM!restaurant gif as it was my first time drawing the restaurant exterior and my first time animating on CSP, so lots of trial and error on that piece!
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23. What WIP(s) are you taking into next year with you?
Ideally none! I'm hoping to get them done as I'd rather go into the new year with fresh ideas ready to be created! I have a list compiled of drawings that vaguely spark joy so I'm excited to see what I can do with them! :D
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minjeonpark · 2 years
Chapter 28 & things to address..
Hello, it’s your favorite absent author-nim. Lmao
Chapter 28 is up and ready for your eyes. I had a sweet time writing this one because it’s the gate to all lovey dovey stuff.
*heart flutters*
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On a more serious/concerning update, there’s a lot of things stemming from one thing that I need to address. Please bare with me as I open the gates of *drum roll* anonymous readers (?) that have been abusing that anonymous button on the ask section of this app.
At first (for months) I didn't want to bring attention to the nonstop harassment I've been getting over here but I feel like there's a person (or several) that have been abusing that anonymous button for months.
And it sucks.
At first, I simply deleted the asks that these people sent because I couldn't be bothered but lately it's all I've been getting (to the point of not being able to find the nice comments) and if their goal is to make me post more often....I'm here to inform you that it's not working, obviously.
Threatening me to post the next update actually hinders me from doing so because my inspiration is gone the moment I read those asks. If you're wondering why I'm no longer active on Tumblr is mainly because of this and now I dread opening this app. with all the due respect that my mother raised me with…please stop.
This is meant to be a pleasing distraction from everyday life. We are here to make friends and to build a safe space, something that lately its not for me.
I believe this story is not that good to be receiving threats over. Sure, I love this story too, I deeply love my characters and it's been a joy writing about them. And I understand the need for weekly updates just as much as I want this story to go on forever. Unfortunately the weekly update thing has not been possible because I work 9-5 but if I'm being honest, I can write a full chapter in three nights. The thing is, reading really rude comments deters me from doing so, I'm sure every reader-nim that it's also an author-nim can relate to this.
And I’m not talking about the reader-nims asking me about the next update or sending great constructive criticism, NO. I’m talking about the anonymous asks that call me a b*tch (to put it in the nicest way without losing context) every time the weekend update is not posted.
As for the things among these *asks* that I -at this point- must address are:
1. How realistic the story is…NOT (?)
One of the first rude asks I got about DSIMY being not realistic at all was how can I claim it to be real when my writing is mediocre and sets the tannies up in the story.
First of all, I know I’ve said I’m trying to keep the story as realistic as possible. What I meant with that was in terms of the timeline. There’s no way I can deduce the tannies’ character down to perfection. Breaking news, I don’t know them. This is fiction even if the tags are #OriginalUniverse. Please understand this is in no way a Hybe certified biography written by a random ao3 author on the internet. *Me believes ao3 is not Wikipedia.*
As for setting the tannies up, I’m hurt that you think I am doing that and I have no clues as to why you would believe that. Again, this is fan fiction written by a random not certified writer dabbling in fan fiction on a site/archive called ao3.
I know I’m not the best writer —I never claim to be one. I know I have so much ahead of me in terms of improvement. I’m not forcing anyone to read anything I write so I don’t understand why the asks about the chapter being sh*t keep coming. If you don’t like it, please don’t read it. Spare your eyes from my writing.
2. Long/short chapters
Complaining about not long enough chapters and then following it up with the chapter being 15k words of filler writing…..I’m sorry. I’m already setting up myself with shorter more action packed chapters. It’s my first time writing fan fiction and I made the mistake of making DSIMY the introduction of the series. At this point, I’m lost on what to include in the chapters.
3. Ignoring comments
I’m not sure if this is about the many comments on ao3 that I have yet to reply to or the 50+ unanswered asks sitting in my inbox. I’ve been deleting rude asks for months here on Tumblr up until these asks literally ran me off the app. Being completely honest, seeing hateful asks at the top of the inbox has made me expect them every time I log on here. And sure thing, there they are, so I stopped altogether.
