#cr 10k
idrawsometimes · 8 months
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Linktober Day 19: Zonai
Is the Ancient Hero canon to the AU? Yeah! Is he in it? No.
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bannedfromtheaters · 11 months
"Obviously I care for you an immense deal..."
Now that imodna is sailing more towards a romantic relationship instead of a (queer)platonic one, this sentence has been on my brain since the episode aired.
Because while Laudna said that, you saw everyone around the table hold their breath, because it sounds like the start of a rejection. but it's not. and this is such a beautiful (perhaps unintentional) representation of aromantic and/or asexual love. As in, our love and the way we love and express that love get misinterpreted sometimes.
"Obviously I care for you an immense deal", was not a rejection and that much becomes clear when Laudna continues. But the sentence itself was never "I care for you but not like that". It's a: "I care for you an immense deal, and I'm not even sure how to define that care and love for you. But I do. So, so damn deeply...!"
Of course, Laudna loves Imogen. She has stated so many episodes already. ("It transcends words, our relationship" <- literally doesn't know how to describe her feelings for Imogen, they're that strong!!). But since she hasn't "accessed that part of her brain" in decades, it's going to take some time to get used to certain expressions of love that haven't been on her mind in so long (if ever at all?).
And so far, Laudna does seem open to those expressions! Her stunned but enthusiastic "alright" is a great example of that. Like "Oh. Yeah! I hadn't really thought about kissing you, but now that you mention it? Yes. Sounds lovely! Let's do it."
i don't have a crystal ball or anything but I can totally see a very similar approach to Laudna as we saw with Keyleth (who is canonically demisexual). To me Laudna is definitely somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum who is comfortable being in a (romantic) relationship with her partner. She doesn't mind sharing kisses, if only because it's a way to be close to Imogen, and doesn't shy away from intimacy.
"Obviously I care for you an immense deal..." right after their first kiss. It's like Laudna is saying:
"Love is weird, but loving you is not."
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iluvrei · 1 year
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✿   ⌣ 🍨 ⊞
tysm for 10k followers
I truly still can't believe I got this far OMG!! I remember when I first started this blog I only had 8 followers and now... tysm to all who've been supporting me and loving my work !! I deeply appreciate ty again and lysm <33
✿   ⌣ 🍨 ⊞
fav blogs: @webzzo , @yeritos , @wiotas , @baesol , @won-ai , @jkcolate , @i4sullyoon , @y-ves , @y-unjins , @joysite , @s-heon , @tozak-i , @i04rei , @star-koos , @tyunlouv , @haewns , @agsthv , @phuoris
@gwryus , @chaey2k , @dollienini , @fuckici , @k-yujin , @tookio , @ph4sies , @miunote , @croissantis , @hyeism , @lezban , @v6mpcat , @agsthv
@wonflirtz , @9society , @wonlita , @contexty , @v-ico , @vivihrts , @yoonitos , @yoyojoy , @v-eny , @chwies , @wonkive , @kysbot , @ningluvr ++ more !
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owltattoo · 11 months
I was ready for imodna to be a 200k angsty slow burn, but Laura Bailey said it's actually a 10k friends-to-lovers hurt/comfort, and I can't do anything but thank her
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bravest-notts · 1 year
i think this is the first viddy game oneshot where i have almost no knowledge of the game/world behind it. never played a zelda game. literally all i know is from tumblr gifs.
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sad--tree · 9 months
keep saying i don't want 2 work another retail xmas but canNOT 4 the life of me make myself finish my goddamn fucking job applications !!!!!! death & dying & despair etc. etc.
