#course this is all just suggestion!! u could totally just post a fic and then see how it goes too!!
oh-katsuki · 1 year
Hi cal!! I need some advice since I see you as that cool mom I see often on the dash LOL,, I’ve written ALOT of self indulgent fics but haven’t posted them anywhere, I want to but I have a massive fear of my works getting stolen especially since I don’t even have an account for posting yet (;__;) my blog here is to just reblog other writers posts and i don’t have any moots or followers in my blog except spam bots.. should I start interacting more with people then post my fics ?? Idk tho I have social anxiety eughh but anyways your advice would mean so much to me!! Thank u sm in advance cal !! <33
hi nonnie!!!! cool mom LOLLL that's such a compliment
i think that if you feel like you want to make friends before you post, you absolutely should, but i don't think it's super necessary! sharing your fics with the internet can be something that you just do for yourself (ie; posting while not thinking about interaction and stuff like that)! that being said, interaction with your work can feel really good and validating, especially when it comes from people you consider friends!
honestly though, i don't think making friends on here is a requirement at all in order to post your work! just do whatever feels right to you and the rest will follow!
good luck with posting your writing if you decide too and i hope that it all goes well <33 i would love love love to see it if you do!
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nereidprinc3ss · 5 months
hii! could i request something w spence where he asks uni reader to move in with him and r is kinda nervous about it please🙏🙏 love all of ur fics, and thanksss 🫶🫶🫶
yass this is super cute!!!! thank you for the request, hope i did it justice
warnings/tags: fluff!! a teensy bit suggestive at the end if u squint... i cant help myself. i'm an animal
requests are open! sfw and nsfw welcome
(a/n: this is probably an awkward spot to put this but I didn't wanna make a whole other post: THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!!! i have gained over 100 followers since i last posted and have over 1k notes on both of my recent works thats literally bonkers insane crazy town ACTUALLY. i love hearing your thoughts and reactions to my work even if its just a silly little comment. so yeah. thanks and so much love to u ALL)
“So basically, I’m not allowed in the dorm except to sleep because she always has her boyfriend over, and I told her that’s literally insane—I’m paying thousands of dollars to be there just like her. If she wanted privacy she should have gotten a single. She can’t just lock me out of our shared bedroom all the time! I live there!” 
You’re stabbing violently at your food by the time you finish your verbal tirade. 
“Okay, maybe put the knife down before you hurt yourself,” Spencer suggests, readying a hand to take the implement away from you if necessary. The knife clatters against your plate as you drop it. 
“She’s driving me fucking crazy,” you mumble, rubbing your eyes until you see fireworks. “And the housing department said I don’t have grounds to transfer rooms, so I’m stuck with her for the rest of the year.” 
There’s no reply from your boyfriend, and a pang of guilt in your chest makes you look up at him again. His expression, as so often is the case, is inscrutable. 
“I’m sorry for ranting. I’m really happy to see you and I don’t mean to ruin dinner, I just—” 
“You could stay with me,” he interrupts. 
You blink. 
“Like... when she locks me out?” 
Spencer laughs self-consciously. 
“No, like... permanently.” 
For a moment you just gape at him like an idiot, trying to comprehend his offer. 
He wants you to move in... with him. Permanently. He wants to live with you. 
You realize you’ve been staring at him for far too long, and you lean back, inhaling deeply as the world launches into motion again. 
“That’s... a big step, Spence,” you breathe. His eyes scan you head to toe, and you realize he’s most definitely analyzing your body language. 
“You don’t have to say yes. It was just an offer,” he shrugs, standing up and clearing the plates from the table.  
“Wait,” you call, following him to the kitchen. “Are you upset now because I leaned away from you when you asked?” 
He turns from the counter, looking at you blankly. 
“Of course not. That would be ridiculous.” 
Oh, he totally is. 
You tentatively step forward, gently lacing your fingers through his—but unable to meet his eyes.  
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” you begin gingerly, “but I’m... I’m not done with school. We always said I would move in once I graduated.” 
“That’s an arbitrary limitation we set for ourselves. There are plenty of ways to get you from here to campus every day.” 
“But you’re not even here sometimes. I would just be alone.” 
“You would have the whole apartment to yourself. You would have my bed. You wouldn’t have to share a shower with an entire floor of college students anymore. And ultimately, we would get to spend a lot more time together.” 
You try to speak but find your throat is tight. Spending more time together is exactly what you’re afraid of. 
“What’s your real objection here?” he asks quietly, running his thumb back and forth over the underside of your wrist. You swallow, watching the motion of his hand.  
“I’m afraid, that if we move in together... you’ll stop liking me.” The words come out paper thin, barely audible. 
And he laughs. Your teary eyes dart up, surprised by the reaction—slightly hurt, even. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I’m not laughing at you,” Spencer says, sobering up when he sees your baleful expression. “I just can’t believe you think I’d stop liking you.” He wipes away the tears beading on your eyelashes delicately. “I’m in love with you. Neurologically that is pretty hard to undo.” 
You study his face, looking for any sign of hesitation or dishonesty. All you find is pure fondness in the curve of his lips; utter devotion in the soft set of his eyes. 
“You promise you won’t start hating me as soon as I move in?” 
“I promise.” 
You lean against his chest, craning your neck to look up at him. 
“I can be pretty annoying.” 
“I think I can handle it.” 
“I take really long showers.”  
He kisses you softly. “Me too. I’m sure we can figure out a way to conserve water.” 
Despite your reservations you smile against his lips. 
“Okay?” he asks. 
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
hi! I was winding down after school stuff and rereading some of the reverse Batman au (awesome by the way. You understand so many things) and am I tripping or did u make a Batman fic rec post a while ago? I can’t find it, but it’s also been a long time. I crave the sustenance. Also I honestly didn’t realize it’s literally been three years until you pointed it out in your newest fic (Incredible btw) guess I can finally officially declare myself a long time fan. Cheers!!
HAH Hello thank you for being a long time reader! That story certainly reads like it was written a long time ago...I put up the Cass story just so I could love the AU on a more adept note jkaljd. That being said, I'm now thinking about The Secret Life Of Jason Todd, so....
I can't find the post either :(. I think it was a rec lists specifically for good Tim Drakes, and as a result it was extremely skimpy. Literally, it was just Chirp by Amari_T, The Bat's Crest, and Red Raven (the most bonkers fanfic ever written, and one of my favorites). I have a lot more Batman fanfics in general I like, but most of them escape me now - it's mostly classics, like lowflyingfruit's stuff.
Every so often when I need fuel in my tank to go back to writing The Stupidest Magnum Opus Of All Time, I crack open the Batfam fanfic and plow through a bunch. I am then angry enough that I tackle my fic again and produce the best fic I've ever written in my life.
To be a little less negative (for once.), I do want to highlight something specific - All I Have by Janie_Loops is a really nice story, and although a LOT of stories try to do what it does, it's one of the few ones that succeeds. It helps that it's a series of snapshot chapters, which relieves you from having to do a lot of plotting (shoves someone will remember us under the bed), but there's a lot of reasons why it works. Each chapter is very much Bruce vs. Something, whether it's one of his kids or the JL or The World. The conflicts are baby sized, but they always feel very big and World Ending to Bruce, no matter the actual conflict. Everything is equally sized in this story, from the intra-baby problems to the Justice League issues. Bruce's characterization is very consistent and he's reliably forced to grow and change over the course of the fic. And every kid has a stand-out personality (that's so grounded - I was totally Jason!) that creates specific dynamics with each other, they all have different relationships and favorites between each other and Bruce, and their bond is a family is shown not through, like, bonding moments, but how they tackle problems together and how they're always on the same side. It's also deeply funny.
I think the author's a kiddo (who takes suggestions from their baby brother - ADORABLE), and there's still some ways for them to grow in prose and technical skill and a few other things like that. But even if the writer's a relative beginner writer, and you can see where they'll grow, you immedietly understand when reading that this person understands how a story works. That's way, way more important than having beautiful prose. I'm just saying all of this to hopefully demonstrate that, as writers, technical skill and prose will happen naturally with enough work & reading. Don't stress about that. Prose isn't what makes your story enjoyable and a good read. It's if you get what makes a story go. Everything else can come in time.
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spiderlilac · 8 months
thank u for tagging me @offdutym0del !!! good to know you’re a fellow spanish speaker 🥰
How many works do you have on AO3?
nine ! hoping to post another halloween one today though lol
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
only hotd at the moment
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
born from delicate violence
ornery, scandalous & evil
the tides talk to me
life is a willow
take you to promised lands
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do and i always will, even if it takes me a year to answer lmao. i highly appreciate anyone who takes the time off their day to comment on my silly stuff, and there’s just something deeply adorable in them saying what their favorite part was, what part made them feel this way, that way, etc. i wish i could kiss everyone who comments because they deserve it !
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i think it’s the third entry of the tides series, ornery, scandalous & evil. ngl pretty much all i had in mind was that i wanted it to be angsty and cram together as much characters as possible. i think it worked lmao. it also helped to set background on said characters too — like helaena and her kids, daeron and daemon. and the arrival of the very expected lucemond baby which was kinda ruined by luke. oopsie
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
weirdly enough, i think the grace of a rotting corpse is the happiest one. of course circumstances aren’t looking good, but both luke and aemond are tucked away in their happy little moments (which are kind of gross), and as long as alicent doesn’t know, they’ll be fine.
Do you get hate on fics?
lol the first time i posted omega aemond i got flooded with weird comments that suggested i was somehow disrespecting omega luke (??? 💀) but after that, everything was fiiiiiine.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i do, the freaky kind— mostly because i like building up ‘intense’ scenes that end up in smut one way or another lol. the smut itself is just smut, but i enjoy the gymnastics around it.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nope. if i ever did i don’t remember. i haven’t found two ‘fandoms’ or universes i’d like to mix personally
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah! someone once requested to translate one of my oneshots into portuguese for another fandom and i said yes. i felt so honored
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no and honestly, i feel like that’s just not for me. i’ve got a very disorganized writing ‘process’ that is organized FOR ME so if i tried cowriting with someone who does it differently it would not work lol.
What's your all-time favourite ship
i feel like this changes every few months tbh. lucemond is my current fave, although there are other asoiaf ships i read about too like rheanicent
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oof. born from delicate violence maybe? listen, that fic was my baby. i loved it and i loved writing it last year, but as weeks went by i got into some bad thoughts and realized that this fic was written at an specific time of my life that i didn’t necessarily want to remember, and between the things to remember, was the inspiration for this fic. i still like it and i do think i still have the original doc for the finale, so perhaps i’ll post it one day, but i feel like posting an ending that’s not even properly edited just for closure will not make me feel right. i also don’t want to post anything that i consider lackluster, since i know a lot of people followed the story last year.
besides that, i had this lucemond thingy in the docs that was very angsty, during the dance era and all. i wrote an entire summary and started the first chapter. i finished and then i just didn’t like the idea anymore, so i left it there.
What are your writing strengths?
not sure about this one. i’d like to think dialogue, or maybe to set a scene. i’m very passionate about setting scenes lmao
What are your writing weaknesses?
definitely typos. also, i finish writing something, i read it a couple of times more to ‘edit’ then post it, so i feel like i don’t spend much time actually editing it ?? hopefully that makes sense. i don’t know how to write fluff without making myself cringe either, so it’s a constant battle
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
in fics that are not mine? i love it. for example, in hotd fics we see a lot of high valyrian stuff and i love when other authors use it as a creative resource. if translations are not available on the fic itself, sometimes i look up the word, sometimes just go with the context of the fic instead. the same with other languages; i don’t have a problem with it. now, writing it for my own fic is a whole different story. i don’t have the patience to add high valyrian in my fics, i prefer to dodge it or just refer to it instead lol. besides english i speak spanish, and if i feel a fic needs dialogue in another language, i’d choose spanish right away instead of trying to use a translator and butchering the poor language.
First fandom you wrote for?
omg i have no idea. i’m pretty sure it’s between marvel and some creepypasta fanbase.
Favourite fic you've ever written?
so far, my absolute favorite is mean bad dog. i love aemond’s clinginess and instability. i love luke’s moral dilemmas and how he tries to fix it all in his head. yum
i’m not tagging anyone but if u want to do it go ahead!!!! reading and making this thing were veeery entretaining.
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katiesharms · 2 years
heyo! came from ao3 and saw that u were welcoming suggestions for fanboy realizing the hannix situation- but i propose that u switch him out with maverick 👀 unless he’s already included of course. I think it’d be interesting watching from an instructors perspective on how the hannix thing came abt
hey!! i actually did come up with a scenario for fanboy & the whole fic is now written. i wasn't planning on including mav because imo he's kinda clueless and totally would not notice anything, plus i like the structure of the fic a lot already. but! i had a fun lil idea, so here it is:
It takes two years post-Mission for the 12 of them, plus Maverick, to all be in the same place at the same time again. It's not for lack of trying; the group chat that Mav keeps mostly muted is constantly full of proposed dates and failed plans. But eventually, he's able to host a pre-Thanksgiving gathering at his hanger/home.
The aviators filter in throughout the day. Rooster is there first, since he's basically been living there since the mission, but Bob, Fanboy, and Payback show up early as well, having gotten into town the night before. Coyote strolls in a couple hours later with Yale and Harvard on his tail. He immediately requests a beer, or something stronger, after having to deal with them for the whole drive. Halo, Omaha, and Fritz are next, and soon, the only people missing are Phoenix and Hangman.
