#cr: light up dreamers
gaypleasantview · 2 years
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🎃 Happy (late) Halloween from the cast of my upcoming story!
lilith as evil? witch // dirk as vampire // dustin as werewolf // angela as good? witch // johnny as zombie // kaylynn as bonehilda // cassandra as grim reaper // mortimer as ghost // dina as scientist // nina as alien // don as incubus // jennifer as fairy
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM live 1 September 2023 20:54 or 8:54 pm KST
And a little big about JK's same day live as well.
Part 2
Cr./To creators of content used in this post.
I'm going to dive right in.
Also, not everything I talk about is in the order it's brought up in the live. Just saying. These are ramblings of a blurry mind. Well, sharp and blurry. Just the right combination I say.
Let's talk about the apartment tour, lol.
JM, the master of privacy.
The man that wouldn't even show us his TV, only a cropped screenshot of it when congratulating JK on Dreamers.
The man that over the past close to 2 years since the hiatus, has done every live but one (the Billboard #1) from the company.
Yes, that man.
He not only went live from home (unplanned, which I discussed partially and will probably talk about again later on), from a room we got to see in his previous single home live, but he actually gave us a house tour. Well, somewhat of a house tour. A house ceiling tour with a couple of exceptions, lol.
This tour is divided into 2 parts.
First part was initiated by JM.
And this is important. Because it differentiates between perhaps more pre-thought of and less pre-thought of (more of a spur of the moment thing).
So, after mentioning JK (and reading out the hand comment) JM thinks of this:
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JM wanting to show us his mood lamp. His planet mood light.
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You know what I'm talking about, right? The one with that huge ass sun just right in your face.
He tells us how he simply came to meet us today and he has something to brag about.
Now let's wait up a minute.
He simply came to meet us on JK's birthday adorning his big ass watch starting the live at the time stamp JK was born, like time started counting from that minute and on (for him at least), and now he wants to brag about something that his friend laughed at him about (a grown man sleeping with a mood lamp), which happens to have the sun up front and centre, all huge in it's full glory, for him to fall asleep with (me continuing his story: when his bf isn't or can't be there by his side to fall asleep with).
Yep. All of that!
Ok, so JM is walking around, taking us to what is clearly his bedroom, camera at ceiling because his place is too dirty (his words) as he wasn't planning to go live from home (funny how plans change). He repeats it btw. Saying "I really didn't intend to."
Pause a second (we might be doing this more than once today). This is me just going back for a second to that same point I made in part 1. JM was not going to do the live from home. He doesn't say he wasn't going to do a live. He says he wasn't going to do a live form home.
JM takes us to his bedroom.
Who would have believed this day would come?
And if talking about not believing a day will come, perhaps me jumping the gun here, but can't hold back the excitement, what about this coming from JM?
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Can't say I'm not shocked.
But then, maybe, just maybe, a little of his bf is rubbing off on him? And maybe, just maybe there is a reason for his sudden openness with us?
Anyway, back to JM's bedroom.
What's this now?
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Not sure if he intended for us to see this, but we even got a peak at his bed for a millisecond... shock and awe...
*And kind of a downer for those that thought the snore in the dark was JK sleeping in bed. here is bed. Empty. Made. No JK. I guess you win some you lose some, lol.
Now this is where I got a little confused first time watching this. I actually thought that JM took the lamp from his bedroom to another room so to not be in his bedroom. Cause he sits down, fiddles around with something. Then gets up again and walks around, camera at ceiling (which was very confusing). But watching it a second and third time I think that he was setting the lamp up, connecting it perhaps, and then got up to close all the doors (bedroom door, bathroom door, closet door and who knows what other door) to go dark so we can see the beautiful projection.
And him having to connect the lamp, does it kinda maybe mean that he doesn't use it every night, mainly because who needs to fall asleep looking at the picture of the sun when the sun is right besides you in bed? Food for thought.
This is what he shows us at first.
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He then turns the camera around to show other planets. But he always goes back to the sun. And makes sure to explain to us that it is the sun.
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And while, once more, focusing on the sun says: "It's pretty, right?"
It definitely is.
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And when he does his whole foot up in the air (I don't think he was pointing, because when he wanted to point he did it with his finger, pointing at the sun) caressing or whatever you want to think he was actually doing, it's with the sun.
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You know what came to mind first thing I saw this?
JM and his love for playing footsies with JK.
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Oh, and if I'm already going down memory lane, we have JK too.
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Back to business.
I find it funny how JM on the one hand says multiple times he wanted to brag to us about the lamp, and then says it's embarrassing that a man nearing 30 sleeping with a lamp. And he talks about the friend appalled by it, lol. That a guy who lives alone (he repeats this) sleeps with a lamp. I guess that when you can't have the sun with you then a projection of it on the ceiling has to do.
JM adds: "these days I look at the ceiling and space out" - looks at the lamp projection that is. And when he says "these days", once again I'm thinking of it being due to JK's clearly super busy schedule.
So yeah, that was more or less part one of JM's house tour.
At this point JM turns off the light and walks back to the PC room (still only letting us see the ceiling as he is moving through the house).
He sits back down and tells us he is living his life like this.
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He's sitting there reading comments for a few seconds and then he reads this one out:
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Welcome to part 2 of the house tour, lol.
He straight away says: "you can see the secret room", grabs the camera and off he goes (again camera at ceiling of course), and asks himself "what are some things I can show?", while obviously there is still very much more that he doesn't want us to see.
He says "I will show just this one then", following by saying he really didn't want to show "my room", and then we are in his gym.
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Shows us his treadmill, tells us "this is my secret room...right here."
So, let's pause for a second here before we move on.
JM clearly decided it's time to share with us (without saying it out loud) that he is boxing. A lot. The hands (he left raw for all to see) and showing us his gym as well.
JM has a punching bag at home.
No biggie, right?
He has a full proper gym at home, much like Tae does, and most likely the others too, well most of the others, because JK doesn't. JK, until a short while ago, didn't have any workout equipment at home. Let alone a punching bag. THE boxer in the group does not have a punching bag at home. And do we talk about the fact that all of his workout equipment, the little that he does have, is in his lounge room? I digressed. As usual. Anyway, now we know for sure (as if we didn't before) that JM is clearly boxing, and all that is left to see is his set of boxing gloves.
And then, JM goes to show us his dad's bedroom, for when he visits him. JM asks himself if there is anything he can show us from dad's room, answering "vacuum cleaner".
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JM walks out of that last room, he looks around, nods with his head (looked like he was contemplating something but decided on NOPE), and walks back to the PC room.
End of house tour.
While on the way there he tells us how his parents "came over to my house and said this..."your house really has nothing, it's like a model house. It doesn't seem like a person lives here. Do you want us to change a bit?".
Ok, so JM's been living in that apartment at the very latest since May 2021. Over 2 years!! And in that time his parents must have visited multiple times. We know at least of once back in October 2021, so a long time ago. JM isn't telling us when exactly this was said to him, and timing, my friends, is everything. There is a before and an after that might be going on here. And It's kind of curious how at this point in time both JM's place and JK's place are lacking in the feeling of a home in the true sense of it. Lacking in adding their little personal touch to the place. Giving them both, at this point, the feel of these places being a temporary fix. Just until perhaps a certain 5 story house is built.
Do I address the marimo discussion and how it turned into a Suga discussion? Was that JM shutting down Yoonminers? Lol.
JM reads out a comment "I miss Jin and Jhope" and tells us he's thinking of going to visit them.
JM continues to read through the comments and reacts to them, this is around the 29 min. mark. You think the hand comments don't continue again? Like he hasn't addressed it 10 times already during this live. He smiles through it, but seriously!!!!
One comment has him giggling : "In my last dream you went out with me but I got dumped". Lmao. At least they were being realistic. His answer was: "I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional". Ehm, excuse me, but to me dumping feels very intentional. Lol.
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One of the most annoying comments, well in my humble opinion, was the one asking him why the chocolate factories have closed. Poor man was waiting and waiting on a reply on that one, so much so he was putting off finishing the live, he was seriously curious, only to have this stupid ass punch line about him being sweet. From the expression on his face when he finally read the answer he was probably thinking "this is what I was waiting for?", lol.
JM's asked about his skin care routine to which he answers: "it's nothing, I just wash up, and I just apply it on my face. Just the cream". Thing is later on as he's closing up he says he has to go wash up but:
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Didn't he just tell us all about it earlier? Or was this him just being cheeky?
JM tells us he goes for a run in the middle of the night and runs into RM.
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Quite interesting that the first time he noticed RM's poster was almost 2 weeks after it was placed there. Especially now that we know from him he's out jogging every night. Was he possibly away for a while? Perhaps not alone?
