#craves to understand humanity
randomthunk · 1 year
I’ve noticed a few of my followers who are brothers in arms from Whouffaldi also being into Kiraodo, and I just gotta say, damn, what a weirdly specific type to have.
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thirstywaffles · 3 months
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Demon of wutai
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abed is better than me because I would NOT have been chill with the prospect of sloppy narcissistic season 1 jeff sharing my dorm room with me indefinitely
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esterzach · 1 year
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"Let me back in" Yesssss! I knew it! Them!!! Thank you! That was so beautiful!
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aleksanderscult · 10 months
my favorite interpretation of him is as a man who WANTS that companionship and love but. He’s been burned so many times before, falling in love with people he outlived due to war and his slower aging. So he can’t allow himself to be hurt like that again. Deep inside his little black heart he would love to be equals with Alina but unfortunately years of trauma and pain have left him entirely unable to exist in a relationship that doesn’t have a power imbalance in his favor. He doesn’t know how to let go of his want for power even in his relationships anymore. And now that he needs Alina for his Grand Schemes, well he definitely can’t fall in love with her without potentially fucking up his plan, right? He needs her to do many very specific things and he can’t be blinded by Real Emotion that might make him change his mind so instead he keeps her at arms length while making her THINK her feelings are requited and he pulls her strings to get her to do what he needs so that his centuries of living will have paid off. And deep deep down the man he used to be yearns to have built something real with her, to have companionship who won’t die in the blink of an eye, someone who understands this Otherness he experiences, an equal. If only the man he’d become could stand to let go of the reins in any relationship for more than like. Thirty seconds. Lol
⚠️TW!: sexual abuse and sexual assault! mentioned at some point⚠️
Yup. You get it, anon!
My favorite interpretation of him is as a man who WANTS that companionship and love but he’s been burned so many times before, falling in love with people he outlived due to war and his slower aging. So he can’t allow himself to be hurt like that again.
I completely agree to all of this!
What antis seem unable to understand is that the Darkling is human most of all. Not a villain, not a hero, not a Grisha but a human being with human emotions and needs. In fact, I find him the most human character in the Grisha trilogy. We all want love and companionship. None of us likes the feeling of loneliness (it's one thing to want to be alone and another to be lonely) and the Darkling is no different in this aspect. He wants to love and be loved. He wants someone to keep him company forever, to not abandon him because of betrayal, death, age or mortality. He doesn't want to be alone. For centuries he suffered from it and was desperate to find someone to fill this void. Alina was this person. She ticked (most of) the boxes for him.
(just a small pause to say that we can also see evidence of his desire to feel and live human things in RoW:
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(He might considered otkazat'sya beneath him, but the feeling of humanity was something surprisingly pleasant for him. And he seeked Alina out to feel this way again. Even though he denied it:)
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(A part of him wanted something simple. Peace and calm and a girl that loved him and he loved her at his side.)
If I could describe the Darkling's need for someone to join him and be with him, for Alina to come to him and love him, I would use this passage from the book "City of Heavenly Fire":
“Imagine if you were the last Shadowhunter left on earth (in this case let's use the term "the last Grisha of your kind"), imagine if all your family and friends were dead, imagine if there were no one left who even believed in what you were. Imagine if you were on the earth in a billion, billion years, after the sun had scorched away all the life, and you were crying out from inside yourself for just one single living creature to still draw breath alongside you, but there was nothing, only rivers of fire and ashes. Imagine being that lonely. And then imagine there was only one way to fix it. Then imagine what you would do to make that thing happen.”
THIS is how I imagine the Darkling's desperation to gain Alina. His last hope for love and companionship.
He has been hurt hundreds of times in the past. The lovers he had, the people he fell in love were dying in front of his eyes from their mortality. Others couldn't understand his powers, couldn't fathom him as a person (because I bet almost all, if not all, his lovers were otkazat'sya). So at some point, he just gave up. Gave up on love and stopped having relationships. He wouldn't be hurt again, he wouldn't allow it.
Deep inside his little black heart he would love to be equals with Alina but unfortunately years of trauma and pain have left him entirely unable to exist in a relationship that doesn’t have a power imbalance in his favor. He doesn’t know how to let go of his want for power even in his relationships anymore.
