#cp masterlist
cluelesspigeons · 1 year
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Cp’s drarry microfic masterlist
May 2023
✨ May 2nd: Packing ✨
Prompt: travel
Wc: 100
Most important tags: travelling / chaotic packing / harry has adhd
✨ May 5th: Welcome home ✨
Prompt (song): how you get the girl by Taylor Swift
Wc: 243
Most important tags: reunion / auror or unspeakable harry / secret mission
✨ May 9th: Morning coffee ✨
Prompt: dew
Wc: 164
Most important tags: older drarry / early morning / hot summer day
✨ May 12th: Okay ✨
Prompt (song): sanctuary by origene
Wc: 170
Most important tags: asexual harry / supportive draco / coming out / comfort
✨ May 16th: Changes ✨
Prompt: changes
Wc: 165
Most important tags: autistic draco / supportive harry / stimming
✨ May 19th: Happy pills ✨
Prompt (song): night crawling by Miley Cyrus
Wc: 250
Most important tags: clubbing / flirting / party drugs / drug use
✨May 23rd: The vet ✨
Prompt: bees
Wc: 164
Most important tags: beehive / getting stung by bees / padfoot the dog / dog parents drarry / going to the vet
✨ May 26th: Abyss ✨
Prompt (song): mermaids by Florence + the machine
Wc: 106
Most important tags: dark drarry / sirens / blood / murder / destruction
✨January masterlist✨
✨February masterlist✨
✨March masterlist✨
✨April masterlist✨
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avalentina · 3 months
Love's Booked Masterlist!📖
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Image Not Mine.
Preview (892 words)
Main Story
Part 1 (3.6k words)
Send me asks, requests, or a direct message if you have anything in particular you want to see with these two!
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bigtittydemonwife · 2 years
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(I'm gonna make a masterlist later as there's three years worth of writing on here)
⤷ No incest
⤷ No werid kinks (eg: w@tersports)
⤷ No character x Character
⤷ No Ddlg / D@ddy shit
⤷ I will never write Offenderman
⤷ If you enter my inbox with the word cunny I will steal your toes
⤷ Sally will only EVER be platonic or familial
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Home to My Family
Amazing idea from @avada-kedavra-bitch-187!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!wife!reader
Summary: After you give birth to twins, they're taken by a nurse for checkups. You soon realize that she's not a nurse, so Tim calls in reinforcements to save your children and catch their abductor.
Warnings: child abduction, r just gave birth but story begins post-labor, angst, happy ending with fluff
Word Count: 1.7k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info
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“Congratulations,” the doctor says as your second baby is placed in your arms. “Two healthy babies.”
“They’re perfect,” you murmur, your eyes on the baby boy in your arms.
“A nurse will be in shortly to take them for full checkups,” someone informs you.
“How do you feel?” Tim asks.
You look away from your son and smile at the sight of Tim holding his daughter. She beat her brother into the world by nearly three minutes, and Tim has been enraptured with her since then.
“I’m okay,” you assure him. “We did good.”
Tim scoffs and lays his hand on your son’s back as he corrects, “We did great.”
“Hello, Bradfords,” a nurse greets with a knock on the open door. “I’m here to borrow these babies.”
You watch as Tim hands your daughter to the nurse to be placed in a bassinet before he turns to you to take your son. It makes you uncomfortable to hand them over so soon after giving birth, but the first checkup is necessary. Tim takes your hand and sits on the edge of your hospital bed to wait together.
“Did you call Angela?” you ask.
“Where are those pretty Bradford babies?” another nurse singsongs as she enters. “Checkup time!”
You furrow your brows, but Tim is on his feet before you can ask any questions. Tim is heartbreakingly familiar with the reality of evil in the world, and he realizes before you that something terrible has happened. As he races into the hall, fear settles over you as tears build in your eyes. If the real nurse is here now, who has your children? And where are they?
The nurse leaves to double-check that your babies weren’t transported by another nurse, and you’re left alone. After several minutes alone, scared, Tim returns and shakes his head. His jaw is clenched tightly, but you can tell he’s only a moment from breaking.
“I reported it to the department,” Tim says, his voice tight. “Angela’s on the way and I let her know too.”
You nod before you sit up carefully, wincing in pain as you swing your legs over the edge of the bed.
“Hey, hey, no,” Tim murmurs, rounding the foot of the bed. He lowers before you and lays his hands over your thighs. “You just gave birth; you need to rest.”
“I need to find them, Tim. We have to find them!” you exclaim through your cries.
“I know. We will, I promise we will.”
“But you don’t need my help.”
Tim smiles at your attitude, understandable anger building beneath your pain, fear, and tiredness.
“Your help isn’t the issue, it’s your health.”
“Timothy,” Angela greets. She walks to your side and hugs you tightly. “Tell me everything.”
You lie back carefully as Tim recounts the events of the past few minutes. Angela nods along, then looks around your room.
“They’re still in the hospital, I’d bet,” Tim concludes.
“Grey stationed officers at every opening to keep it that way,” Angela responds. “There’s plenty of hiding places in a hospital. But Tim…”
“I don’t know,” he answers. “I have no idea who would do this. I’ve put plenty of people away, called CPS hundreds of times, any of those people could have decided to return the favor.”
Lucy and Nolan knock on the open door, and Tim waves them in as Angela draws a diagram of the hospital on the whiteboard opposite you. Lucy walks directly to your side while Nolan stands beside the door to watch the hallway.
“What do you need?” Lucy asks softly.
“I don’t know,” you whisper, wiping a stray tear from your cheek. “Other than the obvious.”
“We’re going to find them. Half of the station is here for you.”
“There’s only one option that finishes this quickly,” Angela decides. “We split up and search every floor of this hospital.”
Tim looks to you rather than answering, and you promise, “I’m okay to be alone. I trust you, all of you, to find them and bring them back to me. Do whatever you have to do.”
“We will,” Tim promises. “Nolan, stay here, keep an eye on this hallway. Lucy, you’re with me.”
Lucy squeezes your hand kindly before she walks to Tim’s side. Nolan steps out of your room with them and closes the door. Completely alone, all you can do is wait.
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“Hey,” Tim calls urgently. A male nurse spins and raises his hands in question. “Have you seen a nurse in pink scrubs with twins?”
“There’s lots of nurses, pink scrubs, and twins here, sir,” the man answers.
Tim takes a measured step toward him, and the man steps back urgently, bumping into the desk behind him.
“Do you want to be charged with aiding and abetting a kidnapping?”
“Sir, if you’ve seen a woman in pink scrubs with two bassinets, you need to tell us now,” Angela interjects.
“I haven’t,” he answers quickly. “I swear I haven’t.”
Tim steps away from the scared nurse and sighs.
“This floor is clear, no sign of them,” Angela reports.
Tim’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and he retrieves it without looking away from the empty hallway.
“I remember when I wasn’t allowed to look at my phone on duty,” Lucy muses.
“Your children hadn’t been abducted,” Tim snaps. He reads a message, furrows his brows, and then says, “Angela.”
Angela knows that Tim using her first name isn’t a good sign, and she's proven right when he passes his phone over. “Where is this?”
“I can’t tell. The message seems familiar,” Tim replies.
Angela zooms in on the picture while Tim repeats the message to himself. Lucy moves beside Angela and looks at the picture, pointing to any discernable items in the background. The image shows your son in the bassinet front and center, and while it’s clear that they’re still in the sterile, white hospital, it’s unclear where.
“Supply closet,” Angela realizes just as Tim says, “Keiran Tumble.”
“The counterfeiter?” Lucy asks. “What’s his problem with you?”
“I arrested him, but I’m also why he lost visitation rights for his kids. They were in the warehouse with the printing fumes. He hasn’t been out of prison long.”
“Prison for counterfeiting?”
“Federal prison. The Reserve pressed additional charges. When he got out, he got served with the papers about his kids.”
“Wait,” Angela interrupts. “You said it was a female nurse.”
“Keiran’s girlfriend,” Tim guesses. “I didn’t see her, she wasn’t there when we raided his operation, but I’ve heard plenty about her.”
“Me too. Tim, she’s suspected of at least three murders. This isn’t a manhunt; we have to find her without risking your kids.”
“ Supply closet?” Tim repeats. “Let’s find the right one, and then we move in. She makes one move toward them, and you drop her.”
“Tim, maybe you should sit this one out,” Lucy suggests.
“No,” Angela answers. “If this were Jack, I’d want to be right there when we found him. Look that monster in the face and remind her that at the end of every day, I go home to my family.”
“I’m more use here, Chen,” Tim assures. “How’s Nolan?”
“He said everything’s clear there. Only a few nurses through since we left.”
Tim nods, but Angela purses her lips in thought.
“What?” Tim inquires.
“Isn’t your room across from a supply area? Wouldn’t someone have needed something by now?” she asks.
“No one saw them because they didn’t go far,” Lucy realizes.
“Let’s go!” Angela exclaims.
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Fiddling with the blanket over your legs, you think about what you will do when you get your babies back. Kiss them, apologize even though they won’t know what’s happening, and then beg Tim to take you home. You refuse to think about any alternative.
“Yep,” Nolan says on the other side of your door. “All clear here, too. Good luck.”
“C’mon, Tim,” you whisper.
You trust him more than anything, but right now, your fear threatens to override all of your rational thoughts.
Suddenly, a single gunshot sounds. Immediately after, you hear screams and loud promises that everything is alright and everyone is safe. You, however, refuse to believe it until you see your husband and children. Frozen in uncertainty and fear, you count your shallow breaths rather than running through possible scenarios.