JM was asked about dramas he's watched and answered he hasn't watched many lately.
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I guess JK being busy is the cause for that. We know for a fact that they watch shows together.
Then he's asked "show your 7 tattoos", to which JM answers:
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"You saw it yesterday. Photos went up. Really...I saw that...Definitely...I'm an anchovy." giggle giggle giggle. "Anchovy...phew..." giggle..."just laugh at it and move on..."
Lol, I'm sure he's also referring to him standing on his tippie toes for the pose, trying to seem bigger and taller than he is.
Now wait a second here.
The comment asked him to show his 7 tattoos. Not "show your moon tattoo". Not "show your back tattoo". Clear as day talking about his 7 tattoos, and JM was the one to read it out!!!
So, obviously that riske (not really, but clearly an eye opener) photo he posted for JK's birthday was on his mind. Or is it more so that JK is on his mind?
JM's told he needs to sleep well. The man says it's rare, but he actually slept well today. Usually when he has schedules he doesn't sleep well. But:
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I guess something, or someone, helped tire him out.
And yes, I can hear the guys on the balcony with the "if he slept so much he couldn't have been with JK". Yeah-nah. Have we not seen these guys schedules? Did I not talk about it in part 1? Night and day are non existent. JM slept 8 to 9 hours and came out - to his schedule, in the evening. These two go to sleep in the morning and wake up at noon. Even in JM's last live, when he was talking about having a proper schedule, including a proper sleep schedule, he was talking about sleeping in late. So no, him sleeping properly doesn't rule out them spending the night together. JM doesn't tell us when he went to sleep or when he woke up. Actually, the way he words it, it's more like he slept till late and woke up in time for his Dior schedule.
Pretty much this was where JM was wanting to end the live.
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And starts to sum it up.
After a few more comments JM winds it up saying his goodbyes.
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And that was the end of JM's live on JK 's birthday.
Oh, btw, remember I said that when I first saw JM's live photo I mistook it for JK? How those pants seemed a little big on him? Well came across this today:
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I'm not 100% sold those are the exact pair of pants, but they sure look similar. And even if they aren't same pants, well my point in part 1 was proven - the pants being exactly the style that JK wears.
I had one more thing I wanted to talk about, which I'm not sure about, but thought it would be good to mention.
About the 12 minute mark JM is talking about taking lessons in English. And he was saying it's hard but he has to force himself to do it, cause otherwise he won't do it. And then he talks about how people get lazy and gives an example. And here is where I found something a little curious. There I go with that word again.
The word of the day: Curious.
Anyway, JM gives an example. And he words it like this:
"You know there is this. I came home as it is like this... It's 9:07... I think that I should wash up at 9:30... But we don't wash up... And later, when it's 1 in the morning... I should really wash up. To sleep...I must wash up. You also know this happens".
And he's giggling the whole time.
Did you notice? The switch from I to we?
Now, it could be him talking about him and us, but I kind of don't think it was, as he starts with I and goes to we and then back to I.
It could also definitely be a slip of the tongue.
You know who the we he might be talking about is. That plus one that turns I to we. That certain plus one that has told us on multiple occasions how he dislikes to wash up before sleep, delaying the inevitable as much as possible, also using that term lazy with regards to it.
Just thought I'd share this little thing I notices with you guys before I finish up with this post.
I feel like this part of my post is a little more all over the place (a bit like JM perhaps, lol). Maybe a little too much blurry and not enough sharp, lol. But hey, I guess it is what it is.
So, we had JK doing the short live nothing like his usual birthday lives, and then later in the day JM coming live, unplanned. Well more so unplanned from home. Could they have been planning to do a live together at Hybe? Could JK have been planning to and asked JM to go live in his place seeing he's held up?
Who knows.
What I do hope is that next time it's not going to be the two live on the same day, but rather the two live same day same time same place.
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Here's wishing.
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malumae · 9 days
i'm curious ! if they had a kid...
if they had a kid meme.
long post under the cut.
name: amélie
gender: female she/her
general appearance: very fair complexion, looks more like her mom than her dad but does have her dad's eyes. likes to mess around with small braids, braid pearls into them, add glitter to them.
personality: i think she's a little dreamer. her parents have been through so much, i don't think they'd dump all their trauma on their child. they'd want her to dream, to have a thirst for knowledge and the world and to be excited to explore new places. do correct me if i'm wrong though. i know she would be the light of their life, always coming up with new thoughts and ideas that she eagerly shares with them. asking a lot of questions, making mom match dresses with her, asking if she can try on mom's dress too.
special talents: singing. this just came to me so randomly but i think she would have a lovely voice and she would love to sing. she picks up songs from elodie, makes up her own little tunes and sings her little heart out.
who they like better: mom.
who they take after more: you might think it's elodie but i'd say it's a pretty even mix. elodie would have to be the responsible one 7/10 times because ren enables their kid to do whatever they want. cereal and chocolate milk at 3am because you can't sleep? cool, i'll have some too. wanna skip school and throw rocks at starskiffs? cool, let's go.
personal head canon: i think she slept in their bed for a very long time. like at least until she was six years old. not because she was scared of anything but because it was comfortable, nice, warm. felt safe and good. ren wouldn't mind, he would make room for her every single night even if the kid turned to kick him in the face in her sleep. i think she likes family time and would rather spend her weekend with her mom and dad than with a group of friends. that's not to say she doesn't have friends, but i believe she'd still choose to do something with her parents.
face claim: (cr.)
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cassynite · 1 year
For Sparrow, "Orange Sunsets" from the Sensory Prompts?
Aaaah thank you! Decided to use this opportunity to try and flesh out a headcanon I have for Sparrow--I'd say she's about six or seven in this scene.
The sun dips slow below the horizon, sending streaks of orange across the ever-changing waves moving back and forth on the ocean, a shimmering painting sprawled out below Sparrow. The gusts of wind strengthen the salty air and spray a near-constant haze of briny water onto the wet outcrop of cliff rock that Sparrow lies on. The rock digs into her back, but it's too small to move into another position, and the strong wind threatens to tug Sparrow off if she tries to adjust. She's lucky she hit the rock at all--without it, or if she does something wrong, she'll tumble down the rest of the way to where the waves crash against cliff face.
From above, Crow's voice carries down over the sound of crashing water. "Check in! How are we doing?"
"Cold!" Sparrow yells back. It's uncomfortable, but it's a good thing, because the side that had hit the rock when she'd first tumbled off the cliff hurts less now that she's too cold to feel it. "I'm being brave!"
She's said that every time Crow has asked, because when he first found her on the outcropping of rock, crying from the pain and shock and fear when she realized she wouldn't be able to climb back up from where she fell, babbling in panic, he'd told her to be patient and brave. So that's what she's doing--being brave until Crow saves her.
"Thatta girl. You're doing great." Crow sounds exactly like he always does--calm, lighthearted, like he's about to tell a joke or is already telling a joke that Sparrow doesn't understand. There's sounds of hammering, and then magic sparks in the air for an instant, leaving an acidic smell in its wake. "You know, if you wanted to learn to fly you could have tried talking to one of the azata. I know a few! I told you about the one I met last month, didn't I?"
He did, but Sparrow calls back, "I don't remember!"
"Oh ho, well let me tell you!" More hammering. "I was up at the Dreamer's Temple discussing a new tessellation form that they wanted to use in the next crystal tower--it's very cool, they're calling it direrose pattern, it's a non-periodic structure that's created an incredible basis for the base of the magic that will create the crystal--it'll be self-sustaining if the theory is correct--and I was there to see if that was actually, you know, feasible, and there was this one lady who you could tell wasn't just any regular aasimar--"
He goes on, but the words turn slushy, like the ice treats she buys sometimes out of the stand near Sinead's workshop after she's forgotten about it for a few hours in the afternoon sun. Her attention turns to the sunset, how the sun is mixing in with pink to create salmon streaks that darken into a lovely, dusky purple. The water looks like waving orange ribbon, and Sparrow watches the movement to the sound of Crow's soothing, laughing voice as he talks about the azata he met, the new tower he is going to help build, and the repeating shapes he's going to use to make it.
The next time she registers anything but the orange light on the water is when she feels a hand, scalding in its heat, against her clammy arm. She blinks, and Crow is there beside her--he's learned to fly, she thinks for a hazy second, before she sees the rope around his waist, stretching up and over the top of the cliff. His brown eyes are huge on his face, and white spots bracket the sides of his mouth, but when she makes eye contact he smiles. The wind whips his black hair across his face, and the orange sunset illuminates him from behind like he's a hero from a penny novel coming to save a princess.