"Are they coming together?" Maverick asks as he starts firing up the grill.
Rooster looks at him confused. "Yeah, of course, they are," he answers like the question is ridiculous.
Huh, Maverick thinks. He genuinely had no idea they were still together. He'd assumed that their relationship post-Mission was a brief fling, fueled by the adrenaline of their success. He's had his fair share of those.
They show up just as the first burgers are coming off the grill, hands laced together as they walk in.
"Of course, Hangman shows up just in time to eat without having to help," Halo teases.
"Sorry, it's my fault," Phoenix admits. "I took us the wrong way."
The two of them go around greeting everyone as a unit, never separating. Their hands are linked, Hangman's arm around her shoulder, her hand in his back pocket. No matter what, they find a way to stay attached. Huh, Maverick thinks again. Penny is always saying he's a bit oblivious, but he's a little embarrassed that he missed this.
"So what's for dinner?" Hangman asks as they sit down, and then the meal is underway.
After they all eat, the aviators stick around, everyone bouncing off each other, catching up. Maverick finds himself wishing they could do more often.
He's by the cooler of drinks when Phoenix comes up to grab another few beers. As she reaches into the cooler, he notices something shiny glint off her left ring finger.
"Congratulations," he offers, and she looks up at him confused.
"For what?"
"Uh," he says awkwardly, gesturing to her hand.
"Oh!" she exclaims. "Sorry, it's been a few months, so I sometimes forget."
A few months? Maverick blushes, hoping she doesn't think he's rude for not remarking on it sooner.
"Sorry for, ah, missing it." He winces at the awkward phrasing.
"Oh, it's okay. We didn't make a big deal out of it, and Rooster likes to say your social media illiterate."
Mav laughs, "yes, Amelia is trying to teach me TikTok, but I'll be honest, it's a lost cause." The two of them laugh together at that.
"You know," he starts, "when we all first met, I thought it was Bradley you were into."
Phoenix starts positively cackling at that. "Sorry," she ekes out between laughs, "no offense to Rooster, but that's honestly hilarious. I wouldn't touch that mess with a ten-foot pole."
"But you would touch Hangman?" Maverick teases, and Phoenix, to his shock, blushes.
"Unfortunately," she answers and then heads back to the group. She hands Hangman a beer and then slips right into his lap, throwing an arm around his back.
Huh, Maverick thinks once more. Maybe Penny and Amelia are right. He really needs to become more observant on land.
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crispn-n · 2 months
February 🎁💙💛
hey! I might start to write a monthly post where i post a recap of comms/freebies/whatever i got where people draw or write for my ocs!!! Not gonna include all of them, probably just some highlights with selected themes or topic.
I need to yap my thoughts somewhere and hopefully could appeal to you considering to support the creators if u like their work🥰
It was valentine month.... it was supposed to be a month full of LOVE!! (of my otp)
Let's make this post adorable fureren comms I got/send around that month that fits the occassion back then 🥺💗
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[ Artist, from left to right : Arutaego, Yachichan, Chokore_4 ]
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The last one was requested on february, but only got finished around April. It was a very worthy wait for furerenchwan summer-flavoured full course meal!!!!!!! AAH working with Reci is always a pleasant experience ;; v ;;
On this opportunity I tried to propose an idea "fureren sociolla date" for the sketchpage !! 💅💄 I have been wanting to draw a date inspired by the viral sociolla date videos. It fits them well, Frey is totally a boyfriend who will tag along inside the shop with Allen--Willingly learn and observe like a gentleman he is! (Pluus, also stepping in to stop her shopping haul lol)
Here're some sketches that is related to my sociolla date delulu. I hope to draw them out too myself in the future! hehe
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During the progress; Reci suggested an idea where Frey is (sloppily) trying to apply a liptint on Allen for the first time ever. And I immediately agree with the idea!!!!! I like that in this piece, it seems Frey trying his best to get into Allen's interests as well.
By the way, while we're at it, I also want to show you this complete set of decorated icons comms from Reci as well. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! look at thems!!!!!
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I'm thinking of getting another of these with my other ocs... maybe darlene and george...?🥺🥺? o-or wouldn't the whole six PABear family be great addition as well🧸..?! Gosh seeing the customized decoration around the character that resemble their character and personality ...!! Its so addicting....the artist always so good making them and put their own spin to the color palette!
Will reci accept this workload however... TT v TT let's just see in the future..!
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For the 2nd picture : When I received the sketch for the first time I literally jumped and very normal about it like WAH!!!!!!!! kak yachi's art is always so rich in expression and i love it!!! first thing i think when i saw frey on each picture is like, oh my god... they are so silly.... stupid... and in love.......(????) i LOVE it, they depicted their personalities perfectly. Allen's super cheerful and Frey.... frey's silliness beneath his serious composure is so real......
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Additionally ; it is super amazing to be able commissioning yachi to draw fureren again.
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The left one was comm'ed around 2021. When i haven't really started shipping them and yet working on their lore. CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT.... (note that it also consist allen's old design) When Yachi drew them like that, i was awakened.......Oh... i really like seeing frey and allen having this kind of interaction......
So this piece meant so much to me. Its great that in 2024 I could have them draw these two again with new designs (And i appreciate kak yachi heartwarmingly remembers them and said they enjoyed drawing fureren ; v ;! Its a honor ...!)
Oh oh oh! Additionally, since February also Frey's month. I managed to commission a frey-birthday-ish fic from Matheo (a writer). It was SO GREAT Q Q I havent got time to publish it on my toyhouse bc i want to draw a thing or a two thats related to the fic. maybe i will just publish it next year on his birthday bc i tend to share my fic stock like much very much later
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oop and the first picture was a lovely cookie box commission! I fell in love at the first sight, i really hope i could find more interesting and cute ych like that~!!
Anyways, thats all for this post!
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faarkas · 2 years
hilary show me the forbidden content of the fwb valenzo fic, i need it NOW 🤲
rules: post the barebones plot of your wips and let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them the most and then post a snippet/tell them something about it! post
@arklay @morvaris
OHHHH RENA, LEAH, AND NICO,,,, Pandora’s box u have opened :/ I’ll give like. three chunks since the three of u asked but be warned…..ITS CRINGE
ANYWAY. I give you some of the beginning of the date, after the date, and them on his couch. Its almost 3k. Some nsft ish stuff under the cut. no smut but they do be getting kinda frisky. also they're a lil tipsy. c'est la vie. If any of you actually make it through any of this and don't immediately regret it I'll owe you a life debt
Also so far the plot is: Val gets ready to go on a date, is a lil nervous, calls Lorenzo for advice and like the absolute well-meaning dumbass he is he suggests he bring his date and they go on a double date. Their dates end up TOTALLY wrong for them and actually better suited for each other (stupid corpo financial dudebro who comes back up later and a very shallow model. not to rely on stereotypes or anything. also she has the same color eyes as val just so u can laugh with me.) and they end up like, making out with each other in the corner of the restaurant. And then valenzo leaves and hooks up AHSKDKAJ and agree to the whole fwb arrangement ™️ BUT THEN. Val’s dad shows up (very bad no good man) and is like pwease help me i’m so pathetic and she reluctantly agrees. And that’s where we’re at now but there’s hijinks and there’s going to be a lil love triangle moment and it’s just. Listen if u wanna know more u should probably dm me at this point it’s so convoluted but also not AGDJFKWBK
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The air is still warm, golden light painting the sides of the buildings as the sun starts to set, but Val can’t help but shiver a little bit as the breeze nips at her darkly nyloned legs, goosebumps forming over her skin. She’d decided on wearing some cheeky thigh highs along with everything else, the lacy band keeping them up just peeking out from under her skirt when she twists the right way and making her feel a little sexy.
It could just be the cool breeze, but it could also be the anticipation of the evening. It’s almost 7:30, and she’s outside the restaurant, trying to wait patiently for anybody to show up as the last corpos make their way past her with dead eyes and crinkled suits. She inspects her nails to distract herself, trying to resist the herculean urge to pick at the fresh coat of black polish while she ignores the dig of the skinny strap of her purse digging into her bare shoulder.
A somewhat distant call of her name pricks her ears up, looking up to see Lorenzo waving to her cheerfully from down the street, a blonde girl at his side. Val zooms in with her kiroshis as she waves back, eager to get a look of Lorenzo Date No. 493 and see if she can glean anything from her before she actually has to talk to her.
She’s really beautiful with her glowy pale purple optics and long blonde hair, honestly she really looks like she could be a model with how long her legs are, the short bodycon light blue dress she’s wearing helping to show them off. A quick scan on her reveals that her name is Erica. Of course Lorenzo would bring a very hot girl with a pretty name to her date, Val internally laments as they continue to get closer with each step.
Erica is tall too, with her heels she’s only a couple inches shorter than him. She tries to stamp down a flicker of anxiety, and another weird feeling she can’t place when Lorenzo tilts his head down to murmur something in Erica’s ear that makes her laugh, the big hand he has on her waist squeezing and pulling her closer.
He looks really good too honestly with how he’s dressed sharply in all black, not too formal but just dressy enough to be classy, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up halfway to show off his heavily tattooed forearms.
“Goddamn. Lookit you, Val. I love this skirt.“ Lorenzo says warmly when they come to a stop in front of her, casting a quick look over her outfit.
“Don’t look so bad yourself.” Val counters with a small smile, starting feeling a little awkward and self conscious in front of two hot people now, even if one of those hot people is one of her closest friends.
A beat of silence accompanies her thanks, Val trying to figure out how to introduce herself smoothly just as Lorenzo mercifully jumps into action.
“Oh god, please pardon my absolutely fuckin’ terrible manners. Erica, this is my friend Valerie. She’s the netrunner extraordinaire I’ve told you about.” He gestures to Val with the hand he doesn’t have wrapped around Erica’s waist. “Val, this is the lovely Erica. She runs in the fashion circuits, does some modeling for Avante."
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Val sniffs as they start the walk to Lorenzo’s place in thoughtful silence, the rhythmic sound of her heels clicking on the sidewalk and his shuffling steps providing a weirdly comforting soundtrack.
“Hey don’t take that personally, okay?” Lorenzo says a couple minutes later when she sniffs hard, her mascara starting to burn her eyes a little.
Really, she's been holding it together really good so far. It's just the way her eyes keep tearing up is going to ruin her mascara, and her nose is starting to run, and her hands are too full to rub at either of the offending parts of her face.
The way she feels like she's just becoming more and more pathetic is painful. Her date is back there with his tongue down that models throat, and she’s doing what feels like a walk of shame to Lorenzo’s place with arms and a purse full of stolen food and alcohol, with her makeup running.
“It’s just…kinda hard not to, y’know?” She says roughly, sniffing hard again.
Like, is she really that undesirable or something? She doesn’t really think she’s the prettiest girl on the block but she does look pretty good tonight. Better than Erica, even with her mile long legs and perfect skin and–
“I know, but you didn’t do a single thing wrong. You look like a trillion bucks, Val, and you’re always a class act.” Lorenzo’s gentle words cut through her thoughts like a knife through butter.
The compliment makes her chest flutter a little bit as she looks up at him, seeing a couple very dim stars in the sky above him as they walk. Honestly, they probably aren’t even stars. More than likely just orbital stations. Still cool, but not as neat as real stars would be.
“That’s sweet of you to say, Enzo.” Val teases with a cheeky smile, thankful that it’s too dark for him to see her raccoon eyes.
Lorenzo gives her a look, quirking his brow and adjusting the hefty sushi under his arm while he brushes the back of a tattooed hand against her upper arm. “Oh, c’mon, I mean it. Don’t you ‘enzo’ me.”
She giggles, thankful that her eyes are drying up now. Though that probably won’t last for super long.
“Listen, she was fucking annoying but…I’m sorry about Erica.”
He just shrugs, looking a little defeated.
“Don’t be, it wasn’t gonna work anyway. Trips to France every year? I can only manage to get home to see my family a couple times a year, and even that can be kinda tough sometimes" He pauses for a second. "She didn’t even know what a wrench was.”
“Like… the maintenance tool?”
“The very same.”
A laugh works its way out of her before she can stop it, the ridiculousness of the situation finally hitting her until she can’t stop laughing, leaning into his side to keep steady when her heel slips on the concrete sidewalk and she teeters a little bit, Lorenzo’s free arm snaking out to wrap around her waist and right her before she goes down with their dinner.
“H-Hey, don’t drop the goods.” He says, amusement clear in his voice as he starts to laugh with her.
“Sorry, it’s just ridiculous. All of this is so ridiculous.” She says as her phone starts to vibrate insistently from inside of her purse. “Zuzu, can you look? My arms are full.”
“Thats better, much prefer that nickname, especially comin’ from you.” He says as he fishes into her purse for her phone, the bottles of sake jostling and clinking as he searches for it. The blue glow casting sharp shadows across his features a few seconds later.
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Val throws back another shot of sake as she sniffles loudly, the starting montage of The Princess Bride and all the mushy ‘as you wish’ stuff choking her up more than it ever has before as she plucks another piece of sushi out of the boat that’s nestled securely in her lap, her legs in Lorenzo’s lap with his sushi boat resting on top of them as they lounge on his shitty old red couch. 