Two firm knocks on your door are followed by Nolan smiling as he holds the door open. Tim steps in with both of your babies cradled in his arms and a relieved look. You release a shaky breath, then smile as tears roll over your cheeks.
“It’s over,” Angela promises as she hugs you. “We got her.”
Tim walks to the other side of your bed and carefully lowers the twins to your chest. They coo softly in their sleep, none the wiser about what they’ve been through. Holding them against you, you kiss their heads and whisper that you love them.
“Do you know what you need now?” Lucy asks.
“Get me out of here,” you beg, smiling.
“I’ll see what I can do,” she answers, leading Nolan out of the room.
“What happened?” you ask Tim.
“Do you remember Keiran Tumble?” You nod, and he places his arm around your shoulders as he continues, “He got out, mad about his arrest and losing his kids, and sent his girlfriend to make me feel some of the same pain. Or that’s the working theory.”
“It’s right,” Angela adds. “Only a criminal would be that stupid.”
"So, Nolan radioed an all-clear, got her guard down, and we went in. She shouldn't be out for a very long time."
You lay your head against Tim’s shoulder and say, “I love you.”
“Aw, I love you, too!” Angela jokes.
“If you weren’t our first choice for godmother, I’d kick you out,” Tim tells her.
“You love me.”
“Thank you,” you interject. “I’m glad you’re both here.”
“I’m going to go fill in Grey and then make sure your house is ready for an early return,” Angela says as she steps toward the door. “Need anything else?”
“You’ve done more than I can ever thank you for,” you answer. “I’ll call you later.”
“Like she won’t still be at the house when we get home,” Tim mumbles.
“Hey, I filled up your freezer with comfort food, be nice to me, Timothy.”
Alone with your babies, you smile as Tim extends his finger to your slowly waking son. You’ll never get tired of being with them, and there’s no one else you’d rather have by your side than Tim Bradford.
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lazycats-stuff · 6 months
What about male reader being Alfred's nephew who came to live with him because his parents died or were just unfit parents? Alfred isn't all too happy that he's here, but not because he hates him, no, but because Gotham isn't the safest place and the fact that he's bow living with the vigilante family isn't the greatest fact. I feel like Alfred would be very overprotective of his nephew, and just the family's reaction to Alfred's nephew, i feel like the family didn't really ask Alfred about his family and such .
Oh yeah, some Alfred for the soul. That man needs more love. Also, this will be under Batfamily since I'm too lazy to put a new masterlist for Alfred.
Summary: Alfred's nephew comes to live with Bruce and the rest of the fam.
Warnings: child abuse, mentions, mentions of what happened, everyone trying to make sure that (Y/N) is comfortable, Alfred being protective.
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Alfred left the UK and London behind a long time ago. He had his training and career as a soldier and then as a spy. Soon enough, his path led him to the USA, where he got a job as a butler for the Wayne family, even before Bruce was even in the picture. It wasn't really easy to leave his life behind, but Alfred knew it was for the better.
He needed a new beginning after everything he has witness over the years. Especially since his sister cut contact with him. Alfred, while said, he knew he couldn't change her mind in the slightest. But that didn't matter today. What mattered was his new family and his four grandsons and son.
Yes, he did consider Bruce to be his son. After all, he did raise him from when he was 7. And as his four grandsons came along, he was happy.
As far as his old family? Around 13 years ago, his sister had a baby. A boy named (Y/N). Yes, Alfred kept some tabs on his family, just to make sure that everything was like okay back there. Years went by and when (Y/N) was 13, Alfred got a call.
It wasn't a pleasant one.
Alfred sighed as he ended the call, rubbing his temples, muttering a lot of unpleasant things underneath his breath. His nephew (Y/N) was taken out of his sister's custody because she was abusive in every since of the word. And in every shape too.
Starving, beatings... Neglect...
Alfred was really mortified and he could barley speak as he remembered the conversation... He sighed and quickly made his way down to the kitchen opening up the cabinet where he held the strongest drinks in the manor. He poured himself a glass of scotch, since it was the first thing he could see.
I downed the scotch in one sip before pouring himself another one. He sighed yet again, leaning on the kitchen counter, trying not to snap.
" Something happened? " Bruce asked from behind him and Alfred sighed for the third time.
" Well master Bruce... Something did happen. " Alfred said, taking the glass and turning around to face Bruce. Alfred knew that (Y/N) had to come live here... But this family is full of vigilantes... But this is also a safe space too.
" What happened Alfred? " Bruce asked, worried for the man. Alfred is often composed and sarcastic, but now, he was shaken and just... Sad?
" My nephew is in the custody of CPS, well, at least the British version. " Alfred started and Bruce crossed his arms as he leaned on the doorway.
" I didn't know you had a nephew... " Bruce admitted softly and Alfred chuckled, sipping his scotch slowly.
" Yeah... My sister cut contact with me a long time ago master Bruce... " Alfred acknowledged and Bruce nodded, not knowing what to say.
" Either way... I'm the only family he has master Bruce, which means he will have to come here. " Alfred whispered, downing his scotch again.
" That's not a problem Alfred. I'll make space for (Y/N), clear out one room for him and talk to the boys. " Bruce responded and Alfred shook his head, making Bruce frown and tilt his head in confusion.
" That's something I know you would do master Bruce. " Alfred explained and poured himself more scotch. " It's... You are Batman and the danger that comes with that name... I can't bring my nephew into more danger. " Alfred finished explaining and downed the scotch once more.
" It will be different. We will be honest with him. " Bruce said and Alfred did have to agree, they had to be honest with him.
" He will flying here tomorrow master Bruce, so we will need to pick him up. But before hand, we need to talk to the boys. And it will need to be serious. "
" Of course it will be serious Alfred. (Y/N) will feel safe here. And if any boys are out of line, send them to me Alfred. I'll call them down now so we can talk about this. " Bruce said before he went upstairs.
Alfred just finished a bottle in the meantime.
Bruce sat his sons down, telling them that this is very serious.
" Now, listen to Alfred intently. He is officially a lead on this. " Bruce said and sat down. The four boys looked at Alfred, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.
" Well... My nephew is coming here to live with us. His parents, my sister and her husband were abusive to him... Physically, verbally... They starved him too... Either way, he is in a bad mental place. Which means that you four better be on your best behavior. No fights in front of him, both verbal and physical. Don't force him to talk about it and try to befriend him. " Alfred finished, looking at his grandsons with a pointed look.
" Is that all you had to say? " Dick asked and Alfred nodded.
" You have a nephew?! " Jason exclaimed and Alfred nodded.
" Okay, that... I thought you had no family. " Tim said and Alfred sighed and Bruce smiled sadly.
" I thought you were an agent for the MI6 and had no family... Like killed off. " Damian said and Alfred sighed yet again.
" Okay boys, that's enough commentary. " Bruce said and they all grumbled. " It's important that (Y/N) feels safe here. And Alfred has my full permission to put you all back in line. "
" As if he ever needed permission. " Jason mumbled quietly and Dick smacked the back of his head.
" Thank you master Dick. "
" Everyone, this is (Y/N). " Alfred said, introducing his nephew to his grandsons. " (Y/N), these are the infamous Wayne kids. I don't think anymore introduction is needed. " Alfred said, glancing at his shy nephew.
" Now (Y/N), let me lead you to your room. " Alfred said and gently lead (Y/N) to his room. It was one of the bigger ones, with a lot of room and a comfortable bed.
" Now (Y/N), are you hungry? Because it's lunchtime in America at the moment. " Alfred said as (Y/N) put a small suitcase on the bed.
" I could eat something. " (Y/N) said and Alfred nodded, smiling at the fact that (Y/N) would eat something.
" I was thinking about some burgers actually. I can make a good one, with my awesome recipe. Do you want to come down or do you want to stay in your room? " Alfred asked softly.
" I would like to go down... This is a nice place... " (Y/N) said, still nervous.
" I agree it is nice, now come on mate, lets go down. " Alfred said and let (Y/N) go down. Alfred gently led him down to the kitchen and (Y/N) sat down, the boys all around him, keeping some distance, trying to not make him feel overwhelmed.
" So... Is it true that the Queen is a lizard? " Jason asked out of the blue and (Y/N) rolled his eyes at that, but with a smile.
" She passed away. " (Y/N) said and Jason raised his brow.
" No. "
" Yes. "
Jason scoffed with a smile and Alfred listened as he started making the meat mixture for the patties.
" Is it true that people from London speak the best English? " Dick asked and (Y/N) rolled his eyes.
" It's not true. It's so far from the truth... " (Y/N) said and Dick chuckled.
" Well, the royals are there and they must be educated... So how come? " Dick joked and (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders.
" Is it true that gun control is tighter? " Jason asked curiously and (Y/N) nodded.
" Damn... Well, welcome to the land of freedom. " Jason joked and (Y/N) smiled, but it was tiny. Tiny as hell.
" If you hear a bald eagle screeching it means you have reached the peak of staying here. " Tim stated and (Y/N) rolled his eyes a bit.
(Y/N) turned his head when he saw Titus, the Great Dane walking in with his head high and tail wagging at the sight of a newcomer. Damian was ready to intervene if necessary, but Titus was calm with people.
Damian watched as Titus sniffed (Y/N)'s hands, licking them softly and then (Y/N) hesitantly petting him.
" What's his name? " (Y/N) asked, not sure who to ask directly.
" His name is Titus. " Damian answered as he kept watching, tilting his head in wonder.
" Is he yours? " (Y/N) asked as he scratched Titus' ears.
" Yes he is. " Damian answered and (Y/N) moved down his hand to Titus' cheek. " He is huge... " (Y/N) mumbled as he kept patting Titus, who was wagging his tail.