His gaze moves to her body, where the salt spray soaking through her clothes can't fully hide the red that's seeped from the wound. His hand flutters over it, but doesn't touch, moving over her torso, then her leg. "Can you--? No, never mind."
"It's okay. You're going to be okay," he tells her. "It looks worse than it is. I'm going to pick you up, and it might hurt, but this rope will pull us up once I let go and you'll be back in your bed before it even gets dark. You understand?" After a pause, Crow says, "You gotta say you understand, Sparrow. Sparrow. Don't be scared."
"I'm going to be okay," Sparrow parrots. "It looks worse than it is. I'm not scared." She knows it's the truth. Crow will get her off the cliff, and he'll get her dry, and he'll put her to bed, and maybe if she asked nice enough he'll get her favorite soup from town too, even though it would be dark by the time he actually left. It's not the right season for it, but she wants something to make her warm.
Crow takes her in his arms, and it is painful but not really--like the pain is happening in another room, instead of right at her skin. And Crow is burning hot, and his arms are strong around her, and he is whispering in her ear, "You'll be okay, you'll be okay," and he lifts her up the wet cliff like he has wings like an azata, and the sun is so beautiful as it meets the ocean over his shoulder.
Orange is my favorite color, she thinks, and she closes her eyes to sleep.
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malaismere · 1 year
help i accidentally fell into a homestuck rabbit hole and got obsessed with trying to do god tier classpects for the cr characters. this...may end up becoming a proper au, we'll see.
I put, perhaps, way too much thought into this, but:
Vax as the Rogue of Doom
Vex as the Thief of Blood
Pike as the Knight of Hope
Grog as the Bard of Rage
Scanlan as the Heir of Light
Percy as the Prince of Time
Keyleth as the Maid of Breath
Tary as the Page of Heart.
Details/explanations below the cut!
For the lunar sway:
Prospit dreamers are optimists, extroverted, instinctive, creative, flexible, and ordered. They're honest, in the messy kind of way. Derse dreamers, on the other hand, are more pessimistic, introverted,, hiding behind masks, rebellious fighters, and calculating minds.
Grog and Keyleth are straight up Prospit; Vex and Percy are straight up Derse. Vax feels like he should be Derse, but ultimately, I think he's more Prospit, just, depressed. Tary I also put Prospit, because he's fairly open. Scanlan and Pike, I'm leaning towards Derse. Scanlan's plenty with the masks, but while Pike doesn't quite seem the fit, I think ultimately she's more Derse than you expect from a cleric of Sarenrae. She's got plenty in the way of masks, and she's hella rebellious.
My very rough idea of entry order (as a general chain, idk who I actually think would start) is:
Percy -> Vex -> Vax -> Scanlan -> Pike -> Grog -> Keyleth -> Tary
although I'm not super confident on Tary's place there (maybe Vex as server for him, but idk who I want to be his client if not Percy)
Vax: Rogue of Doom
Okay, so, starting off with the twins. These two are very easy to archetype, because they're both Outlaws first and foremost. I'll admit that Vax is the one I could see going the other way, specifically Knight, but I think at his truest heart, Vax steals. He's the rogue to Vex's thief because he's the more passive of the two (passive in the literal, as the less take-charge, but moreso in that he's selfless to her selfish).
Fate-touched, Champion of the Raven Queen, he's all about Destiny. There's some associations with Time, there (and, well, there's a Crow-Time thing, although I think that's more Dave than inherent) but ultimately, I think it works better for Doom - which, aside from the literal, is also rules, obligations, and destiny.
Rogues start off unable to accept their aspect, either from what they see as too much or not enough of it. Vax is reckless and more than a bit of a rulebreaker, always rushing in at the first. But Rogues come into their own. After all:
Vax literally stole Vex's doom from her.
Rogue of Doom is 100% the martyr class.
Vex: Thief of Blood
So, again, Vex is the thief because she's also an outlaw, and because she's the active. Selfish, in this case, is not a negative trait - it's that she does stuff for herself and not for others, more offensive than support.
Thieves are cocky, and they hide their insecurities, not letting anyone see. They hoard their aspects, and need to learn to let others have them.
Now, I was tempted to go Life as the inverse aspect for Doom; there's some stuff there. Life is associated with nature, and especially with wealth/luxury, so it's a very Vex aspect. However, while she's greedy, Vex doesn't want money. She wants status, she wants respect, and most of all...she wants her dad to like her.
Blood is the aspect of connections, bonds and friendship and, well, family. It's one of the 'leadership' aspects, which matches Vex as one of the more leaderly of the team. It's stubborn, so as she, but also charismatic.
We don't see Vex as an extremely jealous person, but I think it's there in part; and you can argue that as a thief of blood, she needs to let the connections go both ways, not just having people supporting her, but supporting them in turn.
(Also, like, there's a parallel to Sylas, as a vampire, being a literal blood-thief, and any time I can get Perc'ahlia to parallel Sylas/Delilah is a good day).
Pike: Knight of Hope
Pike as Hope is a pretty straightforward one; she's bright, shining, cheerful, and motivational. Life and Space also make sense, being a healer, but Pike in all her glowing divine glory is the epitome of a hero of Hope.
Archetypally, as a cleric, Pike should be a Fairy - Maid and Sylph, the two creation classes, that focus on healing, growth, and guidance. But, here's the thing: Pike's not actually the guide of the group, nor is she really their moral center. She's moral, sure, but I can't truly think of an instance where Pike changed them. That always felt more like Vax and Keyleth's purview. Pike was inspiring, but she wasn't guiding.
Instead, I think that Pike is a Warrior, or more specifically, a Servant. She's not here to show people what to do, she's here to help them with what they're doing. On the more passive side, I'm placing her as a Knight, which also just, fits, visually. Pike is, of all of them, the quite literal Knight in Shining Armor, fighting with Hope Manifest.
Knights are notable for hiding behind a shield/armor of a false identity. And, while Pike's upbeat, one of her major character moments is her crisis of faith. LoVM really exemplifies this - Pike is worried she's a shitty priest. And she's hiding this from the world and the rest of the group, because she doesn't want them to see her weak. But, of course, she's great at what she does - all knights are.
Grog: Bard of Rage
Look, we all knew Grog was going to be Rage. The aspect isn't necessarily anger, but Grog's also a very chaotic and anarchic character, arguably the most of the group.
Neither of the warrior classes - Knight and Page - fit, so instead, I turned to the Destroy classes, Bard and Prince. Bards are passive, moved by their aspect, building it up within themself to unleash it - which is very Barbarian Rage for a berserk mode.
Narratively, Bard may seem like a weird choice, but it does fit Grog - as one of the 'Noble' classes, well, he's royalty to the Heir of Storms, and Bard especially lines up with him being more comic relief.
There's a lot of meta about Bards being calm and representing their opposite aspect, before building it up until they break and go crazy, but I think that's reading way too much in to Gamzee. While I do buy that both destroy classes tend to be more like their inverse- which, in Grog's case, is Hope, representing his childlike naive personality - I think the break is more Gamzee's personal issues. Grog doesn't put too much of himself in his inverse, he's got a healthy respect and use of rage. So, his berserk rage is a power, not a time bomb waiting to go off.
Scanlan: Heir of Light
Scanlan is smart, funny, flirty, and 100% hiding deep insecurities that he's a failure no one will ever love. While there's some interesting stuff to put with him and Heart (being somewhat romantic but mostly about a sense of self) I think, at his core, Scanlan is a star, a showman, a main character - a Hero of Light.
Light is kind of symbolically messy, because it's knowledge, luck, and literal light, but I think more than anything, what it is is Plot Relevance. It's the spotlight shining down - which maps better, because while its inverse Void is secrets and darkness, more than anything else it's irrelevance.
Archetypally, Scanlan's either the Magician or the Prophet. He bounces between the two a bit, but they're a pair, and the closest/most fluid of the pairs, but that fits. I thinkhe leans more passive, as a support, and is more on the Magician side, so, I place him as the Heir of Light.
As the Heir of Light, fame and fortune are intuitive. Naturally lucky, naturally competent. Scanlan's pretty often the one finding the answers, he slides into the center point as face easily, and, like a lot of heirs, he can be more than a little easy to full.
But a big part of Scanlan is that he's the character I think we see get a full inversion - from Heir of Light to Mage of Void.
Mage is the class of suffering, and void insignificance. Void is also tied strongly to drugs and alcohol. At his lowest, Scanlan is convinced that no one has ever loved him or ever will, that they do not see him as anything but a joke. This isn't true - but inversion isn't your true self, it's unhealthy, and Scanlan is so caught up in his own self-deprecation, he can't see the ways Vox Machina does care for him.
