#coven leader darius
numericalbridge · 6 months
I find it interesting actually that Mason is the only Coven Head present at the convention episode in season 1 (I assume he is already a Coven Head because he is on the banner in a later episode).
He seems quite stoic and unbothered by being tossed around too. So this might point towards some characterization - maybe he actually cares enough to show up unlike the others, and he isn't a type to throw a fit over a member of the public bothering him and thus might be less drunk on the power.
[my personal headcanon is that he cares about the members of his coven and has teaching tendencies, but isn't very sharp when it comes to the politics, and he had never expected to get raised that high, so he doesn't question the decisions around him and finds his new role disorienting]
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windy-babe · 2 years
Ok but a had seen a lot about Darius making fun of Hunter for his crush on Willow, but think about this: Darius it's the same way about Alador, specially now that he is single, so in one minute you have Darius laughing of Hunter's red face because Willow just told him that he looked cute today or something, an twelve seconds later Alador past them walking, just says "hi" and Darius suddenly is a mess and Hunter is just very confused about it
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thousand-winters · 1 month
I feel like people sometimes underestimate what a hard position Darius was in after bonding with Hunter.
Because here's the thing: It's not that easy to help someone who's being abused when they don't understand they're being abused. Especially when it comes to a case like Hunter's, in which not only was the person abusing him his family and legal guardian, but also the only person he was somewhat close to, since he was effectively isolated.
This isn't even speculation, it's clear in Hollow Mind. There's a degree of denial that comes with someone who hasn't been able to digest the fact they're being hurt because not thinking about it has been a survival mechanism for them. Having someone trying to change that perception of the world can make you lash out and snap, anything to preserve the carefully balanced status quo there. Anything to keep the one thing that has worked for survival.
Darius' options at this point were straight up kidnapping Hunter and lose all of his trust because Hunter would then think even more that he truly couldn't trust anybody but Belos, or try his best to become someone Hunter could trust, so when the time came, Hunter would know he was a safe person who could get him out of there.
Darius couldn't say outright "hey, kid, you're being abused and that's fucked up, let me get you out of here". Not with the layers of denial and fear Hunter had built because of Belos. The only thing that would have earned him would have been Hunter recoiling and pushing him away. Darius would have pushed him away even further into Belos' clutches if he had done that.
Of course, it feels terrible because we're not talking about, say, providing a safe space for a friend until they are able to get out of an abusive relationship, this is a child, but it's such a complicated situation. You can hardly call Child Protection Services on the Emperor of the Isles, provided they even have that in the first place.
Honestly I think Darius did the best he could have done and people who think he didn't do enough really do not give him the credit he deserves, because it's clear Hunter DID trust him, for him to be able to believe in him and let Darius reach out after running out of the coven, despite the intense fear and paranoia he had toward everybody from the EC.
Plus it's not only this single aspect that was on the line here. Darius had to be mindful not to accidentally push Hunter away and lose all the chances he had to get him out of that situation while at the same time being very aware he was being reckless by having the Emperor's nephew close to him when he was one of the main leaders of the rebellion.
He was risking so much here and he really didn't have to. He gave Hunter something to communicate with the world outside of the walls of the castle, he could have said "this is all I can do for him" and washed his hands off of him, continue his rebel work and just tell himself Hunter would be fine once they took down Belos.
But he didn't, he chose to be there, he chose to build trust, he chose to help as much as such a hard situation allowed.
He does not get enough credit for that.
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
Can i request headcanons of hunter with a Romantic and platonic s/o that is like flutershy from mlp? Like,extremelly shy,meek and sweet,loves all animals no matter how dangerous they are and probably a beast keeper,i hope is not to much for you,keep doing good work and take care🫶
Oh yes! Yes! Thanks for the Request!
Hunter Noceda x Fluttershy! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: this include Golden Guard Hunter so, he's kind of a adorable jerk sometimes, but it gets better, Reader is very shy and kind, Reader is a Beast Keeper, References to Belos but nothing grafic. Fluff.
As always a little context.
reader has always had a great connection with animals (perhaps her parents could have been farmers or already part of the beast coven?) and this was both a great advantage and a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, she could be quite safe in Bonesburgo compared to the average, since she could VERY easily tame the creatures that came across her, be they fairies, spiders, any creature.
Her family may even have been able to make a living from this lol
However, it also had its bad side since reader was not able to see that most of these animals and creatures were only friendly and docile to HER, generating incidents such as fairy infestations, bringing honeycombs of fire and causing injuries, things for the style.
Although, being bonesburgo, most people only saw readee as a very tender killing machine whom they should respect more than anything else xd.
Apart from that the affinity with animals only increased as she grew, drawing more attention.
reader joined the coven of beast keppers very early, gaining even more prestige, much to her bad luck.
Because precisely having had so much attention from such a young age made her become more shy and in a certain way reserved.
She simply doesn't like to be the center of attention, so she tries to be as discreet as possible.
More when sometimes she gets involved with famous creatures in smuggling or that Belos does not explicitly allow.
Maybe even thanks to this, reader tried to live as far away from people as possible, simply because that way she could raise her little animals and not so little animals in peace.
but obviously you can't always make a living from what you do in the garden (I would like to) and you go to the city from time to time for supplies.
NOW, I have two versions of how Hunter and reader may have met.
1- on one of these trips to the city or 2- the reader could be the apprentice of Eberwolf (the leader of the Coven to which she belongs).
For a certain matter of ease, I'm going for the second.
Training with Eberwolf is... strange, mostly because reader has to interpret everything he "says", but it's not as bad as one would think considering the feared reputation of the coven leaders.
Hunter would probably know at a superficial level about the existence of reader, mostly from the incidents involving her "little animals."
but I don't think they interact as such until the episode where Hunter wants to earn the respect of the Coven leaders.
There not only Hunter interacts with Darius and Eberwolf, but also with reader.
Maybe Eberwolf is trying to get Reader to go with Hunter to improve her social skills since they are both of a similar age, or maybe he just wants to annoy her, we don't know.
or even reader may be one of the few people who actually stay when Hunter calls the Coven leaders because well, he's the Golden Guard! He technically has a higher position than her and doesn't want to get into trouble.
and thanks to this small show of respect and "discipline" Hunter drags her with him to his mission as an "assistant" which, to the reader's discontent, involves interacting with people.