It’s just kind of like, when’s it going to be like this for her? When is she going to get her whirlwind romance with someone who actually cares enough about her to invent some kind of code that secretly means ‘I love you’ or just be devoted enough to love her no matter what, over years? It’s just not realistic, she knows that, but the alcohol mixing with some long starved and pushed away feelings of wanting to love and be loved that have been brought to the surface with this latest rejection are making her a little crazy. 
Val hastily swipes a hand across her eyes, shoving a few pieces of sushi into her mouth as she does in some poor attempt to disguise the movement. Lorenzo had been kind enough to let her use some of his makeup remover when they were getting all comfortable so she wouldn’t be sitting there with burn-y mascara eyes for hours, so at least she can cry in peace now, though she still doesn’t really want to bring down the mood more than it already has been. 
Lorenzo’s been uncharacteristically quiet too, just largely eating and drinking and offering a few quiet comments about the movie as they sit all tangled up together.
“Hey, you alright?” He finally breaks the silence, resting a large very warm hand on her nyloned calf and squeezing a little when she reaches for the nearest bottle of half empty sake to pour another shot. 
She’s clearly already feeling the effects and Verde warned her about drinking too much of this stuff too quickly before, so she figures this will be her last one. She’s not a big drinker anyway, so this is good enough for her. Lorenzo on the other hand, has already downed most of his bottle– He is a lot bigger than her, and usually pretty good at holding his drink, but she can see even in the dimness of his living room that he’s starting to get a little glassy eyed too.
“I’m good, I swear.” Val says, offering him a watery smile as her stomach churns a little at how unhappy and almost suffocated she’s starting to feel. Though not unhappy that she’s here, she’s never unhappy to be with Lorenzo, she’s just…tired. To the bone and spirit kind of tired and bruised.
And the alcohol that she had been hoping would loosen her up and relax her is just making her feel weepy and kinda heavy.  
“Tell it to me straight, I’ve been tryin’ to pretend not to notice you cryin’ for the last ten minutes now.” 
Val sighs, setting the half empty boat on the low table beside them in front of the couch before flopping back into the couch, settling in comfortably with the lack of springs to resist her. Maybe she is just feeling miserable enough to actually share her feelings, or it’s the safe environment, or maybe the alcohol, but she starts to spill before she can stop herself.
“It’s j-just, like– I want this kind of love. Or something. I just want someone to care about me and like…” Val trails off, feeling a little embarrassed that she’s actually voicing this. A short glance to him reveals that he’s just watching her interestedly, waiting politely for her to continue. “Like my last date before this just stood me up. I saw him walk in, look at me, and then just turn around and leave. Am I that hideous or something? I-It’s Night City, I don’t expect syn-roses and candles and some happy suburban fairytale life or anything like that, I…I don’t know. And I love my toys, don’t get me wrong, but I’m just kinda tired of relying on them and my own hands to get any kind of satisfaction… but maybe that’s just my lot. God, this is so embarrassing– I’m sorry.”  
Lorenzo pats her leg gently, and she almost thinks she can see him tearing up in the low light of the room. “Don’t gotta apologize, Val. I get it. I really get it. You deserve someone that’ll treat you right, more than anybody else in this fucked up city.”
“Oh, I dunno if I’d go that far-” 
“No no no no no, you do. You really do.” Lorenzo says so earnestly it takes her aback for a second. 
“I mean…there was absolutely no chance of any kind of real love with Chris, you saw how corpo through and through he was, I think I was just really looking forward to getting laid. It’s been so long. Ugh, that’s another TMI... I’m sorry.” 
Deciding to just be quiet, Val bites at her lip, tasting some of the waxy residue of her lipstick and lingering chemicals from the makeup remover as embarrassment starts to gnaw at her properly now, her stomach churning a little with the sudden anxiety in her gut. And Lorenzo isn’t saying anything, just looking thoughtful.
Honestly if the floor could just open up and swallow her whole right now that might be good. Or maybe she should just excuse herself and teeter her way home to bed. It’s really not far.    
“Maybe I should-” 
“We could sleep together.” Lorenzo blurts out, interrupting her, his eyes immediately widening as she looks at him with surprise, the hand he still has resting on her calf pulling away to cover his mouth instead. “Oh god, I’m sorry. I mean it’s an option, you’re fucking stunning and I’d love to make you feel good…but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable- and we’ve been drinking and I shouldn’t have said anything and, um-” 
His words are a little muffled by his hand, a terrible silence falling on them as the movie plays in the background and she tries to figure out how to react. It’s not that he’s not handsome- On the contrary, Lorenzo is gorgeous, but he’s also just… Lorenzo. She’s never really thought about him that way before. But the idea….
She won’t deny that it’s appealing, he looks and smells so good and she’s so needy that this is becoming more of a good idea the more she thinks about it. Friends sleep together sometimes, right? It’s not a big deal.
Or that’s what she tells herself as the next words leave her mouth. “I...think I’d like that.” 
The mortification still on his face melts into surprise. “Wh- Are you sure? I’m really tryin’ not to be a creep or anything.” 
“Do you want to do this?” Val asks as she picks the half emptied trays of sushi up from her lap and calves and sets them on the table with the sake.
“Yeah, I mean I feel kinda responsible for you not getting laid tonight, and I’ve got hands and a mouth and a working dick. It’d be my pleasure.” He says earnestly and Val adjusts herself, sliding her legs out of his lap so she can crawl into it instead, her heart thumping in her ears.   
Lorenzo looks up at her, his optics glowing in the low light of the room, the light from the TV highlighting his profile handsomely as his hands move to rest on her waist, and the skin exposed from her crop top. They’re so warm, and oh god they so big they almost encircle her entire waist. 
Bolstered by the liquid courage now, the feel of his hands on her waist, and the way Lorenzo is gazing at her like she’s responsible for hanging the stars in the sky, she leans in, the loose lock of wavy pink hair framing her face falling forward and brushing against his cheek as she tentatively kisses him.
His lips are surprisingly soft, warm and gentle against hers as he returns the kiss, his hands tightening on her waist. A warm tingly feeling washes over her as the kiss gets deeper, the alcohol on his breath and how good it all feels making her head spin. She wraps her arms around his neck loosely as she moves her lips against his, finding an easy rhythm so quickly it surprises her a little bit. 
Val pulls away after a few seconds to catch a breath, her underwear already starting to feel a little damp and sticky as they look at each other cautiously, Val trying to ignore the creeping feeling in the back of her mind that things are not going to be the same after this. 
“Is this okay?” She asks when Lorenzo uncharacteristically says nothing, just breathing heavily as he stares at her lips. 
His eyes dart up to lock with hers for a split second before they flick back down to her lips and he pushes up to kiss her, the movie utterly forgotten as he kisses her so gently it takes her aback for a second, hunger and desire clear in the way he’s pulling her close now, one arm snaking around her waist while the other slides up between her shoulder blades and he holds her body tightly against his solid chest, the tenderness in how his lips move against hers making her feel like she’s just going to melt from the intensity of it.
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arhvste · 4 years
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- summary - irked by his brother and his wife’s flirting in front of him, astumu decides it finally time to prove to his family that he too has settled down and with someone he genuinely loves at that - fluff - x f reader
- an - this is the alternative route to the osamu fic i wrote which is based off of this ask an anon sent in earlier, someone suggested i do both brothers with this plot and i think they were joking but i did end up getting a little carried away and writing two different routes for it so here u go >:)
“Oi, Samu! Stop flirtin with ya wife right in front’a me and get cookin, I’m starvin!” Atsumu whined as he rested his head against the kitchen prep counter which was currently occupied with countless cooking utensils scattered across the cool metal surface and various ingredients dotted around.
“Yer just jealous I have a gorgeous wife and you don’t” With a smug smile, Osamu wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist bringing her  in close enough for him to press a quick kiss to her flour dusted cheek.
“Yuck! Not over the food I’m beggin ya!”
She giggled and pulled her husband back in close to her before turning to give a quick smile to his irritated twin.
“Perhaps we should find you a girlfriend Tsumu! I know a few people who I’m sure would be at least willing to go out on a date with you.”
“Yeah, you’d probably have to pay em first!”
Atsumu huffed before sitting up properly with a smirk painted across his face.
“Actually, no need. I’ve got a girlfriend already.”
Osamu narrowed his eyes at his brother unsure whether to believe him or not. Atsumu was known for being sly especially when it came to him.
“Really? How comes we’ve never met ‘er then?” Osamu quizzed, eyes boring into his complacent brother’s.
“Cause she’s always busy and when she’s not she’s usually at my practices, besides, media’s a pain in the ass we don’t want them following us and bein annoyin wherever we go.” Atsumu spoke matter-of-factly.
Still not buying his brothers claims, Osamu thought of something that would surely catch Atsumu out of his potential lie. He nodded towards his wife to back him up and she sent him a knowing smile already knowing what he was thinking.
“We were thinkin of having the family over this weekend for dinner cause we’ve got an announcement to make, why dont’cha bring yer girl with you?” Osamu observed his twin watching for any signs of panic or discomfort but Atsumu’s face stayed content as if he was trying to provoke the couple in front of him.
“Lemme see if she’s free, I only have training in the morning but I’ll check if she’s got anythin going on before I drag her out.” Atsumu pulled out his phone as he stood up after checking the time. “Ah shit, I gotta get back, Omi’s gonna kill me if I’m late one more time, see you Saturday I guess.” He shrugged and waved to the confused pair left in the prep kitchen.
“Yeah, see you and yer girlfriend then.”
Atsumu smirked as he headed out to leave for practice, the sudden excitement for Saturday to arrive flooding his mind.”
If there was anything Atsumu loved more than you, it was proving people wrong.
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“y/n! Baby I’m home!” Atsumu called out, entering the sleek apartment closing the door securely behind him.
“Coming!” Your melodic voice called out to your boyfriend bringing a smile to his face. He heard the sounds of your feet padding across the heated floor towards him. After a few seconds of waiting, you finally reached your tired boyfriend who offered you a lazy smirk as he brought you into his arms.
“There’s my girl.” He muttered pressing a feathery kiss to your cheek before pulling you in for a deep kiss to your lips. He pulled you in even closer, hand supporting your lower back and the other moving down to give your ass a quick squeeze signalling for you to jump so he could carry you. Never letting his lips leave yours, Atsumu dragged his hand from your back to help his other hand in supporting the weight of your body now your legs had instinctively wrapped around his slim waist as your hands carded through his soft golden tufts. He carried you over to the couch and sat, having you straddle his waist before pulling away to allow yourselves to catch your breaths.
“What’s gotten you so worked up?” you huffed as you leant back slightly to look into his glinting eyes.
“Nothin much, saw Samu and his wife earlier… they don’t believe you exist.” A pout etched onto his face as you raised your eyebrow.
“Should I be offended?”
“Nah, guess they’re right, they haven’t met’cha yet, but we’re both so busy we never found the time to introduce ya.”
You hummed as Astumu pouted, face buried in your neck, his warm breath tickling your neck.
“Actually,” Atsumu began. “Would’ja mind comin to meet them on Saturday? Like, my whole family. You can say no if yer busy or if yer not ready I totally get-”
You shut the boy up with a quick peck and smiled gently at him.
“Tsumu, I’d love to meet your family.”
“Of course.”
Atsumu felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder, he didn’t think convincing you would’ve been that easy. He was confident that you would’ve been open to meeting his family at some point, but there was still the lingering thoughts of doubt in which you may not have thought he was taking you or the relationship seriously, but after seeing your genuine smile and hearing your firm answer, Atsumu’s doubts washed away and a satisfied and relieved smile came over his face.
“They’re gonna be so mad when they see just how hot my girlfriend is, yer gonna show everyone who comes up, I just know it angel.”
You playfully hit your boyfriend's chest with a firm look on your face as he laughed.
“Don’t say that! I bet your family's great Tsumu, I can’t wait to meet them.”
Although you’d already said yes to meeting his family, Astumu felt his heart warm at the sound of you saying you were excited to meet his family. The fact you were happy to be involved even more in his life only made him want to let you even further in if he could. Atsumu was never really one for long-term relationships hence why he’d never bothered introducing any previous girlfriends to his family because he knew it would end eventually due to the fact he had to spend so much time travelling and at training. He had been taking a break from dating when he met you. You were introduced as the new MSBY social media manager, you were given the task to run the team’s official social medias, monitor the player’s accounts and keep an eye on certain articles while organising interviews and event appearances. It was a big job but you took it head on from the get-go thoroughly impressing Atsumu who made no attempts to hide his interest in you. Hell, he even went as far as to get scolded by you a few times for posting some risky shirtless pictures to his instagram purely for the fact he knew you were monitoring the accounts and that you’d see them.
5 months later and Atsumu had finally convinced you to let him take you out on just one date. But one date soon turned into two, then three, then seven and the rest was history. He wasn’t sure why you’d eventually given into his persistent flirting and whining but he didn’t particularly care either. He had you now and that’s all that mattered. You were the only girlfriend he’d had who understood and accepted his demanding work schedule because you yourself were on a similar schedule which he thanked the heavens for. Thinking back, Atsumu probably should’ve brought you to meet his family sooner but with the excitement of constant games, intense training, interviews and event appearances and grasping onto whatever time he could get alone with you, proved to overpower the thoughts of how significant it is for your partner to meet your family.