"his little black heart" that sounded so cute 🥺🫶😭
And, yes, I agree that deep inside (veeery deeply though) he wanted to be equals with Alina because on one hand it seemed right to him, logically and strategically (she had the power of light, he had the power of darkness. They were both immortal and she had a strong spirit). But years had already passed where he had the control in all things. Okay, not all. He couldn't stop Kings and Queens from making stupid or unspeakable things (and yes I'm alluding Genya's sexual assault from the King here). But he had a habit that he couldn't break. "Old habits die hard" fits here. He couldn't put aside his need for domination and just say "Yeah sure do whatever you want in this relationship, Alina! Peace and love!🥰✌️". No, he would still want to have the upper hand in their relationship and their rule.
And now that he needs Alina for his Grand Schemes, well he definitely can’t fall in love with her without potentially fucking up his plan, right? He needs her to do many very specific things and he can’t be blinded by Real Emotion that might make him change his mind so instead he keeps her at arms length while making her THINK her feelings are requited and he pulls her strings to get her to do what he needs so that his centuries of living will have paid off.
Yup. He didn't want to fall in love with her. Just to manipulate her. But the problem is that we don't choose when to fall in love and who. It just happens. And that fucked him up emotionally.
1) Because he hadn't felt that emotion in years.
2) Because it wasn't part of his plans, just like you said.
He literally panicked and didn't know what to do and he certainly didn't know how to express it in a healthy manner.
Alina's constant rejection and rebellion against him (+ her love for Mal and her choosing only him) made him go feral and do impulsive things. Made him fuck up his well-thought-out plans. So, in the end, he really is a person that sometimes let his emotions rule his mind unwillingly.
About him making her think that her emotions are requited, it's a complicated matter. In R&R he confirmed that he seduced her (if you call that seduction) as part of his manipulation.
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But I think he also played himself back then at S&B. He tried to appease her worries at that time and in S&B it seemed genuine. Honestly, for me, it still does. But, according to him (and Bardugo) he did it to feel more bound to him, more loyal.
BUT! I think that in the meantime he played himself and caught feelings.
Like "He he I'm gonna make her feel good for herself 😈......shit.....now I feel something for her. FUCK!!"
But he would never admit that to Alina. Not in a verbal way anyway. Because when he gave her his name it was a type of love confession (GIVING HER HIS HEART, HELLO??).
I kinda agree that he wanted to make her feel that her feelings were requited but he also must have been like "but let's not tell her that I also caught feelings👀👀".
He wanted to fulfill his plans, yes. But he also fell in love with her in the process and everything went DOWNHILL FOR HIM.
And deep deep down the man he used to be yearns to have built something real with her, to have companionship who won’t die in the blink of an eye, someone who understands this Otherness he experiences, an equal. If only the man he’d become could stand to let go of the reins in any relationship for more than like. Thirty seconds. Lol
Hard agree to all of this too.
Just like I said, he didn't know how to live a life without controlling it and everyone in it.
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redrobin-detective · 10 months
the first language
Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth. ~ Margaret Atwood
"Simon! Simon!" Finn shouted excitedly as he and Jake burst into Simon's house. Well it had technically been Marcy's first but though it's only been a few months since Simon became human again, it felt like it had always been their place. "Wait until you hear about this crazy wild monster we foug-"
"Stop," Simon commanded, peeking around from around the kitchen wall to give them a light glare, his lips pressed together in a line. He and Jake froze midstep. Finn was a bold teenage adventurer who took orders from no monster, king or extraterrestrial entity. Until Simon, only PB could boss them around and even that wasn't a sure thing. The older human flicked his eyes over them with an unimpressed stare that made Finn want to shrink into himself. Even without powers or magic, Simon was way more intimidating than Ice King. 
"You boys are filthy and I just cleaned up the place." Simon sighed and rubbed at his eyes underneath his glasses. "There's a hose outside, wash off the worst of the dirt and other various stains. I'll leave towels on the porch and for god's sake take off your shoes before you come in."
"Yeah okay, sorry Simon," Finn said, trudging outside and turning on the hose to spray down his arms and legs. Now that he looked, they were pretty gnarly covered in mud and monster guts.
"Simon's kinda like a mom, dontcha think?" Jake added as Finn sprayed him down with the hose. He laughed as Jake guzzled some of the water and spat it back at him. 
"I mean I guess," Finn shrugged, pointing the hose up so they both were getting rained on. "It's kinda nice you know, to be fussed over. It's different."
"I fuss over you," Jake frowned.
"I know man and I appreciate it," Finn said, showing his appreciation by spraying Jake in the face. "I can't explain it but it's different with Simon, kind of like how you and Lady have your own thing going on that's special but separate from what you and I have."