4. Teasing new stories when DSIMY needs a lot of improvement
Not gonna lie, up until now I was really proud of the story I drafted from the corners of my mind. Up until now. Now im not so sure if DSIMY is worth finishing after many asks telling me to focus on DSIMY instead of starting another shitty story. I know I can’t please everyone, I seriously thought I would receive a lot of excitement from the sequels. Crap, guess not.
5. Not addressing the rude asks
Seriously. This was a happy space for everyone up until I had to address this. I will not answer the rude asks mainly because it will start a chain of events of back and forth that I would like to avoid. And I seriously hope this will be the only time I have to bring such update.
One last thing.
Twitter is going to be my main social media from now on because even if you’re allowed to have a fake profile I can block people if they’re rude, whereas here I cant when people can call me a b*tch and a pathetic author (I'm putting this nicely btw) behind that anonymous button. I've loved Tumblr because you guys are more active here but with this happening I made the decision to stick to Twitter or no social media at all. This is not something I decided after one rude message, it's been more than a dozen since I got fired and it's seriously pushing me back from updating this story.
I will be posting teasers, and just overall updates about everything on Twitter. I will try to move the media over to there some time.
I know it’s very few people being party poopers but these few people are loud and for the sake of enjoying this journey I have to stop giving them access to being rude. I hope you understand where I’m coming from and I apologize if some of this came off in the wrong way —its not meant like that.
I’ll never take your patience and love for granted.
Your author nim.
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watchyourdigits · 1 year
Eventually I'll do a write-up on the minor OCs in my fics. Perhaps build them their own little universes because they deserve it. Especially Alice and Eileen, my beautiful lesbian babies. Some backstory and faceclaims below for those who don't read my fics because I LOVE these two sm (general Night Letter ramblings as well below the cut, lots of rehashed stuff heh).
For those who don't read Night Letter, Frankie is my Sole Survivor OC. He's a gay (cowboy-adjacent) man born in TN. He was moved out to/raised in TX when he was ~4 by his father (who became an alcoholic) after his mom passed away while having his younger brother (who also didn't make it). He's got three older sisters who were very protective of him.
Frankie shipped up to Boston for the military after his dad caught him kissing boys & this lovely lady named Alice at a bar near her college/his station. They hit it off really well and found common ground in being closeted gays. They met up a few more times before deciding to get married to keep up appearances and maintain an "acceptable" social life. And also to appease both their families to remain in their respective inheritances, of course. Gotta do what you gotta do.
Eileen was Alice's live-in "friend". Or long-distance cousin, depending on the day. So far as anyone in Sanctuary Hills knew anyway lmao Surprise! They were partners and met in college. Frankie loved them both so so so dearly. They reminded him of his sisters back home, whom he missed constantly while settling down in Boston. Alice and Eileen doted on him furiously and were the only reason he stayed sane when Malcolm - Frankie's first true love that he met in the military - was killed in action. They kept him grounded.
Shaun was born from Alice and Frankie in the technical sense only. The ladies really wanted a kid together, and Frankie was willing & available to help with that (via sperm donation). He always felt more like an uncle than a father, and that's what they always called him: Uncle Frankie. I might be reconning my own fic here, in all honesty. I actually can't remember if I mentioned the term "uncle" specifically in Night Letter. Also I'm pretty sure I just said he was available to help in that department and never specified that he didn't fuck Alice!!!!!! ALSO he does strategically refer to himself as Shaun's father in the post-apocalypse because he thinks it legitimizes his cause to find him more than if he were just his uncle, saying it for the sake of emotional appeal to those he might need help from. You bet your ass he'll go back to being Uncle once Shaun is living with them :')
My FCs for Alice and Eileen are Elizabeth Taylor and Jane Powell (respectively) because I saw this one picture and couldn't help myself bc they are so goddamn cute
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Do note: they are merely mentioned in the fic (posthumously obviously). I have ~problems~ because I have way too much in my head for them despite them not being relevant at all. Like how their first date was a total disaster because Alice stupidly suggested they get milkshakes. Alice does not like sweet things. Eileen does, but they're both lactose intolerant. Neither said anything because they were both just so nervous and trying to be romantic. The date itself was fine, but they couldn't meet up the next day because they were both SUFFERING. Both made elaborate excuses as to why they didn't show up, only to find the other hadn't showed either. They didn't talk about it, calling it a wash, and only found the truth out after two years of being together when wine drunk one night in Eileen's dorm room.