" He is a Great Dane so he is big. " Damian explained and (Y/N) stopped petting him, making Titus whine.
" He is a big baby. " Jason chimed in and Damian nodded.
Alfred put the things he needed aside and checked on (Y/N) and the way he was handling the situation was great. The boys didn't push him, joked about something with him... And (Y/N) was comfortable. That was the most important thing here.
Thankfully, Alfred and Bruce both have experience with sort of traumatized children so (Y/N) will be able to heal properly. And the truth about them being vigilantes... Well, that can wait until (Y/N) is more stable.
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doumadono · 2 months
hi!! I've never requested something, so sorry if this is a little awkward or something!
could you write a comfort fic where female reader has troubles at home, her mom abusive and dad nowhere to be seen, and cps is called, gets taken away and all that? and the first person she feels she can call is bakugo?
just had this idea because im very close to being taken away and i feel like nobody really understands nor cares, so im relying on characters >_< have a good day!
Never leave you behind - Bakugo x Reader
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You sat on your bed, knees pulled to your chest, tears streaming down your face. The sounds of your mother yelling and throwing things downstairs reverberated through the walls. Your father, as usual, was nowhere to be found, leaving you to bear the brunt of her anger. You clutched your phone, feeling utterly alone, the weight of your situation crushing you.
This wasn't the first time CPS had been called. But this time, you felt like it would be the last. There had been whispers at school, concerned glances from teachers, and finally, the call had been made. You'd heard your mother on the phone earlier, her voice a venomous hiss, blaming you for everything, as if you were the root of all her problems.
The doorbell rang, a sharp sound that made you flinch. You heard the muffled conversation, then heavy footsteps approaching your room.
The door creaked open, and a kind-faced social worker stepped in, looking at you with a mix of pity and determination. "Hi, I'm here to take you somewhere safe," she said gently.
You nodded, too tired and numb to argue. You packed a small bag with the essentials and followed her out, not daring to look back at your mother's furious face.
In the car, as the cityscape blurred past the window, you felt a desperate urge to reach out to someone. Someone who might understand, who might care. Without overthinking, you pulled out your phone and dialed the number you'd memorized by heart. It rang twice before a familiar, gruff voice answered.
"What's up?" Katsuki Bakugo's voice was as abrasive as ever, but there was an underlying note of concern that only those close to him could detect.
"Katsuki," you choked out, your voice breaking. "I… I need you."
There was a brief silence on the other end, followed by the sound of rustling. "Where are you?" he demanded, his tone urgent.
You gave him the address of the temporary foster home you'd been assigned to. "Please, just come," you whispered, barely holding it together. "I'll message you the address once I know it..."
"I'm on my way," he said, and the line went dead.
The next hour passed in a haze. The foster home was a modest, clean place with friendly enough people, but you couldn't shake the feeling of being utterly lost.
You gave the address to Bakugo, and before you knew it, he was there, his presence a solid, comforting force in the swirling chaos of your emotions.
The foster family, a middle-aged couple with kind eyes but wary expressions, were reluctant to let him in. They exchanged glances, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of a teenage boy visiting so late.
"Please," you begged, gripping Bakugo's hand tighter. "He’s the only one I trust."
They hesitated, their concern evident, but eventually, they agreed. "Just for a little while," the foster mother said, her voice firm yet understanding.
He instantly took one look at your tear-streaked face and clenched his fists, anger flashing in his eyes — but it wasn’t directed at you. And suddenly he hugged you.
For a moment, you stiffened, not used to this side of him. But then the warmth of his arms around you, the steady beat of his heart against your cheek, broke through the walls you'd built around yourself.
You clung to him, sobs wracking your body as you finally let out all the pain and fear you'd been holding in.
Bakugo didn't say anything, just held you tighter, his chin resting on top of your head.
Eventually, your sobs subsided, and you pulled back slightly, looking up at him. His face was a mix of anger and concern, his usual fiery eyes softened by worry.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he asked, his voice rough.
You shrugged, wiping your eyes. "I didn't want to bother you. You have your own stuff to deal with."
"Idiot," he muttered, but there was no heat in his words. He cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to meet his gaze. "You're never a bother, got it? Next time, you tell me. No matter what."
You nodded, feeling a small smile tug at your lips. "Got it."
The dam broke, and you began to sob, the weight of your situation crashing down on you.
Bakugo hesitated for a moment before awkwardly wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. His grip was firm, reassuring. "It's gonna be okay," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "We'll figure this out. And I'll never leave you behind. Let my contact Aizawa-sensei. I'm sure he'll help us solve your problem."
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delicatebarness · 5 months
i cant read your mind | chapter three
Summary: After choosing to leave with Bucky, it didn't take long for you to set him off.
Warnings: MCU Spoilers. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier spoilers throughout. Implied Sexual Intercourse.
Word Count: 1745
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A/N: I haven't stopped thinking about this chapter all day.
Tags: @blackhawkfanatic | @cjand10 | @wintrsoldrluvr | @missvelvetsstuff | @buckys-metal-arm | @matchat3a | @shadowzena43 | @torntaltos |
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Bucky’s voice was demanding as he called out to you again. “Sorry, boys,” you glance back at Walker with a playful smirk  “But the sergeant’s orders come first,” you added, your loyalty to Bucky laced behind the words.
“But, I’m Captain America.” Walker protested, entitlement was evident in his tone. 
“Not my Captain America,” you shot back, your tone was defiant as you exited the car and followed behind Bucky. Though you couldn’t see Bucky’s face, you could almost see the smug grin taking over his face, knowing you were following his every step. 
You turned at the sound of the car door closing, Sam decided to join you and Bucky. Sending him a reassuring smile, you stopped to wait for him to catch up before continuing the walk together. 
Once back on the jet, a heavy silence settled between the three of you. Each of you got lost in your thoughts, reflecting on the mission’s outcome so far and pondering the next steps. Settling onto the red seat, your head resting in your hands, you mulled over the information you had gathered from over the comms and the walk back. Across from you, Sam lay on his back with his brow furrowed, deep in thought. Meanwhile, Bucky perched on top of the storage in the center, his gaze distant as he stared at the floor.
“You alright?” you snapped your gaze up to Sam as he broke the silence, his attention focused on Bucky as he nodded slightly.
“Let’s take the shield, Sam,” Bucky suggested, his gaze never leaving the floor. “Let’s take the shield and do this ourselves.” 
“We can’t just run on the man, beat him up, and take it,” Sam responded as he began to sit up. “Do you remember what happened the last time we stole it?” 
You did. 
You arrived with Sharon at the overpass, exiting the car, your heart clenched seeing Bucky in the backseat of their so-called ‘Getaway car’. He took up the majority of the back seat but still looked lost. After thanking Sharon for bringing you, you fit the back seat with Bucky.
“You don’t have to do this,” he mumbled softly as you shuffled around trying to get comfortable. 
“If I remember correctly, these were made while you were being framed,” you replied, glancing down at your hands. With a tug, you lifted your sleeve back, revealing the bruises he left on your wrist. “If anyone here knows you’re innocent, it’s me.”
After he escaped with Steve, you were confined alongside your fellow friends and teammates. By, your fellow friends and teammates. You couldn’t help but replay every time you stole a Quinjet to answer Bucky’s call in those two years. 
Receiving the messages from him - “I miss you,” or “I need you,” or  “Come.” - you’d be on a jet within the hour, flying from wherever to meet him in that dimly lit box apartment. It always ended with him taking his anger and frustration out on you for a few hours and then, you’d be back at the compound. Rarely, it would take you less than 24 hours to get to him. 
It wasn’t until Steve came to break you out, that you saw him again. Gasping when you noticed his missing arm, you hurried to him, and his right hand reached up to cp your cheek. This tender side was a rarity, the side made you wonder if there could be something more between you. Not just a physical intimacy. 
His calls became less frequent during his time in Wakanda, of course, he was back on ice for a time, but once he came out, it was not the same. You found that Wakanda made him better. He showed his tender side more often and his calls would last a weekend rather than just a couple of hours. This side of him helped relieve the pressure of being on the run.
And then, he vanished. 
As they spoke about the past, you couldn’t shake the thought of using your undercover and charisma skills to retrieve the shield. 
“You know,” you began tentatively, interrupting their conversation just as Sam had finished his side of the argument. “I could try to use, un, you know, the skills Natasha taught me to help with Walk-”
“No,” Bucky cut you off, his voice commanding, sending a shiver down your spine. His jaw was tight as he looked intensely at you.
“It’s just to bring his guard down,” you swallowed nervously.
“I said no,” his voice laced with anger. He jumped off the storage box and made his way over to you, leaning down to you his voice turned into a whisper that only you could hear. “I don’t share.”
Your breath caught in your throat, it had been a long time since you saw this side of Bucky, it was the possessive and angry Bucky that you first started sleeping with, the one who was obsessed with making sure went back to the compound with a notable mark somewhere on you. 
You nodded, worried about any words making his temper worse. 
“We just got our ass handed to us by Super Soldiers, and we got nothing,” the sound of Sam’s voice brought Bucky back to his usual grumpy old man personality which caused them to carry on their previous conversation. You just sat and listened, trying to avoid direct eye contact with Bucky.
After Bucky explained to Sam that there was someone else for him to meet, he turned his gaze back to you, “You should get some rest,” he suggested, his voice becoming gently but still firm.
Once off the jet, you left Sam and Bucky, found a nearby hotel, and booked yourself a room but before you could even sink into comfort, your phone began buzzing beside you. “What do you mean, arrested?” your voice cut through the silence of the room.