Whatever, they were getting the chance to meet you this weekend so better late than never he supposed.
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Saturday rolled round quickly and you and Atsumu were exhausted from a weeks worth of demanding work but there was no way in hell Atsumu was going to forget about how he needed to wipe his brother's smug smirk off his face when he introduced his incredible girlfriend.
Dressing nicely, the two of you rushed out of the apartment a little later than planned but Atsumu didn’t mind. Being a little late just meant more people would arrive before him allowing him to make a big entrance and cause a scene about who he’d brought along. You weren’t an accessory to Atsumu and he hoped you weren’t thinking that’s what today was about. Sure he had a petty side goal, but he was genuinely proud of you and would show you off whenever he could especially in front of the other MSBY players who’d only scowl at him when he’d wrap his arms around your smaller frame from behind while mouthing a ‘mine’ for the other men to sulk over.
You arrived after a 15 minute drive and Atsumu opened your door for you guiding you up towards his twin’s spacious home.
Knocking a few times, Atsumu gave your hand a quick squeeze of reassurance as you felt your heart pound ever so slightly quicker at the thought of meeting your boyfriend’s whole family.
The door was opened by Osamu who already had a look of amusement written across his face, ready to ridicule his brother for lying. His face dropped when he saw you holding his brother’s hand and blinked a few times to make sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him.
“He didn’t pay you to come with him did he?” Osamu questioned with shock as Atsumu sent a sharp flick to his brother’s shoulder. You hummed in amusement before smiling lazily at your boyfriend’s twin.
“My presence is an extremely high price, I doubt he would’ve been able to afford it if he wasn’t so persistent and annoying.”
“Tsumu, I approve, I like her.” Osamu snickered before letting the two of you enter his warm home filled with members of the Miya family.
A chorus of welcomes came their way as many family members rushed over to gush over how ‘out of Atsumu’s league’ you were and ‘why had you wanted to date someone as messy as him’ only for you to laugh brightly and tell his family countless stories about Atsumu’s antics at training and post match celebrations.
Astumu didn’t even mind you were poking fun at him every so often, growing up with Osamu had gotten him pretty used to it but he was more focused on how naturally you fit into his family. It was like you were meant to be a part of it. 
Watching you as you spoke and laughed with his family, Atsumu let his thoughts wander to when and how he’d eventually go about making you officially part of his family one day.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @tsukishimagizzard @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff
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alphaflyer · 2 years
Fic & Music
So @mitch-pell asked people to share at least 5 songs they’ve either created a work from, plan to create a work from, or hope to create a work from. Consider yourself tagged if you’d like to play!
Well, first of all, I have written a ton of stories that have been inspired by some piece of music or other - sometimes the inspiration has come from a line or a couple of words, at other times a song has helped me find the mood I was looking for, or given me the inspiration for a title. So here’s but a sample, because otherwise we’d be here forever... 
The Andorian Incident
This is one of my very first fics, in the Star Trek:Voyager fandom, and my first attempt to write capital-P Plot - specifically, a B-grade, Western-infused adventure frolic. I'd become intrigued by Joan Baez’ cover of Dylan’s ballad, “Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts” and its odd assortment of characters. And so I went about constructing a plot that didn’t follow that of the song, but drew on elements of it (”Lily was a princess...”; “Then everyone commenced to do what they were doin' before he turned their heads;” “Rosemary... was lookin' to do just one good deed before she died”, that sort of thing). I listened to the song for the several weeks it took me to construct and write the thing; it still conjures up the story when it pops up on my playlist.
Locust Wind
This was going to be the sequel to one of my most popular fics, “Second Mouse”, an Avengers/007 crossover. I’d envisioned it as a totally hoaky caper thing (working title: “The Curse of the Elephant Star”), but this was just post-Captain America: Winter Soldier and I just couldn’t find the frivolous mood I needed. I was driving home from work when U-2′s “Rattle and Hum” came up on my iPod, with that line: “On the Locust Wind comes a rattle and hum...” And boom, everything changed. By the time I got home, I knew I had my title, a link to the emergence of Hydra from TWS like locusts about to devour the world, and most importantly, an underlying mood - of dread, and impending doom. I tossed what I’d already written (except for a couple of paragraphs I managed to repurpose, and started to write...
Rain on the Scarecrow
In some fannish exchange or other @bettybackintheday had suggested that John Mellencamp wrote “Clint-ish” music, and I agreed. Then we started to get the first teasers for Age of Ultron, and that mysterious farm was at the centre of everyone’s speculation. So based on the pretty dark and elegiac mood of “Rain on the Scarecrow”, I concocted my own ideas of what it might mean. Of course none of that came to pass - but I still maintain we’d have been better off if Marvel had used my version...  :P
Diamonds and Rust
Another Joan Baez song, and something i KNEW would be a title for a fic some day! I love that image, but also how can you listen to these lines and NOT think of comics!Clint Barton and comics!Kate Bishop:
As I remember your eyes Were bluer than robin's eggs "My poetry was lousy, " you said Where are you calling from? A booth in the Midwest...
We both know what memories can bring They bring diamonds and rust
Well you burst on the scene Already a legend The unwashed phenomenon The original vagabond ... Yes the girl on the half-shell Could keep you unharmed
Now I see you standing With brown leaves falling around And snow in your hair...
So, yeah. Had to be done (as a tag to the Fraction series.)
The Western Shore
Well, how could I listen to Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” screeching through Thor: Ragnarok, see that ship of Asgardians looking for a new home, and *not* think of what would happen to them if they were to land in the US under Trump’s immigration policies? Exactly. This is that story.
So that’s a short sampling of my musical inspirations. Feel free to shoot me an ask if you want to know more!
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trrickytickle · 3 years
War After The War
A/N: YET ANOTHER COLLAB with my shawty @the-atla-specialist​!!! Shawty do be epic tho. Shawty is talented in arts and crafts, fic, existing, being aesthetic, and making friends by biting them. I love u amelie
There’s something for EVERYONE IN THIS ONE!!! Ok so for flame we got some suki and katara, flour we got some suki period, toph for atla specialist, aang and sokka for veryblushyswitch, and ZUKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for y'all!!!!!!! I love this fic so much!!!! I also fucked up the water tribes so fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I love and hate this. It is way too long. 
also if you can join my discord!!! there’s exclusive content, the ability to possibly become friends with me, voice chat, and the whole shebang. https://discord.gg/ABCBpGUFwg
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Originally posted by gaangdaily
Summary: On a cold night in the South, Sokka’s suggestion of a cuddle puddle goes awry and chaos ensues.
Pairing: Platonic Gaang: switch everyone, and SOME kataang and sukka. Just some.
“That was delicious!” Suki exclaimed.
“It was Katara who cooked it,” Sokka said, gesturing to his sister.
“Aw, you guys!” Katara said as she got up to tidy the campsite.
Team Avatar were at the Southern Water Tribe to talk to the leaders there to try and get them to call off their guards around the world. They had just beaten the Fire Lord and ended the hundred-year war only a few months ago, which meant that they had a lot of work to do in order to get everyone to try and trust each other.
“I’m getting kinda sleepy.. Today was tiring. Let’s head in for the night.” Aang yawned and stretched.
Zuko nodded in agreement, following Aang to their tent, waddling slowly in the thick snow. The cold air made his face sting as he held his arms together.
The brisk cold made it hard for them to fall asleep. Spirits, even Zuko, the firebender, had trouble sleeping. Toph tossed, turned and sniffled, wiping her nose on her blanket, Katara hugged her pillow in a vice-like grip, and Aang just couldn’t sleep.
“Sokka….. M’cold.”  Aang looked over at Sokka, who was sleeping next to him.
“Mmng… Aren’t you a firebender..?”
“D’wanna burn nyone…. Don’t wan nother Jeong Jeong inc’dent…”
Sokka scratched his chin in (half-asleep) thought, making “hmmm” noises.
“That’s it!” He exclaimed loudly, startling the rest of the gang awake. “We could pile up!”
“Hm?” Zuko asked, half-asleep.
“Mmmhavn’t done that since w’wre kids…” Katara mumbled. “A’ight.”
Soon enough, they all fell asleep in an instant. Katara snuggled up to Aang, who Toph held on to. She laid on Sokka’s shoulder, while Suki was sleeping on his back, and Zuko was hugging Toph while his leg rested on Sokka’s back.
Of course, someone had to wake up and ruin the peaceful moment- Toph, to be exact. She yawned, her headpiece getting caught in her hair as it flowed down, brushing Aang’s ear slightly, waking him as he wheezed to conceal his laughter and jumped out of Katara (who was surprisingly, still sound asleep) ’s arm. He closed his eyes, trying to sleep, screeching when Toph’s nails grazed his side lightly. Toph giggled mischievously to herself, smirking.
“Oops, that was totally an accident.” she joked, holding a lock of her hair and brushing Aang’s neck with it, smirking as she watched him try to compose himself. After a while of keeping the charade up, he eventually gave up and curled up into a giggly ball.
“Eahahaha- thahat was totally on purpose!”
“Shh.. We can’t let the others know.. I have an idea.” Toph sat up on her pillow, covering her feet with her blanket.
“What is it?”
“Just watch, Twinkle Toes. Just watch.”
Toph feigned slumber, leaning on Katara who was laying on her chest. She dragged a finger down her back- which showed no effect.
Alright, that didn’t work. Toph thought to herself as she concocted a plan B.  She held onto her with her left hand, using it to claw on her stomach, waking her in the process, and eliciting loud, wheezing laughter resembling that of a hyena-beaver’s. Katara thrashed, squealed and kicked- then eventually got the jump on Toph, jabbing her sides and stroking up and down her ribs, causing her to shriek and giggle, waking Sokka.
“Mmmnh… was dreamin’ bout the m-” Aang tackled Sokka, wriggling his fingers in between his ribs, making him kick, thrash and squeal.
“Nngh-ahAHAHAHA! WHAT WAS THAHAHAT FOR!?” Sokka shrieked, attempting to push Aang away.
“Eh, ask Toph.” Aang looked over at Toph, who was still tickling Katara to near death. While he was distracted, Sokka slipped away to jab Toph’s sides. She squealed as Sokka picked her up by her arms, signalling Aang to help him.
“W-wait, Twinkle Toes! I thought we were frieHEHEHENDS! EEEAHAHAHAH!” Toph thrashed while Aang squeezed her knees, making her kick her legs. He moved his hands upwards, spidering up her sides.
“YOU TRAHAHAITOR!” Sokka let go, giving Toph room to breathe.
“Well done, my friend.” Sokka held out his hand to high-five Aang. While he wasn’t looking, Sokka glided his fingers across Aang’s armpit with his free hand, which had him collapsing in laughter.
“Hey, no fair!”
“You really thought I’d let you off the hook, huh? Huh?” Sokka taunted, tickling his stomach. Meanwhile, Katara and Toph had called a truce, and were plotting a team effort to wake Suki up.
“Alright, you grab one foot, I’ll grab the other, you understand?” Katara looked at Toph, grinning evilly. Toph nodded and began initiating their plan, which was working extremely well. She awoke, immediately tackling Katara to the ground and blowing a raspberry to her side. Katara flinched away and snorted in response.
“Huh? Huh? You think you can- Suhuhuki! Nohoho!” In the midst of serving up sweet revenge to Aang, Suki scribbled her fingers over Sokka’s sides, causing him to let go of Aang, who slipped away, attempting to sneak up on Katara but being stopped by Toph, who held him down.
“Get him.”
Katara nodded, walking over to his boyfriend and straddling his waist, squeezing his sides while he hiccupped and squealed.
“Nohoho! Not fair, not fair!”
“All’s fair in love and war, sweetie.” Katara replied.
“If you let me go, Ihihi’ll, uh, I’ll, um..” Aang struggled to think of anything, blushing.
“You’ll what?” Katara replied smugly while tasering her boyfriend’s armpits. Her eyes suddenly widened as two familiar hands scribbled at her shoulder blades. She giggled, squealing with every breath.
“Oogie.” Sokka said, digging into his sister’s armpits.
Amidst all the chaos, Zuko woke up, standing in a fighting position. He looked around the room for potential threats, then was pleasantly relieved to see it was just his friends- no, his family- being silly. He smiled, rolling his eyes and tried to get back to sleep, only to find Katara sitting at his feet and Sokka holding his arms. Both siblings smirked.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been so relieved.
Katara scribbled her fingers over Zuko’s left sole with her right hand, her left hand holding it. Toph quickly noticed Zuko’s boyish laughter and stopped tickling Suki, instead dragging her over to Zuko. They each attacked one side of his torso, causing him to kick, squirm and flinch, cackling with undignified laughter.
“Ahehehehe! Guys! Nononono, please! Stohohop!” Zuko thrashed and squirmed, careful not to hurt anyone.
“Why should they?” Sokka asked.
“Yeah, why shouldn’t we?” Suki replied to Sokka.
Everyone nodded in agreement, too busy to notice Aang in the corner, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He pursed his lips and closed his eye, sinking his face into Zuko’s stomach and blowing an enormous raspberry.
“You guhuhuys are me-AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Zuko closed his eyes, thrashing about. The rest of the gang backed away in fear, noticing the confident smirk on Zuko’s face.
“Alright, that’s it. You guys wanna play? We can play now.” He jabbed Aang in the stomach, causing him to collapse as he giggled from the very sight of his hands drawing closer to his torso.