#i dont dislike the application process for gc jobs on principle BUT#it does not mesh well w/ my difficulties re: starting & finishing tasks#but like i understand why u cant just send in a resume n hit done#NOT that there are many IT listings up atm...... and ill apply 4 clerical/admin stuff too#but an IT-1 STARTS a good $10k a year higher than a CR-5 soooooo :///#which is whatever its fine money isnt everything!! ill gladly make less if it means not hating my job!!!#but i also wanna. u know. LIVE. move out of my parents house. buy brand name snacks occasionally. maybe -gasp- go on a vacation#(not 2 say i dont make an attempt at travel now but thats with very finite savings that are def only going down not up)#also extremely frustrating 2 me the emphasis put on having a degree that completely locks me out of certain job categories#like. yes. there are for sure some where having the bg knowledge is important eg. an AU (auditor/accountant) or MA (methodologist)#and there are certain skills a degree (in theory) provides eg critical thinking research etc.#but not all of us have $40k+ to get tge fancy piece of paper saying we have those things. and u can have those skills w/o a degree#and smth like an EC which needs a degree in economics sociology or statistics is so arbitrary#and maybe not necessarily actually based in the majority of work done by the majority of positions in that category#ANYWAYS not me being bitter abt education standards YET AGAIN lol#idek if i could go to uni even if i could afford it. even tho i have 2 college diplomas id probably have 2 redo my grade 12 english 😶‍🌫️#also if money were no object id probably go for like. film studies or smth lol not sociology#tho. ngl. if i had the willpower and determination 4 smth so rigorous (i 100% dont) accounting does seem. interesting asdffhkkfdghh#ANYWAYS pt. 2 all this 2 say this is why i instead spent $10k+ on the only possible 2 yr diploma#that can still get u in2 the higher paying public service jobs. even tho ive discovered i Dont Particularly Care for programming. :(#thats an understatement actually i was actively in hell for like 80% of that program and the remaining 20% mostly wasnt coding
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essektheylyss · 2 years
heir to the devil's fortune — chapter 11
Chapters: 11/25 Word Count: 118,663 Rating: M Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: The Kryn Dynasty and the Cerberus Assembly both suspect there is information in the ruins of Aeor that could cause civil war among the dens. The Dynasty would like to make it disappear. The Assembly wants nothing more than to get their hands on it.
Vurmus Outpost researchers are slowly disappearing, and Essek Thelyss is not believed as dead as he would like.
He’s already sacrificed everything else—all that’s left to save his own skin is to shed it.
(Essek uses the Transmogrification spell to disappear, and finds a tentative home in hiding as the long lost son of the Ruby of the Sea.)
Chapter Summary: After the party, Veth and Essek scheme.
(Author's Note: Please mind the updated tags! Those are all the additional warnings from here on out, but they are fairly significant per the existing tags and the existing vibe, so... be advised.)
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thewickedkat · 2 years
it's been A Time, these past three days since the latest CR ep, watching the disk horse unfold and meanwhile i'm still letting all this grind against itself in my brain like some sort of fucked-up rock tumbler because i still do not know how to feel about it, other than just waving my hands in vague gestures and making some vowel noises
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bixbiboom · 19 days
So. Life update.
Today (technically yesterday now) was the first day of my final year of my fourth decade. Happy birthday to me.
I take my duties (even self-assigned ones) way, way too seriously, and running this blog was killing me. Literally. I was given doctor’s orders to cut back on social media (actually she wanted me to cut out social media, but we compromised), and a very beloved friend actually paid me to take the month off. So I did. I turned off all my social media notifications, unfollowed a lot of ppl, muted a bunch of servers, and told my source suppliers I was going on hiatus.
Since the beginning of May, my daily average time actually using my phone has gone from over 17 hours to just seven hours, my blood pressure has gone from the 150s/90s range to the 130s/70s range, and I’ve stopped having nightly nightmares and daily coughing fits. I’m also walking 19% more than I did last month, and every doc appt shows I’ve lost more weight since the last one. I’ve also started writing again for the first time in months, and I’ve churned out over 10k words this month.
So I’m cutting way, way back on the CR content. Still a critter, still watching every week, ask box is still open for chatting, you can tag me in on questions if you want. I’m still actively participating in the fandom and keeping up with the goings-on. But I’m not referring to myself as a source blog anymore. Back to a mixed bag of whatever grabs my fancy, like a normal human person, while I try to become one of those again.