Inheritor of Knowledge does fit really neatly with LoVM Scanlan and his relationship to Mythcarver (and, inevitably, Ioun) and I think there's an interesting meta about how the LoVM versions are kind of easier to classpect, because LoVM is the cleaned up and more focused narrative, so they have a more solid arc presented, but that's a whole different post.
Percy: Prince of Time
Narratively, Percy is a very active character, both as a plot driver (he's got the most active role in his personal arc) and as a more selfish character. He's mainly associated with creation and destruction - the inventor of weapons.
While he is a smart guy, I don't think knowledge (and therefore Light/Mind) are really a driving aspect of him in comparison. Instead, I think that we're looking more at that Create/Destroy angle, which is Space/Time - of which, I think he leans towards Destruction, Time. And, well, Clocks are a pretty big motif for him!
Archetypally, Percy is a Noble. He does lean prophet and warrior, but I think Noble is the most sense, and that is the class pair of Destroy. The active version is Prince.
Princes destroy their aspect, or destroy using their aspect. As they do this, they tend to take on their inverse aspect. Percy ghosts space as he destroys time - creating the means of destruction (guns) even as he seeks to destroy them (fight Ripley). He's got a lot of the characteristics of a space player, calm, aloof, and creative, but at his core still the focus and drive of a time player.
The main struggle of a Prince is to not destroy themself on their path. Percy, caught up in Revenge, needs to integrate these aspects of himself. I'd argue that's what his final confrontation with Ripley is - him accepting he cannot undo what was done, that guns (destruction) have been unleashed upon the world, and while that doesn't mean he can't stop the spread, it can't consume him.
Keyleth: Maid of Breath
Keyleth of the Air Ashari, Voice of the Tempest - she's totally a Hero of Breath. Aside from the Wind, Breath is associated with self-confidence and leadership, which is the main thing that Keyleth struggles with, as well as freedom and change.
Archetypally, Keyleth is either the Mage or the Fairy, Change/Create. While she's a selfless person, she's not really support, which rules out Sylph. Heir is the less passive, and has some fun things (as Heir to her mother's legacy) but Breath doesn't quite come natuarlly enough to Keyleth. She's powerful, but not really rebellious enough to be a Witch, so I'm leaning on Maid.
Maids start out relying on other people for their aspect. At the beginning, Keyleth goes along with the group. She's not assertive, and she's kind of just following them where they go, even as she really disagrees with them.
However, as she comes into her own, she learns to rely on herself. She becomes more confident, more assertive, and more powerful, and is able to share that with everyone else - literally, with Inspiring Leader. Keyleth in her final state is the epitome of Breath leading by example.
There's also something I think to be said about Breath as the opposite of Blood. Keyleth is destined to long outlive everyone she ever knows. As the Voice of the Tempest, we see her come to terms with that. It's not that she abandons her connections to the world, but she has, to an extent, moved past them. She's not chained to these people; she loves, but she's willing to let them go.
Tary: Page of Heart
Alright, one last chance to put a Space player in and save the session from being Voided. Space can fit with Tary, right? It's science aligned. Page's And there's some fun stuff with him wanting to be like Percy, who's the inverted Time?
Yeah, no. Vox Machina are doomed.
So, Tary is a page. He's like, the Epitome of Page. Even in canon, he's very much Vox Machina's Page - following around trying to learn from them, wanting to be a knight ("Sir Tary"). Pages are the class with the most potential, but the furthest from it, and, well, he is a bit useless. But, while it's a slow ride, he does have a lot to get to.
Pages are lacking in their aspect, so what is Tary missing? Well, his main arc is being a self-absorbed entitled guy learning to come to terms with who he is and who he wants to be. Classic Heart player.
Heart isn't exactly love - although Tary also grew up lacking in that - so much as Soul and Self. He's missing a strong self identity. He's emotionally stunted, leans on copying others for their ability. Pages also notably idealize their inverse - Tary would really love to be a Hero of Mind, and while he's smart, he's not the most comfortable in cold logic.
Also, Tary's gay and has a complicated relationship with being Gay. Which is also very Heart player (and very Page?).
Tary's arc is about growing into himself as a person. It's less about confidence, and more about knowing himself and being genuine. In the end, we see him getting fought over as Best Man, and leading his own brigade of heroes. While he's maybe still got some work to do, he has definitely come into his own by accepting himself.
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blorbologist · 2 years
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I posted 15,721 times in 2022
That's 9,329 more posts than 2021!
341 posts created (2%)
15,380 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,635 of my posts in 2022
#critical role spoilers - 486 posts
#cr spoilers - 476 posts
#critical role - 434 posts
#critrole spoilers - 239 posts
#perc'ahlia - 117 posts
#vex'ahlia - 103 posts
#percahlia - 99 posts
#critical role fanfiction - 96 posts
#cr vex - 90 posts
#cr fanfic - 88 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#percy one night wakes up in a cold sweat 'dear our baby was a bird egg for. a time. will that impact development?' 'percival go to sleep pls
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm having thoughts about Ashton and Fearne's relationship. Platonic or romantic I don't mind either, I just.
Fearne. Fearne who Morri taken a shine to. Fearne, she was collected, traded for a favor, given, kept, kept, kept, like a toy. A thing, a thing - yes her parents love her yes they'd give her the moon (hah!) but she's a precious thing to them, a six year old, a child but without any of the budding autonomy of one, talked about with the same fond possessiveness as a pet. All the language surounding her treats her as an object - it certainly sheds some light on how she views her relationships. She was loved, yes, but loved enough to be *worth* something when traded, loved enough to be hoarded by Morri.
Ashton, who was a Nobody and then nobody to the Nobodies, who left him for dead, who potentially even set him up??? (I've seen some mutterings about that). Ashton who was an unwanted orphan, a Greymoore, one body among the masses, nobody important to anyone (bar Milo and FCG). Ashton who is one man's trash, another man's treasure - broken but gilded.
And what do they do?
They steal from eachother.
"Fuck you, you're someone, because a thing can't have things and I want your things. You're a cunning foe in this game of ours, you're fun to play with, fuck you, you can't say steal from a toy. It's only fun taking things because they're owned by you," says Ashton.
"You're worth taking from, you're worth the game, you're someone I want to interact with. I'll watch you sleep, I'll look into your head like you matter. You're some*body* and you have some *things* and I'll keep coming back to you," says Fearne.
"I'll steal you," they both say. "You're worth stealing, but only because it’s you, and I care about you."
1,126 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
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“I’m gonna lightningbolt the tree trunk so I can split it right down the middle and make the two halves crash down“
1,175 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
You've seen Marisha on the table, NOW GET READY FOR
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1,522 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
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POV, you're the Briarwoods and the feast just got... interesting.
Jumping on the bandwagon and doing a redraw of this moment last episode because YEAH, the Twins + Percy vibes just jumped out. (There's no way Percy would be this chill but I wanted to draw them in the fancy outfits so! It be how it be :v)
1,756 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"The lord is in his office"
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"Orym someone about your size is following you."
See the full post
4,236 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fychen · 4 years
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© light up dreamers ↳ do not edit or remove the logo.
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fykadi · 4 years
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180623 Lotte Duty Free Family K-Pop Concert
Credit: light up dreamers
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Dream Lord, Polokus
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Image © Ubisoft
[Commissioned by @martyslittleusedblog, based on a quest giver NPC/plot device from the Rayman series of games. Making a dream lord be a big frog who smokes a pipe has to be a drug reference, right? I leaned into it a little here, but also drew connections to D&D’s famous chaotic batrachians, the slaadi.]
Dream Lord, Polokus CR 21 CG Outsider (extraplanar) This creature appears as a vaguely humanoid frog, with long arms, short legs and a pot belly. His skin is a pale cream color, and he has an enormous red beard that hangs down to the ground and seems to move on its own accord. He clutches an umbrella in his hands and a pipe between his teeth.
Polokus The Bubble Dreamer, the Creator CG dream lord of creativity, hedonism and play Domains Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Luck Subdomains Friendship, Imagination, Thought, Whimsy Worshipers artists, craftsmen, dreamers Minions baku, fey creatures, slaadi Holy Symbol a pipe blowing bubbles Favored Weapon heavy mace Obedience spend an hour daydreaming, either while blowing bubbles or while under the effects of a mind-altering substance. Gain a +4 sacred bonus against sleep effects. Boons 1: eagle’s splendor 2/day; 2: minor creation 2/day; 3: cloak of dreams 2/day
According to his faithful, Polokus is responsible for creating all of the creatures and characters that appear in the Dimension of Dreams in his own dreams. When he sleeps well, these dream entities are playful and friendly; when he has nightmares they are cruel and unpleasant. Whether this is true or not, Polokus is a force of creation and creativity, and his whims shape the Dimension of Dream and echo into the worlds beyond. Polokus alternates his time in fervent bouts of crafting, playing with other dream entities, or dozing while under the effects of his ever-present pipes.