Regardless of how she has been assigned to Hunter, reader at first is used to just following him because she doesn't really know what to do in this situation, she is almost as socially inept as Hunter, so when they try to come up with ideas of how to get more people in to the emperor's coven, they unintentionally end up sabotaging themselves.
H: Do teenagers like the same things that we don't? rules, train-
R: fierce but cute animals? follow the strongest? silence?
H: animals that end our enemies for us? you are a GENIUS-
In a way they do bonding through their VERY WRONG ideas of normality and when they go to bring recruits they fail even more than in the canon.
(I imagine reader doesn't think much about FlapJack at first, she just can't help but see the Palismans as animals too, so she pretends she didn't see anything every time Hunter talks to him).
However, when the topic of the Flying Derby comes up, things definitely start to take shape.
I don't think Reader is weak basically, you have to have strength to handle wild animals even if they are tame, so when they practice a little, Hunter ends up QUITE impressed with how much weight she can actually carry.
(When he makes a comment about it he meant it as a compliment but it sounded ruder than he intended. He facepalmed for a long time).
Reader quickly becomes friends with Vinny and hee griffon, even telling her everything she knows about his specific breed type, diets, allergies, clothing size--
reader compensates her lack of speed with strength and her animals, speed is Hunter's strong point so they both complement each other quite well.
reader may even share a little of her philosophy with the animals (and people) to Hunter when they win, having a better understanding of each other and the "opportunities" they were given.
Even when the mission ends and Reader has to return to Eberwolf, Hunter continues to seek her out for other missions after that.
I would say that for quite some time their dynamic is like a "villain" that no one takes seriously with a faithful "servant", except that Hunter treats the reader as a sidekick or teammate. He doesn't feel like he can do the job without her.
especially when her positive affirmations become something he EXPECTS, or he gets used to having hair from whatever animal the reader brought with her that time, or when he learns to sharpen his hearing to hear whatever the reader murmurs when she thinks that He's not listening (which he's not doing! Not at all!)--
Let's say it's obvious to everyone except them.
If we talk about a relationship in general, it is a perfect balance.
Hunter wants to pretend for a long time to be the perfect guard, who doesn't make any mistakes and who is arrogant and so on. but in reality he is much more in need of attention and AFFECTION than he wants to admit.
reader is someone who evokes a certain tenderness and kindness, someone who you would think would be incapable of harming a fly, but is much stronger than she seems, she could perfectly turn all the fauna of the Boiling Islands against you--
Hunter learned quickly not to underestimate reader and sincerely likes that she can handle herself, of course, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like to show off a little and protect her from time to time, but knowing that she can protect herself leaves him very in peace.
Hunter wants to know as much as possible about the reader's interests to be more helpful when her "little animals" get out of control.
I honestly think Hunter is surprised how the reader can find any of the creatures on the Boiling Islands remotely endearing (except maybe King?) but he definitely understands how her connection to nature (which doesn't want to kill her) helps the reader.
Hunter supports any animal his partner brings in as long as it doesn't bite her off a limb.
although the Hunter post Time Skipe is definitely much more into the topic of animals and will happily introduce the reader to the WORLD OF WOLVES.
Hunter is happy to have a partner with so much empathy and who sees the good even in beings who objectively cannot see them that way, having lived with Belos all his life. Hunter is truly touched by how the reader takes care of the animals as if they were her own babies.
Hunter will definitely fight for the reader's animals (not only for her, but because at this point he is as in love with her as he is with the animals).
Hunter himself is shy, and although at first it was difficult for him to adapt to his partner's shyness, he quickly adapts and even feels safer with her because of it, because he knows that she will not judge him for having problems communicating certain feelings.
👏introduce👏reader👏to👏Darius👏both he and Eberwolf definitely saw it coming from afar, but Eberwolf still made good money.
I know I just said that Hunter would not be overprotective, but I can see him being cautious in social settings since the reader's personality can be the target of either 1- teasing or 2- attempts to make her feel bad for that very reason, and Hunter ITS NOT HAVING IT.
Don't even get me started on unity day :,) Hunter would insist the reader not only not go to the congregation, but to RUN AWAY AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. If reader didn't do it and, worse, was with Hunter by the time the drain spell passed, both of them would be heartbroken to see the other in so much PAIN.
We could say that it is even the reader's personality that helps him in especially dark moments, like when he is in the human world (without reader) he probably tries to cheer himself up or tries to think of an alternative plan thinking just " What would do reader?" and so even if it's just being a little happy thinking that "she would probably hug a "bear" or whatever that thing is"
reader is like his TORCH of hope in the black sea where Belos left him, which encourages him to get out of there, see all the possibilities, be HAPPY. and Hunter wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING AT ALL.
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l-egionaire · 2 months
I wrote out before what I imagined Luz's life would be like if she never went to the Boiling Isles, so I figured I'd give my idea on what happened to the witches of the Boiling Isles in that situation. (Something I've shared with @ordinaryschmuck)
Belos's plans for the Day of Unity continued on unimpeded....but unbeknownst to him, Raine Whispers, Darius, and Eberwolf work to understand his goals and plans. After an undiscovered trip into his mind (along with the Emperor's own nephew) and discovering his plans, they work to save the inhabitants of Bonesborough. Raine gets an idea.....and goes to see their ex, Eda the Owl Lady. After a lot of discussion and secret maneuvering among their coven members, they all get to work in evacuating all the willing Bonesborough residents along with any kind of possessions they can take into the human world.
Unfortunately, when they try to get Alador to leave on the Day of Unity, while he and his children are willing to go, Odalia isn't and tells Belos and the Coven heads of this plan. The evacuess frantically flee as Belos charges to try and bring them back. Eda the Owl Lady engages him in battle in order to give the last few people enough time to escape...but the battle uses the last of her magic and she's trapped in the form of the Owl Beast, Raine just managing to get her cursed form through the portal door before shutting it on Belos.
At first, it was an adjustment for the former Demon Realm inhabitants to live in the human world, especially since the human "knowledge' they had was extremely innacurate. But, one day, Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf were all approached by a mysterious organization. One member was an effeminate man named Mr X.....and the leader of the grouo was a man with six fingers, grey hair, and glasses wearing a trenchcoat who knew a great deal about the Boiling Isles, simply called "The Professor." After a long talk, they agreed to help the Demon Realm folks integrate onto the human world, giving them forged legal documents and things so they could do stuff like attend human schools and get jobs.