In other news, is it bad that I've considered making Eileen into a ghoul?? Alice was Frankie's legal wife so she was in the vault. But Eileen was out of the house when the bombs fell (not that she was registered for the vault anyway). I like to think she went ghoul instead of being struck from earth okay let me be 😭😭
Less important, but Malcolm (aka Mal, aka loverboy) and Frankie (aka Franklin Lee Barr aka don't fuckin' call me Franklin) are Sal Mineo and James Dean, respectively:
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dckweed · 2 years
Hey! So I thought of something a little different.. could you do a billy Hargrove x female! hopper reader (Byers/hopper family dynamic hopper and Joyce are together) where the reader has been feeling a little bit guilty for losing her virginity to billy so she’s been very down lately. While having family dinner, el and Jonathan have been sensing that something might be wrong with the reader and ask her if she’s fine and ofc she just snaps at them, but hopper honestly just thinks it’s teenage angst which just makes the reader more upset so she abruptly leaves the dinner table, then Joyce comes to talk to the reader and she tells her how she’s feeling, what happened and they have a heart to heart.
ahhhhh anything for my favorite requester! hope this is what you wanted, mwah!
p.s. im sorry if this gets really dark/heavy im in a really sad mood, someone called me a bad mom today and that bothers me in ways that no one can understand.
p.p.s did i open myself up for a part? probably. let me know in the comments if y'all want a second part to this lmao
warnings: SEX IS MENTIONED but safe to read for all ages as no actual smut is depicted. mama byers, clueless papa hop, sad reader, guilty reader, depressed reader? not too sure on that bc i write this before i even write the request lmao.pregnancy mention.
'..I JUST FEEL SO STUPID..' billy hargrove x hopper!reader, ft mama byers.
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You made your way slowly down the halls of school, your head down, eyes averted like they had been for the past couple of weeks. You couldn't bring yourself to look at your fellow peers, feeling as if everyone knew your dirty little secret, especially when said secret so openly smirked and winked at you whenever he managed to make eye contact.
You don't really remember what possessed you to go and do it, maybe it was just how sweet he was to you when you were alone together, or how charming he could be when he really wanted something, and he had really wanted something, you. Or maybe it was his hair, or the abs..or the way his goddamn ass looked so sinfully delicious in those tight, tight jeans he liked to wear, fuck maybe it was just because his hand wandering your body felt so fucking refreshing and satisfying, or maybe you were tipsier than you thought.
Whatever it was didn't matter you supposed, because either way you had gone and lost your virginity to Billy fucking Hargrove of all the boys in the world that you could lose it to, you had honestly always imagined that it would have been Steve, the two of you had had a somewhat flirting relationship since he and Nancy had stopped seeing each other, and you always assumed it would lead to more, but Steve hadn't been at that party, nor had he asked you out when you had so desperately hinted that you were going to be bored and alone over the weekend.
Fuck, did you do it to spite him somehow?
No, that was stupid even for you.
That night haunted you still, the way that you had felt so fucking good during it, so blissfully turned on, satisfied like you never knew you could be, barely noticing the pain of his large, thick cock sliding in and out of you as he focused your minds on other things.
But you felt so used afterwards, so dirty and broken. Billy had spent a while buttering you up too, making you putty in his hands when he was finally ready and you hadn't even noticed it, the week he has spent finding every excuse to compliment or be alone with you, to flirt so unashamedly in front of everyone who could see, with you of all people.