In other news, I’m getting a new kitten at the end of next month! A friend rescued a pregnant cat and I’ll be taking one of the litter when they’re old enough to leave their mama.
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I don’t know which one I’ll be picking yet (I haven’t actually met them in person, mama’s a nervous kitty and still settling in to her new home and I don’t want to stress her out by showing up out of nowhere and handling her babies), but odds are good it’ll be one of the torties.
If anyone is so inclined, I’ve got »an Amazon wish list« for supplies for both the new kitten and a few things for my older cats, and »my ko-fi jar« is always around. (Also I’m down for suggestions for things the list is missing; my youngest cat is 11 years old, I’ve been out of the kitten game for a while.)
Love you guys, see you on Thursday!
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fatuifucker · 2 years
second stream: so empty that it's full
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[art cr: kuroume_1024 on twt]
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dom trans! streamer! scaramouche x sub fem-sex reader (they/them pronouns used for reader)
SUMMARY = period cramps and body dysphoria are not a good combination
WARNINGS = please view the sucker series masterlist for the full warnings! minimal smut more angst, toys (vibrator), period, suicide threats, cutting mention, copendence, unhealthy relationship, body dysphoria
W/C = 1.2k
A/N = no beta read this time or a lot of smht but there is a lot of toxic scara
TAGS = @midnxght-sweet-time, @zen-daydreams, @edenialucas, @huboi, @nejibot, @lovediluc, @yumixxn, @teallapril
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kuni @kamikuzushi
kuni @kamikuzushi
goddamnit do I really have to stream like this
kuni @kamikuzushi
oh whatever at least this celebration stream is gonna make me feel better
scara-sama @/06ScaraBalladeer
Today I want to show my appreciation for 10k subscribers! I’ll be looking through all your fanart and responding to all your questions on stream! Don’t be weird, okay? ^-^
Scara starts the stream with her signature smile and catchphrase. “Good day everyone! How is everybody doing?” Her mind whirls up thoughts of an expensive celebration dinner as red superchats start ringing in. “We’ve reached 10k subscribers! Thank you so much for all your support! Today, we’re going to be looking through your fanart on Twitter!”
Scara opens up the page and clicks on fanart tag. Her ever-present smile nearly morphs into a frown.
“I…I can’t show this! You know I can only look at wholesome fanarts, right?” she forces a laugh, immediately scrolling past the provocative fanart only to be met by more. “I’ll just…keep scrolling until I can find ones I can show.”
Thankfully, there are a lot of tasteful ones. But it isn’t enough to get rid of the bitterness in her throat at all those…other fanart. Men really do see women as fuck toys, huh? As Scara takes a sip of water, she accidentally catches her reflection in the mirror. Her dress — although conservative and shows no skin at all — somehow does enhance the size of her breasts. It usually doesn’t bother her but…
He swallows the bile in his throat, trying to silence the growing darkness in his head as he forces her finger to continue scrolling.
[You received a text from Kuniku<3!]
Kuniku<3: my head hurts like a bitch
Kuniku<3: so fucking loud
Kuniku<3: hurry n come back idiot
Kuniku<3: i wanna throw up
Kuniku<3: i wanna die
Kuniku<3: if you don’t come back quick ill fucking kill myself
Kuniku<3: do you want me to kill myself?
Kuniku<3: come back home
Kuniku<3: hurry
The door to the room creaks open. Kunihiko jolts, darting his eyes over to the figure. He relaxes upon realising who it is. "You took so fucking long. It's like you want me to die."
You sat next to him. "You know that's not true.”
"No. No, I don't know that,” he mutters, clenching onto the hem of his shorts. “You left. Why would you leave for so long? You know I despise it.”
“I’m sorry.” You wrap your arms around his tiny frame. “I’m here now. You can cry on me.”
His quivering arms return the hold, fingers digging into the fabric of your shirt. He doesn’t say anything for a while and you return the silence.
“Do you think it would be better if I died?"
