#cpunk art
schizoaffectively · 1 year
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aster-studio · 16 days
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workin on a thing
(mid finals so im busy)
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irul · 3 months
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satellite-runner · 7 months
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kittydoodle · 1 year
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[ID: Art of a hairy fat brown native OC with a red mohawk, holding out a blunt. It's wearing an open black denim vest covered in patches, pins, and spikes with a mesh tank under it, a black leather collar with an o ring, a compression glove with spikes on the wrist, and several face and ear piercings. It has arm band tattoos made of spirals that represent water and a shoulder tattoo of a white dog and a red snake spiraling around a golden sun.
Patches and pins include: A wheelchair symbol with a sun shaped head and a spiral for the wheel, a symbol combining the trans and bio-hazard symbols with a concentric circle in the center, a bear paw patch in the bear pride colors, a disability flag, a polyamorous flag pin, a WOTWU (workers of the world unite) pin, a star that says "gay sex", a weed leaf, a beetle pin, a patch that says, "radical self love", a rainbow flower pin, a patch with the land back logo, an autism infinity symbol, a trans flag, a warning sign, and a patch representing Chickasaw heritage. It includes 2 crossing arrows in front of a shield with a sun on it and flowing spirals behind it to represent the Mississippi river. End ID.]
hiii heres toshbi, worlds chillest cpunk crustie chickasaw stoner who works as a queer therapist and loves volunteering at local causes (it/its)
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blackholemojis · 27 days
I made something that isn’t an emoji, but it related to the theme of this blog so I thought I’d post it :)
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[ID: a circle shaped design of a mid sized, smiling person lying back and sleeping. The background is purple-ish blue and has a light textured stripe in the middle. There are two spoons on either side of them, and some sleeping “Z’s” above them. The curved caption reads “resisting by resting.” /End ID]
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plague-parade · 11 months
hey yall know if youre posting disability related art,,,, you should be adding image descriptions right?
like if you cant write one yourself, theres someone out there willing and able to write one for you.
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tumble-tv · 3 months
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It's me!
[Image ID: A drawing of a boy with black forearm crutches, a purple mohawk, brown eyes, and beige skin. He is wearing a dark gray face mask, gray shorts, Doc Martens boots, socks with the trans flag on them, and a hoodie. His hoodie has dark brown and gray striped sleeves, brown torso, and blue hood. His shorts have two chains on the left hip. The laces on his boots are yellow on the right and purple on the left, both ladder laced. He is wearing a brace on each knee. The background has candy corn in it. He has a left eyebrow piercing and three ear piercings. The bottom two piercings are black hoops, the third is a black stud. He is standing with his right hip jutted out and left leg forward, facing his right slightly. His head is angled down slightly and he is looking to his right with his eyebrows slightly furrowed.]
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sardonicdoll · 9 months
able-bodied artists (or artists who don't have the relevant disabilities even if they are physically disabled in some way) really need to start checking themselves because i have seen more than enough ableist garbage on my TL recently. i don't get any traction on twitter though so i'm posting this here instead.
1. i'm not giving my thoughts on "AI art" because i do not have the patience and energy but bringing up physically disabled artists with limb differences, motor impairments, etc. (the ones that able-bodied people put on a pedestal because inspiration porn, anyway) as a gotcha is just as bad as the "AI art" bros you're arguing with who aren't disabled themselves (or disabled in these ways) but also tokenize these forms of disability. we're not ammunition in online discourse, i bet 10-1 that you people never uplift and empower and give a platform to disabled artists w/ limb differences/motor impairments/etc. in your online art spaces otherwise, and any logic that amounts to "this disabled person can do [x] so you're just not trying hard enough/what's your excuse?" is always always ALWAYS ableist no matter how you try to spin it, sorry.
if you don't have these conditions and consider yourself an ally to us then you do not have any business speaking with any kind of authority in conversations involving limb differences, motor impairments, etc. and art-making, or bringing artists with these conditions up when people are talking art-making and accessibility. full-stop. speaking from experience, being an artist with coordination and motor skill impairments when i'm surrounded by artists who aren't hindered by those things (even if physically disabled) really takes a mental toll on you and being all "oh this guy learned to draw with his teeth, so" does not help that whatsoever.