And when he finally got what he wanted, his own personal gratification of conquering his next victim, he kicked you out of his car and sped off, leaving you stranded at the party that he had asked you too, and leaving you too drunk to walk, let alone drive.
Your father hadn't known where you were, and you couldnt remember anyone else's number at the time, so you called the Byers' house, hoping that Joyce wouldn't tell your father. Thankfully, Jonathan had answered, and he heard your voice, you were slurring your words so horribly that he knew he had to come get you before you could even speak.
He found you slumped on the front porch, throwing up in the bushes as you had started drinking heavier than you ever had while waiting for Jonathan, you had decided to drink away the night, hoping that your somewhat brother wouldn't notice your sadness, your disgust for your own self.
He hadn't, but he has figured that something was wrong. You passed out in the car, and the next morning you woke up in the living room, blanket over your head and an empty trash bin next to you. You didn't remember him coming to get you, you didn't remember anything past your third cup of tequila after Billy had kicked you out of his car.
God, it was all you could think about, Jonathan had come to make breakfast and saw the look on your face immediately. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at you as he poured coffee. "Did something happen last night?" He asks, handing you a mug as you shuffled to the kitchen, he had let you wear one of his tshirts and a pair of his sweat pants.
You look up quickly, forgetting your migraine. "What? No. Why would you ask that?" You ask almost defensive about the question.
He shrugs, leaning against the counter, trying not to let you know that he definitely knew something was wrong now. "Because you were blacked out drunk when i came to get you, and i could barely understand a word you said on the phone." He says. "That's not like you, Y/N..'
You just shrug, taking your mug and heading back to the couch. This was pretty much your second home now. "Yeah, well, maybe i just can't handle my tequila."
He knew that that wasn't true, and for a couple weeks he watched you continue to be withdrawn and awkward, sad and tired looking, like you hadn't been sleeping. He knew something was eating at you, and as your somewhat brother, he was concerned.
He looked at you as he drove you home from school, you looked like you had lost weight too. He wondered if there was something physically wrong with you, because what could be affecting so badly mentally that you were losing weight?
You glanced at him as he drove, wondering what the hell he was doing. "The fuck are you staring at?" And then there was that, god you'd been so mean lately, towards everyone, especially your dad and Joyce.
You didn't know why you were so angry, so sad all at the same time. Was it the fact that he wouldnt even look at you unless it was to tease you with those stupid fucking eyes of his? Or maybe the fact that he wouldn't even speak to you anymore? Acting like you didn't fucking exist, like you were just some fucking random hookup in the big ole city of Los Angeles, despite the fact that this was fucking Hawkins, Indiana.
Jonathan shakes his head quickly, turning to look at the road. "Nothing..nothing.." He says, turning into the driveway of his house. You were all having a family dinner together tonight, there was no need for you to go home just to turn around again a couple hours later and drive across town.
You get out of the car, slamming the door before stomping up the porch, opening the door and flinging your bag and yourself into the couch.
Joyce peeks her head out form the kitchen, eyebrows knitted together. She cocks her head towards you when she sees Jonathan and the boy just shrugs, shaking his head as he walks into the kitchen to grab something to drink.
"No clue, she's been like this for weeks." He says, before sucking out and heading towards his room to get started on homework.
He didn't come out again for a while, but he could hear his mom cooking in the kitchen, it smelled good whatever it was and he couldnt wait to sit down and eat. It wasn't long before he heard Jim's truck pulling up, and a few moments later he heard the front door open.
"Hey, Y/N, how's was school?" Jim asks, looking at you as he shrugs his coat off, it was starting to get cool outside these days.
You don't even look up at your father, ignoring him completely as you finish up some of your school work, quietly hoping that nobody would try to ask you anything at dinner. You hated that Jonathan was being so nosey, but you knew he meant well.
