#cowboy pav
trickmoon09 · 9 months
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Sheriff Prabhakar 🤠
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doisnuois · 3 months
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Schoolwork < Happiness
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firewalkzwit · 1 year
arabella // hobie brown x reader (one-shot)
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oneshot of hobie trying to pursue a reader who's effortlessly cool and has strong arabella vibes cuz i love that vibe. inspired some on slc punk and sex pistols lore, cool fic for the music enthusiasts
New girl's hip New girl's cool New girl's interesting New girl's hot.
"She came straight out of 70's New L.A. She's no rockstar's girlfriend, she's a rockstar herself! Crazy hair, mysterious bassist, she's from outer space."
And when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams...
"Ay, who's the new girl?" Was the first thing Hobie asked as he nudged Pav's shoulder, not breaking his intense stare at the new recruit. 
"New girl? Oh that's YN." Pav shifted his narrowed eyes into Hobie's, a teasing grin drawing on his face.
"Yea' but what's her full name...?"
"Go ask her yourself man, everyone calls her YN." Hobie never got her name, she refused to be called anything but those particular initials.
To say she was pretty was an understatement. She was stunning, show-stopping, alluring. 
At least to Hobie, all adjectives were perfectly applicable.
She had this quirk, this confidence and these slight Chrissie Hynde vibes, boldness when she spoke that made her so attractive, and to top it she was a great musician. 
Back in her dimension it was the seventies, and she was the leader of a girl band where she played the bass, doing small gigs in downtown New L.A.
She wore flamboyant black cowboy boots and scandalous skirts, with chunky sunglasses that looked like the eyes of a bug. She had crazy hair and wore Vivienne Westwood's accessories on her pierced ears and fingers before it was even cool in the US. Her dark tights were always ripped but she didn't care, she called it a fashion statement. So did she call her Spidey suit, which had a unique design that caught anyone's attention. 
Love was for posers Hobie thought, but what's more punk than going against your own structures?
"Gwendy I gotta' talk to this girl more." Hobie's frustration was something Gwen wasn't used to seeing. His nature was often relaxed, only energic when invited to disrupt the order, but hardly ever frustrated.
"Well, you don't have to." Gwen shrugged as she tried to mask the frown that was forming in her face, but her wrinkled nose gave away her displease of jealousy.
"I know, but I want to." His attention was fixed on YN, how she moved and talked. "I wanna hear her play. You're a girl right? When you girls think a lad's fit, how much of that comes from his coolness?" He asked as he leaned on Gwen's side, resting his body weight on her. She scoffed in disbelief at the absurdity of his question, something only a man could ask. 
"Since when do you want to conform to the arbitrary standards of women?"
"I don't, I just wanna' know how many I can get away with breaking and she can still like me yea'?" Hobie chuckled before getting up again. "Don't get too jealous on me alright?" He joked, patting his friend's shoulder as he jumped down from where they were sitting, approaching her once again.
"He's never gonna give up is he?" Miles sat once again close beside Gwen, who sighed at the sight of Hobie attempting to come off as nonchalant with a girl who only seemed to curve his insinuations over and over. 
"That's such a man thing to do, no offense." Gwen spat as her hand slid down her face, pointing at what she could only describe as a humilliation show.
"Yeah... right." 
It's not that she didn't notice, she just dodged him. She thought there was more important things to do than let herself be conquered by some co-worker. But she was lying if she said he wasn't winning her over.
He also was so her type.
The funky hair, the spikes on his leather vest, the stickers and carvings on his guitar, his Iggy Pop vibes and his weird slang. But he thought he was so it, he was a nice guy but he needed some humbling. Their first conversation was about Bowie, and he played her a bit of Moonage Daydream as she recalled when she saw him live, getting all starry eyed whenever she'd narrate the part where she gave him a ride in her car.
"You gave Bowie a ride?"
"Spider's Tour, yeah..." She giggled, flipping her hair in a way that had him starstruck. "In my mom's car."
"In your mum's car? Oh get out." She went on to talk about how that changed her view on music, going on about her gigs in New L.A and how she moved there to make it big. 
Hobie was sure he was listening, but as much as he tried to contain himself, keeping in comments was not in his book.
"You always dress this mad? Like, all the time?" He bursted out with a smile, cutting her off. They were sitting on a counter table, with his guitar on his lap. He leaned closer to pick on the fabric of her coat. 
"Always. Do you always dress so pretentious?" She retorted with a smug grin, pushing her hair out of her face. His eyes shot up to look at her, puzzled. "I mean, aren't you like... rebelling against society?" Hobie let out a slight laugh, his head tilting in interest as he looked into her eyes. 
"Well, yea'. Why?"
"Don't you think it would be more of an act of rebellion if you didn't spend so much time buying stickers and pins and going out to get punky clothes? Stop me if I'm being offensive, I think the style's hip, but it just seems counterproductive to your cause."
"Na' its cool, keep going." He struggled to discern if he was actually listening, or simply invested in watching her mouth smart words as her long painted nails tapped on the counter.
"You want to be an individual, but it's like you wear a uniform. It's just punk fashion, not rebellion." Hobie's eyes fixated on her's, leaving a strong silence as she ended her phrase. 
"I'm not judging you, just kind of a general critique to what they call punk movement."
Hobie brushed her off with his usual humorous comments to maintain his pride, but he was dazzled. Even if she had criticized his way of thinking and how he dressed, she was so outspoken, without caring what he had to say or thought about her opinion, and he was crazy for his first impression of her, as much as he hated to admit it as he'd call 'Love is for posers'. Hobie was sure he was just trying to win her over, to prove a point he'd say, but deep down he loved the way she smiled and shook her head whimsically everytime he'd say something or take time off his schedule to nag her.
