starryskiesahead · 1 month
weird au (but i still somehow like this) idea: bill somehow reincarnated as saiki
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this theory is basically stupid bullshit that is not canon but it is my au idea so. also ofc bill would probably have to be reincarnated without his memories of his past life i think bc saiki and him are completely different personalitywise
but also i think saiki would rock the human-bill yellow brick twink suit.
question: if saiki discovered his pastlife would he regain bill’s powers in addition to his powers (and possibly his demon form)
imagine saiki’s friends and family wake up one day to discover their beloved kusuo has now become an illuminati dorito
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fiamat12 · 15 days
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My Spooky Month Crack Theory, Fully Explained (Well For Now)
I've been having this speculation for a while now, but I think it's time I put it in here.
The lot of us are speculating that Kevin is going to be a future antagonist one way or another. I've seen an au where he's a "candy-demon" or another where he's simply a "candy monster" and many have gone with the lollipop-weilding maniac idea from one of Pelo's doodles that just blew up.
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However, I feel something else would be a great opportunity.
And it all started with these two moments:
MY THEORY: Kevin is a werewolf.
"But Chrono" you say "those could just be silly sound effects for all we know" and yes, that is a very valid argument, Pelo is no stranger to that. However, with how ominous the first clip in particular is and the fact the type of sound has been used twice now back to back, it's making me wonder...
Also, note that Kevin wasn't in the first episode
Obviously, this is because he wasn't thought up yet.
BUT there could be an in-universe explanation later in the show.
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Look at the moon.
Mayhaps, depending on how he handles his POSSIBLE condition, Kevin was in the woods or locked up in his basement.
Of course, Kevin was introduced in "The Stars"
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and the moon was also visible through that episode...
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BUT it has the excuse of being a bit covered so you COULD handwave it as being in its "gibbous" phase at the time.
In future episodes, I can't seem to find the moon anywhere, and Kevin is visible all throughout.
You might also cry "but Chrono, I want my Lollipop-Wielding Maniac!"
We can have both.
If you've seen Silver Bullet, remember the part where the werewolf beats someone to death with a baseball bat after transforming?
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My final disclaimer: I never intended this as a serious theory. I just really like werewolves... But again, I feel it would be a good opportunity though! That being said if it does get disproven, then no problem! There are always AUs and fanfics!
Also with candybats running rampant it would just be perfect sorrynotsorry-
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howemancing · 2 years
Cracktheory: Bards in Thedas Actually Do (some) Magic
In short: Whether or not they were born a mage, some bards may actually be able to do small amounts of magic, consciously or otherwise
To spoil the conclusion: because they have an audience in the Fade too. And the spirits LOVE a good, emotional show
So first, the groundwork to lay:
Summarizing and condensing for the sake of attention spans (namely mine), the Fade is the realm of dreams, spirits, and magic.  And while theoretically only mages are connected enough to stay conscious in dreams and tap into its energies, non mages can still brush it in dreams./ Templars and Seekers, depending on what you believe about their abilities, seem to access the magics of some form. 
Magic itself seems to come from several different sources; the direction actions of sapient spirits, the emotional resonance of semi-sapient wisps, or just pure raw energies from accessing the Fade. And fade spirits still react to strong emotions of battles and such. And they seem to like paying attention to notable figures. In a word, they like experiencing big stories and strong emotions. 
(Also, since I hear the objections already in my own head - Dwarves are of course an outlier here. But barring a clearer picture of what exactly Sandal and Valta can do and how, the theory somewhat parses if, instead of “Fade spirit/wisp attention”, you substitute in “a fraction of a Titan’s attention”)
Bards, beyond just the Orlesian type, are set to deliver big stories and strong emotions in spades. They’re often going to be performing for large crowds of notable people. Perhaps some are even called upon on commemorative/remembrance events for places of great tragedy, or heralding great changes.  
Their intended audience may be mortals, but what if the spirits of the Fade could hear them too? What if, over time and many performances, a bard catches spirits’ attention? What if, over time, the bard develops an audience of spirits that begin to follow their performances?
There are times when spirits of the Fade seem to be able to affect the physical world - hey, Fade-touched material exists! - whether through cracks in a weakened Veil or pushing hard enough to just influence things just slightly?