"What's with her?" You heard him whisper to Joyce, you don't hear her respond but you hear a beer can crack open and you roll your eyes. You thought it was funny how Jonathan had asked you what was wrong more times than anyone, your father barely saying two words to you the last couple weeks. You assumed that he probably thought it was your period.
God, he could be clueless.
Not more than half an hour later, Joyce was calling everyone for dinner and Eleven and Will were walking through the door, Mike's mom having dropped them off. You gave your little sister a half assed smile and ruffled Will's hair before sitting down across from the boys, next to Joyce and Eleven.
Dinner starts off quiet for a bit, and you push your food around in silence, taking a couple bites here and there, keeping your head down, not even paying attention to the conversation. You didn't notice anyone had spoken to you until Joyce nudged your knee with her own, giving you a concerned smile when you looked up startled, a quiet "huh?" escaping your mouth.
"Sweetie, are you okay? You've barely touched your dinner." She asks, glancing down at your plate. Her voice was gentle, sweet even and you felt so horrible for not eating her food because god it smelled good, but you just couldnt bring yourself to, so intensely upset with yourself that everything made you throw up if you ate more than a few bites, though you were starting to wonder if you were pregnant because you couldn't remember if Billy had used a condom or not, and you had thrown up a couple mornings in a row after a fitful couple of nights of sleep. "Y/N?"
You snap out of it, and nod your head, giving her the best smile you could manage. "Yeah, im okay Joyce," You say, looking at everyone to make it believable. "I've just been really side tracked these past couple of weeks, busy at school, ive been stressed and not really hungry.."
Jonathan scoffs from across the table, and you snap your head to his direction, glaring at him as hard as you could muster, putting all of your anger as of late in to it. If it scares him, he doesn't show it because he opens his mouth to speak and you damn near vault across the table to maul him. "If side tracked is moping and flat out ignoring everyone then sure, she's been busy at school."
You see Eleven nod, and you turn your gaze to her. "You have been really sad lately, i heard you crying the other night." She says, looking at Jim and you. "I just assumed it was your period.."
Will nodded. "Me too, Mike says Nancy gets really mean when she's on her period too." He says in agreeance, rubbing his shoulder as Jonathan reaches out to punch it lightly.
"that's my girlfriend you're talking about!" He says defensively, though he wasn't too far from the truth. She did get a little mean, but he knew that that wasn't what was happening with you.
Your father clears his throat. And you turn to look at him. "Yes, well, im sure she'd like to deal with her period without us asking about it so.." He quietly goes back to eating his food and you glare some more, feeling the familiar sting of tears welling in your eyes as you realized that your father didn't even care enough to ask if it was true or not.
You stand up from the table, your chair falling over as you slam your hands down onto the tablecloth, your plate and silverware rattling in response as everyone turns to look at you. "Gee dad, thanks for caring enough to ask if anything is really even wrong, how fucking stellar of you!" You yell, your voice thick with tears. He looks up with you with wide eyes, his mustache twitching as he starts to speak but you beat him to it, your gaze on the boy across from you. "And screw you Jonathan for even bringing it up in the first place, mind your own damn business because it didn't fucking concern you!"
You leave, taking off briskly down the hallway, opening the door to Joyce's room and throwing yourself face first onto the bed as you cry, overcome with emotions that you didn't even realize you still had.
Everyone looks after you in shock, and Joyce clears her throat, giving Hopper a dirty look. "Shame on you for not trying to talk to her about it, she's clearly been upset for a while now.." She says, before turning her eyes to her son. "And shame on you for just putting her on the spot like that."
She stands from the table and follows you, she had seen you slam the door to her room. She hesitates at first, heading you crying. She wants to knock but she figured you'd tell her to go away so quietly she opens the door, closing it and locking it behind her so no one would interupt. She had a feeling you needed a mom right then, and a mom is what she wanted to be for you.