Polokus dislikes combat, but that doesn’t mean that he is weak. He takes a backseat approach, summoning armies of entropic creatures and dream azatas to fight in melee while he disrupts enemy tactics with hexes and spells. His beard is prehensile—although it cannot wield a weapon, it can be used to deliver touch attacks or even grab and constrict foes. Polokus prefers nonlethal methods, such as putting enemies to sleep or putting them into a telekinetic sphere for safekeeping. Although some of his tactics can incapacitate creatures indefinitely, like endless slumber and microcosm, Polokus will usually release them after a few days or weeks in order to check on their progress and see if they’re willing to reconsider their agenda of violence.
Polokus has an interesting relationship with the slaadi. He is friendly with the slaad lords Rennbuu and Chourst, and seems to like the company of slaadi in general, although he chides their more violent tendencies and tries to steer them towards acts of creation, not destruction. There are some rumors that he has been steering the course of slaad evolution, even rigging the ecological contest that led to the descendants of frogs escaping the Spawning Stone and spreading through the multiverse. Some proteans see Polokus as an interesting variable in their experiments, whereas others view him as a nuisance or even with jealousy.
Polokus’ Perplexing Parasol Price 89,192 gp; Aura moderate conjuration and enchantment; CL 12th Slot none; Weight 8 lbs. This item is a fully functioning umbrella, but is strong as steel and dangerous in combat. Polokus’ perplexing parasol strikes as a +4 merciful heavy mace, and casts touch of idiocy (CL 12th) on a creature that it strikes with a critical hit.         Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure light wounds, touch of idiocy; Price 44,596 gp.
Polokus’ Pleasing Pipe Price 8,400 gp; Aura faint transmutation; CL 4th Slot none; Weight 10 lbs. Smoking from this hookah produces a variety of minor pleasant effects, as per a polypurpose panacea spell. Up to four individuals may smoke from the hookah simultaneously. The owner of the Polokus’ pleasing pipe can change the effect as a standard action, but all individuals smoking from the same pipe at the same time must gain the same effect, and a creature can only gain one effect at a time from Polokus’ pleasing pipe. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, polypurpose panacea; Price 4,200 gp.
Polokus  CR 21 XP 409,600 CG Large outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, good) Init +10; Senses arcane sight, darkvision 60 ft., Perception +25 Defense AC 37, touch 21, flat-footed 31 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +16 natural, +6 deflection) hp 396 (24d10+264) Fort +19, Ref +20, Will +20 DR 20/lawful; Immune charms, compulsions, disease, illusion, poison, sleep effects; Resist electricity 20, fire 20; SR 31 Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee Polokus’ perplexing parasol +35/+30/+25/+20 (2d6+12/19-20 plus 1d6 nonlethal), slam +26 (1d8+4), tentacle +26 (2d6+4 plus grab) or 2 slams +31 (1d8+8), tentacle +26 (2d6+4 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tentacle) Special Attacks constrict (2d6+12), hexes (eternal slumber, flight, fortune, healing, hidden home, life giver, major healing, nightmares, sleep, speak in dreams, tongues), summoning (9/day), tentacle beard Spell-like Abilities CL 24th, concentration +30 (+34 casting defensively) Constant—arcane sight At will—confusion (DC 20), dream scan (DC 22), greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. objects only), haste, major creation, persistent image (DC 21) 3/day—quickened cloak of dreams (DC 22), fabricate, quickened good hope, mind fog (DC 21), telekinetic sphere (DC 24) 1/day—dream voyage, mass hold monster (DC 25), microcosm (DC 25), summon (9th level, 4 uinuja, 100%), wish   Statistics Str 27, Dex 23, Con 32, Int 23, Wis 22, Cha 23 Base Atk +24; CMB +33 (+37 disarm or trip); CMD 55 (57 vs. disarm or trip) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Greater Disarm, Greater Trip, Improved Critical (heavy mace), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Lucid Dreamer (B), Quicken SLA (cloak of dreams, good hope) Skills Acrobatics +22 (+26 when jumping), Bluff +25, Craft (all) +22, Diplomacy +25, Fly +22, Heal +25, Knowledge (arcana, local, religion) +22, Knowledge (nature, planes) +25, Perception +25, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +21, Use Magic Device +25; Racial Modifiers +16 Craft (all) Languages Aklo, Aquan, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Sylvan, telepathy 100 ft. SQ dream lord traits, font of creativity Ecology Environment any land (Dimension of Dreams) Organization unique Treasure double standard (Polokus’ perplexing parasol, Polokus’ pleasing pipe, other treasure) Special Abilities Dream Lord Traits (Ex/Su) Polokus is a dream lord, a powerful outsider native to the Dimension of Dreams. Dream lords gain the following abilities:
Immune to charm, compulsion, disease, poison and sleep effects
Immune to one energy type and resistance to another two energy types. Instead of being immune to an energy type, Polokus is immune to illusion spells and effects
A dream lord’s natural weapons, and any weapon it wields, count as chaotic and magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
Occult (Ex) A dream lord gains Lucid Dreamer as a bonus feat, and can use  occult skill unlocks even if it lacks other psychic magic
Shield of Dreams (Su) A dream lord adds its Charisma modifier as a     deflection bonus to its AC and CMD
Summon (Sp) Once per day, a dream lord can summon a CR 19 or lower encounter of thematically appropriate monsters.
Dream lords can grant spells to worshipers as detailed in their divine information. A worshiper can gain boons from performing an obedience to a dream lord, as per the Deific Obedience feat, but the boons granted are simple, appearing as a 2nd, 4th and 6th level spell usable as a spell-like ability twice per  day.
Font of Creativity (Ex) Polokus gains a +16 racial bonus to all Craft checks. He can Craft items with amazing speed, requiring only an hour to craft any mundane item given the proper materials (assuming he succeeds the Craft DC). He is treated as having all item creation feats for the purposes of making magic item, although these take time and money as normal to make. Hexes (Su) Polokus gains hexes, including major and grand hexes, as if he were a 20th level witch (DC 28). The save DC for these hexes is Intelligence based. Summon (Sp) Polokus may summon creatures as per a summon nature’s ally IX nine times per day (CL 21st), with the following adjustments. He may use this ability as a standard action, and monsters summoned remain for 1 minute per caster level. Monsters summoned through this ability gain the entropic simple template. However, Polokus may only have one such summoning spell cast at a time. Tentacle Beard (Ex) Polokus’ beard is prehensile, acting as a tentacle with 20 foot reach. He gains a +2 bonus to disarm and trip checks made with his beard, and if he fails a check to trip an opponent with his beard does not risk being tripped in turn. When using his beard to constrict an opponent, Polokus does not count as being grappled, and can maintain the grapple as a swift action. Polokus can deliver touch spells and hexes through his beard.
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 years
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George “Not Found” AKA the Dreamer King of Kinoko.
CR 16 CN Humanoid XP 76,800 (if used as npc for encounter) Chaotic Neutral Halfling Rogue 16 Small humanoid, Halfling
Init +7; Senses Perception +22
AC 36, touch , flat-footed  (+7 Dex, +1 Size, +8 Armor, +3 Natural +3 Deflect +3 Defending sword, +1 Insight) hp 106 (16d8+32)  Fort +18, Ref +22, Will +16
Speed 20 ft. Melee Defensive shortsword+22 1d4+10, Sword of subtlety+20 1d4+8(+3 while using sneak attacks) +8d6 sneak attack. Ranged Light crossbow+24 1d6+2 +8d6 sneak attack(within 30ft of the target).
Racial Dim dweller, Halfling luck, Sure footed, Keen senses.
Traits Professional(farmer), Sleepy.
Class features Sneak attack+8d6, Trapfinding, Trap sense+5, Improved evasion, Improved uncanny dodge, Rogue talents(Fast stealth, Minor magic 3/day Read magic, Major magic 2/day Reduce person, Stand up, Rogue crawl, Dispelling attack ,Slippery mind, Finesse rogue).
Str 8, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +12; CMB +11; CMD +28
Feats Combat expertise, Improved feint, Weapon focus, Slashing grace, Two weapon fighting, Improved two weapon fighting, Steadfast personality, Run.