“I’m not even touching you!” Zuko laughed. His laughter turned an octave higher as Sokka dug under his arms. Zuko jumped in surprise. Suki tackled him, her fingers climbing down his sensitive neck. He writhed and kicked, then got back up at the right opportunity, leaving Sokka and Suki with each other.
“I haven’t forgotten about you, have I?” Zuko approached Aang with confidence, squeezing his knees.
“S-Sifu Hotman! Pleahahase!”
“What did you just call me!?” Zuko asked, stilling his hands.
“Sifu Hotm-ahahaha! No fair!” Zuko clawed his hands down Aang’s feet over and over again, making him buck and thrash about.
“Just say that I’ve captured the Avatar and restored my honor, and this’ll all be over.” Zuko teased.
“Nahaha- Okay, you’ve captured me! Now whahat?”
“Alright, I’ll stop.”
The tent went silent as everyone was worn out from the chaos that ensued. Toph fell asleep on Sokka’s shoulder, while Suki collapsed on Zuko, who held Aang tightly. Katara held Aang's hand and nuzzled up to his face. Sokka, who was the last to fall asleep, made a disgusted face as he settled down next to Suki.
“Goodnight, you evil, evil people.”
He hugged his girlfriend close, ready for the next cold day in the South.
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lowkeyjustvibing · 3 years
I got bored and made a part two
I made the sequel to this fic right here and I was honestly just in the mood for aggressive fluff™ So here, take some wholesome beans
IBVS is still by onebizarrekai
After that night, the trio had grown much closer. Chris got more comfortable with the subtle signs of affection he’d receive, though that didn’t stop him from being incredibly flustered when it happened. They were still figuring out if their relationship was anything more than very close friendship. Even if it was though, none of them minded the sudden closeness. Edward was still pretty jumpy on some occasions but his paranoia began to ease up. On a similar note, Nevin came back after disappearing for a few days. He said something along the lines of his powers acting up and making him a total jerk. Edward accepted his apology but needless to say, the two weren’t on great terms.
School resumed as normal and soon enough, there was a solid ton of homework and a big project. Luckily, the teacher assigning the project was nice and allowed the kids to pick their own groups. Understandably, the new three musketeers chose each other. Eventually, the final bell rang and they all met up at the front of the school. 
“Are we going to my place?” Barry asked.
“How about we go to mine.” Edward responded, “I’ve got more supplies and we won’t have to worry about a cat using our project as a scratching post or something.”
Chris shrugged, “Sure, sounds good to me.”
“Fine by me.” Barry said, “How about we meet up there at 4?”
“I’ll get to cleaning then.” Edward responded with an embarrassed smile.
Barry knocked on the door to Edward’s house with Chris standing next to him. After a few moments, they saw movement through the warped glass on the side of the door. Finally, Ed opened the door, holding Geno an arms length away.
“Hey guys!” He said, “Come on in.”
After they walked in, Ed shooed Geno to another room but not before the shorter child shouted one last statement.
“Beware the domain of the frog king!” He called ominously before running off somewhere.
“Frog king?” Chris asked and Edward flushed.
“You’ll see.” He mumbled and started walking upstairs.
“This sounds incredibly ominous.” Barry said, chuckling.
When they reached Edward’s room, the jock stopped them, “Hey, umm... You guys promise not to judge me?”
Chris gave him a confused look, “Well yeah, of course. What do you have in there? A crime scene?”
Edward just opened the door, promptly shocking the other two. 
There were frogs everywhere.
Most of it was little figurines or posters but there was also a terrarium in the corner holding several colorful frogs.
Barry whistled, “So this is what he meant.”
“I just think they’re cool...” Edward said, looking like he wanted to sink into the floor.
Chris shrugged, tossing his backpack over next to Edwards bed, “Hey, you’re not wrong, frogs are pretty neat.”
Edward instantly lit up, “I know right? And some of them look really awesome! Like the one I have over here!”
He pointed to a black frog with blue spots sitting on a log in the center of the terrarium.
“I didn’t know you liked frogs so much.” Barry said, sitting down on the floor next to the bed.
“I have since I was ten.” Edward said, still looking incredibly happy that they liked his frogs.
“Maybe we could do the project on each of our favorite animals?” Chris suggested, “It shouldn’t be too hard to find things on endangered species of dogs, cats, and frogs.”
“I like it!” Edward said, grabbing his laptop, “Also, you like dogs?”
Chris nodded, “Yeah, especially big ones.”
“Dalmatians?” Barry teased.
“As a matter of fact, yes, I think Dalmatians are awesome.”
“Whatever ya’ nerds,” Edward interjected, “let’s just get to working on the project before we forget about it and start debating about the best animal or something. It’s obviously frogs though.” he added the last part quietly but the other two heard it anyways and gasped.
And so, that was how their debate over the best animal, that lasted a full hour, started.
“I’m pretty sure we should’ve gotten more done.”
“Nah, that looks good to me.”
“Hey, I’m not about to argue with that if it means I don’t have to work anymore.”
“You hardly did anything though!”
Currently, they were all laying on the floor, a piece of poster board and an empty bag of chips forgotten in the corner. Barry had given up on trying to keep them on task long ago and ended up joining them in a cuddle pile.
“This is so gay.” Chris said simply and he heard Barry chuckle.
Edward grumbled something incomprehensible, “Oh shut up, you’re being gay too.”
“We all are.” Chris retorted.
They were all silent for a moment before Barry spoke up.
“We’re not doing anything else with that project today, huh?”
Easy to say, the answer was no.
“Well, see you tomorrow guys.” Chris said, standing on the porch with Barry and Edward.
“Sure hope so.” Edward said and paused for a moment, “Hey, umm, mind if I do something?”
Chris gave him a curious look, “I mean, so long as I’m not about to get kidnapped or something.”
Edward nodded, proceeding to lean forward and give Chris a small kiss on the cheek before leaning back, looking incredibly embarrassed.
“Sorry,” He mumbled, “just felt right at the moment.”
Chris was completely dumbfounded and was blushing just as bad as Edward. Then Barry, deciding to go with the apparent theme, did the same to the jock, leaving them all in a state of gay panic. 
“OKseeyouguystomorrowbye!” Edward said before slamming the door and leaving the other two standing on the porch.
“I think I’m gonna’ need a day or two to recover from this.” Chris squeaked and Barry just nodded.
“I guess we go home now?” Barry suggested.
“I guess so.”
“No one else ever gets to know?”
“No one.”
hhhhhhhhhhhhh  f l u s t e r e d     b a b e y s   <3
Anyways, pretty sure this is even more ooc than the last one but heck with it, I’m a sucker for frog Ed and in turn, him being a sweet little boy :>
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2018shawn · 4 years
the anatomy of you and i | s.m
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Hi I was wondering if could do prompt cozy 3 and 12 with Shawn and inexperienced!y/n she’s never shared a bed with a boy before or something only if ur comfortable u don’t have to of course just thought it would be soft and sweet 🙈❤️
cozy prompt 3: “Don’t be nervous, you can come closer”
cozy prompt 12: We could... take a nap together?
a/n: so it came out like college!shawn x college!reader au bc that’s just kinda what flowed so i hope that’s ok and i also really kinda wanna do a part 2 to this because it turned out more of a fic than a blurb lmao 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 also pt 2 i’m sorry the layout of this is gross i’m on my phone and can’t figure out how to do anything ok bye
warnings: just swearing and i think that might be it
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the music from the room next to yours was something you imagined only happened in movies. it was loud and bassy and everything you didn’t want on a wednesday evening; you knew part of living in dorms would entail disturbances and inconveniences, but a party? on a wednesday night? you picked up your tote bag full of reading and text books after throwing your trusty vans jumper over your head, all ready and prepared to head down to the 24/7 library on campus. 
if you thought the music was loud in your room, you could think again, because in the hallway, not only could you hear the echos from the speakers, you could hear the shrill screams and yells from the party goers. the further away you got from your neighbouring apartment, the (thankfully) quieter it got and your short trip to the library was soon complete, the dull street lamps and soft breeze in the trees accompanying you along the way.
just as you thought, the library was empty, nothing but the sound of the door clicking shut behind you filling the room. a relieved sigh left your lips as you tugged your bag close to your body, as if the room was full of robbers who were about to mug you for your oh so precious books. opting for a more relaxed approach, seeing as it was 10.45pm, you headed to the sofa area, half thinking it would be a great place to take a nap.
instead, the anatomy of the heart was more important and your assignment was due in within a matter of days. you grabbed one handle of your bag, stretching it away from your body so you could pull out your book of choice before coming around to the front of the sofas so you could finally relax and take your time and- oh. you weren’t the only one here.
even though he was sprawled across the sofa, you could tell he was tall, really tall. the cap, embroidered with the college logo, covered his hair, but from the few stray strands, you could see wild, chocolatly curls falling loose. his eyes were shut, almost peacefully, arms crossed across his chest and very, very quietly, you could hear the soft sound of music coming from his headphones. his eyes flickered open, feeling a presence above him, and he laughed at you when you freaked out, realising you were staring at him. creepy or not, he thought you were cute; the way your finger twirled the front sections of your hair, the way your hip popped to the side as you watched over his resting frame, the way your eyes pulled into a squint as if it was the most bizzare thing to see another person in the library. the very public library.
you muttered a very embarrassed i’m sorry, before turning to walk away from the chilled area of the building. he pulled out his headphones, the sound of the 1975 becoming much more prominent, and propped himself up on his forearms. “hey, no...” he spoke, “come sit.”
scoffing, you rolled your eyes as you thought to yourself, as if you was going to let a random (but incredibly handsome) boy tell you what to do. as if you was going to actually listen and do as he said. as if- who are we kidding; your feet brought you back to the sofas, perching awkwardly on the end of the seat opposite his. he smiled, not smugly, not suggestively, not even cockily, but just a pure, genuine smile. “sorry i didn’t realise people actually like...”
“used the library?” you raised an eyebrow and he threw his head back in laughter, forearms still supporting his body which only made his t shirt strain against his chest. you recognised him from around campus, and you thought he was one of the music kids, one of the ones that did open mic nights and played guitar on the beach until 1am, but from the judgment of his toned physice, you thought maybe he played a spot of sport on the side, just for fun. not like the serious jocks who lived, breathed and worshiped football. he was definitely friends with your roommates boyfriend too, or friends with one of his friends, or- something like that, there’s a lot of people at college.
“yeah, well, no. but at this hour? why don’t you just read in bed?”
you sank back into the cushions, bringing up your legs and crossing them infront of you, looking like a little buddha wearing a vans hoodie and comfy leggings. “why don’t you just lay down in bed?”
this time, when he smiled, he smirked. “touché.”
he popped his headphone back in his ear, and the music died down again as he let his head fall back to the sofa, eyes closing shut. you wondered what had happened to bring him here, why the somewhat popular boy was cooped up in the library at this hour with clearly no intent of using the facilities. he thought the same about you. you felt awkward at first, pulling out your reading and note books, turning to the pages you had marked and setting them down around you. unbeknown to you, he cocked his head to the side slightly, eyes opening into thin slits as he watched you. he’d seen you around, even told one of your friends that he thought you were cute, but you were from different stretches of the college and really, he was nothing but the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend. he wanted to tuck the fallen piece of hair behind your ear and help you lean onto him as he noticed how you struggled to manage holding two books at once and tell you not to grind your pen in between your teeth as you thought about your work and- “can i help you?”
“sorry, i just... what you reading?” he asked, even though he could quite clearly see the front cover of the book, which read a bold title of the essentials of human anatomy and physiology. and even though you held the front cover up further, showing him more of what he could already see, you confirmed it with words.
“i got an assignment on the heart, so, yeah...” you shrugged, peeling off a post it note marker and sticking it to a relevant paragraph in the book.
“can i see?” he didn’t know why he was asking, he just knew he wanted to be closer to you. he genuinely was interested in what you were learning, and although you’d only spoken a handful of words to each other, he thought the way you spoke and tone of voice was the nicest he’d ever heard. nicer than any voices he’d heard during his classes and he studies with people who sing all day. he pushed himself up, body resting into the corner of the sofa, leaving an empty space on the pad next to him. you took that as an invitiation, not entirely sure where your sudden confidence and welcoming of strangers had come from. “what are you studying?”
“human evolutionary biology and biological science.” it rolled from off your tongue like you said it every living minute as you rested down on the sofa next to him. “you?” even though you were 95% sure you already knew, you didn’t want to let on.
his answer was much simpler, and in all honesty, he felt like a fool. “music.”
“that sounds fun.” you nodded with a smile. he reached over for your book, fingers running down the edges as he looked over the words which looked like a completely different language. your body was tense, and the closer he got, the more you could feel your heart beating, which just felt highly ironic.
“these words...” he laughed, mentally kicking himself for sounding like a dumbass who literally just knew how to strum a few chords. “chor... da? tend.. in.. ee?” you giggled innocently at his attempt, but he found it in no was patronising or belittling. in fact, he thought it was cute.