Bards in DAO have abilities that buff the entire party in arguably magical ways - granting attack, critical hit, stamina regeneration (heh) and so on. Nathaniel, sometimes spec’d as a bard, can make people fall in love with him despite him being a non roman cable companion in a 12 year old DLC. 
That last one might not count, technically, but really. Bards can do some PRETTY SUSPICIOUSLY MAGICAL THINGS.
What if spirits are helping them? What if the fade spirits are just...really excited to see a good show, and are doing what they can to help it along?
What if some bards are aware of this, and are specifically trying to play towards their Fade audience - in the hopes of getting a boon in the form of a lucky break or perhaps a little more?
Leliana in the Sacred Ashes trailer seems to be able to use some pretty magical arrows (and sure, that could be just a magical arrow thing or a faith thing, and is probably actually just artistic license). She’s also gotten visions from the Maker, has an unusually high blight resistance, and, potentially, was so connected to a spirit that one just took her place. Suggesting she might have some magical hookery pokery up her sleeves is not that far fetched 
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Zither is a bard who is actually a mage, and uses NO abilities that his supposed Circle training would imply, His playstyle in the game is WILD, but focuses a lot on buffing the party but occasionally doing massive attacks of his own.  
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Mage seems to be doing very well for himself these days, considering how popular his band is. 
According to him, anyway. But he is just jauntily out and about in Trespasser, with nary a Templar guard in sight. 
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In fact, much like his mundane bard counterparts, his abilities seem to buff his party through enhancing their attack, or offering them some protection.
So...why would a Circle trained mage have abilities more in common with a mundane bard than the various battle magics we see used in game? 
Is it possible that it’s simply because bards are already tapping into a small form of magic in their adoring Spirit fans, and ZITHER! is just a really amped (heh) up version of their magic?!?
Who knows. It’s just a crack theory. But I like it. 
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
Cracktheory Time
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I find the design of this weapon in the Blacksmith Gallery quite interesting. They are:
Twin swords
Who do they remind you of?
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Cinder chooses to leave her weapon behind the moment she becomes a Maiden because symbolically she wants to affirm she doesn't need Rhodes (nor anyone for that matter) anymore. She is a Cinderella who can make her own glass slippers (hence her own magical weapons). She is a strong independent woman TM. Except she is really just a wounded child still in the hands of an Evil Stepmother, who is using the maiden powers to slowly consume her:
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So, wouldn't it be interesting if by the end of the story Cinder chooses another weapon, which represents who she really is? A pair of twin swords (Emerald + Mercury, victim + perpetrator, gold + moon), which are not gray like Rhodes (lead) nor black like Midnight (nigredo), but have red in them (Rubedo). Just like Cinder is gonna go from the raw material (black) to the philosopher stone (red).
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redheadsdefender · 12 days
"3 mountains, 3 brothers, 3 sisters" in a nutshell:
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"And 19 cents but if you ignore the 19,then it's three" reminds me of the crack theories circulating that ignore context and nuance to make it work.
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bluddyfingertips · 6 months
just a thought dont kill me tmagp fans
am I the only one who thinks celia, georgie and the cult form the post apocalyptic world have become some kind of interdimentional Ghostbusters?
if they figured out how to jump dimensions or they were pulled through too, they could try to stop the eyepocalypse again, celia was send to the OIAR cuz they were sus and there are more of them like little agents, maybe they have done this before...
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vynnyal · 1 year
Y'all, how do I be normal about hollow knight.
Anyways, here's the unofficial 4th installment of that series I started a while ago where I throw together a bunch of random hk theories into one post... this time ordered to make mildly more sense!
So the context here is this:
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My friend came up with a cool oc and I was immediately obsessed with the idea. I explained everything relevant... err-- mostly relevant, anyways-- but I extrapolated on a few points here.
It got kinda bloated because I tried to tie-in some of my random tangents. The rest... are just gonna be at the end, lmao.
Basically, there are Gods in Hallownest. They mostly fall under the category of "Higher Beings", though not all Higher Beings are gods.
All of these gods are Gods specifically because they use dreams as their life force, which is directly tied to how powerful their influence can be.
The mother of Greenpath, Unn, is the epitome of a good-ol' classic Hollowknight god.
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She IS Greenpath. The plantlife came from her and is likely a direct conduit of her power (greenpath lore tablet). The Mosskin Tribe themselves are her dream-children-- they either literally spawned from her or were merely formed in her image.