She walks to the bed, sitting on the edge of it tentatively. "Y/N.." She says, her voice soft, calm and gentle. It was almost soothing and you sniffle, trying to wipe your eyes. You weren't facing her, but you weren't going to tell her to leave, she was the only one who seemed genuinely concerned and not just wondering why you were being mean. "sweetheart, you can tell me what's going on, whatever it is..it will stay between us girls if that's what you need okay?"
and damn it if your walls don't break immediately.
You roll over to face her, a fresh set of tears streaming from your eyes as you speak, some of it sounding completely like gibberish as you tell her about Billy and how he had essentially fucked you and dumped you. "I should have seen it coming and i just feel so fucking stupid because how could i let that happen to myself?" You ask her, your voice calmed, the tears slowed. You feel her reach out and wipe them from your cheeks, caressing them softly. You subconsciously move your head into her lap. "Why am I so upset about it? It's Billy fucking Hargrove for Christ sake.."
She continues to caress your face, smoothing your hair as she listens to you speak. No wonder you had kept it so pent up for so long, there was no way your father was equipped for this without breaking down into to tears himself, and Jonathan was just as clueless.
"Sweetie, i am so sorry that he did that to you, that was absolutely awful of him," She says, trying to muster the best motherly advice that she could think of as she looked down at you, giving you the softest smile she could. "Boys your age are complete and utter menaces, they're clueless to the hurt that they cause others, and even more clueless about other people's feelings, and Billy Hargrove is no exception, except from what I've heard, he's the type of boy that sets out to intentionally hurt people, he just doesn't realize how bad that hurt can touch someone."
You sniffle again, letting out a shakey breath as you listen to her, her words washing over you as you cling to her pants, relaxing at the feel of her hands in your hair. Where was your mom when you needed her, huh?
"And I learned a long time ago that the best way to get back at them, is to make them think that they haven't hurt you as much as they have, make them think that they didn't hurt you at all, because that's what's going to get under a boy like that's skin." Joyce continues, looking down at you matter of fact ly. "He expects to see you, and every other girl he messes with like this, it's part of the game because he knows that you eventually confront him, wanting his approval and then he'll get more out of you, and maybe if you're lucky he'll treat you like a queen for a while, until he gets bored and moves to the next girl.."
"You think?" You ask, rolling into your back to look up at her, a few stray tears still rolling from your eyes. "I didn't think about that..Dana Watson was the girl he was with before..i know they went out once..and she seemed down for a bit until one day they started coming to school together, acting like a..couple..oh my god he's doing the same thing to me!" You sit up, your sadness wiped away, replaced with the tiniest twinge of anger. Your voice is still thick with tears.
Joyce hums. "There's always going to be that one boy, Y/N, and there's always going to be the next girl..and there's always going to be some kind of heart ache caused by his hands and those smooth talking, pretty words of his." She says, looking at you with the tiniest smirk. "The only way to beat him at his own game is to act like he doesn't bother you, act like you were the one using him..walk into that school on Monday and act like he's nothing but the dirt beneath your shoe..guys eat that shit up, you'll have his full attention, and he'll chase you, begging you to give in..but you won't, because by that point, you're so over him that you couldnt even begin to care about it anymore."
You smile a little, wiping your puffy eyes. "You sound like you've been through this before." You says, looking at her. She shrugs.
"I've had my share of teenage dirtbags back in my day.." She says, and you can't help but chuckle, already feeling infinitely better about the situation, until your stomach lurches a little and you remember the other thing that you had been upset about.
"Um.. Joyce?" You asks, your cheeks flushing almost in embarrassment. "That's..that's not um..i feel even more stupid about something else actually.."
She looks at you, eyebrows furrowed. "What, sweetie?" She asks, her voice still gentle. You knew out of everyone she was the one you could trust to keep it a secret, to help you through it if it was what you thought.
"Um, okay..you can't tell my dad yet until i know for sure but..i think..i think i might be pregnant.." You say, and her eyes go wide, her face pale. You give her a nervous smile. "Told you that there was something more stupid.."
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