It was a few times that she gave Hobie the chance to play with her, to which she soon learnt that he did not know how to read tabs. Of course the punk kid is self-taught. Trying to lead, they would play messy numbers and solos. It was ocasionally just her and Gwen, who had let YN grown onto her sharing her love for girl bands, doing some jamming with their instruments as Hobie payed vague attention. But he would pound on any chance to be alone with her and try to take her out.
She didn't know what was in her that day, but she let him take her out.
He toured her around his universe, before taking her to what he called "his palace". 
The small canal boat was ridiculously a very Hobie place to live. If she were to guess, she'd think he lived in a tree somewhere in Birmingham. However it had it's charm, it was very humid and it wobbled when they walked, but it was unique and she loved it. Hobie showed her the collection of things he had stolen, proving himself to be a brilliant thief. He owed most of his 'talent' to his Spider-Sense and speed, but he'd never bring it up. 
As she sat on the mattress where he slept in, Hobie picked up one of his records, sitting beside her to show her the signed insides of the vinyl. Her eyes paced from the inscriptions to his face, as he ocasionally caught a glimpse of her through the corner of his eye. He left the vinyl aside to go on about his encounters with the infuential musicians on the area, how he attempted to steal the microphone the Bowie of his dimension had used when he was touring in his city. Her gaze shifting from his eyes to his lips back and forth. 
He was hesitant about making a move, afraid he'd mess up what had taken him so much work. But wasn't even given time to think it through before the proximity between them grew, and her hand softly caressed his bony cheek and down to his neck, inviting him to lean into a kiss. As they made out, his cold piercing was quickly warmed by her damp tongue and soft lips that sucked and kissed his. His hands caressed up and down her waist, undoing the buttons on her blouse with his slender fingers as she revealed her naked torso, no bra underneath. YN did her usual hair flip to watch him undress her, and himself, jumping on her once finished to continue what he had briefly interrupted.
"We won't sink, will we?" She asked between soft giggles as the boat quivered at his abrupt movement, Hobie nibbling down her neck and kissing her chest. 
"I wank pretty crazy here every night, we won't." He teased before crawling backwards, kissing down her navel. 
songs i listened to while working on this:
(ofc) arabella - arctic monkeys
moonage daydream, lady grinning soul and starman - bowie
hey, velouria - pixies
rhiannon, gold dust woman - fleetwood mac
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drefear · 1 year
They Know (Drabble)
I got this from a post by @miggyyyyohara
TW: violence, a little bit of smut, nothing else really. (Second hand embarrassment?)
It wasn’t an easy mission.
Usually, Miguel and Jess could handle things just the two of them, and the other teams could handle the smaller anomalies. Gwen, Hobie, and Pav were a team, Ben, Lego Peter, and cowboy Spider worked together sometimes, and the list went on. Today, a Lizard got through to Earth -1563 and Miguel called for backup, which was something he genuinely hated doing. When he didn’t see any portals opening after a few minutes, he made a second call.
Swiftly, Ben, Gwen, and Hobie popped through.
“Where’s Jess?” He yelled, anger bubbling at having to deal with the others- mainly Hobie.
“Jess is having bad morning sickness!” Gwen called out, swinging to land a blow to the Lizards abdomen, until its claws dug into her suit and threw her into the concert wall.
“It’s 4pm!”
“Innit funny how it can come at any time but it’s called mornin’ sickness?” Hobie smashed his guitar over the Lizards head, but it barely flinched and he moved backward to save Gwen. The portal opened again and Miles and Pav ran in, glancing around at the bloodied Gwen and exhausted others.
“Take Gwen somewhere safe, Pav.” Miguel instructed and Pav nodded, then pulled Gwen into his arms and ran back into the portal. Miguel glared at the green being, whose strength seemed to be a bit much to handle for the group.
“Hobie, Miles, use the electricity powers to stop that thing, Ben and I will keep it busy until you do and when you can, trap it.” He instructed and Miles nodded, as Hobie sighed.
“I’m only listenin’ cause that’s what I was thinkin’ a doin’.” Hobie then went with Miles to start shooting webs, making a decent trap for the large anomaly.
Meanwhile, Miguel and Ben fought against the large reptile villain. Ben flipping and narrating everything made Miguel practically seethe with irritation. He would remind the Spider-Man to stop doing that.
“Now!” The two boys shouted and Miguel flipped out of the way. He caught sight of Ben, who obviously didn’t hear the signal, and continued to fight the Lizard.
Miguel jumped and soared to Ben, pushing him out of the way, but he was a bit late.
The electric currents from the two younger spider-boys shot through their webbing and into Miguel, as well as the Lizard.
While the beast was indeed captured, Miguel caught a breeze against his skin as he felt his suit malfunction. Glaring at the ground, he stood with his backside to the group as they stared at him. He huffed and spoke.
“Lyla, use my emergency application suit.”
“Nice buns-“
“Lyla!” He growled and she immediately covered his body with a new suit, rolling his shoulders in the holographic fabric. It was a bit tighter than the newer one, now having his new measurements, but still working to keep him modest.
Later once he was back on his platform, he ran diagnostics on his suit, fixing the technology and trying to find a way to not let Miles and Hobies powers affect it so much to where he’s completely naked every time. Hearing footsteps, he turned and hit a button to lower the platform.
