#covid causes organ damage
fabricdragondesigns · 11 months
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savage-rhi · 27 days
*insert pink color here*
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crippledanarchy · 10 months
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dootnoot · 2 years
i really wonder how many people have long covid/post viral syndrome without even realizing it
it took me nearly 2 years to connect the dots and figure out that the mysterious illness(es) i was experiencing that no doctor could diagnose and that didnt show up on any of the tests they ran, that spanned dozens of symptoms of differing severity affecting my whole body, was all connected to long covid. 
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bandofchimeras · 11 months
rec drug use mention
well it was stupid of me to imagine my body would tolerate literally any substance given track record w even weed n alcohol. thought k and molly would still be fine & they help my mental health sm, but wake up today ....w signs of cystitis from k???? so who knows what mollys doing in there.
at this point even super small amounts of p much anything are dangerous for me and that's it just how it is
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autistichalsin · 26 days
I hate that I have to give this PSA at all- that I do is a failure on the part of multiple governmental organizations. But it is important.
COVID damages a lot more than you think. It damages more than your lungs, and does more than give you digestive issues. And sometimes, those issues can last well after you get better, even if you're not a person you would otherwise think of as being sick with long COVID.
If you only remember these two things, please just remember that:
COVID can and does damage your heart.
COVID can and does damage your nervous system, particularly your brain.
If you have had COVID in the last 18 months, you are at a highly elevated risk of sudden cardiac death compared to someone who hasn't. In the first three weeks after getting sick, your odds of dying from a heart-related event are 81 times that of an uninfected person, and five times higher in the following 18 months. You are also at a higher risk of of developing nonfatal heart disease; 40% likelier. (Source for all claims in this paragraph)
If you develop ANY cardiac symptoms at all after getting COVID- heart palpitations, blood pressure issues, fatigue, fainting, getting out of breath easier than is normal for you- you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, and you need to tell them you've recently had COVID. You have long COVID until proven otherwise.
Similarly, your risk of neurological disorders remains heightened over a year after getting COVID; approximately 40% higher. (Source) This manifests in more ways than I have time to list, but includes a vastly higher risk of dementia of all types (doctors are particularly seeing this with the under-45 group that was previously extremely rare), memory disorders, sensory issues (like persisting loss or distortion of taste and smell), mental health issues like anxiety or depression, and even more.
These can manifest in a lot of ways. But if you experience new anxiety or depression, new behavioral issues (particularly for those under the age of 18), if you suddenly can't focus anymore or can't remember things anymore (ESPECIALLY words, COVID has been noted to cause extreme difficulty with word recall), if you have tremors, if you're tired all the time, if you have "brain fog", if you have trouble sleeping, I could go on... again. You have long COVID until proven otherwise. EVEN IF you aren't "that sick". Even if you have energy to do things and can mostly function but you just aren't doing well in school/at work anymore because you can't remember the things your teacher/professor is talking about/the new work protocols your boss went over with you.
If you hop over to the subreddits for teachers or professors, you will notice a lot of them noting their students don't remember basic things the teachers have been pressing for an entire semester, or that students can't sit long enough to focus through a movie. And sure, some of that is cell phones reducing attention span, or students just not paying attention- but they just can't seem to pick up the pieces there that they are seeing long-term sequelae (that is, a different illness arising from COVID infection) in their students. It is everywhere, but few people are connecting the dots.
Similarly, there is a huge wave of pilots being unable to pass their physicals and losing their licenses, or making mistakes due to brain fog (in some cases even leading to crashes) or falling victim to sudden cardiac death in the middle of a flight.
EVERYONE is at risk from this. No one is talking about this. I don't kn- well, actually, no, I do know exactly why, I just don't like it. People want to make COVID the new flu, but it just isn't. It is not and never will be the flu. And we are willingly inflicting cardiomyopathy and dementia and all sorts of awful things on people in the name of regaining a sense of normalcy that is gone, but ironically would be closer to returning if we had accepted for a while that things WEREN'T normal and acted accordingly. But that chance is gone now, COVID is never going away because people couldn't bother, but they still can't admit it, they can't face the consequences of their actions, so instead we're getting this attempted coverup of the real long-terms dangers of COVID that even "young and healthy" people have.
But pretending things are normal doesn't make sick people healthy. So instead, try to educate folks, because there is a very high chance you or someone you know is sick right now, due to COVID infections they had months ago, and doesn't know it because people are pretending COVID is just the flu but with tummy upset and a disrupted sense of taste/smell.
People NEED to know what the actual dangers are.
ALSO, sidenote: if you are masking, and ask your medical team to mask, and they respond by starting to suggest you are experiencing "COVID anxiety", find a new provider. Immediately. Don't even continue the appointment. They are not interested in helping you.
Signed, your friendly neighborhood epidemiologist.
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pronoun-fucker · 1 year
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IN 1986, Sophie Ottaway was born with a very rare condition which required immediate surgery.
Cloacal exstrophy happens when the organs in the abdomen do not form correctly in the womb, resulting in babies born with organs such as the bladder or intestines outside the body.
Doctors had to operate to save her life.
Sophie was actually a boy, with a tiny, damaged penis but healthy testes.
But doctors advised Sophie’s parents that their baby’s male ­genitalia should be removed to avoid further complications.
The baby had to be registered by the following day, which meant they had to decide whether to tick male or female on the form.
Sophie’s parents Karen and John followed the surgeons’ advice.
“They were told not to tell me,” says Sophie, a warm and friendly 37-year-old who has since fully forgiven her parents for their decision.
“We are very close,” she tells me, “despite going through some rocky times in the past.”
Life changed for Sophie, who grew up in Beverley, East Yorks, when she was 22 years old and visiting her GP surgery for tonsilitis.
She says: “I saw on the computer screen that I had XY chromosomes, had been castrated hours after birth, and an incision was made where a vagina would be.”
Although Sophie exploded at her parents in the moment, she buried her feelings about it all until 13 years later when, hospitalised during a Covid lockdown, it was discovered she had developed sepsis that had ended up in her intestines.
‘I went into 13 years of absolute denial’
This was what led her to decide to speak out.