The organization also assisted in helping build a place hidden away, where the Boiling Isles folks could live without needing to hide if they wanted to and hold onto their witch culture, called New Bonesborough. They even assisted them in finding any sort of magical beings banished to the human realm and make contact with them in the hopes they'd join their society.
Some witches decided to integrate into human society, living hidden through the use of illusion stones. Some chose to live in New Bonesborugh full time, continuing their old lives the best they could. And some split their time between the two worlds, living amongst both.
Raine was one such witch, spending half their time as a leader in New Bonesborugh's witches council and the other in the human world being a music professor at Gravesdield University....and now raising their adopted son, King.
And so, the Witches of the Boiling Isles did their best to make peace with their new human world lives, living amongst them in secret.....for a good few years at least.
But that's another story....
If anyone has any asks or questions about this scenario, I'm happy to answer them.
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tohwitchesduels · 15 days
REQUEST BATTLES OF WITCHES DUELS - Battle 23: Gavin Deamonne vs Hunter Deamonne
Disclaimer: This is not a popularity contest or which character you prefer, in this tournament, you decide who is stronger/better/smarter/etc. opponent.
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information for both opponents under the cut to those who don't know what they can do in their battle:
Gavin Deamonne:
Gavin Deamonne specializes mainly in abomination magic and it is not known whether or not he knows or practices spells of another kind.
Gavin is overall a pretty skilled witch from Glandus High and his debut episode proves he's not afraid to seek adventures and is capable of fighting off beasts or capturing his opponents. He's not necessarily smart enough to see through illusions, especially when emotionally vulnerable (the boy so desperately needs his dad's attention that he falls for an illusion of himself with a mustache).
Now this is pure headcanon territory at this point as Gavin is not confirmed to be Darius's son, so if we would take CANON into consideration, Gavin hardly has anything personal against Hunter and would be rather intimidated by the prospect that former golden guard is the big brother of the kid he bullied, however, if we delve into headcanon territory, things certainly get interesting, to say the least. Gavin would do anything to impress his dad and to only learn that he pretty much was replaced by a white boy and said the boy got more in a shorter time than he did is certainly insulting. Gavin's so jealous he specifically challenges Hunter beforehand to prove himself and lashes out at Hunter for "taking his dad away" while not viewing Hunter as worthy for being the emperor's right-hand man who aided in the destruction of the Isles.
Gavin does in fact possess a palisman as confirmed in Eda's Requiem, and is proven to be a skilled and fast flyer by winning Gland Prix. Now, it's hard to tell whether or not he and Luz were going head to head (granted she had a very huge headstart before King puked at her making Luz crash) however he still managed to win the race by his own skill even if Luz could potentially out fast him. It goes without saying that Gavin still has skills in being an aerial ace that can rival most of the competitors here. It's not however known whether or not can he use staff in combat.
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Gavin may or may not have galdorstones with him to enhance his magic.
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Abomination Slip - Gavin can create abominations beneath the feet of his opponents making them lose their balance. It can be especially effective if his opponents are directly charging at him.
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Abomination Gripe - Gavin is capable of making abomination goo capture his opponents no matter where they are and restrain them or even move them across different locations.
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Abomination Minion - Gavin is capable of creating quite a large abomination golem that can be used to attack Gavin's opponents for him and serve his commands. The golem was smart enough to not be captured by the vines that assisted in the capture of Gus and also the very one to catch Gus first.
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Abomination Bomb - not a canon one to Gavin, it was used by another witch, but I thought it was a nice ability so I gave it to Gavin for him to have more firepower. Gavin can send a bullet of abomination that can explode releasing large amounts of goo that can restrain his opponents.
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Link to more of Gavin's capabilities here
Hunter Deamonne
Hunter "Insert your preferred surname/s for him", also known as a former and the youngest Golden Guard in history, head of the Emperor's Coven, Emperor Belos's right-hand man. One must know that unlike other contestants (aside from Luz) he's not constricted to specific covens and tracks since as a former leader of the coven that allows all kinds of magic, Hunter will have expertise in all types of coven magic as well, and he's also very dedicated to studying wild magic.
Hunter himself was also known as a genius teen prodigy and is undeniably a child soldier who was raised by both hell and the library to get to the very top. While he was born magicless, it did not stop him from earning his title as the right-hand man of the most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles. Hunter spends days and nights both training and learning everything about magic both as a duty and as fun. He's incredibly knowledgeable regarding all kinds of magic, meaning it's hard to actually surprise him with anything. And since he's a child soldier raised in a magical military with no magic by himself, Hunter had to survive hell even worse than some of the adults that also were part of this coven went through, and he survived it all. Hunter has already been to countless witches' duels beforehand, he made it several times through a maze full of traps, and judging by how he calls getting from the top to the bottom of the mountain alive "a classic", this might as well suggest that this Hunter's version of "summer camp", as he did that numerous times and he considers it "fond memories". Hunter without a doubt has the most experience among all participants when it comes to battling, because you know Belos never gave him a break or easy time and for Hunter to be where he is today is all thanks to his own strength, intelligence, and resilience.
When it comes to Hunter's motivations regarding this specific battle, it all comes down to Hunter knowing that Gavin was one of Gus's past bullies, meaning Hunter does not like Gavin and he does not plan on holding back to serve Gavin his commeuppance.When it comes to headcanons of both of them being Darius's sons, it hardly matters to Hunter in grand scheme of things, but Gavin's anomosity towards Hunter if that was the case makes Hunter only much more determined to put him in his place, though Hunter notices that quite frankly, Gavin is completely out ofhis depth, lowkey pitying him. All in all, Hunter absolutely wants to take Gavin down.
Hunter certainly has one of the strongest wills among all characters in TOH, as despite going through a ridiculous amount of pain, he is capable of brushing it off and pushing forward, with his only weakness being Belos. Hunter's willpower was even able to withstand Gus's trauma bubble which specifically puts you through your worst memories and even renders you useless, but Hunter resisted its effect and calmed Gus down instead, despite his pain being very fresh and severe and Hunter in fact not being ok with it, but Hunter keeps on going anyway. One must know it's very hard to break him, trust Belos, he tried but didn't succeed. Hunter even managed to resist Belos's possession for some time, which is a lot considering Belos was his abuser and had power over him metaphorically and physically in that moment.