2. speaking as a horror artist/author - critically examine what you consider monstrous or horrific and the overlap between that and visible physical disability. not only have i had the above nonsense shoved in my face but then semi-popular art account posted a few photos (from online assumedly) that they called "monster eyes" when one of those images was leukocoria and another looked something like tonic pupil and/or coloboma (the pupil looked atypically large and out of place.) structrual eye conditions that cause visible differences aren't "monstrous." one of the images had crystals growing out of the eye, which, yeah! do more with that. but consider that images of "freaky" eyes you find on the internet are in fact eye conditions that real people have and what you're doing is associating how their bodies look with "monstrosity."
people have talked about this quite a bit with limb differences, bodily proportions, gait differences, motor impairments, etc. but i've never seen it talked about nearly as much with eye conditions. stop associating aspects of visible bodily differences with horror and monstrosity. even if it's unintentional that's purely due to your ignorance of the wealth of conditions that cause disability. exploration of disability and bodily difference within the context of horror and monstrosity can and honestly should be explored but that should be left to to those of us who actually understand what that is like rather than those who only have an outside perspective.
generally i'm very tired of able-bodied artists and then any physically disabled ones who lack respect for those of different experience to their situation.
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shroomiwoomi · 3 months
Remember this post?
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Hi, I'm OP of the now-famous Tumblr Scarf post. Due to current circumstances, I am going to SELL THE SCARF to whoever makes the biggest donation to my girlfriend's Buy Me a Coffee by May 29th!
All you need to do is make a donation to her Ko-Fi and reblog this post with proof of your donation. The highest bidder will get THE TUMBLR SCARF and a free commission! ALL DONATIONS WILL RECIEVE ART IN RETURN IF YOU DM @azraelangelwings WITH PROOF!
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meowticta · 5 months
''tic attack''
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boycritter · 10 months
this one is about being disabled but its a drawing this time 👍
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image description under the cut bc its long
id: a set of 3 drawings. they are in shades of gray and blue
the first image has a man with long blue hair in the top left corner. he is wearing a t shirt and shorts, and stands while looking down at the ground. the text around him says "i'm quite good at being in pain... its not hard... it's just shutting up about it" [shutting up about it] is in all caps. the middle right of the drawing has a torso-up featureless gray person with two speech bubbles pointing to them saying "i'm told that i'm strong for dealing with the pain and still doing all that i do". the bottom of the drawing has the blue haired man gripping the featureless person's shoulders and scowling. the text says "and i want to scream at them". [scream] is in all caps
the second image features 3 blue squares, decorated with stars. the first one has a stick figure reaching for a moon and says "i shoot for the moon". the second one has the stick figure curled up in the center and says "because once you are in space" [space] is in all caps. the third one has the stick figure lying in the middle of the square and says "it doesn't matter if your legs are broken." the bottom of the drawing says "how much strength does it even take to push it all down? not as much as letting it out... i think."
the third image has the blue haired man on the left side, and his mother, a woman with short curly hair wearing a tank top, has her hand on his shoulder. the text around them says "but mostly I hide it because my mother tells me". the mother has a speech bubble pointing to her saying "she doesn't like seeing her son in pain." on the right side of the image there are two hands, with cracks spreading throughout them. the text around them reads "and i cannot bear to tell her there is nothing else to look at"
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irul · 4 months
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self portrait.
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Got some erasers at the dollar store and tried to make a stamp! My first attempt and with a utility knife cause i couldn't find better carving tools at the dollar store but I love it
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satellite-runner · 7 months
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Was gonna make a edit with these drawings but didn't end up doing so uh.. Here?
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cripple-punk-dad · 11 months
My physical differences from them are the only things they can focus on. The nice ones will try and find something to compliment me for, usually "I really like your socks" in the most sickly sweet voice. Thanks, I know you were just looking for a socially acceptable excuse to stare at my weird little legs. You were trying to figure out what's wrong with me.
I almost appreciate the people who openly stare without trying to talk to me. I'd rather be ogled at like a zoo animal than dissected by your eyes (a poor substitute for a dull scalpel).
I can't accept any compliment now without wondering what the true intent behind it is. Now, with my battle vest (I wear it like an exoskeleton) I've given people an excuse to approach me. They can ask about my patches, sometimes they feel the need to pet me and my vest in some odd ritual wherein they realize that I too am human.
So I added spikes (like a rose) to the shoulders and sides, half-hoping that maybe that would deter the caressing fingers searching my crippled, bruised body for evidence of humanity.
Did you know that people don't reach through the bars of zoo cages because they expect to be bitten. I read somewhere that animals in testing labs learn to be complacent with their torture.
Perhaps I should sharpen my teeth.
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