Sophie was already aware that many children and young people were being groomed in gender ideology, persuaded to take puberty blockers, then set on a medical pathway for life.
She says: “At age 11, as I approached puberty, they put me on oestrogen because there’s no ovaries, and no testes to produce testosterone.
“This is what doctors are doing now to kids who wish to change gender — putting them on blockers.”
It was a lie when Sophie was told she had to take oestrogen for life because her ovaries had been removed at birth as a result of damage.
Sophie was born biologically male. “So obviously there were never any ovaries,” she says wryly.
She adds: “The time to tell me and try to get informed consent was at the point we introduced the endocrinologist. This is the time puberty blockers are being offered to kids, so I make that connection with what’s happening today.”
When feminists and others critical of the medicalisation of children with gender dysphoria have said that these drugs and interventions are harmful, we are often labelled bigots. But Sophie is speaking from personal experience, in the hope that she will be listened to rather than dismissed and vilified.
About five years ago, Sophie chose to stop taking the hormones, because “I was adamant that many problems in my life were being caused by them.
“I was about 4st heavier than I am now, and I wasn’t eating badly. I was having bladder pain beyond belief.
“I had fatigue and was quite angry a lot of the time.”
By then, Sophie had been taking oestrogen for 20 years, and decided enough was enough. She was told she should keep taking it because it was for bone density, to which she replied that she would have regular bone scans.
Sophie had no choice but to go on oestrogen, because the doctors prescribed it to her as a child — but surely she should be listened to when she warns of the effects cross-sex hormones have on the body?
Now that she no longer takes it, all her symptoms have improved.
She says: “We’re selling this idea of perfection in the guise of changing gender. You’ve got all of these problems and might be struggling because you don’t fit in at school, or because you like boys’ toys and you’re a girl, or vice versa. As someone who knows all about decisions made under time pressure and who has paid the price, Sophie’s understanding of the sales pitch being made to children before puberty is crystal clear.
She says: “You’ve got a sale based on a time pressure.
“We’re going to push you through this for the puberty blockers, we’re going to make that sale.”
Keen to stress that there is a big difference between a girl behaving “like a boy”, wearing boys’ clothes and haircuts, Sophie adds: “Puberty blockers are a different level to how we dress and which toys we favour.”
The idea being sold is that gender reassignment is the answer to all your problems, but Sophie says: “What you get is genital mutilation, castration, and a lifetime of dangerous hormones, which was my experience.”
As she points out: “Children can’t vote, they can’t drink, can’t drive.
“But you can choose to do something life-changing.”
Sophie hopes that by speaking out and telling her unvarnished truth, some children — and parents — might make a different choice.
She says that when she found out that she’d been born male, “I obviously knew I had urological problems, and I knew that I had no vagina because of the surgeries.
“I didn’t address it at that point. I was 22, in second year at university.
“I had a plan of my life. And dealing with this monstrosity was not in the plan. I got up the next day and went to university.
“I still had the same connection with my friends. I was still the ­person I was 24 hours ago.
“But I went into 13 years of ­absolute denial.”
She never told anyone about it, not even close friends.
‘When I came out of hospital I was raging’
Then, during the pandemic, Sophie found herself in hospital a couple of times, and it all came crashing down.
She recalls: “They thought it was a kidney infection, but they couldn’t get to the bottom of it.
“When I was born they had fashioned some female genitalia. Brown putrid fluid starting leaking out of the hole and it would not stop.
“I presented at the hospital and I had to tell them for the first time about what had happened to me.”
When doctors examined her, they saw that there was something very wrong.
It turned out there was a mass in her abdomen, which was the neovagina — inserted when she was a baby — and left to rot.
Sophie says: “I found out from my mum that they had inserted it when I was two days old, and that one day it popped out and was found in my nappy.”
Surgeons replaced it during a later operation, sealed it up, and left it, which is why it led to sepsis many years later.
“No one had been told it had been put back in,” says Sophie.
Up until this point she had thought that the surgeon had simply operated to save her life — “which he did, but he also did a hell of a lot of other stuff that was unnecessary.”
What’s more, the doctors failed to do something that was necessary — namely, address the complex urological problems that have plagued Sophie all her life.
She says this “is one of the things that has the biggest effect on having any kind of intimate relationship. And yet the one thing that they could have fixed is my incontinence.”
She tells me: “When I came out of hospital, I was raging at that point.”
And she thought that by speaking out, she might be able to help those who think they are in the wrong body.
Sophie says: “A lot of them are being groomed to feel that way or question those thoughts in the first place by the school and the system and the media. Those kids need help.”
A much better solution, she argues, would be to divert funding currently being used for puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery and ­allocate it to children’s mental health services and counselling.
Sophie says: “We can work with that person to find out why they are feeling like this.
“Then, maybe when they become an adult, they might be mature enough to be properly informed and consent to any changes to the outer body.
“It is often assumed I am transgender, but I really don’t like labels. I am just Sophie.
Poised for a backlash from the more extreme trans activists, Sophie makes it clear that she respects any adult’s decision to choose that path — so long as they are properly informed.
But she is clear that this is never appropriate for children.
“I don’t want this to happen to any other baby born with this condition,” she says.
“We have to find better ways to support kids to live in the body they are born with.”
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swampgallows · 9 months
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There is more COVID-19 transmission today (January 2024) than during 94.7% of the pandemic.
💉 Please get the updated (new, not a booster) Covid vaccine. If you're in the US, ask your local pharmacy about the Bridge Access Program for free vaccines. You can also search vaccines.gov then select Bridge Access Program participant.
If you do not want an mRNA vaccine for whatever reason, consider Novavax: it is protein-based like other typical vaccines from the last few decades, and many (including myself) report minimal side effects. Talk to your doctor if you have questions or concerns.
😷 Wear a mask in public and/or any enclosed areas. "Mask" means a respirator of KN95/N95 filtration or higher, not a cloth or surgical (blue) mask. Covid is airborne, so an airtight seal and particulate filter is necessary for protection. Different kinds of respirators are used for everything from toxic fumes to asbestos removal; when worn properly, they greatly reduce risk.
Here is a guide for proper use and fitting of a respiratory mask.