"Yeah okay," Jake responded. "Is that why you insist on stopping by to see him anytime we're in the area?" Finn didn't answer, instead impressing Jake but wiggling the hose to make it look like a snake. They continued to laugh and splash each other with the water until Simon stepped outside and hung some towels on the porch.
"When you're done playing, I have hot chocolate waiting for you. Then you can tell me all about your latest adventure," Simon smiled before stepping back inside. Finn whooped and rushed over to turn off the hose. Hopefully Marcy wouldn't be back before all the water on her porch and front lawn dried. 
They toweled off and Finn did remember to take off his shoes before entering the house. The place looked different from when it was just Marcy living there. The small loveseat had been exchanged for a bigger couch along with some mismatched armchairs. A keyboard was propped in the corner next to Marcy's bass. The house was cleaner, more organized with Simon around. It really felt like a home.
Simon was at the stove, stirring something in a pot as they took their seats at the kitchen table. Their assigned mugs were set out for them and snacks were on a large plate in the middle. He and Jake dug in. Simon came up behind them and poured the hot chocolate into their mugs from the pot and sat down, pouring his own cup.
"Finn, your hat still has blood on it," Simon noted, taking a sip. "How do you usually clean it?" 
"Oh uh you know, I usually just rinse it off and if it gets too grody or it comes to life, I go skin another bear," Finn said awkwardly. Simon nodded as if he expected such an answer and excused himself to go get something.
"Ohhhh Finn's in trouble with Mommmm," Jake sang under his breath and Finn kicked him under the table. Simon returned with a box of something before it could escalate into a full out foot war.
"Animal skin usually requires special care, it's doubtful those products exist anymore so we can also use shampoo to get some of those stains out. May I?" Simon asked, holding his hand out.
"Oh yeah, thanks, Simon," Finn said pulling off his hat which caused his long hair to flop against his shirt with a wet plop. Jake snickered, it was probably getting time to cut it again. Like his hat, it was getting dirty and tangled, easier to just shave it all off. Simon turned on the sink and began gently washing the hat. 
"I've talked a bit to your mother and some of the other Islanders and the history of humanity and the animals hats post-apocalypse really is interesting," Simon lectured. "The hats originally were intended to keep people warm in the elements but evolved to protect humans from vampiric attack, covering their vulnerable neck area. Even when vampires went extinct, humans continued to wear the skins as a form of cultural identity."
"Mom uh Jake and I's Mom said I was wearing a hat like that when they found me. It used to be the only clue I had about where I came from so I kept making similar hats in case someone was looking for me." Finn took a long sip from his cocoa to avoid the look Jake was giving him. He wasn't usually one for sentiment but hanging out with Simon usually made those deep inside feelings spill out.
"Okay, we'll just let that soak and- Finn," Simon said before turning around and sighing. "Finn, your hair is a mess. I keep telling you it's not healthy to jam your hair in that hat 24/7. Your scalp needs to breathe, especially with all the running around you do. Here," he grabbed the towel from earlier and wrapped it around Finn's shoulders. "Let me wash it for you and try to work out the worst of mess."
"Oh uh you don't have to it's fine, I'll take care of it when I'm home," Finn stumbled, embarrassed. Ice King had been a mess but Simon always looked so put together. It made Finn a bit self conscious but then again, until recently, he didn't have any other humans to compare himself to. Simon gently guided Finn back to the chair, tilting his head back. 
"I want to," Simon smiled from his upside gaze. "I used to do this all the time for Marcy. Besides, we humans have to take care of each other after all." Simon poured some shampoo in his hands and went to work on Finn's hair. The feel of fingers scrubbing at his roots, running through the length of his hair and massaging those sensitive, untouched areas of his head made him go boneless. Finn groaned, worried that his bones had become soup and he'd slide right out of the chair and into a puddle on the floor. He can't remember ever feeling so relaxed in his life.
"Oh my glob Finn, are you alright? What did you do to him?" Jake demanded but Finn barely noticed. He felt like he was in the 47th Dead World or something where everything was good and nothing hurt.  
"Head massages are relaxing to humans," Simon paused in his scrubbing and Finn moaned in disappointment. "Has he never had one of these before?"
"Mom and Dad used to pet us and I do it to Finn sometimes when he's upset," Jake defended.