And now remember, the entirety of greenpath and queen's gardens were her domain. That's like 1/6th of Hallownest.
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She was The Shit. And then, for reasons untold, she went to sleep. Though it's hard to pin down when it started, it's implied her slumber predated the Dreamers; Quirrel's dreamnail dialogue mentions her, likely as a memory from the times he was Monomon's apprentice, and even then she was just "something revered" sleeping in the waters.
Which is to say, when Mr Columbus waltzed in to pave roads through their lands (and when his wife laid claim to a decent chunk to be her personal playground), they likely didn't meet much resistance. From Unn herself, anyways. Which makes it all the more shocking that they didn't smite her image completely when her domain was so throughly invaded and remolded to PK's satisfaction.
He had, in his grasp, an entire tribe of people that followed *a different God than himself,* aka the worst thing you can be in the eyes of another God. People are dreams, and dreams are power. More worshippers= more power. If you're a God, you HAVE to actively be thought about by many people to survive. A forgotten God is a dead God. (This exact conflict was, in no small part, the beginning of the series of dominoes that led to Hallownest's downfall, albiet with a different God.)
That Unn herself was left relatively alone, despite this, is likely because Unn/the Mosskin Tribe gave juuust enough to avoid conflict while also keeping their "dream" distinct from PK's (meaning: continue to worship Unn and not PK). I can only imagine he allowed this because if he didn't, both Unn and her people would simply cease to be; the Mosskin needed Unn, and Unn needed them. That, and he was probably pretty busy dealing with the aforementioned other God that was... decidedly less submissive.
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Either way, WL took Unn's land and pushed out her followers, inadvertently (or possibly purposefully) greatly diminishing Unn's power and influence. (It's possible this was the event that knocked her out, and she was merely too weak to oppose two entire Higher Beings to begin with.)
The other important character of note is Fierce Dryya. She was one of the Five Great Knights, and WL's personal guard.
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After WL birthed and subsequently killed her children, she isolated herself in the depths of her Gardens, presumably "well-protected" from the fate the rest of the world faced.
There, Dryya held her last stand before a swarm of infected mantis Traitors who sought to remove WL from their territory. Sadly, WL doesn't even know she's dead, even though you have to step over her corpse to enter WL's cocoon.
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It's hard to think about, but theres an equal chance that she fought off the Traitors for good... and that her death was entirely in vain. She is found next to the mound of Traitor corpses she undoubtly killed, but in the end, she died as well.
Implying that, before breathing her last, she managed to terrify them enough to never come back..
Or that she was just eventually worn down and killed, and the Traitors simply gave up when they couldn't get through WL's own protection.
....Which is to say the time between Dryya's death and events of the game is almost completely unknown!
Things I just couldn't fit in:
1, The name greenpath is just because PK put a bunch of roads in it, really. It likely had a different name before Mr Columbus came along.
2, Btw I wondered if there were any actual children in hk. Turns out, yeah, most bugs can propogate (lol), but the only ones referenced in the game that are not directly from a God are openly NOT worshiping ANY God. I'm talking the Mantis tribe, the Spider tribe, the Flukes, the mushroom clan, and weirdly enough, a specific spirit called Joni whose whole thing was being a heretic-- aka not only Not a worshiper of PK, but actively outcast and perhaps outlawed by PK's people.
*I'm disregarding Millybug. They're implied to be childish, but that's all we know.
Other notable characters that were at least a child at one point are Hornet, who was the child of Herrah and PK, and the Vessels, the product of the WL and PK. Grimmchild doesn't count as its not an actual bug, but a vessel created by the Nightmare Heart. The PK's Vessels are unique because they were originally independent, living creatures.
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3, This talk about gods and such made me think about what happens after the game. Unn isn't dead, just actively dying because Miss Rad keeps stealing all her followers. She barely has enough energy to be like "hey kid, take this thing and remember me plz."
With both Miss Rad and PK gone, there's nothing stopping Unn's revival. Like, imagine Hallownest getting repopulated by the remaining tribes, returned to their natural glory. The only place left untouched being the city and the abyss-- forever monument to the horrors that nearly killed them all.