“chordae tendineae.” you confirmed, looking up and directly into his eyes for the first time. you were instantly lost in the hazel pools that looks slightly lighter when certain flashes of light fell across his skin. “heart strings, to you and i.”
you went on to explain that heart strings were in fact not just an expression that people used when they felt some sort of emotion, that you could actually physically hold a heart by their - chordae tendineae - strings and they wouldn’t break because they’re so tough. you told him it would take a lot of strength and pain to actually break one. he admired how passionate you were about the subject, reeling off facts as if you could tell them in your sleep. “sorry, i get carried away.”
your cheeks blushed a deep shade of pink and you did that hair, twirly thing you did when you felt nervous. “don’t apologise, it’s nice.” he restored your faith that not all pretty boys were assholes, and maybe it was just your poor judgment in the past that had led you to ever think that. as you stared down at your book, he stared at you, wondering if he was being overly friendly or super creepy or just a total inconvenience to your evening. you thought he was neither of those, but simply a nice addition.
“so, what brings you here at...” you looked at your watch for time reference, eyes widening as you realised you been sat boring him for the past 20 minutes... about heart strings. “11.30 on a wednesday night.”
he shrugged, leaning back and falling into the cushions, hoping a more relaxed body language would help you to relax a little more too. he could tell you were just perched on the edge of the sofa for fear of touching him. “sick of my room mate fucking his girlfriend like a porn star, dont know how he’s got it in him.” your lips formed an open ‘o’ shape, not expecting the sudden change in tone or language. “told him i was going out, he said he’ll be done by 11.30.”
“and they said chivalry is dead.” you dryly commented, only to make his eyes crinkle up as he laughed. “do you have a rota for that kinda thing or is it just a come and go as you please kinda rotation?”
“well, my rota’s severely empty.” you were shocked, and thought maybe he was just saying it because he might be a total fuck boy. you could imagine he had girls falling at his feet, and you wouldn’t blame them, because those eyes. “what about you?” you furrowed your eyebrows at him and tilted your head. “no... i mean... the why are you here part... not the sex rota part...” he pulled his cap further over his forehead, wanting to bury himself in a pit of embarrassment. if you didn’t think he was a creep before, you most probably did now, he was sure of that.
to say you were, inexperienced, would be total honesty. you’d slept with one guy and one guy only, and he was someone who thought having sex on the foot of the bed was adventurous, and you vowed never to distract yourself from your studies with boys who would waste your time. it was also just a couple of hook ups, nothing serious, in fact, you’d never even shared a bed with him overnight- and you laughed at yourself for ever being the naive girl that thought he wasn’t just using you to get laid. “there’s a party next door, they usually go on until the early hours, so whether i’m here or there, i still get no sleep.” you confirmed, and he nodded, half wishing you were going to tell him your rota was also empty. not because he wanted to pounce on you and take advantage, but because the hopeless romantic inside of him thought maybe there’d be a pathway to something special. “also, it’s 11.30, so your probably safe to head back.”
he thought maybe he was an inconvenience to your evening, that you said that because you wanted him to leave you in peace so you could crack on with what you’d set out to do. shoot your shot, shawn, he thought to himself, pulling his bottom lip inbetween his teeth and you had to force your eyes away from him because you suddenly felt all warm and bothered. “you wanna come?”
“huh?” your head snapped up, book also falling from your grip and you fumbled to stop it from landing on the floor. it was an expensive book, and you weren’t about to let some cute ass boy ruin your pages.
“not like... i mean... if you want somewhere to stay. i can take the sofa.” in the 8 months you’d been at this college, not one boy had offered you an invitation back to his dorm. mainly because you hid from any form of human contact and spent most of your time cooped up in your own room with no intention of leaving.
something in you switched, when you looked back to him to see he’d taken his cap and flipped it backwards, the peak of the hat now dipping behind the back of his neck. more light hit his features, and you felt like jelly, realising just how incredibly perfect he was. even the little scar on his cheek was kissable and you don’t know where this new confident you had appeared from this evening. you leant closer, placing your book down - carefully, of course - on the sofa, letting your hands rest on his thighs and you thought you felt him tense up, but you were probably just imagining it. “only if we can stop for hot chocolate.”
“i think we have some.”
“whipped cream?”
“is that for the hot chocolate or for me?”
although he was joking, he didn’t know if what he had said had sent a wrong message, because on the walk back to his dorm, you went back to being your quiet little self, answering questions briefly and turning the questions around onto him more often than not.
you didn’t think he had sent a wrong message, but you were well and truely helpless at flirting and maybe he wasn’t even flirting with you and you was completely overthinking it, but nevertheless, it made your stomach tighten and breaths deepen. whether it was an accident or not, your hands brushed against each other’s several times on the walk back, and it was one of those cliche, awkward moments where you both look at each other and laugh awkwardly like little kids. both of you also introduced yourself, coming to the realisation that no names had been exchanged but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t already know yours because he definitely searched for you came across you on facebook. “are you sure you’re okay? i can stay with you in the library if you prefer?” he asked, although you were both nearly at his door.
“you think i’m walking all the way back over there? nuh-uh, plus, you promised hot chocolate.” he smiled and nodded, “unless... you don’t want me, and then i totally can leave you alone.”
“no i do want you.” he spoke so quick he thought he must’ve sounded so desperate. “do want you to be here, i mean, like, if you’re cool.”
you nodded, feeling somewhat... wanted? by a cute boy? who treat you like a lady and offered you his jacket even though you had your own? who literally peeled your bag from your shoulder, just so he could carry it for you? and made you walk the side of the sidewalk furthest away from the road? and took a genuine instrest in what you said?
you’d be damned if you didn’t wake up and it was all a dream. this was by far the most college-ey thing you’d ever done; meeting a random guy in a random location and deciding to risk your life by going back to his place. maybe risking your life was a bit dramatic but we’ve all seen what happens in horror movies.
when you both reached his door, he unlocked it with the key and swung it open, holding out his arm as invitation for you to go first. of course, you thought, just be even more of a gent. inside the room, it was very similar layout to yours - you walked straight into the living/kitchen area and three doors were spread across the two back walls, one of which you guessed to be the bathroom and the other two to be bedrooms. the room was dull, the television being the only thing to illuminate the area and shawn sighed with relief when he saw his roommate and his girlfriend chilled on the sofa. “well, looks like we’re safe from the porn.” he whispered to you, throwing his keys on the table next to the door.
when his roommate’s girlfriend heard shawn speaking, she shot up and peered over the back of the sofa. her eyes flickered between you and shawn, before she poked at her boyfriends arm to get his attention. “brian...” he ignored her at first, popping another piece of popcorn in his mouth. “brian. shawn has a girl here.”
“girl can hear you. and so can shawn.” shawn said, rolling his eyes as brian also shot up, smirking as the four of you all entered a staring competition.
was it such a big thing he had a girl here? because you didn’t think it would be so much of a huge deal. have you seen him? perfect college boy with incredible muscles (from what you’d seen in your imaginatation), and here you were, stunning the members of the household into silence. “hi, uh, i’m y/n?” you almost sounded like you were questioning yourself, unsure whether you were meant to say anything or not.
the girl got up from the sofa, offering you some popcorn as a peace offering before she finally spoke to you, instead of about you. “so sorry, shawn just, never brings girls here because - ow!” shawn lightly jabbed her on the arm, taking the full bag of popcorn for himself and grabbing a handful. “it’s nice to meet you, i’m winnie. and brian...” she pointed at the boy still sat on the sofa who was too busy sending brain signals and eye expressions, about the random girl in their apartment, to shawn to notice he was being introduced. “brian was actually just talking about getting a mcdonald’s so, we can go do that and you can do... your thing.”
“nothing like that,” shawn was quick to jump in and although you weren’t necessarily here for a quick fuck or a one night stand, you felt slightly disappointed.
“oh? okay, well, let us know.” she smiled and snatched her popcorn back from shawn. “i know shawn doesn’t take long.” she laughed, clearly joking about the situation which only made shawn feel like he was dealing with bringing a girl home to his parents for the first time. before thinking about it, shawn grabbed your hand and dragged you towards one of the back rooms, presumably his bedroom.
you figured it must be when the door opened and you saw three guitars perched against the wall, an unmade bed, a laptop open on the desk and a bunch of photos on the wall of him with numerous other people. “make yourself comfortable, i’ll be back in a second.” he smiled and vanished back out of the room.
taking the time to be a bit nosy, you let’s yourself study the photos on the wall. a shorter, younger girl appeared in a fair few, along with two older adults who would appear to be his family and it made you smile at the fact he wasn’t afraid to have them on display. you felt a light twinge in your heart as you looked at a picture in which a girl was kissing his cheek, even though you had no right to feel any form of jealousy. moving on, you found the notebooks on his desk that was already opened up on a page which sent your notebook organisation through the roof. the page was full of messy scribbles, more than half of the words had been crossed out aggressively and replaced with new words. it was quiet, only the sound of quiet mutters could be heard from the other side of the door and you tried you’re best to listen in to what they were saying.
dude, she’s hot
you’ve never made any other chick hot chocolate
go back in that room and get some
at least try
you tried to look like you weren’t eavesdropping when he came back into the room, holding two mugs of hot chocolate, and just as you’d requested, with whipped cream. shawn thanked brian and winnie and their weird ass sex kinks for that. “thank you.” you smiled, taking it from him and wrapping your small hands around the mug to be met with warmth.
“i’m, uh, sorry about them..” he said, setting his own drink down on the bedside table.
“don’t be. they seem nice.”
“so, if you wanna go to sleep i can leave you be and like i said, i can take the couch and you can have the bed.”
“we could both have the bed?” you’d said, before even having time to think about letting the words fall from your mouth. his eyes almost looked like they’d lit up and you blew into your hot chocolate just so you had something to do instead of awkwardly staring back at him. “if you want, i mean, i can go home, i’m sure the party will die down soon.”
“stop doing that.” he rolled his eyes, leaning back against his headboard as you sat cross legged at the edge of his bed, surrounded by the navy duvet.
“doing what?”
“doubting yourself.”
“well i’m good at it.” he laughed at you, reaching his hands out and taking your hot chocolate mug from your grasp.
“i wanna know more about that heart shit.” he admitted, missing how you passionately spoke about something you were so interested in.
“heart shit... you mean the thing that keeps you alive? maybe tomorrow, i’m all organed out.” he looked a little disappointed and you thought maybe he was thinking you’re suggesting you don’t wanna stay up with him. he was wrong. “although, modern family is back on netflix now and that is something i will never turn down.”
he grabbed his laptop from his desk, setting it next to you at the edge of the bed. you adjusted yourself, moving more to the middle of the mattress, therefore, slightly closer to shawn. you could smell his cologne, just like you could when you sat close to him in the library.
smiling at how you twirled your hair, bit your lip when you concentrated on what people were saying, covered your mouth with the sleeve of your sweater when you started to yawn, he thought; it was weird, how he just had this feeling that he wanted to spend countless nights with you, learning about whatever organ you needed to. and you thought too; how you felt more comfortable around him than any other person you’d met at college thus far.
still sat upright, cross legged in the middle of his bed, your back started to ache and legs started to feel numb as the second episode started. you stretched out as much as you could before looking behind you and eyeing up the empty space next to shawn. “i was wondering how long before you couldn’t sit like a buddha anymore.” he laughed, speaking over the familiar theme tune coming from the laptop. “please get comfy, you look in pain.”
“i am not in pain, i am simply just... respecting personal space.” in all honesty, you couldn’t remember the last time you cuddled up to a boy. the last guy used to literally leave as soon as he’d done what he needed to do, leaving you empty and alone every night. “and you might not want me, all up in your space.”
“oh my god, just stop!” he laughed, despite his demanding tone.
“stop what?!”
“doubting yourself... again!”
you huffed, uncrossing your legs and crawling up to where shawn was sat. he smirked as you got closer, settling down next to him, your back also against the headboard. your legs were outstretched, finally free from their crossed positioning, and your hands fell to your lap. another ten minutes of the episode went by when you get yourself getting tireder, head leaning to one side a little more.
shawn noticed how your body was a little more relaxed, less rigid than when you first joined him at the head of the bed. risking his move, he stretched his arm behind you, draping it over your shoulder which caused any relaxed part of your body to stiffen back up. “don’t be nervous, you can come closer.”
you looked up to him, shooting him a warm smile. it didn’t take long for your body to relax again, and it actually felt nice how natural it felt to be curled into his body. his fingers traced patterns on your shoulder as your head moved in time with his chest, a loud yawn escaping your mouth. “tired?”
“mhmm,” you answered, evidently too tired to even speak an official word.
“we could... take a nap together?” he stuttered.
“a nap? shawn it’s like 12.30am, we need a full ass sleep.” you giggled, leaning up off him to pull your sweater over your head.
“then a full ass sleep we shall have.” he sorted the set up out, turning off the laptop and placing it back on the desk. he took out a t shirt and shorts from his drawers, putting them on the edge of the bed before retrieving and additional pair of shorts. he told you he was going to change in the bathroom, and to put his clothes on, only if you wanted, before disappearing out. you took advantage of the empty room, immediately peeling off your own clothes and replacing them with his. they smelt like him, like citrus and cassis and as you climbed back into the bed, where you were previously sat, a light tap on the door sounded.