“He missed his count-mandated therapy,” you could sense Sam’s jaw tense as his answer came through the phone. 
So much for rest, you thought as you let out a heavy sigh and began to hastily get ready once again.
“Dr Raynor?” you called out as you came out of one of the offices holding a half-eaten donut in one hand and a box full of more in the other. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” The doctor inquired as she took in the surroundings, curious about your presence here.
“Somewhat,” you replied, returning the donut to the box. “That nice officer gave me a box of donuts,” you continued as you gestured over to Bucky, “Oh, also, that’s ‘Old Man’, the guy I mentioned to you.” Dr Raynor followed your motion, gaze steeling on Bucky leaning against the desk. A sigh slipped past her lips.
She continued explaining that she was here for Bucky and suggested that they have his session now and for Sam to join them. You half expected her to ask you to join, after all, he’s all she’s heard about for the last six months. 
“That wasn’t a request,” Raynor’s tone was firm as she directed Sam to attend the session. He glanced back at you briefly, you offered him a small nod, reassuring him that you’d be okay waiting before he followed Raynor and Bucky. 
You drummed your fingers impatiently as you waited for Sam and Bucky, moments passing and feeling like an eternity. Then, Walker’s earlier words resurfaced in your mind: “I’ll be outside.” A mischievous smirk tugged at the corners of your lips and you planned a way to pass the time. 
Grabbing the box of donuts, you checked your appearance in a nearby window. You had decided you would take matters into your own hands, whether Bucky liked it or not. With confidence, you took long strides out to the street, ready to inject a little excitement into the new Captain’s life.
Leaning against the wall of the police station, you couldn’t resist the urge to test the waters with Walker, you cleared your throat to grab his attention. Sending him a smile as he looked over, you raised the box of donuts.
“Thought you boys might be hungry,” you bit your lips slightly as Walker started to make his way over to you. “You know, I worked right under Steve,” you said coyly, a glint of mischief flashed in your eyes as you looked up at him.
His interest had piqued as he looked down at you, his hand coming up to rest on the wall just left of your head. “Oh yeah?” he questioned, your comment about him not being your Cap earlier must have left his mind as he fell for your game. 
A sly smile played on your lips as you nodded, “Oh yeah, we were real close,” a part of you was gagging at the thought of you and Steve even acting like you were something, however, you were too good of an agent to let it show. A smirk formed on Walker’s face, and he began to lean in closer to you. Your hand brushed over the fabric of his suit, “I always love the stars and stripes.” 
Walker’s smirk widened, neither of you sensed Sam and Bucky making their way out of the station until Hoskins sirened the police car, grabbing their attention. 
Bucky was unable to contain his anger when he saw you practically pressed up the wall with Walker, with innocent doe eyes looking up at the blonde. Storming over, his jealousy and protectiveness took over as he grabbed you by the forearm and pulled you away.
“I said no,” Bucky growled in your ear, his voice low and authoritative. “Don’t make me tell you again.”
Your jaw tightened, remaining silent as you looked up at Bucky’s scowl. It wasn’t until he turned around to join the conversation between Sam, Walker, and Hoskins, that you released a breath. You stood behind Bucky slightly, eyes never leaving the shield that scraped to Walker’s back. “I’ll get that shield,” you mumbled under your breath, so quiet you doubted even Bucky’s enhanced hearing would have picked up on it. 
After disagreeing with Walker, the three of you began walking back to the hotel. Sam and Bucky discussed a plan as you ate another donut. 
“We’re gonna go see Zemo,” you heard Sam confess as they halted in the middle of the street. You practically spat the donut out of your mouth in surprise. 
“Zemo?!” you hissed incredulously toward them.
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pepsiboyy · 5 months
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masterlist ⚜ p2
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: after moving to massachusetts from florida, y/n lives with her half brother, nathan doe, who is part of a small garage band. their sassy guitarist, chris sturniolo, can't help but get on her nerves. but there's something about him. warnings: use of y/n lol, mentions of drugs, cursing a/n: rewrote the FUCK out of this, i hope this one is SO MUCH BETTER. love u guys. <3
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"phone charger girl!"
"the fuck is he doing here?" my voice boomed in the garage, causing nathan to flinch slightly.
"woah, you two know each other?"
"sort of." chris responded with that stupid smug smirk on his face.
"not at all, actually." i responded quickly, immediately shutting down chris' disgusting expression.
my heartbeat was racing. i couldn't feel anything but anger in every fiber of my being. i couldn't help but remember to myself earlier today.
i had been living in massachusetts for about three days now. very interesting place, very different from florida.
after my mom's drug addiction became a major issue, cps was informed and i was sent to my dad's in boston, where i was completely unfamiliar with everyone and everything.
my dad's side, they weren't complete strangers if checking his status on facebook counted as being close.
shortly after i was born, my mom took me and left my dad in boston while we fled to live in florida. and as i get older, i can't help but feel more hatred towards the woman. my dad was a great guy, never deserved the way she treated him. he definitely did not deserve his first child being ripped away from his grasp a few months into my life.
when my mom and i moved to florida, my dad met another woman and had a child with her, whose name is nathan.
he seems like a really cool guy, an awesome brother to have, so i was looking forward to this move a lot, more than i probably should have.
the feeling of fresh air was appealing to me and the feeling of finally being there to reassure my dad that i want to be with him was even more exciting to me.
nate and i clicked pretty quickly, talking about our music taste on the way home from the airport. we talked a lot about video games, and he told me he was involved in a small garage band and plays the drums.
"that's so fucking cool!" i exclaimed with a bright smile, and nathan nodded.
"yeah! we mostly do covers now, but i plan on releasing some new and original music soon."
i nodded as i stayed focused on nate as he spoke, playing with my hands in my lap nervously.
the fact that this kid was my brother was so mind blowing to me. i couldn't wait.
the doe family had left to go to an event they had only bought three tickets for. i reassured them over and over that i was okay with staying at the house and continuing to settle in. and with that they left.
i dug through my bag and frowned when i came to a tragic realization.
"fuck." i cursed under my breath as i stood up and slid on my shoes.
time to go to that one gas station down the street we stopped at on the way here from the airport.
i left the house through the front door and slid my earbuds into my ears, playing my favorite playlist as i walked down the street.
boston was a lot more close together than florida. it genuinely made my heart happy.
about fifteen minutes into my walk and i find the gas station, pulling the door opened and look at the employee at the counter, smiling faintly to greet him. his eyes were glued to his phone though, so i turned to make my way up and down the aisles and look for the phone charger that works for my phone.
"eighteen dollars is fucking bizarre." i muttered under my breath at the charging brick box that i now have between my fingers. i carefully took it off the bar and grabbed a six ft long cord, making my way to the counter.
this is great. no job, new place, and i was already burning a hole into my savings for a fucking phone charger.
i set the two boxes on the counter and began digging through my pockets to find my wallet, the boxes hitting the counter a little harder than i had intended.
"woah there, sensing some aggression from 'ya. boyfriend start an argument with you or what?"
i finally found my wallet, but my eyes shifted quickly to the boy at the counter. "excuse me?" i asked, my face flushed at the thought. "it doesn't-" i blinked a few times. this kid was insane. "just ring me out please." i sighed as i inserted my card in the cardreader.
"relax sweetheart, just yankin' your chain." he stated defensively, skipping through the prompts on his screen. his hair was a little longer than average, and fairly wavy. he had a silver cuban link bracelet on one wrist and a few small handmade ones on the other, a ring or two on each hand. he had silver hoops in his ears and a plain black t-shirt on over his blue baggy jeans.
i stared at him in disbelief before i put my pin into the pad, yanking out my card as soon as it beeped and quickly shoving it into my wallet. chris set the charger boxes into a small plastic bag, placing it on the counter between us.
"i'm not your sweetheart," i narrowed my eyes at the nametag on his shirt, sucking in through my teeth, "chris."
i gripped the bag and left the gas station, and never turned back to see chris with his arms raised, and that disgusting smirk on his face.
my music was playing extra loud in my headphones in a desperate attempt to drown out the sound of nate slamming the drums in the garage.
i carefully sat up, my hand moving to run through my hair as i slipped on my shoes and stepped down the stairs. i was just wearing some pajama shorts and an oversized hoodie, but who even cares, right?
my hair was thrown into a messy bun, and i had one earbud in as my eyes were glued to my phone. i turned the doorknob to the garage carefully before stepping in and lifting my head as the music came to a halt.
and with that, my eyes widened.
and that's how we got here. with a finger pointed to my face.
"the fuck is he doing here?" my voice boomed in the garage, causing nathan to flinch slightly.
"woah, you two know each other?"
"sort of." chris responded with that stupid, smug smirk on his face.
"not at all, actually." i immediately barked back, crossing my arms.
nate looked between us both and shrugged it off quickly before he pulled a chair beside him. "come listen, y/n. i think you'd like it a lot." he told me.
i couldn't say no. i really was curious to hear nathan play. "okay, sure. just for a bit though." i reminded him of the time, and he smiled brightly and sat down in his seat.
i felt chris' eyes burning into the back of my head the whole time, his shaggy brunette locks perfectly draping over his forehead, which was a bit damp, while his eyes shifted to focus on his guitar again.
nate turned to me with a bright smile, grabbing his drumsticks as he glanced to the other two, making sure they were ready.
i watched the three and smiled as they began playing.
they were really good, actually.
better than i had expected them to be.
with nathan slamming the drums with his drumsticks and the boy i didn't know yet playing the bass, chris actually knocked his part out of the park.
chris glanced up for half a second, where we locked eyes. my eyes widened as he turned back to his guitar and a small smile grew on his face.
i hate this kid.
the song came to an end, and i turned to nathan, applauding happily.