Here is a short video by 3M (respirator manufacturer) on the importance of fit-testing.
🧪 Have tests ready. With the new variants it can sometimes take 5-8 days to test positive, so be sure to test twice, 48 hours apart. If you're in the US, you can get 4 free rapid tests sent to your home through USPS. Local schools and libraries also may have free rapid tests. If you qualify for the Test to Treat program, you can receive free at-home NAAT tests and treatment for both flu AND Covid, and access to telehealth. The earlier you test positive, the more likely you will be eligible for treatment with Paxlovid.
🔁 If you can afford it, air purifiers and HEPA filters can help reduce transmission. Making a Corsi-Rosenthal box is simple and inexpensive. If weather permits, keeping windows open helps. Ventilation allows fresh air to circulate.
👃 Nasal sprays and CPC mouthwash are other useful prophylactic measures when used in conjunction with PPE and other modes of mitigation like masking and distancing.
🚬There is still a risk of Covid when outside, similar to exposure from secondhand smoke or a fire. Since Covid is spread through aerosols, it can hang in the air like smoke.
🐶 As with other coronaviruses, many household pets can get Covid. If you have been exposed, avoid contact with animals.
"But I'm not old or weak. Why should I care?"
☣ Covid can still kill you or disable you for life, even if your initial sickness is "mild". Even if you are young and have no preexisting conditions. 90% of the original "long haulers" had "mild" cases.
🩺 Covid increases your risk of stroke, blood clots, and heart disease by 2 to 5 times within a year of infection. It can also cause brain damage, which is part of the loss of taste and smell and cognitive symptoms like brain fog.
🩸 Covid is able to infect multiple organ systems because it travels through the bloodstream and attacks the mitochondria, leading to dysfunction and chronic fatigue.
⚠ Reinfection doesn't make your body better at fighting Covid; it just does more damage to your immune system, akin to HIV. A damaged immune system is worse at fighting off illness, more susceptible to infection, and can lead to serious complications like pneumonia. And with every reinfection, your chances of developing Long Covid increase. Therefore, the best protection for your immune system is to avoid getting Covid as much as possible.
I know everyone is tired of this. But if there was any time to be vigilant, it is now. Please, let's protect each other.
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Almost 10% of US lung transplants go to COVID-19 patients. Researchers are learning why - Published Aug 21, 2024
Researchers from Michigan State University and Corewell Health, in collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic, have made a significant breakthrough in understanding post-COVID-19 lung complications.
The study, by Xiaopeng Li of MSU, Reda Girgis of Corewell Health and Kun Li of Cleveland Clinic's Florida Research and Innovation Center, was published in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology and highlights the role of a gene called ATP12A in promoting lung damage and excessive mucus production following COVID-19 infection.
COVID-19 infection activates this gene in the lungs, initiating progressive lung scarring that can eventually require a lung transplant. The collaboration investigated the biology behind climbing lung transplant rates among patients with post-COVID pulmonary fibrosis. Almost 10% of all lung transplants in the United States now go to COVID-19 patients, according to data from the United Network for Organ Sharing, or UNOS.
"Understanding how and why some individuals develop severe lifelong complications is critical to developing more effective post-COVID lung damage treatment," said Xiaopeng Li, associate professor in the MSU College of Human Medicine's Department of Pediatrics and Human Development.
Collaborating with Kun Li, Xiaopeng Li investigated ATP12A expression in lung samples from individuals undergoing lung transplantation. Clinical samples provided by Reda Girgis, medical director of Corewell Health's lung transplant program and a professor at MSU, confirmed elevated ATP12A levels in individuals with post-COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis, akin to fibrosis unrelated to COVID-19.
"At Cleveland Clinic, we confirmed COVID-19 infection directly caused ATP12A levels to increase and contributed to pulmonary fibrosis," noted Kun Li.
This discovery lays the groundwork for potential therapeutic interventions, aiming to benefit all pulmonary fibrosis patients, irrespective of their condition's origin. The next step for the researchers is to unravel how infection elevates ATP12A levels and its contribution to pulmonary fibrosis, paving the way for improved treatments in the future.
Find the (paywalled) study at either link!
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darkmaga-retard · 4 days
A recent pre-print study highlights six key areas where COVID jabs destroy the continuity and biochemistry of human blood.
Lioness of Judah Ministry
Sep 18, 2024
By Lance D Johnson September 18, 2024
A recent pre-print study by a team of Japanese researchers has ignited a heated debate within the medical community, revealing serious risks associated with blood transfusions taken from individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccinations. The study highlights six key areas where COVID jabs destroy the continuity and biochemistry of human blood. The study has called into question the safety of using such blood in medical procedures.
According to the researchers, the COVID-19 vaccines — which have failed to stimulate a meaningful immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus — have unintended consequences that affect blood integrity. The team’s findings suggest that the vaccines can induce harmful changes in blood, which could pose risks not only to recipients of blood transfusions but also to those receiving organ transplants from vaccinated donors.
Six ways COVID vaccines cause blood damage:
The study indicates that spike proteins, which the vaccines are designed to produce, can persist in the blood, and accumulate in various organs. These proteins have been linked to several toxic effects, including damage to red blood cells and platelet aggregation. The researchers recommend that blood products be purified to remove these harmful spike proteins.
In some cases, the human immune system does not neutralize the spike proteins that are generated by the COVID-19 vaccines. Spike proteins that are not cleared by the body may lead to the formation of amyloid aggregates and microthrombi, or clusters of abnormal proteins and small blood clots. These aggregates are difficult to eliminate and can cause further health issues. Ensuring the removal of these aggregates from contaminated blood is crucial for patient safety.
Repeated vaccinations may impair immune function, resulting in insufficient levels of immunoglobulins (antibodies). Blood donated from heavily-vaccinated individuals may provide inadequate levels of immunity to common infections due to immune imprinting or class switch to IgG4. This could potentially make blood from heavily-vaccinated individuals less effective in fighting infections, cancer, and may pose risks to those with weakened immune systems.