4, It just occurred to me that most of the real Godly gods in the game get cop-outs in the pantheons so you can't fight them. White lady just kinda peaced out, Unn's on the respirator, PK is fully snapped out of existence, the Lifeblood entity is chilling out in the basement, and... well I guess you are the void king by then so it's a bit of a moot point. NKG, THK, and Miss Rad are the only ones that're ready to throw down. Good for them!
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5, The story of Isma is perplexing. It's implied the grove she died in is the source of the weird acid ravaging Hallownest, though it's unknown how or why. The wiki presumes this only affects the lower regions of the world, but I personally haven't found whatever supports this*. There's pipework lining the broken elevator pass between Ogrim and the Grove, of which is literally glowing with acid, so...
*there is one spirit in the Spirit Glade that mentions acid as a biological defense mechanism, so acid does exist in some capacity outside of this weird angry stuff.
Besides that, her dreamnail dialogue is "there's no time." Seriously? That's the most cliffhanger-y quote of the bunch, I can so clearly imagine team cherry being like "have fun! No we will not elaborate lol" before they spike the ball into our court.
In any case, while down this rabbit hole I have come to terms with the fact that Ogrim is still the best character in the game. He's literally the "I lie to myself :)" guy. All his friends are dead or missing. His lover drowned in 10 feet of acid. His idol the King was sent to superhell. Everyone else is a shambling husk. But he's still out here like "hey again, I realized you're not dead! Sorry about that, everyone else is so I got confused. Oh you saw my gf after pulling the lever that lowers the 10 feet of acid in her grove? Yeah she's super cool. Yeah no I can't go see her even though she's literally right over there, I got my, uh... oath. Haha. Good luck!"
6, While reading about Essence, it occurred to me that when you dreamnail a spirit, you don't actually kill them. You merely collect them. When the seer speaks to you about how much essence you have, she mentions she sees memories peering back at her. (1200 essence dialogue)
Most clearly don't want to be collected. They are at their final resting place, and desire to stay there, whether they're aware of their current state or not.
...buuut technically, TECHNICALLY, you aren't actually harming the spirits you dreamnail and can totally collect em' all to chill with you instead of lingering, listlessly, forever. You're just kinda rude for it. Also, none of the other spirits can tell what happened to them, so just dreamnail Revek too! He'll be fiiiine. :D right?
7, What really messes with my understanding of the timeline is WL's whole physical situation with what the blindness and such. She's the Higher Being, but within such a relatively short span of time, she has aged to the point of her body breaking down? More importantly, she's not immortal?? There are no mentions of the queen ever having any physical ailments, publically or privately, until you see it for yourself. Meaning that the worst of it happened after the Vessels were born and THK began their training. Perhaps the matter with the Vessels took more of a physical toll than originally assumed?
If we're assuming the pair hooked up after PK turned tiny, then you have to wonder just how old she was at the time. Judging by the rate at which she's aging now, she was likely pretty young. Frankly, I doubt it'd change much either way. She'd have that matter-of-fact, gung-ho demeanor at any age.
This is also why I specified that not all Higher Beings are bona-fide Gods. WL doesn't need the dreams of others, and judging by the weaver's seal she uses to protect her mind, doesn't want others to dream of her. And yet the Godseeker recognizes her as... something. (Third encounter)
So at least she's not just a really old tree. But she's also not a God like PK. She's a weird, third thing.
8, but I'm not letting go of her weird orb cocoon thing. What's that about?? What is it made of? Was it constructed by others and she was sealed within? Or did she somehow create it herself? The architecture seems to imply it's inorganic, but how did she get in there, then?
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To top off the weirdness, there's the conveniently ghost-sized hole in the center of her carved face. So I'm leaning more towards "exaggerated metaphor for entering WL's mind" or "easy-to-read entry point for players to go to visit WL that isn't literally there in canon" and not "there's a big glowing hole in this literal rock that inexplicably leads to a tunnel* that then leads to a room very obviously bigger than what's seen from the outside."
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There's no way, dude.
I'm leaning more towards there being a large structure she could walk into, that was then barricaded to fully seal her within. The knight, being so small, managed to get their way in through some sort of tunnel.
But then something happened to the plan and the outside of the structure turned into whatever Ari thought that orb was supposed to be.
*Although, I do like the interpretation that the tunnel is actually Ghost slowly making their way through her roots to meet her.
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demodraws0606 · 11 months
I wish I didn't have this crackhead theory haunt me but like...what if somehow q!BBH is the Egg from the DSMP ?