Skills Acrobatics +33, Appraise +6, Bluff +22, Climb +20, Craft(Redstone) +5, Diplomacy+7, Disable device +28, Disguise +14, Escape artist +26, intimidate +7, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +9, (Local)+9, Linguistics +2, Perception +20, Perform(sing) +7, Sense motive +11, Sleight of hand +11, Stealth +31, Swim +18, Use magic device +22. 
Languages Common, Halfling, Orc, Draconic, Undercommon, Terran.
Combat gear Shadow Mithral shirt of speed+4, Ring of protection+3, Amulet of natural armor+3, Ioun stone dusty rose prism, Defending shortsword+3, Sword of subtlety, Light crossbow+3, 50+2 Bolts, Handy haversack, Ring against detection and location, Belt of incredible dexterity+4, Cloak of resistance+5, Rod of escape, Wand of gaseous form, Wand of cure moderate wounds, Rope of climbing with grappling hook, Vest of escape, Rogue kit, MWK thieves tools, 11 smoke pellets, 2 tanglefoot bags, various maps, 9 scroll cases containing 40000gp of magic scrolls (they belong to Dream apparently), Smoked googles, 100gp, Boots of the cowardly escapee(Cursed artifact).
Boots of the cowardly escapee: Intelligent cursed artifact CL20 CN Overwhelming Enchantment Int10 Wis 14 Cha18 Ego20 Languages: Telephaty, empathy. Description: These unassuming boots fits the bearer feet perfectly (maybe too much). The boots compel the wearer to steal as much as they can and most of all, to survive by running away (from problems and responsibilities). It is said that in a far away cold land a skilled thief stole from rich people for the thrill of the challenge and threw part of his finds across the streets for all to take. The queen, tired of this, sent his hounds to hunt him down. After a long chase, the boy fell in an icy lake and drowned, never found by the hunters. The body was later found by a fisherman that took his belonging and later became a notorious thief. The boots owners share the same story: they steal, they run away and after their demise they are passed to another owner. The boots possess all the powers of the following magic items: Cape of the mountebank, Shoes of the fire walker, Ring of water walking, Boots of the enduring march and Boots of striding and springing. Once per day the boots allows the user to use the following spells upon himself: Freedom of movement, Fuorviate and Blur. The boots will also resort to magic to keep the user on the run by using the following spells on the victim(all without saving throw): Nightmare, Phantasmal assailant, Major image and Ghost sound. If the bearer travels at least 3 miles every day the boots will not use these spells upon him. Three options exists to remove the boots: 1)Cut the feet of the person off and remove the feet from the boots. This options however will make the boots run away with both feet still attached. 2)A remove curse cast upon the boots followed by a caster level check against the boots allows a will save roll against the boots by the user, he then must make an escape artist check and succeed(all DC20). 3)The boots must be sunk (along with the user) in the icy lake of Galakia in the far north and frozen in pure blue ice for 24 hours, then an atonement spell must be cast on the ice block while in the water. This procedure destroys the boots permanently.
Background: George was one of the founding members of the SMP and before that was a humble wheat farmer. He embodies the phrase “Where the wind blows i follow and it doesn’t matter.” During the fights against L’Manberg he was second in command under Dream’s wing. After the elections, he left with Awsamdude away from the area and mostly ignored the events while building his house. After Dream removed Eret from the throne he made him king as if he was some sort of puppet ruler and George didn’t react that much, accepting his role blindly. Since he was being attacked constantly, Dream reintegrated Eret as king and a sad George left to Mexican L’Manberg with Quackity. After the failure of Gogtopia and having missed both the Doomsday war and the Disc confrontation he joined the Kinoko Kingdom with Karl and Sapnap. He then entered some sort of state of constant wake-up moments and lucid dreaming incapable of distinguishing what was real and what wasn’t. But at one point one became so real that was indistinguishable from reality… “So you wish to master yourself and become capable of seeing all realities? I can grant this wish.” Said the voice from the shadows. “Really? And what i have to do? There is a trick, right?” Asked George. “Nothing special. Find me. But you cannot possibly find me equipped like that. That is a big no-no.” Something fell on the ground and Gorge saw a key shaped like a skull with red gems for eyes. “Here, feel free to help yourself!” And a large thick metal door appeared from the dark. Of course, he could not resist the temptation and George opened the door. Treasures of all sorts, equipments never seen before glittered before his eyes. Gogy grabbed and wore all that he could, and among these a pair of boots that were just gorgeous-looking(at least fro him). In the meantime, he didn’t notice that his aspect changed as well as the ambient around him. “What’s inside these? What are these scrolls?” George grabbed some scroll cases… “Those are mine. You little rat!” A familiar voice called from behind. “Dream?!” He stood at the end of the corridor, weapon in hand. “You shouldn’t have done that. I cannot let you go unpunished now.” He started to walk over him. “Dream? what are you doing?” George thought it wasn’t real like other times, but he knew the Green man for too long, that was HIM. And he was VERY ANGRY. He grabbed what he had in hand and started running barely dodging the blade. “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE THIEF! YOU LEFT ME TO ROT IN A CELL AND NOW YOU STEAL MY PRECIOUS SCROLLS? THAT’S IT! NO MORE MR NICE GUY! I.WILL.END.YOU!!!” So George started to run, a place similar to the Nether welcomed him; helped by new magical boots granted him a generous start. But the shadow would never stop chasing him… for it had no form… “Oh George…imma gonna getcha!”
Link for the images:
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5283 · 3 years
―What Color Each Stray Kid Feels Like―
aka me using my synesthetic powers for the Good Cause /hj. after i assigned every color i thought i'll look up the symbolic meanings of each color as well, let's say, for a kind of sense of completeness and to check how accurately i matched ? :-3 also, since i picked very specific shades, there was no exact symbolism on them particularly so i copy-pasted the meanings of the closest colors i could find.
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beige, #f5f5dc :
comforting, cozy and snug, welcoming, doesn’t intimidate, embodies individuality, possesses overall beauty, sweet, subtle yet charming, effortlessly captivates with its delicate allure, upholds virtue, delightful, promotes inner peace and quietude, makes one feel at home, takes the ‘less is more’ approach, moral and righteous, honors purity.
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light periwinkle, #c5cbe1 :
delicate, soft, tenacious, will go to great lengths to achieve its goal, patient, doesn’t see failure as an obstacle but as an opportunity to grow and learn, understanding, collected, doesn’t succumb to daily pressures, resilient, isn’t cynical, carefree and cheerful, endearing, doesn’t take life too seriously, focused on what matters, preserving integrity.
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apricot, #fbceb1 :
holds loved ones near and dear to its heart, sentimental, goes above and beyond to nurture its relationships, loving, affectionate, knows how to captivate, often in the spotlight yet doesn't yearn for it, modest, opens its heart and mind to everyone, incredibly friendly, uplifting, possesses unconventional essence, willing to be vulnerable, lively, chirpy, pleasant, beloved by many, goodhearted and socially confident.
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pine green, #01796f :
lively and wise, offers helpful insight, earnest, many are intrigued by it yet it isn't very interested in others, understands the importance of being yourself, relishes individuality, doesn't conform to social norms, attentive, open-minded, takes time to understand both sides of the story, logical, presents itself in a dignified manner, admires uniqueness.
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oxblood, #4a0000 :
doesn’t do anything halfheartedly, passionate, bold, appreciative, knows its worth yet doesn’t boast, knows what it stands for, doesn't hold prejudices, unapologetically determined, understands failure as a stepping stone to triumph, a timeless wonder, both a dreamer and a doer, inherently romantic, enhances autumnal essence, seductive, sultry, intense.
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 vermilion, #e34234 :
distinct, bold, cheery, fond of attention and social interaction, makes others feel accepted and safe, doesn’t enjoy staying in the shadows, eye-catching, is anything but reserved, doesn’t conform, strong personality, inspires to be vulnerable, goes with gut instinct, confident, wise, provides sound guidance, only speaks when spoken to.
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navyblue, #000080 :
wise, seeing new perspectives, understands passion and patience that goes into creating artistry, thinks outside the box, promotes patience and self-awareness, focused, open-minded, determined and motivated, difficult to dissect its personality, unfazed when faced with stress, eliminates doubt, appealing, lovable, applauded for its brilliance.
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celadon, #ace1af :
inviting, cheerful, restoring and warming, soothing, uplifting yet relaxing, gives rise to healthy emotions, heals and controls feelings, promotes structure yet merely suggests it and doesn’t demand to get things in order, fosters decision-making, unassuming, creative, has an ability to connect to souls, opens hearts, observing, more informed than it might look.
cr.: all color meanings taken from this site.