Hunter displayed throughout the series to have some great athletic skills and agility, being able to keep up pace with running Luz without breaking a sweat while proving he has experience in parkour and acrobatics as seen in him flying on staff. Certainly, he can use his skills to evade incoming attacks with his reflexes while keeping up with his opponents and close distance between him and his enemies. He also has plenty of brute strength at his disposal as well, considering he managed to shatter falling debris by just swinging his staff in one hand.
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Hand-To-Hand Combat - Hunter has proven to be efficient in hand-to-hand combat throughout the series. While Hunter overall plays more on defense as a protector rather than offense, he is not afraid to throw a punch. This post goes more in-depth about Hunter's proficiency in staff-wielding, but I will explain some of it here too. Hunter as a trained soldier and experienced martial artist has his body be his weapon. He knows how the body works and has great control over it. He defeated both Luz and Eda in his debut with a quick kick while evading their attack, straight-up toyed with Kikimora, and had to be put to sleep to be restrained by coven scouts as he was still fighting and kicking. This also gives him a huge advantage against other competitors who are used to fighting across distance, whereas Hunter fights at a close range.
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Back in EC Hunter learned how to be smart, resourceful, and strong, and as I've mentioned before multiple times, he's a child soldier. His opponents usually underestimate him, but he's not the one to be crossed. His victories compromise of defeating Eda and Luz on 2v1 in his debut; immediately defeating Luz in HP once he's recovered; defeating Kikimora in HP; and Tying with Amity in EL after being physically and mentally exhausted, in 2v1 with King (who was rather defeated by Hunter in this duel), while wielding a completely new staff and restraining himself to not kill her but just getting the key; winning flyer derby game on his first try; catching Darius off-guard (which is a feat with Darius's great reflexes); making a strong glyph combo on his very first try; resisting Gus's trauma bubble; kicking ass during Hexside against EC battle; he was defeated twice by coven scouts, which while fair, was also due to his poor condition and the second time he had to be put to sleep to be restrained; handling abomatons and scouts with rest of the Hexsquad during S2 finale; standing his ground and protecting Hexsquad from Belos while being severely weakened in KT; breaking through Willow's vines in FtF with his freshly awakened powers.
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Hunter now is sub-merged with Flapjack meaning he does not require staff anymore to cast spells as magic now comes from within. What's more, I allow Hunter to also levitate/fly without the help of any staff. This is more of a fanon ability, but it's supposed to connect him to having the powers of a palisman (but no, he can't turn into a staff, nor is wooden) and abilities of a palisman are usually just enhanced abilities of the holder, meaning flight is in capacity of any witch, but all of them utilise staff since flight on its own is probably hard spell to pull off, but Hunter should do just fine for the sake of this tournament.
And now finally, let's talk about his staff, as it's her debut at long last. For the purposes of this tournament, I will give Hunter Waffles, sooner than I originally anticipated, but it's rather close to the semi-finals so oh well. I already mentioned how Hunter is absolutely proficient with his staff, utilizing it for both offensive and very effective strikes and flawless defense. Hunter is also a real aerial ace capable of flying at high speeds with agility to dodge attacks and is capable of even surfing on his staff as demonstrated when he showed off in ASIAS. His flying skills were also decisive in both forming EE and winning their very first game together.
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Flash Step - Hunter's trademark and iconic spell. It functions as a high-speed technique letting Hunter travel at the speed of light creating an illusion of teleporting. It allows Hunter to quickly get from one place to another which can be used for either evasion or quick offense as demonstrated perfectly in his fight with Kikimora by him avoiding her attacks without many issues while being capable of closing the distance between them. He can also use this ability to help out his allies, granted his speed is decreased slightly.
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Comet Charge - a stronger version of Flash Step. Hunter was surrounded by an outburst of energy charges with his high speed and big force. It can be used to break through any obstacles as demonstrated when Hunter broke through Willow's stronger vines with it or to fly across the air as demonstrated in ST.
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Resistance Spell - demonstrated in ST. Hunter managed to be sub-merged with the parts of boiling sea without either harming himself or King (and since Hunter doesn't know about being Grimwalker or King being a Titan, it's not like he could assume if they would survive contact with boiling water without a scratch) meaning Hunter can cover himself in magic preventing from damage like burns or high pressure, and the spell could potentially be used to allow Hunter to breathe underwater and resist hard strikes.
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Block Spell - demonstrated in HP and not only that, but Hunter can also block blasts of energy. Since he's now fused with Flapjack, I can imagine him blocking blasts with just his hands now, which seems to be possible considering his resistance spell mentioned above, but he could also probably utilise other tools to do the same like witch's staff or weapon of his choosing.
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Underground Escape - theorized ability of mine, but I assume Hunter could potentially use plant magic to escape being buried alive and maybe even transport himself with plants as demonstrated when he saved Luz, but it's just pure speculation so take this with a grain of salt.
Tool Creation - as demonstrated in ST, Hunter can create weapons (and possibly other kinds of tools to help him in battle) from thin air (by conjuring air into flesh and then into the tool). On-screen he showed he can create swords, but I extend this ability for him to be able to also create staffs and spears to help him in combat without a witch's staff. I also assume Hunter can wield different kinds of weapons considering coven scouts are shown to use weapons in Agony of the Witch and Hunter's prototype shows him with swords, which could suggest he knows how to fight with a sword.
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Tying Spell - demonstrated in HP where Hunter restrained Luz and tied her up. Can be very useful to disarm his opponents during matches.
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Battle Armor - demonstrated in ASIAS where he changed his sports attire into his GG armor. I assume Hunter in general can conjure up any clothes of his choosing with magic if he manages to also get a hands-on sports outfit and school uniform, and he did say in Dana's Livestream that he had full armor on when testing Flapjack, so I can imagine that during battles, Hunter would create armors for himself to better withstand any damage coming in his way.
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Laser Bolt - if both HP with Luz, and EL are anything to go by, Hunter is capable of shooting lightning-like lasers at his opponents.
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Lightning Strike - demonstrated in EL, which is a stronger version of laser bolt, Hunter is capable of shooting multiple lightning bolts at his opponents and spread even across the battlefield as demonstrated when fighting Amity and King.
Barrier Spell - not demonstrated in the show itself but in storyboards of Yasmin Khudari, in which Hunter could create a force field to shield Willow from falling debris. In the final product, he just used his own brute strength and staff to protect Willow rather than magic, but I will allow this spell meaning HUnter can create barriers that can withstand heavy hits and create them anywhere he desires.