“So I heard the mission was a success.” Peter spoke, lightly teasing the bigger of the two as he hopped onto the platform. A few others were behind the father and Miguel heard a few stifled laughs.
“It was. Now spit it out.” He glowered, waiting for the punchline to whatever ridiculous joke the group was trying to make. Turning around, he saw Gwen, Pav, Miles, Hobie, Jess, and Peter. Miguel folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at them all.
“We got a good look at ya backside.” Hobie stated and the others looked at Miguel with smiles.
“It’s the same as anyone else’s, don’t be immature.”
“It definitely was not the same as everyone else’s.” Miles mumbled, making Miguel’s eyes snap to his with a lingering question in them.
“I mean, sometimes my back looks a bit like that, depends when my girl is ova or not.” Hobie smirks, winking at Pav as he lets out a laugh.
“What?” Miguel asks, still confused.
“Miguel- can you take the back of your suit down? Just your back, not your butt?” Jess asks, making the large man think for a second. Without another thought, he lets the back of his suit dissolve and Gwen gasps. Jess and peter stand, eyes wide, and finally Peter clears his throat.
“I think the kids have some sort of paperwork to do.” Peter moves to rush them all out, Hobie shaking his head.
“Finished it all, so who’s the lucky lady?” He dodged Peter’s grasp before he can push him out of the room, making everyone stop.
Miguel furrows his brows. “I don’t understand, is there something-“
And then you walk in.
A bouncy little pep in your step, making him want to pepper kisses all over your face, and his face relaxes a bit. You’re in mostly casual clothing, shorts and a t-shirt with those cute little boots he loves so much. You two had been dating secretly, not wanting the spider society to make a big deal of it.
“Who’s got a lucky lady?” You inquire and Hobie nods to Miguel.
“Big boss man’s got some serious evidence of a good night all ova ‘is back. We’re just asking who could he be smashin’.”
Silence covers the room as Miguel finally understands.
He immediately covers his back.
He was with you last night.
You, with your legs around his waist as he sunk into you over and over, causing you both to practically break the sound barrier with your moans. You with your nails dragging all across his back, your mouth leaving hickeys all over his skin, and Miguel returning the favor. Him, leaving hand shaped bruises on your thighs.
Ones that were very visible right now in those little shorts.
Your eyes swelled as you somewhat understood what you just waltzed in on.
“W-wow, maybe I shouldn’t be here right now-“
“And what are those?” Hobie bends down to your thighs, making you freeze as you and Miguel refuse to break eye contact.
“You have a secret partner too?” Pav asks, shock filling his voice. Gwen and Hobie look at each other as it sinks in and Miles takes a step back to the door.
“I-I got those on a mission.” You sputter, trying to save some face.
“The hickeys and fang-marks too?” Jess crossed her arms, not believing you as you just shrugged, face red as a beet.
“Everyone get out!” Miguel roared, embarrassed by the obvious being revealed.
“Fine, but try not to get distracted, yeah?” Hobie says, strolling out with his hands in his pockets. Gwen follows him out with a hand covering her face while Miles drags out Pav, who just keeps trying to ask questions. Jess and Peter glance back to you and Miguel, before Peter mumbles a happy little ‘good for them,’ and Jess pulls him away.
You two stare at each other before he sighs as you ask,
“You think they know?”
“They know.”
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kairiscorner · 1 year
reader creating silly miguel emojis and sending them tk the spider society gc for everyone to use bc shes a fun gal ;p (and she likes annoying him too)
fr. (did i legit make a whole ass dc server for this? yes.) sorry i didn't change my display name to y/n, i got lazy 😭😭😭 also written ver with additional scenes under the cut !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
shitting on miggy cutely. 🫶— miguel o'hara x reader
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✧ written version !! ✧
after lyla had signed miguel up for a discord account, much to his frustration, you immediately got a hold of his username (which was really generic, he named himself: 'miguelohara' at first, but lyla changed it up to: 'migolohellnawh') and added him to the spider society's discord server. you made a channel that was dedicated to showing miguel all the stickers and emojis you and the society had made that was just full of memes of miguel. thanks to earth-928's social media, you were all fed with silly stickers and emojis of him for days; you all had a spam channel where hobie and pav would have contests to see whose thumbs could spam more miguel shitpost memes, but that would be a story for another day.
as miguel got notified that he was added to a server, the first thing that caught his eye was the vulgarly named channel of the server: "shitting on miggy". he brought his eyebrows together and tapped on the bold text of the channel's name. he asked what that channel was for, pointing out the name in a disappointed manner as he typed. lyla giggled under her breath as she watched miguel try to act intimidating and angry over text, but his scrunched up face crinkled even more as he saw that the first thing you sent him was a sticker of his stern, stoic face that had the words: "this ugly son of a bitch is fucking super hot chicks and basically you are fucking stupid. how? ...just watch the free video."
miguel had clicked the sticker, and he saw the file name: "singlehotmominyourarea". he huffed as he texted you, asking you what that was that you sent, because he thought it was an actual link to something. he took his reading glasses and, when he could make out what it said, he got angrier than he already was earlier. he told you what you sent was not at all funny, and when you replied that—no, it certainly wasn't... it was very hysterical, though—you sent him a very pink and cutesy sticker of him with cat ears. miguel groaned as lyla took a hundred screenshots remotely from his phone. "where are you even getting these?" he asked you as you kept sending him more shitpost stickers.