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years
Monster Spotlight: Oneirogen
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CR 2
Chaotic Neutral Medium Outsider
Adventure Path: Strange Aeons: In Search of Sanity, pg. 88~89
These unfortunate husks are the results of tiny interplanar portals--no larger than the eye of a needle--opening within the body of a living creature as part of a botched (or cruelly purposeful) experiment or spell. The process is dramatic and traumatic, shredding the victim from the inside-out and leaving them as little more than undead by the point they get back up to walk around. Their previous personalities, hopes, dreams, and ambitions are utterly destroyed by the energy coursing through them--to the point they’re immune to mind-affecting effects--assuring their deaths are a mercy. Without outside intervention, Oneirogen often meet their ends within the week, if not through starvation than through violence, though unscrupulous types may work to keep them alive for much longer to harvest the planar energy and useful matter pouring out of them.
Little more than wandering bodies, Oneirogen don’t so much ‘attack’ as they do ‘stumble into,’ only really lashing out when someone attacks them directly and being otherwise unresponsive to any stimulus. Their two slams dealing a weak 1d4+2 damage, but they often won’t hit due to their Obscuring Fog. This 10ft cloud of planestuff pours out of them constantly, their own vision just as obscured by the fog as anyone trying to harm them. The real danger of an Oneirogens presence is its Veil of Mists, a 5ft area around them where pure planar energy coalesces and lashes out at everything that enters it except, unfortunately, the Oneirogen itself.
The Veil of Mists has varying effects depending on which plane the Oneirogen is keyed to, each of which is resisted by a DC 12 Will save, the book helpfully going over the various planes ‘close’ enough to the Material to actually cause the birth of one of these husks. though DMs are encouraged to make up their own unique effects for more unique planes. The Dimension of Dreams is the most common destination, minute portals able to form inside the minds of any dreamer lucid enough; their Veil causes victims to instantly fall into a restless slumber from which they must awaken naturally or via violence, their lack of restfulness meaning they cannot regain HP naturally for 1 day.
The Elemental Planes are the most dramatic, causing acidic plumes, freezing vapors, shocking thunderclouds, and gouts of superheated smoke to pour from the poor soul, dealing 1d6 elemental damage automatically to everyone in the Veil with no chance to resist. The Planes of Positive and Negative Energy, predictably, deal 1d6 positive or negative damage which clings for 1 round, dealing the same damage again next round, which may be a blessing if a living creature is exposed to positive, or undead to negative. The stench of Abaddon staggers anyone exposed to it and contaminates them with the Red Ache disease, while the shrieking hideousness of the Abyss imparts a -2 to all Will saves for 24 hours. The heat of Hell deals 2d4 Profane Fire damage, half of it being irresistible, while the darkness of the Shadow Plane causes total blindness so long as someone is near the Oneirogen.
The book sadly only gives us one potential effect from one of the upper planes, Elysium, which causes 1 round of confusion from exposure and amusingly causes the victims to become excitable and amorous for 24 hours. But, as I mentioned before, DMs are encouraged to make up their own effects! Maybe a portal to the Maelstrom causes chaotic lashes of damage or low-level Warpwaves, while a portal to Axis creates difficult terrain as it reshapes the world around it to be more logical and orderly, a trail of perfectly smooth and stable terrain trailing behind the Oneirogen! Heaven’s light burns with Holy Fire damage as the opposite of Hell, while Nirvana causes calm and peace to overtake everyone exposed... And this isn’t even getting into the weirdness that could come from the more obscure demiplanes...
You can read more about them here.
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grayintogreen · 3 years
I was not technically tagged, but at least two people on my dash were like DO WHAT YOU WANT NO ONE IS YOUR GOD, and you know what? They’re right and valid. 
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
96! And 90% of them are from just this year. Can’t wait to find out what the big 100 is gonna be. Any one of my WIPS could be Disney’s next 100th fic.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
455,024 (also mostly from this year...)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In my entire life??? Since I was twelve??? I don’t even know, man. I wrote a lot of ooc crackfic and fic for cartoons when I was on FF.net, and then I was on LJ and wrote for a TON of different fandoms, but on AO3, I have written for Critical Role (so much CR), Yashahime/Inuyasha, Guardians of the Galaxy, His Dark Materials (TV), Steven Universe, Bleach, Alias, Supernatural, Dollhouse, Pushing Daisies (the last four were all transferred here from LJ, though)
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
- turning wine back into water (Critical Role, de-aging fic with plot, 30457 words)
I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE HOW POPULAR THIS FIC IS. It beat out two of my super popular GotG fics that have been up since 2017 BY A LOT. Apparently, there was a market for the Mighty Nein being adorable cocktail brats and saving the world. Thanks, Liam’s Quest!
It is probably one of the most wholesome fics I will ever write too. I love it.
- Sunshine Came Softly (Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket and Mantis friendship, 3188 words)
THIS FIC STILL GETS HITS EVEN TODAY. It was written right after I saw the movie so it hit hard and fast on the hype train. 
- Mine Is Just a Slower Sacrifice (Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket-centric, 2248 words)
Anyway, this was written probably IMMEDIATELY after I saw the movie and had to process Rocket’s emotions during the last moments, because of who I am as a person. For what’s mostly a character study, it got some mileage on it.
- they drink dreamers up like brandy (Critical Role, 1625 words)
Back to Critical Role! I wrote this one when I was in a fucking blind post-finale haze and producing massive amounts of Kingsley content and I wanted to write a silly fic about Caleb being tiefling catnip. 
- if adversity breeds character (we’ve character enough for two) (Critical Role, Beau and Molly-centric, 1824 words)
I feel like most of my most kudos-ed CR fics are Beau-related, which is funny because I never really wrote her EVER. I guess I need to write her more often. ANYWAY, this one got jossed immediately after 141, but I needed to write Beau and Molly bantering and I couldn’t get her flipping him off after revealing her card is Rumor out of my head.
(Incidentally my sixth most kudos-ed fic is my Fjorester next gen fic, WHICH I WAS NOT EXPECTING AT ALL. IT’S A FIC BASED ON MY OC FANCHILDREN!! I’M VERY EMOTIONAL ABOUT THAT!!)
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Usually!! There are times when I forget and then it’s been so long that I never go back, but I like responding to comments. They make me so happy and I want to make sure the people who take the time to comment know that I see them and appreciate them. Especially if they give me long comments. You long commenters know who you are and I value you and also flail incoherently in your direction.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
God, probably this church takes no conversions simply because, like, the whole ending scenes are MISERABLE AND FULL OF ANGST and then it has the hopeful ending that is actually a bullshit lie.
But second place probably goes to what couldn’t i offer, what couldn’t i give, which is just misery porn in disguise as a character study. Sorry, Cree.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Okay, so back in the day when I was a tineh fanbrat I wrote a lot of self-indulgent crossovers featuring my friends and I in true Mary Sue format being ~saviors of the world~ alongside our favorite fictional characters and after I grew out of that, I very rarely did it again, because as someone who can only write AUs if they’re high concept and can only write crossovers if the canon welding is pristine, it’s difficult.
I have ideas for some! I just haven’t written them yet. Or they’re sitting in Google Docs partially written.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not to my recollection, which is insane, because I’ve written some things in my youth that deserved it, but also I was a kid, so maybe I definitely did not deserve it. Don’t send hate to kids!!
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
The first smut I ever posted on AO3 involved some fucking American Gods flesh horror shit, so that answers your second question.
Basically, yes, but I write smut to facilitate character development in a way that regular story beats can’t, mainly with characters who are in some way deeply fucked up and have unbalanced dynamics. 
So basically chances of me writing smut that isn’t Creecien or Lucigast? Very low. (I haven’t written Lucigast smut yet but I will. Inevitably.)
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that anyone’s told me, but one time when I was a teenager someone ripped off an entire group messageboard RP I was in and tried to pass it off as a fic they wrote.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that anyone’s told me!
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried and it did not work out, because of (non-wanky) reasons, but it’s just not something I’d be very good at. I was the kid who wanted to work alone on group projects. I’m bad at group work.
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
That I’ve WRITTEN??? Because that at least narrows it down significantly. Sesshoumaru/Rin hands down. It’s a good dynamic and they’re fun and sad at the same time. 
My self-indulgent ass does also enjoy writing Creecien though. I’m putting it out there because I want it.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
GOD POOR SUPERNOVAS OF ALL SOUND AND LIGHT. THAT FIC COULD’VE BEEN A CONTENDER, but I unfortunately posted it RIGHT BEFORE the White Diamond episodes aired and it became so jossed by canon so fast that I gave up on life with chapter two half finished. I need to delete it but I can’t bring myself to bury my shame.