The mRNA vaccines use lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to deliver genetic material. The study suggests that LNPs and pseudouridinated mRNA may remain in the bloodstream longer than anticipated, which could lead to inflammatory reactions and unintended spike protein synthesis in various body tissues.
The presence of aggregated red blood cells or platelets, another side effect of spike proteins, could increase the risk of blood clots and cardiovascular events if not properly addressed before transfusion.
Long-term exposure to the vaccine’s spike protein might result in the generation of IgG4 antibodies and memory B cells, which could lead to chronic inflammation and immune dysfunction.Unvaccinated blood is medically more valuable and should be the only blood used in transfusions
The researchers have called for an immediate review and overhaul of current practices regarding blood donations from vaccinated individuals. Their study highlights the urgent need for specific tests and regulations to address these serious risks.
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phoenixonwheels · 3 months
“Long COVID, as currently defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other authorities, is a symptomatic condition that has been shown to affect an estimated 10 %–30 % of non-hospitalized patients after one infection. However, COVID-19 can also cause organ damage in individuals without symptoms, who would not fall under the current definition of Long COVID. This organ damage, whether symptomatic or not, can lead to various health impacts such as heart attacks and strokes.”
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anarchotahdigism · 7 months
I know i say "wear a mask and riot" and "fuck a peaceful protest" but I'd had a nice long post about how digital work and advocacy is praxis (or can be) on my old account. Right now, COVID is spreading and killing thousands of people in the US alone and nearly all """radicals""""" and """""leftists"""" are philosophically no different than the fascists they claim to oppose because they are so thoroughly wedded to eugenics that they refuse to wear and enforce masking. COVID causes long COVID in 10-30% of cases so the so-called US alone may well be a majority disabled nation now due to rampant eugenics forcing the spread of COVID. Long COVID is a rotting death and makes everything an order of magnitude more difficult if you still are able to do the things you were prior. Repeated COVID infections means you're guaranteed to be immunocompromised permanently and disabled in other ways you'll likely find out the hard way. With 40% of cases being asymptomatic and most only showing severe symptoms after 2-3 infections, and many starting to drop dead after 3 to 5 infections, many people accrue damage from and spread COVID without realizing it until it is far, far too late. As a result, it's guaranteed that the ableists have disabled and killed people. They've kept disabled people like me who are high risk out of radical spaces & communities. They've abandoned solidarity for everyone but the abled, ableist middle class while focusing most of their efforts on electoralism, despite the clear and constant failures of such actions. The BLM Rebellion of 2020-2021 had significant---albeit broadly temporary--impacts on electoral politics, society, and communities because it was a constant and ongoing rebellion that was also much more disability inclusive than prior leftist movement moments. For the first time, people recognized the need for remote actions & support because while masking was at the high water mark, more abled people understood that a lot of us disabled could not and would not risk COVID but we had had skills vital to the project. Things disabled people were absolutely critical for during the BLM Rebellion: police scanner observation and transcription, evacuation coordination, event & route planning, translation services, postering, graphics art & design, self defense seminars, radio nets, mutual aid fundraising, mutual aid distribution, bail fund coordination, zine writing, mask & test distributions, contact tracing (remember this??!??!), car brigades, organizing medical supplies, teaching first aid skills, and countless other roles often organized & performed remotely. For every fighter, there are at least a dozen support roles and with some thought and effort, those roles can be aided or done digitally. Posting on its own can be praxis in that it shares information, knowledge, tactics, demonstrates that there are other radicals out there willing to do what they can, normalizes radicalism, and in some cases, regimes pay close attention to internet support.
During the height of the Jina Amini rebellion in 2022, the Iranian regime tried to cut the internet repeatedly to stifle information out of and into Iran to hinder protest coordination and outrage. It also paid extremely close attention to when the rebellion was trending and refrained from reprisals until the mass attention of the internet citizenry turned away. Posting literally helped save lives by forcing the regime to wait, buying people time to organize, prepare, and act accordingly in Iran and internationally. Personally, I will always remember and be grateful for the Palestinians who turned out across the world, but especially in occupied Palestine, for Iranians. Iran is not the only regime that will wait until posts slacken and attention wanes before massacring people. If you are disabled, if you have arrest risks, if for any reasons you don't want to be involved in a radical riot, but you want to support those who can and do, there is so much you can do year round but especially things kick off!! Any skills, resources, knowledge, or support you can organize or contribute is valuable! eSims for Gaza right now are monumental in ensuring Gazans can coordinate information, requests, record Israeli occupation war crimes & apartheid cruelty, and many disabled graphics designers are offering their services in exchange for esim donations. It's been incredible to see.
The people who are against digital activism are ableist and racist and ignorant as hell beyond that. You can make an impact and even save and change lives while homebound. Begging genociders to stop profitable genocides has never and will never work. Riots & boycotts work because they directly confront and attack power and if those actions are supported by communities, they can continue for quite some time, as we saw with the BLM uprising. Regimes do not fall because people ask regime leaders to please stop committing atrocities; they fall when the people are able to bring to bear the sum of their hopes and wrath and bring the fight to those who have been oppressing them. That requires inclusive community & an outright rejection of the regime and its systems of cooptation & recuperation.
If a revolution or movement isn't inclusive, if it excludes the disabled, the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, it's not a revolution or movement, it's just another genocidal regime change.
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mariacallous · 1 month
On a recent Thursday afternoon, researchers Lanuza Faccioli and Zhiping Hu wheeled an inconspicuous black and white plastic cooler from an operating room at a hospital in downtown Pittsburgh. Inside was a badly scarred liver, just removed from a 47-year-old man undergoing a transplant to receive a new one from a donor.
But what if patients could avoid that fate? Faccioli and Hu are part of a University of Pittsburgh team led by Alejandro Soto-Gutiérrez attempting to revive badly damaged livers like these—as well as kidneys, hearts, and lungs. Using messenger RNA, the same technology used in some of the Covid-19 vaccines, they’re aiming to reprogram terminally ill organs to be fit and functioning again. With donor livers in short supply, they think mRNA could one day provide an alternative to transplants. The team plans to begin a clinical trial next year to test the idea in people with end-stage liver disease.