"but i don't even like horses." miguel muttered as he saw the "save a horse, ride a cowboy" sticker you sent. "yeah, you're scared of them." lyla reminded him as he rolled his eyes. "no need to remind me." he said as he typed out that he 'hated' (didn't fear, there's a difference, and that is that miguel is fucking lying, he is scared of horses) horses. but of course, you knew his secret, and miguel pounded his fist against the arm of his computer chair. "are you seriously telling them on your end?" he asked lyla as she stuck her tongue out and shrugged, looking all smug as miguel grumbled and told you that he didn't ask for your correction, only for you to send an emoji of your favorite girl dinner: his five course meal ass on display.
"yeah, you need ass correction 'bee cee' this bakery is packed; what...?" he read aloud as lyla groaned. "get with the times, old man." "we don't say stuff like that in 2099 anymore, don't tell me to get with the times." he told his AI assistant as he looked through the emoji catalogue you guys had, and among them all, a colorful one stood out to him and he sent it—hoping you could tell him what was on the emoji, but knowing you, you'd of course mess with him again. you told him the emoji, which was promptly named: "doublecheekedup", meant the very sticker you sent him in response. it was similar to the cat-eared one, but it read: "i <3 my girlfriend", with miguel's angry face in the heart.
miguel looked at it all confused and pulled his reading glasses away from his face and back on to see if he was reading this right. he asked you if he was supposed to be flattered about your sticker, with him immediately following up with his honest opinion; that it was irritating instead of flattering to him. you told him the sticker was more 'sexy' than it was irritating or flattering, and you soon sent him another sticker, where he was diving face first with his legs spread and bottom out. miguel looked at it all baffled and flustered, where were you getting these photos...?
you asked him who he was spreading for, asking if it was you, while sending him an emoji with his back turned to the camera and his ginormous bottom in full view. miguel couldn't make out the text in the emoji and told you the text was too minute for him to read it. he also cleared up that he wasn't intentionally spreading his cheeks for anyone, he had just 'stumbled'. "sure ya did." lyla said as she appeared over miguel's shoulder with a smug grin on her face. "i really didn't, though." miguel said as lyla nodded slowly, her smug grin not leaving her face as miguel saw your next message. "because you wanted to spread your asscheeks for me, i didn't spread for anybody!" he screamed aloud in the confines of his office, pounding his fist on the arm of his computer chair as you sent the girl dinner emoji that was the very profile picture of the spider society's discord server.
miguel was heated in the face and heaving... oh, was there some unspoken feelings he was hiding about your little provocative words? maybe... he might sound like he wants out of the server immediately, but deep in his heart, he'd stay; even if you'd annoy the shit out of him with those damned emojis and stickers. they were irritating, yes, and maybe just the tiniest bit flattering in a twisted way for him. "wow, you're a masochist." lyla pointed out as miguel mumbled for her to shut up, but she was right as always.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @ophanimgold @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok
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I watched ATSV again in theaters and noticed some interesting things:
Gwen's dad at the beginning wears a Vision Academy sweater. Not only that, he's in the gymnastics group. This means that Vision not only exists on Earth-65, George has entered it. Maybe it explains how Gwen knew how to blend in so well. And that she chose to take ballet lessons because of her father.
When Miguel's universe was falling apart, not only he but Peter B. and other spiders were there. It gives extra weight to the whole Society thing. It's not just a sad story a random guy told, it was a catastrophe witnessed by several of them. I don't blame them for believing so much.
Peter and Gwen have known each other since they were 4, assuming she's 16 and George's speech after his death says he's known Peter for 12 years.
A spider person having their Sense Triggered when someone they love is not themselves in danger is not new. Miles felt his father falling at the beginning of the film. Pav felt Gayatri on the bus. But what is abysmal is that Gwen's felt between dimensions. In all other cases, they were from people present in the same space and dimension. So that says a lot only about the love she feels for Miles (and also about her spider sense.)
Oh these are interesting!
I actually notice that shirt on my last viewing! I cannot believe it took me this long to realize.
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Funnily enough, my first thought when I saw this is that Gwen was Vision's and this was a shirt in support of her. But considering how faded this looks, your explanation makes more sense since I really doubt Visions Academy has lower classes than middle school.
Though not gonna lie, I found funny the idea that the visions in Gwen's world may be just another run-of-the-mill school, just to appear in Miles's world and be like "why did he get the nice version?"
May keep that hc regardless.
Oh I knew Peter was there from the first viewing, what I didn't realize was about the different spiders!
Let's see who he can spot.
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Julia Carpenter is here! I am not really familiar with her character (I don't read comics, for now at least,) but hey, nice to see they are bringing some classics.
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I'm going to assume this is Peter B, but I don't think anyone can blame me for mixing this one up if it isn't the case.
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Cowboy Spidey is here!
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This one we are going to wait for the HD version of this movie because I had a hard time finding a frame where I could kind of see them let alone be clear who they are.
I still need to finish that analysis, but honestly the organization as a whole works in some ways that upon reflection, not only I am not surprised they believe it, I'm more than anything horrified how no one realized how nuts the place was getting.
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Good eye! I haven't noticed this one myself, and again, I had seen this movie several times. In my defense, sometimes the audio is hard to catch and I had issues catching stuff at it is. I really need to get a good version of this movie with subtitles.
But this is cool! It really goes to show how important was Peter for Gwen, they really had known each other since forever and I can't imagine not just how much it hurt Gwen losing Peter, but her needing to get used to reality of not having around after doing so for so much of her life.
Goddammit when I thought Peter and Gwen's tragedy couldn't get worse-
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This one y'all know how I feel, and if you don't, here.