“yup,” you said, popping the last letter as he shot his head around the door, smiling when he saw you’d taken up his offer of borrowing his clothes. he says borrow, but he’d be more than happy for you to keep them, because you looked a hell of a lot better in them than he did.
he’d lost his t shirt, not that you were going to complain - and yes, he did have muscles exactly how you’d imagined him to - and the sweat shorts he’d changed into hung low from his hips and you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen a sight like it. shawn wasn’t the type of boy to feel embarrassed or nervous; hell, he’d managed to shit talk his way into getting you to come back to his dorm, just in a bid to keep hold of your company because he’s never felt a feeling like it. shawn’s clothes were the first you’d ever borrowed from a guy, never having the experience of the morning after or spending a long night with someone you really like, staying up all night and talking about nothing in particular. it was also a first that you’d let yourself be conned into coming back to a guys dorm.
“you sure you don’t want me to take the sofa?” he asked as he stood at the side of his bed, unintentionally towering over you, almost making you feel as big as ladybug.
“stop doing that.” you raised your eyebrows, pushing back the duvet so there was an empty space next to you.
his face showed pure confusion, having no idea what he’d done. “doing what?”
“doubting yourself.” you mocked his voice the best you could, dropping a few pitches and moving your head theatrically.
he rolled his eyes, plopping down into the empty space next to you, and although his clothes smelt like him on your body, he could still smell the orchid and vanilla scent that covered your skin. “i don’t sound like that.”
rolling onto his side, he turned to face you, slightly closer for comfort than he would normally like to be, but with you, he didn’t think he was close enough. you were on your back, eyes tracing the outline of the shadows on the ceiling that crept through from the blinds. “you kinda do.”
“oh... as opposed to, the deoxygenated blood travels into the left ventricle-” he’d put on his best higher pitched voice.
“right atrium.”
“-and opens those little valvey things-”
“just valves is fine.” you rolled onto your side to face him, but he was too busy mocking you to notice.
“-which make your heart do the ba-dum thing that i’ve been able to feel in my fucking throat all night-”
“you mean the heartbeat?”
“-all because you’ve been pulling on my chordane tendineae because you’re just too fucking amazing.” you swolled hard, and suddenly it was you who could feel the ba-dum thing in your throat. he was just looking at you, now aware you were face to face with him, only inches apart in his queen sized bed. he had just tried to twist your words in a confession of admiration, but couldn’t help but think he’d just sounded dumb instead. “no smart ass comment?”
normally you’d be offended at someone calling your comments smart ass, because they were in fact just the truth, but you knew shawn was messing, although, maybe not about the heartbeat part. you’d found yourself being drawn in, faces getting closer together with each breath, so much so you almost didn’t notice how his hand was stroking over the skin of your hip. he was searching your face for an invitation, he wanted to kiss you so bad, but at the same time, didn’t want to scare you off. the air was thick, and you were sure you could hear your heartbeat, but shawn was convinced it was his. his breath fanned against your lips, creating a cool minty sensation, and as your eyashes fluttered, your eyes looked straight into his. “kiss me.”
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shawn taglist: @imaginashawnns @fallinallincurls @mendesficsxbombay @fallinfortom
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passable-talent · 4 years
the jedi code.... isn’t bad, but could be better. 
ok here we go! this post didnt get much attention but @fastidious-and-a-mess asked for the essay and what grace wants she gets (this is a long one grace i totally understand if u dont have the energy to read it)
honestly, buckle up. I’m about to sound a little too much like Anakin in my take of the code and what the order should be. im well aware i could pretty easily fall prey to palpatine if he wanted to get me to the dark side. thats how it B sometimes. here are my opinions anyway.
So, first, the Jedi Code as it is recited and held by jedi knights and masters is as follows:
There is no emotion, there is peace. // There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. // There is no passion, there is serenity. // There is no chaos, there is harmony. // There is no death, there is the Force. 
Okay, so, the most glaring issue with all of that is of course that “only Sith deal in absolutes.” However there are plenty of glaring holes in that even that statement (would that statement itself not be an absolute? why then does Yoda say ‘do or do not, there is no try’ which is an absolute?) so we can ignore that . It’s a,, light tick mark in the ‘con’ column, though. 
As I’ve mentioned in a fic a while ago, I have an issue with all of those mantras, which is that they only serve a monk/meditator/philosopher. it will absolutely not guide a warrior- a jedi who is meant to serve in the clone wars, who is meant to do battle to keep peace, who is meant to destroy the sith. One could argue that a jedi must do all of this battle without emotion, passion, chaos, but i counter this- just because you don’t act on it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 
Honestly, though, my main point in this is not suggesting that the Jedi Code is bad, because it isn’t, necessarily.... my main issue is that the Youngling Jedi Code is LEAGUES better. 
This code is given to Younglings, who are not yet mature enough to accept the absolutes (!!!) of the Jedi code, and who are not yet ready to detach themselves from emotion (such detachment is another issue i have with the Order, i talk about it a little below). The youngling code is as follows:
Emotion, yet peace. // Ignorance, yet knowledge. // Passion, yet serenity. // Chaos, yet harmony. // Death, yet the Force.
I see the purpose in this code- young padawans who aren’t quite ready to understand that the dead live on in the Force, or who aren’t ready to live without anger, or who still posses some of the ignorance of youth. i see what they’re going for.
but i really do think it’s much more than that. 
When I read that code (and that is most certainly the one that i would live by), i hear this:
You feel emotion, and yet you find peace. 
You admit your ignorance, and yet posses knowledge.
You live with your passion, and through it find serenity.
You are surrounded by chaos, but you feel harmony. 
There is death, yet, there is the Force. 
Here’s what I’m trying to say, gals and gays: The Order is wrong to suppress and ignore human emotion. doing so leads to a slew of mental health issues that lead to some very major problems by the name of Anakin Skywalker (if you would like an example). 
It is wrong and frankly silly to claim that a jedi master cannot feel emotion, cannot be ignorant, cannot have passion, cannot feel chaos, cannot die. Yoda was ignorant of the rise of the sith, Obi-Wan Kenobi felt all the emotion, Mace Windu was extremely passionate, Luke Skywalker experienced so much chaos, and Anakin Skywalker died long before his death. It is foolish and arrogant to claim that such things are not of the Jedi. 
So, instead, turn to what you teach your children, Jedi: That these things can be overcome, can be weighted and yet acted against. Personally, i think there is so much more power to a Jedi who feels inconsolable grief and rage and yet acts with a clear, peaceful mind. As Kenobi did, when he avenged his master, and killed maul. I think there is much more power to knowing that you can be wrong, you can have gaps in your knowledge, and you can still be a very wise Jedi- like Yoda, welcoming the possibility that there were missing planets in the Archives. 
To me, it is easy to ignore anger, chaos, ignorance, passion. But it leads to a Jedi too arrogant to sense the rise of the dark side. It leads to a Jedi incapable of doing what’s right out of righteous anger and passion, instead letting darkness rise through inaction, waiting for the senate to make a decision.
It is much harder to feel them, and let them pass, and act with a level head. It is much harder to resist the dark side than to ignore it all together. You can succeed at one. The other, you cannot. Darkness will always be there- you cannot ignore it, lest you allow it to fester. racism analogy 
which is harder, and leads to a stronger mind: never ever ever buying or even looking at a donut, or buying a dozen for your roommates and never eating one?
Emotion, yet peace. // Ignorance, yet knowledge. // Passion, yet serenity. // Chaos, yet harmony. // Death, yet the Force.
okay, palpatine, i’ve lost faith in the jedi order. if you’re gonna recruit me, now is a good time ig. i wanna see ani
-🦌 Roe
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
you are the taste of something sweet (and i’m tangled in the sheets)
hi i couldnt sleep so i wrote sleepy morning jalex and now i still cant sleep so im posting it. at 6am yes yes move on
this takes place in the same ‘verse as all hung up like i was on you (tumblr link), the fic based on t-shirt by thomas rhett. it might be better to read that first but if u dont feel like it then all u need to know is alex is a middle school teacher, jack has an office job, they are boyfriends yeah that’s all
this is fluffy fluff and i don’t think there are even any tws on it so!! fun for the whole family. (i mean there’s swearing but. at this point it’s a given)
title from holly (would you turn me on?) absolutely chuffed as they say to be finally using that as a title. just totally stoked i cant lie
read it here on ao3
Later, when Alex is more eloquent, he'll say that Jack is golden.
Or, no. More like Jack takes golden light and weaves it into something new, some gleaming…well, something. The point is that later on Alex will have the words, but right now he doesn't.
Right now, he just has the picture, but what a beautiful picture it is.
Jack is still asleep. Alex doesn't fault him, since it's Saturday and he's only just woken up himself, even though the clock has informed him it's half past noon and the sun is already high in the sky. Alex could move. He could get up, pull on some sweats, and shuffle into the kitchen to make some mid-afternoon coffee and brunch (breakfast eaten at lunchtime). Sure. He could.
But God, Jack is so gorgeous.
It's been a little while since Alex has had the opportunity just to watch Jack sleep. He watches Jack whenever he can, watches him shouting at the Orioles on TV (because honestly they could not possibly have chosen a less competent team to back), watches him pore over documents Alex still doesn't quite understand the nature of, watches him when he drives Alex home, windows down, breeze ruffling through his clothes and hair, singing terribly along with whatever early 2000s pop punk song happens to come on shuffle. It's so easy to watch him because there's always something to see; Jack is motion manifested, always on, always shifting like ripples in water, never quite the same on a second glance. 
But now, though. Now is special. Moments like these are special, because for once Jack is still, and what a stunning still photograph he makes. Long eyelashes over sharp cheekbones, dark hair contrasted against the white pillowcase, the blanket falling just low enough that his left shoulder is exposed, ink from the tattoo sprawling over tan skin. Alex could drink it in for the rest of his life, and he doubts he'd ever grow tired.
It must be a few minutes, but Alex is happy not to keep track. Eventually Jack stirs, and his eyelids twitch before he opens his eyes, slowly. When his gaze meets Alex's, he smiles, lazily.
"G'morning," he says huskily. The sleep hasn't cleared from his voice. Alex hopes it never does. 
"Morning," he answers.
"Don't ask." 
Jack breathes a tired laugh at that. "How long you been up?"
Alex feels a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Ten minutes, maybe."
"And you've been just sitting here watching me sleep?" Jack's eyes flutter shut as he smiles. "Creep."
Alex can't help it; he reaches out, fingertips landing on Jack's face, thumb tracing underneath his eye. "You're so beautiful," he murmurs. Jack exhales quietly, happily. "I love waking up with you." Wish I could do it every day, he means.
They haven't discussed it, but maybe it's time they do.
"You're not so bad yourself," Jack says warmly in return, but he doesn't open his eyes. 
Alex drags the pad of his thumb down Jack's jaw, then brushes over his cheek with the plane of his index finger, taking his time to trace the outline of the most beautiful face he's had the good fortune of falling in love with. Jack doesn't move, and his halfway smile doesn't waver as Alex smoothes his thumb over Jack's lips. "My Jack," he says softly. In the sanctuary of this morning, from the golden boy at the end of Alex's fingertips to the promise of sunshine and coffee when they finally get up, it's easy to add, "I love you."
At this Jack's smile does grow, and he finally opens his eyes. Alex can't even imagine what he sees. A man too far gone for his own good, probably. 
"Wait, say it again," he says. "I didn't get to look at you before."
It's so profoundly Jack that Alex has to swallow back a laugh. "I love you," he repeats, and the words taste like glitter and sunlight and Jack's smile is gold, pure gold.
"I love you too," he says, the most beautiful four-four measure Alex has ever heard, like Jack has somehow figured out a way to twist stardust into language; the shortest love song ever written, just for Alex's ears.
Alex smiles, and he knows he's not half as radiant as Jack when he does, but it's not like he could stop himself. To be in love with Jack is a privilege all by itself; for Jack to be in love with him, Alex thinks he must have been some kind of Odyssean hero in a past life.
"We should get up," Jack finally says, and Alex realizes he's lapsed into silence again, drinking in the sight of Jack once more. "At some point."
"Nah," Alex says. He threads his fingers through Jack's hair and shifts closer, until Jack rolls onto his back and Alex can lean over him, arms braced against the pillow. "I disagree."
"Oh, well, in that case," Jack says dryly, but he hasn't stopped smiling since his eyes opened to meet Alex's.
"We should stay here forever," Alex suggests. He ducks down and presses a kiss to Jack's cheek, and Jack giggles. "We should stay here," and he drops another kiss on Jack's other cheek, "and never go anywhere," his temple, "or see anyone," his nose, "or do anything else forever," and he starts trailing kisses down the line of Jack's jaw.
"We'll both be fired," Jack says pragmatically.
Alex shakes his head. "Don't care. We'll become hermits. I'm pretty sure hermits get a monthly check from, like, Hermits United."
"I think you watch too much Doctor Who."
Somehow this startles a laugh out of Alex, and he pulls away for a moment to look Jack in the face. "But you got the reference, so who's the real geek?"
When Jack laughs this time, Alex feels it vibrate against his lips where he's leaving soft kisses down the line of Jack's throat. "Oh, God. This is my worst nightmare. You've made me a Doctor Who fan." Then, "If anyone was going to corrupt me, of course it would be you."
Alex pulls back again, smiling in the gleaming light of Jack's fond look. "I hardly think Doctor Who is how I'm going to corrupt you. Didn't I just suggest we both get sacked and hole up in your apartment?"
"That's true." Jack skims a hand up Alex's chest and curls his fingers around Alex's neck. "I kinda liked that idea, though. Tell me more."