“Why? There’s nothing for me here. Nobody would give a shit if I kill myself.”
“Your fans would.”
Kuni scoffs. “Maybe. Maybe not. They care about Scara anyway. Not me.”
“I would care.”
“...Yeah, I guess it does matter to you," he laughs; a pathetic, hollow laugh. “You’re not being very convincing.”
“Sorry, do you wanna try something else?”
He releases you, a distant look in his eyes as he reaches for a remote beside him, placing it in your palm. “Turn it on. You know what to do.”
Kunihiko tenses up the second you switch it on, going back to wrap his arms around your neck. You stay still, allowing your boyfriend to rest his head on your shoulder while you hold him tight. Sweat drips down his brow, a slight pain sending a shock down your spine when his teeth bites into your skin. You crank up the speed, and Kuni moans in delight. “Fuck, that feels good. God, I wish you could fuck me right now.”
You move to kiss him but before you could do anything, he seizes your jaw and shoves his tongue inside your mouth. You nearly choke at the intrusion. He’s aggressive, much rougher than usual, as if he is trying to forget his thoughts by indulging in you. As usual, you don’t mind, letting him do whatever he wants with you. You prefer he manhandle you than cut himself again.
"(Name),” he pants as soon as the two of you separate. “Do you still see me as a girl?"
"I have always seen you as Kuni,”
Kuni cackles. “Yeah right! You suck on my boobs everytime we have sex."
"Because you said you like it?” you say, tilting your head. “If it makes you feel uncomfortable, I'll stop."
“No,” Kuni’s voice drops, laced with ire and a hidden shade of anxiety at that notion. “What’s the fucking point of me getting nipple piercings if you’re not going to play with them?”
“Sorry,” you mutter, planting a kiss on Kuni’s forehead. “But just know that I love you no matter how you present yourself.”
“Then,” Kuni pushes you away, indigo irises lacking the usual scorn and air of superiority, “don’t ever leave for that long again. Or I’ll kill myself. Understood?”
A shiver — no, more like a dangerous electricity — rushes down your spin, your survival instincts forcing a quick nod from you. All of a sudden, the tension dissipates and Kuni smiles warmly at you again. He slides his tongue in your mouth again, his hand finding yours and moving it to max out the speed of the vibrator.
“Fuck! Ho-holy fuck, this thing is amazing...” Kuni moans, mouth hanging open in a euphoric expression. “Shit, I–! (Name)!”
“I’m here, Kuni,” you reassure him, pulling up his shirt to leave lovemarks on his collarbone. “I’ll always be here for you.”
“(Name), I can’t–!”
Kuni’s nails dig into your back as he twitches, puffing for air before his legs give in and he lands on your thighs. You turn off the remote before patting him on the back.
“You okay?”
“Mm...” he mumbles groggily. “Go and run me a bath.”
Scooping him into your arms, you lay him on the bed, watching as he turns over and hugs one of the pillows before leaving him to recover.
[You received a text from Kuniku<3!]
Kuniku<3: did u buy a bath bomb lol
Kuniku<3: smells nice
Kuniku<3: we should bathe together when im off my period
Kuniku<3: oh ya can u heat up my heat pack
Kuniku<3: before that cook me instant ramen
You’re typing…
You: Anything else?
Kuniku<3: oo yes answer this in ten seconds
Kuniku<3: what would u do if u could make time stop forever?
You’re typing…
You: I would cuddle with you
Kuniku<3: wow
Kuniku<3: that was a setup for a joke i had but thats so disgustingly wholesome that i forgot
Kuniku<3: is this the same bitch who asks me to choke them with my thighs? LMAOOO
Kuniku<3: kinda cute tho
Kuniku<3: fineee since ur so needy n im a good bf lets go out
Kuniku<3: my sis' cultural fes is this friday
Kuniku<3: apparently her class is doing a maid cafe lollll
Kuniku<3: would fucking love to see the look on her face when she sees us
Kuniku<3: if thats too lame we can sightsee around asakusa
Kuniku<3: or…we could go to a love hotel
Kuniku<3: so? which will it be?