I still hope we get a more in depth explanation, though I wouldn't be surprised if we don't. Regardless, is undeniable how much Miles matters to Gwen, and viceversa.
Thanks for telling me this!
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neevblanc · 9 months
„spiders and scarves” ♡
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a/n — hi hi! miguel is such a complex character and my feelings for him are similarly complex lol. i hope i did him justice!!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
Miguel O'Hara x GN! reader
Tags— fluff, pre-relationship, christmas time cuz yay!! (ur spider name is azure bite cuz i imagined ur suit to be blue)
CW/TW— implied boss x worker...thats it
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“Oh, please!” Spiderbyte whines, clasping her hands together. Her eyes presumably widened under her mask as the stylized eyes widened comically in a version of puppy eyes you’d seen many times before. You gave her a look and shook your head.
“No, dude. It’s not my fault you didn’t finish that report. I did all of my work and won’t do yours.” You replied, leaning back into your office chair. Spiderbyte, or Margo, whined and deflated. The younger girl hid her face in her arms, crossed on the desk before her. The girl was smart as a whip, but might as well have been allergic to formal paperwork. 
“Not even as my Christmas gift?” Margo pleaded, her voice muffled. You smiled, biting back laughter.
“Nope. Already got you one.” You said, leaning forward to turn off your hologram desk and log out of the Spider Network. Margo perked up at the mention, her mask disintegrating into little pixels and exposing her face entirely.
“Really? What is it?” She asked, grinning widely. You gave her a baffled look as you hung your bag on your shoulder, putting on your scarf and gloves.
“Why would I tell you that, Margo? You’ll see on Christmas, like everyone else does with Christmas presents.” You laughed, disregarding the dismayed whine that left the girl.
“I’ll see you next week, bye.” You said, sending Margo a little wave as you left the area. Pressing your palm to the reader next to the door, the door slid open easily. 
You grimaced at the amount of light leaking from the windows in the main area. Spiders bustled around, some running and some lounging around the chairs and tables laid out. The door closes behind you, leaving you in the hall surrounded by other spider people (and a hilarious number of Peter Parkers!)
You settled your headphones in their place and started walking, thumbing at your phone screen to find the playlist you were feeling most for the bus ride home. Well- home. You’d be making a trip to your apartment in this world to get some things in order before going back to your earth. 
It’s just your luck that only two minutes into the search, your spider-sense goes wild, and you’re turning on your heel faster than you could even think of. 
You stumble backward, face contorting in surprise when you come face to face with a…horse.
31913- or Cowboy Spiderman- stared back at you, sheepishly trying to get his horse to back up from where it was whinnying two centimeters from your nose. Begrudgingly, you shove your headphones down to rest by your neck. 
“Sorry, Azure Bite. Got a little too close there,” he drawled, patting his horse’s shoulder as it finally took a few steps back and allowed you to crane your neck upward to look at him properly.
“You’re good. Is there…anything you need?” You asked, starting to feel the awkwardness settle in the interaction. Your brain had just started preparing for no conversation, and the interruption left you reeling slightly.
“Uh...have you happened to see Miguel around?” He asked, voice growing small and nervous.
“Nope. Not for a few hours; he should’ve gone home at 3. Why?” You frowned, shaking your head. Cowboy nodded, tongue clicking in dissatisfaction.
” Ah, I had a question for him. Pav and Jess said they hadn’t seen him leave. Sorry for botherin’ ya. Happy holidays!” He said, nodding his goodbye and taking off at a moderate trot. You stood still, mouth pursed.
‘Miguel isn’t the nicest boss,’ you reasoned. ‘He’s a grown man. It really is none of my business. He likes to be mysterious, and who am I to interrupt?’
You turned around, shoving your headphones back on, and quickly approached the center elevator in the middle of the floor. Other spiders send you waves and quick acknowledgments, and you do your best to answer them slightly despite being on a mission.
You rush into the elevator, closing the doors before anyone else can enter. Pressing your palm to the reader on the console and waiting for the extra buttons to show up, you hoped no one needed to get on this specific elevator.
The panel lights up, and five extra buttons quickly emerge from the metal, sliding into place seamlessly. You quickly pressed the second one and waited for the elevator to jolt to a start before tilting your head toward the ceiling.
“LYLA, you there?” You called, squinting at the bright light of LYLA’s projection despite having anticipated it. LYLA hovers near the button panel, on a special little square section just for her. She grins, crossing her legs as she files her nails.
“Yessum, Bite?” She crooned, fluttering her eyes from behind pink-tinted glasses. You waved lightly, leaning on the back wall of the elevator.
” Is Miguel in his hiding hole again?” You asked, to check. LYLA paused her filing and pursed her lips, tilting her head.
“Not sure I can tell you that! The boss said no one should bother him.” LYLA hummed. You gave her a look, vaguely amused.
“Since when have you listened to Miguel?” You laughed. LYLA grinned sharply and nodded, her holographic form standing up as soon as the elevator doors opened with a ping.
“You’re right! He’s up here, ‘been moping for hours. Have fun.” She waved cheekily, the hologram quickly shutting off as you stepped onto the floor.
The five extra floors you had clearance to were Miguel’s personal floors. Few other people had access to them (including Margo and Jess, to name some), which made them prime real estate for when Miguel needed to run from people.
“Miguel?” You called, cautious of how dark the living space seemed to be. You almost thought LYLA had lied when a gruff voice startled you out of your head.