Alcohol use, hepatitis infection, and a buildup of fat in the liver can cause scarring over time. When there’s too much damage, the liver starts to fail. “Right now, if you get end-stage liver disease, it’s irreversible,” Soto-Gutiérrez says. “Well, we found that is not true. It is reversible.”
Soto-Gutiérrez and his team have been experimenting on rats and organs taken from people undergoing transplants at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, one of the busiest transplant centers in the US. To help design the mRNA and figure out how to deliver it to the human liver, they’ve partnered with Drew Weissman, a physician and immunologist at the University of Pennsylvania who won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering work on mRNA. Together, Soto-Gutiérrez and Weissman lead the Center for Transcriptional Medicine, launched in April with the goal of bringing these medicines to patients.
On the day I visited, I followed Faccioli and Hu through a maze of hallways until they deposited the freshly explanted liver at a pathology lab, where a team of scientists was anticipating the special delivery. After infusing the liver with an experimental mRNA therapy, they placed the organ in an oxygenated bath meant to maintain its function for several days.
A healthy liver is spongy and reddish-brown in color with a smooth appearance. But when the surgeons took this one out of the cooler, it was hard, marbled, and covered in bumps—evidence of cirrhosis, a type of end-stage liver disease. Over time, the man’s healthy liver cells had been replaced by scar tissue, and eventually, his liver stopped working. His only option was to get a new one.
Livers are the second most in-demand organ. In 2023, a record 10,660 liver transplants were performed in the US, driven in part by a steadily growing number of living donors. In a living liver transplant, a piece is taken from a healthy person’s liver and transplanted into a recipient. But even with this uptick in transplants, not everyone who needs a new liver receives one. Patients may have other health problems that disqualify them from a transplant, and others may die while waiting for one. In 2022, the latest year for which data is available, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded nearly 55,000 deaths due to chronic liver disease.
Living donor transplants are possible because of the liver’s unique capacity to regenerate itself—more so than any other organ in the body. In a healthy person, the liver can regrow to its normal size even after up to 90 percent of it has been removed. But disease and lifestyle factors can cause permanent damage, rendering the liver unable to repair itself.
When Soto-Gutiérrez was studying medicine at the University of Guadalajara in Mexico, his uncle died of liver disease. From then on, he became dedicated to finding a treatment for patients like his uncle. In the early years of his medical career, he noticed that some patients with scarred livers were bound to a hospital bed waiting for a transplant, while other people with cirrhosis were walking around, seemingly living normal lives. He figured there must be cellular differences in these livers.
He teamed up with UPMC transplant surgeon Ira Fox to look for transcription factors—master regulators that can dial up or down the expression of groups of genes—that can potentially reprogram injured organs. Genes rely on transcription factors to perform many essential functions in organs. Together, Soto-Gutiérrez and Fox have analyzed more than 400 failing livers donated by transplant patients. When they compared them with dozens of normal donated livers that acted as controls, they identified eight transcription factors essential for organ development and function.
They zeroed in on one in particular, HNF4 alpha, that seems to act like a main control panel, regulating much of the gene expression in liver cells. In healthy liver cells, levels of HNF4 alpha were turned up, and so were other proteins it controls. But in the cirrhotic livers they examined, HNF4 alpha was almost nonexistent.
The team needed a way to get the transcription factor into liver cells, so they turned to mRNA technology. Used in some of the Covid-19 vaccines, mRNA is a molecule that carries instructions for making proteins, including transcription factors. In the Covid vaccines, the mRNA codes for a part of the virus known as the spike protein. When injected into a person’s arm, the mRNA enters cells and kicks off the protein-making process. The body recognizes these spike proteins as foreign and generates antibodies and other defenders against it.
The Pitt team is using mRNA instead to essentially turn back time in injured organs. “What we’re proposing to do with mRNA is use it to deliver proteins that have the capacity to repair those damaged liver cells,” Weissman says. “Our hope is that we can treat end-stage liver disease and turn the livers around, maybe forever, or at least until patients can get a transplanted organ liver.” Instead of delivering instructions for a foreign protein to generate an immune response, they’re delivering the genetic code for producing a transcription factor—HNF4 alpha.
In a paper published in 2021, the approach revived human liver cells in lab dishes. The researchers have since tested the mRNA therapy in rats with cirrhosis and liver failure. They treated a group of rats every three days for three weeks while a second group served as a control. The animals that were receiving the injection of HNF4 alpha started being more active. The untreated rats continued to decline and eventually died, the expected result at their stage of disease. Some of the treated rats were still living six weeks after receiving the mRNA medicine. Those results have not yet been published in a peer reviewed journal.
The team is also testing the mRNA infusions in human livers removed from patients undergoing transplants—the process I got to observe. Unlike live rats, explanted human livers can’t be observed for weeks on end. Livers have to be retrieved quickly and infused with the mRNA treatment soon after they’re removed from the body. They stay fresh for just four days or so in a preservation fluid. Six hours after the mRNA infusion, levels of HNF4 alpha start going up and last for two to three days. When HNF4 alpha peaks, other essential liver proteins, such as albumin, start to increase as well. That’s important, Soto-Gutiérrez says, because maintaining those protein levels could mean the difference between a patient needing a transplant or not.
Ideally, Soto-Gutiérrez says the mRNA therapy would be something patients could get once a week or every other week in an outpatient facility and go back home. But initially, they’ll need to test the experimental treatment in very sick patients, likely ones that are hospitalized, to make sure it’s safe. The team is gathering data from the rat and human liver experiments to submit a clinical trial application to the Food and Drug Administration in the coming months.
While livers are the first target, Fox thinks other injured organs may be amenable to this approach. “We’ve been wondering whether the same process might be taking place in other organs,” he says. Currently, the team is searching for similar transcription factors in lungs with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kidneys with chronic kidney disease.
Josh Levitsky, a liver transplant specialist at Northwestern University who isn’t involved in the work, says new treatments for chronic liver disease are sorely needed. Current therapies can help slow down scar tissue buildup and ease symptoms but don’t address the underlying disease. “The concept of reprogramming and being able to reverse liver failure could be really game changing if it were to pan out in clinical studies,” he says.