[Your answer]
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theaawalker · 6 months
[date: 12/11/23]
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Started planning 2024…
my annual resolutions:
Stop wasting your time; invest it in yourself
Build and grow yourself (physically & spiritually)
Work and overcome your baggage
Journal + take more photos
Make 10k before year's end
Read 12 books
my daily resolutions:
Eat a salad/fruit a day
Stretch every morning & night
Drink 2 liters a day
Stop ingesting negative media
my winter resolutions
Walk 2 miles every Saturday
Apply to psych clinic internship
Begin new job(s)
Create posting weekly schedule
my spring resolutions
Join a club (socialize + make friends)
Start writing 2nd volume
Buy volume 1 CR
my summer resolutions
Upgrade wardrobe
Get passport card & DL
Lift weights every other day
my autumn resolutions
Explore (hot) coffee options
Go to the dentist
[ Kiss a woman ]
˖ ࣪⊹ Have a splendid 2024 everyone! ⊹ ࣪ ˖
credit inspo: @princessmacabre
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idrawsometimes · 9 months
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the ancient hero of a time ten thousand years before breath of the wild, who got tragically left at home while the rest of his incarnations went on a fun time travel adventure
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writingonjorvik · 6 months
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Did it.
Was this ideal? Absolutely not, but the first week of every event is always rough. I know a lot of folks will contest the 18k, but under the assumption that SSE is going to follow their methods of increased gathering from (almost) every prior event, Hollow Woods was almost 33k before the price change and plenty of folks did that in a week. Is that overlooking the other methods of gathering from the Summer Camp and Hollow Woods? A little, but under the assumption that those things will be added as the event goes on. Is this still the best way to encourage people to play? Eh, you need like 500 a day which is a half hour of play time if you get a good loop, and that time will go down. I hold that judgement until later in the event personally, they may add a wisp and/or cache equivalent Wednesday and that would make progress feel a lot better.
The bigger issue I think with this track was the filter. I never personally had issues with the color filter, but it did make the map feel oppressive. Which, if you lean into the spooky ghost stories part of the season, is a vibe. But I know a lot of folks did have an issue with the filter, either with headaches and migraines or with making it feel like the event was depressing due to the lack of color. I think the markers for change to the filter are way too high. There is no noticeable change at the first quest (6k) other than some crystals lighting up, and the filter only drops to 50% at the second (12k).
I think there are far better ways to indicate lack of life in the village than the color filter that would have had less of an impact on the game, like the animals slowly returning or there being less visitors or some vendors (like the retro shop or cafe) being closed. The filter should have been dropped at like, the first reward, which should have been a boosted tutorial for free players who haven't played the Hollow Woods content yet. I think also instead of as many XP or shillings rewards, there should have been more quests to indicate this progress throughout, because the rewards as are made the whole thing feel slower for me as someone with all maxed horses.
If you want to make things a little more bearable, looking over any mechanics that may be added in future updates or big rewards in the Advent presents, here are my recommendations for getting through it:
Listen to something. I say this about training too. I was super behind on CR campaign 3 when the event started and I got through like 3 months of episodes in the process.
Avoid the ice as much as possible. The drift will only add time trying to catch singles. Do a pass for the piles, any singles on the way, and then do a circuit on solid ground.
Nooks are not worth it. You will get more mounds to respawn by running around the edge of the lake and then through the lake than you will going off into nooks for maybe a mound and more likely singles.
My circuit was to start by the small pond with penguins at the bottom of the ramp and circle clockwise until I reached the other side of the lake, and then I would counterclockwise on the lake to get back to the pond. Repeat.
Something I didn't notice at first, but EACH of the ice carvings reward 20 snowflakes, do all 4.
If you're saving the Advent for horse XP, day 7 is 500 snowflakes.
Have someone to share progress with. @centeris2 helped me with this, particularly today doing the last 4k.