“What are you doing here.” He answered, voice low and angry the way it usually was. Your ears quickly clock the direction it came from, leading you toward the balcony part that wasn’t visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The door was left open, cold air billowing into the room. The chill immediately nips at your nose and cheeks when you step out.
“Sorry. People were looking for you, apparently. I thought you left hours ago.” You shrugged, shoving your hands in your coat pockets. Miguel glared at you from where he sat, slumped into an oversized patio chair. He’s nursing a glass of whiskey, the knuckles on his hands turning a prominent pinkish tone due to the freezing air.
“Who?” He asked, bringing the glass to his lips. His cheeks and nose are flushed from the cold, too. Despite his black knit sweater, Miguel had foregone any essential layering that would have saved him from the cold.
” 31913. Didn’t tell me why, though. He seemed a little nervous.” You said, clenching and unclenching your fists in your pockets. ‘Shit, it’s so damn cold out here.’
“You didn’t ask?” He said accusingly, face sour. Your face screwed up.
” I’m off the clock. Whatever he’s got going on has to wait until I come back in next week.” You defended, disregarding the scoff Miguel let out. Your brow furrows, making a point to let your eyes rove over his form. 
” You should head inside, you know. You’ll get a killer cold out here with no layers.” You said, not unfamiliar with his unhealthy habits. Miguel ignored you and brought his cup back to his mouth, lowering his head.
You sighed heavily and stepped closer to him, ignoring how Miguel stiffened and shifted to face you like you were a threat. With one quick motion, you unloop the scarf around your neck and weave it around his, leaving it folded neatly and covering his mouth.
“I really don’t want to deal with you sick. Merry Christmas, Miguel. I’ll see you next week.” You say, leaving the stunned-still man on the balcony and making your way back to the elevator.
You hear the chair screech backward just as the elevator doors click shut, and LYLA’s back on her little perch without prompting.
“Thanks, he’s been brooding outside for hours. He’s the worst when he’s sick.” She whines, pulling at her short hair. You laugh, nodding. 
“Of course. I hate him sick too; it’s like he’s four years old when he’s got a runny nose.” You say, grimacing. LYLA beams.
“Yeah, yeah! Exactly. I’ll remind him to give that scarf back, by the way. Have a Merry Christmas!” LYLA yells, waving bye enthusiastically as you arrive on the ground floor and start your trek back to the bus station as initially planned.
You walk to the station with the wind biting at your face, and when you return to the HQ a week later, you adamantly refuse to tell anyone about the snotty nose you had the entire week prior.
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note — there's not much miguel in this, ironically. i had a ton of fun just writing the spider world so, sorry!! i think it fits, though. Miguel is a very guarded man and this little fic is sort of a view into how you manage to worm through his walls (without even trying to, really.) p.s i love lyla
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©neevblanc 2023 // do not plagiarize or repost
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arimitskevich · 3 months
one day i will finish my cowboy pav and yall are going to explode
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
AAAA DRESSING UP HOBAT AS A COWBOY...pirate captain next pls cus ykykyk How in all of god's name do you overcook soup-? Daily Hobie HC! I really wanna write more hobat hcs but I dunno what.. Hobie is like a shark whenever you guys are going to the beach or pool. Any body of water he can go under, Hobie turns into a shark. A shark that grabs your ankle and dunks you underneath the water. It was hot in your universe, so you, Hobie, Pav, Miles and Gwen all decided to cool off by going to one of the calm beach-lakes nearby. The sand was hot, but the crystal clear and glistening water immediately drowned any heat that clung onto you guys from the sun. Everything was going well with playful splashes and laughter, wading a little deeper until the water came up to around shoulder height. However, after realizing everything was too quiet, you begin to notice how one by one, people are being dragged underwater. Hobie was under the water, holding his breath as he swam up behind Miles, his first victim. He grabbed the boy by his shoulders, instantly dunking him with a chuckle. Then Gwen..then Pavitr. Hobie goes for you last before you can turn to try swim off, tugging you back by your waist, dunking you below as the others resurface and laugh at each other's demise. The moment you spring up you lunge towards Hobie, dunking him in the process, your hands splayed on his chest as you shove him underneath the water, before seeing him pop up as he wipes away the water from his lashes. After more laughter and everyone ganging up on Hobie, Gwen eventually brings up the memory of playing 'mermaids', which everyone immediately jumps on board. Despite not having those mermaid tails, you all got into the roleplay fast, with betrayals and mermaid war against the self-proclaimed evil merman, Hobie Brown. He made himself the villain of the story, being more powerful than everyone else just for the plot's sake. After all, who wants to see the hero win? Bit by bit, the roleplay quickly turned into something of survival, trying to escape the villain as they slowly kill off more and more 'mermaids'. Finally, you were the last one to be killed. Still playing into the act, you look around frantically, calling out the names of your lost comrades as you tremble, knowing that the evil merman was lurking nearby. Hobie springs up in front of you, drawing out a loud gasp, before grabbing you by your swimsuit firmly and dunking you underneath the water, counting as a kill the moment you began to act limp. Despite the flawless and perfect acting, the minor thing to ruin the entire storyline was the way Hobie's stomach growled loudly with hunger. He rolls his eyes with feigned annoyance, crossing his arms over his chest as Hobie brings you out of the water, wiping away the water from your face for you as you laughed. Hobie leans towards you for a kiss, yet you playfully deny him, teasing Hobie about how he doesn't deserve to be rewarded for 'murder'. It wasn't long before you cave, though, almost immediately leaning towards him as well for a kiss. -🐦‍⬛
Uh i forgor
Daily Hobie HC!