"He's not a dog," Simon said, some unnameable emotion in his voice. "I'm sorry, I suppose I'm taking for granted what it was like to live in a society designed by and for humans. Finn, I'm going to rinse out your hair and start working on these knots. You really should work on maintaining your hair if you're going to keep it long. It's such a lovely color and texture."
"Hmm don't really know what to do with it, no one really had hair like mine," Finn mumbled as Simon rinsed the shampoo out.
"I suppose so and Marcy's is much thicker and textured requiring different styling," Simon mused out loud as he massaged some thick goop and gently, so gently, began working out the knots. Finn could die here happily. Jake hummed and stretched himself so he could see what Simon was doing.
"What's that stuff?"
"Conditioner or my best homemade equivalent with honey, olive oil and milk. It softens and moisturizes the hair and scalp. It will help prevent the hair from tangling so easily and overall keep it healthier, especially if he's going to continue to wear his signature hat," Simon explained. They chatted easily about human grooming methods while Finn's eyelids fluttered in relaxation, drifting in and out of the conversation as the comb made long, easy swipes through his hair before rinsing it out again. He loved his Mom and Dad, knew they did his best with him but he knows he missed out on something being raised by dogs. If he could recapture even a little bit of that missing piece with Simon...
"Finn? You still with us? Ground Control to Major Tom?" Simon teased, gently tapping at Finn's forehead. Finn blinked up at him. "What do you want me to do with it? I can braid it, put it in a ponytail, leave it flat." Finn wasn't ready to stop being touched.
"Braid please," he said quietly, sighing in contentment as Simon began combing and separating the strands.
"I'll write some notes on how to best care for it. Maybe next time you talk to your mother, you can get some ideas on what they've have been doing since I was last around." He paused in his braiding. "There's so much to being human, Finn, both past and present. Maybe it's selfish of me but I want you to proud of who you are. You may not be the last human anymore but that just means you're not alone. And we're done, not bad considering it's been about a millennia since I did my last braid."
With great reluctance, Finn raised himself up from the back of the chair. His braided hair was still wet but it felt cleaner and lighter than it had in a long time. Moreover, tension Finn didn't even realize had been in his neck, head and shoulders was gone. Jake suddenly popped into his vision.
"Bro, you look so pretty also like you just had the best rest of your life," he smiled awkwardly. "So is this like human equivalent of getting scratched in that itchy spot behind your ears? I guess that didn't really do anything for you, huh?" Finn smiled and reached up to scratch Jake's ears, smiling wider when Jake's tongue lolled out in satisfaction when Finn got to the right spot. 
"So I'm still waiting to hear about this monster you two got so dirty defeating," Simon added, cleaning up his supplies. Finn and Jake regaled Simon with the story of the evil monster they'd fought which had been terrorizing the Goblin Kingdom. Finn had felt tired initially but was reinvigorated, animatedly reenacting the epic battle. They finished their cocoa as Simon discussed his own research into the history of Ooo. They decided to head out soon after as BMO was probably getting lonely back at the house. Simon handed Finn his now cleaned hat and a container of the hair products he'd used.
"The animal skin needs to dry fully before you put it back on but it should be good by tomorrow. You should wash your hair when it's dirty or at minimum every few days. Shampoo first, rinse then a small amount of conditioner before rinsing that out too. And do try to keep your head uncovered every now and again," Simon said, before patting Finn's shoulder. "You can call or stop by anytime if you have questions about anything."
Finn had searched his whole life for answers, for comfort, for someone like him. His dad had been a massive wad and his mom was nice but disconnected. But the former sad wizard he used to beat up had shown him the best way to wash his hair. Life was funny like that. He couldn't wait to see what it was going to throw at him next.
"You're gonna regret saying that because I have about a bajillion questions."
"I'll do my best to answer them, after all, we've got all the time in the world." 
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robotsafari · 3 months
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a mind palace’s (unasked for) renovations [DO NOT TAG AS SHIP]
bonus under the cut:
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white mushroom more like “butlershroom.”
anyway. yep! my headcanon is that the mushroom series of heartless were essentially like early versions of ansem. experiments to see if creating a heartless with a will of its own were even possible. (the mushrooms just wanna play charades and go on nice walks! they wont steal your heart because their instincts tell em’ to! they’ll only snatch it if they feel like it <3) how can you make an “immortal” successor if they cant even understand the research you left for them? so thats why they were created!