The bar at the end is looping rewards for, as far as I can tell, just more HXP. Now, I've got a text RP and my new project to get back to because I couldn't just do this but also had to dive 10k + worldbuilding doc into a new project plus my home game's downtime stuff to do.
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asteriaas-stuffs · 2 years
Another big advice .
1 . STOP LOOKING FOR CHANGE IN 3D ( Umm miss /sir what are you looking for ??? Like it's already changed in 4D . You're already having it . And looking at it . Like what ???? )
2 . DON'T BE AFRAID TO LIVE YOUR CR .( Some of you guys had Dm me how they don't want to live in their current reality and want to go in void but however they are scared . Don't fear living at your CR . Because your DR is CR . Assume you always had been living in your DR . You don't need to look into matter deeply in your 3D . You're already living the life you wanted you just need to persist .
3 . Once again Affirm and Persist babe .
4 . Again 10k affirmation challenge ( Please it always works for me .I just manifested something out of thin air . So lately my mental health is not good again . So i didn't want to go outside . Today my father told he and i need to go outside . I just took shower day before yesterday and it's freaking cold in Kathmandu nowadays . He told me to take shower again and get ready . I have been affirming everything works out in my favor from Monday and as you have guessed. I affirmed father would cancel the plan . He did . I woke up like 1pm of afternoon lol . This was really working on my favour lol . I love affirming although i got bored . I skipped all the alarm of affirming even now lol .
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monstersdownthepath · 6 months
What sort of CR adjustment /+gold and resource cost would you give to a Template letting Golems be given Feats and bonus HP per HD? Like a feat every, say, 4 HD, and an effective +2 Con Modifier for HP purposes. So an Iron Golem with the template would have four feats (Probably Power Attack and Vital Strike, maybe Toughness and Weapon Focus (Fists)), and 18d10 + 66 HP.
The lore-explanation I had in mind was basically siphoning a bit of quintessence from an Outer Plane to form some kind of pseudo-soul and shoving it in instead of an elemental, granting the Golem a bit more capability. No idea if that idea works in Golarion's cosmology. I mean ultimately the GM decides what works and what doesn't but I like hewing close to established canon on most topics.
EXCELLENT news on that front, my friend, Pathfinder already has you covered! A bit of reflavoring for either the Commando Construct Template or the Soulbound Construct and you get pretty much exactly what you want, and the adjustments here tell me the CR difference would be about +2 and add roughly 8k to 10k to the base Construct. I'd also check out the Enlightened Construct Template if you want to give one of your robots mysterious psychic powers.
Also, your idea does work in Golarion's cosmology, because that's roughly how the Colossi work: their elemental spirit is infused with a bit more planar juice to make it closer to a true soul.
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gloriousrunwayninja · 2 years
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This is a simple step by step guide on how to do the 10K affirmation challenge! I see so many people over complicating this so here is a simple post that explain's ALL YOU NEED TO DO. I have seen some other account's post about how to do it but you all still seem to be confused so in this post I only added necessary information! Enjoy
1.Search up "Counter" on the App Store or Playstore! (Majority of the counter app's are useable, there's not only "one right app"!)
2.Make BLANKET affirmation's that are related to your desire's! This is much more convenient/easier to repeat 10,000 time's. Example of non blanket affirmation's: 🍀 I have big lip's 🍀 I have a small nose 🍀 I have clear skin 🍀 I have an hourglass body 🍀I have long hair Example of a blanket affirmation that cover's all 5 appearance changes above: 🍀I look like my desired appearance
3.Every chance you get affirm your blanket affirmation. Every time you affirm, make sure you use the counter app to track how many affirmation's you're at!Example:
Divya want's to manifest clear skin! Divya decided she will do the 10K affirmation challenge! Divya does the step's above and now she affirm's everytime she is in the shower, is washing dishes, going on a walk, cleaning her room, etc … (Basically, every free thinking time she has … she affirm's!) in 3 day's Divya has already reached her goal and her desire has manifested!
cr to @pearloholic on IG
love, jade
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