Unfortunatly there are some gaps in my memory from the egg arc so if anyone has info that could help this weird ass theory, i'd be eternally grateful.
But like, ok, this like 100 pourcent likely to be false but there are some funny coincidences that kinda make the idea of q!BBH somehow being the Egg very appealing to me.
q!BBH and The Egg both are confirmed to originate from another realm entirely.
q!BBH's hunger has been stated many many times with The Egg also having to be constantly fed. q!BBH also mentions that he does need meat in his diet, similar to The Egg.
q!BBH and The Egg both seem tied with huge destructive events (while the nuke is hinted to have been the reason for the reset of the dsmp there is also the huge possibility that it was actually the egg's doing)
q!BBH's clothes going from red to gray has never really been explained I don't think, which again makes me think about The Egg's ability to drain the color red (a slight reach considering the color change works differently but eeeh i'll take it).
q!BBH and The Egg both mainly use manipulation as their tool.
q!BBH asking q!Tina what she wanted and how far she would go to acheive her goals (which is literally The Egg's main thing)
The big issue here is how it's even possible for q!BBH to be The Egg if he was also c!BBH on the DSMP.
Which idk if this is timeloop shenanigans how don't we know that q!BBH won't become The Egg in the future and somehow be thrown into this strange timeloop/parallel loop thing.
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waitingforsecretsouls · 5 months
The main reason I go crazy for Traumerei is that I love characters whose core concept revolves around unbending loyalty regardless of the collateral and if that isn't Traumerei to a t (his entire introduction as a villain involving the beastkin even centered around it as well, just to drive the point home). You can accuse Traumerei of a lot of stuff (he's manipulative and sadistic, for a start), but NEVER that he's disloyal to his chosen allegiance. A true ride or die for Zahard
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/princes of hell? more like lucifer babysitters lmao
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xamaxenta · 10 months
Crack theory, dragon is trans and he was luffys 'mother' all along and his other dad is roger because time travel and D genetics
(The real reason why ace and luffy look so similar)
This is a downbad theory LMAO
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tatatatatara · 1 year
Wanna hear my craziest, most stupid theory? Keep in mind that I know this makes no sense but it's funny to me so I just want to share. Do not take this seriously I know that it's not true.
You ready? So here's the theory: Amon secretly dislikes Houji, or at least couldn't care less about him.
I'm gonna elaborate this under the cut.
It's clear that among his co-workers in 20th ward, Houji was the one Amon cared the least. Evidence:
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It's not a surprise though considering that this was the first time they worked together, while Akira was his partner, Shinohara was his lecturer, Takizawa had been trying to be close to him and Suzuya bribed him with donuts.
So let's take another look as evidence number 2
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(Yes Takizawa is insane and meanie and bitter but let's just pretend that he's not for the sake of this cracktheory)
So in this one, Takizawa called out Amon for only coming to save Akira. What if he said this because he knew from the start that Amon didn't care about Houji and wouldn't come to save him? Maybe Takizawa knew that Amon was somewhere around them but he didn't interfere until Akira's life was in danger.
Evidence number 3:
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You know who else is a ukaku veteran? Houji. He was the ukaku support during the Owl Extermination and his most seen quinque is Hollow, an ukaku. So why didn't Amon mention him? He's clearly more close to Amon than Arima. Or is he?
The final evidence:
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You see this? He listed everyone else but Houji. So Houji isn't worth protecting in Amon's mind lol. And this is not about the strong must protect the weak or the superior must protect their subordinated, he wanted to protect Shinohara, a special investigator too.
See this is really funny to me because Amon clearly respects Houji's fighting skills, so why didn't Amon want to protect him? Maybe it has something to do with the relationship between Catholic and homosexual
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ararycannot · 2 years
okok we all know the iconic “osmanthus wine tastes the same as i remember.. but where are those who share the memories”
now hear me out-- what if Zhongli actually is one of the descenders and the reason no one shares the memories is bc they all got irminsuled 
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Andrés after the woman he was deceiving and robbing her husband ends up being the one who's deceiving him: :) HOW could this happen to me :( why can't love be true anymore, all lovers are inherently traitors :(
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shallyne · 2 years
We should all take the "Rhys is secretly evil and manipulating Feyre" theory, put it in the dumpster and light it on fire
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