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Flesh-Eating Plant - this is more of a speculation rather than a confirmed fact, but I rewatched ST, and Luz and Eda weren't originally standing in the flesh-eating plant until GG showed up, so I decided to be funny and say he actually made this plant himself to taunt them, especially since he also knew what it does (which also shows his expertise in plants among many things). Hunter in battles can utilise flesh-eating plants to set traps across the battlefield to both harm and distract his opponents.
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Telekinesis - one of GG's trademark ability back when he still had artificial staff (but I don't see why he would no longer know this spell anymore and more so just didn't use it as he didn't feel like it) in which Hunter can move objects with his mind. The objects can be multiple, of big size, and can even go as far as to lift other people. Hunter can utilise this ability to change his surroundings, throw projectiles of various sizes, and even push back people with just telekinesis alone.
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Sand Blast - demonstrated in his fight against Luz in ST. Hunter can create sandblasts and waves during battles to use as offensive pushback against his opponents or even defensively to push them back.
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Sand Construct - demonstrated in ST briefly where Hunter created a platform made out of sand for Luz and Eda to take a good look at the boiling sea. I can imagine Hunter using this technique to possibly create bridges, pathways, walls and column to move easier across the battlefield, to defend himself, or to push around his opponents.
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Rock Fist - demonstrated in EL against Amity. Hunter can create giant fists made out of rock (though I would also allow a version in which he can create fists out of ice as well, but it's one and the same attack) which can deal a serious uppercut.
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Earth Magic - demonstrated in both his fight against Amity and against Luz and Eda, in which Hunter managed to make the ground move Luz and Eda to the boiling sea and create a crack from which rock fist came. I can also imagine Hunter creating boulders from the ground in a similar fashion and possibly tossing them around with his telekinesis as well, which makes sense since it seems to be a spell of construction coven, and as former covenhead of all covens, Hunter would be aware of it.
Water Magic - demonstrated in his introduction in ST in which Hunter manipulated huge chunks of boiling water for his flashy entrance. I can imagine Hunter telekinetically pulling large bodies of water in the forms of torrents and waves to attack his opponents or to defend himself (in a similar fashion to a proficient waterbender much like Amity does with her abominations). He can utilise both cold and boiling water for this to also deal extra damage with scalds.
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Aqua Jet - Hunter can cover himself in a body of water (cold or boiling) and charge at his opponents as a form of attack.
Water Hand - demonstrated in ST, Hunter can create a giant hand of cold/boiling water. He utilised it in the show as a form of transportation, but I can imagine Hunter using the hand in the battle for both offensive and defensive purposes. He could also potentially create the same effect with abomination goo, judging by how Hunter's water hand technique is very reminiscent of Amity's abomination hand.
Wall Of Vine And Ice - demonstrated with Luz's glyphs, but I can imagine Hunter pulling out the same trick even without them considering he studies wild magic and normal magic relentlessly. Hunter can create a wall composed of ice and thick vines that can block strong attacks. Demonstrated in HM when defending Luz from Belos's attack.
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Link to more of Hunter's capabilities here
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101flavoursofweird · 1 year
Willow & Darius: Rebels of the Group
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I’ve been thinking about this for ages…
How Willow is meant to mirror Darius here! It’s really funny, considering how Darius became the Abomination Coven Head. The track Willow struggled so much with in the past…
The pair don’t seem to have that much in common on the surface, but Willow’s goal upon receiving her palisman was to protect everyone she loves. Darius’ priorities are "to help people and to care for those that he loves." I know, ‘protecting loved ones’ is a common character trait, especially in The Owl House, but the fact that this is said by/said about Willow and Darius has to count for something.
Both are willing to sacrifice themselves/surrender if it means saving their friends.
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Willow trains hard to get strong. Darius is strong. (In magic and judging by his muscles!) Both are incredibly powerful in their chosen magic track.
Willow is said to be the leader (by Boscha, no less!) of her friendship group. Darius is a— if not, the main— leader in the Rebellion against Belos. He’s the one organising the game plan for the Day of Unity.
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It might not seem so at first, but Willow is a rebel, just like Darius, and she encourages others to go against the Emperor’s wishes. Remember when Willow stood up onstage, defended Eda before her petrifaction, and stirred up the crowd into agreeing with her?
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Willow might have started out meek and not wanting to draw attention to herself, but as the show goes on, we see she actually has a chaotic side. She was the one ordering the Emerald Entrails to land Darius’s airship when he captured them. She could be just as much of a rebel as Darius! In the Human Realm, we see her poking customers with a devil staff and stealing her costume from a shop. (Well, she tried to pay for it with a snail coin…)
Willow vows to get some revenge on Belos before she leaves the Human Realm. It’s never stated aloud by Darius, but I’m sure he resents Belos for what happened to the Previous Golden Guard (Darius’s mentor), and his rebellion stems partly from this need for revenge.
Darius and Willow each have beef with the Blight family. Darius used to be friends with Alador, but then fell out with him at some point as they got older. (Did Odalia have anything to do with their separation, perhaps…?) Willow was friends with Amity when she was younger, until Amity’s parents ordered her to dismiss Willow for being ‘weak’. Thankfully, Willow forgave Amity, and Darius made up with Alador.
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Both Willow and Darius have a habit of bottling up their trauma and hiding it from others. Rather than talk to Hunter about his lost mentor, Darius treated Hunter like an annoyance (Darius must have been grieving, yes, but Hunter didn’t know this) until Hunter defied the Emperor’s Coven and got out of the castle. Willow doesn’t go as far as neglecting her friends, but she did distance herself from them when she was upset in For the Future. And in Understanding Willow, we see how much anger she’s been harbouring for years after being picked on by Amity and her friends.
We don’t see Darius playing Grudgby or Flyer Derby, like Willow, but we do see him attending the Bonesborough Brawl when Alador wins. Both seem to understand the importance of self care after working hard!
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Obviously, both Willow and Darius care about Hunter, and they help guide Hunter away from Belos.
If Willow had remained in the Abomination Coven and she’d ended up working for Darius… I think the two of them would have got along well. Willow would have been his apprentice in the Rebellion
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mythuzalasheir3 · 3 months
The Spider House AU
This is a Hatchetfield x The Owl House AU and honestly it kind of slays
After an incident in Shop class, Lex Foster decides to shell out the pitiful amount of savings she has left to get her younger sister, Hannah, some professional help, at the suggestion of the cast.