#beep boop you want fries with that#kingdom hearts#re:kh#ansem#riku#ansem you cant slutspread infront of the children …#<- in his defense he wasn’t expecting riku to walk in#i feel like ansem craves attention but also wants to be left alone but also wants someone to talk to but also#he loves to ponder about his own existentialism but as soon as hes asked about it he changes the subject#hes been alone for so long and was never allowed to make friends with anyone that he doesn’t understand friendship#perhaps riku will be the one to show him#in short. yes ansem will be getting a redemption arc of sorts. but hes going to be really annoying about it.#his arrogance was his downfall and he loves being an annoying little shit <3#love youuuu 🥰🥰🥰#ansem infodumping but it’s about human experimentation and not a novel series from the hollow bastion library#is a thought thats really funny to me.#also if youre confused about ansem still being in rikus heart. in my rewrite he doesnt ‘die’ in kh2#the blast of light only causes ansem to go dormant until in my dream drop rewrite#‘something’ happens (im not telling) that causes him to reawaken and he attempts to take control again. which ends poorly for ansem#(riku defeats him again)#riku wont get rid of ansem. because he is tied to riku’s darkness. riku claims ansem is going to have to live with this. and that hes#already accepted this fact. ansem just needs to do the same.#so ansem begrudgingly resigns to his fate. but this isnt enough for riku. he wants to do something he never thought he would ever do#maybe his friends are rubbing off on him but. riku wants to see if maybe….. they could be friends? perhaps? this isnt going to work …#.. is it?#you’re grasping for straws here boy. give it up.
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immediatebreakfast · 11 months
Even if I am a little late to post this I just have to get it out because it's something which is so intricate within Mina, and her whole character that it gives her a new look at what we have read, more that we are so close to reach the final goal of this trip.
Mina loves knowledge, she loves to learn, and use that knowledge for good. Whenever it's learning shorthand and secretary skills to work along with Jonathan on soliciting, to shouting the answer of when the next train comes in a time of despair like it's second nature to her. Mina loves to learn.
Through the course of this novel we have read Mina collect detail after detail, interest after interests. Document every single detail of her and Lucy's time in Whitby no matter how confused she was; pick up to learn journalism, meteorology, shorthand, type writing skills, myths, legends, manners. Every single skill, every single word Mina considers it useful. There is no useless memory, nor fact, everything is worthy of study.
These days have been hell for Mina. To be talked about, but not spoken, to be treated as an important member and at the same time to be treated as a upcoming disaster casted away by god.
All of it while subjecting herself to fight a mental battle with the man resposible for your suffering to report back. Mina was both living, and not living, so what happens when she finally uses the very same knowledge that has been twisting itself inside her head?
"And I," said Mrs. Harker brightly, and more like her old self than she had been for many a long day, "shall try to be of use in all ways, and shall think and write for you as I used to do. Something is shifting from me in some strange way, and I feel freer than I have been of late!" 
She comes back fighting, and screaming.
I don't care if Van Helsing and Seward think that this could be a turn for the worse because let's be honest, the Count had always had the upper hand the second he took the Czarina Catherine. There is still time, there is still hope, as long as Mina writes there is still hope.
Truly sometimes we forget that Mina is a fiend.
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autism-corner · 1 year
Celestial Realm:
Great Food Mediocre Magic Bad Technology
Great Magic Mediocre Technology Bad Food
Human Realm:
Great Technology Mediocre Food Bad Magic
anyway i dont know what this means but its interesting to see they all have different 'stats'
Plus, according to this logic, Solomon definitely belongs in the devildom!
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mulderscully · 2 years
900 years i've never had a life like that, you can spend the rest of your life with me but i can't spend the rest of mine with you, stuck with you that's not so bad, here you are living a life day after day the one adventure i can never have, i've only got one life rose tyler i could spend it with you if you want
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robinsnest2111 · 4 months
still feeling bad even after food and a couple hours of sleep. how mean
#one of these days the yearning for an understanding person to come home to at the end of a day will end me#until then i will probably have to complain about my stupid suffering#why must humans be a social species and why must i crave things i cannot have lol#why must i be stuck living with people i cannot ever trust again. want to be around people i like and who i can be vulnerable with#tbh if i still was as whiny in real life as i am on here most days i'd only get to hear 'shut up' and 'tough luck. man up'#and that is Not It. would only make me feel worse. so i keep quiet and keep to myself#which does not solve my original problem at all#maybe one day. maybe one day i can just be a beloved pet that doesn't get scolded or belittled for seeking comfort#that one thing my parents said to me 15 years ago still haunts me#'only people who deserve it get hugs' which was used to deny me comfort/affection. because apparently i am not worthy/deserving 👍#i was 13 going through the most vile shit at school but bc it affected me negatively and my parents didn't like me at my mentally illest#they just straight up denied me any type of comfort or support. took away my belongings. made me stay in my room for months on end#as corrective punishment. but none of it made me better. just made me worse. idk idk idk#all the shit they put me through. the emotional and physical punishments. the beatings borne from frustration#and still some part of me wants to seek comfort from them. BUT I SHOULDN'T. they broke my trust and my heart and soul so many times#it'd be straight up suicide to open up and be vulnerable with them again... lole running chest first into a wall of knives. no.#sorry. really in it tonight. gonna try to be more normal tomorrow
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lesbeet · 4 months
i wish i could live outside of my brain sometimes....it is so fucking loud in here!!!