But lots of questions remain. How much damage could be reversed? Would patients need to be on the therapy indefinitely? Or would their livers rebound enough to go off it? Could a liver ever be restored back to normal?
“It certainly has a lot of promise,” Levitsky says, “but the clinical development is going to take a long time.”
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lotus-tower · 8 months
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[ID: A two-page infographic titled "T Cells & Covid-19: A basic introduction."
A box labeled "What are T cells?" Text reads: "T cells are one of the most valuable types of white blood cells in your immune system. They play a key role in keeping you healthy and safe from disease. They identify, attack, and destroy infectious agents (like viruses). T cells protect the body from infections that have reached the inside of your cells." To the left of the box is an image of cells.
A box labeled "Why are they called T cells?" Text reads: "T cells are born from stem cells found in your bone marrow. Once the T cells are created, they migrate to your thymus (an organ located behind your breastbone); this is why they're called T cells. They develop and grow inside your thymus. Once they're fully mature, your T cells live in your blood and lymph nodes." To the right of the box is an image of a simplified human figure. The thymus' location is shown in bright pink in the center of the chest, roughly in the middle of the collarbone.
A box labeled "Major Subtypes: Killers & Helpers." Text reads: "Your body creates several different types of T cells to keep you safe. Each of these types has a different role to play in your immune system. Two of the major subtypes are 'killer' (cytotoxic) T cells (shown at left) and 'helper' (CD4+ cells) T cells." To the left of the box is a depiction of a blue cell.
A box labeled "Killer T Cells." Text reads: "Killer T cells are nicknamed killers because they can actually kill virus-infected cells. They can also kill cancer cells--meaning they are super, super valuable. They have small signaling proteins called cytokines that they use to call for help from other cells when your body is mounting an immune response." To the right of the box is an illustration of what appears to be killer T cells fighting infected or malign cells.
A box labeled "Helper T Cells." Text reads: "Unlike the killer T cells, the helper T cells work by activating other cells in your body. By activating your body's memory B cells and your body's killer T cells, they set off an even bigger immune response within your body." To the left of the box is a depiction of a green cell.
A box labeled "What happens if you lose T cells?" Text reads: "Your body really, really needs T cells. When you don't have enough of them, your body's immune system cannot work properly, making you really susceptible to infections. And it's important to know that as we age, we don't produce many (if any) new T cells." To the right of the box is a graphic where the words "why am i always sick?" appear multiple times in different colours.
A screenshot of an article from the Tyee, titled "What If COVID Reinfections Wear Down Our Immunity?" by Andrew Nikiforuk, dating from 7 November 2022. What text is visible reads: "Dr. Anthony Leonardi is a lightning rod for debate. If he’s right, this pandemic poses a greater threat than widely assumed", followed by an image of cells. Under the image, text reads: "T cells are a body’s key line of defence against infection. COVID infections can cause them to prematurely age, harm organs and become exhausted, warns Dr. Anthony Leonardi. Image via Shutterstock."
A box labeled "Covid destroys T cells." Text reads: "Covid damages and destroys T-cells. This happens because Covid hyperstimulates T cells--it stimulates them too much. Why? Covid has the ability to linger in your body and challenge your immune system. When T cells stay activated continuously like this, they become exhausted and wear down. And the result is that your immune system gets badly damaged. Even so-called 'mild' Covid infections can really mess up your immune system. Even people without serious Covid symptoms showed T cell exhaustion in a recent study. 'Exhausted' T cells are those that lose their ability to fight off viruses (and their ability to fight off cancer.) Hyperactivated T cells can also lead to organ damage, leading to serious health issues. In short, Covid is damaging our immune systems."
/end ID]
To read more on this topic:
How the Coronavirus Short-Circuits the Immune System (26 Jun, 2020)
Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection (21 Jul, 2021)
SARS-CoV-2 Actively Infects And Kills Lymphoid Cells (14 Apr, 2022)
In Cleveland and beyond researchers begin to unravel the mystery of long COVID-19 (22 Oct, 2022)
What if COVID Reinfections Wear Down Our Immunity? (7 Nov, 2022)
Single-cell multiomics revealed the dynamics of antigen presentation, immune response and T cell activation in the COVID-19 positive and recovered individuals (2 Dec, 2022)
SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination: NIH-funded study suggests need to boost CD8+ T cell response after infection. (20 Mar, 2023)
Lymphocytopenia: Merck Manual (Revised Apr 2023)
Long COVID manifests with T cell dysregulation, inflammation and an uncoordinated adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 (11 Jan, 2024)
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jun-of-love · 1 year
gorgeous - kim mingyu
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summary: you were never the one to enjoy parties, until you came across the gorgeous Kim Mingyu.
genre: romance (?)
trigger warning: extremely handsome dude, alcohol consumption
words: 1.5k
pairing: mingyu × yn
a/n: reputation is taylor's best album.
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“I should’ve just bailed out last minute.”
You think as you look at the flashing neon lights coming from the flat. You wondered how much retinal damage the lights could cause. Plus, it was full of people, who were most probably sweaty and horny. Should you report it to the police for disrupting covid regulations? That way you wouldn’t have to attend the party for valid reasons. Unfortunately, covid regulations were far gone, and even if they hadn’t, you were not that mean……yet. Your heels were already painfully digging into your feet and you were genuinely thinking of turning back and ghosting Yeri, right then she comes up to you, dragging you inside with her. Its done, you’ll have to stay here at least for an hour before you could leave. Fine, let’s do it, how bad can it get?, is what you think.
It indeed got very bad. Specifically when Yeri introduced you to the guys who had organized the party, the owners of this humongous flat- Lee Dokyeom, Jeon Wonwoo and……..Kim Mingyu.
Your breath probably got stuck in your throat the moment your eyes landed on the man. Was it the lighting of the party, or was there a literal halo above his head? Kim Mingyu looked so perfect, everything about him was just right- his face, his body, his smile, his laugh, his aura, and the way he carried himself. God was in fact real, and he has made this being with his own holy hands.