Hannah winds up entering the demon realm and meeting Miss Holloway, the Spider Lady, the last wild witch in the realm, and her roommates, Wiggly, the sentient house demon and Webby, the amnesiac queen of demons.
Hannah makes friends with witches Pete Spankoffski and Daniel, and initially forms a rivalry with Sophia Coven, the daughter of the CEO of the biggest corporation in the demon realm, before befriending her.
Then the truth is revealed. Miss Holloway is cursed to turn into some sort of spider beast.
We also meet Miss Holloway’s brother, Wilbur, the leader of the Emperor’s coven, who wishes to recruit his wayward sister.
Turns out the Emperor is not what he seems, he is a mortal man named Bob Metzger, who along with his sister many centuries ago, came across the Demon realm as witch hunters, and after his sister fell in love with a witch, he turned on them all, using the help of Bliklotep, the Collector.
Eventually, Hannah, Lex and the friends they’ve made along the way face off against the true evil in the demon realm.
Cast list:
Miss Holloway: Eda Clawthorne
Wiggly: Hooty
Webby: King Clawthorne
Hannah: Luz Noceda
Sophia: Amity Blight
Pete: Willow Park
Daniel: Gus Porter
Lex: Camila Noceda
Nibbly: Vee
Wilbur: Lilith Clawthorne
Duke: Raine Whispers
Bob Metzger: Belos
Steph: Hunter
Steph’s mom: Caleb Wittebane
Charles Coven: Odalia Blight
Blinky: Collector
Eddie Chiplucky: Alador Blight
Jason and Brenda: Ed and Em Blight
Max: Boscha
Ethan: Manny Noceda
Macnamara: Eberwolf
Xander Lee: Darius Deamonne
Linda: Terra Snapdragon
(Will the lords in black kind of be ooc in this? Yes.)
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zfiledh · 1 year
Headcanons: The Owl House
In no particular order:
Luz and Camila took Amity, Hunter, Gus and Willow to Comic Con dressed like characters from Cosmic Frontier. They actually got to meet the creator(s) of Cosmic Frontier, who were very bemused by Gus and Hunter asking a multitude of questions and Gus’ warning about the giraffes. Luz and Amity got to hang out with fans of The Good Witch Azura.
After the Collector installed the new portal door, Jacob Hopkins managed to get out of jail and attempted to sneak into the house. The last anyone heard from Jacob, he was trying to set up an online fundraiser to get home from Mars (when he really was sent to a place called Quinhagak, Alaska.)
Months after Belos fell, Alador and Odalia divorced. Odalia tried to revive their original arms business, but it fell flat. Amity, Edric and Emira never spoke to her again.
Masha learned the truth about Vee and the Demon Realm. In fact, they’re one of the first humans to attend Gus’ Human Student Exchange Program.
Some sketchy ex-Coven Heads (the Potions Head, Terra, & Adrian) and Kikimora attempted to take over the Boiling Isles and replace the vacancy left by Belos. This was quickly thwarted by the B.A.T.T.s C.A.T.T.s and the Hexside squad and a thorough investigation and trial took place. Unsurprisingly, Odalia was also implicated in the plot because of the subpar Abomotons that were used. The plotters and Odalia were banished from the Boiling Isles and sent to Titan Trapper Island to live out their sentence. Kikimora worked out a plea deal and that’s how she was found working with Matt Tholomule to rebuild Bonesborough.
Eda and her dad have a better relationship these days, to Gwendolyn’s delight. Dell and Gwendolyn have also doted on King and Hunter. In fact, Eda was the one who introduced Hunter to Dell after Luz mentioned that Hunter wanted to learn how to carve Palismen.
A delegation was sent to Titan Trapper Island, and Bill is no longer the leader there. Tarak was appointed as the new leader and he promised that he and his people will not to go after the last Titan (King). It also helped that The Collector was included in that delegation to seal the deal and promised to build a portal between the two islands if the Titan Trappers behaved...and changed their way of dressing and the name of their island.
Lilith unlocked her harpy form the same way Eda did: with cookies made by Hooty. However, it wasn’t as “smooth” as Eda’s transformation, but with the help from Eda, Gwendolyn, and Camila, she was able to take control of her transformations. Hooty was also temporarily banned from the kitchen. Right after she managed this, Lilith showed off her transformation in front of Flora.
Luz told Eda what Papa Titan told her, and Eda felt honored. Though Eda was a bit offended about the Titan questioning her homemade apple blood recipe.
The Therapy Coven had never been busy after the fall of Belos. Hunter and Raine in particular spent some time with them because of the shared trauma of possession by Belos.
Hunter elected to stay with Darius, though he's always welcome with the Nocedas back in the Human Realm, with the Parks, the Blights (minus Odalia), Eda, and the senior Clawthornes.
Willow introduced Hunter to her dads after Hunter finished gushing about sewing and wolves with Darius and Eberwolf.
Boscha peaked in high school.
The Bat Queen sensed that there was something about Hunter, and Hunter told her about Flapjack’s sacrifice. After that talk, Hunter also became welcome in The Bat Queen’s forest.
Luz and Amity got more “mundane, slice-of-life dates”, both in the human realm and the demon realm.
The Collector visits King from time to time, and the Hexside squad learned to relax around them and teach them about how to approach people and play other games.
There was an attempt to introduce Camila to the food in the Boiling Isles. Suffice to say, she was only able to eat griffin eggs like Luz, though she found the animals there quite fascinating.
Viney and Jerbo eventually became friends again, to Barkus’ relief. (Barkus knew they would become friends, it was a matter of when.)
Principal Bump officially retired as Principal the following year. That was not the end of his love of education because he spent the next year to reach out to Glandus and St. Epiderm about revising their curriculum and offering multiple magic tracks.
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nathaaaan · 6 months
The Child of The Titian
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More commonly known as “Empress Hecate”
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Or “Luz”
Child of The Titan AU
that’s literally what it’s called, sue me.
Okay, so this is the part where I talk about this AU. If you wanna know more, keep reading! If you don’t, well uh, leave?
This won’t be long cause I’m not going over the whole story. Lol.
If you’re too lazy to read, allow me to summarize it. Luz is captured by Belos, and she believes that Eda and the others will come to save her.