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animationismycomfort · 8 months
guys what if and hear me out instead of Donnie having a crush on April they just have a weird fascination with humans
#like I feel like if you do that it’d fix a whole lot of sh-t#dont worry they get a scolding for their weird behavior I promise#my stuffy stuff#tmnt#tmnt 2012#WARNING dumping about my personal take on 2012 tmnt#me thinks Donnie should’ve jsut had a weird fascination with humans and human life from the get go#like ITMAKES SENSE#and it makes their insecurities way more understandable#like what if they’ve craved human life since forever ago and they jsut wanna be human but they can’t so they live vicariously through#other people while also studying them to see if they can become human through…..other means they know it’s illogical and weird but#they can’t help it is it so wrong to want to be normal#they people they study are mostly jsut people walking down the street they follow me for a bit and just….watch em#Donnie doesn’t consider Casey a good canidant for human observation mostly cause he’s just too weird to be ”normal”#Casey did try and volunteer though(boy was crushing hard ok)#he got pouty when he was rejected#Donnie was very much obssesed with April but just in a “she’s so normal!!!“ way#April got really uncomfortable and shut it down after a few weeks almost a month#Donnie doesn’t understand why shes so mad at them I mean it knows it’s weird but come on it’s not that bad#Leo also puts some sense in them after it doesn’t stop when april has told them to many times over#after awhile Donnie gets the hint and stops they also realize how badly affected their relationships are because of it#it’s and Casey’s is the worst#after this they finally talk with its family and try and work through their stuff though it isn’t an instant fix it helps#it’s and Casey’s relationship gets so much better after they start talking#Donnie still has insecurities of course but it realizes they shoudnt push their problems onto other people
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
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self-indulgent fnin doodles cause existance is Not Fun right now:/
#my art#felix and nika bonding over having the worst organ in the human body(uterus)(i HATE that bitch)#sorry this is kinda dumb but. yeah..#REALISTICALLY i feel like net would be grossed out by a situation like this but i can draw what i want!!! heheheh#so hes cool and supportive. cause i think that would be neat#uhhhhh actually ive been thinkin about net recently..#okay so hear me out- transfem net.#like........ the casual misoginy and shit being a product of net's weird love-hate relationship with feminity???#they want and crave it but always saw being a girl as 'playing w/ barbie dolls' and 'not understanding technology' and they dont want THAT#but they want to be called pretty and wear a dress sometimes?#so he just kinda represses all those weird complicated feelings and tries his best to be manly and strong and#Not Like Those Stupid Girls who are beyond his comprehension#and then maybe felix comes out as a trans guy and net decides to do some research on trans ppl and#actually starts to realise they relate to these people??#and it takes a LOT of time and introspection but she figures it out. eventually.#and shes still Net! she still scoffs at romantic musicals and is terminally online and a teenage genius and a snarky bitch-#but she also doesnt have to prove her masculinity to anyone. she doesnt have to put girls down for being girls and she#starts to appriciate them as people and not prizes to be won by boys#i dont know if this makes any sense whatsoever but...... i like this idea! i like net realising casual sexism Is Not Funny Actually#i like nika helping her figure things out and try diffrent things and see feminity as something fun and exciting#like i dont think net would suddenly start wearing all pink or something! shes just. herself.#and that means watching horror movies and saving the world from an evil a.i. and movie nights at felixs and hating to admit when shes wrong#yeah. something to think about i guess.#fnin#felix net i nika#sorry this propably makes no sense lol
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pompompurin1028 · 2 years
kinda want to put Nikolai and Dazai in a scenario and see what happens
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kommunisti · 1 year
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reread last weeks chapter and this still lives in my head rent free
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