"you guys sound great, genuinely. have you guys worked on any original stuff?"
nathan chuckled and shrugged, glancing between the other two. "a bit. chris writes phenomenal lyrics. we're working on it."
i glanced to chris for a moment, who was now gently strumming the strings of his guitar. i gulped as i stared at his hands, then turned back to nate. "i'm excited for you guys. let me know if i can do anything to help?"
nate nodded happily, and i stood up.
"alright, i'm gonna try and go to sleep. good luck to you guys." i waved at the three, and smiled at nate, my eyes quickly glancing at chris who waved softly back, no clear expression on his face anymore.
and with that, i opened the garage door and shut it, before taking a deep sigh and leaning against it.
"dude, you didn't tell me your sister was bad as hell," an unfamiliar voice rang, which i assumed was the bassist.
"wh- ben, gross! shut up dude," nathan quickly stated.
i cringed at the boy's comment, shaking my head quickly as if he could see me responding or something.
"invite her more often." chris stated blankly, standing up from his seat as he adjusted his guitar strap.
nathan turned to chris and narrowed his eyes.
i quickly stood up and made my way back to my bedroom, laying flat against the bed and turning up the music playing in my earbuds.
chris playing guitar and writing some lyrics.
it made me genuinely curious about whether or not this guy actually wrote good lyrics.
i hated being curious about him.
but i needed to know more.
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masterlist ⚜ p2
comment to be added to taglist!! taglist;; @sturnioloshacker
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memescomicswriting · 1 month
It's Nice to Have a Friend
Chapter 1: I Got Waisted Like All My Potential
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Summary: Fate is cruel on how it goes about obtaining its desires. It must be fate, because there is no other explanation for how perfectly molded Y/N and Helaena are to one another. They complement one another like opposite sides of a coin. Where Helaena is shy, Y/N is outgoing. Helaena has a photographic memory. Y/N has emotional inteligence. They have the right temperament to be the missing piece in one another’s lives. Ying and Yang. Then there are the boys. Love them or hate them, they’re there. Even the adults cannot escape the Targaryen chaos, and the fallout doesn’t spare the minors simply because they’re adolescents. Follow how Y/N and those around her carve out lives for themselves amongst the weight of the Targaryen legacy in a modern Westeros.
Word Count 3.3k
Pairings: Aegon x Y/N, Aemond xY/N, hints of Jace x Y/N, Platonic! Helaena x Y/N, Father Figure! Harwin x Y/N, Mother Figure! Rhaneyra x Y/N, Mother Figure! Alicent x Y/N
Warnings: 18+ you’ve been warned
Lots of profanity, sexual innuendos, drug and alcohol use, boys being stupid jerks, infidelity, divorce, eventual smut
A/N: Chapters drop on Thursdays. Please, please, please, please share your thoughts. I wanna hear them. I don't bite, promise!
Sereies Masterlist
Thinking back on her adolescence, Y/N divided it into two parts: the quiet time and the time she never had a moment alone. The first ten years of her life were spent as a privileged vagabond. She learned how to read airport terminal maps before she mastered her multiplication tables. It was a unique childhood, but she knew what it meant to be loved and understood that she was cared for. 
Her mother was of Valyrian descent, old money, the old country. Her father’s family accumulated wealth as members of the merchant class. They weren’t nuevo riche as their status elevated  almost two centuries prior, yet nothing could compare to the ancient sway of Old Valeryian wealth. Though the empire came and went, those who could trace their ancestry back to the old lords were in the stratosphere of high society.
Her parents met as most wealthy couples do, through mutual friends. They attended the same college and shared a similar spark. Neither enjoyed the formalities of the elite. They preferred the country to the city, gardening to garden parties, but their lifestyle could never be described as rustic. Oh how the rich love to play pretend poor. Through her mother’s side, she inherited vast real estate holdings across the globe. Through her father, she inherited large shares in corporations the family had a hand in founding. Not to mention a comfortable lump sum in the bank. Yes, she was an heiress and for the large part of her minority she never fully grasped that.
Harwin did the best he could. When you agree to be the godfather of your best friend’s kid, you don’t expect to take on the role as it originally meant. He went from a semi bachelor to a girl dad and an orphan within a few hours. The fire marshal could never say with certainty what caused the Harrenhal Estate fire. His brother Larys escaped by being out for the night. Harwin escaped because he had caught Y/N up and out of bed. Back then he was just the fun uncle. He was the gentle giant that would flip her in the air and sneak her sweats. If he hadn’t woken up to her rustling and escorted her to the kitchens in the opposite wing, then they would have perished as well. Harwin tried to go back for his Father and Y/N’s parents, but when the flames reached the bar and all that old barrel booze there was no chance. Floors were caving in and beams falling.
When the CPS officer asked who Y/N’s next of kin were, the answer was Harwin. It was the summer holiday before her first year of middle school. She was left with her belongings from her parent’s penthouse and the guest room at Harwin’s apartment. It wasn’t an easy transition in the least. Y/N didn’t know what sedentary meant. She hadn’t stayed in one location longer than six months. Harwin, though very paternal, didn’t know how to parent a child 24/7. So he went to the one person who did, Rhaenyra.
Y/N had met Rhaenyra several times throughout her prior life. She’d introduced Y/N’s parents and Harwin. Y/N even joined in the family fun of one or two holiday seasons. Her reintroduction to Rhaenyra and her family marked the end of the quiet times. Going from the luxuries of an only child to one of eight adjacent children was an adjustment for sure. She never knew what it meant to share toys and games, to have someone walk into your space at any given moment on a whim, or not have everyone’s full attention by merely being present. Later, she’d come to appreciate how it forced personal growth on her. In the moment, she reacted by being a bit of a brat.
Over time she became accustomed to common space, sharing the spotlight, the fights, always making extra snacks, and the freedom that sedentary life brought. She could bike all over, something she hadn’t done before. Those whom she met the day prior she could continue to see for months, years on end. She learned what it meant to be amongst peers and the wondrous secrets of sisterhood. It certainly made high school bearable.
Another night, another summer party Helaena didn’t want to attend. That was fine with Y/N. She hated seeing Helaena uncomfortable and Helaena’s absence didn’t mean she’d be alone. She had many friends, many more acquaintances. She wasn’t the kind of popular person that climbed their way up the social ladder by having the right clothes, posting the right things, or the viciousness to pull others beneath her. No, she just was. She was kind and good humored. It didn’t hurt that she had Valyrian money and beauty.
Helaena didn’t want to go. If she brought Jace and Rhaenyra or Harwin suspected anything, he’d cave into their questioning. Aemond wasn’t an avid party goer. And Aegon, Aegon was grounded, again. His mother had been harsher on him as of late. The stress of her failing marriage manifested in a need to tightly control her kids- despite her eldest going into college, two in high school, and the youngest in middle school. Better caught by Alicent who’d never assumed Y/N was up to no good than another episode of awkward parenting by Rhaenyra.
The party was across the lake from the patriarch Targaryen residence. It wasn’t a secret that the children of the elite enjoyed a party now and again in the woods that made estate borders indistinguishable. So long as they weren’t too loud or too rambunctious, no one went looking for them. However, someone, probably a Baratheon or Florent, didn’t realize that you couldn’t replace your parent’s two-hundred dollar bottle of imported vodka with water. It would freeze. So this go around, some estate security guards were dispatched to break up the party. After all, calling law enforcement could mean a charge of underage drinking. Either way, the partiers saw flashlights and scrammed in every direction like cockroaches when you turn on overhead lights.
The path to Y/N’s house took her right past the guards. The scenic route was too far and it was too late. She was also tipsy. Who’s residence happened to be a shoreline walk away? Conveniently, her best friend’s. She’d snuck into the Targaryen house countless times. She practically lived there throughout Rhaenyra and Laenor’s divorce. Rhaenyra’s half siblings were just as guilty for sneaking into her house. Early on an agreement was made. Only one household could be in turmoil at a time. The kids needed some place to escape.
So there she was, Y/N, once again using a column to climb to the roof of the porch. From the porch roof she could reach a lower balcony. Sometimes, she could sneak in that route. If it was a calm night and everyone was where she expected them to be, she could enter into the second floor den and sneak up the stairs to Helaena’s room. This wasn’t one of those nights. Light peered through the door blinds. Either Alicent or Viserys was up nursing a drink after yet another fight. Y/N had to quickly and quietly dart across that balcony to reach another. A great thing about being rich and owning gated property; you needn’t worry about how someone could scale your house and break in.
On the balcony roof, in one direction was Helaena’s room. In the other, Aegon’s. Normally, Y/N had no problem making it to her destination, However, tonight she had been drinking and her balance was off. The thought that she shouldn’t be climbing roofs had crossed her mind, but in her state, the cost benefit analysis seemed reasonable. Her foot shifted under a loose shingle and slipped down to catch on a gutter rail. She froze, eyes wide, wondering if the noise was loud enough to arouse suspicion. After all, a means of entrance was also a means of escape. That was more of Alicent’s priority. Quickly, at the realization that the music stopped, Y/N reached out an arm and hoisted herself up to the nearest window. It was unlocked, thank the gods, and she scurried in before the balcony doors could open.
She wasn’t exactly graceful. She was in a rush and intoxicated. She came tumbling into the room like a child at their first gymnastics lesson. She snorted laughter at her grand entrance. Her head threw back as her laughter grew. She’d definitely bruise, but that was a problem for later. Her laughter came to a sudden end when she was admonishingly hissed at.