Hmmm maybe Hobat being a huge bat this time instead of a tiny fruit bat!
Awww that sounds so fun!! The trio would be the best beach companion and ofc Hobie too!! He probably forgets to drink water and you have to remind him every time lol but he never forgets to put on sunblock! (Especially if he has to put it on you hehehhehe)
Bro the line of them getting dragged down one by one scared me bc i thought something was in the water HAHAHHAHAHA
I've never heard of that game before! My cousins and i used to play mr president in the water lol one of us would suddenly put our hand on our ear whenever we want to and the last person who does it gets splashed relentlessly
He's so kissy kissy muah muah 😘❤️❤️❤️ I'd cave to ngl
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rintari · 1 year
Spidersona Part 4
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Spider Society, Friends, and the Miles Incident
Previous post
In addition to mentoring and spider child development programs, Michelle will routinely help out with missions to capture anomalies for experience.
In Spider Society, she's close to Web-Slinger, Spider-Punk, and Spider-girl, May.
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Web-Slinger is the first spider her spider sense vibes with on their first meeting.
They work well together and like to get jobs done as fast as possible. They get straight to the point and can keep up with each other, even when he has Widow with him.
Widow always wants pets and Michelle will always have a treat to share at the end of the mission.
He likes to keep his mask on, but it doesn't stop their friendship developing. He has a quiet humor that she immediately gets. She can tell he's a bit older, but they start looking forward to missions together. They'll hang out in the cafeteria if he sticks around HQ.
While working with Web-Slinger, after a mission, Michelle removed her mask in front of him. He froze and called her Annie - a name that has meaning for both of them. Wide eyed, she watched as he removed his mask. That was how she found out Patrick O'Hara was a slightly older version of her husband. 
She immediately introduced them to each other and they got along well. They refer to him as Slinger to avoid confusion.
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Hobie Brown is assigned to Michelle to assess his capabilities of becoming a mentor. At first he resists the evaluation, but they come to an understanding about helping kids. Michelle wants to figure out who she can pair him with when kids age out of her programs.
She brings Hobie to one of her kids programs. He captivates all their attention.
During the Miles Incident, she was at home. When she tries to go to HQ as usual, her watch is blocked. Miguel had blocked other spiders from entering HQ that weren't already present as soon as Miles ran.
A voice in the back of her mind wonders if she was the only one blocked. 
After Miles escapes, Michelle is visited by Hobie, who uses his bootleg watch; he explains what happened. Even though she's never met Miles, she's appalled by the news since she's a huge advocate for spider youth.
 He asks for her watch so he can use it for parts. She gives it to him.
After Hobie, Web-slinger stops by, questioning his actions with Miles. "I think I made a mistake." 
"Well, let's fix it."
(Things happen and it goes back to normal since the next movie isn't here yet. lol)
The younger spiders notice Web-Slinger and Michelle spending time together.
"So what's between you and the cowboy?" Pavitr asks.
"Nothing, we're friends."
"But he goes home with you all the time!"
"Oh my god, Pav. I'm married!"
The group all immediately turns towards her, some look at her hand.
"I don't wear a ring with the suit."
"You got an MJ?"
"Absolutely not."
"Can we meet them? I need to see a spider having a successful marriage so I know what my future with Gayari will look like," Pav bounces on his feet. 
"Peter's married."
"And he got divorced, then back together," Miles says.
"Not that I'm against it, but Jess is married too."
They all give her a look.
"Ok, sure. You all free tonight? I can call him. He's probably just starting dinner."
"He cooks?" Gwen asks.
"Yeah," Michelle smiles as she calls, "hey, Love. It's it ok if I invite a few guests tonight? Got some coworkers who want to meet you."
"So cute," Pavitr gushes.
After awhile, Michelle and Patrick move to HQ full time for 2 years. They tell people the move is for her job and keep in contact through video calls with their families. Patrick occupies himself with creative endeavors that were only hobbies back home.
Their place at HQ becomes a regular meeting spot for the group she mentors. Others come by too - Peter B, Noir, Peni, and more. Patrick and Michelle try to make their place as welcoming as possible.
Peter B's Mayday is attached and comfortable with Michelle. When she starts winding down at their place, Michelle will softly rock her and sing. Cielito Lindo is one of Mayday's favorite lullabies now.
Michelle starts contemplating starting a family when Mayday falls asleep the first time.
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trickmoon09 · 4 months
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Sheriff ✨
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reubeningall · 4 years
Here is another mashup I made
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bluuscreen · 3 years
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more cowboy chekovs with a bonus aos pav because. worms in my brain.
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oh-ranpo · 4 years
Dobby, Bish, Comeau, Janny, and Pavs are at the Cowboys game today, and I keep watching the video where they introduce them in the stadium and I want to cry because I miss and love them so much 😭💚
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miro-heiskanens · 4 years
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dreamca7cher · 5 years
Dreamcatcher Dallas Concert Write-Up
Now that I’m back home and have had time to process the trip, I’m finally ready to write about the experience. It’s gonna be hella long, so strap in! Even now, it’s still kind of hard to believe that it all actually happened. It’s like one of those things that feels like a dream while it's happening ya know?  A friend and I drove up from Houston early Wednesday morning, and arrived in time to grab our merch without any problems. I’m actually pretty impressed with the quality of the goods, they’re definitely not top quality but not cheap either. I had heard Studio PAV had problems organizing the lines and setting up before the concert at the previous stops, but everything seemed to go pretty smoothly by this 3rd tour stop. I was on the fence about the Over the Sky event due to the $200 entry fee, but finally caved when I saw one of my friend’s solo photos. I met up with some friends with 7-Dreamers and we hung out until it was time to go in for OTS at 4pm.