15) What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and meta-narrative and character-specific stuff. I go into every story with CHARACTER FIRST mentality, which is how I end up writing so many damn character studies or why my word counts explode. I’m just out here naval gazing because I love character stuff SO MUCH.
I’ve been told I’m good at fight/action scenes too, which... Shocks me, but I think watching and playing a lot of D&D stuff has really improved how I write fighting and action sequences.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
[whispers] too much naval gaze. dial it back, bitch. 
I get really caught up in character stuff and forget to do important things like ADVANCE THE SCENE OR DESCRIBE THE SCENE OR LITERALLY ANYTHING. I also don’t think my prose is all that great, but I’m pretty sure every writer feels that imposter syndrome bullshit, so /waves hands. All I’m saying is I have seen some writers on AO3 who are writing some fucking vivid imagery and stringing flawless sentences together and weaving introspection and description together like beautiful baskets and they are stronger than any US Marine and I salute them and wish to be them.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Iiii try not to. There’s times where I want to throw in, like, a little Zemnian for Caleb flair, but I try to stick to things that are either untranslatable (like German compound words), common phrases (like please or come here), or insults/curses/ pet names. Things that I don’t think Google will fucking lie to me about.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I think it was a Sailor Moon crackfic about Haruka being forced to enter a beauty pageant which was just a blatant rip-off of Ms Congeniality and oh my god was it awful. I don’t even wanna talk about it.
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
this church takes no conversions, probably BECAUSE it’s my little red-headed stepchild of a fic involving so many things that are just never going to make it popular (backstory fic, fic that is almost 85% headcanon, doesn’t involve popular characters, etc.), but godDAMMIT I love that fic so much. It was fun and I use every bit of that headcanon in almost everything like it’s my job.
shattered stage is a close second, because it was such a crazy concept for a fic that I PULLED OFF SOMEHOW and is this wonderful mix of crazy plot and character and lore and my three favorite tieflings having to work together. And also Jayne Merriweather as the main villain. 
A lot of love went into both of those fics and they are my babies. this time next year we’ll see if I add Creedemption and shoot at fate to this list- probably. All of my epic long fics resolve to be my babies because I spent so much time on them, and I have to love them and cherish them because I raised them into gigantic wordy attempts to write a doorstopper.
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zhonglisimper · 4 years
`` the city of unity `` | dystopia au
⇢ 1,028 words of a flash-forward several millennia of a godforsaken world.
⇢ Contains profanity, dead animals, implications of rotting corpses, mentions and/or implications of police corruption (bribery).
⇢ Any similarities between characters, timelines and places is purely coincidental. This is nothing but a work of fiction. All rights reserved to Mihoyo Inc. for the canon characters, titles and locations to be named.
⇢ Cr. to Liam Wong for the banner used below. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/5Lnn9Lg48jv1RvvvLnKKrJK/neon-dreamland-atmospheric-photographs-of-tokyo-after-dark
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will be cross-posted on my AO3 once i finally set that account up. ();u;)
oh shit school will be coming in like 30 hours at the date of posting on tumblr so i can’t promise i’ll post regularly, especially since i signed up for this one event,, fuck
another reason i can’t promise i could even continue with this is because 1) this was very impulsive and was actually an attempt for me to go to sleep at 4-5am 2) i didn’t plan far into this, the last thing i worked on were the characters and even then i doubt i’m finished bc i’m not satisfied bye
also this doesn’t strictly follow the official lore, whether from the manga or not. the official lore definitely did serve as a basis, but there might be statements in the narrative that are deviated from the official facts and that is perfectly intentional! damn right i beta read but only bc i had to write everything from my broken phone to my laptop manually
Only the dead archons from long ago know what millennia it currently is.
In any case, speaking from the perspective of a human being currently reading this - presumably one from a distant present, considering the methods I have undertaken to preserve this: my envisioning.
I’m sure the overbearing gods and goddesses in Celestia will strike at me with a snap, which is why I am in a hurry to note as much detail of my revelation as possible. I am no priest, nor chieftain of a tribe, but a mere... dreamer? Or delusional? Perhaps both; regardless, my identity is but a trivial matter, now and in the future.
Let me begin by the strong iron gates I envision myself stumbling upon every weekend. The gates are tall and proud, and thicker than Madame Lisa’s bookshelves. It is evident that this holy gate is meant to keep away the unwanted. Which is understandable - for the world beyond the gate, once one looks behind themselves, is nothing but the never-ending void. It is dark and will certainly suck the life and joy out of someone.
Perhaps that is why so many outcasts line themselves up to get to enter the sacred City of Unity, the only cluster of civilization left standing after the Interstellar War. Surely, the darkness beyond the walls of the thriving city are all because of the towering mountains of garbage that take up all the light. The dusty haze of unknown substances wafting in the already-putrid air don’t aid in letting sunlight in either.
This, my lieges, is the price the denizens of Teyvat shall pay for being blinded by words and revelations of Celestia and its power-hungry archons. They (the archons) are just as much of tyrants as the Lawrence Clan was. You’d think that they had it all - beauty, grace, brains and power - so what was there to thirst for, especially in the mortal realm?
Much to my dismay, even I, who is but a mere mortal, cannot answer such a complex thought.
Nevertheless, the city appears to be very futuristic; there are significant technological and scientific advances. Alchemy is but a dead folklore, and the mysterious denizens have evolved to “cyberpunk” technology. Visions have also become nothing but dead folklore. After all, what on Earth would any of the denizens need a Vision for when cutting-edge technology was at their feet, giving them the power to alter their godforsaken appearances? Their physical and mental capabilities? Their senses? It gave that damned civilization a sense of security, a sense of wealth and elegance and power, regardless of social status.
But tyranny has revived itself once more; the ever-so-humble wishes of the Lord Barbatos have blown away with any sanity left during the War. All of the Geo Archon’s hard labor into shaping the lands into precise perfection have gone down the drain, and Fontaine’s famously just system has evaporated into nothingness. Tyranny hails in the City of Unity, and the wealthiest of entrepreneurs take their holy seats. For in the City of Unity, it is widely believed (and affirmed, even a drunken fool can see the facts and statistics) that the said city would certainly not be where it is now - eternal florescent lights, advanced machinery, unparalleled science and evolutionary bio-alchemy that not even dear Miss Sucrose can match - without the diligence and intellect of the leading entrepreneurs. After all, they are the ones that funded the scientists who discovered and created all the blessed machinery that the city so desperately depends on like a drug and its pusher. Like an alcoholic and his wine.
Because of their seemingly endless wealth and sheer social power, the military turn a blind eye to the graft and corruption of the famed entrepreneurs. Even when a brave soul speaks up with the appropriate evidence, that evidence will never be able to compare to the five lawyers hard at work for their single client.
And it’s not like Miss Angelica, founder and chief of Honey Entertainment, can indulge on the secrets of her fellow business partners, for everyone in the business realm has something to say about everyone. One misstep could lead to the ultimate downfall of any entrepreneur, with all of them equally knowing the way the general public despises them. They are arrogant, but not ignorant - no good businessman would get where the holy seven are now if ignorance to the general public’s opinions blazed in their cores.
But who are they (the general public) to comment, the rich ponder, when it’s all thanks to their ‘philanthropy’ that the rats below their aristocratic asses have food to eat in the first place.
And at the end of the day, the rats below can only hope to make it another rainy day in the ever-raining city as they snake through the cramped alleyways that still hold the scent of cigarettes, beer and cup noodles, all combined in one nauseating scent altogether. And goodness, it’s been two weeks, haven’t the exterminators stopped by yet? The corpses of the actual rats are beginning to pile over the dark corners behind the trash cans. Do they not get paid enough? Probably not. No one in the general public ever does.
Mora is still a thing of the future. No one has ever bothered to change its name, despite the God of Mora dead during this future. Honestly, it’s not that they still want to honor him, rather, nobody cares. In this world, money is money, and it’s only the value and profiting this money long money that matters. Where it came from, how it came to be, what the fuck others call it is irrelevant. Besides, it’s not like the entrepreneurs could think of a more fascinating title befitting for the very currency that feeds their mouths and provides all their pleasures.
And although Mora had been a name for eons, its value had, for once, been disputed. ‘Tis but a powerful curse laid upon the techy city by the entrepreneurs. Still, Mora has, fortunately, been the only currency the City of Unity uses. Even if they’ve converted to online banking and “ATM.”
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sebaeked · 8 years
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galaxychen · 8 years
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