“What the hells are you doing?” Aegon exclaimed as much as he could in a whisper. He was in bed, under the covers shirtless. His hair was in a wild state and his eyes were rimmed like he had just seen a ghost or had a heart attack. Y/N began giggling at the sight and situation. “My mother’s going to kill me thinking I’m trying to sneak out while grounded!”
“Don’t worry,” Y/N reassured while wiping tears of laughter. “There was music downstairs so it was probably Viserys. Alicent’s probably on the other end of the building sulking in her room.”
Aegon ran his hands down his face stretching his skin. “They’re fighting again.”
“I know.” She confirmed with a hum. There she was on the ground, legs out in front of her, back against the wall. She was a sight to behold in only her sandals and a barely covering bathing suit cover. A fantasy that definitely came across Aegon’s teenage male mind. No matter how much she got under his skin. Maybe because of it.
“Well go on then. You’ve gotten in, now get out.” He waved to the door.
Y/N tilted her head and examined him as he was. A Cheshire cat's smile beamed across her face. Under the covers, no shirt, hands sneaking back under the fabric. As if reading her mind, Aegon began to protest. “No, Y/n I swear to the gods!”
Too late. Y/N had hopped onto the bed like a predator would its prey. “Whatcha doing there, Aegon.” She hummed out with emphasis on his name. She tried to snatch the covers, but he beat her to it. Trying to catch the other compromised. A long running pastime for the pair.
“Praying.” He deadpanned.
“Trying to sleep.”
“Nah, try again.”
“Would you just take your dumbass out of here?” He was getting pissy. She liked him pissy. If she wasn’t making him pissy then he was making her pissy.
She grinned that feline grin once more as she shook her head.
“You’re drunk, aren’t you?” He sounded exasperated by her presence.
“Nuh uh.” She shook her head fervently.
“Yeah huh.” He retorted.
“Fine,” She blew out an exhale. “I may have had a drink or two out by the lake.”
“The party Dane junior organized?”
“The very one you sadly missed.”
“That’s such bullshit.” He crossed his arms with a disagreeable pout. “I get grounded for taking the car out on a midnight snack run. Meanwhile, Harwin and Rhaenyra probably think you’re off in bed. Even if they catch you missing they’ll just assume you’re with Helaena.”
“Sucks to suck.” She said with a teasing shrug.
“Fuck you.” He scoffed back.
“That’s probably what you were just dreaming of.” There began another laugh of giggles.
“I fucking hate you.” He grumbled, very annoyed.
Y/N rolled her eyes dramatically. “Hate to love me. Love to hate me. Now come on.” With that, a bag of gummies magically appeared from between her breasts. How she hid them, he did not know but for sure wanted to find out.
“Get dressed and eat an edible with me.” She offered up the bag.
“How in the seven hells did a devil like you end up best friends with my Septa of a sister?” His gaze was wildly aggressive.
“Fine, fine. I’ll turn around and give you privacy.” She mocked.
Aegon took the opportunity and slipped his joggers back on. He knew if he protested she’d only retaliate and he’d be fighting her off.
“And your sister isn’t a Septa. She’s just not interested in being a whore like you. If you’d been there I’d be the only female you haven’t defiled in one form or another.”
He scooted up to the end of the bed next to her. “Huh, you’d be so lucky.” He plucked a gummy out of the bag and tossed it into his mouth. She might annoy him, but he wasn’t going to pass up free drugs.
“Where’d you get these anyway?”
“The Martell’s just got back from Lys.” She hummed.
“Of course they did. So I should’ve taken half.”
“I don’t know. Let’s find out.” With a shrug, she took one herself.
There they laid. Two semi-delinquent teenagers entertained by the ceiling fan. Aegon’s head was laying on Y/N’s stomach while she played with his hair. It was comforting. No one was this gentle with him anymore. His mother stopped long ago. Helaena was never interested in physical contact, even that of familiar or platonic. Aegon never stayed around long enough for one of his many hook ups to be tender. He’d get a hug from his older sister every now and again, but it was more of one of those pat on the back half hugs. No, it was only on rare occasions when he and Y/N were getting along. She allowed him to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close. She’d run her delicate fingers over his scalp and trace patterns on his chest and cheek.
They’d stay like that for hours; until they heard someone approaching or one needed to sneak off into a respectable bedroom. There was a rarely spoken of companionship between them. Each made to grow up before they were ready. Smacked by the world. Both had ruined a marriage.
They had been silent for quite a while. Aegon was fiddling with the fingers of her free hand. A crease formed between his brows in curiosity. “Why didn’t you bring Jace or Aemond?”
Y/N tutted with humor. It was a common question between the two. If not Helaena, why not trust someone else? “Jace can’t have any fun without getting caught or ratting on himself. And Aemond wouldn’t have gone.”
Aegon turned his head to give her that questioning look. “Oh yes he would’ve.”
“Aemond? Our Aemond? Who only tolerates the majority of our peers and turns back into a pumpkin after midnight? We must not be thinking of the same Aemond.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
“But I’m not wrong.”
“You are. I know you are because I know he has a crush on you. Everyone knows he has a thing for you. He and Jace both. You’re just the only one in denial about it. Well, and them.” He shrugs against her.
She lifted her head to glare at him. “Shut up.”
“I’m just saying, if you wanted to, you could have two guys waiting on your every whim.”
“Not my fantasy.” Rather than continue to go back and forth about the validity of his claim, she shot down any thought that she’d want it. That was enough for Aegon to drop it.
They fell back into comfortable silence. It was peaceful. For a moment the world stopped spinning and they were the only two conscious of it. They shared similar weights.
“Are you sure these are fresh? They don’t feel that strong.” Aegon broke the silence again. Though Y/N was normally the chatty one, when they were high or drunk they switched roles.
“Mhm.” She nodded. “Higher CBD to THC ratio. It’s what they had on hand.”
“Oh.” He breathed out, understanding the state they were in. “Who are you going to get high with when I’m gone for college come September?”
He extended his neck to watch her response. Selfishly, he wanted her to say no one because no one could fill his place in these moments. He wanted to be the only one in the whole wide world that she’d be this soft and vulnerable with. He knew that wasn’t true. She annoyed him. She got under his skin and could drive him mad. But he wanted these tender moments to be as sacred to her as they were to him.
“Helaena doesn’t mind edibles.” She answered simply. As if it were nothing. “And Jace is fine so long as he’s away from his mom until he’s sober again.”
Aegon propped himself up and over her. He frowned.
“What?” And this time, her innocence was truthful.
He tilted his head and his frown grew deeper. Y/N sighed. “Do you want me to stockpile all the edibles for when you get back? Is that it?”
Aegon shook his head and kept the frown. Y/N continued. “You won’t be gone that long. The school isn’t that far away and there’s like a dozen holidays in fall semester. Spring has the family trip and summer is right after. You’ll be back. Besides, Helaena and I will probably follow you there next year anyway. We’ll have endless time to take edibles and drool into covers.” She chuckled as it wasn’t as important to her.
He wants to fight her on it. He so desperately wants to make her say this is something special between the two of them. He rolls his eyes and lets it go. He sinks back down onto her stomach and nuzzles into the soft flesh there. “You’re going to be so bored without me.”
Y/N lets out an amused puff of air. “Bored. At peace. Same thing I guess. Hey, maybe Helaena and I will finally have tea without you stealing our cakes.”
A pang of jealousy struck a nerve in Aegon. “You, Helaena, and your tea. I’m surprised any boy is interested in you when you act like an old, married, lesbian couple.” 
He continued in a mocking tone. “Oh Helaena love, you look so beautiful in this light. Helaena, you’re so smart. You’re the smartest person I know. Helaena, I’d do anything for you. I’m surprised someone hasn’t walked in on the two of you scissoring.”
Y/N gave him a shove at that. It didn’t move him much. “You’re gross.”
“And you and my sister are gay for eachother.”
“Helaena doesn’t like girls.” She mumbled. “She doesn’t even like guys like that.”
Confusion flashed across Aegon’s face before it was replaced with stark realization. “No way she doesn’t like anyone. Asexuality is just an excuse you claim when you can’t get laid.”
Y/N went to shove him again but he caught her hands. Aegon was fully invested now. “One, you’re an ass. And two, don’t go around tormenting her with it or I will castrate you and you’ll be a nosexual. Besides, I don’t even think she knows yet. And there’d be no coming back from being the jerk that spoils that for her.”
“I’m an ass.” He clarifies. “Not an asshole.”
“Better be.” Y/N gives him one last threatening look.
Needing to switch topics away from his sister’s sexuality, regretting that he even brought it up as a joke, he asks. “Are you going to spend the night here?”
“I don’t know. Can you keep your hands to yourself?” Before he can make a snide remark, she looked at the clock. “It’s three in the morning. I’d have to be out before the others start to wake at seven.”
Aegon hums in agreement. “Set an alarm.”
It’s an unspoken arrangement. From all the years they spent fighting, wrestling over one insult or another, they became comfortable with being in close proximity to one another. It was almost nostalgic. Like the shared touch brought back fleeting ease; like they were twelve and thirteen and the biggest worry was who could make the other eat dirt first.
They shifted back to the top of the bed. Y/N got under the covers as she was cold. Aegon chased her touch. There they resided, limbs tangled in one another like they were lovers.
And as soon as they found peace the alarm rang.
Next Chapter
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Closed Position Masterlist || Main Masterlist
Hello my lovelies!