You never considered yourself to be one with rizz, and your interaction with Kim Mingyu proved you right. You refused to look at him for more than three seconds, opting to talk to anyone but him. Your heart threatened to jump out of your throat, making you clutch on your cup for your life. You befriended Karina, Jennie, and Joy- all of them looked like literal goddesses. Was there anyone here who represented the general population? It was probably you, you realized.
The group decided on playing beer pong, which you opted out of, because a) you didn’t want to drink ao early on and b) you didn’t know how the game goes. You only told the first reason though, to which Mingyu replied that he will drink for you (!!!) You only laughed awkwardly and brushed him off, hoping that you were subtle with the panic he caused in you. Zero points in the flirting department for you.
The game was interesting, mainly because it was played by hot people. You maintained the 3 second rule of looking at Mingyu, settling on cheering for Wonwoo instead. He was cute too, in a nerdy way. He was the kind of guy you would usually go for. He was also very built, under the plain black tee he wore, because he kept flexing his biceps, every time he landed a ball in the cup. So was Mingyu, to your happiness and dismay. Happiness because well, he was a work of art, and made you drool, dismay because you could only look at him for three seconds, and he was too good to be true. Mingyu’s team won (obviously) and you hugged the girls of the team and Dokyeom and decided to give a small thumbs-up to Mingyu (it was either that, or completely ignoring him. You were proud of your choice.)
You could’ve left by now, but unfortunately you were having fun, enough to down two drinks and agreeing to play a drinking game. You sat besides Wonwoo and Yeri, and noticed that Mingyu would sit between Jennie and Dokyeom, the way they had left a space for him. It made you feel weird for some reason, but you wouldn’t blame him- Jennie was beautiful and charming, and if you could, you would like her too. Mingyu rushed towards the group with blankets in his hands, dropping one in each girl’s lap, and sat like it was nothing to him. It was nothing big, just a kind gesture- but it made you breathless in a way that you prayed that your nostrils don’t flare up as you make up for the loss of air in you. He was handsome as well as thoughtful, how unfortunate for you.
The game consisted of a stack of cards and everybody had to take turns picking up cards. It would either be a truth or a dare- classic high school dumbassery but slightly unique (?) It was quite fun, especially when Yeri called up her 9th grade Math teacher who she had a crush on (why did she have his number, you’d never know) or when Dokyeom put up a picture of his armpit on his story for an hour. It was Mingyu’s chance and his card asked if he was committed or single- and to do a stripper dance if the latter.
“please be dating please be dating please be dating please be dating please be dating please be dating” you muttered because all of this would become very easy for you if he was dating someone. You wouldn’t have to see him flex his body and worry about drool on your mouth. Also, you were a person with morals, you would never steal someone’s man- and the thought of someone being committed removes any and all attraction you have towards him. Kim Mingyu having a girlfriend was the best possible outcome.
“I guess I have to give a show then.” Mingyu smirked, removing his shirt with one hand in a go. The girls squealed, the guys hooted and all you could think of was how long the chorus of the song ‘Unholy’ was because you couldn’t physically handle it. You covered your eyes involuntarily and chose to look through the gaps between your fingers because you were not strong enough to miss the show either.
You winced as Mingyu ran his hands on his chiseled abs and grabbed his muscular, perfect thigh. His facial expressions were sultry, he was acting as if this was paying his rent. You were probably delusional, but it felt as if he looked at you too much during his performance. Maybe its because you were acting like Virgin Mary, but it still made you flustered.
Thankfully, the guys pulled him away as he was about the grind on the floor, god knows what would’ve happened to you then. In this commotion, Wonwoo ended up sitting next to Mingyu, and you next to Dokyeom. You were quite drunk by this time, and it was your chance to pick the card again.
“Kiss the most attractive man in the room.”
Your luck was in your favour or not, you couldn’t really decipher. The answer to the dare was obvious to you, probably to everyone else as well. You shifted in Mingyu’s direction, slowly because you were drunk enough to enjoy the attention on you, and the look of anticipation on Mingyu. Maybe you backed off, or maybe this was planned by you, your thought process was a little hazy, but you turned your head away from Mingyu and kissed Wonwoo instead. Your friends cheered, Yeri damn near losing her mind screaming. You held on his biceps, and he deepened the kiss, making a shiver go through your spine. You broke the kiss and smiled at him, returning to your seat. Jennie patted on your back, giggling cutely. You could see Mingyu completely flustered, and staring at you every now and then. Ha! You had avenged for all the awkwardness he had caused you this entire night. But if you had won, why couldn’t you stop wondering how much better a kiss with Mingyu would’ve been?
The screaming and hooting probably drained everyone’s energy, making people pass out like deflated balloons. You picked up Yeri, trying to wake her up enough to walk to the Uber. You held both of your purses and heels in one hand, and Yeri in the other. As you managed to put her in the cab and struggled to get inside, you heard a yell of your name. It was Mingyu?
“I thought you passed out.” You said, trying not to look at his shirtless form.
“I almost did, but I couldn’t just let you go.”
“I thought we had something going on tonight.” He said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“We did?” You asked incredulously. To you, it was just admiring his flawless form in a borderline creep, did he interpret it in a positive way?
“I hope you think so too, because I kind of fought off Wonwoo to ask you out.”
You would have thanked God if you weren’t an atheist. You were living your dream k-drama life with two incredibly hot men fighting over you. So, like every female lead ever, you choose the hotter man.
“Sure, Mingyu, I’ll go out with you. Text me the details later.”
For the first time tonight, Mingyu showed off his full smile, with his eyes scrunched up, showing off a little dimple near his nose.
Ah, you were so glad you didn't bail out.
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gumjrop · 10 months
The Weather
This week we see a sharp increase of COVID in all regions, likely due to increased travel around the recent holiday long weekend and dropping temperatures that bring a lot of gatherings indoors. As the holiday season continues, we remind our readers to use layers of protection — such as ventilation, air purification, masking with a KN95/N95 or better, and testing via PCR or NAAT or testing serially with rapid antigen tests — to protect themselves and their loved ones both during travel and at your holiday gatherings.  Repeat COVID infection has serious implications for everyone, not just the elderly or those with preexisting conditions. Even if you experience a mild case, COVID is a vascular disease that causes multiple organ damage, autoimmune conditions, inflammation and immune system dysregulation that you might not necessarily experience at the time of your infection. It’s important to note that if you or your loved ones have experienced previous COVID infections, you may have entered a high risk group for severe effects and hospitalization without realizing it.  Some people may feel worn down by the current state of the virus, by fatigue of lack of resources, or from the energy spent protecting one’s self from an infection; with increasing wastewater levels and the onset of a new dominant variant this week, now is really the crunch time to stay strong and endure. For those who have stopped precautions, we invite you to return to masking and other levels to minimize transmission. This is the most important time to return to masking to protect yourself and others.