But in COTT (Child of the Titan AUGH I like this name), Luz is not saved. A year later, a rebellion forms, and it’s led by the Clawthrone sisters and they’re ready to end Belos’ tyranny. But they’re also consistently looking for Luz. Eda searches for three more years until she forces herself to stop as it’s becoming unhealthy. Then, the rebellion organizes an attack on the throne. They fight, yada yada, Belos dies. They search for Luz a little while before they’re swarmed by scouts, and they’re tired from fighting Belos, so they leave. Thinking that they won.
I won’t talk about what happened to Luz in that span of time, as you might find out when I write the fic.
I will say five things;
1. Hecate can use magic like a witch, but it’s unstable and requires a lot of energy.
2. Palismen. BUT! Stringbean!!!
3. Hecate hates everyone, and everything expect for Hunter. Hunter’s okay. 👍
4. She wants to make the Isles better.
5. She wants to go home, and won’t hesitate if she has to fight anybody in the Rebellion.
Speaking of the Rebellion, let’s go over who’s all in it, shall we?
The Rebellion
(Raine couldn’t come up with a better name, and neither can I)
Founders/Leaders: Eda & Lilith Clawthorne.
Members: Amity Blight, Willow Park, Augustus Porter, Raine Whispers, Derwin, Ember, Katya, Principal Bump & all his students, Edric & Emira Blight, Alador Blight (eventually), Glandus High students, Dell & Gwen Clawthorne, Gilbert & Harvey Park, Perry Porter, Malphas, Morton, Puddles (Viney’s Griffin), Salty (recently), and Vee (when she realizes that something’s wrong with Luz, and after they find out Hecate is Luz.) Darius Deamonne & Eberwolf (eventually), other Wild Witches and Demons.
The Inquisition
Previously the Emperor’s Coven
Leader: Empress Hecate
Members: Hunter “The Golden Guard” (Head of Inquisition), Kikimora, Darius Deamonne (Abomination for now), Eberwolf (Beast for now), Scooter Crane (Bard), Terra Snapdragon (Plants), Adrian Graye Vernworth (Illusion), Mason (Construction), Vitimir (Potions), Hettie Cutburn (Healing), Osran (Oracle), Coven Scouts, The Warden, Coven Guards, Vee (for a while, other witches and demons.
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So, post-series headcanons on Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter?
I'm mostly waiting on any creator/crew post-series Q&A interviews to really dive into major headcanons but here's a few off the top of my head that I have atm:
Luz: After finishing University (with flying colors), Luz became a writer/comic artist in the human realm and both a writer and explorer in the demon realm. With King's new glyphs, Luz got not only to see which old glyph combos still work but also test out new ones that she thought of in the 3+ years that she had before King figured out his Light glyph.
Amity: Due to taking over her dad's factory and working on both new abomi-ton inventions and exploring Amity got buff, her muscles are not as large as Willow's but Amity could dead-lift Warden Wraith's weight. Amity got to meet Mildred Featherwhyle at a human convention Luz took her to, Amity got all of her books signed and keeps them behind glass cases guarded by new abomi-tons she designed.
Willow: Willow is a coach for the new Hexside's Flyer Derby team and really likes helping the kids, she still plays with the original Emerald Entrails but as they have their own thing she's had to remake the team and will have her team skirmish against the Hexside team to help them get better. She helped Dell and Eda rebuild the Palistrom Woods with the help of the Plant Coven Artifact (before turning it over to the new Plant Coven Leader). While not the Plant Coven head now, rumor has it that many are considering suggesting her in a future Coven Head election.
Gus: He and Vee run the University of Wild Magic's Human/Witch Exchange Program, however it's less sending witchlings to human school and more an extended summer field trip (less likely to be hounded by authorities for kids not in school in summer as Luz and Vee points out early on), Gus and Vee help show witchlings around the human town of Gravesfield and teaching them about human things. He has yet to make peace with the Giraffes but he's getting close.
Hunter: After doing some digging into the history of Caleb he discovered that he's related to the Clawthornes, Eda tried to make a "little nephew" joke but Luz pointed out that since Hunter is a Grim Walker clone of Caleb that he's actually Eda's Great Great Great (insert more) Grandpa. This new family connection brought him to Dell who taught him Palisman carving alongside Eda also helping. Hunter considers both Darius, Eberwolf and Camila as his parents, all of whom consider him as their kid.
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icy-watch · 2 months
So, the Day of Unity is coming up. I mean, we all knew it was, but we now have an idea of when it'll happen.
And what's going to happen: Belos is going to bring the Boiling Isles to the human world. He's going to have them colonize the human world. That's really all my brain can think.
Raine has some memory loss. I thought there might have been more, but thankfully they just don't remember the events leading up to their little rebellion with the BATs.
It still really sucks, but they went thru a lot in that short period of time.
Altho, I'm wondering if Raine will go do Darius and Eber and start asking questions.
Terra seems to be the most stalwart leader of the covens to Belos. To a worrying degree.
Meanwhile, Kiki is thinking about jumping ship. Or she was. She's very much doubting Belos after this episode.
Alright, I was planning on another episode here, but my dog has been unbearably patient since I made her come in about an hour ago. I'm going to take her on a walk. 1 of these days I'll be able to do 2 episodes again. So, until tomorrow!
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vityabersent · 1 year
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(Wtf with the text in the image, it shows that I wrote it at midnight sorrryyyyyy)
Hellooooo I came here to introduce you to my Au Aladarius in which Odalia never interrupts their relationship.
(also public it on twitter)
In this Au Alador and Darius are the leaders of the Abomination coven. After Odalia did not get involved in their relationship, Alador did not venture into business, dedicating himself to the study of the fusion between Adominations and machines together with Darius. While Alador was studying the fusion between machines and abomination, Darius was studying the fusion of organic matter with abomination. Complementing his research and with it his power.
The talent of these two young men reached the ears of the emperor. He sent the then golden guard to recruit them for the abomination coven.
Although Alador's parents had already arranged a marriage for him when the golden guard came knocking on his door with a great opportunity for Alador they broke off the engagement and let him go. So it was then that they became disciples of the golden guard. Little by little, their skill led them to be candidates to become coven heads, but they did not want to fight each other for that position.
Both young men were recruited and taken to training by being selected as candidates for second in command or even coven leaders.