Alex hums. "Well, I can promise you it will involve a lot of this," and he dips down to kiss Jack on the lips, slowly, intently, savoring every second, committing the taste to memory in case anyone ever asks him what sunlight tastes like. 
Jack smiles against Alex's mouth, so Alex moves back just a breath. "I'm convinced," Jack mumbles. His fingernails scratch lightly at the back of Alex's neck, at the ends of his hair. "I'm in. Let's do it."
Alex chuckles and lowers himself down, kissing Jack again with absolutely no intention of stopping, and Jack lets him, and after a moment Alex thinks of something to say that requires breaking the kiss, so he does.
"Move in with me?" he asks.
Jack hums. "You should move in with me," he says. "All your shit is here anyway, and I live closer to your school."
"Sounds like you've thought about it."
"I have," says Jack. "A lot. I've been thinking about it for a long time."
Something about that makes Alex's heart skip a beat. "I'd love to move in with you," he says, a little breathless. "God, I fucking love you."
Jack gazes at Alex, deep, earnest brown eyes as sincere as they'd been the first day they'd met. "Alright, gig's up," he says. "I already said you can move in. You can stop the bribe now."
Alex laughs and hides his face in Jack's neck, barely moving his lips to brush a kiss over his collarbone. "No way, babe. I have weeks of not saying it to make up for."
"Weeks, huh?"
"Yeah, weeks."
"Oh, well. That's alright then." Jack's arms are tight around Alex's neck. "I love you. I'd love you more if you made coffee."
"This love can't be conditional," Alex protests. 
"It's not conditional! I'm just saying if you made coffee I'd love you even more."
"Choosing to believe you already love me the maximum amount," Alex says airily, "but I will make you coffee anyway, because I'm that nice."
Jack sighs contentedly. "You know, I always think I love you the maximum amount," he says reflectively, "but then every day I fall more in love with you. So I'm starting to think there might not be a limit."
Alex's heart skips another beat. That might become a problem if it continues. "Holy fuck, that's romantic," he says, because it is, and then, fervently, "Me too, by the way."
He feels Jack giggle. "Well, I woke up and the first thing you did was call me beautiful. I'm just trying to keep up at this point."
Alex wonders how he ever existed without Jack, and he sends up a silent prayer to whoever's listening that he never has to again. He shifts, rolling onto his side and pulling Jack with him, because his arms are getting kind of tired, and affords Jack a grin. "I meant it," he promises. "You are. So gorgeous. I wish I could just look at you forever."
"But then how would you watch Doctor Who?"
Alex laughs. "Good point. I take it back. I wish I could look at you forever except for forty-five minutes twice a week."
"That's more like it." Jack moves to cup Alex's face in his hand, and his smile is so soft, so quiet, something only for Alex to see. "I don't think I mentioned, but you're also beautiful, Alex. You're just." He sweeps his thumb over Alex's cheek. "I wish I knew more words, or more languages, or something, so I could figure out how to say what I'm trying to say."
And Alex thinks maybe he understands, because if it's anything like what Alex has been trying to say then he knows already there are no words for it in any language. It's not something that gets said; it's a feeling, or maybe a moment, and it's in the room right now, settling like a blanket over them both. "I know," he whispers, letting his eyes close, letting Jack lean in and kiss him gently, leisurely, like they have all the time in the world, and maybe they do.
(Sometime later, Alex will find his best approximations for what they're both grasping at right now. It'll start with I remember when I woke up the morning you first told me you loved me, my first thought was, "Wow, this man is golden," and it'll end with I do.)
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threeletterslife · 3 years
ChANA!! I had a weird dream last night where you deactivated your Tumblr and I was like TT TT luckily I wake up and go "ah nevermind"... but ngl I was still kinda paranoid when I googled your Tumblr today 🤡 also, i'm reALLY EXCITED THAT YOU POSTED FLEETING FOREVERS OMG I'M SO EXCITED TO READ IT!! Does that mean you're back from your trip (and if yes, how was it :0)? Also... I'm a little late ;-; but could I send in two questions from the ask game? F, K, U, and V? If you're no longer answering 1
2 them, that's okay too heh. :] I hope you're having a nice day! ~🌻
ok wait sORRY I'M A CLOWN FJDSLFJDLFJD FLEETFOR HAS BEEN POSTED FOR SO LONG AND I NEVER REALIZED UM- sorry I'm just going to go sleep now because my brain has been *fried* for so long now jfdlfjoeiwjlsidjfdslfj 🌻
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AHHH A DREAM THAT I DE-ACTIVATED MY BLOG?? goodbYE 😭😭 good news, though! it's safe to say that um, that's not gonna happen any time soon! i have too many things planned for this blog at the moment!
aLsO HAHA yes my lil break is basically coming to an end since i’m gonna start posting next week again! after my trip from florida i was writing nonstop to catch up 😭😭and my trip was GREAT! florida is so nice omg. i went to key west, miami and orlando; key west turned out to be my absolute favorite!!
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F. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it
omg this was hard. i’m very bad at remembering what i’ve written, so i had to do some digging to find a scene i’m genuinely proud of. (maybe it’s my own bias but my yoongi fics’ dialogue kinda hit differently?????)
"Why are you even here again?"
You pause. Actually, why are you here? You could've just simply walked away and never had this conversation with Yoongi. But you'd stopped. And now you're talking with him. You answer him truthfully. "I really have no idea."
Another pause.
"Are you gonna ask me to leave?"
"... No."
"Oh." You cock your head. "Okay."
The two of you stare at each other. A staring game commences.
But Yoongi blinks first, claiming you the victor of the little contest. "You can stay if you want."
You scoff. "Excuse me, I didn't know I needed your permission."
Yoongi throws his hands up in the air. "Do you always have to fucking pick a fight?"
"You're the one who starts them!"
"I didn't even say anything mildly rude."
—propinquity (law of seesaw)
originally, i was gonna pick an angstier quote, but i’m actually quite proud of this scene!! i think it really encompasses the ‘enemies’ portion of enemies to lovers, all the while hinting at something more (especially with yoongi suggesting that oc can stay with him)
K. What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
LOL the angstiest idea i’ve ever come up with??? HOW CAN I CHOOSE? at first, i was like, the exam. because, i mean, it’s sad. but then?? i was like... okay but don’t look back... but then no, because i totally forgot about where the colors fade. and then i thought about it some more and realized a whole ass before the looking glass exists. in conclusion, there is no conclusion 💀 especially because my angstiest idea is still in my drafts 👀👀
U. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much
@jimlingss @inktae @readyplayerhobi 
all three writers are so, so talented!! i really appreciate writers who write angst—but the angst is so angsty that you can literally feel the words rip your heart in two 😩their plots, characterizations, obvious eloquence are just a fEW of their best qualities. you can find a lot of their fics on my recs page
V. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
shit that’s hard. i’m not a huge fan of sequels or prequels so it took a while for me to come up with some ideas LOL. my number one choice, however, would be the sequel to game of temptation, by kina! i’m super invested in that universe, and ever since i finished reading it, i always wondered how the future events would actually play out
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seihun · 4 years
"Girl I'm Your Candy" written by me (🍬 anon) bc I love you💕 (part 1/??)
Imagine Baekyun being a student in university. It was his third time messing up the dessert he had prepared for himself as a treat for a long week of midterms, and he was running short on money for all the ingredients he acquired in the past month. Not to mention the amount of times he has been late to class after many attempts to make his own coffee in the mornings.
He sighed in defeat, taking the bowl of extra whipped cream he had prepared to the couch, as he threw himself on the furniture and ate away at it with a spoon.
"Maybe baking isn't for me. But chemistry isn't for me either...Maybe I should just audition somewhere and hope I become famous!" Baekhyun exclaimed loudly in frustration with his mouth full with slightly salty whipped cream (yes, he did mistake the salt for sugar. yes, he thought if he put 1 cup of sugar it would overpower the salt).
The following day he decided to spend the rest of his day in a cafe that Chanyeol had suggested to him.
(okay i am posting the rest of your asks/the story under the cut but let me just say here NOT YOU GUYS WRITING WHOLE FICS IN MY INBOX ?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 WHAT THE HELL YOU’RE SO CUTE I LOVE YALL 🥺🥺😚💘💘💘💘)
"yeah remember when I bought like 6 iced coffees" his tall friend had texted him.
"ooooh thats where u got them from??? u let me had one sip out of 6 drinks 🧍🏻‍♂️"
"like I said, the 6 iced coffees I bought as in for me"
Baekhyun scoffed at his friend, stuffing his phone into his pocket upon entering the cafe. It was a bit smaller than he imagined, given the popularity the location receives. The place wasn't filled to the brim with customers, being that it was only noon on a Tuesday. He placed himself in the line of three people, turning his attention to the large menu hanging on the wall behind the cashier. It seemed like they were the only employee working at the moment. Their bright smile as they greeted the customers, their concentration when taking orders, and their speed at preparing drinks.
"Sir?" Before Baekhyun knew it, he was at the front of the line, eyes wide as the cashier smiled at him. "What can I get for you?" They asked. 
Baek cleared his throat, chuckling nervously. "Uh..can I just get a medium iced americano, please?"
"Of course, would you like one of our signature croissants or muffins with that? They're fresh out of the oven." They smiled brightly while inputting his order into the system. How could he deny such an adorable face?
"Uhm, sure!" Baek replied a bit too enthusiastically, "I-I'll have a muffin..."
The cashier chuckled, "And can I have your name?" They asked, retrieving a plastic cup and a marker as they looked up at Baekhyun's reddened face in awe. Baek couldn't help but avert his gaze when he felt his blush spread up to his ears, "B-Baek."
They hurriedly scribbled his name on the side of the cup, "Alright, $4.13 is your total for today." Baek turned his attention back to them, "Only $4.13? What about the muffin?"
Their smile grew, "It's on the house." They winked, "And how would you like to pay?"
Ever since then, Baekyun has been coming back to the cafe almost every day. He would go there before his afternoon classes, after his morning classes, to study, he even brought his friends there a few times. Of course you had to tell them to keep it down a few times, and Baekhyun not wanting to upset you threatened to not pay for their meal, but they loved it at the cafe and they all loved seeing you there. 
Today was different. You knew Baek had finished his morning class by now, and would be arriving some time soon. However, he didn't show up around his usual time. You felt a bit disappointed, 'He's probably studying.' You thought to yourself as your coworker suggested you go for break.
Thirty minutes prior to closing, Baekhyun finally made his appearance. His backpack clung to his back that was clothed in a grey hood with hands hands in the pockets of his black ripped skinny jeans.
"Baekhyun!" You said his name gleefully, pulling him into a small over-the-counter hug, "Where were you today? I was worried you wouldn't show up."
He chuckled, "Just had some stuff to do, I wasn't expecting it to take that long." He replied with a cheeky grin. 
You had just closed the cafe with Baekhyun accompanying you, happily kicking his legs as he sat upon the front counter while you swept the floor.
"C'mon 'Cinderella', you're gonna miss the ball if you dont move faster!" He teased, the both of you giggling.
"Whats your rush, Baek?" With a smile, he hopped off the counter and went to retrieve his bag that resided under the table he usually sat at.
You placed your broom back behind the counter, watching Baekhyun rummage through his bag and remove items you wouldn't normally put in a school bag (a toothbrush, a comb, five packets of sugar, a tube of lip gloss and a sock). Baekhyun huffed in frustration before unzipping a different pocket of his bag and letting out a loud "aha!".
"Found it!" He grinned, pulling out a small white box. He made his way back to you, thrusting the box in your way with a blush spreading across his cheeks.
Taking the box into your hands, you looked back up at Baekhyun and saw his smile widen, eyes crinkled in excitement. You couldn't help but smile back, lifting the white paper lid and unveiling the sweet contents.
"Macarons? Where did you get these from?" You asked.
Baekhyun laughed at your response, clasping his hands together happily, "I made them!" He replied.
Your eyes widened in slight shock. Macarons werent the easiest treats to make, even you struggled with them from time to time. But Baekhyun making them surprised you the most. You two had always discussed your hobby for baking, not one day went by where Baekhyun didn't bring up a failed attempt he had at making desserts, but you knew he was trying. While the macarons didn't look perfect, they looked better than any of your past attempts at making them.
Each one was made of different colours and flavors, with little faces messily adorning each delight with black icing;
⊙ㅅ⊙ (glasses)
'Dorky Mint'
•ㅅ- ~☆ (wink)
'Mature Cinnamon'
���ㅅ• ~♡
'Sweet Honey'
"Pfft," You laughed, covering your mouth with your hand to not embarrass the cute boy in front of you. "These are so cute!"
Baek smiled back and let out a laugh of his own, "Thanks. These were keeping me away from you today." He admitted bashfully.
Your hand moved from your mouth to your chest, right above your heart as you looked at him in awe, "You did all this just for me?" You cooed, pinching his squishy red cheek.
He whined as he removed your hand from his face and interlaced your fingers together. "I did. "I did...I tried my best to make them perfect l-like you.."
There was a brief silence before you both broke it with your boisterous laughter, "That was so cheesy," you started, setting the box down on the counter and taking Baek's other hand in your own. "But awfully sweet...just like you."
Baekhyun felt a grin spread across his face, "That was even cheesier-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence when he felt you gently cup his face, leaning in slowly until your lips finally connected.
End ♡
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