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The Current Wastewater Viral Activity Map shows viral activity by state. As of 12/02/23, many states are reporting “very high” to “high” COVID levels with 5 states reporting low levels. Seven states reported no data. The CDC currently rates our nationally reported COVID wastewater viral activity levels as “high”.
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Levels are at an incline in all regions, but the Midwest takes a strong lead with a viral activity level of 10.94. This is a wastewater value that surpasses all readings for the Midwest in the past 2 years, and is the third highest of any reading since the onset of the Omicron variant in January of 2022 where we saw the highest levels of spread we have experienced in the entirety of the pandemic. Current Midwestern wastewater levels were surpassed only by a viral activity level of 13.02 in the South on 12/31/2022 and of 11.79 in the West on 07/02/2023. As with Biobot data, the most recent two weeks (indicated by gray shading on the graph) are subject to change due to reporting delays. As we enter the cold and flu season when many in-person gatherings are held, we encourage you to continue monitoring local reports for a more accurate measure of levels. Also, please continue to use and support others in using layers of protection. And as we continue to report on advocacy successes, remember that our actions and voices can enact change — this level of unchecked spread is unacceptable and we must demand better resources and protections from our policy makers!
Percentage of total deaths in the US caused by COVID has risen 25% in the past week. Remember that these numbers are an undercount related to reporting delays in place since the Biden Administration ended the Public Health Emergency. Alarmingly, the current increase in deaths is large enough to show despite these changes.
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COVID remains the third leading cause of death according to the CDC in the US. COVID is the highest single cause of death, only second to Heart Disease and Cancer which are both umbrella headings for more specific diseases. We mourn all those who have died due to COVID, and in that mourning, call you to take measures to prevent death and disablement for yourself, your loved ones, and your communities.
Ventilation and Air Filtration
Moving activities outdoors or ensuring your indoor setting has consistent fresh airflow is key to ensuring high quality ventilation. We recommend monitoring carbon dioxide levels and making adjustments as needed. Air filtration is important as well. If you’re looking for a HEPA air purifier or Corsi-Rosenthal Box for your family, it is important to get a filtration device that is powerful enough to change out the air for your particular room size. Clean Air Stars has created a free tool to calculate which filter could be right for you depending on the size of the rooms that you wish to clean and how many people will be attending your gathering.
Whether you are making the trip home or staying in one place this holiday season, with the current level of spread it is important to know your COVID status before engaging in social activity. Rapid antigen tests are designed to be “the most rapid” at telling those who are symptomatic whether the symptoms they are experiencing are or are not caused by COVID. If you are asymptomatic, presymptomatic, or less than 5 days out from your COVID exposure, using one single rapid test is not an effective way of determining whether or not a person is currently infected with and contagious with COVID. Persons using rapid antigen tests should take at least 2 rapid antigen tests 48 hours apart from one another and isolate in between, in order to avoid spreading their unconfirmed case as well as avoid exposure to COVID during this waiting period, which could produce a false test negative result. Persons who are experiencing COVID symptoms but test negative on an initial rapid antigen test also need to isolate themselves from others, assume they have COVID, and test again in 48 hours. Persons who are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic who experience 2 negative serial tests must mask or isolate and wait a final 48 hours to test a third time in order to confirm a negative COVID case. For this reason, rapid antigen tests are only ideal to use in preparation for events where the user has a week prior available to test multiple times and isolate. FDA approved home Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests or NAATs are a more sensitive home test option, some brands of which have been found to, with only one test, verify both positive and negative results at 92.9% and 98.7% respective accuracy. NAATs can be a more sensitive, quicker option to use in preparation for events. Another more recent clinical trial found that performing a combined throat and nose sample increased sensitivity for healthcare worker and self-collected specimens. When testing at home with a rapid antigen test, it is worth it to take a combination sample like this one. To ensure the most sensitive results for both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, get a PCR test. No-cost PCR testing sites that are available via the federal ICATT program can be found via this search tool. Remember to also check for regional offerings such as NYC’s COVID express test centers that test for COVID, RSV, FLU A and FLU B free of cost with results typically returned by end of day, that could be a more convenient option for you. PCR testing is the gold standard if you are making plans to be in a social setting.  If you do not have fast free PCR testing in your area, demand that it be made publicly available by the government at all levels!
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Grassroots organizing group and “Mask Blocs” continue to take to social media encouraging Pro-Palestine protesters to continue to wear masks in their organizing spaces and during protests highlighting historic use of unrestricted and eugenic viral spread as a weapon of occupation and colonization. The National Institutes of Health’s Home Test to Treat program has upgraded its free test offerings and now instead of rapid antigen tests, will provide LUCIRA by Pfizer home NAAT tests can that effectively detect asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic COVID infections as well as Flu A and Flu B. Those who are uninsured or underinsured can sign up for this program to access free NAAT testing, telehealth services, and treatment medications for COVID and the Flu. If your household has not placed a new order for more rapid tests from the federal government through covidtests.gov, you can still place an order for 4 free rapid antigen tests here.    
Take Action
If you are out protesting this weekend or planning your trip home to visit family for the holidays, connect with your local COVID advocacy group to pick up high quality masks for yourself and to pass on to those around you. This Tuesday, December 12th, the director of the CDC and the American Medical Association are hosting a virtual fireside chat to discuss Fall & Winter Respiratory Virus Season (prior registration required). We encourage you to attend. You might ask the CDC why they aren’t ensuring precautions in healthcare settings? Or you could ask why they’re relying on a reactive, vaccine-only approach instead of layers of protection to proactively prevent COVID?
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