Alador always had a great weight on his shoulders from his parents. He normally had anxiety attacks, he slept little. He always pushes himself to meet the expectations of his abusive parents. Darius knew nothing of Alador's abuse until they were taken from his family.
He told her about the long nights he was locked in the basement of the Blight mansion for anything, the first slap from his father, the constant verbal abuse from his mother. Or the fear that Ratador would be taken from him, because his parents hated him and many times he had to take him out of the garbage because the maids threw him there.
Darius's dream was to become a coven leader, but it was more the fear for Alador's health. So willing to give up being a candidate, he spoke to the emperor.
On the other hand, for Add, being the leader of the abomination coven represented a huge burden, he was afraid to take the position. So he also went to talk to the emperor to resign from the position. Bumping into Darius in the throne room in the process. After a series of discussions and at the suggestion of the golden guard (mentor and friend of both) it was obtained because both of them would become the next leaders of the coven. Well, added to all this, the current leader was seriously ill.
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year
I'm curious does eda in reverse au comic have a coven system like or is it glyphs and wild magic?
And also are coven heads the same? Darius as leader of abomination coven, raine the leader of bard coven, everwolf the leader of beast keeping coven, Terra the head of plant coven etcetera?
the coven system is more visual rather then like a real system, people just study whatever interests then and there's no restrictions, so even tho they dress in colors it doesn't mean much then just making them identifiable
like there's no coven sigils
the coven heads however, have different jobs, darius is on earth, terra has a tea shop, raine is an advisor, ect ect
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cherrymoonvol6 · 11 months
okay antihuntlowrinas it's time to let go of the whole "willow is a stand-in for hunter's authoritative uncle" thing
the entire reason why hunter would ever care about helping the team in the first place disproves this: in ASIAS, hunter is exposed to the concept of teamwork and collaboration. for once in his life, he doesn't have to take everyone else out (and watch out for his own back) to win, instead he wins by relying on the other members and making team plays.
and it's not like hunter is drawn to willow at first because she's a leader: he wants to take her to the emperor's coven because she's a powerful witch. like i said, the whole teamwork thing comes as a surprise -- and it's what almost leads hunter to leave the team before they even play together.
so when the scene with darius and the flyer derby team happens and hunter calls willow "captain", he doesn't do it because he sees her as an authority figure. like, it's very explicit in the scene who the real authority is: darius. when hunter calls willow captain is because he's appealing to their newfound connection as members of a team who lean on each other and treat everyone as equals. when hunter calls willow captain, is because he wants her to trust his decision because she also trusted him as a member of her team. in fact, it's willow who "complies" to hunter's "orders"; but, you know, it's about the fact that hunter's view of leadership has been changed by willow's positive attitudes as the leader of their group. tl;dr, the point is that willow is not authoritative!
now, does this makes h/ntlow good? well, no. because hunter falls for her for some arbitrary reason that just doesn't tie in with his arc, and after this their relationship is nonexistent, platonic or otherwise. willow flirts once with hunter in TTT for no reason at all, and then she falls for him after her realization that she can be vulnerable around her friends... like, what? see, h/ntlow is bad because of all of these things and for being rushed and the most boring, transparent choice ever and the definition of a crackship. but let's not make things up that are NOT there. we already have a lot to chew on.
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sepublic · 2 years
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Obsessed with this and the subtle lore the animators might’ve given us for us Coven Head fans who are otherwise starved... 
Makes sense Terra is the eldest (save for possibly Scooter Crane), given her appearance and the flashback and all. But it also makes it doubly tragic how much faith she has in Belos’ regime, if she was one of his first supporters, as I’d guessed; No doubt because she’s cruel and ruthless enough that Belos can depend on her to enforce his prejudice simply for the sheer thrill of the power dynamic it gives her. She probably thanks Belos for getting her to the top when she was younger, and Terra is also proud of having been an OG fan, likely thinking there’s some meaningful emotional connection there... Only for there not to be.
Then we’ve got Osran, who’s also clearly old. Fitting. And Vitimir, who’s also elderly-looking, though I do headcanon he’s younger than he looks, and his appearance was ravaged due to exposing himself to chemicals in an attempt to reverse-engineer the Philosopher’s Stone; Like real life alchemists!
Next is Adrian. Tbh, I have to wonder if he’s used illusions to make himself look younger, but seeing as how he couldn’t bother to look nice for THE Day of Unity, probably not, but who knows? Maybe the grime is a layer built atop the youthful illusion. Makes me all the more curious about the timeline and his possible connection to Illusionists and the Looking Glass Graveyard becoming a secret, long enough ago to fall into disrepair.
Hettie Cutburn follows! Not much to say here, I guess she kinda looks young, but you can’t tell because of the full-body covering. One of the writers described her as like a murderous E-girl, so I guess she’s young enough to have the audience and know the technology that way. Or maybe not, because this ordering isn’t necessarily related to physical seniority, after all...
Up next is Mason! And he definitely looks a bit older, or maybe he didn’t age as well. But the implication seems that ‘seniority’ is defined by how long they’ve served the coven as a leader, rather than their actual age, so who can really tell for Hettie or others? Mason fits with what Dana Terrace herself confirmed (as OP pointed out in another tweet), that he’s one of the most recent coven heads, promoted at some point between Covention and The First Day.
And Mason is naturally followed by “Raine”, who was appointed within this season and is the very last in line! Darius and Eberwolf do admittedly mess up the order a bit, given they had to stay behind to collaborate with their fellow CATTs. But then again, I don’t think there’s anything definitively saying they were coven heads BEFORE Mason, so they might also be fairly recent promotions. 
In which case, I wonder if the two directly following each other has anything to do with their own rebellion, and a potential sabotage of previous coven heads with loyalty to Belos, being particularly nasty OG supporters like Terra when he was unpopular. The idea that Eberwolf literally and figuratively follows Darius here tracks with him trusting Darius’ guidance and possibly having been radicalized by him, so Eber becoming a coven head right after Deamonne is fitting.
EDIT: Someone reminded me that Darius was present at Hunter’s Golden Guard ceremony, and it seems Eberwolf was there too. While we only see Hunter as early as Agony of a Witch, Lilith’s dialogue does indicate she’s known him for a while, so Darius, Eber, and Hunter were likely running around before Mason’s promotion. So I guess the ordering is a bit messed up here for Doylist purposes, but otherwise...!
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