I bought my OTS ticket the night before the concert, and I think there were still some left the last time I checked, but I would guess there was 60-70 of us in there. We were arranged in 2 rows of chairs and then when the girls came out, it was so unreal. I mean I’ve seen them before last year at the LA fanmeet and KCON but maybe I just forgot how beautiful they really are. They were absolutely radiant dressed in angelic white outfits and smiling happily - they probably got some much needed rest in the time between Chicago’s Sunday concert. They did a Q&A session where they answered some questions the fans had written. Filming/pictures were not allowed so I don’t remember much. Some of the answers were pretty basic or things I had heard before. A highlight was Yoohyeon saying she would be a cockroach if she could turn into any animal bc they’re hard to kill lmaoo. Then came the solo photos with our own phones, which I had nervously been anticipating for hours. You could quickly indicate which pose you wanted to go with, lots of people did hearts, rock on signs, and the standard cute kpop poses. One guy did the dab and promptly got heckled by the crowd lol. When my turn came, it all happened so fast that I don’t remember looking directly at each of them. I felt like I would burst into flames like in Indiana Jones or something XD. I first thought about doing the dual heart thing with whoever was going to sit next to me, but I chickened out lol. Then I was going to do rock on until I saw that a lot of other people went with that, so I just decided to do a thumbs up. It all worked out in the end, I could never have dreamed that Jiu would touch my cheek in a thousands years. I think I’ve peaked in life haha. After the photos, the girls went on stage and did some short mic tests, and then we were all ushered back outside.
At this point it was about 5pm, so we still had 3 hours to go until the concert actually started. I’m so glad I got VVIP bc that meant I didn’t have to jump in line and stay there for hours to keep my spot. It was maybe like 40-50 degrees F outside, but not too windy so it wasn’t too bad. I had fun just hanging out and talking with my friends, tho the only bathroom was a gas station across a busy street. The venue was located in this kind of industrial area-turned bar street. Very hip, I think they chose a good place. Finally, around 6:45, we hopped in line according to our VVIP number and we were let into the venue on time. From here we still had to wait an hour for the concert to start, and it was all standing so I’m glad I wore comfortable shoes. The VVIP section was barricaded off from the rest in case you needed to leave and come back, but I was in the 4th row dead center, so I didn’t want to lose my good spot. I wished I had at least gone to the bathroom first, but for once I actually somehow lasted through the full 3 hours.
At 8, the lights dimmed and they started playing some of DC’s songs, and shortly the girls finally came out to a raucous applause. There were 2 people right in front of me wearing these tall headbands with words in Korean on them, which was kind of annoying. And some of the people in front were filming holding their phones way above their heads.. The girls themselves even said to please not do that or use professional cameras, which they still ignored. Come on people, at least observe basic concert etiquette! Nothing could sour my mood though, as what followed was pretty much the best, most action packed 2 hours I’ve ever experienced. They performed the same song set from previous stops, so I won't list every single song. They sang all the title tracks interspersed with unit performances and brief talking parts. I really enjoyed the songs where they just played around and interacted with the crowd, especially the encore set. Sua of course had endless energy and was a real crowd pleaser all night. She played around with a stuffed elephant, tiny pink cowboy hat, and a Handong head cutout during the encore. The Taki Taki and 7 Rings covers naturally killed everybody, and TT/Bad Boy were probably the other crowd favorites. Siyeon was really funny, and her confidence was exemplary, especially during Overdose. I'm biased, but I was really impressed with Jiu's dancing in person. She gave 110% during the choreo, and still somehow managed to incorporate little bits of fan service toward us. All night she was hyping up the crowd, flashing rock ons, and just generally being the loveliest person ever. She almost had us convinced that she was the maknae but Gahyeon was just too cute all night, esp when she couldn't get her coat buttoned up at one point. Yoohyeon tried to help, but messed up and mismatched the buttons which was hilarious. She was kind of subdued all night I feel, but you could see the Rachel in her come out at times, which was very endearing. And Dami was just effortlessly cool, no better way to describe her. All her parts got loud screams from the crowd. Near the end the girls left the stage for a while as the crowd screamed for an encore. Then they came back wearing the tour t-shirts and did the fun songs with no set choreo. I was jealous of the front row since the girls would often crouch down to wave at the phones or throw hearts and stuff at everyone during this time. Of course I should shut up bc I can’t imagine T3 and T4 could see much from the back of the venue since it wasn’t stadium seating :/ At the end, they didn’t even look that tired which was insane after 2 straight hours of non-stop dancing. And Dreamcatcher’s choreo is way more complex than most other groups too! They are truly consummate professionals of the highest degree. Above all you could just tell how much work and effort the girls put into every performance, and beyond that - how thankful they are to InSomnia for the love we show them. They thanked us many times for coming and promised to return as 7 someday. They also made us promise to visit them in Korea lol.
During the hi-touch and group photo after, they must have been really tired but still greeted us with smiles and photocards. It was sad to finally leave the venue, but I have so many happy memories to last a lifetime. This was my fourth kpop concert, and it unquestionably topped them all. It was truly an incredible experience all the way through. I would pretty much describe it as a perfect day, I’m so happy that they finally came for a US tour. If anyone is still able to make it to future concerts, I highly, highly recommend going! It really could be a once in a lifetime experience.
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