It’s been a minute since we checked in with Dieter & Kat. So, I wanted to share a little teaser to hold you over until the next chapter is complete. It’s going to be a very spicy one as these two get to know each other a little more. 😏
More after the snippet…
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How about that? These two are down so bad for each other. 🤭
No ETA on this chapter yet. It’s slow going with writing at the moment. I have a couple of major projects going on at work that are eating up a lot of my time and absolutely wearing me out. I am working on it when I can though!
To wrap up week 5, we still have the SNL live show, Dieter & Kat returning to LA, Dieter reuniting with his kitty, the Rumba live performance, lots of spicy stuff, general cuteness and shenanigans. The chapter will have a rather…heated ending that may or may not be unexpected. 👀🫣
I’m ready to hear your thoughts and theories if you got them.
p.s. I hope you enjoy the header image. It gave me a good chuckle. It’s totally Zee giving them the side eye.😏
CP Taglist: @titlee78 @legendary-pink-dot @survivingandenduring @wannab-urs @harriedandharassed
@hisandsnakes @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @sin-djarin
@cakipy-blog @missladym1981 @guelyury @weho2kcmo @alokaerza
@girlofchaos @trulybetty @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @madnessofadaydreamer
@darkheartgatita @jazzloveslatte @timpletance @musings-of-a-rose @samiamproductions
@myloveistoolittle @for-a-longlongtime @copperhalfcent @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter
@burntheedges @stevie75 @bunniboo0015 @quicax3 @jackie923
@sherala007 @pastelnap @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @jessthebaker @rebel-held
@gwendibleywrites @senorabond @annalovesflorida @sandaltoesocks @katw474
@txlady37 @inkmonster21 @sunnytuliptime @jeewrites @fifitheragertot
@pasc4lfuzz @toomanystoriessolittletime @tintinn16
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cluelesspigeons · 10 months
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Cp’s drarry microfic masterlist
June 2023
This will most likely be the last masterlist
✨June 2nd: Sweet lemonade✨
Prompt(song): Make It Sweet by Old Dominion
Word count: 207
Most important tags: making lemonade / fluff / domestic bliss
✨June 6th: Flutter✨
Prompt: zenith
Word count: 92
Most important tags: domestic fluff / Scorpius malfoy / playing in the ocean / vacation
✨June 9th: Hold close✨
Prompt (song): Dreamlover by Mariah Carey
Word count: 116
Most important tags: nightmares / ptsd / cuddling / comfort
✨June 13th: Smooth sliding✨
Prompt: slide
Word count: 63
Most important tags: fake messages / alternate universe / modern au
✨June 16th: Endlessly✨
Prompt (song): Endlessly by Muse
Word count: 50
Most important tags: endless love / promise / vow / mystery / very vague
✨June 20th: Cancelled✨
Prompt: flexible
Word count: 213
Most important tags: autistic draco / cancelled meeting / frustration
✨June 23rd: Silencio✨
Prompt (song): I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco
Word count: 100
Most important tags: caught / emotionally scarred Ron Weasley / close the door!!
✨June 27th: Colourful mess✨
Prompt: colourful
Word count: 111
Most important tags: coffeeshop / harry trying to rizzzzzzzzz draco / blushing
✨January Masterlist✨
✨February Masterlist✨
✨March Masterlist✨
✨April Masterlist✨
✨May Masterlist✨
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avalentina · 6 months
Christian Pulisic Masterlist
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❤️‍🔥SMUT (NSFW, 18+)❤️‍🔥
Pulis"itch" where the commentators say his name again and you can't help but tell him you have an itch that only he can scratch.
Bookstore Owner Y/N 🧸
Love's Booked Masterlist! 📖
Where Christian is at AC Milan and stops by your bookstore for a replacement copy of his favorite book. Which turns into something beautiful.
Preview: 892 Words
My Chelsea Boys
Christian Pulisic x Y/N x Mason Mount
My Chelsea Boys Masterlist
Warnings: Established 3-Way Relationship
Welcome to Football Baby Girl! 🧸
part of a fiance!christian x goalkeeper!reader world I'm still working on.
Word Count: 329
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
A Forever Home
Summary: A baby, you, get dropped outside the firehouse. Judd Ryder's and Grace Ryder's life changes.
Pairings: Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader and Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Grace Ryder x Judd Ryder
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mention of child abandonment, angst, cursing, fluff
A Forever Home
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A baby's cry, your cry, sounded through the air on a late hot Texas summer night. A young mother, your mother, tries to silence you but nothing is working. "Shhh, baby. Everything is going to be ok. You're going to be taken good care of." Your mother says but nothing is working. It's breaking the young mother's heart but she knew you would be safer here than with her abusive boyfriend. He didn't want a baby, he thought children were useless and didn't think they should even exist. He let her go through the pregnancy and the baby born and let her bring it home but then he started to drink more and get more physical to the point she was scared for you. So during the night, she snuck out and to the 126 Firehouse. "I'm so sorry. If I could keep you I would." She said as you continued to cry. She set you down and kneeled "I hope you can forgive me someday or we meet up. This is what is best for you." She said tears streaming down her face the street light cast down upon the two of you and the bruises, the black eye, and the swollen jaw were visible. "I love you so much." She said and kissed your head and that settled you down and then she stood up and started walking away. She knew she could turn around and take you back but she didn't want to put you in harm's way any more than you already were, this was the best option. She took a shaky deep breath and let the tears fall took one last glance and walked away. This left you confused and you started to cry out. You kept crying but she wasn't coming back and you were hungry. It was also getting hot so hot. You were so hot and you were so hungry as you started to close your eyes a male voice came through.
"Holy shit. I knew I wasn't hallucinating. Come here, sweet girl." He said and quickly picked you up and out of your car seat. "You're burning up." He added but wasn't going to get a response it seemed like you had given up. He laid you in his arms and noticed you were barely breathing and your eyes closed "Oh no. You can't give up now." He said and hollered for someone.
"What in the hell?" The other voice said.
"That's what I said. She barely breathing and so hot. We need to get some oxygen on her." The main voice said.
"Bring her to the ambulance." The other said and they did just that. They started to get oxygen on you and started cooling you down. It must've done the trick because your eyes were opening.
"Hey there, little Filly. Glad to see you awake." The voice said.
"Judd we need to call CPS." The other voice said.
"Do we have to do that?" Judd asked and the man nodded.
"It's the right thing to do." He said and Judd nodded.
"Ok." Judd said and the other man left and did just that. Judd continued to look down at you. "What is your story?" He asked knowing he wouldn't be getting an answer. You continued to look at him curiously. You gave him a gummy smile and that made him smile "You can't be older than a week." He said and traced his finger over your cheek and you leaned into the touch. You turned your head after a minute and started to suck on his fingers. "You're hungry aren't you?" He asked and you looked at him and he chuckled. "Let's see if Grace can bring you something." He said and you babbled at him making him smile. He pulled out his phone and dialed his wife's number and she answered immediately.
"Judd, is everything ok?" She asked
"Everything is great. There was a baby that was dropped off and she is hungry. Do you think you could get some formula and bring it down here?" He asked
"Of course, you don't have to ask me twice. I'll be there in 10 minutes." She said and Judd smiled.
"Thank you. I love you." He said
"I love you too." She replied with a smile that he knew she had.
Like Grace said 10 minutes later she was arriving at the station with formula for a hungry you. "Oh Judd, she's so beautiful." Grace said walking up to him in the kitchen and he nodded and smiled.
"She really is. I can't believe someone just dropped her off." He said you had set your sight on Grace and she smiled.
"Hi, little girl. You must be hungry." She said and you babbled at her and she chuckled "I take that as a yes. Let me go and fix it up for you." She said and that is what she did. "What are you going to do with her?" Grace asked.
"Well CPS has already been called but I can't let her go. Grace, she's perfect for us." He said as Grace walked over and tested the milk on her arm before giving it to Judd. Grace was silent as she watched you look at the bottle that Judd presented in front of you and you took it eagerly. "There you go little Filly. Get you fed." He said completely forgetting Grace was in the room or where he was at. Grace smiled at the interaction maybe having a child around would be good for them.
"I think we can work with CPS and become full parents to her." Grace said and Judd looked up at her.
"Really?" He asked and she nodded.
"You're so good with her and she seems to be really attached to you already. I haven't held her but it just seems right like it was meant to be. I think we are ready." She said and Judd smiled.
"That makes me so happy. You're going to love her." He said and Grace smiled.
"I know." She said and watched her husband deal with you just confirmed that you needed to be with them. She watched him feed you and then when you were done burp you.
"Do you want to hold her?" He asked and she nodded.
"I would love that." She said and he smiled and handed you off to her. At first you let out a whine but quickly settled into her arms. "Hi there little one. What is your story?" She asked and you just stared up at her with wide and curious eyes. As she was holding you CPS had arrived and was being led to them.
"Judd, this is Haven from CPS. She will be taking the baby." The captain said and Judd's heart dropped.
"Not yet it is too soon." He said and they smiled sympathetically.
"The sooner you release her to us the sooner we can place her into a good home." Laura said
"Release her? She's not some animal you release. She is a human being. How can you promise that she wont go to an abusive family?" He asked getting defensive taking you from Grace.
"We do extreme background checks and interviews.. We won't let her go to anybody we don't think is right." Laura said and Judd shook his head.
"You can't promise that. People can lie on everything and something could mess up in the computer system. I will not allow it." He said getting defensive.
"Mr. Ryder, I promise she will be in good hands." The CPS worker said and started to take you from his arms and you sensed this and started to cry. She tried to quiet you down but you just wouldn't. Judd was quick to take you back and almost immediately you settled down and snuggled into him.
"I think the best option would be for me and my wife to adopt her." Judd said and Grace nodded.
"I agree with my husband." Grace said and Laura nodded.
"Very well. I will need you both to come down to the office tomorrow to sign paper work." She said and they both nodded. Laura was silent and felt awkward but was escorted out of the firehouse.
"Judd are you absolutely sure about this?" Grace asked "I'm on board either way." She added.
"Yes, 100%. We just connected and I can't let her go." He said and Grace nodded.
"Very well. It is settled. We have a little girl. We need a name for her." She said and Judd smiled.
"Y/N Evelyn Ryder." Judd said looking down at your sleeping form.
"It's perfect." Grace said
"You'll always have a forever home with us Little Filly. Now and forever." He said and Grace smiled and nodded.
The next day they both went down and signed papers and officially you became their little girl. Their Little Filly, as Judd liked to call you. You were their daughter and forever will be no matter what. It didn't matter if you weren't their daughter by blood, as Dean Winchester says "Family don't end in blood. But it doesn't start there, either". They are gonna love you either way no matter what.
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notveevee · 7 days
megumi x reader smau | prev | masterlist | next
cp 5: mario party!!
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“what are you even playing?” megumi says while walking out of his room. “MARIO PARTY!!” they both cheer like its not the 10th time they’ve played it, not that hes complaining. playing with his friends are fun, although the chat is a little odd.. but whatever
megumi had already picked boo a while ago, he was setting up stream while he waited.
when megumi took yujis phone to make a stream announcement on his twitter, they had finally finished arguing and nobara got rosalina, yuji took mario
he starts up the stream and immediately a couple hundred people flood in, with the chat spamming things about megumi. he doesnt get why they do this, its kinda awkward.
gumis_w1f3: LOOK AT MY KING OMG
user12323: he looks so awkward
stann.nobara: when doesnt he 😭🙏
notveevee donated 1$
yn_fanpagefrr: megumis so bad ong
_foodforlove: RIGHT OMG.. ill marry him guys trust…
thoses were the only chats megumi could read, the chats were going fast
“thanks for the gift!” yuji cheerfully says
after the stream yuji kept bragging on how he won by 2 points, nobara was obviously annoyed. megumi had left to get food since he hadnt ate since he started his work a couple hours ago. a couple minutes later nobara had back to head back to her dorms with yuji walking nobara to her dorm since its a 10 minute walk back. megumi should go to sleep anyways.
im so ass at the written parts
im good during english tho trust
not really
not english tho 😔
“im busy so no update” im like never busy
ask to be added to the taglist
(0/20 😔)
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
Misunderstanding- Spencer Reid x Mom!reader
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pairings; Spencer Reid X Mom!reader (ft Daughter!!OC)
summary: Being called to your daughters school and being told not to bring Spencer, it was the worst day ever.
content warnings; talks of child abuse
wc; 1.3k
Your heart was pounding. Exploding, prodding, falling out of your chest. The phone called seemed … horrible. You were instructed not to call your husband and to come straight to the school. That was the first and biggest red flag of the call. Spencer was your guide throughout this life.
Having him by your side through the good, bad, and ugly was the norm. So, when the principal of Amaterdam Elementary told you to come alone it scared you. Immediately asking why and being told Tyler is safe and we just have to get a few things sorted out, you felt sick to your stomach.
Tyler Noel Reid was your first and currently only child with Spencer. An angel since she was in the womb. Surprising both you and Spencer because of how chaotic you both are. A mix of you both would or should have been hell but Tyler wasn’t that way.
Spencer was currently in Colorado for a case. Even when he was away it never really felt like it. Always calling to see Tyler and how her day was along with the rants he goes on about how he bothers Derek. You two were close even when he is miles away.
This killed you but you had to pull yourself together for your daughter. You walked into the school that had hallways filled with drawings and bright colors but still feeling so dark inside. What happened to our baby girl? You stuffed it all down as the principal approached you.
As you walked into the office you noticed the woman in a skirt and suit with a visitor pass.
Standing up to shake your hand, “Hi, I’m Shannon with child protective services.” She smiled as if this was normal. Shaking her hand with furrowed eyebrows completely confused why they are here.
You quickly noticed your daughter with her head hung so low it hurt you. She didn’t even move to look at you but you still kissed her forehead. Curls finally dry causing her hair to look a mess just like her dad. Checking on your daughter before anything
“Ty, what’s going on honey?” Asking and you moved her hair out the way. She was tall for a 10 year old almost taller than you. The most beautiful girl with eyes and a nose like her dad. Of course her very Spencer-like smile. The sweetest girl you could meet she was everything and more for you and Spencer.
“I’m sorry mommy” tears fell down her eyes,
“You have nothing to be sorry for Bug. I promise.” You looked her in the eye, almost crying, you were so scared for her. Looking at the principal as she began to talk,
“I know this is a lot so we can get straight to it. We’ve noticed a huge bruise on Tylers thigh and arm as if someone pushed her. The gym teacher did a follow up when she noticed she could barley move her arm today.”
This explains why she’s been so closed off lately. She was getting older so you both expected it. Always teaching and allowing her to set her own boundaries. As her mommy you’ll always see her as that little girl.
She paused looking at Tyler and then back at you.
“When asked She told us that her dad pushed her down. We had no choice but to call cps.”
Your first reaction was anger because Spencer would never do this. Besides the fact he never ever hits anyone who doesn’t deserve it never his baby girl.
Swallowing that down you immediately pulled her into a hug. You couldn’t choose obviously but Tyler always came first for you and Spencer. Thinking about your next move you quickly talked with cps and the principal with Tyler out of the room.
You knew this was bad but you didn’t want it handled this way. You told child protective services that it was all a misunderstanding, that her father didn’t mean to hurt her. You didn’t know if it was true or not but anything to get child protective services off your back.
You took Tyler home in silence, nothing but her soft whimpers in the back. Finally breaking the silence,
“Ty, do you want to talk about it? Without your dad?” You said softly, she nodded her head, you hurried home wanting to get to the bottom of this.
Spencer pushed our daughter
You arrived at the house and Tyler went to sit down on the couch as you followed behind. All you knew is that you wanted to support her however. Growing up with your fair of “whoopings” disguised as beatings, you didn’t want her to feel how you felt.
“Ty, tell me what your dad did so I can hel—-“
You were interrupted by Spencer walking through the door, not taking your eyes off of her. She tensed up which also scared you.
“Hey my beautiful girls, I got back early so I thought we get ice cream.” He rambled as he was walking in the house with his things. Lifting his head up and immediately noticing the two of you and Tylers tear stained face.
“What happened Bug?” He said approaching the couch to sit next to her.
“I got bruises from when you pushed me and now the school knows. Please don’t let them take me. Im so sorry.”
Now Spencer did push her and it was hard but not in the way the school or you thought. They were playing a game of little league football, made up by Tyler. Now, of course Spencer could win a football game with children he just maybe took it a little to serious while getting a touchdown. It sounds ridiculous but he is stronger than he thinks. The worst part was that Tyler didn’t say a peep, she just got hurt and said nothing about the bruises.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry I didn’t know I pushed you that hard. Why didn’t you tell your mom or I you were hurt?”
Tyler wiped her tears and took a breath, “I know you told me to tell you when I’m hurt even on the inside but you never cry when you get hurt and I didn’t want to seem like a baby”
She told her dad honestly, and it was true Spencer never showed sadness around her.
“I cry alot Ty, and I don’t want you to hide when you’re hurt from me or your mom. We would never see your pain as a sign of weakness.” Pulling her into a hug as she cried harder.
You all went to the bathroom to examine the bruises and found the best way to heal them. After that you all got ready for bed. Spencer reading her a story tonight since he’s home. You waited in your shared bedroom for your husband.
“She’s finally asleep” he walked into your room and immediately into the bed and place a kiss on your cheek. You smiling in response still thinking about what happened today.
“You thought I hurt her on purpose didn’t you?” Breaking the awkward silence. Being a child who was hit and beat on just for being a kid it was hard to handle the situation.
“Truthfully, yes, you know how my childhood was, that little girl in me immediately believed you did it.”
You and Spencer never lied to each other partly because it was impossible to lie to him.
“But as your wife and the woman that loves you, I knew you would never hurt or harm her on purpose” moving in to snuggle him, you hated that this could possibly hand over your heads.
“I would never and will never hurt her, I’m sorry for even letting you thinking that.” He looked you in the eye as he talked as his tears fell. Wiping them off and placing a kiss on his lips as you both said I love yours and headed to sleep.
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lirotation · 6 months
My Astarion Comic Masterlist.
Alright, so Astarion had me under his spell for quite some time now, and it doesn't look like I am breaking free any time soon.
(Newest to oldest)
Colored comic -- Mindless Fluff stuff
Tender Revelations
Cuddle Chemical Addiction
Missed Birthday.
The Stance
First and Only
Midsummer Festival
Boyfriend Shirt Moment
I Will be Your Shelter
Asty's Undie
Greyscale comic --Melodrama stuff
I Got You (Love You for Who You Are Part 2/3)
Would Anyone Care Prequel to Boyfriend Shirt Moment
Shopping day
When you are old (This Did Not Really Happen to My Couple Part 2/2)
Divine silence (Love You for Who You Are Part 1/3)
Could you find a way to let me down slowly (This Did Not Really Happen to My Couple Part 1/2)
Misplaced Trust (AA)
Miso (not about my main cp.)
Character development
"Us" (the last image of the post)
Boys I Fell for
First Bite
One Day More
Yes Master
First comic ever--a hug for Astarion
I know it's not much, but compiling this still gave me a weird sense of accomplishment 🤓😆
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